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/pg/ - Persona General

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Thread replies: 887
Thread images: 147

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Cock goes where edition

Previous Thread:>>154946440

>P5 Translations: http://p5anon.imgur.com/
>Trophies https://imgur.com/a/AwlYV
>Full Soundtrack https://mega.nz/#!SkhyDCDb!qlwAxLlyc1dNkBek3cJtT12Hf_oBXOaIm71Y9Vompy0I
>Locations/Dungeons/Misc https://imgur.com/a/FEkpW
>Portraits https://mega.nz/#!XNsmhBBK!DYqFkeSAT5R4LZrTBKV48CLks8A6jxNiDhcBzxACpG4
>Other Images https://imgur.com/a/IWoDf
>The Soundtrack can be found at http://domi-persona.tumblr.com/post/150303511502/p5-ost-unzip-pw-sharebymamoru-updated
>Final countdown events to P5 launch:
>P5A: the Day Breakers is out and subbed on Nyaa
>P3: Winter of Rebirth BD rips are out on Nyaa
>Persona 5 released in Japan; February 14th in North America and Europe + PAL regions
>Take Your Heart and Steelbook Editions for NA up for pre-orders at Gamestop and Amazon
>20th Anniversary FES to take place at 3331 Arts Chiyoda in December 2016


>P5 Info
>General Guide
>PQ Guide
>P4U2 Guide/Resources

>Art, Guides, Music, etc.
>P4 Dengeki Comic Anthology
>Persona image collection

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I hope Makoto dies for being the dev favourite.
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Well /pg/?
>Makoto is used goods
>Mitsuru wears a latex suit
>Best girl
>Makoto wears a latex suit
>Best girl
>dick goes here
Rare Yukari!
I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne. I love Anne.
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Makoto has the worst ultimate persona and we still haven't seen half of them
Why can't people accept that Makoto is canon just like Elizabeth was in Persona 3 and Naoto was in Persona 4?
>it's a worthless weeb trash doesn't understand how nip pandering works episode
>Persona 5 is absolute shit
what went wrong bros?
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Now you can date an older woman. Very progressive desu
The adult woman was an established character.
The gay option was just for demon negotiation and was for being laughed at in-game at demons.
P2 fags are retarded
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>yfw you knew Makoto would be best girl but didn't expect her to actually be the most important character and the canon love interest.
>new ways Persona can go
>all your faggy pet muh representation fetishes
Holy fuck I hate these NeoFAGgot SJW types so much.
Aigis and Marie are the canon love interests of Makoto and Yu, get the fuck over it.
It looks like someone slapped his girlfriend's ass.
itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte
Let's see if Personages have the balls to stand up and get rid of Hashino like Talesfags got rid of Baba.
>All these excuses just to say that you want to date the guys too.
>Makoto is incredibly kind and acts like a mother figure to the other characters
>MC acts like a father figure to the other characters
>people will still deny that they're canon
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Anne looks pretty nice in Catherine's dress
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Yukari and Yukiko are canon you fuckwits
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I'm tired of all the baseless rumors and bullshit conjecture and shitposting. What is a bullshit rumor I can spread about this game to embrace the bullshit? There's not too much shit going around about Haru or Futaba yet, what complete shit should I start passing around like it's a fact about them? Haru got an abortion? Futaba got molested by her uncle? Help me out here.
>Catherine and not Katherine
More proof Ann is a whore
Anne a succubus confirmed.
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Goro's persona Robin Hood
>m-muh adult characters
welp lads that's reaching /smtg/ levels of retarded
i prefer fujoshi since they're honest about it, gays like him are just obnoxious and hide their boners behind social justice
maybe something about futaba talking to her dead mother's ghost?
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Feels good since all of the girls other than Makoto are shit.
How about Haru is pregnant with her fiance's child, and in her lovers route Potter decides to raise it with her.
Since when is Nyarly morally grey?
All Initial and Ultimate Persona's so far revealed

Arsene---> Satanael
Captain Kidd---> Seiten Taisei
Carmen---> Hecate
Zorra---> ???
Goemon---> ???
Johanna---> Seen but name is unknown
Necronomicon---> ???
Milady---> ???
Robin Hood---> ???
Wonder how much longer till we find out what his real persona is. Some kind of disguise master?
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I love Safie, even though all we have of her is this.
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Disgusting seigi no mikata
makes no sense, he was as anti-authority as fucking possible
unless Goro has a change of heart due to bad guys meddling and loses his purseowner or something
too spicy, people wouldn't buy it
A lot of the SMT protags aren't adults, though. Hero and Demi Fiend are high schoolers, Nanashi is a kid
someone tell them about the gay panic scene
MC is the father
Makoto is the mother
Futaba is the daughter

It's alluded to in the dialog.
>he didn't see Dojima being on the list
fell for it
How about just the pregnancy part?
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I wanna fug and hug a smug Yuka-bug and make her feel snug!
Does it even have a name? Is it Johanna Custom?
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>Anne is sweaty!
>Anne is buxom!
>Anne is beautiful!
>Anne is wet!
>Anne is cute!
>Anne is flexible!
>Anne is an angel!
>Anne is lewd!
>Anne is sad!
>Anne is silly!
>Anne is stylish!
>Anne is for sexual!
>Anne is awesome!
>Anne is sultry!
>Anne is pure!
>Anne is amused!
>Anne is quality!
>Anne is Lovers!
>Anne is canon!
>Anne is an actress!
>Anne is a model!
>Anne is best girl!
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post hats
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I think that this confirms that he's delusional as fuck rather than simply "evil" like Adachi
>personages had trouble with smt4
top kek, i thought you guys were better than this
>it wasn't Sherlock

what a loser he wants a datim sim go play one
>makes no sense
>Robin Hood
/pg/ is so dumb it is falling for the justice ruse
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>Some kind of disguise master?
Nodody said that though, just that smirk was a shit mechanic.
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>not Moriarty

when the fuck did this originate
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How does Goro even get his Persona?

At least this fiance is a handsome man, and not some pig-human like Mitsuru's. I'm glad she's going to marry Nanjo instead.
It was going so well to with Satanael, Seiten
Tasei and Hecate but then comes Makato's ultimate to ruin it

Hopefully Yusuke and Futaba have awesome ultimates
/smtg/ had a meltdown after a draft of a older Nanashi was published.
>Paypal not being accepted by Nihongo PSN
>Amazon JP has no digital option for PSNbux

What do I do, lads?
According to the guy on 2ch, you get Goro in the casino. How and why I dunno.
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>Blackmailed the shit out of those filthy thieves
>Has a cute waifu
>Good looking, powerful, smart and sexy. Even Potter wants to be his fucktoy.
>Believes in justice and hates filthy criminal scum, protecting the citizens from all harm
>Pulls out his gun and kills bitches, no question asked, just a good shoot in the head.
>Has the best theme in the game, makes even the biggest haters wet and aroused when they heard it
>Has the JUSTICE arcana, meaning righteousness and the forces of good are on his side
>Even his own waifu can hold his hot blooded feelings of JUSTICE back, showing the deep relationship between him and his ideals
>Would have won if the MC didn't had the power of plot armor on his side



PS:Waifufags and Jokercucks need not to apply to based Goro.
If the long wait between Futaba and Haru's arcs doesn't kill you, the Japanese summer heat will cook your brain alive.
how do ANY of these characters get their persona?
I hope Yusuke's is Elvis.
All the new Persona attendants are named after Frankenstein characters.

The only female names left are Safie and Agatha. Mary is also a possibility because she's the author.
>How does Goro even get his Persona?
He just already has it and the party sees nothing suspicious about that.

Typical shit writing from this horrible game.
There's a difference between "smirk was a shit mechanic because it makes the game too easy" and "smirk was a shit mechanic because i died to it".
You're the latter.
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Why are they so aggressive with negotiations?
Did we ever get proof that Goro actually did anything? Does the bad end cutscene show Goro pulling the trigger or are we just guessing off smug images, boss battle text, and not showing up in credits that he's the killer?
Anne's butt!
>you get Goro in the casino

Literally less than one day with Goro. Wow. Thanks Atlus.

If this is honestly the case, then holy shit this is worse writing than P4.
>Does the bad end cutscene show Goro pulling the trigger
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Read the threads
Hawaii time in Tofu's stream

Who's ready for King's Game 2.0
watch the cutscene tardo
>P5cucks have to deflect their game's horrible writing constantly
Considering we've got 3 characters that steal from gods as ultimates, I'm gonna say Prometheus is going to be on there somewhere.
>Makoto throws a shitfit and nearly breaks down when she thinks the MC has died

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It shows him pulling the trigger and Joker dying horribly, blood included.
babies first nerdbait
>the only weakness is darkness

Too good to be true. The dream ends here, lads. Using Goro is a waste of time.
>Café Leblanc
>Hierophant, Death, Hermit, Temperance
>Syujin High School
>Lovers, Chariot, Empress,
>Shopping District
>Sun, Moon, Emperor, Hanged Man
>Entertainment district
>Fortune, Devil
>Game corner, maid café
Aleph isn't even one year old and he's already shipped with his mom.
Makoto should die instead.
....... are for real there is a full animated cutscene of him murdering the MC
>tfw I just don't get chess

it's like I'm fucking incapable of thinking more than two moves ahead

I don't see the most obvious forks

I concentrate on one side of the board and get completely blindsided by something that happens on the other side
I'm stuck in the art gallery, I assume I'm supposed to do something with the computer but it won't let me.
The person that said wasn't me though. I didn't even play IV.
How old was Flynn?
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>dem costumes
oh, did a pkg for unlocking the dlc get posted?
Did Hecate steal from the gods? She usually rocks it out in the Underworld as part of Hades' possee.
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it has been up for almost a whole day
Why is Potter so cute?
Reminder to ignore shitposters who don't post proof of whatever they're saying if it's not from the stream.
anne sounds like a 40 year old woman all the time
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Dunno, IIRC he had just left home when the game starts. Probably 16-18

Space Marine is the only true adult in Mainline
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>Kill Haru's father to frame you for murder
>set explosives at the casino
Mfw the whole game you've been set up by Goro so he can become famous solving a case he created himself ayy

Jesus christ stop burning generals with memes
I want to bury my face in Anne's crotch
welp, guess I'm off to search the previous threads then.
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I prefer edgy teen. Fits more.
What was the fucking point in putting him in the party?
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I haven't seen a stare like that since

Since im in a nice mood, here

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Answer me unironically please.
Is makoto canon?

I need to know
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>Dead set on finishing the first dungeon in one go
>You have to leave before you can fight the last boss
I am so fucking mad.
>all the black men on the beach
Can we just admit P5 was all about Hashino's cuck fetish?
FANTOMAS! Or maybe even Mabuse.
Nanashi's cuter the way he is
As much as Aegis was.
>after Madarame Makoto starts following you around on the first floor and hides her face in a book for camouflage
that's it, I'm fucking this girl
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Canon with Haru
This is why English dubs are worthy of your respect.
Goro really is a waste of time.

And he's just a Lawfag, the most boring type of villain. Even Adachi was better.
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What an attention-whore scumbag. Real piece of shit. Still, he's got nothing on the sheer devious villainy of the Miami Mutilator I bet that's why Goro does it, because he's jealous that he'll never be as infamous or brilliant as the mutilator.
You get great music when you come back.
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Then she is 100% canon?
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Sharing a room with Yuki!
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she ended up in the underworld because she stole from Hera. There's also stuff about a pot of rouge and the Minotaur's mother and being corrupted by getting birthing blood on herself while hiding right next to a pregnant woman's vagina, but it's basically an ancient menstruation metaphor, so I'll spare you more of the specifics.
Beat me to it.
What was the point of this character? COMPLEX MOTIVES?

I want Atlus to retcon him.
Yes and her romance has an effect on the plot too.
Well, she's the most plot related, shows interest in the MC outside of the co-op events, and is the one the game pushes you towards.
It will never cease to amuse me that people liked HM2's plot enough to meme it.
Anne is melancholy!
In Hawaii?
Waste of time.
Waste of EXP.
Waste of costume.

I seriously hope the Japs aren't lapping this shit up.
Someone post the Goropocalypse pic
It's up to the nips to rebel against Atlus and get Hashino fired so we can get the series back on track.
Maybe if you romance him you get a different scene? The anon who romanced the teacher posted a romantic scene between Akira and his teacher at this point in the game.

I heard Yuki say イケメン don't fucking tease me Atlus
It was a good story. Only the kinds of "people" who hate MGS2 could dislike it.
Does anyone have more screencaps of the Raidou DLC? What do the other characters like Anne have as costumes?
how did atlus drop the ball so hard with him
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hey, thanks anon!
Yep.The romance affects the plot.
If Goro was in any other spinoff or mainline, he would've fit in just fine.
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Eh who wants to hang out in Olympus with all those crazies anyway? Underworld is where it's at.

Not at a lot of people know that Hades had his own crew. Even Nyx was a part of it.
>I heard Yuki say イケメン don't fucking tease me Atlus
they were talking about Goro
not at all confirmed
How the fuck do you learn these unholy chickenscratch abominations? One nuke wasn't enough...
No it wasn't.

And MGS2's story was also trash.
>tfw the "makoto is the canon love interest" meme won't die
Counterpoint: P5 has the most black characters in any SMT game to date and portrays them as realistic human beings and not freakish caricatures like other Japanese entertainment.
You're not racist, are you?
where is the ending music?
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Why dont you unlock them yourself faggot
Where the hell is the beef bowl place? I want to link with the Mayor.
>Marie is the canon love interest
Round two
>Anne is depressed!
>Anne is sad!
>Anne sometimes doesn't bother to put on a fake smile when she thinks people aren't looking!
>Anne looks at skyscrapers and wonders what it would be like to fall off the top of one!
>Anne was almost run over by a car once and later wished it had hit her!
>Anne lies awake at night wanting to cry, but being unable to!
>Anne finds no joy in her favorite activities anymore!
>Anne is tired of life but also afraid of death, so she just lies in bed at night wishing she could fall asleep and dissolve into the ether and cease to exist!
>Anne tells people she's doing alright because she's afraid of articulating the feelings that follow her every day!
>Anne keeps it all buried inside!
>Anne is afraid that people would be uncomfortable around her if they knew how bad she was doing!
>Anne wants to end it all!
I hope they don't disappoint.

They probably thought they were being witty or ultimate rusemasters.
>morganas stays with futaba

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I want to protect this ayy's smile
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I want Makoto to beat me up, step on me, and then run me over with her motorcycle!
Picaresque novels are corny as fuck anon the future of the game was set when choose it as it's theme
people need to complain, like fans did with zestiria
Always knew the aliens would invade Hawaii first
I hope it's revealed the real Goro swapped bodies with Haru and she is the real traitor in Goro's body
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His fangs are 2cute
>Marie is the canon love interest

That's true. People hating her has nothing to do with anything. She was created for the purpose of being the canon love interest
So you're saying I shouldn't import this game if I have a rudimentary grasp of moon? I can listen in well enough, but reading is an entirely different story.
>she starts teasing and petting him
We'll probably get a better picture on the general Japanese consensus after Sunday.
Smelly NEET feet.
if goro was a cute girl the waifufags would already be rioting and hashino would apologize
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>tfw you will never be there to help Anne get through it all
>anne sleeps over
source: your ass
XP is shared in dungeons though even among the benched chars.
that's not a model fuck up, her hair is really that stiff because of all the grease.
Holy shit the RyujixAnn ship is sailing at TOP SPEED
literally prove it
It's still a waste of EXP.
Anne just caught Potter eavesdropping on it
Annefags on suicide watch
>Entire scene of Ryuji and Anne sleeping in the same room complete with blushing sprites


wtf is happening to yuki???
>he literally isn't watching tofudan like the rest of /pg/ is
Blow your brains out
Isn't it because of a co-op though?
Watch the stream fagtron
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hahaha fucking yuki
Washing Futaba greasy NEET hair against her will!
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delet this

t. anne
The stream anon. Although Joker was listening to them and Yuki was in the bathroom puking or with diarrhea or something.
twitch /hktofudan
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I will never buy another Atlus game again.

I just imagine them having regular poker nights where they all just sit around laugh at all the crazies upstairs.
>75% in September
>no christmas dates
well presumably the moment has passed

whens the vod gonna be out


I like how even the MC ships the both of them
P5 may be trash but it can't be worse than DR3 or ZTD.

AA7 is better though
>Anne and Ryuji have a bonding conversation
>can literally encourage them to get together
>MC x Makoto event the next day
They really make a cute couple.
No he doesn't.
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Is it just the suit?
That cunt.
the twist is definitely worse than ztd and dr3's mind control anime

fuck, even those games would've been more subtle about goro
>if you don't already have a lover you have to watch the sunset with makoto
>Anne and Ryuji have a cute bonding moment together in a room complete with the MC having the option to ship them
>MC X Makoto scene in the follow up

I want to inseminate Futaba.
Poor Morgana. At least he can move on to squid.
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What is happening
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>yfw your 2 favourite ships are canon
Feels fucking good man
Probably making a shitton of Zeus cucking Hera jokes and taking bets what Hera will do to woman.
the streamer could have declined her request
Futaba is so sexy.
>Anne is shipped with Ryuji
>Literally the next scene, MC watches the sunset with Makoto


Amazing. They actually did it the madmen. Makoto is legit canon.
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better rev up.png
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it's over for me, fellas

why would atlus do this
Nah, he couldn't have.

After all, how can you turn down best girl?
He doesnt speak Japanese though, think he just picks the first option for everything
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Fucking Goro
What is he saying?
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He admits he shot Haru's father here.
"i'm the bad guy lol"
>You literally get the option of saying "You make a good couple" to Anne and Ryuji
>You watch the sunset with Makoto the next day, even if you haven't gotten her lover's flag in the co-op yet
Holy shit
Wait, is this the nigger people have been following to "figure things out"? How the fuck are you going to use some EOP to learn much of anything?
I can't wait for the otakufags to rage at Atlus, while the fujos get buttraged over Goro.

Persona 5 is Hashino's swan song.
This is getting so ridiculous I'm actually getting confused
Fucking japanese truck man
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>Goro or Char causes man to go husk
>he then gets him run over by truck
Reminds me of someone.
and now you realize why /pg/ has been shitposting so much

well, more than usual
where's the proof that joker ships it
Legit question, why would any Annefag still want to romance her when she makes a much better couple with Ryuji?

Even their casual clothes match. Same with MC and Makoto actually.
Is Goro our guy?
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my guy*
>im going to kill everyone in this room
>"It's been a dull week. I haven't had to deal with any recently deceased sort of sisters-in-law. Shame. They're all better than the one I have."
No seriously, What his endgame /pg/? I don't even understand his ruses anymore
>Yusuke came all the way to Hawaii
>Did literally nothing
Why would any Naotofag want to romance her when she makes a better couple Kanji?
light yagami 2.0

is there anything about this character that isn't derivative and lazy?
We are all Goros inside it really makes you think
romance dlc comfirmed
Rise is better for Kanji.
This, Tofudan mashes through shit so fast I can rarely read the options.
Keep posting, what the fuck is happening.
Because they look like brother and sister. Makoto and Joker look way too similar too, especially in their dungeon costumes. It's like fucking yourself, and that's pretty egotistical. Opposites attract, and complements are the best in color theory.
He is going to drown the world in the blood of sinners and cucks.
>Admits it outright


Jesus Christ.
he's just evil and crazy

goro is hashino's blunder of the century
>Makoto: I brought you a souvenir.
>Sae: The principal of your school died lol
Chill out, woman.
...I am so confused. Was...was Atlus not even trying to ruse us? Is some guy at Atlus just scratching his head wondering why we thought it would be a twist?
Don't diss Persephone, m8.
Depending on which cult, Hades x Persephone is consensual and loving.
That doesn't seem right, does he explain why?
What did Yuki mean by "メジエド" in Hawaii?
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Update the pasta boys, I fuckin adore this guy now.
>AnnexRyuji fags are the new YosukexChie fags

Keep it up, one day your meme will catch on.
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you actually can't romance anne

my face right now

they'll probably add a romance in Persona 5: Spirits or whatever gimmicky ass name they use
He was checking men and women out for AESTHETICS.
do we have pics of any of these?
>YosukexChie fags
Those exist?
>goro is light yagami retread
>Anne/Ryuji is canon
>Goro is an absolute madman
>The girl everyone called best girl before release turns out to be the canon girl
>Haru is fucking useless
>Futaba is a stinky neet

This game is incredible. Mememagic is real.
I meant that to be Hades dissing Hera. I know HadesxPesephone is the OTP approved by Zeus and everything.
I may seriously kill myself.
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I actually may have interpreted it wrong. He seems to believe their is an evil being for the cause of this. It's a bit confusing.
>Anne and Ryuji have a scene where they talk together
I saw it during the Futaba arc as well. I wonder what it is.
>he admits it but also doesn't because LOL JAPANESE
Anne is hotter and has a better personality than bland Makoto
Yeah, based on the text, he just seems to be speculating stuff
>thinking naoto and kanji make a good couple
>must be literally brain dead
anon please

the evidence is piling up

in a couple days, tofudan is gonna stream a part where joker accidentally barges in on them making out or something
Does that mean everyone will hate them, come a few months?
No, AnnexRyuji fags have a point. The game goes out of it's way to ship them together unlike any other duo. Even shit like MitsuruXAkihiko and KanjiXNaoto were wither one sided, or could be interpretated as something else.

Anne spends the entire game flirting specifically with Ryuji, he asks about her to the MC all the time and they get a romantic bonding scene during the beach trip.

Anne gets NOTHING like that with the MC.
What the hell is going on right now?! Damn you moonrunes, make sense!!
>>Futaba is a stinky neet
a cute stinky neet
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>The ruse wasn't a ruse
>We ruse ourselves believing that the ruse was some cheap twist
>The game states clearly that Goro is a bad guy
more like the game did the most obvious cliches
wtf I love/hate Goro now

Because that's unlikely what it says. This is the blind leading the blind, with people who either have no understand of Japanese or only a rudimentary understanding trying to pretend they know what's going on.
I would interrogate the fuck out of this detective bitch.
>tfw your sister-in-law is also your sister
>tfw your wife is your double niece
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Do these interrogation scenes end when Goro kills him?
Homo Yuki gets a boyfriend and persona in dlc. It's Saint Sebastian and ultimate is Sophia.
Maybe this?
When are people going to stop trying to deny that Makoto is the canon love interest?
He was the Sheriff of Nottingham all along!
/pg/ - Mistranslations and Baseless Speculation General
>Anne/Ryuji is canon
>Makoto/MC is canon

Holy shit, they did it. They made the right choices for once.
>"And that's why we don't have kids."
This is amazing
I may not be the best with moonrunes, but I don't think that translation is quite correct, anon. Maybe you can walk me through how you got it, but I understood it a hell of a lot differently.
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If a girl is cute enough, being stinky can have a wrap around effect and suddenly become endearing/inflaming

It's one of those things that you can't really explain.
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>yfw Chapter 3: Peace
Just like Rise going with you to the festival if you don't have a lover proves that Rise was canon in Persona 4 right?
>Sae says at the start that she doesn't have much time to interrogate Joker
>The interrogation has been going on for half a year now
>Maybe if you romance him you get a different scene?

You can not romance him retard
In some cults Zagreus and Melinoe.
They won't. They're in full-on denial phase.

It's the same for Annefags still hoping for some super secret method to shag her, even though the game is going out of it's way to show that Ryuji and her have a thing going.
fuck, atlus really wants to repeat adachi's success with goro here, don't they?
>this one day I played shogi with a girl at church
>tell me everything you know
I'll accept that but you have to post proof
>constantly interrupts you to ask questions you'd have no way to answer if you haven't played the game
Fucking hell
AnnexRyuji itself actually isnt that bad. Course, I'd like to be able to wife and have that alter scenes, but if not then whatever. The shipperfags however are fucking cancerous to all hell
any doujins yet?
It's a good crowd at least, they'll believe just about anything as long as you say it with a modicum of certainty. You usually have to work for naivete like this.
Be sure to press F when we get proof of Goro's death, /pg/.
>Atlus is committing suicide
All they had to do was make another Persona 4
You'll see it in the stream soon, I've only got a years experience so my moon knowledge isn't the best.
Oh wow, Anne and Ryuji are actually going to hook up.

I wonder how the retarded waifufags will take not being able to romance an anime girl
>Joker keeps talking about how he'd drop 5k yen every time he wanted to see his teacher in a maid outfit
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>if you don't answer Sae's questions correctly, Goro kills you
>you have to play the game first to know Sae's answers

>you have to play the game twice to proceed
Ryuji? More like Stupyuji!
Bye cat
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they did that's why it's so fucking SHIT
Yes you can romance her some other faggot did already stop spreading shit
Oh God what now?
I think it says 'then, I saw someone moving that wasn't (plural) you', but don't quote me on that.
It was pretty obvious that it would happen what with MC/Makoto being canon.
>people think Goro is the "big" twist

it's obviously Sae you tards
Di you like Lori ending anon ? did you cheat on her with the trap ?
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>Chie and Yukiko got married
I can't believe Altus did it. The absolute madmen...
>You'll see it in the stream soon
dude he is literally only just starting Haru's shit, he is nearly 2 months behind you
we'll see it tomorrow at best
translation anon. i'm finally getting to the goro stuff and figured i should dump it here asap since he's everyone's best boy. this is part one.

>takes place after http://imgur.com/a/GwxmY
>at the tv station, kaito are standing around backstage talking loudly.
>at one point, morgana mentions how dome town looks like a big delicious pancake. important detail.
>enter goro.

g: that outfit. you're students from shuujin academy, right?
g: i was walking by and wanted to say hi. my name is akechi goro.
r: you're appearing? are you someone famous?
g: they've put me on tv several times.
a: ah...!

g: i apologize, i was just passing by. i have to go now. i'll see you at tomorrow's meeting.
g: are you guys gonna go eat cake now? i'm hungry too. i haven't eaten lunch today.
r: cake? what are you talking about?
a: ah... was i wrong? i heard there was a delicious pancake. ah, whatever. i'll see you at the studio tomorrow.

>exit goro.

r: he must be a new entertainer. if he doesn't change his hairstyle, he won't be that popular.
a: you really don't know anything.
r: oh whatever, we'll see him tomorrow. let's go to dome town!

>so, goro inadvertently gave away that he can hear morgana's voice. they're hinting that he has access to the palace.

i try to avoid injecting my own opinions, but in japanese popular media, the name "akechi" is so heavily associated with antichrist traitor characters. it's as hamfisted as anything that this guy is gonna turn out yandere, and imo atlus' intent wasn't at all to concoct a brilliant, mind-blowing tweeeest.
No I didn't cheat on her with the trap. I didn't want to risk screwing up the kinky thing I had going on with her.
Now that the dust has settled we can all agree Persona 5 is really underwhelming right?
Is this remotely true? How would that even affect if the nigga kills you or not?
>atlus' intent wasn't at all to concoct a brilliant, mind-blowing tweeeest.
Are you saying we've blown it out of proportion?
I don't think that's up for debate, virtually everyone agrees it's incredibly disappointing.
So he's still an obvious bad guy from the beginning, that's still boring,
yeah, its almost a homage to adachi, the real twist seems to be Sae

Yes, as people who have maybe seen a couple hours of streaming by retards and some screenshots, we can say for sure the quality of a video game. Am I right /v/?
Rather wait and play through it myself before judging, but atleast we get a neet waifu
Ryuji argues with Morgana, he gets pissed and leaves for Haru's dad's palace by himself, gets his shit fucked up cause he can't handle it by himself, and Haru rescues him, apparently
best boy
But he's named after Akechi Kogoro who WASN'T a bad guy.
>Goro wasn't supposed to be a twist
>Sae was
>Everyone's been focusing on Goro and mostly ignoring Sae
Well, I suppose Atlus did ruse us in a way. So...uh...good for them?
8 years for the same stuff we got in persona 4

Yeah I'm definitely pirating it now

He's pretty obviously named after Akechi Mitsuhide.
What were you honestly expecting out of Persona 5?
he's named "akechi" as a homage to akechi kogoro though

poor edogawa ranpo didn't deserve this
I want to feed Goro pancakes.

I guess if you want to be an optimist.

A chance to shitpost on /pg/, and he got it.
We did get a new game though :^)
>edogawa ranpo
So Goro is...


are we being trolled?
>MGS2's story was also trash
No, YOU are trash~ ( ~ 3 ~ )
I'll be genuinely surprised if that turns out to be true. She hasn't shown any signs at all besides being stressed by all of this, even though we already know she's a boss
>tfw you will never feed him pancakes before he shoots you in the face
>Atlus USA being slow at translating helped /pg/ avoid the trainwreck
Apologize right fucking now
Edogawa Ranpo did nothing wrong. This nigga was big in the literature scene and THIS is the "respect" he gets?

Fucking terrible.
Akechi was also the last name of a guy who betrayed Oda Nobunaga so there's that
Doesn't it say something like
at least i almost got killed"
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I hate Makoto. The most.
I hate Makotofags. The most.
I hate Ryuji. The most.
I hate Hashino. The most.
I hate Soejima. The most.
I hate Atlus. The most.

I hate Persona 5! The most!
Sae's being mind controlled and will be let off the hook for whatever it is, mark my words
Goro will probably do something that makes it decrease
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>Sae being the badguy just proves how shitty "ALL ADULTS ARE BAD" narrative is

We lose either way it seems.
why do you think the random ass poll is a % of how much of the game you've done?
How many siblings can we have? We only have one male attendant, and lots of male names left.
It goes down to 25% real fast in October.
what else is a % for you dumb nigga

classic goro
So Goro is going to fucking shoot Shinya? Because Shinya is named after Oda Nobunaga.
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hasino pissed on his grave
the traitor hype definitely still feels like they wanted it to be this big twist
>that palace music
fucking noice
That's what I was thinking. From what I understood, it was Goro referring to himself almost getting wrecked, not that he killed someone.
>Perhaps. At least, I almost got/had (someone) killed.

This screenshot alone doesn't confirm Haru's father
P-Studio blew their fucking load with having two female attendants, didn't they?

Now we're only down to one name if they don't decide to use Mary.

I can't watch for Victor to be my attendant in P6.
How does it feel to know that she will get dicked by Ryuji while Makoto gets the MCs undivided love and affection?
Because it just says it's a poll of how many people on KaitoCh even believe in the Phantom Thieves, what the fuck kind of nigger logic is that?
Why? They pinned Haru's dad's condition on them?
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>Haru is supposed to be the Hamburgler
>traitor hype

What hype? All they said was that there was a traitor.
source: your ass
Everyone's saying shit twist but if this is true that's great because literally who could see that coming

host: what do you think of these thieves of justice?

GORO: if they really are heroes of justice, i'd like for them to be real. it's the stuff of dreams.

host: so you aren't denying them?

GORO: i may look like this, but sometimes i think it'd be great if santa claus actually existed.
GORO: well, if he really existed, then i'd arrest him for trespassing.

>studio laugh track

GORO: if by chance those thieves really existed... i would have to try bring them to justice by law.

host: so what they're doing is a crime?! but many people are saying if it weren't for the thieves, their would be more bad things happening.

GORO: what madarame did is an unforgivable crime. but to try him in any place other than the court of law is the furthest from justice. it's either vengeance or an execution.
GORO: first of all, forcefully changing someone's heart is the not something any human should do.

host: that is true, these guys are calling them thieves. it's not justice, but vigilantism.

GORO: but if the thieves didn't exist, it'd be kind of embarrassing.

host: let's ask fellow high school students what they think about these thieves!
host: if you think the thieves exist, please press your button.

r: [under his breath] they actually exist, man!

host: the result is about 30%. what do you think, akechi?

GORO: there are quite a few people. i'm surprised.
GORO: what do you think about what the thieves are doing, everyone?

host: let's ask this student what he thinks.

MC: it's justice.
>MC: they're a necessary entity.
MC. they're a replacement for the police.
>hasino pissed on his grave

This would not have happened if the Trinity were in charge. Even Kaneko's rendition of Yukio Mishima wasn't shit.

Been revealed that there will be a traitor isn't hype?

It's way more likely than any other option. The name Akechi is synonymous with betrayal in Japan. It would be like looking at a character named Judas who betrays somebody and saying "Guys, don't pull shit out of your ass, we don't know if he's named after the biblical Judas or not".
Why does anyone care about Goro when he'll die like a dog and be forgotten by the end of the game anyway? Even as a villain, he's weak and forgettable as a character.
Pretty much everyone in the West got worked about the traitor Japan probably didn't care
I mean, it might be that?

My Nipnap is flaky but I'd have thought that someone would use 死ぬ to refer to their own death.

I can't tell. Can you even tell from just that screenshot?
Anyone watching the stream?

>the adults are always wrong and stinky and the kids are always right XD
>when it's the exact opposite in real life
But the japs won't revolt because they love their YOUTH CULTURE, and Hashino won't get hit by a fucking car the day he's fired by Atlus. god I regret ever fucking invested in this fucking series and the goddamn fucking cunts who make it made me realize that this past week, i fucking hat eall of this shit
Goro: "I saw someone other than you guys moving there."

Goro: "Probably. To say the very least, I almost got killed."
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they are literally canon

"Hype" is building something up. If they had made a trailer which revolved around the mystery of who the traitor could be, that would be them hyping it up. Them off-handedly saying in an interview that there's a traitor is not hype, fans have been way more involved in speculating about who the traitor might be than they have been in pushing that particular aspect (in that they barely have at all).
this just makes everyone who didn't suspect him look like idiots then

i can't figure out what atlus was aiming to do with this character, it's a mess
Both are wrong in real life for a lot of things.
Goro: "I'm glad that I was able to talk about it. This is the first quality time I've had in a long while."
>a-adults do shitty things KIDS ROCK
>look how enlightened I am haha FUCK the system it's so COOL TO FUCK THE SYSTEM AM I RIGHT
Uh, guys, how about we wait until we can completely understand the game, before passing judgement?
gee i wonder why people would make a big deal about there being a traitor in the party, not like that would be an important plot point or anything.
>Goro: "Probably. To say the very least, I almost got killed."

God this nigga be lyin'. Detective Prince? More like Prince of Lies up in this.
No, from what I can see watching this Chinese streamer who doesn't speak Japanese it's SHIT
A lot is left up to interpretation of course, so we're mostly at square one. People in general forget how utterly critical context is, particularly in zipperhead language.
This is exactly like that image from /v/ about quoting the post talking about something else while inserting stuttering.
Stop your shitposting! The Beauty Thief is here!
I-is Goro lonely?

GORO: [to MC] it's quite interesting that you obviously support the thieves. then i'd like to ask him one more question.
GORO: for example, if someone near you, perhaps the people sitting next to you, if one day suddenly their hearts were changed, do you think it would be the result of these thieves?

MC. i wouldn't think so.
MC: the thieves only go after bad people.
>MC: what would you do?

GORO: haha, so you're tossing it back to me. here are my thoughts.
GORO: i think more important than whether their actions are good or bad, there's a bigger problem here.
GORO: how are they changing the hearts of people? if they have the power to control hearts, if they had that power, it wouldn't necessarily just be used for good.
GORO: maybe what we think of as normal crimes have already occurred.

host: now that you say it, that's true.

GORO: please don't misunderstand. it's only if there are people that could do that. it's just a supposition, but something we can't ignore. it would be a threat to our very livelihood.

GORO: in fact, i've started working with the police, and we've started moving.

Point is, nothing about the marketing has built it up as being a particular huge twist or anything. This isn't P4, where the whole scenario and advertising revolved around finding the truth of a mystery. Fans, like the retards they are, have just made the whole traitor into a way bigger than it was, because they needed something to talk about.
See >>154971638
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>It's a party member thinks he can do everything better without you episode

Atlus are hacks
Yeah, this sounds about right. That fucking explosion of reactions up there tho.
What does he want? Justice? Is that all?
Not just a party member the mascot
This is cool af
that's it, that's the character

Whore for cock juice.
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you people have gotten so worked up about the traitor that if you go through /pg/ this past week, half of the posts talk about 'the killer' instead of 'the traitor' lmao
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It's my fault for not being able to stream, I'm sorry guys.
Really sure he is. He has "fans" but no one close to him, right? His stuck-up personality and twisted world view on a deep level probably drives away any potential.
I said both. Adults are wrong about tons of things plenty of times and the same is true for kids. Adults are also able to get away with corruption easier too when they have positions of power, especially with a nation like Japan.
I miss Adachi...
Salty annefags can shitpost all they want. Doesn't change the fact that Makoto is canon while Anne gets dicked by based bro Ryuji
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So, is anyone here actually still excited for Persona 5?

I am, and I'm probably about to preorder. Game looks slick as fuck and the story actually seems fun.

retards, see >>154967217
>I hate what I perceive to be the youth so I'll be a mindless bootlicker instead since I only operate in extremes
Is this advanced /pol/ shitposting?

I don't. Just based on >>154971921, Goro is already way better at explaining his villainous rationale in a way that doesn't sound like the whining of a petulant manchild.
>P5 gets political

Oh boy
What a smooth fucker
You still got 5 months to think about it ;^)
Nope. All hype is dead.
>that fucking guest list
>Sugita, Miyano, Fukujun, Lotus, Aoi
Thanks for the reminder Anon. Watching for Aoi and will be recording everything in case something amusing happens. Apparently it goes for two days and it's mostly game footage though. First even is at 3PM. I think the seiyuu stuff is tomorrow.
im hype as fuck for it


>goro is better as a villain

fuck off, he's the same manchild that adachi is
it's a fucking disaster on every level, yes EVERY level, the graphics are honestly pretty shitty and we all saw the downgrade.

now all the shills here are defending goro like the contrarians they are
I'm on the edge of getting the special edition imported still, been on the order screen for a day or two now. Only thing holding me back is I understand very little Japanese, and this is a text heavy game. But I need it in my life, fuck Fatlus for this wait.
Is Sae evil yet?
Probably going to preorder anyways. My hype's through the roof.
Goro literally did nothing wrong he's Jesus Yamato, Ryuji is the autistic sociopathic killer who wants to change the world with his Gundam.
I want to say I feel sorry for the guy.
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Fuck off Goro.
She provides a home and security for Makoto the whore, so yes.
Think about how great the game would have been if Goro, a retread of the most hated anime villain cliches, wasn't in it ;_;
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Was it rape?
maybe you shouldn't have gotten it on ps3, anon
>Anne's character arc is about being perceived by her appearance
>Fanbase thinks they can just fuck her since she's a female party member and she joins early
>Turns out she won't open her legs for the player and has her own romance subplot with Ryuji

This is actually pretty damn well done.
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>the graphics are honestly pretty shitty and we all saw the downgrade.
The only thing I'm disappointed about the game so far is the black-and-white mentality going on here. The main cast is basically just taking on douche-bags which you don't feel any sympathy for. It's basically you taking on the same enemy just in different coating. Their no real moral conflict on the protag side on what they are doing because of it. I will still enjoy the game, but this may dampen my experience on it because I already know what to expect in regards to developments involving the enemies.

>broadcast ends after >>154971921
>next scene.

a: i sort of thought he had a point...
r: he acted like were the bad guys. i dont like that.
a: but is he serious about the police?

m: let me say this. what's justice isn't, that's something you have to decide.
r: sorry, i gotta go to the bathroom. i'll come back so wait here.
a: jeez, i thought he went earlier...

>ann goes on ahead.
>goro approaches MC

GORO: ah, it's you. i'm glad i could meet you. i wanted to thank you.

>the next line is one i can't properly translate, but i think he's saying that if opposites don't exist, then [word i don't know] can't occur.

GORO: i'm sorry, sorry, having that debate was enlightening. there aren't many people around me that would clearly state their opinions to me.
GORO: the adults just use young people, and my fellow peers just go with the flow.
GORO: i think i can have a good debate with you. can we meet somewhere else and talk?

MC: i don't mind.
>MC: if there's a chance.

GORO: thank you, i'm happy. shuujin academy really has some interesting people. i look forward to meeting you again. see you.

>fastfoward to the future, in interrogation room with sae

sae: you've done a good job evading the police up until now.
sae: perhaps you were in contact with someone that was related to the police.
sae: what was going on?!

>justice arcana GET screen

ryuji why did you need to go to the bathroom again
has anybody gone far enough to see semen demon Sae yet
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>P1 is still king

I bet you a full on graphic remake for P1 would break that record.
Hopefully. If it was consensual there won't be any trauma.
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Fuck yeah I'm still hyped. Preordering it as well.
Save her!
yea but the thing is you can actually romance her
This meme has got to stop
Some say she was leading Goro all the time, I hope this isn't the case and maybe the stress or something got to her. On the other hand, the bosses before weren't exactly just caught up in unfortunate circumstances or emotions..
Stay mad that Anne want Ryuji's cock and that Makoto is the canon love interest.
>Makoto even gets the damsel in distress introduction

Not really, unless he suddenly starts shouting about his life being over because he's in the country and how he deserves better because he's better than everybody.
A guy's gotta jack it once in a while.
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>strongly market girl
>she's the first female character revealed in the game
>make her the design and concept simillar to a girl that craved for the MC's dick in another game in the series
>give her Catherine's costume in the DLC
>give her the Lovers arcana, which is usually associated with romance between the MC and the character with that arcana
>give her all the fanservice scenes

Why is Hashino so cruel?
Well he is Kira in Death Note
The moral conflict is easily waved away with having Goro, the obvious bad guy, do the killing. If the thieves themselves committed actions they doubted, and then started to question themselves, that could be interesting. Instead it's just the obvious villain who was doing it the whole time, so there's no narrative reason for the heroes to question themselves or be sullied in the narrative. It feels very lazy and chickenshit imo.
stop fucking holding back THE WHOLE GAME IS LAZY AND CHICKENSHIT
What meme? That the game is better by letting character have their own lives?
It's too bad because I feel like a cool dichotomy could have occurred between the protagonist and Goro. Sort of like how Guilty Gear handles Ky being Law, and Sol being Chaos, but cranked to like 12.
No one gives a shit about her. Everyone loves Makoto who is actually canon.
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>GORO: i think i can have a good debate with you. can we meet somewhere else and talk?

Goro is DTF.
>Makoto is the canon love interest
Isn't the the used goods (maidsensei) the canon love interest?
Don't worry about it, 4chan is eternally hyperbolic and hypercritical about basically everything. Give it a few weeks and people will calm down.
The game looks great (even if you can't fucking romance Anne fjskakaksk). What annoys me is the fact that I'll have to wait five (5) months to play it, possibly without the Jap audio.
his entire motive is that he wants to be famous

its the same as adachi
Only the shit taste Japs love Makoto.

Maybe one day /v/ will leave.
>Some say she was leading Goro all the time
I really don't think that's possible, considering their interactions so far and this >>154972525
But who knows
Its a guarantee
How is he cruel? SHe gets a romance with Ryuji.

MC is too busy with the actual de-facto heroine and canonical love interest Makoto anyway.
>Fujos still alive even after everything
>Wants to be famous
Are retarded shitposter-kun
>even if you can't fucking romance Anne
But you can
>Persona 1 is the best selling Persona game
>Persona 1 is the only Persona game available on Windows PC

I guess Atlus will have no other choice but port Persona 5 to PC
Sounds like you are pretty jaded and are looking for every excuse to hate this game. Must be rough being unable to enjoy things
You haven't even played the fucking game and I doubt anyone spouting this shipper shit can actually read Japanese, they just say everytime Ann and Ryuji are together means they're in a romance.
Something is happening?


Yup, bad ending has Goro straight executing the MC.
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>yfw you've loved Makoto since she was first shown
>yfw she got confirmed to get the canon pairing with MC
I don't. The cup of water I just drank is less boring than that. But I can see how easy it is to reel in fags with a meek and agreeable girl.
they want the rape doujins

this is why atlus shouldn't make shitty characters who pander to their rape fetish
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Reminder that Hardin knew how much of a blunder P5 would turn out to be and got it delayed to ensure we'd know the truth before getting duped.

Apologize. He gave you 5 months of your life back, maybe even more.
Fujos love handsome evil psychos and guy on guy rape, what the hell did you expect?
Fujo's are kind of like the first flame in Dark Souls. You can try to put it out as much as you want but no matter what one ember will always survive and eventually reignite
Goro is another issue I have as well. He turning out exactly how I suspected him to be. The guy who acts calm, but believes his ways are above others deep down inside. It's too obvious he gonna go crazy later down the road in which all the pretending he was doing is going to be exposed. Then he going to go full retard of "muh justice" making look no better then a comedic villain who shouldn't be taken seriously.
But still, the fact that they ship her with fucking Ryuji is cruel. I'd be fine with it if it was with Yusuke, but with the kid that probably has ADD?
Because it's almost Alisha/Io all over again.
I'll keep my preorder. After how good P4G was there's no way I'm NOT gonna play P5.

Plus I can probably offload the extras from the special edition if nothing else.

To be honest, the Goro debates anon is posting are really badass.

If the Anne meme turns out to be true I will be upset but I doubt it will.
gomen gomen
Even that would have been better than what we got with Goro's character.
>Devs know the fanbase has the habit of rejecting whoever is promoted as the main heroine
>Announces Anne early on
>Announces Makoto later, and her popularity soars with best girl posting and by winning several "most popular character polls"
>Game comes out
>Anne is not even an option and Makoto is the actual heroine and canon love interest

This is Kojima levels of rusing. 10/10
Joke's on him - Anne is still best girl even if you can't fuck her
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They announced the schedule for TGS
wtf i love hardin now
Just let these two dumbasses kill themselves, goddamn
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Positive thinking, anon.
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>autistic guy samefagging his shit over and over
So is it already possible to tell if P5 MC has as much swag as Yu or not?
Someone reminds me why they target Okumura ? They didn't recieve a Kaitou request this time
I really wish we had some honest to God grey area where Goro is right but so are the PT, and they eventually join forces for a greater purpose.

Instead, Goro is just fucking crazy and the PT did nothing wrong.

Hashino must be delusional to think anyone could empathize with the villains.
>500 posts
>only 83 posters
Exactly. A lot of people hoped he wouldn't be so obvious, but he was, and it's disappointing. It's like he belongs in a different series.

You're taking a lot from a grand total of roughly two translated dialogues. It's like you don't want to like it or something.
most of the thread is just this autist >>154973262
>I really wish we had some honest to God grey area where Goro is right but so are the PT, and they eventually join forces for a greater purpose.
That's just as bad, as it then turns into a black and white story.
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It's below the description of the stream. I can translate it if you want to.
I know /v/ is invading us, but c'mon.
>everyone has to post only once and leave
>Haru's first appearance in dungeon
She won a spot in my heart. Her tarot?
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>yfw it was all a ruse and Anne reveals that she's been in love with you this entire time
>It's like he belongs in a different series.

He'd fit in as the lawfag character in an SMT game to the fucking T.

Welcome to shitposting, don't expect any decent conversation. For the next week it's only /v/ and hyperbole about how Hashino should be raped and shot.
Remember that most popular guy in P4 amongst fujos is Yosuke, not Adachi. Fujos like their vanilla.
>have to fuck with a tiny scroll bar just to wade through a bunch of recycled rumors
Fuck you guys. I hope the demons eat you in your sleep
That would have been way better than generic lawfag justice man.

It's the fact that all his boss battle portraits have him looking comically like Light Yagami, and there's nothing about this character to salvage.
She's Empress
He did nothing wrong, fuck that cat
Switch P3 and P4
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>People didn't like Marie being pushed hard
>Everyone loves Makoto for being pushed hard

Oh wow, character portraits. Such damning evidence, we basically know everything about his character now. Don't even need to play the game, how convenient for us.
Goro's codename is Crow.

there's the rape obsessed fujos out there but the most popular pairs will be vanilla, i bet most fujos will turn on goro
>That's just as bad, as it then turns into a black and white story.

What the hell were you expecting? There is literally no Persona game where the overall bad guy isn't an issue of black and white.
I would join him.
More enjoyable than Jonathan.
What is the status of annefags right now?
Fuck off with this meme
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The negative impact Marie brought with Golden is not nearly as egregious as the negative impact The Answer brought with FES. That epilogue is the single worst thing to happen to purse owner.
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>Haru stays with this guy after the dungeon

I prefer versatile, he is the perfect bf for Yu, and Yu is the perfect bf for him
I like Makoto's design/Makoto herself but I prefer Futaba. Though I can't wait to see how many complaints there will be when it's released in the west.
The fire only burns hotter now, anon.
That's actually a small nitch of fujos. A big majority of them like vanilla. That's why Yosuke and Jun are popular.
Are you reading the thread? Every line of his dialogue says "I AM EVIL AND BARELY SUPPRESSING MY TRUE NATURE". He's shit dude, stop saying we need more context to make him not a joke.

It's already black and white now. The PT don't need to doubt their actions, because the only member who did bad shit was evil the whole time, and their targets are all scumbags to begin with.
*sigh*, yet another pleb that didn't understand the answer.

>Persona 3 - Evangelion
>The Answer - End of Evangelion

Persona 3 is the greatest MegaTen ever made.
I'm sorry.
Is the Answer that bad? I still have P3 backlogged and have P3P easier and closer than P3:FES.
making Goro 'right' and then joining the PT and doing the exact stuff they do means nothing if the villains are still evil. you need to make the villains morally grey, not make Goro a non-villain completely
Jonathan is for tender loving. I wish you could fuck him. That kitty scene sent my dick to the stars.

I've gotten none of that from >>154971921
or >>154972525, it's sounds like you're reading too much into it. Almost like you're just wanting to shitpost.
the answer is just about the dumbest shit ever
I'd argue the heart stealing is plenty evil regardless of how vile the target is. Murdering them would be morally superior.
Eh. Some will turn on him, some will now turn their attention to him. Either way, it's delusional to think that they'd "die" after the Goro stuff.
There's is a very good reason why people say to simply never play TA after you complete the game proper. The only good part is playing as Aigis.
anyone have the link to the 20th anniversary ost?
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Well, she IS his fiance...
The answer is too deep for most people, but to answer your real question most agree that FES is better than P3P
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Goro's more handsome, and it's okay when the villain's handsome
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has anyone on 2ch gotten to christmas?
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I'll forgive you as long as you can tell me who the fuck this is supposed to be
All the last threads were nothing with shitpost and haven't even covered the Goro arc yet which will start a new wave of shitposting
He's a good man, but he shouldn't be locked into full retard alignment like the rest of them.
The question is what made him into psycho Griffith?
Makoto isnt the walking embodiment of a maggot invested cunt
>Murdering them would be morally superior.
Reddit-tier philosophy
But Digital Devil Saga 2 is the End of Evangelion of MegaTen.
They can still have both teams be right in their own way. The PT needed to have a mission where they fucked up immenesely and stole the heart of someone that did nothing wrong.

Or stealing the heart had a severe consequence like making the person kill themself or others.
*Sigh*, even if you don't understand the answer please don't try and ruin other people's enjoyment.
The Third one even points that it dying out means it will just respawn later anyways.
Does Ryuji's SL have any requirements/things to fulfill in the middle or does it just keep advancing normally? I haven't gotten any texts from him since hitting rank 6, but I'm still a few days away from the end of the Madarame arc.
where did you get this pic?
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I never saw any pre release things or spoilers.
Oh right, Adachi wasn't an ikemen
I almost forgot about Sephiroth, now I really wonder how popular Goro will be
Instead the only member who does actual bad things is the one telegraphed to be evil from the start. Bravo, Atlus.
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If the shindou theme is really his maybe he was brainwashed like some lines of the song imply
>My heart is a furnace
How to sell it, my words of conflict
One goes, what keeps me going?
Take back what I lost to the bosses of greed and fear, yeah
We still don't know what the fuck Mahabirthday is in non-runes, but it cures burn, freeze and shock.

The psy version of it is Energy Drop/Energy Shower.
No, it isn't. Murder > Mind-rape

Japs are highly conformist and collectivist, so I'm sure they'd disagree.
Then why do we have to throw people onto the barbecue every ten years or so when everyone has gone CRAZY but just CRAAAZZZY enough to fill the world with a bunch of evil somersaulting fat knights? If it's gonna be fine, who cares?
Anon you forget that a lot of the vanilla Sephiroth content takes place before he goes evil. It be a different story if he was evil without any backstory.
Is Goro the Komaeda of Persona?
>Or stealing the heart had a severe consequence like making the person kill themself or others.

Goro tricks them into doing this
He is a walkingtrope. If you played enough JRPG games and watch anime shows you can easily spotted these generic trope characters and guess where they are going. His character I already knew from the beginning just by the information put out about him, his design, and how he barely is advertised with the rest of the cast. It didn't strayed one bit from what I expected so far.
Bite your tongue, Komaeda is a better character. Though of Atlus wants the shit fujo fanbase who wants yandere rape and that's why they made Goro, the company deserves to burn.
>Party keeps on raving about justice trought the whole game
>huuur Goro is a lawfag trying to stop our Swagonist chaos hero :~DDDD
Genocide SMT cucks
No, murder means the person is dead. Heart theft means the person is alive.
honestly i hope
10/10 writing.
Mishima, Murasaki, and Edogawa would weep in their graves.

>it is more reasonable to murder someone than to destroy the inner demon inside of them.

that is some edgy shit.
The morality of an action is not solely dependent upon its effects on other people. That's soulless communist utilitarian thinking.
>The Answer
>End of Evangelion

But EoE is actually good while The Answer is a boring piece of shit. They aren't even that similar.
Hey now. I like Goro so far, but let's not try to put him at the same level as Hopeman.
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oh boy here come the wannabe Nietzsche squad
How do they come to the Crow codename?
Man Haru is fucking boring
Komaeda is good though
>I-I read these random ass hundred year old stories, look at me! I'm going to keep posting until you look at me
This is literally classic /smtg/ behavior except with ultra obscure demons, neck yourself
This. It's why this character is disappointing. He's a bunch of cliches mashed together and nothing about his writing has anything that would make him interesting as a villain. He'll be as forgotten as Ikutsuki and Strega.
>Goro tricks them into doing this

Who is it then?
What about the female one?
He won't be because he's pretty
What did Edogawa Ranpo do to deserve his best known character's namesake wind up such a shit tier character?
Because they'll still go hollow and they dont want that. PLus Im pretty sure it's thousands of years between every cycle. I'd say throwing some some undead into the oven is worth it to keep the lights on for another hundred years
>He'll be as forgotten as Ikutsuki and Strega.
Except he's good looking
>atlus made him pretty because they know fujos will support shitty characters if they're bishounen

fujos are trash and franchises need to stop pandering to them
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Only after you evoke your Persona.
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His mask.
Atlus mistake with him was not advertising him alongside the rest of the party members and mentioning anything about a traitor. If they didn't do those things I probably would of been caught off-guard on him going this route. But, the way they did it this time was too obvious.
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mfw im tempted to use the dlc personas, but that would make the game too easy
The entire series is pandering, anon-kun
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I'm 100% on the Maid-sensei and Futaba train, but all this shit is making me feel real bad for annefags.

Stay strong boys
As opposed to this the original cast
>self insert
>crippled former jock
>aryan chick
>fuckboy with manly voice
>bland seito kaichou
>troubled rich girl
>mascot character
I hope your mom makes like Margarett Mitchell, author of Gone with the Wind, and gets hit by a fucking car
Do you think he'll get an ultimate persona?

It doesn't seem like you get much time with him
>Liking the prostitute teacher
Then blame the Trinity first. They started the fujo pandering since Persona 1.

Not only that but if P5 gets bigger than P4, people might start associating Akechi Kogoro with Goro.
His Coop is authomatic so yes
Did he get an awakening or did he already have costume and persona?
honestly before the traitor thing got revealed I thought they were trying to hide Goro because they wanted to play him off as an antagonist and then it's a surprise when he joins you, but I got rused
He already had it.
Happy that best girl gets best boy
How's the demon negotiation?
So? The taking of a human life is still worse.
I want to use them just because they actually look pretty good, especially that one Alt Messiah. Anyone got a solo pic of that?
>tfw they played him completely straight ;_;
Who the fuck cares? There is literally zero reason to give a shit about this, this is either severe autism or you're trying to appear smart because you googled an author's name. Like seriously, just stop and fucking think, who gives a flying fuck about this shit you're acting so concerned about? Why can't you just go back to /smtg/ and circlejerk over some obscure Polynesian cum demon one last time before you hang yourself?
That is so insensitive. Futaba would hate you.
>I'd say throwing some some undead into the oven is worth it to keep the lights on for another hundred years
I've seen the state of Souls kingdoms. There's nothing in them worth burning even one person to preserve, especially since everyone's sanity is just a fleshy balloon ready to pop and go crazy at the absolute slightest provocation.
>people might start associating Akechi Kogoro with Goro

hashino literally pissing on his legacy
Did he have a persona awakening scene?
It would have been interesting if Goro goes off the deep end because he got drunk on vigilante justice when he joined us.
Pretty sure we all expected that. Actually, I'm legitimately curious, why NOT go this route? I mean, you could even still have him as the traitor, just have a fight with him and then have him rejoin later. Atlus would get to cover all the bases.
Humans reincarnate so no it isn't. With stealing a persons heart you twist their very soul to fit your desires. There are many things worse than death and they'd rather they suffer than get the easy out via dying.
/smtg/ veteran here, that's exactly what they do desu senpai
I don't really pay attention to the main cast members that much. if their personalities are good enough for me to endure then I don't really care about them being tropes as long as their characters are somewhat believable to me and don't get on my nerves.

The Villians I wanted more depth too because they are suppose to be the conflict for the story. Yet this is very disappointing that they are just crazies for us to stroke the main characters ego on being Justice. They hype this up to be so mature yet it seem so childish when think about it.
DLC where this happens when
So what happened? How did he get his Persona?
tofu's stream is down and the closest stream is in August still, time for mass shitposting now that everybody isn't distracted
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man I don't even want to play persona 4, now
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>Humans reincarnate so no it isn't.
You earned this. Well played.

jrpgs are lazy with villains though, because they know most people are playing for waifus and care more about the main party
No special awakening scene, he already has full use of his persona.
>needing to play P5 to know it's a shitty game
What a stupid fucking fallacy
You have no basis for your moral beliefs. It's milquetoast modern thinking.

There is nothing inherently wrong with taking a human life. The morality of an action stems from its righteousness, not how "not nice" it is.
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>mfw /pg/ has a culture of ignorance
we're fucking done, dude

there are no more annefags after this

fuck atlus honestly

who makes a cum plum like anne and then cockblocks you with your best bro

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can any of you guys translate the last two symbols that every recolour has?
/v/ pls go
How did they explain that away?
I just beat Persona 3 and I have a question, if Nyx was supposed to come no matter what happened, what is Itkuski trying to do with the sacrifice thing?
Picaro, wasn't it?
does ANYONE question this
Jesus Christ. And NO ONE in the game is questioning this? Fuck, even SEES get shocked at the prospect of other Persona users. Hell IT was shocked too in Arena.
Hey retards, make him start posting screens with every post he makes, or get a trip, because otherwise you're responding to bait
He told them about his persona before hand.
some guy translated it to zoku shin but he said he was prob wrong, kanji is this 賊神
>Join me
>What's the catch
>Just do it
That's pretty much it
>tfw that sounds better than what actually happened
>not bullying a demon
>not giving them your autograph
>not dancing crazy
>not seducing them
>not flirting with another man in front of them

Thanks Hashino.
>forced to be with the dyke
just end me now
He's bonkers, because Nyx would just kill everyone.
>I believe everything I read on the internet
You fell for my bait, you gullible retard. I genuinely hope you have no responsibilities or anyone is dependent on you because you're so fucking stupid
Death isn't the end.
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Rule 3
can anyone translate 賊神 properly
because all the streamers are shitters who aren't trying to get her

holy shit did people complain that you couldn't get yukari at the start? retard
Fuck off Goro
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I see, thank you for the answer

what do you mean?
>Morgana isn't a catgirl
>The Makoto romance gives you one of the points that determine which ending you get
>so many recolors

Just kill me.
Are they really free? Saw in a stream that you could get on compendium for 0 yen.
>You have no basis for your moral beliefs. It's milquetoast modern thinking.

>The morality of an action stems from its righteousness, not how "not nice" it is.
So murder is righteous. Got it.
which means?
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Why are people saying that Persona 5 is shit? I really only care about the gameplay and not so much on the waifu stuff

Is the hate related to the waifu shit?
>he Makoto romance gives you one of the points that determine which ending you get
Where is your source?
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If Persona 5 was on 3DS it'd be a much better game than the slop we got.
No it's all Goro.
>this autist again

Give it up.
yeah dlc
What/Who is Goro?
It's this guy >>154976490
People overracting with how it hard to romance some of the girls.
It's a meme.
just leave now and ignore all impressions from this site

I have none. I'm just shitposting to kill time.

The other two points are spot on though.
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The best boy.
A man you can trust.
>So murder is righteous. Got it.
It can be, yes. Sometimes it's the only option because the State, which has a legal monopoly on force, refuses to use it because it too is corrupt and is covering for the person you are trying to stop.
wew lad
It has to do with the 'collective consciousness'.
Yes because it confirmed that Makoto is the canon love interest with you needing to max out her Co-op in order to get the good ending.
I used to want to protect that smile.
ruselord. do not fall for his tricks.
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>Why are people saying that Persona 5 is shit? >I really only care about the gameplay
>winter 2014
>literally got delayed 2 years
>it's still shit and worse than Persona 4
Which of the current players got the good ending?
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You failed at protecting that smile.
>/v/ influx also brought gays into the mix
>but the rampant shitposting makes it hard to consider it worth
Why don't you still want to protect it?
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I still hope there's a reason why he's called Yuki Mishima.
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wannabe adachi
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anyone know what happens in the upper ranks of Yuki's co-op?
EoPs overreacting about things they cannot read
It was confirmed in the datamine.
Guys, guys, I just noticed something really interesting, if you ignore every post that has a Goro picture, suddenly the thread quality just goes up.

Please, try it.
Provide proof. Your word isn't good enough.
prove it
Fuck off. Why are you guys trying so hard to spread lies?
I haven't gotten too far into the game, but it looks like all the talk about cucking and NTR in /v/ was just a ruse or misunderstanding from EOPs.

Are there actual NTR in P5?
I don't know what's worse, Goroposters or falseflaggers trying to turn Makoto into the new Marie.
You should be ignoring the Makotoposters even more.
>Makoto, the best girl that everyone thought would be just a supporting character is the main heroine and the canon love interest
>Anne is fucked by Ryuji

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Real Gorposters are chill.
The Makoto=Mariefags are worse because they're basing themselves on lies.
gay sex
I was here for the entire datamine period and no such thing existed. Your hook and sinker taste delicious by the way.
He's not my best boy anymore ever since he turned out to be Adachi 2.0 since i'm not really into crazy antagonists

Now mainly i'm just having complicated feelings.

Where did i go wrong, anon? ;_;
The NTR was a lie. Instead you get Makoto as the canon love interest.
I just want to date him and make him happy for the rest of his life
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don't tease me like that, anon

it's all over dude

the P5 waifu game is fucked beyond repair
The only NTR is the fact that Annefags can't romance Anne.

Also, Makoto is the canon love interest like Aigis in P3.
Goroposters are hilarious.
The Makotofags are off the deep end with their lies.
you mean ignore people who wanted this game to be SMT V and expected a persona game to be "deep"
They have nothing better to do with themselves. Without the shit-posting these threads will die which I don't mind. Waiting a week or two for the real information to come out is better then all this false-flagging garbage going on every thread.
I forgive everything the Goroposters have done because of the Goropocalypse image
>Watched a stream where Makoto was staking MC
So cute
At this point its really fucking obvious that the makotofag is just one person
>Where did i go wrong, anon? ;_;

It wasn't you that failed him, Anon.
Atlus failed Goro. We were completely powerless.
Being like Aigis changes literally nothing because you could romance whoever you wanted in P3.
I tried filtering every post with "Makoto" in it and suddenly the thread's cured of cancer.
Anne loves Ryuji but luckily you still have Makoto who is canon just like Aigis.
>Caring who you can romance when it literally doesn't matter
>Anne dates Ryuji
>Futaba compares Makoto and MC to her parents
>Haru actually likes her fiance
>Makoto falls for the MC regardless of co-op
Nothing he is not a romance before you ask jsut some loser with a website
Nope, this time Makoto's romance with Joker actually impacts the plot.
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>makoto beach date becomes a sensei date if you have romanced her
Exactly, but you can't. What was the point of giving him a name referencing a known gay writer if it would go nowhere. Bait? Or are we still missing scenes and details about him.

I don't even care about dating him I just want to know if his name has any meaning.
>or you can kill them all and the world may go to shit later in the direct sequel that never exists
the fucking whiny environmentalist demons in SJ felt like it came out of a modern ubisoft game
Anyone got Yusuke's ultimate yet?
What if Van Gogh was his Persona? Or Leonardo?
>Haru actually likes her fiance
There's no NTR. Annefags are mad because she's not a romance option and she gets with Ryuji, while Makoto steals the heroine and main girl spot.
>Anne dates Ryuji
I love this meme
Yea but you can romance her so wtf you talking about ?
Screenshots anon save us from this shitposting
Screenshot anon is too busy playing and doesn't even use a trip to cut down on shitposts
It's the same situation as Goro. What was the point in naming him after Kogoro? Hell, what was the point of putting him on the box?
He taught her the pleasure of being cummed inside
But Lucifer likes humanity. I agree on YHVH though. Seriously, what happened to SMT 1 where Law wanted to create a utopia that would come at the cost of stripping people's freedom? Also, pretty sure that that's the point in SJ, that the demons are full of shit and are just trying to guilt trip you because they're salty over God kicking their sorry asses.
No one has got his yet
Happy prostitute
Wouldn't he target the forehead instead?
Has anyone figured out how to move Ryuji's SL past rank 6?
Nothing can save us from shitposting. /vg/ was an offshoot of /v/ after all, and like its father, it is a piece of shit for actual discussion.

Please, where can i find this
>Let's just stay teacher and student
What's going on here
We have his Ultimate, so someone managed it.
>you can have a beach date with Makoto no matter what
>for the other girls you have to be lovers
>people will still try to deny that Makoto is the main heroine
What does the mystic script say?
New thread when.
Considering mankinds pollution literally made tge planet itself open a hole thats meant to cover it and wipe out what's killing it of course they dont care about humans much.

Humans are not the first race to evolve and fuck up either.
So much for being able to date the teacher. It was all a ruse.
It's pretty impressive to fail so badly at google translate.

I don't think anyone is denying as much as they are literally going on a denial spergout.

Makoto being the main girl literally ended any possibility of a new waifu war before it even began.
>likes humanity
>wants to create a world where demons will snack on humans whenever they feel like it
Dumb chaos faggot
It's the end of her social link, sorry, sweetheart, no sex, no romance option and no slamming that cake pussy.That date you saw, that was just having fun, think of her like the teacher in P3, life's in the shitter, then this dude gives you hope again, but you cannot cross that line between teacher and student so you break it off but still remain friends. Well, not in Tomori's case, She probably felt awful that Makoto died a few days after she made an ass of herself in front of him, I still wonder how the little kid who moved away took it.
Makoto confirmed for slut.
The Mothers already kicked Gods ass.
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ok what does the text actually say
Basically you try to get into her pants but she says no since you're at school. When she's leaving, she says it would be okay outside of school.
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She says no. "Let's remain teacher and student"

Tapping teacher pussy
Well Goro makes more sense since he's a detective like Kogoro, it's an obvious throwback to him. They wanted us to think he'd be like Naoto, the last member to join the team and make his "big reveal" inconspicuous.
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Please don't be lying to me because that's great
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Lucifer has varied between games and has cared about humans. He even apologizes in oneof IIs Visionary Items and wants to stay inside Aleph.

Also Raidou 2 chaos isn't even about demons and Lucifer is thr M to Raidous S.
its a lie, she says She says no. "Let's remain teacher and student"

You faggots thought that the teacher could be fucked. Turns out she just leaves.

Between her, the hippie, the nurse and Anne, Makoto is legit the only true romance route
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What did they mean by this?
is she gonna wait for us?
He wants to create a world where the strong rule the weak. If that means that humans become demon chow, too bad. If that means humans get to rule the earth still, then that's cool. He even takes defeat gracefully. Now, mind you, he's still a manipulative bastard who's perfectly happy to see the entire multiverse destroyed if it means he gets a shot at YHVH, so he's nowhere near a good guy.

And he kicked their ass in the past. So there's still salt over that.
Nope, she's says that she wants to remain teacher and student.
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>Fujo fags did not get their faggot romance
>So none one should get any
Korogo? What's Mii's teacher have to do with Persona? Still mad she and him didn't return for the sequel, their house was there but they weren't. Not cool.
What was different about the chaos route end and what Tokyo was already like in SMT4 anyway?

>Lucifer as proud ancap
Perfect analogy.
>People forgetting about the fact that it was stated that dating multiple girls at once could have severe consequences

Makoto couldn't be the only one
When has there been any confirmation on any of those apart from nurse lol
But she sure as hell is the best one. And just so you know, even though they don't date or fuck, sensei's route still counts as a "date"
Hashino said also said you might sympathize with the adults and things aren't as black/white as it seems
Weird, I don't see that in any of the pictures he posted. Nothing about student and teacher. Just talking about it's no good at school.

Maybe my nip is just bad?
It said that romance could have consequences and your romance with Makoto does impact the story.
No that looks about right in just that image. I don't know about any follow up text after that, but that one pretty much just says outside of school is fair game.
No. He says that romances have consequences, which is true, since to get the true ending you have to romance Makoto
Considering all the misinformation and blatantly false "translations", I have to seriously doubt any of you niggers even know a quarter of the language enough to actually get this story.

Although I do not doubt that Persona can have a bad story, given we have 3 and 4 as evidence.
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>Actually believing this
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Nocturne explained why he wanted that and it was still better than four other endings.

Even Freedom he congratulates you for being just like him and choosing Freedom.
Hey, idiot, they said that only for Persona 4 golden's valentine guilt trip. They said no such thing about that in Persona 5. In fact, you at best could argue they pulled a Baba and completely did away with the romance options for all the girls except Makoto, kinda like a reverse of what happened to Yukari in P3, They didn't expect Aigis to be popular like that, it was the Asuka/Rei situcation all over again. In fact, social links leading to fucking girls weren't in the original plans of Persona 3 and onwards to begin with until Aigis came along, so because of those who wanted to fuck a toaster we have the cancerous waifufag pandering of Persona 4 and the director shilling his waifu in Persona 5.

Waifufags ruin everything. Just like they ruined Fire Emblem. Just wait for them to ruin Mario when Nintendo finally gets wise to Daisy,Peach and Rosalina's sexual appeal
> can't be a fun manslut and romance whoever you want

I like Makoto but that's a damn shame.
>l links leading to fucking girls weren't in the original plans of Persona 3 and onwards to begin with until Aigis came along
that's a big lie considering you couldn't even romance Aigis until FES
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*the character designer

>Just like they ruined Fire Emblem
People have been wanting to fuck every pegasus knight before that series brought marriage in, m8
>Other than the new co-op characters introduced this time, you’re also able to do co-op with the members of the Phantom Thieves. After deepening your bond with them, it would be possible to date and become lovers with them, however, beware of the consequences of dating several people at the same time!
>Complains about waifufagging
>They literally cut back on it by writing a defined love interest

Just admit that you're mad because you can't fuck your waifu

>Robin Hood
Don't worry you can be a manslut because that's fake
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What does this game even have to do with being a slave or wanting emancipation? Or did they completely scrap all that?
Goro shot Haru's dad

Not even meming
I'm still disappointed it isn't Javert.
Sensei's co-op counts as a "date" even though she never fucks you and decides to remain as teacher and student.
That was all concept and screening for Persona 5.
The game we have and are discussing is P5, which is an entirely different and disappointing mess.
>page 10
>still no new thread
It's better then YHVH destroying countless universes over and over until he finally finds a way to remove free will, sure, but that doesn't mean it's good. The lesser of the two evils is still evil.

You know, I wonder, does Freedom free the world from the cycle? I would think so, given that it prevents the new world from being born and kills Kagutsuchi.
Going to need a source on that, given the above images people keep referencing have absolutely nothing about that.
Goro is the killer.
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Me? Have a waifu? Don't compare me to your kind,anon. I'm above such childishness. I'm just pointing out what damaged the series in the first place and what killed another series.
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Don't you have some BBxOcelot fanfiction to write
We don't know
Also it's hard to tell if it's a ruse or not but Goro's implied he had a horrible family life and was basically abandoned
So has anyone actually maxed out the co-op with Anne and gotten no romance option, or is this all shitposting? Same with any of the other girls you apparently can't bang.

Also, is there a new reason why this game is shit, or is it still just Goro?
Goro enjoys his work too much to be Javert.
The main characters are oppressed by big bad evil men and use magic to emancipate themselves because this is a world where using obvious actual law practices to get your waymay as well not exist I guess
Seriously? I was hoping they would incorporate those concepts into the PT adventures. This saddens me, it could have been so great.
This thread is better than that other OP bait. Let's go to this one.
Anne can be romance from what my friend playing the game told me

She is the first girl to join but for some reason the hardest
you double the amount of demons so it's even shittier
you sound like you'd write a thrilling phantom thief story anon
It's still the lesser of six evils is what you mean then.
lol anti-annefags on suicide watch now. Someone just posted screenshots of the anne romance.
you are reading it pretty well. But saying its no good at school is pre much saying maybe when you leave school, until then lets keep it as teacher and student.
>It's better then YHVH destroying countless universes over and over until he finally finds a way to remove free will, sure, but that doesn't mean it's good. The lesser of the two evils is still evil.

YHVH told the Messians to stop the Conception. It's the Great Will that wants it.
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