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/indie/ - Indie and Obscure Games General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 738
Thread images: 159

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Tsun Coffee edition

Last Thread: >>157489374

>What the fuck is this
/indie/ is the general for all indie games, such as LISA, Yume Nikki, OFF, Middens, Underrail, Machinarium, DashBored, Vampire of the Sands, Braid, Limbo, Axiom Verge, Guacamelee, The Desolate Hope, Burrito Galaxy,Cookie Clicker, Stardew Valley, etc. as well as other games that just don't fit in any other general such as Atelier, Rayman, Rise Of Nations, and Valkyria Chronicles.

Mobile or consoles, flash or unity, freeware or early access. This place is a home for the indie game community and indie and obscure games that don't have a home. So be free to talk and share all your hidden gems, forgotten games and starving devs here.

>Can I talk about games that already have a general?
We mostly discuss games that are not popular enough for their own threads (since they have no other home in /vg/), however, all indie games are allowed. So talk about them if you want, but don't overdo it since you already have other generals for that.

>How can I contribute?
All we need right now is people to talk about their loved indies, so don't be afraid to post, bump and reply your fellow anons. Also we're looking for anons to make new pastebins/wikis/images and update the ones already made. And please give lots of feel, love, kind and nice to everyone, except namefags. And be sure to make a new thread if nobody else does.



>Steam Group

Ticket by Magicdweedoo
What is this code speak?
What is that gobbledy goop ofletters and numbers?
mega link
I'm silly for not realizing, at least now I have something to play. Thanks anon.
Fuck now I'll have to beat it. That last level really burnt my butt. At least it has probably the best music in the game.
So what's indie up to?
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I did it.
You can obtain a 13th zo if you get 10 points or more on Digger.
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You don't know who I am
You don't even know -what- I am
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Back with my WIP Starbound mod, I'm overhauling the lore, dialogue and many textures. I'm attempting to add a little bit more space horror and removing the furry races and replacing them with actual alien races as well
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lets try and keep this thread alive
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So Ding just confirmed that everyone in Lisa is gay how does that make you feel /indie/?
I don't have a hard time believing the characters in LISA are l, g, b or t given the setting. Everyone could likely at the very least be bi.
isn't there that one guy who refuses your company at the beehive though?
>game of thread

Niggas did this last year and no one played the games
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The bromance between Shocklord and Brad surpass all conventions. It's the purest relationship in the entirety of Olathe.
What is a headcanon?
I like to imagine that her body's just a giant steel ball with nothing on it.
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What is that thing?
what's this?
People making up theories about the lore. It's like a fanfiction kinda.
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Year Walk gave me exactly what I wanted. Comfy winter forest walk with puzzles and some minor horror.
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Then the after credit game started and it blew me away. I think this surpassed Anodyne on after ending content for me.
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Upcoming boss for dashbored

Btw I've been working on the Halloween town a bit more, thoughts?
Who are the pumpkin people?
A species of sentient plant people with pumpkin heads.

Due to misinformation they hide from humans because they think Halloween is a holiday about chopping their peoples' heads off.
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That's not how you spell Terry.
Why is he at the beehive in the first place?
You don't know who I am.
But I know where you live.
Imagine someone just messing with her internal opperating system or shooting a virus into her system. That or just download a bunch of stupid images into her. I wonder how she'd react?
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It's a retexture of the wisper monster from starbound and this is a retex of the crutter creature
>Download shit ton of pepe images
>she gets pissed
>Robot/Giant Robot Monster Rape time

bretty good
Anyone else have the Truck Keys glitch? Trying to use the keys brings up the menu with only Area 1 and 2 as options, then travelling to either or cancelling brings up the menu again but with Area 3 also as an option. Pretty annoying glitch, no clue how to fix it.
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Terry is one of the better of Brad's friends, albeit a bit one sided, but Shocklord is the most innocent and truest of companions. Most end quotes at the end let you know who was a real pal in the very end. Let's compare

>I don't like this... Guys this ain't right. Brad I don't want to hurt you! Stand down! Please...

>Brad... I've been a loser my whole life. Having you around has made me feel strong for once. Like a man... The first day we ever met was the best day of my life.... Even before the world changed. Maybe you don't feel the same way... But you're my best friend dude. It's just this... Brad, this is our future you're messing with... I'm sorry. We can't let you do this.

You can tell by the tone that Terry feels immense remorse, but he did decide in the end to go against his very best friend. Shocklord is completely at a loss, however.

Here is some trivia you may or may not have known about the boy Shocklord

>Of all the party members to face Brad at the end of the game, Shocklord is the only one who refuses to fight you and will actively convince the others to cease the fight. He only has one special move. No regular attacks.

This man is on Rando levels of good-heartedness. Shocklord couldn't even lift a finger on Brad even for the sake of humanity. May he wrestle with the best of them up in the skies.
It depends, in the monster form or in the normal robot form?
Brad just wasn't his type. And now that I think about it, it would've been fun to use other party members on the beehive minigame.
what about the fat boy who was looking for a woman who got beat in with a bat?
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[desire to know more intensifies]
It's hard to find anything, but I've had it happen to me as well. I can't gather what causes it, but there doesn't appear to be a fix for it, unfortunately .
Sorry to ask this but what's the name of the song that places on the title scree while playing Hylics?
Both honestly. Like just imagine the chaos that cause on both versions. I haven't really met her yet though so I may just be talking stupid.
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Well she's a lot more stable in this first form.

Here's the first form as she appears in that thicc robot game that got posted last thread
I can't find it on Youtube, but if you have the game, go to Hylics then Audio then BGM and it's the song simply titled "Piano"

Going through the one playlist though, forgot how nice a lot of this guitar music was.
Shocklord is bro-tier. LISA did a good job of making good friend characters.
Gonna do a bit of a dev stream here if any of you wanna come in and talk
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You should check that out and look in the description for ones not shown in the video. A lot of the partners are down right pricks and there's only a handful of ones who seem to be a genuine buddy to Brad. Some of them are pretty in between or are very reasonable in their response towards what's happening. Just listen to Carp's sad wail, though.
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He didn't call it "The Gay Apocalypse" for nothing. I always felt it was jailhouse gay for most though, considering even the crossdressers attack Buddy in Joyful.


It's a step below fanon.

Canon: Something that is known to be true in the setting. Example is that Olathe is post-apocolyptic, that the majority of people are men, that Brad is addicted to joy, stuff like that.

Fanon: A theory that isn't confirmed, but widely accepted by the fanbase, such as the White Flash being caused by Yado.

Headcanon: a particular person's or small group of people's pet theory or just an idea they're fond of that could be possible but not shown. Could be something as minor as "Buddy's once found an old box of chocolates, and her favorite one was the dark chocolate with coconut filling" or something big like analyzing what insanity (like megalomania) caused Yado to hasten the end of humanity.

Of recent times, SJWish fans have made various headcanons determining that pretty much every character that exists is either gay, trans, is somewhere on the autism spectrum, or all three.


He missed his wife and wanted someone who reminded him of her. A bunch of bearded men just didn't cut the ticket.


They could always be a BrOT3.

But it's telling that absolutely no one actually joined Brad in his fight for Buddy at the end, not even Shocklord. In the end, even Shocklord felt that Brad was wrong to keep Buddy. In any other case, SL probably would have been more than happy to take on an army by Brad's side.


I've seen accusations of various characters being bad because "they just wanted Buddy," but the majority of their ending speeches are pretty ambiguous. The only characters I think fully admitted to wanting Buddy are Rage and Jack.
>accusations of various characters being bad because "they just wanted Buddy

That one never occurred to me because like you said, hardly anyone outright says they want Buddy for reasons beyond to help the human race. Looking back, the latter of the statement you quoted is still true, but there weren't actually thaaat many pricks. RT, Fly, Crisp, and Fardy were the most blatant with their disapproval of Brad. Garth and Harvey come a bit close just because of how nonchalant they seem and how apathetically dismissive they are towards the man they've teamed up with for so long. I suppose it's fitting for at least Garth since he's a bit of a turd in real life.
Im sorry for all the DD posting. Is there a way to grind portraits, I really want to upgrade the guilds but I keep getting deeds.
If you're not playing with an old version, you can trade other heirlooms for portraits. Go to the town screen, and the option should be at the bottom of the screen.
Hey dere n welcome tuh Ticket!
Thank you for buying!
It's like they expected everyone to pirate it so they plastered that on literally every screen
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Post cute!
I noticed that while scrolling their tumblr funny enough.
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That's cute... I take it there's no translation on hand?
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hey guys sorry im pretty new around here but if u guys havent played wadanohara yet u totally should. its a really great game imo
>it's free
>it's another thing by fukken vgperson
Okay, I'll bite.

To save other people the googling:
What's it about exactly? I've been curious to check it out but I heard there was a lot of controversy with the artist so I sorta stayed away from it.
Any good indie dating sims?
Don't sexualize cute innocent games
I can't believe karbonics is robotsexual.
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>cute innocent games
You fuckin know it but only sometimes
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The game is not by vgperson, only translated.
Cute girls facing fucked up things. Has rpg battles which are all way too easy.
I personally prefered the grey garden but Wadanohara is also good. Mogeko on the other hand is pretty bad but has the most fans it seems.
I can't believe Karbonics made haydee.
haven't played yet, is good?
From my understanding they didn't really fix the problems it had in the demo, like how the camera's way too close, how the game can be a bit trial and errory, and the controls are a bit awkward. I haven't played much though so I'm not toooo sure.
>The game is not by vgperson, only translated.
Fffft right I knew that, just dropped the "translated" word from my sentence somehow. He'd be some amazing prolific schizophrenic dude if he made all those games.
>Has rpg battles which are all way too easy.
God damn it.
It's a real shame too because what is there is all decent. Wada in particular has very cute attack animations for later skills but you steamroll everything anyway with autoattack.
And no one's made a difficulty mod patch like they did with Off?
Last time I checked, no. I think the dev wanted to make it more difficult or give the option to do so for the remake.
They're doing a remake? Also they made Mogeko Castle right?
What went wrong?
Yes those are all by deepseeprisoner. He announced like a remake for every freaking game he made.
>adult swim
They've published good games. Westerado's a great game for example and a lot of people liked Duck game.
He's only made mogeco and this game though right?
Mogeko has 2 parts and a third in the making. But now all those remakes annouced so who knows when we will see a new work.
Anyone here played mogeko's castle?
Is it free?
is the Starbound modding scene big?
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still want to know what this pic from last thread is from. I can't understand what google translate spews out.
A very good jrpg with some unique aspects like angle at battle start mattering for attack efficency. The developer also make Irisu Syndrome, he seems to have a thing for geometry.
thanks senpai
Oh yeah the demo was the full version when I downloaded it. Dunno if that is still the case.
I think Im gonna buy it for 10 bucks together with the silver case.
So he's not done anything else?
Yeah honestly Mogekos castle has to be the worst mogeko game out there but it has a ton of fans for some odd reason.
It's edgy and lolsorandom with tons of japanese 2ch memes. Lots of people love that but it is not for me.
Mogeko Castle
Mogeko Castle 2
The Grey Garden
Witch of the Blue Sea
Those are the games I am aware of himher making.
who else hyped for UnderRail expedition DLC?
I have yet to play the base game.
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Demo is practically finished! I'll send it for proofreaders soon enough! At the end of the week maybe.
So how long is the demo going to be don't mind me asking, and how much of the final game is it going to be?
What's the grey Garden, I haven't heard of that one. It any good?
Around one hour, two if you're trying to do everything you can.
What about the full game, any idea how long that might be?
The full game will have 6 chapters and a prologue, each should be about an 1-2 hours long, so I'd say... around 10 hours of playtime.
oh wow, and this is free? That's pretty impressive honestly.
I wanna sell it on Steam for 10 bucks once it's finished actually.
Oh ok, still it looks really impressive with what's been made in all honesty.

Do we know anything about the DLC? The picture I saw get posted made it seem like it was going to take place on an island or something since you were on a boat.
It is a cute game taking place after god and devil fought a war. Together they build and reign a new kingdom in which angels and demons live peacully together.
Also raving lesbians.

Also just seeing vgperson added 3 new games with At the Tale End, END ROLL and Farethere City.
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What is /indie/'s opinion on Gyossait, All Of Our Friends Are Dead, and Au Sabale? All of the Amon26 games.
What are those exactly?
They're sidescrollers/platformers with a tangentially-related setting, but they're all creepy as fuck.

When you give it a try, you'll want a nice, quiet room, preferably dark, and headphones. Start with FAD, then Au Sabale, and finally Gyossait.

They're also free until the 30th on the Itch.io page
So what's indie playing, watching, drawing, making, or waifuing?
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Just finished All Our Friends Are Dead. It's not hard, just kind of clumsily made- but hella atmospheric.
All our friends are dead? No wonder no one's talking at /indie/ right now.
It's 'on sale' in that it's completely free right now. Get it. https://amon26.itch.io/gyossait-deluxe-edition
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Finished Underrail on the save where I remained nice to the Faceless.

Do you guys think there will be an Underrail 2 taking place in North Underrail? The ending seemed to leave a lot of plot hooks open like what the Faceless wanted the cube for, and Tanner fleeing northward, and what the hell Six is supposed to be.

Was it ever established what is wrong with the surface? Too much radiation or something? There doesn't seem to be any apparent way to get to the surface, but there isn't any record of anyone trying to dig their way up, so there must be something bad up there.
Maybe not great but that Robot Unicorn Attack game qas pretty popular too.
Hey, itchio allows porn games
I wonder if they have rules against loli or shota
I get the feeling they might not allow loli and shota since underage and because google doesn't exactly take kindly to websites that have minor porn pics and stuff, even when it's animated.
Isn't the cencored no porn version of this either of Steam Greenlight or Steam itself?
AGDG (Amateur Game Dev General)'s LRSP (Loli Rape Sim Programmer) put his game, Loli Rape Sim, on itch.io.

They deleted it.
blacklivesmattergame.com was also deleted
nice censorship itch.io
you can complain to [email protected]
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Huh I've seen a few games do that sidebar thing a couple times now.

Kinda want to do it with my game, expanding the game space for different resolutions keeps causing me pain when I implement new shit but forget to test for different resolutions.

Anyhow what are you trying to show with that picture?
amon's stuff is great
I like Caltrops.
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Not anymore, it used to be pretty big. There still are mods coming out daily though and many are still updated.

Frakin universe is an absolute must, it actually makes the game enjoyable. it recently added a ton of dungeons and it's added more life to it.

If you want to play Vanilla, torrent the Koala version, I recently found a torrent of it and it's much better than vanilla 1.0
Is that Spelunky?
The problem with Starbound is that you can have all the pretty decorations and structures you want, but there's no point in having anything except for a few workbenches and a forge. And those you can just plop down wherever.
No, it's La-Mulana, the puzzle Metroidvania
Garbage item
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To be fair the same could be said about terraria. Perhaps I should make a mod where crafting tables can only be placed once?I would like tenants to be more useful such as mining, cutting down trees and farming. but i really want raids on towns like the goblin/pirate raids in Terraria.

Starbound is far from perfect, but it has a ton of modding potential, it's too bad the devs keep focusing on stupid shit like fishing rather than space battles and a fleshed out colony system.
Colony system would be nice. Furniture would encourage certain effects to economy/culture, reflected in what gets stocked in the stores and what random decorations are generated while you're gone.
There is a mod that changes what you get as rent depending on the quality of furniture rather than what planet they're on. Therer are quests given where you end up placing furniture in their houses. I just dislike how they're nothing more than just a pixel farm though
Yeah man it just screams "lolXD xxMeGaRaWrXx" to me
Man one indie dev I liked wouldn't shut the fuck up about Bernie. At least he stopped shitposting about Trump once Bernie ate shit.
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>tfw indie goes political
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>three weeks to go
>not even 1/3 funded

Are indie games dead?
Fuck off to facebook.
Nah other projects still get funded easily.
Why do they need that money anyway? They made a hit and should ahve the money or track record to get a publisher.
They made a hit years ago and since then have released a few flops and had to lay off many staff members
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Then it becomes pirate tier
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Looks like a barrel!
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A new friend and produce salesmen appears in the halloween village!
I don't wanna think about the implications
This will probably make its funding honestly.
>Due to misinformation they hide from humans because they think Halloween is a holiday about chopping their peoples' heads off.
I don't think this was a misinformation at all.
I played Earth Birth.

It was OK. The sunbathing coffin Phillip was a great gag.
What's even the point
To what?
Can Chivalry Medieval Warfare be considered as an indie game?
If yes, what's your opinion about it?
this is.....kinda neat. Definitely dated, but I see what they were doing with a lot of these mechanics.
to Environmental Station Alpha's ARG puzzles
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Indeed. Here's your new uniform.
Yeah, but what's the point of the uniform?
what game?
I just beat the game but I got frustrated. The platforming annoyed me. I died mostly by falling in the spikes.
Should we make


the next game of the thread since Endroll was one a handful of threads ago and the same guy made it?
Sure, how long is it? Also anyone have the last game of the thread? I have time to play it now.
They're hiding from humans though

I don't know what the fuck that thing is
Probably dumb question, but do you mean >>157793321
or one before that?

Also I'm not sure of the length. This one just came out, but if I had to guess it's probably about as long as Endroll. So maybe a couple of hours if you want to do everything.
I mean the one before that which was a free game on steam about platforming while changing the background colors I think.
He didn't make it, he's just the translator.
This what you're referring to?

Yeah I know, contextually I thought it sounded like what I intended. I know vg's the translator.
>Endroll was one a handful of threads ago and the same guy (segawa) made it?
Honestly the weakest in the series to me(I played to 4). It is mechanically ok as rpg but it just misses something to make it special.
I say yes. I think it has interesting mindgames and zoning going on as fighting game enthusiast.
It's tales of symphonia and it looks like the very bad pc port.
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Demo is finished!
I'm sending over a copy for proofreading to some folks right now! Gotta do it since I'm ESL...
A release should come sometime next week, hopefully.
Who is this semen demon?
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A summon.
Oh, yeah. Thanks for that, I forgot what it was called before.
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Can't wait to play it.
why is this game so sexy?

Did you just sit down at your computer and say, "I wanna make a game with tiny robots, BUT IT'S GOTTA BE SEXY!"
>Just got Plant B with 15 seconds to spare
Fucking finally. Thank you Crystal Caverns Sledge and Throne room Bazooka, honorable mention to a perfect Little Hunter spawn.
yeah, it's the Steam version. whatevs, I'm enjoying myself.
Blame Shantae for giving me the idea.
That and if the game didn't had fanservice in it... I most likely wouldn't have patience to draw tons of stuff for it.
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>Your passion for drawing wide hips gave you the drive to fully create a game
This is inspiring.
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embrace the hips, anon.
Ayy this is pretty cool. Reprints of popular indie boxes.
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Red Eclipse.

A free and open source fast paced arena FPS. Has a parkour system (i heard that it was similar to Titanfall, but i haven't played it). Every weapon has two different shot attacks (you can even use a sword).

The game is like 5 years old and it's currently in 1.5.6 version.

It has a small but nice community. But right now, almost a lot of people left and just play every now and then. So i think it's the best time to start playing for new people.

I pitched an idea to the creators about creating more gameplay videos to attract more people (because the ones on youtube barely showcased the gameplay capabilities of this game), and i made some simple videos with some gameplay i recorded. So please don't judge them harshly (WATCH THEM AT LEAST AT 480P OR 720P 60 FPS, they look disgusting on lower res).

>Rifle + Shotgun showcase
https://www.youtube.comwatch?v=2wQS2aceaA4 (yeah, sorry for the music)

>Another video with more weapon variety

>Sword showcase

>A playlist with more RE videos i made


Also on Desura and Itch

Fun fact. Microsoft used it to showcase a technology they were working on:

bump again
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Any Don't Starve bros here?
What's your favorite source of food?
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man, deep caverns is really the worst part of this game
>do everything for the faceless to like me so i can get inside their zone without aggroing them
>they still tell me to fuck off
>fuck their shit up so i can get shit done
>go to the tchortist base
>they just try to fuck my shit up even thought i worked for their faction before
>also wipe those niggers
fuck it, this shit is a slog but i only need to mycokardia now to get done
what game?
I don't normally play and I've never gotten past winter but I like DST as webber. I find monster flesh is a pretty good food source in that case. That and the pig people if I can kill them.
i really liked this game before the first expansion, the giants one or whatever. i really disliked the addition of the summer survival stuff. felt it made it a bit too hard. couldnt really have much fun after that, seemed that the time to prepare your base and everything was even shorter now that summer is also dangerous
Any indie devs making the Switch?
Is it on gog? They have rollback to older versions as feature.
I imagine Shantae will be on it.
making the Switch?
i dont know, i have it on steam. i thought dont starve together is a stand alone thing with the expansion always enabled? i know you can play the original game by just not installing the dlc, but i dont think it works that way for the multiplayer client?

Also why did they show Halo for only two seconds?
Gog allows for users to select whatever patch version was ever released.
thats what im saying, i dont believe there is a version of dont starve together that does not include the dlc. it came out after the dlc and always included it.
I'd love a box for La Mulana

btw Rogue Legacy is garbage
Garbage? I think i is an excellent roguelite but that genre in itself is extremely flawed. It copies all the wrong things about riguelikes. It makes everything a casual grind.
I hated Rogue Legacy as a roguelike mostly. The grind is just awful and movement and combat doesnt feel good compared to Castlevania and other classic 2D sidescrollers
have you tried playing with a gamepad? it plays a lot better with a controller in my experience
Ive only played with a gamepad
It is not a roguelike at all though. Also it plays very accurate to the grindanvanias. Boring no deepth battle system with grinding for loot and stats up and very boring plattforming.
>they just try to fuck my shit up even thought i worked for their faction before

You didn't manage to convince them you were on their side?

But yeah, even though the Faceless are good guys, they're pretty big assholes. Just tell me what the stupid cube does, you pricks!
they didn't even tried to talk
just straight up shooting and them i looted all their bodies for the advanced hypos and batteries
Leo was the only cool guy in all of deep caverns

fun thing, if you killed all the faceless before fighting tchort they'll not stop or try to take the cube from you after killing tchort but you'll still have to give Six the cube back

Weird, they stopped me to talk when I approached them. Did you accidentally attack any of the cultists when they were attacking Eidean at the elevator?

>fun thing, if you killed all the faceless before fighting tchort they'll not stop or try to take the cube from you after killing tchort but you'll still have to give Six the cube back

If there is an Underrail 2, I hope we learn more about Six and Tanner.
i'm pretty sure i didn't attacked the cultists

after searching on internet for a while i found out that they aggroed on me because i visisted the outpost from the wrong side
instead of going from the entrace near the first map of hollow earth i went there throught that tunnel blocked with destructible rocks

my mistake i guess
>wanna start new game
>requires java
Nevermind it was only the optional prologue. Still pretty shit.
What game?
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I just beat the first spook game in your recommended order, do these get progressively better? Is that why you ordered them like this or is there some sort of canonical reason to it?
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Anna's Quest
Playing as grandpas little girl that tries to escape an evil witch trying to harness her psychic powers
They get progressively better. They're done in the order that the dev made them.
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>watched a let's play of Mad Father
new indiefu detected
>watching letsplays
Probably better for the game thogh because it really gets weaker the further you advance in the story.
All right I just beat all three, I actually remember playing one of his game's on Newgrounds way back when, so it's funny how it all comes back to you. Thought I recognized his art style. Looking through his games how's this one look?


Seems pretty nutso.
at the end of Microsoft's video you can see a needler for a second
maybe they'll explain more shit on the Expedition Expac
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Any of you guys play Wuppo?
It came out pretty recently, but it doesn't seem like anyone wants to talk about it.
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I'm too hyped for my own good. Hurry up styg and post a new devlog already!

So far we know:
>In Expedition you'll be able to take a break from the usual metro-crawling to take a boat to the infamous Black Sea, a massive underground body of water.
>There, among the old and mysterious ruins of an age long past, you'll face the vicious fauna, hostile natives, cunning pirates, and something far more sinister than all of those.
>Your voyage through vastness of the Black Sea will shed new light on the history of the world of Underrail and the forces that shaped it.

>Expedition will feature the following:
>A brand new story line that becomes available during the mid-game
>Over a 100 new areas to explore of various types - shores and islands of the Black Sea, mysterious underground facilities, pirate strongholds, and more
>New human factions, as well as wild creatures to combat
>New items and crafting recipes
>New skills and feats
>Leveling past level 25 with a special pool of feats to choose from

>Over time we'll be revealing more details through the dev log, so expect those to once again flow regularly as they did before the game's release.
>We expect to release the expansion during the first half of 2017 as a paid DLC.

That was the announcement. The devs also confirmed it will be accessible from Core City docks after a quest or something.
Where can you get it?
I still can't get over the fact that the main Vib Ribbon sequel is about the rabbit bouncing on a god damn trampoline thing.
looks amazing, hope they add Shotguns and more chemical shit
loved doing a Mad Scientist playthrought
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There will be *something* taking place in North Underrail. Whether it's Underrail 2 or another expansion remains to be seen.

I bet the new expansion will shed light on some of those spoilers, these decorated nautical ruins in the announcement screenshots look like they date back to the era before Hollow Earth incident.

Regarding the spoilers, we already know what Six and Tanner are.

Surface is so long gone nobody even mentions it, except the only real scientists you meet - the tchortists. But it was never elaborated what actually happened or why it is inhabitable. That knowledge has been lost for centuries.
I want a recipe where you can improve an item's quality. Maybe by adding another identical component to it?
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I just want disassemble without quality reduction. ;__;

I also hope we get a ship of our own in the expansion. Having a mobile base would be so cool. The Core City house is too far away from everything.
>Regarding the spoilers, we already know what Six and Tanner are.

Yeah, they're "high ones" or whatever, but what even are those?
Before I start typing long-ass spoilers, have you seen oculus? Have you played a psi character who can focus on the psionic monoliths?
I agree. I end up just having all of my stuff in a huge pile in the middle of the marketplace in Core City, or whatever.

Then again I cheated up all of my invention skills, because it seems to me that Underrail's item customization system isn't very good. You have to permanently weaken your character by devoting a ton of skill points in order to build an item you only ever build once or twice. Tailor and Mechanics, for example, would take 60 points each to build just a passable set of armor that you'll probably get better than in a few levels/towns.

I think it would be better if Crafting was moved to its own skill you could focus in, and having high Chemistry, Biology, or Mechanics would be used to invent blueprints of your own.
Nah, you can actually fit all the crafting skills without losing anything if you plan your character in advance. I love the character system as is, you can really push and optimize your characters if you put some thought to it.

My previous character had:
>maxed weapon skill
>maxed stealth
>dodge and evasion
>also traps
>enough hacking and lockpicking for everything
>all crafting skills high enough to craft high quality endgame stuff in your house
>barely enough persuasion to pass certain checks

I'd post a link to the build but 4chan thinks it's spam.
My current character just has, uh, Biology for meds, all three psychic disciplines, persuasion and Mercantile. I couldn't really fit anything else in. Maybe I split everything else between hacking and lockpicking and didn't have enough to hack or lockpick anything.
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Well, here goes anyways. Let this be a page 10 bump. You might want to skip reading this if you haven't seen the things mentioned in >>157982279, putting all the pieces together and trying to fill in the blanks is fun.

The "High Ones" as Tchort called them, or "Godmen" as Azif calls them, aka "Watcher Gods", are the remnants of an alien civilization with temporal powers of unknown nature. There are only three of them remaining; Six, Tanner and unknown third one. All the psionic powers in Underrail originate from their race. Oculus, the Mainframe and other psionic crystals are all of the same alien origin.

It is hard to say whether the visions depict past or future and what their chronology is, but their subject is mainly the aliens' history and how they became rulers of their galaxy after defeating Leviathans, a race of lovecraftian cosmic horrors. But the big picture is irrelevant. The relevant parts are their downfall and final moments. It is not clear how and why they are in Underrail and there is also some ambiquity on whether Underrail is even on Earth or on the Godmen's home moon.

The Cube is a Godmen artifact. There is no reason to doubt it being a power source, but it is also implied to have temporal powers. It is *unknowable* why the faceless must have it, and I don't use that word lightly.

The Faceless are a Biocorp experiment combining human and alien DNA with the first psi crystals found in Deep Caverns before the Hollow Earth incident. Tchort might also contain the same alien DNA, unless Eidein is the third Godmen.

And while I'm talking Biocorp spoilers: Hollow Earth incident happened almost 200 years ago, but some of the old Biocorp era Apex Technocrats managed to escape are still alive. Ezra is Anton Matveev, Dude is John Dyson and Wit Nosek lives in Talloski Manor. There might be others.

This information comes from the visions, INM logs in Hollow Earth, Dr. Pasquale, Oculus database, John Dyson and some others.
What about the mutants in the junkyard? I know Erza had something to do with that whole thing. Maybe they were trying to recreate Faceless or something?
It was an experiment Anton (Ezra) and Kirill (current identity unknown) conducted on their own decades after the dissolution of original Biocorp. (We know Hollow Earth incident started 189 years and 75 days ago relative to the time player reaches Deep Caverns, and the mutagen event in old junkyard happened "over 100 years ago".)

I'm not sure about this, but they were probably trying to replicate the experiments that made them biologically immortal, or perhaps simply find test subjects with receptive genes. If that was the case, I'd say they succeeded with Wyatt.
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SO I'm working on replacing the ugly turd ghost in starbound with a gaseous monster, does it look any better so far?
Wait, did /sbg/ die already?
There hasn't been a /sbg/ in over a week and they always die quickly so I've been posting here
Damn, that game died quickly. I remember it had pretty fast generals right after the release.

RIP /sbg/ ;_;
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is it good?
Chucklefish fucked up, they keep cutting good content and adding dumb pointless shit in. It still has lots of modding potential though
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Also if you're wondering about the Anton-Ezra connection, it's pretty obvious after you read this.
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But what is NFT?
NEET Fedora Tech
I want some of this NFT.
>next to none of best girl in dashbored
still mad
Early Access does that to games. You think people would realize that by now.
thoughts on Owlboy?
they sold many copies of the game and apparently kept the money for themselves instead of develop the game further. it took them years just to add the most basic kind of content to the game.
Joke's on them; I got Starbound on an indie bundle that game with a bunch of other, better games. Sans Edge of Space. It's hard to call EoS better than anything.
Looks stunning. I have high expectations for it.
You can feed pig people 4 monster meat and turn them into werepigs for 2 meat and 1 pig skin, might be good for your endless supply of monster meat
Yes of course. The OST alone is well worth it.
Graphics are like on a whole different level of sprite art and animation but I am not sure I will like the gameplay.
Oh really now? That's actually kind of interesting actually. Do pigs respawn over time or does the town become desolate if you kill a certain amount?
Nash almost never appears in DashBored
Oooh ok.
I thought you said best waifu? That one goth girl NPC appears a lot though doesn't she?
but thats just an npc
And best girl. Prove me wrong, you can't.
Honestly I don't care. I still like Starbound. I'm just not going to play it until I get a new computer as my current one can't really run it all that well due to not having enough RAM or CPU.

Didn't really like Edge of Space myself. Generally speaking when it comes to sandbox building and exploration games I like Starbound, Terraria, Craft the World, Dwarf Fortress, and Fallout 4. Most every other one I've tried I've not really enjoyed all too well.
Ah, i don't know. Maybe they didn't wanted to pay for a license fee. Although, they could have used Halo for all the commercial
So what's up with indie?
Still playing Tales games and occasionally screwing around in AI War.
Trying Demon King Chronicle and something about it just clicks with me. The difficulty is pretty damn high when levelgrinding does next to nothing, and all the possible builds with these items are neat.

It's nice that it has a built-in way to double down on difficulty to increase drop rates.
Playing Underrail and trying to ignore the parts of it that bothers me- It's one of the best games of it's kind. Not Fallout 2, but then again nothing is.
Any good lesser known indie horror games?
Give me
reason she's best girl
as long as you don't destroy the pig houses they respawn after a few days.
It Moves
Beautiful Escape: Dungeoneer
The Music Machine
She's goth
5 Nights at Freddy's
Resident Evil
Yeah I powerleved for some hours when before facing the hidden boss in the extra hard optional dungeon and the stat increase never gets bigger. I think +4 is max you can get in a stat per levelup and that is for HP only.
Itall comes down to your equip, star leveling the 3 additional equip slots, lots of bottles and a good strategy.
Don't forget Slender, that one's always a treat.
My main build right now is

The art of killing book that slows you down
Most expensive armor money can buy
+1 extra attack
Fast attack
chatty barber +50 atk

it frustrates me that the damage is still less than Randolf's spells.
I remember I got a lucky drop in the 2nd area with a turtle shell very early on. That thing on 3 stars gives so much defence I used it almost till the bossfight.
Camil will never be the big damage dealer. I think the classic role that fits her most is paladin. Good defense, decent attack, support and healing magic that can be applied thanks to the defence.
have you tried rimworld?
Yo ocotdad for the switch?
Anyone know some games that have really awesome spellcasting/psychic systems?

I'm hoping for something with customizable spells. Not something as huge as Codespells, since there's no real 'game' there... but maybe something more like Morrowind.
It's on steam for around $15 dollars, but you can pirate an outdated version online somewhere. The steam page also includes a free demo.
There was that one 3d first person rpg that had you draw out spells with mouse gestures and I think combinations too.
I can't remember the name at all though.
Ah I found it. http://store.steampowered.com/app/261760/
I remembered that I gave it away on steamgifts some months ago and found it in my history.
Am I the only one having problems using the link? It's not "wrong", I was able to get to a really broken version of their twitter but now it won't even work even though it was the first few times.
There was a ddos earlier this morning.
Wait twitter got ddossed?
Too expensive. I live on a limited fixed income so I can't really buy most of the pricier games except at perhaps Christmas and my birthday, and usually then I stick to $20 per game most unless a new AAA game I want has come out.

Works fine now.
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Reminder that having a big publisher like WB makes you not indie.
What if they never funded the game itself though, just helped publish it.
Generally speaking indie games are self-published or published by a smaller publisher. AAA, AA and possibly A publishers are definitely not indie, but B publishers and below probably are.
>pumpkin people
>punk hair
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gotchu back senpai
>Buddy will never live life comfortably
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meat stew for hunger and meat&eggs/honey ham for health, I also eat butterfly wings every now and then, that shit's good.
also green cooked mushrooms and gears
the new frog boss looks like a joke, it just gives you a hat that feeds you, as a player who hates having to stop and eat it sounds great, but why give it to a boss tho?
Anyone making a game?
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Oh boy I know this is going to get fan art.
make a miniquest where one of them loses a seed
He's fat is what he is.
>loses a seed
what do you mean by this
losing a punkin seed, then the punkin who asked for the seed eats it in front of them
Isn't that basically abortive canibalism?
So like, is their body soft like a green human or are they like hard and woody like a plany?
What game?
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just came out today

has anyone played it? what did you think of it? i dont trust steam reviews
>yet another open world space game like Project Nomad, Osiris, NMS and co

Damn it what next, are people going to start making zombie games again?
Looks kinda cool but not a genre I burn to play right now.
this ones not in early access or abandoned by its developers, though
ahah :^)
people never stopped making zombie games. they have just slightly faded in popularity, and changed from straight zombie to zombie-like/virus ravaged crazies etc.
Also not bought out by sony for market manipulation and pr machine. Always a good sign.
Is the indie dream still alive?
Would it be visible in game, it lacks an outline
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Of course, every day.
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this game is really fucking good, actually. and cute as fuck

surprised that no one is talking about it
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Went ahead and made a punkin. What do ya think?

they soft.
It's cute, also I thought you lived in a rural area, not vegas?
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Those fucking errors wtf. Time to try compatibility mode to see if that fixes it.
Game so far is very enjoyable. Nice grim story and the puzzles are on the eas side without being braindead.
I live in a small city located in the middle of a rural mountain area
If you consider that small I'd hate to see what you consider my town. The biggest place in our town is the court house and walmart bar none.
Grandpa got no shill and is possibly a pedo
Any place to get it, liking the art style.
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Nah it really is small, the lights in the back are all suburban neighborhoods.

I used to live in a really small rural town but I moved here a few years back
It's on steam and I think on bundlestars, humble and other third party stores too like many daedalic games. I myself got it from a grupees bundle for 2 bucks or something like that.
Otherwise pirate.
That's still like a big city compared to my town.
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Anyone know of a way to get backer alternate costumes in The Girl and the Robot without being a backer? Or at least have a screenshot of waht it looks like.
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Bug fixing nearly done now!
Demo out on this weekend, hopefully.
It would be really uncomfortable walking around with a screwdriver pulling your suspender.
Holy crackers, the cannon boss fight in the Girl and the Robot is the antithesis of fun, instnat uninstall right there. I urge you all to pass on this game.
>launch hotline miami with integrated intel graphics by mistake
>the game runs in slow motion to the point I can dodge individual bullets as they come like the matrix
that was fun
Looks like nvidia's latest drivers broke it so its stuck like this, hoooray
What's indie up to?
>indie games

slipped off a ledge after fighting Baby, alt F4ed in response
What's wrong with it?
Drawing a goth white mage.
Have to constantly switch between the two characters to align a cannon and fire it but it isnt clever or enjoyable at all. The worst part is luring the enemy into the cannon to get the shot puts the girl at risk because with one touch its a game over and the camera and movement controls fight you every step of the way.
I ended up walling myself in and got caught. Uninstalled the game then and there once I realized I hate the gameplay overall and only like the aesthetic.
Oh man, someone I know is friends with the dev of Ticket
>he doesn't know how to roll back
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It should, but my intention is to have it sneak up on you.

I'm thinking of releasing a pre alpha, would any starbound players be interested?

It changes the lore and many of the textures, most vanilla races will be replaced by non furry races and many other things. Right now, lorewise only the humans are done, I've changed a few monsters and changed some of the proc gen parts as well. There's new music, I switched the old tracks with dark space ambient, it works a lot better, I have changed a ton of sound effects and npc dialogue. I plan on making a new mainquest as the current doesn't fit the new setting.

Here are a few examples of the new music




Just like GOTY to us.
>replaced by non furry races
very interested in all that but I'll wait until a full release or at least a beta
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Spooky bosses
looks comfy. what game?
>bloom pixel garbage
>looks comfy
wtf m8
farms in general are pretty comfy to me, and i like pixel art. the character model, if thats what it is, does look bad though. the thing with the red axe
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You guys might not like the game that much, but the music is top notch.
Aah hahaha what a good rest
I weirdly feel the same. Good morning anon. Good morning /indie/. Never change.
are they not plants?
Oh I like it, it just becomes an unplayable slog after you get good (but not good enough to win)

Also fuck me, I was one bullet away from beating the game but my shitputer stalled and I died. Literrally uninstalled there...
Tooth and Tail
Soft Plants
Maybe as easy as an ini edit.
I live in a town so small that there's only one business in it- a coffee shop- that's open only on sundays because it's more a hobby for the owner than an actual business. The rest are houses and farms. My family is basically singlehandedly the reason we even get internet as fast as we do.
Natural selection sure did a weird work with the Punkins, like something that eats hard plants couldn't be interested in soft cuddly pumkin people
>tfw lewd thicc Batter dreams
But Im not even a homo
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>But I'm not even homo
Anon sit down. Let's talk.
do they get hard in the morning?
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>But Im not even a homo
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Here's her wip new sprite, btw
Yeah, I really like that hand drawn feeling to it. I've been following the development off and on and I'm pretty happy with the final product.

The sound design is really good too. It helps make an already cute game cuter.
Fluffy perfection.
What are you playing this Halloween, /indie/?
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I will probably buy the silver case from playism and maybe some horror rpgmaker games.
Also planning on returning to spiral knights for the halloween event.
Tf2's shitty new update even though it sucks.
>"new" update
Isn't it just the same event as the past 2 years?
Are there any spooky, 3-d, indie, horror games that are actually scary? It's pretty hard to be genuinely unnerved in this day and age, but I'm sure one has to exist, right? Something unreliant on jump scares alone.
>Something unreliant on jump scares alone.
Damn that narrows it down a ton. Is The Void spooky in a sense? Otherwise I can only think of old emulatable games like Etenrnal Darkness.
Not that anon, but I wouldn't consider The Void scary at all. Spooky, perhaps, but I wouldn't call it a horror game at all.
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the Doom 2D mod - oh sorry, I meant "Butcher"
This game's pretty radical. Are you playing on the hardest difficulty?
no, im bad at games
Well new in the sense that it's an update that just started again I mean. It's still like not good this time around though.
What do you find creepy or scary? You can play garage bad dream adventure if you know Japanese.
The hit new game everybody's talking about, Losing Like 4 Fucking Hours in Dead Rising Because You Forgot To Save Again: Remastered
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I've been having a bit of trouble deciding what to go with, so what do you guys think?
Wait, are these all particular characters or have none of them been designed yet?
That's okay I don't blame you, the game's pretty challenging. I played on the next to hardest difficulty because the thought of having no ammo or health drops was pretty deterring. I loved the ending to this game, the homage was so fitting.
There are sketches but I wanted to get a consensus before actually developing them.
I found Anatomy pretty spooky.
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What's the best indie game of 2016 so far?
Man I'm not even sure, I can't fault any creators for games that others might find pretty scary, but most of the time it's just because something loud jumps out at you. We're not in the 50s any more so it definitely takes a lot more effort. I suppose the last thing I played that put me in suspense was trying to avoid the monstrous remnants in Soma, but that's neither indie or obscure.

I guess something doesn't need to make my heart burst out of my chest because I particularly enjoy games that can get by with a creepy, jarring soundtrack and atmosphere/visuals to go along with it. Bad Dream Adventure looks cool, but there doesn't appear to be any translation since it's pretty rare.
Wait can we see them? I'm sorta curious what the general design for each one is if it's ok.
I probably shouldn't have said sketches, I mean there are little notes of each possible appearance. Nothing is too set in stone right now.

I'd say just go with whatever type you find more interesting in general.
If you went with ghost would that probably be the ghost girl that looks like Sucre that you made and showed a while back?
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Most likely.

Pumpkin would be something similar to the punkins from earlier

Demon would be something along the lines of a less disgusting isaac demon but a bit more cute and

Witch is something along the lines of the hex maniac from pokemon

Alien and Bug are a bit hard to describe.
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>Arcen Games

I want them to succeed
Who and what?
Just did a quick google search, they had to lay off a bunch of employees after their last game was a commercial failure.

Oh, they're the guys who made AI war. I didn't know they're doing roguelite shovelware nowadays, but no wonder it doesn't sell well.
Is there any place to get the musketeer skin for DD? Those scum fucks at nexus took down the mod for it.
DD? Darkest Dungeon? What does Nexus have to do with Darkest Dungeon?
Musketeer skin is probably a mod
I heard Last Federation did really well. I played it and really enjoyed it. It was like a more engaging SPAZ
None of their games are supposed to be that bad either. I guess this one wasn't marketed enough to be on anyone's radar. To be fair it doesn't look that impressive, but it's probably funner to play than to look at.
>witch will never make it
You're at leasst going to add the losing characters as NPCs...r-right?
>You're at leasst going to add the losing characters as NPCs...r-right?
Yes at some point
>Witch becomes three way tied with ghost and pumpkin for number one right after this is posted.
And now ghost is ahead by a land slide again. If she gets in would that mean that one short game Karb's making of her will count as a Dashbored Spin Off game?
Been trying to learn code but it's hard
Code for what exactly don't mind me asking?
Games. Though I don't have an idea for a more elaborate game. Maybe like a simple app or something. It's not so much the code that's hard, but trying to focus
But like what engine are you doing, RPGmaker, game maker, unity?
I'm not really sure yet. So far I've just been trying to learn the code itself
There's a nexus section for it. I was hoping for another uploading site.
Wait I thought you meant the company Nexus?
>tfw you didn't like Hylics but like Hylic fanart
>fake retro pixelart
>no outlines on the pixelart
>fucking nonpixel lighting
>worst fucking perspective on the maps since random newgrounds flashgame in 2002
Fuck that game.
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I'm hoping that after AI War 2 fails its kickstarter a publisher like Paradox will pick them up and fund them.
Is that a good game?
It's a game-making engine. Seems pretty good!
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So my demo should be all fixed up by now... but I'm still not confident... I'll give it some more look-around and maybe have it posted tomorrow.
Good night everyone.
Oh good night, can't wait to play it.
> no outlines on the pixelart

What looks bad about that to you?
probably it doesn't look as good. honestly don't think it can be explained if you can't see it.

here's a game that actually came before hyper light drifter and has a much better implementation of unrestricted pixel graphics:

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Avian replacement.png
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to anyone interested, I've decided/made the replacement for the Avian race.I figured the Hive biome costume would've made a good race, not sure how it'll work in game though
>Wow this game looks neat, I wonder why I have never heard of it?
>Kickstarted Dec. 2012
>Slated releases getting pushed back further

Well at least I'll have something else to look forward to when it finally drops. Maybe Cross Code won't be in early access too.
What game is it for??
Seems they're still updating.
Yes yes, it's such a refreshing thing to see. I didn't even have to look at much gameplay to know it was something I would enjoy playing in the near future. Too many projects get abandoned or just get way behind on promises. This one seems to be pretty behind as well, but at least I'm seeing some progress reports from the dev.
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I'm actually astonished at the amount of fanart there is of that game. Something about it must resonate with a lot of artists. I bet it's the music.
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Does this still work?
With some not-even-so-large tweaks, Hylics could have been amazing.
Huh is that Middens?
That would be nice. It's sad to see some developers rely on the kickstarter way too much. It's not meant to be a permanent tool but instead to kickstart your first game.
Oh yes this looks so much better. It makes full use of the no borders with seemingly gradient tiles, giving it a look of animated painting.
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Obduction was breddy good.
What type of game is this?
What's it about?
It's a puzzle box game, like Myst. It's from the same creators of Myst!
Oh nice.
What's /indie/ playing right now?
Nothing right now because watching tourney but after I will continue annas quest.
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Bateman On Phone.jpg
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Don't be like me and play Pyst instead of Myst. Although it features actor John Goodman, it is not a fun experience.
Dank memes and poop jokes: 90s edition
>never heard of it
>look it up
oh god, its so bad
I think it's because chickenbeard keeps making porn of it, which I'm all in favor for. In all seriousness though it surprises me that hylics actually has a decent size of japanese fans,decent when compared to its miniscule sized fan base that is.
I wonder what the creators of Myst think of it.
"I wish we coulda got John Goodman."
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Cute girls in fucked up situations.
This looks like one of them little girl rape RPGs
2 of the games on there feature rape scenes.
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All right, I'm gonna be wrapping the strawpoll up in around an hour from now, if any of you haven't voted yet be sure to!
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I don't mind bloom with pixel art
I liked it in Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery.
I liked that game except the human heads. Gods will be watching had the same issue.
I'm assuming you guys know Castillo's stuff?

Maldita Castilla is really god damn good for a GnG clone. The soundtrack's especially a 10/10 for me.
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What's a castillo?
What's a GnG?
>it's a party fighter
Is there a release date?
Said Castillo when I mean Locomalito. This guy.

GnG as in Ghosts n Goblins.
Wow this is some serious background overlapping. Thankfully fixed by disabling an option in the launcher.
Looks like a nice collection.
Kickstarted Shantae will never release.
What makes you think that?
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It just takes so fucking long.
So what's indie up to?
I'm planning my very own indie RPG
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Questing Anna
Story is slowly forming a greater picture and the puzzles continue to be reasonable difficult and but fun.
This room is nice because it got the typical daedalic references to other games. On the outside you could make Rufus from Deponia fall into the hay.
Telle me more. I will tell you how shit and generic it is if you just do a ff ripoff.
I have pirated indie games for years and only recently have I seen the errors of my ways. I am wondering if it's too late for me, if the sins are too grave to absolve. I will take my punishment and vow to never pirate another indie game again.
Pirating is fine, buying second hand is the real evil.
Aren't they the same thing?
Well, at least you have realized the error in your ways. If you're a wealthy first-worlder, you should go the extra mile and donate to indie devs you like or buy multiple copies of their games.

>buying second hand is the real evil
No, it's just double stupid.
You must brand yourself with an amateur Braid-themed tattoo.
If you pirate there is stil a chance of you buying the game because you loved it so much. If you buy second hand then you got the game and the publisher/developer got 0 money from it.
It's about a neurotic plant girl living in a desert world whose long-lost brother suddenly shows up at her workplace and drags her along on his quest to become the messiah. Gameplay inspired by Wild Arms, LISA and the Mario RPG games.
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Sounds good enough for the plot. Never played wild arms, what was its battle system like?
Pretty standard RPG, with this "Force" system where a bar charges up as you fight, which you can use to do some stuff. Not quite the same as a limit break system, but similar.

I'm taking more inspiration from the non-battle gameplay, though, where dungeons have tons of puzzles you solve with Zelda-style tools.

Of course until I git gud at art and music it's just an idea guy pipe dream but maybe someday
What's it about?
How long is it so far? Seems like you've been playing it for a while.
Sounds a lot like Lufia 2.
Gosh that game was so good. Only flaw was it not showing the battle timeline it had but otherwise it had the non random encounters, additional bar for battles, a pet to feed and fight and zeld alike item puzzles.
6 hours and I am in the second main area chapter 3 of 6. Didn't realyl get to play because weekend is always busy stream time.
Why so suddenly dead, /indie/
Buy the ones that are good, after pirating.
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Thrasher Skate and Destroy is obscure by now, right? It's old and I'm pretty sure people don't even know Rockstar made it.
What is it exactly?
What's indie up to?
Because u a shit
Anyone making a game?
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Finished my demo! Will post it publicly tomorrow after I fix some small hiccups a few folks at /rpgmg/ found.

Though if you want to peek now... head over to /rpgmg/
Oh thanks man, I'll check it out probably later. By the way you only have one art tumblr for your art, right? You don't separate tumblr pages for safe for work and not safe for work art right?
I do have a nsfw tumblr, but I kinda left it to rot for nearly a year now, I'm usually more interested in sfw stuff.
Also I have a separate tumblr for a webcomic of mine.
Don't mind if I ask for them? Sorry if I'm bugging you about it.
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I'm working on in game books now, I'd like you're opinions on it. I'm normally not a good writer.

"id" : "humanhistory1",
"species" : "human"
"title" : "The history of the Imperia I"
"description" : "An account of Earth's history, written during the early years of the Imperia's space Conquest"
"icon" : "humancover1.png",
"contentPages" : [
" The ages long past now bear little relevance to our great march through the stars, but this text will explain how we a once fractured species united and became what we are today.

The desire to discover, pioneer, and conquer has always been our strength, but it was the undoing of those who had kept us enslaved for a millenia"

"A small group of wealthy individuals had ruled over our planet at the end of the 20th century, this power was passed to their blood heirs who grew more complacent as the earth grew decedant",

"They tried to use the barbarian hordes that always plauged the earth to destroy us, but they had underestimated our will to survive"

"They had many victories for a short time, but we overcame their savage puppets and turned our eyes onto them and named them, which is their greatest fear"

"We the blood of Rome had them surrounded, but we did not expect what came next, great spaceships that dwarfed what we had always known, allowed them to flee in the great unknown granting them a little more time"

"these cowards are now known as the "augmented" and are rightfuly loathed by the civilized denziens of the galaxy"

"but they still underestimate us and our will to finish what we started"
Thanks, love your style.
aaaaaand it looks like the winners of the strawpoll were
Ghost Girl
Witch Girl

Thank you all for voting!
Tfw no Alien
This. Made my eyes tired just playing it
>Cross Code is in early access
That explains why it felt so unfinished. I got it in a bundle and assumed it was kusoge
poor ayylmao
I approve
It's good, though, right? I didn't try the demo yet, but the gameplay looked solid from what I could tell.
Vinny's playing Ticket on twitch right now. Ya did it Magicdweedoo.
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>play nuclear throne again
>really good run, find second crown room that had a rusty revolver for some reason
>keep the gold laser pistol from first time getting a gold
>break some weird pillar
>tall mother fuckers with exploding rads spawn
>kill them and proceed
>lil hunter
>mfw all that shit on my screen while trying not to die
what's a good robot "build"? i usually go with the gold laser pistol and some kind of crowd control weapon like a shotgun and eat everything else
always get gun crown if i get through the portal
>You will never get a cuddly AYY LMAO

I blame MLAATR
Steel Zeroes dev here.
You can blame megaman on my case.
I blame co and their teenage robot waifus.
Make it a ghost witch.
I think bundle sites now show if a game is early access. I a pretty sure humble, bundlestars and indiegala have it at least.
Just bumping the thread. Don't want any trouble.
Just play how you want to play and don't look up guides. Guides are just powergaming and ruin your individual approach to the game. That's what happened to me. I never touched the game again after reading a guide.
Now Skeeter he ain't hurtin' nobody
Gun choice should come more from mutations than class, but you can use whatever you like the most. Pretty much any weapon can work if you're skilled.
When was the last time anyone here played isaac? I might go back to it for Halloween.
i play isaac all the time. It's my favourite casual fun time game
Has there ever been a good indie crossover game where the indie crossover thing was the main gimmick?

I don't mean something like Runbow or Indivisible, which are kind of their own things with a bunch of guest characters, but something like Team Indie. Which is an awful name for a game, by the way.
>is there a good game where indie devs circlejerk with their characters
Wait so not like a smash game but instead a game where a dude takes his different IPs and crosses them over?
Mornin /indie/
Isn't that what all crossovers are?
I think they can be fun.
Depends on the collaborators

If they're part of that obnoxious hipster indie dev clique then the crossovers are going to be self-indulgent and self-important and lame

The ones who aren't a part of that clique seem to not really collaborate as far as I know, they could probably be okay if they put the game quality before their own circlejerking and self-references
Space Funeral 4
It was one or two years ago, before it became obvious Early Access was Eternal Access
What are some of these self-indulgent, self-important crossovers?
The only one I can really think of is Shovel Knight's endless cameos.
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Why have you not played Creeper World 3?

Super Meat Boy and Bit.Trip Runner 2 comes to mind along those lengths for the same reason. Dust also has a bunch of pointless cameos but at least they're just in a side area and are completely optional.

Different type of example, Read Only Memories' voice update coming up that pulls a bunch of people from the indie clique for the acting and for the "hey look who we're friends with we're so awesome" feeling.
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Who even is that?
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We'll get there one day.
I think SMB and BTR are perfectly fine. The cameo characters are unlockable extras, and the games themselves are still pretty rooted in doing their own thing and having their own game? Like, they didn't start out with "let's show off just how ~InDiE cReD~ we are," or anything.
Todays steam deal looks good. Ghost1.0
But it is so short before the haloween and winter sales start everywhere so I think I wait.
How long is it? Steam reviews on average have 8-12 hours which is good enough for me. I'd pick it up but Im still holding out for a bundle.
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Any indie games with shrink/growth mechanics
I haven't played it. It only looks really good from what I can tell.
Also wow indiegala now has a daily deal too.
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That is an oddly specific fetish.
The Dream Machine has a chapter where you get to use shrinking and growing to solve some puzzles.
i dont know about this ghost game, but its from the developer of the game "unepic". unepic had pretty solid gameplay, but the "humor" was absolute trash and ruined the game. this ghost game seems to be advertising humor as well, so id check the reviews and see if it has similar retarded humor as unepic.
I don't like games where you kill people who deserve it. I want to kill innocent people. The more innocent the better.

What do you have for me, /indie/?
Undertale! :]
My name is Nothan Portant
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What forgotten game franchise or genre would you like to see an indie dev create a spiritual successor for?

I would like to see an indie dev make an epic fantasy-western RPG like Wild Arms.
The trailer for Ghost 1.0 is pretty cringy
Postal 2 + expansions
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Micro Machines/ Micro Maniacs
The novelty of being tiny and running around in everyday environments never gets old
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Banjo was an obvious choice for a lot of people, now it's coming to fruition.

If I had to think about it, maybe a true sequel to the forgotten Bloody Roar fighting game franchise. This would probably be a bit harder since fighting games require a lot of fine tuning and feedback especially in a 3-D environment.
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I would like to say an old-style Tales game similar to the series before it went 3D. The 2D battles could have evolved into something amazing, but the 3D cuts that.

Also, the stories of the 2D games are generally better quality.
I need a game with Megaman.exe's battle system. Too little games use it honestly, I'd love to see it get expanded on.
Why not Postal 1 too? If anything that's an even more brutal game.
There's Hatred.
not to mention Postal 1 is an actually fun game whereas Postal 2 is a collage of mediocre game design with Grade 2 edge humour.
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Die By The Sword. I loved the combat system in that.
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breath of fire
replying to >>158311020
Well since a lot of my choices already got covered....

Legend of Legaia/Xenogears
What is the worst /indie/ game you've ever played?
there was this weird walking simulator I picked up on itch.io that was barely functional
This'll sound insane, but: 2D Super Mario Bros style platforming.

Obviously there are shitloads of indie platformers, but I don't think I've ever played one that replicates Mario-style platforming and physics. Barely any seem to even try.
What's the difference between most platformers nowadays and Super Mario platformers?
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The demo for Steel Zeroes is here! I fixed a few typos /rpgmg/ told me about... hopefully it should all be in working order now!

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Here we go
nice! Downloading now.
>About 20 minutes since this post
>Already on page 10
/vg/'s speed still fucking baffles me.
It's because we're not talking, so what's indie playing?
Playing the steel zeroes game.
pretty good
Any clue how long it is?
dev here
It contains the prologue of the game, so it should last around an hour and a half. Possibly more if you're trying to 100% it.
Hotline Miami 2
Is it because there's no gay cat incest?
I liked it.
This holy shit why has no one gotten it right
I wish I had more time
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Creators of Pepper are assholes for not letting you fuck her
what the heck even is Pepper and why is it making you so Salty?
I don't get it. What makes Mario platformers any different exactly?
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>Jack Chick died
>/co/ threat about the chick tracts
>one called LISA in all caps
>it's about a father sexually abusing his daughter
holy shit

it's even the same font

Someone with a tweeter ask Austen if theres any relation
>Lisa is really just a religious propaganda based fanfic and rando was an allegory for Jesus all along
What's indie up to?
attempting 8 hours of sleep

that could be an indie game title
might play more tales games or get something done in my backlog like the witness
So where's the game of the thread?
Huh what's she holding/doing on the bottom frame?
In the second post ( >>157793321 )

Or do you mean where's the discussion, in which case: Dunno lol. We kinda talked about it / finished it in the previous thread already.
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Working on qt gost right now

name suggestions?
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Yeah I was thinking that too.
Was she always green or is this a redesign?
I think he just made her.
She was grayscale when I first made her, some people have been drawing her as purple but I'm not sure which I should go with.
Maybe sorta tone down the saturation of the green? Also purples and greens go good together so there's that.
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ghost face.png
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something like this?
Oh definately, maybe Just a smidge more would look good.
also would she look good with one of those japanese ghost tags on her face?
I mean I think those mainly work when you build the entire ghost around a japanese motif, which isn't really her.
unless you make the outfit entirely out of talismans which I'm sure you will somehow manage to make lewder than not wearing anything at all, it'd be pretty out of place

An eyepatch would also work for the size, but it clashes with what talismans are for as a motif. Unless it's supposed to seal JUST the eye.
That or made her look sorta like a traditional Japanese ghost with the long hair and white robe and headband or something else in that sorta vein.
2D Mario was like a physics-based game before games had physics. All the enemies, powerups, and Mario's basic moves are about different ways stuff can travel and bounce off each other, and the gameplay is about managing it all. The fire flower doesn't just shoot fireballs straight, it arcs 'em out and they bounce with gravity; the Koopa shell bounces off walls, sometimes it gets trapped between two pipes and creates a little death pit, but maybe you can stop it and use it as a weapon, or...

That's what I'd like indie devs to tackle, that cartoon physicality. If you know any that do, I'm all ears.
Morning, /indie/!
Why wouldn't it be?
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So IYO how would you assume Brad and Dusty' relationship was?

It's a bit confusing due to the different positive and negative aspects shown.

>Buzzo says Dusty couldn't fill Brad's void like Buddy could
>Brad openly tells Buddy that he has no son, and never did
>In the Painful ending he just walks away from a bleeding Dusty after learning Dusty was mutilated due to Lisa's death

>Rando says life wasn't perfect but Brad was there for him
>Rando still idolizes Brad
>Brad adopted him, why take him in if he meant nothing?
>he trained Dusty for free
>he was targeted by Buzzo, meaning he meant something to Brad
>Buddy hallucinates Brad crying and petting a Rando mask (possible headcanon: Brad being good at making masks created Rando's signature skull mask when he was first starting out in post-apocalypse Olathe but couldn't face Dusty after what happened so he leaves it for him to find)
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>check Austin's twitter
>He changed his dev name from Dingaling to LoveBrad
>after his father who passed away

Aw, that's sad and touching.
>get up for another day of productive work
>screaming outside
>police sirens outside window
>all roads are closed
>there's a bomb/shooting scare right in my area right now

So how was your morning, /indie/?
It's 6:30 AM and I just finished my assignment of designing 5 lesson plans to make up a unit to teach.

Gonna sleep in until 1.
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Giana Sisters
These fuckers could not even put in a single reference in their fucking furfucker pandering dlc.
Does that make Dingaling Rando then?
Dusty saw Brad as a father and maybe Brad had the same feelings for a while but eventually Brad felt he wasnt worth enough for Dusty since at about the same time he realized he let his little sister get abused, kill herself, and let his surrogate son be brutally maimed.
Failing asignments I'm too far behind to finish. other than that good.
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Any good indie RPGs about the mafia?
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Forkheads RPG
Is that Gene Starwind
How is a story about my uncle from bell air and a birds story?. Anodyne is a must have if you did not play it yet.
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The way I looked at it, Brad's life was just stagnant after Lisa died and he lived it unremarkably. Then he met Dusty who he probably saw himself in and they opened up to each other and built a father/son relationship. But then Buzzo in his extreme spite for Brad couldn't allow him to be happy and reminded him of his past failure by ruining the closest thing he had to a family. And once Brad had seen what had happened he just completely rejected the idea of him being able to care for anyone and gave up on himself. Rando on the other hand couldn't stop for a second looking up to Brad, probably feeling some sort of guilt for the entire incident.

The more I think about the Armstrongs the more I just want them all to be happy.
I have a Bird's Story but never got around to playing it
Maybe Ill try it later
Big improvement
Pretty good bundle. Odallus looks rad and Spaera is an awesome Tetris Battle Gaiden clone.
Even the 12 bucks game looks decent.
>humble takes 3 hours to send browser verifitcation code again
Every time, I never learn.
I thought he met Dusty long before Lisa died. A clearer timeline would be nice, Im not even sure what the age difference is or if Brad lives at home in Lisa the first.

A lot of it is ambiguous, take one of the painful endings where Marty forces Brad to drink and then says "let's go see your sister". This can be interpreted as anything from forcing his kids to have sex to simply checking on infant or toddler Lisa in her room, or maybe the mother is still alive then and she's staying with her.
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Making new assets!
Drawing tilesets is fun!
Looks nice. Gives me the tori vibe.
Aw that's cute, what's it for?
Not sure what tori is, but the overal aesthetics of the game were inspired by Mario & Luigi.


Steel Zeroes,
Toki Tori
Puzzle Plattformer that gets way too hard for me.
Odallus is pretty damn awesome. I'm not sure exactly what it reminds me of, but it reminds me of one of the older NES games.
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Oh god please don't be anywhere as hard as the piano puzzle in Myst that required perfect hearing.
what's the verdict?
Not my kind of game, but good for what it is.
My mother's been playing the game basically near-constantly since she's gotten it. Doing all sorts of challenges and events. Apparently it's pretty good.
What challenges and events are there? It's still in alpha but the lack of direction in games is usually not my thing
One of the best games to use for "describe your dick/last shit with a game title" threads.
I also hear it is fun to play from a friend.
I don't know about all of them- but there are ones where you have a month in order to get 15-days worth of supplies before a blizzard hits, kind of thing.
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anyone try out caveblazers yet? pretty neat and addicting game. rogue-lite similar to spelunky, but with more emphasis on combat. feels like risk of rain+spelunky without the timers(at least i dont think there is a timer mechanic). currently $5 on steam
Fuck that sounds generic. I think I am burned out of roguelites for some time now
I can see that, your characters sorta remind me of those one jelly sisters style wise for some reason.
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>There will never be a Rando fan game
>You will encounter Clint as a young teenage Dusty, beat him in a botched robbery and then gain his respect so that he becomes your loyal follower and Rando's voice so people don't hear his stutter
>You'll never build the Rando Army, create peace in Olathe and battle Buzzo's Joy Boys throughout the story
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Any RPGMaker games with a battle system like Super Mario RPGs on SNES and GBA?
Be the change you want to see in this world.
You mean timed hits? I can not think of any. Seems like a market niche someone should fill or maybe it is just really hard to do in rpgmaker.
So what's indie up to?
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Played this demo, it's good stuff.

Buddy used Flash
is the combat good or mindless?
Escaping prison as little girl.
Its easier in MV, though Joyful proves it can sorta be done
I'm kind of burnt out on gaming so I might force mysel to tackle something on my backlog.
its not as hectic as risk of rain, not exactly slow either. id say its good and fun, but nothing amazing. there are many items/weapons with prefixes/random stats that you can find, potions, scrolls etc. there is also something of a "hot bar" type thing for items.
id suggest just checking out some youtube videos
Well.... can she?
She gonna lickle the dickle.
That sounds ok actually. I like the random stat equip bit.
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Fixed a few things!

>Fixed a few portraits, some were missing a few details, such as Luke not having those bolts attached to his hips.
>There was a rare glitch where you’d get stuck in the battle transition, hopefully it’s fixed now.
>Corrected a few minor typos.
>Nerfed some power and defense upgrade Parts for the sake of balancing.
>Added a small message prompt that explains the radar system, and how you can start battles at will.

Superhot is still grossly overpriced
Yeah but it also started at an ok pricetag for launch.
Superhot froze within seconds when I tried to play it, and kept freezing at that same exact point.

Fifteen bucks for ten seconds' playtime. That's over a dollar a second. Fuck, there are hookers cheaper than that.
Maybe it's a problem with you
Yeah, and I'm sure DaS3 did too, but that game still has the hitbox glitch bullshit because the devs are too lazy to fix it to work on any CPU.

I'm definitely not the only person with that problem- there's a huge thread on steam about how Superhot freezes for everybody, but the devs just say 'Does it prevent you from playing SUPERHOT?' Like ...yes, fucklechucks, it prevents me from playing the game I bought and paid for.

I mean, I got a refund, but still. Fuck. People should make games that work.
>pirated and it works for me
>buyfags cant even play the game
Anyone play Sonic Utopia
What's that?
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i'm in love with a chicken

All Of Our Friends Are Dead
Does it have battits?
Did we cannabalize /5n@f/ ?
>Mfw giving all the Powerhouses to Luke

This game is really fun. Lou is already best girl.
That would be surprising with a new freddy game just released.
They seem to be doing well.
Fan game that will probably get the creator a job at Sega or somewhere instead of DMCA and harassment by private dicks
Sonic does not work i 3D, it simple does not.
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I am a little confused to how I could get thrown in hell by the witch and escape but I did it.
Sonic Heroes was good, everything else 3D was mediocre
It's got one sandbox level
Nice, first of the Buddy flash pics that show her scarred nipple.
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> Lou is already best girl.
Ready to gamble?
Wow she's cute.

Anyone still play this? It's been being updated again lately
I'm certain it's the other one. It has to be. She's so flat. Not that I even really mind either way.

Also what the fuck exactly was that secret back room? Some artificial insemination lab mixed with a sex shop?
>AsciiSec is being updated
>LCS is back in development
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>Also what the fuck exactly was that secret back room? Some artificial insemination lab mixed with a sex shop?

Of course not, silly.
It's a place to stuff pillows, tie up shoes, and do pull ups
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How do most of you guys view /indie/?
Desktop, mobile, or clover?
so much cancer I don't even want to know
What's clover?
Desktop with controller.

I've had my fill of handhelds, I'd rather power through with overspeccing to reduce loading times and savestates because nobody has time to do it "fairly".
Clover or desktop with oneechan
>so much cancer I don't even want to know
what, why? Isn't it just an app?
- It's a custom browser. Garbage by definition.
- Equating an app to a platform is fucking stupid.

But hey, at least it's not oneechan.
>OneeChan is a userscript that functions on top of 4chan X and allows you to customize the site with various functions, themes and mascots.
Holy shit, just install bondibuddy and kill yourself.
>equating an app to a platform is fucking stupid
I meant the mobile 4chan site dumbass
>reeeee phoneposters ree
The post you quoted says nothing about phoneposters.

Are you retarded or just pretending? Don't answer, it's a rhetorical question. The quality of your posts already conveys the answer.

Let's talk about indie games instead, eh?
Sure. I like touhou
>Let's talk about indie games
That's a bit strange but I guess we could try. I personally can't wait to buy Steel Zeroes after playing the demo just now, and not just for the wide hips and potential porn. It kinda fills that void Megaman left in my heart.
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i did a risk of rain collab with a friend


good job, wud shoot until there's nothing left AHHH THERE ARE THREE MORE
What's an indie game?
Anyone else disappointed by the new farm variants in stardew valley?
On paper they look really interesting but in the end they all play the same with some kind of annoyance except for maybe the riverland farm but it's really tedious to get all the crab pots + bait until you have the free bait mastery on level 10 fishing.
another thing
i heard that karbonic is adding pumpkin gals on dashbored
would anyone happen to have a ref pic of it?
I think there was a profile pic of her floating around in one of the threads but I don't have it on me.
This looks great.
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i ended up finding it
thanks anon
she is kinda missing some hip on the left side but i can fix it
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>Get Unbox in the latest Humble Bundle
>Expected it to be a cutesy platformer
>It's a somewhat difficult collectathon instead
Well, that's a change of pace I didn't expect.
>There's a series of jumps leading far away from the hub platform
>It's a long, painful experience because you gotta land on floating health packs to keep going without touching the water twice
>You will touch the water on the last one
>No reward for hunting out this far, just endless expanses of water
I don't know what I expected.
Oh that is a plattformer? I thought it was aphysics shenanigans trials thing.
Eh, it's kinda both.
You move insanely fast, get 6 extra jumps and gotta run around doing stuff.
Mixture platformer playground thing.
Nice, is that the final version?
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nah pal, that's just a sketch
is Yomawari: Night Alone any good?
Sweet, you might wanna change that tongue though, it's at an angle that makes it look like weird teeth
now that i look at it you are actually right
thanks for the heads up
Any place to get it? It on steam?
Yeah, it's on Steam, port of a Vita game.
Looks pretty flippin' cool. Kind of like a more whimsical Axiom Verge

Also cool on indie devs having to rely on Wi-Fi to get their game out. That is some true grassroots
Do I read that correct hat 40 bucks will get me a printed art piece?
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Does anyone else get FPS issues?
’ve noticed that sometimes people get the game slightly freezing for a split second every 1-2 seconds, does that happen to everyone?

If it does, I might seriously consider making the game episodic.
Yeah once I got to the Power Plant the FPS started becoming worse and worse as I progressed.
This. I considered it was another problem entirely, but once you get to the power plant when you start moving periodically it will drop in frames and you'll basically teleport to where you were trying to move to. It's brief, mind you, but it happens in fights too.
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It could be a pc issue too, because I asked around and some folks say they didn't get it.
Either way, I might really make this game episodic, and the next chapter will have to be on another rpg maker engine.
It's entirely possible, but I'm running on only 3 year old parts. It can add up to optimization issues or any number of problems. It could just be the engine itself, even Lisa had even worse dodgy problems in certain spots occasionally. Beyond the frame dips, you've got a proper game on your hands, so don't let it deter you too much.
>already in pocession
But thanks, Phillip. You can touch my boobs once we cleaned this mess.
nice thanks!
What was this for, anyway?
Was for Oddalus which is in the humble bundle right now.
Would you touce bubsy's boobsys?
They look kinda bad in the battle sprite but yeah I would while assuming that is just a bad shot.
Also page 10 bump limit.
I finished VA-11 HALL-A and loved it. Any other games where you find the story by talking to characters?
I'll make a new thread, dont worry
New Thread:

Get in here!
MIght wanna make her legs just a WEE bit longer maybe? Great stuff though.
Why episodic?
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