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/rsg/ Runescape General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 759
Thread images: 120

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Quality game edition

Official World: 42
Official FC: "grindanfc"
Clan: GrindanScape (For an invite, go into the FC and ask for one. No requirements.)

>I've been inactive, what did I miss over the past x years

>Latest Update

>Latest Patch Notes

>Money Making Guide

>Gear Guide (Very outdated)

>Latest BTS
first for hawkeye best bf
I've just logged in to this after 5 years. Why have the prices of gear dropped so dramatically? I spent like 50 mill on the Bandos armour and fury amulet back then. What's the best gear now for someone with 80 combat stats?
1st for temmie kys
check the gear guide link in the OP
>even leddit is giving jamflex shit for the bad updates
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ooga booga where are the white women at?
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My account turned 10 years old so I decided to get a tattoo of my favourite boss.
Enjoy having everyone think your tattoo is a generic dragon
Friendly reminder to stop playing runescape
how do i uninstall this game pls
Can anyone tell me what the actual fuck is going on with Halloween. Because the sprouts are over used farts.
invention guild(north of falador)
get title
get hat
get pet?
gz! h'ween complete
Zilyana is a whore
You shut your mouth, she is innocent and pure
she is a bitch
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How will ana recover?
>1 day
do i resub to runescape???
Yes, buy premium membership goy.
is that out yet?
you even get a blue star next to your name so they know what train to put you on goy :)
you lied its not out yet :(
am i missing something?
is premium memberboat not the same as vip?
Premium membership is a full years sub paid in advance with benefits for doing so, it doesnt come out till early december and usually runs till feb
Is corruption shot worth getting?
How many times would I need to kill durzag before I could afford it?
15, assuming you dont get a drop and if you have reroll unlocked its very likely you'll get at least one in 15
2many pay gp
Buying abilities with teci is retarded
you won't need it anymore by the time you get it
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>330 barrows chests
>still no full set

the mememan grind is real
>can't play RS3 at the same time I play osrs

Guess I won't, then.
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>tfw haven't played RS in 3 days due to computer problem
>missed those dailies
>all ships still at dock
>missed 3 reaper task
>missed that sprout event for free wings
pic related
computer keeps shutting down for a good one minute before being able to turn back on if I launch anything heavy, even when watching youtube videos
guessing that it's a motherboard problem
rip in piece anon's computer
he will be missed the computer, not the anon
What am I supposed to be using resonance on during araxxor?
reflecting damage to yourself on web
How much ammo can the elven quiver hold?
When he webs hit him and use resonance to heal off your own attack
20k iirc
I hate when araxxor minion path is active.
Then wait till tonight
She is a cunt and deserves to get raped to death
Are dragonstones worth keeping or just sell them?
keeping for what purpose
I dunno
If you only want gp, sell them. If you think the gp/xp rate for crafting them is good, cut then sell
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>bring infernal urns to abyssal demons
>they fill in like 30 kills

should I even bother?
I can't afford to charge my ectoplasmator but I feel like it's a waste to leave the ashes
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new fastest pay2win maxed record when?
have your alt pick them up and sell them :D
I think that happens when runeclan tracks the user for the first time and imports all their data from alog
also happens on name change
Why is loot from Helwyr so shitty?
Because he's a degenerate piece of shit and the only gwd2 boss worth fighting is Gregorovic anyway.
compared to what
>gwd2 boss
>worth fighting
gud1 m8
Your leg looks like shit tho senpai
is it worth planting tree seeds above willow?
maples give 2k more xp for checking but it's like 50x more gp per seed
of course it does
always plant the highest level tree and fruit tree you can
can you do gw2 in t8 weapons/gear?
finally did big dwarf quest so i can do invention tasks now
are they going to eat all my components? ):
don't even bother
Is it possible to get more xp from lamps/prism stars from double xp weekend and such or are they just flat out fixed values?
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>he hates money
just streak at telos bro lo
Greg is not good money
ok cool, thanks anon
He is for me, unlike the other shitty bosses he actually drops essence, glaives, and crests and when I don't get those he likes to give me over 400k worth of battlestaves a lot.
But araxxor is both better money and easier
Rax is being a cunt and hasn't given me any leg drops, I've mostly been getting herbs and seeds. Greg at least is more consistent money and don't have to kill over 200 times just to get 1 good rare drop.
Ugh fuck the shit just embroidering The weather, crop failure now, fuck it.
what did they mean by this
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i dunno
sure is a nice day for it tho :)
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Just started playing again Thursday after being gone for about 6 years...holy fuck shit is fucking different.

Anybody playing atm? Wouldnt mind grouping for something.
there's nothing to group for with your levels
just do quests
What did you do to you're image?
Also no one uses grouping systems afaik
>dragon rider cape in inventory
scroll to the top
join the FC
welcome back anon
I built an aquarium, what the hell do I place in it? I always thought it was just the oyster, I didn't realize there was so much.
>join the fc
Don't do that it's low functioning autist, dramafag, and furfag containment, they stay there so that these threads don't turn shit.
just the prawnbroker and the aquarium itself

go fishing to get the perks and the ornaments
yeah but it at least consists of people who are actually on right now

low level pawnbroker for fishy perks
high level diving suit if you care about free planks/elite clue once a week
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I meant in this thing

also, what prawn perks are good?
I need some sauce on that fampai
Poor peanut ;w;
kelp/seeweed if you are autismo when it comes to dailies
oysters are the same but for gems
treasure chest is weekly elite clue
purse's are free weekly planks
plug is for prestige if you care about that
things with placenames give extra xp
everything else is cosmetic
oh for that you put everything you get while fishing
treasure chests, oysters, decorations, etc

as for perks, it will probably take you a level or 2 to get all of them so don't worry
as someone who has killed 25k abyssal demons in the last couple weeks
that 25m i lost is nothing compared to how annoying it would be to collect them
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>you will never protect his smile
I leave them on the ground. Urns take too much space and ectoplasmator is too expensive.
t. lazy shitter
how long does it actually take to grind out the minigame hybrid armor? my autistic friend wanted to get a full set from thaler, just seems like a gigantic waste of time
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he's still smiling somewhere, anon.
what armor?
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this shit
pretty sure he only wants vanguard
Do you know how to reverse image search?
>700 thaler a piece
>5 pieces
>1 thaler for each minute if on spotlight/1 per 5 minutes if not

Best case scenario, doing it all on spotlight:
59 hours
Assumed cropped gif wouldn't work
sorry, i meant how long does it take to grind it using the minigames, if there's anyone thats done that
He's so innocent T_T
I want to hug him
>It takes a minimum of approximately 110-118 hours to obtain all hybrid armour set pieces from all minigames. Note that it will likely take much longer than this, as this does not include the time taken for games that are losses.
Sorry to say but it's not cropped
assuming you havent a life and can put in about 10 hours solid grinding a day those 60 hours of spotlit grinding seem unlikely so id say 5 weeks of grinding till your gums bleed
alrighty, thank you
cry more chinks
you need a minimum of 200 fight pits wins, 60 castle wars wins, 150 fist of guthix wins, 120 souls wars wins and 500 pest control wins

for each piece

it looked like it was to me
I'm a cracker with cute boy flavored yellow fever
i guess it's about time to start this quest
nah it's shit
What piece of armor would you guys recommend I augment and put my scavenging 3 gizmo on for general use? I was thinking akrisae's robe bottom, since it's cheap and hybrid
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>it's a nechryael task
Yeah, that's probably the best option
>two slayer assignment dailies in a row
You get slayer points for a reason mang, skip that shit.
talking about how he cried after he lost LUL

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Has anyone found this fucking thing? Ive been to like 40 islands and havent seen one cocoa, but i found like 30 dusky wingulls or whatever they are. Do i have to be on the java client or something? The wiki had something about nxt having duskys
Literally found that yesterday off an uncharted isle scroll drop from nex.
can I still get the skilling backpack? I just started playing again on a new account and it looks nice
Are you on the java client or NXT?
no :D
why did you put :D asshole

I'm sad
cause i got an exclusive team cape
hurah for excluding others!
Haven't played in a bit
Did the "fix" to walking bosses make it harder to farm Vindicta?
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Almost got a free bond out of it.
it did but it's supposedly been fixed
So it's still 10m/h easy?
I didn't do anything beyond string him on, was hoping he'd give me a bond then I'd put him on ignore.
>come to my rs house and have rs sex
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i wish hawkeye would come to my house and have rs sex
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I was on the java client yeah but i don't think that matters?
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a person like this exists
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Whats the point?
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Your anime will return to the source!
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I've been a woodcutter by heart all of my 10+ years of casually playing Runescape. I finally want to get my 99 but I want to make some money out of it. What should I do?
ah yes, the not so elusive 10+years and no 99 player, aka created a account a long time ago and never really played much.
woodcutting is shit and bad money
stop woodcutting and do something that actually wield profits
i have 99 fishing
do something else
am i supposed to think that's good?
if you want a ""impressive"" afk skill go for div, that way u can confirm your autism
do you all not understand? i want 99 wc. im asking what is the most beneficial way to get there in terms of gp
crystal trees.
You'll get 0 gp
if you do elders from 90 you'll probably end up with a profit of 12 gp, but it will take 10 times longer than crystal trees or ivy
how about you use the fucking wiki retard, do you not understand, most logs are worthless price wise, the few that are relatively ok are super slow, 100 hours for 3 mil gp isn't worth it.
Crystallize teaks. Then in the many hours you saved earn more money than the slow method would have earned you
Gotta love lootting Airuts, 5m/hr profit for little picking up junk loot
i do use the fucking wiki retard. fucking stupid 4chan autist. im gonna continue with my old ways. gonna chop the logs, gonna fletch some bows, and gonna alchemize some golds.
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I bet you don't even have a augmented crystal hatchet with honed and furnace
not poster, but i wish i did :(
shut the fuck up weeb
why don't you have it anon
make sure to print a ebin 90 99 loot tab xdddd
>calling someone autist
>proceeding to be autistic
>calls the guy a weeb
>posts asian girl
just alch the tree

bring a fire staff so you can save cost on fire runes
are you Australian per chance
y u no naturestaff?
do the math man
5 fire runes
1 nature rune
fire staff saves 5 runes while nature staff just saves one
it's obvious
no. god bless america
nice tatas
wow anon you have so many great pictures, i'd love for you to share some more before you go fucking kill yourself.
>saving pictures with a higher resolution than the screen you use to see them
worth using the crystal siphon on level 12 crystal rods or just dismantle level 10 fishing-rod-o-matics?
this one is great. I would give my left nut to impregnate this bitch
alch them for bank
you can't alch them
tfw (1-1)^1 gf
just noticed I have 6 keepsake keys from god knows when in my bank.

Any recommendations for 2h melee weapons to keepsake?
>Primal 2h
>pogo stick
I see those birds all the time when I'm hopping small islands looking for taijitsu
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I want to marry this bird.
does the normal crystal armor increase the tarddian crystals dropped from shapeshifters or only attuned crystal
Normal does, just not as much as attuned.

You're gonna have a bad time no matter what though.
thank you mqc
how much energy should you buy for 60-70 divination?
so ive got about 30m in liquid assets atm, anything worth flipping in that price range?
dont buy energy for divination unless youre dice af. Its a pretty big waste of money for minimal time saved
Retard and/or shitter detected
Shapeshifters are fun
I seem to remember hearing that preferred slayer tasks can be received back to back unlike normal tasks, but now I can't find reference to it anywhere. Does anyone know if that's true?
It ain't
What happens to diviner's outfit when I die in the wild? Can i reclaim it from Diango?
yes but cost money to reclaim like those slayer masks
actually just tested right now. Didn't notice any loss of money though. probably just taken from money pouch
Would 91 RC be worth it for a nooby Ironman? The Greater Runic Staff seems like a nice easy t75 plus double nats.
If you want to live in runespan
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Just came out of a coma and recovered my old account. Bank pin needs to reset. What features of new Runescape I should check out first?
It's pretty overwhelming.
The first thing I did on my ironman was afk runespan to 90 rc while playing my main. I unlocked ports asap and I used the t75 staff for a very long time, until I got the sunspear. Very worth if you want something to afk early on or want to do ports soon.
In Lumbridge there's an in-game tutorial for the new combat mechanics. I'd start there. This Wiki is your best friend. Welcome back, anon. http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Combat_Academy
Thanks anon. I'll probably check everything out for a few weeks before I decide whether to resubscribe.

Out of curiosity, would my house from 9 years ago still be accessible if I resubscribed? I remember I loved building that thing.
Yes if you re-subbed for membership you'd have access to your Construction player-owned house
How did you get into a coma and for how long?
hawkeye is bae
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big high war god didn't deserve this
>big high war god didn't deserve this
The point of war is kill or be killed, what were you expected?
I mean "what did you expected?"
Whoever is posting tits can this be a rule. Seriously more tits
ill post my rs tits if u post ur rs dick >:3c--c
you post first.
Do quests
is it worth crafting the sunfire set now?
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what boss is next easiest to unlock?
Didnt they remove the solar flares already?
Which is more expensive herblore or summoning?
Whichever you wanna do faster
arzinian avatar and black knight guardian are easy quests and easy bosses
>a void dance
>1-5 hours
nice try anon ;)
In what world does it take more than 1 hour to do that quest?
Is that fron the wiki?
yeah, no idea how long it would actually take since i dont hold spacebar through the whole quest
How much gp would 82-96 summoning cost?
Still not that much, probably arround 1:30, it's definetly not long
I don't know what the wiki person did but he probably fucked it up
Best xp/charm or best xp/gp?
The best pouch that doesnt cost a fuck ton to make you can do for each level
Then arround 40-50m

Probably arround 10-15m
I wish the wobberdongs weren't wobbergone.

Is paying a leprechaun to compost your patches worth it?

Does paying one leprechaun makes him compost every patches that i use?
it makes him use compost from the stored compost tab, so you need to make sure you keep it topped up. He will compost every single patch, including wilderness.

It's a quality of life thing, the amount of inventory you save doesn't actually matter, as you should be using signs of porters to bank gatherables anyway. I like doing it though, cause I'm lazy.

-t. 112 farming
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thx m8
have a reaction pic
120 cape or max cape?
i remember when this used to be actually painful
now its like 60k LUL
>having a 120 before maxing
max cape actually has some function
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is there any use for full guthans anymore? managed to scrap one together on my mememan
Afk invention at hellhounds if you're too poor/lower level for airuts
I cooked a full inventory of lobsters without burning any at level 61 cooking
It's 120k
>88 attack
>still using BGS
who /poor/ here
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Just use fertile soil u pleb
L2farm you fucking idiot
>99 ranged
>still using RCB
I'm with you bud.
But... chaotics are a thing.
>tfw 99 attack
>still don't own a zgs
being poor is suffering
>99 attack
>still using SGS and the twin blades

Yup, still poor. Spending too much on skilling (fuck Prayer and Herblore costs).
>99 attack
>chaotic spear
>99 mage
>attuned crystal staff
>99 ranged
>royal crossbow

I know that feel
Seriously, why? It's not like T85s are expensive and if you're max combat you can easily grind a few hours of bosses.
my dung is only 70 and I'm only 1/4 of the way to cimp let alone chaotics
>oldschool babbies this insecure
because fuck dual wielding
thinking about buying a lance, though
it's "what did you expect"
h'ween event tomorrow
assuming noon update
anyone watch the streams have a hint at how long it'll take?
just wondering if i'll have time to do quests tomorrow
20 minutes per day during 6 days
alright thats fine then
thanks anon<3
Have you tried them since Jagex patched their response to prayer?
Summoning, you can get your herb to 99 for free just by doing warbands.
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Who else brawlers here?
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the text should be yellow
use the actual runescape font in yellow
is this what temmie looks like irl
please respond
>2x the time for ~1.3x the xp
>siphons 800k-1m ea atm
ok thanks
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Reporting in
I saw a guy with a woodcutting pet who only had 16k xp
>tfw we will never know skilling pet drop rates
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Finally given up with 20 levels to max. I just can't grind anymore.
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>Haven't played in 6 years
>Dragon rider cape
Are large uncharted islands better for finding taijitu? I was doing smalls prior to the arc 2 update and got quite a few, but I've been on quite a streak without since it launched
Yes but smalls give more per sippy r
disassemble rods, because then you might get the mats to make crystal siphons if you ever use a hatchet or pick
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>rubber toe
ya'll niggas just gotta kill a mothafuckin spider 2 o 3 times to buy a bond maaane

help a nigga out gimme a bond or sum shit
laughivore I'm at lumbridge lodestone world 29
You sound like you suck dick for a living.
Maybe after a blowy or two.
where should I train ranged at 73?

I'm using a crystal bow
sorry I just enjoy talking like I'm a black gangster sometimes
Just do slayer since half the tasks are weak to range
Waterfiends (assuming you don't want to spend the money on chinning)
hello, is this page 10?
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it's a dead fuckin game mate
Trying to fund my herblore from 85 to 96. Is qbd still reliable money? Don't have much done for quests like rotm and my dung is shit
Qbd is still a bit over 200k/kill and very consistent and the only bosses that are better money are much harder
as dead as bandos
Is there any point to pulling the plug in my aquarium if i already have prestige 2?
golden barehanded shark animation :D
and a new buttplug
but isn't it a new day in britishland
updates are usually at 12 pm
see >>158222109
and >>158222193
You probably missquoted
but what if he didn't?
then he just said to me what i said myself
you right 'olmes
not you esé
I've been farming nihils all day and only after I finish do I realize I don't have the summoning level to even make the pouches.
I hope you've been killing the smokes, they have the best regular drops
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These wings look like weed buds
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How do I train this piece of shit?
create pouches during amlodd vos
And stop picking up gold charms
Crimson charms: granite lobsters, then pack yaks

Blue charms: obsidian golems and geyser titans

Green charms: either unicorns or don't use, they're expensive as hell and slowish

Gold charms: not worth using at all, you get faster summoning xp farming waterfiends for crims and using those than using golds you already have
young money
cash money
if you like temple trekking talon beasts are quite good
rate my runecouple
sosolid2k in drag catfishing typical thaler farmer with meme hat/7
red and green?
its halloween not christmas you jibberjang
mushrooms are good chimes
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sharksoup or bust.
i'm 94 fishing anon
working on it though
one good session at waterfall anon.
div 4 afk
hunt 4 taijitu
evens do task then clue
odds do clue then task
gl on clue anon
>in kuradal's dungeon for abyssal demons
>elite spawns on final kill
>"You don't have permission to kill those."

fuck you jamflex
>in kuradal's dungeon for abyssal demons
Oh no :(
Should we tell him?
What have you learned
don't ever reply to me again retard

jagdad is gay
serves you right for going to cuckadal's dungeon
why not use it?
Roof of slayer tower is better xbee per hour
finished dailies
not tired
wut do?
Slayer tower roof is better
but +10% damage on kuradal's dungeon makes it even
Not really, slayer xp is per creature, and is limited to the amount you're given, so optimizing for time does nothing, whereas optimizing for xp does more.

Also speed really isn't an issue with an aggro pot and a halbard.
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>needing a +10% damage boost for abyssal demons

makes the task faster you dumbos so you can go kill better shit afterwards
Pretty good taste.
It doesn't make the task faster tard
There are only 8 in Kura's, 10 on slayer tower roof
why does the amount matter? you won't have more than 5 or 6 on you anyways
AOEs hit more means more kills/hour
use AOE on kuradals dungeon and it hits 10% more
are you memeing me?
You have become the meme anon.
stop using kuradal's dungeon, it is a bad place for most things.
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do you really think i don't know what i'm doing
plebs go to slayer tower
enjoy your slower task
You are limited by spawns not dps when killing abyssal demons, so the spot with more spawns that are closer together is better.
>he slays in full void
oh no
you've just confirmed that you're an idiot with your stats and qp anon. Stay in cuck dungeon, you are beyond help you 9th level shitter.
You guys are more stupid than him.
He couldn't have taken that picture if it's him, retards.
That's the examine window.
>autism shoes
I know this is someone elses examine but still.
>not having a picture of your own examine saved to rub in people's noses
I bet you don't even ed8 fag
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i have many more
Which shoes are they?
>99 attack and strength
>still using guthans/sunspear/crapier with korasi's
Glacor boots, anyone who wears them is defacto autistic, a casualfag, and/or a shitter.
It's fucking uncanny.
I got triggered by the first one already, I'm not even going to see the rest.
I'm too poor to buy any of them, but why are they bad? Aren't they some of the best feet slot items? I can understand if you're talking about the visuals of them; the spiky shit is really stupid.
Tank items, so useless, and the upgrade that turns the, into t90 degradable power boots isn't worth the cost 90-100% of the time.
They're like autism sneakers though, for some reason, people who regularly wear them and/or use them as overrides are the worst kind of autists.
make it stop
when did playing this game become a chore? I miss my friends.
when dailies became a thing
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>anyone who wears them is defacto autistic, a casualfag, and/or a shitter.
That's the entire population of runescape can fit into those 3 categories
True, but there are different strata and brands of autists.
Glacor boots wearers are like indians who comment on porn sites type of autists.
Firewater injuns or designated shitting streets indians?
when is jaggy removing this shit skill?
Do injuns even spent enough time not drunk to watch porn?
Fair point. It'd be hard for them to get through all their layers of denim anyway.
so what are good t80/t90 melee boots
They use standard degrade mechanics as opposed to "shove really expensive thing into boot to make em even more autastic"
w-what's wrong with the bottom right one?
people used to do this at nex all the time
Void is obsolete, it's faster to just use augmented range armor for the full kill since that 40k goes so fast anyway
That's why I said "used to do this", I doubt that screenshot is that recent.
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Why are you doing this to me, Wiki
I feel like I remember them doing this around previous Halloweens. I just wanna be able to read the Wiki without compressing my eyes into diamonds.
>not wanting diamond eyes
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>my eyes into diamonds
My clan is holding a Halloween party, which the prize for the best costume being a couple bonds. Since I'm a poor fag, I could really use the cash, any ideas for costumes?

I play as a female btw.
White partyhat
comp cape
gnome scarf
hide the rest
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slow thread this is this is
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wait which 1 is me because i donut has particool capes?
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hawkeye a qt
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Jesus fucking Christ that is so autistic
What kind of retard do you have to be to want to have "rs sex"
The kind of retard who calls himself moonstriker
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so rs had 35k players pre update.
The moment the update happens rs3 has no players and only the osrs population shows.

Does that mean that osrs has 25k players and rs3 only 10k?
Is this game dying?
>no conc blast buff
end it
Seismic fags BTFO
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>shitty "do x task for small amount of time capped per day type event"
>rewards are lamps, a hat, and a title
>if you find all the bits of the pet, you also have to buy it
Fucking hell, jagex.
What retards actually like these shitty excuses for holiday events?
We're you expecting anything good?
Game is dead as fuck, it's no wonder they added in mtx to stop them from losing money
No, but I am still disappointed.
The only way to tell if jagex is dying is to wait until they don't have enough money to organize Runefest anymore
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Who thought this event was a good idea
>almost afk but not quite
>0 xp
>hurr repeat every day if you want the rewards
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Wait you don't even get eggsbee?
You do get xp. It's not amazing, but it's there. Not sure what that anon was saying.
it's literally 10k xp/hr in firemaking and cooking
this event is a joke
hate to say it but the osrs one was better
Remember when holiday events were cool little quests and not just 20 minutes of semi-AFK grinding?
I miss old Jewgex.
I give this holiday event 5.9/10

the activities are just afk grind but they give some xp
I personally enjoyed the little boss fight
the rewards are "meh". I like the title and the hat is alright. Still haven't seen the spider pet but the parts were very easy to find.
the graphics are very nice.
I like how you can do the event everyday and it's not just a one time thing and you're done
but I still would've preferred the classical runescape holiday event like osrs did
I mean, the points you made are correct, the event is by far better than last year
But where are the usefull rewards? Sure there is the ectoplasmator, but for those who already have them its nothing.
I'm talking about things like Cremation, from 2 years ago.
Sure it is a very crappy gimmick and nobody would actually use it to train prayer, but it's something. Ghost hunter outfit is another thing that came into my
I feel like we have so many pets already that they are not considered an accomplishment anymore.
I don't know, I guess I'm just nostalgic fir the miniquests that we had before, maybe.

I don't play osrs but now I want to do the event there, is there any requirement?
>is there any requirement?

this event is garbage, but at least I don't have to wait for rng to give me an ectoplasmator on my hcim now.
would you a dreadnip
Do they even have an orafice?
please don't fetishize my runegame
Would you a spider?
hey /rsg/, newfag to this board but not really to rs, several months back i sold all my rs gold to buy Overwatch to play with my ex and now i regret it. i want to get back into the game but i have only like 500k and money making as free player is fucking horrible. if some richfag could give me money for 1 bond to get on my feet i would be indebted. IG name is JOHN CE NA
reminds me of foreverial tiedup
>stupid fucking name

You came to the wrong neighborhood my man
>go to do event
>rather than half hour holiday fun it's a grindfest I have to do every day

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yeah i figured it was hopeless but it doesn't hurt to try i guess
>wants my help
>outs me as a homosexual to my entire general
how about you go fuck yourself john mema
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>be at event
>be pick related
>nobody else is spooky
some guy with drakans wings and subj gear is spookiest one here
i hope you dont do this
this event is a sham and I will not make it any better by dressing spooky.
>BH re-delayed
ayy lmao
go play osrs if you don't have autism and enjoy grinding out 200m xp afk
I'm too poor to afford cosmetic spooks
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>play osrs if you don't have autism
didnt spend a penny to be a spooky scarecrow-man
just quest for odd costume bits :D
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am i spooky enough?
>spooks on my 4chan
Wait till bxp and get 99
Wings were a mistake in this game
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Is Deathmatch fun?

Should've kept them as cape slot overrides. Make people choose between their ugly wings and their epeen blankies.
100% agreed

can you imagine the "muh comp" people going insane trying to pick cape OR wings to ed8, it would be an absolutely pleasure to see the butthurt generated
what blood essence should i be bringing to melee QBD?
or should i just stick with good ole god book?
Is solo DGing viable?
viable is a broad term
can it be done? yes
is it worth it? if you hate people i guess
is it efficient? if you can never find a group who dont stop every second to swap out for someone better
Deadmatch is dead
>blood essence

another piece of dead content
just use a scrimshaw or some shit like that
dont have superiors and i already made all the essences :D
so what one is least bad?
since its already bad enough that im meleeing qbd
>meleeing qbd

good god
Gonna try fight kiln first time. How long would it take with just one style assuming I have
Full obsidian (all helms)
Drider lance with 95 melee stats
Glaives with 92 range
Chaotic staff with 87 magic
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I'm sure y'all get flooded with a shitton of posts like this, but is it worth coming back after a 2-year hiatus? Basically,
>been playing on and off since 2005
>really good timesink, something to devote attention to while working on other things
>recently got diagnosed with depression, fairly terrified of the meds they're putting me on
>just want something to keep my mind off of everything else

I had a character that was fairly "late-game" but nothing top-tier. I had full dragon armor, a few barrows sets, zamorak/bandos godswords, so on and so forth. Most levels were around 70, with magic and strength at 90. Does the /rsg/ clan fuck around a lot, or is it mostly supersrs player killing and skill-grinding?
since the buff it ought to be better part of an hour
your all geared up but you should bring the obby ring too
Aight. Thank you.
>the latter
your gonna want bandos/gwd1 gear and learn to use that there fancy new eoc
Two years ago was right when Priffindas was coming out, so you should be fine. At the very least get bandos armor, since tetsu/sirenic is likely way out of your reach if you only have 70s. Read up on the warden if you want to shoot for endgame.
Berserk, you have to use extremes though
i am loathed to make potions but i do have my dominion marker :D
>diagnosed with depression
>taking (((anti-depressants)))

Here's your cure. Go out and meet people and find a fucking hobby. I joined a book club and kyudojo. Did far more good for me than spending 2 years of my life drugged out on SSRIs.
4 rooms x 50 = 200 gray matter
Kill chimera in basement = 50gm
Collect 8 legs outside = 3 minutes of boredom
Spend < 2 hours AFKing the track for another 450 gray matter to lock everything

Nice event.
is it worth unlocking the lamp?
is it reobtainable?
small xp lamp
you get that daily from TH
Was in the same boat as you ~18 months ago, except I'd been away from the game since EoC changes hit. I'm already maxed combat and in core buyables. The game has changed a lot, throws free xp and gold at you so don't worry about gear and leveling, it will all just fall into your lap as you play.

A word of warning- people will seemingly joke about avoiding the /rsg/ clan and fc but its no joke. Just spend 10 minutes in there during peak hours and you'll realize its nothing but a circlejerk around 2 supposed female players (like every other game in existence) and a handful of unironic furries. You'll cringe out of your mind and leave forever. Most of them are teens and frequently blog about their issues. Avoid and it will take you many more months before you realize that most tolerable normies quit this game years ago and all that remains are underage and NEET manchildren.
haha this event... baka 2bh f@m
would you recommend doing ports for the tier 85 armor and weapons? Or should I prioritize getting power armor first?
The Ports sets will take you a number of months to unlock in full. And you will need 90 in smithing, crafting and runecrafting to actually make them Spend 2 minutes a day on ports as you work towards your GWD sets.

And if you aren't already, I'd recommend you prioritize Slayer and working towards Plagues' End prerequisites to unlock Prif. Slayer will get you the gold you need for t70s
thanks much, I suppose I shall start on slayer
No it didnt
Nice argument. You'll find your way eventually. It took me 2 years, hopefully it will take you less. Eventually you stop feeling sorry for yourself and make the conscious effort to better yourself and how you feel. That's the only way you'll ever have a shot at beating clinical depression.
Just stop being sad dude it's so easy just meet people xd
good luck taking your drugs forever while staying in the basement expecting it to be better
Certain lifestyle habits can cause cyclical behaviors that amplify or create the neurochemical problems linked with depression. Taking anti-depressants in this state could cause actual medical depression as a result of dependency on the medication.
While your advice will certainly help many people, it is not blanket advice, and there are often people with legitimate neurochemical problems.

However it's usually fucking obvious that something's up with them.

Breaking cyclical behavioral habits is often incredibly hard for some people as well, as it is akin to chemical dependency.
Stimulants, rather than SSRI's, might be a better idea in this case.
Less negatives associated with them, and you won't cause serious damage.
Even coffee could work.

t. not a doctor
>tfw no rsgf
>no rsgf to have rs sex in my rs house with my rs dick for rs gold in rs
Hey bby, how bout you come visit my uncharted island
Is it a good idea to go in with one style? How much harder would that be compared to bringing all three?
25m for demonic throne
theres two seats

bring melee and mage if i remember right
water spells obvs
one style is somehow bothersome but i cant say that i know why..safespotting jads maybe?
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why the heck is reldo riding an air bike?
>came back after 3 years of not playing
>there's a "placeholder" option when withdrawing items now
>when I'd spent a ton of money getting duplicates of all my shit because I'm too autistic to just reorganize my bank every time I finish a run
not yet there isnt
are you in the wrong general?
at least you have all this spare junk you can sell
wrong general mate
you're looking for /osrsg/ /07rsg/ or whatever is the name
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>mfw i get a brawling glove form rune dragon tasks
>mfw it's firemaking
Oh look, a use for driftwood
use it to cook wobbegongs without tortleing to the bankboat or using porters
So is there no point in grinding summoner unless you have a solid stream of blue charms? The investment in shards is just way too high otherwise, even when you're swapping the pouches for a slight refund.
Granite lobsters senpai
Yaks are cheap too if you have the level
reds are good xp/gp
blues a best but red is good too
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Good meme
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Whose child is this?
not mine
>not keeping one of each in your bank
>cooking wobbegongs on a fire and not somewhere you have less chance to burn/ chance for duplicate
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I think it's cute that you called it summoner. I'd like to play with you some day.
Reminds me of Final Fantasy
why the fuck is jagex adding niggers
holy shit this game
have you been to karamja friend?
Have you been to Al Kharid?
check out underground pass too there's tons of them in that clearing near the dwarf.
>tfw everytime you sell something on the GE you press -5% twice just so it instasell and you don't have to worry about

I feel like I lose so much money because of this
I am a mathematician so I can tell you that you're losing 10% of your profits. Sell overnight or before tasks or before farm trips or before quests.

Or don't, and I can keep making 10% profit off a lack of patience.

good school you went
thank you my mother is very proud
as she should be
>that feel when you're a skill shitter but you want 99 summoning because giant familiars look boss as fuck

charms through kindling is such a fucking joke
>giant familiars look boss as fuck
yeah right everyone worth a shit overrides them with a boss pets
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Check out my new companion
I don't
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Then stop being a skill shitter
because you're not worth a shit
why don't you do charm sprites anon? or slayer?
i love u hawkeye
>tfw you die to powerful edimmu
Why are these so hard, if I bring food I can't pick up drops but if I don't I always fucking die
>wanna train thieving
>don't want to cosh volunteers forever
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Bardiches pls gib 1.5b ok ty
I'm there with you. Wanna get thiev up but hate training that skill
git gud
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Can I boost farming to plant a third spirit tree? I could have sworn I did it for the first two but it won't let me with the third so I wanna know if I made it up.
Why do actual people come up with random shit just to defend their precious papa jagex?
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cooking gloves and ease of access
You made it up
Why do actual people come up with random shit just to shit on their evil papa jagex?
you need to talk to a gnome to unlock the ability to plant a 3rd spirit tree
talking to him is a non boostable requirement
Making a new RS3 account, haven't played in 3 years.

Any good efficiency guides?
Good goy it up
who here dork soles
haha I sure love page 10
Thanks anons
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I am
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This is bad general. This is bad Grindanfc Rsg Chat (evil). This is where you go to get said bad words to and where all the guys are bad. Some of these words are the worst words and even worse of all (baddest) you too will become a bad guy when they say them to you. You will become so bad that you will not just say bad things to good guys but also be bad to bad guys because a true bad guy is bad to other bad guys too. If you wake up in this bad chat (evil) it will be a bad morning. If you go to bed in this bad chat it will be a bad night. But unlike normal sleep you can't wake up from the bad chat because it's not a nightmare, it's a bad reality.
I've made the crazy decision to train a Hardcore Ironman without using combat all. So far I have level 50 Prayer, 37k came from the Nexus in Lumby, 25k or so from daily challenges, God Statues, Nemi Forest, and Troll Invasion. However the other 50k xp came from the chaos altar in the wilderness, I pick up the bones in there middle which gets me around 174.25xp per 11. If I can do 11 every 45 seconds (thats including using them on the altar) I will get around 13.4k a hour (this xp is full try hard). Realistically, I'm getting 6k-8k a hour while I train my main. I have another method I want to try I just don't know if it's worth the time searching for the implings at Puro-Puro. The method would be getting to 83 Hunter then searching for Dragon Implings which would give me Baby Dragon/Dragon Bones 107-300/52-99 <these are the quantities. I do have a video on Youtube regarding what I've said here with a video behind it of me at the chaos altar just search "Hardcore Ironman 99 Prayer". If you have any suggestions feel free to leave them here, thanks.
das make you autistic
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He was killing mature grotworms like this. He killed about two total and spent the rest of his time healing and running around picking up my drops.
why didn't you help him
I did, actually. Asked him why he wasn't using range armor. He didn't reply.
Whoops, meant for
>bh bow is t87
>spec gives aoe to all abilities
>is tradeable
why did they make the seren bow shit and then add this?
I'm 100% sure it has more range than the seren bow
well you tried
I can't come up with what "bh bow" would mean nor can I think of a tier 87 weapon. Please explain.
gib sauce pls
bounty hunter reward bow. decimation? model reused from crucible.
lame, that thing is pure edge
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All that left is to max is doing all gathering skills to 90-99
In that case, consider doing some weaboo island content.
Do warbands too if you aren't already for mining and farming.
Really the only ones im sweating on are div woodcutting and I forgot to mention Runecrafting
div is easiest.
woodcutting is next.
runespan is last.
maxing is an empty feeling i've learned
just end your life now
Can someone post a decent range revo bar, I don't think I like the wiki's
>being a revolution shitter

hey silly boys come ask me questions uwu
Can anyone explain to me how this is RuneScape related?

it has the symbols of Zaros, zamy, sara, bandos, seren and arma on it lol, how did you miss that
What about the penguins
>I don't like the most optimized one
Ranged is shit without corruption shot and without skipping the anim for snipe.
>skipping the anim for snipe
literally how?
Majority of the animations for combo attacks can be skipped, pay attention to when the buff disappears in the buffs thing, should disappear round the 2 second mark. Use next ability once it does.
If it doesn't disappear, then you haven't actually hit.
yeah so it works better when using manual
You can do it during revo too.
If you just want full afk, put snipe at the end of your rotation and optimize the other abilities for dps.
Wiki has dynamic calculator.
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I only use ranged at rune drags \ celestials, and i don't feel like the optimized revo bar works well when i can use binding shot to boost piercing shot's damage. The dynamic calculator on the wiki doesn't take into account the stun bonus either so it's not like I can get an accurate representation of the dps. Hence, the entire reason of me asking in the first place.

This is what i'm currently using.
you don't need to watch the buff. Just when the arrow shoots from snipe use another ability
First, get corruption shot. Seriously. Get it. Major boost in DPS.
Second, sacrifice a shit.
Third, because of the way revo works and cooldowns, you won't always be using piercing shot after binding shot.
Yeah I know, I manually use threshes as such, and if binding is down, i use tight bindings to make sure the bonus stun damage is always up.
>then go for comp
>people actually use skip tickets so much that they're worth 250k a pop
I seriously hope you faggots aren't so braindead that you'd spend money to skip a puzzle even a child could solve.
Shhhh stop telling them that. Then I won't be able to sell the things for bank.
Just getting into the GWD2. Which faction should I use the anima crystal on? Keeping in mind I only intend to fight these bosses solo, so which would be of most use?
no I use alt1
What the fuck does pressing alt and 1 do?
Post your favorite slayer tasks, and the shit you can't fucking stand or immediately blocked out

>Prefer: Kalphites, Metal Dragons
>Blocked: Nechyrael, Dagannoth, Aquanites
>preferring kalphites and metal dragons
>throwing away points blocking aquanites instead of toggling them off for literally f r e e
you're one turbo shitter, I'll give you that
Airut, abyssal demons, chaos giants, edimmu
Don't remember exactly what's on the block list but those are the only tasks I do. Edimmu kind of suck but I want the pet because completionism.
>blocked aquanites
u wot m8
Is this real life?
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Not him but what is so special about aquanites? Also how is it even possible to block them, aren't they the kind of slayer monsters you have to buy in the first place to get as a task like tormented demons?
aquanites are trash tier mobs that give basically no xp and drops

you toggle them on for 50 points and then you can toggle them off for free so that guy basically threw away 100 points and a block slot
yes that's the point
you waste points by unlocking them and then waste even more by blocking instead of toggling off for no cost at all
I mean they're like 60k+ per hour for pvm shitters who can't into farming.
>prefer: abyssal demons, dark beasts
>block: rune dragons, living wyvern, bloodveld
>Block: Rune dragons
It's like you money and good xp rates
Or you're just shit
>block rune dragon and wyverns
lmfao shitter
>blocking rune drags when they're a really large amount of gpee's/hr and xp
why would you block bloodvelds if you have access to movran?
aren't velds an all round shit task, why would that change with morvy?
t. not him
Well that's because the weighting of Bloodvelds with Morvran is exactly 0
He doesn't assign them
Fuck I should go and unblock them some time, still have them blocked from before priff.
>bank full
>already own all bank boosters
>don't want to get rid of things I might need or untradeable quest items that can't be reobtained
Wat do
get therapy for whatever causes hording
>untradeable quest items
such as? most are useless
Plague jacket and trousers, animate rock scroll, random event gifts, herculean gold ring, depleted pendants, snowboard, leaflet. Stuff like that.
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>decide to try solo Graardor
>only managed 3 kills before I had to leave
>only made around 70k~

back to Barrows I guess
cb level?
>Plague jacket and trousers
full plague outfit can be stored in the house
>animate rock scroll
>random event gifts
stored in the house or diango
>herculean gold ring

from those you said just the pendants and the leaflet should be in your bank
I used melee with a combination of bandos and poorpriest armor with a BGS and a fury
I probably could've managed at least a few more kills if I used a BoB and a full bandos set but I was just testing the waters I guess
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Is it possible to see someones banned accounts stats?

Some dude in my clan is telling me he didn't buy his account but his story doesnt add up
well I guess it isn`t anymore
>has bgs
>and a fury
>86 attack
get gwd2 weps now
what is this, 2009?
I don't think he can afford them anon
too poor
that's why I was hoping I could try to make some money bossing but I guess it's back to slaying
sell your fury + bgs and get slutblades
you tard
Amulet slot items are one of the last things you upgrade.
you can make money to get a lance + full bandos in 2 days
just kill nihils
I didn't buy the fury
I got it from a friend along with the BGS

I don't have the stats to do the quests to get nihils yet
try the adventurer's log/runemetrics page
it's probably the only way
or google the characters name, could be something on the runetracks or similar
Thats not the problem. I can see his account on log and high scores but shouldnt it be removed if he got banned?
>>I got it from a friend along with the BGS
In which case, don't sell.
Do mory tasks
Then make balls.
>I don't have the stats to do the quests to get nihils yet

Guess you have a goal now, anon! Good for you!
but I want to play instead of afk

my current goal was prif stats
oh, i see what you mean
i'm pretty sure you can't

what good is priff if you can't afford a good weapon? priorities anon
when you put it that way it does make sense
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>full plague outfit can be stored in the house
??? Pic related
>>random event gifts
>stored in the house or diango
They're definitely not, only option is drop
http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Armour_case for mourner gear

http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Costume_box for random events
he's mixing up mourner gear and plague stuff
plague gear =/= mourner gear. Plague is from the sheep one.
the random event BOXes cannot be stored anywhere but bank.
Not mourner gear, plague gear. And not the random event outfits, the random event gifts themselves.
i didn't even remember there was a plague outfit

and what kind of random event boxes/gifts are we talking about?
why the fuck do you even store those?
Autism compels me to keep all discontinued untradeable items
still, unless you have 100 of them and they all use one bank space each, i don't see how you could have a full bank with all boosters
It's mainly other junk. Gizmos, drops, weapons, armor, potions, teletabs, pouches, seeds - it all builds up.
Is there a better 1h melee + shield revo bar than the wiki one?
>1h melee + sheild
are you retarded or just an old player
shields are useless in normal combat, either 2h or dual wielding
I'm on a mithril dragon task and I don't have super antis
and I guess I am retarded because I just realized mithril dragons are weak to magic
deflect magic + antifire = 75% protection
Get supers.
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I don't have millions to drop on herblore
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They're weaker to bane bolts.
Use them.
If you don't have them, get them.

Make prayer pots and boost.
With a pulse core boost you can make em really early.
Miths aren't even good, either for xp or money
Might as well just skip them
I'm trying to max my slayer helm so I wanna conserve points and save skips for the really really bad stuff
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nvm lol I just got a dragon full helm from a pyre from mangled bones from a mithril dragon
Are the metal dragons really weaker to bane? bolts they always took more damage from magic for me.
Weakness is only accuracy, for one.
Bane has t80ish damage, real dps increase is the accuracy buff, makes em almost t90 with a good c'bow.
Also depends on magic level + spell.
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Why are some non-max shitters always so pissy towards people that have max/comp with a big bank? I just dont understand
>complain about updates and ruin them for everyone else because they're obsessed with their capes
>never any content that isn't skilling, bitch when things to aid skilling are locked beyond non-skilling content, like compfags, ruin new content, specifically skills
If they're actually complaining about their banks, then they're just shitters.
But max and compfags are a cancer to be purged for sure.
So are the deployable herb burner and xp lamp the only things worth getting from this event?
>deployable herb burner
>worth it
I thought it sounded decent for cheaper herbs like guam, tarromin, etc.

Is it shit too?
herbicide is what you use for terrible herb.
ectoplasmator is worth it, if you don't actually have it.

Don't see this anywhere in Solomon's store, anyone know how you get this? I'm assuming you have to spend money but I can't find anywhere on the site with the option.
I meant to link-
I was really fucking confused there for a second.
You get it by buying one of their special runecoins packages IIRC
gz kys
I see, thanks.
you don't have to be jealous dude
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>I voted for Trump earlier today
Is it GE time in bergerland yet?
It's almost 9 pm here
Early and absentee voting has started
I wish to strangle whomever designed the holiday event
PM me your address and I will send you plane tickets to Cambridge.
You probably only want my address so you can stop me, JIDF.
I'm on to you.
Nothing will stop me.
I wonder if their tank is still operational
this game is shit and so are you
Don't ever fucking reply to me again unless you're contributing to the thread.
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It was mmg's tank, he probably took it with him after he left that shithole
>worshipping a dead delusionnal god
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Your party looks a bit dead
Does making instances help with your drop rate or something? I been dry at spider for the longest time. Had to make an instance because I couldn't find a free world and within the hour I got 3 unique drops.
Randomness is clumpier than human intuition expects
Yea, just felt a bit surreal since it took me 210~ kills to finish up the leg and then it took me about 10 kills in that instance to get 2/3 pieces.

Fucking degenerate scum
If it makes you feel better I almost never use instances and my rare drop rates have been precisely in line with the crowd-sourced averages from the forums.
>account is 10 years old
>havent played in 2
>log back in
>all my shit is fucked
>what are these abilities and damage numbers xd
>download OSRS
The graphics may be worse bu at least it makes sense
>I can't learn things
EoC was in open beta.
There is a tutorial for the new combat system at lumbridge.
Enjoy the dramafags if you actually want to go to >>>/vg/rs07g
They don't have theirs contained.
Shit that general is fucking terrible. I've never joined the rs3 fc; if it is half as bad as the 07 general I'm glad.
The fc is a cesspool, it's full of ironic shitposting, underage attention whores and a few actual furries. The discord is the same. Most actual game discussion takes place here anyway.
Do I need a certain setup/inventory for gwd2? I've tried killing Vindy but even with a war tortoise full of food I can only manage a kill before I run out of food half way through.

I tried Helwyr but he beat the shit out of me before I could do anything. I'm starting to wonder if its just my shitty tactics and being new to pvming anything that isn't qbd.
What gear? One kill per trip is fine since the instance stays open for 1 hour.
Use heart teletabs.
I mean 1 kill/trip is pretty shit senpai but if that guy is like 120 combat with t75/t80 then whatever
Was using bandos before, now I got zaros anima with the exception of the helmet and a drider/drypoor. I know I'm doing something wrong but I'm not sure what exactly.
There are some youtube guides you could try. Might wanna try maging too.
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>the discord is the same

Salty faggot spotted, fuck off Temmie, Bebop, Outer or lurker from the fc.
I've seen a few videos on it but maging vindy?
>defending discord

it's no secret that it's shit, anon
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But it really isn't. The FC is utter shite because 'lol muh no ranks fc :Ddd' but at least the Discord gets some form of moderation. Aside from Quietess and Platy getting into fights every goddamn time it's actually pretty chill.
>reee stop talking about my circlejerk
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>whehe mommy I'm an autismo and the other kids won't talk to me whehe'
the thing is, I've been in the discord. it's not chill. it's a pedo furry convention where degenerates post webms of sucking their own cock when they're not busy talking shit about everyone in the fc. why would I want to subject myself to that cesspool?

I'd prefer it if nobody in the discord talked at all t b h
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der laüghler.jpg
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>t autism man
>no valid points so I'll just post a laughing reaction image and call them autistic

yep that's about what I expected
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>no valid points
>after you said you prefer if no one talks
>on a service for VOIP and chat

You're a special kind of retarded desu
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daily reminder
yes I was saying nobody should talk because discord shouldn't continue existing you retard

get a fucking brain kid
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>trying this hard
you have no idea how stupid you look right now do you? lmao'ing @ your life

we'll talk again when you learn how to comprehend words and form an argument, bye now
Try semen demons senpai, they're easier in my opinion though their drops are also worth less
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please fuck me harder hawkeye senpai
>circlejerk where literally anyone can join
ok lol
>ye no
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These are the new bots.
>doing slayer task
>4 of these fuckers running around
>scabbing drops
>can do nothing because they are
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You're fucking retarded kid, just shut the fuck up and stop talking about Discord if you're too much of a turbo autist to even say who you were on there. Crying about something because you were too much of a faggot to talk to people doesn't make it such a place for everyone else. Fucking kys
this years Halloween event is god awful
jagex lost its touch with events
also this was originally supposed to be a new quest that was probably a follow up to dimension disaster but they decided to scrap it and use it as the halloween event instead while throwing invention in the mix because why not
the osrs one was pretty fun though, some spooky scream like mansion thing

with the invention thing shoe horned in the event barely felt like halloween
incidentally I was thinking about osrs event too
it's simpler looking and probably required less work (in the graphics department anyway) but is still more fun anyway
>osrs equivalent is better than in rs3
what a surprise right
[pics of Ana's ass and Erebea masturbating intensifies]
Explain this meme
osrs is a better game by far but
orb of autism/autism path/young autism was bullying people in wildy crater
then he got pked and started spamming
>refund me
>refund me
>where's my refund
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im enjoying my great halloween event and my 4 months of useless comp req updates as well anon :)
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what a bitch
makes bandos look alive
couldnt do zodiac thing
can probably do walk like a zombie
have no keys and not gon buy keys cause fuck that noise
how get key to drop from random skilling?
Quest completions give 2 keys.
i dun brainfarted on that thanks anon
however ive done most of the quests and all of the easy ones so that sucks
Do dailies
Troll invasion if you haven't already
This week the circus is a highlighted D and D.
done all those too
D&Ds get highlit? ..highlighted? ..highlút?
Just go do the fucking circus
>done all those too
did my weeklies right after reset because autism :D
On a related note I just got a key for no fucking reason. Just teleported back to prif and BAM key
so grab a th key, roll the taskcard then do tasks?
Also, has anyone seen the Zrik npc yet?
>Can't do the event today to get grey matter just because I didn't talk to the doctor again after dealing with the experiment before the reset

Wow great event Jamflex
you can still get grey matter, but at a reduced rate.
unless the bug you're talking about prevents you from even doing that
It's reduced when I should be getting 50
look at it this way, now you can do whatever activity you want
and in the one with the anima tanks, you can even train another skill at the same time
I only want the grey matter to unlock the rewards
Doesn't everyone?
But if you can train another skill while getting it, it's making better usage of your time.

why don't you just do the daily 250 grey matter run by doing all the things
it takes like 20 minutes
I can't because the damn event for today didn't reset for me, I'd only get 15 grey matter for each thing.

I'm maxed I don't need to train skills
>rs gives offer for 75 keys free when buying 75
>75 keys is $20
I"m assuming it's still not worth it?
>I'm maxed I don't need to train skills
>What are 120s
then do bike spinny and leave her running for a long time

don't be such a good goy
I'm not an autist that cares about getting skills to 120 virtually or getting 200m xp.
Fist of guthix and fight pits are way faster to get via boosting than thaler. Castle wars is easily done long before you would ever get the trim req if that ever interests you, but it still takes long. Pest control still has decent rewards, so I would suggest just doing it whenever it is on spotlight.

Legs from soul wars is like 50 hours alone, 700 thaler is 12 hours.
>kuradals dungeon
Damage boost is 4% from the ring, not 10%
Mory legs + slayer contract is 30% slayer xp boost
Literally a no-brainer where you should slay.
Challenge Mistress Fara is CUTE.
Are both Nox and Seismics absolutely necessary for Warden?
xp doesn't stop at 99
Nah you could easily do it with just seismics
but reason for getting it does
this is why I bankstand 12 hours a day and never do anything
Who do you miss from old /rsg/?
I miss CITF and 0 FPS
>tfw buying first degradable weapons
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Gielinor is just an anagram for religion
Still not on the list
Anyone else getting server lag and getting kicked to lobby?
Are the chinese hacking us?
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>tfw on the list
why do so many people from /rsg/ have dyes?
Looks like your ATI driver problem, update them.
What's fleshy parchment?



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