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/gbfg/ - Granblue Fantasy General #705

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 834
Thread images: 180

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>Schedule for October:
9/30 - 10/8 - So Close and Yet So Far/By Any Other Name (Romeo and Juliet Rerun and New Event)
10/7 - 10/13 - Rise of the Beasts (All Four Celestials Rerun)
10/14 - 10/24 - Cinderella Fantasy: Snowy Mountain Story (iM@S CG Collab; Rerun and New Event)
10/24 - 10/31 - Phantasm Banquet (Halloween Guild War)

10/14 - 11/2 - Halloween Celebration (Magnafest, Daily Single Rolls, 100 Crystals a Day, etc.)

>How to Start
Go to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Please, READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning
http://granblue.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ (RIP old EN wiki)
alternate: http://pastebin.com/XAw8bBCf

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

>Guide on how to get ranko for total retards

Previous thread
ded game
ded thread
Was just about to make the thread myself.

Sochie is ugly.
but i HATE giga nigga
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wtf i love giga niga now
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I love Jeanne!
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Thanks my nigga
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Can someone post the stuff i need for mlb the fire axe
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After spending like 70 pots on him that guy has only dropped one fucking wurst.
Guess I'll abandon my plan of 2 mlb axes.
Post that Nemone sound clip. You know the one.
yes please.
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my nigga
>tfw 10 sausages in 30 pots
Why the fuck does it need the same stars than the dirt axe? Fuck this shit.
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>tfw no sound bite link
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If Nemone is Santa she better be in my bed by christmas, ready for breeding.
How do you even get all those stars? Do you do maniac and hell 120?
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How do I get the imagesearch to trigger the coop bot? This faggot configured his coop bot to only work on a 3rd world monitor resolution
You grind as best as you're able.
Where do you get purple stars? I have 3 MLB unknowns but only 98 purple stars, wtf am I doing wrong?
Gee, I wonder if there was something to configure the bot with...
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Holy shit. I need her now.
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>Turn on platinum tear drop rate
>No room for 10 minutes
I d-didn't want the axe anyway, i was doing it just for collecting rare stuff
It's a shitty bot that tries to join crew and friend only rooms, just make your own.
is Yuel Too Sweeting me?
Bullet Club confirmed.
Rank 81
Hopefully i can get my GW sword soon
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why do you want a gw sword?
Can you luckshitters go fuck yourself?
Reminder juliette is the third best character in the game.
Because I mostly play HS and WM

Neither class can equip a dagger
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How is that a luck shitter grid?
>six swords at 80
that's pretty average
I checked the utilities config but even including a 50% or all parameter doesn't do shit to detect it
we can easily just change it to all though
You want a spear for HS though...
>break time is completely random
And all this time I was holding myself strengthening bounty hunters as the top placebo but boosted time to break manages to be the most fallacious one.
yeah its like he knows about my two backwater bows for my Ayer/Halle unit

some people...
Cog Halloween when?
baal has not been kind
tomorrow obviously.
then legfest with new characters
Hey guys time traveler here.
HRT found a brilliant way to balance broken characters like korwa and s.zoey. and how will he do it? Simple! By adding broken characters to every element!plus it also makes a shiton of money. This Halloween is going to be a fire one.
The most op element will be water since it's already fucking strong without a broken characters
There's no need to be angry then the time comes since i already warned you guys. See ya!
The only dirt SSR spear is Arulu's unless you make a GW spear dirt.
Is it better to have say three harps with three attack ups but small attack values or combine them into one for extra attack but only one attack up?
>fire's shitty weapons will be fixed with a new character
that's not how it works.
*cum on this post and walk away*
I didn't said fire will be any good ever. It will receive a good character but that's it
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That's not how balancing works you fucking retard.
Friendly reminder that we didn't have legfest with Halloween characters last year and won't this year either.
>That's not how balancing works

According to HRT that's exactly how balancing works.
That's the point retarded.
Thanks for ruining the joke
when did he say that?
Fire already has a bunch of good characters you dumbfuck.

>Water became Tier 0 thanks to their character pool
Yeah no.
It wasn't a funny joke in the fucking beginning so good fucking riddance.
His actions. Have you ever played Granblue Fanasy before?
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Nemone is the absolute cutest!
Stop making me want to play dirt.
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Drop axes you damn ninja dagger!
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>Got my party wiped by Yugu because I didn't break her before her Overdrive ougi
onegai onegai onegai
ikuzo ikuzo ikuzo
S.zoey and korwa good?. I don't think so
Is rin or anastasia better?
shew shew osoi
kyun kyun
>implying kikegames isn't super hurting for money now because they overexerted themselves with all those new projects

Trust me Halloween legfest will happen and it will feature Halloween Zooey
shut the fuck up chen
Both are retarded. But Rin is a shitpost, and Anastasia is well retarded.
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>super hurting for money
>there are people in this world who sparked halloween charlotte

I don't even play light but I want Juliet in my team. My only SSR are Albert, SHeles and DLF. I can easily cut Che to 50% with my dark subteam. You should start to farm light?
Lets hold and be friends

We can even post on each others board

Just post your ID
Fuck you.
If you want Juliet you might as well want hallowen Charllota because both are shit.
Fuck off bitch. Post yours so i can spam kat stickers
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In the trash where they belong
is the leviathan scepter any good? or should I just I use it as fodder?
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>Healing up
Sounds really broken right?
Which boss is the easiest to farm hell stars?
I take it, it will be useful on higher difficulties? guess I'll keep it.
No, it's a fodder.
its completely worthless
Hell 120
>pozz up uguu
>asks for swords
You already fucked up all her immune system faggot, she can't even fertilized swords anymore.
Which boss not dificulty. Supa niga green or black cat?
Black if you have a character with reflect.
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>putting a windmemer at 1 HP


did I make a friend today anon
Does hs reflect count?
Kinda, but it depends on luck.
>Bragging about beating some easy story mode boss

Come back when you can solo a HL or a important raid
What does it ougi and trigger do? I have water buncle so maybe i can handle it.
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I don't want to do this anymore. 2nd fire axe.
gimme ur quatre, i need to lick his tummy
At 50% it charges energy, next turn and the next turn after that it will deal massive damage to a single target. So by reflecting this it'll be OHKO'ed. Check if you have Volenna (R character).
Gotta do this for my first sausage.
only have a Earth team T_T
i doubt i have the discipline and/or madness to grind away two 4* axes for each element when i dont even main either element

having to do this shit just once each time is more than enough...
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I'll get bullied for my shitty summons and/or my f2p rolls. I refuse.
Do the black pinya for stars.
must be hard with those windroach guns yeah
someone please host a chicken

Why so bitter anon?

I just talked to other anon without katspams, its ok I'll be there
Just kill yourself then
They drop shareable mats?
I.. I was unaware
Hmm nice i have her. So i leave her in the first back row, the first puch she goes to the front and the second one it kill itself?
Then I wouldnt be able to protect vampy. no.
0: It charges energy, doing nothing.
1: One guy gets killed, Volenna comes out
2: Use her cover and reflect, GG.
Just the stars.
I did it it two days while doing something else at the same time. What I'm really dreading is more time spent grinding away in angel halo.
any idea when we find out the balance changes and if s zoi or enmity will be nerfed
Ok thanks. Does mirror image work in the punch?
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n e e s a n
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>tfw no birdman bf
Kill me.

Did HRT die?
Of course you were unaware because you're retarded, no surprise
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>mirror image
I don't understand EOP version terms.
Once you get your main element to 3* and run out of elements to limit break you will regret this decision. Enjoy.
>Take second place from a friend's Chev Magna since he offered it
>He gets both a harp and a gun while I got nothing

Ok, this is even worse than watching him get two yugu swords off my yugu
i hope so
EOPs were a mistake
English was a mistake

Everything was better when this thread wasnt buried in literal retards and people spoonfeeding braindead redditors
rank 150+ only raids when?
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all these chara have party reflection
reflect damage skill
where is the best place to buy the idol cd?
Yes, it's not plain damage and it's single target.
Petra buff.
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>tfw no JK

Why even play this element?
Man don't call the thing eop
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Even when I play Dirt I can't get away from Zoi.
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It just blocks damage, does not work with reflect.
man when fenrir and cerb came around i spent hours and hours every day it was around and only managed to 4* one of each, with a bunch of leftover mats because i never got the necessary flips, and i *main* water

i cant go through that madness a second time i just cant
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>tfw no Vane qt but I actually have Summer Lecia
Aw yeah, time to try out 120 Hell next time.
Hi I'm new how does party reflection help beat 120 hell black monster
What kind of grid do you use for slimeblasting with Clarisse? I'm considering ticketing her.
you forgot rosetta, which is actually the best option.
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Take-Pinya does a single hit 9999999999 water damage to someone in your party randomly after 50%. If you have party reflect or someone with Reflect + Substitute like R Voremia, they will give back the damage done and insta kill Take-P.
not gonna deny this.
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looks like i need to do danua's 5* fate that i've been putting off all this time
But DON'T use Gravity of DF. Then P-san makes a two ougi. The first is not reflected.
I got all cumming today on an alt account. is he actually good or just a memelord like rackam?

>tfw I have summer dlf but am too weak to even get him to 50%
How often do these rerun events happen?
>tfw JK and monki have carried me so many times

best girls
i've done it with df everytime
Please respond.
He's good.
Hey guys, gonna start working on a Tier 4 weapon. the Hellion Gauntlet dropped for me. it it worth doing that or should i farm the Staff?
Water's best attacker
>Tier 4
When did this become WoW
you should pick whichever one you want to do
for me, amazon.
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Do I stop at two fire axes or go for three?
This is legitimately awful advice.
Do you have at least 4 4* sticks? Do you want to waste potentially hundreds of BP farming colo selfies to 4* your stick just to make a pool that's slightly worse than 3 axes?

Just farm the axe. The only reason you shouldn't is if you have agnis.
>tfw cygames personally rigged my account
Why even play
>personally rigged
How does someone get an ego this big?
>Not having ego this big
They did it to you too
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I have an alt account that's rolled more than 120 times and has 0 ssr. And I have one with about 300 less rolls than my main with 6 limiteds and more SSR than my main.

You just have shit luck. It'll turn around some day if you keep playing.
are athena weapons shit? the hp penalty is huge and chev swords seem more op in comparison
>not knowing that your draws, drops, and everything else "RNG" is tied to your ID number and that you've been rigged since the start
1 athena sword or 2 SK15 colo sticks makes up for the HP loss of a single Athena spear.
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Is Ranko a doraf?
chev swords are the most op weapon in the game
can we not
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Have you praised your chuuni today?
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No, she's my wife.
What did you mean by this?

Two is good enough.
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nu uh too small
whats that mainhand weapon?
WInd GW Staff
looks like a gw stick
yeah but it seems shittier than your usual magna weapons in comparison
>not a single one of his baal builds include baihu staff
>he recommends baihu claws in several builds
why use that instead of nirvana
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Post food to increase flips
Baihu claws are at least good for midgame though right? Or did I waste my time getting one
>irc in 2016
It's far easier to double/triple your damage with DA/TAs than it is to double your raw output per hit.

Take that into consideration.
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How do I get That 10LB Uzuki?
what? baihu fist is objectively better than the staff for damage. if you want to run a staff then just replace the fist
It's good for a halle/ayer meme party.
They're filler for early game. You'll replace the claw with another weapon later. You only consider using Baihu Staff if you're running dirt bonito and have ayer and halle.
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Post a character you want to come to your main element.
>Viramate says I have 1 BP
>Used a powder
>Actually it was fucking 0 and now my BP is 5 not 6
I did get three flips from Celeste today. Post more pizza, /gbfg/.
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any of these for dark, i need more 17yo grills in my party
Can you get grand order other than from gacha?
this one>>157811814
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dont question darchrow he is a god among us and always knows best
aka I shouldnt bother with athena then right?
How many Tiamat guns should i have in my grid before i start uncapping them? Is it true that Wind grids doesn't need unknowns?
>Light Forte

That'd be nice. Maybe this summer.
It's still good to have 1 Athene spear even for magna builds but good luck getting flips.
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>think Darchow is an asshole
>really don't want to bother with a third axe
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6 or 7.
Earth Yuel
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So will they nerf Fenrir bows during the rebalance or will they wait for the next rerun when everyone and their mother have 5+ bows and completely rape the meta?
Dark De La Fille please.
I don't think they're going to do that!
So the remaining spots would be a cosmos gun, a bahamut weapon and 1 or 2 normals/unknown right? Thank you kind Anons.
mainhand, 7 guns, baha, 2nd baha/cosmo
7 guns/cosmos/baha/mainhand

If you don't have a cosmos yet, it's okay to put another normal in there like the Seiryu Spear.
>aka I shouldnt bother with athena then right?
What? That's the exact opposite of what he was implying. The only reason you should ignore Athena is if you're a new player because a magna build is much easier and faster to scrape together from nothing.
i'm all for it once they nerf ever other element down to fire's level first till then it feels good shitting on windroaches, chevcucks and zoi niggers
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someone host zoi
Mainhand and cosmo are still far away but i have the spear. Thank you once again.
t. daydreaming watercuck with 1 bow
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>throw full buffed ougi at Macula
>someone suddenly joins and triggers the shield

Farming animas for grande is such a pain sometimes.
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fire broseraga
he may not be good, but I main fire so it's not like that even matters
Your mainhand can be the spear for HS or the GW dagger for dagger classes.
I have 3 with varuna, stay mad once i farm the other 2 the next event
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I can't believe I went into Hard Tia instead of Magna Tia.


I want to lick Vaseraga.
>Need to equip 5 bows
What a poorfag
Wind Ejaeli or Magisa
Oh I thought you were talking about Oliver/Nebuchad Mainhand for gun affinity. Thanks. I'm currently using the spear as mainhand.
What would a good magna water pool be? How many levi daggers?
Is Eustace gun better than baal gun?
laughing snek
They are not comparable. You need to equip both.
poorfag that shits on the meta with little time investment ;)
you wouldn't use them in the same build unless you're doing titanxtitan
Will playable Orchid be light or dark element?
3rd 4* axe is slightly stronger than a 4* stick. All the nips think so at least. But getting a 3rd axe is easier than mlb a stick. Just the stupid trash items alone cost a fuckton of AP, let alone the amount of BP you need for elements.
>Too poor to afford Durandal and Slarnd
>Must go 5 bows instead of 3
Not true. If you're using a GW mainhand, then 4 Baal axe, 1 Eustace gun, 2 sausage, 2 yugu swords has better damage output at every level than if you replaced the Eustace gun with a cosmos axe at every health level.
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he was asking about eustace gun and baal gun
>bought all the axes I could
I didn't keep track of which weapons were character weapons. Is there a way to tell? Are they even worth keeping?
>rolling outside legfest

How many 4* axes do you plan to get?
Is that to 5 star idols?
no wurst for you
come back one year
>Shitters without Esser are struggling to get flips
There's a reason why she's the strongest Eternal in canon
Choose your side shitface
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this is turning out to be a rather enduring pattern
>Water buncle
Fuck off luckshitter,
You actually keep track of this shit?
What went wrong?
thanks for helping with the snake
i now have five levi daggers that are all SR
Keep hosting anon!
I got my first SSR dagger by hosting today.
Are there any events I should save my gems for? Or are events just rate boosts for specific characters?
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what is his selfie

I'm still working on being able to solo normal/hard snake, not sure when a decent water team will outperform my shitty earth team whose only benefit is element bonus
Legend Fest every end/first week of the month.
Keep hosting and leeching, but most importantly pray to get another elements SSR weapons
End of the month they usually bump up the drop rate for all ssrs
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Glad to help. Good luck on future drops. You'll need it. I haven't gotten any good Magna weapons in 2 months
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I know what you feel anon.

I just want to get my final gun so i can stop grinding wind and focus on light.
What's the best way to level up my Ranko summon to 100?
get fodders from event,shop,casino/coop exchange
No she's just big for her age.
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T-thank you for being so helpful!
Complaining really works boys. Almost 1 AM, about to pack it up for the day, last 30 AP, bitch on /gbfg/, and get a flip. Like clockwork.
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I regret not starting my 7th gun right away after finishing all of my 6 guns.

I hate Tiamat.
Good luck.
How "shit" is your earth team?
Weapons matter more.
I recently switched from soloing it with a 2SSR + 1SR water team to a 2SR + 1R earth team (plus really barebones earth SR weapons) and it was much easier to solo than the water team.

Is making the GW gun worth it?
I'm right behind you!

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I got one ssr dagger from him yesterday from I think a flip, so given that luck I'll either have a full ssr grid in a week or never see another until next year

the team is walder, eugen, and katalina because I don't have a third earth member yet
i do have two yggdra SRs but they're both the staff
As water main play something else
which quest drops the unknown fire axe? Been grinding the green pinya but no fire axes so far only the wand
If I'm planning to build a sub dark pool, but don't have my earth pool done yet, should I take advantage of magnafest to start dark or keep on working on earth
finish your earth pool first so you can farm shit better
Kat is good anyway because of her veil.
You really should get that earth axe while you can.
At least 1 if you can manage.
I did as anon told me to reflect the dark cat punch but it didn't work at all. At 50% he punched instantly and he only did it once. Why i didn't work?
The event one? I haven't had any success clearing smiling giant VH, although I haven't tried that hard
Which one did you do? Lv90 or Lv120?
Dark/Light are cancer to farm
Always prioritize Wind/Water/Earth/Fire
Holy shit, I won a 10 roll from the haiku lottery
Go read a guide and get your shit in order.
How good is summer vira? Is she good enough to be considered core or will she be replaced in an optimal team
She was never core. Pretty useful for her dispel tho.
The only earth cores are Eugen and Sara
Oh that explains it.

Lv90 only does that 1-hit kill punch once unlike the Lv120 one where it punches someone randomly for 3 turns..
I think she's great.
i get that this thread likes her a lot but in what world is she "core"?
Is bounce a good zenith skill? Or is it just hermits bullseye run?
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this is my current dark pool at rank 59. Have 10k pendants, should I opt for axes, claws, or something else? Also have another celeste spear in the inventory.
It's just like Sidewinder's nuke.
I see. I don't think i can handle the 120 one, even if it is only to 50%.I'll try with the grand order team.
Do you have S.Zoi? if yes get some claws, if not stick with axes
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Water bosses are essentially balanced around Sara. That's why.
>50% Damage Cut
>1000% Def Up

Mega Kek
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I got one as well, got mine a few days ago. Congrats!
You're forgot
>enmity passive
>Damage cut boost party def
>rank 59
>better pool than my water
dark has bad drop rate is meme after all
What's the point of making a co-op room if they're just going to set it to crew or friend only?
>No damage
>Useless with a HS in the raid
both are negligible
wtf tanks are core now
Thanks. How do I know which tanka won? It says "lottery" so maybe none, just randomly selected winner?
>have SSR fodder but no SR fodder

how did it come to this
to play with your "friend" (alt)
>holy sabers will always save my ass
low level shitter detected
>Needs Sara to not die
Sounds like the low level one is you
hs here
please don't rely on me to save your ass i am a shitter
Someone linked this in another thread. I read it but it's not really my cup of tea. Though it does seem like something dark players would love.
>enmity passive
I wonder how well she scales with baal axes.
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Have you not been on HL before? He's right, Sara is utterly useless if there's a HS on the raid.

Sara's fine for solo content but she's not core. People really need to lay down this core meme.
What the fuck they're still giving those out two months later? For what reason?
>Not even GBF related
shit isn't even related to granblue. You should try >>>/irc/
Seems pretty dark player related
It's random.
No one can read your mind. Go back to your containment board autist.
free snek mvp
I won't read 200+ pages of autism attached to a background just to connect up the dots.
you mean like half of the thread? woah
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>urethra insertion
I'm a dark player and those tags make me erect. Why can't a cute onee-chan do this shit to me.
>No one can read your mind
>Though it does seem like something dark players would love.
my negro
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thx for the fodder
Don't knock it till you try it
I wish I had a pool of Nata Spears or Gurani bows so I can have 3 turns of funz.
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Posting superior, Granblue-related doujinshi.

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Fire Silva so I can have all of the sisters in my main element, thanks.
>tfw I got a selfie
It was the biggest disappointment for me, after months of hype of reading the sample.
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But I want to take responsibility.
>Posting the ex link when it's on ehentai
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Fuck off normalfag.
Let me give you a conversation and you tell me if this sounds autistic or not.
"hey, you look like the kind of guy that would read this book."
"because it's a book written for people like you."

You think anyone is going to read that shit?
It's half of a conversation. Explain why you think someone should read it, or you're just blabbering like a retard.
>using ehentai
Like a pleb you are
I know the feeling except I want to abandon her and the child
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Sorry but shes too young to be on the hag element, Ill keep her to myself in water thanks.
>"hey, you look like the kind of guy that would read this book."
>"because it's a book written for people like you."
That honestly sounds like a conversation I would have in real life. Just add a ;^) to the end of it
>Posting the e link when it's on exhentai
>posting the ehentai link when it's on nhentai

Is it free from fakku/wani vigilantes?
why the fuck are there so many <insert letters> hentais and what's the difference
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Zahlamelina is not a hag, how dare you. I have no thoughts on Magisa.
exhentai and ehentai have completely cancer communities. exhentai is the elitist version of the two.
nhentai have higher standards of quality but it's a bit slower when it comes to new releases
Why do you even care about them when you just download things and walk away
Do you guys find it easier farming nigger or black cat on hell 60? Don't wanna risk losing pots finding out since i already can just barely beat the nigger. Also do I keep farming extreme or very hard has the same chance to proc hell mode?
Because they spam shitty low quality galleries for internet points
Autists man. Don't even ask
Got aletheia in memeroll. How good is he as dirt chara?
higher difficulties have a higher chance of spawning hell and better weapon drop rate
lower difficulties yield more materials for ap spent

pick your poison
Almost top tier DPS.

>not caring about internet points

archive downloading is great for old/expunged galleries without torrents
You can always play that shitty webgame that every update blows everything up.
Fuck. Which one to farm hell stars then? If cat is easier I could really use a change. Spent half the day on/pol/ duty already
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Potato granny.
You're a granny JK, go get your back fixed.
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It's time.
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The sun! Worship the mercy that outshines sick truths.
Pls respond
I want to lick Uzuki's sweaty booty.
Farm that what easier. 60 HELL = 1*, 90 HELL = 2*, 120 HELL = 3*
Do I really have to farm a Belle Sylphid? This is so damn tedious
I wish I was Ayer.
>cock too small
Damn you nippon artists
Any prediction on new Halloween char?
I can't hope to beat 120 and still might lose to 90 if Ido something wrong, which happens if one farms for too long. Haven't tried cat 90 cause no buncle but was hoping for less risk. I guess I'll just have to try then. Anything to watch out for? Any nigger 90 ougi will kill at least one of my characters if I don't defend somehow, will cat give me trouble as well?
I just used other people's Belle Sylphids.
Judgement! Sound the trumpets to the Empire's end.
Halloween Eustace and Beatrix.
The only reason to farm her or rabbit is ez daily rupees
Do twitter Flam=Glass HLs fail?
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>Does the hardest 6 man fail
Do I fully uncap tiamat selfies before reducing or just do it as they come?
I'm supposed to reduce them right?
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Only one way to find out.
Lvl 90 cat is the same but stronger, ougi is single target ~5k and OD ougi does tons of hits of 1.5k so you'll need a damage cut for that, he also has a 50%hp trigger that does 9999999, but people suggest bringing reflect so the trigger helps in killing him
How do you slimeblast with Clarisse?
Flam is legitimately the hardest fight in the game

I've failed more Flam HLs than Baha HLs
I doubt Beato since her va is on america right now
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Post more wincest
Wind Halloween Zooey. They have to end this month of screw ups with a bang.
Feels good to not be a firefag
Succubus Zoi when?
>right now
Is granblue voiced in real time?
Fire just can't catch a break.
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beato does not have a flat chest
well yeah shes a girl duh
i have altair/lancelot/yngwie
who should i surprise ticket
Everyone knows the Halloween Skins are Halloween Stan (Fire) and Halloween Farrah (Wind)
Well. You can use reflect for a 90 lvl black cat 50% trigger ougi for oneshoot him. It's ougi still pain. Use HS or someone with a Damage cut.

90 lvl black cat: 99999999 ougi right after 50%
120 lvl black cat ougi 50% -> damge cat and wait for 1 turn -> 999999999999 if no Gravity on it.
You can reflect it and oneshot him.
I'll need my grande party here as well it seems. My characters have around 5k health, think athena can hold back that OD ougi?
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ayer + 200% grand order = sub50 shitter dream
She's been there for like a year already. Do you think nip can do some shit while she's away baka
is there actually anyone else the female halloween character could be aside from farrah?
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>story ch 52
so am I just screwed until I farm up a magna pool?
>flat chest
They just said she does not look like a Doraf.
Wind was abandoned after korwa. We're only getting anything after they make fire good
but she might molest my all male bondage crew
>its anima
Anima doesn't flip what
Medusa, Nutaku, etc. animas is a flip.
On the old summon bosses it does when it gives a gold anima.
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Medusa is my wife and the mother of my children.
>That feeling when I deal less damage than a sub-50 earth shitter when I'm a rank 115 fire player
they did mention that the chest looked small, but beato's tits are big enough that i'm pretty sure she's ruled out regardless
Oh right, those.
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Someone post sicomimi mode please.
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>wanpan an apollo and go back to collab grinding
>an hour later, I check the apollo I wanpan'd
>apparently he flipped me a chev axe
Why didn't I get an anima instead?
but they didnt
Not sure, it might be a bit too close with just Athena, you might need some more damage cut or atk down. The lvl90 cat seems to be weirdly resistant to debuffs for some reason
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>even guns became fodder
Sword drop rate is almost as bad as Celeste claws. Almost.
Which is the least painful way to get GO summon mats, spam GO or spam everything else?
Have you tried actually making a fire pool then instead of being a shitter using point dagger because it's your best stat stick?
Beato, Apollo, Rosamia, Carren, Jeanne to name a few. Human swordswomen aren't exactly uncommon in this game.
Phalanx and substitute. It should do 0 dmg.
Beato and Apollo's tits are too big

They said the character had normal sized boobs
>149/150 feathers
>can't get into any zois
>when I finally get into one it fails because of faggot hl leechers
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My wife was so cute.
Only got lecia with reflect. Heard HS have one too as a zenith skill but I don't think I can halve his health without mist on 120

Oh well, sucks to be me
I want to rub her thighs.
What are you talking about?
My pool is 5 colo sticks, 2 pinya axes, baha dagger, celestial katana, and gw harp
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You're making me want to build an Earth team.
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>beat up sausage man
>lets out a soft chuckle
>sausage axe
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>Not reflect and substitute
Man I wish I farmed for esser instead of six. At least I can own that premium ass/placebo ts
so is new jessica any good or just revised doujin fodder?
Where is everyone farming Ranko? Vira?

How do you trigger Vira's healing?
Easiest 120 ever
What we know about the new Halloween girl
>flat to modest sized chest
>energetic pose
She was literally made to make Ayer better. She's good.
If only I could halve it without mist
so Farrah or Carren.
run run
He was asking about the OD ougi not the 50% trigger.
I love you anon.
she's also a good discount SSR Eugen for characters like Nemone and Eustace
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>all these dirt bonito friends
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i just need to ticket ayyyer, make him my wife and i get a free nee-chang from the deal
>holding a sword
>looks like a human
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>>flat to modest sized chest
keep repeating this, maybe someone will believe it
>Play fire and can't do 120 water hell
>Cobble together a super shitty earth pool and team
>Barely manage to get to the half HP trigger after using an elixir
>Taunt and reflect the punch with Volenna
>Get my blue crystal
Based /gbfg/ for telling me about this.
Just noticed how similar Rin and Lancelot look.
Could've told me they're siblings and I'd believe it.
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it's zooey
so if I don't have ayer she's still a solid SR to run?
god i wish
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>he fell for the six meme

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Post your top 5 characters for each race
can Bonito be sup tick'd, or is he leg roll only?
I can't take esser seriously.
Just look at her stupid animation when she gets hit
Just casually doing limbo
Is there even a gw character worth the trouble?
It's supposed to be like the matrix or something, but it just looks horrid.
Bonito can be ticketed.
Song, Six, and Siete
Now that there's half ap going on, what's the best place to farm hollow souls?
ahh cool
25 experience to level in CG.
0 stamina.
So I'm just supposed to wait around or waste an entire half pot?
Quatre, even if you don't play water.
Oh really? I thought she just had a really old animation or something since I noticed some early generic enemies moved in a similar when when they got attacked
Every jutenshu is outdated now. Six is probably the strongest on solo's but he gets boring real fast. At least esser can be a permanent backrow
Forte, Narumea, Vampy, Summer Zoey, Korwa and Six
Why is Six afraid of Siete?
my heavens
song isn't really worth the effort anymore.
What about Nio?
Grab all pots from your crate and burn them mercilessly already, I thought I was but still had some left by the end
when are they gonna let us use these portraits instead of the ugly ass LB arts
All GW characters are a meme.
They're all weaker than the top 3 characters in every element.
Esser. I've gotten literally over 20 flips this event and I've been grinding it pretty casually, only spent like 60 pots so far
because seofon eahta niyon
1. Agielba
2. Barawa
3. Broseraga
4. Redluck
5. Baotaoda

Human and other shit
1. my dick doesn't care
60 second paralyze is still pretty good even if there's better character for damage
funf would be worth it if her race wasn't just completely wrong for her element and thus negating what advantage she had over sophia
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Human: Farrah, Feena, Jamil, Pengy, Silva

Erunes: Shao, Eustace, Sen, Catherine, Yuel

Draph: Aliza, Kumuyu, Almeida, Sarasa, Forte

Harvin: Zahlamelina, Charlotta, Lunalu, Arulu, Souffle

Unknown: Minigobu, Rosetta, Amira, Noa, Cerberus
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Regular person.png
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Esser is beautiful, smart, loving and she gives you more SSRs thanks to her skill and ability. You should all work hard to get her yourselves.

More Esser art is always appreciated.
Octo? He's still doing his job of feeding your party meter. Sarasa should also be good since earth enmity w/Ayer is a thing.
Regular person you get headpats.
Name 3 dark characters stronger than Six
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More Halloween Potatoes.
Summer Zoey, Dark Sarunan and Djeanne
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I want to make assbabies with neechang.
>Dark Sarunan

Did i missed something?
S Zooey, Veight, Jackie Ch-- FUCK
This is bait
does the dsarunan zoi meme still work? or have they fixed that shit?
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Why is Ferry so cute, anons?
It still works but not really worth the time when you can just 2-turn-kill everything.
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why would they
Nerf Enmity, S. Korwa and Zoi
The only thing they fixed is honor gain, you can 1T cheese most stuff.
s zoey djeanne naru.
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Birdman, Anriet, Aoidos, Rackam, Gawain and even more but I'm limited to 5.
Six, Korwa, Metera, Eustace, Seruel.
Vaseraga, Agielba, Carmelina, Barowa, Okto.
Samurai Potato, Yoda, Flare-chan, Mimlemel, Arulu.
Rosetta, Veight, Cerberus, Noah, Lily nano.
Fuck Korwa, marry Enmity, kill Zooey
djeeta forte narmaya djeanne
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This post reeks of fujo. You need a dick to get rid of that fujo stank.
This kills the GW.
Is there anyone dark around rank 110 that can beat these event maniacs? Mind posting your pools? Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
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Damn ghostgranny slut.
human: io, pengy, mary, cag, anna
erun: anchira, chloe, metera, yuel, sochie
doraf: anila, hallie, aliza, dannua, barawa
harbin: nio, charlotte, lunalu, riruru, robertina
unknown: zooey, vampy, veight, rosetta, morphoebe
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Can't be fujo if I included girls.

Carmelina is the only good female doraf.
Post your pool and party, I have a hard time believing you can't do it.
Kills pretty much everything*. Literally every fight resets Six's third skill at least within 5 turns. You think Naru takes a long time? Six takes even longer to continually press his third skill and start from scratch again.
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im rank 89 and i can do maniac 95% of the time.
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My cumdump
>rank 89
>with that pool
Fucking luckshitters
I can also do rank 90% of the time. But 90% of the time is stupid, and it's better just to do extremes.
I have 40k attack and using SS, vampy, vira and djeanne. I have six naru beato and lady grey, but they're less reliable.

None of them can survive frankfurt's 50% and 25% slam after taking 1k hits from the shit mobs.
rank 94
well the 5% is me fking up but yea... having zoi to meme the boss for me helps
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I'm rank 89 too, thoughts?
Looks like average pool to me. Rank 85 here.
>zoi appears on twitter again
>accidentally mash control+c instead of v because I was playing a different game and my hands were on the wrong keys
>this raid is full
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>it's a luckfag pool episode again
>not using Viramate
remove that celeste harp RIGHT now
Nope. I need that HP up.
>not using gbfraidfinder
Should I use my gold bricks on my gisla?
All of them, best race.

-Chat Noir



why would you lie to me like this? in the 15 zois that have been posted on twitter since I woke up today I only got 2 feathers. 2 more that I joined failed even though they were full of rank 150 players, 1 happened when I was taking a shit, and the rest were either full before I could join or were posted while I was stuck in another one.
i'm guessing weekend quests are the only way to load up on currency? just now pushing my characters past lv60 and they've made me broke real quick
for your reply
Guess I should try asking in another forum where people aren't rank 90 shitters.
good thing you missed the Celestials event that gave everyone free 200k
I recommend neo-gaf
Post a cute image, if its not cute I wont help
coop, you can post it here and ask the people here to carry you or something.
just prepare lots of pots or something since you're hosting.
well I'm very angry
I was thinking reddit or discord. They seem to be much better players because they aren't held back by autism and low IQ.
Any whale here that has all the gacha chars?
Don't listen to this guy. just leech other rooms for free. Nobody cares if you're low ranked.

How dumb are you
>reflect and substitute

you mean the reflect spell of holy saber spell? the zenith/ex spell: "Reflection"?
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tan is best
Do you not know how to count?
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>implying you won't get kicked 90% of the time
what are you doing
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I don't save cute pics. I only save ones that make people think lewd thoughts.
Yes that's what I'm implying. Just don't join EX rooms, you have nothing to seek there before rank 90.
gamefaqs is where its at
it expires tomorrow dumbass
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Wasting money. Hah.
How do people last 999+ turns against Vira in 19-4? Lv 1 Bryn summons are still doing 2k damage to her and she isn't healing it off or anything.
>another zoi on twitter
>right as I go to copy the code the stupid dmm connection popup for boat sluts changes the tab on me
>raid is full by the time I can switch back
I'm literally about to throw my keyboard across the room
He got a 10 draw and a ticket for the price of a 10 draw. He's just wasting the bonus.
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im rank 89 too, ..
Those nips just don't give a shit about leecher. Just throw your TH and call it a day.
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Yeah and I'm also retarded.>>157823230
>playing KC without a viewer
>on the same browser as the one you're using for other stuff
You reap what you sow.
I do but what I don't know is how to decide.
>There are low ranked people who won't be able to 4* their axes because Cygames are fucking assholes and decide to lock content behind Hell modes.

Fuck you Cygames.
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>bwah i cant have everything at every level
>There are low ranked people who won't be able to unlock their T4 jobs immediately, because Cygames are fucking assholes and decide to lock content behind HL pendants
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>500 berries
>1 Claw
>1 Spear
>4 Harps
>9 Selfies

Is this normal or im just unlucky?
>there are people
Really grinds my gears.
t4 jobs don't only have a 1 week window to unlock
>1000 berries on chev
>3 guns (no use for these anymore)
>4 axes
>6 harps
>4 selfies
You tell me.
that's different

T4 jobs will always be there, this event will probably only be rerun like a year from now
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wtf I miss miria already
At least you are that much closer to buying one.
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>fourth Celeste selfie in a row
That sweet start with Axe and Claw seems so distant now.
im at around 300 berries

i'd be ok with that claw
so like every fucking event you missed
get fucking real, there are always events or shit youll miss or wont be able to fully autism.
if youre too low its your fault, not the game designs. there needs to be content and rewards for higher player.
how big of a difference does using a harp vs not using a harp make on harpist/bard/superstar skills? Am I gimping myself by using a good dagger over a subpar harp?
Maybe try it out yourself and see?
ur buffs are only doing around 50% when using a dagger instead of a harp
Let the bottom mob use its ougi first before summoning brun. His ougi is regeneration
>Not sure what I'm doing wrong
Agree, but to be fair you're the one shitter being stupid here. You also asked for other's people pool without posting yours. What are you doing wrong? Probraly carbuncles. Yeah, it's that simple. Now grow some fuckin' balls
>that scene in the anime where she comes home from school and her mom is too busy to pay any attention to her.
>not wanting to let her help after seeing that.
The second post may not be him.
>she pops in to help
>she starts crying because she gets slapped around by ghost boat
i dunno
>implying you even need buncles for these maniacs
cmon man, corow is more difficult than these.
It is him
>if youre too low its your fault
how is it my fault when the game is designed so that the only way to get better equipment is from raids that require you to already have said equipment?
Of course. According with moot, we're all supposed to be unique posts.

But if he's a shitter who can't clear it, buncles are more than enough to save his ass.
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>Decide to do a random roll with free ticket

play more, welcome to mobage.
if thats an issue for you, try another game faggot.
Dark, Beato
Ranko is really unique and cute!
>free ticket
>decide to
What exactly did you decide? Not to let a free ticket expire?
So are you! Have you unlocked her yet?
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Cute orange potato. Now I just need to roll her regular version.

The free ticket you get from Dailies anon.
it's fucking retarded. in every other rpg you kill monster a and use his shit to kill monster b and then use his shit to kill monster c. in this kusoge you need to already have monster b's shit to kill monster b and you only have one week a year to kill monster c. the whole system is designed to fuck over new players.
T-thanks, you too! I haven't yet, I need to do Star Halo for Archangel summon exp to level up my Ranko summon and then I'll be done!
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I want to _______ inside Clarisse's ________!
5 star when?
Juliet is more useful than her
How did the old players get their gears according to your logic? Just peace off anon.
water unknown when
Why do you even want water unknown when you have fenrir bow
How do we spot an actual retard? You'll get to know as soon as he replies to a filtered post.
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You wouldn't just punch a cute face like this, anon.
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collab when
Never now stop asking this stupid ass question for a stupid ass game.
My mother taught me not to ignore people.
your mother is a whore and should have aborted you
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I bet you ignore your parents, it's the same thing.
Is there anyway i can change my ign without waiting like 90 days later?
I am fucking tired of this giga nigga

I already got 6 wind urns that I will never need (already MLB'd all my shitty guns) and this fucking nigga is still FUCKED UP

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Now I understand why that anon can't get enough of this gag.
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[muffled bed creaking noises]
I need water tomes/scrolls. Do I just try to get lucky with the cerulean trial?
>five chev harps over the past two days from just using regenerating BP
Is the Sachiko meme real or did the drop rates get changed?
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Thank you brat poster.
>Looks at how guides now recommend 3 or even 4 fire unknown axes now

Man, I doubt I have enough pots for that

Geez, why cant they just give a better magna weapon in general for fire instead of staffs? Would be nice to see Colossus' cleaver be an actual weapon with atk so you can dimensional cleave things and have it hurt a ton
Halloween surprise ticket when
I dont recall them being ticketable last time though
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How its the new ratio?
I don't know I guess everyone had to be a windroach, or make a pool entirely out of gacha weapons
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Charlotte is a miracle of the universe
Vh pinya have less probabilities to trigger hell than extreme? Currently farming my last axe and i need like 11 stars

Btw wind hell drop stars too?
I want to hug this potato
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What the fuck is this thing?
Not a lizard.
I think it's a lizard.
A transformer
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What a monstrosity. Set it ablaze, put it out of its misery
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just go shopping nigga
wtf vyrn is a grill
Tasukete anon chan
Post these guides because the guides I see are saying 3 AXes are a miniscule better than 2 Axes and none of them suggest 4 unless you're a goddamn whale.
All hell drop start. And yes, VH triggered less extreme.
Every hell drops the same stars
So here's how I see it

If you care about your pots or are tired of farming: 2 Axes are fine.

If you have an excess of pots or are a whale, get 3 Axes.
Not sure about VH since I don't do those but extreme triggers nightmare quite often. I triggered the nightmare mode twice in a row quite frequently.
Well im doing vh because apparently is better than extreme for farm black pinyas
>another zoi finally appears on twitter
>there is a new version the app will now update
i did everything in the guide and 4*ed my ranko summon but i still don't have ranko, am i missing something here?
Anyone wants snek? Need to throw some spend some ap
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Finally got my autism loli. The chest monster seems to appear about 80 % time with just 1 mlb Belle.
Sure. I really need those daggers
someone host something, I got BP

let me help
snek IBDCA0E4
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I can't actually damage shit so you might want to open that after 5 minutes

thanks for the anima
someone host a snek please
I wish the 4 main element magnas were as easy to join as Celeste and Chev
Why must karva be an R.
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Will SSR Ryan save fire?
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I have no wind SSR characters, but a decent wind pool.

I have a bunch of dark SSR characters, but no dark pool.

Do I continue building wind, or spend a couple hundred BP leeching celeste?
Altair 5* confirmed.
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>a couple hundred BP
Enjoy your single selfie.
>new story chapter
Playable Drang when?
Io gets +200 HP, Ryan gets a third skill.
Altair gets +300 HP, Alistair gets +110 HP.

Both get +480 ATK.
>altair gets a fucking cross ep
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14 hours later and I'm finally done. which one of these am I even supposed to get?
These are the people you feed and erp everyday
Cross fate right now basically means no 5* anytime soon.
They wouldn't hire fucking daisuke ono just for a few lines baka
but muh yoda
Most likely balanced or special
You fucked up by thinking you needed a Cosmos.
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Cross fates don't have new lines I think.
>tfw the biggest secondary shitter in this whole thread keeps posting your girlfriend on the internet with shitpost comment alongside the pics.
You can go to the main shop and buy a cheaper one from the first event.
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anon... im about to kill myself.
the only balance character in my party right now is ferry. does attack make your characters too weak? does the bonus not apply to gran/dj?

but I want to meme
>buying a cosmo gun for a light pool

Anon no.
Atk makes u lose hp. BAL gives u DA. It applies to MC if your job is balance so if ur HE
I've done dark fencer and holy saber. Which class should I work on next?
Are you telling me to stick to tia
Bishop for Dispel and a useful leech.
All of tier 1, 2, then hawkeye
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I just started playing this meme game. How badly will I regret this?
assistance pls
Give up.
You already regret it, you just don't know it yet.
Collect your trophies anon
Do you love grinding?
Congrats anon, you can even get a 5th to farm the achievement faster!
>just started
>not even legfest
you should be regretting it right now.
depends on what dark and wind SSRs you have exactly, but farming Celeste is way more painful than farming Tia.
I hope you rerolled or have a lot of disposable income or bought a reroll account.
>Not buying an account
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inb4 he lbed them.
>wind ssrs
I have none.
I have like 6 dark SSRs though. Legfest is cruel
im retarded, but not THAT retarded. gimmi some credit.
Any of them. You'll max all tier 3 and below classes one day anyway.
Just have fun and hang out with us. Nothing can go wrong
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Good work
thank you so much i even checked my trophies but all i saw was crystals so i didn't bother picking it up
Will the Granblue anime even come close to Rage of Bahamut anime in terms of quality?
I want to be the ultimate meme. you and your swords can't stop me.

if I get spec will it effect gunmemer bullets?
>Studio A-1

FUCK no.
lmao did you even see the art quality? It's going to be ass.
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5266A502 my chevs belong only to you /gbfg/
Its fate is sealed anon
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This is everything I'm going to need, right? I can just take it easy now, I hope.
As long they dont fucked up the story and the animation its gonna be good
>A-1 Pictures

LUL, nope
wew lad
Water cag hype
she's dark faggot
They'll save best for last.
Oh boy is another episode of
If the studio isnt memehouse or boner is gonna be shit
*he said while hoping nervously*
dumb newshit http://granblue.wikia.com/wiki/Cagliostro_(Halloween)
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cg dragon.jpg
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imagine this, but the shitty cg dragon is replaced with shitty cg protochicken
I'm extremely excited to see just how bad it's going to be
No it's another episode of A-1 is a really fucking bad studio.
I guess? No idea desu. I only run HE because I have a GW dagger
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>it's a Magfest, free meme roll and 100 crystals per day for the duration of the anime
Why do you people keep doing this?
that's a nipple
>New story
>Eugen lines
Welp, can't help it.
Wtf why'd I type desu
Ranko is so cute! I want to impregnate her!
No, that would be illegal.
How new desu
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>a young boy
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>12th selfie
thanks celes i needed more of this
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>it's allen walker
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>solider 1 & solider 2
one job
that fucking cloak looks so comfy holy shit
i-is that a draph fuccboi? is such a thing even possible?
I fucked up the title, someone else make the next /gbfg/
by the way, he is called Hal
Lets see

Shigatsu, boku dake, ano hana, magi, shinsekai, grimgar, saenai, gate, f ni naru, etc

Yeah A-1 is shit
>A Doraf that's not a Bara

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Good, baras are disgusting
You're disgusting;.
Get out fucking homo
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let's not say things we can't take back anon
Suck my cock, dude.
Post all their recent stuff then
Those animes are all recent lmao
It says YOUNG boy. He's going to turn bara later on.

Anon, that anime was shit and the only saving grace it had was how beautiful the backgrounds were.
The arcarum doraf wasn't bara, he looked like some Aragorn or something.
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>Someone made a new thread
>They didnt link it here

Am I missing something?
>male draph
>not giant muscular bara

what the fuck? is that some kind of HRT OC made for naru/danua/aliza/etc doujins ?
Quality Code was absolutely horrible
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Fuck off.
Pavidus is a young boy and he's a bara.
RIP /gbfg/


Someone made a new thread 10 minutes ago but didnt link it here

Time to use the archive!
I mean the catalog, im retarded
I want that cloack during these cold nights on the PC..
I always wondered why a girl who spent this much on plastic surgery ended up with a mediocre loser like this guy. Does he have some crazy day job or something?
>f ni naru
Those were complete shit, tho.
Thread posts: 834
Thread images: 180

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