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/wtg/ - War Thunder General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 737
Thread images: 135

Shitposting Edition

>Official Site:

NOTE: You get given a premium aircraft for your first victory in game!
Need a faster download? Switch Language in Launcher.

>Wiki with Release Trees and General Tactics:

>Fan created skins, missions, locations, fictions etc...
http://live.warthunder.com/ (Warning! Pure weeaboo and horsefucker autism abound)

>Ammunition Types

>All the Air RB/SB maneuvers you would want to know + Engine thingamabobs:

>Every Airplane Instrument Panel translated

>Youtube Channel with Tutorials and Gameplay Videos

>Steam community:

>Joystick Comparisons:

>DIY Headtracking

>Place for actual discussion of the game (warning: full of naziboos)

>Chart displaying weapon effectiveness against ground units

Why is this allowed
Matilda Mk II overtiered, plz nerf br
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I, palmput, approve this message
delet this
>playing the cougar
anyone have a tank of helium?

Well, I'm gay now.
t. vegeta
>From a distance if can be put out of commission with a rifle

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So by some miracle I accomplished a full golden wager and got 500ge, so I decided to become cancer and buy a bush. Only I can only place one. So am I missing something or have I been massively rused by gaijew?
you just got memed
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it said something like "bush, 1pcs" when you tried to buy it, right?
get fucking good
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Powerful Weaponry
No wing mounted fuel tanks

>Small Fuel tank)))))
>Not as maneuverable as other Japanese aircraft))))))))))))))))))))))

Yeah nice "cons", you stupid fucking slavs
Do anyone else find no convergence work really well for any kind of 4x20mm cannons? Having two 20mm HE round hit on any one spot on a enemy fighter is more than enough to take them down, and having two vectors of which cannonfire can go through really helps with close range dogfighting.
should have goy'ed up earlier pham
>bullets still don't kill boats
It's a shittier J7W1 that isn't as maneuverable, can't climb as good, can't dive or go level as fast and with worse armament because the 20mms run out decades before your two 30mms do, not to mention they're wing and not nose mounted.
>decide to spade p63c-5
>for some reason its not as fun as the other too

this makes me sad
This. It simply isn't competitive at 6.0 where most engagements are on low alts due to jets anyway.
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Back when they first came out, you could buy all 6 for 500 GE or something like that. But in Gaijin fashion they changed the "special deal" so now you only get one per 500 GE. Meaning you need like 16-17 dollars for 6 of them.

Not to mention, I saw Phly flying the thing the other day. Jesus Christ, that thing gives out sparks like a motherfucker I thought he was just being a shitter but when I saw it for myself I was surprised. You would think since its premium it would become a meme for a while but no.

There are better Japanese premiums you can get, at better BRs.
It's another "high altitude" fighter. Read: absolute dogshit 9/10 of the time.
>some 3rd world nigger cant get a proper connection to a non-3rd world server

n-no! its s-sparks!

Doesn't he live in Florida? Either way, I watch him because his lack of self awareness and how he plays amuses me. This time though, he was on point during his attacks. He would break their wing off right away or spark like hell till the other plane just outran him. He only really did good on a downtier.
That's one badly drawn 190.
Tell that to half the amerifat planes.
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>1.63 release day
>claps; P-38K; new guinea
>had "the orange dewm" smugshitter in a ki-87
>most of my team's fighters sideclimbed
>we annihilate the japs who went up to 25000 ft with us then start vaporizing their lawnmowers
>look at the coast with the landing crafts
>see orange dewm on the deck with 3 fighters chasing him to his death
talking about the orange cuck. i am considering joining his squad just to shit on them. but not before i laughed at his stats while being a tryhard
I'm also spading it now, and I have to say, while it seem worse in statcard, it's actually better than both A-5 and A-10. Speed is still more than enough, dive speed is still gold, and it seem to manouver better and bleed less energy when doing so.

Also, started flying Brits, late T2 now, and holy hell, how people can enjoy it? Sure, you can climb fast, but Hurricanes and Spitfires simply suck at diving attacks, and turnfighting is boring as fuck.
I suppose Japanese are same?
teeb energy fighters
>tiffy to a degree

weeb energy fighters
>pretty much all landfighters apart from the ki43
Do ATGM autoloaders have fixed loading times or do they speed up with crew skill?
This, it's fucking bs that you can't even kill a ship's AA with guns (like what B-25s did with weeb ships before literally BTFOing them with skip bombing)
they speed up ))
bote cbt fucking when
never. noone cares anon.
>tfw no qt femboy bf to force to crossdress as a tank girl for /wtg/
then dress up yourself cumslut
desu it's not the crossdressing that's hot it's the forcing that is :3
And you can't force yourself ;__;
you can force yourself to become a functioning member of society
You can download this skin for the d9. It's fucking rad.
Did the Tiger II's always lean back on their suspension this much?
it's not the same
it doesnt lean. the sponsons simply "slope" down to the rear. if you want to see leaning, check the superpershing

Otherwise they don't lean back, it's just the hull design.
>> "You have been reported by more than 10 players for the following infractions: Teamkilling, Foul Language."

Yea, well, cleansing the game of Spitniggers is rewarding work you subhuman slavs.
gods work
so it automatically tells you if you get reported? or is it only if multiple people do it?
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teebs btfo lmao

Considering the sheer amount of moderating work it would take to monitor every player in the game, I figure most chatbans are probably automated, as well as the system that keeps track of complaints. However, when you appeal the ban, a subhuman slavnigger has to actually pull up your account info and chat logs, and makes a poorly informed, genetically inferior decision based off of that.
Why do people from MLP squadron tags keep shooting me down on my team? Is there some vendetta against SG508?
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are the battle trophys similar to AW? they seem to be more rare and i only got shit tiuer stuff so far
do they get better with time or is it just luck?
pic related does WT give you similar boosts and im just unlucky? mine where just for a few matches so far and once i even got a 10% public booster that was only for 1 match
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Why does Sinai have so many graphical bugs?
small family company )))
>Worth shit below br 6.x
How? Is it unexpected for 88 mm to pierce side armor of T3 tank?
I fucking swear the game cheats against you when you use a booster
How do I reliably pen a Super Pershing? I took a shot at the mantlet at point blank with my Tiger 2 10.5 and it just ate my shot.
Hull MG port
anywhere on the hull
spaced armor doesn't work
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>Do pretty well with a 150% booster
>Still barely making progress toward the next unlock

Don't know how much longer I can put up with the grind.
just shoot the hull. the addon armour is structural steel and has trash modifier
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>flying broken planes
>unironically playing tier 4 Germany
How is the Do335? I unlocked the A-0 but haven't tried it in other than arcade yet.
I imagine a normal matchup will be just like in your picture, since it can't climb very fast.
It lacks an elevator. 190Ds feel like zeroes compared to it. It isn't especially fast, it compresses like hell in dives and has trouble getting the reticule on target due to gimped instructor. They are the worst planes in the German plane tree and I'd suggest going for the 410s if you want a heavy fighter.
Do-335's instructor is shit. If you manually use the elevator then you turn like a normal fighter. I was originally at like 18000 ft, outclimbing Doras who spawned next to me. I wanted to ground pound, but fucking landing craft eat dozens of shells.
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Reminder to know your one true calling
Aside from the He 219 is there anything competetive in the tier? After the Dora nerfs I fear they can't compete with La-9s, Griffon spits and the like. The only nation that is as suffering right now is claps.
Why are German SPAA players so bad? They were firing at that B-17 for like 3 passes.
>posted from my bunker as I fire my railgun
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>Flying inna Tempest II
>Take off the airfield, slowly climbing
>Some dumb spitnigger noses up, and slices my wing off, sending me spiralling into the run way
>Player starts freaking out in chat, confused how he tk'd me
>Several second he plummets into the ground
>He's got some fucking weeb name
>8min crew lock))
>This is the first time I've flow Brits in months
Boy, Teebs really know how to welcome you back
Well, yeah.
the short wing Ta is ok but no one plays it
which resembles more closely the real life performance of vehicles? non-upgraded or fully upgraded?
I see at least one or two per day when I fight nazis in tanks.

Full. You literally get a broken down piece of shit as stock vehicles.
how do i learn to calculate bullet fall and leading in SB? specially as SPAA
Which German premium plane should I get to grind stuff? I was thinking the bf109 maybe, since I recently got gud by training with the E4 for an eternity.
P-47, D-13, He 219 are solid grinding machines.
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>get to Hispano Spitfires
>"finally, something that KILLS planes!"
>only 60 rounds per gun
>spread like motherfucker
>half of default belt are useless Tracer and Practice shells
Huh, the Duckling seems pretty sweet. I have the version with the bigger cannon but it's just overkill and too heavy.
219 or a talisman
anything else is a waste of money
He 219, not Hs 129.
You just heave to get used to your guns. Also, please please please git gud at plane identification so you don't kill friendlies.

fucking hell
who here /gay/? I know gumby, boredom, haf, and grouchy are at least biscum. Who did I miss?
The temperature units don't matter since the game just changes the color of the number to indicate overheating.
>tfw can't do ft, knots, nautical miles
>Slav(e)s will defend this
me :3
Dora's were always outclassed by griffon spits, but after the Dora nerf they don't stand a chance.

Better rocket sounds when?
im trying
for now i only killed 1 friendly tank
and got 2 times killed by teammates that somehow didnt recognize my stuka
is there any guide with the silhouete of each vehicle so that you can distinguish?
it pisses me off that people can use "captured" vehicles from the enemy
better engine sounds when?
i specifically dont use headphones in this game because i know i will notice very clearly the sound loop of engines wich is like 2-4 seconds for most of them and once you notice it its really annoying.
Why does Gaijin hate America so much?
oh yeah, give me that sweet ameriboo tears
you should be thankful so many americans play only america so the BR stays low
git gud shitter.
burgers are never truly underpowered.
>get shot down by He 112 A-0
did they buff it in the past few months? 7.7mm used to tickle me
>entire team ignores a T-44-100 just driving through our fucking line
7,XX mgs always did good dmg but you have to go in fucking close for it
>He 112 A-0
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you might want to take a look at that armament again, fampai
wow im 90% sure it was 7.7mm some time ago.
theres a He 112 model with 7.7mm right?
yes, but the A-0 has a 20mm cannon
>its a trash """"coldwar"""" and early WW2 rotation day

bravo gaijin. i really really want to play nothing but lowtier toddler trash and t54s
Nazis use 7.92(8mm)
A-0 has a 20mm autocannon though
kys WG shill
)))))) is of Chicka-38 will be of P-38 equal
+17 SL!
>tfw the only good sounding plane is the b-25
>all the rest have ridiculously bad sounding engines that have obvious loops
please dont call them nazis the Luftwaffe pilots weren't required to be part of the Nazi Party to enlist
they are Germans
kys nazi
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but it's not just the luftwaffe who used the mauser 8mm
the entire nazi army did you numbskull
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>SPAAfag can't hit planes despite firing nonstop for like 5 minutes
>tell him to learn to aim
>he gets angry and calls me a hypocrite
t. former breadfactory owner
thats very offensive kamarad
I' l have you reported to the officials
Nah, the P-47 and P-51 are too low BR, but the late shermans and basically everything with the 90 mm M3 should go down 0.3 BR or more.
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>naziboos butthurt at being called out for being literal war criminals
didnt the shermans fight tigers IRL ?
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The shermans would still fight tigers if they didn't go all the way to 6.0 BR.
would you call a cook that had a restaurant in germany war criminal
would you call a soldier of the soviet union responsible for the stalin purges
would you blame the american citizen for all their WW2 war crimes
Can someone tell me about Oxide, who is he?
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>naziboo deflection
>naziboo whataboutism
>naziboo assblast
What war crimes were the US convicted of? Or are you having trouble grasping that "innocent until proven guilty in a court of law" bit?
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>P-51D is at 4.3
>Meanwhile Spergshing is 6.3
>La-5FN at 4.3
>IS-2 at 6.7

I really hate this discrepancy
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Almost MBT level
>its another jews and eternal anglos play the blamegame episode
>would you call a cook that had a restaurant in germany war criminal
no, he didn't fight you monkey.
>would you call a soldier of the soviet union responsible for the stalin purges
>would you blame the american citizen for all their WW2 war crimes
did they take part in the war?
nice counterargument
brb bombing hiroshima and niggasaki
Literally fuck off Urho you blogging naziboo shill, Nobody wants you here.

Go back to krautchan
>It has been claimed
I don't see any convictions.
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>Going up against Leopard 1's, T-54's and T10's in a stock M47
>a mere foot soldier is responsible for the orders of the head of the USSR
>implying they werent forced to fight as cannon fodder
>implying you can simplify this much

some brits volunteered for the german SS because it was their only way of fighting bolchevism, would you call them nazis? because they clearly weren't
i bet you think american police and soldiers are all heroes lmao
grow up
>t. actual war criminal
yes, i was an american killing japanese soldiers when they are trying to surrender, peeing in thei corpses and raping their women
also i shot down our own planes in sicily! america smart
Animal cruelty isn't a war crime.
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gee, will you look at the thread again...
oh the irony
those words reveal your true animalistic nature!
the true american wild animal, with no regard to logic or honor
mein gott...
>rock music starts playing
>more nazi whataboutism
just saying 'n-no u' isn't an argument Hans :)
Dude, me.
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>try to bring unbiased opinions into the thread
>"well apparently the germans weren't the only one committing war crimes"
>all this triggered anglofags
>he doesn't like french goth metal
Everyone knows the nazis weren't the only ones committing war crimes. The Japanese did as well.
Unironically kys.
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whats the maximum possible range that machinegun fire can travel? do bullets dissappear after certain distance travelled?
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it just wouldn't make any difference
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>FPS: 33
Boy what a video.

[x] Obnoxious music
[x] Camera so far away you can't see anything
[x] Can't even tell what you're doing or what you're in
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do they have these for slavs, burgers, and bongs too?
because I want them
tfw can't sell wagers

I currently have 85 wagers and I'm never going to use any of them
Exquisite attention to detail.
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Who HARD TO USE here
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Hitler did literally nothing wrong other than losing
>can't see /wtg/ in catalog for days
>shows up on mobile
>wonder what's wrong
>it keeps getting caught by my filters because it has nazi boo in the OP
fucking slaves
>he has filters
confirmed autist
kill yourself
consider yourself filtered
Get off the computer young man you have homework to do
it differs between guns but it's around 2 kilometers, larger cannons go farther (eg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLgQxzRmKww)
Warcrime thread?
Warcrime thread.

>British pilots see 3 ships with white flag and one with red cross in german harbor in '45
>"silly krauts we wont fall for this one"
>proceed to sink the red cross ship and one other and damage the third

All Nazis on the hospital ship survived but the 7000 prisoners on the other two ships all died.
Wonder if someone ever told the teeb pilots.
thanks. do you know any good guide for how ping or netcode works in WT ?
There's this on the wiki but I don't know how useful it is
That's rough
>Of course, no algorithm can make up for an unstable connection, when network packets don't reach the client or the server. In such cases, players may see their opponents' maneuvers with a delay or distortion, and may even experience other problems in the game – it all depends on how often the packets drop. However, here too we have created special mechanisms to help ensure that such problems affect the players as little as possible. For example, the main movement and firing controls can suffer a packet loss of over 50%. This allows us to even further reduce the consequences of poor connections. However, it's worth remembering than any multiplayer game will be better if you have a good internet connection!
>However, here too we have created special mechanisms to help ensure that such problems affect the players as little as possible
tell that to my fucking P-47 that just teleported underground because of a tiny ping spike
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kys wg shill
sauce on song?
Let's be honest, senpai. If that plane was main tree it would've been 6.3 rather than 6.0.
>wah someone disagreed with my reddit post please come downvote him ;_;
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>comparing killing soldiers with killing innocent prisoners

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there is no sauce
are you autistic?
why would the victors convict themselves of any crimes?
yeah you leave that to white middle class leftists 50 years later
this didnt happen
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>in a bomber
>complaining about the lack of fighters

This is next level, my guy.
>Team ooga
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Damn, either or would have been great
>he thinks the spinner animation is meaningful
>he thinks the items left or right of the reward mean anything
got exactly the same trophy. fuck me.
its even worse when they gift you with a modification
>worse when they gift you with a modification
Why? Some of the high-tier mods can take hours of grinding to unlock, that's a much better reward than 50k SL.
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when am i supposed to use hollow/shaped charge ammo?

kys nazishitter
When it will pen.
When it's fin stabilized.
No, the nazi HEAT with 100 mm pen is really good.

This, for penetration on short 75s use HEAT

If not necessary stick to APHE though
>see b-18 in my i-153
>dive on him
>fire a few shkas rounds at it from a kilometer out
>his tail instantly breaks off
Holy shit are these things that bad?
yes, bolo a shit
>inb4 "hurr durr, idz becuz bussian rias"

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>entire enemy team dies before I even see them
>HE fixed never
>blasting Tiger turrets off with 152mm HE never
>uptiering and killing Leotards with the KV-2 never
>derping around in the Sheridan with HE never
Okay [LG508]Slavaboo

I avenged you
desu the only reason I get excited to see lg508 members ingame is to ask them "What brand of microwave is that?" in chat

most of them are so new they don't even understand the original meme
>HE fixed never
>blasting Tiger turrets off with 152mm HE never
>ammunition is right under the turret and can easily be fucked by HE
>uptiering and killing Leotards with the KV-2
>derping around in the Sheridan with HE never
vintage meme
High calibre HE like in the 152mm ML-20 should practically be a small nuke against all but the most heavily armoured of tanks. The SU-152 had the reputation during WW2 of being able to blow off Tiger I turrets with a single HE shell, and was capable of disabling every tank Germany had in service.

Ingame, this used to be kinda true, with 152mm HE being pretty effective, but had to obey the arbitary penetration value it's HE shell was given. Meaning it worked less like what HE actually worked like and more like a radius-based AP shell, which was pretty OK if you just shot turret faces and thin armour. Even then, you still had shit like radiators, MGs and optics absorbing all fragmentation.

A while ago now (I think it was either 1.61 or 1.59) Gaijin advertised that they would be "buffing" high calibre HE, showing off all this stuff. All it actually did was severely nerf it to the point where it's non-effective against all but the lightest armoured tanks.

Also I used to bring a KV-2 into my 8.0 lineup and kill Leopards with it's HE shell. Best record was 4 Leopards and a Kanonen.
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>ammunition is right under the turret and can easily be fucked by HE

somewhat impossible to hit it when shooting at the front of it's turret

kys slavshitter

HE is utterly fucked.

>No spalling
>No blast pressure
KE isn't measured either. 152mm and 128mm should knock off turrets

I can understand them not modeling that, but 152mm HE hitting an 80mm plate and causing ~nothing~ is silly.
The Mig17 is the best plane in the game, right?
jets are all shit
No, the Hunter is.
nah dude, it's shit because the migs can just turn xD
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Is there anything more fun than blowing flying boats out of the sky in the Ki-44?
Hunter has roll rate which beats turn 100% of the time.
it also turns too well and out-turns migs at high speed
>how to spot someone who has never played the hunter
i honestly haven't, i was just doing the roll rate meme from the other day
>implying roll rate isn't superior to turn time
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where next?
>enemy gets BTFO for being shit at tanks
>they switch to planes and delete our entire team

no intentions to fly it tho; canberras soon
Welcome to USA teams
Oh wait they have to because their tanks are almost universally shit
t. br 6.7 wombocombo
read the post next time
>because of one OP tank means they're all OP
I'm not even remotely a burgerboo and I know that's wrong
Teamspeak in the OP? what are you talking about? There's no teamspeak in the OP.


>br 6.7
>Spershing, worse in all regards to the T29
>M26E1, worse in most regards to the Spershing, even worse in regards to the T29
>M46, literally just a better engined M26 with a 200mm HEAT round
>M56 Scorpion, the only non-premium American 6.7 that is actually worth playing
>except you have to go through the miserable grind to get the one shell that actually makes it worth playing, just like all American light tanks
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>trying to grind for the b-3 gun
>play tank
>niggers break my gun 4 times in one battle
>trying to grind F-84 mods
>airstart is its only advantage
>norway norway norway
>where all the fighters get the same airstart
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>half of our team died with 0 kills while sitting on the river bank

Why bother
Why? The stock shells are aphe while the ones you get after the upgrade are apcr
the stock gun is too inaccurate to hit a tank reliably at 700m
I have sources that are close with Gaijin developers that say CBT botes is starting next week
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>air battles
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>war thunder
You said that last week.
I said it a few days ago, shut up shill
What are you even flying? Premium Spit?
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Why is it nighttime so seldom?

How the fuck do I defend myself from Yak-9T/Ks and P-63s while in a B-25/PBJ? They always one-shot me while my turrets get nothing but hits.
You don't, their propeller cannon will kill you because you are big and slow and you can't do anything to stop it.
Try not to give him a deflection shot; large caliber guns are less reliable when hitting the backside of the tail/wing
Hope someone will protect you or at least take comfort in the fact that while they commit to destroying you, maybe a friendly will swoop down and murder him.
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Reasons why the M42 and KT are the same BR:

spoken like somone whose never had to land a plane at night
Why would I land?
>press f4
>move mouse so the velocity marker is on the threshold of the runway
>pull up as your wheels get close to the ground so the marker is now on the horizon
not that hard
>tfw no 3.5 degree glideslope and AoA indicator

M26E1 is better than Spershing because it doesn't pretend to have "armor" (less than 50% RHA effective boiler plates) therefore is slightly faster and has a coax .50

You forgot Super Hellcat, which is what it says on the tin.

M46 is a great tank that can't frontally fight the usual spam at 6.7. Great in a city, dangerous to play anywhere else. It's 210mm HEAT round should be 300mm because slavs read the penetration chart wrong. That same round got fins and minor improvements becoming the 320mm HEAT round for 90s.

M56 Scorpion is a great meme as long as no one ever looks at you and you suffer a long grind.

T29 is an American KT with a stronger "le weakspot" but a cupola that sometimes eats shit. Germans call it OP because they're not use to fighting the shit the KT pulls in terms of baby easy mode and Ruskies call it OP because it's another KT they have to deal with.

Germans still whine they have a god tier 6.7 AND 8.0 line-up. Russians have to rely on their broken IT-1 and ZSU-57 powerhouse instead.

3 available Tiger IIs
"win the match" Panther II
Kugelshitz that should be at 7.0 instead of the Coelian
(Ferdinand is a bad meme.)
AR 234 B-2 "I need bomb sights mommy"
Fuck knows how many Mk 103 carriers

800mm pen ATGM
Two of the best MBT with an L7/super HEAT
Gepard and Coelian nuking planes, SPAAGs, and paper American tanks.
Wunderwaffle 229
Ar 234 C-3
All of the other shit
>using 229 or 234 at 8.0 when you have a sabre with 16 rockets, or 262s with 50+ rockets available

>R4Ms doing anything
>People actually grinding the Sabre 13A

Good choices, but I wouldn't choose an expensive jet for a slightly better chance of ground attack. To be fair I have no idea if the R4Ms work, but they're tiny A2A rockets. Can't imagine it working outside of SPAAGs that already would die to the Mk 103s, and only the 262A-1 gets them which is a shame.
>Run into an IT-1 in the M163 VADS
>Fuck it, I'll hold M1 at the rocket
>In the time it takes him to 180, the rocket turns kinda orange and the launcher stays light yellow.
>Get instagibbed while reversing.
What kind of bong tank can be penned by mk 108 in tier 5 ??

Shot one of them randomly and did critical
Falcon, Swigfire, or Conway/ Cent 10 if you get super lucky
it was one of those medium or heavy tanks
R4M got like 12mm of penetration.
HVAR, RS132 and RP3 got around 75mm pen.
M26E1 is not "better" than the Spershing because it doesn't have armour. They are both stupidly slow tanks, heavy tank tier mobility, and as such the mobility you get in the M26E1 is useless. At least with the Spershing, you have armour that is at least effective against some lower tier tanks, unlike the M26E1.

The Super Hellcat is 6.3 last I checked.

The M46 isn't completely trash, but you literally have to play it like a bigger, slower light tank at 6.7. You have to grind to get the useful shells too.
cant wait for this meme to pass.
>20mm gatling gun not insta fucking an ATGM
What the fuck Gaijin.
What's with /kspg/? What is there to shitpost about?
>this gets posted
>kspg immediately gets nuked
now that made me think
Bad games and bad devs mean bad generals.

Still deadly not here

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Fix soon (10 full-size patches) (actually never)
>tfw proper staghound never
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fucking yers man
>tfw slavs never had more than a few Yers operational at the same time
>tfw they didn't get to have a dresden of their own

But that's a pe-8

And the soviets did launch raids on Berlin with them, but they were like 40 aircraft raids
look at the battle log, friend
Yeah, but he's talking about the Yer dying in the kill feed.

I know they did bombing raids, but ~40 aircraft is way less cool that >1000 aircraft.
Do you play >tanks?
Then no, it's probably not worth it to fly a fat, slow prop against hortens and r2d2s.
How the fuck do I use the BF109K4?
Git gud with the 13mms, don't use the mk108 until you're right up in them.
any tips for bombing with fighterS? IE Bf 109
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what the fuck is this game
HP. :^)
Tank RB also so fucking close>>157300107
Would you rather it be shrapnel from a 20mm can injure, while a 30mm takes two hits,
Cheap cost $210
The best is $350
Which do i get?
It is of related to help run the game War thunder
you can use a HD 7850 and max the game out
if its only for war thunder just get any cheap card like GTX 670 or HD 7850/7950 and you will play on max no problem
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>Git gut with guns that do less damage than 7.7mm
>When your dick itches super bad in the morning because you used soap as lube to masturbate last night
>needing to use lube
I never did up until a year or so ago, but it was late and I wanted a comfy no effort fap.
It dried up
I know how soap works, anon. It's just the kind I used doesn't normally do this, that's the other kind I have that does.
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>A good amount of pre-war planes never because they don't generate the money top tier stuff does
Get some lotion or actual lube. Way better at that than soap, which, no matter what kind, will dry your skin.
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what the fuck, since when Panther II is not a tier V?
Yeah yeah. For now I'll itch though.
>not even the J1900
just buy a second hand PC, you should be able to run WT on high spending less than 200€
Since 1.63 and Leopard A1A1 was added.
Use the Jagdpanther instead of the Ferdinand.
Get the fucking Kugelblitz.
Sh3rKh4n is braindead and useless
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1st for nuke gaijin
kill yourself
not defending the IT-1 though, that faggot needs to kill himself as well
2nd for nuke gaijin
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>american Ki-61
Holy fuck this is fun
ded game
ded thread
Game popularity is based on shitposts
>fly fighters
>get shot down by bomber gunners
>fly bombers
>disintegrate with a single hit

I'm such a shit pilot, but I'm fucking fed up with tanks.
What's the best way to use .50s?
by firing them
Good advice, thanks m8
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then stop playing
Alright so I got IL-2M 1943, and IL-2M type 3.
Is there any reason to fly the type 3 over 1943?
It doesn't seem as good.
I should
Kill the pilot.
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>Be IL-2
>Mind my own business, trying to grind the parts
>Meanwhile the whole team just mysteriously dies
>Four guys left on the enemy team
>One of them is a Wellington, flying low and damaged, straight past my groundpoundistan
>One 37mm shot into his side tears it apart
>After that, three spitniggers fly themselves at me.
>Head-on two of them, and the last one anchors itself behind me
>Gunner crits it's engine and it goes down
>Some of my parts are damaged to yellow, tail is red but elevator and rudder is working normally

What is it with these Spitniggers? Why are they so bad?

>germans fight nothing but allies
>russians fight nothing but allies and japs
>japs fight nothing but russians
>people complain about mixed battles
please do
you deserved everything and more
play arcade
even shit pilots get kills in arcade
I see you unsufferable faggots have eased off on the trannyposting, so let me ask you a question: Do you know about the /vg/ League? It's an offshoot of the 4* cup, a cpu vs cpu divegrass event. /wtg/ used to compete, but then I assume the manager was a faggot and stopped showing up. Would you like to compete again?
>Get brown forest city map.
>30s of trying to leave spawn into cover, killed by a HOT

Look, I'm alright with ATGMs, but can we get someone without a doctorate in retard to make maps?
that's cute
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Slav players = braindead + blind + all the luck in the world
I'm about ready to pull my hair out over the F7F. Its so outclassed in every jet match, which is the majority of games it gets. I can land solid hits on a 262 and only get a hit, but the second a 30mm even looks at me, my wings and tail are sawed off.

Its fucking criminal how bad this plane is for its BR. It SHOULD be at 5.3, if not 5.

I would love to bit i guess /wtg/ will just vote for the most unfit person instead
>this pic
would not put my dick in it/10

>He doesn't know
Honestly after a few bote games this is starting to be fun even if its just arcade right now. What are your thoughts on it currently botebros?
its shit, like year ago
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So if there really is a sale, would it be worth it to cop this bad boy for just under 1000 GE? I could replace the F2

Also should I keep grinding this line or where to next?
??? is bote beta out or some shit?
if you paid in advance like a gud goy maybe
Pirate ship sin was fun
Is it just me or are non-upgraded AN/M2 20mm worthless unless you're shotgunning targets at .10km?
I did
where the fuck is the announcement and how do I play botes?
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Check email
No. It's by far the worst 4.0 premium the germans have.
nothing, so i'm being rused
No its definitely started. Maybe its in waves.

Id show screenshot but they embed your username in the image and would ban you affoeding to the NDA
The username fills the whole image?
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Slav schemes will never end.
put a black box over your username?

>proofs of bote or gtfo
>premium ended
>uninstalled the game
i'll see you guys once the boats are out, peace.
Dont you have anything better to do than fucking lie to people like this?

Save yourself. Never return.
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>is literallly penning the MG port
>nazicunts whining about their memepyramid invincibunker

Its not shown, its just like tank cbt and how ither games do alpha. They color filter your usernamr over the image so they can see the username if they do a certain filter on the image.
It's 60 times too thick you braindead cuck.
What if you made a video? How would that work?
that quality, that fps
I dont know, i dont want to risk my account, ive spent a lot of money on it
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also please kill me this plane is is ass, I want my panther back
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Do you think it will be a viable competitor?
>playing anything above t7
>> Norway
>> Flying to AI because I'm stock and my plane is hot garbage
>> Friendly spitfire on my tail
>> I engage first, crit two of the 110s, and begin loop around
>> Spitfire kills all three AI as I'm setting up second pass
>> He starts flying towards base: "I'm out of ammo"
>> I TK him for killstealing and being a dumb cunt
>> "Why you do that?"

Spitniggers are cancer, and I'm the chemo. I hope I get banned so I never have to play this game again. But I know I won't as long as I keep my language "civil" )))))))
Depends on how realistic plays and how the tree is layed out in later tiers.

Arcade is fun for now but with low tier i can see it getting boring fast
>Flying to AI
You are the cancer

Explain to me what I'm supposed to do to help my team in a stock F7F, aside from killing AI, then looping to kill bombers or attacker at A or our AF?
Kill the enemies that go for AI or landing craft.

Which is precisely what I do after I kill enemy AI, which for the vast majority of games are my only source of income, because the F7F is hot garbage.
Sounds like you've had bad experiences.
Hopefully they'll let you play something bigger than PT boats.

Doing God's work, Americlap friend.

>tfw no qt bf
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>touch water
>burn to death

>tfw no qt fw
>Flying to AI because I'm stock and my plane is hot garbage
translation: flying to AI because I'm a shitter who doesn't know what to do in the plane he's flying

Get fucking good.
>farms AI instead of fighting the enemy
>gets mad and teamkills someone over fucking AI
You are the definition of shitter.

You betray your gross ignorance of the game by not knowing that the F7F isn't worth trying to get gud in.

Your uninformed opinion is shit.

As someone who only recently got most of the modules finished, I can confirm that the F7F is a real pain to do anything with. Honestly, just stick to ground pounding until you get most of the fuselage and engine mods.

Its a massive fucking pain to spade, but I salute anyone that tries. Keep at it, Anon. No one else knows our pain.
>tfw armoured cars are released
I don't give two fucks how bad a plane might be, if you go after AI, then get mad when you don't get full rewards for killing them, then teamkill a guy because "waaah mommy he stole muh kills ;_;" and because "he's a dumb cunt" (when you were just as retarded by wasting your ammo on bots), instead of actually trying to do something useful for the team and yourself, you are a fucking shitter.

>> Triggered Spitnigger spotted

Get out. You don't know the first thing about the game, shitter.
>You don't know the first thing about the game
I'm not the one going after bots and refusing to get good.

No, you're just the dumb cunt flying FOTM planes and pretending like you're good.

Drink bleach until dead, shitter.
Boy you are one autistic child.

But yes anon the F9F-2, my most flown plane, is totally an easy mode FOTM plane. Keep being retarded, it's kinda funny.
F9F is above average. F7F is Poor. You'd know that if you weren't an FOTM kiddy that flies the new hype planes because Phly told you they're good.

Trying getting gud on a bad plane, then you get to sit with the grown ups.
Wait you have to unlock kikka module to get second gun on it ???
Please tell me more.
>tfw no qt me
Killing AI isn't exactly trying to git gud
>F9F is above average
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>You don't know the first thing about the game
Top fucking kek.

Also the level of implications, holy shit. You are either legit autistic, 12 years old or both.
yes. reminder that there is no pay to win
>Trying getting gud on a bad plane
how exactly do you get gud by killing AI heavy fighters that basically fly in circles and don't even attempt to evade your attacks
What's the better choice then?
The file contains a macro that is a trojan downloader. Your automated tools will not catch it.
No they jam very quickly. Even with the upgrade and 4/5+ expert crew I think jam % chance is still around 50
leave it to gaijin to call out swept wings on the me262 as a design flaw
I figured out how to hack WT
Hitler's Germany was best country
Um... anon. An ESP in Warthunder is impossible, as every factor in game is server side, not client side. Meaning that nothing can be edited on YOUR computer, as it is all done on a server computer. well expect Heroes and genaral.
However, In user missions you can edit your ammo with cheat engine but thats it.
fuck u bitch
=DEEPD= will rise again :)
If you're in squad, top BR of squad is BR of all squad members. Some use it purposely to bring heavily armed turnfighters into jet battles
This one most likely forgot to switch, though. D.520 is pretty shit
Do you know what ESP means? There are ESP hacka for warthunder and theyve been posted in this thread before
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Sorry for shit quality, but holy fuck, boys! Blue Angels are prscticing outside my apartment!
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rmemeber, no hacks ))

Smalltime, I routinely have WW2 aircraft practice for airshows over my neighborhood.
neat. i used to make holiday on the french west coast with mirage, alphajets and in the recent years rafales doing low level flying. shame france cant be called safe anymore
I hope one crashes into your house
i hope your house gets strafed
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to all OKW friends and Burgerbros in here, CoH and CoH2 with all expansions are currently $10 on Humble Bundle. Brit cunts are welcomed too I guess.
Sovet war criminals need not apply.
is blitzkriegmod still a thing?

>Pay more for Case Blue etc.
>Mostly co-op or skirmishes.
When I loved in VA Beach I'd see flights out of the Military Aviation Museum almost every day, as well as F18s out of the Naval Station and F22s from Langley.
>Try Tank SIM
>Get Ash River in three point domination

>fast paced action is fun!

t. orange doom
OK GreenBean
>Killed a couple TDs in the ZUT-37, which is pretty fun

>Call for Cover over the radio as a PzIV had me pinned down in a canyon
>T-34 pulls up and takes it out
>Thanks him

>Gets shot and dies by him

I guess he didn't know what a ZUT looked liked. Dammit...
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Oh he knew, but he also knew that 508 tag = pedo KOS
>artillery 3rd person view
>sony vegas
hacks, just go post this shit in forums
>exposing oil fires to water
>crit a Me-163's elevator
>in the next pass set him on fire
>his fire gets all over my screen and I can't see shit
>accidentally graze him with my right wing
>Me-163 has crashed
Fuck this nigger game
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What did they mean by this?
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B-25 Mitchell: Battle of the Bismarck Sea when?
Thank you based Gaijin!
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not as bad as this
>kill a yak-9's engine so he has no chance whatsoever of returning to base
>Yak-9 has crashed
no, the fire started in the water anon. you seem to have problems reading.
may i suggest suicide as a good way to cure that problem of yours?
weird, just in todays propaganda video gaijin said its good as an AA
everyone knows all """"wt hacks"""" are the work of wargaming paid video editor shills to make gaijin look bad
>in muh glorious premium zero in that RB map against sovoks
>start game late because forgot to turn off the setting
>climb, the ruskies are above us
>entire team dies
>i'm the only one left
>they're swarming on me
>head on one ruski, snap shot his wing off
>"heh, gotcha"
>one subhuman ape is diving on me
>his weak ape wing snaps
>*mufffled chimp noises*
>rest of swarm dives on me and i fuck up and die

Epic match. thanks for reading my blog :)
thats it! unsubscribed!
A6M8 when, desu
br 6.3))
50k repair )
kill yourself
>posted from my zero as it out maneuvers a hummingbird
I know 5 year olds with better handwriting than you
I have Parkinson's, please dont bully.
If a long time passes between you critting the enemy and him crashing, the game forgets it was you who disabled his plane and deserved the kill.
30 s for hit
90 s for crit
then how come I get kills when I tail control a bomber and they die ten minutes later while fucking up a flaps landing?
it's random as fuck
>hit tu-4 in the wing but he's fine
>10 minutes later, he's the last opponent
>teammate shoots him down
>I get the kill
tail control is special case. Since one of post-1.63 'stability patches' there's no time limit on it, probably because of hail of complains in arcade section after 1.59.

I still quietly hope for arcadebabies to make Gaijin give credit for players who J-out
It was T4 before 1.63, probably 1.59 or 1.61
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>fire at a fighter with my 88
>head-on crash with a MiG-17 at around 1000 kph
>considering his speed we effectively crashed into each other at almost 2000 kph
>absolutely nothing happens, not even a damaged wing
It's pretty fun to head on lighter planes in a heavily armored, larger plane. Sometimes a wing might go black but it's still generating lift somehow, and the other plane is in ruins.
It's bullshit, but it's fun to think how mad the other player is.
>get a direct wing hit on a low flying pe-8 with the PBJ-1H 75mm cannon with high explosive rounds
>fucking spark, no hits or fucking anything
>pe-8 tears my wings off in one burst
>shoot tank with IT-1

>tfw the 75 mm PBJ will never be good, even in >botes
I had a poor little He162 outright explode when he bumped into my 262's thick, hard nacelles.
>fire 40 mm HE at Yak
>can see shell detonating at his tail
>he gets away
'spark' mostly means 'plane wasn't there, but our shitty servers forgot tell it to your client". But this shell exploded, and nothing!
I was in a P-80A and noticed a 162 firing at a friend. Coming directly from his right, I did a half-assed strafe. It just ceased to exist in about 24 .50s.
Armored skirts

what are you taking about? it can kill medium tanks which the -1J can't
Fiddies can kill mediums in air battles from the sides. If you mean ground battles, then good luck lining up a shot without getting raped by wirbels.
Another fucking wager for the pile.
Did the U2 always have the outer cannons modeled?
bote cbt fucking when
The 75 is also hilariously inaccurate.
And low velocity.
And has shit penetration.
Wish I could just gut the whole thing and get a 20 round duck gun instead.
They just need to give it the T45 APCR they gave other 75 mm guns.
You mean they gave to like 1 tank?
>rb gf poland
>call for help with 2 friendly tanks nearby
>fend off an M18 at close quarters with my turret traverse destroyed and no repair parts for a minute and eventually kill him
>call for help once again 30 seconds later
>another M18 shows up
>fend him off for another 30 seconds, calling out for help once again, pointing out on the map
>noone shows up

What does /wtg/ does on these situations?
oh, didn't even know that
always liked the nose of the -1j over the -1h anyway
Jumbo and M4A2.
Though it's normal that everyone forget about M4A2.
Hi papa
>TL Chaffee
>blog about in on /wtg/
Lol Top kek xD
So one fucking tank.
Like 5 people total have the Chaffee, and the fact that you put the M4A2 AFTER this tank that nearly no-one has should tell your more than enough.
>b-but n-no one has the TL Chaffee

Not an argument.
>like five people
Wow, that sounds like a really painstakingly collected statistic.
fuck off slav(e)boo
good argument, retard
good reply, retard
kys me
>kys me
>kill your self me
what did she mean by this?
What's the best plen for any nation for groundpounding?
Yak-9T at the BRs it can pen, Horten for late tier 4 / tier 5
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what about the duck for nazis?
The duck's not bad, but it's easy to outmaneuver. or kill with spaa.
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>10.5 Tiger II stock
>Handheld naziboo
>90 mm M3 can't even pen your turret face with APHE at any range
Wow, what a hard life.
>one of my shells from my undermodeled cannon doesn't pen a heavy tank frontally
Wow what a hard life.
Please don't send people to /g/ its already filled with gaymer shit send them to /v/
Not undermodeled, as far as I know, just overtiered.
get FUCKED naziboo
>uncapped shells with massive penetrationloss over range are fine

typical slav(e)boo
mad chimp
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Anything with MK108s
>naziboos will defend this
yeah thats unfair, we better time travel a Sukhoi to fight that ww2 plane
>he doesn't want the 1946 Su-9
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>Implying the Russian shitbox would win
amerilards ARE defending this
>flying at the sun
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>no hand hold
>in a plane from the most handheld nation in the game
I'm not sure you've noticed what it is that's blowing out all that smoke senpai
>>157344075 (You)
>"wahh wahh why did my slav railgun equipped bouncycastle not nuke everything it hits"
>bug that affects everyone currently
>somehow American tracks are more magical than anyone else's because I got upset
>abloobloobloo @ (you)

Everyone's shitting on this guy without realizing the only benefit the 10.5 Tiger has is more filler, slightly more pen, and a stronger engine. And I guess a bigger mantlet which helps protect it's weakspot.

And in return, you can't get ammo out of the turret. The reload is longer. And you have to grind to have more penetration than stock 88mm ammo; as your stock round is actually worse.
you know this bug exists so why would you ever shoot there
What? You have to grind for a shell better than your stock one? Just like every clap tank in the game?

Duck is good for killing AI. Dangerous in CARB because you're an easy target for literally everyone.
>kill the turret crew
>kill the whole crew if you dont get memed

i wonder why i tried the hull

must have hit a nerve

You misinterpret. I'm not pandering to handheldaboos, but the 105 stock round is actually worse (besides filler) than the 88 stock round. And that really hurts when it's on the cusp of penetrating T-54 turret faces.

Imagine if the T29 was in the tree for whatever reason and your stock round had less penetration than the T32's, and even longer reload.
>in p39, trying to fight a spitnigger
>last ally lawn darts, have to turn and headon the spit
>37mm poofs in his face as he rips me to pieces
unins000.dat > aces.exe
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if there are no good deals in november im quitting this shit game

>Kill the crew that can fight back, neutering the tank and making the next shot easy. Maybe a fragment memes it's way over to the radio op/driver and you get a kill anyways.
>Attempt to aim a little lower for a marginally better chance of doing the exact same fucking thing or turning ammo black, but risking it on void tracks and sprockets.

You did this to yourself senpai. Take a break and try some breathing exercises next time.
But the T29's stock shell does have better penetration than the T32's.
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"I was only pretending to be retarded!"


I'm trying to structure this in the most spoonfeed way possible to understand why the 105 KT is kinda just shit to play stock.

When you get the ammo, sure, it's a slightly faster, slightly better protected King Tiger with slightly more penetration and filler, but perma-ammoracks in the turret ass. But you also see 8.0 matches so why bother?

Gaijin had it there originally because they thought it would be a good match-up for the IS-3/IS-4M. Just like they thought the Panther II = T-54 Series.

Admittedly, Gaijin was pretty fucking retarded with their initial trees, so instead we got power creep. Maybe it'll stop before we see MBT-70 and T-64.
>But you also see 8.0 matches so why bother?
In practice you hardly ever get uptiered at 7.0/7.3 these days. Especially after the T29 release, the BR 6.7 black hole is bigger than ever.
>Lost control
>your pilots g-tolerances aren't high enough to perform these maneuvers

Wtf is this shit. I leave for a year and suddenly my pilot can't fly the plane
G-force ))))))))
>slightly better protected
Stop throwing your mouse around you room like an ape and be glad they didn't implement pilot death from negative Gs like they should have.
The tiger 105 has more armor on the turret face than a normal tiger II.
>waaahhhh why does my pilot lose consciousness after sustaining high g-forces just like in real life
They both have 185 mm though.
105 doesn't have the meme modifier.

Misconception because Tiger II H use to have the "shit armor" modifier that made it like 0.01 (or 0.05?) x less protected than normal armor of the same type. They since removed it after gently giving the IS-2 1944 a D-round handjob rather than just calling it an IS-2M.

Tiger 105 is slightly more protected though because the mantlet is fatter due to the fat ass gun, and it's got another guy rockin around in the turret. So your one "shoot me here" frontal weakspot is slightly smaller.

This. With the T29 6.7 Black hole and 7.3s and 7.7s getting uptiered to ATGM territory. You hardly ever see anything you can't pen frontally in a 105 Tiger II.

7.0s are the new 6.7s in terms of getting downtiered a lot.


I honestly see the trade of pen for more explosive filler better. Most of the time you'll get downtiered, and you'll face British and American Tanks which you should have absolutely no problem of penetrating frontally. You'll get the odd game against Russians, but unless you get uptiered to 7.3 which doesn't happen a lot you won't have to worry about not being able to penetrate.

The better engine, smaller turret face and better explosive filler in the armor makes it better all around than the Tiger II H. If only when you shot the gun it wouldn't sound like somebody squeezing a ketchup bottle.

I have a negative view because I played it prior to ATGMs and got up in T-54 wolfpack clusterfucks constantly where I had to suffer the "good fucking luck shooting this guy frontally lol" for a long time.

If you keep out of 7.7/8.0; yeah, it'd be a great tank because it's the Tiger II H made better and that thing is already a fucker.
Wow, landing in water is fucking cancer now. You just bounce all over the fucking place
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It's gotten a lot less bad. They've toned down waves a LOT to prepare for >botes.
t.naziboo/burgerclap mad that others built read planes that can turn
are you being retarded on purpose?
K_O_K_O = skilless lucker noob and retard
>do you only get one life in this mode

These are your teammates in realistic
Why the Tiger 1 and 2 feels like a total pain, but the Panthers are comfy?
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>spading a low tier plane
>mfw every match someone tries to "cap" mock airfields
Holy shit gaijin get youre shit together
I moved from grinding tigers after the E to the first panther. The gun rotation kills though
Comfiest kraut tanks of the war desu, I dont even want to go down the Tiger line I think, except maybe for the King Tiger as thats the only aesthetic Tiger, meanwhile all the Panzer V's are aesthetic as fuck
Panther A solve it.
>tfw stuck grinding naziboo shit because anytime I think about playing the Panther D I just play the TV instead



>get tired of Aliasing in WT despite having all AA methods in the game on max
>go into nvidia control panel
>force everything
>literally no changes
>go into nvidia inspector, force everything even harder
>nothing changes
is this slavic cyber magic?
RB tanks for stressful engaging gameplay

arcade tanks for chilling out and cooling off and some fun
How do I have fun and chill out in AB tanks? Everytime I poke my head out of the corner I get shot.
at least you know more or less where the enemy is, and more or less know if you are visible to an enemy and vice versa,

in RB its more stressful and you have to check every corner and shit, I burn out easier
so because you dont like this guy, you share it with us for free views
I sure fucking love when MiGs and CL-13s keep up with my cougar in turns
I can stand Baron, but I cannot stand this faggot
ok Baron
I would have so many golden eagles if I was him
They can go going faster. Of course they can keep up with your turn.

I mean all you have to do is survive long enough until your L/W is an advantage.
>I mean all you have to do is survive long enough until your L/W is an advantage.
and 6 other MiGs swarm me
and of course if a MiG doesn't just point his nose up and I cant do shit
I'm fucking sick of fighting against Ameriniggers who just fucking suicide bomb everything and then ragequit.
I'm guessing you're posting from an IT-1?
Very little good themes UK tank decals

What the fuck gaijin
getting real fucking tired of having to carry my shit team every match
I don't have the lifespan to grind for ATGMs, and I'm not about to spend $100 to skip to them.
>he doesn't know about the free eagles app
Again, don't have the lifespan. Also, not a fan of malware.
>he doesn't know how to cheese surveys and get hundreds or even thousands of GE in minutes
>implying it's malware
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this bitch is pretty fun

feels like a mobile bunker :^)
Too bad the flat face at 3.0 makes you and easy ohk inside of 4km for any F2 or 1942 T-34 that decides you're on his shitlist today
And also the gun is almost useless against sloped armor.
Because it is
>adolph's ass
SB is literall the exact same damage and milsim models as RB
>being this mad about responding to old posts
this game is shit
yeah yeah
back to grinding
who are you quoting, shitposter?
>guy tries to justifying being info mined for 60GE
Some anons said that you can kill medium tanks with fifty cals if you attack from the side but I'm doing that now and I'm getting fucking nothing, not even hitmarkers. What am I doing wrong?
literally just provide false info
you using AP sempai?
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Why does this have to be so rare?

The binocs even had a weak yellow-esq kinda night vision.

Top or behind. Sides is a no-go.
>inb4 ricochet rounds off the ground to hit tank from the underside
Already tried, still nothing
>sale is only a couple of weeks away
>no information about what random combination of things will actually be on sale

Wasn't the sale last year really terrible or something?
I was gonna call you dumb, but it's not working for me either.

No idea then. I'm going off really old memory, and I remember you had to be STUPIDLY close, like sub-250m. Aiming for the turret kinda. Who knows.

Gaijin loves to fuck with stuff and call it "Client Stability."
Sale gets announced on 30-31 october and last years sale was better than the previous one.
the T-34 mediums nigger, they have 20mm
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>"client stablity"
>taskbar now stuck open in game

>SG508 shitter can't figure out basic computer skills
>blocking out your name on a Korean rice cooking forum
jesus fuck i hate that fucking piece of shit website so much fuck
>West Coast burger being a retarded burger
Hah! Nice arcade line-up, faggot.
gotta get paid somehow (((((((((
it's such concentrated garbage
i can't fucking believe they still use this shitty insecure flash app in TWENTY SIXTEEN
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What is ADP?
it really is

but I gotta fill in my timesheets for $17/hr internship
$17/hr is pretty good, what kind of internship?

it's a payroll app
logistics/supply chain

wageslave to merchant of japanese demons
fascinating. Are you an IOE major?
manufacturing and supply chain management

what's the best postfx settings so that turret tracers aren't completely fucking invisible?
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>add up all the things I have to buy for the sale
>totals to six million silver shekels
>remember that I'm going to have to ace these crews AND the ones on my backlog
oy vey this had better be a 75% off everything sale
Just grind with bombers until the sale. If you have B-29 or Tu-4, you're seriously set.
does war thunder have a halloween event
Usually, yes. Last year it was races in a faster version of the Po-2. You could also get halloween-theme decals like "Nightmare" and "Friday the 13th" from doing little things.
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>he does high altitude base bombing in a b-25 and nothing else
might as well j out at the start of the fucking match
I fucking love the FV4202 this shit is overpowered as fuck, feels like I'm driving an early MBT but I'm at the same BR as a Tiger. Thanks Gaijin.
Delete this, the FV4202 is EXACTLY as good as the 76 mm jumbo. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a wargaming shill.
>people don't think bongs are handheld
>"xD ledz ad sum lituraly whu tonk thadz lidurali an chieftain widh an shid gan at siggs poind oh insted ov de cent 1 liek evry 1 iz beggin 4"
>0 kills
>shit team

look at your mig stats, nigger
No, dude, it's literally impossible to get kills in a MiG if there's even a single Hunter on the enemy team.
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tell me more
Man, if it weren't for the rockets doing fuck all damage against actual tanks, the 109 F-2 would be the most fun low-tier ground attacker.
I just took it out and killed 1 AA with 2 salvos, 1 75mm GMC truck with the last 2, and an M22 locust with the gun, while downing a P-40 in the process
Good little plane, glad to see the gun is still worth fucking SOMETHING after they nerfed the shit out of it.
I mean, they're airburst rockets for killing bombers, they're not supposed to be good for killing tanks. Use the rockets on the Bf 109 G-6 or Fw 190s if you want to kill tanks.
>take out zsu572s gunner
>it fires literally immediately and obliterates me
Does it have two?
wow it's as if the zsu-57 has two gunners
G6 and 190s are far above this tier.
It's still fine for softer targets.
Tbh, I just wish the nazis had stuck MG151/15s on a Ju-87 G instead of those shitty low ammo 37s.
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thats why you always aim for the guns and pray the barrels dont eat your shell
>not aiming for the ammo
>i dont play the game
the post
Marx is the biggest mass murderer of all time
fuck off naziboo
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fucking die commie
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The fuck happened ?

Shot that m41 and it just blew up, it did show the damage i did but it just exploded
Maybe he J'd out right as the shell hit?
for some reason guns sometimes get damaged without showing up. those guns can lead to misfires and there you go. tank commits "suicide"
>another arcadey tank map that pretty much requires you to spawn camp in order to cap the enemy point
The geniuses at gaijin knock it out of the park yet again!
The SB map is a lot better.
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i'm getting tired of memeing slav chimps, what are some shit planes to give me a challenge?
the ki 100 is tricky to control
t. benchbro
Not shit but me 262 u4, stock is just so bad that most players give up
nice meme
>he didn't get the point of my post
Benchbro is a shitter and constantly whines on the TS that it's shit
He's just a massive shittee
>queue as american
>our whole team is Lees
>their whole team is PzIV F2s and Gs, including 2 enemy clan platoons
Matchmaking is so stupidly broken. I can't wait for this fucking game to die.
>1 T-29 and bulldog flanking
>im the only one flanking
>enemy team gets fucked, im still dealing with the two clappers
>ask my team for help
>they all stay on the enemy spawn doing jackshit
>i eventually get flanked
>Bulldog finish me off before dying from a kugelblitz
>only two SPAA's came to help
>call everyone (except those two) a bunch of nigger jews for not helping a team mate
>one says he screenshoted that
>he says hes going to report me on the formus
>''go ahead you fucking shill, like if i care if they ban me 15 days''
>he says i should care
Im not affair of being banned or if they remove my account, i already got what i wanted to use at least once, but i was curious if admins will listen to that shill.

anyway, fucking team of shit
When and why would I use HESH shells?
I have a couple of gold wagers to cash in.
Best way to get kills and win if you dont have friends?
So far ~10 victories in row with kraut 6.7
usually flat surfaces, like UFP
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whats up with MM? When you go British you get merricans as a 2nd nation, and it pits you against Soviets/Krauts, which turns into a shitfest. It got so bad i had to queue up as Commie to get a favorable match-up playing with my British loving friend.
On all slav medium tanks when you have a good shot at their hull as well as ZSU jews
Because you dont have HEATFS yet
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Can we post some trax?
We can but you just posted trash
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That's not a very nice thing to call the J2M.
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Excuse me but the J2M had a pretty large production run!
poor falselfag
fuck off weeb
Tbh, every airframe without at least 1000 production models should be deleted from the game.
>2k for the Leopard 1

kill me already
What's the difference between the 2 leos?
I can't tell a difference.
Second one has a little more armor and the empty promise of a stabilizer.
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fucking die
that's hot
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Holy fuck, kill assists grant 120 spawn points.

I will now literally wait in the vehicle select screen for someone else to kill something I damaged.
until the game kicks you, there is an afk timer i think
I dont think that applies to the vehicle select screen.
does it not? I thought it was specifically there to prevent players from sitting on their asses being in game but not spawning
Maybe at the start. I alt tabbed out after I got knocked out in Caernarvon and came back in 10 minutes to see the match alive and well and me spawning in a Centurion helped turn the tides.
Literally what the actual fuck, doing more ghost shots to enemy in week rather than a month before new patch
This is going to sound a bit weird.

But can someone explain how points and actually winning works on air battles?
besides the obvious capture point maps and I know that you win of you destroy the enemy airfield.
>stock Ki-49
>nothing but 50kg bombs
Come the fuck on gaijin, as if grinding this piece of shit wasn't enough of a pain, you keep sending me to a map where I can't fucking do anything
>friendly 109 lures a spitfire and P-36C The 37mm cannon one
>im in a 75mm B-3
>i have nothing to lose and head on the spitfire and get in the sniper view
>i shoot the 75mm right into his cockpit and his entire plane explodes as i fly through the wreckage
I'm so hard right now.
>the P-35C blows my left wing off after
Ib habbenning

The reward of SL and RP differ if you win or lose, you get a bonus for both if you win and well vice versa if you lose,
Your "points" are actually tickets (that bar at the top) and each death/destruction of a important (the glowing ones) player/npc vehicle and base will reduce the team of which that vehicle or base was destroyed/killed ("Gunner Unconscious")
I don't think anyone other than the devs knows the specifics of that. Just like with battle activity, nobody knows how that works.

All we know is that killing bases, tanks and pillboxes (and vehicles if the game takes too long) costs the enemy team some tickets
>37mm cannon
It was a P-36C
No P-36 has a 37mm cannon.
P-63C, not P-36
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It's shit, isn't it?
dyslexia much
>Take the T34-85 out for a spin to grind some SL to buy the Rktpz.
>Kill 5 guys in a row, all one-shots
There are no under the hood stat modifiers tovarish )))), T34 users just have skill and flank)))) no T34 was ever destroyed in Great Patriotic War)))))))
They're easy to tell apart anon
P-36 is ugly and fat
P-63 is sleek and sexy and has a big cannon that's not even half as stronk as it should be because )))
>under the hood
but it's not even hidden
the shells have like 170g of TNT, it clearly says that
>New Guinea still exists
>Norway still exists
>Saipan still exists
>Arcade maps in RB and SB tanks still exist
it was yellow, so the cobra?
>Go bomber hunting inna Ki-102
>Finally struggle up to the same alt as the bombers
>fire a ranging shot at a B-17
>correct and fire a second
>round hits right at the branch of the fuselage and wing
>B-17 collapses in on itself and goes fluttering down
Big Gon planes are so fun, when you arent getting rekt by fighters.
Low tier heavy fighters are usually good

got 32 kills and 9 deaths with it, 13 games
Airspawn makes it strong as fuck, just make sure to take out potential sideclimbing Yaks or 109s before they're able to get above you
And on the rare occasional when you get up to bomber alt and find one that hasn't already been picked off by your faster-climbing fighter teammates.
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When you buy a bush you get 1. It's no longer 6. It used to be 2000 ge for 6 bushes. Now it's 1 for 500 ge <:^)
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mad :^) ?
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>gaijin release bushes at the price of 6 for 500GE
>they fade away pretty much entirely beyond 20 meters
>people still call P2W
>gaijin respond by raising their price and making them fade much less
how do i dive bomb in sb without killing myself
You're an absolute fucking madman, mate.

I would not go anywhere near the Ki-49 line.

There was one guy here who got all the camos for them, he promptly commuted sudoku.
German APCR 15% less pen than it should. WHY?
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>Korean rice cooking forum

fuckin dead
>they fade away pretty much entirely beyond 20 meters
This was always bullshit though. They didn't fade in sniper view which is what matters
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Aaahhh, nothing like waking up in the morning, pouring a cup of joe and seeing a colossal waste of taxpayer money moored in the harbor outside your apartment...
That's the Zumwalt or whatever that thing is?

Correct. America's newest, most expensive Derpstroyer.
>Being this stupid

The a ROF of this thing

muh dick.

Side skirts soak up so much ))))))

I have absorbed kv-2 shots before without taking any damage
>built it just to have it sit in the harbor
It's money well spent. :^)
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they never faded away if you were in sniper mode senpai

Its only here to be officially commissioned this weekend for Fleet Weeka, then its off to do God knows what.
>off to do God knows what
To do spy ship things. :^)
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bernies last stand.png
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Hopefully to blow up children from the badlands
>155mm cannons
>higher tonnage than a CA
Ship classifications were a mistake.
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heyyyy cool
Is there a user-made mission, where i can train to shot at ground targets with rockets? I have IL-2/Fw-190/Bf-109, but can't find a ground attack mission with these planes. I've tried to search here: http://live.warthunder.com/feed/missions/, but found nothing except for missions with Ju-87 or Yak-9, where i have to use guns. Or ground attack missions featuring machines, which i don't have (like Hurricane IV or high-tier planes).
why do tanks camp so much in SB battles? its not even a fun playstyle
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One of the top rules in being seen is movement.
today i got a "skill matters" +5000 SL reward ingame
they might aswell put these as a playable vehicle in sb.
>no fire support
>no recon

m-muh blitzkrieg happened with only tanks
Am I literally the only one decent enough with the P-40?
its very heavy but not half bad in the hands of a good pilot
You know the sad thing is that I've stuck to the P-40E since forever. Even the shitty Russian engine monstrosity in IL2 1946 was my goto every dogfight server.

spoiler]I've never been good at it.[/spoiler]
I only use it for boom and zoom and killing heavier things, so that I can benefit from the fiddies' decent damage at that tier. When I'm stuck in a turning fight, I have to fly like some sort of drunkard with a death wish just to survive.
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