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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 752
Thread images: 94

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merry christmas friends
what the heck?
merry christmas sickzii!!
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merry christmas /scv/
We prefer the warhammer franchise over the trash that blizzard made after stealing ideas from it right?
happy kwismus!
logging in my IP...
im not happy at all!!!!

im sad bored and horny
i can help with one of those things...
just give it 10 or 20 years you stop being bored and horny
are you gonna cheer me up
suicide cures all those things
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<3 merry christmas
so does supermodel super hot sexy gfs
jingle bells fartooners smell~
you too friend! :)
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id fuck her with all clothes on just unzipping the bare minimum like sweaty desparate animals
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i dont think she would let you but what do i know :/
she's wearing headphones too lol
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imagine being osborn and getting offers from students...
whats an osborn? from what i gather he's some sort of teacher who molested his students
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E-sports is E-sports, greater, lesser, middling... Makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary. The definition's blurred. If I'm to choose between one foreigner or another, I'd rather not choose at all.
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meri kurisumasu!!!!!!!!
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*celebrates christmas internally*
*posts from my newly refurbished ipad*
heh, nothing personal
iposters and googleglassposters are the future famalam
I linked to this general on Osbornes ratemyprof page years ago
maybe he read it and came here once or twice
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What do you guys think of Starcraft e-sports in 2017?
i like syanna :3
esports more like peesports rofl
what do i think about what now?
i like jacking off
my dick owns
they're posting some really sexual cartoons over at fgg...
we dont care here
you dont but we do
animefrog are you still here? ><
what have you been up to the past couple of years
they have this really funny meme on fgg that whenever someone posts a cute anime girl someone replies to it saying "
BBRRRAAAAPPP" as if the girl was farting :D
i started that meme years ago on r9k lol
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hey~ im still here. mostly the same things, anime, video games, following sc2, posting and stuff. thatll change in the next year though hopefully

what about you?
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based, any cool things happening for you in the next year? ^^

just normie stuff and posting here rlly... so close to finally actually making it!!
uhhh so... if excess calories make people fat why dont they just make calorie free food????
they do i got it right here
*cums in your mouth*
fucking idiot
*intercepts it*
yummy :3
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hopefully if i can ill be going to college within the next year. if i can figure out what i want to study T_T i guess ill fall back on comp sci if i cant find anything i like more

what kind of normie stuff? are you close to graduating or something o_o

i still love this
celebrating with my shitty family today boys!

divorce means my dad is homeless and my mother gets an unfair majority.

my sister is ignoring her and said she never wants to see her again.

i fucking hate what my life is going towards. no gf, 48 month dry spell. boring science degree. depression throughout last term. anxiety kicks up all the time, but thankfully ive had a clear head the last 2 weeks so it's getting better i guess

at least i can celebrate on nye at a club with headline DJs i dont like with friends whom i dont even care for much

i hope you're all enjoying it more than me
kys yourself blogshitters
not reading lol
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anyone else hiding in their room and skipping christmas with the family?
uni, social life, girls and stuff....
still many years from graduating tho x_x

hope you go to college and study something you love then, hwaitin ~
leave normie!!!!
how can i be a normie if i post itt 8 hours a day???
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^^ you too~

have a nice christmas

you better not be kissing girls!!!!!!!!!!!!
just a few...
*slaps it out your hands*

dont eat it theres callories in there!!!
i never called a girl i've exchanged numbers with at the club

and i did this with like 7 different girls
*drinks water instead*
*drinks eggnog*
jk lol
i use to be shy when i was younger

the way i got over it was intentionally do the opposite of what a shy person would do, like i would sit at the front of the college class, raise my hand when i knew the answer, ask out a girl i knew i had no chance of getting and similar..

slowly i was able to get over most of my nervousness

i still have some shyness issues like i dont like when people sit to close to me >_<
you need to leave now normie

*cocks shotgun*
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which science degree do you have that's boring? mine is super exciting!
shut up weeb
hi friend
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hello, i am back and ready to be posting with my friends, the scvees!
wish i could pass more classes tho lol
data science
You've baited quite a few people and I applaud you for that, however, you are using up posts that could be saving Terry so I must ask you to leave.
got warned lads
its important to stay warm on a cold day like this!
Best diet plan for weight loss? Between Paleo, Keto, IF, Calorie Counting etc, I don't know what is best for me. What was the best for you?
she said "warned", you moron
i said warned you fucking retard kill yourself
its important to stay warm!!
my peepee is warm
dont be mean its christmas!!!
fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!
im gonna take the christ out of mas
sorry i didn't mean to call you a fucking retard and you shouldn't kill yourself
fucking dumb piece of fucking shit kill yourself never ever talk to me again you fucking useless whore who nobody likes
seriously just fucking leave no one wants you here you worthless sack of breathing shit
apology accepted
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imagine cumming in a guys butt lol
d- do you guys really want me to leave?
imagine licking it afterwards lmao
thats pretty gay!
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but you just got here?!
anyone here strongly dislikes nig- i mean black people...
suck my fucking dick you fucking retard
*sucks it*
*checks watch*
business time
i told you to leave why are you still here you fucking dumb piece of shit??????
not me id never suck that retards dick even if he paid me million bitcoins to do it
*sucks it*


can u guys hold ur cancer for me
also gook
uhh my watch only has numbers...
whoa thread is awful right now
*bellybumps bloggers polposters and fartooners*

all i want for christmas is a warm peepee up my bpussy
*checks other watch*
personal time with my hunny
>he goes to fgg
he would have been crushed
styx even says so and he's never been wrong in his life
thanks for the late response!
I got a pair of black socks for christmas
bitcoins didnt recover from the """"christmas dip"""" and i lost 200$
how the fuck did i even fall for that? what the fuck is a christmas dip?
well im back from my grandmas house for christmas

was pretty nice until the last hour and then two of my aunts, a cousin, and my grandma all kind of called me out at different times IN FRONT OF OTHER PEOPLE about me being a neet and how i dont have a license and how their 16 year old kids are getting their license

like wtf? whats the point of that? all it did was put me down for no reason
just give it a few years and eventually they wont bother any more
how old are you...
il be 26 in less than a month
my room smells like my ass again
you should've told them to go kill themselves
>Don't feel bad - I have a computer science degree and it took me several months of research to convince myself that it wasn't a scam.
are redditors literally retarded?
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what is this dudes frickin problem
its obviously you who posts about that
nobody else would care enough to make your post
personally I think its a little lacking, the whole gag
now the guy who used to throw beer cans in his neighbors yard... that I liked...
theyre both me

i dont do the beer cans anymore because its too obvious
you tell us

>now the guy who used to throw beer cans in his neighbors yard... that I liked...
wasnt that a kpg guy?

how do you know about him? i thought im the only guy who frequents both generals...
lmao btfo fucking loser
>frequents kpg
you have to go back
the last time i took some molly i took a gram and a half
*goes forward*
what now??
anyone else staying home on christmas...
every namefag that goes to college leaves us...

ban college...
looks like more dum-dums broke out of the dum-dum factory
youre just a little baby boy you dont even know what youre saying
Some of the best days of your life haven't happened yet
>being rude on christmas
then why haven't i had a single good day in 4 years
the only good day i had in the past 5 years turned out to be a lie
i like the ginger muslim meme

not everyone here is christian some are jewish or muslim or jehovah and so on...
i hate this faggot
but this is a christian general
fucking kafir kill yourself
going to word my own post lads

that would be a sin
the only part of my life that really mattered is over
got a book about ancient rome by some homo named plutarch
gmgm :o god bless everyone itt merry christmas!!!
I honestly down two shots of neat whiskey every morning with breakfast. Makes the day so much better.
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aaaand it's coming tumbling down
>b- but le """"""""""""christmas dip"""""""""""""""
bitshitter retard imbecile pieces of shit btfo lmaoo hahahahah oh wow
dear santa
one gook please
someone on pol just told me to kms...
what a jerk link his post so we can tell him to stop bullying
haha lol
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no pizza today.jpg
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i hate holidays..

thank u jesus for my blessed life
ok nvm thats really stupid -_-
is the bitcoin me over??
omg this drama >_<

its like im watching a movie!!
lmao its xmas and ipaet is still watching kdramas
wow... the camera angles...
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Destiny got rekt...
we hate that stupid cuck stop posting about him already you mongoloid imbecile

we love bisu here
what a fucking slob
lets see you debate some of the smartest people on the internet and win most of the time :)

lets see you have sex with a literal pornstar :)
George Michael Dead at 53

George Michael Dead at 53

George Michael Dead at 53
literally who
destiny's fans are some of the smartest people on the internet?? o.O
fuck off back to bisu's child you idiotic child
whats up how was 'mas
no i think ill stay here >:)
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never gonna dance again...

because he's dead lmao
the arrested development guy?
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Dell Alienware Gaming PC with Intel Core i7-5820K Processor,16GB DDR4 Memory,2TB+128GB SSD,Nvidia GTX970 Graphics,WIndows 10


is this a good deal?
can I make an sc2 post?
yes alienware makes the best computers in the world
im so tired guys
its ok
how about u?

i still cant tell if this girl is ugly or not
what's a good mechanical mouse under $70?
good :)

ugly :/
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good to kno
why hasn't ipaet undergone any character developement in the past 3 years ?
he doesnt want to become an e celebrity or have people talk about him here
VERY ugly :/
sc2 destroyed my life
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word, but in a good way tho
no i don't think so i think she's just really ugly
id still **** her
well DUH

but doing lewd things with ugly girls is really hot

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imagine getting all hot and bothered with an ugly gook and then
punching her in the stomach!
i have no idea why you guys are still virgins
umm we're not lol

all the virgins went to kpg
beating up women is my fetish


>Examples of some coercive statements include: “If you love me you would have sex with me .”, “If you don’t have sex with me I will find someone who will.”, and “I’m not sure I can be with someone who doesn’t want to have sex with me.” Coercive statements are often part of many campus acquaintance rapes. Being coerced into having sex or performing sexual acts is not consenting to having sex and is considered rape/sexual assault.
watch out guys, there's a lot of rape out there
nothing wrong with a little bit of rape
if you love me you would have sex with me
you know she has a bad addiction to pills right?
is anyone else scared of death...so many good people died this year
she has addiction to being punched in the gut!!

*gives her a big punch to the stomach*
what a dum-dum wow
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my christmas bonus just came in

what should i buy?
a new life lol
>another person who hasn't created anything worthwhile in decades dies

oh no. what a tragedy.
donald trump died?
forgot your trail of tears,retard

oh wait no you didn't LOL
oy vey!
*kicks you so hard in the ass you pussy starts bleeding*

heh, fucking shills
I'm sorry at all the parents who tried their hardest to get their kids gifts but their kids ended up being ungrateful & mad
i just got money for christmas...

i'm gonna spend it on drugs...
my parents didnt know what to get me so they just have me 3k usd
not that loser
what the heck that's so much...
i got 20 bucks lol
not really
wish i was rich
no you dont money is the root of evil
wtf was that a jelly fish sting?
george michael died from hiv/aids

let this serve as a warning to sickzii and hbt
merry christmas to all of my friends
merry christmas /scv/
is akari chess guy here...
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i want to kill everyone who ever invented tattoos.
is IU still a thing in korea? i havent heard anythin about her since she performed at gsl
i'm having to force the drinks back now...
IU is korea's little sister...
whats an scv approved iphone case? :3
get a gookphone
post her butt
iphones are worse than similarly or even lower priced android phones and only total fucking retards buy them

there's no such thing as an scv approved iphone case
anyone else staying home on christmas night...
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it was a present and i rarely get anything so i want to make sure it lasts

and i'd get this if it was still around
shit flash. ur ruining /f/
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me on the bottom right
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artosis' daughter is really cute....not trying to be a pedo
sick freak!
technically you're right...you're not trying...

if you want to hear amataeur bands..
got my polo right
just got my fade did
>not trying to be a pedo
so it just comes naturally for you then? freak!!!!!
gonna watch erisann play pokemon
isnt she still in flordia with destiny
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im more scummy & worthless than the drugs that i purchase
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looks like a tranny
debate him
i have my period so my stomach hurts :/
back from the relatives!
Just read some deepweb forum posts
Those people are weird
still time for kgf 2016
that gook posted earlier is really cute haha
i'd rather have a wgf
w = whore
rape my asshole
buttcoin's going back up...
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How do you from this...
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...to THIS?
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... to this!
why do americans put a tv above the door... do they have tvs literally everywhere in their house
americans are fr*ckin dumb
damn...an old guy that used to babysit me when i was a kid passed away this morning...my heart is broken
any good stinkers like tingting streaming?
bp lisa...

this one is crying for some reason. im trying to cheer her up
her tight brown hole...
suck on it like that anon did with the stripper...
minah is really cute
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im drinking wine that was $2.25 per bottle...
Vitamin G (Gooking Us Along)
i hope i don't wake up!!!

hafu showed a dick on stream. trolled
if i was a rich girl...
na na na na na na na na na na na na na na naaa!
eloise has the body of a 12 year old boy...
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wtf mom.jpg
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Most random way to start a conversation?
what happened to george and michael
destiny is a fucking LOSER
basically this
yet you niggas talking about him
losers lol
good night >.<
life is so hard....
is he getting pounded in jail...
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do you like it...
both of these dudes have been btfo so hard they've turned into living jokes who can never recover
I feel like I've lost a lot of icons and heroes from my youth this year, it's super sad, as well as a definite reminder of mortality.
i can't remember why i unfollowed him

is he a retarded leftist
merry christmas nigger neighbors

its me waking up everyone by hitting my bat on the ground and making your dog go crazy
so ive confirmed its 4 people there including a 6 year old

one swing of a bat now has messed up 4 different peoples sleep schedules
doing gods work
burn a cross in their front yard lol
oh wait they're black so that would be a double ungood hate crime
well now its an old white woman that lives there but married (and got divorced by lol) a nigger so it has two half nigger kids
good, if he was pro trump people would be shilling him to the moon. at least we don't have the edgelords trying to force him as"our guy" anymore
good point
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if you put the first word of the guy who commented in google translate he says 'wolf hyung'
second word says I'm sick
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sup wolf
nice i just shit myself
ze comments on ze article
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Minny @MinnyMausGG
Diving in see you nerds later
week long edging sessions
sickzii wow stream when???
imsgine sickzii whistling along the wow soundtrack while exploring the world...
only nubs listened to to the wow soundtrack
pros listened to the mars volta and ventrilo during things like kara and when you farmed nagrand for adamantite ore for 20 hours straight you listened to the ricky gervais xfm radios shows and comfy ventrilo with the efriends you've known for years
*farts in your mouth*
*burps in your mouth*
this custom game that winter is playing looks decent. we should start a /scv/ play session

what a guy.....cant believe hes gone
that womans name?
albert einstein
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hes one of the few remaining dedicated sc2 streamer...
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your point?
imagine making a healer and helping out sickzii on all his adventures....
im healer
imagine being a tank and protecting sickzii from harm...
imagine being a succubus and seducing sickzii with your wily charms...
imagine being an incubus that looks like IU but with a foot-long schlong and seducing sickzii to take it up the butt...
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calm down sick freaks
imagine sickzii being your guild leader and telling you good job...
i don't need some ugly serb to tell me i'm good at healing >_>
first of all hes cute not ugly
second of all hes croatian not serbian
third of all fuck you!!!
sickzii is the handsomest boy i've ever known
I wish I had someone to play sc2 team gaymes with
meet me in channel baited
who is that...
some mossad guy
What server?
scary.. O.o
wtf I think you baited me

my cat fell asleep on my arm and now my arm is asleep too
snap its neck
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i said: never ever reply to me dumb shitty stinky fartooner BITCH
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you told me never to reply to you, not him
heh guild leaders
i never needed a guild because me and my e friends would start pug 25 man raids and ninja all the loot at the end heh
and in 10 man raids we would only have to invite 2 or 3 people max and we would abuse them the entire time heh >:)
*farts in your mouth*
typical ugly serb
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another day another e4: https://lichess.org/1qu6sA6f

who's got what it takes?
you're not well
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i'm laddering in ow 2bh
^no-one cares retard go kill yourself
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im laddering on fish!

i lose every game but one day i might win one!
got diamond and now im afraid of laddering cause i dont wanna lose that rank :/
feel when gold :/

dumb weeb
*gives all cartooners are kick to the head*
maybe that'll fix ya
*unearths ancient scroll of wisdom*

it says cartooners are dweebs
imagine finder a dumb cartooner in a sleeping bag and putting them in a bin and rolling them down a steep hill into a lake!
you should 1v1 hbt he has no one to play with
shut up hbt
i hate vaporwave fans so much...
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id love to!
randalling your posts btw
not that perfect aboy
i would love to play with you too :3
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fish backup server 1
baited lol
its ok me and ur mom are playing chess in the mean time :)
just saw train to busan...
had a dream i was rubbing my ding dong on a girl's fat ass and she wasn't that into it
someone in Australia 1v1 me bw please holy SHIT I need to play it
did you like it?
not very much...
what race do you play?
zerg but im equally as bad at P and T!
wtf hacker
i think i know who you are...

or the name you used to go by...
good morning..anyone else have one of those nights where you only get 3-4 hours of sleep
iccup works for me btw...
i did but i feel unusually well rested
use the join game field to the right

should i host there instead?
you'll feel tired later
because you slept 3 or 4h30
>game host has left

what the heck
everyone knows andy!
i'm sitting in iccup did i get baited?
andy is a good boy he woudnt bait you hbt
*stomps on your foot*
hahah oh wow
how does it feel to be a cuck...
baited all these (You)s lol
sure you did ;)
had to reinstall iccup... i'll be there in a moment!

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thorin hasnt made a new mount rushmore video in ages...
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fine i'll host on iccup!
stream it retards!!!
andy watashi no ai
is she retarded?
just a melting gook

maybe i shouldnt thought either..,.
bitcoins are recovering from the christmas dip :)
fuck you retard :)
bitcoin is still too confusing and hard to use for vast majority of the people
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I'm about to do a 180 on the way I live life. I'm getting bored with this one
persona 5...
4 more months :(
would you date a fat bitcoin entrepreneur if he let you live in his bevery hills mansion?
be honest, is your room clean? I have a hard time letting go of stuff and tend to hoard

two and a half hours...
prepare your bitcoins...
two small pizzas? that'd be 9 000 000$ thank you
*buys drugs*
man these bitcoin things are great
*places a bet* *buys something on newegg* all the possibilities......
> all the possibilities
well... go on?
bitcoins or as I like to call them

crusty old SHIT coins
i guess thats it :/
why do people want them then?
drugs tax evasion gambling
theyre PEDO FREAKS who want to purchase cp on the dark web

any other explanation is a cover up
i just checked out new ps4 releases on metacritic and there's nothing interesting
do you guys have any ideas? ps3 games are fine too
merry christmas!
Gucci Mane
The power of the mind is not a joke!
Retweets 19,658 Likes 17,748 6:09 PM - 19 Dec 2016
made a spelling mistake in one of my posts

its completely ruined
this just reminds me of how futile and short life is...

i really should get my life together... just one more day on scv...
rip senpai, best of luck to you and your senpai
i h8 you morons
hope i get rich soon
there is this game...
i feel like i should do something with my life
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>having sex with someone other than your spouse

kill kill kill
ChanManV @ChanmanV
Unfiltered End of Year Reunion Special tomorrow at 7pm EST. Yes .. for real!

those are all gooks...
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chanman hydration.jpg
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I have to work -.-
GaYoung Kim playing 오버워치.
41 mins ·

아 뭐야? 봇전인데 왜이리 꿀잼이야?

마이크 자동으로 되는 줄도 모르고 혼자 키키키킼 꿀잼 푸히히히힣 신나게 떠들어댔네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Oh, what are you doing? Bot ago but why I'm so funny like the taste of honey?
Mike being automatically, and alone key key key kik like nectar hih hihihi fu fun fun talking the yes lolol
Rate this translation
poor translation
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2017 xmas goals
gooks hipsters and transexuals
better than staying at home alone
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no :)
guys do we play fighting games? they're pretty violent... its really cool...
not really
holy shit has slate been working out....i remember when he was scrawny
i tried for a while but i stunk so i gave up :/
bought one of those fightsticks too what a waste
i don't understand that's what all girls look like when i talk to them
girls arent humans especially gooks and nips and stinks
>when i talk to them
I wonder why
whats a stink
*takes off panties*
*sticks your nose in my crotch*
get it now?
G R O S S !
Ok i delete it. She was talking about taking off her panties and was wondering if it was like that..
i'm drinking again today...

i'll be drinking again tomorrow...

then the day after that i'll be back on drugs...
just for livin'
so you're on drugs every day then?
i mean good drugs. alcohol is a terrible drug. it doesn't even make me feel happy. just makes me feel sad
well i quit drinking yesterday
>ask my parents for a canon eos m10 for christmas
>they give me fucking clothes and tell me how great of a deal it was that they were able to buy so much for $500
>thank them politely and visibly throw it in the garbage
>grounded all day today
threaten to kys

usually works for me
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I got an SSD for kurisumasu and now everything loads super fast!

what did you guys get?
-looks at your post with a question mark on his head-
i had really cool dreams last night but i forgot them...
the most valuable gift of all
3 sweaters and some socks!!!!!
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in her tummy :3
yummy yummy!!
money to spend on drugs
how do i beat chargelots
the increased speed and damage on hit is so good
widow mines liberators

spider mines
cum mines
I thought he has a home gym?
ill try getting out more mines and libs
i bet sickzii is beating off some nerds in wow...
i wish he beat me off!!!!!
no i really did its been a whole day now
Migos are musical geniuses.
i know she a freak...
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which drugs are you going to spend it on?
lsd and weed

that was kinda lol funny
drugs are for fricken losers and freaks you fricken degenerate idiots! frick off and kys!!!!!!

this is the only funny one
loads and loads of ketamine!
ah that's the stuff
lol true but the joke is only funny once
abandon ship!
judging by these posts looks like a lot of dum-dums escaped from the dum-dum factory

what's wrong with her face?
it's not on my taint
*eats the last of my christmas candy*

mom said it should last about a week...
what does 'randalls' mean?

i mean I KNOW, i just want to see if YOU know
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highly sexual japanese goblin!
go back to libcuckstiny chat idiot!!!
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its going to rain on new years eve....worst day of the year to have rain
thanks for nothing jerks
damn, my plans are ruined :/
its gonna be 16 here on new years eve ~__~
i'll be on my basement so i'm sure it wouldn't even matter...
new years eve is the biggest time to have a party..
i dont get it
where does the moon figure into this
I think I have great potential
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it spins around above us in a circle
this posters mom here, i think so too
not many people can take their suffering to the depths I've taken mine
I myself wouldn't believe it
so maybe I'll live forever. you can never be sure
what about eclipses
what about other planets that we can see
my life is so much worth than yours faggot
watch the whole thing before you make any judgements


it starts getting into that around here:
you guys are acting gay again
not dancing in a club with dudes and groping in a locker room kind of gay
that lame kind of gay you know?
its not!
even put into my unusual circumstances I can already tell you don't have the right temperament
what do you mean
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don't you like kissing in the rain?!
anyone else spending new years eve alone and at home...
heck yeah

ill be here!
is there any starcraft on?
whats that?
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akd 2017
its that game series that used to be very popular but now is only sort of popular
im gay
but seriously, what does 'randalls' mean?
me on the left sickzii on the right
kony 2017

wtf is wrong with chinese people...
are there lgbtq+ rights in kr
they're the most feminist country there is

it's literally run by women
korean ladyboys...
if iu was sluggy 1 minhee was sluggie 2 tigerlily was slugg3e and chubbygrub was sl4ggie what is livibee??? o_O
Sickzii first of all I have to say that you are the most pathetic asshole I have met in this community!! The way you try to be funny and trash talking me at the same time is just a joke and beyond pathetic. I don't get even mad about your insults that much because you are just good at posting cartoon girls at the actual gameplay you are pretty trash!! You call me a bad player but you lose to me at the same time two times. Does that mean you are even a worse player than me?! You are complaining that I cheese because like always you say everything what I would do is noob but in fact I know that you love to play greedy even you are playing 2 player map so why I shouldn't capitalize on it and abuse it. You complain a lot about different aggressive builds cuz your knowledge isn't good enough vs them but you play the game since the release and doesn't know the anti strats against basic builds still. So that means you suck at this game or you are just not smart enough to recognize by playing how to play vs each of those play styles. It's always the imbalance fault if you lose a game but never your own mistake. All I have to say here is try to get good learn how to defend and stop making stupid decisions. Also you cry about terran but you play with it as well thats hypocrite and ironic at the same time. You won vs my off race but You couldn't keep up with my terran and decided to play instead on custom games instead who are just like a noobs and believe every single word what comes out of your mouth even if it's total nonsense. I played solid and punished a lot of your silly mistakes and retard plays and to all the haters and fanboys outthere who are supporting this garbage player and being butthurt and commenting with insults now I don't care cuz most of you have no clue and just believe what sickzii says so you guys are not relevant to me. Have a nice day! :)
might kill myself tonight lads... joke just asking for attention
should i reply or... ?
dont do it desu
aha gook
maaaaji de???
give me a break
be gentle
*breaks your arm*

ive been to the mosque
im seriously considering returning to islam

it just feels right
this is bait
>le bait le memes xD
yeah thats all your life is
ive found a home
he keeps falling for it...
so i took a whole 7 days off from drinking and then drank 3 bottles of wine last night and dont actually feel that bad today

does taking a break from drinking reduce hangovers?
i keep accidentally downloading 4chan webms

why did they put the download button right next to full screen...
did you drink water...
why are you fullscreening webms...
Is islam going to be our religion in 2017?

we are, all ways have been and always will be, christbros
Modern christianity is a fucking joke
*kicks you in the teeth*

shut up heathen
not anymore than i usually do

usually i drink a lot of malt liquor so idk if thats the thing
*doesnt go to church, has premarital sex and leads a decadent life*
im a christian though xD
i always try to drink 1 lire of water per litre of alcohol...
uhhhhhhhhhhhh why the heck is that post still here?? mods??????????????????????????????
shut up fag
this is a christian general fags are NOT allowed
>same ip
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christianity will be outlawed by trump

get with the times, goy, we've embraced judaism here
people always pick on christianity cause they're an easy target

they dont fight back unlike islam



rape and crime is just theyre culture
you mean muslimity
you'll be first in line for the gas chambers
reminder that the west is falling and that everytime a culture embraces immigration and transgenderism they are in their death throws
please rate this post >>163808035
>president is a fierce defender of jews
>h-he'll definitely gas the kikes

he just wants to make israe- america great again :^)
there is *nothing* wrong with being a hook-nosed kike
yeah seriously. im new blood
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>Afreeca Starleague 5h 13m
remember when people stayed up for starcraft?
oh to be young again...
ojiisan >_<
when i grow up, i want to be like tasteless
>tfw you're already tasteless' age when he decided to go to korea
what do i do now
when i grow up i want to marry tasteless and be his wife
pretty sure he's not gay
im a girl
yeah and im a "girl" too lol
oh gosh :3
i just watched the movie Heat....fuck they dont make movies like that anymore. the gun action scene was too intense
im joking you retard. boys cant be girls thats the point
oh jeez :x
dont oh jeez me agree with me
oh my >_<;;
go to korea obviously
just came back

>Dan Stemkoski @Artosis Dec 21
>Very happy to announce that my wife is pregnant again.... this time with TWINS! :D

wtf artosis
is his wife still a whale?
>is his wife still a whale?
she's pregnant... it's not her fault

she's eating for 3 now
how can they afford that on a sc2 budget
also wtf
wolf went full gook, like 70% of his tweets are now in gook
he's been really pushing the korean angle ever since he got caught dating that one kpop star
yea never expected him to be a power bottom with psy
Sean Plott @day9tv 3m
Oh come ON I just saw LaLaLand man FUCK that shit I gotta watch a KDrama to recover.
srsly dudes, what does 'randalling' mean? i think it sounds cool but i dont wanna use it without knowing what it actually means
it's like a +1, it basically means "I like your post"
i think it means masturbating to korean girls like a creep
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HOLY SHIT i need to see this movie with the reviews its getting. also our guy Ryan Gosling is in it. the dude from Drive
im getting mixed signals here
youll figure it out from context eventually

dont worry!
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itmeJP @itmeJP
Got my brother and sister in law a 4K OLED TV and my dad a 4K DJI drone/ We 4K family now boys

is he rich....
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JP @itmeJP
I'm ready to sous vide this bad mother fucker
JP @itmeJP
OK I lied I'm not ready to sous vide that because it takes 24hrs to cook and we need to dinner in 4-5 hours. BUT THIS WEEK, WE SHALL SOUS
wtf is leora doing....... practicing to be a stripper???
you dont dance naked for fun?
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>midget legs

no wtf!!!
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how is this midget legs
short and gross ewwww
yeah hes cool
im going to misuse randall until someone gives me a real definition
i would suck on leora's asshole if she was my stripper gf tbch
well people that have been randalled tends to get banned so
Geoff "iNcontroL" Robinson.

I saw him in a grocery store in California yesterday. He was wearing a greasy tank top. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was a little taken aback, and I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his fat hand shut in front of me over and over again. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle and fart as I walked away. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
bw hd is coming in september right?
will it be at mexico?
yeah big september blizzcon announcement
is leora going to do it..
do what

play bwhd?
Dan Stemkoski @Artosis 2m
Confirmed: 1 boy 1 girl OTW!
if you were to have twins, would you prefer 2 boys or 1 boy/1 girl
GaYoung Kim was live — playing StarCraft.
2 hrs ·
Blizzard Entertainment

streaming some ladder


GaYoung Kim · I will be streaming on twitch later :D wait for me <3
Like · Reply · 7 · 50 mins · Edited
just randalled this entire bag of crackers
i will always wait for her :3
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2 girls, make sure both end up with electra complex
i can't believe he's gendering his babies before they're even born ffs

it's not for him to decide
he's a slavic jew
2 boys because then it's ok if they become sluts
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our girl made code s
did she do "it" i stopped watching.....

if a real girl is like a cucumber then she's like a pickle
soaked in vinegar?
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i wanna cast magic missile
cast this *grabs pussay*
sickzii are you playing wow
are you a level 1 sorcerer or wizard?
i'm an arch-wizard of the crimson magic clan
okay who do you want to cast magic missile at
you can only become a wizard at level 30...
i want to cast explosion
yeah, not atm tho. im going to flat in 30 min. then i'll continue
wait your not at home where are you......
slamming your mother faggot
what a lucky lady...
im in my hometown and here i only have a laptop.
now im going to flat for few days so i could play on pc. im on holiday so i dont have to work for 2 weeks heh

have fun i hope you stream it...
This guy basically
should've gotten them a gomtv hat
new thread for asl please


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