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/dsg/ -Demon's/Dark Souls General

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Gwyn's Loyal Knights edition

>Character Planner







>Community & Fanart
/dsg/ FCs are shit

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Wait a minute...!
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>Hey I really like the BKGA, let me upgrade it to +5
Do I wait until the DLC drops or do I go to NG+3?
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scott please
Lucy confirmed for jojoposter
Also fc when
Is there a PC fightclub on and if so where and what password?
There isn't fuck off
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Rate my fistpunch man

2nd slot is dashaxe, because it's fun with a weapon skill shield
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Never you little shits
that looks pretty fucking dope
Looks good to me

Cherry molester please go to sleep
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i haven't been here in months
what's the current sl and weapon upgrade meta?
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Fistbros are bestbros.
Hands of God in DLC fucking when?
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This gif isn't from Jojo. It's from Re: Zero, and it is of a sword being used to fire out beams at a whale flying around in the sky, which seems like a pretty clear reference to the Storm Ruler in Demon's Souls.
Look at the style of the post

"X is Y, Y"
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What do you want/expect from the first DLC?
These were so fucking shit in DeS

Literally required all the possible colorless souls you could get in a playthrough to upgrade the two of em, and they never ever do good damage, have no hyper armour and are as slow as greatswords

Infact, I think the moveset is like, identical to the one in DaS3, just way way worse damage and range
hopefully never, bring back something that isn't absolute bottom tier broken sword garbage

80% new equipment, 20% fanservice/call back weapons.
>come back to /dsg/
>everyone still hasn't filtered poocifer
this is why this place is dead
Yeah, "X is y, Y!" a meme. They get repeated.

Hell, you used a capital letter at the start of your sentence and a period at the end. You must be Me too. This guy though: >>152510503 no capital or period. He's definitely not me.
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I just want a dlc about the deep
Bring these back as a dual fist weapon, but make the L2 the drang twin spears charge, with both fists

Trust me, it'll be really good

Based notlucifer
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I always find it funny how people always under estimate the damage dark or chaos weapons will do through a shield
paths connecting areas so the world isn't so linear
faith weapons
int weapons
pyro weapons
that bitrate is awful
> I always find it funny how people always under estimate the damage dark or chaos weapons will do through a shield
Chaos Weapons AR inferior to dark weapons. There is no reason to use chaos weapons over dark weapons in PvP
What do I want?
I want hybrid builds to not be ass awful, and more fashion
What do I expect?
Shameless fanservice and a blatant cashgrab
I use both as the same stats benefit both, and on the off chance that you meet someone that resists one, you can switch to the other.
There's no reason not to have a chaos + 9 variant of weapons.
>NPC Darkwraiths have more poise than Abyss Watcher bosses.
Tep kok,why were the Abyss Watchers ever feared?
They rose to power in a time when poise existed
Some time between them and Aldrich, poise became bloodborne and that's why today we don't have poise
That's my theory
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So how much content will each dlc have?

Is it going to be two ToH/artorias of the abyss-sized dlcs (wishful thinking) or like half of that?

I've never played a From game with more than one DLC, that's why I'm wondering.
>far future DLC
>every enemy is poiseless and can be stunlocked with R1 spam
>final boss
>can't stagger at all
>father of poise

>NPC Darkwraiths have more poise than Abyss Watcher bosses.
>Tep kok,why were the Abyss Watchers ever feared?

Why else do you think they're all dead now?
I hope the dlc is based on the ghrus backstory and you can turn into a ghru so I can make a new char literally named dumb ghru with a heavy estoc as main hand weapon.
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Chalice Dungeons DS3 edition.
Blue Cathedral Knight set.
DLC in the Cathedral of the Deep.
Shrine of Storms-like area.
Levels based around a single bonfire and a lot of physical shortcuts.
Cthulhu-style shit in the Deep.
Fluted Set.
Restored Balder Set.
Elite Cleric set(with elaboration as to what happened to Thorolund)
Balancing to infusions so Refined isn't the best in literally everything.
Chalice Dungeons with out chalice gems would be amazing
Need help with Velstadt, pc, regular dark souls 2, lvl 113
>chalice dungeons with weapons with different scaling like str scimitar and dex UGAxes.
If anybody would be willing to help that would be great. I can't get any hits in, and I screwed up the encounter with the npc summon.
A particularly strong wind blew through the Keep and staggered them.
>weapons with different scalings
>easy access to chucks and slabs
>easy access to all refined gems and the like
>randomized dungeons just for fun
>ability to fight bosses again without needing to go to NG+s

It would be amazing.
What's your favorite miniboss in the series?

I really like havel because at first he's a pretty standard tough enemy but when you find his items in anor londo you find out he's got a pretty cool backstory
>Level 113
The Soul memory is what matters not SL.
And if it weren't for the fact that it's almost 3 A.M here I would check if I have any characters near Drangleic castle.
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>80% of pontiff players are now either bloody rollhards or bloody 2katLMAO
I want environments that we haven't had before.

>Big ass desert with a pyramid.
>Underwater temple with shark boss
>Haunted mansion with spooky ghosts
>Heaven with a majestic tower that puts Anor Londo to shame.

If we do get an environment we've had before, I'd want something big an mechanical, like Sen's or Brume Tower.
1369441, my bad
Burger King
Fuck me. Lifted me up in the air and wasn't sure whether to roll or not.
>playing dark souls 2 while sick with a cold
>find myself not remembering why I went to a location or what I was supposed to be doing due to cold wrecking my mental faculties
>everything seems even more dreamlike and surreal

Guys, I think I'm hollowing irl
You let this happen.

Every time you touched a RSS in DeS/DaS, every time you allowed fucking Tanimura to hold your red and blue orbs hostage behind an arena, every time you rang a bell in an empty chalice room, every time someone you invaded/got invaded by gestured at you and you didn't kill them for some stupid reason. Everyone who did that allowed these to spread and dug their own graves
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Is BKGA's warcry'd 1HR1-R2 a true combo or something? Because i couldn't escape it right now?
Would anyone mind parting with their lothric knight spear on PC? An unupgraded one would be nice.
Pass and location
DaS3's dlcs were 2 good bosses and one phoned-in boss each and the total level size was roughly the size of AotA. I expect that, considering the approach they've been taking with DaS3's dlc, it will probably be closer to the size of TOH with 4-5 bosses each (of which we can expect at least 3 to be great).

TOH was kind of a sweetspot for dlc size where I think any bigger would rather overstay its welcome as a singular, narratively circular addition. I expect 3's DLCs to be comparable in size and quantity of content, though perhaps not quite the same in quality since they won't have sonybux backing their budget this time around.
maybe you shouldn't waste your time on duelfaggotry
I'd categorize Havel as an "NPC fight" and leave the distinction of miniboss to mobs that spawn only once but aren't NPCs. But that might just be me.

Anyway, I think the best NPC fight is imo either Undead Prince Ricard or Kamui+Prince Albert in a can.
pass is dsg
cleansing chapel bonfire
No. It used to be, but they patched it. Due to latency, the window to escape can be kinda small sometimes but it's not a true combo.

Note that combos like that working consistently usually indicates somebody abusing a low speedhack.
DS2 crowns-like level design but without the copy pasted enemies
Which Prince Ricard

the DaS1 Ricard is easy as fuck, the Chasm of the Old Ricard is a fucking nightmare
>copy pasted enemies
Which enemies in those dlcs were copypasted, senpai?
>This fucking star platinum cosplay

You sir make my dick fucking diamonds

You should team up with a joestar cosplay and you both oraora on people while you use hidden body
DaS2 had Maldron!
Haven't played in a while, have they fixed the dark moon auto summon thing yet? And have there been any major weapon rebalances?
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>poisoning shitters, spamming carvings for 10 minutes while they are turtling at the bonfire and murdering them when they get their shit together to try and get to the boss room
>still no fucking fanmail even though i'll soon be halfway to the tongue limit
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>forgetting the cute sorcerer

I always liked the titanite demons
I dropped my sign but a dog summon happened, please be patient
your damage is shit, hollowslayer gs is better
I want my fucking havel boss god dammit

The Havel locked behind that wooden door wasn't fucking havel, that was just some lone straggler of his men

The real Havel is a god king the size of gwyn and has a gold finished version of his armour, he has perma great magic barrier on and his weapon is actually a full blown dragon skull fused with pure gold into a giant nugget turd brick of destruction
>everything seems even more dreamlike and surreal

I was just there a couple of weeks ago. I left bed to vomit in the toilet and when I got back to bed I saw that it was FOUR HOURS LATER!
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not literally copy pasted, but the DLC relied a bit too much on mobs and the basic soldier enemy for each DLC felt like just a recolored enemy
Challenge area bosses.
god those are some ps2-tier models straight from king's field 4
lmao you're so shit
Sort of like how the TOH reused the basic AWAY AWAY and barking crows mooks throughout the first area?
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>tfw no friends
I invaded the exact same guy several times in the settlement. He was sporting that armor but with a greatsword(bastard or claymore)

I also used poison
He was Havel unless Havel appears in the DLC and someone says it was the real Havel. Back in DS1 they probably didn't think they'd make two sequels so I place a lot of canon choices to DS1.
>switch to estoc + black knight shield
>now they can't do a thing without getting murdered
thanks buddy
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>tfw this happens
>Enter fog gate/boss area
>Havel walks slowly toward you

>if you buff or use any magic or even pull out a talisman, he immediately runs at you and buffs into second phase where turns into iron flesh mode while doing dashes with his greathammer
Did you fall asleep and not realize it? That happened to me yesterday. I was supposed to go to a park early in the morning so I thought I did except I just fell asleep again and after waking and dreamt I did. When I woke up again like 2 hours later, I was actually pretty shocked to see that I was still home.
Skeleton covenant where you can turn into a skeleton
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Doing God's work, anon.
Ring states that it belongs to Havel's men without mentioning that he also used it.
He also was capable of using miracles, warrior in the tower cannot.
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Trust me, anon senpai, I'm just a friendly white phantom, please turn your back to me for just 1 second
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>havel going fucking batshit if you use any sort of magic other than a miracle
>mages eternally butthurt because he also happens to have insane magic resistance because his armor actually works versus the one you can get
I needed this, but now I know it will not happen
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>he's called a Bishop Havel and uses a giant holy tome as a weapon, slamming it so hard it knocks you down
>can cast holy miracles of Angels
>in second phase transforms into a huge rock Angel and takes out some new impossibly heavy STR weapon, like a giant holy pillar
>can cast great magic barrier against casters
Why were miracles nerfed so hard in DaS2?

Why do you think?
High quality Tanimura's balance, to balance everything to a point you choose not cool things but the ones sucking less.
Unless we're talking about rapiers, straight swords and katanas of course, they get a free pass :)))
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>annoying as shit
>killed all the other, cooler demons

does anyone like ghrus?
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Next "Souls" game should be inspired by futuristic dystopian cyberpunk like Blame and Biomega.
Only explanation I have, but everything was so fuzzy that I really don't even remember falling asleep. I sat down for a minute or two, but I didn't realize I passed out.

That fucking asshole.
Hope he comes back.
Because at the very beginning you could literally easymode the game on lightning spears, so, in typical fromsoft balancing, they nerfed it to oblivion
Blamefags are cancer, please fuck off
>"Gwyn's Loyal Knights edition"
>darkwraith pic
mind what you copy fag
Get some fucking help.
I hope they bring him back too

So it'll make them buff that fucking weapon
I just had to do some backtracking in Undead Burg today and holy shit I love the Burg/Parish area so much. There are so many shortcuts and routes to take and the combat still feels fun and the environments can be fairly challenging if you're using a big weapon like I am currently. DS3 content with DS1 style world design would be perfection jfc.
I dunno, I wasnt there when it happened. Ya they hit hard, but sorceries and hexes have a multitude of hard hitting spells that are longer range. Plus, obtaining them early game is very difficult, making my miracle-only run a complete bust.

Why didnt they just nerf the scaling on damage and uses? Make it ramp up later, when you're actually supposed to be able to use it well.
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Just imagine the possibilities
I dont know. Im not fromsoft
No it's gonna be a mix of blame and MGR with WUBWUBWUB ost
basically, in the base game before the miracle nerf, you could get a pretty insane amount of the regular lightning spear since you could just buy infinite of them and each one gave you like 11 casts at low attunement.

but, instead of nerfing them a reasonable amount while still leaving them viable, from overreacted and nerfed them into the ground. now you can only get like 3 spears per cast and they due less damage as well.

so to sum it up, if it's not a katana and it's too strong, expect it to get raped by a patch at some point. welcome to fromsoft balancing!
Watch dsp's playthrough of das2, and there is your answer
to pander to casuals, same as everything in DaS2
Meh, not into futuristic shit. From should imho stick to historical fantasies like Soulsborne has in the past.
Shit Quality Souls 3

Seriously, why do continue to play the worst game?
It's faster to find people to multiplayer with in it than in the good games. When it dies after the 2 DLCs I'll move
>Seriously, why do continue to play the worst game?

Most of us haven't played DaS2 in quite awhile.
Next from game is gonna be magic focused, in a fantasy over the top world, kinda like Fairy Tail or Breath of Fire.

I'm aware FT is garbage
because the other games are even worse :^)
I just dont get why they didnt just do direct comparisons across the board and tune down the offensive miracles to be like sorceries or something. Lightning spear should = heavy or great heavy soul arrow, great lightning spear should = soul spear since you can just ascetic to get infinites of both, and sunlight spear should be a stronger crystal soul spear since you can only get ONE. They can do whatever they want with the other offensive miracles, but lightning spear having less than half the innate casts of great heavy soul arrow is ridiculous. It should be something like 6 or 7 casts scaling up to 15, then making the damage scale appropriately for something obtained so early game.
Memehackzaki could shit onto a chessboard and it would still be a better game than Dark Souls 2.
I can accept you think das2 was bad, but i think casual was a stretch. They practically turned it into a korean mmo with the length and item drops, and everything being tied to a skill. Its more autistic if anything
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>Souls game with proper magic not blue smoke bullshit

I want it
How do you know?
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This will factually be a boss soul weapon in the DLC, based on leaked concept art

Guess it's stats/attacks/weapon art
I don't. I'm just hoping for it because I believe in Miyazaki vision.
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gotthard players;
>roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, rolling L1
SS players:
glaive players:
>R1, roll, R1, roll, R1, roll, R1, roll, R1, roll
2kay players:
WP players:
>running R1, running R1, running R1, running R1, running R1
caestus players:
>WA, punch air for 20 seconds, WA, punch air for 20 seconds
greathammer users:
>die, die, die, die, BC, die, die, die
what did I miss
>he's never fought a no nonsense havel's tooth user with a fuckton of strength
fc when
Let's be honest here we all know it's going to be neither of those things and it's going to come out of blue.

I am worried they might chose a shit setting.
>520 AR on 40/40/40 quality hollow build
>36 natural bleed
>built in carthus rogue (L2)
>curved sword 2HR1
>katana sprint R1s
>HA on R2
If it's anything even close to this, the DLC will be confirmed pay2win
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What is the worst possible setting for a souls game?
modern day with guns
>carthus with katana running attacks

I'd believe it

But make the L2 a rakuyo/10 instant hyper armour superspin
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Don't worry, we'll also get a STR weapon with a generic greathammer/greataxa overhead moveset, an useless gimmick L2 and whooping 700 AR. But let's not overpower it so of course it can't be infused or buffed.
>They practically turned it into a korean mmo with the length and item drops, and everything being tied to a skill

That is quite casual man, just making something needlessly complicated doesn't make it interesting or adds anything. Just burning ascetics and killing stuff more times doesn't add to the game at all
Sci-fi/Space especially space.
Hi /dsg/. I'm playing Pyromancer for the first time in DS: PTD, and I was wondering if it's effective to get Chainmail armor over the starting Pyromancer armor.
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>invade all femlae caster gank
>help fellow reds kill both phantoms
>host DCs after that
>check steam profile
>russian waifu fag
every time
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The only other souls setting I want is feudal japan. I want beauty and misty mountains and temples and horror.

Just because it's set in nipland doesn't mean the weapons can't be varied.
sci-fi souls could be fucking great though
just make every gun some slow plasma shit so that they're close to bows and crossbows and it's all good
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That would be even worse than guns imo.
you'll get slightly better defences and tittays if you're playing as a grill but you'll have worse rolls
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I can hear it now
"Hey guysh wat if they combined dark soulsh with no mam schky, my two faborite gamesh! That would be epic XDXDXD braise da shunn!"
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I just want my anchor greataxe with a WA that launches the anchor like a harpoon and then pulls it back by the chain.
Seeing all these possible ways to die brutally reminds me that medievil times were fucked up.

Imagine just having your inside torn out by some of these weapons
wait is this real? is this a legit leak or is this just a mock-up? because holy shit i want that to be real so badly
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Chinks had some cool weapons too
pic is "kids"-ified versions of actual weapons from some toy maker because I can't find an actual list like yours
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I don't know why you guys think From wouldn't be able to handle or go back to a futuristic setting. I'm sure they're getting bored of doing just fantasy
This. I never fucking get why do people want that so fucking much. We already have thousands of fucking games that are sci-fi/space. Plus the formula really does not go well with the setting.
Anchors make my dick iron. Yes please.
Anything is better than most basic armors, though if you're playing Pyromancer then you're probably going to depend more on keeping distance than on rolling/blocking attacks.

That Chainmail set you get is going to be okay for the early game, but you'll get much better choices later once you start leveling up Endurance. Just make sure you don't go over 50% and you'll be fine.
definitely doesn't look like a dark souls icon to me, probably from some other game
>L2 shoots the harpoon, it hits the enemy

>R1 pulls them towards you

>R2 pulls you towards them

I'd rike it
They can do something else than fantasy while it's not sci-fi.
It's from Salt & Sanctuary aka STR & Sanctuary
What? Slice of Life as a high schooler in Japan?
doing early game fighting with dried finger in swamp
>level up to level 30
>no invasions

shit, am I too high?
>not wild west souls
>There are only 3 genres
>Highschool anime
reminder that there's more to "fantasy" than just "medieval fantasy" that we're so familiar with
for example, look at Bloodborne
Ok bigshot, what are the others
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>Black bart cosplays
I never knew i wanted this
That doesn't mix well with the souls combat
>wild west souls is the only way we'll get a souls game with sand in it
why the fuck hasn't it been done yet

it works with souls, desert ruins sound good to me

not to mention Archdragon Peak shows they have that aesthetic down
It's literally them same fucking era as bloodborne
Should I summon the firekeeper or no?
but with focus on guns which was the worst part of bloodborne
Started a new game in Dark Souls for the shits of it. Plan on making a faith build, cause it's actually viable unlike in DS3. What's a good weapon to enchant with divine/occult? I was thinking Claymore and have like a Balder Swag Sword on the side for darkmoon blade/sunlight blade.

Just grabbed Astora's for now and got to the parish. Some guy invaded me with full kirks and I did next to no damage to him. I unequipped my sword and did the shrug and responded with taking off his sword. We got into a fistfight, but he was still winning because of his armor. Before he killed me, he dropped 3 titanite slabs and did the bow, so I bowed back. He ended up winning, but it was cool he helped me out.
I still think they couldve fleshed that out more. If they refined the system, and made guns the main weapon type, I think a gun-souls could be fun. Maybe.
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This. We don't need ''le ebin blame souls xDDD'' just for it not to be the same medieval fantasy. There are literally fuck ton of possibilities.
>focus on guns
>you can only parry with them with a huge part of the builds
You literally don't need guns in the game.
Jugo/carthus now. Another fight with vape Lord wolnir. Dlc pls
>weapons would all be lame beam things
>beam weapons that'd either take forever o fire or would be weak as shit
>alien design when their enemy design excels at stuff that'd be too monstruous to fit the setting well

I really don't think anything with a deeper tech level than BB had would mix well with souls
When I first saw Archdragon Peak on a pre-release screenshot I thought it's going to be some kind of an Egypt-themed area because the man-serpent hatchet kinda looks like a Kopesh and the aesthetic really reminded me of desert ruins
Just make it mostly melee things.

Kinda like MGR
I hope to god that it won't be some sci-fi fanservice. I would rather see the wildwest than space.
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Yeah alright, with Bloodborne, you've got Victorian fantasy. Still just a subtype of fantasy. If they get really out there, they could try Mesoamerican fantasy and we could play as Bloodseeker or Middle Eastern fantasy and end up with Prince of Persia. Another anon mentioned Japanese fantasy, which could definitely be cool, it would be like a more mature version of Okami.

The problem with that is what monsters would it feature. There aren't too many monsters in old American western folklore. Guess they could try to pick up some stuff from native american folklore but it would end up with every boss being an oversized animal like Sif.

With a futuristic setting, you can make any type of monster you want with TECHNOLOGY
I hope one of the DLCs feature's Andre's fucking estoc that he's been upgrading for at least two cycles of flame
cave man era
Has anyone seen the movie 9? I would like to see some creepy WWII era souls like that.
>Andre boss
>can craft that particular estoc from his soul
>it has the pre-nerf speed in both hands and UGS AR
So the Dancer has that creepy reversed laugh when she spawns in, right?

Does Vordt also do this? Do all of the Outrider Knights do this?

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>Primal Souls
Jesus christ that would be so fucking horrible.
Pls respond

Claymore worth investing into on a pure faith build with a BSS secondary for buffs?
Here's how you make sci fi souls work

>60fps for reaction purposes

>laser weaponry

>dodge is no longer a roll, it's an instant teleport, only like 15 iframes out of 60 in a second, but it's immediately instant and can be done multiple times in a second, as many times as you can press the dodge button, really

>full hyper armour on all melee style attacks

>armour governs a new barrier shield property, a forcefield that turns up and stops incoming damage, and how far you can move during your teleport

>you can run up walls and also zero g fights are possible where you're both floating and locked onto each other and just teleporting around the place dragonball style throwing attacks at each other

>parrying is done by temporarily overcharging your forcefield shield and using it all up in one go to autoparry anyone within range and disable their systems for a second
>Estoc + 387
That sounds like it would suck balls.
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I invaded someone called one punch man and beat him without getting hit
he also chugged several times
oh and he had insta kill on
so basically Spam Souls

literally inane teleporting and lasershit going off everywhere
They could just make lasers move really slow like Soul Arrow.
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Thakfully sci-fi will never happen.
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>This is moi estoc. There be many like it, ye tis true, but this one is MOINE
>dodge is no longer a roll, it's an instant teleport, only like 15 iframes out of 60 in a second, but it's immediately instant and can be done multiple times in a second, as many times as you can press the dodge button, really

So you want to make it even bigger of a roll spam game? Some of that stuff doesn't even sound like souls games really
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>start with stone spear/axe and and a bag of throwing stones
>defeat Tyranno
>use his cranium as a great hammer
>ankylosaurus tail as a great whip
>make a sword out of stegosaurus spine things
>pterodactyl head on a stick for great spear
>wear various animal pelts
>you can use a giant cockroach carapace as shield even
>fight terror birds, giant centipedes, megalanias and other sick crazy prehistoric animals
Try a mace?
>digital insanity

Well, at least he nailed the lame project name
the fuck is this?

If you want to do ranged combat right in Souls, LITERALLY just copy Dead Space
>Invading Dungeon dressed as a prisoner
>Torch and plank shield
>Never attack
>Hosts and armies of Summons act like I'm the scariest fucking thing in the world.
>I often worry host so much they do something stupid and get themselves killed.

This is the most fun I've had online.

Any other fun cosplay invasion things?
Was thinking of dressing as a worker and hanging around that tree at the start of the undead settlement.

If I took away your estoc, would you go hollow?
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While we are arguing here the madman has already chose a setting and finished half of the game. I just wonder what madness is going through his mind
it would be extremely poinful
Than he changed it to ''Dystopia''
anyone want to drop me a lingering dragoncrest +2 ring on ps4?
I can-
That actually sounds pretty cool. Make it like the prehistoric era of Chrono Trigger so instead of dealing dragons, we gotta deal with intelligent dinosaurs.
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I never knew I wanted this until now
>final boss weapon is a piece of sharpened stone hailed as the pinnacle of technology
I have a question why does the era of DaS2 feel more advanced to DaS3's era. DaS2 kinda feels like 1500's. While DaS3 just feels like your typical medieval times.
How would that scare anyone but noobs?
Please stop saying nonsense, go study history and development of weapons&armor through the 13-14-15-16th centuries and you'll see how retarded is your post.
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>tfw never can do anything with /dsg/ because ps4
Because Drangleic was a much more succesful kingdom than Lothric.
>Literally conquistador helmets in DaS2
>Knights everywhere on DaS3
It's /dsg/ you don't want to
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>not in the mood to fight invader
>hide as object and go afk
>40 minutes have passed
>he's still looking for me
at least you can play bloodborne
wow, what a nice made up story :^)

theres a time limit on invasions you know
I'm on ps4 too, and in NG+2
But I don't have that ring yet.
STR builds are the best.
No there isn't.
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>when you take off all your armour after playing the game at 69% for the entire time

I feel so free
>only like 15 iframes
You know our current roll is 13, right

You're retarded
There is no time limit if you playa good game
Smart bunny
Fuck knows.
I'm wearing the Exile mask, so that helps.
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>get invaded at Lost Sinner on NG+
>invader thinks I'm a retard who's just going rush into the water to get ganked by him, the flexile sentry and the two ugly demon things
>wait for him right in front elevator's switch for like 5 minutes
>he gets tired of waiting and comes forward to see if I'm there
>I step on step and ascend
>he brings elevator back down and gets on it
>"THE MAD MAN, does he think I'm offering him a duel?"
>drop down and start swinging
>he panics and rolls off elevator right before it reaches the top

I love when clueless invaders put themselves in compromising positions
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Is there a mod for a closed Balder Helmet?
>doge covenant
>SL30 intense pvp
>sprint to the hill leading to the bonfire as soon as I get summoned
>hope I make it before they do
>attempt to block their way
>they roll past with 100 health
>mash A at the nearest summon sign
>get enough glancing hits until their dead hopefully before the Calvary arrives
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Carthus Splatacombs2.webm
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Post webms of fun
>killing aldrich for dedicated gankers
Fuck your fun
>you can run up walls
Go play CoD
That mid air roll you did when the bridge falls is amazing

I'm pretty sure the Deep is just the Abyss with a twist or a physical location corrupted by it.
How do you do that?
>Sorcerers get swords and arrows
>Miraclists get spear and stakes
>Pyromancers get..?
Balls and snakes
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I wanted to post that fuck
I can give you one
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Can you fuck around with the lighting settings in ds3 ? I want to make the game pitch black but i don't know if you can get softbanned for this
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Bare fists and whips.
If you're still around of course.
collectors edition
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i'll put a sign at the catacombs of carthus bonfire
pass is dsg
Ah fuck, is it that easy? I thought you needed some knowledge.

Shame I can't do that but at least we get the chance to ban people
this happens more often then it should

even on higher NGs
>we get the chance to ban people
>fire damage burns you
>slashing damage slashes you
>blunt damage crushes you
>pierce damage stabs you
>normal damage just fucks you up
>lightning damage shocks you
>magic damage _____ you
>dark damage _____ you
>it's cupping the balls
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dark gives you a deep chill of death
magic is like lasers, a different type of burn
crystal magic cuts too
isn't dark damage usually described as being caustic? In AotA, they describe the Abyss eating everything away like an acid

I guess that magic would act similarly, but it bypasses metal and shit because magic
hold on
Well, I play on PS4, if I block a player, they can't be placed in th same session as me. This means that as long as I'm invading their sign is broken.
I also become unable to invade until I unblock, of course.

It doesn't work with PC because you have a third party (steam) software instead.

I thought CE was harder to use and you'd need some knowledge. Is it just something like click Aldrich and set HP = 0?
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reminds me
>I guess that magic would act similarly, but it bypasses metal and shit because magic
Either it's passing through objects and attacks your soul (like something stabbing your internal organs) or it burns like a laser while crystallization makes it feel like a burning ice shard is passing through you
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Can anyone drop my SL50 (PC) a Soul of Gwyn? I'm desperate to have Sunlight Spear to melt Smough when I get summoned.
did you put a red sign down?
Magic damage harms your very soul
Dark damage negates your very existence
post build
yeah just did
thanks bruh
Why are so many characters obsessed with dark?
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i know that from uses ton of shit from berserk. So Are there any angelic figures in berserk?
Dark corrupts or some shit.

I guess you get addicted to it.
because hurr dark souls dark gaem no light aloud
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I must be tired, I misunderstood the question.
Is this from Dark Souls 2?
Look like Diablo shit
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fancy seeing you here
bikini bottom
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My office
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I warned Patches about the thief and then I killed Pontiff but the thief isn't back.

What do
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Which weapon is more Dante, the Farron Greatsword or the Wolf Knight Greatsword? I'm doing a Dante cosplay build.
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>go to Settings
>turn Game Brightness to 0
judging from pic, WKGS
It's also the more fun weapon
Depends the weapon
Just when I thought their monster designs couldn't get anymore fucked up, they come up with a giant baby hand thing with a lamrey mouth that has suckers for teeth.
They both have their merits for a Dante build. Why not alternate between to two?
Plus, the Farron Greatsword is much much easier to obtain.
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Wolf Knight GS
I died like a bitch, don't post this
Mozgus was the most evil man in Berserk
They're both made from the same boss soul bro.
Just found his ashes.
Patches has Onion armour in his shop still and I never went into the Dungeon section.

I just want lightning bolts From you jackasses.
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>aldrich invade
>spawn before ladder leading to 2dog
>meet dragonbro with DSGA
>leads me up ladders
>point down
>I get it
>wait for host
>we both drop down and drop attack host
Godspeed you glorious bastard
you can cause damage on plunging attacks if the fall is lethal

stop lying on the internet
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And then, of course, there is Griffith, whom people believe to be a human incarnation of God himself, and has even created a city and fortress fit for a god.

Considering there are hits about the DLC possibly going to "the Land of God". Just wait and see if Not-Falconia makes an appearance.
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I meant ladders
We dropped from the ledge to the stairs right after drang armor ganksquad
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Nevermind. His ashes had lightning bolts even though they shouldn't have.

Everything worked out in the end.
Shit, was getting confused with the Old Wolf Curved Sword.

Go with the Old Wolf Greatsword for Dante, then.
what's Griffith's endgame? He seems to be planning on destroying Falconia, but then what?
I mean stairs
Wait THOSE two are the dogs? God fucking damn it I never knew. They're easy, attack before their first hit hits you. Then they just lie down and take your hits.
I think you're confused anon
2dog is behind illusory wall
Maybe I haven't read that far. What's the newest, newest chapter with a decent translation?
Last one I read was 345, and he didn't seem to want Falconia destroyed by that point.
the mangaka will be dead before he even gets close to the end of the story, so we'll probably never know
Looking to do my first fist-weapon only run of das1. Anything fun that I should do extra? And what am I in for?
>And what am I in for?
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He's probably bored, after fucking over everyone he knew to obtain his dream he realises the time he spent lusting after Guts and crawling around in the dirt trying to hit the bigtime was the best time of his life, he's tried building a new band but they just spend all their time worshiping the ground he walks on since there's nothing left to fight.

He's gonna have the citizens build a huge statue of him fucking Casca on top of his palace, so when Guts arrives he flies into a rage and kills him before he has to waste time trying to justify himself.
He seems to be fucking what? What are you on about?
Yah them. I commented pre correction
But why?
>boot up ds3
>warp to the great belfry
>noticed I got invaded
>start taking bleed damage out of fucking no where
>mash lock on while running away and healing
>die from blood loss

I hate myself
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This is why I got it for console. PC fags can't into legit
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>paying twice to play online
What is the best way to farm souls? I'm thinking SoC or anor londo.
>paying for a literally unplayable game
>getting cucked by SteamDRM
>PCucks get banned for free
> implying I don't mooch off my neighbors
It's way better internet than mine and I'm not idiotic enough to get caught.
3 mini smoughs on top of the archives with Rapport, Mendicant's staff + shield of want + silver serpent ring +2 + symbol of avarice

If the Mini Smoughs are a hassle do the three Silver Knights in Anor Londo, you might also get some ears in the process
>tfw greatlance has the worst tracking in the game

so sad
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>same guy shitposting for a month now even though no one gives a shit about his opinion because he bought the inferior version and now he's trying to get other people to fall into the same trap as he did

Anyway, best place is to backtrack from Twin Princes, kill some of those knights then go to the glorious gold winged faggots up on the tower.
Forgot about those guys. Thanks.
>not idiotic enough to get caught
You mean your neighbors aren't smart enough to realize someone else is using their service.
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i know, fucking PatheticCucks KEK
Soul of cinder. Getting summoned and winning is 40k or around that.
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>DaS2 Emit Force
>It isnt AOE
... What?
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300+ hours here, never encountered a hacker aside from someone using a trainer once.

I sure enjoy my 60fps at native 1440p resolution.
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>emit force
>put obscuring
>host is by pope's faggot arena
>go in the level and wait a while
>go look
>he's still there not even running for aldrich
>still there
>stays there a ton of time
>kills himself

It'd be funny if it happened once, but every single person does this, what the fuck
Is the intention not to shoot out a version of Force that does damage?
Anyone else notice that the Farron GS is shorter when the Abyss Watchers wield it?
They scaled the model up to UGS-size for the player and it's noticeably smaller in the hands of the boss.
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Post your waifus
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Hell Yeah!
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So, still in the early stages of DaS3 (only recently beat Abyss Watchers), and need some clarification.

How exactly does armor work now? I already understand that poise is nonexistent and that rolls are OP, but apparently the armor system as a whole is completely different from the first two games? I have yet to find an option to upgrade my armor, so I assume that it doesn't exist and that all armors are as-is when you pick them up. In that vein then, are there no options for adapting to different elemental damage types besides picking up as many sets as possible and hoping that one among them has enough of the resistance you need to help?

Similarly, how do talismans, chimes and catalysts work compared to the first two games? I saw something about how only a few of them have actual scaling with Int/Faith, so does that mean that leveling either of them is only useful for meeting minimum requirements for use?
>30 victories
>become wheel skeleton
>500 victories
>become Wolnir boss fight
Does it count as a miracle only run if I end up punching a boss to death using my chime?

Just play it as fashion souls and watch your loud %.
>1000 victories
>unleash a miasma of death and disease over pontiff area that affect everyone with a gravelord syndrome permanantly
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>invaded world of one punchman
>see a health bar disappear in the distance
>7005 damage
>some pyro fights him
>spams nothing but black flame

what the fuck did I just witness

Armor is unupgradeable and the stats it has are what it has. The defense formula for 3 though basically ensures that having a piece of armor equipped in each slot at all times is more important then what armor it is; if you check your defenses while messing with it, you'll see you suffer a significant defense penalty if you don't have armor in any slot. There are certain sets better at defending against things like in other games but for the most part in PvE you can ignore this, the defense difference between the starting Knight set and Havel's for example is pitiful even in PvE.

Casting tools work the same as in other games but the softcaps are (stupidly) higher for effective spell adjust. 60 for INT/FAI, and 40/40 if you want to go pyro. And you'll likely only want to go 60 for FAI for the buffs since the damage spells for it only work at a close distance and you only get at the end of the game. Leveling them for minimum requirements is still useful if you just want to use most innate elemental weapons or want to cast specific spells like Tears of Denial which you can do at 10 FAI with the +5 FAI the Priestess Ring gives.
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Bullshit. The caestus and demon fist are fucking amazing for DPS and destruction.

I just now to get the life ring +3 punched in NG++ Champs face without using any estus, just tanking his hits on a single hp bar.

If you can get out your entire stamina bar spamming on 1 PVE enemy, you do about 3k damage. For the weight of the weapon and it's damage per stam bar output, it's kind of the most powerful thing in the game.

Refined 40/40 with a crazy buff is even more insane, I'm just STR with resins.
But anon he said ds1
>these mad as fuck PCucks that cant disprove the post and only posts reddit images and a shitty webm

Fuck, my eyes are shit, sorry.

Then yeah, rough ride.
Unrelated, but your fashion is on point, anon.

Fucking 10/10
PCucks, everyone
Armor can't be upgraded, it's full-strength out of the main gate.
Defense has 2 components: flat defenses(the first column) and Absorption (the second column) which is a %-reduction. Flat defenses are boosted just by having any armor equipped in each slot, meaning going naked penalized your defense severely. Otherwise, flat defenses scale with level, and each point provides a tiny amount to all flat defenses and a larger amount to a specific one corresponding to what attribute you've leveled. The "explanation" option will tell you which flat defense each stat affects. Absorption is provided entirely by equipment.

Casting tools have a stat called "spell buff" that raises with the relevant stat, int or faith. Spell buff impacts how much damage your spells will deal and your weapon buffs will add. Upgrading a casting tool will increase its scaling, meaning how much your int or faith will modify spell buff, but won't boost spell buff itself. So if you have low int or faith, upgrading a casting tool has little to no impact while having high int and faith requires that you have a a properly upgraded casting tool in order to see the full benefit.
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That fashion is fucking fine, my friend.
You're an alright guy
what is all of that stuff?
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I call her RITa
This was him before when he'd seen some shit on the road to salvation
Head and feet are Lautrec's, chest is Xanthous and gloves are smough-e as fuck.
ur waifu a shit, tryhard
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Suffering inbound.
Bone fists redeem fist weapons as a whole, slightly.
But they're really comparable to DaS3 demon fists.
It's a one trick weapon with okay PvP DPS.
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>it's a smough spams his charge attack episode
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Into the blender you go
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Here I just made a mugen

I think +1 rings were just fine to get this all under 70%, +2 was just icing.

You could probably lose alot of that stamina and HP and put some in dex for refined, but I like him just being about STR and HP with some good stamina.

the thrall axe and the shield work nicely too, since it's a weapon shortcut one. Pretty much hard counters some people.
Vis, no! you absolute madman.
can u PCucks fuck up out of MY thread with your cancerous circlejerk shit? fuck off kys
Woah there that's some nice fashion
Got any more?
Please post more
Anyone want to fight me? SL120 range.
I can do it because of the steel protection ring. This build was originally a 50VIT one raw damage low req weapons, I tested the heaviest of heavy armours in pvp.

Seems like no better than around 20 something absorption matters, after that, From literally discards it or something, it was only working in PVE. I was stacking as much VIT and defence as possible and it amounted to negligible differences past what has to be 25.

Pretty fucking sad if I'm honest.

Sure, where? Assuming PC.
Why do you insist on shitposting?
I wish you could change your character's gender via rebirth
PChain is alright at levels like this because he can afford to wear heavier armor and more health
though RoSP is SHIT in pvp
Shitty artists need the learn the difference between lordosis behavior and lumbar lordosis.
After Pontiff? You want to make a summon?
>all these people thinking this fashion is hot unique shit when you've seen a hundred people wear it before
I bet you guys think Mother's Mask + Silver Knight set looks fantastic as well.

I guess, I'll just put my red sign at the usual spot. Password dsg?
sounds good
Post results after the point down
>I can do it because of the steel protection ring
No, you can't. I guess you haven't been keeping up with all the testing?

Prisoner's chain removes an extra 5% ABS in pvp, though it doesn't tell you this. You're losing 15% from that ring even those stats only say you're losing ~10
And Steel Protection+2, similarly, only gives +4 ABS in pvp instead of the advertised value. Your actual effective ABS with that setup would only be like 14-16 in pvp. You're better off ditching those rings in favour of Havels+2 and a spare slot for whatever catches your fancy.
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I have a bunch but my stats are always kinda iffy, I'm not big at the min maxing though I try my best.

This is my spookguy

Alrighty, sign's down after the Pontiff bonfire over the garden.
Okay so, Gotthard's has the best moveset in the game.
But which weapon has the second best one?

I assumed the 15% from SP+2 would cover the loss? I dunno I figured with the armour and that ring for the free stats in equip load, health and stamina it'd be okay, but I think I'll play around some more, thanks.
> But which weapon has the second best one?
Longsword/LKS onehanded with a black knight shield or any other weapon art shield
Nigger Knight Halberd
what kind of rings do you want to see in the DLC?

Hollowslayer Greatsword.
Curved swords have the objectively best 2HR1 in the game, but bad R2s and rolling attacks, and a mediocre running attack
Katanas have the best running attack and a great rolling attack but mediocre R1s and R2s, and a solid WA

I don't think anything else really comes close to those 2, but they're both kind of 1-trick pony movesets.
The Greatlance.
I know we'll get a Mana Regen ring, that's pretty certain since it and some others were in the files but kept out of main game.

They saved some stuff for DLC. Basically the "defence up while attacking" ring you can also expect, though I'm not sure what good it will be, if any.

I'd like some new wacky rings to make fun stuff happen, especially with how you move. A ring to float when you jump would be cool. Ninja flip ring would be neat again to see.

But I want a new kick weapon, that you equip in your leg slot but makes you unable to equip any other weapons, has scaling and everything and you upgrade and infuse it like a weapon.

You basically just roundhouse kick everything.
GG. 1st one was good but 2nd had shit connection.

Other peeps are welcome to join.
carthus bloodring +2
>blacksmith's ring
It literally has two attacks. It's R1 with it's broken hyperarmor frames and R2's, which are very situational at best. So I wouldn't say so, it is quite shit.
R1, step forwards/backwards, r1...
But seriously, halberds are the most boring weapon class in this game. I can tell you, because I had too actually practice halberd vs halberd mirror matchup and you wouldn't fucking believe how autistic it was. >>152537516
What do you define by "best"? Do you mean that most varied moveset which is also practically useful? In that case longsword and Lothric Knight Sword win. If you are talking about pure effectiveness, carthus and estoc are the best. If you are talking about something subjective like how fun is it to use, then your question is pointless.
>Emit Force does more damage and has more casts than Lightning Spear in DaS2
Gwyn would be crumbling in his ashy grave if he saw how abused his miracles have been
I'd love to see that sun ring from 2 come back, the one that made you explode if someone mashed R1 on you. Call it "Velka's Ring of Justice" or something

DWGR is bound to come back since the game files already have thew animation. I fully expect an iframe backstep to be the final nail in the coffin for ultras in DaS3, just like it ruined them in 2.

Maybe more stat rings like the milk ring, that give less of their given stat than the pillar ring but some other minor bonus.

The biggest thing on my wishlist is a ring that reduces incoming damage during hyperarmor

Good third fight too, I was overconfident on those Greataxe ranges. I can't believe I beat you with a Greatsword against a halberd though, I am terrible against them in general.
I'm talking about a weapon with the best amount of good moves
>Changes your kick animations to drop kicks

I'd use it.
From saw DSP beat the game getting carried by the spears and felt they had to do something
Basically the perfect weapon would be:

"Tanimura's Curved Spearsword"
>1 Handed
>R1: straightsword slash > straightsword slash > spear poke *repeat*
>R2: Red hilted halberd teir halberd poke
>Rolling R1: Straight Sword poke
>Running R1: Katana
>2 Handed
>R1: Curve sword
>R2: Greatsword R2 horizontal sweep
>Rolling R1: Gotthard L1
>Running R1: Katana
>Weapon Art
>Hyper armour stance
>R1 Twin Princes thrust beam
>R2 Twin curve sword super spin
>miracle that draws upon the power of a dead deity that can no longer provide power for that miracle is weak as shit.
What a surprise.
tfw no burg duel area ever again
I miss that one thing from DaS2. Forgot the weapon name.

DaS2 had some neato weapons in the DLCs.
did DSP really jerk off on camera?
> I'm talking about a weapon with the best amount of good moves
Then my answer is pretty obvious. LKS and longsword win my a significant margin over practically everything. R2's are useful, rolling attack is useful, weapon art is useful, etc. The only part about those weapons which is actually bad are rolling R2's and that is it.
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>religious bird imagery all over the game, including statues of a bald man in agony being devoured by a bird
>Cathedral Knights woefully out of place as Oceiros' personal guards in Lothric Castle
>their greatshield depicts a bird in flight and claims the image represents an old king of lothric
>none of this makes sense or seems related
Fuck off quality
So who was birdnigger anyway?

Where is Gwyn's fucking sword hiding?
>that suicide

Was that because I picked Lucerne Invader? I wanted a Halberd v. Halberd match-up to really make us both want to kill ourselves.
>no half metal half cloth battlerobe ala gwyn's armor in 3
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Just started Dark Souls 1 on PC for the first time

I don't remember seeing this tree on the console version
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>It's still a thing

>V1.07 is about to hit

Really now what the fuck is the point of the popsicle fucking shaders
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>Tanimura's Curved Spearsword

From the description of the moveset you could probably use a nagamaki-style model for it, just make it a bit longer and straighter than normal.

For reference, a nagamaki is what the Bewitched Alonne Sword in DS2 was.

It's the Great Hollow that leads to Ash Lake.
>they fixed it in the wolnir patch
>and then rolled back the fix in the teardrop hotfix
Hopefully the next patch will re-fix it.
I hope they never actually ad naginatas to the game

Can you imagine halberds with washingpole running attacks instead

Boner Fist?

We all miss it.

RoBFlynn was bretty gud with it. You got 100 extra AR and due to its relatively light weight you could really pile on the armor.
>tfw I used to invisible ring + bone fist + sanctum shield to cosplay as a kungfu dark arts masters like navlaan but with fisticuffs

it was pretty fun
Invader are you done for now? Can't see your sign and mine's not having anyone pick it up.
This is literally the reason why I don't use blessed or crystal weapon
They have the most horrible fashion clash

Crystal is just gross. That dark blue tint it adds, and then the hyper light cyan popsicles just looks ugly as fuck, i stick to great magic weapon instead even though I get less AR
Crystal weapon should just do what magic and greater magic weapon does, but with a crystalline texture. Just encase the weapon in a crystalline polygon skin. Make that shit look like the crystal golems of DaS1
No, im on the phone with someone while we were fighting. I had to check something and I didn't want to afk.

Yeah, thanks for the fights.
I want to make a dedicated invader
What's a good name to have?
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Who's up for some catacomb clearing?

Password is dsg2349
Right after you walk down the abyss watchers stairs. Thanks in advance.
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Forgot to mention. PS4.
Mildred is for _____!
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>Bewitched Greatkatana

>A fine katana crafted in an eastern land, with an unusually long grip.

>Once used by the stoic Blue Sentinel Tanimura, who slaughtered dark spirits wherever he found them with this versatile and bloodthirsty weapon.

>Skill: Bewitched Stance
>Assume a holding stance which slakes the blade's thirst for blood to execute an explosive lunge with normal attack, or use strong attack to slice into foes with a large spinning motion.

Translator's Note: The skill description implies that there's self-damage for going into the stance, but it's just the same amount as a Chaos Blade R1 and only applies if you successfully use one of the stance attacks.
Dammit, why couldn't Gundry have been in a better game? This is a badass fight that's ruined completely by having a ninja flip level roll be default.
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>people unironically thinking Prisoner's Chain does anything to your damage taken
It's literally 1%. Damage is first calculated against your Def, then reduced by Absorption, dropping a bunch of Absorption is nothing.
Second half of DaS3 is much better than the first. Compare the bosses and it's damn near undeniable.
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Can someone post that low level drakeblood knight invader build?
Any FC going on at the moment?
I actually think it's better to divide it in 3 thirds, first and last are good with a shitty middle
host one
last 3rd > 1st 3rd > 2nd 3rd
The only good boss in the middle-section of DaS3 is the Pontiff, but he's sandwiched by garbage.

The last stretch of DaS3 is so fucking good it's comparable to dlc content but it's preceded by this awful period of content that begins the moment you kill the Abyss Watchers and lasts until you encounter the Dancer.
I totally would but i don't go into ng+ i just make new builds so all bosses are dead.
I was playing DaS1 and i was in anor londo. I just noticed that one of the rugs in the bedroom is exactly the same as my grandmas rug
Only good boss fight before Sulyvahn is the tutorial boss. You're handed really open ended levels but you have limited estus to meaningfully explore them on your first playthrough without continually going back to the bonfire. Everything leading up to the Abyss Watcher's is unbelievably bad, and that boss begs to be cheesed. DaS3 beginning is really overrated.

Aldritch was a good boss.
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It actually makes quite a difference when you wear near to nothing to begin with.
Dropped it, myself, and I can take an extra hit or two in PVP.
I'm not talking about bosses, but levels. After cathedral there is no good area, except dungeon
Meant for
If i hosted a FC with a sl 65 would i be able to summon 120 with password?
I think it's because you get into negative absorption which then is a bad thing

You can summon anyone.
Yeah but >>152535245 is wearing pieces in all slots, mostly medium armor too
Is cass our guy?

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You're making a mistake you can't take back if you do this.
Anyone got the sliders for a skellington?
>waiting until august 21st to upload a video of pre-release meta
Dragon punch sucks. Don't get excited about it and don't look forward to it.
> Aldritch was a good boss.
Enjoy arrow and magic spam. Aldrich is either laughably easy if you get lucky and he starts using melee or he decides to fuck you over with arrows and magic spam and AOE fire.
> Anything fun that I should do extra?
With a dragon form and a bow you can oneshot backstab anything which can be backstabbed.
>And what am I in for?
Just use tumblebuffed dragon punch.
He's never difficult or interesting unless you don't know how to dodge the arrow move. Once you learn the very simple method of dealing with his only threatening move, he's nothing
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My negative absorption was around -7
It made each attack sting noticeably more and took a chunk out of my caestus +50
I got a fatter HP bar but it just didn't make sense though heavy armor would help a big deal, I can't go without my fashion.
Yeah, but the problem is that arrow and magic spam is time-wasting bullshit. Sure, you can deal with it, but it doesn't mean that Aldrich isn't wasting your time. It isn't difficult, but it is annoying as fuck.
Was is fire so worthless in DaS1

All the enemies don't seem to give a shit unless they're the weakass hollows
Even one punch man plays somewhat fair.

If I turned on godmode it wouldn't be any fun at all.

I like losing too sometimes.
Nito hates it.

Just watching this is awful.
>hit someone 5 times
>he doesnt get stunned i die
kill me god please just shoot me

Well, my guy here, in game with all the setup, with prisoners chain I still have about 20 + in all physical absorption, and none of the elementals are minus, though fire is only about single digit absorption.

Honestly feels worth it with the steel ring and the armour, otherwise I'd not wear prisoners chain. I didn't notice much of a damage receive increase at all, yet I gained 15 levels that I put to good use. Seems like a ring that you can't use on light builds at all without consequence. Feels like a gift for VIT heavy builds or those wearing decent armour.
Still ather disappointed you take so much damage clothless. I have to slap a loincloth even if you can't see leggings
Calling it now: Egyptian themed
>having 27 vig at sl120, the post
>speed runners using it to grapple onto enemies to take little shortcuts
Lets face it anon, the only thing egyptian-themed is the guy fucking your mother.
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My keks
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>the difference between no clothes and robes is bigger than robes and full plate armor
youre retarded assuming that lol
well then how come you got killed in 1 combo
>tfw legitimately like lucifer's ideas for once

where is my instant suicide button
because i had perseverance on and didnt get combod
>get punched
>open slash gouged across the face

Your life.
>He's never been punched by someone wearing a ring

It hurts anon
I hope that the DLC adds an extremely efficient and high-requirement lightning miracle with a very low cost, medium cast time, and low damage.

Effectively yellow GHSA
Look at his right hand anon, there's no ring
They should just let people get the miracles the snakemen clerics have, the sunbro pursuers and lightbeam soul arrow shit
>low damage
nig you what
It's like CSS but with maybe 10% less damage
It honestly doesn't suit the archetype of miracles for it to have babyspells. They just need to buff the existing spells to actually be worthwhile. Lightning Spear and Great Lightning Spear need to be faster considering the damage they deal.
Not even the Archives?
I love taking damage the instant a weapon hits me and doin no damage when my opponent is not rolling or blocking. it doesnt make me go batshit mad
Lightning Spear should be changed to fit that high-efficiency niche imo

GLS should just do more damage, but less efficiency. Maybe balance it with a faster cast time too.

If you want to shoot soul arrows, spec Sorcery. No point in having the other spellcasting stat lead to the exact same kind of spells.
I don't want to shoot soul arrows, I want to throw lightning.

Why would I ask for a miracle like that if I could just spec sorcery? Faith is the most viable PvP caster.
A stronger GLS would be too similar to SLS
In fact, a stronger GLS would just bogart Stake's territory.

Lightning Spear bring fast would compensate for its painfully low damage and give it a defined niche and having GLS be the direct damage upgrade to that fast-casting spear would make it meaningfully distinct from Stake and worth doing the covenant for. Currently, GLS is just SLS with less damage, and is weaker than Stake so there's no reason to use it at all. Meanwhile miracles continue to lack viable pvp spells because everything is too slow. Slow is fine for stake because of its AoE lingering hitbox niche, and for Sunlight Spear because its damage would be broken with good speed, but there's no reason that the other 2 can't be faster.
Yeah I'd be fine with just a big cost reduction to Lightning Spear.
>trying to tell people while I'm hosting a Pontiff fightclub to fight in on the side areas while 2 people are fighting instead of just sitting there doing nothing
>they either don't notice or just continue to wait

Why do many people just want to sit around doing nothing here just to fight in the garden?
>350 damage point blank with sunlight spear
why am i hurting myself as hard as possible?
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OK PC FC at homoprince bridge
pass dsg
place signs here!
What's your faith and what talisman are you using? I can usually get 700 - 800 damage with 60 FTH and a sunlight talisman
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>the sandworm now attacks the safe spot
>1:38AM on a work night
What the fuck are you doing?
60 faith canvas +10
Holy fuck what? when did this happen?
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>implying FC regulars aren't dirty NEETS
Could be a one time thing
From has never been too good with AI

>A massive undead worm that has a flower mouth, shoots lightning and remains in a small portion of a large underground lake with demons, crabs and flaming trees.

Who thinks of this shit?
I hope there is at least someone good enough to beat a sleep deprived Russian tryhard. Because otherwise this thread is just full of fucking casuals.

>sleep deprived Russian tryhard

What other type is there?
My best guess is that they intended to imitate that iconic Lost Planet with the giant worm stage hazard and ended up needed to cut most of its function due to last-minute technical issues, restricting it to a tiny portion of a massive area.
Most Americans only encounter this type, because time zones are a thing.
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That's one contestant!
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If I can't buy titanite slabs in the DLC I swear I'll drop this game
>Use Emit Force
>Only deal damage to a single dude even with another guy in the sphere effect
>Trigger an explosive barrel in the same radius
I can guarantee this is SUPPOSED to have AOE, what the fuck why cant they let me have nice things.
get bunned
You've only ever been able to buy Titanite Slabs in one game in the series, and even then you could only buy one.

Remember DaS1 where you would only ever be able to fully upgrade a half-dozen regular Titanite items, tops, because the only thing that ever dropped Slabs were Darkwraiths at an extremely retarded percentage?
Wait, if I cheat in say 200 slabs and get banned, can I use my circlet and regain online functions while keeping the slabs
If so I'll happily miss out on a couple of dsg fcs
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Well i guess >>152544937
was right, sorry contestant no FC tonight ;_;
Lightning Stake is purely a melee spell, GLS has range.

Currently, all spears have fast cast times and all spears move up one damage tier in melee range.

LS costs medium FP and deals low damage.
GLS costs high FP and deals medium damage.
SLS costs very high FP and deals high damage.

I'd like it so that each Lightning miracle has different effectiveness in different situations.

LS: Very low FP. Slow cast. Low damage, no longer has melee damage bonus. High efficiency; most damage per FP.

GLS: Medium FP. Medium cast. Medium damage. Jack-of-all-trades; excels at nothing, decent at everything. Good FP efficiency.

SLS Very High FP. Fast Cast. High damage. Extremely high burst damage at extreme cost, especially in close quarters.

Lightning Stake: High FP, Fast cast, Very high damage. Similar to Sunlight Spear, but has no ranged component and only effective at close range. Fair FP efficiency.

Lightning Storm: High FP, Slow cast, High damage, enormous AoE effect.

>tfw current character on NG+3 would have to kill Aldrich, Dragonslayer Armor and clear Archives to get there

ehhhhhh, host it in an earlier area if possible
What's the most OP method of smashing through DaS2 and it's DLC. In addition to being my least favorite I also find its the game I suck at the most.

So how do I make it easy mode? The most shamelessly cheap way to play the game.
a retardedly rare percentage is better than 0
in that scenario CE with 100% drop rate doesn't get you softed
>DLC introduces a new function to every covenant leader, allowing you to buy items with covenant items
>items include Titanite Slabs, Blooming Green Blossoms, Siegbrau, Young White Branches, Rusted Gold Coins, and Hidden Blessings
by not playing the shit game
>in that scenario CE with 100% drop rate doesn't get you softed
Why would you even use CE to drop slabs, when you can use it to spawn fully upgraded and infused weapons.
Not that guy, but does spawning +5 or +10 weapons get you softbanned?
Because spawning items is high trigger for SB and 100 drop script is like none
Stack scrolls of dark orb and play a filthy hexer, spamming that spell from a distance. Carry a backup mace for certain enemies.

When you are ready for the DLC, use the Rdd Iron Twinblade and respec into pure strength
I like the DLCS though
I've never done magic in DaS2. How would I set this up?
[citation needed]
It doesn't
It isn't, if you do not spawn anything retarded like dark chaos blade +5. Spawning items through item swap is safe when done offline.
I always just spawn shit online
Granted I never spawned a fully upgraded weapon before
I fucking hate Gundyr. I actually got so mad that I went temporarily blind from him.
2 guaranteed slabs of each kind per playthrough with DLC included
Could farm slabs at an exceedingly low rate from infinitely respawning enemies
Countless slabs per playthrough
Could farm slabs at a high rate from infinitely respawning enemies
Use of slab extended from "pure physical upgrade paths only" to "all normal weapons"
Hardcapped at 1 rock per playthrough (holy shit how do you fuck this up miyazaki goddamn) until the DLC added a second guaranteed rock and enabled the infinite purchase of rocks for 60 insight a pop
No enemy drops rocks
Hardcapped at 8 slabs per playthrough
No enemy drops slabs
Use of slabs extended from "all normal weapons" to " all normal, twinkling and boss weapons"

It's a fucking mess. I would much rather be able to farm for slabs that be trapped perpetually at an amount less than half of what I actually want to use. Even after NG++ I still don't have enough slabs to use a regular rotation of diverse weapons.
It says so in the DaS3 CE pastebin. Been tested, i just don't have the link
If you want to start using hexes as early as possible you want to start with a bonfire ascetic as a sorcerer. Go straight to heide's and kill the dragonrider twice; once in NG and once with the bonfire ascetic to get L O D S of souls.Get licia to open the way to huntsman's copse (either kill her or pay the 2000 souls) and buy whatever you need from felkin. Make sure to get his sunset staff and hexer gear by talking to him.
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>Lud and Zallen

I swear I fucking hate Lud so god damn much Zallen's alright but Lud is a real fuckin' asshole god dammit killing him isn't even going to be satisfying because of what a piece of shit he is
Magic in DaS2 is fucking awesome because elemental damage from weapons (innate, infused, buffs) scales off of your magic bonuses, which in turn scales off of Int and Faith. So even if you don't want to just launch spells at targets from a distance, you can just infuse a weapon with the element of your choice and spell-blade through the game.

You can go up to 40-50 Int for Magic (and some Fire, which also affects Pyromancy), 40-50 Faith for Lightning (also applies to Fire), or 30/30 Int/Faith for Dark (which scales off the smallest of the two). Then just put the rest of your points into the usual suspects and minimum Str/Dex for your weapon of choice.
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Making an ancient Chink warrior is hard
There's literally 1 chestpiece, no hands, legs, or hats
Only weapon that fits is the BKG which is metashitter
Start as sorcerer
Buy Dark Orb from Straid after defeating ruin sentinels and killing Pursuer. He's a stone statue and you'll need some Fragrant Branches of Yore.
Buy Dark Orb from Felkin the Outcast after defeating Dragonrider and paying Lindelt to open the door to Huntsman's Copse, you'll walk right into him.

When you level up faith and int to 20, go back to Felkin the outcast and he will give you a set of robes and the best Hex catalyst in-game.
26 strength and 20 dex are necessary to use the Red Iron Twinblade and Craftman's Hammer, which are stupidly effective against all armor types together.
level up strength too so you can use the craftsman's hammer and red iron twinblade
Thanks guys, really helpful
>hit someone 7 times with caestus
>only do a total of 350ish damage
is lightning infuision that bad with 60 faith? should I cause more bodily harm to myself?
I have work tonight
What the fuck are you doing

A single fist mash on a person does like 1k damage on my build

Even Raw fists can do damage
All Depth 5 Bosses have a chance of dropping Bloodrocks
im stunlocking someone with l1 r2 l1 l1 and only doing 350 damage apparently
Okay so miracle-only DaS2 anon reporting in with results. After getting the Priest Chime and upgrading it, my miracles are starting to do respectable damage. But the Ruin Sentinels are literally impossible alone and using only miracles, and the early game of this run is so fucking unfun and unforgiving. But things are finally going places... miracles arent so super terrible, but probably shouldnt be this bad.
Are you not using Heavenly Thunder?
You can stack 2 scrolls of that really early and just spam it on everything. It melts the Sentinels.
What level are you

What are your stats

What is your upgrade level
>Lightning Caestus

This is one thing I enjoyed about chalices. Farming gems were actually fun with people since everyone got chunk drops, rock drops, and gem drops.

What kills it is that each character had to go through all those chalices every god damn time.

If mandatory chalices was a 1 and done thing, no one would be complaining.
Ive only got 1 scroll but my luck with it against the Sentinels was not great. I had to call in Felicia and Belcaire because I was not confident in Emit Forcing them to death. My miracle-only run has become a little tainted, but from this point on, I should be committing to just miracles since they actually do damage now.
You would be WAY better off going Raw or STR and then buffing with lightning blade on a faith build. Making it lightning infused is literal trash
i switch my off hand and main hand weapon a lot
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new spot :^)

you can get ontop of 3 trees and the concrete pillar
>Hidden weapon still only works on uninfused, unbuffed weapons, and not on uniques or boss ones at all

>that beam whiff into a suicide charge off the edge

GG Rhino.
>halberd R1
How do I defeat this
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roll parry
Something other than memes, please
I'm really tired of this shit
> You would be WAY better off going Raw or STR and then buffing with lightning blade on a faith build. Making it lightning infused is literal trash
Raw isn't optimal for min stats and going str isn't an option because lightning blade and dmb require you to go 60 FTH for worthwhile damage.
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imagine that, it's someone from dsg

What build and weapons are you using? Because it is almost impossible to kill a halberd player depending on what you're using if they don't make any mistakes.
I hope you Black Crystal'd
>Watching ENB's playthrough just for shits because I'm bored at lunch while eating food

>All this time he spends being too fucking cautious and overly thinking too much about shit that isn't a thing and glossing over real things

>Picks up something, reads description

>Stops reading right before the actual interesting bit

I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE, MY RAGE IS PARAMOUNT. He picks up the FIRST HOLLOW GEM, reads "make hollow weapons, huh" and then closes it before reading the fucking part below that which talks about fucking Luck scaling, something very novel and not seen since Demon's




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I want to be summoned to fight PC BFs~!
Why DO all elevators in Dark Souls games have bottomless pits under them?

Seems like a bit of a safety concern, one you'd think most people building these structures would have rectified.
Being sleep deprived causes me to play like this. I haven't slept in like 20 hours.
go to sleep man
we all need it
That's why the elevator is there you fucking tard, to stop people falling in the bottomless pit.

pssh, don't tell me you ACTUALLY fell in, who does that silly Anon :^)
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>I-i-i lost because I was sleep deprived, honest!

Go to bed you dumb Ghru.
>rushing through game with CE on and speed set to 4
>have to set to 1 every time I use an elevator because you always clip through it when its moving
>not using meme weapons at pontiffs
c'mon quality you know better than that
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Well you did kill me the second time
I will need to start doing some IRL shit in a hour or so, if i will go to bed right now i would literally fall asleep for like 15 hours straight. The most optimal time to sleep now would be at about 16:00 MSK, because i will wake up at about 07:00, which is an ok time to wake up.
Lucerne is a meme halberd. Plus they are one of the only weapon classes i can use while in this sleep deprived condition. I suppose i could use Izalith Staff to beat people to death. but not in this state i am in now
Only thing I regularly lose to is CSS.

Sometimes an UGS user gets lucky and gets their r1-r1 combo on me and there goes 60% of my health.

Anybody with a greatshield can give me a tough time too.

t. pro rhh user
>bloodring isn't the ring that changes your rolls to smoke, so you have a visual clue if someones using the iframe ring

>milkring isn't a ring that boosts attack or defence but lowers iframes

It's kind of shitty. The good thing about ninja flips is you knew immediately if the person had more iframes to their rolls. The bloodring is sneaky and you can't tell, you just keep whiffing attacks.

They need to patch in an indicator in lew of a different roll animation.
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ultra weapons
Still can't beat this

but rhh is the different kind of halberd
I'm talking about the ones that break your hyperarmor
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Requesting help with gundyr, ps4

Twelfth defeat this character, had him at 10% half of those
Holy shit nigger just keep going

you're already this far finish it off and kill his ass
Use bleed.
You can't summon for the tutorial boss.

Man, PS4 players are really shitting.
Is Dark Souls 3 dead on PC or will I find phantoms/invasions frequently still?
66STR vs 40/40
Which one has the better BKGA damage?

Which kind? If you're using Ultra Greatswords I recommend running r1s at a safe distance and using R2 pokes depending on which you have, you can outspace and outdamage them with HA this way and wear them down. If you're using a Greataxe besides Yhorm's to outrange them, I got nothing. Same with Great Hammers.
Is it worth carrying around a +9 deep reaper around for ebic shield penetration?
Champion Gundyr, obviously.

I've been parrying into warden twinblade bleedout but his second phase always catches me at some point.

i haven't done any PvP since release and i haven't played with shields much, why don't they attack from behind the shield when the other player is spamming R1? does it consume a lot of stamina and they're afraid to get guard broken?
probably 40/40 because you can't even wield the BKGA at 66 strength. it has an enormous dex pre-req

it's alive enough
BKGA is a quality weapon, it is better on a quality build. 636 AR 2h on 66 STR with base dex and 672 on 40/40 2h
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It was averaging ~7k earlier yesterday, when people were actually awake
whats a good weapon type for a mercenary?
curved gs?
>he beat my halberd convincingly (no surprise it's a counter)
astora greatsword


>this huge fucking polearm-axe with one of the heftiest r2's in souls is quality

miyazaki is a madman. Refined should've never existed, or sharp/heavy, for that matter. should've just given weapons their scaling.
So I accidentally the dancer
I'm SL 41 now am I ready?
Just got this game last friday
Don't wanna go wiki and be spoilered

But you can't even infuse the BKGA, that's just its natural scaling.
>Lucerne is a meme halberd.
What no. Lucerne is probably the best halberd. It's only fault is that it doesn't deal much stamina damage but it's weapon art can hit through shields. It's a fantastic weapon.
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well it seems like everything is a quality weapon now
>Don't want to be spoilered
>Spoiler me
If you get butt ravaged go somewhere else.
are you slow? it only took people a week or so to realize that quality dumpsters all other builds
nigga some faglord might put lore related shit on the wiki, I'm just asking what SL is the fight going to be fair. I,E; not getting one shotted
It is a meme. It's range is not that good, sweetspot mechanics making counter hits with lucerne inconsistent and damage is subpar to BKG. There is a reason you do not see it being used that much. I would still say crescent axe is more meme though
From Software does balancing while being extremely high.
15 is enough.

Did you kill Aldrich and Yhorm yet? If so, keep going.
It's just numbers. If you want to use the weapon then just go for a quality build. I don't see the problem.
Hey, there's this magic weapon the space pope wields that shoots purple anime beams and such
I fucking swear to god if the DLC adds nothing but quality weapons
Haven't the last bosses I whacked were the deacon, the abyss watchers and that huge skeleton
she doesn't oneshot
she combos you to death

20vig+ would be a good idea (in human form)
+6/+7 weapon
The reason you don't see it being used that much is because halberds are BOOOOOOOOOORING to fight with and against. Backpedal R1 is too effective and requires literally 0 thinking behind them. I still find the lucerne to be on the better parts of halberds because thrust damage makes up for it completely.

go to snow land then
cool, thanks
It lacks range and damage and those thrust counter hits are exremely unreliable. This is why Gundyr's and BKG are on top, they have good range and damage. It is an ok halberd though, it is not fucking crescent axe. The only meme part about it is it's thrust damage working and not working at seemingly random times.
Sometimes it even headshots for up to 700 damage and leads into combos. Can Gundyr's still combo R1 into WA?
best halberds imo are luce and nigger's
Lucerne gets that sweet sweet counterhit damage that goes to 500 at times
BKG is simply R1 into WA for 1000+ damage combo wombo
>no chain lightning
>no tornado/cyclone
>no golem/familiar summoning
>no debuffs
>no illusions/clones
>no mines/traps
>no earthquake
>no necromancy
>no implosion
Why does magic in these games suck so much dicks?
>Sometimes it even headshots for up to 700 damage and leads into combos.
Sometimes is the key word. And those are not headshots, those are double hits, they happen with other halberds too, even with scythes. I am pretty sure it is a bug, which From may or may not fix.
> Can Gundyr's still combo R1 into WA?
It can, but there is a couple of catches. You can roll from r1 l2 r2 of gundyr's, but you can parry after the first r1.

My main problem with lucy is it's unreliability, it can work great sometimes when you get a counter hit and sweetspot mechanics do not fuck you over, but otherwise it is less effective than other halberds. Lucy is a good halberds, but those counter hits are a meme.
>Lucy is a good halberd
You could lay traps in DS2, Pyro had a great proximity trap.

Man, DS2 magic was just so much more fun. PvP in general was.
I've killed 5 different katana users today who just spam the running attack through just using greatsword 2HR1s and spacing properly. None of them changed tactics once. When will this meme end?

I think they were all using the Chaos Blade too which is funny to me.
Double hits work even with stabby halberds like RHH?
Wait, so it's a bug? I have untrue dark ring on and I'm not even a fucking hollow just to get rid of that ugly shit.
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Please post fun invasion builds
~ dark souls 3
Uh, is Morne's hammer's WoG meant to 1-shot you, or was this nigga just cheating?
>too fucking cautious
Never watch Geop's Dark Souls LP's, you'll have an aneurysm.
But I think ENB is pretty good in terms of doing a LP, you just gotta remember that he's doing the blind playthrough more for himself than the audience.
I have never seen that happen with them. It only happens with HA overhead r1's onces as far as i know.
>equip parry tool
>parry the champ
it's that easy, just don't stand too close or he will only use kicks and punches
how much damage
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>never watched anime before
>start watching the first episode of dark souls: the anime upon l*cifer's advice
>the main character is mentally challenged and the typical anime girl has the voice of a 5 year old
>it isn't dark souls at all, it's just ecchi/romance shit

Can't say I'm surprised desu.
Immediately stopped watching.
Duels isn't fun. Invasions and PVE is. Like how the game is meant to play.
Not that guy but holy shit does archives spam the meme elevator way too much. Just starts getting lazy as fuck, why bother with good vertical level design? Just shit down a convenient elevator that somehow only works on the destination you'd want to get to when you first see it.

Other than that and no fucking wax helm for fashion it's one of the better areas, if a little annoying with all the fucking thrall ganks and the racket that mage makes.
>No chain lightning
Emit force is pretty close desu
>No familiar summoning
Summons shouldn't be limited to just magic players, so it isn't
>No Illusions/Clones
Hidden Body, Hidden Weapon, Camoflauge are all illusions, camoflauge can be used to bait people into stuff they arent expecting, which is probably how most people would use any clone spell anyway
>No debuffs
Acid Surge counts right? right?
>No Mines/Traps
Dead Again
>No earthquake
Good, that's shit's fucking stupid
>No necromancy
Dead Again... again?
>No Implosion
WoTG/Force serve the same purpose, unless you want that singularity effect that comes with an implosion, and if that's the case that's fucking stupid and will probably get you killed

The magic sucks regardless bc damage is awful comparitively, but regardless you just don't know the actual spells available
Exile mask
Grave Warden Shirt
Grave Warden Gloves

You can use any of the following weapons:
Plank Shield
Rotten Ghru Shield
Branding Iron
Handmaiden's Dagger
Tailbone Spear
Tailbone Dagger

Invade Irithil Dungeon, only.
Dancer is meant to be fought when you're like 70% into the game. You can defeat her at a lower SL but there's not much point on your first run.
Wolf Knight for Rebellion
Lorian's for Sparda
Demon Fists for Ifrit
Uchi for Yamato
I guess BKGS for Force Edge or something idk.
>dark souls the anime
>re zero

Nigga why the fuck did you thought that Moe shit had any souls related content, motherfucker the dark souls anime is called berserk, fucking game has so many references from that manga it should be considered plagiarism, just Google dark souls berserk references and see it yourself
Well over 1000. My HP is 1576, I can't remember if I'd taken some damage, but I had more than 3/4.
Isn't the Flamberge like Merciless or whatever that sword from DMC2 was?
god, I fucking hate DaS1 so fucking much

lost fucking 8 humanity to fucking buffed channeler rats

then getting wrecked by the fucking torch hollow

and then wrecked by the fucking rat when I tried to shield against it and his attacks curve so much it ignores my fucking shield

fuck this shitty fucking game, demon souls was superior than this crap
git gud
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>From gets contracted to do a Berserk license Soulslike game.
>Puck is the level up waifu
>there are less weapons but you get all iterations of the Gutssword model
>weapon durability is back and the durability is reflected on the model directly
>to make up for the lack of a whole lot of weapons, the movesets on the gutsswords are expanded and you can also do melee like kicks, shoulder tackles and grabs.
So description on the morion blade reads

A twisted sword resembling the towers ofLondor's Sable Church. Eight branching bladesand thorns

So dlc is going to look Victorian as fuck, at least that's what I am expecting

I want to fuck puck
>Need help on X on PC
>"wait booting up my toaster"
>Need help on X on PS4
>"my fucking god dude git gud"

It gets better. Reaches the peak of all anime at the end of episode 15.
>tfw help people on both
>the brand is drawing people and demons from other worlds periodically to fuck with you
>you can see from the model how the brand lights up
>fight a good variety of regular human and demonic opponents
>berserkcucks infest the thread again

Go back to /lgbt/ faggots
I think Londor will look like 3-2(and we already have a 3-1 knockoff in the game)
>being a heterosexual male
Is prisoner's chain meta?
pls from gibe purple magic like Crystal sage
Are we interfering with your "Gwyndonlin's boipucci" posting, you fucking imbecile?
asking again
Does anyone have that low level drakeblood k***ht invader build anywhere
Playing dark souls 3 and realising they took the worst elements of pvp and made them commonplace. Why does every enemy after a certain point in the game have 5 hit combos with extra poise that all start almost instantly?

This is a waste of my time.
Why does that matter, are you a special snowflake?
I liked the Archives though, so many physical shortcuts. However, I kinda think that they should've only had the shortcut to homoprinces instead of giving you one before the bridge and after the bridge. Although them doing it the way they did allowed me to farm the knights easily.
A lot of their "5 hit combos" will be interrupted if you block with a shield. Depends on the enemy though.
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>using shields
>guanteed 2hit stunlock on fast weapons
>no poise system

invading 3v1s is worse than ever
HA isn't good enough
Oh god, don't remind me.
2012-2013 was the worst for boypussy shitposting.
also dogs literally teleport and attack from weird angles so blocking isnt 100% safe
and dont forget the ghru
or how strange parrying is
or how straight swords are the end-all best weapons
or how poise does nothing
or any of the other bad decisions
>fight Gotthard's memer with an ultra weapon
>oh boy here we go
>space my blow perfectly between his rolls and L1 spam and watch my endurance all the time
>land a few hits on him
>get him within death of a 2 hit combo
>whiff a couple hits intentionally and get him again and hit
>but since I hit him with the second R1 of my weapon he managed to get out without a combo and then rolling L1ed me to death afterward

This system is ass.
Shields are extremely useful, it's your fault you want to gimp yourself.
Try fully charging a 2hr2 timing it so that they hit you during hyper armor and get pancaked.
They are pretty useful against combo happy lothric soldiers and dogs(they get stunned when they hit your shield)
Anon, STR weapons should only ever combo if you hit someone with an attack that to start it, you have to do from a walking pace while they're standing infront of you with their much faster one :)))))

dont u agree
>no necromancy
There's Rapport but imo it's effect should be infinite.
>no summon skeleton hex

i work at namco

u wirr rike dlc, we finarry give you skereton transformation and skeretin kovenint wiith skeretin ringu it wirr be very good wii wud rike u to pray it
Rapport is mind control/berserk type of spell. Actual necromancy should be like you kill something, its corpse remains, you use necromancy to reanimate it, it now follows you and attacks whoever you lock-on. Depends on the spells you could summon skeletons or a zombie version of the mobs.
To catch people who are too dumb to send the elevator back. Also if the player fell into a pit that didn't kill them but make them get stuck if they didn't Homeward bone/Darksign out, that would be frustrating.
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>Use rapport on an invader
>He plays along and attacks aldrich cucks
Best day of my life
>died to gaping dragon

waiter, I would like some cyanide please
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That sounds fun. I like it when people roleplay a little.
Did he kill you with the grab attack?
>even real life armor is cooler than the shit we got in ds3
Just fought a guy called Kiddie Fiddler.
He was dressed in an all archdeacon gear.
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>mfw using claws
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That disconnect strat.
skeleton transformation when
Did Aldrich eat the Witch of Izalith?
But most armors in the games barring the really fantastical ones are based on real armors.
Lothric Knight armor for example looks fantastic as does Drakeblood.
There's loads of armour that replicates that kind of look.
I hope bows get buffed by the time the DLC comes around.

It makes me sad when I encounter some nerd toting full Havels and a FUGS and I go to shoot him and it basically plinks off his solid granite chestplate and falls onto the ground, dealing a whopping 67 damage.

No I'm not joking.
Well he is wearing a lot of fucking armor.
>blueberry is summoned
>host lags the fuck out but you can keep damaging them and they can't do anything to stop it
why does this happen
I unironically use blessed lucerne with leo ring on my faith build. It does pretty well for me considering it only has like 311 AR at 50 faith.

I've started trying to use crescent axe for both PvE and PvP as of yesterday as well. The war cry R2s are fun to use at least.
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Lothric knight and many of the armours look fucking ass because the asset detail on most armours in the game is ass central. Lothric knight has blurry ass fucking textures, same with cathedral knight. Many of the assets brought from DaS1 and 2 got left with their original texture quality.

Pic related is armour from a real nextgen souls game.
>complains about blurry textures
>posts blurry textures
>The Elite K***ht helm is ripped straight from DkS1

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Those aren't blurry textures, that's blurry image quality. Learn the difference. Lothric Knight armour is literally Doom 3 plastic smudge with no detail compared.

Nothing in the game has this level of cloth detail either, where you can see individual stitches.
but bloodborne runs at 30 fps
it also had 3x the budget of das3
and it also only runs on one system aka 'muh optimization'
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compared to this

literally last gen shit

DaS3 and BB both run at 30fps on the same system. No excuse. Made by the same developers. One would logically conclude that if DaS3 was a PS4 exclusive, it would look better because it wouldn't have to worry about low spec xbone and toaster *I only play heartsthone* pc's.
Why are you nitpicking cloth textures so much?

This is the type of shit that makes me want to give up playing video games. This shit doesn't matter. Playing the game does, not looking at the fucking embroidery details of my goddamn shirt you stupid fucking autistic nigger.
some one can't enjoy the finer things in life.
I'm talking about the metal too.

Most of the armours in das3 don't even look as good as das1 or 2. Infact, Alva looks worse in 3 than it did in 2, and elite knight looks worse in 3 than it did in 1 and worse even than it did in 2 to a degree.

The new engine material shit they used in das3 is literally just crappy phong shaders bastardisation of Bloodbornes engine, there's no actual physical based metal materials like Bloodborne. DaS1 had fake as fuck cubemaps on everything to create shine, but honestly, that looks better than das3's fullbright shitty plastic look it has half the time.

There's an area infront of Dancer's boss door that showcases how shit the das3 materials are, where the lighting goes full apeshit and the materials just look like a source level with no shading what so ever.
Bitch it's the finer things in a video game, not life.

I mean I can't enjoy life either but that's irrelevant
I felt bad about cheating so I deleted my character and now I feel bad about deleting my character
>when ng++ goes down easier than ng
>getting frequent Darkmoon summons now

>30 second wolnir kill

i know what im jerking off to later tonight

this is the type of shit that should matter to you. cool shit, like wolnir dying in seconds, not stupid fucking polygons and textures.
>still doesn't go from the outside on the right so you can fully charge the first r2 and brake a bracelet before wolnir even wakes
>faith is shit

try again, anti-casterfags https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6IXCRt3BGQ
Yo that's a rapier, innit?
Hey how much stamina does the zwei take? I'm making a build.
the least of all ugs
faith would be the best caster school if they introduce some fast casting damaging miracles
Exactly. I want to have just enough to stay out of negative but have 4 swings.
I keep restarting Miracle characters and Sorcery characters over and over.
1 sucks too much and the other is fucking boring for 3/4s of the game.
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post wallpapers boys
it is though

sacred oath flat out doesn't work in pvp, and buffs are barely more than 200 even at 60faith
and it's only temporary
Fucking blood ring users.
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>all the shit a sorcerer or pyromancer could do except less efficient
Guy that did these has like 4 or 5 more but I didn't save them.
How do I git gud at dark souls III

I always die reeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Then I feel bad and think I just suck too hard
Try using a straight sword. Even the basic shortsword, Broad sword, or Longsword.
You do.
Somebody I need the numbers for how much stamina a zwei handed zwei takes!
Regular damage cuts you
Magic damage is like a high density concussion blast
Dark damage equalizes you
Useful weapons that are better STR than Quality for my STR build:
Anything else?
greatshield + heavy darksword str build

even a monkey could beat the game
Not exactly going to completely help you, but for perspective I can swing FUGS 3 times with 28 stamina + Ring of Favor

Surely Zwei isn't as demanding as that.
heavy man serpent hatchet is basically the same as quality
fast-ish and gets warcry
Dragon Tooth Numbnuts.
Alright, I'll keep that in mind if I make an iron Markus build. I'll have to test zwei stamina shit in a couple hours when I wake up.
/dsg/ will tell you this is a dumb idea, and it probably is. But I like to use 23END+Prisoners Chain on almost every character.
>inb4 m- muh 10%
Real life or game
Thinking of swapping one of my rings for it, oh and it couldn't be a better choice! I'll probably swap out steel protection
Would someone be willing to help me transfer a set or Armour, 2 Swords, and 3 Rings to another character on PC?
Anybody got spare slabs on the ps4

I want to try out new weapons in pvp
is SL50 too high for online activity around Irithyll? Also, I'm using a +3 boss weapon.
just +9/+4 them and deal
game's dead
>go on dark souls 3 subreddit against my better judgement
>"hey guys, the Ring of Sacrifice has more than one function!"
>"using multiple gives you extra attempts to get your souls back!"
>upvoted and praised in comments
>Dark Souls came out in 2011
Go on the wiki and get every single one then just NG+ without leveling up.
nice meme
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Oh jeez. Somebody tell Vaati.
I think he knows what this might mean.
>3,999 In-Game
Pretty dead Jim
You have 5000 souls.
You die.
You did not wear a ring of sacrifice.
You die before retrieving your bloodstain.
You lose 5000 Souls.

In Dark Souls 2 and 3.
You have 5000 souls.
You die.
You did not wearing a ring of sacrifice.
You die before retrieving your bloodstain.
The bloodstain is not overwritten and persists.
>/dsg/ is full of shitposting and degenerate tripfaggot running around ruining already low quality of the threads
>leddit is anally moderated safe space shithole
you just can't win wherever you go

There's like 7 in your game you dunce.
Get them all.
At least here you can get shit done to an actual degree.
Can't you farm Slabs from those little rock dudes in Peak?

/dsg/ is better.
at least here you won't get downvoted until your post is literally censored, for saying that the new patch is shithouse.
Yeah I'm at ng+6 and getting tired of starting new cycles for the express purpose of more slabs.
rock lizards drop twinkling shards, chunks and scales
Scales are limited to 7 just like the IQ of From's balancing department is limited to 95
Nothing drops them except for the trio before the Twins but only if you kill them on the first encounter.
I don't know how true that is
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I've killed 3000 golden winged knights anon-kun.

it's very true.
You need more than 42 top level weapons?

Reddit is a hug box and they post shitty jokes as gigantic comment chains. The music subs are good though.

Ah okay, fair enough.

Does the Shotel bypass the shield like it did in DeS and DaS1 or does it just do an increased amount of chip damage?

Also, is it worth getting lots of Attunement if I'm only going to use a single spell (that I want to cast a lot in a fight)
I enjoy having a huge, viable weapon collection
Top fucking kek this is so depressing

That smooth camera motion

It'd be better if it just cut there after he fell imo
She sounds cute and the site is better than 90s ass wikidot
42+ though? C'mon guy.

Who sounds cute, Fextra? What?
What the actual fuck is the point of the flameless shrine?

Like literally what the fuck? It transports you there, to light a bonfire, to then go outside and be transported to another place in the level and that's it?

No secrets?

What fucking gives? This is literally izalith copy paste teir and not what you'd expect on the final climb of the game. I expected quality not this shit.

The walk up to Gwyn was 200x the effort
>judging a wiki for looking "old"
fucking millennials wtf
Fex is asian or russian or some kind of spanish
I can't work out what the accent is but it's qt
the last area was cut from the game
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... Okay then.
It's definitely more detailed than that now.
Continue cherry picking.
Weakness: taking hits

Every god damn time.
the fuck is this
Didn't even tell us what platform you fucking goon
game, bonfire and sl/sm range or password, come on man
ashen one...
he said PC
Fuck, I'm the goon.
Forgive me.
Fucking said the platform, i normally wait for repsonses before planning out the rest

>Tower on the Wall bonfire
>Pass: dsgtrade

its okay anon, we're all goons deep inside
if you mention the details first, you don't waste people's time
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freshly baked bread
>Hands of God in DLC
Fuck that. Bring back the Bone Fist with its ridiculous Virtua Fighter combos.
Magic damage wounds your spirit, leaving a chill in its wake.
Dark magic is like magic, but warm. If it wasn't powerful enough, it might actually heal you, but since it's blasted at fast speed, little bits of humanity sprites blast through you taking what little humanity you have with it.
Absolutely based. Thanks anon.
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