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/pso2g/ - Phantasy Star Online 2 General #1160

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 601
Thread images: 165

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■ Current Update (9/7): 「銀翼と黄金の都」Part 3
└ http://www.bumped.org/psublog/pso2-jp-maintenance-and-patch-8312016/

■ Weekly Boost & Events Schedule
├ http://pso2.jp/players/news/?charid=i_boostevent
├ Google: https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=pso2emgquest%40gmail.com
├ Random EQ Hourly Advance Notice (JP): https://twitter.com/pso2_emg_hour
└ Regular Maintenance: Wednesday @ 11:00 ~ 17:00 JST

■ Scratches: King of Monsters (until 9/21), Medical Cure Station (until 10/5), Gurhal Collection 1 (until 11/2), Darkness Ruler (until 12/14)
└ http://pso2.jp/players/catalog/scratch/

■ Next Update (9/?): 「銀翼と黄金の都」Part 4

├ General Information: http://bumped.org/psublog/
├ http://pastebin.com/CxBP1mEA (embed) (embed) (embed)
├ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ml9MGiN2Ich09mDtR82N1zn62oa1Mp6x6yzRjHrEf8c/ (Last Updated: 7/25/2015)
├ Basic English Patch: http://psumods.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=206
├ Buy ARKS Cash using PSO2es: http://pastebin.com/raDBtSpa (embed) (embed) (embed)
└ http://www.bumped.org/psublog/pso2es-guide-chip-database/

□ Database/Wiki
├ http://pso2.swiki.jp/index.php (JP)
├ http://pso2wiki.net/ (JP)
├ http://pso2.cirnopedia.info/ (EN - OUTDATED AS FUCK)
└ http://pso2.arks-visiphone.com/wiki/Main_Page (EN)

□ Simulators
├ Skill Tree: http://arks-layer.com/skillsim/skillcalc.php
├ Affix: http://pso2affix.seilent.net/
└ Damage: http://4rt.info/psod/

Previous thread: >>153882128
How long before Apple copies?
nice EQ shit 2
Apple won't exist in 2028
Remember not to do lewd things /pso2g/!~
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would fuck the one on the right
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Which EQs were switched to be randoms?
Double Falz, Mothership, and Magatsu are the ones I've seen so far. Yamato is probably on that list too.
Elder+Loser, Beckoning Darkness (see >>154200189 ), and Magatsu so far
the only rude thing is how I'm not fucking the one on the right right now
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I need pictures!

Pictures of Rappies!
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Everytime I see a Rappy I just want to roast it over a fire.
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this is now canon
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ep4 eucreta
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>sugu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAkh2BqrboA
duo though
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Hello! How is everyone enjoying episode 4?
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>Need to play Arkuma Slot for bingo card
>Fail at stage 3

Is this the worst casino game? It's funny that they even implemented a per-day play limit for the game.
>they actually play pso2
>theyre not at work listening to mexicans play black music on their phones.
[SPOILER]ded gaem[/Spoiler]
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why waste your time coming here? go enjoy all that content and keep on paying monthly.
>those nightmareish washed out colors
I tried that game a few years ago, but every ten steps I took there was a loading screen, it was brutal
Also everyone looked the same, or at least had one of 4 faces, it was silly
I really wanted to enjoy it but no amount of nostalgia could get me to overlook the constant loading screens
The crafting was really neat and possibly the best I've seen, but the stand in one place boring as shit "combat" did nothing for me and the crafting levels were gated by character levels

Oh yeah, and one race had females that all looked like Michael Cera! Remember that guy?
>friends plays game
>oh wow i got 20+k on my first 3 tries this game is awesome
>hey guys why are my casino coins orange/red
while i slowly melt trying to reach my weekly quota with bj
When will they remove the dumb cooldowns on Elder and Loser fights?
i like it
post more
When will they up 13* drop rate on falz weapons
i don't even open your images
post another
So usually if I set the tweaker to unlimited fps the game caps at my monitor's current refresh rate, but now I'm trying DSR and it always stays at 60 fps.
Anyone got any tips or settings I might have overlooked for playing with DSR?
It looked really good but the micro stutter was too much to play with.
Setting the tweaker to unlimited fps and forcing vsync on in inspector was the best for performance, but DSR seems to mess with everything.
the faggot-enabler never worked in the first place.
ERP discord here: https://discord.gg/ZC4jV
Which one, the tweaker or inspector?
This game doesn't work with lots of settings that other games do for whatever reasons but I'm trying to find something that looks good and still locks at my screen's refresh rate

Also, in pic related what does he mean by the PA button? Just any PA and not a normal attack?
It means the button that you use to use a PA.

It doesn't actually use the PA. It just fires a stronger normal attack during the roll. It's useless.
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Wow why'd you literal who's boot me from your discord
Oh okay, thanks

Gunner has been fun but the skills are a lot different than ranger and none of them sound worth using or appealing
Ranger seemed easy with everything going into weak bullet but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with the gunner tree
Like that charge arts one, can't tell what it did, if anything
Same with the gear one, have yet to see a gear or even know what one is
Is that slutfox' erp/select club discord?
I forgot to write the rest of the sentence before posting. The graphic tier/fps/etc. config options of the faggot enabler never worked, you have to actually go into the proper launcher to change those.
it is a good sub Hu skill tree for Ra with AIS rifle and new 13*?

No it's a bunch of no names, fuck knows why they linked it here. Someone else can join and tell me if they recognize anyone there.
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literal niggers
Why did you quote me with Keemstar
cute Au Ra muh man
wait, are you tsunari? if yes then jk you ugly FUCK hAHA!
Gear is the little bar that appears over your PA list on your hud. For TMGs it increases every time you land an attack, and decreases slowly over time if you aren't attacking, or quickly if you get hit. What it actually does is significantly increases your damage while it's filled.

This is the standard gunner tree, although it can be changed up a bit depending on your preference: http://arks-layer.com/skillsim/skillcalc.php?11INbxIobxIobxIobxIobxIobxIobxIobxIobxIo0jdodBIb000000000doIn0000000jdoib0000000fdoIbid2OgXqqGAJkI2dnIs00009o00000000ioIn00000000IbIo0000000jdoIb0000000lo000000j
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Hey thanks a lot for this, friend.

Oh okay, not sure I ever even messed with the actual launcher, thanks.
Is easier for me to change stuff in user.pso2 than tweaker but nothing in there for max fps or anything so yeah thanks again pso2g

Humble inquiry, can't seem to find any concrete info on which is better (or if there's another alternative).
Second if you can afford it
5%s are better, but it will cost you around 50 mil on top of the cost of +40ing an Austure without 5 skips.

I wish we could still get 5 skips.
Just buy 7 skips
How do we fix ship4?
What cooldowns are you referring to
7 Skips aren't that much cheaper than doing a straight grind with +30%s
05:[Cooldown] Dark Falz Elder
didn't they add those somewhere else weird like the casino or something
I could have sworn they did but maybe I'm remembering wrong
If you're low on lambdas it is.
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So, why aren't you degenerates playing Revelation Online?

>A beautiful, seamless open world
>No retarded flight limits like in Aion
>Cool dungeons with multiple difficulties, as well as silly side dungeons
>A semi-intricate character progression system
>Crafting that matters
>Fun jump puzzles
>Marriage and a plethora of social emotes (kissing, carrying, hugging, head patting, etc.)
>Player housing and customizable guild halls
>Instanced and open world PvP systems. Castle sieges, alliances, war declarations - basically TERA, but expanded upon
>Daily fishing tournaments
>Mentor system
>Able to dye pretty much everything, even your mounts and wings
>Other cool stuff
If I go check other threads how many times will I see that post shilling above me
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>those proportions

>its a minigame
Looks like shit.

double eww
I love kohri so much
>Being low on Lambdas when Sega shits them out by the dozen

I love yandere slut kohri so much

play Revelation Online and give money to my fellow Chinese so that we can claim the SOUTH CHINA SEA with the military might YOU paid for
I tried it out and played for a few weeks a month or so ago, seems like the game caters to e/rp more than anything
I guess the combat wasn't engaging and the whole thing had a generic, cartoony feel to it, like I imagine wow

Plus there was no general here for it
Gameplay looks like crap.
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can't wait to kill that bitch
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Kohri a cute
her weapon is great too
Her weapon and her are dumb! DUMB!
>giant as fuck open world
>nothing to do at all
>wasteland simulator

I will not fall for this meme again
Are any of those Vegas tech weapons any good? The wand seems useful, and the jet boots if you like using those.
i also hear good things about form wand and how it makes wand smacking more fun but you will still need a regular +% damage wand for mpa zanverse purposes
as for the boots since you are busy doing pa's most of the time and the fact that you are effectively trading a % damage modifier for a potential that you would rarely use in normal situations seems not worth it in my opinion
The wand is like the best wand in the game. The other 2 are shit.
Is there an enemy in game that does not has a billion different parts and hopefully stays still so i can test if some things work?
So why'd she murder her besto furiendo? Dumb kind of yandere reasons? Rather than the proper kind that kills everyone else BUT the person they love?
hook a rodos like everyone else has done since 2013
Rockbear and Rodos (when Harpooned)
kohri is fucking stupid
She's clearly being manipulated
They are dumb reasons but the others are "keeping" her that way on purpose
That much was obvious from the last time we saw her
Pretty much this. She can't think for herself like Hitsugi can, and believes all the bullshit Mother tells her.
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Silly anon its always the people that love you the most that are capable of also hurting you just as bad
she gave hitsugi a wake up call and chances are that she will snap out of it as well
>wake up call

Are you talking about that shit Hitsugi was going through after Phlegh through her across nevada because of her weak ass resolve?
She thought the Hitsugi she was fighting was a fake. Just like when Theodore tried to kill Ulc in Episode 2. The only difference is that unlike Newmans and Deumans, humans are capable of actually killing the things they are attacking.
>because of her weak ass resolve?
yeah unlike her brother who seems competent hitsugi still was in that whole indecisive mode protags go through i guess
Kohri isn't a ヒューマン, she's a 人間
Guns > katanas
Are there supposed to be other apostles like phaleg?
>killing a shitter with zero training and combat experience makes HUMANS OH SO DEADLY


face it

we're NEWmans, the NEW men because we are here to replace you
I'd rather wait and play Lost Ark desu
rather play soul worker

The japanese who didn't like the EP4 story are starting to come around after the last update.

You guys couldn't even replace a lightbulb.
What's the deal with the new Gryphon NT 13*s?
They're better. Also easier to get.
Anything else you need to know?
I guess i am blessed by the goddess of luck
Because at least one of the retarded characters is "dead" but not really.

Everyone in this story has shallow, retarded, or zero motivations. If Hitsugi's priority was to find out what Al is, then she should be fine staying on the Oracle fleet and talking to researchers like Aki or something. If Koohri's true priority is Hitsugi being MY ONLY FRIEND WAAAAH then she wouldn't give into indoctrination so easily, or if the indoctrination really was so strong there's no reason Mother Cluster wouldn't have done the same thing to Hitsugi from the start.
Does Dio Hunar count as a darker or DA-abberation?
>there's no reason Mother Cluster wouldn't have done the same thing to Hitsugi from the start
Player character power
Aren't the close range:Melee ones shit?
You know, like what happens to melee usually anyways because Sega.
No, they're all shit except maybe the rifle and wand
Thanks for the input. Time to level my alts for TA x3.
It's almost as if each character doesn't revolve exactly one thing even if they say they do. Like pretty much the whole thing with Hitsugi's motivation.
Kind of like real people.
Don't suppose there's a way to check how much an accessory can be altered in size/angle before dropping several millions on it?
You can make educated guesstimates based on their default size and position
Generally head ornaments like ahoges can't be altered very drastically/sliders don't do as much. Body ones can, leg ones not so much, you get the idea.
Except Hitsugi's character isn't realistic at all, just like most of the pso2 NPCs. If the character states a motivation and then makes a bunch of actions that don't follow that motivation, it gives the impression that the character is either retarded or dishonest. In Hitsugi's case she clearly isn't very clever, so I'm going with retarded.

When she went to fight the film director boss, it made sense since she was retaliating for her brother's sake, but once that little bit is sorted out she immediately forgets what her original goal was.
More like if a high school girl gets thrust into a war zone involving a bunch of shit she barely understands, she's going to waver along the path as events progress. Like she isn't built to be a competent hero from the get go.
But sure I guess, I love when characters are only about one motivation and never deviate from it. Super unshallow.
if it's an accessory intended for a cast it can almost guaranteed be made obnoxiously huge

otherwise a crapshoot
Hitsugi's confusion isn't convincing, she literally has no reason to be confused. She wanted to find out what is the nature of Al's existence, and she's inexplicably getting the willies about whether she has the guts to attack another human being, which is irrelevant, and super-cliche to boot.
What a nice time~
Why is the discord always full of self loathing?
>she's inexplicably getting the willies about whether she has the guts to attack another human being
>literally has no reason to be confused
>was a high school girl
I mean I guess if you're a psychopath killing other people is okay from the get go, so long as you get what you want.
I'm not saying she shouldn't be hesitating to attack other people, I'm saying she shouldn't even be desiring to be a warrior on the battlefield, because that doesn't help for information-gathering, which is what her supposed purpose is.

At no point did she ever say "I've changed my mind, I'm going to be a fighter." She hasn't been asking mother cluster members if they know about Al.

Her actions make no sense and are poorly written.
>Get the Double Cannon from PD
>28 Attribute
This is true hell, please help me out of it.
get a few welfare DS to cram into it
like Ethan's maybe
I'm worried that all this nonsense about her will to fight ends up in the cuties in Mother Cluster being killed. I don't want Phaleg, Och, or Phul to die. Gimme their partner cards.
Tips on A8S?
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Are you willing to scratch 20 times to make your own Phaleg? Also, Kimura-D mentioned that they will put the "closed eyes" face in other scratch bonuses so that players can get more than one eventually.
Phaleg is dumb though.
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Is it acceptable to wear socks and sandals?
Am I going to get fashion shamed by a passive aggressive tumblilipan in her blog?
No one cares
They'll all die like fucking scrubs just like the movie director or become irrelevant and never heard from again. We won't ever get partner cards of someone who doesn't use actual weapons we ourselves can use. We'll only get a shitty reformed Kohri card in some epilogue scene after the main plot is resolved.
Thanks for the reminder of how horrible the feet in this game are.
Feet are the shittiest fetish anyway
Ur mum is the shittiest fetish
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Anything new pop up on the rando EQs today? Yamato was suspected but it hasn't happened as of yesterday.
Oh, probably never, unless they either reduce it to a half hour thing total or they overhaul how the EQ occurrence system works entirely (even less likely)
There's hardly any real difference between the races in this game. I guess that's better than the last few games where one or two were blatantly overpowered compared to the rest, but they probably overcorrected for that here
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Ok it has big butt, but can you make big CAT butt?
wow what awful animation
At least her fingers move.
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do u no wat i love?
where can i get a LA like that?
This is so bad.
Please post this in whatever general it came from and not here
I don't' want to vomit today
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Time to cute things up
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too bad its vomit day
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I miss mermeido
What the fuck, that idle animation at the start looks literally copypasted from TERA elin.
You mean the only good meido? I miss her too.
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Look at these three best friends. I stopped doing the story for a bit but now I want to catch up and see how these three amigos are doing. I'm sure they're doing great.
26 attribute fag here have been gathering ray/ethan and now gal ds and trying to see if i spot semi-cheapo 5% attribute boosters
we will all going to make it brah
pot works with ds ring right?
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what a buffet of manliness
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Finally this time of year has come again.
it should, if the whirlwind comes from PA
that's what I heard at least.
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I'm not sure about the rappy suits in this one
People here keep saying that, but I have yet to see any proof. Swiki only has comments of people saying that it doesn't work and hoping that they release a Titan DS.
I think i am lazy enough to grind mine at +20 so i guess i will try posting some results during these days
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That's why I said mermeido, not shit meido, anon
Can't wait to see some garbage new costumes in the game due to everyone's shit taste.
So... is the best MPA set up for PD now 1 Te/Ra, 3 Gunners and 8 SuGus? One gunner in each party ready to build up that CT for Sugus.
please let this be a rarest rappy, with the power of diabo.
No, Br/Gu does what Su/Gu does much better.
God I hate the costume election. Just the most depressing thing knowing none of the super cool looking ones will get chosen and it'll all just be the slutty or cute ones.
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plague rappy
I want this
Shall I move to ship 2 lads from 4.
sure why not
We already have our share of gaijin shitters, go to 7 or something.
yea bro
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>do PD 100 times.
>No drops.
>do new shit EQ.
>3 13s in 2 runs.
Well that's all my luck gone.
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>slutty ones
Do you need to be reminded that some actual niggerpaint won? They obviously don't care about the design.
>do new shit EQ
>13*s out the ass
>they're all candies
thanks ep4
Stop posting.
>farm like a retard
>get enough pebbles for 2 more austeres
>the ones i don't have aren't worth the effort of one austere
>don't want any of them
What do
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TGS brief livestreams on the 15th and 18th, revealing the new livestream format, collab info, update videos, and all the usual goodies.
Nothing on new Ult? Or is more info on that coming later?
Please show some balance stuff i want to get dissapointed
It's going to be weak to light.
I can already see everyone flipping their shit out.
with no more ichitaro or momoi I have no reason to actually watch those live anymore
EN release when?
You didn't hear the news?
It got released last week!
Great atmosphere guys
Lets all have fun today /pso2g/~
>log in earlier to catch the locals actually playing so I can do riding quest grind
>because everyone's gathered on one block for it
>up to premium space
seriously fuck the whole idea of monetizing half the space on a channel. online games are alledged to be social shit, you shouldn't be paywalling the ability to do "social" content that you keep forcing, sega. fuck.
To be fair I never liked momoi anyway, but ichitaro was a bro.
mother says it's a fake hitsugi, and that she has to kill the fake to have the real one.
and she's been conditioned from childhood to unquestioningly believe whatever mother says and trust mother above all.

which is why she actually made the insane leap of "logic" of "well since you won't murder me, your best friend, in cold blood, clearly you're fake!". mother has carefully crafted her to be completely nucking futs.
>she wouldn't give into indoctrination so easily
except for the whole "indoctrinated long before she met hitsugi" part.

koori had no family left when mother got ahold of her to start with. hitsugi still had enga anchoring her when mother started trying to hijack her brain. bit of a difference.
Vita blocks have runs too, that might be your best bet if 18 and 19 are full.
>giving a fuck about squeaky mcpointless and prince itchy the moron
what kind of faggot are you.

>prince itchy
>a bro
who are you trying to kid. he's just another retard who doesn't know what he's doing and has so little grasp of the game's balance problems he seriously thinks that gimping WB accomplishes anything other than making rangers even more useless than they'd already been since SH became a thing.
>class that needs to stand still and aim carefully to do any damage
>while content has been geared towards classes that can block, dodge, or even take a hit without killing their damage and don't have to aim
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Is this inspired by that huehue artist who stitched a dog's mouth onto his face?
>going to a discord ever

show me on the doll where ichitaro and momoi personally hurt you to make you this mad anon
>looking for red rod
>5 red DS
>3 red TD
>1 red WL
>5 red gunslash
>2 red TMG
>1 red wand
>1 red double saber
>10+ rare boots
>rare assault rifle
>some rare candies or whatever the fuck
thanks sega never touching AQ again
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are you sure you running areas with red rod drop?
Yeah, it was volcano
this general is pathetic lmao
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You know fucked up as a general if people respect /v/ more than you. However with that being said... This general is only good to use as a shitposting/triggering den
Do the Arks Quest if you really need it. More than 1 player spawns 2.
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Someone asked for this ugly mofo.
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>Weaponoids in general
Only More, Sharp Fist, Red Scorpio, Rabbit Wand and Kazanou look like they will translate really well into the actual game.
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Actually, a majority of them would translate well, I think it'd be easier to list the ones that wouldn't than the ones that would if anything.
Is the welfare 13* Double Saber good? What potential does it even have?
yes/30% hp recover+12% damage
Coke Cherry
Ginger Ale
Cola light
Gu/Ra and Br/Ra
DG Jamaican Kola
Full throttle
You're just butthurt that you got run out of there for being an idiot with your stupid I IS A DEMON LORDZ0R!!1' roleplay
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That Demon Lord stuff didn't start back then but okay senpai
Nos / Ra
Guess you're just utterly insufferable either way then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>Guess you're just utterly insufferable either way then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Not really, other people are just easily triggered peons the majority of people in this place are especially but yeah if it helps you sleep at night to think that then go right ahead.
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Is there a way to make it that autowords only appear on your end to not annoy others?
Do you alos like Ting? Cause that shit is good.
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>all this soda tier shit
By default they will appear to your party chat if i remember correctly so only you and your friends will see them
I like ting as well, though I don't drink it too often.
Pineapple Juice
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I was hoping Mining Base 4 would be a random one now but it's probably still too recent an EQ for that
Bull juice
Never heard of it. Can you explain in great detail how to get this bull juice?
Fighter / Diabetes so i cant drink shit
Hey /pso2g/, I just completed my set of Saikis and I want to try my hand at my first big boy affixes. I don't want to spend all that much, but I have about 65m to throw around. What would be a good place to start for a Force? I was thinking about Magi/Flict/Tech3/Latan, but I feel like maybe that's not quite ambitious enough, considering they're going on Saikis.
Magi the Soul
swap latan for modulator and tech3 for tech4 and congrats you have something robust
>magi the soul
Bayari soul is the exact same thing plus better transfer rate
I think you meant Guranz Soul. Bayari Soul is S-Atk.
That sounds a little better, but I have no idea how to set up Tech4 in an affix like this without having a garbage transfer rate. How would I go about setting that up?
Magi means I can stick a soul that boosts Technique transfer rate on the base unit, though.
You mean Guranz in this case. Full Vegas soul is cheaper than Guranz + Soul Receptor at the moment, acts the same way as Train. Granted it is a bit trickier if you upslot.
A soul and Mutation2 both increase Stat3 to Stat4 conversion rates. You can do that or use Stat4 from the get-go
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Double cannon faggot here i went and tested it at +10 and unless i am doing something horribly wrong then limit drive does not boost either the shift action whirlwinds or those produced from ds ring
pretty positive i was not under pp slayer or anything else during both tries
I assume you didn't JA the PA you used to trigger the ring tornado? I guess it's confirmed then.
How do we fix PSO2 General?
Censor it. Only gameplay discussion allowed. Ban avatarfags and anyone who days dead
yea sorry i ment to say Guranz soul, but i think its wasted money if he fails the upslot since same 150/9 is alot more expensive imo
>Only gameplay discussion allowed
But what gameplay?
This gameplay
and so on.
Bring back drama and avatarfags
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How do we fix LAS VEGAS?
I became a bit paranoid so i went to recheck but no for normal one i just stood there with gear gauge at max and pressed shift
for the ds one pressed slam dunk and positioned myself at same place unfortunately no difference
would love to get proven wrong since minus ethan and austere all the rest 13 ds seem to have a gimmick that plagues them
Las Vegas is actually fine
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What's wrong with Seiga and Ray?
Nothing really i remembered them right after i pressed submit my bad
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I think you meant seminal fluid.
Quit giving them attention retard
tfw considering buying a 4chan pass so I don't have to deal with captcha when reporting every 5 minutes
>People in this thread including the avatarfags are still giving lilith attention

Jesus Christ why can't you faggots just report and ignore?
Such words.... You pleased your master and for doing so i'll reward you with this! Remember this feeling servant; you can not and will not forget it
I've seen some fighters charge PA skills like Tornado Dance. Is it a ring, and if so, which ring is it?

Ship and ID?
You craft it.
PA craft.
What is the name of it, so I can craft it? What would I need anyway?
ship4, HalfTheSky
Are both Type-0 Tornado Dance and Deadly Circle worth getting?
you've no idea how long i've wanted to fuck you...

ID is secret, I've been stalking you for a long time
you aren't actually stalking them
Is that so huh...

Though if you really stalking me you can come to B22 or my room... if you dare~
no, you come to my room, cutie
ID is Fanservice
You niggas are gay as fuck
Vanilla Coke
Where are you my darling? I'm waiting for you to ravish me~
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>not having secret stalkers that want to fug da living shit outta you
>Implying that's bad
Ok, I've got enough stones to 60 ele an austere. I wan't to upgrade my d saber. Should I get the new gal nt or austere d saber? I have double canon, but don't want to use up more pp.
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Remember solus.
Never forget that the Newman Female pussy belongs to the HU Human Male dick


look how she has tears in her eyes

Isn't she also that annoying as fuck episode 4 boss from PSO1? Hate those stupid missiles.
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>In the wedding lobby broadcasts getting married
>"N-Not cannon" solus says as his clings his daki in his cold house to which he will never be able to afford a warm one because he will never live up to his daddies money and the chinese(such as himself) have ruined the canadian housing market
Pls respond. Also, one more question. Is the range of gal nt for close range the same as the old version? As in you have to be fucking inside then enemy. I'll go with austere if so.
Egg Nog/Hunter
From what I've been hearing, yes. Melee got fucked over again.
black tea/gunner
Reminder that bouncers killed this game and this thread.
Blacklist and report all bouncers.
>still no interaction with lookalikes

Why didn't Azanami teach Hitsugi how to use katana properly?
Hitsugi gonna go dual blade bouncer
This general would be gone in a week if this came true.
Would be funny. I say do it.
>his daki has the male HU on it
>double cucked
Too busy messing with Io
>Cannot get a boss to attack me twice during a single ignition parry
Don't suppose any HU pros can enlighten me on how the fuck I'm supposed to use this?
you just need to parry once and you're boosted throughout the entire PA
>HU pros
Disregard, anyone who's pro with sword I meant.
fondling Io's head clits
I'd read that it can block an attack a second time to further boost the damage, but can this actually be done reliably? Seems I'd be better off continuing to spam rising edge with max gear.
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Where did you even get that idea from? It works like >>154363746 said.

You are better off with Tech Arts as well instead of spamming one PA unless that one PA is the only thing that's usable at the time.
what is she thinken about?
muh dick
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You can scale the image down all you want, you've not fooling anybody
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Summoner is so boring, The new pets are ass, They're just handy for easy XQ/TA and dailies.

I really want to try Gunner but getting gold tokyo keys is a pain in the ass.
when i scale down my images i scale to 1024 on the longest side
Su was boring day one but I fully maxed it on my main and one of my alts is level 75 in it
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basically a better version of couch potato dragon
skengs when you coming back to ship 2
guava juice/gunner
Maybe next week, Maybe never who knows.
Namedrop me please
Skengs be my waifu!
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Nice neck
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Apprentice is for ________________
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So even the gryphon in the eq can still drop the OT versions. Thanks SEGA!
Is there some secret to vegas CFs? 2% per illusia kill does not seem right
Which club for which boss?
>get double saber
>old type
Thanks sega.
why wouldn't it you autists
Run Riding Quests.
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>Deathgripping the bow
>Arrow is mounted between the index and middle finger
Whoever drew this should fuck themselves
Where do I find people for that?
Extra hard blocks. Just use find a party on another block and go where there are people. If there's an EQ running there won't be many, though. After one can be good because people are looking to burn excess drop boost time.
Because there is no reason for the OT versions to even exist at this point. Noone is going to use them when there is a straight up better version that even drops from the same boss and has sheets.
Then we should remove every weapon that is not the best in its drop pool? It's free fodder, with higher drop rates, all those weapons suck anyway
No, they should replace them in the drop table like with literally every other OT weapon that has a superior NT version of the same rarity. Same goes for Dagger of Serafi.
when can we go back to stone collection
collection files is such a chore
Do I have to know anything special about these quests or can I just jump in blind?
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They're not too complicated. They involve a lot of flying around with Rideroids, so you want to know how to move fast with them, at least. You fly towards the yellow light, kill the enemies as fast as possible, and then clear any E-Trial it spawns as fast as possible. Here's a webpage with all the details you could want:

I heard melees are generally not welcome in these?
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melees are generally not welcome in everywhere
>being a useless fihu shitter
Why even play then?
And now you know why this thread is dead.
Depends on the weapon. HU weapons are going to have a hard time because enemies spawn so far away from one another. FI weapons have a lot of mobility PAs like Tornado Dance, Heartless Impact, etc. I use TD with an Air Chase ring and don't have any trouble usually.
But the new weapons aren't an NT version of the old ones, they're a reskin with a different potential
It's basically the same potential, just slightly better.
Still a different weapon, with different textures and a different name plus they only drop from the second tier titled gal gryphon
If they removed them, you'd just be getting less drops that you could be using for fodder
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Where does Guren-tessen drop from?
Every 13* NT weapon is penalised in ES, even though there are OT weapons that are stronger than them that aren't.
literally who gives a shit about es?
Is Fi/Hu being terrible a meme or actually legit?
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fihu is the strongest melee class by far, but the only correct class to play is fote
yfw es is more fun to play at this point than the actual game
It's the best melee, but it's still a melee instead of fo/te
Is fote bias seriously that strong that nothing else is worth playing?
except for the lack of consistent ways to hunt it's bosses, at least.
In my experience fihu is much better for solo but fote just too good in mpa
fote is better for solo too
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So if I don't want to play fote, I shouldn't play PSO2?
depends on the map I guess, I'd much rather do solo mob heavy quests using ds
fo/te doesn't give a fuck about positioning, running up to mobs, mirage step and tech guard let you laugh at incoming damage, compounds kill bosses in one hit and pp convert makes it so that you effectively have an infinite pp pool when shit hits the fan. fote has better range that """ranged""" classes and better single target damage and mobbing capabilities than melee classes.
What the fuck is Sega thinking? This sounds absurd.
It's depressing that they get away with it too because Japan generally doesn't give a shit about balance.
Nobody actually cares about being efficient so not really
Don't they want to introduce content that actually requires some degree of efficiency down the line? If that's the case I can see this becoming a real problem, when anyone not playing one of two class combinations can't play the game.
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Your days are numbered. When the balance update hits, Summoner will be the new king.
>one hit
come now. it's broken but it's not THAT broken.
Probably not, but they're also introducing "balance changes" so we'll have to see
Other classes do fine, FO just does better, and in an mpa you generally will need other combos like Br/Gu, Ra/Hu, Te/x and/or x/Te
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And yet nobody actually plays FO/TE
2 questions
does ethan ds potential increases whirlwind damage?
how does gal wand potential works if at all with zanverse?
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lmao numales on suicide watch

has there ever been a point in the game's history when force wasn't the strongest class? even during the worst shunka and s roll ja faggotry fo was shitting all over tower defense with spooky hand. not to mention that time when zonde was bugged for months and dealing ludicrous damage.
>even during the worst shunka and s roll ja faggotry fo was shitting all over tower defense with spooky hand
Not really, even disregarding that spooky hand came out pretty late into ep2
Any decent options for knuckles when I only recently reached cap? Orbit is not even remotely attainable for me and I have no idea if I could finish Titan in time
Ray knuckles can work
I can't finish Ray in a month either, and I'm not even remotely prepared for XH PD anyway
Welcome to the problem with collection files.
desu if you're too late for ray you can still do the shit even after C.file period is up as long as you don't you don't remove the sheet when you're done with it and have have Star Gems (60 a reset) to refresh the sheet everytime you finish
Are you sure about that? I remember checking and the reobtain sheet option was grayed out.
I remember people saying you could still do all that stuff. Like even after the date is up you can still get the wep and if you want you can refresh it as well
Just go for Titan, it's not as bad as it looks
I don't think I'll be accepted into any riding quests.
No one really cares about gear there. Half of the MPA is usually leeches anyway.
Nobody will bat an eye honestly so just join them
also if you are serious about do yourself a favour and get some rdr earth timed abilities on your units so things get a bit faster
this. Don't let the chucklefucks here or the discucks tell you otherwise
What's your current gear? If you join, you can focus on collecting emblems when they show up
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Post fat Ruppies.

There's no application process for a public quest.
How do I change PSO2 setting without having to use the default launcher or tweaker?
The pso ini file is not encrypted. Have at it.
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>The pso ini file is not encrypted
This is what shows for me.
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Cuck Rappy
you want C:\Users\[yourusername]\Documents\SEGA\PHANTASYSTARONLINE2\user.pso2
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post pretty girls you want to deflower~
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Are you a boy or a girl?
I assume it's too late to start working on Ray?
So is there really no way to walk without using a controller?
Thinking about hooking one up since I'm always being rude and bumping people at the quest counter and such

I'm fairly new but if you scroll up a bit anon says you can keep working on it
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This costume is just distressingly good. Dammit, I hope this wins.

You can't refresh it after the date, but you can still finish the collection file if you still have it.
>dragonkin joining ARKS

what are we now? mass effect?
so that's why sega though that 3button shit was a good idea. they think everyone has a 24 button controller.
You might just barely make it to 60ele if you start working on it right away (assuming no triggers)
Might as well be, since the player character is a Guardian, which is much like how Spectres in Mass Effect are.

Dont worry about bumping people around at the quest counter. On their screen, they havent moved at all. Everyone else sees you pushing them around. However, after pushing them around a set distance, you'll see snap back to the position they see themselves at.
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It's not humans you should be worried about.
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Jesus. Is this game still going?
Harder than ever, believe it or not
Has nothing been dropping Rappy Egg yet?
I did it once and worked. changed:

Config = {
Simple = {
DrawLevel =5,


Config = {
Simple = {
DrawLevel = 6,

and saved, of course.

But still when opening the game it was still as if I didn't change the value from 6 when trying to start from .bat

So I opened the vanilla launcher and there it was set, on 5.

Am I missing anything?
I don't see the relevance of the question.
ooga booga
Is it possible to scratch 12 stars with Rappy coins on ES?
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Look at this trio of perfection

CUTE! Like Miku
Gene looks retarded
She's a very special girl
she doesn't just LOOK retarded. She takes 2 years off to get stronger and instead of actually getting stronger she removes clothing and continues taking dirtnaps.
How do you farm modulator?
Do you know time attack quests?
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I hate trying to get the dumb Las Vegas boss to spawn.
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>ask for pretty
>pso2g posts dumb sluts and titty monsters
Ok, sophia.
I just don't want Annette to be tainted by this cesspool.
Yes but rates are absurdly low for rappy medals though.
They're about the same for AC
Is it viable to play Fo/Te on a controller?
Yes, why? What's the preferred method?
You do it, over and over. Until you by a small change enter in the Escape Quest instead of the actual Time Attack.

Then you run to the Boss Area, kill clones.
Collect drops and let Hunar kill you.
If you kill Hunar and complete it you will start a 3 days cooldown of zero chance to get in the Escape Quest.
the cooldown doesnt exist
>the cooldown doesnt exist
It does exist.
It does not exist
not that anon, but no it does not exist

>Known ERPers caught ERPing

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It doesn't. Coming from an autist who got 50 XH abduction clears. We sometimes even did 2 or 3 abductions in the same day.
It doesn't have a cooldown.
Shut the fuck up lilith
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How is Lisa either of those things? I think you need to hold your tongue lest you find yourself without one.
It's not a cooldown, but killing hunar resets your chances, so you'd have grind for abour 1-2 hours on average to get abducted again, while not killing him barely resets them so you can get abducted about every 10-20 minutes (assuming an averge clear time of 40 seconds).
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>muh yandere edgy waifu
>muh rem tier shit TASTE

>muh buzzwords

Fucking kill yourself newfag
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>made off with 300 cubes

Yet another high point today
.4% for AC, undoubtedly less for medals. one guy on eswiki scratched 2500 medals before he got one.
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it doesn't have a cooldown, your abduction flag just gets reset.
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This is what I run magatsu for. It's been a while since I got one, so I almost forgot to post it here!
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Well I like Lisa and Annette, but if you're going to be that way and condense her personality into a slew of insults then for right now in this moment, I think I like Lisa a LOT more. Here's another picture for you, poop face.
One guys misfortune doesn't really support that claim.
One can easily spend an equivalent amount of AC and get nothing.
People who spend money on virtual gacha are fools though.
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Anyone want to play with my big fat rifle?
These collect sheets recently, it seems like they're harder to complete than previous ones just by the sheer amount of kills you need to make the gauges inch along.
Haven't played in awhile, few questions

Is the new ult out?

New cmode?

Has bouncer been reworked yet?

Is it still just a gear treadmill with no hard content?
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I-i'm lost.... will someone help me find my way back home?
are you playing default AA?
You can stay in my room :)
default AA is blurry as fuck
inspector AA adds annoying blur
I-I do!
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>be on ship2
>decide to pug magatsu as usual
>summoner that after the start of the fight is never seen again nor his pet anywhere
>literally the few forces that join just use illgrants from 3 stadiums away+turret spam while throwing that rare folmegion as well
>gu that after noticing he is the only one that can wb actually swaps for the job but wb mysteriously never appears again after knees+belly face gets rekt
is this true hell
Only if you use sgssaa
Your room? That's a nice offer and all but i should really try to get home before i run into any perverts....
Probably not

But it's also never been fun, which is why no one actually bothers to play it
No, October



Depends on your definition of the word hard, they've come out with a harder solo extreme quest that you might not have done yet, beyond that everything's still pretty much the same.
when ever i use it without SGSSAA it doesnt work for me. is there a specific bit to use?
If sgssaa works for you supersampling would work too.
I'm more driven insane by the 1 pixel border around the game constantly if I use inspector so I ditched it for t6
who would you be surprised to know ERPs?
Gav, Closet, or Solus but Closet and Solus probably already ERP together.
closet and solus have probably ERPed several times already but they themselves haven't realized that they have
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>Lisa posts

I like Lisa
If you cant run maggie with yr squad then don't even bother. Pugs are still insanely terribad at it.
what specific setting to use then?
I have a nice table with fine chairs, and your choice of a shower or bath, and several very comfy beds...
>Orbit is not even remotely attainable for me

Yes it is. You only need 90 Apprentice Rocks and 180 Mining base rocks.

That's 270 rocks or 5400 Weapons badges.

Easy as shit.
when are we gonna fug bby?
Well I can certainly help you find your way back to your place if you'd prefer...
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gettting error code 027 at sign up, anyone else?
No problem, I can come inside and visit after for a bit right? and also come
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u should rly add that u cant use hotmail ty plz
When is he going to update the pasta?
no one on that pasta even plays anymore
That does sound nice....
Doesn't it though...
gently strokes both your ears[/spoilers]
Fuck off GreasyMustache1996
Where do I get an Umblla Stick? Boosting for Mr. Umblla seems to do fuck all.
well if he won't drop you one can always buy from a shop but you'll need a 10* pass.
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Me too.
These threads are just getting pathetic. Like, not even the avatarfags that put in effort are left so we just get slow posting memearls with a bad hook. Like just let it die senpai, we will be perfectly fine with no threads until next live stream or scratch.
why is this game so shit?
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>name 1 psog'r you would fuck

There's a few on my list.
>Like, not even the avatarfags that put in effort are left
Sounds like we're in a golden age aho degozaimasu sempai
name them
phaleg is
Anyone have the lyrics for Daytime Vegas bgm?
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Rabbits can climb trees?
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Gwood Morning!.png
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I don't see why not
They got little claws on their feet
s-suck my dick shinguru!
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It's pretty humorous to see that this thread has retained it's quality despite how slow it's become. Most if not all of the less rapid paced generals are typically quite pleasant and have relative discussion. Obviously that chalks it up to the type of general it is and what kind of people they will attract, but for the most part they all have their own solidified poster base. It's slow because only those select people post when they feel like they should and it makes for a nice atmosphere for conversation when it arises.

Not this thread though, slow as dirt and it's still pretty crummy because the flies that still cling onto this turd won't let it go. That therein lies another problem with MMO generals as a whole though. Being able to create your own character brings about that kind of mentality and user base.

and let's be real >>154434983
we're in a golden age all right, a liquidy pissy golden age. The handful of people who still post with their character aren't enough to fill this thread with anything of value. I could probably name a few avatarfags who put in effort, but don't post anymore, but I'm not sure anyone else would agree, nor would it matter if they still posted anyway. Thread was way more prone to shitposting when it was genuinely alive, which is saying something.

It's better this way.
Lilith a puke
*rappy noises*
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"Haha, you guys are so bad and this place is a toilet!" he said, waist deep in the yellow liquid.
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>tfw attempting to blend in with ruppers
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>tfw attempting to blend ruppers
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I'm not laughing, this is no laughing matter, I take the conduct of my favorite generals very seriously.
Do you guys think lilith have a cute girly dick?
For a limited time, the Meseta side of the Treasure Shop will be selling Music Discs previously obtainable only through Item Codes. In addition, past Lobby Actions and Accessories from the FUN Scratch will also appear. These items will be available from September 14th through October 19th.

Prepare your space wallets.
I wish the Demon Fox Tails weren't so stupidly fucking expensive. When will Sega bring them back?
Probably some revival scratch
Otherwise just suck it up
Is it starting now or what?
September 14th.
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>No new PAs
>No new PA customizations
>No solo mode
>Still can't sell mags
>Subclass system is still shit
but we're getting new customs in a month
>Implying it will just be one PA for each weapon type
>Implying it won't be for the worst PAs
>Implying they won't be SHIT
to be fair, that's what they did for most of the crafts, made one of the worst PAs into a good one
read: deadly circle
They've had like a fucking year since they introduced PA crafting to the game.

There's no excuse for not having completed them for all PAs, except they're too busy churning out more cosmetics and Japanese High School dog shit.

Eat shit, fag.
woah there, sweetie, I didn't defend sega, I'm just saying that the crafts are generally for the worst PAs
go sniff my short dick
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plop plop
fizz fizz?
>I want to sell something that isn't an item
you faggots are still here?
Don't lie to me
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rl fug > erp
Anyone who says
>rl fug
is not getting any, nor is anyone in this thread like what the fuck man are you serious
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I'm not.
>play TD4
>shitters let a tower fall on first fucking wave
>quit and start a new MPA
>shitters from the previous MPA fail it and join this one too
>/pso2g/ will defend this
you can solo first wave git gud nigger
returner 2 exploit killed the game

good job sega
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the sign strikes again.jpg
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Where can I find a goldrahda for the bingo outside of eqs?
I really wonder if it did.
level up quest
Better question: where do I find red box for bingo?
SH/XH abduction
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Is this Pyramid Head?
I don't think so.
>mfw cirnopedia finally updated
How worthless are the OT Gal 13*s?
It didn't.
How do you unlock more riding quests? I only have day ride district A.
They're on a daily rotation.
They cycle every day when dailies reset. There's six total but only one at a time.
If you already have one grinded and affixed it's probably still fine. A brand new one now isn't but you can save it for fodder.
Oh, okay.
Is Vegas Illusia a super rare spawn? I've ran the quest 6 times so far and it never appeared.
It might be rare in that particular one, I'm not really sure. I recall running some other one (or the same one I don't remember) and getting three in a row.

It could just be RNG all over the place though
When did sega lower the shop pass rates this badly? Just had to spend 200 excubes for one
>tfw have almost 100 of them
Happy 9/11 americucks
probably from the time sega wasn't a stingy bitch
I had about 10 at one time back when it was only single scratch
Nah, I got 6 of them last week getting the hug lobby action.
The secret to get one every 10 scratches is being premium.
>spending realbux on a dedgaem
>shitposting in a dedgaem thread
>mfw people still give a fuck about cirnopedia
where do you get pure photons?
>learning gook for a videogame that could ban you at any time
No thanks
that's vietnamese. this is moon. moreover,
>not learning so that you can use it with other games
>being too lazy to use google translate if you're too lazy to learn anything directly

cirnopedia has a history of lacking updates and being wrong about shit left, right, and center. considering the faggot could literally be copying info out of the swiki and be done faster than his own updates as-is tend to be, it's a worthless excuse for a wiki you're somehow bothering to care about.
fuck off gook apologist
Too busy with shit phone games.
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>learning shit when you will die in the next 20-30 years
>not waiting to become an CAST and download da NIHONGO GRANDMASTER KNOWLEDGE into you BRAN
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Why won't Lilith kill himself
Kohri basewear, outerwear, swords mods.
Why won't Lilith kill herself
He might when you stop giving him attention.
why does the outerwear work though. it should be dismembering your arms.
post lewds

Turbo retard here but how can i pinpoint whats my weapons id/name so i can paste kohri's weapon on top of it?
There is a document created by Pso-world folks that have a lot of weapons with their ICE name.
The other option would be searching manually with resource monitor. Unequip everything , go to mini room and equip whatever you want to find.

Synchro blue, also included in the folder.
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Scrub Fo here, what ele do I make these? At the moment I have
Light: Aura rod
Wind: Gal Wind
Dark: Nox-NT
Ice: es talis スキアーリジェ
Fire: Koushousen
nothing for lightning
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