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/dg/ - Destiny General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 754
Thread images: 141

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2.4 Patch Notes: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/45172/7_Destiny-Update-090816
Weapon Tuning Notes: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/45154
Latest Weekly Update: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/45188
Rise of Iron ViDoc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nu_CSHegu5s [Embed] [Embed]


Nightfall: Cerberus Vae III (Epic, Void Burn, Berserk, Brawler, Airborne) [SUPPOSEDLY SWITCHING BETWEEN THIS AND FALLEN S.A.B.E.R.]
Heroic Strikes: Heroic, Void Burn, Berserk, Small Arms
Crucible Weeklies: Mayhem Rumble, Mayhem Clash
CoE: Exposure, Specialist, Super Kill Bonus
CoO T3: Thalnok
Gunsmith: N/A
ToO Map: On hiatus until 9/30
Xûr: N/A

Check anyone's status: http://destinystatus.com/
Stalk your ToO opponents: http://www.destinytrialsreport.com/
Looking for game: http://www.destinylfg.net | http://www.destinylfg.com
TTK Grimoire cards: http://www.ishtar-collective.net/releases/the-taken-king
Ghost locations: http://destinyghosthunter.net/
Dragonheart's Tears: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0J26Z1iQNGs

Locked Rise of Iron Raid Gdoc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nW7UZ8KxE4MTZfU87id0Orbig7J7g9WTUYhhC-A20Tg/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=0

PS4 players message Zippy or DonThyDone to be added to a group or if you want to start a new group. Xboners message Straylost idiot
1st for the king is dead
Fuck off inter

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>haven't played since late October last year
>thinking of returning

Should I?
Who was that one faggot who kept shitposting that "Chestpucci" shit a couple months back?
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First for EZ
>309 light split shitter pro from shaxx bounty when im at 335

fuk u
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Just wait til we get to 20 [Embed]

No fuck off
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What are you going to use?
long live the king!
Hey dg I want to try this game out but cant find the trial or a demo anywhere, can anyone help me? Im on ps4.
Demo is vanilla
Trials is long gone
Destiny Collection is the way to go babeo
Jolder or Perun
Radeghast for the memes
Is the Nightfall switching not confirmed? I did it several times last night, booted up the NF, loaded into SABER 2, left and booted it back up into Valus. Reminds me I need to see if I can double dip rewards from both missions.
>No fuck off
no one cares about your opinion
are probably the ones I'll be getting first
But I cant find the demo, I want to play this but I dont want to spend 60$ bucks on something Im not sure on. Did they remove the demo or trial mode, or just make it hard to find?
felwinter to be the sticc and punch master

Felwinter's seems downright broken but despite that I'll be using Jolder's on all characters.
Jolder will be a staple for me.
Felwinter. It would be pretty nice to have three fusion and three melee's with shields as a Sunsinger. Or two grenades and three melees as Stormcaller with no use for a weapon.
triple stormcaller with skorri will be a meta in ToO
Timur will end up being nerfed or retconed into something else

Dunno what you're on about m8. Sure you weren't launching Taken War Heroics?

The game is two fucking years old and the Destiny Collection is a deal and a half you jew fuck.
There still is a trial but you can find it on your own if you really can't make up your mind.

reading the patch notes. did anyone else twitch and shit themselves with disbelief a little when they saw this:
>Removed impact stat bonuses that had no effect on base damage and only on the UI bars
Don't be a fool, charges cap ato two.
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jolder 4.webm
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>jolder best girl
pls respond
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I'm mixed between Ghelelon, Skorri, or Timur.

Timur especially because from Gamescom footage we learned that "low-power minions of Darkness" are basically all red and yellow bars that don't have a name.
Skorri seems like it would be super fun with three arclocs with electrostatic mind and Light Beyond (Or three voidwalkers with obsidian mind), and Juju/Zhalo
Gheleon because muh radar.
Decide for yourself. Why or how should we tell you what to purchase/play?

Don't be such a fucking pansy, play the game again and if it's fun, buy a dlc and play a week or two. If it's not, then delete.

If you are having a blast that week, buy the rest of the DLC for more people to play with.

I cannot believe how fucking hopeless and lost some of you are.
Oh really? Well it would still be cool for Voidwalker with Dire Skull to get even easier unlimited grenades.
he would had made it if they didn't nerf titan skating
I like the Ghelean artifact because it seems pretty useful all around.
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>sure you weren't launching Taken War Heroics
Read the OP, the Nightfall section. The SABER strike (with NF modifiers) boots up every time I hit NF from the Director. If I leave and start it up again, it loads Cerberus Vae.

I'm sure the OP is old but I since it said >SUPPOSEDLY
I figured I'd comment on it with my experience.
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>three fusion and three melee's
>people still play this game
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>Using such a stale insult

Ive been playing Blops 3 zombies for weeks now and im not returning to Destiny until RoI comes out
>reading the op
I didn't even noticed [embed][embed][embed]
Works for me. I just launched it on all three characters and got valus every time. That's an interesting issue to have. I did do all my nightfalls before the update though, so maybe that has something to do with it
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CUTE I say!
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We postin crucible webms now?
>wasting ammo
IS this key system in place yet? I've wanted to play with the strike stuff but literally never got any.

I guess I used all my luck getting a hawkmoon before vog released and getting a gjallerhorn in vog second week.
>Playing any CoD
>Playing a reskin of a reskin of a reskin built on an engine from late 90s early 2000s with built in lag in the code
Do us a favor and stay there when ROI comes out
>wasting ammo

But It shits ammo literally
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Mom get the camera.webm
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Using more than 1 bullet per enemy is shamefur dispray
Stay mad
The future or Trials:

>Stormcaller with Skorri
>Stormcaller with Skorri
>Stormcaller with Skorri

Also Jolder's, but making a bug into a feature is the most faggy thing bungie has done so far.
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Giving internet privileges to anyone who isnt a straight, white male was a mistake
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Jesus Christ how horrifying.
Great come back gonna call me a noob next or claim to have fucked my mom?
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Why she kill herself?
She'd rather die than let a sandnigger get close to her
If anyone here thinks Jolders is a good Relic you're actually retarded.
The only good relics for trials are triple Skorris triple Peruns or triple Felwinters. Is sprint cool down even a real problem lol? This place is full of shitters lmao
Where's this from
where full video
old one is dead
Coming from you, I thought your choice would definitely be sprint cooldown seeing as you exclusively shotgun rush
Neat to see that CoD fan base will keep dragging down the industry cause why make better when you can make a CoD franchise 2.0
Why are you so butthurt?
>siva shit behind her

Raid boss confirmed?
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anybody gotten exotics from blue engrams since the update?
Sprint cooldown fucks me in the ass at least twice a game, if there is some magical way to bypass it please share
yes loads but still no mfkin trespasser
started playing this yesterday and it's a lot of fun, but goddamn I fucking hate the Hive. if I get another mission where I have to listen to thrall screeching I'll do an hero

also that blind lady in the tower is fucking crazy
vids got removed by user, I guess bungie didn't want players to have the opening scenes spoiled
No other links?
I wanted to see it
Just wait until you meet the taken, those fucking guys are the most obnoxious enemies ever.
Nevermind someone reposted it,get fucked youtube
I'll have to go and play to see what it is i usually do
Hi, new player here was wondering if anyone would like to help me with some missions?

Can someone explain to me what raids are and if this game has matchmaking?

Thanks :)
Efrideet is alive
Saladin is alive

I have one question


Why are you such a bad troll? 2/10 you tried though
Skorri lied people died
Im confused
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that's the stuff
On phone so don't have weebum, but reminds me of a clip of my own
You better actually add me zippo
Felwinter lied people died
Sorry but I think you have me confused with someone else.

I will accept you friend request however.

Thanks :)
yes lets play
/r/ing that Image of all notable Guardians

>Almost every single Hunter dead
>Titans stay alive because they never leave the city

Warlock master race bitch, even when you kill them you don't
Anyone willing to help out with a last-day Nightfall run in the next couple hours?
Here's footage after the cutscene in better quality
Nevermind, this guy doesn't shut up, don't watch it.
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Niggas you only stop sprinting when you're about to engage in combat, then when the combats done you sprint away. Also double jumping resets the cool down dummies come on play the game once in your life niggas.
No opening Iron Lord cutscene
fucking kikes dont let me buy the RoI solo DLC they are selling the whole collection jews I tell you
I expected too much of a CoD player like the games nothing but the same thing over and over
what is your problem if he is playing fucking CoD, not everybody likes to play panty quest 5 omega alpha ninja
>being a jackass

I bought it it just fine. git gud nigger.
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nova bomb get out
Em i being trolled?
Holy shit this is a legit account?
your account only has medal of honor on it, what are you doing?
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sure. elaborate on the next couple hours part though

anyone down for elim?
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can confirm nova bomb needs to leave.
Any time between now and 5:30 PST
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Oh. Let's just do it now then.
fix bitrate pls
>fastest class in the game
>killed whole team with one super
>killed 3 players with one hammer
>can throw up to seven hammer
>gets more armor than a blade dancer
bravo bungie!

What the hell are they fighting?
I don't think I have the original clip anymore :(
>Defender useless for a year.
>Add one weapon/encounter where they can have some slight use.
>Remove the usability of that combo in the latest patch.
>Nerf the only usability of Striker in the same patch.

I think they deserve one broken sub-class.
No worries
That clip was taken pre-nerf for sure.
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What is your problem not realizing it's shitposting on a Mongolian knitting forum and getting all bent out of shape over it?

Yea I'm bored at work with not much to do today
t. Salty Titan main
>^being bad with Defender for a year
Get fucking good shitter
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>be me
>starts destiny when i still live with brothers
>we each pick one faction
>I end up picking last since I started the game late
>got stuck with Future War Cult
>End up fucking loving Fwc
Yeah, I wasn't aware it only caps at 2 each.
All 3 Titan subclasses are very usable though. Striker is probably the weakest Super in PvP but Shoulder Charge/Juggernaut make it worthwhile, Defender has suppressors and make others waste their super trying to drop a bubble. And Sunbreaker finally gives them an effectiv mobile super that can melt shit left and right.
Yes please. I'll be on in around 20-30 minutes.
Anybody for a quick nightfall or two?
>the best around with muh Kvostov
>pop hammer
>get golden gunned from anywhere since all 11 other players are playing hunter
For those who have it, how's Trespasser?
Which is why you need good defenders!
It's decent. Youtubers would have you believe it's the most amazing thing ever and that it's going to dominate the crucible meta but that's all clickbait. If anything, it's fun to use.

Started nightfall and party is open, join if you want loot I guess.
>Fist of Havoc is bad

You guys fucking suck legit, if you think havoc is bad you are bad. Simple as senpai.
So I recently started playing again after buying the collection. I think I've made some pretty good progress. The next 3 things I want to get finished are:

-black spindle

-kings fall (never done before, but read up on and have a general idea of the encounters)

-challenge of elders

Anyone want to help with any of these? 310ish LL hunter, any spec.
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>Advertise Titans as Spartans
>Advertise Warlocks as Jedi
>Hunter still ends up being the most popular class by a wide-ass margin

Fucking how?
Am I the only one who hopes the gunsmith manufacturers finally make the guns in RoI they didn't in Taken King?

Häkke Scout Rifle
Häkke Fusion Rifle
Häkke Rocket Launcher
Häkke Machine Gun

Suros Handcannon
Suros Auto Rifle (Not Suros Regime)
Suros Shotgun
Suros Sniper Rifle
Suros Fusion Rifle
Suros Machine Gun

Omolon Auto Rifle (Not Hard Light)
Omolon Pulse Rifle
Omolon Shotgun (technically Conspiracy Theory is, but it doesn't actually say it)
Omolon Rocket Launcher
Omolon Machine Gun
>titans can still slide-charge with a knee pad shotgun
>can't use defender
>using ToM when sleeper is a thing
>still the fastest class
>has had the most broken super in the game to date
not counting hunter glitch supers, those were legit broken and not planed to be part of the game.
>>Fist of Havoc is bad

Where'd I say that? I said it's the weakest in PvP, at least regarding Titans. I didn't say it was unusable or bad. I just prefer Defender bubbles and Hammers.
The thing is I use sidearms almost exclusively as my secondary in PvP. So how does it compare to other sidearms like Ironwreath?

Yes, in the millions of people that play this game and the hundreds of people in this thread, you are the only one.
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Muhlcolm Reynolds

Hunter concept art and promo stuff looked dope as fuck, its a shame very little of that actually got into the game

I wish warlocks looked more like concepts too, they had more of a flowing robes thing going on, rather than being edgy trench coat Daft Punk fans
We have SUROS auto rifles though
Nathan Fillion.
What's your opinion on The Vacancy vendor roll for PvP? I've been trying to use it with little luck. Granted I'm pretty bad at PvP but I expected it to be more accurate.
Couldn't tell you, I never use side arms. Part of what makes trespasser seem underwhelming is that in a lot of situations I'd rather just have a sniper equipped in that slot instead.
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Agreed, whole heartedly
Can someone explain to me why people defend Titan being able to skate?

It's literally broken, enabling them to run away from bladedancers and stormcallers, move twice as fast as other classes, and be virtually unhittable when shotgun rushing.
>Suros auto rifle
??? We already have those
The ability to choose your Ghosts gender in Destiny 2 plox bungie plz
Oh right. Forgot about those.

Personally hoping for a Häkke scout rifle the most. Optimistically it'd be modeled after the QBU-88 since it appears all scout rifles are based on bullpup-style rifles.

That, and maybe another Häkke pulse rifle based on the Steyr AUG.
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>Here's footage after the cutscene in better quality
>He doesn't remember the sliding Golden Gun at the end of every Destiny commercial
>no NM gauntlets
>not a NM shader
get out you faker.
Can someone quickly patrol the Dreadnaught with me so I can get the Silent Scream emblem?
I think it's the class Item. When I first started playing, I didn't even know where the Warlocks's class item was until I got an armband that glowed and projected an image out. You can only really see the Titan class item from behind or the side on your butt. The Hunter class item either has an extremely visible hood or collar, and the cloak part covers nearly the entire back half of your body, and when it doesn't drape down that far in a way it stands out even more as nearly all the other cloaks do. People like customization.
Are New Monarchy actually fascists?

The 'Monarchy' stuff implies a lineage, but Guardians don't die or produce offspring. So in effect they are suggesting that a dictator (Zavala) rule until his death.
Yo, anyone on PS4 willing to carry a 292 light guardian through CoE and maybe help him fill his sigil?
>produce offspring

Nothing definitively says they can't, except maybe Exos for obvious reasons.
I'm trying to convince a ps4 bro to come back, we can help you if I can get him onboard.
>not wanting to be red and ALSO match your NM weapons
You just know when you're NM, you have that feeling inside that you're better than everyone else. Nigger, you just hatin'.
Sweet, I'll be around
PSN: Artaglem
Because they are the best class.
Space cowboys ftw
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What do you think it is, /dg/?
Some shit we have to find in order to build a new sword that comes with RoI
Anyone want to run HM Oryx? Don't make me turn lfg please
So, I just watched the first mission.
Are our guardians really going to stay mute? This is really annoying desu.
Why start with guardians talking only to have them turn mute? And fucking why anyways?

>Have to dick around until you find the titan artifact that's a piece of his broken sword

Could you fucking imagine?

"lets design a boss that lasts 20 minutes++ and it can one shot you at any time"

this is advertised as a casual shooter, what the fuck am I playing. Is this dark souls online??????????????????????????????????????
git gud.
Go play mayhem, go back when you get a couple more levels
I actually have one saved. Iron Banner would hand those out at a guaranteed light level. Wouldn't be a problem for me so I say let them do it.

Git gud
They don't have to be solo, you can bring 2 more friends
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>complaining about the difficulty of a destiny story mission

Maybe this isn't the game for you :^)
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>having trouble with Regicide

Bruh, he telegraphs his every move super hard. That and it isn't solo, you can bring a fireteam.
They want to install a de facto leadership, a la a "King" if the Speaker ever fails. They think defending the city is the honorable purpose for a Guardian. They're basically paladins searching for a leader, they voted for Shaxx but he won't budge probably unless something bad happens.

So do we know if they're going to get rid of Jovian Guard because boy have I been getting fucking KEKED the past few weeks on these sublime engrams. Where do you people even find them.

296 light now
You could have come here and asked for help
It's called "having friends."

I understand this may be a foreign concept.
The send invite button.

We entertained your shit bait.

Drop the :^) and leave now please.
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never forget
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Dude it's easy, MM not required.
Are you actually having trouble with that? How? Like, honestly, how bad must you be to consistently fail at that mission? Oryx is easy as fuck, even if you're sitting on 34.
niga pls pull out you Gjhallerhorn
https://clips.twitch tv /ironicallyintoanime/CrazyChinchillaMau5
Dude...what? Oryx is so easy. Literally the only thing that's remotely challenging is dealing with the minions he sends at you
wow what a great concept, make missions where you need 2 others but dont put in a matchmaking system for it. I'm in awe of this game, just perfect.

"dont have 2 other people on standby at all times?" WELL TOO FUCKING BAD, THEN YOU JUST HAVE TO SIT AND WAIT.
2/6 for HM Oryx maybe?
You dont need other people. But you can have more than 1 person in a game
Or you could git gud
2/3 NF, toss me a message if you want in

We'll be slowly progressing while we wait
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You only need 2 others if you're a shitter though.
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>kids these days can't go solo against a moth with a sword and a bunch of mobs

Go back to Pokemon Go, that should be within your skill level
Patrol for highest chance of Sublimes. PoE also has the same droprate.
oh fuck off, it's not easy. I'm level 34 with 146 light level and he can one shot me in every phase. I'm constantly out of ammo (another great concept btw, let's design a shooter where you spend 90% of your time without ammo for two of your weapons, pure genius)
I need one still.
> make a mission where you need 2 others
The mission you are describing literally does not exist. Raids, sure. Maybe even some Strikes. But not missions.
Jesus christ man, i tried to be nice because youre obviously new, but fucking god damn, git gud or fuck off
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Please stop, this is embarrassing.
Bumpan. Would like to do nm raid if possible.
You're honestly acting like you're about 13. Try not standing in a single place. Alternatively, get some new weapons. Alternatively, play some Crucible. Alternatively, just sell the game and Misadventure yourself.
Patrol? Really? Guess I can farm PoE too...
>devils dawn
Vanguard hand cannon

Anyone else need to do a Nightfall?
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You used the spark of light didn't you?
Go level up then, you can go all the way to 40, and get new gear. The mission isn't going anywhere.
Ok, it might not be """""easy"""" but it's certainly not as hard as you're making it out to be.
not with a faggot like (You)
underage aren't allowed on this site.
What weapons are you using
>inb4 shotgun handcannon rocket
Trust me. Smash the patrol nigga.
Any raids happening on ps4
> what are ammo synths?
> what is the Crucible?
> what is killing enemies for ammo?
> what are weapon vendors?
> what is upgrading weapons and armour?

It's pretty easy. It's literally 'dodge the fireballs and shoot him, and then dodge the sword and shoot him'.
We're getting a group for HM Oryx, if you want to join
If you don't think it's easy please leave. We don't need more shitters like you clogging up the LFG here. Last thing I want is to have to raid with somebody this terrible.
Jesus christ dude, you must be pretty bad if you're having that much trouble. Go play some crucible and get better equipment. I understand the mission is not the easiest thing in the world, but you can do it with proper equipment. Don't rush it.
Are you doing challenge mode
I doubt we're even on the same console anon.
Yeah, send me an fr
> what are ammo synths?
no idea
> what is the Crucible?
> what is killing enemies for ammo?
they barely dropped ammo, never special or heavy
> what are weapon vendors?
I cant buy shit at my level.
> what is upgrading weapons and armour?
havent found a single epic item from 1-34, all green shit gear. check out a vendor, everything is for level 40s.

I'm not going anywhere, so shut the fuck up about it. and I will lfg for raids once I hit 40
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>Contacting Destiny Servers...
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i know that feel
>load in to omnigul at 1st omnigul
still wiping here 20 minutes later
3/6 for HM Oryx, need three more. Send a friend request
If you want help just post your name and console.
>epic item
What? Do you mean legendary? They don't drop till 40 or 38ish
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>Soloed it on my first try at 260, maybe lower
Wew Lord, you had me going there.
>What are ammo synths?
Ammo syntheses are consumable items you can use mid-combat to completely refill your ammunition for a specific weapon slot. You can purchase them from the Gunsmith in Primary, Special, and Heavy Synths. Keep in mind, though, you can only use one every five minutes, and you can't use them in PvP.

>What is the Crucible?
They're sarcastically telling you that if you're too low a level/have too bad gear to complete a mission, you should play some Crucible to get better gear and experience.

>What is killing enemies for ammo?
That guy is right; that's pretty much the only reason the smaller bad guys are there is to feed you ammo.

>What are weapon vendors/upgrading armor?
Both of those are kind of a "tough titties" situation at your level; you're either going to have to suffer through it at level 34 or properly level up to 40 to make things easier.
I feel like the servers are really fucked right now. For the past few days I keep getting errors and booted from the world.

Annoying as fuck.
>Just finished Nightfall
>Use 3oC, but no exotic drop from Valus
>Get shitty chest and one strange coin as reward
>Go to Tower
>Special Exotic engram
>Decrypts to Trespasser

>tfw wanna keep playing but have to go to work and make dat money
Could always just stay home and give handjobs to midgets for money
I've been around forever and I'll never be a top tier player but I'm dependable.

If you're on PS4 I'd be happy to grind with you or help you beat it. I only play for coop anyway, I don't bother with pvp or being too serious.
Midgets don't pay nearly as much.
Why is double jump so op in crucible? It's crazy, I never play hunter and keep accidentally spamming jump thinking I can skate and nobody ever seems to counter it.
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Like......just post your gamertag or whatever already. Sure if your light level is low it can be challenging but its the boss fight.

I spent three days straight fighting Armstrong on the hardest difficulty. Now THAT was a mother fucker of a boss fight.

What difficulty?
298 now
Why don't they pay as much? You saying they're all a little short?
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>mfw spent a week fighting Halo 2 Tartarus LASO
Short and broke
So you're shit?
If you're spamming jump, you're starting an arc but before you hit the top you jump again. You're briefly jerking around in the air and you're oriented before they are so take a guess.

Most people aren't a spazz like you though so that stopped happening often after the first month or so of the game and its been forgotten.

>implying there is a comparison
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so anyone on ps4 wanna group up? kinda lost on what to do before RoI
>tfw back from the dead
So wait. If the Daughters are the ones who move the Drednaught around space, why the fuck does that thing have a core?
>saber strike boss fight

no idea whats going on tbph
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Very hard, I never beat it again on Revengence though. Just played the Sam DLC.

Never screamed mother fucker so many times only to learn you have a move that auto dodges like 90% of attacks

> offensive defense
We need a 6th to do some Wrath of the Machine when its out

add Crazy-Diamont

You better like memes
Where can I get a high light artifact?
Kill the shooty things.

Happy to help.
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This fucking guy
the boss has 3 forms with different weakpoints. first form it attacks you with a laser sniper and it's weakpoint is the two turbine-things that are glowing. second form attacks with two miniguns and you shoot the glowing purple area you see on it's body. final form it just straight up runs at you sparking electricity, just keep shooting and backing away from it.

tldr: shoot glowy bits, watch out for ads
From how I interpret it, they're actually ripping space and sowing it back together for their ascendant realm to move. The ship can move on its own, but in order for Oryx and his minions' ascendant realm to move with it, the Daughters rip and sow space
Anyone has some antiquated runes they want to farm on PS4?
More like I jump up to maximum height and shitters walk underneath me for some reason and spin around confused instead of looking straight up. Thanks for projecting though, I needed my daily dose of /dg/ bitterness.
what's the best raid, VoG, CE or KF?
As far as design goes, I love VoG. Just about every section looks beautiful, and there's enough mechanics to keep it somewhat difficult (but certainly boring after a few runs, looking at you oracles).
Don't reply.
to this?
do you want a raid lad
I'm a shitter just like yourself but in level 40 with 306 light
I did a strike and at the end it said I found a legendary. I dont remember the name, crest something maybe. last boss of the strike was taniks, I joined at the end.

but it's not in my inventory and it's not at the postmaster

Don't forget me. I'm with you.
>The Warpriest and Daughters are still technically alive

oh dear
VoG is the most popular answer all around and especially here followed by KF
The only reason people do it is because it's the current raid.
Is there a way to tell if you completed the challenge mode? I'm pretty sure I only saw my name pop up 3 times as opposed to everyone else's 4
anyone else not getting marks for weekly strikes?
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You're the 5th bby
Warpriest is dead. His oversoul is the thing he tries to OHKO us with and it dies along with him. Daughters kill themselves with their own curses
I don't how I even managed to watch half of that, christ.
But when he died, his oversoul remained
The hell is an oversoul anyways?
They were all killed within the Ascendant Realm. They're dead for good as well. Not to mention that they didn't know how to make an Oversoul. Well, the Deathsingers did, but the Warpriest wouldn't.
if oryx popped up in the front again and was killable rather than doing another shade phase, then you detonated all 16 bombs.

There are like four different things that happen when you finish challenge mode.

Use your fucking head Anon they're impossible to miss.
That is the soul of whoever created an oversoul

You can kill their bodies, but not their souls

Bungo confirmed in a livestream that the Oculus is actually an Oversoul
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Stray is a homophone
You don't actually think they know what they're talking about, do you?
Everyone is here, might as well make a /dg/ dating show next Feb
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>no penis
>prefers same-sex phone line
Really makes you think
The Deathsingers found a way to separate the soul from the body, so if the body is killed, the soul survives. Think Harry Potter horcruxes. The difference is that instead of sealing the soul within a person or object, it turns...into a massive black hole-type structure than can nuke the Light, I guess. It's basically just a way of surviving beyond death. But as they were already within the Ascendant Realm, their deaths would've been final.

> Warpriest is the new Oryx a la the Star Wars Extended Universe after Palpatine dies
>you will never fight SIVA with 10/10 titan girl
why live

When did they nerf it?
same time as the new update but they didn't announce it until a day later in the forums
Anyone wanna do heroic strikes? Maybe some crucible? Anything?

>When did they nerf it?
Last patch, increased control now gives more vertical movement and less lateral. Bungie still hasn't acknowledged the change but myself and others can feel a slight difference.
Anyone? ;_;
Silimar b/c I don't want people to kill me with Thorn when I'm also using Thorn.
Weren't she and Saladin an item?


Was Oryx retarded?
>this raid
tf you going on about?
Oryx's quotes during "Regicide"
Makes you wonder why Oryx set that whole thing up. Like why would he have a Relic that gave people strong with the Light temporary immortality? Why would he have spawning pools for Ogres that create bombs SPECIFICALLY designed to damage him? Why would he create invisible floating platforms? Just create the entire Raid, as normal, which terminates in a big, black, empty room with Oryx at his full power in his Ascendant Realm. Easy as.
>raid HC
kill me now pls
What's the fastest way to get sublime engrams? In the past 20-30 strikes I've gotten one.


massacre shit in patrol
Toland never made it to Oryx. Even if he did, what, did he pose as Oryx's interior decorator? Recommend wide, open windows with excellent firing lines, maybe a few summoning pools here and there, and slip the Relic in as part of a chandelier installation, hoping Oryx didn't notice?
Wait a second. How old is Saladin?
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I was under the impression Toland became Ascendant and is the ball of "Light" that guides you, from the Skyburner base alk the way to Oryx's court
Anyone want to play some Skirmish?
does court of oryx t3 still dish out sublimes?
sword logic. you are fighting oryx on his terms, that is until you weaponize the corrupted light. this also makes me believe that the challenge mode strat is the canon way to beat him.
>Why would he create invisible floating platforms?
>Like why would he have a Relic that gave people strong with the Light temporary immortality?
Well we steal the brand from a knight. It's also heavily implied that Toland helps and guides us through the raid.

you're thinking too hard. if thats the case then oryx could have just stayed beyond where the travelers light reaches and couldve just took worlds from there
Are private matches live? Anyone down for some sweats?
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Bean, Stray, sorry about that. Random out of nowhere power outage, it hasn't even been raining today.
I really wish Ghost would talk through the Raid. Like, they're end-game content with never-before-seen content. Why is he silent? I get that Bungie might keep him quiet so not to interrupt communication, but just have him say stuff OUTSIDE of the fighting.
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Tomorrow, supposedly.

Private matches are tomorrow.
So should I rejoin Density Alpha with the clan thing active? Are most people still in that clan?
/dg/ clan when?
>attempt to do some strikes
>player has departed
>player randomly afk
>new player joins
>never catches up
>player has departed

this playerbase really makes me think. Ive only played this game for 3 days and Ive yet to just join a strike with 2 others from start to finish
And people want RAID matchmaking
That would be awesome, but it's bungie. the same group that missed out on the opportunity to let Saladin commentate in the iron banner matches. maybe they'll update it for RoI or D2
Density Alpha fampai
Anyone for NF? Got a charged Argonarch rune too if anyone still needs this week's CoO T3 and lacks an antiquated rune
>tfw you will never join Density Alpha
Speaking of, what Xbox clan is up? Xbowners?
I can help with both, although I'm only 298
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>Wake up exhausted and hungry as fuck
>Remember I have half a hoagie in the fridge
Life is good.
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xbowners seems to have all of the most active /dg/ers, yeah
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Framed picture of BV
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>Two manning burn enhanced bosses due to our third doing fuck all or has left
Yes, you can spot them in the wild by the special Clan ID :^)
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>most active on /dg/
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>/dg/ clan when
Since day one you nerd
> versus Confluxes
> "These resonate with the same energy from that time near the Ishtar Academy. But...different. Older. But also newer. Hang on, I need to process this. *pause*. I...I can't."

> versus Oracles
> "The Vex refer to these as 'Oracles'. They link to the Templar and feed him temporal and diametrogenetic information. The Templar isn't powerful enough by himself. He's just a big processing server. But the Oracles...oh. Oh my. I know what happened to Kabr's team. Destroy them, Guardian! Don't let them get a link on you!"

> versus Gorgons
> "It's odd that the Vex would put Harpies so far into the Vau-. Hang on, there's something different. Their temporal energy signatures are different. Enhanced. They give the same readings as the Oracles. Like they can perform similar quantum calculations. Odd. I didn't think Vex had this sort of processing power yet - at least not without a centre like the Templar. Perhaps these are the prototypes. Let's hope they remain in the Vault."
Triple tap, Hammer, Casket, injection, Mulligan

Usable or nah?
Sure. Not a very good roll, but the gun itself is fine without them
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bv are you here? I still need help!
>reading the grimoire
>read XLI
>realize that the awoken got killed by oryx's throne realm and we almost did
holy fuck
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>7 days, 19 hours, and 8 minutes until launch
Or at least the rune
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3/6 HM Oryx CM last chance

You need Rifled Barrel, otherwise you're better off using many other handcannons.

And I personally think that Finnala's Peril is better than a Rifle-Barreled Eyasluna because the recoil direction is much easier to manage.
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I want to post cute anime girls so people play with me too!
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I have to head out and do some stuff, am sorry. I'm sure there's someone else online though who will help with CoE!
3/6 HM Oryx Challenge, send a friend request.
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5/6 HMKF
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okay bv
I wish it was that easy, it never is
The one thing i really hate in Destiny is that you need specific perks on specific weapons to actually make them usable.
fuck private matchmake

early Supremacy get
Felwinter's artifact is just a guaranteed T5 on Dis/Str + two grenades and melee. It's not all that impressive, and the second charges probably won't be affected by your tier just like the double charge exotics.
I'm gonna use Felwinter's on my t12 nightstalker and throw shit at fools in crucible since I fucking hate shadowshot in pvp.
the only thing i have to say about destiny is that the game focus too much on your luck iam tired of thi randomness iam cryptarch rank 17 still havent get the god of war shader made crota normal 4 tims still havent got black hammer or unyelding casque, this is a friendly comment iam angry but i wont say anything bad about destiny iam just sayin that when we grind we should get the stuf we want cause iam gettin crazy about it that random reward system its insane and unfair for some players thats all iam sayin what if we arent alll lucky bungie what will you do about that that insane randomness
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Fuck. Didn't even notice
Holy shit man I agree with you but damn, that run on wall of text hurt my head.
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I started playing last night, reached level 40 earlier. what can I realistically get done on this list with only 7 days left?
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Gaster want to join a private raid with me? Crota awaits
All but the fragments
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Wipe this meme from the face of the earth
You would need three weeks unless bungie bends over to leddit and makes next week have everything active and even then you need to have the first part of the sword quest done before tomorrow
Depends on light level. Technically you can complete
-This is Amazing
-The Third Element
-The Sword Logic
-Challenge of Elders
-Return to the Reef
-A Blade Reborn

You can't get all the fragments anymore meaning you can't get the "Heed the Call" emblem. You can still get an emblem and two shaders though.
what's the first part? I'm at the gather some stuff from the dreadnaught, that item that spawns all over the place.

I just want one or two more triumphs done so I get at least one reward.
Is Inter the salad-less man?
this is supposed to be about apple and zippy, silly willy
you need that and 25 sword kills in crucible and a shit ton of ability kills in both crucible and PvE, tell me this do you even have a sword yet? if not I'd honestly give up on trying to get that done for the moments and just focus on the shit you can do
Also what class are you and what element do you want your sword?
im down
I'm a hunter, light level 202. I don't know what element, honestly I know nothing about the game since I've never really read up on it but shooting aliens is pretty fun
Oops missed one, Gaster want to do a raid?
anyone doing kings fall?
>While it’s unlikely that we would completely remove Accuracy as a concept from Destiny weapons, we will investigate alternative options to balance Hand Cannons vs. other weapon archetypes. Destiny is a game that will evolve as players push, pull, and build the world.

hope you guys like weapon bloom, its here to stay.
Get Solar, when it gives you the choice. Just trust me.
I would but I'm sure that I wouldn't be any help. You sure?
IF you really want to try and get the sword be a blade dancer and pick the arc sword then. but for collecting materials use nightstalker. but i'd be near impossible because you need to finish the first two parts before wednesday
Don't listen to him, yes the solar sword is the best but as a hunter only your grenades and your super will count for ability kills
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Of course! Crota is easy you'll love it
It cab be done in 4 hours max
Your element is decided by what subclass (type of melee, grenade, and super) you're using.

Gunslinger = Solar (Orange)
Blade Dancer = Arc (Blue)
Nightstalker= Void (Purple)

Special and heavy weapons also have one of those three element types.

Your element type does double damage to enemies whose shields are the same as your own, so for example if you're fighting a Hive Wizard (has Solar Shield) your Golden Gun (Solar super) will do the most damage to it.

The Exotic swords have a unique perk based on which one you choose.

Void sword does a spin attack, great against closely knit groups.
Solar does a Shoryuken-esque uppercut, which does the most damage against a single target.
Arc shoots a Tron-like disc that obviously has the highest range of the swords.
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Please join C U T E.

no thanks steve.
>join cute when im cute already exists
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>"Deus Vult" is taken by 2 randos
Alright I'm at 300 now, anyone want to try CoE?
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Posting my special snowflake guardian.
FACT: One cannot win in Rift without a team of at least 3.
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absolutely fucking saracen
I got 10 dollars on psn what should i get?
more money
Done all I can on the Warlock. Time to start levelling up the 205 Hunter. Wew.
Glad that SRL returns.
Those helmets were great.
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But we're way cuter.
So when the raid will be out so i can watch it on youtube, make sure it's still as garbage as ever and not care about this 5/10 mess again?
either reset on the 23rd or at 1pm EDT.
>Two cute clans
>Neither has actual IRL cute anime girls

Does anyone else get the issue where they're flying in to somewhere, loading, and it just never leaves that screen? I've been flying to the Tower for like the last five minutes.
>Not in a clan
>Will never be in a clan

There's no incentive
Now that they're putting clans actually in the game I may join one for easy raiding. It'll depend how useful the clan function actually is though.
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>New Monarchy

you usually get long as fuck loads in someone leaves a loading-into game by closing destiny or switch char / log out, but that shouldn't happen in tower
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Thank you to the new members. You are the cutest.


>IRL cute anime girls

you heard me
you heard him
>Relentless Tracker
>Snapshot, Reinforced barrel, Feather mag
>Reactive reload

Is this good for PvP?
not great but it could be worse.

Why didn't you get the hand cannon last IB?
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>tfw missed Festival of the Lost and crimson double last year
I did.

It looks like shit
they were both useless and meaningless so who cares.
Because I have a LHF with the exact same roll
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>Spawn into a game in progress
>Killed in less than 2 fucking seconds (no really) by a Golden Gun
>Get raped by supers until the game ends

Joinable in progress games where a mistake
>tfw you're the token "fat chick" of your group
I'll never get 100% grimoire mate. That's the real tragedy here
happens to me a lot, friendo, and i don't even have a vagina to make up for it.
festival of the lost is coming back this halloween so its not a huge stretch to assume crimson days is as well.

fear not autist, you might be able to collect to your hearts desire.
What happened to there just being one heavy ammo spawn in the middle of the map?
I'm still seeing two.
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praise be low zoom SRs
hi dragonmaw
>mate is going out of town and is letting me borrow his PS4
>going to hook it up to a spare monitor and farm grimoire in private matches

Y1 shitters BTFO
but what if his heart's desire is a girlfriend?
elimination only, might also not take place till the 20th.
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So the Collection is coming out and I'm thinking of picking it up and returning to Farm-Fest the FPS, as something to play maybe an hour two a day.

I quit like a month after release because it was so empty an experience. Has it gotten good? Story isn't bland, boss fights aren't just bullet sponges, RNG isn't the only endgame, raids are fun, legendaries aren't a FUCKING BITCH to get, PvP isn't stupidly unbalanced?
Ha, I loved it when they weren't. Had a couple of tryhards going against me and a pair of blueberries in skirmish, both of them dropped out in two minutes. I proceeded to spend the last 12 minutes- alone- hising in every goddamm place imaginable and finding creative ways to kill myself. Friended the guys afterward, actually, run the raid every now and again. Single best game I've ever olayed
It's definitely happening in elimination now. It's broke af on some maps. If you're on certain spawns and you have a titan shitter, a golden shitter, or a warlock of grape or blue raspberry flavor, save it until heavy.
Where is the /dg/ pvp tourney doc at?
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>tumbling down tumbling down tumbling doooown over the past couple of weeks
its still grindy but they've made the grind easier. the DLC story is mostly an actual story with characters, boss fights are barely more than bullet sponges but still bullet sponges in most cases, endgame is still mostly RNG but its much more forgiving than its ever been, legendaries are easy to get. PvP is "still" unbalanced depending on which salty asshole you ask.

if you didn't like VoG you don't like Destiny.

i don't think its broke, i think thats the point. its somewhat strange it completely negates heavy in most cases but it also makes it so round 3 isn't a wash and is instead a fight.
hey jared
>tfw I'll never get to patrol the plaguelands in a fireteam with cayde and shaxx, I'll never get to enjoy the bantz.
Fuck man, i just wanna watch shaxx skull-fuck fallen captains.
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git gud
shaxx is too busy having autist fits about kill streaks in the crucible. he's just a shoutcaster at this point.
It's broken with their desires as written to be fair. they basically said "we want heavy to be a fair and balanced gameplay mechanic" and then completely unbalanced it on several maps.

If you did now it wouldn't be chill Shaxx. It'd just be FIIIIIIGHT FOREEEEVER GUARDIAAAAAAAN shaxx these days.
Fate of All Fools has a Grimoire card, but it's a unique one-of-a-kind weapon, so you'll never have 100% anyway.
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fuck you post k/d faggot
>he doesn't know about the superior Cayde/Zavala bantz

mate their like the vanguard bond brothers with less yelling of course
They're coming back. Bungie said it a while ago
Anyone on PS4 feel like doing a fresh Hard Mode run either now or in like an hour? I'm trying to drag myself up from 310.
This tbqfhwyf
>This new disgusting teamshot pulse meta

I want to go back to year 1
p sure my k/d is lower than 1.0. that doesn't mean the answer to his sub .5 k/d isn't git gud tho.

whens eris/cayde/guardian fireteam.
Um fucking yes

If no one else is down though I'll probably just go to bed
Or maybe I'd grind some heroics with you or something

Is CoE a weekly thing?
why not just go back to CoD if all you want is to 1v1 the entire enemy team.

CoE scorecards are weekly, yes.
yes coe is weekly
Just get cancer and youll get 100% grimoire
I AM him
implying I'm not THE guy
>instead a fight

Doesn't that kinda remove the point of heavy then? If everyone just runs out and kills/dies before it spawns, then heavy's just kind of null.
Alright thanks.
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sorry anon. it should've been obvious that anon and anon were the same person.
Good thing I spend a lot of time here then.
thats why i said it was strange that it instead negates heavy in most cases. it could be them attempting to combat a Truth/G&H meta given the patch notes, but that seems a bit of a stretch since Heavy is only a single round in a 5 win series.

who fucking knows what they're doing or what they want the game to be anymore.
I was playing Mayhem on Gyre (I think) last night, and the entire enemy team, all Sunbreakers wearing Armamentarium, were just spamming Thermite down the two hallways leading into their coward hut.
I've seen variants of this like 5 times now. Is this a thing? Why do they think they'll win by doing this? My team got both heavies and just dumped a passel or rockers down the hall.
Where does one go to hear this greatness?
>both cropped image.jpgs of the Destiny app
>defensive response to git gud
It really should have been.
I i wanted to play Halo 2 BR only shit, id play Halo 2
"its fun"
i just assume (wrongly i guess) that only shitters give half a fuck, especially when told to git gud after complaining they suck shit. oh well.
On his account page on fan fiction.net
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Let's play spot the retard for a second. You seriously have to be new as fuck to not know about LFG sites or recruitment on Bungie.net. I literally have zero friends who play destiny, and when I'm not playing with my twin brother, which is ALREADY a rare occasion for us to be both online, I go pull up my Destiny, go to the recruitment section, and post for help with whatever I may need at the time. And how the hell is Regicide even that hard at level 34? Granted, Oryx was strong as balls when he used the sword in the darkness dimension, but it's not that hard of a fight. All you have to do is dodge and shoot. If you still can't do t alone, just go LFG for somebody to help. Literally everybody does this, and you have to be extremely new to not understand all this
CoE is weekly.

I'm with people on HM Oryx right now but honestly it was a "guy I know brought me in as a 6th and then ditched us all two wipes later" situation and one of them had to have clockwise explained to him. I'd rather start fresh so I can try to get my light level up before going back.
I don't actually care
I'm just worried about the next trials season
Muh gear
Muh lighthouse
this shit show /joff99
What happened to zippy?
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>wanting to be THE guy
There's literally no reason to get your LL up with RoI right around the corner, unless you're doing MoT in which case you better only need the oryx CM fragment and maybe Warpriest
Also, it's counter clockwise
>>154584810 & >>154585210 & >>154586093
if you want to play trials with a k/d like that, i can tell you from experience. you need to get REALLY good.
He got banned for using an m/kb tool.
he's still in overwatch mode
> 'XIM4 will get you banned' meme
He can stay in that AIDS spreading shithole
where the FUCK is zippy?
Got his PSN banned for shit talking in Overwatch
so what's average ELO senpai?
I'm on a fresh account that I've been trying to get MoT. Literally all I have left is the one Tier 3, the Warpriest Challenge, Oryx on hard (doesn't have to be challenge) and picking up my exotic sword on Wednesday.

I'm on track and I'll have gone from nadda to done in under 2 weeks time. It's not any huge accomplishment, but since I wanted to get a fresh account going I might as well do it in style.

(So yeah I kinda wanna get my level up)
kill yourself.
How long is he locked up for?

He won't be around for wotm, and depending on hard modes release, that too
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Hell yeah! Take out the fuckin' trash, Sony!

>tfw no one to run WotM with day 1
>tfw don't want to lock in with any of the open teams because I can't guarantee I'll be available and don't know any of those people
There will be ad-hoc runs popping up, right?
>hunter and titans are the dude bros popular kids of high school
>warlocks are the nerds that people only talk to when they want to play roms on the school computer
how do you not know if you'll be available when it launches?
Kys yourself
Aight well
as predicted, group that was trying to HM Oryx with people who've never done NM Oryx went to shit. one of them described it as a "typical /dg/ experience" and yeah that's about it.

Anyone up for that fresh HM run? we've got two so far.
I'm in college and I don't know how busy I will/will not be with assignments and readings and shit

I'm out now sorry
Cum make me fuccboi
*equips pucci*

Which one was VoG? The second expansion right, after the Mars one?

Cause I didn't even play the Mars one (if that's the first after base game).
there's never been a mars raid.

there's never even been a mars expansion.
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>about to hop on destiny and grind for some exotic special engrams
>3.9 GB
Jesus christ
VoG is Vault of Glass. The first Raid from the base game.

There is no Mars Raid.

The second Expansion was House of Wolves, which took place over Earth and Venus.
VoG wasn't an expansion, it was the vanilla raid. The only DLC shit on mars is TTK regicide mission
Team /hastilyputtogether/ is always an option
Regicide is on the Dreadnaught, genius
fuck, I mean the mission on the Phobos base, where you kill the echo of oryx in the death room
Any boners want to kill Crota with me?

I'm running the raid with some friends who are new to the game (level 40s but still, never completed a raid)

We're literally at Crota right now and it's driving me crazy. We've got 3 gallys, 2 hunters/2 titans

Just need one more person who actually knows what they're doing.
phobos isn't mars either, genius
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ayo why this green going to my post master
It's Mars' moon though.
close enough
Wow you got him dude, looking forward to more quality roasts like this in the future
to fuck your postmaster stockpiles even more
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Who is the best waifu and why is it Wei Ning?
stranger or Eris
>Not Lyssa

Garbage taste my man
Mara Sov, pre-Oryx-ing
Also the wolves of Mars
>Last Guardian Standing

What music begins to play /dg/?

Is she ded?

Ignore John and his meme waifu.
No one knows
Praise be
>not Variks
ya'll motherfuckers need jesus
probably not. She'll probably be back in destiny 2 or one of the DLC
Speaking of people getting back, will the exo stranger and the speaker ever be relevant again?
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post your face when you have to fight the SIVA infected original iron lords in WotM
Yes and yes
nah. forcing players to fight player sized opponents in PvE would be dumb. raid fights don't work unless they're giant targets.
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>Infected Radagast is the final boss
SIVA made them gigantic of course
I am firmly of the opinion that Efrideet is alive and she's either going to be part of the raid, or she's going to help us with a mission.
>Not being able to solo Fanboy of Crota and having to bring in people from LFG

I feel emasculated
No, it will be Rasputin.
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>giant infected Radagast with access to all 3 titan supers
I wonder, how would one reflect a radiance or defender bubble?
pretty sure they've already confirmed we talk to her at Felwinter
[Genuine Citation Request]
mic less heroics?
there is no ''memory of'' Efrideet artifact being released

100% undeniable proof right there pal
1 week left /dg/. What's your tally at?


Probably not even close to the people that were grinding for engrams, but I've got a pretty nice pile just from not opening the ones I've been getting from strikes/crucible games. Besides the one I opened for my trespasser of course.
They'll all be wasted.
>Poison aura and decreased regen for fellow teammates
>Suppressed and blinded while in the bubble
>another poor soul that underestimates the value of cryptarch rep

cry erytiem
that just means she's alive. that doesn't mean she's not evil, or that she's in Felwinter's Peak. thanks for the effort tho bud.
Why aren't you saving blues?
>he was never oneshot bodyshotted by a final round efrideet's spear.

you lucky fucker.
Not enough room in my vault, and they don't give as much rep as legendary/exotic engrams do so using vault space for them instead would be reducing the potential rep I can gain. Also opening all these has me even more hyped for Rise of Iron as an added bonus.
Is the Word of Crota worth using in the Nightfall or is the LL difference goinh to neuter it?
What arc grenade should I use on my Bladedancer? I've used skip for so long I don't even know how the others fare in PvE. Just want to knock out my Arc Ability kills for the sword as quick as possible.
Arcbolt is probably the best for arc ability kills. Just toss it into a pack of thrall/dregs and they all zap each other.
For farming out kills as a bladedancer use arcbolt grenade while waking the hive or sieging the warmind. For my money warmind is faster since you can reset the thrall waves by just jumping off the balcony inside Rasputin's bunker.
>trusting the Irish
Are you... Retarded?
Its true, never trust us.
>tfw the final boss of the wrath of the machine is all the iron lords combined like voltron throwing down random supers with 2 million health per iron lord
>not getting your potatoes from Prince Edward Island
10-4 throwing on Raspberry and jumping in.
Wait why I have been getting nothing but low level green and blue trash in strikes since the update? Like level 140 shit.
>iron lords combined
>earlier conversation about how enemies have to be big in raids
>it's all the iron lords sitting on top of each other's shoulders
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who here took the 23rd off and is kicking off WotM the seconds its launch

fuck that weekend gonna be so comfy
>doing a 380 raid at 335
I took the whole launch week off. I just need to find a team for the raid.
I don't know but I have the same issue. Guessing they fucked the loot tables in preparation for the xpac.
>people expecting a huge plot twist for the raid final boss
>not realizing its just going to be a siva powered house of devils kell
>taking the whole week off to burn through like 6 hours of content and be bored of this game for an entire year again
I meant more like this.
Hopefully you find one friend!
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>actually raiding

>not copping siqq package legendaries
It's going to be Rasputin.
If you can't see how clear that is then you're dumb
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At this point I'm not expecting more than the siva warmind housed in a giant fucking shank chassis.
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That's even better

What if the doors opened and they were all standing there like pic related
I had to take a couple paid weeks vacation so I decided to get a free week to play the new stuff.
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>yfw this abomination is skating in your direction and with shoulder charge active
>the SIVA warmind
>SIVA warmind
There's only one Earth warmind, buddy.
> hurr the final boss will be the one of the two things keeping the Darkness at bay
Yeah no. The Vanguard wouldn't allow a fireteam to just explode Rasputin.
they should have another guardian in one hand, they would wield him like a sword
dont be retarded
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>tfw you get dicked by the perfect grenade
>People not realizing it'll be 1000 Taken Dregs piled together.
anyone else experience strike bosses teleporting lately?
If you think SIVA didn't start off as a prototype Warmind you're gonna be in for a hell of a surprise.

We already know it's golden age tech, it has some form of will that pushes it to some unknown goal. If siva ISN'T related to the warmind program in any way I will be extremely surprised.
No, a guardian in each hand, holding a sword in each hand.
Do you even Bionicle
A sword and a shield.
Fucking forgot my shitty ass image.
>the final boss of this expansion will be a major character in the game's main story
Ok then lmao
the guardians that do the legs should be on sparrows
What barrel do people typically use with Telesto? I'm beginning to think more stability mighy be better thsn range
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>9 original Iron Lords
>Saladin still alive
>Efrideet still alive
>7 Iron Lords who could be SIVA'd raid bosses
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>CoE with friends
>Two exotic drops in one run through
>Last round to complete cumulative score
>Exotic helm
>Reward screen gives me two blues
>"Oh well looks like you got screwed out of loot"
>Hit orbit and get Queens Bow
Laughed like an idiot for a good minute or two
>Jolder had SIVA tentacles on her armor when she killed herself
>yfw she bcomes one of the raid bosses
>her weapon is a huge hammer that shoots mg rounds
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Think I'll be able to complete all major, guardian, ability kills and resource collections before Armsday if I only have about 4 hours to play tomorrow?

It's my last sword I was hoping to get up to the strike for it for this weekend but that may not happen.
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thank god
>last sword

use a character that's already done a sword quest and you can skip major/guardian, THEN you should be able to do it in 4hrs.
How so?
If you're on a character that has already completed the exotic sword quest you can buy the other ones, infuse and upgrade to 280 and then pick up the quest from Shaxx again. It will start you at the materials gathering part.
>yfw the raid boss is just a resized Sepiks
follow >>154616265, I used https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_cDV8YWDqw for quick ability kills (~1hr on defender) and didn't resource glitch for materials, so it took around 2hrs for that part.
>yfw the inevitable SIVA walker boss somewhere in the raid

just kill me already, walker are a fuckin bore fest
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>martyr Iron Lords

story might be about heroics after all
Oh shit ok, thanks. Should be easy. What's the resource glitch? Grab a mat spawn and run in and out of the zone to keep grabbing it?
private matches tomorrow supposedly at 1 pm est, when the MLG event goes live or after.

What's the first /dg/ event going to be?
yeah. couldn't get it to work myself, would respawn once then fuck up. but others have had success.
>Flaming bubbles that send out hammers with the aoe of fist

I want out
Blink shotgunner here. Speculatively, what's the most anger shotgun build come RoI?
it feels like it's been happening more frequently after the update idk
I was gonna do a Rift game where everyone uses Sword Hilts

Kind of like grifball
>there are STILL fucking retards that don't know how to kill walkers
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fuck around First Light Supremacy?
the DO shotty, it's called last resort or something edgy
>Misha Mansoor infects yet another game
Literally who?
w-what do you mean, is there some sort of cheese I don't know about ?
Some new guitarist who managed his way into Halo, Deus Ex, and now Destiny in the last three years
>shoot the legs
>shoot the core when it opens up
>repeat about 3 times
>one of the greatest destiny PvPers has sub 4k grimoire

really makes you ponder your To face him, you must first win against 8 opponents; jiro, prince, dragonheart, ozy, apple, eraser, bob, and steroid
That's what literally everyone with a functioning brain does, doesn't change the fact that it's boring monotonous trash
>we went from Halo's vehicle battles to this
anyone doing oryx HM challenge?
nah nigga
>shitter 1
>shitter 2
>shitter 3
>shitter 4
>shitter 5
>shitter 6
>shitter 7
>shitter 8

30 seconds flat
im so ready for first light again senpai
it has literally been years
The true PvP elites of /dg/ will be revealed tomorrow.
anyone got drawing request? before i go to bed?
purple and green saint 14 titan
draw some bomb ass pet revenge r34!
kawaii shaxx trying to steal saladin's axe
SIVA twizzlers X Jolder
Why do you Titans bully the Hunter
Nobody cared who we were until we bullied the Hunter.
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>Tfw can't do anything higher than 3v3
>won't be able to participate in 6v6 elimination on big maps
Sepiks Prime and Skolas engaging in intercourse in the Devil's Lair where Sepiks uses his gravity beam thing to extract Skolas' juices when he climaxes with all four of his penii. Skolas should also be saying "rah" with Petra in the distance talking about how they have both been captured by the queen's will and telling Skolas to stand down, but Skolas should also be looking quizzically at Petra as if to say "I'm in the middle of something here" and in the background there should be a very faint overlay of Variks' face
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we good to go
Who Team /Seal/ here?
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Stilimar, Radegast or Felwinter. Any one of those 3.
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>tfwgetting a psychological evaluation that will take all day
Don't worry Colt, we'll suffer together
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>Doing PoE for sterling
>Random melees/dances me for no reason whilst waiting for next round
>Dies in match like the shitter he is
>Does not do objective
The shit I see as a solo player is greatly amusing yet slightly annoying
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team trap.png
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>PS4 outnumbers Xbox even in traps
When will they learn
>support maiden of doom
Support/healer is the best class so I'm okay with that!
Would anyone like to do crota hard mode to get a crux? Already at crota.
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Straylostidiot the image
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>used the last of my 3oC
>none of them dropped me an exotic engram at all
>best drop was a blue engram that I am pretty sure didn't drop from the boss
God damn.
Every time I forgot why I only buy heavy synths 3oC reminds me.
>want to play new content
>never going to buy a new console

p-pc release when?
Hey there! It looks like you're unaware of where you are! Allow me to point you in the right direction: >>>/v/
Have a nice day!
>wants a game that is only on a certain a platform
>refuses to buy said platform but still visits the threads
>requests a non platform release
When was the last time you saw bungie do a pc release?
I would actually like to know, but also I'm trying to prove a point.
If you really want to play RoI get a newer console.
A bone is like $200 used, and a ps4 is like $250.
Save up for a bit and buy whatever platform is the current gen version of what you have.
And then you get to jump in when everyone knows what is happening and can help you out.
Exo Stormcaller is the best thing ever.
>tireless machine that still contains human emotion and intelligence
>completely master control of your own "blood"
>once in a while go into a trance of rage where you just PMS on everyone around you for ~20 seconds
>allied with an entire faction of people at the cutting edge of technology
>keeping your friends close and your enemies closer
Human Gunslinger and Exo Striker are still pretty great Exo Stormcaller > all
Not him but Halo:CE
Last Bungie PC release was, I believe, Halo 2. Could be wrong, though.
I'm sub 3600 and I'm a pvp elite.
Grimoire means nothing
Bungie didn't do the halo pc ports.
Halo CE was done by gearbox, and halo 2 vista was done by hired gun.
It was bungies assets used by a different company.
So bungies name is on them, but only because it kinda had to be as its used their work.
They tried to port Destiny to PC but it wasn't nearly powerful enough. Similar thing happened with a lot of PS3 games when it came out, PC takes a few years to catch up and then we should start seeing ports.
> PC is less powerful than PS3
I genuinely can't tell if you're joking
It was when it came out, it's just the processor was harder to code for and we saw few games taking advantage of it.
Nigga, are you high?
Both major consoles are essentially mid tier gaming rigs.
And last gen being better than pc was only really true in like 07, and even then it was only at the price point of a console.
A mid tier gaming rig now could easily run destiny at true 1080 at 60hz.
The problem is shitty ports.
anybody know that the t3 court this week is? I'm missing one calcified fragment
https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/212825953 lol
reset is in 4 hours better log on and see for yourself
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Tomorrow night, don't miss it! Be sure to preorder your Dragonmania™ tickets for the low price of $.17 while they're available!
>open tab
>see a post by Dague
>close tab

Fuck that piece of shit.
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Keep or Shard? Kappa
https://clips.twitch tv /ironicallyintoanime/CrazyChinchillaMau5
>hand cannon

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keep or shard?
Rangefinder and rifled barrel are neato.
If you have sureshot or the other good one keep it despite the shit third perk.
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Get out
Rifled barel immediately makes that gun better than the other Legendary HC's by stats alone

keep it
Stop being dumb.
youre fucking retarded
pcs are more than powerful enough, but devs are lazy and try to slam out a pc port at the last minute and it takes advantage of fucking nothing
I wonder if bungie devs can give themselves items or if they can only do that in their private test builds at their workstations

I'm leaning towards thinking they can't because sometimes tweets pop up of a dev saying "aww forgot to buy 3oc" or "can't wait to get a longbow"
It's nice but would you honestly use that over Hung Jury
>hardlight has 12 impact but with 88 rof
>monte/zhalo have 8 impact with 88 rof

was this a mistake or...?
Would you ?
> PS3
> was more powerful
> than a PC
> CPU is a 3.2GHz Cell Broadband Engine
> Locked-down eight core processor where two cores aren't even usable
> Compared to an Intel Core 2 Extreme, a quad-core that could be overclocked to 3.0GHz or beyond
> GPU is an RSX “Reality Synthesizer”, clocked at 550MHz, that could put out 1.8TFlops, with 256MB VRAM
> Compared to something like a 7900 GTX, which was clocked at up to 700MHz (not counting overclocking) and 512MB of VRAM
> You had the option to SLI or Crossfire, even back then, up to four graphics cards
> RAM is 256MB of XDR Main RAM
> Compared to literally however much you wanted on PC - 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, even more
> HDD is irrelevant, although you could purchase SSDs in 2006
But yeah, I'm sure the PS3 was more powerful.
I'm not looking at the stats right now but check range and stability. Impact and rof are key factors but so are stability and especially range for auto rifles. Magazine size is also fairly important.
Not really, I would just shelve it and forget about it only to delete it later for space
They never tried to do that stop kidding yourself
> sometimes tweets pop up of a dev saying "aww forgot to buy 3oc" or "can't wait to get a longbow"
Do you really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?
fuck yeah I got a trespasser first try
>still no exotic special engram
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this pleases me.gif
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I think they upped the drop chance on it or something, I got one from my first try as well.

>tfw 2 specials have dropped for me since opening a trespasser
I like this.
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Found one.
Bah, someone buy me a copy of the collection on PS4

None of my xbone friends are ever on when I can't sleep
>Struggle to complete KF CM with xboners
>Complete it in a few tries with normie friends

Some of them haven't even try to do it on HM before. I thought you guys were supposed to be THE elite.
All on ps4
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>Nobody raiding right now
>Hasn't been a raid today

Post this alleged raid or take your shitposting elsewhere.
Soooo if I don't have gorgies and the warpriest im fucked for triumphs now?
*calcified fragments
Yep. Looks like you gotta wait for next year pham.
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>tfw exotic heavy engram at the end of a 21k/2d game
>people losing their shit about 100 rumble match wins
>wanting private matches so they can get them
>someone on reddit was boasting how he got it
>curious about how many wins I have since i played for awhile
well shit son. kids need to get good
finally got the last fragment. been trying with different groups all day. my last group knew what to do and the sleeper is such a damn good gun. thank you mexican comrades.
>Some of them haven't even try to do it on HM before
A)Great fucking english there dmitry.
2)If they haven't even tried to do HM yet they aren't xbone elite.
I am probably the most casual xboner and I have done all the HM CM.
I've even completed my year two triumphs, and I am a super casual.
Having not even tried HM immediately disqualifies one from being considered an xbone elite.
Post a raid page like ps4 retards like to so we can see this struggle.
Is there a PSN community we can be invited to?
2/6 HM
we have oryx cp and golg checkpoint don't really care which we do
So I wonder what Joseph Staten thinks of his career choice, what with ReCore's reception.
fuck, wait, are they cutting it off early? can we not do Warpriest next week?
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>Jason + Acti told him to fuck off
>343 dicked Halo beyond recovery
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>engrams can decrypt up and outside their type
I mean upgrades are always nice but keep it in the family senpai
You can do warpriest after this reset, if you need oryx or golgoroth though you'll be shit out of luck.
>double upgrade
Shit my dude.
Thats fucking cray.
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>start playing this today
>see this in-game
>check bungie.net

PANIC. which ones do I focus on? I want 4 done.
don't scare me like that fampai.
Nah all I need is Warpriest and whatever the CoO is for next week.
who tryna run CoE?
Return to the Reef and Challenge of the Elders are probably the easiest to get. Sword Logic is okay if you've got the level and a team, and Blade Reborn is literally impossible if you don't get moving right now, since you need to get it done before Armsday. Eris Morn's Revenge is officially impossible as of last Tuesday. only bother with Mountaintop if you actually like PVP.
This is amazing
Return to the Reef
Challenge of the Elders
The sword logic

Those are the only 4 you can do.

A blade reborn and Eris Morns revenge is impossible unless you're on the final step/need 1 more fragment.
You wouldn't happen to know the status of Zippy100012, would you?
earlier in the thread someone said he got banned for talking shit on Overwatch?
I'm gonna get the "the play's the thing" done later.

think anybody in this general would be up to do return of the reef and challenge of the elders sometimes this week? or is everyone here tired of playing that content?
>entire vault is full of engrams and mote'd gear
>both alts are also full to the brim
>can't swap weapons anymore on main
Is he sure he got one month? The e-mail could be wrong, ring up customer support and get on a call or enter a live chat and ask for more information on your case.
Return to the reef is fucking fast and you don't really need anyone to go with on that. If you need someone for CoE and are PS4, I don't mind doing a card after rollover, aka any time after 2 hours from now.
I'm gonna laugh my fucking cock off when year 2 engrams are time coded and don't give Y3 gear.
>we could be playing private matches in the next 12 hours

hype as shit desu, going to down the last of my nyquil and I'll see you shitters in a bit.
Drugs are bad anon
why would that matter? you can still get Cryptarch rank and a chance at new purples from the rank up packages.
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>need to farm new vang set
>need to farm new crucible set
>need to farm new fucking weaps
>need to farm new IB set
>need to farm regalia set

who the fuck said: "nah, they won't need a vault upgrade"?
We already know that is how its going to work.
Shit, year one engrams are even time coded between dlcs.
But its also a great source of some easy legendary coins and shit come year three.
So its less to try to get new shit and more to stock pile to get new shit.
Cryptarch packages are the worst of any rank up package tho
They actually said that vault upgrades are going to be a thing, just not at launch.
yeah I'm on PS4. I'll attempt the return of the reef questline later and see how it goes then ask here if anybody wanna join the challenge of elders thing
no they just said they'll look into it, they never guaranteed anything
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best ass
Why don't you understand that nobody, NOBODY is hoarding engrams for gear. They're doing it for easy Marks and Cryptarch rank, which after release, WILL give Y3 gear.
Looks like shit. Old =/= good
Sorry, never heard of him :S
he's just a Y1 babby like everyone else
Genwunners are cancer on every board, I have to deal with that shit in /vp/
you should go back, you're probably missing a gardevoir circle jerk ERP session or something
Go back to jerking off to Gardevoir
And they also samefagged to act like their shit opinions mattered
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