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/hbg/ - Homebrew and hacking general

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Thread replies: 770
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Last thread: >>159450252

/hbg/ Wiki: http://homebrew-general.wikia.com

3DS: 9.2 (Downgrade: 10.7 - Entrypoints: http://smealum.github.io/3ds)
Wii U: 5.5.1
Vita: 3.60 (Kernel)
PS4: 1.76 (Kernel), 3.55 (Userland)

3DS: http://pastebin.com/TQwDsWh9
Downgrade + a9lh: https://plailect.github.io/Guide/
Wii U: http://pastebin.com/8u0WAyJC
Vita: http://pastebin.com/v3caHHnp
Games: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Bt-Yf8V591ENHraRwD8fUQhuzH-a2_mRi0UWSV4NvD0

-Nintendo released 11.2. Updating is safe for RedNAND/a9lh users. Several security flaws have been fixed. If you still haven't got a cfw, DON'T UPDATE: use ctr-httpwn if you want to play online.
-You can downgrade from 11.2 with a hardmod or hacked system transfer. https://plailect.github.io/Guide/dsiware-downgrade
-SD card access in DS mode is now available. Playing commercial games isn't possible at the moment without a DS flashcard. https://gbatemp.net/threads/413015
-New Decrypt9 release allows to create dumps from installed games. https://github.com/d0k3/Decrypt9WIP/releases

>Wii U
-Stable CFW with RedNAND released. http://gbatemp.net/threads/446819/
-You can run games from USB without IOSU. https://gbatemp.net/threads/445514
-Loadiine now supports DLC if you own a legit copy of SSB.

-taiHENkaku released along with source. https://tai.henkaku.xyz/
-Some .vpk files can brick your Vita. Be careful. http://wololo.net/2016/10/04/warning-ps-vita-brickers-in-the-wild/
-New Maidump release. https://github.com/LioMajor/MaiDumpToolEN/releases
-Update 3.61 patches HENkaku.

-More details on the 4.01 jailbreak. http://wololo.net/2016/10/26/details-surface-ps4-4-01-jailbreak-potentially-enough-public-release-soon/
-Rumor from a reputable warez group that hacks are coming soon. http://wololo.net/2016/11/02/ps4-xbox-one-hacks-trsi-announces-warez-getting-close/
i hope sumo doesnt leak anytime soon :^)
1st for leak soon
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SM leak will be postponed by a day for every begging post.
>Please donate to our Chip Decapping Fundraiser
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SM leak when
after installing the game on the vita, can i delete the stuff in the mai folder
super slim cfw;
3.61/3.63 henkaku;
DS from SD card:
You shouldn't have to delete anything if you installed them with mai.
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>1 more week of fake leak shitposting and false hope for SM

3ds hacking was a mistake
well i dunno what i did then. at least the game works.

try 2
If playing moon is there a way to disable the retard "12 hours clock shift" thing? I mean, it kinda makes sense but it really bothers my autism
nice made me click

I hope this was a proud achievement of your life
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What happens if you change your 3ds' clock?
shift your clock 12 hours ahead
how do you know luma is opening?
what was your firmware when you made the nand dump that it wants you to restore
I'm not usually aggressive, but are you a retard? You answered your question yourself
So I followed the "retard's guide to CFW" that was on here a long time ago and it taught you how to install menuhax and rxtools. I'm on RX-E 11.0.0-33U and I want to update so I can play online again. Can somebody help me out? Thank you.
Question by a retarded latefag here:

Is 11.2.0 crackable at all or do I have to go through the hoops of system transfer? Is that my fate?
So, does anyone who uses Henkaku with their main PSN account has had any trouble login in on your PS3 or PS4?
Maybe Sony doesn't even care at this point if someone loads the trophies from the dumped games on the accounts used to play online
hardmod or system transfer only currently
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but i don't want my ds to be in a time it really isn't, i said it bothers my autism, this would be even worse

are you?
it says luma at the top of a black screen with white text

i think i had version 2.1 and still have it but i cant tell since my top screen is zoomed in
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Anyone have the 'Exploring the Prinz Eugen' image?
>have to set clocks back an hour for daylight saving time

Oh well, I can wait a few years before I play S/M
I forgot to mention my OFW is at 9.2.0-20U. Am I fucked?
not officially but I suspect I'm a little retarded, yes
so that stuff about it shipping 2 weeks early was complete and utter horseshit, right?
what does the text say
and did you replace the updated a9lh.bin with the older one like it said, and get the 2 files?
If a delete a maidump game via CMA does it get rid of the dlc and everything?
don't worry anon i feel the same way too
hey it's okay, most of us feel that way too
i think i figured it out or the 3ds did it itself, im restoring NANDmin.bin and will update my ds after this?
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ive never done the extra stuff of an o3ds let alone a low firm nand of one, so id reread that extremely carefully and make sure each file is the proper version before updating
They really decapped the chip? Absolute madmans

im on hourglass btw
sadly CMA just says it cannot be removed

guess i'm manually deleting shit in vitashell
It's serious business, many emulator scenes do it to reverse engineer the system.
then change your raw RTC in the config app, this lets you change the "base" time while your displayed time shown (menus, game etc) remains true
>Replace the old v6.3.1 Luma3DS arm9loaderhax.bin with the latest version after updating your 3DS

what does this mean exactly?
I think you mean many emulator scenes paid one guy to do it, then he started taking forever and stonewalled on even sending shit back or refunding anyone.
Update Luma
im gona update my ds then update luma and replace the files, hope it doesnt fuck up
What happened to the fundraiser? They did it?
Update luma first
On the https://plailect.github.io/Guide/ guide, where can I skip to if I already have EmuNAND? What steps do I follow?
how exactly? instructions tell me to replace files after the 3ds update
EmuNAND isn't used in to get a9lh running.
Start from the beginning.
You can transfer all the crap on your emuNAND later in the guide.
But after dragging the files from the Decrypt9 step it says to access the browser, when I do it takes me to the "select a boot entry screen" not the Decrypt9 it's talking about.
I was in the exact same boat as you. I backed up my emuNAND + SD files and followed the instructions as best I could as if there was no emuNAND at all and I was only concerned about getting the 9.2 sysNAND up and running. Later on in the guide there is an opportunity to write your backup emuNAND on top of the new system. You can add your backed up SD files very late in the game.
At the end I had some issues with tickets and redownloading DLC but I seem to have everything working now. Your mileage may vary but it is possible to get all the new stuff from where you are.
Do I need to install patch 1.12 before 1.2 on gundam breaker 3? Or can I just go to 1.2?
Is PS Vita hacking still relevant anymore?
No Pokémon leaks yet?

Fuck this gay earth.
So when I go to the browser it opens up the purple select a boot entry screen. Is this normal?

Which step are you on?
Does local play/download play work on DS games on an r4i?
Thinking about picking one up
where's my car
I'm trying to update my a9lh that I got a few months ago, but it talks about a /files9/ folder that I don't have. Did they recently add this folder to the installation process?
Yes. I think only some very early cards doesn't support it
If you can't get the browser to work you can always track down the decrypt9 .3dsx file to run from the homebrew launcher instead
I'm in. Thanks anon.
Has Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 3 been translated yet?
Not until 3.61 games work
Anyone have PSM 2.01 on their vita they're willing to dump? It's quite rare and hard to find.
I'll keep you updated if you're willing to be there for help.
just create the folder yourself and pretend you understand what's happening
>he doesn't know about the irc
ok baby nigga I hardly understood the process the first time thru but I'll refresh the thread here and there
can't help people that won't read the pastebin in the OP
update keeps failing
20 minutes lads

are you ready?
20 minutes until 5 hours right
Don't pull my heartstrings anon
Good website to look up vita's title ids?
Any update on that anon who claimed his friend could get a copy to dump? The one who was paranoid about it being traced back to him? I'm hoping that wasn't a troll.
Is the anon that made https://boards.fireden.net/vg/thread/157334762/#157337318 still around? Crashing while talking to Cilas at the the end of chapter 14 and not sure if it's an error on my end or not.
see >>159489351

we'll find out soon enough
cant seem to figure out why the update keeps failing
>having hope
>no hope
checked and lost hope
they are still finishing up terry's wonderland and it's been like a year and a half just for that
but that is what life is about
sitting and waiting knowing you'll be disappointed but doing it anyway
I'm sorry.

You seem to have mistyped 5 hours.

Please meem correctly.
quads confirmed, no hope

I believe the Terry's Wonderland team is waiting for Joker 3 Professional to hit.
Updated Luma to 6.5, now my settings are reset.
What do I want to tick as a9lh user?
your mom
check the last part of the guide
Autoboot sysnand, custom version string and lang emulation are the basic ones. There's others if you know what you're doing, N3DS clock, GBA splash, etc.
Autobot Susan

Use standard FIRM

Show NAND or user string

Also (if on n3ds) check the New 3DS CPU to clock+L2

that's a lot of clicking
On section three of this.
I'm still here my man
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Is Corpse Party Back to School Edition on Free Shop yet?
Thanks dudes.
Now to update firmware, I do it via settings, right? Accepting the pop-up is still no-no?
If i have the homebrew channel on my wii how do i pirate and can i do it from hdd or does it have to be from SD or something?
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Please stop doing this to me Anon. Cory in the house made for a good chuckle, but I can't take anymore disappointment.
Okay anon, its time. Whats the deal.
the vita scene is dead bros, it's over. at least we can play 99% of the games already. couldn't ask for more.
Yes, you are correct.
follow the backup loader part of the completesoftmodguide and you can use usb
i think youre a bit ahead of me, did you update your 3ds successfully?
Any form of updating is safe from Luma if you're on A9LH sysnand. You can even update from safe mode if you want.
What do you hold on startup to get into luma, i forgot
It says "The update can be performed without connecting to the internet."
I remember this being an issue, yes? Do I have to delete predownloaded update files, or was that just to get rid of update nag on sysNAND?
Not sure what you're confused by- step 3 of section iii maybe? When it says to backup the sysNAND, that doesn't matter in your case cuz all you care about is the emuNAND, right? Or are you stuck elsewhere
Sorry, don't understand your question. I did the guide months ago, but I undusted my 3DS just now.
Not confused just an update
I lied. You need to make a NAND based on your sysNAND as described in step (iii 3)
I believe it was just to get rid of that prompt.

It shouldn't be a problem anymore.
cheers lad
Oh wow, I had 11.1 predownloaded and it didn't even check for newer versions, so I gotta update again.
trying to update the system
>final page, section 4
it keeps failing. not sure if i should just move on or not
We've been baited lads.
I am so Mad right now
That's what you get for having hope.
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>all these pokéfaggots so desperate that will believe any anon that claim to have the game

Literally just check 3DSISO's CIA Downloads section and don't believe anything until it gets there. Surely the leak could happen here on 4chan, or anywhere else, but if it is legit it'll end in there REALLY soon and you'll be much more likely to get hyped at the right thing.


>inb4 t. 3dsiso admin

I also hate the site but it's not like we have better options now. Make sure to at least follow the andi-ads pastebin to have a decent experience http://pastebin.com/vmnUGnEG
No idea mate, did that months ago.
Try this?
>If this gives you an error, set your DNS settings to “auto”
Guess that happens, well it seems you have it all figured out now.

Just remember to update Lima before system every time, incase nin10doh tries anything funny in the future.

Though let's be honest here, they probably never will.
What's Lima?
>tfw my ISP blocked 3dsiso
Sucks to open Tor just to browse that shit
A type of bean.
Mine failed as well until I deleted my internet settings, re started and got connected again then it worked. Try that.
Where do you live?
a xenoverse CAC
A sexy animal
A place somewhere in Spicland.
Anyone know why Decap Attack doesn't work in the Retroarch Genesis emu?

I've never eaten one, but thanks
Thinking about getting a regular N3DS, currently have a New 3DS XL. How much will I miss the larger screens? Is there anything else I might not like making the switch?
OK it tells me to go into my nintendo 3ds folder to delete home menu something but i have two 32 character folders
Gustavo Lima e você
A type of annoying autocorrect on my phone.
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Sup, /hbg/?

So I got myself one of these. I'm going to use it for my 3DS. What's the first thing I need to do to set it up? How do I set it up? Pic related is exactly the one I have.
I've never beaten one, but thanks

I've never experienced one, but thanks

I've never spoken that, but thanks

What's a phone?
What's the best flashcard to get to play DS games on the n3DS?
ntr launcher
I have two 32 character ID folders in my nintendo 3ds folder on my sd card. How do i know which one to edit?
I don't really know what to do about that. I think one is for emunand and the other for sysnand. I went in and deleted every single applicable file from both folders (this sloppy work may have caused minor issues later). But now that I think about it, if you checked the sizes of those folders, maybe the applicable sysnand one would be smaller.
Can somebody do the restoration + ghosting removal that the guy does on 3dsiso? I'd like to request a game on there but the site doesn't let me post and the mods won't answer me
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Brazil. I just don't get why they blocked it, I might call their support some day and ask.
There is a 1gb folder and a 16mb folder.
Aqui funciona normal, viadinho.
É por isso que falei do meu ISP, cuzão.
My assumption is that you need to delete the specified files from the 16mb folder (sysNAND) and remove the 1gb (emuNAND) for safekeeping. Personally I deleted every applicable folder from both. When I say this caused issues, I only say that because later I had issues with tickets/CNDs but I'm not smart enough to say for sure those choices were linked.
I was going to create a dummy file that was 3.2GB and take a screenshot of me zipping it up but I'm too lazy
I see. I'll just do what you did I guess.
>you can just do it to both
Is it compatible though?
nope you need ntr launcher to use it
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>Wanted to make a theme using https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPDOeNGlhmA
>have no idea want to do here
wat do?
So i have a Japanese 3ds. I've been installing games thru FBI with QR codes and .cia files and they run fine. I've installed Steamworld Dig but it's purely Japanese even tho it's an NA file. is there a specific way i can start it without it being in Japanese. it also happened with Hyrule warriors.
There's no options to change language ingame either.
region change, it's in the plailect guide
What ISP are you using? Never heard about shit like this around here before. It works fine on NET.
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I just updated my legit copy of AC:NL and now it seems to hang on the Nintendo 3DS logo when I boot it up using rxTools. Anyone else have this problem?
I had this problem too. Updating Luma will fix it.

thanks man
Have we been rused again lads?
I'm trying to reinstall the homebrew channel with a different ios on my wii. If I uninstall it, can I reinstall it from bootmii? I haven't had any luck running the installer from bootmii, but I'd guess it's possible
RxTools can't play it. Get Luma
It seems so. We can always hope it will leak on Monday.
if you're using luma
region change the game by going into luma>locale making a new text file with the titleid and type "USA EN"
You need Luma and your emunand needs to be on 11.0 or above.
This anon isn't meme'ing by the way: You really do need Luma

It was an anonymous post saying "my friend has it!!"

Come on now.

the Pokemon GBC games do this too, do I need to update luma?
Not sure, but it doesn't hurt to try!
How do you get flesh cart for DS games?
Any chances of a hack to use the gamepad on wii mode and/or nintendont?
having a semi portable gc would be great
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So I was playing Ultra Despair Girls mai dump and my file corrupted from some glitch in the game, does anyone have a NG+ save of it they can upload or a place where to get save files?
The fake leakers tear a hole
That old familiar sting
I focus on the pain
But I remember everything
NET Virtua corrida mestre
My body is ready for a pokemon leak
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I updated luma and now it doesn't want to boot anymore. Just a black screen. I tried using a boot manager and it says it can't find the arm9 payload but I place the files that the luma wiki said. What gives?
Only option now is to an hero
What have I become
My sweetest game
Everything they post
It's all fake in the end
it's bricked sorry to say
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Do I need to be above 4.5 to use Luma? I installed everything correctly to use the MSET exploit and all I get is it hanging after pressing the Nintendo DS Profile Settings button.
Why. Why is this a thing.

Fuck updating Luma from this point on then.
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The leaks are coming guys

Bros could we have another entry point on our hands?
Proof or gtfo
yes we know they are coming in 5 hours
It's supposed to work. Did you actually copy everything correctly?


You should have both luma3ds.dat and arm9loaderhax.bin on your root, and run the luma3ds.nds from a flashcard.

I don't know any more than this, I never used mset myself. Upgrade to A9LH fgt
should it be luma3ds.dat or should I rename it launcher.dat? I tried both and neither worked.
Honestly? Just follow Plailect's guide. It'll solve all your problems and give you up-to-date hax too:

Making a CIA takes time, something you have none of.
You have literally no idea what you are doing do you?
Guys I just broke into Nintendo and got Sun/Moon. Does anyone know Nintendo's wifi password so I can upload?
I just listen to what the nice hacker people tell me
throw your 3ds in to the toilet then take a leak. Once you're finished flush it
But really, just follow the guide. It covers everyone, no matter how hacked their system already is.
If I system reformat a hacked 3DS to remove a NNID, will it brick or remove the hack?
Well idk. Try running it from browser


If it works try figuring out but at least you'll have a way to launch it.
just get the original files and patch em back with fbi or decrypt9.
its not a big deal. theyre on the luma github.
Meruru+ wont' see my Totori+ save to import it.

Anyone happen to have a have the US release of both and could dump a new game save on the first day with a totori clear import? A system save with costume unlocked would also be nice.
No, but you don't need to do that.

Run Decrypt9 as a luma payload and then inject a blank NNIDsave.bin

I can see that they have misinformed you then, the only .dat file you will ever have on your SD card will be safea9lhinstaller.

Just follow the guide on OP to the letter and you will be amazed at how fucking easy this is now.
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I had an issue with my NNIDs for a while, wanted to see if anyone could help sort it out.
I have 2 hacked 3DS's. Needed to use the DsiWare downgrade to get A9LH on my 3DS #2.

Due to this, I did a system transfer from 3DS #1 to 3DS #2.
3DS #2 lost its important NNID, so I called up Nintendo and I told them about the switchup with my NNIDs.

They sent me an email back saying this:
>Thanks for contacting us. You may now connect your Nintendo Network ID to your replacement Nintendo 3DS XL. Before following the steps to link your Nintendo Network ID, make sure to format your device. Instructions on formatting can be found at the link below:

When they say "replacement Nintendo 3DS XL", they mean 3DS #2.
So I went through the steps and recovered the NNID on it.

But NOW, I just want any working NNID on my 3DS #1. Doesn't matter if I recover it or create a new one.
For now it's saying "this ID can't be used on this system".
If I reformatted my system, would it work?
Or should I possibly follow the instructions here to create a new one? http://pastebin.com/qL3nWw5F
Remember that NNIDs can only be switched once every 7 days.

But yes just follow that guide I guess, or system format the ds and goto eshop it will probably force you to make one at that point.
So is there any way to fake amiibo shit?
Picross 3D 2 has so many goddamn puzzles.
buy an amiiqo
gamepad controls in vwii is NEVER EVER tier afaik. Best you could do is set the output to the gamepad and just carry around a wireless controller as well
it worked!!! uploading now
Follow this http://pastebin.com/2sBZGgxR if you have a visible NNID in it you wanna get rid of without formatting. But if you're getting that error you already don't have any NNID there right? You should be able to create one.
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>Cant access FBI from HBM, goes to a white screen
this thing is dead, isn't it?
Nice! Same password to download?

It's like you don't want your 3ds to work anon.

(spoiler)just download another .3dsx of FBI dude(spoiler/)
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>ACNL update looks pretty sweet
>want to download
>but if sun/moon leaks i'll drop it immediately and everyone in town will guilt trip me
Are the Vita Atelier games good? I hate that time limit shit.
Next weekend anon, just wait.
Play AC until day 18, the leak is pure meme.
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Right, I'm in the clear for a new NNID, it's been a few weeks since I hacked both and recovered the NNID on 3DS #2.
Alright, that's kinda contradicting what >>159499579 is saying though. (Being able to do it without a system format).

What do you mean by a visible NNID?
When I go to System Settings -> NNID Settings, all I see is that error message saying the NNID can't be used on this system.
You're saying I should just follow that guide?
Most likely either due to both 3ds being hacked or some other factor your 1st 3ds NNID got transferred but some part of it stayed behind, or the NNID itself got corrupted, I'm still advising you to backup all your games data and then doing a system format, it won't fuck anything up seeing as you are on a9lh.
Your situation seem kinda weird. And yeah you can do without a system format, just make sure to do the "optional" backup step (basically, what is described as "the dirty way" in the pastebin). If that fails, try the "legit" way described there (pretty tedious and involves NAND backupping and formatting). Doing the basic should work though, from what I'm understanding, your old NNID is stuck in that 3DS after Nintnedo transferred it and it's attempting to login and failing.
>PSN spoofing WILL break in a couple of days when Sony flips the switch to disable 3.61 access. Please download what you need now.


This really should be in the OP as an urgent message. Not only should any Vita owners get whatever games they have on PSN but they should get a PSP game or demo RIGHT NOW to ensure they'll be able to use ePSP/Adrenaline whenever they decide to release it. Don't be caught out bitching when it drops that you can't use it.
also backup the psp demo to qcma
What na demos are there?

LocoRoco is 188mb and Petz Saddle Club is 177mb. That's the only two PSP demos in the NA PSN.
Thanks, I'll get locoroco so my friends don't think I'm a fag :)
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So is anyone gonna put the CIA File of Pripara Mezame yo! Megami no Dress Design 3DS? I want to hug Peppa.
Are there any Japanese only games that are easy to figure out and play, like Taiko no Tatsujin?
really makes you think
This nigga ain't fo real is he? EVERYONE can read a watch.
I mean for 3DS specifically
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What's the best JP and EU demo?
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Berserk leak when?
Wasn't BSNES based on results of decapping stuff?
> I hate that time limit shit.
Then Atelier games aren't for you. We had enough of casuals bitching about time limits and faggot gust removing them in the last 3 games. Go play your nepshit or whatever.
Can't you download stuff from your PS3 and then transfer it? Or does this not work anymore?
>get yata+ and audacity
>download music
>use audacity to change to .wav
>use yata+ to change the .wav to .bcstm
You could have it all
In five hours
Man, fuck everyone that was hyping Sun/Moon leaking starting from the 4th.

About 12 more days to go, I'm giving up on it leaking.

Fuck this gay world ;_;
>Someone trolling /vp/ right now with fake link.
Feels good that it isn't us for once.
any guide on how to use Decrypt9 to make GBA backups and injects?
well then I hope you don't play it when it does leak in the next few days
What's the cheapest way to buy a hackable New 3DS? Nintendo doesn't sell the small New 3DS as a refurb.
I have two vitas. One is on 3.60 and the other is on 3.61 (idiot that traded it to me updated it). Should I just continue updating it or is there a potential for an exploit on 3.61? I don't play online and don't need any games at the moment. (besides psp which I was planning on waiting for adrenaline).
was actually asking for design advice, but i got an idea on what i want to do now.
thanks though
Finally switching to a9lh, been on emuNAND since January and figure'd it's about time I upgrade.
This will let me play dsiware right?
>when he's on fucking rxTools MSET
>>159503034 you'd better get started quick then, >>159500997 because this is happening soon.
I believe those have to be repaired through the eShop. Try the latest stable Luma first though.
Alright, I have a potentially serious problem here. I just finished the "Move Emunand" section of Plailect's guide, and as it said, I get a black screen. It says to go to troubleshooting if this happens, except, when I turn on my 3ds with the SD card in, it;s just a black screen. Now, if I take it out, the blue light turns on briefly before turning off again. What the fuck is the deal now? I've followed everything very carefully, so I don't really know what I did wrong.
dubs and the game leaks in 5 minutes
ah fuck, is there a guide to PSN spoofing?
did you put your shit back on the sd card?
>I haven't read the link or the recent Luma changelogs at all!
Fuck off I've played Atelier shit since the PS2 era.
Actually just solved it right after posting my shit, there was the arm9loader file in the sd card after the format, and I didn't bother replacing it. Just grabbed the original from my folder and everything's good now.

I updated Luma and it still doesn't work. How do I repair through the eshop?
Does this mean piracy on Vita would be disabled soon?

If I buy a Vita now, it won't arrive until at least a week so I guess I'll pass then.

Black screen on SysNAND boot after installing arm9loaderhax

Ensure you have a working payload.Check for the existence ofarm9loaderhax.binin the root of your SD card.Try resetting Luma’s config and fix optionsDelete/luma/config.binfrom your SD cardSet your options when it bootsTest booting Hourglass9On Luma3DS, hold Start on bootTry deleting home menu’s extdataClear Home Menu’s extdata by navigating to the following folder on your SD card:/Nintendo 3DS/(32 Character ID)/(32 Character ID)/extdata/00000000/EUR Region: Delete00000098JPN Region: Delete00000082USA Region: Delete0000008fCHN Region: Delete000000A1KOR Region: Delete000000A9TWN Region: Delete000000B1Try booting without any cartridges inserted (including flashcarts)Trythis test payload.Rename/arm9loaderhax.bin, if it exists, to something else.Place thearm9loaderhax.binfrom the archive linked above in your SD root.Insert your SD card into your 3DS and power on.Press (A). Your 3DS should power off; this means arm9loaderhax is working and something else is broken; your device isnotbricked.If you previously downgraded with Gateway, ensure that you are using the latest Luma3DS version (v6.2.3 or higher, at the least)If your NAND is of a version between 3.0.0 and 4.5.0, do the following:DownloadLuma 3DS v6.3.1Copyarm9loaderhax.binfrom the Luma3DS v6.3.1 zip to the root of your SD card, overwrite existing filesDownloadthis fileand rename it tofirmware.binDownloadthis fileCopyfirmware.binandcetkto the/luma/folder on your SD cardDelete both of these files after updating your 3DSReplace the old v6.3.1 Luma3DSarm9loaderhax.binwith the latest version after updating your 3DSTry following9.2.0 ctrtransferAsk for help at#3dshacks on Rizon IRCor3DS Hacking on Discord.
dubs and the game doesn't leak at all
Only game I owned was P4 Golden for Vita. If i install the dump, is my save gonna be there still?
3d land one
Nah, just that you may find yourself unable to use psp homebrew and the ability to play psp isos natively rather than emulating them.
dubs and game gets delayed
I love the 3ds scene so much, bc I started from the shittiest beginning (i.e) gateway and slowly moved out of it, and then to rxtools through menuhax, then to the strangest point which was a9lh without screen init, but I'm now to this point where everything is endgame and its impossible to brick
I just downloaded the locoroco demo. Do I have to back it up to qcma?
PS2 games are just generic jrpg. PS3 ateliers don't even have tight time limits. Go play Lilie or Violet if you know jap. That's some hard shit. Probably that's why they weren't localized in the first place.
>PS2 games are just generic jrpg

They were fun and comfy and that's all that matters.
I dunno, I don't play those games. Just look it up.
So, I got a used pstv, and it came on 3.60 and with somebody's account. If I reinstall the netflix app that they had previously installed, is there any chance their netflix account info is still there? Would download their vita games, but there's only one, and as far as I know, it's shit.
Trips the game gets leaked on Monday
dubs and the game gets delayed a month with no leaks
dubs and the game won't get leaked until the day before release
If I buy a small N3DS from another country can I region change it?

How much of a pain is that.
Once again: Why?
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Nonsense, we only have to wait 5 more hours.
Is it safe to install game/homebrew wups in vwii like I used to do in a wii?
How long before street date did DQ7 leak?

Guys, we're fucked. It's not happening
Yes, only thing is your eshop won't work.
Which .cia lets me help Killary plunge the world into nuxlear war?
These guys, however, just ran away with $2000. Yay.

Well the mario edition n3ds is like 176 on ebay.

Can you get a jap smaller non LL n3ds for cheaper than that?

I'd buy a 2DS for sun and moon but that shit sounds like shit to play the new ones on.
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Any way to know what region a Vita game is? I downloaded the EU version of Pirate warriors but I don't know if the DLC/patch I downloaded from the Mai torrent will work with it.
Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse
I doubt you'll get something much cheaper than that.
Do they have the same id? If so, they should. If not, no.
>They were fun and comfy
t. casual shitter
>being an elitist for a weeb game
let him, it's the only thing he can be proud of in his miserable "life"
On A9LH + luma
Why does my Mii Plaza DLC keep getting removed? :(
Stop using eshop. Start using freeshop.
it happens every time you enter the eshop or update a game in your main menu
did it already happen? I'm trying to download something now and It's been stuck on Preparing to Download





cory cory in the hous
Fuck, I didn't make a backup of NAND_emu.bin when i started, am I fucked?
Actally casuals dumbing down mechanics to panty quest level are the weebshits. Go be "comfy" in your generic uguu~ grindfest and don't bring your cancer to other games.
>>159505852 (You)
Did you already format the SD card to remove the hidden emuNAND partition?


I'm on Step 6 and I realized I didn't make a backup of my sysnand in the beginning, so my only option is to restore from NANDmin_emu.bin
I always wondered what kind of autist it took to like those games, and now I don't think I'll wonder anymore.
Hmmm ok. So only update titles from Freeshop, ever?
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the wait is killing me
Why would you need a backup of your sysNAND if the goal was to move from emuNAND to a9lh?
False alarm, I couldn't connect due to the Vita Blocker.
I know man, but soon we'll be able to play Cory in the House.

I dunno, the guide is telling me to restore my sysnand backup from earlier. Should I just ignore it?
Ignore it. You'll want to restore your updated emunand instead. That's how it works.
>not playing Call of Duty®: Infinite Warfare to pass the time
You're literally the kind of guy who loves playing cowadoody but the weeb variant.
Should I be on 6.5-cef947d6 (dev) before updating
Alright lads, we've had a few laughs with fake leaks, pre-load CIA, cory in the house.nds and 3 gigabytes of dolphin porn. But it's time to get serious now. Just upload the dump of pokemon already, you faggots.
Does JKSM no longer work as of 11.2? I need to get my saves edited.
Yes it does.

5 hours
What's wrong with Call of Duty?
Stop wearing your crippling autism like it's a badge of pride. It's not.
Got a link to that 3gb of dolphin porn, anon?
I have to say that I'm disappointed. I slept for 8 hours and it's still not out.
Is there a way to create a new NNID or remove one without losing the DSiWare game used to hack/downgrade a 3DS?
You're literally the kind of guy to read hentai for the story and then whine when it doesn't pander to you.
>Weeb Call of Duty
Monster Hunter, then?
I'm assuming it has something to do with the demos being tied to a memory card and therefore lost if you ever decide to upgrade to a bigger card or it fails.
You're not in the house Cory.
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>entering day 3 of no SM leaks
>literally over 10 days to go of this madness

For fuck sake I thought spics were always on their A game when it came to getting games early, not that I'd expect any to know how to dump but fuck it just anything at this point. WHERE ARE THE LEAKS
I have evidence that will lead to the Pokemon Sun and Moon leak.

Got a Wii U, got the Homebrew Channel on the vWii, got CFG USB Loader going along with a SNEEK emuNAND with a shit ton of WiiWare, but now I need a solution for playing Gamecube games.

I know there's the official and Mayflash GC USB adapters (and I know for certain the official works in Nintendont) but with all the WiiWare, I was thinking of getting this instead.

I'm assuming it'll still work with Nintendont and open a few more games (especially the WiiWare) up to using the GC controller since it shows up as a Classic Controller?
Or am I wrong?
I work for Nintendo. We're delaying the game a month to prevent any leaks from getting out this month.

If you work at a game retailer and haven't leaker S/M yet, fuck you.
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>with a flashcard, I can have 12/14 Fire Emblem games and every Mario & Luigi game
>all on one system
that's fine, alot of the mayflash adapters work with nintendont and even nintendo's official adapter for smash works
It'll work with Nintendont, but not the WiiWare.

Did you look at the fucking link retard?
I just wanted to make sure, considering it'd also come in handy for all that WiiWare too, as opposed to the official adapter which only seems to work with Smash and Nintendont.

But the linked adapters are supposed to register as Classic Controllers?
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>was literally left alone with copies of it yesterday
>actually considered snagging one for hbg
>remembered I think pokemon is gay and I even hate the faggots freaking out hoping for a leak
>mfw thinking about you dumb cunts at that very moment
Why did Metroid Fusion disappear from my home menu after I installed luma? Furthermore, why am I getting an error when installing trying to install the latest ACNL patch in game?
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I thought the link was to the official Nintendo knockoff that Mayflash made.
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>Sumo leak will happen soon
You fucking wish.

We're probably not getting it till release; or the earliest being FIVEHOURS
At least we don't work at Gamestop.

: ^)
not an argument
you're the one whining that a game with time limits doesn't pander to your casual taste
>dumb niggers actually believed pokemon got shipped a week earlier than any other release
This, I've been chatting around with some friends employed at walmart and they haven't got the shipment. Earliest they think they may get them is the 14th.
I'll transfer you bitcoins if you leak it.
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Does anyone know why I'm getting an error in ACNL when I try to prepare the latest game update? I installed the update .cia with FBI and the in game update.

Are you using rxTools/emunand?
No, I just installed Luma, how do I boot emunand with it?
So dumb me deleted a old version of yata and now I cant make cwavs. anyone got this CTRwavemanager program?

You shouldn't be using either of those things, just checking if you were.
Luma isn't the problem. The update doesn't work with emunand.
Did you install the update for the right region?
>The update doesn't work with emunand.

How did they pull that off
Oh, ok. Yeah, I'm just booting up the game and getting that error when it's trying to prepare the game for the first time.

I'll try reinstalling it.
You've got no one to blame but yourself for the poor life choices you made that subsequently led you to working in a dull dead-end job with no future.
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For /Hbg, ive decided to try and snag a copy of moon cause that's the version I want to play .
I dont know how long it'd take to get though. Vile as it may or may not be, it'd still be illegal to take a copy, so if I dont get a clean shot to grab one, i wont take it, and ill delay it for the next time im working. Every day this week except for Wednesday, I'm working, but I dont have any schedule past that.

However, all this depends on my store having sumo copies in stock; I work at a mom and pop shop, and I haven't been on the clock the past two days. One of the benefits of working at a hole in the wall is that its easier to sneak out a copy, but on the other hand, we're not a high priority for shipping, so our stock kinda just gets here when it gets here - which isn't particularly legal sometimes but fuckin whatever, i dont wanna get into it. Unless the copies aren't at the store though, I should have a pretty high likelihood of getting a cart. Really though, I dont know how to dump cia's and shit, so im hoping whenever I get it you guys'll give me a play by play on it, cause I really can afford to just hold onto a cart for longer than i need to.
See you guys sometime late tomorrow night; try not to get too excited, but I'm closing so im pretty confident.
Cool story bro.
You forgot.
>give up halfway through because you can't pick a decent length for music without sacrificing quality tremendously
>tomorrow night
>not in 5 hours
Fucking this, this murdered my one theme attempt. I wanted like a full 3 minute song at full bitrate but themes have to be fucking tiny and I ended up with either a midi or a jarring non-loop of a song.
Makes me wonder how the Offical MGS theme has such a crisp, decent-length Snake Eater.
No worries mate. Even if what you claim is true my monthly paycheck is definitely larger than yours
I dont know why everyone is focusing on "snagging a copy"

You don't need to snag a copy, all you need to do is gain access to storage room in gamestore for 15 minutes.

Open game case, take cart and insert into 3DS, dump it, put it back in the case, back into the box and then lock the room. No one will ever know you were in there.
>game leaks in spring on DST
>it leaks in the hour lost
I won't give in to your quads of despair.
Don't bother
No, I only got the new Pokemon .cia. Sorry anon.
I mean at that point snagging said copy would honestly be the better choice. Faster and less chance of getting caught than doing all that fucking around.
You know what bugs me the most is that there HAS to be some people that have gotten copies of SM by now, they just aren't people that publically announce it to show off or know shit about dumping (or just don't care to do so) and are just playing the game as we speak.

f..fuck them
When is the review embargo going down anyway? Surely so no-name game review website must have gotten a code by now and can share some love.
Leaks when?
Is there a way to play DLC for a game from another region?

I tried installing the US DLC for pic related in my EU 3DS and it gave me an error with the additional content when I booted the game up, so I think it's probably related to the region. I tried to play Fire Emblem Awakening a while ago with the DLC and it wouldn't work with the US game

I want to play the last missions and I would gladly buy the game and the DLC like I did for SMTIV if Atlus actually published the fucking game here

I heard Luma can do something about regions but, even though I have Luma running on my 3DS, I have no idea of how to make that work
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Hm, just updated to Luma 3DS 6.5 and when I try and boot GBA games the 3DS turns off.
Any ideas?

Read the details on region emulation.
Few threads back I said I got my hands on a 11.2 2DS and you guys just bullied me and helpfulAnon said I'd have to hardmod it.
Yall never said I could just use another 3DS...
My fault for not reading the wiki…

Do you get an svcBreak error or does it just plain power off?

What kind of setup do you have?

1. Hold Select while booting Luma and make sure to enable Region Emulation.
2. Install https://github.com/Possum/LumaLocaleSwitcher. there is a QR code for quick installation with FBI

Once you have done that find the game so in this case SMTIV and change region to US and change language US
I'm using a N3DS A9LH Luma 6.5.
The screen goes black like it's about to load then the 3DS straight up turns off.
Thank you very much. Doesn't seem too hard, I'll give it a shot.

That's weird. Did you manually patch AGB_FIRM in the past?
or the OP for that matter
Old op didun say...
This is going to be one hell of a long week isn't it?
it's said
>-You can downgrade from 11.2 with a hardmod or hacked system transfer.
since 11.2 came out and "from 11.0+" since 11.0 was a thing
Man, it's because I chose the show GBA boot option.
I undid it and it works fine.
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Is there any way to get my old New Leaf save working with the new patch? Manually editing everything over seems like a pain.
Aight fellas, hoping to get some help here.
I've got a New 3DS that I've had since launch that's running A9LH and 11.0 from memory. I've just come home from a 2 month trip without it, and tried to turn it on, however I was greeted with a blue light, but nothing else. I tried ejecting the SD card, and strangely enough, the system didn't automatically shut down (I'm not using the SD card-less A9LH). After restarting the system a few times, trying with/without the SD card and battery, it just stopped turning on completely.Thinking the battery might have drained without use, I plugged in the charger, and the orange light came on for a few seconds before turning off.

Any ideas?
Did you try putting it in a bag of rice?
Is IOSU stable now?
I got scammed. Downloaded the God eater Resurrection from the google doc and when I try and run it it never loads just a static fucking image.

Sounds like some kind of weird hardware failure.
Pouring one out for you.
If it's a mai dump, try all the load modes
The system has been sitting in an empty house in a drawer, so it hasn't been touched. Plus the water damage indicator is still intact.

That's what I'm guessing. Didn't wanna have to wait for it to be repaired with Sun and Moon around the corner, but I guess I don't have much choice.
How do I try different load modes
Open mai, select the option
Pretty dumb question incoming

How do I update my Luma? I downloaded the new one and copied it into my SD but it didn't overwrite anything so I'm assuming I fucked something up

If you're using arm9loaderhax just copy arm9loaderhax.bin to the root of the SD
What if none of the load modes work?
The Luma region swap shenanigan worked perfectly, no error messages and I can access the DLC, thank you very much again
If none of them work, find a different dump, that mai torrent has had all the games load to at least gameplay
The Vita backup installation guide says:
- Open QCMA on your PC
- Right click on QCMA on your taskbar and click on Settings
- Check under "Applications / Backups" to locate your PSP save directory
- You can find your PSP save folders under PSAVEDATA and inside a folder with "Random Numbers and Letters"

How do you get those folders on your PC in the first place?
Dead battery? Not like you can test that easily though

They'll be automatically generated either when you run QCMA or when your Vita connects to QCMA.
I'm pretty certain I've turned on the system without the battery before, but that didn't work this time. I'll go hit up my brother's 3DS tomorrow and give it a go. Seems strange though; I picked up my PSP and turned it on for the first time in like 3 years, and no issues with that.
memory card might be borked.
if it turns on and only blue light flashes and turns off after that it means a9lh is installed correctly.
If I want to delete a patch from a game I downloaded using maidump where would that be?
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>SM leaks fucking never
Same place where all other patches are.
I'll leak in in about 5 daysx2
Go to bed /vp/
I expected it to leak today so it'll probably happen tomorrow. Game is definitely out in the wild. Just waiting for someone to do the work now.
most of /vp/ isn't even aware that you could potentially get the games faster if someone else gets it earlier
And where exactly is that.
I think the dozens of threads that keep popping up say otherwise.
I know I spend most of my time split between here and there, and that's not even during leak season
after my 5 hour smoke break
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Can't we just analyze the pattern of "big name" game leaks up till this point to get an estimate of when SM will leak? I'm not sure what other N3DS game release classifies as a "big" release on par with Pokemon (since that's kind of a huge fucking deal for Nintendo)

How soon before release date was Pokemon ORAS leaked? how about XY? maybe also think of mario/zelda games on 3DS? though I think 3DS hacking in general was much less a thing back then so that probably makes leaks less of a thing as well.

If none of those games leaked 2 weeks prior to street date it's safe to say that sun moon won't be leaking for at least another ~5-6 days?
a "leak" on /vp/ is somethign completely different compared to a leak in here
Was that guy shot? because after the bullshit he pulled I'd imagine he pissed off a nice % of angry twitterfags
Gonna go take a leak, brb
what payloads you guys using for luma.
only got the hourglass9 payload bound to start like in the guide.
is there anything i should add?
Yes I know, there are a lot of threads wanting the cia and seeds for the games and it's getting really annoying.
Valkyrie Drive maidump pls
I read something about animal crossing update not being usable, did I read wrong or is it updateable now?

decrypt9 and godmode9
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>mfw the first letter of every sentence spells FIVE HOURS

Please dont do this to me
I want to believe
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>shitposting as a Kakuranger
god damn it man.
Is there a way to convert a randomized Pokemon gba to a cia? Tried it before, but it didnt boot, do I need some special patches for that?
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>download VPK (works) from paste bin
>extract it with winrar
>FTP with vitashell
>install with mai
>doesn't work
Where did i go wrong?

What happened when you tried to run it?
It's probably gotten this bad because a few days ago some idiots were in a leak hype thread telling people that /hbg/ would likely get it first and to keep an eye out here. Was either some misguided idiot from here or an injectfag trying to shit up /hbg/ because :^)

Granted there would still probably be some requests. But not this many people would venture from /vp/ to here. I'm not even sure if many of them realize they can't just slap the files on their SD card and play without homebrew. Just that /hbg/ is leak central.
Have you tried holding select when you press the power button?
>I'm not even sure if many of them realize they can't just slap the files on their SD card and play without homebrew. Just that /hbg/ is leak central.
Considering the fact /vp/ has an injection and homebrew general I feel like there's a good chunk of cfw users on that board. But yeah majority probably have no idea.
The gba boot screen showed up, but it stayed black past that. Touching the bottom screen worked like normal. I might have just used a wrong version of the original, I think it was an old svenw release of the german version
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I don't know if this is the right place to ask, but what is the best flashcard for the DS Lite? I want to get one so I can get Gen 1-4 Pokeymans in the 3DS games.

Hacked roms may fail if you have the GBA boot screen enabled.
*scene release
and what should i be using?
I see, I didnt know. How do I turn it off? Thanks, gave up some time ago
Does ps3 ofw 4.81 mean that super slims are vulnerable?
Why is that even an option?
Hold L on boot, or whatever you have set up to access luma settings and turn off GBA logo splash

Disable it in Luma (or whatever CFW you're using) settings. If that still doesn't disable the boot screen, install an original AGB_FIRM.


I like it.
http://tinyurl com/2fcpre6
clickin' shit night, etc
Meh, might as well listen to the whole thing
What's the best program to check if my Nor dumps from my slim PS3 is valid? I'm not sure which programs are updated or not.
Wouldn't that mean the checksum for those roms hasn't been properly repaired?
I recall the bootscreen's nintendo logo at the bottom is part of verification but only half of it which is why some pirate carts remixed the low half for their own purposes leading to silly names.
But even then that was for gameboy not so much advance (?)
Super slims cannot install CFW, your only option is a Cobra or E3 ODE if you want to pirate.
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I'm going to buy Pokémon Sun but since I'm an impatient fuck I'm going to play the .cia if it leaks first.
Problems is that I'm going to buy the EUR version, so if the .cia has an US save, will I be able to transfer it to the gamecart anyway?
if any old pokemon games are any indication savegames are not compatible.
the games can crossplay and are regionfree but each has its own specific savegame.
i meant ofc you cant transfer between moon and sun. lets say the you play the cia version of sun you should be able to transfer the save to the cart later on.
just make a backup of the cart save before. the worst that could happen is it would corrupt the cart save which is fixable by flashing the original save.
Hurry up already. Sunday is half over and I've got shit work during the week, so I won't have time to even play it.
OK it's time.
check /vp/
Is installing NDS games on 3DS finally a thing?

No. Buy a flashcard, it's not worth it.
Gundam Breaker 3 full DLC pack: https://mega.nz/#!MIdTwTKQ!taw6unnVvDYerHUCskHa2Dcc-8Y-6wZWrlEvC_BH0R8
Does anyone even play Mario Kart online anymore? Can't find any players online. No idea if it's my 3ds or if the game is actually dead.
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>mfw every first letter of each sentence
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Since I'm on 11.1, I need pokebank to be able to inject mons.
Issue is, every time I try to add funds with my card I get an error message.
Would an eshop card offer any different results?
i'll dump when i get off of work in 2 hours.

but im kind of tired, and am probably gonna take a nap for 3 hours first
Oh shit, any guides for this? Is it really fine to just connect to the PSN with 3.60? What demo to get and what to do with it once it's downloaded?
Rebug 4.81 WHEN

Get any PSP demo. Preferably one with a small file size.

Just wait. Maybe convert it to a VHBL bubble.
The DLC is installed along with the updates. This only unlocks it.
Confirmed for years it was 100% a scam
Do I have to use a PSP for this? I can't seems to find PSP demos browsing the store with the Vita

There aren't many of them. Try Echochrome, Loco Roco or Ape Quest.

If it doesn't work, then you'll need a PSP or PS3. There's no time limit on that.
Just get a cheap flashcard. I'm using my old Acekard 2 and it works like a charm.
Nice, thanks
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I want to make them dumb babies with Yui.
Can someone do me a favour and download this file


for me? The par2 file thats 800kb or so.

It doesnt dl for me
Where can I find a titlekey.bin for Cdecrypt?
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why is no one talking about this?
I'm sure there was an attempt but it was probably buried in the "give Pokemon cia!" shitposts
Does he have pokemon?
I'll talk about it when an actual 64 GB knockoff for $30 or less shows up

Great news.
thanks plenty
I denounce you.
>what is an sd adapter
Is there any reason the content manager on the Vita says file transfers are larger than Windows does, and it asks for like double the space just to transfer them over? I had to delete a ridiculous amount of stuff to get WoFF to copy, and the Vita still says there's like 5GB empty on my card.
smoke break guy got XY ~10 days before release
Regale me with this tale. I know not of what you speak.
Hey, I want to try breaking Pokémon Sun's seed.
I know that it's next to impossible, but I'd like to try.
I have just one question: is it possible to do it on PC instead of importing seed on FBI?
So does anyone even play MK8 anymore?
I'd have a go, but I'm trying to think of an excuse to go outside without it being suspicious.

Seriously, if I ever want to go out, it's "Where, why, what are you doing". Etc.

nah I played it in 2014
because Monday is 5hrs from now
>being THIS underage
I know pokemon will leak soon, but come on
Seriously, I'm 29 and this shit still happens to me.
I believe it is if you inspect ctrtool it might be able to help, a good page to read is ncch header on 3dsbrew i think is the one you want it goes into detail about the seed.
You can ignore math fags with their calculations and even shave off some time by making assumptions (the entire 0 & F ranges are automatically out for the most part because thats too easy to crack.)
The odds are still against you but it's not like you need to sit there watching the numbers tick over.
While things like the icon and such aren't subject to the seed so preloads can even be a thing you wouldn't specifically need to decrypt the entire thing either, just enough on magic value near the beginning.

Might as well have it randomly generate 128bit numbers isntead of going in order, i for one think it would help the odds if only because it's chaotic. Would be a real shame if it does infact need a 3ds though, didn't check.
it'll take longer than the current age of the universe to crack it with brute force, anon.
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Three people got the game like 12 days before release, one was a retarded woman that quickly stopped playing, one was an autist who said the first thing he does in every game is taking a Weedle to lv100 by grinding on route 1 shitmons, and then there was this guy who would go on a smoke break every three seconds so we didn't get that much info from him.
Ah. I see. Sounds shit actually.
>I want to get some fresh air
>I want to take some photos
>I wat to buy XY
>I going to vist XY
>I'll take the dog for a walk (if you have one)
For I Vile Every
However One Unless Really See
Cool. Thanks
Five hours.
Is there an App that unlocks amiibo data?
s/m mega


Confirmed legit! Thank you based anon!!
Instructions weren't clear, I got my dick stuck in a toaster.

Wait for my lawyers call.
>tfw it's ACTUALLY real
>29 and still living with your parents
failure at life you are
Was there ever a dump for the Sly collection on Vita? Doesn't seem to be on the spreadsheet.
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i'm still waiting for an xbox 360 softmod
I am, I willingly admit this. I also have no career skills either.
depending on how old your 360 is, you can flash your dvd drive in your 360 to play pirated games. no modchips or soldering required.
How do I fix error 0xFFFBF825 in WUP Installer?
ok get ready
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Hello /hbg/, Its been almost a year since I checked in here and I was just wondering what I should do after installing a9lh. I used the guide and now my 3ds is on 9.2. I used to have cakes cfw back in january or so, but im unsure on how my setup works now. Is it possible to install cfw on top of a9lh and spoof a higher frimware??
get set
Put title.tik in the SD:/install/ folder too
I need to inject FBI_v2.4.2_O3DS_USA_injectable_app. But it's not selectable in the hourglass9 injection.

What program or editing should I try to make it selectable?
you literally missed the point of a9lh.
its there so you can update your ds to the latest firmware and it will remain hacked.
dont use cakes, dont be a retard and install luma3ds instead. follow the guide it walks you through everything.

Luma is the CFW everyone uses with a9lh senpai
I like the pastebin but you could use it for something that hasn't already been confirmed not happening.
cakes worked fine for me. That 3ds got killed by a rubber case though.
So luma and a9lh act like the emunand in a way? I just don't want to update and get fucked.
You won't notice a difference in usage, it's that what you mean. Emunand is no longer needed.

You can update sysnand with a9lh + Luma
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>tried using kernel exploit for PS4
>ended up bricking my PS4
Just replace it for a Pro at fucking Gamestop
>drive flashing
>still requires opening up the console
>still requires modifying an aspect of the hardware

meh, it's close enough i guess. any decent tutorials for a jasper 360?

also, why is it the xbox 360 seems to have no pure softmod hack? almost all of them i found require some special chip, i'd imagine by now there would've been an exploit someone could've used in even an older dashboard.

and yes, i know there was the king kong one, but that still required flashing the drive to get the disk to run. at least with the ps3 it doesn't require opening the console to install a custom firmware onto it
>implying they do not test the console out before he makes the trade.

His best bet is to sell it on CL.
Yeah, I only use EmuNAND now for Japanese region games because region spoofing doesn't let you use a Japanese keyboard. Only reason I care is because Aikatsu games don't allow any characters that aren't katakana and hiragana for naming your character so they're unplayable otherwise.
Buy a new one, swap serial stickers.
opening your console and connecting the xbox disc drive to your PC isn't so hard. beats the hell out of soldering chips and wires to your motherboard if all you want to do is play pirated 360 games.

flashing your drive is closest softmod you can get. there was never a real softmod for it like Wii or PS3 because I guess 360's OS was that secure.
Wait, so all you have to do is use the luma update then update the system normally?

yep but you must have a9lh
Follow this guide.
Be sure to update the firmware beforehand, they updated the drives for xdg3 discs. You may require additional tools depending on the model, if it's liteon prepare your anus and wallet accordingly.

The chip is a little torture device designed to shock the cpu until it does your bidding. This is the RGH method used on newer models. The older model is the smc hack more commonly known as the jtag hack (jtag is not inherently a hack but a somewhat traditional nand access point). Theres actually a science behind the length of the wires for rgh. The rest of the hack is injecting a hacked nand image it's a solid 50/50 split between forcing the console to obey and having it run your unsigned code, every single bootup.
Instructions totally clear, but I still got my dick stuck in a toaster.
Yeah, most of the time you don't even need to update luma before you update the system itself. Gotta install a9lh for it to work though.
anyone have a link to a japanese Persona dancing all night?
Why? There's probably an undub around somewhere if it's just voices you want.
So what's the best Wii U CFW right now?
Heard redNAND is annoying as fuck because you have to do something everytime you boot or something like that, it isn't really clear yet
an undub works as well, just can't seem to find one. :S
So is that true you could download games with FBI manager by scanning a QR code?
Now it starts installing but after 1GB it reaches 100% and a little after 150% it gives me the same error.
is that dvd or 360 firmware, cause updating the xbox may be a problem cause the phat i have is console banned. my fault from buying it from a pawn shop i guess, and hence why i wanna hack it cause it's pretty useless otherwise

also, what are all these other methods i've seen like r-jtag and r-jtop and why is there no guides i could find for them?
Look a bit harder, son. Like in the OP maybe.

I don't know. Sounds like you're missing a file somewhere. I'd always recommend using NUSgrabber to download games, personally.
Why bother, get freeshop.
Yes. You can also scan QR codes of download links, not just titlekeys.
>error 0xFFFBF825 : Incomplete or corrupted encrypted files. Check that your game can be decrypted correctly (with Cdecrypt or JNUSTool) and doesn't produce "bad checksum" and/or 0 byte files.

I downloaded Smash eur with Funkiiu, maybe the files are encrypted?
hey hbg is this a brick or a softbrick? he said he was installing a9lh but it failed
That was the guide I originally followed. So I just use the updating a9lh guide?
Both and updating is a non issue you can pull the update files from the xbox site and install via usb.

I forget which firmware update triggers it but they will check your drive firmware and update it should it be the old one, the newer cfw is obviously based on these updates and therefore doesn't get overwritten.

fuck knows about r- shit there are 2 1/2 hacks, jtag, rgh & rgh 2. Might just be branding for the chips. It's been years since i did mine but xbox-scene might still be viable, they require equipment, except maybe jtag which can be done with scraps of wire and resistors if you're a bad enough dude.
install freeshop and ciangel



you literally download games straight from nintendos servers.

looks like a softbrick. If you can enter safe mode then it's a softbrick.
>flashing the 360's DVD drive

Fuck that, go the extra mile and RGH.
A brick would show a blue screen.

>and ciangel
Pointless if you already have Freeshop and FBI (like you should)
Can't update a9lh if you don't have it already.
Just start at step 1.
Forgot to add, it might just be better to get an ODE if you decide not to go the hacked firmware route.
Buying blank discs and burning the games is a fucking hassle i left behind long ago.
You'll still need to open it up but it's comparatively less fucking around with it, never used one myself but they do the job.
360 has like no games worth playing though so it's not worth hardmodding unlike PS3
How do you stretch out the screen for VC games on the N3DS? Looks like Nintendo aimed for the small rodent audience.
i linked both ciangel and freeshop because there are disparities in available titles and especially dlc.
for example the eu version of shovel knight has no update in the freeshop. but it is in ciangel.
I have it though? Or at lease im 99% sure I do. I can press start or select on boot to enter into different menus, and I can install cia's
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You don't and that's a good thing.
looks like it can`t enter recovery mode so it`s a brick
I can access luma without an sd card, and it says I'm on sys 9.2.
There aren't, they use the same source.
so updating the firmware on a phat doesn't matter if in the future i get the shit required to rgh it i'm guessing.

any decent guides for any sort of hack? most of the ones i've found are horribly outdated. plus, i still wanna go the hacked firmware route, only problem i have is the availability of the chips and the ability to install them. i could probably learn how to, i've soldered shit before and it's not that difficult to do.

also, i had a look at the ode that ozmodchips supplies and it's more expensive then just getting the chips and doing it yourself. they're offering the cr4 xl and the jr2 programmer for around $60aud, compared to the near $100 of the ode.
What URL do i use for titlekeys in freeshop?

Does https://3ds.titlekeys.com/ work?

6 un grande fra
Thanks! This is even more shameless than Shameless..
Has anyone else encountered an error from WoFF at chapter 4?
yoyo zio butta la pasta

I want a theme with the lewdness cut off by the border between the two screens.
If I want to play DS games on my N3DS XL, what good/cheap flashcards are there for it? I'm in the UK.
is that yogurt coming out of her vagoo?

Just buy an R4 clone.
It will still update the drive you just won't be using burned discs, if anything you'd get an external drive to store your games on and give no fucks.

The guides will be outdated these days as the scene has stagnated since 2012. Myself i used a nand-x for my jtag, didn't need to but i did.

All you truly need is the installation diagrams for your method + the diagram for dumping the nand, the rest of it is using xebuild gui to process your nand dump, inject xell and install the hacked dash, it's a very nice program.
It's very similar to a ps3 downgrade except that doesn't require actual hardware modification it's a metldr exploit.

The xecuter forums might still be up to date, for their products at least.
R4 or Dstwo
I bought a secondhand o3ds running rxTools last month, it was working fine, until now. Whenever I'm playing game sometimes it goes black screen telling me with SD card have been removed' on the screen. I think it has to do with the sdcard, it uses microsd with adapter instead of regular sdcard. Maybe it got loose or something.

My question is, if I buy a new sdcard and install a9lh on it, then if I switch to the old sdcard, can I get into my old emunand?

pic unrelated


You may want to move the emunand to your sysnand though
when are the new 11.1 downgrade methods going to come?

>You may want to move the emunand to your sysnand though
How? It's on the different sdcard.
5 hours

Dump the emunand partition on your PC, move the emunand.bin to the new SD card, restore it when the time comes.
the xecuter forums are somewhat outdated, but they have the updated drive firmwares at least. now i have to find a guide that i can understand.

any decent and understandable guides for dvd flashing or full on hacking the xbox?
when tho :"(
Ok so how do i get metroid prime trilogy to work from usb on wii? It loads the game but once i make a profile and then click metroid prime 1 it resets the console (back to bootmii)
Release the game already.

Use an up to date cIOS and enable block IOS reload in your loader settings.
What game?
use a different backup loader

Now is anyone going to release S/M?
wololo's guide to updating to 3.60 says to download a file that it just a webpage. Does anyone know what the file name should be? This is the link.


Maybe the end? "psp2-updatelist.xml"
Cartoon Network: Battle Crasher of course. That's what everybody around these thread has been talking about as of late.
I got the seed for Sun/Moon, I'll only release once the person who replies to me gets trips.
on it
Like now?
i just installed everything (and USB Loader GX). turned block ios reload on but it still just resets
We already know it's 11111111111111111111111111111111
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I know this is fake but I'll bite.

Try to get the latest d2x then. An old cIOS won't work.
I'm afraid i've got nothing to offer in that regard.
For dvd flashing it depends entirely on the model but the gist of it is to use jungleflasher unless something better came along. samsung drives are the easiest you need only plug them in. hitachi might need a music disc to unlock and liteon needs either a probing or a pcb line slashed and then later repaired.
How about now?
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The Valkyrie Drive update? Yes it is.
Testing it before upload
Rolling for singles.

Try changing the IOS that the game is loaded with in the settings then.
This is the power of trips
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give me seed
alright, thanks for helping i guess, guess i'll have to remain on the lookout for a good xbox hacking guide before it gets deleted like the rest of them
jews did 9/11
oh baby a triple
how are my quints?
Take a look
Fiddle with the settings one of them relates to something to do with the .dol.
You can also tell it to outright launch a certain game by making it target that games .dol.
Also worth mentioning though unrelated that any game that uses the motionplus requires you to have watched the fucking awful video once in the consoles lifetime or it will throw a bitchfit about loading.
if trips wait for 5 hours

>You can also tell it to outright launch a certain game by making it target that games .dol.
This is a shit solution because you can only use one save file and you can't choose the difficulty.
Aren't trips disabled on /vg/?
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yo release
So are you supposed to exit out of games before they go to sleep to avoid the save error?
Have to save frequently. Avoid having the Vita go to sleep.
Didn't say it was good, only that it works.
don't tell them
So does it happen even when youre just playing normally too? Like just randomly when youre in the middle of playing?
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Valkyrie Drive Update 1.01 EU: https://mega.nz/#!554B3Iya!CiS-wxTwnbawRMKnK7F7UljA6F1YupLhSPRV21GQOe0
is that Pokemon????
someone check
I don't want birus
very gud
Sometimes, yes. Just save frequently. This will be something that will be fixed soon, hopefully.
0's aren't. >>159490000
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Question: I've been reading the Vita hacks stuff. Is there a way to downgrade to 3.60? The hacking for dummies says there is not, but I dunno if that has changed.
Dubs and higher are disabled.
To prevent posts like >>159529937
And yet.
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Alright, that made me laugh a bit.

Good one.
There is not, and probably wont be for a very long time

No, and don't expect one.
Yeah, that got a chuckle.
Thanks, Anon.
not till lv0 is hacked the psvita uses a separate processor for keys like arm9 on the 3ds.
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>get nostalgic
>check out Pingo's twatter
>He still hasn't posted since July
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It's not working for me wtf
It works on mine.
your nose is weird.
is there a way to remove a game from my 3ds without deleting the save file?
no, but you can backup the save before deleting the game
stupid system.
god damn nintendo.
why didnt they do it like the wii and gamecube?
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I always had a chuckle when I saw his name posted anywhere
>tfw pingo and pinga are local slang for benis
Post the SHA-256 hash of it.
i think it has to do with the way saves are encrypted
Sony also went full retard on the Vita by using the same system. When your competition isn't even trying, these faggots end up not caring.
>right click
>save target as
sony was stupid with the vita in how they did the memory cards. the prototype vita takes a full sized sd card. they got greedy and it fucked them.
"Pinga" is a buzzword for booze around here.
Yeah, I don't feel sorry for how it blew up on their faces.
it's dumb for consumers but it's smart for sony's wallet. if they ended up selling vita at a loss, the memory cards will more than make up the profit. every vita just about needs a memory card so sony can rake in the cash even when no software is being bought.
if I want to buy a new 3ds and transfer from my old 3ds is there any precautions I should take?
other than installing cfw on the new 3ds
whats funnier is the fact that the game cartridges are just sd cards that do a special authentication before they are mounted by the vita.
How do I access the morphogenetic field to get the S/M seed from me in the future?
>Vita gets hacked
>Piracy is enabled
>32 and 64GB memory cards fly off store shelves as people try to hoard vita rips
Was one of the guys Josh? I remember a shit load of Drake and Josh memos being on vp.
Acquire a gun then hold it up to your head and pull the trigger
It was smart if it worked. Which it didn't. It is not the fact the memory card existed, its the fact it cost a crazy amount of money.

They could have easily did what they did but lowered the cost of the cards a fair amount. I know a bunch of people who didn't buy one (and still would not) because of the card cost.
make sure the 3ds you buy is at most firmware 10.7.
the mhg bundle for n3dsxl is a safe bet. if you are yuropean they are guranteed the be at maximum 10.7 and on top of that they are all IPS displays.

otherwise make a backup of your sd card and youre good to go.
All these people begging for sun/moon and I'm just sitting here laughing at the delicious tears.
they where definitely selling it at a loss the main cpu is a stacked design so the ram arm cpu and the security processor is in one chip package. That shit isn't cheap.
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can someone recommend me some new 3ds games? last thing Ive got was Fire Emblem Conquest
There is a Mai torrent on reddit that has close to everything on it and good download speeds.

Actually not sure why it isn't on the OP at this point.
your "bunch of people" is inconsequential to the millions of vita owners who bought a memory card already. Sony has already made a profit from jewing you people with memory cards and they don't care if Vita games aren't selling or Vita hardware is being sold at pawn shops for low prices, the memory cards are the real money maker.
What kinda games you like?
Must be making crazy money since they hardly talk about the fucking thing.
It doesn't mention which Mai versions were used on the dumps and there are known bad dumps among them.
>if you are yuropean they are guranteed the be at maximum 10.7 and on top of that they are all IPS displays.
they're really pricey though, 290 euro
I'll think about it
friendly reminder:
in saudi arabia monday is 5 HOURS away
the funny thing is when lv0 is hacked and we get the keys and a true vita cfw is made all we will need is a 4gb memory card and a straight through micro sd adapter for the game cartage slot.
Thanks, much appreciated.
as if slim or fat on anything above 3.55 can do it without any help
What memory cards? The ones that are unavailable on my country since 2 years ago?
Gotcha. Must have had a good run then. Everything I got worked without an issue.
Charles Koch is making billions of dollars every decade and is one of the richest people in the world yet you never hear about him on the news or media.
thats weird i bought my bundle 3 weeks ago and it was only 200 bucks.
store clerk even threw in a free ac adabter and usb charging cable.

just check your stores personally before i bought mine i thought they were 250€ but turns out theyre just 200 at most stores including gamestops.
a little bit of everything, from RPGs to weeb and not so weeb stuff
I checked on Amazon, I doubt they even have any in stores
that's just a breakout board with no electronics. But on his twitter it seems he has decoded the memory card protocol.
Atelier Meruru, Akiba's Trip, Ultra Despair Girls and Uppers are among those that still have issues with the latest Mai.
amazon is more expensive than retail in many cases.
i used the gamestop store locator to see which store had one went and picked one up. then went to a tech store nearby and picked up a 65gb sd card for 15 bucks. and a powersaves for 20.
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So, anyone working on Monster Hunter Stories?

Ive heard last time someone translated the menus and that shit but I couldnt find the link
"speaking of, how goes the SD card adapter"
this, combined with the fact that he decoded the memory card protocol, and he already released the breakout board, leads me to the inevitable conclusion that what he described is, in fact an SD card adapter
SMTIV: Apocalypse is pretty good. Also Dragon Quest 7 remake. 4 would be required to play first in order to get certain references right away. Also there are bonuses for having save data from it. DQ7 is pretty good. The first part of the game is kind of a bore because it consists of a shit load of item fetching.
Bump Limit almost reached, New Thread:

Pokefags, ladies and gentlemen!
Has anyone ever called Nintendo to get their NNID back onto a 3DS? How long does it take for them to reinstate the NNID?
but it wont be of any use to those who have a normal vita only vita tv people will benefit. theirs no room for an adapter on a normal vita
If my 3DS is 11.0.35 am I screwed or can I downgrade with my cfw 3DS and dsiware
The >Cakes guy?

Fucking idiot. SoCs are cheap, that's why everything uses them. They're cheap to begin with and they're even cheaper to consolidate as time goes by.
its a custom soc
Are you fucking retarded? That's some anon shitposter from around here, Pingo is the Kernel Time Machine fag
>Kernel Time Machine

What's that again?
I don't have any gamestops near so going to the nearest one would be more expensive
I actually just checked on their website and the nearest one doesn't have it anyways
I'll probably just get it from Amazon, it's expensive but it's worth it
Literally nothing.
Can the Vita load through USB yet?
seems like it's much more likely that it would stick out the side of the vita, considering this guy is a programmer not a designer
A super safe and perfect downgrader that used a reprogrammed eShop app to allow downgrading without any hax.

Despite people believing this, it turned out the dev was a kid who had no clue about anything. After being BTFO many times by people who actually know how to program, he decided he'd build a Menu for another dev's program.
Sadly, the other dev already had a gui so didn't need his shit.
Having a lot of trouble getting Wii ISOs to load on my Homebrew Channel on my Wii.
Nintendont was fucking easy compared to this, or maybe I'm just tech illiterate.
I've got a .wbfs file of a Wii game. I've got USB Loader GX which just freezes when I start it up (initializing USB) and I've got WiiFlow. How the hell do I get my Wii to play the file?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm, at the end of my tether here.
Oh, that guy. I remember him being quite a meme back then.

Do you even have cIOS?

>uninstall update
>import save
>install update

so what did you do to your save before updating that broke it in the first place
Are you using WUPinstaller 1.2.1?
The only CFW out is rednand.
You have to boot into homebrew launcher via webhax like you did prior to a9lh with menuhax + emunand. It's the same thing.
Format your HDD in Fat32 and use Wii Backup Manager to send your Wii games to your HDD.
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