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/dbg/ Dragon Ball General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 685
Thread images: 251

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NAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIL, Tell the Time Patrollers That I Can Increase Their Level Cap Edition


>1.03 patch info

>IMPORTANT: Make wishes in Single Lobby, otherwise it could corrupt your save

>Helpful Xenoverse 2 Data/Links

>Xenoverse 2 changes
PC: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/vfightersXenoverse
PS4: Search "Dragon Ball General"
XBone: https://account.xbox.com/en-GB/clubs/profile?clubid=3379873991575336
/dbg/ players: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ElJpKAB8F9xw-4oqsOuorggP_Hngdvxm7aduvpY1DIg

steam > userdata > [your steam id] > 323470 > remote > DBXV2
DBXV2.sav should be there, which is your savefile
If you wish to delete it to try reimporting or for other reasons, disable steamcloud on both xenoverse 1 and 2 first.

>Xenoverse Booru: Upload all Drawfaggotry here

>Notice: Go borderless/windowed if you have problems with glitching through the floor if you alt+tab or use windows key instead

Last time on Dragon Ball G!: >>163389425
First for Aubahs a worthless slut
Second for CRUSHA BAWL
It's baffling how many people didn't read the thing that told them to go to Guru
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Jari a cute.png
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Pure love!
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This thread has been hijacked by masculinity and testosterone.
You are now required to post heterosexual male CaC's that clearly contribute to society.
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Pure Buufus
I'm getting mixed signals here.
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I will find you Jabronis and I will stamp you all out. I swear on the Roddy Piper's kilt, I will beat all of you in the ring for insulting the face who runs the place!
shut up degenerate
Anybody on PS4 that want to fight or do PQs?
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R8 and probably meme my rare collection.
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Angry Vibrating Ape Man.jpg
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Reminder to NOT bully Aubah
>Proving points
>722 KB
"Aubah" a cute!
The first two are pretty good, would pose with
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Hit's marks. Just like 16 he isn't paired with anyone, so no special mark or scene.

God, Hit's the most boring mentor by far. Nothing he said was remotely entertaining or interesting.
who you
maybe, on the PQs. Don't know yet
This should have been a mark
0-4 hang out with you people
5-9 hang out with you people and cry because I can't play with any of you, thanks dimps
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threadly reminder, that listening to EUROBEAT increases your skilllevel
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>"Teen" Gohan still isn't a mentor

is that anon who does those reaction image edits with CaCs around?
Gunna hit the lab to learn Monkey Magic, but I'd be down to level this sucker up.
delete this
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Like this?
I don't because there are legit bad CaCs like >>163445479
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psn is o0DemonBoy0o
I'm pretty bored, so i'm up for doing anything really.
you need to upgrade your play list sometime



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I hope Ranked with the Zamasu DLC just becomes Zamasu and Black
Who are the worst cacs here and why are they
>Hiney Ho
>Sweet Pop
>Belle's copycat
>bullying Hiney or Aubah
You're garbage either way boyo
Nice try Buttslut, I know you're the one posting this
Because they are all bland mary sues and would look retarded next to the canonical characters :^)
holy shit my sides
tryhard shitters
>It's another I'm a bad CaC or someone complains about me episode

sweetpop please
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I didn't even call you jabroni though, poor attempt
who you
A lot of these are wrong but the sluts are bad because all they do is slut post with each other.
I don't even know why. Is it for the attention or are they just that bored?
It's a little sad honestly. You got people taking their characters seriously and here's people slutting it out in the Roshi Place.
I'll give you some credit, you're shit but not the worst because the Belle clone exists
Do you think Gohan will be useful in the upcoming tournament arc or is he going to job hard like everyone that isn't Goku or Vegeta?
I haven't seen Kyo post in weeks, why's she on the list?
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no bully
>list worst CaCs
>Doesn't include anemone or belle
They were an attentionwhore during the xenoverse 1 threads and they're an attentionwhore here
So you're a flunky of a bad CaC

Not much of an improvement
Buying Xenoverse 2 on Steam Sale

Is the Deluxe Edition / Season Pass thing worth it?
I wonder who is behind this post
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He'll job to the stronger saiyan
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I have an idea of who you are, and you keep saying shit. I just want to play you just to see if you can back it up.
And you're getting mad about dragonball OCs on the internet, time to step back and take a break anon, I hope you heal
And you're dressing a Dragonball OC on the internet like a slut and attention whoring in a /vg/ general.
I mean we're all losers here be honest.
>Keitan Buu
A. What system
B. It's not even about how good you are at the game, the design and name are shit
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>deluxe edition/season pass

No, the free updates are far better than the DLC so far. Just get the standard version first, and see how you feel about the second DLC notes to see if it's worth buying the season pass to you
But y tho
>I'll get ready
Its 37 dollars on indie gala right now. Also you can just use shopaholic mod to get the dlc stuff added without paying for it if you don't into CE. You'll miss out on the new chars and pqs though
Fuck off degenerate
The free updates are great, but they should really be cramming more into the paid DLC to make it feel worth it.
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Super Dragon Ball Heroes Mission 2 Gameplay Trailer

Anons like to stir up negativity, it's best to just ignore it
Post your character then. Show me a thing or two.
I'm on PS4
Pretty much, but I'm enjoying myself. You should really try to do the same
I wish we got this over here, at least an equivalent
You wish I'd do that, but I'm not posting my character for a slut. And I'm on PC.
Okay, so i'm downloading ANOTHER update right now right after the DLC update dropped.

My guess is they're seeding for the next DLC already or something.

Cause we all know dimps never deploys patches to FIX the game.
Oh, can you get all the DLC without paying? I was really only planning to play single player anyway
D'ya think Gohan would be less of a jobsmith if F. Trunks had told Gohan all about F. Gohan and how awesome he was?
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>All this negativity
post rares
The update fixes group invites.
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Outfits, Super souls, and moves that you'd have to pay for otherwise which are the only things that matter if you only plan on playing your cac. All you miss out on is playing as frost or cabba. It'll be true for any future dlc as well. You'll get everything but characters and quests if you can't into CE
>Red name
VAC banned but still visible?
>Bullies other anons on their CaC designs
>Won't post his own
You're the reason why I wish this game had cross play. And of course you'd back down from showing me your character. Scrub
>pc shitter
>Super Saiyan (3?) Nappa
Hot damn, it finally happened.
sorry, I'm dead. I've been trying to sleep a lot too.
is it worth maxing Basic Attack?
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Be happy I got out of my Mystic phase.
But, I have something else in store.
>has slut CaC
>sad that a person on an anonymous image board calls them a slut
really makes you think
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Would you eat her meat?
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The updates contain all the DLC, you just buy a key to unlock them from whatever platform store of your choosing, so PC can easily get the DLC with each update.

The only thing from the DLC that I liked even a little was Cabba's top. So yeah just get the shopaholic mod

Save your money
It means they've quit a ton, so you know they're a quitter
>Encouraging cheating
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Yep, they gave SSJ3 to Nappa, and Scouter Vegeta too.
Its not cheating if they just happened to install a mod that unlocks stuff you'd have to pay for otherwise for free
Stop crying that someone insulted your waifu


you shut the fuck up too, no-one cares
For the XVPatcher users that want the DLC characters but don't quite feel the DLC is worth the price, here you go.
Also unlocks Goku Black.
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Don't forget Raditz.
I wasn't even that anon. Don't talk shit if you can't back it up, simple as that.
You da anon anon. Hopefully you can do it when they add some characters that might be worth playing as like Zamasu

I'd give the family a better Raditz
Anything is better than Raditz
>PC shitter
But why
Who are even half of these people and why are you complaining about them instead of playing Fusions?
As long as they don't step up their DLC security by then.

Right now they literally only have a flag that essentially asks.

>Has this user purchased [X] DLC?

All these files do is switch those flags to yes in essence.
PS4fags are the most insecure, aside from some chill people
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>pay for expensive add ons that are already in the game

Yes, anon. I will happily encourage people to cheat that system that only affects them. I must save others for my poor decision

Also, what do y'all think the next updates theme will be? This one was Frieza themed with
>King Cold Armor
>Mecha Frieza Suit
>Armored Sqaurdron Variety
>Frieza Siege on Conton.

I'm hoping for a saiyan theme. Maybe get that armor Paragus wears. A Broly and Bardock headband accessories would be nice
>Keitan Buu

actually the worst poster in this whole thread and it's by a fucking mile
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Who on /dbg/ has the best ass?
Well that's a shame, I think a lot of people I've played with on PC are pretty chill.
Considering that Champa and Vados are the next characters, I want a god theme, mainly for Potara earrings
Hiney Ho
Oh, is there a demo out for Nier 2? What's this from?

As for who has the best ass, my vote goes to Jari
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oh ok
sleep well
All I want is a scarf. Is it so hard to ask for a scarf as an accessory?
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Kai theme, to fit with Zamasu and Black. Best case scenario, recolorable Kai clothes. Most likely, just a bunch of Supreme Kai outfits in different colors.
>Is Gohan there to show how strong X character is so Vegeta can have his power minute and Goku can have his power hour?

>will Gohan get good fights in it
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Well it is DIMPS we're talking about here, so yeah.

All they need to do is take the scarf from the Journey to the West or Saiyuki outfits, or something, and just make it a separate piece.
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fuck off Goku
Aubah has a butt made for penetrating deep and hard.

I fucking read it in his voice
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Shut the fuck up Raditz, you killed Yamcha
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A God theme would be nice. What do you think they'd include? My prediction for something like that would be

>Zamasu Clothes
>majin symbol gi/tracksuits
>majin forehead

>Aura slide
>Black's blade
>needler explodey ult
>something something of justice
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Gohan and Raditz.jpg
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Raditz just wanted to bond with his nephew
>have a JP PSN

Thanks for letting me know, Getski

Can't wait for GR2
Kidnapping is not ok
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ayy fucking lmao
>Still won because dragon burn is predictable



I just want Black's Xianghua Soul Calibur shit
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Goku threatened to kill him even before he did anything

and he didn't even kidnap him
they didn't even leave the planet
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That never happened.
It did.
>Threatening to kill someone who told Goku that Goku's mission was to eradicate humanity
>Threatening to kill someone who attacked his best friend

Gee, I wonder why Goku would say that
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Pretend it never happened or this random 1st grader gets it.
Now apply that same logic to the Vegeta arc.
what was it
Real talk I'm not mad about these insults. I'm disappointed that the dude dogged out showing me is character. And the fact I cannot play this guy. The bullying is half the fun, though this dude has been on my back since I started posting here.

I feel like it would've been a great to finally see what my detractor looks like, and being able to fisticuffs with him.

Do your wirst, snek slut.
Vegeta and Nappa are monsters, and it took Vegeta until the Buu saga to redeem himself, and even then it isn't satisfying as it doesn't justify him
>Killing Namekians
>Letting Cell go Perfect
>Being controlled by Babidi and knocking Goku out

Goku shouldn't have let Vegeta live.
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Chinese Prince Gohan.png
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Does anyone know of a mod that adds a tail to Gohan's 5th costume in XV2?

It really fucking bothers me that he doesn't have one.
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Phew, at least it wasn't my butt

Soma is a really good artist
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Raditz better come back, or else I'll break Toriyama's ring finger

Real talk, I love Raditz. I really wish he and Nappa were brought back after Namek for some saiyan trio shenanigans and Uncle Raditz and uncle Nappa.

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Seems like it
Weaklings like you probably get turned on by tailplay. Raditz a shit.
I've never had so many randos start posing with me, usually it's just 2 or 3.

Though most of them aren't even posing in the one screenshot I made before it kicked me out because multi-lobby isn't exactly doable on wi-fi
They all posed with me though, honest.
Did they pose their cocks inside your holes?
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The one that gets randoms posing with me is Bingo 2

This got me a friend request from a rare though
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Special feeling 7.png
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>Shopaholic updated
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I mean, I can't say you're wrong

Raditz is cool! C O O L !

Even if he was weak I still enjoyed the hell out him. Who wouldn't wanna play 'Keep your eye on the birdie' with Uncle Raditz?
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>Picture of a screen
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recruiting team members.webm
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Bingo 2 is the best at drawing people in, yeah. Though that new one is great too.
Train your tail, weakling. Raditz didn't, and Raditz a shit.
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It was from the before XV2 was released and I had no idea you would share screenshots to twitter. Rare concept Pumki
>dragon ball heroes added SSJ3 raditz
>toriyama brought back 17 before he brought back the sayians

i really hope theres a raditz and nappa in the multiverse tournament arc
That's not how it works and you know it.
But there wouldn't be
also if I'm not sleeping, I'm watching Wakfu.
>i really hope theres a raditz and nappa in the multiverse tournament arc
I think what you want is http://www.dragonball-multiverse.com cause that's not how the multiple universes work in Super.
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>tfw on the list
Fuck yeah, and don't you forget it
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I feel like Toriyama didn't actually like Raditz that much or any of the Saiyans really. With how quickly Raditz and Nappa are disposed of and his original plan to Kill Vegeta, I feel as if Toriyama wanted a space journey so he created the concept of Saiyans to give Goku an alien origin after the events of Dragon Ball, but he needed a catalyst to drive the cast onto another planet so he just threw in the Saiyans concept and stopped caring

That would explain why Toriyama easily forgets about tails and why we never hear about Raditz or Nappa ever again.

Be gentle
I'm still mad over what they did to Vegito. Super may have nerfed him, but at least his personality was intact and he didn't become a bigger crybaby than Zamasu.
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oh fuck yes.gif
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In fact, he made Zamasu cry.

I just hope introducing this time limit means he'll come back at some other point.
Aubah is for pure yuri loving
With Note.
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all of the jerseys.png
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I like these
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pure OTP.jpg
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cute otp
Who would be the dominant one? I'm thinking Note.
All of the colors are shit aside from Jeices
Is there any new accessories, anon? Wigs, helmetsnor anything?
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What's the point when you can get tracksuits to colour anyway
easily the cutest fembuu
too bad about the degenerate backstory
Of course. Aubah is weak.
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I can't believe you actually saved that.
sorry aubah
>not on the list

For once I feel good to not be on the list.
>Aubah being dominated by a loli super saiyan god

Suddenly the pairing got a lot hotter
That thing cute? Mine blows her out of the water.
Probably stronger too.
Post CaC.
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>mohawk Pumki
So the rumors of you being bald were half right
>tfw not on the list
Post CaC
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just this and >>163452449
and it looks shit on buufus because of the forced hair

I like the colours though
Why? You'll just deliberately add it to the list if I did.
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Usually too busy playing the game to post pictures, but we can play together if you want to find out. I only take pictures of glitches, so I actually lied and have a fuckton of pictures.
If you play against Goku Black in this stage he turns into a rock.
That's in the TP Shop at the start of January.

May be other weeks too, but don't really remember.
Which sucks because Nappa had a pretty good kill count, killed more of the cast than Frieza even
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>on the list
>majority of your posts are anonymous, answering the questions that new players have that everyone seems to ignore

oh ok
So why would you want to be called worst
Explain your logic, ningen.
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Why do so many people care about that list
I'm not them. Post it.
>caring about some anon's shit list

Pretty sure a good amount of those CaCs are chill and provide info on the game as well, the only one being a problem at one point being Sweet Pop but they mellowed out.
Don't take it too personally, anon. You re on my Great list
Trying to determine how much of a shitposter listsperg is. Seeing mostly female Saiyans there, so clearly is a Buufu that list against all of them.
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Currently fighting the Obese Fighters, a team of fat warriors.

Pictured is Panna, the girl of the squad. Parl (Fat Kai), Lugo (Fat Namek), Camarbo (Fat Alien) and Macaroo (Fat Human).
He's like 95% hair now.
shut up rechow
I don't get what you're asking, I don't want to be called one of the worst, my point is that I don't post that often and when I do it's usually anonymous, and actually being helpful

Also it doesn't matte in the slightest, the same thing happened a while back when one anon posted a list of who they thought were the most popular cacs and lots of people kicked up a fuss, seemingly not understanding that it was one persons opinion/shitpost and not like some form of general consensus. >>163454561
is right, most of the people on the list are chill
Saiyan females that listsperg has lost against. Clearly a jealous Buufu.
because low self esteem ;_;
Honestly give me one good reason stun breaks should be in this game. It turned it from a game where you tried new things to a shitshow of trying to get stuns off and spamming supers. Also characters with more stamina have a clear advantage over everyone else. Honestly XV1 was better.
anemone / belle
But there are Buufu's on the list
red herrings!
>implying that was me who posted that
If anything I'm flatter that I'm on some anon's list. It means he's thinking about me ;3
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bring it.gif
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I mean, I'm on the list but it's like, why should I care what some guy thinks?

Maybe if it included reasons, it'd be worth caring about.
>Maybe if it included reasons, it'd be worth caring about.
Working on a new one with more detail as we speak.
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xth for Oceanus Shenron lewds
Point is it's some sperg complaining about people they lost against.
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Well, I guess it'd be nice to see why you think I rank among the worst
Sorry I misread your post, thought it said
>not on the list
It can't be though because the list is spread across all three platforms
But why
No one here plays on all three systems though, and one of the people on there has literally never won.
Good. Post your own CaC too, sperg.
Yeah, I can't wait to read about why I'm an awful person and get really depressed for a few days.
I haven't really beaten anyone in such a way that I think would make them upset about it.
Sieva x Spats x Trunks x Bulla
Rhubarb x Sour Patch
CN 12 x Nathan
Pepphra x Everyone
Onion-chan x Targos
Anemone+Belle x Cell's tail
Aubah & Sjamsjam x Turles, Black, Bardock, Goku, Goten
Aero x Ningen
Matos x Nomi
Majin Dae x Beerus
Rupiri (Shampoo Thirst) x Targos
Rupiri x Spats x Sieva
Tsuyara x Stopwatch
Rechow's Gut x Pomatio
Custard x Santa Hat (Wearing Buublegum)
Balten x Titanic
Jedd x Othinus
Marius x Parsa's Ass
Cydonia x Lima
Berryl x Pumpki
Tea x Camellus
Hallow's eye hole x Nikkita's futa tail
Tresina x Collar's forehead
Aloramora's Teeth x Floss
Ictos x Shalot
Kabaddi x Jaco + Alcohol
Pantsa x Nimbus + Powerpole
Kyo x Cell (First Form)
Satsu x Ohji, Shalot, Soona, Targos
Hiney Ho x Hiney's Hoe
Laserman's arm x Arm Crash
Buula (Rise to Action preset) x Buu's Kids
Majora x Majora
Snoller x Laciem's Cloaca
Jaikama x Leather Pleather
Anna x Tarajji
High Fructose x Banana Peel (Slippery)
Lygara x Perfect Cell
Vera x Dai Buunon
Selery x Depression
Domenica x Caulery
Maiza x Cocambro
Maara x Rette
Jari(Keitan Buu absorbed) x Hyperbolic Timeout (69 hours)
Gumshuu x Shoe on head
Tundra x Neapolitan
Zanzibar x Jolly Rancher
Toufe x Zanzibar
Torsou x Dirty Fireworks
This is gunna be rich.
Go away Matos.
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Lesbuu sluts
You are dead to me.
Don't reply to it.
now what, nerd
Not this shit again.
Here's your (You)
Ah, no worries anywho
>Satsu x Ohji, Shalot, Soona, Targos
>Blue Gohan
>Those Skills
>Cell outfit
>That rank
Knew it, you're mad over losing like a bitch AND looking like a bitch.
>list anon is a /ps4/

Reveal your true identity
Post your true identity, Buufu slut.
...did you really just fall for that? Or are you trolling us?
I poop on you, kid
1v1 me if your so great
dumb pc shitters
He's replying to himself.
You should have done that in the first place you double ningen. Now you just look like a desperate whore craving (You)s. Here's another, slut.
Laggy ass shitter that spams Mystic Flash
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>still not on the list
Makes sense.
You can even notice how far apart the timestamps are. It's kind of adorable.
aubah pls
Post CaC.
>not on the list
Feels good man.
I've got it! They have art, and his CaC doesn't!
>The Last Remaining Hope 1, 2, and 3 are all just a picture of Beerus

uh what?
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h-how did you actually know
shut up rechow
Because you're filled with self-loathing and worry about what people think about you on the internet.
Don't, you're okay. He's just trying to start shit.
>calling me rechow

insulted t b h senpaitaichi.
>Comcast Support
I did it. I found the laggiest player, and they even broadcast it to everyone around.
>comcast support
would call
Halfway done. Making some minor changes. Hope you like the finished product.
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>TFW you find the Twitch stream
No that can't be it. There are a ton of CaCs that have art that aren't on the list.

I think they just thought up all the female CaCs, minus Laciem, they could think of off the top of their heads and made a random shit list to start shit

No one on that list is even remotely deserving of worst anything because in my experience they're all cool or have stopped being shit.
7/10 its okay.
Increase your brightness.
Are you that writeanon?
>Half an hour to write up this list
My money's on you not being the list op and are just coming up with silly reasons, which I am looking forward to
That's probably it. And it worked, because no-one should give a shit if one random anon doesn't like then.
This is what I'm hoping. Hope its something silly like
>doesn't brush teeth
>didn't say hi to me
>ignored my calls

I'm the one writing Aubah x Note, just wanted to let them know.
How's this
7.1/10, slightly better.
You know me too well, I don't like it.


I'm sure I'll love it. Thanks for the update.
Wheres the buugirl smut you promised to write?
That's me not them.
I gave up when I kept trying to write AND THEN THEIR HAIR TURNED INTO TENTACLES and other stupid kinks like that. I'll go back to it soon
Max it out, man. The brightness setting in game is more like a contrast. Your colors will pop out at you once you do.
Can anyone try to make a dream DB game roster...

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>hair turning into tentacles

But, Anon. Their hair is tentacles.
My eyes will need some time to adjust but I agree this looks sick
Here's a better idea: make everyone on the roster Goku
24 character roster with all the best characters from the series:

Dr. Gero
Android 16
Android 17
Android 18
Majin Buu
Super Buu
Kid Buu
Omega Shenron
Not them. I'm the one who wrote Mentor Pan x Time Patroller smut back when XV1 was out.

Again, planning for Christmas. Maybe Christmas Eve.
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Speaking of clones, I was really disappointed with Majin Vegeta

I was hoping he'd get a different basic combo set up but nope. It's silly I guess but SSJ4 Vegeta has a different moveset so I just hoped he would too.
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>best characters
>Dr. Gero
If you're going to lump all the friezas and cell forms together you might as well do the same with buu

>No King Piccolo
shit list
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Why are most good looking Ultimates bad
>Implying King Piccolo couldn't be an alt costume with different voice lines, moves, etc.
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I agree that their is shit but Raditz is cool!
>Kid Goku
>Kid Goku (Great Ape)
>Goku (with SS1-3)
>SSG Goku
>SSB Goku
>Super Goku (with SS1-3)
>GT Goku (with SS1-3)
>SS4 Goku
>Rose Black
>Goku in Zamasu's body
>Goku in Vegeta's body
The Buu's were literally different characters, at least Fat and Kid were
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The good looking ones are the ones that have cool animations.

Cool Animations = Long setup times

Long Setup times = Counter/Dodge/Stamina Break.
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>Kid Goku (Base, Oozaru)
>Piccolo Jr. Saga Goku
>Saiyan/Frieza Saga Goku (Base, KK, KKx3, KKx10, KKx20, KKx100, False SSJ, SSJ)
>Cell Saga Goku (Base, SSJ, Ascended SSJ, Ultra SSJ, Full Power SSJ)
>Buu Saga Goku (Base, SSJ, Super KK, SSJ2, SSJ3)
>Beerus Saga Goku (Base, SSJ, SSJ2, SSJ3, SSJG)
>Super Goku (Base, SSJ, SSJ2, SSJ3, SSJB, SSJBKK, SSJBKKx10)
>GT Adult Goku
>GT Kid Goku (Base, SSJ, SSJ2, SSJ3, Super Oozaru, SSJ4)
>Shadow Kid Goku (Base, SSJ4)
>Time Patrol Goku (Base, SSJ, SSJ3)
>Goku Ginyu
>Ginyu Goku
>Goku Black (Base, SSJR)
>Zamasu Goku
>Elder Goku
>Evolution Goku (Base, Oozaru)
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>dragon ball minus
It's like you want to invalidate your own opinions
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[laughter stops monkey edition].jpg
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W-why's a time patroller named after me
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I posted the list. Have some revisions

>Pumki - For destroying an untold number of worlds to feed their fruit addiction and not giving me their clothes
>Aubah - For thinking that abandoning me for others would end in anything other than their demise. Won't return my calls
>Berryl - For wearing loose revealing clothing and thinking they could form an alliance against Aubah without being destroyed by my hand
>Valentine - For tanning and wearing such loose revealing clothing that rivals the street corner ningens
>Hiney Ho - For being a ningen filled with an unhealthy amount of optimism who needs to be crushed
>Pomatio - For punching me in the gut fuck you pomatio stop punching me in the gut
>Stopwatch - For daring to think that they could draw me without my approval and thinking they wouldn't suffer the consequences
>Parsa - For not working out and neglecting to diet and has amassed into a fat lard of ningen that rivals honey boo boo
>Lima - For daring to challenge the PC communities pantheon of gods
>Sweet Pop - For being a shitter who can't even beat a single xbone ningen
>Rechow - For being a stupid catfaced motherfucking ugly son of a bitch who needs to be erased from this world
>Kyo - For punching me in the face and being an unfashionable jacket wearing rare
>Rupiri - For being a ningen who thinks they could come close to my power
>Spats - For being a ningen who dare defies the gods
>Sieva - For stealing Spats from Rupiri
>Laciem - For making me remember what he wished for
>Jari - Promised we'd go eat ningens together. Didn't go eat ningens together
>Belle's copycat - An unoriginal spawn of a selfish majin

Stop taking the internet so seriously
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>All of these fake fanfiction level transformations
You forgot SSJ for Goku Black
>pc shitter list
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>Spend all that time on this list
>None of it is actually funny
Jesus dude, come on.
You're the one who abandoned me! To become the bandit pet/toy of a slug!

I thought it was amusing.
I thought the Pomatio and Parsa parts were funny
>3 lists
>dodged all of them
I feel like fucking Neo
These and the Aubah one.
I'm not funny and I didn't make it. Just too much shitposting in one thread
I knew it was you Matos.
Pls finish it
>Berryl - For wearing loose revealing clothing
Hey, if you got it flaunt it

>and thinking they could form an alliance against Aubah without being destroyed by my hand
But I'm one of the anti-bully Aubah people now
>Kaioken x10 was in Tree of Might
>False SSJ and Kaioken x100 were in Lord Slug
>Ascended and Ultra SSJ were shown in the HTC
>Full Power SSJ were Goku and Gohan's permanent forms
>Super Kaioken was used against Pikkon

It's like you haven't seen the series multiple times.

Oh yeah, that's a thing that happened in the manga. I forgot about that.
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The most I ever have exposed is my shoulders and midriff

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Val is a lewd girl
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what do you expect from a gyaru?
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She's like the least lewd on PS4 though, even Aubah shows her butt more
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Val is a good girl!
Stella was pure though
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I'm not lewd
>Not outright knowing which ones are the actual fake forms
you must actually be retarded huh?
Movie fags am I right?
And Super Kaioken too, that's wrong. Seriously, do you actually think those are real?
x10 I believe, but not x100
Their love is pure though! PURE!
What are you doing spying on others?
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I like high places
Matos I swear to god
>Lima - For daring to challenge the PC communities pantheon of gods

>Evolution Goku (Base, Oozaru)
XV2 mentor when
>"Fight" Videl, Goten and Trunks
>Fight Adult Gohan
>Fight SS Goku and Vegeta
>"Fight" Hercule
>all in 1 PQ
>oh you want to get anything higher than C rank well go here and
>Fight Raditz, Bardock, Future Gohan, and SS Goku

fuck everything about this
kek lad
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Hey King Coco if you're around could you do this one but with bruised Valentine and change clever man to good fighter
>tfw piccolo keeps cucking my timeskip/molotovs with his stretchy arm grabs after I stam break
Man are you going to hate the later pq's, especially those new dlc ones
Funny thing is
I didn't have too much problem with the later PQ's just this one
fuck the time limits on these new PQ's though
DLC ones are real bullcrap, you're basically required to bring other players.
Worst PQ in the game is the one where you fight every form of Goku and Vegeta in the world tournament that shit is terrible

Getting ult finish on the U6 one is impossible
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but how hot is a supernova.jpg
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You can cheese them with Gum+Flash Bullet, but to do them fairly you'll have to bring others, yeah.

Nope, 101 is the worst now, and the next DLC will have a new one to take that title from it.
Question, how much damage does Supernova do?
And then how much damage does Supernova Cooler do? I don't have DLC
To add to their cool factor.
If they ever buff Timeskip to make it not shit then I will stop using it.
When they made Dragonfist good I dumped it forever.
>101 is the worst now
Is the move it drops even good?
>This was what all that hooplah was building up to

Not only are you a jabroni, but you're also a vanilla midget like I expected. Here's some sound advice. I admire you working a lot of us into a shoot though. But still.

Have sex. Gain Height. Hit the weights. Take a shower. Get a clue.
Haha. No.

It's a Last Emperor, except instead of you having to be low health, the enemy has to be.


And the worst part is that it's a drop off Goku in the Ultimate Finish, so it's a pain in the ass to grind for.
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Now imagine all of these characters being added to the next Xenoverse, with their storyline being another timeline like GT's.
So are you supposed to be a parody of /asp/?

I admire that, you really capture how annoying that board is.
It must be /asp/ergers
That's what I'm wondering!
I want this
I barely even wear that jacket though!

For the most part, yeah. I get a good laugh at how absurd that board can be sometimes. It's like a less filtered /wooo/. That Nash picture that keeps popping up does leave in stitches from time to time when I least expect. I'll never do that "Was he a draw" or "Person here is a -netty" thing though.
Based drawfag showed up out of nowhere and made that. Then made a few others and disappeared. Didn't leave a blog, tumblr, nothing. Like some kind of ghost.
Will you tear your quad to fully commit to the role, though?
sometimes Eis Shenron sounds like he's talking in an auditorium
Sounds like that all the time for me
This was just Shin Budokai another road with different character models
I love when he uses his evasive he literally goes REEEEEEEEE in both languages.
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Father Daughter .jpg
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Cute family
I dunno, even if I did. I don't think I'll ever be as over as Big Daddy Cool.

He had that voice effect in the Funidub of GT, and they just ran with it since.
I don't like GT because it visually reminds me of old hentai
What 7 year old knows what a mack daddy is?
You're not as annoying as I thought.

Just don't come crying when you realize you're always going to be too fat to go for the Cruiserweight belt
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>A Saiyan with the power of dad jokes
What has science done
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Do people still get salty about counter moves and Emperors Blast/Mystic Flash? Or is it safe for me to play again?
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ZAMASU this show is pedo.gif
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...Son of a bitch. This is it. For years I've been wondering what made me dislike GT's art so much. I knew that there was something about it that left a bad taste in my mouth, but I could never describe what it was.

Now I know. GT always, ALWAYS looks like an old, low budget hentai series.
>with how joke flop he gets funnier
>counter moves

Got nerfed so you have to pay even if they whiff.

>Mystic Flash

Didn't get changed at all, so yes.
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Thank god about the counter moves, but shame about Mystic Flash it's one of my favorite moves.
Why do people hate it so much anyways? It's just a punish for people who use vanish as a crutch.
>Tundra x Neapolitan
Why? I'm not gay.
>Sun Geku
>I will absorb you
>Now drop your pants
>Vanishing, an integral part of the game is a crutch
>Mystic Flash isn't
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These new PQ's...... holy shit.
PQ101: get parsa, lima, myself, or literally any other xboner to babysit the AI so they don't take damage. or babysit them, and get your friend to deal with the PQ.
PQ102: cooler's supernova. a lot.
PQ103: see above.
>Cell somehow absorbing Goku with his tail
>Goku just climbs out of it
Jesus Christ Super 17 was full of stupid.
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I love you all.
I hate you
Reminder that the camera will always be shit and it will never be fixed
I love you too
>that fat joke

You thought I was annoying :c
>didn't change the thing
>didn't add the thing
>or the other thing
you're dead to me now Matos
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You're a cool dude, Anon.
>tfw you will never bully the bative girk
>bative girk
where's that one Anon who make those seed planting edits
Maiza is a slut and probably deserves it
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Now you must face Frieza. He has become even stronger after hitting the gym and learning new techniques, gained from training under VAN-sama. Fuck you.
The Big Geti Star enabled me to cheat death. How can this be?!
mystic flash is a crutch
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According to the ending of this trailer, there's gonna be a "Dark Dragonball Kid Buu (Demon God Dabura Absorbed)".

Is that Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan 4?
>Vanishing is a crutch now
Alright ya got me, you clever little memester.
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the RNG is quite real
I can't even count how many times I've played with these setups and I've never had these interactions
Is that Frieza in a fucking gimp suit
Where are her eyes?
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Maiza, fight me sometime during the weekend, pls
Can someone explain Xenoverse to me
From videos I've seen and what I've read, it sounds like an MMO, but also not. It's kinda confusing.
And no other game will ever get any of these new forms.
Heroes is ridiculous fanfiction bullshit, but it's enjoyable fanfiction bullshit. Can't believe it took this long for a Cell what-if though.
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GT Gotenks DOKKAN.png
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That's where you're wrong.
Just no other GOOD game.
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1.44 megabyte feels.gif
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>Be a saiyan
>Have crippling depression
>Want to die
>Can't kill self.
>Try to hang self
>Neck just get's stronger
>Try to shoot self
>Just get stronger
>Try to overdose
>Just get stronger

Being a saiyan is suffering, why won't zeno-sama just let me die?!
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It's an MMO Arena Fighter, think DBO meets Tenkaichi with the controls of Budokai.

It's all about time travel and fixing timelines.
Sounds interesting
Which platform has the largest population, or does it have Crossplay?
>Dragon ball minus.

Wait what? Anon, I think that's tumblr.
Even Dokkan is barely scratching the surface of Heroes' what-ifs though. Have they even had a second event yet, or are they still at a whopping total of like 5 cards?
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i'm not a good fighter.jpg
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Thank you so so much
Nope, only had the one event with adult Gotenks and Janembuu.
Not sure desu, everyone on /dbg/ is either from PS4, XBONE or PC.
GT Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta, Super Pikkon, and Buu (Babidi absorbed) too. So six so far.
So spread out everywhere.
Wonder which platform is on sale the lowest
It's a fighting game with Dragon Ball scenarios and a large hub world.

PC has the largest population but if you're playing with randoms, you'll face the occasional glitcher. PS4 is the next larges. Xbone seems to be the most quiet.

All of them are pretty friendly fellows.
PC has like, only 1000 players left total.

PS4 has more rare Gohans than that.
Do what Goku does. He seems to die a lot.
I was counting the people in /dbg/ rather than entire populations.
>PC has the largest population
u wot?
Don't be fooled by the majority around here playing on PC. The console playerbase is exponentially bigger.
whoever drew that has based it off minus

which makes it irredeemable garbage
>Bardock dying while shouting "KAKAROT"
you double ningen
>Redditz hanging with Vegeta as a kid
Double. Ningen.
Not an argument.
>Trying to cause an argument
Disgusting ningen.
>He doesn't like Gine
SHE'S CUTE, CUTE! Cuter than Note!
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Janembuu is Fusions, not Heroes.

Then again, what-ifs from both Heroes and Fusions do need to appear in other games.

Xenoverse Heroes/Fusions DLC when?
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>Cuter than Note!

You take that back.
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What's it like to be correct at one moment, and then completely wrong at the other?

Note a best.
She's also dead, dead. Deader than Note.
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Note isn't even cute, she's the most basic of basic bitches
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>Assist in Extreme Butoden
>Playable in Fusions
>Playable in Heroes

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I just noticed I don't have the two new emotes, do you have to talk to someone to get them like with Guru?
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You take that back
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I'm not taking that back, Note a shit, Gine a best.
You're not cute!

I hate you, Anon!
used goods
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So how disappointed is everyone with the first DLC?
You should just have them already.
Eh. Could be worse, about what I expected from DIMPS. Which is to say not much at all.
I love you
did you buy the dlc1 or the season pass?
they are not free
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286KB, 766x1143px
>there are 3 of us


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Fight me.
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so is your mom
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teleports behind you.jpg
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Thanks for the reminder that Gohanfag lost

I like Frost and Cabba a ton, but the DLC doesn't feel worth it
With the 'free' DLC that came with it, I'm alright with it.

Personally, I think the Mentors were going to be part of the DLC in the first place and then after the backlash of seeing them already on the disc, they changed their minds.
I mean at least Gine looks like a Saiyan, even if she is boring.
Note just looks like any generic anime character. Shit's boring.
I have 2 fathers, please apologize for being a bigot.
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Probably the truth, whether it was a good or bad idea.

That's what bothers me. I'm fine with the content we got and Frost and Cabba are really fun, but I feel like I got ripped off.
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1MB, 1280x720px
Gohanfag made another bet. They learned nothing.
Just look at XV1's first pack in comparison http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=407374612
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149KB, 1348x764px
>Bardock's hair is short
>Gine's hair is wild but still short
What the fuck happened with Raditz
We don't talk about Raditz.
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236KB, 500x500px
I don't care about it, that's all, I'm not disappointed because it's exactly what I expected, two characters I don't care about that much for an overpriced price of ten dollars. I mean, I actually like Cabba, but it's ten dollars. Pleasantly surprised with the free content, which is better than the DLC, at least for me.
It did get me back in the game, despite completing those 3 PQs in like 30 minutes and doing the mentors challenges in 30 more. I'm having fun despite all, but might or might not drop it sooner or later.

Probably as soon as I realize that I don't have any friends to play with.
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>two fathers
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Do not bully the Raditz
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Is this the biggest discount Xenoverse 2 has seen so far? Kind of interested in picking it up after watching the adventures of a certain buufu.
Holy shit, we really did get ripped off.
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Nah, fuck Raditz.
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I want to hakai this buu

Yeah, while I'm excited to see what they do with Black, Zamasu, Vados and Champa, I can't say I'm too enthusiastic about the future packs
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I'll make more edits, but just tell me what I should do.
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3MB, 540x360px

This guy is a moron, but the blind hatred for "Cheaters" is fucking hilarious.

You know damn well people are gonna cheat these new PQs, they're literally nothing but bullshit.
Wh-hat about Bluegito?
>That last reply on page 1
Can't tell if being sarcastic or legitimately doesn't know what a "Trainer" is.
Oh shit yeah, I forgot he was coming out

I'm slightly less excited because he'll be the only character people choose in ranked
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194KB, 1195x557px
CaC asking Pan what her type is. CaC is Pan's type. Pan denies everything. Could be any CaC, or this one.
How do you dodge dragon fist? I know you're supposed to be able to if you have stam, but even if i vanish it i still get hit
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[confused monkey noises].png
404KB, 787x511px
>Some one saved my pic
but why
because you are like an actual cute version of aubah
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724KB, 1200x675px
better him than my bb Hit any longer
i miss using him :(
Don't get hit by the initial strike.
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fisting mira.jpg
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You accept your fate
You can't online, you're fucked if the dragon ever comes out.
Why don't more people run it then? You can combo into it off regular chains right?
What is it about puddin that her such a shit character? i absolutely hate everything about her.
Because you're a cute.
>Comcast support

Truly the rarest rare
Does anyone actually watch when I stream?
P-post the uncropped pic?
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I'm not saying don't vanish. I'm saying that the majority of people actually use it as a crutch.
>Oh no Im being hit! I know, after he hits me exactly three times I will vanish! Haha I'm a genius!

Every class has parts in their combos where, if vanished during, cannot be countered. But nobody ever stops to think about that, they just mash vanish and run, because up until people started using Flash and Emperors Blast it was a free counterless escape.

It's pointless smashing someone with 2 or more stamina, because they're just going to vanish before you land a hit at the end. These moves are just an answer to that, and there's nothing wrong with them unless you depend on vanish alone to save you.

That being said I feel Flash is too strong, it does too much damage and too much stam damage on block, and as far as I know isn't counterable or even stoppable. I do hope they nerf it soon so people stop bitching about me using it.
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It's perfect for light stamina breaks because of how fast it is
Better hope you have more than 1 bar if you get hit
Maybe the fact that she was originally just a throw-away character for the beta so there was no actual thought behind her other than "rule 63 Dumplin", when Dumplin was already a stale joke before even his own series ended?
>Doesn't know how to wear decent clothes or have a good colour scheme
>Guy who plays her is a total faggot
As someone who used to stream for a /vg/ general this is the WORST question to ask.

Just don't ask and try not to spam it as much, might get driven out like I did.

Just a warning from one to another.
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god hates ningen.png
137KB, 590x618px
edit anon.
try discord next time
why would I go there?
I did it because that pic amused me, Pan is a tsundere and you're a cute.
stop that
>tfw best women hair is already overused by /dbg/ whores
>best woman hair
>boring as shit straight hair

The mohawk is the best female hair
Only CaC that uses the best haircut is Valentine
she pulls it off well tb.h
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62KB, 260x200px
> tfw I've spent like an hour trying to make a male that looks decent, but the human/sayan hairs are garbage because they're all from primary characters so you just end up looking like whoever's hair it is forgot to dye it.
wear a hat
stop having shit taste
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177KB, 1273x848px
What the fuck
who is that new dude
He's a god too?
Demon avatar
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Cute. Actually wanted the reverse, but this works even better.
Looks more like a kid version of Demigra.
I only asked because I'm not sure if I just waste bandwidth for nothing since I have month-lee cap
>He has an ISP that intentionally limits your data and probably overcharges for it too.

I feel so sorry for you.
well I'm not the one paying for internet, but I'm stuck with basic internet Cogeco
How are secret poison and impulse slash? worth a buy?

Just don't think to much about it, I use Jeice's and Satan's for some presets inspired by the 80's and I think they fit enough to not resemble the original characters.

Since time travel is an easy explanation for Towa's return, would you want to see her return somehow?

Perhaps for a redemption arc?
a redemption with my dick
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Demon God Dabura.jpg
105KB, 1267x950px
Demon God Dabura
>a redemption arc?
No, she was evil, it wasn't "I just want X" kind of evil either, she was evil to the core and only cared about herself and Mira. Redemption arcs should be for characters who could actually be believably redeemed
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Impulse slash is way better than secret poison. shame since secret poison looks cool

Eh, I dunno... when Mira went out of control Towa asks you to help her deal with him 'cause even she didn't want the universe to be destroyed.
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Actually watch the video til the end, I wasn't talking about pic related (who's the Demon Race hero avatar).

I was talking about Demon God Kid Buubura.
No. Not him.
File: head bop.webm (1MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
head bop.webm
1MB, 720x404px
>That fucking head bop
Why is Jaco so cool?
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30KB, 201x199px
Because that also would have killed her, do you remember where you fight Mira for the last time? It's on an Earth that Towa and Mira destroyed, there is no redemption for her.

Hell, Mira was closer to redemption than her
I saw your fuck up, fatty.

Yeah. Admittedly I rather liked Mira. He seemed more a darker shade of grey than pure evil.
I dont understand this one, what's the original
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33KB, 402x70px
the original was posted earlier in this same thread>>163448810
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the masked man.jpg
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Bye 2.jpg
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here >>163448810

I've seen edits of this pic a long time ago
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>over million xp from 84 to 85

can't wait for 90-99 levels
It all makes sense now

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Gohan Panic 1.webm
374KB, 428x316px
This is not fine
I need new reaction images to make more edits
40-Ton Weights exists.
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No fun.jpg
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Not sure if you have this
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53KB, 366x263px
I know
it's just faster to grind the dragon balls
possible I might have it but it's probably lost in unfiltered folders
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43KB, 400x279px
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Be like Fonzie.gif
2MB, 320x240px
Final pose with the sunglasses and the grin is all that's needed.
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Exploitable shock.jpg
239KB, 739x758px
>Still no Season 2
Now I have to make a Kotetsu CaC to keep the pain away.
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This will be useful to you.
>Aubah and Pumki
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69KB, 780x900px
All i got
I want to grab Gohan and pull him under the bed sheets and whisper lewd things to his ear
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151KB, 434x450px
I want to grab Gohan and pull him under a lake and put a lethal amount of water in his lungs
This one, turn it into Aubah
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87KB, 192x197px
Spats or Calamellus
you need to calm down with your rice lust
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cola with the gag glasses
No one say it

Who's gonna do it?
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no ningen allowed.png
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it feels unfinished with no color but I'm a lazy fuck anyway
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i luv ber.jpg
11KB, 250x250px
>no one will ever applaud you for your "skill"
>you won't ever be good at pvp
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54KB, 315x320px
Nah, this one
>Aubah seeing porn of Note
It's great anyway
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Spats already has someone
Calamellus would never do something so lewd to Gohan
Clearly this is the work of Laciem
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I've played dozens of fighters around here. I've beaten and scrapped with the best /dbg/'s PS4nivurse has had to offer, but Oden you humbled me. I'm proud of my performance, and I will learn from our matches to become stronger. I'm taking my ass to the Hercules factory.
I forgot to post this, looks like She fell asleep

>Literally gallons of Turles' semen
>It's Aubah sucking down as much as she can
Here's a thing

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Great Job3.png
3MB, 1920x1080px
Haha, keep up the good work, friend
Nice would post an image but I've already used enough
so that's why snoller wins so often :^)
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Laughing SaiyaGirls.png
322KB, 800x750px
I think that'll be enough from me, I've already added enough to the image limit. Hope you find them useful.
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>that arm crash at the end
what a cheap shitter
I've completely given up on PvP.
I just enjoy seeing how much damage I can crank out in a combo in training mode desu
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ego million chins raptor.jpg
61KB, 631x720px
Why doesn't anyone ask me to fight?
am I really that bad?
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647KB, 1070x928px
He's a good player.
who are you memester?
Could be connection issues.
Everyone's always better than me, I can't get better now matter how hard I try.
I'm light years away
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259KB, 575x675px
>shit player calling another player good
So I want to buy Xenoverse, I just want to ask two things. Is Xenoverse 1 worth buying or is two just an all around better version. Also should I get the deluxe edition or are the dlc not worth it?
>Some literally who rare named after a Kingdom Hearts character talking shit
Just depends on how much time you're willing to put into the game.
These Rares are getting out of hand.
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2MB, 504x283px
>someone literally named after Leeks in japanese to keep up with the name trend talking shit
Two is better in every way. XV1 feels like a slow clunky mess by comparison and the hub world feels very bland.

There will be 4 DLC packs. The current DLC 1 pack isn't worth it. The rest, probably will be. If you're going to get the season pass, get it with the Deluxe. That damn thing never went on sale in XV1.
But I'm not even Oden, I'm Jari. I just think that you seem like some jackass who started shit talking for no particular reason.
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>XV1 worth buying

Hell no, get XV2
riku means a kingdom hearts character in english eat shit weeb
He's my friend.
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72KB, 1200x675px
It's because I'm friends with Oden m8
I'm allowed to shit talk him
also my name is a joke on leek, not Oden
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2MB, 500x281px
Based Jari
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parsa defended.png
3MB, 1920x1080px
Literally the only thing worth getting out of Xenoverse 1 at this point is your own custom patroller showing up in the story

So basically, don't bother with Xenoverse 1. The story will be cooler in 2 if you haven't played the original because it will feel different from a regular DB game.
File: discount hallow.png (1MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
discount hallow.png
1MB, 1280x720px
Right? They're even stealing OUR CaCs!
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my mistake.png
55KB, 166x224px
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ded race
>calling someone a weeb in a japanese fighting game general
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84KB, 600x600px
Thanks guys, getting the deluxe edition of 2 then
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rarest gohan.jpg
492KB, 1920x1080px
Reposting best rare
>dimps nerfs absolute zero
>adds fake blast which is just as good
lol "nice" "game"
Mmmmmm, maybe get the standard instead
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74KB, 960x538px
an english japanese fighting game general

eat shit

>fighting game
Absolute Zero got nerfed?
>implying 90% of the people in this general didn't give their characters shitty japanese names
also my mistake
>calling someone a weeb in an african farming simulator general :^)
File: hahahaha why WHY.jpg (87KB, 366x263px) Image search: [Google]
hahahaha why WHY.jpg
87KB, 366x263px
I'm not sure if you fags are ACTUALLY fighting or not.
>implying 90% of the people in this general didn't give their characters shitty japanese names

alot of people didn't actually
These images are neat, but the vast majority of them are of either Gretski or that hobo
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257KB, 1920x1080px
i just enjoy the shitposting
Are you new?
Are you already in the group chat?
If not, what's your PSN?
Just saw this now. Thanks man. If you want to practice some more later I can help.

Where can I find the Nisei manga with an english translation
The shading is fucking disgusting
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100KB, 1200x675px
been around forever, just never posted much
not in the group chat yet, psn is imakeupoot
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273KB, 1920x1080px
Why does the Ginyu Force live in a laundromat
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558KB, 1920x1080px
>but the vast majority of them are of either Gretski

Yeah. That's true.
Switch it up a bit.
To make sure the uniforms are always clean when they go out for duty. They take personal hygiene VERY seriously. They even brush and floss three times a day!
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fisted anemone.jpg
684KB, 1920x1080px
Can't speak for other systems, but the Xbox crowd fight a lot
that's not what I meant
Why don't you?
I sent you a request so I could add you to the group chat, if you'd like to join that is.
sorry i just like punching/haven't been paying too much attention to the thread
Properly posing all day makes them all sweaty, they pose in their for convenience
Why? Is the dlc bad?
It's underwhelming
Citrine for a change.
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532KB, 836x395px
Ignore him, do what you want.
oh jeez
cute slut
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420KB, 1920x1080px
>Get an idea for a CaC
>Fairly obscure, surely no one has done it already
>See this
So this is the power of Rares.
>Citrine is a narcoleptic

I'm okay with this.
I am not them. They are probably not okay with this.
make her eyes look opposite directions
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350KB, 640x480px
Well, it would explain why her son can go Super Saiyan.
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But she's so adorable.
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...I picked the wrong name.
Hallow is a better name.
Hallow a shit
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428KB, 1270x716px
Hallows a fucking great name, to hell with that rare
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val and gallons of semen.jpg
78KB, 480x480px
Who does Pan have a mentor scene with? Just maxed her out.
She doesn't even have spooky eye holes.
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Night /dbg/
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Greatjob 2.png
572KB, 660x923px
Good night parsa
future gohan
Hallow was a mistake. The rest of you are cool though.
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273KB, 1920x1080px
I took the picture a little late.
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Sleep tight
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I made a preset specifically to mess around with you, and you go and give me an actual fight :(
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2MB, 400x300px
I'm sorry! Didn't know!
Thread posts: 685
Thread images: 251

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