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/gerg/ - Giant Extreme Robots General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 776
Thread images: 150

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Spudland edition

New /gerg/ game, from the makers of Shadowrun Returns

Mechwarrior Living Legends:

Living Legends Installer + Gamespy fix:

Living Legends Server Stats (Use this to check if anyone is playing):

The HAWKEN zombie marches on:

Heavy Gear Assault:

M.A.V. (Now with more Chromehound legal rights!)

MechWarrior Online:

How to start MWO:

New Player's Guide to MWO (aka the Manual):

Get your brazilian here:

Kong PodKast #25: Heavy Gear Stuff

MWO Mechlab:

MWO Heat Simulator:

Kanajashi's Video Tutorials:

Group Mumble Info:
what a dumb fucking retard whoever did this
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>the Supernova will be able to run dual LBX20 triple SRM triple Mpl

Deal status: Grabbed.
Whoa, nice meme!
>the Supernova will be able to run sextuple ERLL with 30 dubs and maxed out armor

deal status: so fucking grabbed
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You can do 8 on the hunchback, your point?
>yfw spoopy heat
>yfw even without that you overheat like a supernova because heat sinks don't actually work
3LL dont have spoopy heat

and by that point they might have already implemented spoopy 2.0 so we have no idea what will happen
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Post yfw
So many niggers playing.

Like holy shit, how do so many niggers manage to propagate into one game?
they didn't use protection
>3LL dont have spoopy
For Clans it does. Anything over two for clans has spoopy~ And the Supernova is a Clan battlemech.
So which is correct, Smurfy that datamines the game files or PGI who is known for lying? I would actually like to know.

What you see on smurfy is what actually happens in the game. Disregard anything PGI says unless the numbers on smurfy support their claims.
It's a tough call to make honestly.
Go ahead and show me on smurfy where it says 3 Clan ER Larges don't have ghost heat. I'll wait.

3ERLLs have Ghost Heat on smurfy you retard.
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New thread, so reminder:

Really makes you think.
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Hey, Grab Deal.
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Also, it's :10 bux: for a medallion. Gotta recoup the prize money somehow, am I right?

It's too bad the teams are getting zero kickbacks from people putting their logos all over their robots. Also a fucking shame Jules played in one fucking match, or we could have had our shit up there.
That's unfortunately true, no idea why they set clan larges at 2 instead of 3, but with 30 dubs it's not going to be that bad and considering it's a DOA shitmech it might get some nice quirks.

>clan robot.

Pick one.
>no idea why they set clan larges at 2 instead of 3
>11 damage
>740 - 1,480 meters
>for 4 tons
>the days of clan skill beams
Really makes me think.
So why is IS LPL the strongest energy weapon in the game?
CERLLs have literally never not been hot garbage. Actually they were kind of, sort of okay on like one or two builds but their burn time has always been dogshit.

One of the best things they could do is port over the PTR changes to them. Lower duration, 10 damage, capable of firing 3 without incurring penalty.
The only relevant build using CERLL is the 4CERLL Hellbringer.
Can you post robots instead of manchild cartoons or manchild waifus instead?
wow fuck off dashing
>11 damage for 7 heat
>no ghost heat till 4 or more
>duration of .67 sec
positively stimulates my synapses
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>ERLL boat HBR
Maybe if you enjoy being a useless piece of shit
Hi tier 4.
Yes tier 5
ty buying now
Anyone else getting weird lag? I was running fine yesterday before the little update.
>sneaky surm brawler mech
>2 energy sluts
>see a double goose warhammer
>pew pew side torso twice
>crit goose
>goose goes loose
>exploding sides
>solo kill +10,000

are you literally braindead
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hey guys
>he doesn't sneak around
>he doesn't brawl and backstab
>he has no points in shadowstep
>he didn't enchant his armour with +stealth
>he doesn't know about "hide in plain sight" at level 8
>hide in plain sight

Tier 5 players think ECM is stealth
cloak of stealth
see >>158043208 , you can always drink an invisibility potion if hide in plain sight (ex) isn't good enough for you. shouldn't have dropped stealth as a skill.

>mech variety.
>capture the flag.
>giant lava cannon atlas boss.

PGI will NEVER make a game 10% as good.
>all these people who don't know stealth armor is actually a thing in BT
>not proper version with FUN META flashing text

What about laser heatsinks?
They are in game already, my boy. Night Gyr :^)
>8/8 omnipod bonus: +2.5% XP
Seems so useful.

Uncle Russ knows best ;^)
I haven't seen a single loss increase my Skill Rating since arriving in Tier 3.
Tässä kaikki uutiset, mutta pidän teidät ajan tasalla tilanteen kehityksestä.
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>It's another Laser Angel blogs about blogs about his life in video games as if people genuinely cared episode
On a scale of 1 to position at the time, rate PGI's progress during 2016.
>It's another anonymous weebshit being smugly triggered every time LA posts about anything, even if its one tiny sentence.
Anonymous? That's greg.
10 steps forward, 15 steps backwards.

LRMs are still cancer that serves no other purpose than to be a retard trap or to mildly annoy people into peek and poke warfare.

Arms still don't serve any other purpose than to shoot UAVs, annoy people right below you or shoot legs off people. Torso hardpoints are still vastly superior for all intents and purposes.

Weapon convergences are still ludicrous, which means mass ballistics and lasers scalpel out mechs no matter how tough they're supposed to be way too quickly.

CW is dead and buried, PGI keeps putting a bucket of poo with flakes of gold paint in it on top of the gravestone.

Similarly, PGI keeps spray painting lumps of poo and asking us if we want to buy their latest artistry.
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>page 9 already.
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>walk around the wrong corner on new Terra Therma
>slideshow for 30 seconds
The environmental effects are very demanding.
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>trying to master a chassis
>get cockblocked by the cbills every fucking time
Is it XL engines?
Clan mechs, yes.
That is what slowed down getting my Jenner IIC to master. Having the trial around really helped but once I started buying my own getting two XL 295 engines brought it to a halt on top of buying and selling the stock XL 315.
What did you need two of the same engine for?
what's the point of you posting? nobody cares, we'd rather you just go away but you are like that last annoying dingleberry that just hangs on and refuses to let go no matter what senpai

just go down the toilet where you belong tbqh

Just take engines out of mechs you already have.
I used the trial and my C-Bill Jenner IIC to get 56K XP. The two engines made it easier to swap between to speed grind and then I keep one engine for the Jenner IIC SRM Bomb which is the one I wanted to keep.

I did.
>there are people in this general who aren't keeping up on DBS.

A more shameful act than grab dealing.
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>old lady goku
no thnks

Old lady Goku is usually pretty bad, but in DBS, you have the honor of hearing old lady Goku voice vanilla Goku, black Goku, Goten, Gohan, half the grunt enemies, a reject Pilaf soldier, and the occasional old lady background character.
Running a stock TDR-9S

Wish me luck.
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>Teams are filled with people who literally cant aim and just runs in the open until they die
I should've listened to your warnings
Mechanical Turks.
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>reinstall windows because old install was suffering from windows 7's ancient memory leak auto-updates feature.
>okay, I now feel ready to download years of patches before I migrate all my old shit over.
>get halfway.
>same problem.
>tick off windows updates in services.
>move over my shit.
>decide not to reinstall MWO.
>mfw probably never will.
Windows patches are cumulative now.
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Nice double digits, team red.

It begins.
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>HUcast desyncs so hard his game crashes
>get shit pushed in by fucking meme onions
>almost back-cored the commander near the end
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grats kong
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>local man becomes unwilling member of Russian botnet because he is to impaired to wait for windows to update or make rational decisions
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Git em

It's a legit and ancient windows 7 problem. The fix is a multi-step process that starts by downloading internet explorer, because that's the only way you can access microcuck's manual updates.

You gotta patch a patch that must be applied after a patch, then auto updates will work properly. Or you can disable them through services.msc, thus not having half your processing power and RAM eaten by a billion update requests, and just go back to playing transformers.
Wew hacker on steroids
Tell me about flamers.
The fire rises.
This is a flamethrower, it throws flame.

If the game allowed chain fire groups you could just fire 3 at a time, but instead we get macros.
How viable are they?
How meta are they?
They're mostly memes

Not at all.

They heat mechs up to just below the point of over heating, so the next time they fire they overheat.
Really good on brawl mechs. Ignore people saying they're a meme, most competitive brawl mechs build with flamers in mind.
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Only 1 flamer is enough to shutdown people
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how do you get an lpl on a 1v with a xl190?
where do you take armor off?
4 off each arm and 11 off the cockpit
still not enough tonnage to as the lpl + 3 sinks
my bad i have no leg armor at all and no center torso armor i actually have 4 heetsinks dont worry its good
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Quickdraws are ... _ _ _ _
bad memes
How much ammo for UAC/10 HBK?
5-6 tons, depending on if you pick ERSL or ERML for the torso.
7 with 1 JJ, no TC
don't listen to this pussy bitch
Piggy made a huge post explaining their position at the time, as well as the newest position change.

Hoo boy, summoner nerfs are assured.

>2x Clan large pulse lasers
>4x clan ER medium lasers
>targeting computer mk1
>total of 18 double heatsinks
>on top of this, gets quirks
> -15% heat generation quirk
> -5% laser duration quirk
> -5% energy cooldown quirk
> CT +11 structure
> Legs +15 structure
>70% acceleration/ deceleration
> 35% turn rate
> 5% extra speed

My boy is going to get smashed into oblivion pretty soon, all because you can now laser vomit on it.
theirs a bug going around that if you use'em you'll overheat and your stay shut down and if you over ride [/spoiler]YOU DIE
p2w variant
Thanks doc
Why would they nerf IS UAC jam chance reductions when all the top tier mechs are Clan ballistic boats?
>using win10

use https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3125574 and WSUS offline update
positively activates my slave
>the game has between 20k to 50k players, guys.
>how the fuck do you know?
>pic related happens.
He's blessed by Sheogorath.
"b-b-b-because changes coming months d-d-own the line! Y-y-you'll see guys, honest!"

-Sean 'bigger cuck than bullock' Lang

No, really, cockgobbler Lang actually justified the changes to someone on the NiGNoG twitch stream by saying there are other changes coming down the line in the next months.
So why the fuck put them in now?
Oh wait, PGI.
>Teammate is a slow standard engine warhammer
>XL in a Warhammer
that game was okay. the only thing it had to do with mechwarrior was the setting, granted, but it was fun enough for what it was
kill all balkans ect
>3LL in each arm
>ghost heat for firing 3
fucking PGI I swear
Energy Draw will likely drop before the Supernova.
Though... that could mean worse things, but we'll see.
>ghost heat for firing 3
fucking PGI I swear
it's almost like in a game that nerfs high alpha mechs through two different mechanics they need a perk that give something back towards chassis which only have high alpha damage going for them
they could even call the p̶e̶r̶k̶ quirk something like true heat
Crit slots was a mistake.
TT was a mistake.
Bring back MW4 mechlab.
really really makes me think
I always thought a combination of both would be best. MW4 had the right idea of limiting certain slots to small weapons only, like the arm of a Raven that had a NARC couldn't suddenly fit a LRM20 rack in it.
>it's a faggots hate customization episode
>it's a TT fag complains about unbalanced shit and wonders why it's all held together with stupid shit like quirks
Where are all the huntsmen I want my kill damn it
You faggy ass niggers killed them all.

Also PGI gave absolutely no incentive for people to play them during this event.

>Lol kill huntsmen, get MC and shit
>u want gud leaderboard? fuck u have egyptface necklace item reward for all above rank 75
>Enforcer ENF-5P
>50 ton medium Inner Sphere Battlemech
>XL engine 255
>Ultra AC/5 x2
>U-AC/5 ammo x7

>Hunchback IIC HBK-IIC
>50 ton medium Clan Battlemech
>Clan XL engine 255
>C-Ultra AC/10 x2
>C-U-AC/10 ammo x7
>Jump Jets - Class IV x1

>Enforcer ENF-5P
>-20% uac5 cooldown
>-20% jam chance
>+30% ballistic velocity
>agility quirks out of the ass and bonus structure
>solid slugs with pinpoint damage

>autocannons spread damage
>I don't understand the difference between clan and is
>at no point ever was clan totally OP vs is in the BT tabletop and lore ever
What does Artemis do in game?
Does MWO balance by BV 2.0?

And matchmaking would be even more complicated
"lol what's BV?"
MWO balances by tonnage

When tonnage isn't a linear increase in power lul
>arguing the enforcer is better than a hunch thiicc
*breathe in*
makes SRMs almost worthwhile
does nothing for LRMs don't let anyone tell you otherwise

Also decreases lock-on time for streaks because of deep rooted programming error
>Does MWO balance
Would matchmaking be better if they allowed assym teams?

Like 10 on 12, with the lesser team having better techbase or heavier tonnage?
No you dumb fucking retard.
Who wants to play some robots?
I do not want to play with shitters
Im better than you though.
I don't want to play with people who are better than me.
>first match of the day
>get a huntsman kill
you guys do realize there's until nov 1st to get a total of 6 huntsman kills? not exactly a challenge
>Oh I have like 20 days to get 6 kills no problem I can slack
>Nov 1st comes and you only got 3 because you never got any kills because maybe 1 person in 5 games is playing s huntsman
>You don't even get the cbill reward
>so poor he cares about cbills
>new terra therma is unbelievable fucking aids dogshit central killzone with shit cover map
>teammates cockmunching retards in every fucking match
I want the crates.
You mean the free keys
Caches are shit
>Projecting this hard
I never said I needed the cbill it's like icing on your cake. If you get it, neat. If you dont well whatever. But this event is a load of shit because it's so fucking hard to get. Especially when the try hard assaults are the ones getting the kills 80% of the time so when they get the kill the huntsman is deleted in like 2 fucking shots and normally you can expect s kmdd and a kB aka 2 per huntsman but these fuckers will suicide charge in a dire sneeze and die for one kill.
Cool story bro
Keep me posted



Dudebot this isn't funny, it's just grating.
I like spinning the spinner.

I know I'm gonna get the SRM-4, but what If I don't? So exciting.
certified poor
So is there really any reason to take a Marauder IIC if you want a non-kodiak clam assault with decent firepower?

Wouldn't you just take a warhawk or a supernova in it's stead?
Gee wizz if only I could travel to the future and find out.
Hi i am from the future and want to warn you guys for the Mad Cat 2 grab deal
oh no
Good SRM light?
Warcuck is a shitmech, Shitnova will presumably be one also.
Clan Jenner with 6 missile hardpoints or the IS Jenner Hero Oxide
How viable is running narc in pubs?
I mean, you have to hope people are packing LRM's.
Generally a good bet though.
I wouldn't dedicate myself to it though.
You can also bring your own lurms tag and narc for maximum profit
So, Vass, I am a newfag in this general. I just got introduced to your MWO rant, of three years ago. The piggy is still alive, the game is still here, and nothing has changed. I wasn't there for the lies, for the founders shit, I only heard of the golds and laughed, and remember clear as day, the moment when there had been a video about MW5 by a new company. When the Whammy ran into the Atlas. When I thought, I could mech again and have fun.

Now I am playing this game, and it's the only mech game I have. I played Living Legends. Buddies of mine were even part of the dev team. They got shut down by the pig. Some started playing MWO to sate their urges. Some will never forgive and play MWO, despite hurting for it.

What now? What would you say, should I do? Just play, and don't spend a cent on this game? I do have my income, I can spare the cash. Not the problem. The problem is, I never saw the drama unfold, but I am left with the question of how much from three years ago is still true.

The forums are crying about FW being dead, about playerpool dying down. Piggy said they're gonna starve, Trannyverse failed, so did their other shovelware shit. But MWO is still here. And it seems like you're also still playing it. (Might be wrong, feel free to correct me)

Why do good things fall into the hands of bad people?
I don't want to become bitter about yet another game.
>not a new IP

k, keep me bumped
The Enforcer has 46% more hit points. Not all in the most useful places sure, but its arms have almost as much health as the HBKIIC's frontal side torsos.
Never claimed this was my first ever post on here, anon.
How the fuck can you fit 30 dubs on there?

I need to see that setup of yours.
15 in engine + 15 on chassis, maybe. It'd have the tonnage.
Keep me posted
Actually, you can fit in 6x ERLL, XL325, no endo, no ferro, MK1 TC in the head an then it can fit 30 double heatsinks on it's frame.

I'll have to test the spoopy heat on 3x ERLL with 30 heatsinks.
Very easily. http://mwo.smurfy-net.de/mechlab#i=378&l=c35e958034883f34ea59a7198de790dc0f85b998
by then we'll have spoopy 2.0
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>It's a kakos episode

3x clan large lasers generate 40% heat with 30 double heatsinks.

So that means you HAVE to fire those 3 ERLLs one fist at a time, and even then you'll be spending 3 fucking seconds staring at an opponent to deal 66 damage. 99 damage if you fire a third trio of er large lasers, but by that point you will be forcing yourself to shut down, or at the very least to back off to cool for a long while.

On a heat neutral map like canyon network, river city or hellebore springs, you'll generate ~40% heat per trio, and dissipate to roughly 20% heat in the cooldown duration of the ERLL. Can't fire a third trio due to reaching 80% threshold.

On a cold map like boreal vault, alpine peaks or grim plexus, you'll generate 36% heat per trio, and dissipate to 14% heat in the cooldown duration of the ERLL. You will shut down if you try to fire 3x3 as soon as the beam durations end.

Hot maps you will be skimming the heat threshold simply after firing both fists. Cooling is also so drastically reduced that you are almost better off simply firing 1 ERLL at a time, if only to be able to fire.

Tested on a dire wolf with 6x ERLL's, MK1 TC and 30 double heatsinks.
I make no argument for it being a good idea, not the op.

Worth noting if we see any PTS changes implemented then cERLLs might be allowed to be fired in 3s, since that was one of the things they did in the most recent tests (with a drop in damage to 10, and a shorter duration). This is all theoretical though so not really worth counting on, but it would be nice.

Doesn't matter though since 4LPL or 4ERPPC in the side torsos on the one variant will be the way to go with it.
Does the K2 quirk effect ERPPC?

why is brawling in my timber wolfer so good?

You should play the game if you think it's fun, but do your best to make sure PGI keep losing supporters.

I no longer find the game to be fun, so I don't play. The last straw for me was the highest skill tournament.

Everything from 3 years ago is still true. In fact, it got worse in 2014. Trannyverse and the clan P2W period were truly horrible, and eclipse almost all the happenings from 2012 and 2013.

At this point, MWO isn't gonna recover. It won't see the influx of popularity and new players Russ keeps dreaming about, and the company no longer has the money, time, or manpower to do anything but push out more robots and minimally viable changes. But on the other hand, if PGI could stop fucking over their last couple of golds, they'd not have to worry about the game going away, either.

Not insulting their players is seemingly the hardest thing in the world, because they keep doing it.
>it's a kcucklord vassago "i'm always wrong" rain predicts the end of pgi for yet another year

maybe eventually you'll be right sempai
>unironically run 3 LPL on all the quickdraws besides hero

really activates my neurons

I'd argue its been dead since january 2013
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I'll just leave this here.

t. klord
Who the hell is the guy in the video?

>steel jags have a new name.
>most good players sitting shit out after highest skill tournament.
>div A LRM battles.

Minimally viable/10.
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Nigger didn't even use the Kong logo.
Mech the Dane I think, Isengrim's Jarl or something.

inb4 skyrim jokes

>I used to be a mechwarror like you, until I took an Arrow IV to the lower leg actuator

Mech the dane. He's the last of the funny gold men OC crafters, and has so far resisted all attempts by PGI to buy him out.
is this nigger seriously doing a podcast via a headphone mic on a desk
>it's a kanajashi whines about clan xls episode
what's it to you?

Minimally viable OC for a minimally viable tournament in a minimally viable game.
what did that slant eyed dong gobbler do THIS time?
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le mass effect
le ebin page 9 meme
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It's almost like this thread is obsolete.

Are they playing mwoah
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>that one guy in the clan mech

>Bassago Le Pain "Chained forever" of Kong.
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>t. discord babies
>t.butthurt nukong mumbletards
t.dudebot responding to himself

dudebot made thread.
kept alive by dudebot shitposting.
>new challenge day in half an hour
Gee I sure hope they don't have server maintenance at the exact time I want to play like yesterday.

>expecting the pig to deliver even minimally viable content.

Maybe in 2014.

>Moleass black

In your dreams tiny dick.
Is there one of these for mumblefags?

Make one.
What type of builds have you seen for the loyalty BJs? Lrmboats? 2 ERLL snipers? Srmboats?
I'm sure people lrm boat them but Splatjack or Streakjack is what that variant is designed for.
I saw 2erll 4ssrm2 last game

nice build
>it's an ultra-rare forest colony episode

irl viking long-table
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Why on fucking earth do I keep getting matched with complete and utter retards every SINGLE FUCKING MATCH

>everyone spreads out
>everyone assaults included chases after lights
>everyone breaks up immediately when the enemy inevitably pushes on this weak ass fucking team

>tfw I've started lurming on heavies and assaults because I'm so sick of dealing with retards and just want to see numbers go up
t. tier 5 shitty kitty
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well for starters you could just stop playing solo queue or just not be a tier 5 baby

>tfw got today's daily challenges done within 20 minutes
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>pay irl dollars for an assault mech
>give it a medium mech build
careful there shitty kitty, you might start getting the frumpy grumpy dumpies
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Fuck off Harabec I will actually murder you in your sleep
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>there are people in this thread right now who aren't in tier 1

>there are people in kong who haven't been tier 2 or 1 since the system was implemented.
But I have less than 100 hours spent playing and Im about 50% done with the T3. How high do you want me to be? I already feel like uninstalling
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There are people in this thread right now without positive KDR
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>there are people in this thread who have worse aim than a legally blind player.
>tier 2 dropped to tier 3

top kek
I'm in tier 5, is that good?
Yeah you're doing great.
that's the highest tier
Oh wow, you guys better watch out then.

I just got my first assault, an Awesome.
That's prettycool
That's awesome, dude
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>this is a build from a Hard Corps player
Please help.
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Grumpy dumpy Greg
Autistic and spaghetti
Orions are bad
Would you guys roll in a MSK-6S?

True OG style.
thanks philipe
was dudebot fucktard
meantime they didn't even answer my question about the gender of angels
Is heavy gear good yet?
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Weren't those maps supposed to have been finished 8 months ago?
Aw shit, did I miss memes?
>footjob from Kit
>thighjob from Haruko

you can only have one

which do you choose?
thighjob from haruko ofc. no competition

t. 3d
>elbowjob from Kit
>kneejob from Haruko

you can only have one
which do you choose?
>you can only have one
Not enough good boy points?
>not pawjob

>not a handjob from connor.

You do realize he's very good with his hands, sexually, right?
Thigh job obviously

Who the fuck wants a footjob
Who the fuck wants kit?
>tag: footjob
not surprised
shit taste orbit to be honest
Didn't even realize the loyalty Cent was a unicorn.
good bump good bump my man
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Need they be reminded this day.

Awww you killed it you fucker, you're supposed to wait for the follow up.
I actually wonder if anyone will remember that mech on the 15th, considering thats' the same day the clan wave 1 heroes drop.

15x ERSL nova is going to be a thing, as is a 8x c-SPL kit fox.
Good with his hands?
I like going fast, I like heavies. I think the Loanbaker is gonna be alright. Then again, Timmy Wolf hero and dual ballistic skill crow might just be that good.

But whereever I go, I must also fast.
>Timmy Wolf
Executioner XD
Goddamn I wish I was around for that one. Still love my normal AH, but still.
But unless they make it Catapult/ Nova sized, then it'll be worse than most clan mediums.

The 65 tonners armour does not do much for you when the amount of firepower new mechs can bring is getting higher and higher with each release. Hellbringers and Ebon Jaguars get annihilated really fast, and

Not to mention, the stock builds are under-armored by 38 points, so that's at least 1.2 tons worth if you actually want to use your arms and legs.

So it may be able to run 2x LPL 4x ERML if you skip all armour in the arms and grab dealed enough.

But it's still limited to 17 effective tons of pod space. That's not enough to be effective.
What's the lore behind the Clan variants of some of the IS Mechs?
When Kerensky fucked off to his Clan Safe Space and raised his army of genetically modified meta humans, they worshiped him and everything his SLDF Skypes brought with them. Including their original battlemechs, which they then created updated version of using their technology. Calling them model "Two Clans' or IIC.
fuck your home planet
t. kerensky
This sounds wild. Are there novels for this or is Sarna the only place to get some info on it?
There's tons of novels dude.
This pleases me greatly. But fuck if I know where to get em.
tummy wolf :3

Check the OP in battletech general.

Ask the people in that thread what books to read about clams.

Hold onto your buttes and enjoy.
sarna has book names
You didn't successfully link across boards unfortunately.
There's like 50 english language novels, and a shitton of TROs which are just fluff expanders.

Almost all of the books have been released on amazon kindle for like $1-5

If you want more info, you can check out the battletech general on /tg/
whoa, this page 9 meme really makes me think
hi im a scrub, why do people only chain fire LRMs?
A constant wave of fire is more disorienting to the enemy, and keeps the heat down.
People who use LRMs are idiots, so of course they would chain fire.
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Clearly it's to follow in prince pubbie's footsteps.
Because on top of everything else that makes LRMs less than minimally viable, they ALSO get cucked by ghost heat. Firing more than 3 5s or 2 of any bigger laucher will quickly turn your mech into a sauna, especially when the boats are running either 6 5s or 4 bigger launchers atleast.
anyone know if the closed beta design docs are still online somewhere? i'm working on some dank OC

What documents do you want?

Not that guy but that would be neat.
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Do not open the vaults with the unspoken secrets

Certain ancient los tech should never be recovered again

I will also inform the kong inquisition about this

Sure, I'll upload 12 gigs of bullshit. Give me 60 to 90 days.
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My collection is so old, this is what served as smurfy back then.
Jesus wept, I remember Ohmwreckers stuff back then.

t. ancient bronze
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The reason he disappeared is because Niko stalked him relentlessly and almost cost him his youtube partnership. He came back and admitted all that on ribbit a couple years after the fact, when he had achieved actual internet fame.
I was already gone by the time that Niko shit went on. From what I can tell though, he was one sad sack of shit.
Hi, I want to play assault. Should I pick up an Atlas or a Kodiak, and why?
Kodiak if you like Dakka with AC5s/AC10s.

Atlas if you like SRM6+AC20 brawling.

Kodiak is more expensive. Atlas is cheaper.
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>be shitty cashier at no name bar.
>suddenly become community manager for start-up no name canadian publisher.
>move there.
>make life miserable for the players and work intolerable for co-works.
>get fired from IGP before they died.
>hired by PGI as their new community manager.
>two years later, cost them their newest grab deal game, their ribbit posting powers, their subreddit, and force Russ to beg for forgiveness.
>erased from history.
>play shitty steam games for 23 hours a day.
>devote the one additional hour to crossdressing theater roles.
>he's not held a job remotely related to people, software, or any kind of power since.
You should adept this story into a movie through kickstarter
>two years later, cost them their newest grab deal game, their ribbit posting powers, their subreddit, and force Russ to beg for forgiveness.

How in the hell did he manage to do all this damage?

Didn't he also wear a fedora? That should be fireable in itself.
>passing judgement on someone elses life when your a no name autistic welfare queen who greatest achievement is shit posting on a Brazilian finger painting board

your lack of actual self realization is amazing smhtbqh senpai
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Is he going to kill Russ if they don't announce the Mk II?
Will they troll him with the Rakshasa?
Did he lie when he said he was unfollowing all things Mechwarrior when he bitched for the entire Linebacker reveal thread?
Find out, December 3rd, on the stunning season finale of MWO!
>How in the hell did he manage to do all this damage?

I just happened to be looking at some old screenshots when I stumbled upon this gem.

Fedora, fingerless gloves, toy guns, shit music, gaymin gear. He had every base covered.

The way he did so much damage was really simple. He banned all the 'big critics' when trannyverse launched, which unfortunately meant he'd banned every single guild leader and MWO OC creator in existence. He also attempted to take control of the trannyverse reddit, and moderated anyone who posted anything he didn't like out of existence, which is in clear violation of the only ribbit rule that's actually enforced. Since the community's incredibly tight knit, all the banned people and other haters gathered in one single place, the RSI forums, and we made a giant threadnought full of all their bullshit, lies, and assorted historical artifacts. Until RSI banned MWO discussion, if you googled mwo forums, that thread was the number 1 search result. While all that was going on, the rest of the internet was spreading words of piggy, trannyverse, and MWO. It got so bad, random youtubers who typically don't cover videogames were talking about transverse.

Niko was instrumental in crashing the trannyverse escape vessel with no survivors.


He also lived in a shitty ghetto apartment, which ended up causing asbestos-induced lung damage. If I'd had a twitter account, I'd have told him that it I hope it develops into cancer.

Thanks, LA
They.....they...siphoned cash off MWO to fund a side project? With the game so fucking minimally viable? and bugridden? and SHIT

I regret feeding the pig the one and only time I did, as a founder

LRM 5's have a tighter spread, and because it looks cooler to launch a big daisy-chain of missiles instead of a dumb clump. the problem is that you make it very obvious where the missles are coming from, and if they have AMS you're gonna be losing a lot of dps due to your missiles coming in groups of 5 instead of groups of 30.
The hits keep coming.

that entire first paragraph could have been deleted, sounds like a fag.
Well he is a goon.
> I'd have told him that it I hope it develops into cancer.

If its any consolation, if hes using the Canadian healthcare system for treatment if he does develop cancer, he will end up suffering a prolonged and painful (and quite possibly preventable) untimely death.

Ouch, right in a benis. Didn't the Goons even forsake this game at some point?
Ohm who?

Remember that Bryan's original group/team numbers were merely his position at the time.

The last actual goon action was when we got people like Minfrog onto the kong kast. That was also the last MWO kast we did. Been almost 3 years now.
>Ouch, right in a benis. Didn't the Goons even forsake this game at some point?

The goons forsaked the game right after we realized it was dead back in mid-2013. This was even before we found all that information about 7G and IGP.
>7G and IGP
Wait...what information??
Vass has the picture but it was a big shell game of companies to get Canadian government dollars to "save jobs".
Thank you for bringing me up to speed, gents.

And after all this, the game persists somehow...they still milking whales? Or have they alienated them too, finally
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People have Mech waifus that they lust after and will spend top dollar for them. The only thing people are here for is the MechWarrior IP.

I would say that now, 4 years after open beta they finally have a product worthy of launching. Not considering the fact they already did launch the game back in 2013.
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PGI are chained to the game, and the gold men have nowhere else to go, so they stay aboard the eternally sinking HMS position change.

If PGI didn't do their utmost to insult the biggest spenders, I'd say they could easily ride this shit out until the license expires, but they seem determined to chase the whales away.
this smells like a good old fashioned shitpost circle to keep the thread alive
It seems like a decent enough game these days I suppose, but could use more content and I dont know WTF is going on with CW or faction play or whatever the fuck it is now.

and eternally minimally viable

Perhaps, but it's certainly more fun than the game itself.
Is hawken good yet?
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>It seems like a decent enough game these days I suppose, but could use more content
It's decent if all you want is a solo drop, finally with voice support robot shooter with Mech customization. I am glad I can finally change the camo on my Heavy Metal. The game just needs more IS weapons and equipment. That's all spreadsheets, XML files, and reusing the Clan weapon models for the rest of the line up. Yet, they still don't do it.

Light Fusion Engines when?

>I dont know WTF is going on with CW or faction play or whatever the fuck it is now.
It´s dead. The best they could do is a meat grinder of Mech sized tower defense games to control points on an interstellar map.
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Is it wrong to like this game? I'm new and so I don't have any grudges against the devs, but I can sympathize - I used to play a lot of Planetside 2, and after thousands of hours in that game, I grew pretty bitter about things they never did, or did too late.

Can't be bitter about things you weren't there for, but if you stick around, PGI will eventually fuck something up and piss you off.

Such is their nature.
Difference between PS2 and MWO is that instead of doing things too late, they just do things nobody asked for and even then manage to fuck up their own stupid ideas.
What are the odds that he sold his account to some ancient troll king like Villz?
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>Light Fusion Engines when?
Not soon enough. Light engines would be fucking great.
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>Tank Girl Barbie and Tank Boy Ken

lel, I forgot about these two
>old IS mechs can now abuse super quirks and the LFE
>Slight reduction in firepower or overall run speed to compensate
>nice double digits
nice double digit damage

Is the zero konger not the same person as the one with the 1K damage mauler in the underhive screenshots from the last thread?

if you notice, their team had at least twice the tonnage as our.

Infernus1986 should change his name to Infernus0000
>4 assaults and six heavies
>vs 1 assault and 5 heavies
PGI matchmaking, everyone.
Git Gud
>group queue limits group tonnage
>groups dont use all their tonnage
Keep me posted
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>none of you have ever been narc'd and nuked by multiple lurmboats firing clan cruise missiles for being the first person to actually move forward and engage the enemy instead of camping.
I would take Russ in a fight, he seems like a man people have wanted to physically injure before.

He has a very punchable face.
wtf i hate kong now
I remember in the ancient days old man norris did that for us in his atlas
dbt pls
What is the cutest Assault mech and why is it the King Crab?

Haruko shares her crabs with strange men online.
I guess everyone has bad days.
What a slut.
You'd get tonnage using a Light Fusion Engine at the expensive of dying to losing both side torsos.

Mo 'Constantly deal double digits' Farts
That's what I was trying to convey, had I not posted prematurely.

XL provides a 50% weight save to STD engines but at the expense of instant death upon side torso loss.

LFE provides a 25% weight save to STD engines at the expense of losing some performance capacity when losing a side torso (like with clan XL's).

I'd be all for it. Gives certain brawlers or super quirked mechs a new lease on life.
Yeah but FLEs cost a metric fuckton
Still not XL engine prices.
Wait, I'm confusing LFE with XXL engines, which weigh 1/3 as much as standards and cost 5x as much as a comparable XL engine (same rating)

Wew lad
wow nice page 10 meme bros
simply erik!

beled dis :ddd
>last cuntsman kill and last mandatory mustafar pod race of the event imminent in 60-90 minutes
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Has PGI posted any sort of roadmap beyond what Mech packs are available and when?

No. The last one was posted in june or something.

Don't worry. Everything will be fixed at mech con. So says the Rustler.
So all we have is "big announcement(s)" at Mech Con?

That's literally it.

People have asked Russ for information on where the game is heading, he has told people to come to MechCon, the most important event for retarded manbabies who keep getting conned over mechs.
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Big Things in december!

>mfw it's transverse II.

I'm literally going to shit post on the youtube recording of the event for days.

I might literally do live commentary of their minimally viable stream, that will totally feature Phil the Shill 99% of the time.
>kill the only huntsman in the enemy team while we lose 2-12 in the first match I play
It keeps happening
When will robots get some new content?

Any clues why they think this is a good idea? Last time was comedy gold and speaking gold, the golds go back to those same videos tears in their eyes.

This is going to end with them looking at the video, the past video and current events and wonder just when is the game going to improve.

Never ever, PGI cannot make new weapons/ammo or equipment. Nor will they add actual objectives for the player.
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Is it time for a new Kong Kast?
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Piggy and the golds have goldfish memories. They don't realize that the upcoming season finale is an HD remake of the one they had last year, which was a 720p upscale of the one from 2014, and that was in turn a straight up re-run of the one from 2013.

Eventually even a goldfish knows its in a fish tank.
And then it forgets about it again.

Yeah, it only takes four years for them to realize. I mean, just look at Bishop Steiner.

It's good that it takes so long for them to realize, because the chemical reaction that transforms silvery steel to pure salt is always proportional to the amount of golden tears and butthurt added to the mix.
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Just bought my latest mech.
I'm so sorry for your loss
/r/ gregg to post thicc horko pics
More like horker
hahaha get it?

>4 kill, 7 assist, 400+ match score 500 damage match in the urbie.

We still lost.
What are some fun builds you can run on a tbr? The gauss vomit gets boring very quickly and I cant buy more mechs.
Semi-stock build with MGs removed and smaller LRMs.
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this is canon now
when will the page 9 meme end?
when there's something worth discussing
I don't have anything unless you wanna talk Chinese cartoons
for greg
philipe route confirmed
harabecxharuko babies BTFO

How are new kongers made?
they aren't
my most favourite tbr build, designed specifically for getting a high score - 4 ssrm-6 and uac-5 :3

Are you saying that all your members are old men?
Even old men can reproduce

New bigdicked trueborn klord kongers are created in vats

Others are freeborn

Who are the foremost genetic contributors to the kong big dick trueborn elite and their bloodnames? What names have been reaved out of existence, and why were they reaved?
Spoiler alert; not for the faint of heart or the mightiest of metawarriors:

TBR-PRIME with 2x LPL, 3x ERML, 2x machineguns w/ 0,5 tons ammo, 2x LRM10 with 3 tons ammo, MK1 targeting computer, 3x extra double heatsinks
Hey, /gerg/, should i Mist Lynx, i'm bored?
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>he didn't meme lynx when they were flavor of the week.

No, but seriously, don't. It's utter trash, inferior even to the fucking commando. Get a locust instead. Fun, pretty okay, rewarding to play, and different to other light robutts.
Kinda sounds like the default loadout. Time to test it, then SRMs.
I expect nothing
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any mech that lends itself well to LPL spam? i feel a strange lust for laser aids
Default loadout is 2x LRM20s and 2x ERLL, 1xcMPL, 2x ERML, 2x machineguns.

Loads of them do.

Pretty much anything 60+ tons on the inner sphere side with at least 4x energy hardpoints can build 3-4x large pulse lasers. One of the most prominent LPL spammers on IS side is the Thunderbolt TDR-9SE. Either run it with 3x LPL and a standard, or 4x LPL and an XL, it does both builds really well.

On clan side, Ebon jaguars, Night Gyrs, Kodiaks, Warhawks, Executioners and Dire Wolves can LPL spam to varying degrees of success.
>mist lynx
>inferior to commando

If you don't play this game, why do you voice opinions you clearly do not have the faintest clue on?

Commandos, apart from the Death's Knell, are utter tripe.

The Mist Lynx in either Laser vomit, Laser SRM hurl, or sniper shitter configuration beats the commando hands down.
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I was right when I expected nothing.
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Who are you?
The tbr with the memebuild.
Why do I subject myself to this.
i do only clans
but that memecust with single IS LPL
how on Earth it has 12t dualCERPPCs when it only has 11t podspace?
Oh, one more question, plox.

Should i spend all my c-bills to modules for all my mechs? In general.
You will never get new mechs that way.

Ok, can you tell me what should i master next?
-ebon jaguar
-almost done Executioner but quit and bored out of it.
now i'm waiting for c-bill viper to fit a fuckton of cersmalls and then someday i want that marauder iic with ECM, ECM is a thing for me
Jenner. Gotta go fast.
I thought iic Jenner is FAT and not viable.
>but yes i enjoed the trial one
You can watch snuggles video on "What [weight class] mech to buy". It's TL;DW in the beginning, and rather fair after that, going into more detail.
I see you like Clams
Hunchback IIC is the best medium in the game, and probably the second best mech in the entire game, so go do that my man
literally fuck off
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Huntsman also quite gud, but that's still shekels only. Wait for cbills in 2 months or whatever. That being said, the Huntsman can't do anything the HunchbackIIC can't do, other than having some quirks.

Heavies are usually quite overrun for queue percentage, which is another argument in favour of mediums. Also, since you're gonna want 3 variants anyway, Hunchback IIC has laser, dakka and surms, so you're sorted for variied gameplay there. Also, IIC is best C, marrying clantech with IS freedom when building. Just keep in mind to have enough cbills for engine changes, if any. The stock XL 200 on Hunchies is a tad slow, if that ain't your slice of pie.
>Huntsman can't do anything the HunchbackIIC can't do

SRM boating and gauss + PPC with good mounts
Huntsman is not even on the same page, even the Nova is better
At energy boating? Sure.
>Hunch IIC can't boat SRMS
Gauss+ML is the only build the Huntsman can do
>the only build

8x SRM4+A

2x LPL 3x ML

2x ERLL 5-6x SPL
You only make relevant builds
None of those are relevant
Hunch IIC literally boats half the SRMs of the Huntsman.

Gauss + ML is the worst Huntsman build, the 2UAC5 + PPC or Gauss + PPC are its best.
Worst good huntsman build, that is.
The gauss+ 4-6x ERML build only works on the prime with it's stock pods because of the quirks allowing all your guns to synchronize.

The builds I posted work on any of them.
Yeah the Huntsman can boat 8 ASRM6, sure buddy.
It can run 8SRM6 or 8ASRM4, but not 8ASRM6, correct.
Why are people suddenly trying to convince everyone that the Huntsman is anything more than a sub-optimal shitmech?
All but one HBK IIC variant have severe problems when dealing with UAVs due to LOLNOARMS, and you do have to give up a few tons to armor the normally neglected arms when you do use that last variant. Some people like to have as many weapons in their torsos as possible; I absolutely despise it. Waiting for some random pubbie chucklefuck to shoot down an important one isn't practical.
Why do you think it's anything less than a good robot? It has no real problems and does some things better than the HBK IIC and some things worse.
Pro tip
>five different teammates shoot down the UAV in D4
wow that was hard
The things it does better are not relevant, if you want to brawl with SRMs for instance there are IS mechs that do that better. And if you think Gauss+PPC on a Huntsman is better than 2PPC on a Hunch IIC then you're just a shitter.
The Hunchback IIC is a solid mech and there's no denying that. That'd be like implying the Timber Wolf is not a top tier mech, or that there are other variants other than the KDK-3 competing for the crown of that chassis.

That statement aside, the Huntsman has high mounted hardpoints, arms included, a decent top speed with not too restrictive omnipods in terms of criticals, some quirks to improve performance, and is, all in all, a relatively compact mech. The JJs aren't in horribad places, either. No locked heatsinks in the torsi.

Moving on from there, even if you don't break up omnipod sets, it has a variety of hardpoints that are usefull, and if you do, you can boat things quite reliably. You can go torsos for hillhumping, you can go arms for elevation, and so on.

It's not the best mechs there is, but it's a far cry from shit. Unless you only see merit in playing with Cheetah, Hunchback IIC, Timber Wolf, Kodiak, as they are argueably the best representatives of their weight class, the Huntsman has merit to it.

The position isn't black and white. It's not all just shit or best. There's variations. The Myst Lynx, Viper, Linebacker, Executioner style of mechs are weak, for obvious reasons. Fucked for podspace, tonnage, options. And yes, quirked IS mechs are more durable than clan mechs. Not a huge surprise here, is it? Of course Griffins are more hardy SRM boats. Comparing durability between IS and Clan exclusively is like comparing range between IS/Clan as the only factor.
If you think Gauss + PPC isn't a better option than 2PPC ever then you have no clue what you're talking about, Gauss and PPC is literally better in every way. People would love to run that on the HBK IIC, but the hardpoints aren't very good for trying to since you end up with the PPC in a sub-cockpit mount in the chest. Meanwhile the Huntsman gets excellent high mounts for both on either shoulder. Likewise with the 2UAC5/PPC build. Nevermind the fact it can do the exact same 2PPC build only slightly worse due to DHS placements. The HBK IIC and Huntsman are 90% the fucking same mech, you are beyond retarded if you think one is in any way drastically better than the other.

The Huntsman will win against a Griffin every fucking time with 8SRM6, also. It will win against god damn near anything it gets within 100m of.
I could add some anecdotes about heavies and even some ill-fitted assaults trying to run down a Huntsman with UAC20/ASRM6 and failing. But that's anecdotes.
>things that never happen on time
Also what if you're the slowpoke at the back of the line? Now you can't shoot it down and save your oblivious teammates nor is it wise to walk up into the same trap just to shoot the enemy.
>Viper put alongside Mist Lynx, Linebacker and EXE

Viper isn't nearly as bad. Its biggest problem is that the Ice Ferret does most things it's good at better, and those are already niche roles. It's just fine hardpoint/loadout wise, it just has difficulty existing in the high structure/agility quirked light world.
This general still exists?

Why tho
Hunch IIC has PPC mounts above the cockpit. Hunch IIC also has ballistic mounts above the cockpit. I have no idea what you're talking about.
It does not have both at the same time you fucking idiot, the Huntsman does.
Whoopde fucking doo.
>X cannot do YZ.
>It can do Y and it can do Z.
>But not YZ.

Sure sounds like a valley girl schoolyard discussion.
Yeah, glad you agree the Huntsman is the superior platform for that build. I'll let you ruminate on why Gauss + ERPPC is better than 2ERPPCs on your own now, though. I'll expect a full 500 word essay on why when you get out of Tier 4.
2ERPPCs on a Hunch IIC is much better than a Gauss and a single ERPPC on a Huntsman, that's the point.
I understand that you're all hot about the new grab deal you spent your allowance on but be realistic.
It's not even about the grab deal, anon. It's about Gauss/PPC vs. twin PPC.
A better loadout on a worse platform does not make it a better mech.
Sure thing kiddo. Yet again I'll point out the Huntsman can run virtually the exact same 2ERPPC build.

The Huntsman has one ton and a couple of KPH less than the HBKIIC does, and a bit worse vertical peak profile (exchanged for better shield arms and versatility; it can create deadside build variants for any peaking configuration posted as well). Your arguments are completely and utterly nonsensical. That you think there is some massive barrier between the two mechs is absurd.

But I guess it makes sense, seeing as you haven't even played it.
I also forgot the insane torso twist rivaled by only a couple of mechs in the entire game, and better pitch angle.
>Sure thing kiddo
Nothing more to be said to someone who takes such flippant points of view between two nearly identical mechs.

Worse pitch angle even.
>Comparing IIC Hunchies
>not bringin Ayyyden Pryde variant
Behold glorious http://mwo.smurfy-net.de/mechlab#i=369&l=d50c1b91bd4b434c17480d1d10c49236f0c6094d

How [SHZ] are you?
You heard it here first folks, the Hunch IIC is dead. Better sell yours because all the Lords and Emps will be replacing theirs with Huntsmen.
>Huntsman allows for comparable builds, and in some cases, has advantageous configuration of hardpoints
>Hunchback IIC is still a GOAT mech
>This means an army of shills is trying to declare the Hunchback IIC dead

I don't follow. Where does one learn such simplistic logic? Are you homeschooled?
You better believe the Huntsman will be used in MRBC alongside the HBK IIC so as to not waste a duplicate on them when it becomes available for cbills.

No one here said it was a flatout better mech than the HBK IIC, only that it was functionally equivalent and not a "suboptimal shitmech" or "does nothing relevant."

Keep being retarded, though.
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What did he mean by this?
I saw a MDD there, how the fuck can they get there?
I guess there is some geometry fuckery. You can get up some steep inclines by turning repeatedly left and right, as each step rises the mech, then it rests at the new height. Repeat until up top. Then get killed and/or break your legs.
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Where do these people get off? I mean, that's a solahma novel Mary Sue.
>Ice ferret
>better than viper

Nigger can the Ice Ferret run 10x ERSL for a 50 point backstabbing alpha?

The Ice Ferret may be able to tank slightly more, but it's by no means better armed than the Viper.
>lost to shill phil because of shit team
I hate my team
Is there any better feeling than when a lighter mech comes to a complete halt in front of you and tries to have a DPS pissing match?
>terra therma and huntsman kill challenges done
>tfw the realization I still have to put up with the retards for 15 games a day for a week if I want all the ebin loot bags
i just want to correct you about 10x ERSL because it's actually 9 if not paydusa.
>not paying2win
So it is 9 to 11, then.
Only if you're behind and one-shot alpha it.
But then it feels better if the mech you're one shotting is a heavier mech.
The heroes recently have been pretty pay2win in general.
>slepnir has best ballistic hardpoints
>jade kite has better ballistic and missile torso pods
>huntsman needs pajeet's poo pods for more than 4 missile slots
>jade kite has better ballistic and missile torso pods

nigga please
nobody cares about the missiles
Do you guys only ever run the most optimal build on the most meta mechs or something?
of course
I play a kodiak 3 and win every single time
Yes unless you are dashing

i really hate energy spam and saving money so i usually just run goofy medium builds
>starting tomorrow, I have to play a minimum of 15 MWO matches a day for 8 days

shake my head family
Don't you only need to play on it like once a day?
double digit assaults
How about...no? I got it 6 fucking times in a row last night or approximately EVERY FUCKING TIME IT WAS AVAILABLE TO BE VOTED ON
>Foremost bigdicked trueborn contributors
Current blood names
Cmdr Harabec
Jack attack
Jules Gonzales
Kakos 'Kaelus Killer' King Kong Lord Kolos

Ristars (not all inclusive)

Lost to other clans

Reaved/Stricken/Was never really a klord anyways/dezgra/abandoned duties/kill on sight

Fuck off retard we don't even want you as a bondsman
hi nukong
>Harabec and anon are going at it about the huntsman
>This bumps the thread

Moving my cranium to be quite frank, kinsmen

Also fuck off with Mine craft

>Can't into routers

Posted from my Nokia 1+2
My kinsman what happened to your router?
Do you have router trouble? Might be able to help.
Is 8 tons of AC/2 ammo too much for quad AC/2?
not enough
I feel skeptical of this...
I'm not sure if you can fit your mom in less than 13 criticals, anon.
never enough ammo to be honest
fucking shit team
No, that was a slate at shitty kitty. They had a hell of a time trying to set up their router(s) for Minecraft
Har... but it's true. Knight Gyr runs out of criticals before it runs out of tonnage. It's like the opposite of the Linebacker.

Do you hate your team?
It's a plight. You can't SRM boat, because you have no place to use up the tonnage. Even with Steak 6s. Sadness.

What about esteemed warriors such as attack wallaby, and commander kit?
Why is the Raven so cute? :3
We prefer to use them as solahma units, hoping they die
it isn't

Tell me more of your strange kong culture, fampai.
We are a religion of peace, spreading the gospel of Khan Kakos King Kong 'Kill Kikes' Kolos Kerensky through superior mech-based firepower.
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Allahu akbar
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No zoom would make the game so much better. Just having free access to a 2.0x magnifier gives pin point builds so much power it's ridiculous. At least without zoom they'd have to sacrifice a module slot and settle for a worse zoom.
Alright...just this once, for you
How much of a tonnage advantage does an IS mech need to equal a clan mech?

Also, why does this premature loading screen even exist? Why does the game have to tell you four (4!) times what map and gamemode it is?
How many kwerks does a clan mech need to equal an IS mech?
Fun fact:

MechCon is being held at the Commodore in Vancouver, and the Commodore is also known as The Commode locally here due to the fact that decades of bums pissing on the carpets in there have made the place fucking stink.

Fitting place for PGI to be I suppose

thanks for correcting the record
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/r/'ing the mass of raven OC's from a couple months ago.
>load up SRM Assault
>light mech gets up in my face
>despite landing point blank volleys he barely even goes down to orange armor
>remember that SRM netcode hasn't been improved since the game launched
>drop it for another year or more
MWO not being shit when? Actually, fuck that. Battletech release when?

keep me posted
>Battletech release when?
Not soon enough.
Their headquarters is literally just a storefront in a Chinese shopping mall.
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Canadians are a bunch of fucking spineless cuckolds.

Doesn't matter what type of asian, they're ready to suck their cocks.
Lol git gud
Long time lurker here. If you shoot too many SRMs at once, the hit detection goes fucky. Try splitting your SRMs into 2 groups and leaving about a quarter second between shooting your groups instead of blowing your whole load. My unit has tested it extensively and we don't know why it happens, but most of the time it does. Tests were done with 8SRM6s at 80 meters.
Is that online or testing grounds? Because hit reg in testing grounds is somehow worse than online.

cool bro this is /vg/ not /pol/, no one cares.
It was all done in private matches. Targets were static btw so lag shielding wasn't a factor.
I wouldn't be surprised if the same happens with clan UACs
I've discovered that the best strategy for the most amount of enjoyment out of Terra Therma is to just kill yourself my man.
If it happens on any of them it'll be like, boated UAC2's. The amount of projectiles from the 2x5s+2x10 may set it off but we believe it's highly precise (timing wise) simultaneous projectiles en masse that kill your shots. It could be completely something else though like maybe a packet loss problem or a server side memory leak (assuming the server client is very different to the user client), which could cause packet loss.

I think I might be sounding a little bit autistic in how I'm trying to be helpful so tl;dr: most cUAC builds should be fine.
Piggy being too retarded to register multiple hit events on the same frame does sound plausible.
I tried this after I saw your post. Thank you, got my daily Huntsman kill.
>Mechwarrior, pol edition

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>computer crashes while in Select Mech screen
>all game settings reset after reboot
How even
welcome to PGI
>being hyped for the Battletech game when you could just play turn based robuts with megamek
Nobody cares about your trash
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Just make your own roberts.
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The other amazing thing I learned from this is I have my Steam games installed on G:/ to not use up my SSD but MWO puts its user folder on C:/ and constantly downloads UI images and saves select screen thumbnails to it anyways.
>just learning this shit today
free births, shaking my head
>MWO puts its user folder on C:\

Could it be that you, the owner of that computer, have defined C:\User\[account]\Documents as your Documents folder, as it is by default when installing Windows, which means that every application with user specific settings, such as your browser, office programs, photoshop, and games (e.g. MWO) will use the folder your system provides?

You can blame alot of things on the pig. But not knowing your system is on you, anon.

t. someone who has to deal with computer illiterates daily
Not in documents as you'd expect, but "Saved Games" that's used by literally nothing.
It's the Windows defined Saved Games folder, which literally no other game I own uses. Moving Documents was the first thing I did after adding the hard drive.
>MWO saves your mechbay mech preview icons locally
like what the fuck f4m
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Giood night.
kill yourself in your sleep alright?
ok but only if i get to choose the method and cause
Are you expecting everyone to have played other recent id and Crytek games and some other pieces of shit
No. I'm just trying to say here, that's not entirely unused.
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Every day, I stray further from god's light in my path towards anger.
>kitfox top dog
ah tier 5
Requesting pictures and OC of the spider to celebrate buying the 5K and having fun again.
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>15 games a day
Isn't that like 3 hours a day for a week straight
>15 games a day
For what?
scroll all the way of the event page and read the bit on the Trick or Treat portion of the event

If you want all the bags, you gotta play.

Enjoy. :^)
Except playing is only worth 40% of the grab bags anyways.
O-oh. Does this start tomorrow, or ... now? I am confused.

Oct 24th 5:01:00 PM (PDT) / Oct 25th 12:01:00 AM (UTC)

That means, it starts in 55 minutes, right?
It's just after 3 Pacific, so a little under two hours.
keep post
>tfw I was in that match, or at least a match with that guy
Jokes on you, that was Tier 3.
>Exe with 3x LPL and 7x ERSL
>Hot as fuck even with a total of 20 DHS, but pumps out damage like no other

>Exe with 2x LPL, 3x ERML and 2x SRM6
>More heat efficient but gets fucked in the ass at close range
Try 2 UAc5 / 2SPL, then.
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I need an assault mech that has 3 variants that can do full energy, brawl (big ballistic+srm+backup energy) and mid range dps (twin ballistic+twin energy).
I need it to be a Battlemech not an Omni because im not a faggot.
Just go full meme and do 12spl 1erppc
>read meta mechs
>read /gerg/
>read forum
>read articles
>muh meta
>don't believe in it
>dislike lasers
>enjoy surms and ballistics
>have Huntsman-P and no idea what do with it
>end up slapping 2LPL/2EML/2MG and and assload of DHS up to crit limit on it
>mfw I am a living god now

I understand why, and sure I got better at the whole aiming and positioning thing, but how can other loadouts even hope to compete?
Kodiaks ;>)
>tier 5 blog
What if I just started playing?
Sorry I don't play faggot mechs.
Lasers haven't even been particularly meta since they nerfed Dindu Templar into the ground
>Battlemech not an Omni
>image is a sunder

don't touch me you filthy casual

no one cares, dashing
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>do well and win a match
>1-2k mech xp
>do well and lose a match
>200 if you're lucky

try again faggot.
>I need an Atlas or a Kodiak, recommendations?
Okay, retard.
>full energy

Why do you even bother opening your shitter mouth.
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>bragging about 600 dmg in tier 5

Can someone explain to me the logic of making one of the more popular omnimechs in the game with no CT differences a loyalty variant? It's like I'm playing Hellbringer Online sometimes.
It might not be Frenetic Feline but it's no Spurdobot or Ice Fridge.
I like both of mine
The problem in assuming that it's dashing is that the poster is asking about clan mechs. Dashing, the autistic asshole he is, doesn't buy clan mechs.
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Imagine this, there's a futuristic world where gunpowder was never invented. To them, the only way guns could work are inside of gigantic mechs. Because a mech would have a large enough power supply and hardware to propel laser beams and fire bullets out of a railgun. This is why people use mechs, because guns are good and only mechs can use guns. On foot, outside of a mech, people only use swords and other crude non-sophisticated weaponry because guns can't be that small.

How would you like this has a fictional mech universe?
But you haven't explained why they use mechs and not boxes on wheels at all
He owns Novas now.
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They never invented the wheel either
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Anyone got a grab bag yet?
Yep...arty consumable, 35mc, 15mc

Got the grand prize, shitload of MC, cbills, GXP, 2 STDHS, 1 MG.
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broken lives.png
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>meanwhile in mwo

Fuck off connor.
>that feel when you melt 2 Kodiaks and a King Crab in 10 seconds
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rip thred
Hey tab congrats on being a father!
rip in peace memebears
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thanks uncle russ
120 more of these is going to be a lot of FREE(tm) stuff
So are 4 csrm6 with artemis is enough to achieve loss of hitreg or is it okay?
>robert cop
>the furniture of law enforcement
i saw somone tried already
>wasting a ppc on infantry
>oh so lose
it always triggered me
now what the fuck is that chicken thing on the left
I do want a Sunder soon though.

It's probably a Malak in alternate config A.
>terra therma
>people go to the middle
ree when will they learn
Best thread.
MC really has lost its value hasn't it. Every week they throw another 500 at you for nothing. I guess the grab deals make majority of their profits so they figured let's throw free shit at people to keep them playing. Works for me.
MC are just available enmasse mow.
I remember i wish i had some to get Jester when i was mainly catapult 24/7, but i didn't fed the pig.
Now it's 4k mc in my mechlab, all mechs are colored and i just don't have the will to spend it. There's noting to spend exept mecbays and paint.
Why do some clanmechs have quirks? They aren't Omnimechs? I thought quirks were the only things the Inner Sphere mechs had going for them?
How's the Viper?
Have you been reminded today?
breddy gud
>give IS mechs turbo quirks
>oh no we better give clans quirks too IS too powerful
>but at the same time let's nerf IS quirks
>but wait russ why
and so MWO was never the same again
Because some clanmechs are utter dogshit. The Hunchback IIC has no quirks, and it's GOAT. The Summoner, on the other hand, is fucked six days to Friday, with shitty hardpoints and starved for tonnage.

And from there on out, clan mechs get some mild quirkening here and there. In case of some IIC variants, such as the Highlander IIC, they suffer from similar weaknesses as their IS counterparts, so they get some quirk love. Or you have things like the Laser HS on the Night Gyr, which is represented by a quirk, too. Timber Wolf even has negative quirks, to tone it down. Not that it did much.

Viper is a confused light mech that can into fast, is very agile, and does a few things well. Among them, 9x / 10x ERSML backstabbing, or harassing with SRM6. You play it like a tonnage starved Cicada, and you might be alright. It's not bad, but it's not great either.

Would removal of all quirks and 12 IS vs. 10 Clams be balanced? It'd be 3 lances vs. 2 stars. :^)
>Limit clan weapon sizes but locking internal structures, engines and equipment, but give them more hardpoints so that they can use smaller weapons to compensate
>Quirk inner sphere mechs so as to bridge the gap between the now overpowered clans
>Power creep inflate new inner sphere mechs with more and more weapon hardpoints to compensate for clans advantage
>let them keep the quirks
>Forget initial plan for clans, still release weight limited clan mechs but now also limit the amount of weapons they can bring
>Start quirking the worse off clan mechs so that they stand a chance against their peers and against hardpoint inflated inner sphere mechs

TL;DR PGI is retarded.
>timber wolf STILL has negative quirks
>despite now being outperformed by ebon jaguars in laser vomit, niggyrs in dakka/ gauss-PPC poptarting, and mad dogs in SRM brawling
No, exclusion of Clantech in PvP environments is what would allow a MechWarrior game to have some resemblance of balance because you simply cannot balance the game if you give the player a choice between IS and Clans. That's just not happening, way too many things going on. That doesn't mean Clans are bad content or anything, just that they should be kept in PvE environments, co-op, maybe you capture a few Clan mechs in the campaign, horde mode AKA Clan invasion co-op mode that all players contribute to and so on.
At least it has quirks.
Hellbringer has less hardpoints and pod space AND tonnage for weapons than the Hunch IIC, yet it has no quirks.
>all that critical space
>literally nothing to do with it
When I try to login, I am getting the maintenance message, but according to their website, all servers are online. What do?
is that thing even worth taking?
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So, what are the insider info about november roadmap? Anyone?
this just in: PGI does dumb shit
Possible release of Energy Draw.
Possible release of new Mining Collective map.
Possible release of Faction Play/Community Warfare changes.
Things still not talked about/pushed back.
Inverse Kinematics.
Assault Mode revamp.
Skill Trees.
It's something with you internets, had the same issue. Restarted the client for days.
So my guess is:
Somehow OP but it shouldnt be, so gets nerfed somehow in 60-90 days.
>Possible release of Energy Draw.
This cripples your oneclick builds, also i suggest spoopy heat still working due to cryengine deep.
>Possible release of new Mining Collective map.
More tunnels and maze to the god of maze.
>Possible release of Faction Play/Community Warfare changes.
Minor, not interesting.

Things still not talked about/pushed back.
>Inverse Kinematics.
Suddenly everyone has 50% FPS drop, and it's taken back.
>Assault Mode revamp.
Defence towers are OP, nerf now.
>Skill Trees.
Now we fuck you progress up and you won't have time to uderstand what to do with your 100k GXP collected.

Seems legit enough?
>>Possible release of Faction Play/Community Warfare changes.
>Minor, not interesting.
Try again. If they really do what they've promised with Faction Play it'll be the go to game mode. Effectively just QuickPlay with 3 respawns.
So tell me moar or where can i find that promises?
Sure thing i do want better gameplay, but i still dont believe pig, although they seemed to have a new marketing management - something can also change.

I'm not gonna dredge the forum for it, or sit through all three of the hour long NGNG podcasts to find it. But if you want to, it's in there.

You fucking wish. It'll still have the same tonnage restrictions. So enjoy your two Kodiak, two Mist Lynx.

Don't forget Yajirobe.

Also, Vegeta Super Saiyan White, when?
Clan 65 tonner that can only build itself with light medium loadouts. Also known as a piece of shit.

>Possible release of Energy Draw.
Neg. Energy Draw is still far from operational. There are, however, quirk balance changes and UAC changes coming in November if their community manage Tina is to be believed.

>Possible release of new Mining Collective map.
Mining Collective not supposed to get a complete revamp, merely bugfixing and an art pass. ie. texture updates, little fences becoming destructible.

>Possible release of Faction Play/Community Warfare changes.
Consolidation of 'buckets,' streamlining CW experience to become quick play with respawns. Possibly fun, most likely not because premades will still gangrape you for 15 minutes straight.

>Things still not talked about/pushed back.
>Inverse Kinematics.
>Assault Mode revamp.
>Skill Trees.

Merely carrots on a stick PGI keeps dangling in front of the few remaining hopeful players.
Awww, come on, dropdecks should stay.
>Skill Trees.
Who the fuck actually wants this shit, it'll be a complete mess.
In normal game skills are needed and profitable. Now, having nerfed mwo version i think it might be redone, thus not by pig.
My only concern is where to spend GXP or keep it if pig will annouce what the changes'll be.
I browse pictures of animes with penises while searching for a game, what about you guys?
I read news, watch movies, or write tax reports.
I shitpost on reddit, waiting for 1050ti test to throw some shit on vent.
>Enemy is far away and has no tag, no active probe, no spotters, no narc, no UAV and basically no way to see me or acquire LRM lock whatsoever.
>They're still LRMing me to hell and back.

What the fuck is this bullshit? I'm calling hax and I hope PGI gets these cheating fuckers banned soon.
Oh, and as an addendum: I also had freaking radar derp and they were still acquiring impossible LRM locks out of nowhere.
How do you know they didn't have a spotter?
Seeing and hearing more of this shit...being shot through solid walls, questionable LRM locks, headshot spam etc. Seen others in chat straight up talkin bout hacks...but you know how that shit goes
>tfw your cockpit bobs but any weapons you have that are visible from the inside view don't.
>yet when you enter third person, more-or-less your entire mech's torso and arms do, indeed, bob.
>tfw piggy will probably never fix this.

I'm an autist and this is mostly just a minor aesthetic issue, but goddamn is it so jarring.
Black Cawk.
He's a Blacked Clan cuck now.
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Is the Cyclops any gud?
only the hero for dakka
So what happens when you unlock the extra torso twist perk on a mech that has 360 degree twist?
Does nothing. Prioritize twist speed first.
Better than Highlanders, that's for sure.

10-Q does 6x SRM6 really well. Almost better to run it with as big an XL engine as you can fit on it, people focus CT's on the cyclops and you need that mobility anyway.

10-Z does 6x ERLL/ LL really well, though you can put on 6x LPL at the cost of speed.

11-A is a mini atlas, put 3x SRM6 + AC20 on there and rock and roll.

11-A-DC can run 4x SRM6s, AC20. Brawl harder, I guess.

11-P is an oddball that either runs 4x LL and gauss or 4x LPL and some missiles.

Sleipnir is a mauler. 2xUAC5+2xAC5, 4x UAC5, 4x AC5, double gauss.
>play lrm boat
>nobody on my team ever uses uavs
>nobody can ever hold a lock for more than 0.00001 seconds
>play srm boat
>haha time for dogshit therma, enjoy your long to mid range engagement with an unpassable death zone
>haha time for dogshit therma, enjoy your long to mid range engagement with an unpassable death zone
That's what you get for being retarded enough to go to the middle.
Every fucking match my retarded fucking team just runs in like headless chickens and fucking dies

How the fuck do they expect people to stay sane grinding the fucking grab bag event for a week with these shitstains ruin every match just by being alive and playing the game by using a ddr mat as a controller and pressing the buttons by humping it with their fucking impotent micropenises
How can you possibly score less than 80pts?

What mech are you using?
All it takes to "earn" a loot bag is 80 match score. That's like moving your mech out of spawn and run into the enemy level of score.
I dont know how you got the implication that scoring is the fucking problem dealing with these braindead fucking aids garglers

Having to put up with this fucking shit for 15 games a day for over a week will drive anyone fucking insane, Ive done 5 games of the grab bag challenge so far and I already want to fucking kill myself because I know there's 115 more to go.
git gud
>Pure LRM boat here with 3 hojillion missiles, need locks please :^)
wow what a fucking surprise another niggerdicked faggot cunt shit match

not a big surprise who would've thought you get fucked every time you play this retarded shit game with retarded fucking faggots on worthless garbage shit aids maps that the tards cant play after hundreds of fucking games

Eat shit you fucking cancerous shit faggots these people deserve the curse of piggy on them, fuck everyone who plays this fucking game
why u hef to be mad
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For a second I thought I was still reading /SCG/EDG/.
Whatever happened to axeldoge anyways, I remember he used to post some dank OC
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Repost OC to remember when OC was posted.
He died
someone explain what those R2D2s on the side of the mad dog are
Wish I had some, unfortunately my drive containing years worth of OC and CB stuff was lost
Seriously? Fuck.
I didn't need to know what you call yourself, but that is very interesting, thank you very much.
Guys is MWO p2w?
It annoys me to no end.

And PGi occasionally animates the arms of a mech.

Fucking lazy cuckold faggots, the lot of them.
>hehehehehe let's go nascar and lose an entire lance that had the worst spawn pfkkekekeke oh no why we lose

I fucking hate this braindead fucking retarded playerbase
why the fuck did they have to give mechs a bazillion gorillion hardpoints
So shitters get tricked so they also fill up useless hardpoints
Every. Fucking. Time.

>Hey guys lets nascar counter clockwise and pick off each other's slow mechs.
You can use their retardation to your benefit and herd them like sheep. No matter what mech is in front, they will follow it every single time because they are too stupid to make decisions such as "left or right".
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w o w I did not know it was possible to be this good at MWO.
t. kodiak
>the sheer amount of time it takes to play 15 matches
>yfw a whole week of this
Who says you have to play 15 matches a day?
3 hours a day of pain, for essentially nothing. My first day/15 bags=
>1 day of activated premium
>500 GXP
>400,000 CB
>1 mech bay
>bunch of worthless consumables

and a halloween warhorn from another challenge that wont be awarded until!

after halloween.
>got a mechbay, premium time, and MC
>bitches about getting nothing

if you got what I got from the past few grab bag events you'd probably have killed yourself by now
>all torso weapons
>6x medium pulse lasers
>mk1 targeting comp
>5-6 extra heatsinks by stripping arms down and a little bit off the legs to round out tonnage

Mite b gud
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