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/opgg/ One Piece Games General

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Thread replies: 759
Thread images: 164

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No! edition

old >>158329614

General guide, read before posting

>Quick Links
Turtles: optctimer.com/#!/turtle
Tables: optc-db.github.io
Calendar: www.optccalendar.com

>One Piece: Treasure Cruise Friend Code List
Add people from here if you're new or need more friend captains.
If you wish to be added to the list put your ID in here.

>Drops/XP and XP/PLVL/Stam spreadsheets

- Special Events -
>Oct 23 - Nov 23: TreCru x Dokkan Crossover
>Nov 1 - Nov 7: Rayleigh Island
- Raids -
>Oct 27: Z
>Oct 30: Mihawk
>Nov 4: Shiki
>Nov 6: MChopper
>Nov 11: Bisoromi Bear
>Nov 13: Kami
>Nov 18: Heracles
>Nov 21: Mihawk
>Nov 25: MChopper
- Fortnights -
>Oct 25 - Nov 1: Brook, Wanze, HalloweenHats pt. 2
>Oct 25 - Nov 8: Dr. Indigo
>Nov 1 - Nov 8: TBone, Okamas
>Nov 8 - Nov 15: Sadi, Noland&Calgara
>Nov 15 - Nov 22: Y.Buggy/Shanks, Cancer Fall
>Nov 22 - Nov 29: Buggy, Kalifa
>Nov 29 - Dec 6: Hina, BrideNami
- Special Events -
>Oct 31: CYO Fortnights and Raids
>Oct 17- Early Nov: Halloween Sugar/Rosinante/Bart
- Fortnights -
>Oct 18 - Nov 1: Prison Mr.3&Buggy
>Oct 20 - Oct 27: Riverside Banquet, YArlong, Hogback
>Oct 27 - Nov 3: Tom, Okamas, Perona
>Nov 3 - Nov 10: Hannyabal, Domino, Raki
>Nov 10 - Nov 17: CP9, Prison Clay, Camie
>Nov 17 - Nov 24: Heart Pirates, Arlong, Kraken
>Nov 24 - Dec 1: Wapol, Tsuru, Noland&Calgara
>Nov 3: Kami
>Nov 4: Garp
>Nov 5: Yellow Monkey
>Nov 6: Bisoromi Bear
>Nov 7: Buster
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Legend Aokiji when?
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A happy Carrot is a cute Carrot
freeza when
What the fuck is this Champions of Clash event and why is it telling me to recruit Arlong and Usopp through story?
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first for Tesoro at the end of November
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>Legend Aokiji is QCK
>Legend Akainu is STR
>QCK beats STR but Aokiji lost hard to Akainu
What did they mean by this?
shut the fuck up you swarthy fuck
I think it's literally a beginners guide for newcomer?
they meant that Akainu is so far superior to that little bitch Aokiji that the type difference didn't even matter
>you will never be as amazing as Akainu, the greatest marine that has ever and will ever exist
why live
That's not Garp
That's a funny way to spell Borsalino
More like BOREsalino, what's he even in the marines for? Guy just has retard strength.
Logically speaking, they're most likely seeing a lot of new players playing the game thanks to the advertising from the Dokkan event so they want to help them
I can dig that. I guess there's gonna be a clash end November then.
Did you actually read the event?
it's realistic, considering that they are preparing a new Clash of Clashes
1100 box space is so comfy
until I fill it up again in 2-3 months
What is need is SKILL UP
>try 30 stam Lion Pirates for first time
>get to last stage with no problems
>app closes itself, has to update
>reopen after update
>no prompt to go back to mission
>still takes my 30 stam

nah, aokiji only lost because of devil fruit disadvantage. he lasted 10 days as ice vs MAGMA, he probably has insane haki + regular combat skills
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The real question is how Aokiji even lasted 2 hours without taking a nap?
Reminder not to pull until Cavendish Sugo
i wanna do a double multi i want cav or at least lord onepunchkingsama
What's a fast halloween FN team?
one with very high danage
double MC chopper alvida for brook GPU for zoro +2 high damage beatstick
thanks m8
goddamn the rainbow penguin drop rates are fucking trash, 300 stamina and only 1 robber and 3 rainbow pirates
3D2Y Sanji captains
Butler and MC as subs.
whatever increases your HP and damage.
double Moria
TNamim, Aokiji (or Robin)
two INT beatstick

Is Billy any good?
We need more Laws up!
sockets for sw nami. sw nami isnt that good though
Does it work for "Nami, Loyal Straw Hat Crew" though?
Can somebody, who has her, try it?
if you have her see if there's a book icon over her you fucking retard if you don't have her why the fuck are you asking?
>MC chopper
>monster chopper chopper
Not him but: why do you put the energy into this rant?
I don't have her and I was just curious.
Is that ok by you, or am I not allowed to be interested in any unit I do not have.
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Remember guys: Halberd Billions Baroque Works gives you a full QCK-orb table in the Absalom fortnight - his special changes TND slots into QCK.

Just collect all those fuckers, evolve them and feed every further copy you get.
oh, did I make you cry?
stop being a bitch
or, you know, use anything else instead
or do that. Why not offer another possibility if someone has shit units?
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You don't have to be an asshole? Or does that make you feel better?
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You must be the fun one at parties.
I mean if you have really shit units sure go for it, but absalom fortnight is not really that hard just level your QCK units
wew lad
Thanks for the heads up, anon. I never gave a fuck for these fodder units before, only used them to level up stuff, so I never even realized that.
that's cool and all but anyone with a plvl over 50 should be able to smash absalom with asura zoro + whatever random dex crap they have
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6* Carrot when?
>doing absalom with dex units
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take your pills mr. tough guy
asura is the best captain a newbie will have unless they rerolled for a legend
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Should I keep all the legend books even if I don't have such legends?

gum gum pistol luffy is currently the best
I don't understand why people do this
To compare the quality with the anime and manga.
I was talking about keeping legend books
I personally keep them in case I get them. I have 10 whitebeard books saved up. Those would be a pain in the ass to get if I ever did get him and didn't have them. I have enough box space to keep them in there for a while anyway.
Anyone farming wanze ?
How is hack book droprate ? Im missing 2 lvl en last time wanze was here he never dropped
Whoops. In case i get the legends.
Hack and Koala books both drop like candy. They can each drop twice each, iirc, from Nero or Wanze I think. Just using a MC team gets you easy clears too, so long as you have some matching orbs on Wanze.
yeah i have no trouble clearing him but the first time he was around he dropped a lot of book and the second time i got like 4 book for the whole week
fuck, do I do koala books or zoro and robin sockets
Guys I have a game related question. Since Oars books are dropping i want to try and farm him. What team can clear him and what do I need top do/avoid doing. Git gud doesn't count.
Just do Double Enel.
that login screen is awfull
I tried that but got btfo. There was a site that had his mechanics but it got shut down, think academy something. Can you suggest a replacement so I wouldn't have to bother people?
Gamewith or Zeenigami's videos.
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Tfw started to watch JoJo and the feels are coming
I thought this would just be a cheesy anime about muscular men fighting each other.
and how is this related to One Piece again?

go to >>>/a/ instead if you want to blogpost
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>tfw forgot to greentext
>see some images of that part with the god fights in Jojo
>well this looks pretty gay
>actually start reading it
>oh my god this is amazing
still like One Piece more but Jojo is pretty good
Sorry about that. I had 2 tabs open and put that in the wrong one.
Jesus fuck skillup where I need SPACE
>we just got +300 max space
>still needing space
>everyone is a whale like me!
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>Someone hating on JoJo
nice meme, I have 120 gems AFTER maxing and I've never bought a single gem
maybe you should stop pulling every time you get 5 gems senpai
I used 50 gems on stam refills alone last week
you probably don't even have mihawk maxed, loser
good effort, but I have +200 candy max mihawk, nerd
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Do you have a 50 stamina bar?
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>he doesn't have a legend to put candy on
I also have a 50 candy SW Ace work in progress, I wasn't gonna feed my mihawk to Ace just for the sake of it
Thank you.
the same old bind/despair/cdr/ah on 3D2Y Zoro, right?
sounds good
>he fell for the Cdr meme
t. orb autist
>orb discussion
don't even start
>can't even spell rollback properly
I forgot about the filter. Guess I got what I deserve
Im guessing the skill up will take place during the Champions of Clash thing then, since they want people to socket up and get all the basic characters.
Is Brook the easiest FN ever? It also drops a ton of good shit.
such as ?
Anything you can farm Brook for you can get at the Haloween p2
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>base luffy actually has a 3x to everyone captain ability
literally a better G3
We're all getting Base Luffys right?
no we are getting gum gum gattling luffy

some jap dataminer claims that it will evolve into Elephant Gattling once the timeskip shit is released
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>tfw you don't have base Luffy
no it won't
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>Halloween's drop rate is actually pretty good for sockets

feels so fucking comfy after farming fucking Lucci and Perona
Colo soon. Lots of gems, candy and tomes!
>some jap dataminer
this content is literally not in the game even in data form
unless it's a bamco employee, no he won't
Relax shitter, he's only going to be amazing for a limited time in order to help newfriends who have shit units actually do content
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And awesome strawman
how can one man be so angry at a mobile videogame
they are helping newfags, what with making it piss easy for them to get Mihawk and Monster Chopper with Super Luffy.
where the fuck is frieza he was supposed to be here 4 days ago and 2 days ago according to the calendar and the events supposed to be ending in 6 days did they forget to enable him and left for vacation?
Is White Chase Smoker woth the Exp or should I just leave it at his second form?
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>tfw still a low pirate level
>can only do 15 stamina Indigo for Sanji books
>can't do 30 stamina
>2/20 on books

Shit sucks, I need to grind more.
No he wasn't. They told us at the start of the event that he would be coming today at 22:00. So in 7 hours time.
>the events supposed to be ending in 6 days
You don't read English very well, do you?
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Do you
shit forgot about that
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>didn't bother to look in game
>didn't bother to look anywhere for information about the event
>doesn't know the event has multiple parts
>is retarded
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>Week-long "event"
How much does a 5 stam clear give?

grind nanohana 14
500 and change. Depends on the fortnight, but usually around that much.
You can clear nanonhana 14 to get 1498 xp for 6 stamina.
Haven't got that far into the story yet, been grinding the fuck out of FNs
damn that's 2000 more per 30 stam than fortnights
yeah well only during half stamina and it's honestly a pain to farm a single stage that many times at 6 stamina each time
> Anything

No you can't
>unironically feeding books outside skillup
so you're under plvl 50 right?
Which brook will be the most beneficial to socket? i only have dex brook, fortnight blue brook, and hw brook. i know there not any good but yea.
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>assuming I'm feeding outside of skillup event

Only shit I feed outside of skillup are the countless copies of indigo and his niggerfriend.
blue brook, he's a good zombie capt
>not socketing every straw hat available
>2/20 on books
maybe you shouldn't make your own posts so ambiguous
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Biker Smoker is a bretty gud unit, you should evolve him eventually. There are very few DEX striker in global and though his special is very situationly it can come in handy.
He's not top priority but not least priority, either.

Also, he's on a fucking bike!
learn to read
learn to write
wasnt even me but his post was perfectly clear
But I must!
yeah wasn't even me either but his post wasn't perfectly clear

at least the current FNs will be half stamina in their last day
Why even 20? That's not gonna max his special during skill up. Here, I'll even run it through the calculator for you: 21.4%.
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>you will never pull koala
>you will never pull marco
>you will never pull 3D2Y Sanji or Zoro
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>you will never pull Diamante
>you will never pull Trebol
>you will never pull Caesar
>you will never pull Dellinger
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tfw you have it all and are not even a whale
2/20 as in 2 books out of 20 runs.
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why do you always lie
Marco was my white whale for a year. This week I pull both.
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ask this guy
It never gets old.
When you make a new thread, please don't break the links to the important sites. By taking out the https, they become unclickable.
>slasher legend
>striker legend
>shooter legend
>fighter legend
>cerebral legend
>powerhouse legend
>free spirit legend
>cerebral legend
>2 driven legends
>2 qck/psy legends
>1 solo psy legend
>4 rainbow legends
STR, DEX, and INT legends when?
get a better browser faggot
Just copy and past it, you bum.
>he doesn't use Clover or Mimi
Akainu will prob be STR
>viewing on mobile
Stop browsing 4chan at work
I gotta do something when I'm not at my dorm and between classes.
Paint in the restrooms.
all from 7/11 m8
>implying I don't already
Half the reason to browse 4chan.
>not comedy_silver.gif

one job
>2016 almsot November
>single-colored teams

get with the meta bro
I like how comfy a mono colored team bar Usopp is.
Monocolour teams are optimal in a ton of fortnights and several raids.
Do you want some aluminium with that Ahkmed?
This has to stop
Jozu books can be useful.... someday
I mean sure Jozu is great, but I've gotten a total of 2 SWs in the last 3 runs
Anyone have luck with data restoration? Lost my inthawk & ray account and wasn't able to reroll this sugo
Hey fuckholes. What brook should I use my halloween brooks to socket?
Did you link your account to SNS or buy gems? You'll probably be fine. Did you do neither? Say bubye to the account.
Convert to beli.
FN Brook should be prioritized over all of those the moment Impostor Strawhats come. He will actually have a significant and viable use.
Are imposter hats even hard? I assumed they were like Usopp'n and a joke.
Absolute pushover but the rewards are decent and Impostor Strawhats are a godsend.
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You have more than one legendary right?
Ray and Ace. After no luck with Ace books on Dead End, I started farming Haloween p1. Just threw away all my WB books. No can't find any Rayrays.
>attention whoring
FUG! Quit in February before SNS started and never bought gems
Why have you not given Lucci the meat?

None @260 days
Of course I do, 8 in fact.
Of course I do anon.

Too bad Lucci/Croc/Cora are shit compared to the HP multiplying legends.
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I have 6 legends
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I can't believe Thatch is trucking dead...
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Which unit goes better with my QCK team? The both seem good at horseback riding
Are you really asking this?
Capone doesn't ride a horse you dumbass
But he is a manlet
He has to. Why else does he shit them out regularly?
Does this guy spend money on the game? If so, him and Living Ichigo should be friends.
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>best log luffy
>sw ace
>sw shanks
You fags gonna be ready for Shiki come next week? I know I am.
no bcuz i'm farming kuma desu
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I'm good
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I was using the mostly f2p team people were doing last time and it wasn't comfy at all. I got a few, but even the stages before actually getting to Shiki made my hands sweat. Only thing that's changed since he was last here is that I was able to socket Lucci, so that's more autoheal I guess, but this whole thing with him getting taken away scares the shit out of me. Still, I guess I'll do as many as I possibly can.
Aren't you worried for the possibility if Shiki is not going to come back after the 3rd time?
I too had a hard time with the first few stages going into Shiki. Hopefully my new team I've been feeding turtles and pigs from Lucci and Halloween p2 will make a difference.
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tfw no marco for my jimbei. not even psy marco
What team are you using? I think the one everyone was using was friend Marco, Enel, Mihawk, Lucci, Doffy, and a blue orb controller (I used Capone). Everyone maxed and I still had trouble. I looked around on Reddit for alternative teams and one person said they used double Log Luffy, Zoan Lucci, Raid Doffy, Enel, and HW Zoro. I'm down to try anything, so I might try that one out.
Not him but I used the Marco/Enel combo for a while too and it was shit.

Enel/Enel/Gladius/Lucci/Doffy/Mihawk allowed me to farm 60 copies without failing.
thats the comp i'll use but with leo instead of gladius, the only way to fail is at the fishman stage
>Boa and Cora
I hate being alive
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Post your Freiza Farming teams
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This is a variation of the team I tried at first. My first team had Kraken and Mihawk instead of Capone/Ivankov. With Mihawk's 30% hp cut and Kraken's orb mix ups and Doffy's orb swapping, I was OCCASIONALLY able to defeat him. Because of the inconsistency, I decided not to farm with it.
Now I have this, but I don't have enough hp to take a hit after he revives, and no way to one shot him after he revives. I need 700 more HP.
How are you able to get to Shiki with Marco's special ready without losing Thatch's damage bonus?
Not farming him. Why would you?
Yeah Im not either, just wanted to see some creative teams. Probably gonna be the team I use for the first clear
oregano falcon when
parsley eagle when
chive condor when
mint mallard when
I'm sorry. I forgot to mention that Enel is going to be my captain foe the fight, and I'll be bursting turn 2 when Thatch is turned captain. If they change captain swapping manipulation, I'm screwed.
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Wich FN could i run at 15 stam
>pistol Luffy
Whatever you wanted to
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All of them
>but no lucci or Kaku
well youre fucked
He's not evolved.
use basic luffy he is op right now, you can clear all.
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Neither am I, but that doesn't stop me from getting the meat
post hawkin teams
Whens freiza coming /
I fucking wish we were already getting Cavendish
is colo wyper viable?
There are worse units, but you should be able to figure this shit out yourself.

The fucking database is not that hard to navigate.
Listen you little fuck I'm here making game related discussion and you're just shitposting. Get the fuck out if you can't contribute because if you had your way then this thread would never get replies since we can look up every fucking thing.
is freezer viable?
>spoonfeed me or do not post here
Off yourself.
22:30 PST
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One slot to go on my Ace. Might just wait until Ray shop since the last socket isn't that important.
Where were you when maxing kungfugong paid off?
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>tfw you wish to try build a team yourself but you don't because you can waste stamina

when will this game get some kind of test mode?
Literally the 0 stam forests
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>4 Map resist sockets
Jesus fuck I wouldn't wish this kind of luck on my most hated enemy
Finally +200'd my ace

what a great feel
I know it's a small sample size, but I've gone 3/3 HW Pt 2 with no Strawhat posters dropping at all.

Can somebody who's put a lot of runs in tell me if they are dropping more books or something? 16/16 chances and not one poster seems pretty whack to me.
>considering anything after 3 instances
I don't even know what response to give you. So, uhh, no.
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Jesus fuck, what is the success rate on Ace's ship?

I got 5 at once. I had a screenshot.
Both Robin and Brook have high drop rates, Sanji is inbetween, and Zoro's drop rate is shit.
>Jesus fuck, what is the success rate on Ace's ship?
Pretty good since I only spent ~200 cola to max it
I just used 300, and am barely at level 7.
I'm talking about colosseum, raids and FNs

I wish I could do those without seeing guides or what the bosses do but I would probably be wasting stamina so I don't
>try to use double whitebeard on every fight leading up to hawkins
>die on every fucking run
this is just fucking stupid
>uses whitebeard without prep
Only yourself to blame. He works very well for actually fighting Hawkins though.
>some unit cant clear every single fight

i tried to use my double GPU and keep dying over and over, after using 12 gems to get to hawkins i realised i cant stack gpu special this is just fucking stupid
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>Not researching the boss before taking it on
>running WB
>first room heracles
Well, that's fucks my stalling right up.
that fuckin feel
>Can somebody who's put a lot of runs in tell me if they are dropping more books or something?
Read before you post, faggot.

Interesting. I'm after Zoro the most but wouldn't go astray getting Robin copies to socket V1 Robin, because Summer Robin was uncomfy as fuck to farm.
Brook is meh on all ocassions and I have no RR Brooks anyway, just FN and HW.
Sanji I'd just feed to DJ Sanji for Hime TT and mob clearing in raids.
Really keen to finish socketing my HW Zoro and get the last 2 skill ups though, shame I don't have 3d2y Zoro but it's probably like pulling teeth for you guys that do, glad I still need a few Jozu and PSY Marco skillups so at least I can get SOME worth out of the fortnight vs the last few where I needed one thing and one thing only.
why woudl you level up needles and the hallowene SH besides Zoro?

If any LL captains could add me i'd aprecciate it, i'm adding the ones on the list too btw
I'm saving this pasta
I wish the kungfudugong got an evo. I hate seeing it cry.
just gave them dupes not a lot of box space atm and no other units to feed for sockets
Sound slide you need some free damage
Who are you guys using in your bottom left slot to farm Hawkins?

I just did my first run using G3 with Hack, SW Franky, Doflamingo, and GP Usopp in the bottom left slot.

I didn't find I needed GPU's delay to help me stall though, I still easily had Doffy's special ready for Mr. Prince and Franky+Hack ready for Hawkins. So I guess I'm looking for better ideas. I'm considering Law in case I fail to get a DEX orb for Doffy before stage 4 but I dunno.
Socket fodder. I used Urouge because 4 slots.
Who are you?

Are you from the Readit Pirate crew?
Taeny pirates

I have two Luccis, does that count?
I used the other 12 to get it because full sockets are nice. I got loads more map damage sockets though.
Any nasty surprises in Wyper-30 I should be aware of?
He'll attack for about 12k under 20% and he revives once for 150k and do some damage the first time you kill him.
Frieza is here.
>thread theme
It looks like drops are completely different.
seems they are the same
what does Frieza drop?
Doffy is up on Dokkan. So Freeza should be up/

i got a kaya book and a log usopp book so far
Frieza confirmed for not worth farming.

Kind of a relief in a way.
Disregard. I was not paying attention.
>Frieza confirmed for not worth farming.
It's like you don't want cool stuff. We get cool stuff if we farm him. There's a website that shows rewards.
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>Frieza confirmed for not worth farming.
Just because you're getting BTFO by him doesn't mean you have to ruin it for everyone else
Is it even possible to lose to 30 stamina Frieza?

He's basically just Zephyr, but somehow less scary.
Frieza is actually pretty cool. It can drop any skillbook it seems.

Shame bandai are fucking jews and put it in the same time as Halloween.
Thread theme since Frieza is up
He's up for almost an entire month.
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So I can just jump in with double Marco and take a giant shit on him?
Skill up event when?
I'll admit that I don't know much about stage 6, but the enemies have pretty crazy defense and hit fairly hard. If there's some way to easily slide past that, then Frieze himself would be insanely easy.

Is Friendza dropping any secret tomes?
I got a mirage tempo skill book
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Just started the game. How do I get to the events to fight Freeza after the tutorial?

Dog Penguin should take care of that. If you drop Coby for him, then Double Marco PSY burst will still have just enough damage to take him down on the second turn, before he attacks, even if you get shit orbs on the first.

Extra Island, where all the events take place, should be opened after clearing the Shells Town story island.

Though on the first two difficulties, Frieza just talks smack and runs out on you, so if you wanted to punch Frieza in the face, you might be disappointed.

Yes, but I can't tell if the rates are good just yet. He's dropped candy about half the time so far.
>so if you wanted to punch Frieza in the face, you might be disappointed.
That's what I wanted to do. If I just started, I'm guessing I don't get the chance to do that?
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did you boys remember to keep your General Zombie?
No I just killed her with SW Ace specials cause I'm not a faggot

You won't, 30 Stamina Frieza is way too nasty to take on with a fresh account. A lot of the events this month are aimed at helping new players gear up quickly by letting you farm useful characters (Alvida, Arlong, Mihawk), so maybe you can do it by the end of the event, though the point-scoring part of the crossover will be over by then. There's a pretty detailed beginner's guide in the OP, and it's mostly not shit. Assuming you aren't discouraged by now.
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>using a Legend for such an easy level
Can highest sta Frieza be done with double Marco?
I hope we get more points per battle because on Dokkan the hardest difficulty is only 11 stamina.
so frieza is worthless to run right

not worth my stamina?
Well Frieza was easy. So he drops specific skull tomes, or general skull tomes? I haven't gotten a single one, just a CC.

If the turtle wave spawns all on 1 cooldown, you might be fucked. I'll have to check their HP and see if you have enough combo hits to do it.
The drop rates for the tomes and candy will be rare. You'll mostly get shit skill books. It's worth running if you don't need to do the other fortnights and want us to reach the last reward tier though.
I did it with Marco/Legend Shanks. The only stage I had trouble with was 6, but that allowed me to actually stall those extra 3 turns to get Marco's special up and turn 1 burst Frieza down.
Ah, maybe I'll save it for a few weeks from now.
It's a bit weird that the Frieza difficulties aren't in their own folder.
Yeah I agree.
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>+200 cc my ace
>25 skillbooks in wait
>recent colo batch leaves me missing only 3 matching orb sockets

I'm set for life.
Do I have you added?

201 493 084
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Sure do.

Pretty excited, honestly. Still no 6* Marco, though.
Cool. I'll use you all the time and give you all the friend points.
Getting only one zoro/sanji per refill is fucking infuriating . What shit droprates
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How do I prioritize my shooter team sockets? I've got everything but Ace, and I can't remember if orb rates are a meme or not versus damage reduction.
Why did you ruin that poor Usopp?

That's all I got with the copies I had. What's there is just what I currently have, and I figured that since those 3 damage reduction sockets came at once, I should put it there until I got despair. And I haven't gotten despair yet.
I feel you, I haven't gotten any despair sockets in the last 30 Usopps I fed to my SW Usopp ;_;
>charge and not orbs on zephyr
ruined it
AH/CDR is the best zephyr combo if you have Ace.
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That's wrong, though.

you're an idiot if you ruin these units with defense
You're deadlok right? How come I have you added yet I've never seen your SW ace in my list until now
It's Goodgoys.
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I wish I had a fully socketed Fuji
oh, I had another 200 candy Ace with 3 missing orb sockets on my list so that's a weird coincidence. I don't have you added cause you hate me apparently.
Nice gender-bender Namizo on the right.
Wait, why does Lucci change his own orb to QCK when he's on the right side and not on the left side?
Meat dumbass.
Huh? Who are you?
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>all these fucking units to evolve
>all these no lobster caverns
Lucci converts adjacent and meat orbs to QCK. He obviously had meat on himself.
Anybody actually bothering to farm Freiza? Seems awfully underwhelming.

Also Log Units will always be at base cool down it seems, unless you're dumb enough to buy skill books for them in the future.
>0 (zero) 6*Marco books so far
just fucking end me
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>nobody farming frieza because the drops are complete shit
>everybody farming doffy in dokkan cause the rewards are amazing and the highest difficulty is only 11 stam
>in order to advance to the next reward stage both games have to attain a set amount of points
>yfw OPTC cockblocking dokkan from rewards
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Fucking cucked
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No wonder he didn't add you
Lol, nope. OPTC in ahead of Dokkan.
And this page is not formatted for pc.
I didn't think those Dokkan nerds were that bad at their own game
there isnt anything else to really farm in dokkan all the current events that are new have been out for a week+ and all the other events are recurring so theres literally nothing else to do but doffy
It's just no one plays Dokkan.
Corazon sockets? I don't know what to expect from future forests.

I'm thinking Bind/Despair/Autoheal/Damage Reduction, but I don't know if I should use map damage or RCV boost for the last slot.

I doubt we're ever gonna get content that both requires I use Corazon and has map damage which kills his ability to zombie.

But I also don't like the idea of relying on meats to successfully zombie, so RCV boost isn't particularly handy in that regard either.

He certainly doesn't need CDR because I'll never use him as a sub. Poison hardly exists and I've got SW Chopper to remove it if it's a problem. Orbs are a meme.

I dunno. What are you guys doing with your Corazons?
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>yfw we reach lvl 10 and get 45 gems due to the scaling
holy shit 3 pulls on cavendish sugo here i come
>RCV boost

damage reduction is it not overkill? isnt it already impossible to die with him?
its useless without lvl 10 but i know its a hugely popular socket on JP atm
ide say damage reduction is very safe but map damage could also be really good up to you
But weren't they just recently celebrating 15m downloads?
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what do i replace coby with. im not on the up and up with meme driven teams
Stop socketting bad units.
no a monthish ago it was 90
Either Damage Reduction or Orbs are both good. It doesn't matter to be honest, it won't make that much of a difference.
100 million download event is going on now.
>those unorganized sockets
dude seriously go fuck yourself you dont belong ITT
holy shit that cool krieg is fucking my shit up.
Worth doing Frieza if we actually get that many gems.
DBZ is 300% more popular than OP in the west if anything they have 2 times our players at least
yes but we are going to have to get word out to the speech impediment manlets who play dokkan battle that they need to clean content too
the only moment you'll EVER take damage with corazon is with your zombie captain activated, so damage reduction has zero function for him
go with bind/despair/autoheal/orbs so you can do the forests more easily with extra orbs, you could go map damage for enel forest but level 1 of that shit ain't worth jack so might as well go orbs unless you wanna waste sockets on map damge on other units
this is stupid
I'm still seeing 0 points on both
What else, bub?
CDR? Fucking worthless in forests.
Damage reduction? On a fucking zombie captain who's unkillable?
Poison? Forget it.
I don't really think I particularly need to socket anyone else.

My only frequently used, unsocketed units are Squard, Rakuyo, Vergo, Dellinger, Hack, Leo, Monet, Kalifa, and Gladius.

Hack, Rakuyo, and Kalifa have fortnights and I've never really been let down by my lack of sockets on the others. Corazon seems like a good option because he's essentially an "insurance" unit. If there's ever something I can't clear legitimately, at least I'll be able to zombie it like a useless faggot.
We're behind now. We have 26k and Dokkan have 30k. Need 50 for level 3.
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so close.
I still have to clear Hawkins but It might be better to just wait for a despair tome and put my next set of tomes on either : Marco,Trebol,Ceasar,Diamante,Purple pinhead dude whos name i cant remember right now, or Sugar...

what do you guys think?
its either going to be mapdamage or DR orbs is literally worthless on a zombie team
>the only moment you'll EVER take damage with corazon is with your zombie captain activated

But Corazon typically pairs with Log Luffy, not a zombie captain.

PSY Dugong
I needed one socket on my Ace and just said "fuck it" and used the last 5 tomes. Luckily I got the socket. If I didn't even try to get it that missing socket would bother me for ages.
>refresh page
>treasure cruise 26,000
>dokkan 30,000
>lvl 3 rewards 3 gems and a tabasco sopp +20cola

its happening boys 45 gems incoming
oinly thing that could be changed is move coby to the end and swap CDR with autoheal. cant move anything else without fucking up one of the other socket lines
>making excuses for your slovenly sockets
you unautistic piece of shit
Are you fucking retarded? Tell me a situation in which having 3% damage reduction will save you using a zombie team.
On full HP? You're unkillable. On less than 30% HP? You fucking die to anything you idiot cause you have low max HP to utilize the zombie captain.
>map damage
you need 10 points to activate map damage are you seriously going to put map damage on a sub just to reduce it by 50%? Fuck off
>get orbs on a team that hits goods
this is how retarded you sound the character is difficult to scoket
How do these points even work? How many points is one clear?
>no argument
If you were here I'd slap you for shitposting
>I'd slap you
no you really wouldnt and the argument is that orbs or pointless it adds little to no damage at all cause you do little to no damage at all so whats the point of orbs you get nothing out of it except less meat
the character is a legit nightmare to plan for
the point is that there's nothing else to put on him but orbs so what the fuck is your problem
orbs is every bit as pointless as damage reduction thats the problem thinking of a good last socket on corazon is absurdly difficult
only level 3 and we're already getting 6 gems holy shit
if this trend of first stage 1 gem 2nd stage 2 gems etc keeps up we'll get 45 gems in total while japan got only 15 for their frieza event lmao
read the thread
What? I've been posting in it for hours now.
Did you misquote or something?
Japan only had 7 stages instead of 9 too
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Friendly reminder for anyone who is gemming for stamina refill

The last day of this week's fortnight rotation will overlap with the half-stamina event

people have already said everything you just said many such cases! redundant post. shame!
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JPN rewards in comparison
Stage 1: 500,000 Berry

Stage 2: 20 Colas

Stage 3: 5 turtles

Stage 4: 10 gems

Stage 5: CC 3x4

Stage 6: 5 socketbooks

Stage 7: 5 gems and rainbow material sets
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sue me nigga
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>posting while black
Leaving things to the last day is super stressful, I did that with Lucci because of being stuck on Perona all week and only got 2/4 skill ups I needed on Kaku, 3/10 sockets and only 9/15 sockets on Beast Lucci. I really hope it comes back soon so I can finish it, I was looking forward to Lucci for months and not being able to finish what I wanted is a real downer.
japcucks on suicide watch
Doesn't matter how stressful it is, you get double the value for your gems
I guess stressful wasn't the right word, I more meant lack of time is an issue.

I blew like 6 gems getting what sockets/skill ups I said above and literally couldn't do anymore due to running out of time. Leaving some farming to the last day is fine but I wouldn't rely on it.
>Freiza event is crazy underwhelming

On the upswing, this means more stamina going towards farming Zoro/Robin sockets instead of hoping for more WB books and tomes, unless the 40 stamina version is super good.
I'm all for free stuff but anyone feel like Frieza events taint OPTC
It only taints it because of how shit it is, and the difficulty that goes along with how shit it is.
>shitton of gems, tomes, evo mats etc for free

if this is not a good event for you I don't know what is
>only 30 stamina released so far
>this event was released on JPN shortly after the 1 year anniversary

it's not supposed to be hard, it's supposed to be a REWARD
it was fucking amazing on jpn because they were still in that pre-colo stage where forbidden tomes were rarer than legends
but now that we get it post-colo it really is shit
How much exp is Frieza 10 stam?
Eyyy senpai these skill books from frieza a shit

Points got updated, OPTC is holding Dokkan back.
Next update in 14 hours.
reddit will take care of it
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>colo Sanji does a 99 turn bind
please dont tell me he does the same thing on Hawkins' stage...
Of course he does, that's how it ALWAYS works. Just put a socket fodder in the bottom left or bring some team that can stall for a very long time safely and bring 3D2Y Nami.
Just woke up famalams, how do I contribute to the crossover event? Is it only the 30 stam that counts towards it? Are the rewards the same for all of them but with higher drop rate on 30 stam?
>how do I contribute to the crossover event
Nobody knows exactly. I guess every clear is worth a certain amount of points and higher stamina gives more points.
Hot fucking damn 30 stam Frieza is tough. I don't think I'm gonna be able to run the 40 stam when it comes, I only barely got through 30 stam without getting my ass handed to me.
>Slap Frieza in the middle of a Double Drop evolvers week, brand new FN and FNs that are pretty damn useful to farm for a lot of people, and a brand new Colo
>expecting OPTC to beat Dokkan on this challenge

Did Dokkan get this much good shit this week? The timing of this is kinda shitty.
Dokkan has ass out right now aside from Doffy and their event is easier.
That's some bullshit. I wish they'd done a combined tally instead of competing, Dokkan has 10 times as many players to boot.
starting on the first dokkan will have a major event released so they will probably smoke us in points but we really gotta make it to the last lvl cause its the most fucking gems global has ever gotten for free
Freeza is here for a MONTH
this is not a competition faggot
its not but we cant progress to next stage if the other game is slacking
look like that shit last for a month anyway
they are also giving away a wooping 30 "gems" every week

why are our events shittier? even dokkan's stamina prices are not as bullshitty as this game's.
>the other game is slacking

OPTC is doing fine considering it has less players.
never said otherwise
also i just realised that frieza also drop legend book
it drops every skill book in the game, so don't get your hopes high farming him.
btw nanohana 14 has x2 Exp. Anyone who wants levels should grind that stage since it gives the best amount of Exp for Stamina in the game when it has the -stamina or x2 exp bonuses.
guess i will farm him in november with all those shitty fortnight coming back
it's a complete waste of time though

plvl is one thing, but you are much better off getting a bit less exp for better loot

yeah but new players with Luffy can just breeze through the story while he's still broken.

Oh, I didn't mean the rewards were underwhelming, just the actual stage itself. I can't wait for the prizes, that part is great.

I just thought the Freiza stage had better drops, but there's also another version to come.
In other news,
chapter is out. oda with the feels
it's not like story was hard to do until about Enies Lobby
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best girl

that was...brutal

I didn't expect this
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>mfw Enies Lobby 2: Arlong Park Episode III begins

I wonder if this will resolve immediately or if the focus will shift for a while while Luffy stands in place
what about that is speculation you autistic fuck
The gem rewards for later stages which have yet to be released, you autistic fuck.
I hope Brook and Jinbei are given the spotlight this arc. Let luffy rest for a while
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>Luffy going on a hunger strike

this is actually a big fucking deal

>going on a hunger strike

It's just an excuse after he ate all those cookies.
the gems are increasing according to number you god damn sub human sub 100 nigger
>it happened in the first three stages, it's guaranteed to happen in the last six and continue the same pattern
Check your head.
posts invalidated
I'm guessing Jap didn't have 100% drop rate on Hawkins Colo? Feels almost criminal to get such a fantastic and versatile character for only 30 stamina, guaranteed. I just want to gem and max him right away he's that good.

Global truly is the best version.
His Colosseum will be coming six times, just get enough copies to max him by the time he leaves, you don't need to burnout and grab 50 on the first day.
Meant to reply to >>158563794
I feel like im the only one not exited about hawkins
if you have wb, bart, g3 or LL you should be excited
i wasnt sure about the C or not
guess thats why, i hate using G3
Hey, what are these crossover prizes? I didn't receive anything today. Do I need to download Dokkan to get any?
Read the event page.
you need to buy a stone pack on dokkan, link the same twitter account as your OPTC and clean the whole story in both games

>Got Barto
>never thought to investigate a badass striker until after Smoker was gone
>mfw I fucked up

At least I can make sure I get Hawkins and Killer right away.

How long do you think before Smoker comes back? Do colosseum's get replays eventually like fortnights?
yes, they do start replaying, and its not really scheduled, just random seemingly.
Does Scratchmen Apoo fit into a dex SW Ace team?
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>I'm guessing Jap didn't have 100% drop rate on Hawkins Colo?

correct, JPN only got 100% drop rate on Chaos Colosseum when they got to Brownbeard

so Urouge, Smoker, Alvida, Hawkins, Dorry, Broggy, Apoo, Kidd, Ace and Vista were all on ~70% droprate

we are saving SO MANY gems
As a beatstick minimum, yes, but also can use him with Law for full orbs.
>first three stages gave base straw hats
>9 stages
>9 straw hats in total
not a stretch to think we'll get 9 gems on the last stage + base luffy
Of course I do.

Ace and Ace.
>have LL
>can't farm hawkins because no box space
Im farming 20 every time it appears then feeding it for sockets. On the last day, thats where i will stock up for skill up event. Where hopefully ive gotten good lvl of sp ups/sockets
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I honestly was surprised how easy Frieza is but damn the books I got were worthless. I got a rcv candy, G2, mirage tempo and Killer manuals.
>counting on friend captains to make sure you have your basic sockets taken care of

Mistakes are being made in this image.
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Chopper books when? His cd is awful
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>finally have +1000heal/turn on my Slasher team

fuck yeah
What slashers are you using?
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fucking sanji and zoro keep dropping chests after chests after chests when robin and brook keep dropping posters but i don't need them reeee
Where are the 3d2y sanji books? Give now.

No zoro i can understand, but not even koza? Sorry, my man.
auto heal on Doffy

now that's a meme
The fuck is this
autoheal on doffy is better than despair if you have inthawk or legend law. despair isnt as important as bind or heal. most dungeons only need lvl 1 despair
poor b8
>despair isnt as important as bind or heal. most dungeons only need lvl 1 despair

for now

and don't you think they'll ever make content harder and harder?
this is a speedrun team, where Mihawk+Doffy is more than enough, and I can delay with Zoro
if I need more 1 turn burst, I swap Zoro for Koza
I have two Doffy, the other one has bind-despair. The one with CDR/auto-heal (it has bind on it on the pic, that is a mistake) is for speedruns.
oh, right.. you went for the second Doffy meme. Not that there's anything wrong with it.

I was assuming you had only one
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reminder mr prince has the coolest sanji animation in the game

seriously why is it so fucking great
we need a vinsmoke sanji already. whats with bamco not even giving post timeskip straw hats
they are still milking dressrosa and punk hasard, wait for them to get to zou at least
You thirsty fucks just had to reply to her huh?
Ok I have the RR Hawkins as well, should I prioritize socketing that one or the Colosseum one?
Colo Hawkins is just better.
>It's someone asking how to socket a character
>It's someone asking if X character is useful
>It's someone asking what fortnight they should be farming
>It's someone asking if it's worth farming X raid
>They're all obviously advanced players in all cases and can farm 60-stamina Raids
I cannot fucking wait for the Vinsmoke batch

Please give us a Legend Sanji
RR Hawkins is completely useless
How helpful is Hawkins actually to have maxed?

Not sure if he's actually worth rushing to gem for.
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Guys, I am the luckiest pirate on the grand line.

>Need 2 orb, 2 bind and 1 despair sockets on my Goku
>Obtain 6 tones from Hawkins colo
>Feed 5
>2 orb, 1 bind
>Ok, feed 1 more tome
>It's fucking bind
>Feed my last despair tome I saved from ranking
>Perfect Goku sockets
quick q about colos

is the 100% drop rate also applied to mini bosses in the chaos stages?
mini bosses dont drop you fool
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to the madmen farming frieza right now, two questions

how often do you get lobsters and is there different colors other than purple? i'm honestly considering farming it
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I am also interested in an answer to this question.
100% chance to encounter lobsters on stage...3 I think? or 4. Droprate should be 1/4

Every color appears
This is photoshop right?
Yeah, there's some artifacts around the words and there's no light gradient across the letters where the paper bends.
/opgg/ Internet Detectives. Glad you're on our side.
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What do you guys think of these sockets? Should I change anything?
yeah put some sockets on chin you lazy fooker

the point only count for the first week
post you name so I can add you
>Clear 30 stam freezer with my regular team that I use to clear the storymode

The 40 stam is actually difficult?
Does freeza drop Log books or is that a meme or something
I'm getting garbage
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y so ded
thats on 40 stam aint it?
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I find this pose sexually intimidating.
>tfw max'd Marco
Ive seen black and yellow lobsters on Frieza's fights. Could any color lobster appear?
those hips!
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Didn't even have to use the last 5 from Hawkins. They're going straight to Caeser.

Rayleigh doesn't get any books
I got a red one last night, so I'd assume so
>only have rayray as a legend

i like him but he feel so shitty, i feel like im wasting tome/candy on him
>18 turn maximum cooldown
>day 1 all Haloween p2 Strawhats were dropping like candy
>day 2 and beyond I get 1 or 2 SHs on runs if Im lucky
He's still good for Coliseum. Socket him if you don't have anything better to feed books into. I wouldn't feed him CC though. CC better used on subs for when you get better captains.
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>Only got 2 levels of Cooldown and 1 of Slots from 18 tomes on my Sengoku
Give me those last 2 goddamn levels of Bind I need, Bamco
Personally, I'm finishing my Rayray's sockets before I start on SW Ace's (especially since I've only got 3 left to go)
well im almost done socketing him since i have no other unit worth it, no idea on who im gonna use my tome when im done since my units are overall shity. As for candy im like 80 atk candy in so there is no point not finishing now that i already put that much candy
Ray's really not bad to socket, it's just that I use Fuji/LL/Croc for all of coliseum so I have no reason to socket him. If only he wasn't a trash sub.

I get why his special is so mediocre these days, since the despair/bind reduction was really good when he first showed up since there were no sockets, but jesus christ everyone can do it now so rayray is useless.
Don't neglect his stats. If you can afford to bring a beatstick, he's your boi. But yeah otherwise he hasn't much going for him for special. Still, he's got a shitton HP, RCV, and great attacks and 4 slots, so if you can afford to bring him, pretty hot.
I hate to say it but I have Inthawk/Fuji as a purple beatstick if i need one.

If I'm running a full int team though for whatever reason I usually do Ray/Ray/Inthawk/Fuji/Robin/Noland so he does have his uses.
>I have Inthawk/Fuji as a purple beatstick if i need one.
Dude you did tell me that and I totally forgot. My bad.
i only have rayray but his special really make him awfull even as a beatstick, if i need INT im gonna use him as a captain because he is my best choice but i would never use him as a sub
I have to get rainbow everything, loads of dragons, some penguins, get Marco books and do some Friezas. Why would they give us an event like Frieza with all this shit going on.
To every OPTC player here.

Can we all work together on this? Dokkan and TC should work together just this once so we can get prizes. So we're all happy. Then we can go back to hating each other.

From, A Dokkan Player who just wants the prizes.
They were retarded and released this event when there is no reason to do it other than the MAYBE 15 gems for OPTC, sadly. People who think we'll get 45 gems are beautiful dreamers but I'm cynical and there's no reason to farm Frieza when there's Hawkins colo and Halloween fortnights.

RIP Dokkan Battle's prizes.
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Maybe you can use them on a WB team?
It's not happening. It's just hard enough so that casuals who might be inticed to farm the event are deterred and useless enough so that people who can easily farm it won't want to. Reddits not falling for it either. Even if you managed to somehow rally both 4chan and reddit, they're actually just a drop in the ocean of shitters.
I don't really feel like playing this, though. Even imagining that we might get 45 gems for it, I can't see it as worth the time and effort.
shanks fn when

need sockets :(
its coming up on half stam or something you faggot
when is 40 stam freeza coming out
it's the last level of the event. we have to unlock it.
fuck that we are never making it to the top are we
Maybe soon. There's a lot of value in what's out right now, Freeza's just the worst of it all.
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>People are actually farming Frieza
>when Halloween and Coli are happening RIGHT now.
>ray books
>or 45 gems
you are an idiot
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>"45" gems assuming
>When Japan didnt even get that much
>Not realizing this is the only time to socket Sanjis/Zoros that drop decently well and have decent skill books

>Farming Frieza where you can get Kaya and Bellemere books and maybe, just maybe, a chance at a decent skill book, after 5 runs maybe
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RAY BOOKS
>zoro drops well
>kaya books
>he cant beat 30 stam
i cant believe there are people so autistic in this thread they rather farm for a units that has multiple fortnights out to socket it

rather than farming an event that gives them a month and a half of gems people ITT are completely fucking retarded
>he doesn't want lobsters
I wouldn't be surprised if its 45 gems if you match gems with dragonstone rewards

dokkan doles out dragonstones like nobody business
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>Acting like lobsters drop enough to care about them

OPTC doesnt, and optc isnt as pay2win as dokkan

>Still clinging to the belief its 45 gems
Wheres your source
Are you the guy that said we were never getting Zephyr?
yea but just based on the tiered rewards, they are giving 1:1 dragonstone:gem
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>Wheres your source
His source is obviously pattern recognition, like how Nightmare Luffy's coming on the 31st of Octoboh wait
how low is your IQ that you cant recognize patterns?

>drake poster
oh ur a nigger carry on subhuman
>Only 3 tiers out
>Assumes 45 gems
>ANY event in the game giving 45 gems
>ANY OPTC Jpn event giving anything close to 45 gems

Cause they gave 45 gems back in Japan right
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Even if it weren't 45 there's still plenty reason to at least unlock 40 stam for tome farming outside of Coli days

but sure go ahead and stay in denial.
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>Implying you need to farm it like a subhuman to unlock something that'll be unlocked easily anyway
For a place that uses reddit and facebook for their "Like for a Pirate" events so much, you people give too much shits about Frieza
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I just want my free shit man.

besides, I dont have a useable Zoro or Sanji so HW is useless to me
Brook is trash
Not doing Indigo til half stam
And Coli only needs a day or two for each unit you wanna really farm, and will be back 3 times
this week is relaxed enough to do Freiza and get the rewards out of the way early, yall have no real excuse other than laziness or needing HW sockets
Laziness? Explain that one to me.
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>Brook is trash
If you don't realize how good FN Brook is, you're a dummy.
>Brook is trash
>Coli ... will be back 3 times
you're not very bright
They gave out the first two rewards. They'll update the score in an hour.
I think they stopped updating the score so often so we don't get too many rewards at once.
>not socketting HW Zoro himself
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colo has a 3 week cycle, friend.

sure if he's literally your only QCK Slasher I guess hes decent, but most people will never use him or have 3d2y/SW, also
>using the worst SH in the game outside of rare niche moments
there are too many way better Slashers ahead of him to be worth farming
>using FN Brook as a slasher
Oh, you're just retarded. And this Colosseum rotation will return 5 times.
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>unironically being retarded
this sugo shitted out Pells. There's no reason to use Brook.

and Lucci is coming back soon for people in need of QCK Slashers.
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> we will never get SW Usopp books
> nor Doffy books

I just want to make fun teams, guys :(
Are people really expected to farm Frieza when we have:
>Halloween strawhats 2
>Hawkens colo
>The Z-man tomorrow
>3D2Y Sanji books
Even Brook and Wanze have more reliable book drops then Frieza.
What were they thinking?
ok, where would you ever have a need for FN brook since hes so good?

>5 weeks
>colosseum will still be here after Freiza
so why do you need to do it now?
>no reason to use Brook
>ever thinking of FN Brook as a slasher
It's like you don't even play this game or know about future content.
>i cant believe there are people so autistic in this thread they rather farm for a units that has multiple fortnights out to socket it

Zoro has two fortnights that he appears in.
>week = instance
>being a retarded anime poster
>doesn't know impostor strawhats exist
>doesn't know kuja ship exists
>doesn't know rocket man exists
it's like your brain isn't even there
what future content could Brook possibly have use in?
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>The Z-man tomorrow
you might wanna tune in about 40 minutes from now
Anything that you have to zombie, he is the ideal zombie captain when combo'd with Impostor Strawhats and/or an hp reducing ship.
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>what is Pell and Laboon?
>I'm being retarded and you can't stop me.
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>defending a meme team
>ideal zombie anything

Not with a fucking 70% hp threshold he isn't
>doesn't know about health % reducing options
Don't post about things you nothing of.
>Global gets 45 gems for Frieza
>then Bamco proceeds to do the rollback
You'll all see soon enough
>doing a rollback almost 4 months later
honestly with global's level of competence doing a rollback would probably just delete everyones accounts
only thing on global getting rolled back is my foreskin
>2x drop on evolver

shit how do they expect us to complete the frieza event with all this shit

muh 45 gems
>having a foreskin
>mutilated genitals
I'm sorry your parents didn't want you to experience true sexual pleasure.
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Too far man.
>150k points
>not even 100k
>gems still equal to the current lvl
hopefully itll shoot up today now that colo is gone we really need the 45 gems
we zephyr now
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Why do parents let this happen to their children if they aren't religious?
Seriously, It's their fucking dick, wouldn't the Dad know how much it sucks to have the snip?
Thank Usopp i'm not an American
why would anyone run frieza when Zephyr is up?
> poor people wanting 45 gems


im farming colo every time its up, and when its not, im farming hw fortnight. fuck your gems you fucking loser.
>Look at me I'm a whale
no one cares what youre farming or how much you whale
Serious question, why would anyone still need Zephyr after his original Global appearance which came during a skillup event?
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you come to ME asking for help to get your poverty gems, and then say you dont care? kiss my feet, you sub 300 PL pleb. enjoy your 15, not 45, gems that I PERSONALLY wont be helping with
I'm not farming Zephyr until I pull SW Ace and I still might not even if I do.

I've got LL, Croc, Fuji, Doffy, Sengoku, SW Shanks, and Rayleigh. I will never need that shitty raidboss for anything other than running Domino for Boa books. Zephyr is a raidboss for f2p/new players.
Zephyr is way too boring to finish in fewer than 5 appearances.
i couldnt beat him 100% the first time he was around so i didnt want to waste gem on death by lack of damage
no one is asking for your help faggot
We didn't all pull SW Ace
ok but when ur mum spanks you again dont ask me to dick her into submission to stop the beatings
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Please don't give smug lolis attention.
i cant believe there are people who didnt max zeph first time he showed up
I didn't either, but him appearing during skillup is way too good to pass up on.
But anon, I need my damage reduction sockets
Waste of gems if you're never going to use him.
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no one can resist not giving smug lolis attention
Post your finished legends boys.

Don't bully my orbs I use him as a Lucci sub.
>0 candies
Try again.
>implying I would waste candies on Marco

Until I pull an Ace or a Jinbei and need more RCV, it ain't happening. Marco isn't even the last hitter on his own teams.
Unless it's maxed candy, special, level and sockets, your legend is not finished, bud.
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>only legends I have are sockettable
>have all these tomes just waiting for a good legend
If nothing else, I just want to use them so I can free up space.
Where do all these Treasure Cruise groups come from? You know, the idiots with tags in their names. Like [K.ID] and [CP9]. I get a friend request from those guys at least 3 times a day.
>no CC at all
Should I even bother with zephyr? Im not pulling ace anytime soon and I'd rather keep farming 3d2y sanji books for my lucci.
I've been saving RCV candy and just pulled Marco. Should I give him 70 I've saved? I do have Ace too.
Probably some shitty forum or plebbit.
Just use them on an often used sub for a legend that you can't otherwise socket.

Or on a legend that's extremely painful to socket, such as Shanks.
See >>158600001
QCK Marco needs RCV to fully heal Ace/Jinbei. But I'd max Enel's RCV first if you haven't already.

congrats tho

I was lucky enough to get nothing with the 15 skillbooks from this colo
Thanks. I've maxed Enel so I'll feed them. I bet I pull Corazon next Sugo now.
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Leo gets a fortnight and he has Fujitora books
My SW Shanks is 100% good on sockets. Not too sure what sub to use otherwise. I'll just hold on until the second anniversary and see if I get something good there. Seems like the best course of action.
nice cabbage soon pls global
Can someone lend me a Vivi or Monet so I can zombie my way through Zephyr? My little Pell is lonely and needs proper company to beat this fucker
We'll what RRs do you find yourself running regularly?

I find myself including Hack, Leo and Squard on teams so often that I'd be totally fine throwing socket books at them were I not presently socketing Corazon, even though they have their own fortnights down the track.
Monet is up

189 614 388
Well, I've got Hack and Squard of those you listed. What about using tomes on Caesar? I've only really used him for Wapol's fn so far, but he'll see more use later on, right?
Thank you!
I'm not sure. I've got Caesar as well and I've also only used him during Wapol's fortnight. I'm not sure I'd ever run driven teams unless I were to pull Fuji, Cavendish, or Doffy. He'd certainly be a great use of tomes if you did have a driven legend, but then Cavendish/Fuji would take priority anyway.

Also while Hack is a core STR sub for me (he pairs very nicely with SW Franky for a couple orbs + boost + HP cut), your mileage may vary. I also probably only run Squard so often because strikers are my favorite type and I have legend Lucci to make use of his powerhouse typing as well.
Yeah, you bring up good points. Thanks for the help. I still think I'll just wait until the anniversary and see if I get someone better. I'll have tons more tomes by then anyway from all the Colo rewards we'll get by Feb.
New T-bone ranking for damage dealt in a single turn. So many gems this week.
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>retards ITT care about getting 3 gems for a ranking every other week
>dont care about getting 45 for 1 week
> poor people harassing anyone who posts in this topic about anything trying to change the subject to their 45 gems

kill yourself you fucking third world neet faggot. get a job
When did I say I don't care about those cross-over gems? I thought it was obvious by saying "so many gems this week" that I was including them too.
>muh 45 gems
Fuck you and fuck every dokkan player
>check mail
>they sent out two namis instead of the usopp
>checked mail
>didn't check box
>didn't read mail
Smooth move, idiot.
wtf are you talking about you retard they sent out the 2nd reward twice and didnt send out the 3rd lvl reward
>2nd reward twice
>still didn't check box
>still didn't read mail
>still doesn't understand how the rewards were distributed
You're a brazilian, aren't you?
They hadn't updated the counter until after they gave out the rewards. The rewards for level 2 were sent out in two mails. You could have easily confirmed this if you checked your box.
are you kidding? we have been on lvl 3 since last night
>can't read English
>posts in an English forum
BR Leave.
Jesus Christ man stop embarrassing yourself
>gets scammed
>rolls over and takes it
this community is such a bunch of cucks no wonder you all watch zeenigami
>I'll just sidestep my retardation and hope they forget.
Not gonna happen, you retarded shitskin.
We all know you weren't only pretending.
>literally two pieces of mail giving nami rewards
>both say already claimed
>hurrrrr no there is no problem here
>still can't read English
Yes. We already know you're not trolling. You can't just make dumber and dumber posts and make everyone believe you aren't really that stupid.
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ide screen shot the fucking mistake if i could open two pieces of mail at once
It's just tragic now.
We have 118k, they have 175k and we need 150k for level 4.
Level 5, sorry. And we get 5 gems for level 5 as well as HP, ATK and RCV Candy x4.
If level 6 says get 1 day of skill up, i will run those stages
Burning Blood got a patch today on Steam, anyone know what it did?
Ill be farming Frieza the week after this if I don't care that much about Sun Pirates. Aside from the raids and colo, Frieza is the most interesting thing out for a while.
>28 gems
>need to farm Haloween SHs, Shiki, and Zephyr
man this is rough
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> we wont get boa until middle of 2017
> everyone has delay protectors

why live
So you guys think 40sta Frieza is fuckable?
You mean if we are unlocking it? who knows. The fight it self is a cakewalk at this point because how much new units have been released, since he was first introduced.
Yeah, I wanted to talk about him but didn't know what to say. I guess I'm more interested in the droprates of stuff on him.
Nice team Face :)
Opinion, is Big Z worth prioritizing over Halloween? I feel like I'm wasting my time because Z will be back sooner.
Normally I'm hesitant with the movie shit, but I say do Halloween over Z. HW is twice a year, if that, Z is (hopefully) permanent. Even if he hypothetically wasn't, they'd give us him once more as a farewell.
will he?
you sure about that?
A GPU book from Frieza isn't too bad. I do have a second one I could level up.
No, but he's still in Japan. Shiki however is another story.
I'm tired and I just want Cavendish to come to global
Why? He's a meme. Just pray you pull Fuji.
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>Captain: Increses crew's atk by 2.25, increases it by another 1,75 for characters who have a STR orb, and increases the rate of STR orbs ( 3.9375x for any unit with a STR orb )

Special: Deals very large non-type dmg to all enemies, randomizes all orbs except STR, and boosts the atk of characters with a cost of 50 and over by 1,75x for 2 turns

2*Akainu, Legend Lucci, Barto, Whitebeard and Raid Kuma breaks this game probably
Game has easily already been 100%'d with a lot of characters, and there's a rare recruit which has a 20% chance to flat out beat whatever you're stuck on.

Game has been easymode for a bit.
Double Akainu gives a base 15,5 boost to characters with a STR orb.
It doesn't say anywhere that that character even need to be STR. So maybe even a support unit with different type would get that boost, given some full board orb control.
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What the fuck, that's absolutely fucking broken.
Dear /opg/ nakama, I have a question. Is it worth maxing ripper Zoro skill if he is max level and has full sockets ?
fucking power creep
At that point I'd max him out of autism more than anything else, it's a pain to see him without a maxed special.
Update out, we are still holding Dokkan back from the next level.
Guess people are busy farming Z.
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>all these retards who said that there is no chance we'll get 45 gems from Freeza

boy they must feel stupid
Zephyr is the only f2p captain who can beat Sabo raid currently. You have to be retarded not to farm him
I know , but it feels like a waste of stamina at this point. I have allready acquired everything I needed from that fortnight (including marco books). Is it really that necessary to max his skill ?
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Who the fuck is completely F2P at this point.
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Batch details are out

>Captain: Increses crew's atk by 2.25, increases it by another 1,75 for characters who have a STR orb, and increases the rate of STR orbs ( 3.9375x for any unit with a STR orb )

>Special: Deals very large non-type dmg to all enemies, randomizes all orbs except STR, and boosts the atk of characters with a cost of 50 and over by 1,75x for 2 turns

>Captain Reduce 2 turns cd at the start of the fight to all crew, slasher and driven get 1.6x atk
>Special Meat, tandem and bomb orbs get randomly shuffled, for 2 turns slasher and driven's red, blu, green slots get treated as matching orbs
>Crew 5 turns numbness reduction for himself only

>Captain STR and PSY chars get 2.5x atk
>Special Deals 30x his atk as fixed damage to all enemies (ignores any barrier), delays all enemies for 1 turn, greatly reduces defense
>Crew Crew gets +75 basic atk

>Captain When crew has a STR, DEX, QCK, PSY and INT char (one for each kind), slasher and cerebral get 2.5x their atk, 10%damage reduction
>Special Deals 15x his atk as DEX damage to all enemies, for 2 turns crew deals 1.5x more damage to delayed enemies
>Crew Slasher and cerebral chars get +75 basic atk

>Captain With 2 perfects crew gets 2.5x atk, bonus increases for each perfect until you score 5 - with 5 perfects crew gets 3.5x atk
>Special When hp is lower than 3000, no-heal debuff (like Raid Akainu) gets removed, heals 13x his rcv
>Crew 5 turns recovery from blindness

>Captain At the end of each turn heals 0.1x her rcv for each perfect and 1.5x for each good you hit
>Special 10 hits of QCK damage to random targets, crew gets 1.5x atk for 1 turn
>Crew Recovers 1 turn of numbness to all crew
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also Garp ship in Rayleigh shop

max lvl, it boost STR / PSY atk by 1.5x, hp 1.25x

reminder to save all your RR dupes for Rayleigh shop
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>Garp is the worse unit of the bunch
>His ship is shit too
How do they just do this.
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Friendly reminder to evolve your Tabasco Usopp we get from the Freeza event to GPU for a free GPU skillup chance
>double type 2,5* ATK boost

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Please look up the definition of "worst" Pedro.
please tell me how Tsuru is better than Garp in that batch smartguy
Literally Sengoku's special, 1.5x to the entire fucking crew, an incredible special for hibrid teams.
Garp delays for 1 turn and boosts 2 types that don't even go well together and have 0 synergy.
Again, just stick to your content globalroach.
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>1,5* boost is an incredible special
>when literally every class and type team already has a 1,75* or 2* ATK booster
>implying you'd ever need to boost every unit in a G3/LL/Rayleigh team instead of just the hardest hitters

thanks, you made me giggle
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>He keeps thinking his opinion matters
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>smugface implying reply because he cannot make a good contra argument

stay classy
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You're not worth more than this.
why do complete shitters like this even post ITT?
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Finished socketing HWZoro, which should be the next one? Wofl Zoro? I don't own 3D2Y or SW Zoro
can you do the one time only special quest more than once?
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>can you do the one time only special quest more than once?
>one time only
Streaming Wolf Zoro is only used in a few forests. If you really struggle with those, maybe socket him.
But I would rather do v1.
I almost never use V1, especially now that I have a fully socketed DEX Kaku, who is pretty much a better version of him.

I'm just thinking about whether I should save the copies for the anniversary sugo if I pull a new Zoro, or just go socket Wolf Zoro
>30 gems from random throwaway Doffy sugo facebook event
>lol they'd never give 45 gems out for a massive crossover
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you can only do it once every once in a while, I've done it several times now, it's a periodic thing that only comes back around during major events. It takes you to the app store/google play and you just double back and the quest starts.
Baccarat WHEN
His name is german and translates to "Chief frazzling grizzlypaw".
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>Frieza event going on
>Still as dead as ever
>giving two fucks about frieza when we have zephyr up

>niggers at Bamco remove log books
>wonder why nobody is bothering with their shit event
B-But my gems!
>he didn't max Zephyr on the first time

huh, theoritically speaking wouldn't you be able to save this quest until baccarat comes
it's gonna be months until they refresh it and baccarat is licely to come in that time
>30 gems from random throwaway Doffy sugo facebook event
IIRC it was fifteen
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Post comfy zephyr teams

Is not that comfy but makes me git gud at hitting perfects, miss a couple and bye bye run
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>tfw you socketed zephyr wrong and can't bring yourself to spend gems to change it
I'll have shitty sockets forever
>post comfy Zephyr teams
>posts least comfy Zephyr team possible
Since that was the sugo I rerolled, I don't think you recall correctly.
Something that makes you improve while doing the Job it's at least acceptable, show yours
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>Something that makes you improve while doing the Job
look up the definition of "comfy" next time before you post
>I use words I don't know the meaning of.
You call everyone a cuck too, don't you?
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what did he mean by this?
fuck off bullies
>wah, stop being mean to me on the internet
fuck off john you tiny dick manlet
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This will do it ?
Joke's on you, my name's Jim.
impossible to fail with this one
>didn't post picture
Depending on your Doffy's cd you shouldn't have any problems.
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guess i can fail putting the picture tho
>didn't put negative orb on Rayleigh
Into the garbage.
I fucked up I have maxed doff but my garp is at 23 I can't do it without him
>zephyr the "easy" boss requires a maxed 60 stam raid boss
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and i forgot pic again
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>instead of giving everyone GPU so they get a free skillup let's give them the useless version!
>instead of giving everyone mirage tempo let's give them the useless version!
>instead of giving everyone plastic surgery sanji so they can evolve duval for free let's give them the useless version!
what next?
Maybe if you're a shitter.
He doesn't. But you're just fishing for (You)'s and you know it.
He doesn't even require an orb booster, much less Doffy.
sure, with gems anything is possible
That one isn't even worth a (You), use better bait on your hooks.
>>instead of giving everyone GPU so they get a free skillup let's give them the useless version!

You can evolve Tabasco to GPU.
yes, for 130k exp
is the music in the frieza stages glitched for anyone else? it keeps tearing
>trading 20 garbage books and a garbage evo mat for GPU book/socket
>not worth it
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bug chuckle.gif
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>he plays with sound
it is worth it, but why not just straight up give us him
as it stands it looks like they deliberately chose the shitty versions for every single unit
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>he didn't OTKO freezer
git gud
What is Cavendish Sugo? I'm new sorry, I know what a Sugo is but Cavendish?
>he isn't a fan of One Piece
Sorry I'm Arab and checked it, his name is Cavohammed in the arabian version.
When people say you need Legend Marco to beat harder content with SWAce they didn't mean it like that.
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Choppie is cute
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Need new thread
>Lost it

I dont even know why, but that's really funny
The game's difficulty will adjust
>slasher and cerebral get 2.5x their atk
Doesn't stack, correct?
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