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/agdg/ - Amateur Game Dev General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 820
Thread images: 185

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Halloween soon

> Halloween Jam 2016 (Less than 3 days)

> Play Latest Demo Day (X)

> Next Demo Day (DD11)

> Helpful links
Website: tools.aggydaggy.com
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

> Previous Demo Days

> Previous Jams

> AGDG Chats

> Engines
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
Haxe: haxeflixel.com
LÖVE: love2d.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio
Yes, the engine recommendations are necessary.
If I make a thread on /wsg/ will you post sound webms?

You DO have sounds, right?
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Yep, that was the point of that post anon, thank you. Got a suggestion?
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there's too many posters here. some of you need to move to 8ch/v/agdg/
Use materials? Even flat shading could potentially work with a good lighting model.

That ship looks pretty cool though.
>Not trying to nitpick but the uneven distance from the eyes to the nose (as in, one is further than the other) combined with the straightness of the nose looks odd.
The uneven distance was something I chose (right eye is 1px further) and I felt the even distance made it too perfect for my tastes
I want to fuck your game
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Ey hol up, where jack da rippa at?
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I have only one sound effect currently that I've made that I was satisfied enough with to the point that I didn't trash it immediately after implementing it. Should probably try making some more.
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How do I commit to a single project?
Maybe 1 or 2 pxl to the right would be the best of both world
>mfw most of my enemies are nude
what went right
git commit
First for fell for the "just make your own engine" meme
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You first.

The ships are entirely player designed using the builder. Unity's lighting looks like garbage in every scenario, I've found. Here's the panels using a metallic material.
kill yourself you simp

I take it I should make my own engine?
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Did a blockout for the general form of this mech. What changes should I make before sculpting the final asset?
Do you use a custom cursor in your games? How did you design it, if at all?
It's a real pain in the ass.

I want to make a fan game for one of my favorite series (Bioshock), but doing so obviously will get me 'patent trolled' and there is no reason to do so, it will simply forbid me from ever selling it if I want to.

Pisses me off man.
Where are the guns
fucking cursies, what's wrong with the existing ones?
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It holds them, you nonce.
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Still using programmer art for the guns. I'll get to those next.
>midsection is the same size as one shoulderpad
I dunno, maybe make it look either sleek _or_ robust. Both at once kinda destroys the overall impression.
if you're gonna make a 3d game atleast have some self-respect, learn c++ and use unreal
we wuz constables
Nothing, if you make a game that doesn't need to have a cohesive GUI theme.
It's up to the player whether they want sleek or robust. All the parts are swappable like Armored Core.
doesn't matter literally insane cursie
There are so many good looking mechs that defy this "convention" that it's practically worthless.
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Working on another game right now but I've been doing some concept art for my own original undertale ripoff.
I just set the default cursor to hidden and use a sprite that follows the cursor position.
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Why do they have clothes pins on their noses?

oh my god do they clothespins on their noses?
So, if i wanted to make a game for the switch, starting with the templates for mobile(tegra) in unreal would be best , right?
it smells kind of bad down there
I feel like making the clothespins the same height as their eyes is a bad move

Though I presume it will support the UE4 desktop renderer as well as the mobile one.
>frogs with nose pins
Your game has so much charm man.
Im a unreal newb, do you know if there is any way of simulating a mobile target but building for windows?
I gave up. I started a new, "smaller" project. But this time I will finish it, I swear!
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tired of medusa heads knocking you down pits with no chance of recovery
well now you can recover from any hit mid air either left or right independent of your current direction.
the tradeoffs however are 1 you only get one recovery (can't bounce off enemies forever) and you don't get it back until your feet touch the ground and 2 your invulnerability time is 75% shorter so you can be liable to more damage if you abuse the feature.
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>creating art assets

i want to go back to programming
first sentence was supposed to be a question.
and sorry about the mouse cursor
also inb4 no medusa heads are in the game yet
>No total cancer knockback in Castlevania knockoff
You just lost the purist crowd.
>not programming procedural art for assets
come on
its okay. im not looking to tap into any playerbase honestly. i made my mind when i started the project that i would recreate the castlevania mechanics using its art, then once theyre in place ill play around them until i get a good feel that i like. im only using castlevania as the base.
What the fuck man
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i think the clothespins need to be pretty big for readability, though i am unsure about the eye shape yet
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Do you even know what that means? The shitty /v/ meme image hints at no.
>Learning how to program
I want to go back to creating art assets
I think any lighting would be better than that.
thanks mang
I think it's interesting and I'm a longtime CV fan.

PLEASE make this ability cost hearts or something.

It shouldn't be that easy to avoid death. The entire point of Castelvania was dying to stupid shit like that.
ill think about making it cost magic. i want the game to genuinely be challenging, but i feel like cheap death is a design philosophy thats out of date. i want to challenge the player with good level design and not a bunch of pits that you cant avoid. ill reevaluate it once i start making levels and see if it needs any adjustments like consumption
Finally imported the model into UE4. Not sure if the bones are going to work, but it seems UE4 places them automatically because when I select the bones they are in different position than I hastily put them for testing purposes. Hopefully it will work because that would make my day. At the very least I got some experience with making materials out of textures and applying them to the model which was easier than I expected.

I'm also pretty impressed with the possibilities of creating materials. You can do so much combinations of textures, effects, calculations, sorts of lighting, transparency, etc.

All in all I love how deep every aspect of game development is. Modelling, rigging, texturing, controls, music, level design. I feel like it's something I can lose myself in completely without getting bored anytime soon.
Getting knocked into pits isn't a cheap death, you put yourself in a position to be knocked into one and you failed to dodge an enemy attack. It's entirely your fault.
>Not sure if the bones are going to work, but it seems UE4 places them automatically because when I select the bones they are in different position than I hastily put them for testing purposes.

It really shouldn't be. They should be exactly where they were when you rigged the model.

Unless you mean you moved them as a test animation in which case you need to import the animation as a separate file.
>getting outsmarted by the enemies
agdg is dead
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learning oop, using c++ and sfml to create simple 2-d game, got it to display environment observations when you hit space.
>Tfw too paranoid to start actually making the game in favor of just working on the design document.
do it already pussy
Make it, you learn by fucking up and failing, not by writing meme docs and doing no implementations.
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I wrote this neat little shader to add some noise to my ground pixels. I couldn't find no other way to do this, I tried pooling a bunch of GameObjects for tiles, but that was incredibly costly. I could barely keep a thousand objects in my pool.
It does look pretty uniform, but I kinda like the old-fashioned look. And it's fast - it's just a 256x256 bitmap applied to a single quad, but I perturb the edges of the pixels with a noise map. I could do this just as easily on a 1024x1024 world, the performance is almost totally uncoupled from world size.
are you using the UE4 skeleton? it's a good idea to rig your character so it can use it.
no real idea what I'm looking at but if you made progress with a custom shader, you're a beast

great job anon
You will get patent trolled.
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also, finally working, level up system with its unique deck of abilities

QUICK, give me more abilities and upgrades
>ability to see next card drawn
>ability to affect the chance of the next card drawn being of disposition 'x'

I don't actually know how your system works. More details?
It's pure rng, also there is no "deck" your card draws are always random.
different guy here: it looked fine until something was mentioned, and it still looks fine in the thumbnail, but I can't not notice it in the full picture now, and it bothers me
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this is my first progress post!

currently still learning how to properly code a game, but this is a start I guess.
if I somehow manage to do something worth showing I'll try to post it here but don't expect me to post often (except as an anon shitposter ofc)

I don't really have any ideas about the game yet but for now it doesn't matter, I still need to code all the basic required things to run a game

pls subscribe to my rss!
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Okay, then the ability to lock in the next card's type to a certain kind. Ex; speed, equipment, ect.

Are you shitposting?
>currently still learning how to properly code a game
That never ends
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but that's wrong, friend
So I'm including between 5-10 minigames in my upcoming RPG.

So far, I'm using the following basic game types for the various minigames;
>Self enclosed card games

I really don't want to use breakout, but anyone have any other simplistic games I can use for minigames?
what engine
pls no
how about an AD&D 2nd edition minigame?
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>vr is a meme
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I was just getting a snack from gamedeving and I went to the local fastfood place with my bicycle (I already thought this was a bad idea to drive there with my new bike beforehand because the place is frequented by drunks during the night)

There werse two guys standing infront of it looking at me in a funny way.(both underage) When I was inside I had a bad feeling and I thought I should go outside checking out my bike while the guy was preparing my order.but I didn't. When I went outside with my food the two guys passed by the fast food place from another direction and my bicycle was missing and I already knew what happened. I went the direction the they came from and saw my bike laying on a staircase. I confronted them and they pretended like they don't know what happened "Whoa dude I don't know what happened lol. Just relax dude" (they were obviously bullshitting because they couldn't have not noticed even if it weren't them)

The bike looked mostly fine.
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cool your jets.gif
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>get on to work on one thing
>improve 7 or 8 other things instead
I mean...
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Added a picture of Anubis to the GAME OVER screen.

When can you get your boipucci fucked in this game?
gay furries pls go home
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Set up a proper combat animation system with the help of different Animation Blueprints + switching around between them.

Also got blocking and parrying working

Models/Animations are obviously WIP.

Editor left me with the german localization because i cleaned up the projects saved folder. Gonna reset that tomorrow or so.
There's a stat for sneezing?

Looks like Oblivion, even the graphics look like a bit upgraded Oblivion.

Gesundheit means health in german.

>tfw I was going to make an oblivion clone and this guy beat me to the punch
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rate the videogame trailer
Yeah I'm just shitposting
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Played with the proportions some more. I think this is good enough to start the detail work.
I'm gonna recruit your ass when the time comes for my project to need art.
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Needs to follow through way more with his swings.
>KF clone with blocking
>his legs were shaking as he was climbing
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and here's the finalized cockpit layout
looks great, go in for the kill
>Tfw just making games for myself and no one else will see them.
How are you going to do the cockpit camera? First person, and just not render the mech? Render textures?
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Working on level select screen.
>tfw making a lewd game for group of like ~50 people to play
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The screens turn transparent. Render textures would be really performance intensive.
The mech is designed so the chest armor is hidden in game to give the player a full forward view.
>tfw making a game I want because nobody else will and holding out the hope for LODSEMONE
wow that looks awesome
Cutscenes are too different from gameplay. I doubt the ingame engine could even render at the 1 minute mark.
>How do I commit to a single project?
Use the thought of the next project to drive you to finish the one you're working on right now.
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Mask Spin Large.gif
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Working on a new enemy. The palette is completely placeholder, and I don't have an eye for shading, but I'd love thoughts.

It's an enemy with two forms, this is the animation for the head. Haven't drawn the rest yet obviously.
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Don't be a project-hopping slut like Vine
Vine pls finish a game.
Risk of caverns is already 5 years old
Is your game the one with the baseball spaceman and the plants?

I miss you from the threads on /v/ months ago, tell me about your projects
one or two too many sine wave graphics but otherwise looks ace
Come up with so many ideas until you get one so great you're bursting at the seams to work on.
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multiplayer side scrollers

What do you want in them?
Meaningful interactivity with other players, first and foremost, whether it be positive or negative.
so, being able to carry and throw players by grabbing them from behind for example?
i hate complimenting vine but i admit it looks juicy.
I enjoyed it in Super Mario Bros. Wii.
I'm just working on week long projects for now.
It gets me going but it's not too much work.
Though technically the games I'm making are a series so its sort of one game that will take a few months.
What's your studio called?
(You) games
One Man Army Enterprises
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Added a few really cheesy "ack" sounds that play when the player jumps.
Honestly, they might get annoying after a while. I might just remove them.
ke mo sho co
Black Shell Media
Motherfucker don't even think of removing them.

Make it a random chance on jump to produce aforementioned "ack". Adjust as necessary.
Just make sure they're soft and add some non-ACK noises that can also play.
There are three different sounds, a random one plays each time the player jumps. They're currently the only sound in my game.
Boku no Studio
<first name last name> studios.
Aneurysm HQ

>Spent better part of a month coming up with a name for my game
>This question
chip and dale system
where you can hold your friend and throw them to death
>this guy will never make art for you while you focus on implementing features and mechanics
life is hard, boys
Golden Battery Company™
the slogan is
Our company is powered by your gold.
Sarah Alberton Photography
Make it a one in ten for every jump, and when it triggers for a jump, choose between the three.
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Rainbow road inc.jpg
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Mountainous Development
>I'll never implement MY ideas with THEIR art

pathetic anon, you should be happy to implement their ideas since they're obviously more creative than you
>you will never have remotely good art at all
>substance material drag-and-drop
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>you will never anything
THAT'S why I felt like I'd seen it before
I even work with hundreds of 3d artists, but I'm only more than an acquaintance with a few and they're so overworked anyway I doubt any would want a side project.
Tarl Warwick Studios
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Unity question

Any good examples of what a 'player' gameobject might look like?

When designing applications, class hierarchy is pretty straightforward.

I'm having trouble imagining how to get a player to be accessed by outside code, and having separate classes for input, movement/control and updating graphics.

I imagine this is just a case of willingly designing a monster class just to learn and chopping it up later, but would appreciate any advice you guys have.
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Multiple planets. I'll probably need to add some sort of Sins style overview map if I plan to have more than 2 or 3 planets.

I gotta stop recording inside the editor. It's always a choppy mess.
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>Look at analytics
>1 Download
>It's my brother
Don't take an attitude with me you fucking skeleton.
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So where are we gonna go?
agdgchan when
You know where
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>Look at analytics
>26 downloads in the last 2 months
>how to get a player to be accessed by outside code
Singleton that gets populated in Awake()

> separate classes for...
Whenever I add anything it usually gets a new class instead of being added into an existing one, ECS style
Please tell me how
Nothing stays the same forever, anon. Sometimes things end.
its almost demo day, just chill and shill
He's just doing this so people will buy more passes and donate more.
Please don't force us to go to the bloated shitty *ch
I'd rather just go to reddit than there.
>tfw over 4000 downloads
>tfw still not sure if people even like your game
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Started adding elevators. The collision is being a little shit but other than that they work perfectly.
Sorry, but formal education might have ruined me. I'm learning that game dev breaks a lot of rules.

I was told that singletons are always bad. Any alternatives or is that just not the case here?
I hope for no alternatives, as I love the idea of this pattern in dev.
4chan has a large enough wealthy gay / autist fanbase to stay running for the next 100 years.

Their /v/ is exactly the same as here, except their images load faster and their webms have sound
I uploaded it to DDX, and I have a link to my itch.io page on my Twitter which has 2 followers.
Dude that looks so cool.
sounds like your formal education might not have been great
Recap archive where
Active greenlights where
Will this be a metroidvania?
if agdg is so good why don't they ma,ke an agdg2
Not in gamedev perhaps.
Just that creating a globally accessible instance is generally a bad idea in any case, and in application design you look for patterns that either
>Allow access to specific functions, given only to the members that need access
>Service location service that ensures that the member making the call is intended to do so.
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>runs 2chan for over a decade
>can't handle 4chan
>not realising Hiro is the biggest OG troll of them all
'cause they can't figure out how they could casualize agdg any more than it already is
>donations don't work
alright now it's obvious we're being rused.
>I'd rather go to a hugbox without anonymity than to the closest thing to 4chan
Well is clearly where you belong.
Do you have to give up video games to gamedev?
I'm kind of leaning in that direction but without as many movement upgrades. If not it will have heavy exploration elements anyway.
>Service location service that ensures that the member making the call is intended to do so
What does this mean?
free released 2D or 3D cute girl when?
it's hard to be a gamedev if you still enjoy playing video games
well, singletons are used all the times outside of game dev and there's nothing wrong with them when used appropriately, so whoever told you that was definitely wrong
I'm surprise very little didn't find it suspect the moment he post about 4chan's situation he added "malicious ads", "more pass features", "deleting boards" and "slower servers" before even considering donation, the one thing that 99% of sites do when they need money from a community.

oh do this all on 4chan's birthday while running a pass sale.
Thanks anon!
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Brought in the ancient HUD I made a while ago, and also tweaked the PID machines that were operating the thrusters to smooth them out a bit. Feels more natural now, but this is probably something that will have to be tweaked "by feel" for any ship that gets added. Also added a cockpit/chase camera system that can be toggled between.

I finally got 3DS working again, so hopefully I can put together a crude model with animated landing gear. I'm really curious about trying to figure out suspension.

I really want to figure out a cleaner way to assign the thruster visuals. Right now they're really work intensive to set up.
jesus fuck that looks amazingly smooth, ace combat anon has some future competition
I want to touch those trails
I like that HUD.
wow, nice no man sky ripoff
It's something I've used in the past for programs that had data that was regularly updated, but vital to the application that it be reliable.

Classes would be given a unique identifier which the service locator would confirm is the ID for the member was created by that program.

If the ID was on the 'whitelist' when the call was received, the service locator would be able to know which class to send to, and what arguments to send.

Not what it would be used for in gamedev, but just an easy example.

Player's bullet flies through a player, and collides with an enemy.

Bullet calls service locator twice, with damageEnemy(enemyInstance, bulletInstance, UID) and damageFriendly(friendlyInstance, bulletInstance, UID)

If friendly fire were on, the player's UID would be on the whitelist for damageFriendly, and it would cause damage.

If friendly fire was off, the player's UID would not be on the whitelist for damageFriendly, and the damage would be ignored.

Horrible idea to use this in an FPS, but I think it illustrates the concept well

>A professor exaggerated the severity of a 'design principle' and there are plenty of exceptions that they decided to ignore.
I'm starting to notice a pattern noPunIntendedPleaseDon'tKillMe here.
Same thing, pretty much, single-responsibility.

Make a movement controller, a health controller, a combat controller.

another thing you could do is to develop a finite state. Look up the SuperCharacterController on github, it includes one that you can take apart and look at, it's pretty well made.

imagine you have an enemy, let's pretend you've made your own character controller using overlap capsule and raycasts for ground, slop detection, collision etc.

what happens when they collide with an object tagged "player"?
raise an event, let one of the player classes decide what happens, the enemy class doesn't care about player health, just raise an event, pass through information that the PlayerHealth class can deal with accordingly.
as soon as you're done with school you'll realize academics are the worst people

you definitely learn a ton in school, but also when we interview new grads we expect them to be completely useless while spending a few months learning how to actually program. that's just the way things are
They're super generic stock Unity trails, although I think these might have the new trail renderer. I forget if that was a beta feature or not.

Thanks, but Ace Combat anon has a much higher chance of actually creating a game with gameplay in it.
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Did my first normal map baking, kind of crappy but I'm going to improve it.
Finding objects in Unity is usually done by tag or name, or linking the object directly in the inspector. You're also welcome to have god-awful "managers" (usually singletons lol) which every other retard will recommend or rig up your own solution (generic events, locator pattern, etc.).

Input should be separate from the player prefab. Have the input send the appropriate instructions to the player object.

Updating the visuals can be done however you want, usually pulling states from the object and updating the mesh / sprite renderer accordingly.

Stop thinking in terms of hierarchy. Start thinking in terms of granular components with their own logic. You don't have entity -> movable entity -> player, you have a player with a humanoid movement component, a sprite renderer component, a health component, etc.
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From yesterday, internet cut out so I couldn't respond to the shitposting.




Which program do you use to record?
It's okay.

Use xnormal if you didn't already.
building on >>158616262, you can use interfaces to generically communicate between objects

a Health component could implement an IDamagable interface that has TakeDamage(amount, damage type) - then when a bullet collides with an object, it does:
IDamagable damable = object I collded with.GetComponent<IDamagable>();

if(damagable != null)
damagable.TakeDamage(10, Physical);
That's literally how I feel. Especially with gamedev stuff. I love some of the problems from my final courses, or higher level foobar stuff. I might get to do something like that if I can get anywhere. Will be fun to learn again, I guess.

So far what I've got is the base class, interface for input, stats (health, resources, equipment) and an 'external interface' (functions that let enemies and object ask about the player)

The player 'base' class loads the interfaces from the resources folder and adds them to the player at runtime, and when other objects collide with the player they get the external interface.

Just feels weird.

Feel free to see above, but what I felt the worst about was linking classes in the inspector. Second worst was searching by tags.

This sounds exactly like what I have in mind.
it actually works better in the latest version of 3ds max.
I just use Application.CaptureScreenshot() to pull them all but it's not very responsive at decent resolutions or complex scenes. I'm too lazy to make a proper build and snap something up with Shadowplay most of the time.
Building your game object at run time is very anti-Unity desu.
This just felt so damn wrong, but is it something that usually happens?

So player prefab saved in resources. All appropriate classes attached to it, and linked in the inspector?

Or is it anti-Unity because Unity thinks badly, and it's actually the right thing to do. I can't tell with you....
Any thoughts/critique/tips?
its anti unity because of the garbage collector, you lose a lot of performance creating things at runtime . The right way is pre-instantiate everything and just turn them on when you need it.
Holy hell. This stuff is not making any sense to me now.

So you're telling me (in Unity) it's better to have all possibly useful components attached and disabled, than to add components at runtime?
Not him, but pooling things like bullets or anything that you will be instantiating a crap ton of is a good practice. Instantiating things is relatively expensive, so if there are things that you know will be instantiating a ton of, consider thinking of ways to keep them around but inactive.

If I'm understanding you right though, you're loading components onto the object at runtime. Why? If you already know what components you're going to have on that object, it should be saved off as a prefab. Maybe I'm misunderstanding something though.
here's a tips.
it's so uninteresting that nobody even bothered to comment on it.
next time figure it out by your own.
I don't use the resources folder at all - I link it in the inspector to my factory class so I can pool things (like bullets). One off things, like the player, I'd just leave in the scene or link to the map controller so it can spawn the player and move it to the proper location in it's Start().

Why do you need to add / remove so many components all of the time? Just enable or disable things selectively as you need them.

I don't know why the other anon suggested it was a GC issue - there's no garbage created when creating an object, only when destroying it.
At least have the decency to make the entire game in English from the ground up or program support for multiple languages from the ground up. It will be fucking shit to do that later in the production cycle and at that point you might be too tired to do it. If you went with German all the way you might not translate the game to English.
Alt-tabbing, what should I pick:
1. Open pause menu (like they pressed Escape)
2. Pause game, but don't open menu, so it restarts as soon as the game has focus again
3. Don't pause, let the user pause first before they alt+tab
I think that depends heavily on the genre. What kind of game?
think like witcher/elder scrolls-type of game
what's ur game?

action game?
then pause it. doesn't matter 1 or 2.

strategy game? turn based game where not pausing doesn't matter?
or real time game that requires you to wait, and player will get impatient and alt tab out to browse web or listen to music?
don't pause.
I can think of situations where I've wished a game wouldn't pause when I alt-tabbed out of it, but never vice versa. If I needed to alt-tab and didn't want things to happen I would pause before alt-tabbing.
If I alt-tab during a game, it's because I want the process to continue while I do something more interesting, don't pause it.
Also not him, god damn pooling things like that sounds clunky and terrible. It seems like the kind of thing someone who doesn't know how to instantiate would do. I guess I should start doing it though, I have enemy spawners that instantiate enemies and enemies that instantiate bullets all over the place.
Programming is weird
Instantiating enemies isn't that bad unless you're instantiating literally hundreds every minute, but you might want to look into pooling bullets. Especially so if you've got stuff that's like a machine gun and you want to get serious about optimizing that shit.

There's examples of pools somewhere I think on the Unity wiki. I think I adapted one of those for my purposes in the case of bullets. What happens is that any time a gun was instantiated into the world, it would also instantiate all the bullets it could possibly have out in the world at a time all at once. Then, instead of a bullet being deleted when it expired or hit something, it was just deactivated and added back into the pool. If you write your pool smartly, it won't be much different (from the bullet or gun's perspective) codewise from deleting the bullet and/or instantiating a new one.
Pooling is super simple mate.

MyBullet bullet

if(cache.count > 0)
bullet = remove from cache
bullet = make a new one

return bullet;

and then in MyBullet.OnDisable()


That way you don't cause the GC to run
See, I was told that you should use the resources folder so that Unity knows what needs to be loaded.

Same as you. I have the factory class, but it loads the resource prefab at runtime.

This is the kind of thing you would want to do, as far as I know.

You have something that holds the prefab, and loads it from the resources. That way it's already loaded.

Then when you instantiate, you are copying the prefab. The factory maintains the loaded prefab.

Just think about the function call otherwise.

If you have a factory, it's

If you load it from Resources whenever you need it, it's (condensing it into one line to make my point)

You have to make the load call every time you instantiate it, versus only loading it once.

Now this is for things you need a lot of, preferably small (like he said, bullets would be a great example.) You wouldn't maintain a loaded copy of something you don't need that often.
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>his game uses bullets
>not toilet paper
>Compiling Shaders (1,435)
What the actual fuck
>Instantiating enemies isn't that bad unless you're instantiating literally hundreds every minute
Okay good, right now I spawn at most one enemy per 3~ seconds, and 2~ bullets per second.
I'll keep that in mind if I start to crank shit up, though
It's the AutomotiveMaterials free project from Epic.

That's all it is, materials, and shitloads of instances of them.
They are sexy though
You will get patent trolled.
But I have nowhere else to go
Irl people don't get it and everywhere else is a nightmare
If making games means drinking the hipster coolaid then i don't want to
daily life when importing assets in unreal
I am currently touching myself while viewing the car paint graph.
>Pause event has been registered for this frame

Awe shit
What did I do?
My screen is all stretched out and the frame rate is half of what its supposed to be.
GM btw.
I'm gonna make a game tomorrow!
I think you're gonna need to give a fuckload more information for anyone to have a chance of helping you.

Any error message you can't understand you can and should google, because I guarantee someone else has asked about it on stack overflow or the GMC. In fact, any beginner question you have should be googled first.
When in doubt make it an option.
Although It's probably better to let the player pause it on their own.
just make this an option like FTL does,

on ALT-TAB pause yes/no
Any critique? The event currently passes the instance the change occurred on, should it also pass by reference the field itself?
I have never understood shit like getters and setters.

It's one thing when you have some calculations you want to do when you set a value, but a lot of time you just see them as what is essentially a public property.

What even is the point of public properties 99% of the time when you don't care about the C# features that only work with them?

OOP really makes no sense. It seems like writing code for codes sake.
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Added layer support, I can give layers different depth values.
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Its a nice easy way to set a breakpoint for whenever a variable is set (or gotten). Unfortunately intellisense isn't intelligent enough to let you jump to all the code that calls the setter vs calls the getter, it just shows everything that touches the property.
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So I've had a pet peeve with certain space sims, and it's something I noticed the last time I did one of these very flight computer physics based space ships. When your velocity vector is behind you, the way that your ship rigidly zeroes out the velocity vector feels weird and unintuitive.

I just changed it so that once your velocity starts to end up behind you (you're flying backwards) the translation thrusters put less effort into zeroing out the slide. Once your velocity vector is more than 45 degrees behind you, it stops trying to zero out a slide completely. This makes for doing those sharp turns where you turn 180 degrees feel much smoother and more natural.

webm related shows the new way. The red line is the velocity vector.
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>those names
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Webm related shows a similar turn with the old alignment rules. What will often happen is in your slide backwards you'll suddenly find yourself flying straight backwards before you start moving forwards again. It feels bad, but it also kinda leaves you a sitting duck in terms of being shot at.

The new flight control rules smooth out the transition from backwards to forwards flight keeps you in motion.

The thruster strengths were all reduced to exaggerate the effect, but even when they're powered up you can feel the difference.
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Progressing well on this texture!
Paying the blood price in UV hell was worth it
The new smooth way definitely looks a lot better.
I like the Vagrant Story-esque palette.
Think about how you could skip parts of levels using that, etc. Do you really want to design a game around that?

Personally I'd just leave in the classicvania knockback, but have it respawn you next to the pit and cause some damage.
A castlevania-like with sequence breaks? God forbid.
if the player manages to find a way to speedrun the game using the mechanics, im all for that.
but like i said well see once i start designing levels
>not wanting the speed running community for free marketing
That's pretty cool. I wondered exactly what you meant until you posted the 2nd webm and it confirmed what I thought you meant.

You've basically created a flight computer setting that tries maintain some momentum and redirects it when doing a flip and burn. I think technically your method is less "efficient" but the trade off is that you don't stop dead making yourself an easy target, correct? Makes a vacuum craft behave like an aircraft.

I think enabling the "old" way as a flight computer setting would be ace since you may not want to veer off laterally when you flip and burn (perhaps there is an object there).
Usually that means you "clicked out" of the game window onto something else. It still runs i the background but is no longer the main focus. Clicking back onto the window should reverse this unless you did something truly fucktacular with your code.
Here >>158620419 it feels like your ship has an unbelievable amount of mass and >>158620580 here it feels like your ship has no mass at all.

Are you sure you have your forces right?
Yeah but I think even regular players would see the potential and abuse it. You don't want to make a broken game.

The skips in classicvanias are minor at worst.
Yes, you need to forget videogames exist
"Players taking advantage of game mechanics" and "broken game" are not necessarily one and the same, especially not in this case.
if you time the recovery at the absolute peak, you're essentially getting a double jump, and the horizontal distance is basically a double jump as well. plus you only get one recovery until you land and you need to take damage as a result. i honestly think if a player decides to play with the mechanics like that- its great. i love glitches/sequence breaks/unintended functionality personally. as long as i don't open the door for anything that can break the game, im all for it.
nice are you going to leave the face, you could get away with just eyes or no features probably
I was considering it.
I don't think there's any reliable way of making a face without going either very blurry, or very cartoony...
It's a bit of a waste, though, because I gave the face a lot of texture space with that in mind.
I think it might seem that way because a regular burn and flip (2nd webm) is more efficient since it doesn't muck about and just does a 180 change in heading (going from +10 m/s to 0 to -10m/s, all on one axis). The 1t webm is much more "lossy", it's going from 10 m/s in the X axis to 5x/5y to -10x.

It's putting work into going off on some other vector as well as changing heading.
>Are you sure you have your forces right?
Yes. The physics are all correct. When you break down what's happening to its component forces it makes sense that you get exactly what happened in the second webm.

However it doesn't FEEL right, and that was honestly the driving factor behind my wanting to do that. Both my old physics based space ship thingie and Star Citizen do it the rigid way because that's most intuitive way to write it.

Where Y is up/down motion, the logic is basically:

If Y velocity > 0, apply thrust in -Y
else if Y velocity < 0, apply thrust in +Y

That will do exactly what it needs to do: It will cancel out the vertical velocity. It doesn't care what your forward/back or up/down components are doing, it'll just try its best to straighten out its component with the thrusters it has available.

I can think of specific situations where you might want to have one or the other. Or maybe somebody just prefers it one way or the other. It's trivial to make it a toggleable option, although where I would put such a toggle is another matter.
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>learning 3d modeling
>ez so far
>get to UV wrapping

what the FUCK how does anybody do this? i don't know what the fuck i'm doing holy fuck this process shpuld be way simpler
you can paint the uvs on
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My first boss sprite.
Pretty shitty but I like it.
I think that's illegal anon.
What video game has the best magic system I should steal?
whats patent trolling?
Remembering now that I should add variety instead of copy and pasting the heads.
Are there any well-known design patterns that are inherently bad?

I know that I should just make game, but I want to know if there is anything that I should just avoid (unity in particular.)

Eg. I want to make an event system, particularly to receive input and either send to enemy AI or player for movement/controls. I just don't know if an event queue is feasible in a game.
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8ch is decent enough

either that or masterch
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>Bitching about that
Bitch please
This is exactly why I'm afraid to make highly detailed models
I use singleton-like things all the time and I feel dirty about it.
I don't know what's bad about singletons, or how they should be implemented instead.
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I guess OBS doesn't record the mouse when the thing it's recording loses focus. But now the mouse is no longer locked to the center of the screen when you alt+tab. I decided not to pause the game, and was too lazy to add a menu option for a prototype. I'll add it in for the main game though.

Singletons are only shit if you use global variables, otherwise it's not so bad and practical.
Day of the rope is coming for UVs. Modelling has been getting better tools over time, texturing has turned into this insane procedural beast where the process has never been easier (if you've got the tools). UVs have gotten better packing tools aaaaaaand that's about it.

Though photogrammetry does some cool stuff and that kind of changes the rules for UVs, though not applicable to everything of course. I'm waiting for some crazy bullshit "virtual photogrammetry" in Substance painter or similar where you end up with a perfectly good asset that you never had to manually unwrap at any point.
I'm making my own engine with Java and it doesn't support globals.
Is your game FUN?
Why aren't you using assembly faggot
Is anything?
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is this too busy?


i don't know what i'm doing.
I've stuck with my project for almost two years now and honestly, I have no idea what to tell you. Even if I'm dissatisfied with my game most days and have plenty of other ideas I'd like to try fleshing out, I just... work on my main project anyway. I think it may be a combination of routine, seeing the potential in it that hasn't been fully realized, not wanting to let down the few people who have shown interest, and a bit of autism.

i like your left hand but you should cut off your right
Good riddance.
What premade generic RPG system can I take and use in games without worrying about licensing?
>I'd rather stay in my safe space where no one knows I'm a sausage than venture out and possibly get licked
I was just going to the skeleton tab of the model and selecting stuff. I figured that was the same as the bones in blender but from your comments it probably isn't.

Is it easy to re-import the model again later with proper boning while still retaining the work I've done in UE4?

I want to first test if I can get it moving before putting lots of effort into boning something that won't work.
are you fucking serious? that was a list of the things he could do, he didn't even say he was considering doing all of them, just that they were possible
if you don't lay out all the options you're not really trying
any changes you make to the mesh in unreal will get overwritten (like changing the base material or default rotation/scale), but if you have a blueprint referencing the mesh, that will be fine if you reimport
>but if you have a blueprint referencing the mesh, that will be fine if you reimport
Probably not. I just have a list of like 90 mesh parts and just made materials of the textures I had and stuck them on the parts. I didn't do more than that so I'm sure I don't have a blueprint referencing the mesh.
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Noticed how spindly and weird the legs were, so I tried fixing them.
Ended up adjusting the whole mesh, and now he looks a lot more "adult", but I'm not sure that it is better.
if you assigned the materials on the mesh object itself, then it will probably get overwritten if you reimport
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im so excited to work on this game based entirely around UI _______:)
watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDbpHamn2eY
Desktop simulator?
to me the structural elements of it make sense, but the active elements often don't
organizing my data? good
organizing my loops? good
organizing my functions? good
sorting out what can access what? makes some sense but it feels like overkill
setters and getters? makes a bit more sense but seems a bit obtuse and lacking in transparency
patterns and all that meta shit? seems like using keys and modes in music-- just as much (if not more so) a matter of how good pieces turn out as it is a matter of how to make something good
Java? Satan
does it not have line-number breakpoints?
tendies sim, you have to delete shitposts or u'll get fired (and lose), but you also have to throw out your piss bottles through the window if your good boy points drop too low (or else you wont get tendies for dinner and u lose)
>if friendly fire were on, the player's UID would be on the whitelist for damageFriendly
Whose responsibility is that?
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Keep messing with it and before you realize it, your guy turns into this guy.
What's the best workflow for making a cave level environment in Unity? Like, should I be doing this shit in Blender or are Unity's terrain tools strong enough?
Well bones seem to be working though. I'm trying not to get too excited because it feels too easy. I need to go to work but I'm gonna try and connect an animation to the bones real quick
I don't know why I still have this tab open when working on my game, or why I'm bothering to respond to someone trolling a post where I said 2-3 times that it was not something that it would be used for.

Enjoy the small satisfaction you get in the fact that I was not upset, but at least bothered to reply to you.

Appreciate you reminding me to close agdg though. Don't need this level of bullshit while trying to actually make progress.
>does it not have line-number breakpoints?
The pic is just my shitty cropping, if thats what you mean
>that was a list of the things he could do, he didn't even say he was considering doing all of them
Okay, how does this matters? How doesn't make it questionable how he had really undesirable 'options' first and didn't consider donations until like a week later?

>if you don't lay out all the options you're not really trying
This is meaningless, he knew that saying stuff like 'malicious ads' and 'deleting boards' would scare people and then at the same time run a sale on passes?

I mean by your own metric he wasn't really trying, he didn't even list the most sensible and used method of monetary support for a website.
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anon I was asking a code question
someone must have trolled you good in the past hour, your jimmies appear to be in orbit
Will it be a judgement call for the player on whether something is shitposting or not, or it will it literally say shitposting, and the gameplay is about clicking fast enough
aren't those marketplace assets?
it will be about judging if somethings a shitpost, it will be obvious though, everything will be about video games except shitposts which will be dumb shit like ALL CAPS SPAM and ponies
Motion blur is normally shit but thats pretty nice, not overdone

The specularity is nice too
he definitely made the enemy and I think the sword, so it seems likely he did the envir too
Well it sort of works...?

Guess I'll need more time to check out if I can get everything to work. I think I know what I did wrong.
Trying to put together a design document of scope for a farming game.

Does anyone think that players would really miss fishing if I didn't have it?

It always seemed like a tedious waste of time to me, and requires a lot of unique assets that will seldom be used. Besides I want a farming game to finally include butchering so it's not even required to get meat for cooking stuff
ditch farming, stardew valley did that. make an Animal Crossing clone, complete with random villagers and real-time gameplay. you'll sell hundreds to me
looks pretty good to me
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I'll leave this as the final mesh (for now).
Going the fuck to bed.
Anatomy should be banned desu
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Finally got around to reimporting the updated model an anon gave me. Now the translucency on the wings works, there's a specular map, the death animation falls to the ground, and they now fall through the ground as intended instead of exploding when they are despawning.
>ditch farming
I don't wanna

>Animal Crossing clone
Farming game (a aka cashing in on Farmville clone) is just a timewaster anyway.

You can pretty much replace it with any number of farming-based minigames. Just take care having bodies of water in the play area, otherwise players will end up requesting it anyway.
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Working on the actual fishing mechanic.

Still work in progress, you probably notice the placeholder fishing rod model.

Time to switch to Unreal, friend. Just accept it's superiority.

I dig the Tron style though. Maybe give small amount of glow to the edges?
Unity's terrain engine only handles height, it has no support for caves, overhangs or any other geographic formations requiring additional 3D data.
I'd suggest creating a modular set in 3D modelling software, then assembling it in Unity, since it'll be easy to work with.
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anybody have that pic where its the different sects of game design but told through medieval siege analogies?
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juicy targeting

too juicy or nah
That's cool anon
it's not something so outstanding that people will praise it.

it's something that people play through the whole game and never notice/remember it.

don't waste too much efforts into it.
It's a nice effect
Looks like portals
Looks nice for the passive juice but I reckon at the point where it switches between targets the circle animation should play one loop at 3x speed. You know to give it a little jump to really draw your eye to the target it just switched to.
Wrong handedness for me. Will you be able to switch?
Haha this looks so amazingly low tech, I love it. You got a blog or something?
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ok thanks

actually i was but maybe it wasn't noticeable
i got it sped up for longer in this one
Actually having it be that fast makes it feel like it's out of sync with the movements of the characters.

I feel like it fit a lot better when it was slower
If an youtuber made $1k off their video of your game that you released for free, would you be mad?
Jelly? Yes. Mad? No.
imagine how mad people who make paintbrushes must be
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i think you are right, im settling on this one
No. I don't care if the person makes money from showing and playing my game. I get the advertisement.
sanix dev?
Ah okay well yeah I think this one looks allot better. Much more readable. Maybe make the spin slower but keep the big small pulse the same?
The spin looks a bit aggressive.
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Yep, looks good
wow paper mario dev i didnt know you were a BULLY. unfollowed. sad!
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reminder to everyone not to bully
hopooo will find you and chastise you
reminder to kill you're selfs
Juice comes AFTER the gameplay.
Assuming this is for some kind of old FF style combat screen then you could really benefit from making the character bodies taller and giving them some detail too even if you didn't go all the way to "realistic" proportions.

This way the characters are a tad boring.
but how can i test the game if i dont even know who my target is??

they'll move around a battlefield, and enemies will probably be much larger than they are
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ur dead kiddo.webm
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Don't reply to me or my games progress ever again.
i love this meme
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I made it so the rod switches from right to left handedness depending on what side you are holding the rod on the screen.


It's for the fishing jam on itch.io

What game engine should I use if I want to create a music based game with c++ or c#?
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First video of my own custom Global Illumination made for Unity.
quite nice
why include the agdg logo though? if anything we only hindered you
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hope you're planning to sell it on the asset store
literally doesn't matter.
hey guys I have a simple question about function pointers in c++ :

Suppose I have a class Button, is giving that class a private pointers to a function that will be called when an event is detected one of the correct ways to handle custom events?
No such thing as correct, only working and efficient. Just try implementing it.
As long as you're using smart pointers, sure.
the typical way is to have some sort of EventNotifier class, and you do something like notifier->register(button, "clicked", callbackObj, &callbackFunc), and then when you click button you call notifier->broadcast(button, "clicked"), and the notifier loops through all the functions registered and calls them

what you're doing is fine if you want to keep it simple though
Thanks for your responses guys! I didn't know about the EventNotifier class, that's pretty clever too, but I'm not sure I really I need this (yet).

btw should I always use smart pointers instead of classic pointers? I guess I understand why they're used but is it considered bad to stick to classic pointers (implying I'm brave enough to handle their deletion)?
There's no reason to use vanilla pointers if you're using modern c++.

No matter how careful you are with RAII, it's still more efficient to use them.
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The base language is english. Localization is done with po files that can be given to a translator or community. The po file can then be reimported. It is german because of some editor setting selecting the wrong po file for standalone games.
>There's no reason to use vanilla pointers if you're using modern c++.
Sure there is. That's a bit of a silly statement.
is localization hard to set up? all I read is you're supposed to only use FText and create them with NSLOCTEXT or something but I don't know much beyond that
>I made it so the rod switches from right to left handedness depending on what side you are holding the rod on the screen.
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>tfw realize I get nervous as IRL from being near realistic faces in VR.
I guess falling back to aliens is the only path for me.
I will never not kek at the enginedev.
too accurate.
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gamemaker or love2d? im a programmer
love2d in your case
Aside from luddite stockholme of "enjoying" releasing pointers, there's no reason not to use smart pointers.
Some things are harder to do with smart pointers
>guru guru
fuck, I got nostalgia now
returning a pointer to an object to a smart pointer that is holding the address to that same object without having the pointer delete it
I don't know.
A game where you ruin imageboards. Protagonist is a Japanese conman
I think the programmer from Spire already released his solution on the asset store. Or it could have been some other indie project's programmer but that lighting addon was fucking dope.
Give me ideas and I work on that shit whole day. I need some practice but I cant come up with anything exceeding enough.
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Forgot to attach concept art
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Did a little write up on merchandising.

Would love to hear fellow gamer's thoughts.


Dumb phoneposter
let me know when you link a gameplay video
>not using mimi
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>returning a pointer to an object to a smart pointer that is holding the address to that same object
My fellow Italianfag
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is that an ad hominem I see?
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I added the start of the tips screen, which is basically all there's gonna be as far as a tutorial. I also intend to put a list of the locations of all the trainers and potion recipes in here, and maybe some other stuff.

Also made it so the spellbook remembers what page you were last on (per-character). Just going through and doing small QoL updates as I notice them in prep for demo day.
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>tfw you finally manage to calculate something with your absolute shit math skills
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Mostly just memory management things. Accessing certain data structures. Low level things.
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Summarize your gamedev life in one picture
in addition to making it bigger I'd also give the selected one a different / brighter color to make it stand out more.
Could be done with fading in on targeting and also ping-pong glowing while targeted then fading back to normal color when untargeted.
For the glowing i would try different speeds to see what would look good.
I think right now you still have to look somewhat close to see who's targeted.

Otherwise it looks good! I like it.
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gib me a simple idea, pls
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pic: me and my games' fanbase
Is Halloween Jam doomed? I barely see any spooky progress.
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a game where you're on a quest to find the perfect game idea.
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Any ideas how to make choosing two weapons from inventory work well? I'm removing spell menu so technically it would be possible to have 2 separate menus for this (weapon 1, weapon 2), which I found good in previous versions, but it's still one extra menu slot.

My current spell menu had this small menu where you had to choose either slot 1 or slot 2 before you get to choose spell, but I found it awful because I kept choosing wrong slot all the time accidentally.
And yeah this is because spell switching will be replaced with weapon switching as now spells are tied to weapons.
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You can either bring up a menu after selecting a weapon to choose which slot to put it in. Although, another option is picking an equipment slot up top and then bring up a menu with all the available selections. Then you wouldn't need a specific menu selection for weapons, spells, and equipment below.
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It would be cool if you could a.weapon the draws a line between the two player positions and deals damage to all enemies it intersects with.

That way, both players have to strategically move through the level so they can hit the highest number of enemies.

I think there was another game that did this and I remeber liking it a lot.
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I'm sure it will get about the usual amount submissions
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events can now check both stats and player's inventory
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Pushing real hard.
nice work anon, keep at it
There is a reason you are going to get.
I expected that he'll punch DK in the face or spin kick him with his tail.
Never pay more than 2 dollars for an agdg game
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Used DK as a test enemy before i had my own.
>This environment was also for testing purposes just more ugly and useless build than the current one I'm using - it will not end up in the final game. Think it's better to add this note

I don't think I will add punches, kicks or tail spins, because those things would imo break the movement flow and make the player stand and stop for a moment when he can just jump on enemies and quickly move on.
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Where's your concept art?
Point and click games are really easy to make right? My friends and i are big fans of monkey island and grim fandango and i was thinking that we could make our own as a fun project
It's a cool idea because point and click adventure is completely about art and writing so even my technologically illiterate friends can help
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Just finished programming stairs support
going to add these to levels so not every level uses lifts to go up/down
>Point and click games are really easy to make right?
technical wise, yes.
but, you require
unique art style.
great story.
unique selling point.
great voice acting.
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>is localization hard to set up?
Nah, it's pretty easy
Just use Text Objects for everything you want translated. Then there is an option in the localization dashboard (you gotta activate that in the editor settings or so) where you can scan your source code respectively blueprint files. That will pull out all the Text objects and put them into the PO file, which can then be exported/imported. That's basically how it works.

This post pretty much explains all of it I think:


This dev right here is spurring my imagination. I kind of want to make an Oblivion clone too.

But should I use both stamina and magicka, or should they both use the same bar?
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I'm kinda bad at 2D drawing, so for the very most part i just try to bring my imgaingation right to 3D models.
Maybe sometimes rough sketches to remember things, but mostly notes for stuff.
>spend 2 whole days writing design document
>realize scope is too large and cutting out of it would completely ruin the feel of the game
>spend another 2 days writing design document for another game with smaller scale, a bit similar with CK2 but obviously smaller
>realize I don't have the knowledge and writing capabilities to come up with all sort of different events that make up the meat of the game like in CK2

Should I just give up planning and dive in whatever cool idea I think up? Feels like I'm wasting time and that I'll find flaws in every game I try to design.
Some people prototype models with clay. I was thinking about doing that because I'm bad at perspective.
> spend the entire day trying to do progress
> realize i' a talentless hack

oh well.
Rats I forgot about voice acting
>spend 3 complete days trying to create a new meme
>can't come up with anything

I'll never make it, will I?
Not like you CAN'T do it without voice acting though, it's better to have just text than shitty acting.
Boil down your design document to literally one viable idea. Implement and refine it, then extend the game in a direction that feels logical from there.
>or should they both use the same bar?
If so then sprinting jumping and that shit shouldn't use it up.
Mobile puzzle games with simple repeating mechanics are fun and can bring me loads of money r-right guys?
Only if you fill it with anime girls.
If you can do charming or simplistic visuals and you're born under an unholy star that makes you the luckiest person on the planet, then yes.

That or go do partnership with a big mobile game company so they push your game under their banner. Quite a few people do this.
Can you recommend me few of those companies. I am interested in that actually.
What's a good way to make my input system, physics system etc. communicate with my game system without needing to pass hundreds of parameters and have equally many getters?
PikPok, FGL, mobile game partners. I've heard mixed stories about these, but they always popup when I ask people about the topic.
Also note pikpok is a publisher, while fgl and mobile game partners are places where you gt other people to find you partners/publishers that are interested in helping out for a split in a profit.

FGL used to be a good place to sell flash games, but they moved to the mobile market.
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Not necessarily, this is my worst performing game.
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I am so confused

I know that my model matches perfectly with the extracted triangles (which are drawing the colored polygons).

They are rotated across the Z axis 90 degrees but that is irrelevant, the extracted triangles are just for calculating a height map.

The gray model is scaled correctly. It is not offset by any amount. The triangle intersections with that colored polygon set are calculated correctly, I checked them myself. And yet the height map is wrong! I've been debugging this damn thing for the past hour and a half and everything appears to be working properly. I know I got the scale right because the polygons match the rendered mesh.

It's just ever so slightly scaled incorrectly and moved around a tiny bit but something is incorrect and I just can't fix it.

The frustrating thing is that pretty much all of the math is correct, I've verified pretty much every component independenly and the colored mesh being scaled properly is just more evidence it's right

Oh well I'm going to bed

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[Nintendo lawyers intensifying]

there you are. I hope to see your posts more in the future dude, because you got some good shit going on here.
How do I make a fun magic system?
Steal from Morrowind.
Steal from Magicka

This is the resurrected remains of a project before AM2R.
I guess that could be decided later on when everything is finished
It's not like getting a couple theater students to record a few lines is going to cost me an arm and a leg
Steal from Arx Fatalis
Don't add a magic bar because that's a boring way of limiting the player, something like spells requiring talismans some you can buy amd others collect is both more fun and you can make the player experiment more with different shit and figure ways to wing it when he doesn't have the ideal spells

Don't do fire/ice/electricity plus strength/defence/speed bonus here is a fun idea, make a non lethal magic skills like turning enemy's into frogs that's harder and gives you a reward at the end

Less can and will be more
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settings and hud.webm
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Finally added Graphics settings.
The empty slot will be for keeping aspect ratio. AFAIK GM:S doesn't have GML function for this so I gotta do magic with surfaces or some shit.

Also this is how weapon switching works now. Redid HUD too to match the weapon switching system. The spell icons are fucked up currently because I haven't had time to change those. Need to add some kind of HUD element to show which weapon is equipped.

I got rid of the extra timer that was for spawning fire orbs and replaced it with mp. Once MP is full, you get one orb and MP goes down to 0.

Cathadh's (ice sword) special move consumes 1/5 MP now. Gonna make charged version of it later which will consume all MP at once maybe?
Stop going full hipster like people these days and just use a regular blue mana bar. Make sure spells spend a considerable amount of mana, as in more than half for strong spells so you cant use it twice right away and a full mana bar for ultimate spells. It's not arcane arts if wizard can shit spells all day.
>make a non lethal magic skills like turning enemy's into frogs that's harder and gives you a reward at the end
Silly as fuck and not in a good way. If the player can turn an enemy into a frog then you've essentially given them a one hit kill spell, unless the enemy has a "frog meter" that the player has to build up by repeatedly casting frog on them. Also I'd rather be dead than turned into a fucking frog, so if by "gives you a reward at the end" you mean the classic boring "no kill vs. kill" good and evil dichotomy that's so played out in games, you've actually proposed a fate worse than death as the "good" path.

Furthermore, if he doesn't want players to be able to cast spells every second of every day then he's either going to need to use a magic bar, have magic use some other form of resource in essentially the same way, or have spell cooldowns.
Do it like Soul Sacrifice did it.
This guy knows whats up
>implying anyone here knows about some niche Vita game
Using a nontraditional magic casting method is "hipster"? That's fucking stupid. You're fucking stupid.
Or limited casts. Can't forget limited casts.
>I'd rather be dead than turned into a fucking frog,
>That means everyone would rather be dead than still alive but turned into an animal

Spot the virgin that no girl would kiss.
Don't fix what ain't broke, anon.
Don't forget that if your magic doesn't have sweet sounds and particle effects, it is worthless
Nobody would be able to tell the difference if you got turned into a frog.
I hate limited casts, I always end up hording the spells and thinking "I don't want to waste that now, I should save it for later"
Then at the end of the game I haven't used any of the spells.
Bububuut muh Silence spell
The traditional blue bar isn't appropriate for every game and frequently reduces magic to an extremely dull affair, that is to say, shit's broke.
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My design document is a little A5 notebook. I try to keep ideas on a single page.

Once I have my ideas written down, I go into inkscape and create a visual representation. I'm forced to keep the idea to a single A4 page.

Once the image is done, I post it to my blog and do a little write-up about it. At this final stage I condense everything I'm thinking about to a few paragraphs.

At this point the idea is condensed to a single manageable chunk and I have a quick reference for it.

In the end they look like this (pic related)

I did a post on scope creep if you are interested.

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Doesn't have to be "all spells come from limited use, expendable wands". Think of the system in dark souls.
When you're right, you're right, and that is right.
Nice nogameplay
No Man's Sky? More like No Man's Game
kek, they posted that and then set their account to private
RIP Hello games.
This is the fate of non anime devs
I've always wondered how to do shape recognition like that. Is there any info on how to draw runes and have it recognized?
make your getters take an argument to return a particular parameter.
Let me repeat the important part for you.
>it's better to have just text than shitty acting
This can be done many ways and is kind of a broad question. What you really need is a good mechanic. Think about the focus of your game and what mechanics you will use that better reinforce the focus. Refine that/the mechanic(s) then simply add in all the fluff and lore that makes the theme of the game magical.

Fun is always subjective but speaking from a personal aspect, I always enjoy the learning aspect of games. If you can establish simple stuff quickly to let the player use functions openly early on, then they can make their own fun and encourage themselves to play on.
There are things that can make it easier anon, Look into pelt mapping, it's a HUGE time saver when unwraping organic models (people/animals/etc)
There's a few lessons to learn from this.
One, don't take procedural generation to such extremes. There's no way to have billions of truly unique planets, they're all just vaguely the same with different color palettes. Procedural generation should be used on a smaller scale where it can really shine.

Two, don't have a big company hype your game up as if it's an AAA title, when it's really just a small indie game. If the game didn't have a huge marketing campaign and costed $20 I bet it wouldn't have gotten such a bad backlash. People would still be disappointed, but they'd at least defend it a bit more for being an indie game.

Three, it's better to promise nothing and have more content than people thought, than it is to promise lots and have less content than people thought.
Simplest way I can see is that you try to categorise mouse motions into discrete directions, like up, up/left, left etc
If the mouse turns by a sharp angle you know that's the end of one motion and you can check where they started from and ended.

In Arx fatalis you have to draw the shapes in a specified way, so you could define a square as being
>(starting top left) right, down, left, up
>Three, it's better to promise nothing and have more content than people thought
And nobody bought your game because they didn't think it would be good.
>than it is to promise lots and have less content than people thought.
And everyone bought your game, found out it's shit and got pissed, but you're still rich.
JS is such a
>One, don't take procedural generation to such extremes.
It's crazy how many people fall into this trap when discussing/regarding NMS.

The problem is they DIDN'T take procgen to any kind of extreme. Very much the opposite. They didn't use any interesting procedural generation techniques or procedurally generate anything that was important or interesting. The scale of the game is almost nonexistent. I don't mean in relation to the advertised scale, I mean in general. The scale of the game is one lazy planetary topographical generation system, one arguably okay critter model generation system, and one dead easy system for placing said planets in relation to one another.

Dwarf Fortress takes procedural generation to extremes. NMS doesn't even take it to par with the average roguelike.
>And nobody bought your game because they didn't think it would be good.
Some people will buy it and spread the good word of all the cool features.

>And everyone bought your game, found out it's shit and got pissed, but you're still rich.
>what are refunds
What are your top 3 2D games, indie or not?
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That's like asking "what are your top 3 songs that use a guitar?".
Super Mario Bros 3
Super Metroid
Jackie Chan
So a fair question.
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You need to use the uv space more efficiently, otherwise you'll just waste space an make your texture look low res
You're right. I guess I meant they tried to take it to an extreme, they claimed they took it to an extreme, but they failed to.
Dwarf Fortress takes it to an extreme but it's only within one planet, and it's not even really generating a planet, just a map. This allows the procedural generation to shine because it's more condensed, and generally you can play on one map for a very long time without needing to generate new maps. NMS stretched their generation too thin over an entire universe, and you'd explore each of those generated planets for maybe a few hours before moving on, so you're more likely to see very similar planets.
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Alright dudes, if anyone wants to give some input on this now is the time, I'm done with midterms and gonna start polishing this up for demo day.

Planned things so far:
>make sliding less dangerous
>allow players to leave projectiles behind instead of carrying them
>add some juice to the scores and have a high score table
>either decrease the enemy count or add something that can kill more than one
>change the map layout a bit so circling around won't be such a reliable strategy
>add some more ghost types
>pull the camera back so more of the map is visible
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A new aesthetic menu
Looking good
What's a good low resolution for a small game? I've been looking at GBA(240x160) and 192x160. Any suggestions?
Takedown Notice : The Video Game
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>they don't know my dad is nintendo
>Cute art

you gonna get patent trolled by nintendont
Why are you making such a low res game?
I like 400×240 It's the 3DS top screen size.
It's basically a wider version of the SNES screen size. And it's enough room to do quite a lot.
Deciding your resolution before your art is completely retarded. Set the resolution around the art you're comfortable with drawing. It's about how much space your character takes up on the screen.

But there are some considerations, going with a multiple of 1920x1080 is smart these days. It scales perfectly.
x3 = 640x360
x4 = 480x270
x5 = 384x216
I've noticed people saying 384x216 looks like blocky pixelshit while 480x270 receives less criticism while still being pixel art. (but i suppose i might be biased towards my 480x270 choice.)
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Now I just need to add some details
I made the boss a bit smaller because it felt like it was too big. Also I added the next boss attack. It makes icicles spawn across the room all at once. It will either do this attack or the blizzard attack when it goes to the middle. They persist for a while so you can't simply jump over them and pretend everything is going to be daijoubu. And I enabled movement with the lightning weapon in the air.
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Here's what 384x216 (x5) looks like by the way.

IMO it's just slightly too low res.
What's the gameplay?
Is there a name for this particular design technique so I can investigate it further?
bloodborne but in first person
the croaking animation adds a lot. Big ups to having that little detail
I don't usually really play pixelshit or like it but I'm totally okay with that resolution if the guy has art as good as that one.
I'd like to do a proper first person melee game but I fucking suck at art so it would look like ass.
as cool as that looks I was just memeing, the game will be about hunting jack the ripper on the streets of london.
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I'm thinking about using this to build a prototype of my board game. Has anyone used this before? Is it relatively straight forward?

Is it even worth building my prototype in it?
I guess it couldn't hurt to get opinions from agdg but I hope you've also looked at what the surely numerous modding/creation guides for the game in order to decide for yourself.
So you didn't steal it from Proland?
I did. It is extremely easy to use to test flow because you can just use internet links to create the board and pawns.

If you want it to be automated tho, I think you need to do some LUA.

But if you need to test gameplay and move objects around, just open paint and go on. I love this soft.
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Botanist's lab

Anything I should change? I'd rather not put vines/roots everywhere.
yeah of course. But honestly, most guides that show you how to do things in it already assume you want to use it. I need more of a raw review of the program. And if nothing else, 4chan provides lots of raw information

LUA is fine. I'm a database programmer with c, C++ and xml job experience. Once you know how to program, changing languages is just a small hop.
>no bookcases
Maybe add some bigger fireflies that will light up that background layer. It's really dark, unless it's on purpose.
You know what's straightforward for prototyping a board game? Paper.
distillation machines
yep, i already have that done.
so there's no need to do it again
Yeah it's background, the stuff you see is inaccessible to the player

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>can hover with the lightning spell
>that spinning air slash

every time
except testing the game. So making it on tts would allow me to get more testers.
that's what friends are for
>mfw someone recommends singletons near me
into the trash it goes
that looks really good
>Simplygon now available for 2% royalties >$25000 / quarter
Is it any good?
Is this a dual-screen game? I love how much text is on the screen at the top there, I'm very interested in the game from that and the style alone. What kind of game is it? Dungeon crawler? Got any more screenshots?
Japanese girls do have freckles, but I've never seen anyone with freckles like a ginger girl in your pic.

Source: I live in Japan.
>your PR will never be as bad as Hello Games
Feels pretty good
looks like babby's first particle effect, being round in shape and rainbow in colour.
change the particles to look more like what they're supposed to be. or create multiple particle types if they're supposed to represent multiple things.
This game will look so weird when you get animations
Pick a simple enough project. Increase complexity gradually if finished. If not, pick a simpler one

your pixelshit game will never look this good
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halloween 2016a.png
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>Is this a dual-screen game?
It's a mobile shit
>I'm very interested in the game from that and the style alone. What kind of game is it? Dungeon crawler? Got any more screenshots?
Imagine Eldritch Horror-ripoff tabletop game mixed with old-school combat system.
Jokes on you. That doesn't look good. They should have gone with high res art.
So this is the power of the PS4?
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It's okay
I really don't like the proportions of the character but otherwise its pretty dope.
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>blurry mess
>literally shitty palette
are you trolling?
everything blends in together too much
Nice to see they added vignette so you know you're supposed to think it's more "arty" and "serious" than it really is. Clashes really bad with the damage numbers.

>everything blends
>weird lighting
>noodle limbs

Will there be literally anything besides mobile I can play it on?
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Thanks. Still need better logo for the game. Not really fan of the current one but it will do.

Added charging to Cathadh's special. Finally got spell icons for each weapon done.

There's still lots to do before demo day. Need to get at least one boss in this time. The charge animation itself is placeholder.
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Are there trap cards?
yeah, of course. PC, Mac and linux versions should work without any problem too
Demo when? What engine are you using?
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knock knock.png
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I wanted to release a demo before halloween for that sweet theme bait but now I'd rather do something more polished for demo day.
>What engine are you using?
MS Paint + Game Maker
careful with "generic coloured energy" overuse that so many action RPGs fall into.
i mean everyone will love it, because everyone always does... but diablo 3 (and clones) using those coloured energy effects is always so incredibly ugly to me.

i am apparently the 0.001% though, people always defend that shit...

what else could he use
There's only one fire and ice weapon in the game, which is why I chose those colors. Those are also only "elements" in the game.
see that's the problem, it looks like "energy". draw an ice effect instead.
I for one prefer generic energy than having everything be fire/ice/lightning all the time.
How the hell you make charging effect that doesn't look like "energy"?
Oh, then we're cool. Super interested in this.
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how can unity fags even compete?
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Blender's rendering feature is pretty nice.
>Draw cool looking ship silhouette
>Can't figure out 3d version that makes sense
Fuck machines.
If it's gamemaker, have you considered a port to vita?
nice framerate nerd
the weapon itself, the projectile, and the charging effect ALL look like blue energy. I don't get a frost theme from any of those three.

It's because the charging effect is blue, it contaminates the other two blue things into being the same thing. Charging effect = energy, so the other two parts become energy as well.

well that's how my autism mind works
>all those unnecessary shaders
>that framerate

it's like I'm actually playing a AAA game
>unnecessary shaders

and this is just on PC, wait until you see the PS4 version
Please turn off the motion blur post process

he's implying that physics based shaders (the golden parts of the pistol) are unnecessary, he couldn't be more wrong.
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this is a pain in the ice.webm
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Not him but if you want an icy effect for your sword, why not do what I had done for my ice sword? Have the weapon get encased in frost, and then you could like, have sparkly ice and smokey mist pour out like when dry ice has water poured on it
nah, I meant the motion blur because I don't know what a shader is
Doesn't every material in UE4 use PBR

Those keys look pretty cool anon. What kinda game are these gonna be for?
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Not sure about that squenix sameface style, but prob will stick with it.
>physics based shaders
of course it does't but this is just an exampel of what you can do with it, old engines only use diffuse, spec and normal maps, in UE4 you have roughness and metallic maps also.

But this guy
Doesn't have a clue about what he's talking about.
I understand this is a joke but I seriously hope nobody considers motion blur to be acceptable when it also reduces framerate.
Let's stop using any visual effect that reduce framerate
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Just a shooter where the keys gate the player.
>port to vita?
I'm not saying no to anything but I don't have one and won't be getting one in the nearest future though
motion blur, bloom and excessive amount of CA is the worst thing a game can have.
>the weapon itself, the projectile, and the charging effect ALL look like blue energy.
The weapon is placeholder. It's literally default sword with color swap.

Could try this. Pretty hard with this low resolution.

Oh shit it's you. Your progress has been amusing to watch, I've been meaning to ask what you have planned for a weapon lineup, specifically starting weapons, like you gonna have some kinda melee weapon, or backup pistol/gun thing?

I'm assuming with the keys you're aiming for something a little more old school, like doom, which if that's the case you have that much more of my interest
Like all visual effects there are good and bad ways to do it
>bloom is bad

you're literally retarded

If your case I would just make the blade more jagged for a brief moment, like a you're holding a fucking glacier that has a hilt, and then have smokey ice particles n shit pour off it, the sound effects would be the key element here.

Or you could just have sparkly and smokey ice particles gather into your character/sword
i'm sorry
Bloom can be used well, the problem is that its very often used extremely poorly and in ways that prevent the player seeing the actual game.
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Hello syndicate developer
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>things can be missued, better ban them

spotted the Hilary voter
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Weapon lineup isn't decided yet. It's really up to what free models I find on the internet - so far, Red Eclipse's rocket launcher is good enough to keep. I should really pay someone to do this for me one of these days.

For a starting weapon, I haven't decided on a melee one (Doom's fists, Quake's axe), or a projectile based one with infinite ammo (Quake 2's blaster).
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i just lost my steam developer status, probably due to inactivity
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>le epic /pol/ memes
God, I want this election to be over already, you retards have to force politics into everything.
I'm happy these two posts are beside each other
>effect gives eye cancer
>What difference does it make?

I think you are the typical Hillary voter
How is that possible?
What's your game?
Anyone have a recommended way to capture gif video?

Both have the potential to be good. As someone who has a raging hardon for good starting weapons that have utility/purpose throughout an entire play session, I like coming up with ways of keeping them useful.

Like you could give the player a melee weapon, and maybe have an altfire that lets them throw it and then it either boomerangs back or they have to pick it up/wait a set amount of time before they get it again.

Quake 2/4 blaster pistols are good too
i was a pro but changed industries
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They are destroying us.
does it make you feel bad that most people won't buy your game without a heavy 60% deal during a steam sale?
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That's a lot of fucking retarded assumptions, faggot.
How the fuck do I juice a card game? I'm not fucking Blizzard. The game doesn't even feel like a video game because of the lack of passive animations. I wish I could Art instead of programming.
The sword is placeholder and so will all other weapons be until the animations are set. I can add the particle effects and such though.
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Is Bloom not OK? I thought if it was subtle it was alright.
>I wish I could Art instead of programming.
me 3
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don't mind salty nodevs shitting on anything, subtle bloom is great for mood
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Just put it 60% off but also charge twice as much as you where going to
That discount tag matters more to morons than the actual price
Think of it as organic pricing
>if it was subtle it was alright.
That's fine. The problem is that bloom has been abused for the last decade or so to cover up shit looking textures and bad draw distances on consoles (or is bizarrely used as a main piece of an art style in Syndicates case), so people hear "bloom" and get triggered.
This, how do you think Walmart operates?
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Take a look at how pic related does it.

not even joking. say what you will about >no players but the game is fucking juicy
What about it? It's the best browser.
No. Because I do the same, so why shouldn't other people? I want my game to be on sale as often as possible.

So if the ice weapon isn't gonna be a sword, what are some ideas on what it's gonna be instead?

A big fuck off ice mace mite b cool
Bloom is fine as part of e.g. the HDR tone mapping process to emulate a pixel that is way brighter than what the screen can handle.
forgot your name googs
You're using bloom correctly.
Motion blur is an approximation of higher frame rate. If you reduce the actual frame rate to approximate a higher frame rate, you are going backwards.
that is a tad too much, tone it down a bit.
a two by four of ice that deteriorates over time
Hey we are at its core entertainers, if paying full price but thinking they got away with robbing us makes costumers happy then so be it
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>giant ice 2x4
>icicle nails
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midnight visitors.png
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>it took a 87 years and a full redesign but someone finally called rippus juicy
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I've just played your demo yesterday, and I have to say it was refreshing. I don't know why, it was just good to walk around.

I don't know if anyone has reported this bug, but if you hug the wall while walking and then reach the corner of the wall where there is a door or something, you will stop moving, and you have to step aside from the wall to be able to move again.

May I ask: do you use an earlier version of Blender? The format you said you are using for model export does not support the latest version as I see, that's why I'm asking.

Keep it up!
These don't scale well with 1280x720, or 1366x768

With 360p it at least scales well with both 720 and 1080
do it, anon, it's cute
Whats up with the large amount of water, are the tanks amphibious of do you have ships?
You're not the first person to mention the good feeling of movement. This is vindicating, thanks.

I'll look into the sliding bug when I have time. Can't guarantee it'll be fixed before DD11.

I use Blender 2.75, which outputs my IQM models using the latest script here:


I don't think any Blender version can import IQMs, so I make sure to keep the .blend files.
this whole board is voting for Trump, apparently
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I'm working on graphics and testing out new code.

Got a background and some tiles.
Made a new character, the bunnygirl.

Entered chiptune tracking to make some music but haven't put it into the demo yet. It might take me a while to get it to sound right.
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working on the boss. it will be a robot thing. You have to take out its legs which will lead to his head falling down and then chomping. I will then spawn enemies that will be throwing bombs at you. You need to catch them midair and throw them into the bosses mouth.
bunnygirl is cute, CUTE
that's supposed to be snow
I don't get the Godot/GM thing, can someone explain?
http://www.indiedb.com/engines/wolf-rpg-editor is this thing worth using?
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>this is going to be on kikestarter
Aren't you Gwyn-dev? Make sure no one can connect the dots on your Kickstarter, if you have a track record for dropping games then it's gg no re.
Probably not. Unless you're making a very generic RPG that will be exactly the same as every other RPG.
pretty cool to see a game that is more than just walking

Yes anon. A game that has progress being made that has WIP assets is being put on kickstarter, because they intend on finish their game.

You know, that thing you lack.
Hello GM/Unity user!
Quick question for anyone who sees this:
>Is pixel art (low resolution art) faster to create than non pixel art?
Should I create pixel art instead of higher resolution artforms?
post your progress
Just realized that. whoops
Yes I am. this will be my first ever kickstarter and I've finished 5 free games.


he's just shitposting anons but thanks

Bad pixel art is quicker to make, which is why you see it so much in indie games.

High quality pixel art takes a lot of time and effort, especially animating it.
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might need to adjust the camera speed but room transitions work
anon that is so painfully slow I would quit playing after the first transition
It depends on your skill really, pixel art is faster because smaller sizes and less detail, but these same reasons mean it's harder to get right. If you're not good at it and have to keep redrawing every frame a million times until you're satisfied then it can take longer than high res. If you're gonna draw one pixel limb shit and not care about quality then of course it's faster.
That's like a five second fix. Why even bother posting the "before" version?
I still hope that agdg will somehow spawn that multiplayer KotH game.
how do I learn to draw?

Joke's on you, I don't use any of those engines.

I'm gonna make them have a chance of dropping frozen treats after dying from ice attacks, like popsicles and ice cream, because that's neato.
draw from life everyday, read books, watch videos if you think it helps
it doesn't for me
That transition speed is comically slow but you already knew that. Good progress all the same.

I want to see what a 2x slower transition looks like because I think it'd be hilarious.
modding doom isn't game dev anon
Right click the webm and change the play speed.
I suppose I was more addressing the author of the comic.

Tell that to the guy who's making total chaos, shit doesn't even look like doom anymore.


Oh, right then.
Serious question: Why aren't you making your own game if you have all the skillsets for it? Doom has got to be a couple hours of prototyping inside Unity and then just copy all the actual tweaked data (movement speeds, etc.) so it feels basically 1:1 -- then you have something to sell at the end of all this work.

Because when I started this project I realized I want to just like, make game, and I feel like I got the chops for it.

But I should finish this first, if I can't just like, finish mod, what fucking hope do I have in finishing a full on standalone game?
Sounds reasonable to me.
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This is a source game.
fucking gross dude

why would you even post that?
>Started using Unity for faster progress
>You can't use occlusion culling for anything dynamic
I did not want to become an engine dev, and now they give me no choice? Really should have gone the UE4 route instead.
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Source is a pretty decent engine, it's just not really popular for one man indie teams.

And making maps for Garry's Mod is not gamedev.
does ue4 even have occlusion culling?
Unity is a game engine made by people who make game engines.

UE4 is a game engine made by people who make games.
what gaem?
Of course
>Unity is a game engine made by people who make game engines.
You'd think they were good at it by now.
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> loomis

this meme has gone on for way too long.
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If they made the engine better they wouldn't make money off people buying basic things in the asset store.
Not sure, it's just that the Unity crap keeps piling up. Optimizing is almost impossible.
Indeed. It's always hard to think of good games made with Unity but there's plenty from UE.
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This is your game engine for tonight.
looks like shit

Endless Legend is a Unity game.
what the fuck are you making that requires dynamic batching of huge complicated scenes? seems like a non-issue or a premature optimization of a non-issue at best
Is Titan Fall 2 any good? I love giant mecha so I've been wanting a game with mecha. I saw they weren't doing any season pass bullshit, all future content will be free. So maybe it's worth it?
Just noticed, it's never going to be sold on Steam.
Nevermind, not interested.
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Go 3d, use heavy toon edges, figure out a dot shader style that works for you - better than most average quality pixel art

If you can't do shaders/need to output into a 2d format, you can try this thing:


Like the guy in comment says, if you can get that to work with spritify you're set.
If you liked the first one you will like this one, its truly amazing.
Hello UDF
Nope. It has no mechs/mecha whatever. They are titans and not mecha. t: devs
just want to know the use-case senpai, even if it's some huge procedurally generated level you can still pre-bake it and mark it static
Here's a free million dollar idea: Diablo ripoff for iphone/android
I don't think that's a good acronym
Do shit like this
Cool haven't seen that one before.
Generating tons of objects. FPS drops to like 15 but if i manually delete them where they are not seen framerates goes back up to 50-70.
Define 'tons' because I have 15,000 GameObjects all visible in my frustrum and I get 60+ FPS. Just make sure each GameObject doesn't have its own Update() functions running - reflection is much more costly than rendering.
Can you try a version where the far right elements come in from the right?

Right now it's very heavy on the left, which is fine if the proceeding effect is like a flipping or something.

Otherwise it might look better with balance.
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ice effect.webm
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Enough icy now?
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So reconciling my Sins system generator with my new multiple sectors idea, I tried pic related.

Looks like shit right?

I think I need to generate a local planet system, something more like Saturn + all the moons rather than an entire star system -- then just move the star off to the side and out of view. Yeah?
That transition is a little to quick anon, its going to give people seizures.
Better make it slower anon
>Just make sure each GameObject doesn't have its own Update() functions running - reflection is much more costly than rendering.
Great decision on Unity's part to do this kind of thing with reflection.

Only around 2-3k but what I just noticed is that it seems like point lights is what causes the framedrop, which I deleted along with the gameobjects previously. Honestly I could probably turn them off once they're 100+ units away or so. Gonna try it out.
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Got rotating hexes to work
fug that's sweet anon gj
at the end of 0:03 we can see clones of the smoke pattern developping until it dies. It looks like hearts. I would suggest changing at least 3-4 of those smoke patterns.
It's the next step in game development
yes UE4 has it

I saw hearts too
It also looks a bit like too much effects on screen
How does Substance Painter work if not with UVs?
This is bullshit. I always decide my resolution first. Resolution changes everything. I can make high resolution sprites, but then that also increases the time it takes to make them the more I increase resolution. Same for background. I need to understand the scope of the project and everything, then I decide a resolution, then I make art.
Yeah that doesn't work for solar/planetary system scale because those are central object and then a series of smaller bodies around them. Either abstract the system entirely and just have it be sun, planet 1, planet 2, planet 3 in a UI in a line (not sure how this would work with your sector idea), or actually generate a proper system with each child body in a location on a 2D plane going in circles around the parent body. Whether they actually move is up to you.
What would you like to see in a monster girl hunter game?
Ptex is already a thing in the visual effects industry.

I'm surprised it's not standard in vidya yet.
sex with monster girls
Excel as an engine
Motion blur, and all post proccessing like bloom, is in act generally done in shaders.

They are all being fags to you for no reason.
Gotta echo this sentiment
>Decide to draw gorgeous sprites at 512x512 size
>have high definition fantastic background
put it in 640x360 game
>pants on head retarded

While 3d games can reasonably be resolution agnostic, in 2d games, the resolution commands all aspects of art.
Thanks anon - good to know I'm not crazy and it looks like shit.

This is the "sectors" idea: >>158613985
I was very tried when I wrote that (it was just after 6 AM) so it doesn't make all that much sense as written. I think I meant you can create a texture using triplanar mapping or something in a program like Substance and then bake all that down onto a computer generated UV map that keeps everything equally sized, scaled and non-deformed.

The whole UV map process still needs a shitload of artist effort to get right, whereas things like modelling detail can now be replaced with 3D brushes and stuff, and textures are getting more and more procedural.
Removing all lights and I'm at about 100 fps. Dang they're expensive and I even turned shadows etc off.
Nice. For Unity I guess it would be possible to throw cash at it though, saw something looking ok for 25$.
Thanks for that!
Gotcha, makes perfect sense.
Are you using deferred or forward rendering? Deferred is more performant for lots of lights.

And shadow casters are going to kill your framerate in any engine. Try to limit it to 1-2 active at a time.
Because ptex makes a shitload of seams. More seams = more drawcalls = less performance. Pre-rendered doesn't give a fuck about that.
Agdg is getting way too big. We need a separate agdg for the bigger games that are clearly NOT made by amatures. Then we need to banish them to that gdg. Call it pgdg. That'll leave the real amatures some room for actual feedback.
Retards like you who never made a game always like to chime in, but can you just stop?

Go profile it. You will see how quickly your FPS drops with even simple scenes if you act like something as basic as "batch rendering" is "premature optimization."
Spotted the Assassins Creed developer.
Lots of sex
and then we'll have two dead threads instead of one on life support
Welp in this webm it does not catch my eye. So it must be better. Sorry if I nitpicked
>those red trails at :04
I love this, super smooth. Assuming it's a color matching puzzle game?
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If you are referring to the setting under PlayerSettings, it's forward. I could try the other one out.
Fucking kek
>m-maybe i'll get to kill dracula next year
he's fast!
>it's just an after-image; he actually runs around the entire world in that time
Can Flash run faster?
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Legend tells when the two gods fuse, armageddon will soon follow.
I've only ever programmed in Java, C# and some C (very minimal), I've made some progress on games in Unity... How will I do with Unreal?
I was the same, didn't have any trouble switching to Unreal.

Just don't be an autismo in regards to blueprints, they are good and useful.
Ok, thanks for replying

Can't wait till my new rig arrives and I can start deving
About 350

Fuck off, god damned loch ness monster
Applies the other way too. If you're using 100% BP with a sizable game, you're probably doing it wrong. If you're using 100% C++, you're definitely doing it wrong.
New thread when?
We're going to have a 30 minutes progress break. No thread, just make progress, in 30 minutes we can post it.
Did you not read >>158675628
I love doing pixel art for my projects but I find that I also would prefer to move into high res art for things like portraits and HUDs because of the restrictions to detail pixels place on those things.
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You bet
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