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/pg/ - Persona General

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Thread replies: 765
Thread images: 189

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P5-2/Crimson Ending Edition

Previous thread >>160862443

>Persona 5 Dual Audio confirmed for April 4th 2017: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2016/11/16/persona-5-launching-april-4-2017-will-feature-dual-audio-on-ps4-and-ps3/
>P5 Translations: http://p5anon.imgur.com/
>Trophies: https://imgur.com/a/AwlYV
>Full Soundtrack: https://mega.nz/#!SkhyDCDb!qlwAxLlyc1dNkBek3cJtT12Hf_oBXOaIm71Y9Vompy0I
>Locations/Dungeons/Misc: https://imgur.com/a/FEkpW
>Voice files: https://mega.nz/#!qcsmTQBR!eDpNzWytu6JQ1BYBoO79dhboXzdbZgz3T95jKlXX5U4
>Portraits: https://mega.nz/#!R0EzxIyb!WRA_4wI_4nOuZzrjbTeW8mo9LdfFn5Cx4y0HzYS8MG4
>Other Images: https://mega.nz/#!VlF1VAyA!KSzFsKg2r3Q_Drv6fSjP5kl-SuRUI_bAHzs8z_IjzWU
>The Soundtrack can be found at: http://domi-persona.tumblr.com/post/150303511502/p5-ost-unzip-pw-sharebymamoru-updated
>P5A: the Day Breakers is out and subbed on Nyaa
>P3: Winter of Rebirth BD rips are out on Nyaa
>Take Your Heart and Steelbook Editions for NA up for pre-orders at Gamestop and Amazon
>20th Anniversary FES to take place at 3331 Arts Chiyoda in December 2016
>P5's English Cast: http://personacentral.com/persona-5-voice-cast-revealed-protagonist-trailer/


>P5 Info
>General Guide
>PQ Guide
>P4U2 Guide/Resources

>Art, Guides, Music, etc.
>P4 Dengeki Comic Anthology
>Persona image collection
>P5: The Aesthetics Artbook

Phantom is from Sumaru City!
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I want to heal Goro with the power of LOVE!
reminder we hate Goro now
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>In another timeline, Sae would have been your hot temporary guardian
>In another timeline, Makoto would've been your cute onee-chan
Fuck Hashino, I thought Makoto was his waifu too.
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>Makoto x Phantom
>Anne x Ryuji
>Futaba x Yusuke
>Haru x Goro

Daily reminder that this is the optimal pairing in P5
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>good stuff.
where is haru and futuba in op's picture
Censored by atlus usa
Which _atherine is best _atherine?
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Thats a cute girl (male)
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So you like traps....
does that mean you're a Harufag?
Funny enough, yes
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>Yusuke's sticklike figure
It genuinely hurts whenever I compare it to the others
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Someone linked you to a streaming site. When you opened it, it took a while for your browser to load the video and the chat box popped out first, revealing that you're the only one watching that stream. When the video loaded, you see this boy tied up on the ground, gagged and blindfolded. The streamer said that he'll do whatever you want to do to the boy, for free. What will you do?
Where is the smelly NEET video, Atlus?
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Hardin forgot to post it because he's too busy babysitting his wife's son
They are probably going to release the character intro at a later date since the game is delayed now
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I'm surprised he hasn't anemia or malnutrition 2bh.
call/text the fbi
>"make hm feel accepted and loved"
I've just about had it with all the bullying here
What are the chance of PT accept Goro as one of them if he redeemed himself?
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Is Haru x Anne an acceptable ship?
Weird; unrelated

The only yuri ships in this game need AT LEAST a makoto. She bonds with every girl as soon as they get to know each other
He was meant for Haru
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Anal with Makoto!
70% at least. Though Goro has to sort out the problem for each person in the PT personally, especially Futaba and Haru.
Ryuji also really hates him for..reasons
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Just finished the game finally, loved it. Love the characters, loved the story even though I saw some of the twists coming, loved everything.

>tfw you wont play a new persona game for another 8 years or so at least

why live
With the way he acted at the end of his co-op, he definitely will admit to all his crimes and atone for them.

I was reminded of Scar from FMA who killed Winry's parents, but he did atone for it and Winry accepted. So I could see that happening.
Ryuji hates him because Goro talks shit about PT, it's not even something personal but Ryuji takes everything personally.
But he seems start to warm up after the Cruise fight, even concern when Goro lock himself with the Shadows.
ryuji just jumps off the handle easier in general than the rest of the party
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He'll warm up to him eventually
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wtf i love ryuji now
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repressed homo lust
>Joker getting cucked by Ryuji
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>Independently posting two sequential pages in order
Goro is a piece of shit
Where's GoroxYusuke?
I don't think anyone is denying that
Salty waifufag spotted. Fuck off to your containment thread in 2ch
Goro boys are truly something else
t. angry waifufag
Imagine siding with fujos
dude memes lmao
I'm not siding for either of them. I also hate "he dindu nuthin'" Goropost, which thankfully not exist.
someone post the gorocolypse
is there more of these? no homo
Haru seems can accept him, but I don't know about Futaba. She seems too autistic to sort out the problem or even talk personally with her.
pixiv filename familia, they're always the same as the id in the url
>Goro x Ryuji
The crack pairing to end all crack pairings
Makes more sense than Goro x Haru though.

sooo in order of most to least likely to welcome goro back with open arms...


that it?
I can't see they accept him without some angsty drama or someone getting angry/resentful/crying first. Though finally he can reconciliate with them.
Pretty sure he has both. It's his years being in that state that's helping him not collapse.

/pg/ should be at the top of this list

doesn't yu forgive adachi in some alternative ending of p4? or am i imagining things? i think adachi was way more irredeemable than goro personally so i don't see why not
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Haru's faces in the dlc promotional illustrations are the best. She looks lewd here, and cute in the beach attire.

Haru a best.
>doesn't yu forgive adachi in some alternative ending of p4?
He forgives him in canon. He's his slink afterall. He's the master of bonds and they shag up Izanagis in Ultimax.
desu ne
I want to see Goro hugs Futaba and Haru!
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>I want to see Goro fugs Futaba and Haru!
Goro is a well known guy in JAV
Its bound to happen
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Oh it'll happen, don't you worry about that
Better and more canon than Goro/Haru or Goro/Sae
i swear to god if goro doesn't play goro in his inevitable p5 video
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Potter is for ______
Can you imagine someone learning English from P5's current localization. They'll think they'll be hot and trendy for repeating all of the slang they hear there, only to distance themselves further and further from acceptance with each "Right on" uttered.
jesus christ he lives in a cafe and still can't avoid spilling whipped cream all over himself?
not for Goro.
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So in the eyes of Goro, every PT's arcana (except Joker) on him is reversed?

Yu does, but that's it. The rest of the IT still hate his guts, especially Yosuke for killing what's her face.

Yu's the only one that still treats Adachi with respect.

Depends. Yusuke for example didn't really care much about him while he was in the party but took the Shido reveal and Shido's reaction to it quite personally, since it reminded him of how Madarame treated him.
I wonder what the IT reaction when they found out that their leader is in accomplice with Adachi?
Well I guess there's some change for the PT's opinion/stance on Goro after the revelation.

They already knew he was friends with him. If you mean for the Adachi bad ending, he probably never tells them since he's going to be Adachi's bitch for the rest of his life.
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This is my wife.
It is I, /pg/! The great Morgana! I've come to steal your heart, m'lady...
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>literally everything visible in this guy's room
I'm serious. What goes through the minds of people who take photos while being dressed like this?
>"Makoto is best girl"
>"Persona Q was a good game with the best writing in the series"
>"That John Hardin guy should be promoted!"
i keep trying to write some snide comment but every time i tab back over to his deadly serious face i lose my shit again

just imagine this guy jumping around in his "costume" waiting for the camera self-timer!
It's not really that he forgives him, more like he is capable of looking past that while rest of IT is fixated on him being an irredeemable killer. He's still pissed when he shows up in Ultimax.
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I wanna suffocate this smelly NEET in my Harus.
Apparently there's gonna be an event at the 20th anniversary festival regarding something rumour related in P2. However at the website it's just labeled as [???], and it's also the only event listed as such.

P2 remake incoming?
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Didn't Hashino mention new announcements coming in December

is it happening, lads?
some merch and a shoutout at most
So it's the same as Goro?
Pretty much.
Except Adachi should've died but he didn't.
Execution when.
>tfw your face will never be pressed against Maya's heart(s)
It seems too cruel to me that the game tells us Yusuke still isn't eating right even once he's free of Madarame. I know in real life it's not easy to get back on your feet after a situation like Yusuke's but christ, why'd they have to write it so he continues to suffer?
Isn't that just the Kuzunoha Agency people voted for some time ago?
They still haven't announced any streams so don't get your hopes up. If they were to announce anything important, there sure as hell would be a stream.
Well what is he supposed to do? He's poor and refuses any work that isn't art-related.
Soon, according to the news in Cafe Le Blanc's TV channel. And I'm afraid the same goes to Goro.
b-but muh husbando must have a body I desire even if he's poor and autistic
The public thinks Goro disappeared though, they'll eventually realize he's already dead. If Goro doesn't want to be executed by law he'll have to live as a hobo permanently.
Hobo Goro pleases random men on the street for a sandwich!
Hobo Goro freezes to death in his first winter on the street!
And change his identity too. But I can see him try to atone his sin and faults before dissappear.
Makoto is mai waifu
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>game delayed yet again

i feel really bad for people who didn't import
Her name is ANNE!

Its okay I am not a no life weeb thats going to spend all my time waiting for a single game ;)
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you're in this thread

you probably read all the spoilers of this game months before you'll ever play it

don't lie to yourself

sick cosplay senpai now spread your asshole
So if MC survived being shot by Goro by using the Navi world, does that mean dying the the Navi world means literally jack shit? Then how does Goro die inside Shidou's palace?
Wasn't actually MC. It was Sae's version of MC.
The game wants you to pity Yusuke so badly that it falls flat. I keked hard when the game went on about Yusuke being lanky because he's too depressed to eat. Hashino might as well had broken the fourth wall and tell you to pity him on the text box.
So i'm about to start NG+ is there anything special I need to look out for?
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anne confirmed for italian racing heritage
>instead of buying normal, healthy food that would fill him for longer than 10 minute he keeps wasting the very little money he has on jagariko
Pepsi twist>every other pepsi and cola 2bh
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living with a squid
>new announcements in December
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>Anne is sweaty!
>Anne is buxom!
>Anne is beautiful!
>Anne is wet!
>Anne is cute!
>Anne is flexible!
>Anne is an angel!
>Anne is lewd!
>Anne is sad!
>Anne is silly!
>Anne is for kisses!
>Anne is stylish!
>Anne is for sexual!
>Anne is awesome!
>Anne is sultry!
>Anne is pure!
>Anne is amused!
>Anne is quality!
>Anne is Lovers!
>Anne is canon!
>Anne is an actress!
>Anne is a model!
>Anne is best girl!
In December.
That's not exactly what he said.
Few months before P5 was released, sometime in Spring I think, Hashino said that there is something they want to announce but want everyone to look forward to P5 first.
The problem is that that's how personacentral translated that line and there was a different translation somewhere that didn't really sound like anything exciting.
but as >>160975885 said, no stream, no reason to get excited. They won't announce a new game/remake/anything of importance without telling the entire world about it.
>his friends helped him out a bit financially or something.
>Potter has tons of money from fights, dungeons, part-time jobs
>can't give any of that to Yusuke
>Potter carries milions in his pocket
>Yusuke is starving
>It was all ruse and Yusuke is one of those lanky people who eat piles of junkfood everyday he just pretends to be too poor to eat so you can give him even more junkfood.
Yusuke is a degenerate fag why would anyone help him?
>that one kid in 3 drops out of school to support his mom while mc spends thousands on karaoke nightly
I would bully him take pictures of him crying and post them on /pg/
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Just a reminder that FeMC is pure and perfect
even sluttier than goro
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>a group of hackers whose name originates from an obscure Egyptian god who shoots with his eye

>a group of futanari-masturbating losers who worship an Egyptian frog god of chaos who casts meme magic through repeating digits
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lets positive thinking!.jpg
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What was the name of this woman again pg/?
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Medjed was Futaba's handle before she switched to Alibaba, wasn't it? They just used that name to pretend they're her. And the group is actually like 5 people or so.
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Implying she is not MAI WAIF


The only good FemMC that we will get in the entire franchise
that's not tamaki
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that artstyle shift back in vanilla P4 days was pretty weird, albeit welcomed

Fuck I completely forgot about how based Tamaki is in SMT IF. Thank you for reminding me anon.
Why Sojiro is mad?
goddamn look at those dick sucking lips
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he thought they fell alseep after fucking
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PQ2 should have the cast of P1 and P5 that way it can be one of those "First game and most recent game" anniversary things. Plus they have equal amount of party members. Just make Maki the navigator.
PQ2 should have all the casts, including Eternal Palaces.
this desu, make it a total clusterfuck
>P1 casts meets their P2 counterparts

Yes, I need this.
I think Elly makes more sense as the navigator.
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Are you going to buy Goro's game?
Nike seems like a stretch but she is the goddess of victory and you are battling, so it makes sense. Michael works for sure since he's one of the archangels that watches over.
Just remember something: If Rise is party member instead of Navi, her weapon would be microphone pole right? What about Futaba? I think it makes sense if Futaba uses Goro's weapon (Laser Sabre and Ray Gun) instead Goro himself.
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yeah, all the motorcycle characters can battle to see who's truly king of the touge
Futaba can have the joke weapon. Maybe a keyboard.
>Nanjo, Tatsuya, Mitsuru, and Makoto about to start motorcycle race
>Naoto shows up with the motorcycle robot from that one shitty spinoff
I will


Dragon dildo
>a novel/doujin that is literally the timeloop theory that you see here except gayer
What happens next? Does Joker run them all over with Morgana?
So it's not just /pg/ that keeps talking about a possible timeloop?
Many of you are mentally challenged, but find solace in the fact that there are far worse fanbases that exist.
When you think you have it bad remember than an Undertale orgy happened.
was it fire emblem where a dude had a wedding in one of the generals, with him and one of the characters? i remember dying laughing when that was linked
yeah, to Beruka.
I think it was also the same guy that cut himself, but our Fuukafag did that too so eh
Its okay anon I won't tell anyone you're mentally challenged ;)
Did they ever show what kinda bike Nanjo rides in detail?
According to the interviews that were translated by Chthonian, Nanjo rides a Harley.
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Why so dead, /pg/?
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Where's PT orgy anon? I miss him already.
what a Princess
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Thanks for the new femc image fags
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is this your shitty attempt at revitalizing the thread?
sorry anon pls forgive
You're not me
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I forgive both of you
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post, you stupid goddamn princesses
Post new hamuko and not recycle one stupid!
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why u do dis to me anon
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All the good anons jumped ship long ago, either to avoid spoilers or just wanted to get out of /pg/.

I can't really blame them. Sometimes I wonder why I still come here even with the content well drying up.
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i would say just wait for the english release, but we both know thats certainly not going to improve the quality of posts

but there will be a lot of posts
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not really part of the goropocalypse, but kind of, and with that one that's it
stop talking abou.....

Oh you guys know the drill by now
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anyone up for translating this? 1/4
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an eating disorder is a hard thing to shrug off.
give him some time, he's got good friends. he'll get through this.
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Yusuke needs a Femtom to help him out

>G: Hey
>G: Welcome home
>J: ...I'm home.
>S: You're back. Sorry, but I have some small business to attend to.
>S: I'm leaving for today, take care of the rest.
>J: Ok.

>G: That so...what a shame. Thanks for the coffee, master.
>S: Right.

>G: Fufu, Master is a real good person.
>G: He's a bit brusque though. Oh yeah
>G: ......Just like you.
>G: Well then, I've been here long enough, I've got to...
>J: Wait
>J: It's almost done.
>G: ?

>J: ...Akechi
>G: H-huh? Oh no, when did I fall alseep...
>J: You were sound asleep.
>G: Haha...Sorry, how embarrassing of me, um...
>G: (thought) This is bad...
>J: Present for you, sorry to have kept you waiting.

>G: This, you made it, just then, just for me?
>M: He's in the middle of training
>J: Just for practice.
>J: Just return the tupperware next time you come
>G: ...
>G: ...Thank you
>G: I will treasure and enjoy this
thanks for doing it so quickly, anon!
Remember when we used to call him Generic-kun/Generico? Good times.
Good times. After all the game plot goropocalypse, I actually felt a bit proud he won the popularity poll too.
is it really a full blown eating disorder? feels bad man. i thought he was just malnourished for money reasons
well, I don't think it's officially stated, but running on barely enough food for so long is going to fuck you up one way or another
nah, I think it's just poverty. He eats whenever he can and I think he talks about food pretty often. He just can't afford it.
Though it seems like half of PT has issues with eating. Wasn't Futaba starved by her family before Sojiro adopted her? Goro only eats an apple when he's working and while Ryuji isn't as poor as Yusuke, he has money issues too so he probably doesn't eat very well either.
Anne has a sweet tooth.
Yusuke loves jagariko.
Futaba loves Sojiro's curry.
Ryuji loves meat (such a chariot).
Haru loves veggies.
Goro loves sushi (not the rotating kind).
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I don't want shitty spin-offs, I don't want shitty Arena games

>Haru loves veggies.
>Haru is so sick of her daddy's burger that she become borderline vegetarian.
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I'm fine with shitty spin-offs and shitty Arena games as long as Goro's still alive.

I'm such a Gorofag.
>yfw goro returns for the spinoffs, as a little navarre-style ghost
I'd be surprised he's actually dead at this point.
is haru thicc?
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>heya Joker wassup?

i guess it's fitting that the man who took joker in lets him live and work in a cafe then. being able to eat food together with your family is generally really great unless, your family is shit.
Goro's not dead. For all we know the fucker went to some casino getting all the bitches while the PT dealt with Yalda.
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Now with even fucking Atelier making his way to the PCs, how are the chances of Persona 5 also getting a port?
gonna go with none since they didn't even bother to port arena when arcsys was dumping all that stuff out on pc
it's like you forgot that Atlus is always behind with everything
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>series have to start selling like shit in Japan to get PC ports
Maybe if P5 had bombed
And it did bomb? It did 50k the first month because no one gives a shit about over the top phantom thief shit in 2016 and besides that the whole story is sex sex sex
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>the whole story is sex sex sex

what did he mean by this
Every dungeon boss is representative of a different sex night with Kamoshida
Goro is cognitive Shiho
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Obviously Whoro
Goro bondage doujins when?
common view of
>/v/ shitposters, which now include FFXV apologists
>Persona 4 enthusiasts
>EOPs that are mad at other EOPs for importing the game when they didn't
>shitposters that pirated P5 for the sole purpose of taking a picture of their TV sets as proof they have the game and talking shit about it
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>you will never be a Persona
PC port
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Makoto and Phantom are the true canon pairing!!!
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Uh oh, Yusuke has Futaba in his clutches!!!
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not the squid!

Reminder that this is the true optimal pairing for p5
>Wasn't Futaba starved by her family before Sojiro adopted her?
wait what, I thought he took her in right after her mom's death
>Replace Ryuji with Morgana
By the way is there a mention of Futaba's real father?
copypastying from the archive
>>Hierophant is fucking savage. If google translate didn't fail me, sojiro says that the relatives that took care of her before sojiro took her in sometimes didn't even feed her, nor let her take baths/showers. They treated her like shit for supposedly being responsible for the death of her mother
>One of the main problems is a maternal uncle of Futaba's trying to get custody of her by trying to get childcare services to believe Soujirou's abusive just so he can get her inheritance, too. It's definitely one of the harsher (and IMO, one of the most notable) co-ops overall.
the person who posted that also posted screenshots so it seems legit
I feel like Matoro/Haru has good ship potential, but I want to see more of their in-game interactions first.

that said it might just be bias from being a haru-fan blinding me
This, Morgana deserves her more than him.
What would human Morgana - a la human Teddie - even look like? Another bishonen?
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I remember the PT talking about this in the ending, and they said that he'd probably look like Potter. Morgana said that he'd be okay with it, so most likely that.
did they really talk about that? because that would mean P-Team sure as hell is considering giving Morgana a human form
They definitely did unless I'm crazy, I could go grab a screenshot if you want
it'd certainly balance the hitbox size issue that could crop up in a potential p5 arena
Na, I trust you
I wonder how exactly will he look like. Both Ryuji and Teddie only had few things in common with MC and Yu. The messy hair will probably stay though.
Can you steal her uncle's heart?
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Is that a Valentine's Day Guys edition?
It's Shido
It's because her futa dick is getting some smelly neet pussy tonight.
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Hey now
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I went to look for it anyway, here's a quick translation of that part

>Y: モルガナがニンゲンになったら、コイツそっくりかもな?
>If Morgana became a human, he'd probably be exactly like him(MC)
>(both haru and futaba agree)
>M: ワガハイがコイツ...!?
>Me, like him..!?
>M: ...まあ、悪くはねえな。
>..Well, not bad.
>M: リュージだけはお断りだが。
>As long as it's not Ryuji.
>(Ryuji gets pissed)
>>As long as it's not Ryuji.
>>(Ryuji gets pissed)
Thanks bro!
>Goro crying
wew, considering his whole fiasco i'm surprised he isn't throwing the biggest tantrum out of these guys.

Can i get a proper TL please? I got the gist of it but not much more
They are all romancable by the mc they will never get with anyone else. Also just because a group of friends consists of men an women doesn't mean they will only date among their own circle and pair up accordingly.
They're Japanese, of course it does
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>They are all romancable by the mc
But that doesn't mean the mc can date ALL of them.
yes he can, you're all still dating after this scene
Can I get a translation on this?
>a video game being this biased against women in 2016
>After revolutionary works like Undertale and YIIK have been released
funny joke
Why? Are they that desperate?
>Google it and its slogan is a "A postmodern RPG".

Jesus Christ.
>you're all still dating after this scene
Bullshit, after valentine the day was skipped to the span 2 days where Joker left Tokyo.
And you're still dating all of them when you go to speak to them, play the game
Doesn't matter they are all romancable it doesn't have to be all at once. Making a girl who people can choose to romance themselfs would fuck over peoples personal play through and step on toes. If you are a shipperfag whatever but don't act like it will ever mean anything in canon. Look a p4 despite shipper fags in the fandom pushing kanji naoto. Nothing ever came of that and Naoto along with the other girls were riding the Mc in th sequrls while Kanji had no hits of his crush left by Dan. Any sequel p5 gets will be the same no exceptions.
but I don't know Japanese
not that this is really an excuse
for a while they tried shilling that garbage here and on /v/
it was awful and we both kept telling them to fuck off
Not a shipperfag. But I hate implying the idea that he's dating everyone, because the reality the protagonist doesn't end up with anyone.
>comparing western rpgs to jrps
I wonder how this anon feels now
I wonder how MGS2 would've been recieved if the tagline was "tactical post modern espionage action"

bruh have you even seen any of the Valentine's shit
They all have plans for what they want to do with Joker after he leaves

yeah. the whole point is that nothing is canon until the player makes their own choice, so that anything the player wants CAN be real in their own version of the playthrough.
Part of the "magic" of MGS2 is that you, theoretically, don't expect the mindfuckery that comes later on.

Also, labeling your stuff as "2deep4u" in the fucking title speaks for the creator's vision.
second part meant for
Well persona MC's are perfect human beings and the pinnacle of husband potential if you max out their stats. If you are getting with someone like that I guess you could live with sharing since you can't go back.
>dirty cheater
>pinnacle of husband potential

Its supposed to be ambiguous for the player to interpret it how they want which is why why girls all need to crush on him. Hell even in pq aigis tells the p4 mc that the girls of his group have those kind of feelings for him.
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Damn this cover is sexy.
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>inherit a burger chain
>let your poor autistic friend live on a jagariko only diet
>two boxes for everyone
>Goro only gets one
>Unless that black and yellow box with the birds is related to him because it seems seriously out of place otherwise
Haru probably gave away her inheritance
She won't even move in with Joker until he gets a job
>tfw I'm cute
would yusuke even eat a hamburger
Implying anime Girls don't enjoy being part of a harem. If you can't even give an anime girl the pleasure if being in a harem what kind of husbando would you be?
Why doesn't Yusuke just get a job
>tfw I'm disgusting and will die a kissless virgin
>Implying anime Girls don't enjoy being part of a harem

This picture show that they're clearly not >>161002279
Why is goro hardly ever included in these materials? The game is already fucking out give home more love already!
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He does, that's part of his social link
Makoto got a blue box which is ou t of place so I doesn't really mean much.
the 500 page artbook has to monopolize all the art of the most popular character
how else could they expect to sell that thing
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Human neko is a mistake
Nah, they are just playing it up. They still want the phantom D afterwards.
Why is Morganna so cute?
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Yes, he should stay a neko
What kind of job?
She give ups being Burger Queen to become Coffee Queen.
He pleases old man for money
Because neko
Only one?
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Haru and Goro open a coffee shop together when?
Dead people can't start a business.
Femdom reverse gangbang doujins when
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He will be back anon.
>the yellow box

Persona 6 should have mandatory monogamy.
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copies of the non-shit version of FFXV
what non shit version
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hahaha what the hell
this doesn't even make any fucking sense when they already revealed the meaning behind the logo
and retconned it and everything about it from the game because they couldn't figure out how to make anyone give a shit about Luna and Noctis, you mean

And we are lucky that P5 didn't end up blunder like this.
>FFXV actually has been developed on and off for 10 years
>P5 was only developed on and off for 5 and nearly got cancelled once
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Bummer FF15 will still steamroll P5 sales-wise despite FF's major flaws.
>FFXV had a 10 year dev cycle
>20 hour campaign

>P5 had a 5 year dev cycle
>80+ hour campaign

I don't care.
The more FFXV sells, the more widespread the disappointment over how shit it is will be.
Doesn't matter, FFXV needs to sell way more than it'll ever actually get to break even, but regardless of that Square wants 10 million copies so they'll consider it a commercial failure no matter what
calendar system
Reminder part of the reason FF15 is so terrible is that it tried to pander to the largest possible audience.
If that's what it takes to sell better, I'm fucking glad P5 isn't going to sell as well as it.
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>>Haven't heard that name in a while
>>What is it?

>Sorry this is so sudden, but...it seems my body is close to its limit.


>This is goodbye

>>I can't believe this.
>>Let's think of a way.

>>Let's call everyone together.

>But they have jobs, don't they? Lady Anne is abroad right now, Yusuke is preparing for his own exhibition...
>Come on, it's all right! I've got a feeling I'll be able to come back all of a sudden again!

>You guys managed to tear off your masks and awaken your Personae...
>Doesn't that mean that someone will inherit my soul and I'll be able to meet you again?
>Maybe your lifelong separated little brother or a half-brother or something?
>If I were reborn now I'd be too young and I'd have no chance with Lady Anne.

>Don't cry, we'll meet again.
>Because I am you and you are me.
>I'll definitely meet you again. But until then...put me on your knees and hug me. A little. Just a little.
>I feel cold and lonely, so...just a little.
>...see you again. Say thanks to everyone for me.
>pander to the largest possible audience in an attempt to make as many sales as possible

wow, what a moral travesty for a franchise with one foot in the graveyard.
I don't blame them for it from a moral standpoint, but it made the game shit.
What's so inherently bad about trying to appeal to a wide audience? A good writer should be able to pull it off.
>What's so inherently bad about trying to appeal to a wide audience?
Nothing inherently wrong with it, but I've not once ever seen it done well. It's been the death of several franchises.

>A good writer should be able to pull it off.
Of course, but not once have I ever seen that happen. Hence why I dread the thought of it happening.
B-But Morgana is a magical neko, he can't die.
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*Record Scratch*

*Freeze Frame*

Yeah…that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got into this situation
Everyone dies

It's never even that everyone dies. It's that everyone dies AGAIN. The same ending the guy used in Type-0 and apparantly is just the only ending the guy ever uses is where everyone dies.
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He IS our guy, isn't he?
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Nah man, he's successful
>Hitler Beelzebub

>draw beelzebub
>call it bael
what did they meant by this
isn't bael just another name for beelzebub?
his fucking animations are literal perfection

Ironically both are also in the game as seperate personas.
I don't think Bael's a Persona. Only Beelzebub and Baal.
Second best boss in the game
>You guys managed to tear off your masks and awaken your Personae...
>Doesn't that mean that someone will inherit my soul and I'll be able to meet you again?
I don't follow
Nah. He's my second favorite antagonist in the game, but his boss fight itself is hardly up there.
I mean the actual fight wasnt anything special but something about him getting on his mech made it for me
Yeah, that was great. The whole transition with the safe opening to reveal butatron was fantastic.
>10 years in development
>only 4 party members
>20 hour story
>famous guy made fun of it

hold on a minute this post is familiar
The other one was better to be honest
>only 4 party members
But that's factually untrue. Cor, Iris and Aranea are all also party members.
FFXV is shit S H I T! P5 is the savior of jrpgs
Thank god Morgana will stay a cute neko forever, instead of becoming disgusting furry bait.
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Kaneshibro is the man, also he has good taste in women.
Mona will become a disgusting fujobait
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Sorry, but for someone not too familiar with this, did Phil make the recurring assistants or did Igor do so? If it's Igor, I can understand why they look so nice but if it's Phil, can I ask why he made Igor so hideous?
old people are hideous
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Igor is not hideous wtf are you talking about
>If it's Igor, I can understand why they look so nice
igors a fucking creep
So if you buy a Japanese PS3 copy of Persona 5, do you have to have a hacked PS3 to play it?

Do you need to make any modifications to it?
No. P5 is region free on both PS3 and PS4.
If you want to buy the DLC you'll need to make a Japanaese PSN account to get them though, since you can't access the Japanese store with a PSN account from the US for example.
the PS3 is region free

Makes sense. How would one create a Japanese PS3 psn account?

Also, is there a translation guide to the game if you don't know Nippon or is the game easy enough to wing it?

S.L. would probably be complicated since you could accidentally romance someone
>No fat party member who summon his persona through his belly
I've been waiting for that shit since I played P1P
Nomura's original version
>Persona 5 Crimson has a choice for a female Joker
>None of Goro's story changes

>Persona 5 Crimson has a choice for a female Joker
it won't.
It's kind of surprising that there isn't, considering how many girls seem to be fans.
Anyone notice that Lavenza and Morgana both refer to themselves with Wagahai and Wagano? I think that's a nice touch since they were both made by the same person.
It would mean animating literally every cutscene in the game twice. The female fanbase would still buy the game regardless, so there's no point in spending the extra money.
Nip girls don't give a shit and Atlus JP doesn't give a shit about tumblr.
the female fans like shipping potter with goro, they don't want a female protag, they just want homo relationships
Happy Thanksgiving to all the American /pg/'ers
Having a girl protagonist wouldn't get rid of regular Potter though. It would just mean there'd be an option to romance the guys too, and it's not like that's going to happen with a male protag.
nip fujos are a force of nature anon

Fuck off
Nip fujos are not nip otomefags. Fujos want male protags.
whats thanksgiving
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Do the Japs not like FeMC?
Obviously not, they've already proved that they have shit taste
quite the opposite actually
They did but they're not crying for her return like western fans do.
rank protags from best to worst
Me>everyone else>you
you think I'm special enough to be a protag anon?

There were no other protagonists.
A shitty one, like the forgotten protags from P3 mobages, sure.
...the what?
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Did I fucking stutter?
what the fuck is this
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What is Goro doing up there
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P3 mobage
It had shitton of them
what the fuck is a mobage
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Wait, shit. That one doesn't show the protag
Short for mobile game
are they any good
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Aegis: the First Mission and P3 Em look fun though

Even P2 had two, and apparently one of them was a sequel to EP
>blonde Larry
Muh dick
>mfw Japanese schoolgirls aren't actually cute
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About the P5 spin-offs, will the twins be back through some bullshit reason or will they go down the drain and let Lavenza take their place instead?
depends if they're sequels or not, I guess
>Persona 5 Arena
>Lavenza's gimmick is splitting and refusing constantly.
They'll just rip off DBZ fusions, it's not that complicated
there must be fanart of this
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And Zack's death was the ending of Crisis Core, which he also directed. The beginning of an illustrious career!
well, it is FINAL fantasy
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>tfw the neko folder is now longer than Morgana's life
I want to have unprotected unlubricated anal sex with Makoto Niijima
I want to have unprotected unlubricated anal sex with a /pg/ anon
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Okay anon

Bend over
You do know that not using lube in anal sex hurts the pitcher too right?
That is one of the main reasons that I made that post
Since Goro's mother is suicidal, i wonder if at some point she tried to kill Goro too before offing herself. Mentally unstable mothers with young children would sometimes do that, don't they?
You would know.
Not all people with depression kill people. Ms. Akechi a shit though, at least it wasn't the 80s and Shido didn't come back to beat her senselessly like what Ms. Kido went through.
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I'm just wondering is all. I'm actually in the headcanon boat that Ms.Akechi is actually a pretty good mother, just really fucked up and end up killing herself despite that.
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Why should I care about what a slut thinks about me?
That's a good way to get a real nasty infection for all parties involved
Goro seems to remember his mother a bit and he seems sad whenever he talks about her, if she really tried to kill him there's no way he wouldn't remember it and not feel hatred for her
Every fucking time I come here the discussion is either you faggots flirting with each other or talking about Goro. Jesus Christ.
I want to talk about you, anon
It would actually need an incredible ammount of work. They'd have to remake every scene (including the anime ones)

P3P only could do it because scenes didnt use 3d models
we're in the weird bytime between a game's eastern and western releases. generals always get weird in this timeframe.
you're pretty hot anon
Dont worry anon. The waifutalk will resume on next April. Or not
i'm sure i am, thank you
>All the memes that will come thanks to the licalization
>Disscusion about moments and characters that aren't Goro
>The dub in general
In April /pg/ will become great again
/pg/ will become /v/ in april
Makoto is the best haha
Makoto is the best haha
I use Reddit haha
I love Sword Art: Online haha
The only Witcher I have played is 3 haha
Judging by your typing style and choice of vocabulary, I can pinpoint your posts and you are really shitting up the thread. Fuck off.
Stop with the forced copypasta, it's annoying.
Judging by your typing style and choice of vocabulary, I can pinpoint your posts and you are really shitting up the thread. Fuck off.
Judging by your typing style and choice of vocabulary, I can pinpoint your posts and you are really shitting up the thread. Fuck off.
Judging by your typing style and choice of vocabulary, I can pinpoint your posts and you are really shitting up the thread. Fuck off.
Epic. I bet you're a gorocuck
good thread
Judging by your typing style and choice of vocabulary, I can pinpoint your posts and you are really shitting up the thread. Fuck off.
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>tfw so autistic and unoriginal to the point you keep spamming a shitty copypasta in a waifu worship forum
Judging by your typing style and choice of vocabulary, I can pinpoint your posts and you are really shitting up the thread. Fuck off.
Why in SWEET FUCK are you remotely personally offended by a mere throwaway hypothetical situation I proposed?
What exactly is your malfunction here?
What the fuck is wrong with you? How on earth have you managed to take an innocent passing comment and completely spin it into a massive strawman and get personal over it? Just how fucking insecure are you? Jesus, get a fucking grip.
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>When you're waifu poops on ur face
Judging by your typing style and choice of vocabulary, I can pinpoint your posts and you are really shitting up the thread. Fuck off.
the best feeling
Do you think we'll get any relevant news during the 20th anniversary fes? It seems like a pretty big event with a lot of merch and thought put into it for it not to bring anything.

pick one
Which persona girl is pure and perfect like Fuuka?
Fuuka is into beastiality though.
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She's not pure anymore
>The Fool: Arsene
>Ultimate Fool: Satanael
>Reverse Fool: Mephistopheles???

>The Justice: Robin Hood
>Ultimate Justice: ?????
>Reverse Justice: Loki
No one can be as pure and perfect as Fuuka, she's so flawless people need to make up things to try and make her look bad.
>No doujins
>No Pixiv images
Yeah, no.
I don't think japs even realized about this advance meme from /pg/
>The Fool: Arsene
>Ultimate Fool: Satanael
>Reverse Fool: Mephistopheles???

>The Justice: Robin Hood
>Ultimate Justice: Bacchus?????
>Reverse Justice: Loki
It's unique to the US translation.
Wait why Bacchus? He should get Galahad.
Satanael and Mephisto are kinda connected due to them being a Devil. Although Bacchus and Loki are the Mad gods, I can't find other connection between them.
I want something Nanjo related, even if it's a keychain.
But Galahad is neither a trickster or outcast deity. He's not even a godly entity either.
You're just proving him right, you know?
There's no legit critiscism to Fuuka's character other than her being "boring"
Fuukafags are the most annoying people in /pg/, somehow worse than Gorofags. Atleast Gorofags let you get make fun of him and accept the fact people aren't fans. But Fuukafags? No. You can't post memes against her, she is best girl and no other girl comes near her. It seems the majority of them are sensitive suicidal faggots by the way they reply to people.
Are you trying to make a new pasta or something?
And then there's this faggot.
You know, you sound pretty salty.
>t. Fuukafags
>yfw Joker's main persona turned into Mephisto in the Bad Ending.
>everyone thay calls me out on my autism is a Fuukafag
Is Hardin a fuukafag
No, but lotus juice is.
Hardin was a Chiefag but switched to Rise.
>tfw my gf looks exactly like Lavenza

love it
/pg/ is dead! like Goro!
>tfw /pg/ looks exactly like Goro's rotting corpse

love it
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Remember this?
Good times.

What's the Fuuka equivalent for groo?
Did Persona 3's plot just fucking rip off Evangelion I just found out about this thing and it's like something you think of
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Persona copied Jojo.

what is this
The Fuukafag that got humiliated last week.
Oh no
The fuck is this? Why he pointed a gun at her?
>last week

Last year
A Fuukafag on /v/ had a nervous break down a few months ago and started cutting himself
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>But Galahad is neither a trickster or outcast deity. He's not even a godly entity either.
Galahad -> King Arthur for Aeon Arcana

Regarding Bacchus,
>the only one (of the Olympians) to have a mortal mother.
>In his Thracian mysteries, he wears the bassaris or fox-skin, symbolizing a new life.
> He is also called Eleutherios ("the liberator"), whose wine, music and ecstatic dance frees his followers from self-conscious fear and care, and subverts the oppressive restraints of the powerful.
>His cult is also a "cult of the souls"; his maenads feed the dead through blood-offerings,
I thought Bacchus suited Goro rather well and it fit the PT theme as well...though if we're looking outside that, King Arthur might work.

I wish.
what thematic relation do goro and arthur have
where's the soundtrack for winter of rebirth?
the fact that it's a disposable safety razor makes it even funnier
itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte
where's the soundtrack for the other 3
in the pastebin, that's why no one hasn't posted the last one you dumb nigger
where in the pastebin
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What's he thinking of, /pg/?
The eternal peace that death brings.
>tfw Kaneko Works Vol.4 got delayed
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>Deeprising set got delayed to December
literally who cares
>persona 5
literally who cares

so... 1 week?
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>tfw you realized that these girls are Makoto and Haru.
Does anybody have the picture of Wodsum?
Wodsum a cutie
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There really isn't one? It's just people like Goro to have Galahad and the logical progression from there is well, King Arthur. If there's ever a P5-2, and Goro is the party leader/MC then it might make sense for him to have King Arthur as an ultimate persona.
>not Helel
to be honest i don't really see how there's a clear progression from galahad to arthur either, if we're talking thematically.
I'd say Galahad being the ultimate makes more sense than Arthur.
Makoto x Futaba is my yuri of choice.
Futaba as a trap with Makoto is also good.
yeah, i mean what else is there, st joseph? kinda a boring saint desu

alternately though you could get way into the way some gnostic tradition uses the grail as a symbol for sophia
Are the other party members' starting Personas and ultimate Personas even related to each other?
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>Rise x Mitsuru's husband
>Rise x Eikichi
>Yosuke x Lisa
Theres worse out there.
How do i filter post with character X character?
No, not at all.
Anything interesting from the P2 radio?
They announced that Maya is my wife.
Who knows.
Maybe 5 Nips actually listened to it.
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Why would anyone listen to swedish radio?

>P2 (pe två) is one of the four main radio channels operated by Sweden's national publicly funded radio broadcasting organization Sveriges Radio (SR). It broadcasts music (principally classical music and jazz) and also carries educational programming as well as programmes in minority languages.
So why is it a problem if Goro's initial and ultimate don't match?
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Moon imagery isnt unique to P3 or Eva, but yeah P3 is basically NGE fan fiction.
I liked being able to choose Fuuka/Mitsuru/Yukari at the end of P3P
>I liked the watered down version of 3 that completely ruins its own ending just to cater to the dating sim crowd.

Everything post FES was a mistake.
My problem with Galahad as Goro's true ultimate is that it doesn't match the theme of trickster gods or even famous thieves. Also...why do we want Galahad as Goro's persona? Is it because of his mom?
it was just thrown out there because of the bastard son thing, and it probably helps that the arthurian cycles are so underused in mt
>it doesn't match the theme of trickster gods or even famous thieves

Literally how is Necronomicon, Milady, or Johanna a thief? Only Milday out of those three is "picaresque." The other two do not fit the rogue context of the others.

>trickster gods
Hecate, Prometheus, Anat, Satanael, and Astarte are not trickster gods. The P5 ultimates represent those that have stolen from the gods.

And yes I will admit that Galahad doesn't have anything to do with the pattern with the ultimates, but he is a bastard son of Lancelot with a random chick and actually finds the Holy Grail.
iirc galahad was originally suggested in the context of a hypothetical followup/spinoff/autismo fanfic/ect, as in, something not organized along the exact same thematic lines.

the progression of robin hood to loki already fits that picaresque/god pattern more than most of the party anyway
But then it falls apart when you realize that Loki was Goro's starter.
Can someone please dump the P4:DAN and P5 models so we can have dumb shit like this but with Goro and Joker

lol maybe if you're some kind of pleb autist that can only engage with fiction literally
it's not like you need official models for MMDs
too lazy to check but I wouldn't be surprised if there already were videos like that with them on nico
Tell me how Johanna and Necronomicon are picaresque rogues.

Helel, dumbass.
This really annoys me. Why would they give up on the theme? It's just messy.
well, this was a mistake
what? that has nothing to do with what i was saying, in fact its the total opposite. my point is that when talking about a thematic pattern, goro's in this case, the order and method in which elements are shown to the player is what matters, not whatever in-universe justification is applied later.
I want an Everybody one with 3 different Goros
and now so do I
It's like they just ran out of ideas halfway through
All they had to do was find two more for Makoto and Futaba.

Hell, they could have used Portia for Makoto.
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>Nips are already getting their copies of Sho's stage play
>it took people 3 years to rip the Arena one
>we probably won't see it on our lifetime
>stage play
By "we" you mean the 2 people in /pg/?
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No, I mean everyone because the two people who care will die before then and the 8 who don't care will simply not watch it even if someone does rip it.
And /pg/ is 10 people.
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that ain't right
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Here, this might help
>Went to 2ch anti goro thread
>Saying English speaking fans don't understand Japanese and don't understand how shit Goro is
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I dont care what you think of Marie "Marī" マリー, this is cute and catchy.
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Goro has a drink now.
Called it and people said I was wrong.
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>yfw it's the best seller just because it's Goro

Though caramel milk sounds good though.
Ive never seen a tasty looking drink on any of these anime drink menus.

Fuuka's was basically a mojito without the run iirc, that was the closest.
The P1 menus still haven't been revealed?
>panther's drink
is that... a liquorice whip?
P1 and P4
P2s and P3
They said Goro's theme color is grey. I wonder if it means he's neither pure evil nor pure good.
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Hell yeah.
Fits with his token color in the chat logs too.
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>there are literally two drinks named Joker
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Wait, so P1 only got 4 character drinks, then 1 for the school?
I want to drink an Ayase
Kandori gets two fucking drinks too.
Yamaoka got a dessert.
Tesso is that rice curry thing.
The Pharmacy got a drink.
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They should've named Potter Phantom. It sounds just as try-hard and at least it's not confusing.
It doesn't help that both P2 and P5 have red as their theme color.
>Phantom of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts

So narcissistic
He's the leader so it's okay.
>Phantom and the Thieves of Hearts
sounds like a rockabilly revival group
which one is caffeine?
Okay maybe I specified it way too much but what I'm trying to say is that Galahad isn't a godly deity like the other Ultimates.
I want /fgog/ to leave.


Phantom on Smash 5 when?
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we dead.jpg
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/pg/ noooooo!
/pg/ YES
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speaking for myself here but the funny thing is i'm pretty sure the more i understood about goro the more i mellowed out and realized he's not as bad as i initially thought
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stop being so dead you cunts
Post the crimes illegal fucko, and the retarded shadow Naoto ones from Arena pretty please
That thread is full of denial over Goro's popularity and ambiguous status, whining about what Goro fans do that they wouldn't normally know unless they stalk Goro fan twitters, and accusing Goro fans of not playing the game.

Delicious salty tears.
How can they deny anything when all the evidence is literally in the game though
They choose to ignore evidence because they're haters.
It just makes them look like retards who cant read.
So you can talk about Goro? No, thank you.
Since it's a hater thread they just circle jerk with no one to oppose them, don't you know that's all 2ch is good for?
>over Goro's popularity
I'm feed up with Goro, but there is no way to deny this. The waifus were forgotten. The protagonist vanquished. I thought he would be the next Adachi, but he surpassed Adachi and even Yosuke by a wide margin.

>and ambiguous status
This is a bit more delusional. We are talking about the people who ambiguously killed the fucking protagonist and everything they did about it was to make an epilogue saying "he is dead, get over it."
Sounds like pure distilled schadenfreude.
Do the threads not get shitposted to hell though? Or is the board culture just that different, 'cause I imagine something like that would last for all of about five posts on here
2ch is very much an outlet for stress but people follow certain rules like not defending characters in their hate threads since it can be used against them "this character's fans are batshit they don't even let people hate their fav character" shit like that. So the fans ignore them and the haters just circle jerk and bash fans. It's entertaining sometimes because the things they say rarely hold any water.
MC and Goro's situation are a bit different though.

>his death was somewhat ambiguous in the Journey, but not as much as Goro
>his death was confirmed even more with the Answer
>the game foreshadowed his death after Nyx's battle
>the game's theme itself is death and it's acceptance, making his death logical and fitting

>might have died but his death was never seen
>Futaba's comment is unreliable, since she never detected him before
>Sae's comment that he went missing is oddly specific. Why beat around the bush if he really is dead?
>The game's summary doesn't even say he died, just that he made a promise with the PT
>Is popular and this could be reason enough for him to come back (granted MC is popular too, but bringing MC back would undo everything P3 tried to make à point about, while Goro's return wouldn't go against P5's theme)

And I'm probably forgetting other arguments too.
I'm not sure myself if he really is alive but I think it's understandable that many believe he is.

i used to be in the camp that thought they wouldn't bring goro back, to be honest. but it's only been two months since the game's release and they're already mentioning that they want to make spin-offs. p5 is gonna be atlus' flagship for years to come, and with a fate as deliberately questionable as goro's, combined with his sacrifice, i just don't see why they'd avoid addressing it later on. especially because it wouldn't really take a lot of brain power for them to come up with something that explains his disappearance.
very japanese of them
>this character's fans are batshit they don't even let people hate their fav character
Still, that's pretty boring. Throwing yourself in and defending your favorite character no matter what, like that one Fuukafag, is annoying but being mad at something that isn't even true and not letting anyone correct you is plain retarded. Having both opinions clash is better than circlejerking like that.
The good discussion is in the support threads, hate threads are just for bashing.

As an EOP who can't navigate 2ch for shit, I'm curious. Do they have a persona specific board where people post characters, or do they have just one board for videogame characters?
They have a board for video game characters and different threads for characters.
>Goro Akechi
>not Crow
Come on
who's crow
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the shitty fujo bait from Cold Steel.
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Just search it on google map.
>Protestant Church to the east.
Does Hifumi ever specify what denomination church she hangs out is, or is it just "Christian", like every other Japanese portrayal?
Well they've got a confessional right? So Catholic presumably. Although just a generic amalgamation is likely too.
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I-I'm glad they're having fun
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will you buy a Kajita?
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Godammit Shidou
I am so fucking sick of all the literal faggots in this general fawning over Goro.
You people make me sick
/pg/ is dead without Goro!
A question about P5's ending. Is MC going back to his hometown (Sumaru City!) after the beach vacation or is MC staying in Tokyo. This is important for research purposes.
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He's going back to his hometown.
They're driving him back to SUMARU CITY and they happen to drive by UMI DA. There is no beach vacation, Nips are just conditioned to scream UMI whenever they see UMI
You make me sick

>Not being able to appreciate Goro for the controversial and complicated character that he is despite how you feel about him.
stuck between a rock and a hard place
(the hard place is my penis when im thinkin about goro)
is this what gorofags tell themselves?
Non gorofags will never understand.
Then they make hate threads on 2ch because they can't handle it.
Now I have the mental image of my penis being crushed by a boulder, great.
>not wanting to get it on with a Selfish Basalt
>controversial and complicated character
Imagine if 4chan actually woked like 2ch (or if moot hadnt killed text only boards, rip) just how many hate threads would there be?
There'd probably be a hate thread for every single character in persona except MC and characters people don't care enough to hate on.
But it is though
The fact that everytime this gets brought up and we end up with walls of text regarding goro with both sides arguing shit makes it so goro's completely polarizing.
Either you love him or hate his guts.
polarizing maybe
complicated lol no
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best post all thread.
>Is Goro a complicated character
Even this topic is polarizing
And the gloves in his Crow guise.
But his gloves are white not grey
Even his gloves are polarizing.
I fucking hate this general
I fucking love Persona girls
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Me 2
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Me 3
Do you go to mementos for every coop? Im preety sure you do it with for Sadayo's but I dont know about the rest
i love coming back here just to see people argue about goro it all feels like such a meta joke because i bet that's what message boards on the internet in the game itself look like when his fans and haters talk about him
No, not every co-op.
orlando/ryuji resemblance is uncanny
How he won the twitter poll over Joker is pretty meta too.
>Katherine is best girl
>Makoto is best girl

>g: don't beat me up on the internet by saying i have bad manners.
>Katherine is best girl
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desu it's mostly the Akechifags who can't help themselves and have to mention him no matter what every ten posts and then pat themselves on the back they're keeping /pg/ alive

Knowing Goro reads the hate we post about him online, what would you like to say to him, /pg/?
Does Goro even have haters ingame when he's at the top of his popularity
Kill yourself
I want to kiss Haru's forehead. Is anyone with me?
Haru is a qt that deserves kisses all over, but only from Makoto
wodsum pls
Yeah well nobody's stopping you from talking about your waifu.
Sorry bud, Goro has already done much more than just kiss her forehead.
Will you still love Naoto when she inevitable goes full schizo?
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happy smiles BG.jpg
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That football competition we are in with other /vg/ Generals is about to start soon. We play in the 5th match against /fgog/. Information about the whole thing can be found here- implyingrigged.org/wiki//vg/_League_7_Qualifiers. You can watch it on Hitbox.
atashi wa never be as kawaii as woodsum ja nai, dearimasu desu to be honest
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Hahaha, wow, you weren't kidding. Sounds like at least one of them's been lurking here, because that part about understanding part of Futaba's explanation for the strategy for avoiding Joker's death but misunderstanding a lot sounds way too much like they've seen the Sae-Goro talk as well as that a few anons here still don't fully get what went on there.

The Goro+Goro fans hate thread actually has rules that people have been more or less following, including ones banning fans from posting, and the thread as a whole from defending Goro. As a result it stays on topic, but it's basically a gigantic echo chamber where they circlejerk over their hate and accuse his fans of being delusional/not understanding the game/twisting things to fit their viewpoint/etc, facts be damned.

It's actually entertaining to see, aside from them attacking some completely harmless fans by name in the thread just because they disagree with their view of Goro.
>Sounds like at least one of them's been lurking here,
For some reason this thought always scares me. Better us than tumblr I guess but still that's kinda uncomfortable.
I think they're talking about twitter mostly since lots of goroposters have twitter accounts. They also lurk on goro fujo twitters just to pick out things they can bash. It really is funny if not petty and stupid as well.
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Sounds like fun desu
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There's always going to be people from other sites lurking around here every now and then, that's unavoidable with a public message board. Just remember that we're all anon here, so there's no reason to give a shit what anyone else thinks.

Yeah, they're mostly focused on Twitter from what I've read (figures, since that's also where the poll happened). That particular comment I quoted really sounded like that anon's seen our discussions, though.

It's a fun read for a slow day for the most part. And if something they say actually hits a nerve somehow, you can always just one of the character fanthreads, or the one for investigating and confirming things. Those are usually pretty mellow and more focused on actual discussion.
I still think reincarnation version of reach out for the truth is better for this

Or even DAN's version
>reincarnation version of reach out for the truth

That post was qt as fuck, anon.
I read Nip just fine and most of what they say is immature spiel or can quite easily be refuted, there's not much to get worked up over if you're a long time gorofag.
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We can change later it if enough people want a different version of it. The music decided is what people voted and suggested.
don't you have an "I WANT THE TRUTH" thread to make or something
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Don't encourage him, even /a/ was getting shittied up with his garbage threads, and the garbage Persona 4 fans that flock to said garbage.
i wonder if he's on that basketball poster
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The fact that its any version of Reach Out to the Truth is disgusting.
I personally find it more disgusting that we have Shadow World as victory anthem.
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Yeah. If someone's really thin-skinned I think some comments could bother them, but so much of it boils down to the posters being petty because he's an antagonist/he wronged a character they like/they never moved on from the interrogation room scene and ignoring anything that goes against their viewpoint that it's hard to take them seriously.

The only thing that feels like a bit much IMO is talking about specific Twitter users by name when they're basically harmless, but that's not a regular thing thankfully.
>it boils down to the posters being petty because he's an antagonist/he wronged a character they like/they never moved on from the interrogation room scene

You forgot being mad at him for being more popular than self insert and waifus
I have a feeling only like 3 people voted in the poll. Having the Beegees vs Golden Opening is the most silliest thing since no one would get it, especially without the video. It'll just be the Beegees to them
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>Shadow World
For as much good as Golden provides, such as costumes, extra social link VA, 2 onsen anime cutscenes, and more date events, it brings an equal amount of negative. Such as the new intro video, a bad tsundere, easy-turned-pisseasy combat and gameplay, the fanbase in general, ect.

Its the price we pay to spend time with the P4 girls on New Years.

Kinda like how playable Rise, Yukari, and Junpei in Ultimax meant that the Ultimax story had to be terrible and drop anything even slightly interesting that Arena had set up.
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That too, but that's a given for those kinds of threads when they're about a popular character.

Also Ryuji fans who act like the Goro fans are the ones responsible for his hate thread (haven't checked that one, but I'd be really surprised if it's just Goro fans since a lot of people just dislike Ryuji as a character in general).
Pretty sure Ryuji is a completely irrevelant characters to Gorofags, no idea where they got the idea from
Aren't they just trying to find more reasons to hate Goro, even if said reasons are baseless accusations?
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I'd be down with Last Surprise

It's a thing where everyone agreed with one or two choices, but not so much on the others. Over 20 people voted for ROFTT and BABYBABYBABYBABY. But it left with the next highest being 7 and 6, which were Wiping All Out and The Golden Opening. The next bunch were all between 5 and 2. Rivers In the desert and I'm Cumming tied next with 5. We can replace Golden Opening with one of the two if ya'll would like.
Yes, please replace the golden opening.
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I think a few Goro fans actually do dislike Ryuji because he's kind of an ass to him for no reason beyond "he's against the PT," but most don't seem to mind him and a few actually like him and the more antagonistic dynamic he and Goro have.

They're definitely jumping at any excuse they can find to bash Goro and his fans, though.
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last surprise is a good choice

desu i would choose the remake of deep breath deep breath over the last surprise if i could
>Kinda like how playable Rise, Yukari, and Junpei in Ultimax meant that the Ultimax story had to be terrible
That's not connected at all. Ultimax was shit because they got 6 literally whos and an Adachifag to write the story, not because they added more characters.
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Sometimes I wonder if Atlus ever imagined that Goro would be so popular. Based on the SEGA event, I guess they must have been really surprised.
When does /pg/ play in the qualifiers?
I dont mean technically, I mean on a karmic spiritual level.

IS may have gotten localized for the first time in English, but it was the unlocalized EPP that had the new story stuff that was left unlocalized.

See what I mean?
Goro hits so many points that are popular with girls, there's no way they didn't know what they were doing.
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Here's a mini poll for people to vote, the changes should come in effect for tomorrow's game. http://www.strawpoll.me/11731063

It plays after /rlg/ - /sog/, so in about 20ish minutes if stuff stays on track.
makoto's hips never fail to impress me
They clearly where aiming for another Adachi case.
nice picture background atlus
Damn Yusuke is lanky as fuck
Shidou did nothing wrong, he was making the mother of all omelettes, can't fret over every egg.
>The only thing that feels like a bit much IMO is talking about specific Twitter users by name when they're basically harmless, but that's not a regular thing thankfully.
Like who? Stalking people's twitters is pretty shitty. The one I can kinda see they'd bash a lot would probably be kan.
Just let people be, it's not like gorofags talk shit about the rest.
But if they wanted Goro to be Adachi then there'd be no revenge subplot and Goro would be the actual mastermind over everything and just wants to fuck over the PT because they're in the way of his detectiveness.
We're about to play lads
play what
They wanted the Adachi fujoshit appeal, not whatever the fuck he was meant to be in the original game.
Famitsu speculated that the reason he won is because he plays to people's maternal instincts, kek
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Yeah, right
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They probably never imagined he would beat Joker at least.
I'm still really surprised at that, the count that anon did had a pretty big gap between them. Wonder if that many people use nicknames.
Especially since Potter seems so popular.
>the count that anon did had a pretty big gap between them
wasn't it only like 30 votes? there were bigger gaps
But yeah, beating the protag, in his own game after it was just released really is something.
I'm not really in denial about his popularity or anything, but, I do think the twitter demographic had something to do with it. I dunno if we'd see the same results with say, a magazine poll.
If they give Joker the option to romance guys in a future DLC/the re-release. Which guy would you like to see as a romance option?
Get fucked pg
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I thought he was our guy
he was working for the enemy?!
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Seems like Gorofags didn't want to score. Still, Two more games to go, and the only way is up now. We'll get those music changes in pronto.
Meant for >>161094307
New Thread

>this mad your general is so dead the only way for it to be active is to talk about a meme fake sports match
I'm actually happy that we didn't win because our current victory theme is terrible.
Floral Pants Man
>We'll get those music changes in pronto.
what is changing to what


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