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/ps2g/ - PlanetSide 2 general

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 397
Thread images: 50

あなたはしてるです edition

New NS LMG - you will never have to burst fire again!
Charge removed from MAX units, Gatekeeper nerfs, SABR and Valkyrie buffs, new jetpacking proof carbines!

>What is this game?
>How do I play?
>How do I play? (advanced)
>Tweaks and optimizations
>Weapon stats and vehicle weapons
>Weapons chart some anon made

previously on DEAD
About fucking time


Hanging dog!
paralyze the uncle
there's just nothing to do in this game
>map design sucks
>medkit HA is crutch as fuck
>RNG cof recoil on most guns
>a2g and HE, fair and balanced
>decreasing framerate with each patch
>same fights in the same bases in the same copypasted buildings

no wonder it's hemorrhaging players like no tomorrow. at least it's fun sometimes

Is that what they meant? Are the chinese going after Uncle Donald?
oh god.. .was the us election really a proxy war between russia and china??!??!
>>medkit HA is crutch as fuck

It's just the most adaptable loadout for infantry play. I prefer LA but there's plenty of fights where LA is pointless.
The hell is wrong with my game. I see character models stuck in a static position even while moving. Some models are invisible, but I can see their weapons. Some look dead on the ground but are actually alive and move around. I kill someone, they die, but their model freezes in place. The fuck is going on?

>Nation more divided than ever
>Rioting in the streets
>Donald and Putin BFFs

Really fires up the ol' synapses
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Servers down :c now what
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>have work to do
>wont be able to click mans for DAYS

Haha your SPH is going to go into the trash
Ah the nostalgia. I was a big fan as a kid. The remakes weren't bad desu.

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Yeah that's what all the shitters say
I'm proud of you Americans. You actually managed to elect a meme as your president! You are a first meme nation on Earth.

Now pls leave NATO as you promised, and without USA as the World Police Putin can finally kill us all.
Explain to me why EM6 is 167/600 while TMG-50 is 167/577?

Is TR not the "high fire-rate faction?"

It's because TR is UP and needs to be buffed
TMG has lower first shot recoil multiplier (1.5x, the lowest available to LMG's), tighter horizontal recoil and better moving cone of fire (0.35, the same as the Anchor)
Lies of a cuckold.

No it's worse in every way. Everyone knows NC is the most OP faction, the numbers don't lie
tmg bufed 2 167/600
em6 bufeds 2 200/600 (be cause nc is big boolet)
juts wait 4 ext update ;-)
liked and subscribed
test successful :--------D

Haha, werl testing something? Ya blew it, faker.
wow rude

hello is this /bg/ (benin general ;DDD)
no more bennings pls
let us talk about the planet side
blanet sid :-DDD
ok ;_;

jk benin :DD
TR Dredd helmet when?
benin :p
there is a time for memes and now is not it, this is important
u no wut else is important

hehe i bet u thoght this would say benin

this 1 is the 1 that says benin ;DD
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The game is unplayable. 1/3 bullets give a hitmarker, instagibs everywhere. I guess it's finally time for a break
aim better
Can't aim better when my gun shoots rubber bullets
yes you can
aim better

You must be NC
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:D :D :D
How effective is the skyguard compared to burster max?
They're equal

Skyguard = Burster Max = Sundy with 2x Walkers
That's compared to a non-lockdown AA MAX, right?
>Skyguard = Burster Max = Sundy with 2x Walkers
bus >>>> skyguard > burster
bunp 4 trunp :-DDDD
elegd me 4 benin

t. drump ;DD
*elegdens u 4 bennin*
oh fuggg ;-DD

"my bellow amerigans,

benin ;DD"
Helo I am benin press wut r ur potilac posishuns???????
dogg style ;DD


seggss w/ girls :DD
greb her by de pussien amirite??
hehehe yes

bls don regord this ;DD
Oh fug recorded is regordin

How mugch u pay 4 me 2 not play diss??? ;DDD
leds mage a deal

2.. no.. 3 burger.. ;DD
u-ur fireds¡!!
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With each passing day we get further and further from Vanu's light.
Thank god for that.
fuck off shitTR
w2c vanu gf
serious replies only
Why does my redeploy and instant action button not do anything? (i checked i am using the right keybind)

Did they change it or is it just a bug?

I played since beta but haven't played this game much in 2 years because I kept getting disconnects

I alt tabbed back into the game after posting this and it is working now...
haha u dum
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Rate my Valkyrie stats

Also, is there any way where I can see the stats of me piloting, like with pilot assists, etc? I think this is only for weapon kills.
Looks decent bud

don't forget, anyone with S or U ratings are cheaters and will usually be the ones calling you a shitter in a few minutes.
>Rate my Valkyrie stats
You can get S rank natty but you have to be super ultra mega fucking autistic about it to the point of it not even being remotely fun or enjoyable.
Or use a gun most people suck with, like battle rifles.
>Looks decent bud
Really? I am not sure how exactly these stats work. I think, they are actually misleading, because I often played the Valkyrie solo, and switched seats, so the deaths where I switched back to pilto seat probably don't count, I think. Could that be?
every time someone says battle rifle it makes me want to log on and use battle rifle

no other weapon name does this

have i been mkultra programmed or somethign?

am i going 2 b an assasin someday????!?!


*muffled ammunition belt in distance*
>don't forget, anyone with S or U ratings are cheaters

I have plenty of S on infantry weapons and I'm not a cheater
>You must be NC

I am. I'm also better than you, but I can't aim better when the game is broken like that.
t. 1.5 ivi shitter
Record those moments when it feels like you're firing rubber bullets - I did - turns out it's always just RNG fucking you over. You can be aiming directly on target, but your CoF is just wide enough to send the bullet flying off beside them, or between legs, or just over their shoulder, and because you have low RPM and high damage you have more instances of a string of bad RNG rolls fucking you over.

Higher RPM guns don't suffer from this because the number of rolls made limits the extremes you'll see. Which means high RPM weapons are more consistent. You might miss, but it doesn't matter because you have more rolls smoothing it out; a few outlier rolls don't cost you a kill or a 1vs1.

This isn't something that will ever be fixed though. It's an NC-specific issue that's existed from the start and nobody involved in balance considers it a problem.
you're fucking retarded
what you're describing is the reason why NC as a whole performs on average ~10% worse, bursting is hard, etc
but shitty hitreg is a real thing, for all factions
This right here.
The bus is the most useful, versatile, and arguably powerful ground vehicle in ps2.
It also scales better with numbers than anything else due to the existence of proxy rep.
It's not RNG. Every action on Miller has 5s delay. Server has huge packet loss, sometimes you can literally unload into someone's face and not get a single hit marker
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>sometimes you can literally unload into someone's face
God 8 chan is a fucking mess also they take muh sender internet klub to new heights. Are they just all 18 or something?
It's what 4chan was like back around 2006-2009

Kind of like looking into the past
My thoughts exactly
Who controls the memes controls Auraxis
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so i'm like the ultimate jew right
This is literally me for the last 3 years
me on the left
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love this pic
Fuck you Planetside 2
>a billionaire will move into government housing that was previously assigned to a black family
2016 truly is the year of memes
>not 'u'
get with the times, gramps
Don't ever reply to me again.
>> 159870938
>no (You)
wow rude

fuck you, i'll (You) myself
haha get fucct
I wish they'd allow non-russians a free transfer to memerald, hearing about the shit you have to deal with on millergrad makes me sad 4 u ;_;
if we tell yuros ITT to play on memerald, it's because there's about 80 players here, so those who could possibly make the switch from millergrad to memerald are ~20 at most, and not even a dozen will actually do it
if even just a third of all yuros switched, memerald would become unplayable just like millergrad is right now (the average yuropoor (not russians, actual yuros) gets a barely passable connection to yuro servers)
This time it's not even Russians. Last patch broke this game. Hamster that was powering Miller died, the game is unplayable as infantry so everyone jumped into vehicles.

I play this game from the start and it was never as bad as it is now.
>memerald would become unplayable just like millergrad is right now (the average yuropoor (not russians, actual yuros) gets a barely passable connection to yuro servers)

The general problem with Euro servers is that they are located in a third world shithole called Netherlands, and apparently everyone has bad connection to Neatherlands even the neighbor countries.

You see if i log to emerald i will have 115 ms ping and around 117-120 ms server latency.
When i log to Miller i have 35 ms ping and 120 ms server latency.
Should I go for one of the NC SMG's or just grab one of the NS ones?
NS PDW is a good all rounder. It has the best hipfire with laser attachment and a LOT longer effective range.
Cyclone was generally considered the best one in CQC though it got heavily nerfed last patch.
Blitz is a very good hipfire spray and pray weapon. Put a laser on it and never use ADS.

NS MKV is also good for being sneaky.
How does the MVK compare to the PDW? Is it much of a drop for the sneak?
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>but your CoF is just wide enough to send the bullet flying off beside them

Just pull down :^)

ur memescope game isnt stronk enuff

if you had used 4x that never would have happened)))))))))))))))))
Cyclone hits real hard, but only if you're right in their face. Effectiveness at range received quite a hit last update. PDW-7, or whatever, has a way larger effective range due to its accuracy, and you'll definitely notice that.

Cyclone for biolabs, PDW for everywhere else, if you insist on using an SMG.
I had the PDW. HATE IT. purpled it on every alt and would prefer pretty much any smg over it.

I know there are people out there that are good with it, but I'm not one of them.
>27 boolets to kill a mans at medium range
use a 1x and aim better, you fucking shitter
memescopes are literally just that; a fucking meme.
welp, did i type 27? i meant 37
Most people hate it, i think its ok. In most middle range engagements with non-shitters you are gonna lose but up close it kills as fast as other SMG's while being silenced.
real talk, is 1x seriously more accurate? Every time I go 3.4 or higher it feels like COF is worse

Recoil gets worse and worse the higher the magnification
it's not more accurate
but 3.4x bumps your view 3.4/1.35=2.5 times as much
so is much easier and less retarded to click their face in
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Miller experience.webm
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So this is how Miller works for me for the last two weeks. It's like i'm 3 seconds in the past.

I did some research and apparently i have packet loss to Netherlands and while ping is about 35ms the jitter is over 300ms. Servers in other countries are fine, 110 ms to US of A with 5 ms jitter and 0% packet loss.

Can someone from EU check their ping/jitter/packetloss to Netherlands pls? I wonder if it's a local issue with my ISP or something is fucked in the weed country.
weed country is fine
problem is daybreak being cheap bastards, using 5 year old servers and skimping out on ISP costs
Any you nerds in a outfit?
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welp, im gonna have to get back to my memerald alt until this shit goes away
>This is what Murricans believe

Most Western euros have optical fiber and I back when I still had the game installed I had 90ms to memerald.

I'm pretty sure your average South Dakota Joe doesn't get that, not to mention Manolho Pedrolito Dos Santos Silva.
yeah but most people are normies and play on wifi
40 ms with 5-10% packet loss is decent, 100-150 ms with 5-10% packet loss is cancer (for those on the receiving end)
>40 ms with 5-10% packet loss is decent

No. Even 5% packet loss is cancer.
Also theres no reason to get packet loss via WIFI.
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>Manolho Pedrolito Dos Santos Silva.

t. not huestavo i swear lmao
>Also theres no reason to get packet loss via WIFI
its ok we understand gus

our lines of life are all different and we can't help it

you should get back to repairing your turrets, though
Well i get 0% packet loss and 300 Mbit/s on my 2000 € laptop with Killer DoubleShot™ Pro wifi adapter :^)
>gaming laptop
>being poor

>implying i don't have a $1.5k good (but without muh gaymen moneysink """features""") laptop, as well as a $4k desktop compter
>4k desktop

How is it even possible to pay that much? You'd have to like specifically wait for things to not be on sale, then shop around to find the highest price, then go and get a bunch of meme parts like gold tipped cables.
>he doesn't have 8+ gpu's
then why are you sperging at me? My lap is a real i7 with 8 threads and a top tier display, good GPU is just a bonus, i rarely play on it and when i do it's games like UFO. I would never play an FPS game under 120 FPS.

You bought some $3000 german meme headphones and are including it in the cost of the PC, aren't you
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>he doesn't have 16+ gpu's

And the extra $700? Some 65 inch 4k HDTV for a monitor?
>And the extra $700? Some 65 inch 4k HDTV for a monitor?

Nah thats 27'' Asus ROG swift, the first G-sync 1ms monitor.
I do have a $2199.99 4k SUHD HDR1000 tv :^)
i'm not sperging, but whatever amount of money you have available, throwing money away on gimmicks is always a bad idea
as i said, you could have gotten a much better laptop without a discrete graphics card and the "muh gaymer" design markup tacked on for less money. and you said you rarely even play games on it, so what's the point?

$500 CPU
$2x600 GPU
$800+150 monitor
it adds up quickly

>He doesn't have 600 $2 gpu's
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I think i've wasted my life. 5 years a Uni to get an MSE degree. 4 semesters of mathematical analysis, 2 semesters of algebra, quantum physics, nuclear physics, dosimetry, radiochemistry, radiobiology, biochemistry, histology, anatomy, physiology etc.

I really hoped we would get that nuclear war going thanks to Hillary Clinton, so i could make millions using all that knowledge, but no.. you had to elect Trump. Fuck you USA.

Sure i'm smart as fuck, but i could spend all those countless hours perfecting my FPS skills.
By now i would be winning all those million dollar tournaments, and i'll be the next Fatal1ty with my own line of Asus motherboards.
>Sure i'm smart as fuck
>can't even capitalize 'I' properly
>capitalizing "i"

who cares? you ruined my future business with your meme candidate
CoF shouldn't change, although I agree that it feels like it does.

Maybe worth investigating
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aim better
>studied my ass off, got a phd in math
>work on finance
>ez hours, lodsamone
>plenty of time to play vidya
>i'm 35 now, but back in the day i was pretty damn good at FPS, competed and won local LANs on a regular basis (was undisputed Q3A champion for 4 years, I'm the closest thing to an ex quake pro this joke of a thread has ever seen), and thanks to my little brother who talked about me at his school i banged hot 16 year old (legal) gamer chicks left and right
how does it feel to be a failure, fampai?
>how does it feel to be a failure, fampai?

It doesn't, you got a great job and all! But will you ever be an another Gauss or Euler? No. But you could be a next Fatal1ty. A fucking legend!!
ickke and balls:DD
that's lewd!
don't pretend you're not enjoying it, you filthy slut
I only enjoy tbagging bolt shitters and C4ing spawnroom tank campers
I've got 1500 certs. My two support classes have their heal/repair guns maxed out. Should I invest in a new secondary? Skyguard? AA weapon for my Sunderer? Is there anything fairly general purpose that would benefit me no matter which class I play, or should I start to specialize in a class such as light assault?
LA is fun if you're good
HA is fun if you're bad
you should probably deck out something like a rep bus that you can deploy and forget about for dem ez certs
>I'm the closest thing to an ex quake pro this joke of a thread has ever seen

I'm gonna have to ask you for 1v1
t. polish plumber pretending to be an engineer pretending to be a model

*closes faceplate*

another quality thread
what were you expecting
*t. polish plumber pretending to be an engineer pretending to be a model pretending to be an ex quake pro
cluck cluck cluck

1v1 me. NS11A. PTS. 10 minutes. The Crown,

t. Korean ex quake fashion model
Say it to my face and not online and see what happens.
well he might be rude but as a girl i can;t beat him in 1v1 irl combat, but i sure can beat him in memes!
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fucking pussy
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Why not just play quake instead?
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I want this in game
>hop on for the first time in weeks
>try the naginata
>aimbot hackusation within a half hour of using it
I haven't gotten one of those in months.

Thanks werl

But seriously, what the fuck were they thinking?
It's not a very good weapon. Basically just an NS15.

>Heavy is already the best class at close-mid range combat and destroying vehicles
>Let's make it good at long range too
aim better
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Auraxis, the meaning of pain
The way that I want you to die
Slow death, immense decay
Spawn tubes that cleanse you of your life
So you spotted my Judaica good eyes goy
If you want to make aircancer suffer get deployment shield and walkers on a sundy.

Deter all airniggers
in the end there is only ass

>terrantards and congoloids will never, EVER have a butt like this
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Forgive them, for they know not what they do.
heheh butts ;DD
benin in butte :DDD
lude ;DD
Haven't played since before battleye - does CLAB.exe still work?
Headshot kills should be permadeath.
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I spent my spare certs on Emissary and accessories because I was bored. I regret everything.
why? it's one of the most funs guns in the game, wish I had the opportunity to use it more often.
>page 10
did they buff TR

It's an SMG but with too small a mag to drop anyone besides an infi or low BR. There's pretty much no reason to ever use it vs the other NS sidearms and, hell, even the majority of ES pistols.
>page 10

patch at 9 am for anniversary bundle

HA holo armor and account-wide heroic boosts, $100
can't post because hiroshimoot is gay
praise werl``
I think $100 is too cheap
They should have priced this at $1000, that way they could really exploit the whales

Then after 6 months they could drop the price to $800 for all the poorfags.
Bravo anon, I can already see DBG marketing and management giving you a raise. You've solved all their financial issues with this one weird trick.
>You've solved all their financial issues with this one weird trick.
Russian investment firms HATE him!
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ded thread

lets stimulate some discussion...

Uncut or cut?
Jews cut their dicks because its a way to worship their reptilian masters who don't have foreskins and are jealous of us and because our foreskin contains our souls, which the jews slurp up during circumcision.
shut up drumpfskin
Anthony pls come back
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fuck off animeshitter
you are extremely rude ;_;
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poo poo pee pee
haha benin :DD
Leonard Cohen died today ;_;
>tfw 300+ms to first hop in my WAN at 7:30 am
literally no idea how an isp can be this incompetent. i could understand with the advent of internet TV but who the fuck is watching netflix at 7:30 am. this happens every day.
pls someone save me
gill u'rselv:--DDDD
>but who the fuck is watching netflix at 7:30 am


why do nc have the only cool looking helmet cosmetics

rabbis actually do suck baby dicks after circumcision though. kids have died from getting shit like herpes
this particular part of the ceremony is called metzitzah b'peh
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>Haven't played in months
>Thinking about updating the game and having some fun with a Banshee Mossie
>Find out that they have finally added Battleye

Fuck that. Didn't really want to play anyway.
>did some research and apparently i have packet loss to Netherlands
And what country are you playing from?
So the anniversary pack this year is 9999 DBC.
Im such a cuckboi that I'll probably by the memeversiry pack
well yueah duh
how do u expcext me 2 sav game?
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>Paying $100 for a game that will be ded before the year is out

You seem like a man who's good with his money; interested in owning an authentic American landmark?
>interested in owning an authentic American landmark?

is it your benin ;DD
servers back up when? i want to give daybreak my money and get this over with
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No. My dick isn't a landmark; it's the eighth wonder of the world. I wonder where it is sometimes.
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oh fug u jus regged urself ;DD
why were they down?
>for a game that will be ded before the year is out

to be fair I thought this every year and still purchased the bundle
good goy
>still getting packet loss and huge pingspikes to Netherlands

How am i supposed to win this war when im getting instagibbed by BR 5's
Does Daybreak cash work so I can use giftcrds that use opencash?
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planetside 2 TR.jpg
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Since servers are down can I blogpost?

>be me
>at the launch of PS2
>install and play
>I suck
>try different classes
>suck with all
>years pass
>I play every few months when the mood strikes
>I can't fucking kill anyone
>used the proper settings
>top tier PC and mouse
>every time I complain I get called names and told to aim better
>usually play only TR and infiltrator SMG

Dunno how you fuckers do it. I barely hovering at 0.5 K/D after years of playing. You are either aimbotting or lying.

You're just trying to make everyone else feel better because they don't have a .5k/d, aren't you. I appreciate it
are you running under enemy guns like a retard? maybe your internet is shit
aim better
Are the servers still down? I'm at the gym and I was hoping to be able to play when coming back
I know you don't want to hear this, but literally just aim better.

Lower your aim down sights sensitivity and don't play like an idiot. Always be aware of your surroundings, always position your self better than the enemy. That can be tough in a game like this where unexpected shit can always happen, but do it as best as you can.

And leave shitty fights where you're either stupidly overpopped with cheese or are stupidly overpopping. In both cases you're probably not going to be able to do shit.
Hallo wer r da menes?
I try to position, flank the enemies, etc., but the moment I uncloak I get BTFO by snipers after the first shot. It always feels like they know or do something I don't know about. It feels like I'm a handicapped retard, honestly.

This one time I killed 5 guys before I died, fucking felt extatic.
You were probably tracked by a motion spotter then. If you're an infil try EMP'ing them away or at least placing your own to make the fight somewhat even before engaging.
What's the highest skillcap playstyle in the game?

Anon. Are you an infilshitter main? Tell the truth
Bulldog Galaxy at a 1-12.
Yes, it's the only I get kills.
only way*
When will the fix auraxium armor?
Right now its fucking disgusting. It has LESS components than composite and it looks like a blob of shitty colors.

What it should have:
>all parts of composite
>The "glow" should be pulsating changing from one faction color to the other (ex. NC Blue to Yellow), it should NOT be a mixture of those colors in a lava-lamp
>The glowy areas should be along the "trims" and "lights" on the composite armor, not the fucking bags
>the "armor" parts of the armor should be Glossy/Shiny version of the dark faction color (Black, Purple, Blue)
>the "bags" and "cloth" should be Matte version of the light faction color (Red, Teal, Yellow)
Can you post some video gameplay of yourself if possible? We could tell you what you're doing wrong.

Liberator pilot. That's why they can do so much damage, it's a skill vs reward type situation.
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Please no bully

Infiltrator scum reporting in. I got all the skills to 4 and have 5k certs to spend. What do? Already got the best weapon. Should I just go for all 5s on skills?
I guess... I could record something and come back. Don't have anything recorded right now.

I really, really like the game, but I burn out quickly every time I pick it up, it gets tedious to be WRECKED all the time. I also hate whiny cunts, so not proud of what I'm doing right now lol.
I'm not competent at infilshitter but if I was I'd offer to play with you and show you the ropes
What's with people playing cancer? Man up ffs. Two fucking infilshitters in 5 minutes.
Should I start with HA or Medic?

You are just mad I sniped your ass 200 times.
Either bolting lowbies using terminals from 300m or gunning as an infiltrator for a bulldog galaxy in a 1-12 fight
It's pretty simple. Just play HA, stay in a group, don't get outnumbered, don't run around in the open (infilshitters), and simple camp here and there and aim on the head.
I agree with you

Switch to medic and use all those certs on Medic updates
situational awareness is much more important than aiming (except you play sniper perhaps).

Am I the only one that thinks the NC armor looks purple, and the VS armor looks blue
servers are up
>Am I the only one that thinks the NC armor looks purple

You aren't. At least 20 people who TK'd me thought the same.
Depends on your range. If you're railjackin it from 500+ meters then yeah you reach skill cap in a couple days, you can just sit one base over and be more or less safe.

Close range behind enemy lines without a suppressor you should probably be using cocaine or something
>sit one base over

I kek'd
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>He doesn't snipe from other bases
Sheeeeeiit is there a TR long range shit like that? Asking for a friend :^)

HE prowler
>infilshit complaining about snippers
>A few of you noticed a "Legendary" bundle in the Marketplace coming soon. Unfortunately there was a serious issue with this item and we've had to remove it. This bundle will not be made available.

So now you can't even buy their $100 lootcrate, even if you wanted to. I never understand what's going on at this company.
The serious issue was that it cost a hundred fucking dollars
Is it normal for me to dip down to like 30fps or less in big fights?

I swear i had better performance a couple months ago with my nvidia 760 and after upgrading to 1060 recently its been far worse.
the serious issue is that y'all are still playing this steaming pile of shit
>I swear i had better performance a couple months ago with my nvidia 760 and after upgrading to 1060 recently its been far worse.

That's because last patch broke the game. I'm getting like 50% of FPS i had before the patch
Downtime didn't fix the freezes. Not that I expected it to.
braise werl :-------D
ill bully ur donut
brebare 4 benin ;-SDD
fug xD
how the fuck do i get rid of the washed out look this game has
Is it possible to remove the fog outright?
you can use super sampling via ini edit, game will look a lot more sharp ( but it's quite big hit on a GPU)

Woah good save
ps2g must live
You'll be happy to know that nvidia just introduced spyware in their drivers that does everything battle eye does, and then also outright states they sell it all, while battle eye says they don't.

You will of course boycott nvidia now, right?

Oh wait, I guess the nvidia spyware doesn't impact your ability to cheat in videogames, so that'll get a pass. : ^)
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>A bounty has been placed on you!

I'm not cheating, you're cheating. Cheating doesn't exist. You can't prove anything.
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>start hunting the person who put the bounty on you to make them even more pissed
I'd put the upper limit for genuine kdr without cheating, spawnroom or vehicle padding, at around 3-4. You might be able to eke out 5-6 with extremely cautious playstyles. Also, it's not your aim that's getting you a 0.5kdr, it's your positioning, so focus on situational awareness and outsmarting players.

Anyways, check stats on dasanfall; anyone with U or S ratings on infantry weapons is almost guaranteed to be cheating - the more guns rated that way in their profile, the more likely. Anyone with M++ is suspect, but achievable by extremely good legit players and should be considered the upper limit of legit.

If you're sitting around C on dasanfall; congrats you're perfectly average.
If you're below C, you're doing worse than the average player.

If you can get an A* rating, congrats you're in the top 2% of the entire planetside population, including a whole hell of a lot of people who no longer play.

Just an FYI there are a good half dozen or so people who post here, who have S ratings on weapons and loudly proclaim everyone else to be shitters. But people with theset ratings should be 1:10,000 or even rarer. To have even two posters in these threads with S rating weapons would be an incredible fluke.

Which is to say: Cheating is absolutely rampant amongst the "top" players; even 5% of redditors admit to cheating (which makes it 1:20 people cheating in this game) A lot of the posters in these threads cheat, and some have even outright openly admitted it in the past. So don't get discouraged when some nigger calls you a shitter for having a 1.5 kdr - you'd literally be better than 60-80% of the playerbase with a kdr like that.
>Anyways, check stats on dasanfall; anyone with U or S ratings on infantry weapons is almost guaranteed to be cheating - the more guns rated that way in their profile, the more likely. Anyone with M++ is suspect, but achievable by extremely good legit players and should be considered the upper limit of legit.
so is this for accuracy or KDR or what

because 'suspicious' KDR is easy to get, you just have to play like a total wussie
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>Just an FYI there are a good half dozen or so people who post here, who have S ratings on weapons and loudly proclaim everyone else to be shitters. But people with theset ratings should be 1:10,000 or even rarer. To have even two posters in these threads with S rating weapons would be an incredible fluke.

What are you implying
skiddies pls go
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double XP for everyone until Nov 27
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>If you're sitting around C on dasanfall; congrats you're perfectly average.
>If you're below C, you're doing worse than the average player.

Is it pic related or am I looking at the wrong stat?
Nigga all your stats are C
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You gotta explain more senpai, sorry if I'm dense.

Is it the correct info the other anon was talking about? It means I'm average?
the proofs ar in de puddign :-DD
It's not any one particular stat, check all of them out. Also take a peek at your stats on ps2.fisu, they do similar but with a slightly different grading scale.


Whenever you see a grade on dasanfall it's corresponding to a z-score.


Read these two wiki articles and you should get the general idea.
>75.9 spk

Holy shit
spk is?
shots per kill
top fucking kek! is 70+ even possible?
someone literally just posted an image where it was

are you fucking retarded
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Yeah bud, it means you're average.

C+ (Low Average T1, Δ = -0.125) - Average rating.
C (Low Average T2, Δ = -0.25) - Average rating.
C (Low Average T3, Δ = -0.325) - Average rating.

That's why it's a letter grade.

Pic related is your C+ rating. You are worse than 55% of the playerbase and better than 45% of the playerbase.
Eeeeh I'm okay with that. My glory days are over, I could WRECK all the fancy letter players on Unreal Tournament 99, but PS2 is a no no :)

Thanks for the info, I'll work for B score.
it's interesting to note that if you actually look at PS2's stats, it doesn't have a perfect bell curve like that- at either extreme (god fucking awful F-- rating and S++ on every weapon super eleet ex-quake pro) there's a sharp increase in number of players, not a gradual falloff to 0
Does anyone know if dasanfall counts people who have only played a few hours / days? What's the cutoff?

I could see the bottom half of the curve getting skewed by a lot of throwaway accounts, or people who try the game, get farmed a lot, and then quit within a couple days.
That's probably because KDR would follow a Poisson distribution
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Here's memelabs that ranks people on something like a truskill / ELO algorithm.

You can see there's a very slight right skew in the graph.

That probably exists because:
1. Good players stick around and improve, bad players quit early.
2. Cheaters


>'top tier' players have no NC
>VS literally easymode

>Impossible to do great as NC
>Impossible to suck as VS

User friendly :^)))
The very top end there is only like 50-100 people

Anyways ELO rating is basically a mathematical rating system designed for chess. Everyone starts out at a basic rating of, say, 1500. When you lose a game, that rating decreases, and the person who won the game has their rating increase.

The greater the difference between ELO ratings, the greater the change in ELO for a win / loss.

For example, a player with 1200 ELO winning against a player with 1800 ELO might go from 1200 -> 1300 and the other guy 1800 -> 1700

Whereas an 1800 losing vs 1790 might go 1800 -> 1798 and the 1790 -> 1792

It's a measure of relative skill, but it's only valid in a system of 1vs1 matchups.

Trueskill is something microsoft's research department came up with for Halo 2. Halo 2, being a multiplayer game where 1vs1 matchups are not the norm and not really valid, needed some way of rating people while taking into account the other people they play with.

Trueskill AFAIK isn't an open-source algorithm, so we don't actually know how it works, but it was designed with the express idea of balancing small team-based arena games.

Planetside 2 is neither a small arena game, nor 1vs1 oriented, so neither trueskill nor ELO work. You can still use them to get an approximation, a general idea, but they will be inaccurate. Regarding melbalabs, I think the guys is using a straight ELO rating without any modification to it.
Good night!
Sweet memes
>BattleEye is here
>all top players are still good

What will shiTRs cry about now?
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fuck off you dumb shitter, aim better
failing that, k ys

>be shitter
>can't come to terms with the fact that you're fucking terrible at the game
>"i-it must be that they're all cheating!"
The commissioner tells the story. You're the shitter here
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Yeah but why do you cheat
Battle Eye is just collecting data, it's up to daybreak to actually ban people - it's not an automated system.

If they're going to ban anyone, it'll probably happen after christmas as part of a mass banwave.

1. They get all the money from the cheaters buying shit for christmas
2. Banwave makes it more difficult for cheaters to know what actually got detected
wow rude

>S KDR on MAX weapons
wow so impresiv
>n-n-no goy, they'll totally ban people in waves, starting in, uh, i don't know, two years or so? t-then you'll se they all get banned, you j-just wait for it
>conveniently ignoring everything else
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Why would you ban all the people who would buy your $100 anniversary pack right before releasing said pack
Did wrel save the game?
For the record: being a shitter doesn't mean you have shitty numbers.
Being a shitter means you're not trying to get better. It means not lowering your sensitivity and aiming for the head, it means choosing to crutch on easymode bullshit instead of learning to play infantry, and it means accusing people of hacking because you cannot possibly conceive how someone could be just that good.
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>they haven't achieved pre-buff Ass Magic Rifle mastery
Well, why would they invest any money into battle eye at all if they're not going to use it?
They are going to start banning people at some point, and it is more likely to be a banwave than automated or a few isolated accounts.

Anyways, anyone who's been using cheats since battle eye went live has probably already been flagged, so it's not even going to matter if you stop using them now. Just suck it up and hope they don't ban all your accounts, or that whatever method of cheating you're using is going to slip past detection.
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>VS get new armor
>Literally power rangers tier
And why would they ban them after they paid $100 for that pack, when they'll pay another few hundred dollars for subscriptions and shekels, probably for a couple more years?

>Just suck it up and hope they don't ban all your accounts, or that whatever method of cheating you're using is going to slip past detection.
But anon, that implies I'm cheating, which I'm not. I mean, think about it, why would I lie about it? Should I be scared that you'll send an email to daybreak saying "helo yes im anon, this other anon on a congolese fingerpainting mailing list said he's cheating, pls ban him"?
I unironically bought the 4th anniversary pack.

The camo and decals are straight shit but I use the Archer, GD22 and Cyclone in normal gameplay anyway so why not get the pimp versions?

They look good with solid gunmetal paint on them, turns them from white and yellow to gold and platinum without adding a texture.

They wouldn't. Everyone already knows that people who pay for memberships/cosmetics get a free pass on cheating.
Exactly. Which begs the question: why would they wait until after the packs are sold to ban people, if they're not going to ban those who gave them money? Because, uh, you know, this is exactly what the "m-muh hackers, just wait for the banwave after the packs" folks are saying will happen.
>And why would they ban them after they paid $100 for that pack, when they'll pay another few hundred dollars for subscriptions and shekels, probably for a couple more years?

Because they know these people are addicted to the game and will just start up a new account and buy everything all over again.

They'll turn banning cheaters into a profitable side of their business.
that's a risky gamble though
if for four years they've implicitly told people "gib shekels and we wont ban u", then they do ban them, i don't think most people would really give them money again
I don't think they'd care

They don't actually get the majority of their money from cheaters, contrary to what cheaters want everyone to think.

Most of the money comes from the constant churn of new players getting into the game and promptly quitting.

The actual danger from banning the cheaters comes from the whinefest and bad PR they can generate when they don't get their way. See: Liberals in america losing the election. Coincidentally, the DNC was also caught cheating. Really makes you think.
>that's a risky gamble though
It works fantastic for Valve and CS:GO.
Did daybreak fix being able to circumvent battle eye by renaming your .exe so it uses the old one?
dude shh
Well, when I try to rename the .exe it just redownloads and replaces the files.

Am I doing something wrong?
no, it's working as intended

I've mained the "light" or "scout" class in every class-based game I've played. I like being fast and squishy. I just wish infis had shotguns or a different high alpha option than boltcancer and that Adrenaline Pump had more levels (or a better bonus). Maximum Sanic is always my goal.

If you want certs, Medic. When you're new, an uncerted HA isn't much more durable than any other class, though the LMGs are nice.
even though it's called infiltrator, it doesn't actually infiltrate for shit
what you want is drifter/adren LA
go fsat
click niggers in
have good times
that's because csgo is constantly on sale, and even when it's not it costs close to nothing for russians

I thought LAs just camped rooftops.
>turn on double xp for 2 weeks
>game is basically unplayable for the entire time
what did DBG mean by this?

Do I want to run slugs
>because 'suspicious' KDR is easy to get, you just have to play like a total wussie

can confirm, i play like a total vag
good night memer :3
git gud
Slugs > Shot if you can consistently hit people, or you're fighting past 10ft.
>most kills with ns-15

hello my russian friend let us do vodka together and warcrimes in ukraine))))))))))))))
More interesting is the fact that nobody actually has a 12.6 KDR with the NS15M1 on dasanfall. Likewise the Trac-5, Trac-5 burst, etc. etc.

It seems the guy's lying about his stats.

Now why would someone do that. Come into a thread and lie about his stats?
God, I hate Fridays.
The gundam face is kinda neat. Everything else is blah.
Me too
>packet drops
>ping spikes to 250 for a sec
>suddenly server latency of 8000

how do RUs do it
You cant play aggressive all of the time. Learn your role or play a role that fits your aggressive playstyle like shitter assault or medium assault(medic)
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