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/bdog/ Black Desert Online General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 763
Thread images: 162

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Grind Buddies Edition

New awakenings every two weeks

Korean gobbly-gook:

>What is BDO?

Black Desert Online is an MMORPG by Pearl Abyss that was recently released for western audiences, with additional changes. It features action-oriented combat, open world PVP territory control, player housing, and more.

Info from the site: http://i.imgur.com/r7VvB6h.png (embed)

>I heard it's P2W

Lots of paid convenience features; and some cash shop items are able to be sold to other players on the marketplace, but maximum price caps restrict making unreasonable bank from them.

https://discord.gg/0vYcIJNhxt5cd4pK (join at your own risk)

>/bdog/ guilds
http://pastebin.com/9ctV1ig8 (embed)
http://pastebin.com/VH3XrCYb (embed)

>Maps and nodes


>Useful Links
Wiki: http://www.blackdeserttome.com/wiki/BDO_Tome
Database: http://bddatabase.net/us/
Skill Calculator: http://www.blackdeserttome.com/calculator
Class Armor Sets: http://wodox.imgur.com/
Else: Google it before posting

>BDO KR/JP info + differences between NA/EU
http://pastebin.com/P2YqnsCX (embed)
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hate harpies
I was just doing it but thanks for taking the initiative I guess

Previous thread: >>154938130

Ongoing login events. Remember to grab your daily beers from the loyalty shop.
Fuck that boss. Die every time.
>stop grouping up with people for scrolls
>no longer wasting my time for almost no loot
wew lad 80% of the crap is your own black spirit reward, yet you waste 80% of the time waiting for chump change

fuck dat
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idk dude
Ah. Reading comprehension. You've a point indeed.
its mostly for low geared who cant solo the bosses yet, it goes faster for them in a group
Same. I made the mistake of going with gems the first time I fought her.

Yeah, I've never bothered trying to find a group for it. I just steamroll them with a friend these days.
It's one of the only reasons to group with people in this solo mmo.
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Just started playing and my keybinds aren't being saved. Anyone know how to fix this?
make sure to log out fully, dont alt f4

also alts have seperate keybinds

One of them is running for president, and likely to win as well.
most people who play this game have something wrong with them, I dont blame him for not wanting to group
I do. I've checked the folders and there's no gameVariable.xml at all either, so I guess the game just doesn't bother to make a file.

Can anyone upload their files so I can just slap it in and see if it stays?
Behr has the comfiest music.
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>likely to win
Don't pretend it'll be a fair election. She'll rig it and steal it.
black desert online
How do you make money in this game quickly without investing half a year into it.
Nice, that's really cool. First good post in this thread.
Some guy just made over 1 billion in a few hours by just buying basilisk belts and crescent rings and upgrading them to pri/duo then reselling them.
Yeah so shove some horseshoes up your ass and you might have that kind of luck too.
Seems lucrative. Dont Pri Crescent Rings go for 400 mill?
How shit is your luck? I get duo pretty much every attempt with 20 stacks.
If its that easy how come not every retard does it
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>he doesn't get pen liverto with 23 stacks on every attempt
>23 stacks for PEN
lmao I bareback that shit 100% success rate baby
>Try to get 50 stacks
>End up getting Duo every time at 10 stacks
Why Daum
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I love the little details in this game
I bought the explorer's package and was wondering what pet i should claim? I realize dogs/birds/cats all have different traits?
whjat te fuck was that spoilee
________ _ ___[/spiler]
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I think it's:
Dogs = Detect hostile players
Birds = Detect elite enemies
Cats = Find resources
but that looks awful.

Out of all the little details you post this shit...
I disagree. Wind on a mountaintop is a nice detail and it's better than everything being static.
kinda surprised they added it, really
You're pretty damn good at those infinite loops
Yeah they could've gotten away without it but it does just add that little bit more even if it can look weird at times

thx, kinda got lucky with that one. Auto emotes can make it really difficult sometimes
Get a bird since they cost more
you will want 4 pets total anyway
Actually you want 8+ so you can get full t3 pets.
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Hair physics when?
4 level 10 pets should be enough to loot for you. Breeding randomizes their special ability so its a risk for a very low return on added loot speed. Maybe breed cats since that gathering ability is almost useless in practice, but dog, bird, penguin, maybe fox, just not worth gambling that ability away
>start fishing
>go to sleep
>wake up 4 hours later
>feel something is wrong
>cant go back to sleep
>get up
>disconnected from server
um there have been hair physics from day one
>quest to get wine for a catfish
>need trade apprentice 2 to buy it
>try to level trade by trading
>slow as fuck
>internet says to level it by selling fish
>start leveling fishing
>decide to make rods
>set up fishing rod production
>get make a raft quest
>build raft
>decide to build a fishing boat
>run across the map to the west coast
>buy shipyard 2
>move all my workers to different nodes to start getting flax and tin
>get production skills for heating
>pick up farming quest along the way
>try to breed wheat seeds

Fucking catfishman
wtf how do you get multiple kzarkas? (orwen) the second channel i switch to is always dead by the time i get there, why cant people all start on a specific number then switch so we can get both?

What are the fastest and slowest channels?
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nigga they're talking about hair physics
Weird, it's not working for me. Do I have to enable something or what?
Might be a high end mode thing.
I have everything maxed, time to google it I guess!
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damnnigga aint that some shit
If you're expecting hair to be flapping about all the time then it doesn't work that way. You'll notice it when jumping/running, on mountains like >>155229467 and >>155232818
shows and also on the ocean.
Oooh that makes sense, I was hoping for full hair physics thingy like the new Tomb Raider etc.
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Who brown /fit/ waifu here
It'd be nice but there's not a chance
Have a pale /fit/ waifu. Maybe I should make a brown /fit/ maehva or valk.
>short hair
good tastes anon
That's tanned at best.

Your heart's in the right place though.
This is the hell I've found myself in, and I'm enjoying every moment of it. I'll be level 50 one day!
>grinding sausans main spot alone for over an hour
>looking in chat for more people all the while
>random guy comes out of nowhere and kills me
>obviously overgears me nothing I can do
>run back to continue grinding
>kills me again
>this goes on for 10minutes
>he finally tells me I'm "griefing" him ignoring "grind spot etiquette"
>he leaves

What the fuck is wrong with people? How the hell was I griefing HIM? Does he expect to just have a group grind spot all to himself or something?
Get a farm wagon and trade shit between Velia and Heidel, much faster than selling fish.
What the tits is "grind spot etiquette"
Who the fuck knows what kind of autistic shit people come up with these days.
What's with this random white square?
I fucking hate those people. He probably thinks that he won rights to the spot because he killed you when in reality he's a fucking moron.
I'm really glad they upped the consequences for people who want to be assholes. Jail should extend to the entire world though. If you wanna be top dog you better be able to back it up or get a time out.
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>be officer in medium sized guild
>start up a sausans guild quest
>one of our members kills a single person for the main rotation so we can get it done sooner
>single person was an officer in a top 10 guild
>they declare a gvg
>10 of them show up within a minute
>spawn camp all 4 of us doing the quest
>ask them why
>"grind spot etiquette"
It happens.
It's a texture glitch.

Are you retarded? Where the fuck did I say that?
You were in the wrong dude.
Then if you die why wouldn't you leave?
>i was here first
>i deserve to be here
>i need exp
>why dont you share


What the fuck are you even talking about? Why would you leave if you die? There are no rules, anyone can go wherever they want.
oh look it's the hypocrite
>anyone can go wherever they want.
Why are you so retarded?
>there's no reason to get mad about getting pushed out of a farm spot. If anything it just informs you that you need to work on upping your gear, practicing pvp

Basically the how to be a cuck guide.
Nice try kid.
I don't see what's funny.
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Jordine, not online atm.
>reading comprehension
Thank fuck school has started up again.
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Do you have a home channel?
>4) Once you have a rotation, sometimes people will try to push you out. You have a few options. A. Leave. This can mean head for a different rotation or CC.

What is "CC"?
Show a close up of your characters face in the creator.
change channel i assume
What the fuck is a rotation?
Ah, makes sense. Thought it meant "crowd control" and was wondering how that would help.
it means "change his condom" so he can keep fucking you
A rotation is just a route that people follow around a grindspot
>D. Fight them. If you choose to fight them and lose a few times without killing them, it's considered good form to concede the spot. Same with if they flag on you and kill you a few times. After that you're karma bombing, aka feeding deaths to try to force them into negative karma. Again, this is kind of a dick move, especially if you're guildless or undeccable. If you try to do this, expect them to start just griefing mobs, and to generally not like you when they see you in the future.

Oh gee that would really suck if the asshole that tried to steal my spot doesn't like me in the future. Shucks.
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Nope, I just pick a channel randomly.

For science?
what else can you expect from redditcucks?
PettanCo or Sardine?

Join PettanCo if you're guildless dude
I just don't see how you can be expected to upgrade your gear and shit if you don't farm.
Yah, I could go to another worse spot but then that guy that is now farming the good one is getting even further ahead...
life skills :)
He's not sardine 'cause sardine wouldn't take him
milf sorc is too perfect for sardine
Lmao listen to yourself. "I'm not winning if somebody isn't losing." You goddamn cancerous fuck.
I wonder.
More like Sardine is ded
So then If I get killed while I'm farming a spot and that guy takes it over I should just go "welp he wins and I lose I guess"?
Yes, that is also true.

Yeah? There are tons of mobs in areas other than the main spot too.
So I go and grind a lesser spot and always stay behind? Sounds like a good plan thanks.
Yeah, exactly. Blasted competitivecucks, always making things difficult.
shouldn't have attacked him
>lips so small they are not fit to suck cock
but they were made for your cock
she's literally asking for it
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>fail pri enough times in a row to get 30 failstacks
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The grind is real, having the slowest grinding class in game is true suffering. But thank you 100% exp weekends.

Also got 3 boss pieces to get to +15 before my awakening comes out.

thats not even how you claim a spot. The way you take over a spot legitimately is to just kill everything so fast they dont get any exp.

The moment you pk someone you give up all rights to civilized behavior. They can do whatever they want to you and its justifiable.
This desu

If you want me gone then out-grind me.
well if you insist
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You should totally choose a home channel so I could stalk you easy. I wanna blow my load on your character live.
fucking LEWD but I want to do it too
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Yes. It would be extremely pleasurable.
>there are people who dont play only on calpheon E2
I'm in an 80 person guild but I think we have less than 10 actually active
Is there a server most of you guys are on or is it pretty spread?
Jordine EU
Edan NA

if you're on NA play on edan, it's still well populated while orwen is dying and uno is dead
Many thanks friends.
They're not mutually exclusive really if it's a conditional instead of recounting a past event
You're not making any sense.
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Sword grandma, y/n?
Reminds me of Archer's mom
Sardine would not take him if they were alive and had the chance vs sardine did not take him
Or he never wanted to join them in the first place
Possibly but that's besides my point
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What happened to the lewd fit slut
Gonna need more to go on than that.
>be 58
>get .002% per mob
>activate daily 200% boost
>milk tea
>party elixir
>it's night
>.002% per mob

xp boosts are a meme.
Fishing on a boat is so cozy. Its like archeage fishing.

When are they going to make an mmo just about waifus and fishing?
BDO is pretty much that
maybe you now get 0.0025 instead of 0.0020
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>dood just pay $20 to save an equipment slot

I'm over this game, what's the next mmo cashgrab?
Bye bye
lmao@your life

try to make me leave with my 280DP and 240 AP
.t I spent hundreds of dollars on this gaem stop mak fun pls
Theres really not much thats worth using on you silly person. It doesnt work on embroiderd costumes, only the basic +1 ones, and most gem builds having one of the combat stat costumes would end up being redundant anyway since all the good gear has two slots.
Why would it be redundant? You use it with food so you save yourself an equipment slot, you dumby.
This, for like, any situation in any game really
>use zarka LS +3as/cs
>have full boss gear +1as/cs
>Use p2w Tailoring coupon +1as/cs
>all gem slots free for resistances now
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So a bhegs gloves just went up on special deals.
Nice of someone to share their boss drop like that.
Betting they're fucking pissed.
>5 attack and cast speed
>thinking you are done

need 5 crit chance movement speed and luck too for optimal farming speeds.
Ok convince me to get this game, is it really pay to win? i like minmaxing, will i have to put money into this shit even though i'd already be paying for the damn game? How is the endgame, what's there waiting for me?
No I've spent hundreds of euros.
>is it really pay to win?
Answered in the OP.

>will i have to put money into this shit even though i'd already be paying for the damn game?
You can get stuff from the in-game marketplace. You might want to put more money in but you don't have to.

>How is the endgame, what's there waiting for me?
Open the previous thread and do ctrl + f 'endgame'
I mean to what extent are these "Conveniences"
You need pets
Pets can be bought from the market from players

You need the value pack.
Value pack can be bought from the market from players

A costume is useful for the +10% exp gain if you are wanting to grind over the soft cap
It, too, can be bought from players

Things you may want that can not be bought from players.

1. Underwear. These give +1 luck and make you look sexy. You can gain +luck from gaining a bunch of titles, but it caps out at +3 i think, or maybe +4? I dont know, it takes a long time to get more than +2 luck from titles though. You can get luck from socketing crystals in your equipment so its not a huge deal but +1 stat you cant get otherwise. If you join fast you can get an underwear box from the current attendance event

2. Weight limit increase. Its really nice to have butyou dont need it. You will just need to have a mount and use it as portable storage as you farm/build houses near your farming spot and put chests (connects your house to the nearest cities main storage) in it

3. Costume tailoring token. Some costumes can be crafted in game but they take up equipment slots. TO put them in costume slots you need a tailoring coupon from the pearl shop. They cost less than full on cash shop costumes, but they cant be sold by players on the market to my knowledge. The tailored costumes really arent as good as the cash shop ones for most situations but if you like how one of them looks then cosmetically you might be upset.

4. Glassess/earrings/other accessories.
These provide small bonuses to your ability to gain mob knowledge. The practical effect is that it may take you a little longer to get your farming spot mob knowledge squared away. Once its done its done though so no lasting bonus and it wont matter for your leveling process since theres only a couple spots you want to make long term farming locations anyway (theres other stuff you have to do to really fine tune an area for long term farming). These items also get given in events sometimes

Thats really it. The big ones are pets which you can buy from players, and you get a free one when you buy the game i think. I cant remember if thats part of the lower cost package or not. Pets only cost around an hour or two worth of farming for cash at 50+, and you dont need them till then anyway. You will want 4 total.

There are a few utility items you might want. Name changes, skill respecs (skill points are infinite though so you will eventually have every skill if you really wanted to). Respecs are free untill 56, and as you level your first character you get two free day long respecs you can save for if you ever need them.

I wish i knew these things when i started because i did spend some money on this game, mostly on stuff i could have bought from other players. I now only buy things that can not be bought from players, and theres very few things like that.
Good info. There's also the free pet with the current attendance event too. So that's already 2 guaranteed pets including the free one with the game.
attendance event? so what i go to some town and they give me shit or what?
Unless it's too late for the pet, in which case disregard lmao

It's a window in your escape menu that looks like a calendar. You just click one of the boxes each day to claim the reward.
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>sorc 100% tied to the block and not the useless beyblade
luck is from pets/undies which is p2w

valk/warrior have super high crit from skills so you never run it.

MS is literally cucking 50% KD resistance so you dont use it.
Quick question, the appearance change with the value pack doesn't revert, right?

I didn't realize the merv pallete would revert, but in hindsight I should have seen that coming.
No, it doesn't
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Fancy. Here's a spider.
Merv reverts, but it saves your configuration which will reapply when you get another palette/value pack. Still not ideal, but better than I thought it'd end up being.
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Yeah, just turned on the value pack, glad it saved it.
I'm sorry your Heidel has been defiled by that horrible guild emblem.
I mentioned underwear, pets you can get from players, and using valk as an example is odd since valk has some of the most flexible crystal options since she uses cast speed which is helmet and not gloves
You CAN get 5 luck from titles, it just takes like 2000 of them google it
this still doesn't pass the point that the game is 120% p2w at this point even for pvp. Freeing a gem slot is massive.
A free gem slot is not "120% p2w".
A free slot? thats 1 fucking gem more than the other guy, that is by DEFINITION p2w
It's incredibly mild, like the rest of the p2w shit in the game. You'll still get wrecked by anyone that's simply better than you, and I'm not even talking about having better gear.
Ive seen like three different title bonus lists, all of them have different requirements and different max luck listed. I dont really know what to believe

The most useful costume for valk would be the +2movespeed one, which is nice, but everyone already outruns valk.
Almost all the time in game is doing pve stuff anyway, and valk is good at not getting ganked.

Between all the other equipment options and things and the fact that you are not even going to be able to switch into a costume on demand since you are going to want the cash shop one while pveing regardless of what you are doing, means that the kind of thing you propose would really only be for people doing dedicated pvp activities. And nobody would use a valk for that in the first place so this entire argument has been stupid from the start.
>that is by DEFINITION p2w
Thats not what pay2win means. Pay2win would be if you could just keep spending money to add more and more gem slots indeffinitly and someone who spend thousands to have a bunch of gem slots could lose to someone who spent a thousand extra for even more gem slots.

pay2win is when people fight with their bank accounts.

Besides the tailoring coupon will probably become sellable on the marketplace eventually. As soon as any craftible costume thats actually worth using it on comes out that would increase demand enough for them to see the dollar signs as whales flock to sell the new hot ticket.
Halloween stuff when
At halloween maybe?
Should I buy it or just play a private server if I want to game just to fiddle with character costumization?
I think you can make that decision yourself.
>but it's 1 gem slots!

>artisan for 50 cents each= 1.5m for free ((base is 750k)x3=2250k)

>tears to save time for runnign back to boss for better loot.

>inv slots + weight for more cash gaining

>selling 5 p2w shit items for straight silver

>skill add on changer 30 days for free pvp to pve switching

>brand stones for longer lasting weapons and armor

>maids that deposit 100LT per 20 mins with no cap

>buy 24 maids put your 12 equipment items in, switch characters repair, switch back and pull out equipment again to almost complete negate going back and forth for repairs.

b-but silver and better cash gains don't get you better then the other person!
Is there any private server?
Which one do you /vg/s play?
>The most useful costume for valk would be the +2movespeed one, which is nice, but everyone already outruns valk.
Almost all the time in game is doing pve stuff anyway, and valk is good at not getting ganked.

Clearly shows you don't know how to play valk nor fought a good one. All the good valks I know use the 1as/cs because that frees up a gem slot so now you can either run agility gem or black magic crystal of armor. getting MS like you said on a valk is 100% trash.

>no one would use valk for pvp anyways!
wew, not even sure why I'm replying to such obvious bait anymore desu.
Like I said, these are all mild as fuck. Nice try tho.
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Just hanging out at the base of this tower That I accidentally fell off of
>all 9 options separate are mild!
>Let me not think of someone doing all 9 to minmax
let me just tell you if you think it's mild it isn't. Got someone in guild who is full Tet boss gear with tri ogre and duo cresents and whale earrings and duo basilisk belt because he could minmax p2w options in this game.

The kicker is he plays fucking 3 hours a day but p2w to the max.
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>24 maids

You got me. I typed a huge reply and then got to this and realized you weren't serious about any of this.
>I-I know a guy that paid to win
So why don't you do so as well?
Even if that guy existed, he is still going to get stomped by people that are better than him and people that have put more time into the game.
>can believe someone will dump $75 a week/$300 a month
>can't believe someone won't dump $288 for 24 maids.
I'm unsure what to think of your reply.
>tears to save time for runnign back to boss for better loot.
>implying they didn't make the loots completely unrelated to damage
>selling 5 p2w shit items for straight silver
>spending 300 every week for a mere 80m
>skill add on changer 30 days for free pvp to pve switching
>not having enough skillpoints to max everything
>maids that deposit 100LT per 20 mins with no cap
>not having a 1000lt wagon
>buy 24 maids put your 12 equipment items in, switch characters repair, switch back and pull out equipment again to almost complete negate going back and forth for repairs.
>just buy 250shekels worth of cash items to negate a 120seconds trip
>i-its a skill base game!
>That awaken warrior with 220+ap can one shot me! I guess I'm just not that skilled yet.
Is this bait? you obviously don't know this game is Gear>level>skill based.
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>skill add on changer 30 days for free pvp to pve switching
>>>>>>>>not having enough skillpoints to max everything

>not knowing what a skill add on is

Couldn't read the rest because I know you don't play this game.
Opinion discarded.
As long as you have Bheg's and are reasonably leveled, you can kill any level 60s you want.
If you're on an even playing field then yes, it is skill based. I never said otherwise. There are people in this game that don't have a clue how to counter certain classes and that comes down to skill whether you want to believe it or not.

Think before you start typing next time.
Hur I forgot I read he said gear was most important. OH WAIT I JUST LISTED GEAR in my opinion sorry I was a retard guys.
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>skill add on
>only one viable option
>reading comprehension
>Clearly shows
The things you are tying are unrelated to what you quoted.

1cs isnt going to matter to your crystal setup unless you are already in full boss gear in which case pvp is irrelevant as its just resist dice throwing untill someone gets CCd, and gearing and crystaling for pvp is a bad idea since its going to be gimping what you do the vast majority of the time playing.

Valk has the worst movement of any class and needs 5 movespeed, 5 cast speed, and 5 luck. This is what valk needs to farm optimally, and the game is about farming.
Just got the game managed to make it to 28 in four hours, take it grinding to 50 is easy but the gear grind is bad?
Games fucking beautiful and fun. And wizard feels all too good blowing up massive tons of shit with ease.
>even playing field
>in a kroean mmorpg where gear blows up
you will never ever have a true even playing field. One person will always have better RNG on their gear upgrades and have more stats.

Good try though. but put it this way since your dense. but two people on even skill level, both players know the RNG upgrade system in this game is super unfair. one has full tri with full duo accessories other is full duo with pri accessories. which will win?
None of those things you mentioned are helping him as much as playing 10 hours a day and not being a filthy casual would.

And the total potential gear cap is such that being a non casual who is also a whale wouldnt really help you that much because you can get maximum effective gear either way.

Meanwhile by playing casually he has less skill points than the nolifer. So hes still behind.

What you have just said is that paying to be second class but still pretty good is pay2win.
>the game is about farming.
Then why isn't 99% of the player base playing rangers then? Oh wait the game is about the fun PvP not the dreadful PvE.
>needing 1.4k+ skill points when you can one hit someone with 1 skill.
Stop cherrypicking too. It's pathetic desu.
Someone might but it gives them no real benefit since the time it would take to unequip all your gear, call each maid individually, change character, repair, and get all your gear back, is way more time than it would take to just active move speed option to the nearest smith and back.

The brand stones are the only thing that can be argued to be pay2win right now, and only for afk fishers.

Id like to see everything in the cash shop sellable on the market place, but there is a difference between the cash shop offering some degree of advantage that can be overcome fairly easily, and pay2win. pay2win implies direct money wars.

Examples of pay2win are games like the cash grab publishing house mmos where you spend thousands to make one bis item. There is no way to compete with out paying hundreds a month minimum.

If the payment for advantage is effectively capped then its not really pay2win, because you cant just keep paying untill you have won.
Hes gonna pay to change his 20 pve AP into 10 pvp AP every time someone flags near him. That will make him win every time.
>why arent 99% of the players playing the best pvp class?
>because the games about pvp of course! :^)

When you are hardcore mmo player of the old school, you dont care about class balance so much because you are grinding to be good for your class. You only have to be good relative to your class to gain epeen. There is no epeen in simply choosing the fotm class. Its about showing off, not winning.
>have 2 nodes + siege or jsut a single siege a week
>spend 2-6 mem frags to change skill add ons each week to have the best of both worlds
>8-24 a month lost
>add in the fast that p2w faggot is making that 8-24 actually equal to 24-72
It smooths you through to 50 pretty much. Doing anything active gives xp, you just roll with it. Buy yourself some half-decent gear off of the marketplace and have fun.
>wow one very critical thing defeats my argument!
>please stop it.
You would be better spent selling those memory fragments and putting it towards upgrading your gear more.

Dont change your addons, the exception being one time when you get class awakening since you will probably be switching up your most used base weapon skills at that point, and even totally respecing out of your commonly used spam skills perhaps.

>one shotting someone with one skill when you could be one shotting several people with several skills

Best case you are still arguing pay2parity
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bought a staff that was insanely cheap but did more damage then the more expensive one, something styd staff, 28-32 if i remember, take it it upgrades shittilty or something? was only like 10k.
There's a quest to get a Styd weapon from the black spirit, but yeah, it's strong for now and upgrades poorly.
I'm not keen on what is best for witches, but I got my witch a blue Yuria staff and upped it to +7 myself since I'm lucky with upgrade stones and they're giving them out like candy lately.

I think Liverto is the go-to choice for early endgame, so if you can snag one of those cheap go for it.
Thanks for the tip, ill probably run with this staff till i hoard upgrade mats then go for a good one. Made a mistake and sold my black stone things without knowing what they where, netted 6 mil and i can probably buy em back but eh got em for free.
It's not really a mistake, since they're giving out the bags of 5 armor/weapon stones multiple times for the daily check-in event. Early money is important.
the cost of liverto is how costly it is to upgrade. Dont buy a base one as a newbie, thats a big mistake. If you are totally new maybe aim for a +15/pri yuria or something. as your first goal

Then +15 ultimate for all your armor slots
Then basic good jewelry
Then aim for a tri liverto
also sell all your blackstones. There is no reason to try and upgrade your own stuff. By the time you can ignore this advice you will know it and the cost of the stones themselves will be minor compared to everything else you need. Much better to try and get your farming gear togeather by selling the stones/shards/relics/books you get
Maybe hang on to memory fragments.
So just sell all the blackstones to goys and straightup by a 10+ weapon? take it the yellow rarity is what i should aim for with boost to human damage for pvp or some shit.
>sell the mem frags to upgrade your gear!
got 6 pieces of boss gear that all need mem frags for all of my gear
>don't change skill addons either suffer in pvp or pve forever till awakening which the same thing will happen in.

I just don't think people understand how p2w artisan memories are. got boss gear? it will repair 3 per repair. oh you don't? just a liverto? that's 6 per repair. oh wait you just use basic gear? that's 30 per repair.

Just letting anyone new to the game know it's literally one step away from max p2w. once they roll out RNG boss gear boxes it will be full blown p2w.
>artisan memories
This shit is easy to get with loyalties.

>once they roll out RNG boss gear boxes it will be full blown p2w.
There are plans for this? If so, citation needed. Otherwise you're just full of shit.
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Buy +15s at minimum, you can get by on the quest reward crap till then.

There is a good weapon you can rent for 50 contribution in calpheon. IM not sure if theres a level requirement to get it, but the black spirit sends you to the calpheon armor and weapon rental npcs at some point. At any rate its good enough for the first level 50 farming spots in the west parts of the map

Sell the mem frags and buy upgraded gear.

tripple mem frag repair included you are still going to be spending outrages amounts of silver trying to build failstacks per attempt.

You can pretty easily get tri non boss armor/liverto/offhand of choice, and good jewelry with out ever playing the korean gamble jew

Thats all you need to farm anywhere. So start farming. Its only 2bil for that tet tree spirit armor. I made 250mil for a tri liverto in a couple of weeks using shit gear as a new player.

You dont even need past tri to be honest. Tet is for showing off, it doesnt even increase stats as much as going from duo to tri did.
They were, yeah
>easy with loyalties! I mean it's one every 4 days!
>please don't pay attention someone can dump a small $0.50 in the game to get the same thing and at no cap so he can get 100 per week if he wants.

>need citation
>guys we need a citation that this game won't go p2w!
>I mean they said we wouldn't be able to sell cash shop items to the market at launch but now we can!
You want a good citation? They said everything in KR will eventually be added in NA. so far so true.
>if he wants
why would I care what others do?

you dont.... actually play this game for the pvp do you....?
what are you so bitter about, so some fag can waste money repairing his equipment faster, doesnt really affect anyone else playing
Is it possible to cancel a worker registration once they're listed on the exchange?
artisan's memory
Not him but it ruins the game for me to think that instead of grinding for 10 hours I could have just opened my wallet and paid an hour's salary. Every single thing in this game down to horse breeding and fishing has a bunch of overpriced cash shop advantages and it sucks. No doubt the game is dying, just look at how inactive /bdog/ is nowadays, pretty sure it has less players than Tera at this point.
>playing a mmorpg to solo in it
Holy shit
Also it effects PvP and PvE. If your playing on some dead server yeah yoy probably don't even know what PvPING for a grind spot is. But there are so many people on my server and so few grind spots you literally have to pvp every hour or two to keep it from new people strolling in. And it's worse on weekends.

So why do I care about all these p2w and shit and the same with repairing is they get a unrelistic faster advancement.
I can't even take this serious. There is literally no meaningful or thoughtful PvE in this game.
that's your own definition buddy, not "the definition"
P2w for me is literally anything that helps you progress faster in game if someone who doesn't pay can't get. Even if it's .1% exp I consider it p2w. So literally everything in cash is p2w to max for me.
yeah it's bullshit and I'm surprised so many people are desperate to defend it

I guess most of the reasonable people already dropped the game, when Revelation comes out this game will be even deader
If that's your definition of P2W you're fucking clueless.

Go check out literally any game published by Aeria if you want to see the kind of shit that coined the term "pay to win." What BDO has is baby-tier compared to true P2W. This is the direction the market is going in. Deal with it or stop playing MMOs which lack a subscription.
But BDO already has an ESO-tier premium subscription (value pack)
You might as well change your definition to just anything with a cash shop then.
The value pack which is listed on the market by the dozens per day and costs pocket change. If you don't have the value pack buff it's your own fault. I'd think differently if it was never listed but it's by far the most popular pearl shop item to be thrown on the market. Stop whining about nothing.
>dozens per day
Is that shill for it almost never gets listed and you have to camp at the marketplace for hours to even have a chance?
>Is that shill for it almost never gets listed
Stop playing on a dead server. I'm on Orwen which isn't even the most populated NA server and there have been nearly a thousand packs listed on the market over the past two or three weeks.

>camp at the marketplace for hours
Thanks for confirming you're clueless.

ProTip: The market has a built-in warning function that alerts you with a non-intrusive popup window every time an item you want is registered on the market. Try using it and stop being such a little bitch.
Value packs are gone instantly which is what I assume he meant, though.
You only need to grab one of them every 30 days. If you can't manage that then you need to get better at captchas and stop trying to buy them at peak server hours.
This game has the funnest pve ive played in years.

I think you are a butthurt casual whos mad other casuals can pay to get ahead of you and be competitive with the regular players.

This is not a useful definition because it turns every single slightly screwy cash shop into instant pay2win and just makes you look like some sensational hysterical faggot who uses hyperbole on everything.

There is a gap between a purely cosmetic cash shop, and pay2win, and this game sits firmly within that gap

>'m surprised so many people are desperate to defend it
The cash shop in this game is better than the cash shop in any mmo ive played with a cash shop with the exception of very early maple story which was purely cosmetic.

People calling this mmo pay2win just tells me they havnt played very many mmos.
If the pastebin guy is still around, would you mind changing the people asking for Pettan invites on Jordine to Billy, Syldexia/Kawahime or Ninmas since other people left.
Done and done.
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Is this some sort of secret love cave?
I had a hunch it was you before I even saw the picture.
Almost. It's for people like you to sit down, be admired and covered in cum.
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>tfw I grinded up to level 50 in 3 weeks after launch and havn't played this game since
Have they actually added a light at the end of the tunnel yet?
>end of the tunnel
This is your problem.

BDO is not that type of MMO. There is no end goal. The entire game is end-game. What you do at the start is what you'll be doing at the end. If you want a theme-park MMO go play something else.
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Does anyone have trial key for me
I really want to try this out before i buy it
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I gotta say looking through my screenshots folder is making me want to log in again
It's right next to Tarif too. This game has pretty deep lore.
Wait for the avatarfag, he has some left probably. So do I, but eh.
That's so far away.
>input security code 11
>please check security numbers and try again
>input security code 28
>item already sold

Fuck I hate this system.
I'm currently patching the game having not played since the first Mediah update.
What should I expect and will it be worth sinking another thousand hours into?
Only you can answer that.
expect disappointment and sadness.
If you didn't like it before you won't like it now.
cancer youtube but points were raised
He is so fucking obnoxious.
He's British, so of course he is.
>conveniently leaves out artisan memory
>pay to get more mileage out of shit you still have to collect yourself
Sure sounds like convenience to me.
Cool look. I love red. And black. Cute hairstyle, too.
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What the fuck is wrong with this game?

The texture pop-in is driving me insane, even with a GTX 1080 and i7 6770k.
god fuckign kill me
Why do people refer to the level cap as a hard and soft cap?

Isn't the level cap just... The cap?
Call it whatever you want, once you hit 55 it slows right down.
There is no cap. It's just the xp gains slow down so significantly that it acts effectively as a cap, even though there is none.
I imagine it's something they had to sacrifice for optimization.
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From hanging out in BnS general, we can kick up the thread if we get a few namefags running around talking about ERP'ing with each other, and just talk about any old off-topic thing we can think of!

That place is horrible
We've got avatarfags already but at least if they were trips we could filter them eh
and we have nepfag for the off-topic
>muh pristine ded threads
That's the best recipe to keep a /vg/ thread alive. That's how every other general handles it. Just look at /tesg/ or /xivg/ Or any general really.
tfw greasy nose
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more like greasy er'rythang
>BDO is not that type of MMO.

This desu. The type of MMO t is reminds me more of games like UO.
I keep trying to erp with milf sorc but she keeps ignoring my advances!
>install nude mod
>just makes me want to fap to my character doing arbitrary things naked while letting my imagination run wild on scenarios that could happen to her
>end up having to uninstall because no self control, and I really want to play the game
He loves that attention but will never respond to it. You're essentially giving him what he wants without him returning the favor.

He'll get bored and his character will fade into obscurity.
>He'll get bored and his character will fade into obscurity.

Such is the curse of EU.
is milf sorc the cyclops girl, like an alt?
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no she's(or he) not my alt, i dont have any characters on EU
>I uninstalled this game because I enjoyed it too much!
Just install it and fap until your dick is raw. It's what you want.
I meant I uninstalled the nude mod, I already fapped like 60 times over the weekend, I don't think its healthy and i'd rather not go to the hospital from rubbing my dick until a blood vessel explodes
I sure hope.
I jacked off 'till my dick bloated for the next 3 days but you get used to the lewd mods really, they don't even get me hard anymore unless I wear something covering for an extended time and then switch back to kibelius.
I don't mind them so much as long as it doesn't turn into a waifu circlejerk.
I'll keep doing it until she finally gives in!
It's not good manners to fake replies to your own character, anon!
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised he seems the type.
>Don't log into BDO since first month of release
>open client
>24 gig update
If that's what he wants he's better off going for skyrim and all the sexlab degeneracy.
That takes considerably more effort and frustration to get going.
Yeah but wandering around in full bondage gear and getting passed around by bandits, you can do some pretty fucked up shit.

I remember getting enslaved in Whiterun and getting raped by Belethors dog Bart.
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>want to get rough stones
>be noticed for marketplace sales
>the same guy is buying it for 6 hours straight

Well, back to mining I guess
it's not a "human" buying them
Would valks cry truly destroy this game?

Considering the cuntish nature of the black spirit and his RNG would 10 free stacks be that big a deal?
Not any more than stuff they are already selling.
it would ruin the game for pvpfags because you could p2w higher rng chances for gud gear
Yeah everyone talks about it as if it's the one true p2w thing but it just seems negligible to me considering how inconsistent failstacking can be.

I'll be interested to see if they do add it though since it's the one thing they blatantly stated as having no place in our version.
well it is pretty p2w, since building failstacks can be reallly expensive. especially when things go wrong and the item you are failstacking on decides to upgrade and you have to start the stack over again.
I have a Yuria at +13 atm (with a dozen failed enhances).
Is it better to rent the Kaia weapon from Calph's NPC (50 CP) or should I continue to +15 before trying to get the Liverto or even buying it for 9M?
I'm not saying it's not p2w I'm saying that people are acting like it's the one thing that will lead to huge amounts of +20 endgame gear. I'll believe it when I see it though it seems about as p2w as artisans memory is, to me anyway since repairing can be pretty expensive too.

Could even argue that artisans memory is more p2w since it has no rng.
It's more about how predatory it is. It's the kind of thing wallet warriors will just never stop buying until they lose their marriage falls apart and they lose their house thanks to their drained bank accounts.
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Scouting for bandits with my knight buddy after a long day of AFK fishing. How are you guys doing?
Derp why did I quote a random anon reeeee
today is pounding headache day for me, so mostly doing afk activities.
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What's his name?
Pretty good. On my way to try and get some muskan scrolls while I wait for that asshole Kzarka.
I dub thee, Viceroy Peter Filligree III
get it to +15. liverto weapons are expensive to repair. if you haven't yet, you could use a reform stone on it to make it ultimate version.
I'm nearly 59 with 201 ap, not really casual but ok.
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Ouch, try stretching a bit and taking a detox bath or something.

tfw too weak for worldbosses, godspeed though!

How much durability do memory fragments restore for fishing poles?
white = 10
green = 5
blue = 2
yellow = 1
It doesn't always follow that formula though. Figured rods may have been one of those special cases.
What does it not follow that formula on?
Has this happened
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why does anything with ap say shit like "79 - 88"
why not just a static number
Adds a layer of RNG to your damage. BDO is 99% RNG.
I haven't played in months so I searched for some private servers and found this http://ogrefest.org/index.php

did anyone here test it?
Private servers for games this dead are not for playing. They're for fucking around in and testing builds.
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Whoa. I don't think that's allowed.
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I like my character's face up close, but I think it looks weird from far away.
>install nude mod
>adds extra layer of immersion
Common character creation error in slider based 3d waifu simulators is being too close to ur waifu when making her face
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God damn this fov
Saw some videos and it looks great, especially with all the cash shop costumes available for free. Will switch when more english speakers do.
There is no reason to play this game if you arent committed to long term dedication
Yeah it's a nightmare. instant headache.
Zoom out, you'll get used to it
That's it zoomed out as far as it goes dude and there's no getting used to the sudden change when you first mount it. It's trash and I hope they change it soon.
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>be decently geared sorc with all tri armor
>warrior with 110 ap can still oneshot me with his 100%
Combat of who one shots first is very honorabu like samurai
samurai usually just one shot themselves.
Post comfy fishing spots.

Well shit, try fiddling with the fov slider.
Warrior awakening was a mistake
>alt tab
>hear giggling in the backround
>come back to character laughing and waving at the camera

the heck is that about
lock your doors, anon
There is no wagon fov slider. That's the problem.
THIGHS. milf sorc please I didn't need any more reasons to be attracted to you
If you hit ctrl + U or have screensaver activated in the settings, you character will start doing random emotes as long as you don't move.
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Goddamnit Korea.

Tarif @ Jordine/Valencia J2 if you want to stare at me AFK fishing. Good night.
>lowered the ab intensity
Prolly the lighting and angle
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>10 ap/dp lower than someone
>get completely wrecked
>10 ap/dp higher than someone
>completely wreck them

why is gear scaling so shit
>milf sorc finally responds with an invitation to get off to her while she's afk
a dream come true
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>my boyfriend just came in my slushe and made me drink it
the fuck is a hote
>no eyebrows
>tattoos everywhere
>armor not repaired to full
Kzarka = 106 ~ 110 (108)/+3
Rosar = 97 ~ 106 (101.5)/+2
Nouver = 37/0/0%
Kutum = 23/20/-10%

Kzarka/Nouver = 145/0/0%/+3
Rosar/Nouver = 138.5/0/-10%/+2
Kzarka/Kutum = 131/20/-10%/+3
Rosar/Kutum = 124.5/20/-20%/+2

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Kzarka = 106 ~ 110 (108)/+3
Rosar = 97 ~ 106 (101.5)/+2
Nouver = 37/0/+10%/0%
Kutum = 23/20/0%/-10%

Kzarka/Nouver = 145/0/+10%/0%/+3
Rosar/Nouver = 138.5/0/+10%/0%/+2
Kzarka/Kutum = 131/20/0%/-10%/+3
Rosar/Kutum = 124.5/20/0%/-20%/+2

Forgot to add the bonuses Nouver gives.

ap/dp/res/ignore res
It started raining.
So, how do I get into ERP. Seems fun.
cmon. go back to your devilish threads on /fit/.
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Not yet. I'm still waiting to explode all over his character with the burning passion of a thousand suns. Preferably from the back, and unexpected.
yeah it does that
Havent touched the game in like a year. Thinking of trying one of the new classes. What are some quick pros/cons of the ninja and blader
It has and it was amazing. all of my pent up lust for milf sorc exploding in one massive wave. I'm thinking of going back for more
Let me in on that shit. I got some needs to take care of.
read the spoiler some posts up in a post that was posted three and a half hours ago
I play BDO for the RP and the graphics

If you play for the PvP I feel bad for you
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>safe zone

Thanks anyway bro
why is a safe zone bad?
Take a guess, buddyboy.
where did i say anything about pvp?
its a game about timesinks and making numbers go up. pvp is at best a minigame you can do to show off how good your gear is.
why would you want to kill her?
jack off on her corpse, are you retarded?
Indeed. That sounds quite pleasurable.
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l-lewd. some death poses are really lewd so I can agree with this
If I wanted to do that I would play a game where you actually get cool new gear as a reward for grinding levels/income. Instead of a game where grinding only gives you an RNG chance at giving a slight stat improvement to the same boring gear.
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What is there to discuss?
Kzarka/nouver for pve
Kzarka/Kutum for pvp
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>cool new gear
Thats how casual games work.

Quality grinding games are all about massive time investment for a small increase.

This mmo really is a call back to the quality mmos of the late 90s. Thats why im still playing it. wow clones do not have good progression, they have practically no progression.
>have enough money to buy a full costume set
>advertise that i'm buying it for days
>nobody wants to sell me one

r8 vampire
I can't stop falling in love with the waifus posted in this thread.
L.lewd..tell me more
Cute if you think she is.
well, I dropped everything to switch regions, make a new character, and run across the world to meet her. I was horny the entire way there so I immediately started getting off as soon as I found her. I fapped long and hard until I finally came to her perfect body. just talking about it has me going again, so I'm going to go see her again
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Don't ever post here again. I'm serious.
It's not lewd. I'm just holding a grudge.
a grudge? what did she do to you?
And a ghillie with his characters' names on it.
fuck off, we don't want your kind
See >>155356517
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idk about other servers but orwen calph 2 tends to have a lot of it

pic is some random people I saw in velia while fishing
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>open erp
>Not open erping
Are you not confident?
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people get off to this?
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Softcore plebs
post chat logs
my heart
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why is that costume so annoying to dye?
>game closed while i was afk running somewhere

fuck its downtime again.i wanted to smelt
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What are the most optimal gems for melee classes to use for farming?
Depends on your class.
what a qt would subjugate shotas with
HP + Weight limit gems
Get crit rate and movement speed to 5
Get attack speed/cast speed to 5 (whichever your class benefits from)
Luck in offhand or HP + AP
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Someone give trial key blease
It has been like this since last patch. 1 energy per hour instead of 30mins. How am I expected to night vendor now?
Servers are down but here you go
just bought it 2 days ago gave my friends the other 2 passes, have fun friendo.
i suggest wizard, sweet fuck blowing errything up is satisfying
What do you guys do during maintenance?
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Thank you friendo :DDDD
Serves you right for exploiting a bug from day one.

I do the same shit I do while I'm playing. Read, study, music, podcasts, housework etc
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Do you really need to know?
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>read, study, homework
fucking nerd
Where the fuck did I say homework?
How often are maintenances? first one so just wanna know if im in for an anal rodeo of em.
Also games 10/10 so far world feels really nice.
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kek sorry i read housework as homework
my fault
Every Wednesday starting at the same time, usually 3-5 hours. Sometimes longer.
Can i make my waifu in this game?
Yes you can.
Can i also download others peoples waifu's so that i dont have to put the effort in myself
Yes you can. There's a thing in-game called the beauty album where you can browse presets people have uploaded and download them.
being non vanilla
Nice its free to get them right?
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who /downloading rn/ here

Will i be done before maintanance is over?
Has pop in been fixed yet?
no namefag
What/when's the next awakening?
Berserker next week.

> housework
> not having a maid

but buying 2D one is okay lol w/e :F
I hope you are not rolling on EU
Kek i didnt even notice i was using a name
was a mistake

i am EU ;)

If Wizards are allowed to become Chad like post Awakening then that'd be pretty sweet. Start out as an old man and find the secret of eternal youth.
Jordine is the main EU server, have fun
Servers are up again
>read about kuno tooltips being changed
>a month ago
>surely they fucking fixed it and put in the buffs like they was supposed to!

Nice hair.
nice waifu
Thanks :)
I really like you. Post more!
>buy desert camo
>get heatstroke more often than before

camo is a meme
>doesnt understand rng
rng-proofing means nothing in rng desert online
no shit retard, shouldnt waste your money
>reach 50
>do some mandatory quests
>level up a bit to 53
>start questioning my purpose in this game
>make alt
>repeat everything from before
>once again uncertain what my purpose is
Everyone says just be and do what you want to do and be but I legit can't find my purpose here. I tried 'making silver' through pve but i'm not moving an inch, what do guys? How can I feel fulfilling in this game?

I want to progress with my gear efficiently
>I tried 'making silver' through pve but i'm not moving an inch,

You should be able to make silver pretty decently at manes or something using rental stuff from calphion as a fresh 50.

Try lifeskills if you dont enjoy just becoming stronger. You got production empires to set up, houses to decorate, a whole network of islands to the north you can explore with a boat, and many post-50 pve areas as well youve not seen yet if you feel like doing that more.

Theres so much to do, its like several games in one.
grind sausans for mad cash
afk fish every night for relic shards
sell everything
buy good gear
obvious samefag your hooker some more
>sell relics
I was told to keep relics so I can get shards plus I have +11 grunil gear on my wiz and on my maehwa, +15 yuria on my maehwa and +11 liverto on my wiz

Which adds up to about 100AP and 100DP on both my characters but that's nothing even with 37m on my bank.

I honestly don't know how to maximize my 37m to get as much progress out of it, I was also told not to buy armor/weapon stones which is the one thing that prevents my from progressing. The lack of stones to stack fs.

>Try lifeskills if you dont enjoy just becoming stronger. You got production empires to set up, houses to decorate, a whole network of islands to the north you can explore with a boat, and many post-50 pve areas as well youve not seen yet if you feel like doing that more.

Those things are nice to do but it's only to kill time temporarily, at least to me.
>sell relics

you don't need em if you buy your gear pre-enchanted desu senpai
Like I said, I fucked up and have a +11 liverto weap on my wiz. I just want one of my characters to progress plus no one sells gear you can use as a checkpoint(Liverto Pri) it's always 150-300m weapons on the market which is too far away.
You can make more money selling memory frags if you do 5x scroll groups
that takes time you could be spending doing other money producing things however.

>kill time temporarily,
it takes a lot more time to dick around with life skills to make them all a meaningful level than it does to grind even to 60, and having high life skills is useful.
>it takes a lot more time to dick around with life skills to make them all a meaningful level than it does to grind even to 60, and having high life skills is useful.
You're right but but I want to progress ;-;
that is progress. being able to make shit you need on demand is useful down the line. having the resources just sitting around and the buildings and workers already to churn out some tools on demand because you need to do some high level gathering for alchemy ingredients to make some high level alchemy thing. Thats useful.

But sure if you dont have good enough gear to solo the daily bossess reliably yet then just go farm. Farming earns the fastest cash Manes and then elrics are good farming spots for newbies getting their gear togeather.
Nothing comes quick in this game. Your main source for blackstones will be daily scrolls.

Go to catfish or manshas and farm them. You'll get some half-decent income as well as the chance for relic shards and giath scrolls.
Sell that shit and get PRI Yuria and roll with it
>Nothing comes quick in this game. Your main source for blackstones will be daily scrolls.
True but even that takes a week since the standard is 5 scrolls at once.

So at 100AP/DP as a wiz or maehwa, I should go to manshas? I farmed there for quite a while yesterday and it didn't net me too much money even with 5 luck. Well I expected quite a few relic pieces but I only got 3 in 4 hours and no boss scrolls.

Is manshas still the best thing I can do while occassionally fighting some orcs?
Like I said in the part you quoted, nothing comes quick in this game. You can try manes like >>155374821 suggested but you might not find it as efficient as you like with your current AP/DP.
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When's the next pet sale, I want more birds
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The best place to farm in the vanilla 50 areas is probably skeletons since you can get witch earring drops. But basically your goal is to get to the newer content as fast as possible. I find manes the easiest post-release area to farm in, though elrics is more profitable, but a little more challenging.

Your goal for the time being should be assembling a basic set of crap.

Id reccomend trying to sell that liverto. Either get a pri yuria or just use the 50 contribution weapon you can get from calphion. You can get almost 100 ap with decent accessories and that weapon. Focus on getting coral jewelry since you can get the rings as pri for under a mil each, and the earrings for just a couple mil. Then maybe try to buy a duo baras necklace and a shultz belt.

After that you want to focus on getting your basic armor set of +15 ultimates of the armor combination you have decided on, and a +15 ultimate offhand. You can get these usualy for 15-20mil a piece. Just stick with non +d versions untill then (so you can resell the armor pieces, dont bother +5ing them), Once you have just one you should try manes, with 2 i was able to do elrics. Once you have all 4 you can basically do elrics half with out even paying much attention. At that point you try to upgrade your main weapon and offhand to a tri liverto (buy it straight up) and a tri offhand.

From there you can improve your jewelry more and basically you can farm wherever you want then your gears good enough.
I should say ive experienced two characters in two different ways.

One of them i went the early pri-yuria rout, and the other i just used the contribution weapons straight till i could afford a tri liverto. If i had to do it again, id do that again and skip the yuria. That contribution weapon is pretty good.

Also use energy on night vendor once you get 50 mil or so saved up if you dont have anything better to spend it on. Its basically ~150k per try just on the common armor crystal payoff and you can get stuff worth quite a bit more than the asking price. Not something to do when going for your basic setup above but once you are saving up for that tri liverto you will have enough cash on hand to make large gains if you get lucky.
Thank you guys, i'll take note of that all.
One last thing, should I spend any silver whatsoever on weapon/armor crystals?
>reach a point where i need to start farming for money and not experience
>go reset my c and b rank knowledge in my farming spot
>part with my precious irl jewgold for the cash shop item that increases the rate of high quality knowledge gain
>get all c ranks

fuck this game.
Yeah you want 5 luck and 5 cast or attack speed, depending on class. Im not sure what each class uses so find out, its not always intuitive (valk needs cast speed and doesnt really care about attack speed, for example)

You can get this pretty easy, +2 cast/attack speed crystals are only a few hundred K. Its reccomended pretty much EVERYONE use at least 2 piece grunil (helm and glove) and those are 2 slotters so thats +4 of which ever you need pretty much guarenteed. Drop a +1 in the weapon .

Get +2 movespeed in shoes and for chest some +hitpoint is probably the most economical.

The offhand is a good place for a +1 luck, then you can fill other stuff in as needed.

Crystals are pretty important, they dont break every time you die, with a full set of crystals you can expect maybe 1 to break per death on average. Remember to check the deals section of the market when shopping for crystals as you can often find ones you are looking for a little cheaper there.

Getting 5 attack/cast speed is huge, and 5luck must help, i dont know.

Also remember to level up the node in the area you are farming. Exactly what it does is speculation but a lot of people feel its a +2% drop rate increase per node level. You might want to spend energy leveling up manes or elrics (i preffer the canyon below the temple to the temple itself but other people do the temple) since it takes a while to get it even to 5, but you could find the associated node for the skeletons and maybe hope it improves your witch earring drop rate, i dont know. I dont reccomend trying too hard to get rare drops to drop. The main reason to level nodes is to increase the number of turnin trash you get, so just leveling elrics/manes up is the smartest move since both have good turnin drops, that way it should be all set when you can do them.
>expecting anything else
If you've reached that point then you should've known better.
This was some pretty useful information so thanks! However my stupidity got the better of me when I asked the question.

I more so ment should I spent any silver on weapon/armor black stones.(I make the mistake refering to them as crystals) or do I only buy fully upgraded gear from the market? As far as I understood I should only buy upgraded weapons.
What does higher rank knowledge do?
Increases AP against that enemy. S knowledge increases drop rates.
everything! it increases damage you deal, decreases the damage you take, and at the top rank, increases the chance of rare drops. its not really worth resetting since it costs quite a bit of energy and you could be like me and reset your shit and end up with the same rank as before.

...i wouldn't mind being able to grind my levels, get c rank, reset, get b next, reset, then a, etc. but going DOWN on my b ranks??? fuck.
i left out a part, its not worth resetting until you reach the point where you're staying in one place for a long time farming drops more than experience.
>not really worth resetting
It is if you frequently grind those enemies. The AP gain is negligible since enemies have less durability than wet paper these days.
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well it's either bird or some worthless uninspiring domestic animal that looks half-anime

where the fuck is my sleek panther companion for one thing? don't they put panthers in other games? isn't that a thing?
>has anime waifu
>complains about anime pets
retard that's the furthest thing from an anime waifu
whatever you say lmao
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i like 2d girls but not 2d pets that's right
the fuck's the big deal?

or is this just impossible thinking for you?
Does the game have European servers and how ded are they?
>fat bitch with nappy ass troglodyte gets jelly: the post
i haven't noticed any real decline on jordine
you seem pretty insulted bro

assuming that i said his waifu was ugly n shit

grow the fuck up and get out into the world you pathetic dingleberry
Okay, which EU setvers have most english speakers instead of JE SUIS CHARLIE HONHONHONHON frencies that infest XIV
>grow the fuck up
>pathetic dingleberry

holy fuck my sides
all of them are infested with subhumans of some sort
croxus has poles and russians

either way, bdo is still not dead in the eu i think is the main point
Thought so, I just rather pick a server knowing I wont realize that I am only one not french after 60 hours. Should I buy the silver or gold pack?
The cheapest one.
Anyone got a link for the transparent Kibelius mod?
What tip would you give to someone who just bought this game simply because they like the look of the game and heard it was grindy I like grinding in games don't judge me
So the greebles arent worth it?
Yeah. Check the nude mod.
The horse whistle is worth it and the extra value pack is worth it. Either way, make sure you pick a bed for one of your house decor items. It restores more energy than a regular bed.
At your AP/DP I recommend farming the Saunil camp if you want to make money. Once your AP gets a bit higher you can probably do Elrics. I found that worked very very well for me.
Thanks buddy

oi, that's my word.
Sell your blackstones, buy all your stuff pre upgraded.

Its just not worth trying to upgrade things yourself. Id even suggest buying upgraded boss armors, but the problem there is availibility. If its available then its certainly worth the price, but you just may not find a tri/tet boss armor on market so you have to try and make your own. But by the time you will want to do that the cost of the stones themselves will be less of a big deal for you and buying them back at a loss will still be an overall gain for you since you got into good farming gear sooner.

The exception to this advice might be saving weapon blackstones to upgrade your green class awakening weapon, since you can buy them straight from the npc so repairs are no problem. This is only if you get to 56 before your classes awakening comes out since there is not likely to be a good awakened weapon on the market as soon as its released.

Time is the answer to everything though. Someone really wanting to gear upa s fast as possible might feel compelled to blow everything trying to inch up the upgrade ladder on boss gear. But someone who enjoys all aspects of the game is fine doing lifeskill stuff and watching the market and accumulating their gear as it comes. Tet boss gear does go on the market at times.

Tested a little. Either I'm retarded, because I'm new, or they don't give loyalty points yet. But it seems they're always adding shit in to make it more like retail.

I really only played on the BR server. I'm not sure why I picked that, I don't speak Hue. It was down yesterday, but I guess I'll try EU today since people should actually speak English there.
Thinking of getting this game since I'm in the market for a new MMO. Is there anything like end-game PvE dungeons or raiding to do or is it mostly PvP, boat stuff, and economically focused?
the latter entirely
I was afraid of that. Oh well. Thanks, anon.
>reset all my knowledge of abandoned monastery
>get nothing but c ranks
>get a mark of shadow anyways
>get witch earring 20 minutes later

thanks rng...
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>get s rank on a few monastery mobs
>level 10 node
>grind a few hours each day
>only get a single mos after 5-6 weeks
>character creation
>no tattoos
>in game

F4 -> fix it -> profit
I went there the first time just to get my weekly scroll and walked away with a mos, didn't even notice I had it until later.
Can you solo the scrolls? I don't have any friends
I'm lazy, have decent wealth, and I have 100 CP to spare, is there any useful items I could rent?
They arent that hard. I can solo them with around 130 ap and dp with out problem. You could probably do it with even less if you chugged potions.
How does buying outfit from someone in this game work? I was megaphoning some outfits that I want to buy and people whisper me, but as soon as I tell them which one to get exactly they stop replying to me. Am I doing something wrong? I was assuming they just buy whichever outfit and then put it up on the marketplace for me to buy.

Even though it isn't particularly deep, BDO is more like older MMOs more than anything else. If you've played UO then it has elements of that in it. It doesn't have an 'endgame' like most themepark MMOs generally have these days.
Alright I'll give it a try, thanks
probably, you should find people to do them with though as you'll get their scrolls too and so get more stuff overall.
They buy it and post it in the marketplace and you try to grab it before someone else does.
how many dollaroos on average does an outfit cost?
What kind of waifu is in most demand for high-end content:

toned, fit waifu
thicc milf waifu
huge bara beefcake husband waifu
what kind of question is that
I am out of this thread
Either a toned fit waifu or a beefcake husbando.
go back xivg
How does awakening actually work?
Like you was playing another class.
but for the characters that have one atm, when does it happen
After you unlock it by doing a quest you unlock at level 56.

Toned and fit husbando. There aren't enough husbandos around.
That ain't one of the options though.
Are node wars fun? do any /vg/ guilds participate in them? Is it like most games where melee tends to suck at OWPvP when the numbers go beyond a few people?

It is now.
Toned, fit milf
>Either I'm retarded, because I'm new

Discovered this to be the case, they do give loyalty points.
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First of all, this isn't a spider.

Second of all, what the fuck?
Looks like a spider to me. One that's encased in something.
Spiders have 8 legs, it only has 6.
yeah well you only have four and you're not even using two of them right so who are you to judge
Alright, what class

What's with this resetting knowledge stuff? New to the game and don't understand it yet.
Node Wars are pretty shitty. If you don't have the gear don't bother even attending them because you won't hit anyone because your attacks keep missing or you die every time someone coughs in your general direction.
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I love this staff

Not really a fan of the outfit in total though
If you reset it you can try to get it again and hope for an S.

Can you not get an S if you keep a hold of it then? You have to reset?
No, you just get what you get, and it'll stay that way unless you reset it and try again.
where is fit lewd sorc
But elbows on fit people look horrid ingame
aren't they EU? probably being a cuck somewhere
So much this it hurts.
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Pls dont ban me mods. this is not a vagina shopped into the elbow.

That seems incredibly fucking dumb. Thanks for letting me know though.
Going to bed, tired af.
This is not a good screenshot.
LEWD, this is too lewd. I'm going to have to join the other anon in pursuit of you now.
I feel like I will never catch up to other people because I barely feel progress because of RNG resetting you every time.
The sooner you accept that you won't, the sooner you can enjoy the game.
Maybe I should treat it like Anno games.

Go full crafting mode.
>Musa with 160 DP
>Cant kill anyone at all
>Zerk with 160 AP
>Can kill everyone
Life for shouldnt be this bad
I took pictures last night/this morning that would make everyone jealous
Post them.
Holy fuck people get upsetti if you talk even remotely black. Jesus the rectal ragnarok i caused for saying nigga was big
and im black too, but they ain't even let me use my favorite word
Can't tell if everyones really young in this game or cucks yet. Only one guy got butt blasted from me mentioning i was gonna michael vick their virtual dog so i take it young
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Also post your pimps
What is the most scrub friendly class to learn the game?
>berserker's awakening is an arm cannon

the fuck?
You mean grandpas?
Ranger. It's also the best PvE class.
You think grandpas can't pimp?
they the best since they too old to use the product and they always money grubbin
>too old to use the product
>Implying Wizards don't have magical virility
Wizards lose their power if they use the product
Post waifus ffs we're dying
We appear to be doing completely fine.
Post eyes.
>afk run in circles
>just fine
>afk fish


So, just bought the game. what are some updates one can look forward to in the future outside of new awakenings?
more areas
more world bosses
probably better pvp balance
more p2w items
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>probably better pvp balance
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>probably better pvp balance
How different is the KR version from our version? Are they two separate entities entirely or does NA feedback have potential impact on the game.
Same version, NA is just behind is all, they are playing catch up with patches. Soon it will be 100% the same aside from the language.
i wonder if we will ever get bigger boats
Node wars are garbage. When it first came out our guild did a few, a few geared people would end up with 100 kills and 5 deaths while everyone else would with stat lines like 1 kill 10 deaths. After the first 2 weeks people stopped showing up and now our guild is dead anywyas.
are there any resources other than trace of savagery that i should have a worker gathering for sure? Hard to get things? I mainly care about leveling up cooking and alchemy down the line, not really crafting things with workers, though i do make my own steel tools but thats pretty straightforward.

Heard eggs are hard to come by, rare collection from chicken node? Should i be trying to farm that or is it inconsequential for leveling up cooking?
cooking is useless, actually all skills are useless except fishing but cooking is particularly useless

eggs aren't useful even if you do cooking, the only useful ingredients are the ones used to make the region specials

for alchemy it would help to get bloody tree lump and saps, traces aren't worth wasting a worker over anymore
Platinum for upgrading green gear to yellow, assuming you don't just skip directly to boss armor.

Don't do cooking, >>155430662 is right it's a pointless money waste. If you do life skills only do the ones where you can sell the end products to NPCs.
Im not going to upgrade my gear i buy it pre-upgraded

I want to level cooking some just to have cooking leveled. Basically id like to do all the quests for it. I think it only needs to be 30 for the current advancement quests? I dont know. I could just let my beer production level it over time i suppose.

>traces aren't worth wasting a worker over anymore
Traces of savagery are usualy sold out on the market though. They seem needed to make a pretty basic alchemy ingredient that ill want to make crystals i think?
About the only thing i was planning on trying to produce myself was fishing poles, id really like to have a +10 afk speed fishing pole at some point and they seem rare on the market. I hate bothering with failstacks though so i figured id just try to passivly gather the materials for it and then brute force upgrade it over time. Then i can slap a bind on it and have that one pole afk fill my inventory
A +10 Balenos rod would be a massive waste of resources, a +3 is enough to completely fill your inventory even if you're relic fishing and auto-disposing junk.

Trace of savagery is useful for making metal solvent which is for making pure iron crystals, which are useful but only if you want to get into worker crafting. Also you need to mine or camp the AH to buy thousands of rough stones to be able to make those metal solvent.

Crafting in BDO is really just not worth it.
A +6 Epheria rod only fills me up 40-60% with throwing away trash.

well thats the thing. My main goal is to get gathering and production leveled up high. What im wanting to do is try and have a strategy so that, with all the resources i produce with doing that, i can also go ahead and level up cooking or alchemy since i dont want to bother trying to sell those things, and id like to get an extra layer of progress out of it. I want gathering and production leveled for the bonus resources on case i ever want to make something fast, like if a new costume comes out or something new comes out, ill be able to gather the resources quickly.

So im just trying to figure out a good way to level as many things up simultaneously in an efficient way as possible.
Don't lie.
Well, you got me there
I'm not lying. But I only have +4 fishing and skilled so that might be the reason.
I want it more for the afk fishing speed increase than the extra durability
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i love mine, once I get the second penguin ill be min afk time
do penguins stack? That doesnt seem like it work would since if you got 4 penguins and a rod your afk fishing time would be instant?
it stacks up to a cap, there was a thread on reddit and the first comment had a guy who went and tested it

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Copy that
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This is some quality shit
anyone playing it other than brazilians?
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>guild gets into 4 gvgs because one of your problem members killed people at sausans
>for the third time this week
post more
There's a EU server but I don't know the population, there's a discord with ~130 people
Nice template face.
If this is a problem then kick him.
>better pvp balance
Enjoy Musa and Zerkrs reigning supreme on the battlefield and PVP once their Awakening is out.

Warriors and Sorcs are nothing right now.
When does the game get difficult? Im level 30 and havent had any problem soloing everything.
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B-but the etiquette..

Probably not until Mediah if you have shit AP and DP
Yours is one of the best waifus I've seen in this general since release. Good screenshotfu too.

That Kardashian mom looking pretty good
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This outfit seems pretty inappropriate
That's because it's underwear.

You don't go out in your underwear.
What guild is the slut Sorc in.
Which one?
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dildo saddle?
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Enjoying the ride?

Sweet jesus that body
is there any website where i can find some "face presets" I absolutely suck at making faces
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Also there's the beauty album in-game
smol bobs
bes bobs
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I think I'm finally happy with a look to match the outfit
Looks well. The eyeliner is perfect.

You could get away with narrowing the nose a little so that it's not the same width as the mouth. Her eyes are also slightly too low and her jowls look a bit puffy.

I would also make the irises a but smaller but that's just me.
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>smallest possible size
>realistic average

smallest a best
She looks like an old asian whore. I like it. Now you just need an old west style fancy dress and you could have yourself a great brothel keeper.
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Something like this.
>1d merv's

fuck you black spirit
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good shit.png
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>you can dye your shit however you want!
>for a single day
>and it still uses the timer while you're offline
I really don't know why it exists
Hey /bdog/ I was thinking of picking this up, how's the Fashion and Crafting in this game though? I've heard good things about the crafting but bad about the fashion, which is extremely important to me. I despise it when everyone is wearing the same outfit.
to look different from an npc you need to buy $30 costumes

you can mix and match pieces like gloves/torso/boots/helm

if you buy dyes it's complete rng as to which ones you get

dyes come in different textures like metallic/wet/velvet/silk, etc

if you get the optional $15 a month subscription you can dye your shit whatever color you want but it goes away after the sub expires, but picks up the same colors as before if you renew it
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Wow, that sounds like a fucking nightmare.
What he failed to tell you is that you can buy most of these $30 outfits from the in-game marketplace for relatively cheap as well as the optional $15 monthly 'sub' packs.

There are also quite a lot of outfits now and some are class specific, so while you'll see people wearing the same stuff, it should be varied enough to not draw too much attention to it.
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Crafting is better than most games, if a bit grindy
If you don't have a certain skill to smelt ingots or whatever you can hire workers in a crafting house to do it for you
There's different stuff you can do to crafting mats like heating or sifting to get different crafts from some stuff
Costume designs are (mostly) good but expensive as all hell
oh yeah, I forgot

you can buy cash shop stuff with in game currency like >>155451603 said
Over 20 mil isn't much if you think about it. For a premium item to be acquired within a few days at most is pretty fair.

I'm lazy though
Then just sell the login rewards.
Are armor appearances tied to specific stats?
Like, will I find armor I think looks absolutely awesome but will be forced to use something else because the stats are god awful?
actual armor has different stats like evasion or whatever but costumes don't have anything like that
Different armors do look different and have stats that vary between sets, yes
Just think of armor as armor from Monster Hunter and suddenly everything makes more sense.
Yes, even the overrides. like the maid outfit doesn't have an xp bonus or movement bonus like most outfits do, and certain outfits hide your name. So basically yes you will have to wear the Dunce Hat of Asshattery +1 if you want to be efficient or get the boosts you need.
This is bs. Costumes have stats too.
that +0.5 jump height is important you know
Yes. All the same stats. 10% amity gain. +100 stamina. -10% durability loss. 0.5 jump height.
All the same bonuses regardless of which costume you pick.
Everything but the +Stamina is negligible
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fear fearer fearest.png
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>talking to amerigo multiple times in a row
No. Certain costumes have processing chance increase + processing from storage, faster cooking speed, faster movement speed in water + fishing speed up, hiding nametag, +2 movement speed, +1 attack/casting speed, etc., etc...
those are costumes you fucking retard, not outfits

learn the difference before you reply something so stupide
We've been talking about costumes the whole time, scroll up.
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you might want to make the eyes point in just a smidge
it's less 'thousand yard stare' and more 'head trauma'
what a cute sorc
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Dat nose.
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We'd better get some new kuno underwear next week.

or else.
good morning
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But senpais, every class awakening is balanced to each other
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I find that incredibly hard to believe
too early DESU
dat hips
Literally a goddess.
>in the future outside of new awakenings?
>mentions awakenings
my black spirit friend is growing and his voice got deeper...

is he going through puberty??

American on EU (because I can talk to them) here. I've tried BR's server too, ran into people on both. EU had a few times yesterday where I'd see message spam storms of 5-10 new characters opening their starting gear gifts at once.


Just keep in mind some stuff's broken. Don't bother afk fishing, or fishing at all unless they fixed it since yesterday. According to a month old post on their forums, they need to create the fishing loot tables because right now they don't exist.
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>calpheon city
>everyone has a quest

I'm going to be putzing around here for days
are any of those quests even worth it?
It depends.
I don't know if any quest has been worth it. I just started playing and I just go where the quests take me
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BDO quest.jpg
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Show me what you've got.
Too lewd. Too suggestive. Holy fuck my dick.

Where about is Karlstein located? I noticed all the various outfits correspond to a land in game but haven't seen anything about Karlstein.
The same place Venecil, Canape and Kibelius come from.
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I'm surprised I'm missing so many in Serendia unless it goes a lot further east than I thought
Too lewd? Does not compute.
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Face is too long. I'd bring everything below the nose up a bit
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>random villager in epheria has orwen's model

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>Valkyries get their own castle-school at the top of a huge city

There's going to be a Maehwa school somewhere too right?
Just bought the starter pack

Does this game have some sort of bosses or dungeons?
Worldbosses and no dungeons
>lewd sorcs template is in the beauty album
I dont even get why people think that sorc is hot, it literally looks like every sorc, I don't think they changed anything about it
Post yours
Sorc preset is the best.
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maybe you just don't like sorceress' I know what you mean about them all looking alike
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Does the youth today have no shame? at least you've got a nice pair of boots.
>its the same preset as milf sorc
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I caved and downloaded it too

not a fan of the boobs though
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>Does the youth today have no shame?
not when hunting for knowledge, it makes it easier to pay attention

>at least you've got a nice pair of boots
thanks grandma

I like it for no more shitty basic underwear or clothes, the boobs seem a little off, but I like taking pseudolewd pics most of the time anyway

and making everyone who isn't wearing a cashop outfit, nude
whats that wing thing
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secondary sorc weapon (talisman?) from the cavaro set, if thats what you are talking about

theres 2 and they just float there, but I've gotten used to the stiffness and now they are my favorite skin to run around with
thanks ill check it out, they look pretty
Yah, it's nice to have the standard underwear gone and the option of no underwear with some outfits.
And yeah, still gotta leave something to the imagination
this is a really good screenshot, i dont like you as a acatarfag, but you really have an eye for this stuff sometimes
Any lewd cuties on the private server?~ Add the Fey family if so!
>hunting for knowledge

carnal knowledge does NOT count. i'd knit you a sweater if I wasn't so busy with this whole black spirit, reawakened evil lord nonsense.
>an eye for this stuff

i dont know if it was intentional but you're pretty good at puns anon, thanks for the compliments

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