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/dsg/ - Demon's and Dark Souls General

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Thread replies: 815
Thread images: 162

Chaos is Strong Edition

Old dying Flame: >>161577478

>Character Planner







>Community & Fanart

Praise Chaos
I really like Dark souls 3. It's one of the best entries in the series.
fuck video games
S tier - Weapons that are so good, you can reliably beat absolutely anything you encounter in the game, even if they are better than you. Mastering these weapons makes you an unfun nightmare to fight against.
Carthus Curved Sword
Follower Saber
Washing Pole
Gargoyle Flame Spear
A tier - Extremely useful weapons that either have an excellent gimmick to them, or are typically the most damaging or most efficient version of the weapon in its class.
Gotthard Twinswords
Dark Sword
Onikiri and Ubadachi
Ricard's Rapier
Irithyll Rapier
Chaos Blade
Lothric Knight Sword
Barbed Straight Sword
Onyx Greatsword
Hollowslayer Greatsword
Dragonslayer Spear
Red Hilted Halberd
Anri's Straight Sword (on a Quality hollow build only)
Sunlight Straight Sword
Crow Quills
B tier - Mostly solid weapons that may not be the best in their class, but can still easily take care of most players. Often these are weapons with the same movesets as higher tier classes, but with less range or damage, or they might be some of the best weapons in classes that aren't as effective.
Storm Curved Sword
Friede's Great Scythe
Drakeblood Greatsword (Buffed with DMB)
Pontiff Knight Curved Sword
Sellsword Twinblades
Warden Twinblades
Carthus Shotel
Gundyr's Halberd
Corvian Greatknife
Dragonslayer Swordspear
Immolation Tinder
Astora Straight Sword
Irithyll Straight Sword
Morion Blade
Moonlight Greatsword
Greatsword of Judgement (v1.09)
Wolf Knight's Greatsword
Twin Prince's Greatsword
Black Knight Sword
Thrall Axe
Drang Twinspears
Yhorm's Great Machete
Heysel Pick
Lothric's Holy Sword
It's in the top 5 for sure
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It is good but probably my least favorite. Depends on what you want out of each game really. Has some great music and art design. Bosses are a mixed bag but the good ones are REALLY good. Pic related.
Definitely top five.

C tier - Weapons here are generally still somewhat decent, but start relying more on the opponent to make a mistake rather than you outplaying them. Also here are weaker versions of higher tier weapons in the same class.
Winged Knight Halberd
Black Knight Glaive
Crescent Axe
Black Blade
Exile Greatsword
Earth Seeker
Astora Greatsword
Old Wolf Curved Sword
Carthus Curved Greatsword
Crystal Sage's Rapier
Bastard Sword
Firelink Greatsword
Executioner's Greatword
Millwood Battle Axe
Battle Axe
Hand Axe
Brigand Axe
Dragonslayer's Axe
Butcher Knife
Man Serpent Hatchet
Great Machete
Black Knight Greataxe
Morning Star
Drang Hammers
Reinforced Club
Great Club
Arstor's Spear
Winged Spear
Four-Pronged Plow
Lothric Knight Long Spear
Great Corvian Scythe
Witch's Locks
Farron Greatsword
Follower's Javelin
Wolnir's Holy Sword (v1.09)

D-tier - These weapons either lack hyper armor, speed, damage, range, or something else significant which makes them fairly trivial against a good player. Most "Great Weapons" and Daggers fall under this category. There are a few weapons in better classes that are relegated here due to abysmal range or split / poor damage.
Crow Talons
Follower Torch
Fume Ultra Greatsword
Profaned Greatsword
Cathedral Knight Greatsword
Black Knight Greatsword
Lorian's Greatsword
Lothric Knight Greatsword
Crescent Moon Sword
Dancer's Enchanted Swords
Painting Guardian's Curved Sword
Rotten Ghru Curved Sword
Winged Knight Twinaxes
Dragonslayer Greataxe
Demon's Greataxe
Blacksmith Hammer
Gargoyle Flame Hammer
Great Mace
Large Club
Vordt's Great Hammer
Morne's Great Hammer
Smough's Great Hammer
Old King's Great Hammer
Quakestone Hammer
Dragon Tooth
Spiked Mace
Demon's Fist
Manikin Claws
Tailbone Spear
Great Scythe
Pontiff Knight Great Scythe
Notched Whip
Spotted Whip
Parrying Dagger
Mail Breaker
Bandit's Knife
Rotten Ghru Dagger
Handmaid's Dagger
Tailbone Short Sword
Brigand Twindaggers
Storm Ruler
Rose of Ariandel
E-tier - These weapons sort of make no sense why they are so bad. A lot of them fall victim to split damage, or just having simply less damage than similar weapons for absolutely no reason. There is almost always an alternative, extremely similar weapon that is better.
Cleric's Candlestick
Broken Straight Sword
Scholar's Candlestick
Drakeblood Greatsword (unbuffed)
Dark Hand
Soldering Iron
Yorshka's Spear
Golden Ritual Spear
Saint Bident
Great Wooden Hammer
What's the best and most stat efficient Greatsword for mid'ish level invasions (SL60-70~)? I assume you primarily want a single stat weapon at that range, no idea though as I've pretty much just done SL100 and above invasions since the game dropped. Please respond.
>tfw the only weapons you've ever used are C tier or below
Why do the coolest weapons always have to suck?
Nth for 'ourguy' Scott King Jundifer finally returning home to dsg and that him and his legions of fans will restore this general to its glory days
Where do I go after Yhorm? Haven't played the game since release.
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Who keeps making them tiny as fuck and shit quality?
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Can anyone help me find Lucatiel in Black Gulch.

I keep seeing videos of people on SoTF jumping down to a ledge but all I can see is the Darkdiver Grandahl ledge with the giant ledge below it.
Would this work?
Why is split damage bad?
Because it goes through 2 different defenses, making the damage even lower than regular physical damage
The edge that loops around to Lucatiel is much earlier in the area. A torch would help.
>Napkin armor

Found it thanks.

Looked really similar to the bit before the giant ledge in all the videos.
How do we fix this without making elemental weapons inherently better?
Or would this, with a bugged fire buff, work better?
>/r/DarkSouls3 is in flames and they're eating each other alive
I would say good riddance but I'm worried they'll come here.
>actually doing anything in DaS 3
Might as well fight naked honestly. Miyazaki only wants you using straight swords and ninjaflips, no items, final destination.
How do you know this? Were you on r*ddit?
Please go back to your website.
There's really nowhere else you COULD go.

I had trouble finding the Propaned Capital and I was left wandering around the Irithyll after killing Aldrich and not knowing where to go lol.
So I have to go back to Irithyll now, which bonfire? Looks like I didn't finish it, I got the Abyss Watchers though.
Word gets around. Especially when you have normie friends.
You have r*ddit friends? Please leave this website and go join them.
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About time the thread showed up.

How are we today boys?

What are the most active pvp meta SL's now?
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Oh, so you're just shitposting.
With this new resin bug I can finally make a right and honourable Paladin.

610 damage with 422 of it being pure lightning.

My penis tingles in readiness. Hopefully this doesn't get patched out by the time I can start playing properly again.
>fight some dude who uses a greatsword in the arena repeatedly
>I use a dragonslayer greataxe, fashion souls armor and a rose of ariandel for beating shitters over the head because it's funny
>destroy him every time because he rushes up to me while I'm buffing every time and then tries to trade with a dragonslayer greataxe
>eventually he starts just pulling the plug before dying

>1 new comment
>he calls me a meta shitter

Did I miss something or are greataxes on a str/faith build meta territory now? Genuinely curious because I haven't been paying attention to fotm whims and never have
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Already here shitlords and you can't do anything about it. You'll just have to deal with it ^_^
Distant Manor, then backtrack to the canal and go to the sewers.
>Go back to your website
>your website

Holy shit this mentality. I bet you proudly tell people on the internet you're from 4chan, you fucking degenerate.

I don't participate in the community on Reddit but I browse it for news and content. It's one of the best websites on the internet for doing this (it's great for porn too), it's literally a link/news aggregator. Just avoid the 'community', like YouTube.
You just outed yourself as a r*dditor one post prior to this. Please leave this website before you are forcefully removed.
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Fuck off.
>it's great for porn too
tl;dr me
No, I don't go to any other websites.
>I browse r*ddit
Yes. This makes you a r*dditor. Now please be understanding of the local culture and leave this website. Your kind isn't welcome here. I know you "people" are trying to co-opt this place as we speak but your people simply aren't allowed here.
I'll even help you, here. Follow this link, it'll take you back home - https://www.reddit.com/
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I see I've been rused, here's your (you)
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How can he keep getting away with it?
>Reddit but I browse it
stopped reading right there
leave the thread and preferably the site too.
>I don't go on a website because anon told me not to
>doesn't even know how to use this website

You should probably just kill yourself
Stop posting here if you think this. Honestly, just save yourself the burden. Your kind isn't liked here and you should leave. If you don't comply within 5 minutes you will be forcefully removed from the premises.
but no one told me to. i just see a lot of shit quality immigrants (just like yourself) coming from there and made an observation based on it
>doesn't even know how to use this website
why would i know how to use a shitty """"""website"""""" like reddit?
>Actually falling for a meme this hard
90% of the people who tell people to fuck off to reddit browse it themselves
Even you maybe?!?
The people who post them on other websites that don't support webm/have a normie userbase too fucking retarded to use a webm compatible browser
Let people buff elemental weapons again.
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Still going at DC3 with a shitty laptop.
Suprised at the new mechanics in the game like each weapon has a special attack. just found that out, I also feel like backstabbing is possible now where when i played DS2 it felt like a nightmare
currently rocking a +2 raw shortsword.
Who /roddit/ hre?
I would like to see some stats on that one, somehow I don't believe this bullshit. How did you calculate this?
>browse it themselves
Never been to that website. I don't think it is possible to browse a website without actually visiting it.
Protip newfriend, you link to other posts by >>
not when responding to literal trash
we use a designated symbol for that which is @
but you wouldn't know since you are a newcomer from the website reddit.com

Jesus Christ.

391 pure dark damage(On the hammers, spears are 396) with a human pine resin bug-buff. Which, in the case of the twin-spears, is actually more than its 40/40 refined physical damage.

These would do ludicrous damage.
>Screen Shot
>Jesus Christ.
>Actually falling for a meme this hard
Actually falling for the "falling for the" meme
fuck off back to /r/darksouls3
>My penis tingles in readiness
There is no way in hell this isn't directly copied from reddit. Please go back to r*ddit or wherever you came from.
And how the fuck do you intend to healbuff without spell slots, tard?
I'm playing DS3 for the first time in 6 months and it's more fun than I remember. Low level invasions are a blast. Intend to play the DLC too when does that area unlock?
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>what are ringswaps
Who is the manlet?
>fuck off back to /r/darksouls3
Can't, I was banned xD
I don't care, just go back there and stare at the screen or whatever
just don't bring your disease over here
>Attuning spells after every fight just to abuse a bug
lol whatever have fun my man
Or what?
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or im going to physically rape you and remove you from the thread myself
>some youtube/pro gayming fedora shit
go back to where you belong
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Do it.
r/darksouls is a shit show at the moment so I'm browsing here.

Anyway, here's my healbuff build. Rate it guys!
>""""""people"""""" in this thread openly admit to being redditors
so has the infection spread this far?
Woops, forgot the picture.
Cool. Still go back since we don't accept your kind here
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praise the sun XD
I love this hardcore game....
just like the old retro gaming days
Why does Miyazaki hate armor and magic now?
Damn Miyazaki for falling for the "DS2 did nothing right" meme.
Can you get a shield if you use the +2 havel ring?
cuz it isn't hahdcoh...
praise the sun xD
prepare to die!
Mid and high level invasions still suck sadly. Low level is where it's at.
lol his face doesn't match the voice.
And who is the other dude?
Low level invasions are literally the only thing worth shit in this game's pvp now. Especially if you are on PC, where the meta levels are infested with cheaters.

>calle calle
What the fuck?
Because "muh fast-paced combat".

Miyazaki got stuck in a rut after BB.
Why are redditors hated here? What if I just browse some subs? Can I still post here?
What happened to that guy? I loved watching him play 2. He was quite good at dueling without being an annoying piece of shit like other fags.
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>be clearing water reserve
>pop seed of giant tree
>he kills enough mobs to make me about 8k souls then dies to them
It's not that fast paced unless someone gets stunlocked from constant R1's in a corner or something. Estus is too good and iframes too crazy. DaS1 and even DaS 2 fights lasted less time for me.
He hates DaS2.
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>he needs giant seeds to survive the weakest invasions in the series
Idk. I post here I just don't tell everyone I'm from their
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>millwood greatbow +1 on high wall
>almost 400 pure physical AR
From makes a lot of their worst decisions when listening to the community, that's why we don't have tail cuts anymore and why so much stuff got nerfed to shit late in DS2's life and why so much of DS3 is just "hey guys remember Dark Souls 1?"
Yeah I seriously don't get why people touted DS3 and BB to a lesser extent as "more fastpaced"

It just turns into a long ass shitfest of dodge spams and heal spamming. I mean, atleast in BB you had some tools to prevent that, but I'm absolutely baffled anyone would consider DS3 more fastpaced than the other titles. Fights are longer and more passive than ever
>Frosty hates 2
He played a fucklot for someone who hates it.
me too
Gamers are mentally ill.
>"""""hates""""" game
>play game for 1.1k hours
Or are you masochist? Are you one of those dude who enjoy CBT and pegging too?
It's not about "needing" the seed, but rather the fun of it. Invasions are there because it's fun to be a dick to another player and the seed is there because it's fun to be a dick to the invader.

DS3 has the BEST invasions in the series due to how chaotic the battlefield can become.
>DS3 has the BEST invasions in the series due to how chaotic the battlefield can become.
>Invasions are there because it's fun to be a dick to another player and the seed is there because it's fun to be a dick to the invader.


Orb fondlers don't have a monopoly on dickery.
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Anybody wanna join my run through Cathedral?
I'm on PC at Cleansing Chapel bonfire.

I'll wait about 10 minutes before starting up and checking for signs. Pass is dsg
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Are you the butthurt dickwraith who made this little montage by any chance?
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OK, posting more of the high quality ones I've made.
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The only enjoyment i could get out of DS2 was turtling on the arena, anon.
I've just turned on chill music and harvested assmad from other players. Streamers disconnecting, players turning on cheats against me, it was adorable. Doesn't really change my overall view on DS2 as a complete and utter failure though. And i gave it enough chances.
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Yeah you are not going to convince me, faggot.
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Since we're going with filenames...
>DS3 has the BEST invasions in the series due to how chaotic the battlefield can become.
only applies to grapes really.
One of my favs :D
If anyone pointed me to video source I could make a not-shit webm of it.
Might as well just call them sunfags
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>One of my favs :D
And you did that for over a thousand hours. You're either mentally ill or memeing.
I've noticed Aldritch Faithful behaving that way a lot. It's weird.
CEing estus upgrades any safe? (Offline ofc)
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poor babies, i wonder if majority of them played in ds1 or if that game is too mean for them
>needing a crutch to kill new players
>not purposefully nerfing yourself and creating fun builds to make killing them more satisfying
git gud, scrub
>le true dark souls experience
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but i'm using a fun build
For the record. On a minmaxed armored, quality built follower's saber build, a successfully landed L1 would do 399.91 damage. So give or take 30 and you've got some pretty decent damage. However. Standard buffed 40/40 refined hammers do 435 give or take 30.

The healbuffed dark twinspears, on the other hand do 395(+/- 30) per L1, whereas the normally buffed quality twinspears only 308.

So yeah. The healbuffing, you could argue, isn't actually THAT unbalanced, especially considering you have to be a fairly dedicated "elemental weapons" user. For these two twin weapons, at least.

Only a Caestus.
So did Peeve and he was one of the first to voice his opinion against it.
>Enter arena
>Walk a little forward
>Notice my opponent is applying healbuff
>Throw Duel Charm
>His entire gimmick is now nullified
lmao buff fags
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>a true Dark Souls experience
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I've been able to run dark souls 1 and 2 perfectly but Dark Souls 3 lags out and has the worlds shittiest frame rate. I feel like I've tried everything and it won't work. I'm fucking angry.

Any tips?

Also CrossBreed Best Breed.
Don't play on a potato?
Lowering setting doesn't do shit. You can try changing resolution.
This summarizes the whole community. Everybody thinks they're better than they actually are lmao
I don't that's the thing. My laptops a bit of a potato but it runs most games just fine.

My computer isn't/shouldn't be. It runs most games on high quality, has run dark souls 1&2 perfectly fine, has run shit like remastered darksiders and skies rim just fine. But it just refuses to run dark souls 3
DaS1/2 can be run on a calculator, so that's irrelevant. At least post specs you fucking autist
>My laptops a bit of a potato but it runs most games just fine.
Build a pc
>make anti twink
>keep trying to get invaded by dsg so I can joke about it
>waste hours fighting invaders and you never show up
Considering that he appears to have put up a decent fight against someone with better gear and better sips and more sips he's probably not wrong.
>put up a decent fight

How do you know?
>make anti twink

Mind if I ask what you're using?

I'm thinking of making a lvl 20 dude with an Astora greatsword and caestus and hornet ring so I can counter shittery with my own shittery and not worry about getting parried if I'm 2handing my weapon.
Core is i7 4790k @ 4GHz
I fell for the Gx Titan shill and got the Titan x 12G
I tel SSD 750 for drivers
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The pic that Anon posted.

If it's from that fight then the invader was knocked down to 7 sips from what I'd guess was max since I don't see blue estus, and they're +10 to boot. He appears to be wearing the calamity ring but that doesn't mean much when the world master likely only needs to get poisoned to lose since most people can't cure poison that early.

>a true dark souls experience
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Twinks invade upwards, I don't like sharing my builds (and this one is porposefully unoptimised anyway) but here's how I'd make one with AGS for HW. You could go even higher for swamp.
Since most twinks have low SLs, I'd reccomend SL 30, which can be invaded by anyone at 9. You can also use +4 weapons since they'll be at +2.
I also suggest having many rings to swap, like sun princess, priestess for RAW ass and so on and am not sure if infused works better than raw for AGS at low SLs, since I'm not a fan of the weapon.

>doesn't even know the maximun sips an invader can have is 7
You don't invade much, do you?
He's using regen but the host likely got his shit pushed in, whether it was because the build or not, he only sipped if a phantom died before.
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Those fucking fools on the outside
>maximun sips an invader can have is 7

Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

Well nevermind, that dude sucked it up.
Onlyafro is cute!

Cute! Cute! Cute!
>actually posted footage of him dressed up as a cute girl

The absolute madman.
our guy?
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per month

>not sure if infused works better than raw for AGS at low SLs

It does, even at min stats for 1h use the AGS gets more damage from refined than raw. Your build looks pretty much the same as what I had planned, but it's nice to know I can go higher than I thought. I'll dick around at 30 for a while and see if I want to go up, thanks Anon.
I meant specifically at lower upgrade levels, some weapons only get better scaling than raw after certain amounts. But I don't use it again, so good luck.
Don't summon people though, this is just for bullying shitter twinks
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He earned it desu.
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Had it not been for the laws of these lands I would have slaughtered you.
duel charming 3buff fags is fun

sometimes they'll just stand still or clap while you kill them. best arena fights.
>the true dark souls experience is an autist min/maxing his gay twink build to endlessly fight clueless opponents

Checks out.
this is how gankers are made

how horrifying
>tfw so tired that you can't sleep and too much of a coward to just end your suffering
If you shit enough that you can't make an anti twink and beat twinks solo and resort to ganking, then you deserved it
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ITT: salty babs that received the "true dark souls experience" in DaS1
dont sleep then

stay awake until you're truly tired
>DaS: hexes are downright overpowered
>DaS2: hexes are very viable and incredibly varied and fun to use
Hey guys, I'm doing a 40 dex 30 int/ fai dex/pyro build, thinking of using the crow quills when i can get them, would the best infusion be sharp? Or chaos?
>I meant specifically at lower upgrade levels

Me too, the AGS has insanely good scaling.
Chaos and Dark both give 413 AR, but that's split damage. Sharp gives 388.
there's no hexes in ds1 or 3
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How hard am I going to get my ass beat in the painted world of ariandel at SL29? I'm playing this blind and followed a linear(?) path to here. The first two guys that jumped me were strong as fuck.
i bet its infinite humanity
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You're a good sixty levels below the "recommended" for that area, anon. You should ignore it for now.
It's for ~70SL characters, so it might be hard without heavily upgraded weapons.

Come back at SL60 with a +6 weapon.
I heard this game is based on the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion. Is this true?
100% clearable with a +4 weapon, but you won't kill any bosses
Just avoid the dangerous stuff like crabs of talon corvians and gather your weapons/titanite
So technically sharp will end up doing more damage? I'm using a sharp estoc atm.
Yes, that is true, here's the opening of the first dark souls game.
I assume Sharp is your best bet at 40 DEX, yes.
How did they get away with that? I'm sure something in there must be copyrighted.
Are you sure you aren't joking?
Awesome, thanks m8

it's a CE'd to fuck stack of cracked red eye orbs, whenever i invaded with them, it displays as ?goodsname? during the invasion

im not actually sure how this occured, but it results in infinite cracked red eye orbs since the game doesnt take from the stack when its ?goodsname?
Does having a higher int/fai increase the damage of carthus flame arc?
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>$2000 gpu
Dude what the fuck
>pay thousands of dollards in pc
>can't even play das3

Affected by fire bonus. So yes, Int and Faith affect it, but not much. Fire bonus is mostly dependent on your flame's level. Also affected by the great swamp ring and witch's ring. And Flame Clutch Ring, of course.
>Also affected by the great swamp ring and witch's ring
That's a lie

What happens when you try and run Dark Souls 3?
>My CPU is worse and I got my card for 1/10 the price
>DkS3 runs perfectly fine
Should I 1H or 2H scythes?

Weapon Art seems good, but 1-handed moveset has better R2s and running R1s. The regular R1s seem about the same.

Unless you really want to parry, just grab one of the shields which allow you to use weapon arts. Bam, access to weapon arts while one handing.
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>any tips
Decrease resolution. The other graphics settings don't have any impact on performance. My friend has kind of toaster too, and doing that helped him, dunno if it'll help you.

>tfw stuck on the Xbone that has a guaranteed performance, but the worst selection of Souls games

If you're a fan of the Souls games, just don't play on the PC, period. I mean, if it works out for you great, you can get 60 fps but it's such a crapshoot whether ds3 works for you or not. The nips can't optimize for shit.
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We don't talk enough about this.

Basically, you're wandering around Irithyll and you find a severed hand covered in shit. Your first thought? "Imma bring that to that shopkeeper!" You do, and from then on, she sells you shit.

Literal shit. Toxic shit at that.

So, my guess is she fucking ate it and now she has explosive diarrhea and we buy that shit off her. This is messed up.
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Miyazaki has a poo fetish.
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>guaranteed performance
>900p sub 30fps with frequent drops below
>a lie
I thought those two rings were basically required for pyromancers?
rings don't affect buffs
It's a metaphor for Dark Souls 3
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If Friede wants to keep the Painting as it is and not let it burn away, but the girl painter's job is to make a new painting, a new world, for when Ariandel's burns away, then why is Friede tolerating the girl painter?

I mean, initially she locks her up and have Vilhelm guard her, but after you free her she just accepts her? Friede is literally letting the girl stay in her chapel, a few meters away from her, to paint. Why?
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>Bring maiden draeamchaser ashes
"lmao you dumb unkindled wtf are you doing haha nigga you dumb where the fuck did you get this???"
>Bring maiden ashes literally covered in shit and reeking of poo in the loo
"everything seems in order here thank you ashen one"
Oh gotcha, thanks for the tip.
I didn't say it was good, but the performance can't totally shit itself like on the PC. You can't get the silky smooth fps like a good pc can, but at least you're guaranteed to not get totally fucked over.

From can't optimize for shit, this is why you get the fps dropping to single digits in StoneFang tunnel in Demon's Souls when you kill a single level enemy.
>tfw this is all dung pie builds need to be OP as shit
Because the girl can't die.
>now that you killed her best knight, you are a considerable threat
>do everything in her power to persuade you to leave the painting without fighting
He's talking about the painter girl.
And I killed the painter girl just fine too.
Then instant regret when she didn't drop anything.
Is there a list of good pyromancies somewhere? So far all ive seen recommended is the great chaos fire one and carthus flame arc.
If a samurai was gonna use a spear from das3, which spear would it be?
Fire Surge to be maximum cancer and annoying
Black Serpent
Black Flame
Painter girl is immortal. She can probably lock her up again but it won't achieve anything as long as you're in the world.
chaos bed vestiges / great chaos fire orb
black flame
black serpent
fire surge
boulder heave
rest is trash
Dreamashers' ashes are from someone related to her so it's reasonable that she breaks character and shows some empathy towards it.
>ashes literally covered in shit
Of course she doesn't give a damn, you're the one who brought them so she's inclined to believe you have some use for shit.
Friede is most likely aware that you freed the painter girl meaning you killed Vilhem and by association allied to the painter girl. Harming the girl means directly provoking you so she lets her be since you two are both on an equal playing field. The whole reason why she tells you to return and Vilhem tells you to fuck off is because they're afraid of what you are capable of since you ""accidently slipped" into the painting.
Game's dead
Anyone that can help at oceiros PS4?
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>they're afraid of what you are capable of since you ""accidently slipped" into the painting.
Yeah, I could accidentally slip into a few more places I'm not welcome in to if you know what I'm sayin'
>having trouble with the retard dragon
Fire surge is a must-have DPS spell that lets you attack from a safe distance over time. Black flame and black serpent for close range trades and mid range harass, respectively. Nukes are vestiges, the quick ranged attack in your arsenal while chaos fo is the tactical grenade that's viable in certain situations. Those are essential and common spells all pyros should be aware of, everything else can be experimented.
@Fog gate
dont underestimate tard strength
>jellied thorn sword
>vordt but quick and long attacks
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Please respond. I do not want to use a shield.

Does anyone know if the regular R1s are better 1H or 2H? They seem about the same but the hitboxes may be deceiving.


Estoc is still considered S tier? Even after the attack speed got nerfed to shit?

How? I almost never see estocs anymore.
>skipping the first part of a weapon art.

Does anyone know how to do this?
Why does everyone who uses that helmet likes clap gesture so much?
>playing DaS3 on PC no problems for months
>start playing today with a friend, summoning him causes frame rate to drop and knock me offline
>lower lighting quality and resolution
>DaS3 now only CTD

But my other steam games don't work either. Computers are retarded
Is this the most cancerous thing I can do for bleed build?
just me or is the narrator for dark souls 1 pretty, well, bad?
just you
pretty, well, or bad?
which one is it?
are you for real? Oceiros is the easiest boss in the game not counting tutorial gundyr and the gimmicks that are deacons yhorm and wyvern
just you faggot

hang yourself
Can you explain how going through two defenses makes it lower? Assuming the enemy has the same physical defense as that elemental defense, wouldn't it do the same as if the damage was only going through one defense?

In fact, if an enemy is more resistant to physical damage than the element in question, wouldn't split damage do more by going through two defenses?

I might be totally misunderstanding how it checks defenses here.
it goes from pretty in the opening, to well, and then to bad. She's sort of like Shatner in that she's really bad at deliveries. I'm guessing they wanted it like that but it just sounds so off
its basic mathematics dude. say a dude has

50 phys defense
10 elemental defense

so with 100 phys damage you do 50 pure for the sake of making it easy, if you do 100 damage but 20 of that is in elemental you do 30 damage from the phys but only 10 from the elemental making it 40 damage total
But elemetal damage is always higher.
you could min max it a bit more by taking your luck down to 28 and redistributing the points. Luck, in regards to bleed builds, IIRC has one of the hardest caps and diminishing returns at 38 so the 2 point difference is incredibly negligible

That being said it would also allow you to swap out the milk ring for something that might benefit you more

Unless mugen monkey factors in the +10 luck from your slabbed hollow main and off hand.
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not that dude you replied to but as soon as I see someone using a certain element I equip armor with the most resistance of that type

Don't go for elemental weapons they're bad
Does the dragonslayer helm actually work with any other armor besides the full set? I cant fuck with it right now but I kind of hope it might sit more normally with Shivas chest piece
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>katanas with poise
DaS1 was a mistake
Nobody does that. Count how many people use bug pellets or similar

There are a few exceptions though.
a beautiful mistake

poise is cool
Does this thread accept all kinds of posters in it?
honestly I think that thrusting swords are always going to be a good option, but I think as far as rapiers go in das3 there might be better options at this point,

I don't know that for sure because im not a huge fan of rapiers
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What's this question? We can't really moderate anything ourselves so unless you break the board rules, there's not much we could do.
I do, play to win.
I only accept people who have completed no summon challenge run.
I have some Jewish blood in my so I was just wondering if it was okay to post here.
Well, I have completed these games without summoning anyone. So you accept me?
>I have some Jewish blood in my so I was just wondering if it was okay to post here.
I'm laughing but I don't really know why
yes this is a Jewish friendly zone.
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>I have some Jewish blood in my
>come off a das1 run with a buddy
>tell him he should try das3 again becuase of all the fairly recent adjustments that he might like
>explain that poise was buffed and actually seems to be a somewhat more significant factor with weapons that benefit from HA or WA that benefit from HA
>gets pissed at the high wall because he cant poise through attacks with a ss
>no anon, it needs to be a weapon with HA or a WA that benefits from HA, try the claymore and 2h it
>gets pissed and tells me poise is worthless and so are great swords
>sends me a clip of him getting stunlocked into oblivion by the lothric knight and thief just below the tower bonfire
>hes 1h the claymore

poise is cool, but I think it spoiled some people
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>yfw Priscilla and Solaire are still alive and Solaire is the final boss of the DLC 2
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>want pale pine resin for early game invasions
>it's all the way in fucking Irithyll Dungeon
I'm not good enough at this game for twinking.
Do you have any source on that? Because I'm pretty sure luck caps on 40.
yes it did. I could feel myself getting dumber by just tanking mob attacks a while back.
Human pine resin is better in every conceivable way unless you're using the Drakeblood GS
>only have to beat Vordt, Sage, Deacons, Anus Watchers and Wolnir
How fucking bad are you?
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Unfriendly reminder that the comics are canon now that Bamco solely owns the franchise.

Why would you ever use Pale Pine Resin when Human Pine Resin exists?

Also if you're twinking you have to get down there anyway for the Undead Bone Shard & Estus Shards.

Step it up nigga
I don't know either...
Didn't know he was Jewish too
>that fugly chainmail
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>I have some Jewish blood in my so I was just wondering if it was okay to post here.

Then you probably won't like this game.
It would be for glitch buffing dancer's swords, so making it a 4 way damage split seems like a bad idea. Though now that I think about it I can just use Charcoal Pine Resin, guess I'm retarded.
Just use a mule, it's what most people do. It's what I do anyway, just keep your original save in a separate folder.
Dat sun is mad af yo
I don't have anything against Hitler (except his economic policies) and the supposed "holocaust" though. Some people just don't like my ethnicity for whatever reason.
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>he thinks I give a shit about what's "canon" outside of the games
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Invasion level/weapon level for High Wall?
SL10-20 and +1.

You say that now. Until it makes it into the games.
Shitters will complain about anything, people on dsg complained about some anon bringing an harpe to the fc
From aren't with Bamco anymore. They're with Kadokawa and the *DARK SOULS* series is effectively dead. They might make a total abortion of a game without From Software, but the Dark Souls series by From is finished. I'll still buy a Dark Souls 4 by Bamco because I literally can't stop eating shit if it has the Souls brand on it.
Is the profaned greatsword worth using?

Is the profaned greatsword worth using at SL36 with knight's ring and just base requirements at +2?
honestly I heard it here several times, but after looking at mugen it doesnt account for the +10 to luck with slabbed hollow main/offhand, but it appears to factor into the AR of the weapons


I will try to find a creditable source though
I was recently called a tryhard for using Morne's Hammer. It's not my fault everyone is retarded and tries to trade with its weapon art
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Also, From are pretty pissed about Bamco's way of handling the i.p so it's unlikely they'll ever return to them. As much as it pisses me to admit as a Microcuck playing on the Xbone / PC, I honestly think From should consider making another Sony/PS4 exclusive and then putting the whatever team handled DS3 to make a multiplat game.

From achieved greatness twice with Sony / Japan Studio and I'd hate them to be forever held back by mediocrity.
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Only thing you can do is collect the sweet fanmail and imagine them fulminating behind their screen
Which game has the best PvE? I'm think DeS or DaS2
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Up to you.

A heavy flamberge with the same stats only does 20 less damage. Add a resin buff to that and you're swinging equal.

This is assuming you're two handing both.
>Which game has the best PvE?

Haven't played BB, but out of the Souls series, DS1 or 3.

>DeS / DaS 2
Those games have the most replayability, but the easiest bosses.

Is there any place on the internet where you can look up how much damage weapons do with certain stats? Mugenmonkey doesn't help because it always assumes everything is +10 when I'm working with +4 here.

Is flamberge really better than say, claymore or hollowslayer or some shit? I want something with HA leo ring pokes.
Do all darkdrift's pierce shields or only WA?
*darkdrift's attacks.
Dark Souls 1 has the easiest bosses.
No other game in the series has bosses where I can equip 3/4 havel armor and tank the fuck out of them while mashing R1 or chugging whenever.
Wikidot wiki is good for looking up the base AR of various upgrade levels.
I think it only goes through shields on normal attacks a little. full damage on wa.
All of its attacks do a small amount of chip damage through shields. It's not much, though.

Katanas are too slow to safely mash into a lothric knight shield so the shield piercing doesn't accomplish much except let you slowly apply attrition to a turtle via running attack pokes.

No I mean I want to know how much my stats affect the AR at different upgrade levels. Mugenmonkey does this but only at +10.

>No other game in the series has bosses where I can equip 3/4 havel armor and tank the fuck out of them while mashing R1 or chugging whenever.

Just shoot Soul Ray / Firestorm at them until they die

Flame Swathe shit up

Stunlock every boss with a Carthus'd longsword
We should work in a excel table or something to calculate that kind of stuff
Actually mugen does not appear to appropriately factor the hollow infusion bonus

At 35 str(including the 5 from the knights ring), 40 dex, and 38 luck(inluding the 10 from the hollow infuison bonus) at sl120 you get
>uchi: 423
>2kat: 430
>CCGS: 524

if you were to reallocate points to get your luck to 40 including the 10 from the hollow infusion bonus you would only gain 2 AR for the uchi, 2 for 2kat, and 3 Ar for the CCGS.

so it seems like it is much more point effective to go 28 luck, and get the 10 point bonus as far as AR goes

When it comes to the actual bleed proc I cant imagine that 2 extra points in luck would allow you to proc the bleed in any less hits
Thanks. I was going to use it as a backup weapon to chase people.
>Just shoot Soul Ray / Firestorm at them until they die
You still have to actively dodge and not get hit. If you're using Soul Ray spam you're likely using Clever Rat's and Morion's blade so getting touched once would result in death.
>Flame Swathe shit up
Are you being retarded? Go flame swathe Twin pets and tell me how that works for you
>Stunlock every boss with a Carthus'd Anris
The only bosses you can stunlock are Abyss, Freida and gravetender

Havel facetanking is still easier
try again
>tell friend that artorias is way more challenging that Orphan of Kos
>get to artorias yesterday
>kill him with ease
I feel pretty fucking stupid
>Get to orphan of Kos
>walk forward
>he jumps over my head and lets me charge an R2 into his back
>repeat 6 times
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>invading during ching chong nip nong hours
But don't defenses work in percentage reductions?

Run that example with 50% physical reduction and 10% elemental reduction and you get:

>A weapon with 100 physical damage will hit for (100*0.5)=50


>A weapon with 80 physical and 20 elemental will hit for (80*0.5)+(20*0.9)=58
>using 3x clawmark runes and a 99 skl build
Ya sorry my first attempt was BL4 ook sorry i found it difficult
>Twin Pets
I never bothered with that shit area to even find out what was in there lol.

>Demon's Souls
>you still have to dodge

The only hard bosses in Demon's Souls are Flamelurker, Maneaters, Allant and maybe Old Hero if you go without a thief's ring and try to do him as a stand up fight.

DS1 DLC alone has more challenging bosses than the entirety of Demon's Souls.

>havel facetanking
Right, but it requires you to go through half of the game first. And how does havel facetanking work against the DLC bosses lol ?
pvp is for faggots
The only boss you could cheese with Thief Ring was Flamelurker. You could cheese Leechmonger with a CleverRat/Morion Lava Bow but that's
There is nothing challenging about putting on Havels and mashing R1 dude.
Are you legitimately saying Gargoyles, Quelaag and Iron Golem are hard? Really?
that's a cute image
Is hypermode good in ds3 ? With tears of denial it could be useful right ?
>Invaded the world of guan xi xian
Somehow just invaded a dude, not one, not 5, not 10, but 40 levels over me, and I get the 30% penalty to health or w.e

What the fuck miyasucki
>Are you legitimately saying Gargoyles, Quelaag and Iron Golem are hard? Really?

No, but Iron Golem was more challenging than it's DeS counterpart.

>There is nothing challenging about putting on Havels and mashing R1 dude.
It doesn't work on all bosses. Like said, did you do it against the dlc bosses at reasonable SL?
being bad at pvp is for faggots

Not as good as DeS (morion 50% damage + clever rat50% damage)
Not as good as DaS (Sactus Shield + Cursed + Dusk Ring perma Power within + RTSR)
Not as good as DaS2 (RTSR + Flynn + RoB + Leo + Bright bug)
Not as good as BB (3x +36% poorman gems)

It's okay, just not as good as anything else in the series. My SL1 in DaS3 has 980 AR with Morion, Dragonslayer Axe, Hunter's Ring, Knight's Ring, RTSR and Lightning Clutch
wow... how do you make text disappear like this? i'm new to this sub
I'd like someone who knows to answer this.

It's something that has always confused me when people say split damage is bad because it has to check against two defenses.
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Also Curse weapon in DeS
Test it yourself if you don't believe
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I miss those strong as fuck hypermode, but that will do i guess
>Iron golem
>a boss where you hit his legs 3 times and he falls off edge
>tower knight
>a boss where you have to deal with archers shooting you
>hitting his leg while avoiding his giant aoe shield slams

I did the dlc at SL 70 and again on another character at SL 65
how do you know what level is the people you are invading?
broken tob + regenerator's ring?
Opinions on going full-on wizard in DaS3? In a few levels I'll have attunement slots for both soul arrows, spook, and hidden body. I figure I can just skip everything and have a relatively easy time progressing through the game.

I don't really care about PvP aside from the occasional invasion, but I figure I could hold my own with the crystal spells.

Should I just dump points into Int/Att? I feel like I won't need much vigor, if any at all, when I'm basically just fighting bosses as a glass cannon.
It's not a belief thing, though.

I'm just asking if having a certain amount of physical defense reduces physical damage taken by a flat amount, or by a percentage.

I always assumed it was the latter, but I don't actually know.
there is absorption and there is defense
You'll do less damage than a melee, even if you go hyper wizard. But it's still doable.
Ah okay, I get it now. If it was just percentage based split damage would be fine, but with there being a flat reduction I can see how it's worse.
Wait a second. I'm picking up the game again, last time I've played was several months ago

what the fuck does it mean no hyperarmor for UGS? I used to wreck shit with profaned greatsword and it was considered a high tier weapon at least

what has changed?
>dark souls will never get the BB Gem system
>a boss where you have to deal with archers shooting you
They're pathetically easy to go and kill. The Tower Knight and Iron Golem are both easy bosses but Iron Golem wins by being able to ring-out you.
You depend on certain amount of poise to have HA now.
And the HA on UGS starts later than they used to.
besides percentages reductions elemental damage has also flat reduction on damage i dont think anyone know how much exactly
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millwood greatbow +1.webm
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Quite surprised how good millwood even for high wall invasions.
Even if you're out of FP you can basically flood the area with exploding arrows even though they will be a little weaker.
So have they actually made poise useful again? Guess I need to search some poise chart now.
Can someone make me a script that spams or macro equipping anri for me? I want to toggle it when I run away during invasions.
They are certainly useful for Greatswords.
But in UGS case, it was more of a nerf.
>Calamity Ring
the absolute fucking madman
it's prisoner's chain
Just got done with the Dancer, how close am I to the end? I wanna know if I need another dose of caffeine.
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>invaded the world of filthy teleporting jian
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I love everyone in this general !
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yes, they did
need to poisestack a little for larger weapons though
>just got done with Dancer

This can mean two things. Which boss did you kill last?
Yellow finger a best. we are all comrades here!

Prepatch you could use great weapons with low poise.
Postpatch greatweapons kinda suck without poise.

It's a tax.
Why would you use milk ring + hunter's ring instead of just using prisoner's chain?

Surely the 10% increased damage taken doesn't outclass the 15 free points?
Is there a general consensus on TS's vs CS's?specifically the estoc vs the pontiff knight curved sword.
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DeS: Good atmosphere, good game feel, lack of challenging gameplay
DaS: Good atmosphere, good game feel, good level design except for lost izalith and emon ruins, lack of challenging gameplay
DaS2: Can not form an opinion due to avoiding said game.
DaS3: Great game feel, good gameplay, good challenging, terrible level design, terrible atmosphere, story is a mess
BB: Great game feel, good gameplay, good challenges, good level design, good story, terrible aesthetic
>terrible aesthetic
you are a terrible aesthetc
>he didn't played des
Can I use Millwood Greatbow with less than 28 str or the str bonus doesn't apply?
yeah you can
>terrible level design
Weak bait.
>twfw to intellyjiant too pley en PeeSí
How much str do I need?
>flynn's + blessed weapon
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Black Knight Sword or Hollowslayer GS for PVP?
Pretty close. You have a couple of areas and three more non-optional bosses to go.
they were just as overpowered in ds2 than black magic was in 1, if not more.
Both are good.
Which one do you like most?
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>tfw too dumb to use gargoyle flame spear

Try pressing r1
>If you're a fan of the Souls games, just don't play on the PC
lmao yea buy a console and play at 720p 20 fps
You don't even have 9 INT?
damn man how do you have less than 9 int
I like them both, that's the problem. HGS has actually less stamina consumption and I guess it's slightly better even with its moveset (r2 thrust), but I see a lot of them around and I'm not sure I want to join the mainstream meta
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Could the story of DaS3 have a deeper meaning behind it? Was Miyazaki rebelling against Bamco?
>yfw gwyndolin is alive in the dlc, and the gwyndolin that aldrich ate was a illusion, and you can marry gwyndolin in the dlc
That's like saying that the dragon ball movies are canon.
Has anyone de-leveled their character with CE in ds3?
No and I wouldn't recommend it
I've never once legitimately obtained the Mask of the Father in DaS1.
Can someone help?
Everytime I killed Pinwheel I get Mask of the Child and seldomly get Mask of the Mother.

How can I meme properly if I can't obtain said mask? I'm xb1 btw.
>it's a londor marriage
Why not?
Farm the respawning Pinwheels right before Nito
Alternatively, buy it from Patches
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>summoned as a blue for the first time in 500hours
>tfw connexion error
Because it's not naturally achievable and easy as fuck to detect for them.
>Same character
>Time played didn't decrease but the level did so it's not a backup save
damn, do you think decreasing my playtime would work?
If I don't have ashes of ariandel can I still pick up items like the scythe from players who drop it?
Just make a new character and use CE to level that one up (champion soul swap)
much easier and safer
Hollowslayer has more reach and the better moveset
BKS does as much damage as a UGS but is kinda stubby.
>Lucerne C-tier

Fuck that
Glaives got much weaker due to the loss of their hyperarmor.

They're still solid, but they can't compete with top-tier shit anymore. Spears in particular ruin them, and spears are god tier right now.
alright, i guess ill have to do that
don't worry about the mainstream meta

just do whatever you think is fun and mix max the fuck out of what you think is fun
I dislike PvP
I enjoy immersive story and atmosphere, letting a player free to explore to his hearts desire and a slower based PvE
What game is best for me?
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What if the flame she needs to see is actually the dark flame that erupts in Friede's last form?

This would explain why she needs the "dark soul of man" as pigment.

It makes a whole lot of sense, seeing as she wants to paint a cold, dark, and very gentle place. Why would she need to see a regular flame for that? A regular flame is the very opposite of cold and dark.
What's the best spear?
Bloodborne, Dark souls 1, Demons souls

basically any of the original titles


any of them, just be sure to avoid DS2
DeS and DS1 are the best though, Bloodborne is also pretty good
>slower based PvE
dont lie to the guy
Gargoyle Flame or Plow
Dual wield scythes is all I've ever wanted in a game

Is Ashes of Ariadel worth just to have it?
What's the next best thing that doesn't look like complete shit?
I'm convinced red titanite slabs don't exist.
Ever got hatemail telling you that you are shit because you lost when being ganged up on because teammate alt f4d?
Demon's Souls.
I like good video games, which souls game is best for me?
Gargoyle Ice Spear
he said souls game
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does anybody want to co-op through Demon's souls?
I get hate mail all the time and it's always after gangs
C'mon now friend, don't be like that
>anyone want to co-op the third easiest souls game??
because cooperation is fun
come one guys...
>rhh isnt still beef angus as fuck

I beg to differ
DaS3 is definelty in the top 5 of easiest souls games.
How come I don't ever run across people with crow quills

Are all the people that bought the DLC in non vanilla areas?
>there are actually idiots who will argue that Bloodborne is not a Souls game
Is the PCuck meme actually real? Are there really people who are mad that the same formula and structure did well on a different platform?
Thrusting swords are mind-numbingly boring in 3 and the quills are no exception.
their just joking m80
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>kill a phantom named Katanna
>his steam profile name is sephirothcloud89
Kills yourself retard they're being funny
No. it really isnt

>start a new character with a couple friends
>been soloing for months
>only time I was summoned was for bosses for souls, covenant items etc etc
>actually cooping with friends makes enemies sporatic and actually annoying to deal with

i dont give a shit that enemies get more hp, but fighting an enemy that I can parry on demand vs fighting an enemy that that is rapidly swithcing aggro and tagging me on backswings is fucking annoying since my friends have completely different playstyles than I do
What similarities to the souls games does it have outside losing currency on death and warping to locations via archstones?
Surprised this was on pc and not ps4
Cooping makes things ANNOYING
>get to boss
>summon friends
>ok your turn
>get summoned
>ok your turn
>get summoned
>Ok to next boss, lets rush to it ok??
It's so boring and tedious, if I was rushing bosses I'd do it myself.
No boss in the series outside Ludwig has been entertaining/engaging and interesting enough to redo over and over.
well if you're a parry whore of course you're not gonna enjoy coop, coop is only fun for friends who greatsword together
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now go back to your containment board >>161601243
It would probably be easier to list the things it does different rather than the other way around
>mind-numbingly boring in 3
Actually, thrusting swords are at their best in DS3 in terms of movesets. Stylish as fuck stances that can now fluidly chain into each other, r1-backstep true combo and a shitton of combos and roll catches on quills. Nothing in series can even remotely compare.

Which region?
Which are worst, ds2 fans or bb fans?
DS2 fans.
BB fans are obnoxious but at least their game is good.
is undead match broken for anyone else?
see >>161654657
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the only online interaction i had in demon's souls was a guy named gowgod3
>that face
>silent protagonist
>post apocalyptic
>souls/blood is used for all progression of the player character
>the main goal of the game is to defeat unforgiving difficult bosses
>ambiguous endings that are left to interpretation
>its overrated and really easy once you figure out the sweet spot for attack Windows
What game am I talking about
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>DS2 isn't good

All of them are elitist nostalgic retards
>DS2 fans.
does such a thing actually exist?
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the ds2 fans arrived, that was quick

sadly yes
>hating on the farm tool

Best good looking spear is Ornstein's
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Bloodborne isn't a Souls game because it doesn't have Souls in the name.

>Le Pcuck lmao
Demon's Souls is Playstation only too and it's included 'ya salty fuck. Also, xbox doesn't have BB either so the term would be "Microcuck".

Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Slashy Souls and Dark Souls 3 are all Souls games, but Bloodborne and Salt&Sanctuary aren't Souls games.

However, BloodBorne is included in the SoulsBORNE franchise, that's the distinction.

don't make me say it
64 games
>>silent protagonist
half of those 64 games have a silent protaganist
>>post apocalyptic
Too vague, BB, DeS, DaS/DaS2 aren't post apocalyptic
>>souls/blood is used for all progression of the player character
You mean >currency used for progression
Thats a lot of games.
>>the main goal of the game is to defeat unforgiving difficult bosses
>difficult meme
A lot of games main goal is to defeat bosses, try again
>>ambiguous endings that are left to interpretation
WOW THIS HAS NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE CALL THE PRESS, this isn't exclusive to bb/souls games dummy
>>its overrated and really easy once you figure out the sweet spot for attack Windows
wow like every video game?
>What game am I talking about
Too vague you could be talking about literally any of the 64 Fromsoft games
Can i play online if i pirated the game? Talking about the first one, i never played it
>have 40 VIT
>go to chester
>press r1
>he throws darts at me and it one shots me
Nice game
as far as I know it uses steamworks now
Honestly you won't be missing much
>lists all the games that isn't post apocalyptic
>the only one left is 3
>still can't guess the game
I agree with you but you're stuped
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there is no official souls series retard

there are only spiritual successors that are linked with similar mechanics, themes, and often content.

the fact that some of these have had direct sequels means that there is a dark souls series and a king's field series, but the "souls" series is not officially recognized.

subjectively, if you include demon's souls in the "souls" series, you MUST also consider bloodborne and king's field part of it, because the relationship is the same.
dsg fans

Message me if you want to do co-op, haven't played in a while.

That's the correct answer
sent friend request

How do you even pirate Demon's Souls? Hack your PS3?
First dark souls, obviously. Nice pedantry


No, why?
out of the 64 games in From Software's line up, Kingsfield, Shadow Tower, and the MH games they made are all post apocalyptic. There's probably more, i can't be bothered to research it.
des=bb>ds1>ds3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ds2
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DeS > DaS 2 > DaS > Nioh > BB > Dragon's Dogma > DaS3
KF isn't post apocalyptic, its pre-apocalyptic (if it happens or not is left up to the players actions in the last game)

also they only made one shiity MH spinoff nerd
Because if i pirated it it obviously means it's on pc, therefore i'm not talking about the first souls game, but the first dark souls. If that's not obvious you might be retarded
They made two shitty MH spinoffs dummy
>le multiple inequality signs meme
>>> has no use other than cross-board linking, you dumbwits. >>>> and above has no use at all
No it doesn't. you can pirate console games too
I love you guys /dsg/ you've kept me happy and i will always love all of you.
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The silent majority likes DS2.
The only reason BB is not hated in dsg is because it's a console exclusive and because of that it has an smaller fanbase.
Otherwise it would be filled with edgy kids and dsg would say BB is the worst game.
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they are the best in pve.
its the same game dummy
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>they are the best in pve.
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Sorry, went out. Use this.


better than dark souls 1 PvE
Good job, soulsfaggots. Not even ACfags get triggered by people saying Chromehounds is a good game.
Because Chromehounds is an actual good game
ok kid, then yes, i hacked my ps3.
The scorned fanboy is bitter creature.
http://vocaroo.com/i/s0Kr9OH3UsPl I'm sorry
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>dark souls post lord vessel
>all of ds2
>ds3, just bloodborne with(useless)armor in dark souls 1 world
>better than des and bb
Is the age limit on this site really 18+?
Just asking for a friend.
not a complete whore, but lothric s&b knights, evangelists, and black/silver knights are honestly easier for me to just parry. I go straight for guard breaks against anything with a great shield and those two things dont always go hand in hand with people rushing in left and right pulling aggro and missing backstabs to fuck up a clean kill

having a friendly pull aggro on an enemy ive already pulled, even if its with the best of intentions, is something Im not used to. Besides, outside of the feel like i can't fight an enemy as effectively, the guys I play with arent as adjusted to das3 as I am.

they pull aggro, do something stupid, take a huge hit, "BACKSTAB HIM IM DYING", and then say the game is stupid because they won a stupid prize for making stupid mistakes. Theres a reason I said IVE FUCKING GOT THIS ONE

In the time I spent basically tour guiding, we made it to the beginning of the undead settlement. usually it would have taken me just as long to make it to irithyll

I feel your pain
DeS PvE: Block everything and R1 after they rebound off shield
DaS PvE: Facetank everything with infinite poise thanks to Havels/Stone set, take a sippy while you facetank.
DaS2 PvE: Estoc counter damage does 33% of the bosses health, thrust them dead.
DaS3 PvE: High stability medium shields, fully invincible rolls that cost no stamina, backstabbable and parryable bosses.
BB PvE: Stagger everything to death by hitting their weak points, backstab/visceral abuse bosses.
No. But if you're under 18, you have to announce it in your initial post.
Nobody gets triggered by that because Chromehounds is actually good.
DaS2 on the other hand is literally THE worst soulsborne game and it's a fact. Otherwise, DaS2 fans would still play it, meaning there would be actual DaS2 discussion in /dsg/.
But there's none, because not even DaS2 cucks who are mad of spending money on such a piece of shit want to play it. There is DaS and even DeS discussion because people still (re)play those games.
I'm not opening this link

Armor was useless in BB too.
>DaS2 on the other hand is literally THE worst soulsborne game and it's a fact
>my opinion is fact
Post disregarded.
>But there's none, because not even DaS2 cucks who are mad of spending money on such a piece of shit want to play it. There is DaS and even DeS discussion because people still (re)play those games.
Objectively false
It's just me saying "i'm going to build a wall" in bane's voice.
>being that mad that DaS3 is worse than DaS2
Thanks. He's just new here. So am I.
I like this subreddit though.
except that bloodborne is not a medieval themed game, and does not have heavy armor.
What are the strongest pure melee builds in ds2 and strongest weapons?

Haven't played it in a year or so but rob Flynn was best when I left.
i agree with that guy opinion too, therefore, his opinion is a fact.

ds3 could have the best game that ever existed and ds2autists would still say that ds2 is better.
>not opening a vocaroo link
how fucking new are you?
How do I not get hit by Nameless King's dragon's flying fire breath? This is bullshit.
>ds3 could have the best game that ever existed and ds2autists would still say that ds2 is better.
How is that any different than DaS1 fags thinking its better than DeS or DaS2?
>Otherwise, DaS2 fans would still play it, meaning there would be actual DaS2 discussion in /dsg/.
We do and there is. It just gets shut down/derailed quick by autistic REEing. About as many people still play DaS 2 as DaS 1.
Good? Bad? Ugly?

Anyone got any fun weapon suggestions outside of the straight and greatsword classes?
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>he thinks that ds2 is better than ds1
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So why even have the slots or stats? It's bad design. Just like armor in DaS 3

Not so new that hearing a shitty impression from an unemployed "aspiring voice artist" on 4chan is unexpected and novel.
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It's a known fact that Ds2 is the best game for those who PvP mostly

shitters and twinks cling to the other games

BB pvp is a meme and has zero replay value

Ds3 pvp = trash

Ds1 pvp = backstab central

DeS pvp was full of gimmicks and terrible netcode(but it was kinda fun)

That said all the souls games are good in their own way, except for BB which isnt even a souls game
>About as many people still play DaS 2 as DaS 1.
so a game from 2014 has as many people playing than a game from 2011
very good my dude
But that's not me, i'm the one who said i loved this general and just wanted to do something fun that was relevant to his picture.
>talk about des
>dicussion goes well
>talk about das
>discussion goes well
>talk about DaS2
>talk about das3
>discussion goes well, universally agreed it was weak but still worth talking about
>talk about BB
>REEEEE NOT MY SOULS GAME >>>/bbg/ fuck off!! REEEE

Why are BB and DS2 shunned?

Dude there are so many

try them out

also I rate that build quality/10
All that facial real estate and they still can't convincingly portray disgust. Generic anime is the worst art style.
>onion bro
>aspiring voice artist
But i drive a bus, i just enjoy doing things like this.
2 is the second worst for real PvP, outside of BB.

2 is only good if you're a cancerous duelfag
>That said all the souls games are good in their own way,
This. Not sure why people freak the fuck out over saying anything remotely positive about DaS 2.
Nice picture.
Only 3 out of 10 are DaS2 exclusive, and they're very specific examples.
I'm actually convinced most of dsg didnt even beat Ds2. Probably gave up at iron keep archers.
See that's what I'm talking about the same complete behavior that dominates American politics. It's not a debate it's just shit flinging. One side views the other side as retards and nothing more. You can't rationalize or accept someone having different opinion so you just dismiss it as baiting, trolling or just being a retard.

Wow you like DaS2? You must be a retard! - Someone who hates DaS2
Wow you hate DaS2? You must be a retard! - Someone who like DaS2.

Fuck off, you can't even see the hypocrisy in your own posts.
Goalposts flying at mach speed

tbf the earliest areas of DaS 2 are probably its weakest.
>brings politics into a videogame discussion
fedora, as expected from a das2 idiot
What a fucking retard
>if this game don't have heavy metal armor. but have light armor, why have armor slots or stats then

Bloodborne gets people triggered because it's legitimately an amazing game, an arguably the best Souls game overall. If it was just a shitty spin-off console-exclusive or whatever no one would really care, but everyone, including the PCucks KNOW what they're missing out on, and that they will never ever get to experience it.

DaS2 is shunned because it's just a pretty shitty Souls game familie.
You can make a game with light or medium armor that makes a difference. The armor in Bloodborne might as well be fully cosmetic. Hell, even the Witcher 2 did this better and it's far from a gameplay design masterpiece.
I never thought I'd ask this question... but is Dark Souls 3 actually worse than Dark Souls 2?
>>talk about das3
>>discussion goes well,
You are incredibly dimwitted to think using it as an example is the same as bringing politics to the discussion.
>thinking you can reason with ds1 elitist

Just let them continue their shitposting, it's all they have. Their game is withering away before their eyes.
Depends on what matters for you.
Ye we're missing out on sub 30 fps videogames lel
If you "talk" about DS2 or BB with the intention to raise shit like >>161654089 then people aren't gonna take it kindly.
Does it do alright damage at 60int ?
>that dominates American politics.
Or just politics in general.
I don't think you browse this general.
Pvp and content wise absolutely

But Ds3 has a better first playthrough.
>You are incredibly dimwitted
You're part of the problem. DaS 1 is a good game that has lasted quit well given its age, even if I personally prefer DaS 2 I still think DaS 1 is the better designed game from an objective standpoint in most (but not all) respects. Probably due to DaS 2's very troubled development.
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>i don't like thing
>maybe thing is too hard for you lmao
>game has to last forever to be good.
In many respects yes, but it has better art direction, bosses, and music on average. It's a major step backwards in game mechanics and balance though imo. Maybe later patches will help.

So this basically.

Both are bad for different reasons. DaS3 being bad I feel is a lot harder for people to come to grips with though - Maybe it's Miyazaki's involvement or that it has the facade of being 'just like that other game you like', but falling short ultimately. I had fun with both, but I'm ready for them to move on tbqh.
Played that fucking turd once and never looked back. I can't even remember most of the bosses. Everything was so forgettable, generic and shitty. Definitely a low point of Souls series. It's pretty obvious that it was just a cash grab at that point with all that Souls meme redditor pandering.
>I like thing
>lmao thing is shit!!!

Really makes you think
>an arguably the best Souls game overall
In your opinion, sure.
I still prefer DeS and DaS over it.
But that's my opinion. I don't claim it as absolute like most BBfags seem to do with their game. Shoving your opinions down others throats will just lead to people resenting you and dislike your game even more.

>DaS2 is shunned because it's just a pretty shitty Souls game familie.
Like this garbage, shut the fuck up.
>You're part of the problem
why even use such meaningless language?
Most of us don't.
That's not him.
Why is it that DaSII idiots have to resort to
>e-everyone has their opinion
I guess it's because they don't want to agree that DaSII is simply a shit.
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>implying i didn't tried to talk with ds2 autists countless times , but it's always useless so i gave up

armor does help in BB, it's just not OP. I was always changing armor depending on what enemies i was fighting
>inb4 you can play the game naked git gud
that's not the point, it helps. While in ds3 it just sucks because in ds1 armor did matter, but in 3 the ds1 armor are still there, but they are just for fashion. It's not the same thing changing between a 2 leather armors in bloodborne and being the same thing, while in ds3 you change between leather armor and metal armor and it's the same thing.
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>HGS has actually less stamina consumption and I guess it's slightly better even with its moveset (r2 thrust), but I see a lot of them around and I'm not sure I want to join the mainstream meta
As long as you're having fun, don't care about other people finding you boring.
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>2 is only good if you're a cancerous duelfag

just admit you're a scrub

This guy >>161658461 is a great example. You know that he knows that he's missing out on a 9-9,5/10 Souls game so he'll desperately try to rationalize disliking it, by overstating a single relatively small flaw and completely dismissing the rest of the game because of it. Perfect example.
2 is the best for invasions once you're actually in the enemy world (as in, use save backups to bypass the soul memory/cracked orbs issue)
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>make game linear as fuck, practically on rails
>stack the worst and most uninteresting areas at the start for good measure
I picked up DaS3 for the PS4 recently to play with some friends and this game is straight trash for making new builds and this is with me punching Dancer w/ the Dark Hand for early chunks and shit.
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thing being shit is a personal opinion. having beat the game or not is a fact
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Yes, I realize that. And that's why I think talking about BB is completely fine, but I hate talking about how "/bbg/ should be merged here!", because the relevant parts of /bbg/, i.e people talking about BB and sharing .webms and discussing the content are already here.

It's just the really vocal fanbase for each game that's trying to start shit over other people's tastes.
>Armor matters in bloodborne but changing between it is the same and it's not important like in DaS1
How come autists that mindlessly meme on DS2 can't come up with an argument that doesn't negate itself?
>install DaS3
>get to Firelink Shrine
>see Andre the Blacksmith
>uninstall DaS3
>get Steam refund

Nice nostalgiabait cash grab
Explain what is good about 2's invasions then? Duelfaggotry isn't and will never be what souls PvP is about and, judging by the non Namco games, From agrees and their next spiritual sequel will fuck you guys again
They had 3 games to make covenants interesting and actually part of the game and the world instead of some retarded mini games, but they failed. How is that possible?
>that small ass summary for ds2
what the fuck
Tbqph Dark Souls 2 score is based on less reviews than the other games
I love DaS 2 but come on we all know these reviews are bullshit. Dark Souls became a cult hit so the next entry had it a lot easier with reviewers.
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go to skyrim them
Thanks for the (You) mate. I guess I'm missing out on new bosses and weapons (i.e. new content) but I don't really want to play it because I'm not into victorian stuff.
And if you really think that 30 and sometimes <30 fps is "a relatively small flaw" then you're a PS4 fanboy.

Do you know there's a Blood Borne general right?
Not that anon but the sheer variety of usable builds and spells makes it a ton of fun. I've never done duels myself.
dude bloodborne is not a sequel to ds1 , it's not even in the same setting and it does not even have armor at all, so it's fine that armor it's not important in the game, can't you understand that?
You fail to realize that you're comparing a not-souls game, in a souls-game community, on a /vg/ general mostly consisting of PC players.

If you were comparing it to other PS4 games or something I could see your argument, but you're just being retarded and stubborn. Especially considering there's an entire general for your game.

Put it this way, most of us don't give a fuck about Bloodborne because we aren't dropping $400 on a shit console. Furthermore the game clearly has reduced graphics and runs at 30 fucking fps(with drops) in 2016.

I could give 2 fucks about BB, I'll play it if they port it, but until then it's pointless discussing it here. and crying "PCCCC KUKS XDDD" isn't helping your argument. You're completely fine to think it's the best game ever, so go discuss it with the other people who actually have and play the game.
Phantoms can't heal with items. Neither can you, but invaders have always been expected to be proactive or rely on ambushes and trickery in every Souls game, and 2's phantom healing disability really rewards hitting first and hitting hard as opposed to 3 where they rollspam out after your 2 hit tax and chug unpunishable Estus.

2 also had a lot more build variety and the combat pace and stamina system meant people used more buttons than spamming R1, unlike 3.
Ds2 invasions sure as hell weren't as bad as Ds3, I can say that much.

Being able to invade people who were hollow, punishable estus, no infinite rolls, huge weapon variety, etc.

Ds2 invasions were great, and the levels had plenty of cliffs and shit to push people off of.
Pls help
>someone shits on 2
>b-but it didn't do this thing 3 did!
>no mention of DeS, DaS or BB

It's universally agreed that those games had dogshit PvP though, worse than both 2 and 3.
>Grass Souls, running firestorms and pushlocking
>Backstab Souls and SSBM tier glitch exploiting
Are you serious? Do you even browse this general? Any criticism for any of these games are the same way. DaS3 too easy? Well yeah but it's not as easy as Dark Souls 1 havel tanking! Ecks dee, el emm ayy ohh!! Well at least this game isn't Dark Souls 2, rim shot heey oh! Etc. etc.
>it's universally agreed das had dogshit pvp
maybe if your entire pvp experience consisted red signs at township, it had the best invasions when the game was alive
I've died at least 20 times to Nameless King now
Is it time to kill myself?
DeS invasions were broken and full of glitches/stupid shit like scraping spear and firestorm shenanigans

>BB "pvp"

Ds1 invasions were good outside of twinking, but usually just devolved into backstab fishing and fuckery with WoG + TWoP.

So in this case, 2 games aren't even worth talking about their PvP, and the other one is more or less equal when it comes to invasions for different reasons
DaS1 invasions were a joke.
>Invade some PvE baby and kill them in a single backstab unless you're playing some meme build with self-imposed handicaps
>Alternatively invade some 4-1 duel pro who sprints for the nearest open space and Proper Bows at you when you approach
I've been playing Dark Souls 1 since release.

I've yet to encounter a Vagrant.
I've yet to receive Father Mask from Pinwheel
I've never been invaded by a malicious hacker that instant-curse me.
I've never seen Balder Side Sword drop any of the Balder Knights.
I've still sometimes get destroyed by the army of hollows beneath the ladder to gargoyles.
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don't give up

dsg made fun of my yesterday for losing to Kalemeet but in the end i showed them all
>level fth to 40
>get sunlight weapon after killing gywndolin
>get chaos blade with +10 kat using quelaag soul
>can't buff it
What the fuck is this bullshit?
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Has to pay to play online.

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DaS invasions were only good for memeing on people with Greatbows, and 3 is better for that anyway.
>tail uncut


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Kalameet was a joke compared to Nameless for me.
Every time I get him low on health he drops a lightning bolt on me and I die.
Noone has time to bait out the one attack that lets you reliably hit his tail 10 times to cut it off for a weapon that is easily forgettable
>Every time I get him low on health he drops a lightning bolt on me and I die.
you mean the attack that takes 50 seconds for him to start up that lets you wail on him freely and even staggers him if you wail on him
seriously get good
yeah dude fuck that I wasn't about to spend 40 minutes trying to chop his tail
>tfw you have never fought kalameet without at least trying for the tail

I really do miss tail weapons though
please don't bully my cute vitgouge GS
reminder that if you cut her tail you're a degenerate bully
Well, where are the das2 fanboys to help this dude out?

That's it, they're too busy defending their game instead of discussing it.
do you mean the attack where he charges it for a while and then the lightning strikes or some other one?
Probably playing the game
>Sunlight Blade on what is already one of the most powerful dex weapons in the game
jesus christ how horrifying
>the one attack
you what? whenever he stays put, you can hit the tail. like the VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE attack and the downward fire breath. who told you there is only one attack that leaves him open for a tailcut?
Yes you can.
Nice try man. What about the autists like you in this thread?
Oh fuck off cunt. Plenty of Ds3 and Ds1 build post get ignored too.

Plus he said 'strongest', that shit is subjective as fuck.
>whenever he stays put, you can hit the tail
With the Black Knight Halberd maybe.
you can tumblebuff it. then again, you can tumblebuff stone gs, at which point everything loses meaning as you become death incarnate, destroyer of hp bars
Yes, that one.
I fuck up my roll every time.
I'm a shitposter. I just browse the internet and F5 this general every 2-3 minutes and type. I just got done with a DeS/DaS 15 day binge and don't feel like playing. But shitposting is a great way to waste time and make me not think about my shitty life.
What does 16/45 mean in relation to dark souls 1?
I'm assuming str/dex but ive only seen 27/40 or 28/40
i didnt say you can cut it in one hit. you get an opening to damage it. simply walk around his leg (you might even be able to walk under, i don't remember) and hit his tail
it doesn't hit you if you don't look at it
Playing DS3 atm

I just stumbled across a boss and got destroyed. Will my souls/bloodstain stay in the same spot if I go back to the Firelink Shrine and level my weapons up?
Another player can go there and steal them if you take too long
16 Str is the threshold to equip some strong Dex weapons like the Chaos Blade.
45 Dex is the spell casting speed softcap.
>ds3 was my first souls game
But yeah, the only way you'll lose your bloodstain if you die again on the way there.
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When the FUCK are we getting a DeS remaster for the PC/PS4?
16 str would be enough to twohand the zwei or onehand the claymore or MLGS, 45 dex is the casting speed softcap. It'd be a decent melee spread for any caster build looking to use a fairly big weapon.
Are str/faith builds good in DS2?
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Epic divorce bro speculated that a full remaster is unlikely, but people being able to play on PC via PSNow is probably likely.
i bet you don't even know the girls name on this pic and im the ledditor here
Yes, absolutely
You don't require any rings to do damage
Your lightning spears do full damage at range though not that much at low stats
Your heals are manageable and useful and don't cost obscene FP / slots
Your AR is the highest in the game with S scaling STR weapons + Sacred Oath
You have a nice variety of weapons that actually fucking scale with Faith

The mere existence of Heavenly Thunder + Great Heal (Excerpt) makes STR/FAI the best it ever was
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>he actually, unironically thinks a game being 30fps instead of 60 is a legitimate reason for completely dismissing it

What, are you telling me you haven't played DeS either? You think pretty much every 3D from before 2000 is trash? Did you think Dark Souls 1 was a shit game before it got a community patch that made 60 fps possible? Boy oh boy they told me the whole PCucks thing was just a meme, but you're doing quite well proving them wrong right now.

It's probably a big compliment to BB though, when the only thing people can think of to dislike it is berating the fps.

>reduced graphics

Ok nevermind, I think we're done here. My sides.

At least this guy >>161659521 actually managed to eventually squeeze out a somewhat valid argument (''I'm not into vcitorian stuff''). Even though that's still quite farfetched, since most people like Souls because of the mechanics, gameplay & bosses and do not just like it because it simply has a medieval setting, it can still be possible.
apparently not you, lmoa
not you apparently if you're so quick to delete
Faith in 2 is the best it's ever been, even after the Lightning Spear nerf. You can easily mix Strength into it too.
didn't notice the my waifu blinked
>since most people like Souls because of the mechanics, gameplay & bosses and do not just like it because it simply has a medieval setting, it can still be possible.
most like medieval fantasy, its what got people into the series first the mechanics just kept those people hooked

i would have got a ps4 if des was remastered or if deep down wasnt canned, but not just for bb. maybe when nioh comes out ill consider it because im a weeb and it appeals to me
victorian gothic is as bad as steampunk tbqh
>Gesturing a boss
>Didn't even cut tail
>point down
Yeah, I ban him, I ban him.
Sorry but after playing ds1, 2 and 3 in 60fps I'm simply never going back to console. Cry about it all you want.
the only mechanic bb keeps are using currency obtained by killing enemies to level and losing said currency
everything else is different
its a very different game
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Is this post for real.

Like actually.
Get off it, dude.
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Well, the best part about str in dks2 is that it actually had good weapons. In dks1 there was crystal gr8 club(which is a bs stick anyway and not an actual weapon. it was used only in sl200 forest, because when everybody can flip with 61+ poise, using actual weapons becomes a bad idea) and basically nothing else worthwhile. Meanwhile dks2 str had gargoyles bident, longsword, sun sword, red rust scimitar, shadow dagger, drakekeeper warpick, FUGS, estoc. DS2 str builds had actually strong weapons, able to compete with meta. Faith meanwhile in dks2 was mostly useful only for buffs and heals, offensive miracles weren't particularly worthwhile against good players. DkS2 probably has the worst offensive magic in the series, the only use for spells is healing, buffing or casting those spells on wakeup after a backstab. There is also climax, but it requires a very specific build to be ever useful - legu's poison climax build
Jesus, 930 damage on a poke? Is that 40/40 or 27/40?
2-2: Kill bag man, dupe matierals, get +10 before any other boss outside vanguard, phalanx, and spider
Kill Aslyum, Kill Stray (Slab), kill Capra using depths skip for (large ember), kill Ingward for seal open seal, get very large ember and farm chunks from Darkwraiths for +15 before gargoyles
skipped this game
kill vordt
kill dancer
farm lothric knights for large titties
get chunks in gardens and barracks
kill sage and get slab from dlc
ALTERNATIVE: kill oceiros and champ for slab from trading coil
+10 before deacons/watchers or +10 before sage
+9 before Shadows of Yharnam/Witches of Hemwick, dont feel like explaining because ths is dsg and not bbg
>unironically saying anything good about legu

fucking kek. i'm screenshotting this post
This was already explained above
>You don't require any rings to do damage
true, but you have too few casts
>Your lightning spears do full damage at range though not that much at low stats
low stats being less than 55 faith i presume?
>Your heals are manageable and useful and don't cost obscene FP / slots
good for invasions indeed, but worthless in general because of overabundance in healing wares. also, the best heal is a pyromancy
>Your AR is the highest in the game with S scaling STR weapons + Sacred Oath
sacred oaf is a flat amount of damage, basically RoB+2 and RoSP+2. meaning small spammy weapons win. again. same shit with robflynn. also, scaling isn't affected by base in ds2, the high base of str weapons helps little extra. also, there's a hidden modifier to ultra weapon ar that makes you deal less damage than you should. same with light weapons, only they deal more
>You have a nice variety of weapons that actually fucking scale with Faith
some weapons can be BEAST if infused and buffed with lightning. however, i personally do not think that str/fai should mean "str but with more damage". the weapons imho need to be complementary for a caster, not a main damage source. this one goes for every damage type in ds2, where the optimal way to play is to pick a color between red, yellow, blue and purple and infuse+buff your weapon of choice with that color. IT DOESN'T FEEL LIKE I'M SMITING NIGGAS
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>sexy futa chicks
pretty useless without an updated table though

has anyone even made a public spell bullet table?
27/40 because I'm only SL85 and you barely ever need to one-hand in invasions outside of rollcatching.
Also that's a Leo Ring counterpoke. You can do it on reaction to stuff like the Black Knight Greatsword or Friede's Greatscythe.
if bb is good game why do bbgers shitpost in dsg instead of playing it?
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Forgot to say, it was also a fully-charged R2. An uncharged one is a lot faster and obviously less damaging.

im gonna break this down as factually as possible

i think it's very simple

fromsoft souls games have souls in the title, and literal souls you collect in the games
bb doesn't have souls nor souls in the title

i hope this clears up any confusion
i really do
turning on infinite stamina in CE is probably the funnest thing ive done in das3
i love seeing someone patiently wait for their turn only for it to never happen
I don't disagree that BB is better, but you've got the nostalgia goggles on as far as DeS is concerned.
Seems like a lot of fun. I've been meaning to make a quality leo ring character in DS3, since i had a lot of fun doing it in DS1 back when.
Any other good poke counter weapons you recommend for this? I'm guessing a halberd would do well too

what is
>level design style
>progression system
>stats mechanics
>character creation
>currency system
>fighting mechanics/battling
>enemies and enemy placements
>weapon upgrading
>co-op system
>stamina system
>pretty much every single other gameplay mechanic except for guns/ranged parries and the regain system
>armour system

The fact that you were actually serious and I had to type this out for you makes me want to kill myself.
Defense is a subtraction, but from what I've heard there's a maximum proportion that your defense can subtract, so the first poster is greatly oversimplifying things (and to a degree I am too).

I don't know what the maximum proportion is, but lets just suppose it's 10%. Regardless of what it is, it's the same per each defense. If I were using a weapon which already had 10% of its damage blocked when it was pure, infusing it likely wouldn't have a huge negative impact; it was blocking 10% before, the max, and if I split the damage two ways, it'll block 10% of each half, but since 10% of a half is half as much as 10% of a whole, there's no net change. On the contrary, if I were using something with really high pure physical damage and the amount that was getting blocked was well beneath 10%, if you were to split the damage into two types, the amount of physical blocked might not become any lower, so all you're doing is allowing their elemental damage to come in and make a second subtraction. Of course, that's theorycrafting, but I'm just showing how the proportions work. Things like scaling also come into play, plus you get benefits like chip damage on elemental while simultaneously losing out on some of your counterhit thrust bonus.

Honestly the best way to really learn what to do is to just go hit someone in the face with your weapon of choice. Take pre-nerf AGS for instance; it was a huge weapon that was used because it did absurd thrust damage. You'd think with those proportions and the thrust benefits that it'd be something you need to refine, but for no reason at all it just had great scaling for pyros. I mean, it was still worse infused, but you'd expect it to have been dogshit rather than one of the best things to use infusion on. Dark carthus for chip damage and GFS in general are also both really good, as are things like small dark infused thrall axes/harpes for pyros who want a small weapon. Refined is almost always good though.
>and the regain system
LITERALLY uses the same code as the lifesteal on the Server/Butcher Cleaver/etc in actual Souls games.

>Bloodborne is not a Souls game -even though they are 99% similar- just because it's not called Blood Souls

Way to completely miss the point, dumbo.
spears, estoc, any sword with decent thrusting moveset
>but you have too few casts
Depends on your ATT and headpiece
>low stats being less than 55 faith i presume?
I meant at the beginning of the game where you have a poor chime, uninfused and unupgraded throwing babby spears
Dragon Chime does outshine everything though yeah
>good for invasions indeed, but worthless in general
Only 10 ATT + Southern Ritual+2 and Hexer's Hood can get you 8 casts of Great Heal Excerpt at 1300 HP apiece. And Great Heal Excerpt is the fastest heal in the game.
That's before ATT bonuses or the higher slot miracles. Heals are useful as fuck for invasions and just playing the game with DaS2's generally high damage + HP.
>the best heal is a pyromancy
Warmth has many downsides and you know them
>meaning small spammy weapons win
> the high base of str weapons helps little extra
You are forgetting multipliers.
> same with light weapons, only they deal more
You're not seriously saying ultras are weaker than light weapons
>the weapons imho need to be complementary for a caster,
Why? That's how you get Rose of Arandiel, a "weapon" so complimentary it's useless as one.
I prefer being actually able to do damage with the Faith stat I've leveled both with casting and with weapons.
There's nothing at all like Defender Greatsword in DaS3, not even the nerfed version.
>pick a color between red, yellow, blue and purple
Pure physical with a high scaling STR weapon and Sacred Oath that shit, that's how I got to BoB+3
Element buffs are overrated
This was the only similarity, the rest are generic video game staples. I'm surprised you didn't list "you control a character with input device" or "both games uses sounds and music"
It also set a completely different era
with no poise
and guns
and different upgrade system
and different healing
and different mechanics in general

but despite those things

you're right

just like fallout is part of the elder scrolls series

you fucking idiot

factually, objectively, there is no souls series.
but it's made by bestheda its the same series!!!!
I haven't played DS3 since lauch. Is magic good yet?
I'm thinking SL35 @+4 for Carthus Catacombs invasions.

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BB's invasions are also nothing like the rest of the souls games before DaS3 with the fucking stupid bell maiden mechanic which was a MISTAKE




welp, guess that's that. Demon's Souls is not a Souls game either, confirmed.
this means dark souls

FROM has never referred to the series as the souls series officially.
Who's worse? BBfags or undertale fags?
I mean at least Underfags stay in their general
>bbfags THIS mad their game isn't included with the greatest series of all time

Literally loling

>implying anyone refuted 10 years ago that Fallout 3 was just Oblivion with guns
Except that you collect souls and it has souls in the title.
Try again blooddrone
>this means dark souls
the article includes demon's, dummy. did you open the link?
can't have it both ways faggot

either DeS, BB, ST and KF are included or they arent

they are all spiritual successors and share mechanics, and have been OFFICIALLY listed as spiritual successors by FROM SOFTWARE
>making SL70 invader
>not enough VIT to wear my usual Knight Armor + Steel Soldier Helm setup

Should I just switch out the offhand Arbalest for a Heavy Crossbow or what?
pc fc where???
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>Epic divorce bro
Too soon
doesn't matter what the article says, FROM has never acknowledged demons souls as part of the same series as dark souls.

partly because they legally can't.

the "souls" series is NOTHING more than a term created by fans of these games.

>Any other good poke counter weapons you recommend for this?
The pickaxe, unironically. Following the Poise rework patch, it's probably the best weapon for pure trading.
If you'd prefer not to rely on trades and instead outrange people with pokes, pretty much any spear will work very well. If you prefer single slow-but-well-timed big hits over wearing someone down with a quick spear, the Profaned Greatsword is probably your best option.
Adding a useless feature is bad design, no matter the game.
>either DeS, BB, ST and KF are included or they arent
des is souls. the rest are not. kf (and even st) are allowed here because they have no gen of their own and even so, they are only ever mentioned by butthurt bbfags. bb has its own gen
>the "souls" series is NOTHING more than a term created by fans of these games.
so are generals. your point?
Where's the rest of this Priscilla?

actually, scratch that, Dark Souls 1 is not a Souls game.

>different healing system
>no central separated hub
>no different separated levels
>no world tendency
>no character tendency
>no special events
>don't lose HP when hollowed
>no mana bar
>no Luck stat
>multiple checkpoints per area
>no item burden

>people actually believe DaSI is part of the Souls series

fucking kek
Alright Blooddrone how's this. You give us Maria and in exchange we'll include you into the club. Deal?
Been playing DaS 1 for six mnths
>I've yet to encounter a Vagrant.
Three times

>I've yet to receive Father Mask from Pinwheel
First time.

>I've never been invaded by a malicious hacker that instant-curse me.

>I've never seen Balder Side Sword drop any of the Balder Knights.

>I've still sometimes get destroyed by the army of hollows beneath the ladder to gargoyles
Not since my first playthrough.
>des is souls. the rest are not.
in your opinion, which doesn't matter.
>no warping from the start
It really -is- a unique outlier in various ways.
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>axes finally outranging longswords
also how the fuck guys like him even get double gold
I've actually been using the pickaxe a lot on my strength build, seems like a bit of a waste to use it on a quality build. It is pretty strong, though I've always used the pickaxe in every souls game so far so I'm biased anyway
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>tfw it's been ages since I've seen a deliciously evil souls waifu
>tfw it's getting harder to play as that kind of character
demon's factually is souls. similar setting, demon's SOULS, souls as currency etc etc
the rest are not
If you cut her tail you remove the biggest proof that she's a freakish abomination and may enable her to live a normal life after you homeward bone out of the boss fight.
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im not even a BBfag, i dont own a ps4

i just FUCKING HATE the utter delusion that those games aren't part of the series while DeS is
How to know if your game is a souls game:

-It has souls in the title
-It uses souls as currency
-It's made by FROM SOFTWARE
ds3 pickaxe is legit strong after dlc patches
it has almost greatsword-tier speed but enormous trading potential, chip damage through shields, WA that resets poise health to 100 and greathammer HA multipliers
I got into it because word of mouth said it was actually challenging and had good atmosphere.
so shadow tower is part of the series too because souls are used to level up?

and KF too because dark souls 1-3 copied characters, locations, most of their plot, etc?

kill yourself. there is one series or there is none.
"Well there's 1 out of 3 there so it looks like it's a souls game!"

What this guy said >>161663824
>most like medieval fantasy, its what got people into the series first the mechanics just kept those people hooked
The only thing I knew before playing DaS1 was some pictures on /v/.
Look, I know I would enjoy playing BB because I enjoy playing DaS1 or 3 (not 2 tho), but I'm not crazy enough to pay a console just to play a new souls game at 30 fps. I can't even stand DaS1 without DSfix.

They don't.

On your screen you two swung at exactly the same time which, because of the lag, in reality means he actually swung earlier than you. He whiffed and his forward momentum brought him in range of you.

Also what is that guy even using, a shortsword?
>demon's in my opinion is souls.


your mother should have beat you for failing to learn what basic words like factually mean
>DkS2 probably has the worst offensive magic in the series
Hexers are still pretty good. DaS 3 has the most gimped magic imo. Of course soul memory makes the resonant soul spells kind of annoying.
>die a billion times to a boss, cry on the internet about it and get tips
>kills him with edgy katana
>didn't even cut tail
>point down and well what is it
I really hate grass crest shield. I hate all amors with additional status buffs on it. It just removes uniqueness from the game.
Every build pve or pvp will have the grasscrest shield in das 1
Nigga, hexes were absolutely gimped. Unless you want to waste souls (and inflate SM) you're basically stuck with dark hail and dark orb for the entire game. Everything else is situational at best but overall useless as shit, especially against living players.
DS2 pyromancy was also gutted into oblivion and don't get me started on faith which was fucking raped

DS3's magic system has its faults but it's by far the best pyromancy in series and idea with hyperarmor talismans is fucking brilliant.
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>Legion Etiquette
warning, it's pretty lewd

Madden 2017 is in the same series as Dead Space because EA.
Post Fallout 2 Fallout games are basically the same as post Morrowind TeS games.
my 500 dollar pc runs ds3 fine.

you can play it on ps4,t miyazaki said that from won't make a remaster/remake, but since sony and japan studio owns it, they could do a remaster/remake without from software.
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>see the dick
DS2 had a lot of issues, but most of the hate is simply because it is not a rehash of DS1. With that decision, it made a lot of great innovations and created its own personality and atmosphere, but for the same reason, it lacked some of the things that made DS1 so memorable. Many regard DS1 as the best Soulsborne (which I disagree with), and so anything that tries to break that mold is inherently bad. For some it's not a big deal, for some it is, but it certainly gave it a rather bad name during the initial backlash.

I'd say it has the most solid, consistent, and balanced mechanics; it encourages the most amount of replayability; and while it may not have the best implementation of lore, I think it captures and maintains its own lore better than any Dark Souls game (only Bloodborne did better, but that was completely self-contained).

Ultimately, it will never be publicly regarded with the same praise as its predecessors, but that is no real measure of its merits. If you enjoy the game, it did its job: it provided an experience enjoyable enough to garner a passionate fan. And that's far more important than what the community says about it.
>Is magic good yet?
What's the earliest titanite slab I can get in DS3?
I ran out of slabs and I'm at the start of this NG+ cycle. Just opened the door to abyss watchers in farron.
missing the point, retard.

FROM has stated that all of these games:

are spiritual successors to one another

this is FACT.

in addition to this fact, all of these games share mechanics, settings, references, etc etc.

taking all of this into consideration, a human being with a functioning brain would come to the conclusion that these games are very closely related, enough so to want to refer to them all with one easy term.

since this human being is probably under 20 and hasn't played the older entries, he will probably refer to it as soulsborne or "souls"
I played des like last year, after ds1 and 2.
>not liking dicks
What are you, gay?

The one on the ledge near the rope bridge in the DLC.

Dark orb is still way better than such a basic spell has a right to be.
Ooo, you're right. That one I can almost get already. Thanks.
Frampt is a retard, don't trust him
the solution is to give tons of armors bonuses like this instead of only a few.

demon's souls can't legally be part of the same series, since FROM does not own the IP.
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You only have to defeat the Crystal Sage, then you can run to it.
Kaathe is a retard, don't trust him.
this desu senpai
>I'd say it has the most solid, consistent, and balanced mechanics
>Soul memory
>Least top tier weapons of any ds game
>clunkiest combat
>only solves ds1's backstabs by fucking up the execution instead of just actually fixing the window and timing like ds3

>it encourages the most amount of replayability [content wise]
Moot point if it isn't even worth playing through once

>I think it captures and maintains its own lore better than any Dark Souls game
I think it starts its own lore at least as well as any souls game, but that's not exactly a complement. What ds2 did profoundly well was vattibait; even in the opening cinematic, they tell you "you'll do this journey and you won't even know why," almost alluding to how they just expect you to project onto the series as it slings empty words around.
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>DS2 had a lot of issues, but most of the hate is simply because it is not a rehash of DS1
No, the bulk of hate was driven by the fact that developers straight lied about what the game is going to be, from removing gameplay features and up to the worst fucking case of downgrading and false advertizing i can remember in YEARS. Even when Tanimura got a chance to apologize he and other members of the team just written some nonsensical garbage about how they will always deliver high quality products. Add on top of that aggressive, dumb as fuck marketing done by Bamco and you have a fucking perfect recipe for the shitstorm.

On top of that, the game had shit level design, required extensive patching and re-release to fix majority of bugs and most glaring balance fuckups, added the most controversial design decisions like soul memory or arena-oriented pvp with no full orb, had obvious absence of any direction or thought behind the lore and cheap fanservice like literal Ornstein being in bumblefuck nowhere.

But the main reason i hate DS2 is not because of the game itself but its fanbase. DS2 attracted an enormous amount of rabid FGC rejects that took its pvp way too seriously and utterly ruined the fanbase. Some of them migrated into DS3 as well.
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>-It's made by FROM SOFTWARE
Pyro/Sorc are good at high levels for pvp. A lot of spells really need a buff of some sort still though.
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>encouraging the humans to think forthemselves
Oy vey! It's anudda Oolacile!
It's a pretty unattractive dick
What defines a Souls game?

The Souls games are effectively classless third person action RPGs where you level up by spending the same currency you would spend in upgrading and in stores, which you acquire by killing things, with mechanics like stamina and equip burden where the player uses a variety of weapons organized by weapon class, each of which having a base moveset and others in the class having variations of that standard moveset as well as a different stat focus, reinforced with upgrade paths, with the option of transmuting those weapons into boss weapons, and in the game's world are staple trademark ideas and concepts such as Patches, The Sword of Moonlight, Wrath of the Gods, Firestorm, or things functionally equal to these concepts, and the themes of false gods and a primeval force that allures humans (demon's souls/the dark) and makes them into demons.

Demon's Souls has these things. Dark Souls has these things. Bloodborne specifically tried to differentiate itself form these things. It is not meant to be a Souls game, and it isn't. It's a variation on a theme, like Team Fortress 2 to Counter Strike Source. Both are first person multiplayer shooters made by Valve. They're the same genre, and they share a lot of themes, but they're different series, different themes, different aesthetics.
in your opinion, of course
so you wanted to have only one set in the game? character customization is a useless feature?
''Armor'' in BB isn't 100% useless, having a armor resistant to frenzy in an area where you can get frenzy for example is extremely helpful. It also can help absorbing normal damage, magic damage, lighting damage etc.
>inb4 dude just dodge lmao
DS3 would be a lot better if it had poise and a bit slower gameplay, and if rolls and r1 spams used more stamina.
this super fast spam roll and r1 spam from BB don't suits dark souls.
once you get past the ugliness of havelmom, tryhard ds pvp is a thing to behold. also, cool thumbnail
Soul memory is the only legit complaint there. Adaptability is an actual choice and only retards had to spam it to make rolling worthwhile. The best weapons were not heads and shoulders above less optimal ones allowing for great variety, the combat required actual tactical thinking and commitment (which shitters interpret as clunky), and the backstabs were legitimately hard to land. DS3's are only marginally less bullshit than DaS1's.

>Moot point if it isn't even worth playing through once
Memelord pls
If you know what you're doing, yes.
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can we just acknowledged how persistent BBfags are?

They literally went from "NO IT IS A SOULS GAME IT IS!!!" to "It doesn't even matter dude it's not official so it doesn't count"

fucking bravo
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>Pizza is a yeasted flatbread generally topped with tomato sauce and cheese and baked in an oven. It is commonly topped with a selection of meats, vegetables and condiments.
Yeah but that's your opinion, check out this pizza instead
>and up to the worst fucking case of downgrading and false advertizing i can remember in YEARS.
Witcher 3 was worse.
that's a nice opinion

i'll give you that both BB and ST are entries that tried to seperate themselves and break new ground, but they are still intricately related thematically and mechanically

KF,DeS and DaS are quite objectively part of the same series, though.
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>The best weapons were not heads and shoulders above less optimal
They actually were.
>so you wanted to have only one set in the game? character customization is a useless feature?
No, but if you're going to make it useless might as well remove the stats and make it totally cosmetic. Everything else is just wasting the devs and players' time with false choices.

>having a armor resistant to frenzy in an area where you can get frenzy for example is extremely helpful.
Ok granted, that's one legit use. The rest is negligible.

>DS3 would be a lot better if it had poise and a bit slower gameplay, and if rolls and r1 spams used more stamina.
>this super fast spam roll and r1 spam from BB don't suits dark souls.
could you fucking image the ds2 estoc in ds3 oh my god
Witcher wasn't turned into a ps2 game.
>be Tanimura
>have great ideas for game
>make a game
>but realize game isn't good enough for your vision
>scrap it and start over
>realize that you now have do deal with console limitations as the PS3 can put out your ideas
>scrap some ideas
>try to make it work
>namco comes it and tells you deadline has been cut in half and to have results by the end of the month
>frantically pull files out of the recycle bin and whip something passable but full of painful issues and errors

Feels bad man
The previews looked far better than DaS 2's though.
>KF,DeS and DaS are quite objectively part of the same series, though.
How is your opinion not just an opinion, but fact, if mine can be brushed off the same way?
Should've been a dragon dick instead
It wasn't Tanimura who had good ideas. It's Shibuya.
Tanimura was forced to rearrange the scraps.
>worst fucking case of downgrading and false advertizing i can remember in YEARS

blame consoles

the game was probably beautiful on PC but they knew they couldn't get a steady FPS on console so it was downgraded to shit.

The worst part is that the only reason they likely didn't keep it the way it was for PC was that sonyniggers would cry about the difference.
Mod to fix this when
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>he still thinks i'm a BBfag

because mine is backed up by official statements like the one that can be found on the DeS wiki page:

>According to director Hidetaka Miyazaki, before the start of the two-year development period,[26] the studio had previously ruled out the following game to be a new installment in the King's Field series.[26] Instead SCEJ producer Takeshi Kajii described the game as a "spiritual successor" to King's Field,[27] where he stated "I am a fan of From Software, but naturally that also means there are parts of their games I'm not satisfied with, too," explaining the development choice as an opportunity to be more creative and potentially innovative, stating "If this was a new King's Field game, there would be areas we wouldn't be able to touch since they're part of the series; working together like this, we can try to make something really new."[27] Besides King's Field, Kajii also mentioned fantasy-themed gamebooks such as Fighting Fantasy and Titan as inspiration for many location and character designs.
>Adaptability is an actual choice and only retards had to spam it to make rolling worthwhile.
that doesn't mean it's a good design decision. That's like saying res was a good design descision in DS1, because "lol it's a choice". It was a bad call.

>tactical thinking
No, it just gave you more time to do "tactical thinking". If you weren't a shitter you'd be able to pull that thought off in faster games.

>the backstabs were legitimately hard to land
Only because they were poorly implemented, not because they were fixed. You could keep ds1 backstabs from being an issue by making them do zero damage if you wanted, but that isn't what anyone would call "fixing" them; there's a difference between fixing something and just fucking it up so that it ceases being a concern.

>Memelord pls
But my point there still stands; praise for the replayability of 2 isn't going to resonate with people who don't actually enjoy playing it. It's a card you'd only be able to use on them after alleviating their prior concerns.
So you get snatched off to another dimension by a shadowy limb and this guy walks past and dash R1's your PCFCBF's ass

What do you do?
Nothing as sooner or later he'll die due to health depletion, or he won't be able to catch up with me as im literally going at 2x his speed thanks to 60 fps
>Least top tier weapons of any ds game
False. That's DaS3.
>clunkiest combat
Subjective. "Slower" doesn't automatically mean "clunkier". It's easy to argue that DeS and DaS1 are the "clunkiest" ones due to the sheer amount of glitches that never got fixed.
>only solves ds1's backstabs by fucking up the execution instead of just actually fixing the window and timing like ds3
2 and 3 have the same backstab system. A delayed hitbox that converts into a backstab if it hits the enemy, regardless of which way they're facing when it connects. The only difference is that 3 converts a whiffed backstab into a damaging poke/slash instead of doing nothing.

>Moot point if it isn't even worth playing through once
Subjective. You could say this about any Souls game if it's your least favorite one. Even DaS1 has a lot of people just drop it in the post-Lordvessel part of the game due to the dramatic drop in quality.
I wonder what DeS would have been like if they didn't decide against making it a KF game.
>required extensive patching and re-release to fix majority of bugs and most glaring balance fuckups
So did DaS1, but it never got them.
>DS2 attracted an enormous amount of rabid FGC rejects that took its pvp way too seriously and utterly ruined the fanbase.
Mooom, people are enjoying the game for different reasons than me!
>False. That's DaS3.
Really now? How many weapons from 2 do you consider top tier?
BBfags are the Hilary supporters of the souls fandom
>that doesn't mean it's a good design decision. That's like saying res was a good design descision in DS1, because "lol it's a choice". It was a bad call.
Adaptability is a real choice though whereas there was never any reason to level res at any point. You could feasibly keep adp relatively low or get benefits from pumping it a ton. Just depended on your chosen style.

>No, it just gave you more time to do "tactical thinking". If you weren't a shitter you'd be able to pull that thought off in faster games.
r1 spam so deep

>Only because they were poorly implemented, not because they were fixed.

Having a reasonable hitbox is poorly implemented?

But my point there still stands; praise for the replayability of 2 isn't going to resonate with people who don't actually enjoy playing it. It's a card you'd only be able to use on them after alleviating their prior concerns.
Sure. But the people that like it probably get more novelty out of replays than the people that hate it and prefer DaS 3 or DaS 1.
>False. That's DaS3.
Oh no. DS3 has like twice as much of top tier weapons as DS2 after 3 DLCs.
>You could keep ds1 backstabs from being an issue by making them do zero damage if you wanted, but that isn't what anyone would call "fixing" them; there's a difference between fixing something and just fucking it up so that it ceases being a concern.
Backstabs in PvP were a mistake, though. Making them really hard to land was a good choice.
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you're not even trying man.
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>With that decision, it made a lot of great innovations and created its own personality and atmosphere
true, i don't know any other game that looks like pic related.
>No, it just gave you more time to do "tactical thinking". If you weren't a shitter you'd be able to pull that thought off in faster games.
DaS3 has the shallowest combat of all 5 games though, there's no tactical thinking involved period.
would have probably been pretty similar, they kept the same art style
I'm an undercover bbfag just collecting dumb replies for a collage im making
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>he likes cut dicks
it wasn't a decision of bamco to reset the development?
Reminder that this is entirely the fault of consoles and it's why you shouldn't support them unless it's a handheld.

Skimping out on GPU's and RAM just to make the console worth the profit is a shitty thing to do and forces devs to make games look like shit if they want it to run above 20fps

Reminder this is also why Sony is releasing the Ps4 pro which should have been the oriignal ps4 and millions of cucks have already fallen for this
>have 4 years to make game
>scrap first version thinking oh well i got two more years for this shit
>get told jk u had 2 years not 4
>das2 falls out of your pocket
Any jolly cooperators playing tonight?
>Adaptability is a real choice though
and it didn't need to be

ADP was a vain attempt to "fix" the res stat when it should have been removed. It's absurd to have stats for health, stamina, intellect, strength, and.... rolling invincibility? I mean, can you not see the issue there?

>r1 spam so deep
>he just spams R1
that's a personal problem

>Having a reasonable hitbox is poorly implemented?
What was poorly implemented was how the startup box was too large in comparison to the actual hitbox.

but my point isn't that "oh, they're hard to land," it's that they're poorly done. Imagine if we tried balancing ds1 backstabs my forcing the player to execute them with a second controller they manipulate with their feet. That's obviously "more difficult to execute" in a sense, but more importantly it's just downright absurd, and not an actual fix, just a deterrence.
Anybody have a spare Dragonslayer Axe and/or Priestess Ring they can spare? I'm SL 18 and I wanna do a Paladin run without having to get too far to make it viable.

PSN is Ehnahre if anyone is willing.
No its not, it's 100% the fault of bamco and from.
>wanting to release a game for ps3 and ps4 with the exact same graphics on both versions

i feel sorry for devs that worked in ds2. must have been hell.
>wanting to release a game for ps3 and ps4 with the exact same graphics on both versions

where did I say that?
ADP is fine, I never understood the issues with it.

If you were decent at dodging things you could level something else
If you weren't you had the OPTION to just invest in a stat to make dodging easier.

I don't understand the issue with this, it's like Yeah I can kill shit with 10 str, but I have the OPTION to level str to 40 and kill things easier. But we don't complain about that do we?

It was "Agility", not rolling invincibility. Rolling invincibility was just an additional effect of having a higher AGI. That's like calling STR a stat for hitting harder.

Anyone else really bothered by how uncharged R2 attacks in DS3 barely do more damage than R1 attacks?

It's one of the main reasons I never use R2 when fighting things. Usually just spamming R1 outclasses using R2, unless you fully charge up the R2, which is rarely possible on any boss.

I really like the charge mechanic, but at the same time I hate it. In previous souls games you'd be constantly switching and doing combos involving strong and normal attacks, but in DS3 you almost seem to be punished for doing it, ontop of nothing having smooth animations anyways.
i wasn't talking about what you said but what from did.
The people who think ADP was bad were shitters, plain and simple. What made ADP bad was the addition of soul memory, but I'll go into both of those issues in depth in the next thread.
I'm about to go through Cathedral on PC.

Put your sign by the cleansing chapel bonfire, I'll be ready in about 10-15 minutes.

Pass: dsg
New bread?
Turok 2.

I love DaS 2 but even I cannot defend that pic
>perfectly spacing an incoming hit from a semi

gotta love that feel
>ADP was a vain attempt to "fix" the res stat when it should have been removed. It's absurd to have stats for health, stamina, intellect, strength, and.... rolling invincibility? I mean, can you not see the issue there?
If we accept invincibility frames as a reasonable thing to have (and that ship has long sailed), why not?

>that's a personal problem
It's a design problem with DaS 3.
>That's like calling STR a stat for hitting harder.
but it is
only reason I hate grass crest is I went through my first das playthrough blind and thought I found somehting special

I didnt know shit about alot of what I was doing but goddamit if, in hindsight, the grass crest didnt cause me more problems than it solved

never again
Then you've got the meme goggles on.

DeS creates a great atmosphere but subsequent games improved on the gameplay immensely.
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