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/bdog/ Black Desert Online General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 776
Thread images: 201

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Rangers awaken soon

New awakenings every two weeks

Korean gobbly-gook:

>What is BDO?

Black Desert Online is an MMORPG by Pearl Abyss that was recently released for western audiences, with additional changes. It features action-oriented combat, open world PVP territory control, player housing, and more.

Info from the site: http://i.imgur.com/r7VvB6h.png

>I heard it's P2W

Lots of paid convenience features; and some cash shop items are able to be sold to other players on the marketplace, but maximum price caps restrict making unreasonable bank from them.

https://discord.gg/0vYcIJNhxt5cd4pK (join at your own risk)

>/bdog/ guilds

>Maps and nodes


>Useful Links
Wiki: http://www.blackdeserttome.com/wiki/BDO_Tome
Database: http://bddatabase.net/us/
Skill Calculator: http://www.blackdeserttome.com/calculator
Class Armor Sets: http://wodox.imgur.com/
Else: Google it before posting

>BDO KR/JP info + differences between NA/EU

Previous thread: >>156649146
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Who's ugly character is this?
Hello old friends, is anyone still playing on edan? I dropped this game about 5 weeks after launch for work related shit and would like to start playing again, although I now have no clue wtf I'm doing I have a Lv 52 sorc and 54 ranger.

Please help.
you could try reading the op
>I now have no clue wtf I'm doing

Post lewds is what you're supposed to be doing.

>Go afk
>Start hearing really loud cricket sounds
>After a while realize it's the game

Also why don't the quest I haven't accepted appear on my minimap? I keep running into quests only by accident and they're not on my map even though I haven't talked to that NPC before. I completely passed over this quest chain.
Join Sardine?
Do you get anything from killing those road thieves?
Imperial conquest seals
man this game is dead
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On second thought, Sardine is a silly place.
Why do I keep seeing this peacock running around near the swamp area?
Catch it for tons of silver.
Anon, why don't you have a tier 8 horse yet?
I know this is a ruse. I've already tried hitting it or trying to press r.
What is it really for?
But Baka is dead.

I don't even have a t7 yet.
Quest in Trent
Anyone got experience with pirate grinding?
Got 4 boats, one for each coin plus one for bandanas. Gold bars are stored on my horse.
But I forgot to take blackstones into account. So right now I'm storing them on the boat with the lowest amount of coins. How are they usually handled?
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>Get to Delphe
>They're being attacked by harpies
>Soldiers panicking
>Harpy abductors trying to kidnap people
>Screams of terror
>People dying
>Complete anarchy
What the fuck. Where are the cute bird tit harpies?
In their nests north.
You have to kill them.
Join the Cult of MILF!
What if I play a male character?
Please tell me that after I complete all the Delphe missions that the harpies all leave and peace returns to the castle and I don't just abandon them because I'm a big hero with important hero duties
>expecting dynamism in a korean mmo
phasing isn't invented until 2030 in the korean calender, anon
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Male? What's that?
It's something attached to a snail that you send to people.
Just... this.
What a cutie.
Thanks, you're cute too.
I'd tap that
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>So are you incapable of defeating an Elite Khuruto?
>I'd rather send another soldier than see you getting knocked up
What did she mean by this?
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Have a good night.
Can you get kzarka bow from night vendor? If so, how much does it cost roughly?
Why does the game keep giving me lanterns as quest rewards? What am I going to do with three lanterns?
There's a series of quest one after another that give them in the main storyline, no idea what's the deal with that.
Good Nigh, honest and hardworking Anon-san.
107m or something close.
Would it be better to do that or save for a pri/duo whatever one from the market? I'd rather save and circumvent rng shit if possible.
Up to you. Most people go for buying, some try their luck.
Any good ERP guilds on Orwen?
<Kys yourself>
I think Ambrosia is the DN guild for this game, otherwise you'll get Yaoichi/Whorenstein trying to tell you how to run your <Lewd> guild if you even try making one, since they attempted to lead a guild like that when the game came out, got beat out by ambrosia, and ended up deleting the guild out of frustration, even though there were members still playing everyday, which just ended up joining Ambrosia, while Yaoichi/Whorenstein just wanders from guild to guild because nobody really likes them anymore
Please learn how to construct sentences.
no, its really easy to read, I even put commas

go fuck yourself
Your ERP must be shit with composition like that.

Get an education.
>trying to insult me personally
LOL I don't erp, I just pay attention to the gay roleplay chat drama while im grinding

and I have an education, i dont care to put in extra effort typing to you faggots online im just here to post about video games, why dont you go suck some horse cock or whatever it is you erpists do
it sounds like you have a horse cock sucking fantasy, care to share
you need to chill anon, why are you attacking someone for how they type on 4chan, everyone here is pretty lazy, are you new?
more like,
>I saw the pics in the last thread of the avatarfags trying to suck off their horses, so I could just bring that up as my example of what erpfags do
you sound real fun to hang out with, learn to not take everything at face value
>why do people shitpost
If you need to ask that then you shouldn't be calling people new.
>elitest ERPfags
is there anything worse
>implying that was a shitpost
>implying that erpfag isn't genuinely butthurt from that run-on sentence
We need more of that.
you're an actual retard, sorry to let you know this way
You overestimate how many people are actually posting right now.

Keep replying though :)
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ok lol
people who can't ERP
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here you go anon

>that feel when work calls in, and you get to play BDO all day
I want to feel you! I bet your hair is coarse like hay
the sorc or the horse?
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Only when I forget to visit Heidel for a few days.. otherwise its easy to keep clean
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Thanks, Chef!
Cute, CUTE!
Did you mod your boobs larger?
No shit
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Hey gurl
Considering your f-list, that horse has seen some shit.

And probably felt it too.
Nothing wrong with keeping your horse healthy and stress free.. I haven't been stopped by the guards yet..
>game tells me to use a lantern to illuminate my own face

damn racist bitch ass mufuga
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Make him look like Tyrone
bruh get away from muh gurl bruh whatchu think ur doin n
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Good morning.
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BLACK DESERT - wave.webm
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Should I keep this color of hair on my ranger or should I change it to something else
Make the skin lighter or the hair darker
Change it
Any better?
I think it's definitely better. Still not sure about the skin tone though, kind of looks artificial?
Yeah I agree, it looks like fake tan
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It's gotten quite dark and stormy.
there was a storm like that in heidel about an hour ago
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So we meet again
So Im guessing its a little too orange like then?
Yeah try making it more "natural"

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why the fuck is boat pathing so shit
Make your own path, seriously
New guy here who just wants to fish, there is no set location for fishing hotspots is there? I looked at the guide and the first link is down, the second link I don't even have enough CP to link Epheria and the islands near it. I just got a boat and want to travel and shit looking for hotspots.
Yeah I agree, it looks like fake tan
>tfw you will never get invited into an orgy
Not with that attitude
Velia and Altinova harbors are all you need desu
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Sometimes, there are just better things in life that you should worry about.

Like getting proper clothing.
What underwear is in the box today?
inb4 i get one I already own, I'm not wasting this box on a char thats not my main
This is exactly why I'm asking.
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>ERPfags trying to defend themselves with the most backwards reasoning possible
>They use ad hominem instead of talking about how shitty that guy's post was
Commas aren't periods, dude. I agree with him that your ERP must be terrible. Why are there so many idiots who can't type trying to ERP? It must be linked to the low education.
I said i don't erp, i dont really, kare, about my grammer on, 4chan you fucking knerd,, its knot linked to anythink bes/des m, e, not giving shit
>he's still here 9 hours later
You do ERP.
is this supposed to be an insult, I don't understand
I went to work from 10am - 5pm, my job doesnt involve ERP, not sure what you are getting at by me "still being here" when I haven't been here all day, until like, an hour ago
>I don't really care
>Makes sure to reply in such a way that's "supposed" to unnerve me instead of just trying to type correctly instead
Sure you don't, ERPfag
Need more CUTE posting.
see >>157085040, I'm not an erpfag, even if I was, I probably wouldn't be good at it because it doesn't interest me, not because I choose to not care about my grammar on 4chan which I view as an extended chat room, and use run on sentences instead of actually articulating regular sentences, and it gets your panties in a bunch for some reason when I do it lmao

so keep calling me an erpfag, i'll keep replying probably
Actively fishing.


Aaaaaand Fish bones.
>kill 500 skeletons

i long for the embrace of the grave
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>kill 500 skeletons
I think this outfit is cute

I got 2 witch earrings while farming for that quest
May I please have a portrait shot of you in that outfit? It's pretty cute.
Very cute.
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>showing us your black panties
Do you know what that means?
here ya go, had to wait a few minutes because it became see-through from the rain

what does it mean anon..?
>three new avatarfags appear out of the bushes
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Very cute, fits you well.
It's too lewd for me to say.
Didn't get any earrings, but someone left this stew unattended and I think it's about done, so I've got that going for me. I'll bring by a bowl for you later.
They're like hydras. Cut off one head, three more appear and start ERPing in the thread.
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I must be a pretty lewd person then..

Sounds great grandma, I might have caught a cold from standing out in the rain..
What is the laziest way to get contribution? from what I understand pretty much every major city and region has contribution dailies, which are the most efficient on time?
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I am going to be on later tonight and have another try, I hope I don't disappoint. I am very new!
oh boy got my underwear box.
maybe i should wait untill cute underwear gets released to give me a chance of obtaining some?
or maybe i should open it now! I just dont know
box has a list of underwear you can roll from specific to each class
the box says what is possibly inside. doubt they will update it at a later time.
>tfw got leopard set
I wish that mask was wearable.
thats what i got too, no stocking
it's weighted towards leopard
I can't wait~ I was disappointed I missed your messages

I got it with stocking

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Worked out alright, I'm happy with it.
I got Jasmin Garter Belt for ranger
It's okay I guess.
I don't know why you guys are worshipping this ugly piece of shit. She's seriously not that cute. The face is so disproportioned and needs to be worked on.

But I guess that doesn't matter to anyone because you guys are desperate for anyone to give you attention. Even if it's from a male neckbeard playing a female character and pretending to be gay.
And you. I don't know why you think greasy oily skin looks good. You'd look a lot better if you didn't look like you never bathed.
I hate everyone attentionwhoring in the thread as well but c'mon leave people's personal subjective character creation decisions alone

or don't whatever I mean you do have the freedom to diss 'em
don't think they are trying to cater to you anon, those are their waifus
If they're not catering to me then why are they posting them every 10 minutes for me to see? They must want me to comment on them being that they're spamming their characters for everyone to view. If they didn't they wouldn't post, now would they?
I have just as much right to tell them their characters look like shit as they do to spam their awful characters.
theres something wrong with you if thats how your mind twisted their posts
Yes, everything is about you.
They are posting it for the people asking it, can you read?
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>There's something wrong with me for not liking attentionwhores
>Everything is about me, the person commenting on attentionwhores who repeatedly post their own character to inflate their own egos because people will tell them how hot their character is and how they want to violate them

>Somehow something must be wrong with me
>Not the ones that are ERPing publicly
Yeah, must be me. I'm so much worse than ERPing homos. Shame on me for insulting people
pretending to be retarded?
No, they're fucking hideous, I agree. Pretty much every avatarfag since the beginning of this general has had an ugly character.
So I hopped on a server without knowing what it was because friends were there, is the "unofficial RP server" worth slapping an alt on? Or is there a way to transfer?
It's like running into a crack house and screaming "What's wrong with you, why are you all strung out!?"
No one there, or here, cares about you being some wet blanket, you're only complaining to yourself.
Don't like it? Then don't go into the crack house.
Except for the fact that I'm in a thread to talk a bout video games and I'm not on furaffinity or flist.

Believe it or not, this ISN'T the place for you to be ERPing or fishing for compliments to feed your lonely existance with. /soc/ has plenty of threads for you to post selfies and ERP with people.
And yet here you are shining light on the situation, instead of creating conversation about something you claim to prefer.

You arguing over what other people do is pointless, they aren't going to stop because of you, they aren't breaking any rules and all you're doing is harping on them needlessly, creating more attention for them.

You're not on furaffinity or whatever flist is, you're on 4chan. No one fucking cares about you and your whining, except for me trying to point out to you how pointless you are being.
I wish I was a NEET so I could progress faster. Have a good night in advance to anyone, I have a night shift.
So again it's my fault for expressing my dislike for avatarfags and it's not the avatarfags fault for making this thread into their personal ego boosting grounds. A delusional sympathizer you are.
>They aren't breaking any rules
I guess you've never actually read the rules, have you?
Just because the mods never enforce the rules doesn't mean they're not breaking them.

And of course they're not going to stop because of you. They are too busy ignoring everyone else and making the thread into their own ERP festival. Here's one now >>157102285 right as we're talking about them.

Telling me my posts are "pointless" only is encouraging them to be annoying dipshits by defending them and there's literally the only thing you're doing by replying to me.
Honestly we wouldn't be having this discussion if the avatarfags weren't' trying to turn this into BnS General 2.0 with you as their glorious defender.
yea its your fault for crying like a baby, i think people would hate the avatarfags if they act obnoxious

oh wait people did hate milfsorc when she became obnoxious, then she left
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Yes, it is your fault since you want to continue trying to force your opinion of what's correct upon others.
>implying it wasn't just this single autist spamming hate for milfsorc
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You are a reason the thread is still alive.

Little screaming frog man.
does that matter?
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>this game still has a general

How did this pay to win MMO not die yet?
Someone actually went to IRC and asked about the avatarfagging shit and no one is breaking any rules in here apparently. You're just pissing in the wind mate.
I want to adventure with you.
>I think people would hate the avatarfags if they act obnoxious
>Oh but your hate specifically doesn't count
I can force my opinions if they can force people to give them attention. It's only fair.
Sure it is. I'm the only person who hates avatarfags
Exactly what we're talking about right now. It has enough ERP potential to still survive.
That means the mods don't actually know what the rules are. There are two rules about avatarfagging. They just don't want to enforce them.

I honestly don't know why it's such a big deal for me to hate avatarfags but it's A-OK for avatarfags to avatarfag. Honestly I can be as obnoxious as I want since you guys are leaping to defend cringy autists attentionwhoring. I might as well start avataring too since it's alright with you guys.
A parting screenshot, just for you.

We'll see.
these ones arent acting like cunts was my point m8, you're just trolling for replies I guess
>It's a problem that I'm "trolling for replies"
>It's not a problem that avatarfags are fishing for replies
Double standards. Stop defending avatarfags.
see >>157100610
Then I'm asking them to stop. Surely they can oblige since they're such nice, caring, avatarfags.
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yea... too bad you didn't ask nicely to begin with
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Only if you meet me ingame and suck my dick.
see >>157104604
See >>157102945
see >>157104604
>too bad you didn't ask nicely to begin with
are you fucking blind
See >>156991296
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fuck off templatebitch
Still here, just not posting anything until someone asks.
Of course you would post the second half of that. Now someone is going to specifically ask you because you said that.
Attentionwhores I swear
you have issues man
Most likely not, anon can just ask on Discord without hassle.
The Musa avatarfag isn't even that bad; it's honestly interesting seeing the rare male player, at least it adds variety to the thread. The females all just fucking look the same. It's boring seeing the same hideous sorceress we've all seen in game a hundred or more times, the generic l-l-l-l-l-l-ewd a-a-a-anime-chan ERP personality doesn't help either. The worst is the ones that try to look unique in some way and fail miserably like this slimy piece of garbage: >>157098513.

Long story short, don't be fucking boring.
>You have issues
>But the avatars and ERPers are in a sound state of mind. Perfectly normal
The musa guy isn't that bad. Or at least he wasn't for the first post. Then he just started spoilering every image and post he made and just started being a fag. I have no problem with posting some random screencaps occasionally to bump the thread like some do but spamming them and fishing for people to ERP with like all the Sorcs do is annoying.
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Dangerous level of autism right here
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Main is ranger.

Which is 2nd best girl?

I like Maehwa, but I fear that I might not be able to make her less asian, so leaning toward sorc now.
I'm really not sure what the hell is going on in th
Go plum and just work on sliders
I actually started off as maehwa and changed my main to ranger because I ended up liking her more. Maehwa is criminally weak at the moment without awakening, but her combos are cool and her animations look great. Mine is currently serving as a life skill bot.
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It's all about looking cool
Join Sardine!
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>Someone put up a pet and my notification goes off
>I'm in the middle of bumfuck nowhere
>The closest marketplace is in a city I haven't been to yet
>I have no money on me because carrying 5mil alone would put me over weight limit
What a great system this is. Why don't you just fucking shoot me while you're at it.
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Fuck, I can't choose between Sorc, Valk, or Maehwa.

Which is most fun PvE? Don't care much about damage output vs other classes, as I just do stupid shits in the game anyway.
probably maewha
sorc is just spin2win in pve
valk is just sword of justice spam
Sorc then maehwa for fun

Valk is not fun at all
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Valk is multiple attacks leading to one combo finisher, Sword of Judgement. You'll be seeing alot of this.

She's slow though, mobility-wise. Which is incredibly noticeable when you play other classes like Maehwa or Kunoichi. You're also a tank, I think due to self buffs she can get the highest defense in the game and her heal just keeps her going forever.
Valk awakening when. These feel like they're coming out awfully slow. Like were they planning to release all the awakenings one at a time over the course of a year or something?

I find it's best not to dwell on the future too much. Anticipation can kill the enjoyment.
Is there a lore reason why all goblins seem to be cowards in this world? Goblins are usually supposed to be the opposite of this.
You're a cool dude. Makes me smile to see someone else also has their heart in the right place. Agreed completely about the musa fag too, first two posts yeah okay but then he just went straight into piece of shit territory.
cause the humans keep bullying them
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Seems I missed you again, hope you see the whispers.
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Which class can I just hold left click to play? I really like basic attacks
Samefagging is really sad bro
Goblins are supposed to be cowards but not betamax cuck tier like BDO gobos
Took you that long to shoop it?
You should post just to trigger the sperglord
Is it out of the question for me to try to store everything in the same town in this game? This feels like such an inconvenience to not be able to access my items without traveling for 20 minutes just because I'm questing. My workers, mats, and all my silver is in one major city and my quests are leading me to a different one.
Should I just store my shit in the closest city and kill myself every time I want to craft or buy something?
I go most of my shit in Altinova and smaller stashes in Velia and Calpheon
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Does anyone have a spare guest pass? Very interested in trying this game out with a friend. If anyone had two extra I would be extra grateful :)
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I still have all 3 of mine. Knock yourself out.

Code 1 : D806-1B6E-9719-4D73-9CB6
Code 2 : FCC2-6B14-3B78-46F8-9078
Thank you! Activated and installing before bed. Uh, it's gonna be fun, right?
Make tons of cooking/alchemy products, turn in the by-products.
I bet Billy gets more pussy than a toilet seat.
I ran out of screenshots that I wanted to post.
>Mfw this mole cave
This is the biggest shit ever. And then there's a sekrit mole god in there. Are there lots more secret caves and stuff?
There are secret caves literally everywhere
I've always stored all my stuff in Velia and Heidel, I do need to travel but that's life.
I got a witch earring doing that, silver linings!

Also, there were no extraction crystals on the market so I made my own, which I am a little proud of. My gear is shit though.
What is this, a screenshot for ants?
Get a notepad, write down what each npc wants for cooking/alchemy, then make them en masse and transport them where they need to be. Then you can just turn them in each day without much effort.
It's a gyazo of part of a screen anon, it's not going to be big. I can't show it all because I can't handle the shame.
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>Work for 45 minutes just trying to get the hair to look perfect on new character
>Just now notice that part of the class outfit clips through the hair
Just get the body to not clip. outfits cant be helped
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tfw bad gpu.png
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Do I look tomboy enough? I think I do.
>long pink hair
No. Far from it.
That's not long at all, bruh. It's medium at most
It's light blue, not really sure how you saw pink but I'll blame the lighting
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what color is this.png
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Or so I thought it was light blue until I checked.
This looks more like light green but it will have to do since there's no good light blue.
Well if it's medium then it's still too long. You need it cut short for best effects.
As for pink, on my screen it looks like something inbetween pink and violet, but definitely not blue.
Why wouldn't you want a naturally colored hair anyway?
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minions united.webm
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When will this game become good again?
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Cuz that's boring. Why play anime waifu creators for normal hair colors? Not that there's anything wrong with them.
This pic is definitely a step in the right direction. A tad shorter hair and you've got yourself a young boy.
Because it rarely looks good in this game.
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I'd probably look too feminine to be a young boy. Think I'll stick with this though. Last one I'll post, sorry.
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Emergency bump.
I'll bump you!
It's indigo.
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I like the coloring I got from breeding my penguins. Jumped straight up to tier 3, too.

There's something I read in the game that says the stutter most goblins have is believed to be a side-effect of them speaking in common from their regular language. I think it was one of the general "goblin" entries in the knowledge base.
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should I play this geimu
Can you repeat the question?
Do you like tall and strong women with huge cocks?

If so, get in.
Why not
It's fun, I started playing just a few days ago and got stuck playing so yea why not
I don'tknow
You're not the boss of me now
What does building for DP usually entail? like what are the normal pieces of equipment for it?
>Wake up
>Pull a muscle on my leg while I stretch
>Experience horrible pain

Good morning /bdog/.
How can I unsibscribe from your blog?
fuck you

Fuck off avatarfag

God dammit.
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>check back on this game to see if anything new happened
>wizard awakening trailer
>fuck yes
>wizard is young now
why this
Is this an awakening thing or an option at chargen? Is this explained anywhere?
Walk it off, literally. Also magnesium supplements help.
New cc options
>Walk it off

That's what I did, a plain reminder that I should get out more.
In that case, neat.
I want to be the only old wizard.
>New cc options
>Warriors get cc immunity

Ah fuck.
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>Hits 50
>Tries to do a lvl 50 quest
>Almost gets my shit pushed in
>Barely complete the quest with a sliver of hp

What the fuck is this difficulty jump? People say 80 ap with be good enough, but that barely does shit.
You little shit!
accuracy > ap
Try using accuracy offhand until you hit 55 or so
I wish Musa had a tank top costume.
What, like a wife beater?
Yeah, exactly that.
>babys first RPG

Accuracy, Anon, it's most crucial shit since ever.
Just coming back after not playing for 6 months. I stopped when I hit lvl 50. Is it any easier to lvl past lvl 50 now?
It's really fast all the way up to 56 and then it gets grindy
significantly, yes
Sweet! Thanks for the info.
is that 56 enough for me to explore Valencia with? I know I'll need gear and all but just wondering how much that will help me.
There's some nasty shit over there like centaurs and basilisks. Gonna need some gear and/or a group to kill them.
hopefully I can just outrun em. Just wanted to explore it for now.
Yeah you can, get a camel for the desert part though. Horse is really bad out there.
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Hey guys and gals, I'm off to work.

Have a good day, evening, or night.
Nice! Gonna have a blast then. Thanks again everyone for the info.
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Holy shit, I love the way alts work in this game.

Everything you've unlocked is already there, with shared money and storage.

I was worried that I'd have to start over from scratch, but this is great.
>go afk and minimize to tray on pirate island in the little shop cave
>come back
>log in
>in port ephiria

wat happen
Too bad the shop stuff is character specific. That weight increase doesn't apply to your alts.
You got kill most likely.
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Post space marines.
Ultra Marines are gay.
why send me to such an odd place?
Maybe it defaults to nearest town if you get disconnected & killed
What kind of AP/DP do you need for pirates?
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Been doing quest after quest for them sweet contribution points, got about 30 to spare. What should I do with them now that I got them?
i do it with 161/187 just fine as a kunoichi
I never went until i had 159ap but it was easy, you could probably be fine there with a lot less.
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Gotta git that muddy water
You're damn right
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blurry bullshit.png
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Anyone try any of the reshades? I tried !UBER Fidelity Suite but it looks like shit!
Pretty sure anything would look shit when you have the graphics level set to 'mabinogi'.
looks fun
holy shit those jaggies
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Here, with everything turned up. I only have a R7 260X. My hope was to get two of them and run Crossfire, but haven't been able to do that yet.
It's just really aggressive anti-aliasing, which i feel the game needs since its built in AA is about as effective as daum games' customer service.
Whats your resolution at? Just lower to 720p and drag the other settings a little higher.
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>was about to buy the game
>realize I could just buy a 7 day key for like 30 cents to see if the game is shit or not
i am the smarterest
a smarter person would've asked for one here
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I was blinded by my own intelligence sorry
whats up...?
What's wrong with cats?
Playing on a 39 inch LCD
Ill try it at 1600x900 for a while and see how I like that.
How do you handle the grind?
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BLACK DESERT - heykid.webm
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Speaking of cats. Are there animal ears in this game? I haven't ever seen any.
This is a serious mmorpg. It has no place to pander to your weeb furry fetish.
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>This is a serious mmorpg he says
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Can I get a different angle on that, that looks like a bow-tie without the middle to me.

Full face please.
you don't want to see their face desu
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It's just the maid outfit headpiece edited.

Oh, alright.

You're a bigger mystery than I am.
Did ERP Valk stop playing the game? I've not seen her for a while.
Also what class actually uses their kick attacks?
None of them, none of them
That's not a Valk.
I love how stone face my character is, should I add in a smile to his face, or something?

Not too sure how to control expressions without using emotes.
It's not a the class Valkyrie, it's a character of the person 名乗る'd ERP Valk.
I hope kunoichi gets something cute!
no chance
You lie. There's no way there isn't a left clicking class. This is a Korean MMO after all.
I don't know about other games, but there certainly isn't one in this.
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I made the right choice making a Musa, just look at that sleeping position.

Stiff as a board.
How do I turn my black spirit back into a cute wisp thing? I'm tired of this spooky skelich mother fucker
Handsome af, not a fuccboi like 99% of the guys you see
Continue the story
Kick his ass.
My secret?

Add into wrinkles and make the beard look nice, just like the hair.

That's honestly it.
Did the Grind guild quit?
Should I main my Sorc or my Warrior? I love both, I cant fucking decide.
Post a screen of what they look like.
Didn't you ask this like two threads ago
I did but I still can`t fucking decide.
Normally I'd suggest Sorc just so you can play a female character since those are always better.

But I'm kind of tired of seeing sorcs for some reason so just play warrior.
dead gaem

revelation online beta when
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>blade and soul 2
They disbanded
I somehow ended up behind on daily rewards, at least from what I've seen other people saying.

At least it's not leopard.
BnS is shit, especially with all the gooky names and bullshit it in. I'm sure #2 will be similar.
>switching from a dead game to a trash dead before arrival one
What's wrong with your shoulders? Your character looks like a man because of them.
Maybe she's a swimmer.
And what's wrong with a woman with broad shoulders?
That's nice, no more cheating Russians.

How's the guild balance on Jordine now? Is there actually some competition between the guilds now and is Pettan CO still on life support?
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>tfw you caught the rarest fish in the game
PettanCo has a node or 2
So is this game still pay2win? is there pay2win bag still in it?
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>Beer Festival Event
>Has nobody to drink beer with
>Even the square where the event takes place is empty, except for a couple of homeless dudes

What does it mean?
>korean mmo grindfest

If pay2win means buying underwear and erping for $, then sure.
ranger awakening tomorrow
You mean today.
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Rasputin, oh my.
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>im in denial
so-so not lewd enough
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Why do people even call it p2w because of value packs? I didn't even fucking notice it when my value pack ran out. Wtf is pay to win about it? Sure, it makes things a little more convenient but it doesn't give an advantage unattainable without paying that would make you better than someone who doesnt have VP.
How much better would this game be if it had a sex system?
Jesus fucking christ, let me download the patch already. If its another 3gb like the last weeks I wont get to play at all today at this rate.
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But it has sex system, you can be male or female.

>inb4 only M or F
Update: Maintenance has been extended for an extra 3 hours. We'll keep you informed if we have to extend if furthermore.
It's okay, I didn't want to play anyway. ;_;
>australian male

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The waiting game
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fugg off bear poster
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Damn this wizard awakening looks way cooler than witch.

I don't agree
Maybe it's just that I like the elements better.
I can understand, fire is my favorite element too
>no more cheating russians
Disbanding doesn't mean they quit.

They merged with Harmony.
Is this game worth it?

Or is it just a waifu simulator?
Really depends. The game relies on you to create your own fun.

Tell me what you're looking for in this mmo.
I want to fuck you.
I don't know

This game will be perfect for you. Get in.

I have many big women with big dicks.
I love this image. Its the best smug anime girl of all the smug anime girls
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Choose one
I choose futa.
Rangers are become melee now?
"melee", you still hit everything on the screen.
They are gaining some melee capability. They will still mainly use their bows
kunoichi go many new underwears!

also the game is fucked
No new sorc outfits, shit sucks.
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Somethin missin.png
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is the game having a stroke?
>fir trees in velia are now maple and birch
lol what the fuck kind of autumn does korea have?
I can't even login
they just killed it
Yeah cause it went down for maint just now
goddamn she would be so cute without that fucking special snowflake cataract
did you lose it in a battle of vengeance over your dead loved ones?
i hate roleplayers
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Another 3 hour maintenance
How the fuck did they screw up this badly, everything is fuck... God Daum it.
ahaha pretty much
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>i hate roleplayers
Don't play roleplaying games then, Retard.
You hating on Geralt too? Making common loking characters is dumb, you don't self-insert in RPGs you roleplay.
You make original looking ones because you can.
>Making common loking characters is dumb
No it's not.

>You make original looking ones because you can.
No you make whatever you want to make and be happy with it and don't get salty when someone doesn't like it.

What are you, 9 years old?
>special snowflake getting defensive over making shitty characters that everyone secretly rolls their eyes over

lmao i bet the cataract thing was spot on
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>That means the mods don't actually know what the rules are.

Im still here you autist, ive already explained what avatarfagging is and im not gonna let you just get away with ignoring that and continuing to insist its something it isnt
that's actually a different person you were talking to me last time, I went and asked a mod on irc, and he say it ain't so so it ain't so
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reinhardt laughing.png
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>Chaos gods gender
>no Everchosen gender

I guess chaos undivided is close enough
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i succumbed to the convenience and bought a weight increase.

i succumbed to the fashion and bought a costume
As long as you are not buying those things for reselling purposes it's fine.
For myself, though honestly the prices of a full costume on the pearl shop is extremely low compared to other games I've played.
I was told young Wizard is cash shop only, from that outfit. Can someone confirm/deny? I really dont want that to be true because I dont have 40$ I can throw just to not be an old fuck.
I asked earlier, but it was drowned out by shitposting. Is the RP server worth restarting on? I'm lv 43. I enjoy RP from time to time and the world is really immersive. The issue is, my friend doesn't want to start over after grinding out his awaking. Is it possible Customer Support will transfer him?
Most likely won't be, they use a different system in KR for customisation.
Alright then that answers that. Thanks I guess?
43 doesn't take long to get but losing cash shop stuff will suck. I'd just stay with your friend and maybe make an alt to rp on.
Huh, guess it's a good thing I overslept and am still downloading the patch.
>Value packs are p2w

The thing I like most about it is the inventory is bigger when I got my free 7 day one, and you get more space from playing the game.

That's hilarious if anyone thinks that's p2w.
I bought ten value packs to sell so I can get an Ogre ring. Is that bad?
huge waste of money but ok
I just want to play this game.
>Have not played for a few months and wants to start playing again.
>Realize I will be so far behind everyone if I do, especially because I've missed all the daily log in bullshit.
want a guest pass?
There's a maintenance that's going to end in about 30 minutes.
yeah this game is for massive no lifer who do nothing else.
That's always a problem with themepark. PK doesn't help either since everyone is a threat and there's no way to save yourself unless you played as much as them.
meant to reply to
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>finally finish downloading the game
>as soon as I get ready to play there's a maintenance
my 7 day trial will be over by the time I can play
I'll give you mine if you need it, I haven't used it yet.
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That was just a joke but thanks anyway, anon.
No problem.
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>server still down
>after they said they'd be up
They said they're extending it by another hour.
Another hour, please be patient, anime cat poster.

because they extended it another hour.

Do you never check maintenance threads around the time they're set to end? fuck.
Update 7:50 UTC - The maintenance has been extended an additional hour.
>say the eu servers will be back up at 6 pm CEST
>it's 10pm
>Wants to start playing on my 57 "alt" instead of my 58 main.
>Remember how much I've spent on cash shop outfits and such on my main.
>tfw I will be forever stuck on my main.
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>you don't self-insert in RPGs you roleplay.

Depends on what school of thought you come from. The whole "RPG is amateur theater" kind of approach is actually relatively new.
I just started playing, there's no way to have costumes outside of the cash shop right? Does your armor at least change? I mostly play dfo and I'm kinda tired of that kind of stuff.
other players can put cash shop stuff on the market for you to buy with silver, don't worry

and yes your armor changes depending on the set
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Save in-game money and use them to buy costumes on the marketplace, new bois.
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sorry :(

she lost use of it when I was roleplaying in gw2; a sylvari attempted to take her eye out of her eye socket, because he needed to trade a human eye for something, and ended up permanently damaging her eye, and so I've put an eyepatch on my character ever since, and gave her the cataract if I had the option

there was a big gay rp story behind it, but that the gist of it

I wasn't trying to be a special snowflake, I was just following the backstory I've played out for her so far

sorry you hate roleplaying because of something dumb or something

thats not me
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That sounds great, thanks. I remembered that you couldn't trade in this game but that doesn't seem to apply to the market.
But I've already spent around 200m gold or more on my main buying costumes....
And there's never any costumes up in the marketplace nowadays.
you just gotta ask and hope someone posts the one you want. then you gotta be quick enough to win the item. still haven't bought a pet or a value pack though.
i need clam on eu pls, clammaster whisper me with soft deep voice for an invite.
That explains the blind eye.

I like your character, probably because of the face and hair.
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Go back to /Gw2g/, keep Hope posting in its containment board.
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>you != you're character
>your fetish != you're character fetish
>your morality != you're character morality
>your motivation != you're charcter motivation

>as you post about offtopically about HOPE and /gw2g/
kill yourself faggot
Outfits unlike pets and value packs, aren't the highest demand items and usually sit for a while before selling, rather than getting sniped in the bid phase.
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You first, suicide pact or bust.
Whereas Gygax would tell you your character is just a pawn you control to do what YOU want them to do.

If he was still alive that is.
it took me 5 attempts over 2 days before i was able to purchase the valk karlstein outfit.
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hey when its plytime?
20 mins or so.
So, is that backstory copy pasted to repeat itself in BDO or did she 'dimension' hop?
Report this person for shitposting, they're trying some SUPER FUNNY XD CROSSTHREAD joke over to /gw2g/ now thanks to >>157253493
Should I play on my Witch or Kuno? I can't decide.
Witch, Kuno is shit.
Posters really can't be blamed for misconceptions about your character when your post content consists solely of le generic l-l-lewd anime ERPer. You see where the problem lies here, right? Your character might actually be interesting but you act like a complete fag in the thread and wonder why people don't like you.
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I couldn't really think of an equivalent for all the background stuff that had happened in gw2, since it doesn't translate well into bdo lore, so I've said that she had a bad run in with bandits when its brought up

LOL i literally replied to >>157253493 with pic related, and taking gw2g shitposting out of bdo

whats wrong with you
>whats wrong with you

There's ust one or maybe two posters that ust come in here to spew insults and be assholes in general.

No one knows why.
don't cross generals with your stupid fucking drama, you chode

stay here
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Excess sodium and autism desu.
Was there bandit rape involved?
>Sweden at top
Are you kidding me? As a Swede myself there's nothing worse than meeting another Swede on the Internet. They're all entitled, thinking they're the hottest shit ever and if a Swede notice another Swede on the Internet they will start speaking purely Swedish, even if it's a general chat or whatever.

Never seen a more elitistic entitled nationality on the Internet than the Swedes.
This is why everyone hates /Gw2g/ and HOPE, shame on all of you.
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Polacks and frogs
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French MMO players.jpg
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>perfect english
Checks out.
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>Update 9:00 UTC - The maintenance has been extended an additional four hours.
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Sauce on that image.
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>The servers are up

I've been waiting for this moment...
Does any one on edan wanna help me grind from 54 75% to 56? I'll have your ass (no homo) for lyfe
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Thanks senpai.
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Thanks now you triggered drosera/oothier into fugging up gw2g with his paranoid drama.
give me the rat
holy moly

> your post content consists solely of le generic l-l-lewd anime ERPer
you got me there besides the anime part

>You see where the problem lies here, right?
I dont see a problem at all, I don't mind correcting people misconceptions, and if people want to assume things about my character they are allowed, they will just be wrong if we rp

>Your character might actually be interesting

>but you act like a complete fag in the thread
it happens

>and wonder why people don't like you
where did this come from? I never wonder that lol

I don't think I ask anyone to like or even "not hate" me, because I can't control other peoples emotions anyway

I'm just an avatarfag. That's all.

depends on who wants to know..

give me the futacharr cunny
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Are there musky charr in bdog
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Fucking fur fags go and stay go
I already linked my f-list here because they asked, this isn't new to anyone

it was actually last thread

>gw2gfags in charge of trying to shitpost about me
>piss enemas
Would marry/10
Well it either happened or it didn't.
You made me check if some of this was true.

I am relieved that that's an older version.
Where to grind at lvl 50?
So, I've got Valkyrie up to 31, Ranger up to 21, and I'm considering trying out Witch or Kunoichi. Which one of them is most fun at endgame?
I have tons of fun on Valkyrie, but I saw play of Rangers awakening weapon and I'll be damned if it didn't look super fun.
>log in game
>buy deneve on market
>log off game
Depends on AP/DP but I'd recommend grinding at Helms till 52, then Elrics till 55, if you can handle it anyways.

i really liked monastery, also drops mark of shadow there which is worth 7 mil
damn the really hooked up the downtime compensation.

gm box x2
value pack 7 days x1
mervs palette 7 days x1
gm blessing x10
>gm box x2

Yeah awesome, 3 armor stones, right on.
mansha or catfish or ruthum or monastery or skellingtons
You can try manes too in mediah
AP is 89
DP is 91 but I just got a mark of shadows from the GM box so that will boost me to 92 AP
Probably better off at manes then until you can get your weapon and offhand upgraded more then.

grab a pri blue coral ring off the marketplace while ur at it.
Thanks for these areas. Gonna figure out where to go now and start planning.
Will head there then. Just got me one of those rings. Thanks!
currently lvl 56, should i replace my jarettes set or wikll the replacement be too expensive? also i got a blue weapon from the awakening but upgrading it will expensive, i thought about buying a +15 green scythe, good plan or no?
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Whoa this outfit is pretty cute and it comes with unique idle pose/emote just like the sorc one.
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Am I screwed if I just came back from a long break and this is my gear?
average player is tri grunil/weapons and duo accessories

you're doing better than most because you have boss gear, you just need to upgrade it more, and maybe get tri bares
I also have a Giath helm I'm trying to upgrade.

I'm thinking about buying a Manos neck for the resistance and also a manos ruby ring(really cheap human dmg). Is this a good idea or should I just go for flat out AP?(currently only lvl 58)
You'll probably steamroll 90% of the people you see desu
necklace sounds good, and you should go flat AP no need to make yourself weaker when you are farming non-human enemies
Last time I played I got bullied by Grind member because apparently they owned every single farming spot on the server.
>no: cuddling, romance
now im sad
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i see kunos got some freebie skills (not skillpoints) but free shadow explosion, shackles and ground thrust n shiiet

d-did we get buffed? i'm riding horses
guys does exp boost % hit a stack limit?

so can i use my 200% boost + server compensation 100% + party elixer + milk tea? or will it hit a limit?
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oh yeah also:
did the textures get shittier?
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What are you, gay?
Well what else are you supposed to do when the monster's dick is knotted inside of your womb? Awkwardly play cards and watch seinfeld re-runs?
thats old anon, those are in maybe now
hey the auction house is less shit
I believe you meant to say "has been improved"
>russian cheaters
Mostly gone by now
Are you milfsorcs assassin imouto?
Is this game worth getting into?

Is it a game I can hop on for a an hour or two and feel some sense of accomplishment or do I have to grind for hours?

Is the actual game any good or do people just like it because it's pretty?
>all these compensation rewards
why cant we have extended downtime more often?
Have the servers gotten worse recently? Everyone in town is now lagging/hacking when they move. I can't remember it being this bad when I played the last time.
game is good. fighting system is solid. you can do a lot in a few hours at low level. you can also do some stuff afk like fish or train horses. also your workers can do a lot for you as well.
i just want big sis to notice me sometimes
She looks absolutely nothing like milf sorc. What the fuck are you even talking about? Milfsorc stopped posting already but you fucks still need to bring her up every hour
No milfsorc posted right here >>157260335
so much for being gone
holy shit you're actually fucking retarded, thats a ranger
Again, that looks absolutely nothing like milf sorc.
You fucking ERPfags are so fucking delusional you'll do anything to talk about your beloved annoying avatarfags.
thats one of his characters friend
who is this milfguy kid and why is he so famous in here? sorry i'm new
nice try
theres just one guy obsessed with him, they erp'd once and milfsorc wasn't into it, he's been a clingy beta ever since, and begs for her to post pics all the time
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>'milfguy kid'

Heh, wow.
thats sounds so fucking pathetic
Do I have to join Sardine if I want to ERP in this game?
yes sardine has the exclusive right to erp
Can I create a [drawaboycallitagirl] or [drawagirlcallitaboy] in this game?
traps/reverse traps
you cant, your either extremely feminine or masculine

if someone wants to prove me wrong, go right ahead
you can kind of make a girl character look like a boy, but you can't really get around the tiddies.

one of the characters that gets posted kind of pulls it off because of their metal breastplate. i don't know if that's what they were going for though..
Erm... The sorc class is basically the ultimate trap class.

jetstream sam aka Minuano? good idea, wonder why i havent came up with it yet.
Is it worth joining the PettanCo guild? Is it any active?
yea go ahead and make those tits flat, go ahead prove me wrong, I'll wait
This is wrong. I make tomboys all the time. It's pretty easy to do.

Also it would probably be difficult to make a trap as all the men are pretty masculine. Though seeing the wizard they have for the awakening trailer I'm sure it can't be impossible to make a trap if you try hard enough.
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They often bully new members, they suffer from extreme elitism despite being quite bad themselves, autistic rules like no smiles and such(they will instantly kick you if you make an emote, except for a few emotes that's "ok" somehow)
And as far as I know it's quite dead.
Will there be any Halloween event? I don't have a PC but I might be able to get one soon. I dont want to miss Halloween costumes.
Oh shit really? I'm pretty new to the game so I guess I won't be joining that one then lmao. Thanks anon
Holy shit, I'm level 40! I played a warrior before and compared to Musa, it doesn't even come close to this kind of entertainment.

Probably because of my Agerian set + Yuria


More of the look, less of the personality. More like Mitsurugi.
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I'm taking a break.
Is there any way to get better lighting in your residence? Even if I got a chandelier and open the windows my house is still dark as fuck and I can't get any good shots.
This is why there was another EU guild, but rip that guild
The autumn colors are a nice touch. Someone with a good PC post a ss.
Cool story bro but unfortunately it's not even remotely close to the truth.
You need pearl shop only chandeliers with white light.
spotted the beta
everyone around that circle knows its true tho
Wrong again.
damage control
>hides in spoilers
^my impression of you in the form of a reply :)
Wait, what circle?
this this this
>tfw there won't be a comfy /vg/ EU guild that's not ERP focused.
I'm thinking about playing the game again, but without a good guild the game is just too boring.
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Some anon rubbed his nuts off while I was AFK fishing apparently, no erp involved (not my thing). Also I was not aware I'm part of some 'circle' or something, anyone care to explain this to me?
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> Also I was not aware I'm part of some 'circle' or something
>admits to having no friends
>can barely comprehend the concept he has to ask 4chan what one plural term for them is called
>Some anon rubbed his nuts off while I was AFK fishing apparently, no erp involved (not my thing)
sounds like a betacuck to me, how fucking pathetic
So... when's Valk awakening?

>Valk gets a lance but still does swinging motions, she doesn't even have any skills that are mainly pokes.
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Pretty sure this is going to be my last post. of the day

Heidel, or Calpheon?
I know shitposting is your way of dealing with crushing loneliness and depression, we all go through it but can you please tone it a down a bit.

Not my place to judge really. I was AFK fishing and the anon may have rubbed himself off, or not. I don't really care.
Where do I unsubscribe from this fat lipped whore's blog?
Don't act like you don't enjoy that kind of thing. You probably wish you could have been there to actively encourage him.
muscle granny is a fixture of this community. It just wouldn't be the same with out her
>posting details from a private conversations
For what reason
Anon pls.

see >>157272040

post sliders / character preset plez
Better than mine.
Don't be shy and embrace it, encourage your harem.
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holy shit there are people in the arena for once
This amazes me that an average player would have duos / tris. I play intermittently which may be why but I find it confusing with all the upgrading, failstacks and all that shit.
You are overestimating what kind of gear the average person has.
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How does everyone's waifus look like?
Yeah he is, by quite a bit.
>How does everyone's waifus look like?

Try again in English.
Found the bullying Pettanco member.
Its one of the two original gender that older ppl used to describe their sexual preferences.

It was phased out for the 67 genders Act of 2008.
I can't make my waifu in this game because there's no fisticuffs class for females
I would kill Trump to get Berserker in it's entirety as a female. Both the double axes and the armcannon punching explosions awakening gameplay as well as the being a 12 foot tall giant aspect.
The dark elf class will be my only hope for playing as a musclegirl. I don't even want to be thick either, just muscular.
I have a contract for an artisan rank human worker in altinova. I've only been over there a single time to look for something on the market and I haven't linked nodes out that way yet. Is there any way for me to activate the contract to get the worker then transfer him to heidel or something?
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are the servers shitting themselves or is it just my toaster
Whats the boss equipment priority for berserker?
Dandelion > bhegs/hebe/etc > kutum > red nose > kzarka?
bheg > kzarka > dandelion > khutum > everything else
Why kzarka though?
I had to delete all big axe skills in favour of iron buster skills.
because the accuracy of the main hand weapon is transferred to your awakening weapon.
You're my waifu.
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If I buy item that says brand in it will it work normally?
Wow, don't tease me like that anon.
I would kill trump too
also half ap

Yeah, in Korea. Here you don't get shit yet.
Don't spread misinformation. It's a very simple thing to verify, use your awakening with and without your main hand weapon and note the damage.
>states something
>t-try it yourself
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Is tamer going to be the next awakening released?
That's the fastest way to verify it; by doing it yourself you fucking mongoloid.
Everything seems kind of funked right now.
I want to be excited for tamer awakening but I fell in love with the pet and the feral aspect part of the class. I don't really want to move away from that but I've also been hoping for a game other than Skyforge that can let me play staff monks. I don't want to choose.
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>tfw you make your waifu have tired eyes and people still call her cute
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I haven't invested a single skill point into that pet. I can't stand how it just teleports around when you decide to move on. Besides the synergies with a few attacks and the increased aggro cap, I really have no reason to summon it.
I think you really made the character fit that armor you're using or the other way around anyhow GOOD work I like it
He's not the best and it would be nice if he got some more damage, but it's really fun to use him and I always summon him when I start fighting stuff. He tanks bosses or enemies that are higher level than me since he has a ton of hp which is always nice. The sound he makes when hitting thing sounds really satisfying to me as well. It's also just cool to watch him maul the everloving shit out of someone after he knocks them down or we both maul the shit out of someone with our claw attacks.
I wish he was permanent or lasted a lot longer than 10 minutes so I didn't have to always worry about when he's going to randomly disappear when I turn around even if I can just summon him again. It makes me feel a lot safer when grinding to have him there to have my back. Truly a man's best friend.
Thanks. I just bought the outfit off the market on a whim, didn't adjust for it. I wish it had 2 leggings, but the stocking from the free underwear helped.
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So it seems they overhauled the tutorial section. They added 60% more tutorial that shows you every button you need to press instead of just a few. There's no longer the "You wake up. There is a man staring at you, go talk to him" thing and it's replaced with a tutorial quest chain and these massive walls of text instead of splitting up the dialogue.
Thank god I started up just a few days ago, that sounds boring as hell.
>7 day value pack
>7 day mervs
>10 1hr buffs
>2 GM boxes
>100% exp buff
People can complain all they want but you wouldn't get this from the likes of Blizzard. Extended downtime in always WoW results in a middle finger.
It's still good as a tutorial for brand new players of course. It's only a small bit longer.
It always amazes me when people complain about free things. And its not even like there is a sub for the game either, the fuck are people bitching for.

People are greedy. It's not necessarily a bad thing, it drives us to succeed. It's inherent in our nature, and can be obnoxious.
I just wish I could get something from those lucky boxes other than stones. Free is free though.
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Join Sardine if you want your kzarka weapons!
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Is there any other purpose to join?

Would I even be let in?
Congrats friendo
Is it a bad idea to connect far away nodes to Heidel just so I can have all my items and workers in one storage?
There's guild perks like +gathering and +ap and of course you will be let in!
Guild passives. Sardine has +2 to gathering. You get paid for being in a guild. You get to chat with jerkoffs, I mean lovely ladies.
That's what I do. It's probably not optimal or something, but fuck it.
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Sounds generally good, where do I sign up?

I might ignore chat if I'm busy doing quests and such.
Just message one of the people in the guild pastebin http://pastebin.com/9ctV1ig8
My friends stopped playing and I'm on Orwen. Should I just tough it out and restart on Edan? Sort of sucks that I would lose out on the login rewards, but it might be better to do it earlier than later.
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You'd still get, what, 13 days? not the worst. horse is in there and some inventory spaces
They've got constant events going on for players to catch up quickly, there is sure to be another right after this one. Unless you were really far it doesn't matter. The thing that might suck most is energy/cp.
here we see again how orwen has no merit on its own
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I suppose that's true, I was just hoping I could get the underwear.

I don't really know how far is really far, but this is all I did over the last couple weeks playing on and off. I figured I would pose the question before I started actually grinding a bit more.
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>Log in
>Missing one piece of armor
Anyone have idea what I could have done? It's not in warehouse or for sale, and it can't be sold on NPC.
That's not really much, you'll get that just leveling normally. It's when you hit 200 in each that you've done some real grinding.
Sup /bdog/. I played the BDO beta and it was pretty good. I thought this was f2p but it seems like in EU it's b2p. Cheapest pack is 30€. Is it worth it when you don't have a lot of time to play the game? Is there some timed shit that could run out?
I found a ray.
25 active members and several new people joined recently.
Actually scratch that, it's 36 since the entire guild logged in once at least a day ago.
i dunno are you
I'm hoping that i'm not.
Nope, no new underwear for Tamer. Probably holding it back for her Awakening, which is next.
Tamer already had most of the underwear that was 'new' for all the other classes this patch, I don't see the problem.
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You have 10 seconds to explain why no other underwear has asses like Le Vladians.
That depends, what do you even mean?
post elf boys
"elf" boys
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That's pretty good.
Musket wielding male ranger when
we got free shackles and free shadow explosion
where free damage???
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Honestly I'd prefer a dual-wielding elf class, kinda like warrior from TERA
Elves and muskets don't mix very well imo
But dual-wielding is a meme though
But I love memes.
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Here's one, fresh off the grill.
When are you joining sardine?
I'm already inside.
why does that sword look like a streak in someone's underwear

and dude elves should be like sages or druids or somethin', a fashionable support caster
Server merge when? I just want to join a non-normalfag guild.
Im on Croxus.
pls respond
I like my elves on the offensive side
There's always the RU version which is free
Maybe there's an english patch for it somewhere
Nice waifu. Looks a lot better than milf sorc

i got u senpai
thank fuck, i thought i was lagging behind by miles

i'm a soon to be lvl 56 awakened ranger with an ap of 98 pls kill me
What guild you lot in? I want to join one thats chill but also banter and active for the most part.

Check the guild pastebin in the OP, i don't update it for giggles
Sounds gay. I just wanna know if there's some things in the EU version that are timed. Like "premium account" time or something.
You can buy those few "premium account" benefits for ingame cash and it's also regularly given away for free
How do I get the motivation to play the game again? Been gone for a while now so I've missed out so much freebie and good stuff which really makes me feel less motivated.

And there's not any good guilds I can find either....but I like the game but all this is killing my motivation.

play smth else and realize how shit both games are, pick the one u like better
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>Generic Musa Face
hey guys ^^ post funny charachters u have created!!
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u first
little men
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This is bad.

I've been trying to save money to gear up my main, got about 60-70m now. I just saw the new Halloween outfits for females.

At this rate, I'm gonna blow all of this silver buying at least 3 sets of those.

How do I stop myself?
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>list something on the market on accident
>once an item is registered it can't be canceled for 5 minutes
>wait 7 minutes
>once an item is registered it can't be canceled for 5 minutes
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>item gets put up
>once an item is registered it can't be canceled for 5 minutes
>item gets bought

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muh velia
how do you know we're even going to get those?
We got the sailor outfits for summer a week after korea got them. They're not going to let halloween pass by without an event.
How does a friendly Cunt poster go about joining sardine?

Blow your 60 mill on Necklaces and hope for at least one Ogre
The way anyone else does
sweet, goat hooker costume for my kunoichi
yeah that costume is lit
>that succubus outfit
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not again
Is there any cheap armor to use as FS fodder similar to militia weapons?
Yes pls.
reblath sold in velia
Reminder that we wont get koreas halloween costumes because they aren't lore friendly enough to be appropriate for our version.
What's the point of using a low karma alt for enhancement?
So when it hits +15 you can break it and send it back down to +14.
How does that work?
When you have negative karma and die your stuff can lose it's enhancement level and drop down.
New bread when?
reminder that korean mmos add less and less lore friendly costumes as the game's life goes on
Thank you. That's great information.
Is there a chart for armor upgrades similar to the one floating around for weapon upgrades? Showing success rate, effect of failstacks and max failstack application?
Please share.
I've heard (but never tested) that gear only downgrades when you no longer have grms in your weapon/armor

And also heard that there's no gear downgrades in the desert. But don't go test it then come back yelling at me about you losing a tet kzarka
The hell is a grm?
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