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Guild Wars 2 General - /gw2g/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 755
Thread images: 146

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Camo Edition

Old >>151597549

>I've been away from the game a while and what's new?
>F2P information
>GW2 Wiki (type /wiki [article name] in-game to open browser):
>I Need a Build But I Won't Say for What Mode
>The Mistwar
>World Boss Train
>Fashion Endgame
>Simple Traveling Merchant Data
>Roleplay Resources
>Misc Fun Shit

Guild Wars 2 /vg/ Guilds:

NA [HOPE]: Tarnished Coast, whisper Oothier, Vitto Mortemsen, Bonkk, Mexay Renatus, Peachy Panic, Rijakk, or Riathen
EU [FUN]: Seafarer's Rest, whisper Aktium, Amarin Luxtail, Mo Zing Miko, Kandra Wildfire, Strider Of Spring, or Dex Mindwrack

-Servers only matter for WvW and instancing.
-If no one is online, send a mail.
-If you are F2P, leave your name and region on the thread.
Challenge: Can you spot the fluffy little mcharr in the OP?
Yeah, it's like spotting a lumpy dog turd on my carpet. Hard to miss.
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Hey, Floating Stones!.jpg
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Also, let's see some more GW1 stuff.
Does that mean you want to pick him up with your big, snugly hand too?
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>turn my back for one second
>Master Togo runs into a million mobs and instantly dies
what the fuck man
>no cute futa asura to use you whenever she wants

Oh yeah?
Just hit 80 on my first character through pvp. how do I gear up for wvw? I'm playing a mesmer. what gear do I need?
Yeah, sadly.
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Ended up with this for my Thief's new design.

My engineer is already using natural leather colours though, so I wanted to go with something other than brown, but black is too usual and most of the colours don't look proper.
On mesmer you need literally nothing because the only reason you exist is to drop veils in front of zerg and portal people into places they shouldn't be
i want to be one of those roaming mesmer types though.
I think that I just fell in love with a game franchise that wasn't an mmorpg, but then was forced to watch it try to become something it never needed to be. At least I can still return to tf2 for fun, and friends can always keep me going in most anything. Video games are alright by me. That said, I guess I now know the sensation of being thoroughly scoutedby a person I admire, and it feels nice.

>Camo Edition
git gud
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one of these things is not like the others
one of these things just doesnt belong
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tell me /gw2g/, what turns you on the most ?
>git gud
Not bad...

Yeah, he'll move on his own sometimes, you have to be quick to draw aggro+kill. Another pro-tip, focus your allied NPC's attacks on a monster by targeting them, ctrl+t should be default.
With this trend of re-used assets, it might come back, along with the elite shout.

inb4 Guard elite spec uses the old tomes a la kits.
being a slutty charr
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fluffy futacharr cunny......
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>tfw no ritu wife
They're so flexible and just the right amount of shape...iktf bro..
I'll have to fiddle with the targeting controls a bit. I skipped the tutorial since I could remember the basics but completely forget anything relating to targeting. That's enough GW1 for today though. Time to gather those blood rubies..
No. Keep the futa to the asura. The loving asura with tender natures which blossom under the warm sun of intimate company.
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Even this place. Empty.
Who was the qt pale chick on the cover for all the gw1 stuff?
This is nice I will steal it
Cynn? Or the necro?
>tfw Cynn married Mhenlo at the end of Cantha: Beyond
Eve the necromancer
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Post floozies
This one. And she's a necromancer? Dropped. I always pegged her for a mesmer.
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It is indeed faction bonus weekend, so I expect there might be people later in the day. Apparently anon, people do get FA/JQ games going, but it's been during weekends in the past, and ours is just about up.
>inb4 Guard elite spec uses the old tomes a la kits.
not really a good inb4 considering they already said this would happen eventually
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>gothic outfit
>vampire-pale skin
>holds skulls in official fanart
Anon pls
l m a o
I think they've been the most non-existent class for the entirety of GW, they don't even have a figurehead character and their mercs all sucked.
Gwen was cute tho
That she was
They were awesome in GW1, GW2 not so much. Also, they seem nonexistent, because they're all in disguise.
I forgot about eotn
I got most of my playtime when GW1 wasn't called prophecy and on faction, didn't like nightfall at all and kinda lost interest, only picked EOTM for pantheon shit when I thought GW2 would be good

>They were awesome in GW1
Literally shit
Only times I saw mesmers were in Pvp, and most of the time they were retarded clutch builds relying on the secondary profession, like those fast casting earth magic gatling guns mesmers or illusion signet globe fuckers
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What aura is this?
I started playing it for the first time a few days ago.
Going mostly blind with a few tips from friends here and there so feel free to throw some more tips but no spoilers.
Lategame they broke PvE though
Legendary rifle
>posting the above post is the first thing jugg does when he wakes up in the morning
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just a quick reminder 3/4 of those guilds are dead

and USA is a furry guild, so I don't even have to say anything

do you really expect anything less from someone who literally gets autism checks from the government

he will never stop posting that 'meme' because it would ruin his routine, and autists cant handle sudden changes in their environment well
>9 am here
>that means it's 5 am over there
That is some next level autism
he does it for a reaction, I bet he also won't stop posting it because people keep referring to it

but its also kind of pathetic
>posting memes as the first thing you do when you wake up

someone has problems
Who are the best futas here
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There's only 2 active guilds, HOPE and FUN in the OP, please don't mislead new players with this troll list.

There's been some good advice so far. Mine would be finding a fully upgraded guild for quick access to a merchant zone. Good luck!
>Who are the best piles of shit here
Futas are not piles of shit
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>holds skulls in official fanart
I think I have autism, but I'm also a productive member of society. Can I get autism checks?
how do people get the game looking so good? Even on max graphic settings my shit doesn't look this nice. Is it an addon?
I want to put my penis in you're assassin desu
>I'm a new/returning player, how do I join the /vg/ guild?

NA [DORF]: Tarnished Coast, whisper Edarkness, Reignofpain, Unwarrior Chicken
NA [SS]: Fort Aspenwood, whisper Jakey Gyllenhaal, Ayo Girl Cmere, or Double A E D
EU [FUN]: Seafarer's Rest, whisper Farfelu, Aktium, Nalynea, Mo Zing Miko, Togo Hornblower or Kealdrix
NA+EU [USA]: Fort Aspenwood+Seaferer's Rest, whisper Squatfu, Buzz Spankleaf, Togo Hornblower, Vuncia, Kerolastic

-Guilds are cross-server, and the only real reason to choose the server above is if you want to be on the same WvWvW team.
-You can also send a mail asking to be in the guild, if nobody is online

Or, leave your name and server here so someone can check this post and invite you
So im just downloading the game again after about a year away from the game. How is the player base compared to about a year ago? Has it dropped alot or is it steady now?
Go away faggot
go way faggot
Go away faggot
NCsofts reports indicate GW2 just had its worst financial quarter since the game came out, so it's safe to say that we're probably at an all time low. It's mostly steady though, there's still people around. Not ded just yet
Still plenty of people in the maps and in LFG
So which anon got their ladyboy cherry popped last night?
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I wish Anon, it already makes up about 80% of my consumed porn
Oh? Then it should go without saying that you know who the futa rats are.
Sadly no, I'm actually an Anon that knows pretty much no one.
lady boys/sissies=/=hermaphrodites=/=transvestites
i know my feminine dicks anon
Ugh, whatever, just get in the boat already. God.
Best Order for Norn Warrior?
Vigil if you want to be lame.

Go Whispers and spy on people with your axe.
Doesn't really matter, I like Vigil but it's cliche for Norn. Maybe Priory?
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Just go with the one whose weapons you like the most. I went with Whispers for my fnorn Guardian so I'd have the option to use a switchblade greatsword. The armors are meh and once you finish the missions specific to your Order, you're just "pact commander" anyway.
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Anybody wanna play through Prophecy?
>15%: 89000 files remaining
would that I could
Any GW1 players here? What class should I pick if all I want to do is run in, stab stab stab, and never die? I was thinking Derv/Sin or something to that effect?

I started with Ritualist due to all the Revenant hype but it didn't click with me.
you suck senpai
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>lilly kissed salty rod
You did very well, anon
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i'd let you kiss my salty rod if u know what i mean
Mesmers are best. That's why your girlfriend keeps going back.
Mesmers are all secretly fat neckbeard mindrapists.
but my gf is a mesmer
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Sounds like you got mesmerized, fammander.
Dervish or Assassin, yea
I would if I still had access to my old account, but the email I thought I used for it won't work for password recovery. I'm not paying for that shit again.
That sounds like Surbrus, yeah.
Did anyone save those miki fanfics?
yeah, fireden did.
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why are people so rude?
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>Norn women have 10/10 bodies but 1/10 faces
Every time.
Sweltering futanorns for raw erotic pleasure. Warm futasuras for intimate love-making.
god damn it swagg go to sleep already
>strong norn thighs
>firm norn butts
Already did.
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Peppy futavari for adventuring and dungeoneering
Disgusting chocolate colored rat
I will pledge fealty to King Rikki
Rikki, throw out your jaggy pre-HD images please. They're bad.
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Thanks! There is however, a fealty fee...
no they are an important part of gw2 history
Oh my god....
Do any rats WvW?
Well, it doesn't have to be rats, but it would be cool if it was rats.
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>paying 400g to blow mcharr barb

FHDs man
Post the other half
>play dotamode
>one teammate sits in front of door hitting it for entire match
>never realizes he isn't doing damage
>lose because 4v5

I understand how someone new to the game could think hitting the door is a good idea. I don't understand how someone could spend 2 to 5 minutes doing so while doing no damage and not realizing it.
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Yeah. What server are you on?
I need pics to properly imagine this
gkick kayfabe when
The norn and rats already come with those features included.
Those are some big ears
squatfu's cunny
>leader of HOPE is a barb slurping slut
>leader of FUN is a barb slurping whore
Why are degenerates allowed positions of power again?
degenerates can handle autism better
That's a lie, degenerates are typically the most autistic and therefore cannot be trusted.
They simply slept their way to the top, just like sluts do in real life.
They simply slept their way to the top, just like sluts do in real life.
They simply slept their way to the top, just like sluts do in real life.
They simply slept their way to the top, just like sluts do in real life.
Can't handle the truth, Oothier? Of course not. The only thing you can handle is three barbs up top and two down below.
There are plenty of pictures of gooks being fisted on the internet, anon.
wat, that barb thing may be true, but I am very trustworthy even if I am really autistic and degenerate
They can't bring the same kind of joy a Sylvari in the midst of wanderlust does
You're not trustworthy.
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Mesmers catch your girlfriend's eyes. You see those eyes sparkle the way they used to for you.
they are male charr mesmers
>a slut
>slave to the barb
>admits they are untrustworthy
>stirs shit in the thread for attention
>not fit to lead a guild

>godly abdominals
>the nicest guy in HOPE
>doesn't beg for attention ever
>the perfect guild leader

Gkick Oothier NOW
No, they are mesmers using illusions to look like charr and mind altering to make you think you're taking the barb. In reality they are just tiny pricked humans.

Remember, all mesmers are rapists.
>tiny pricked humans

>>admits they are untrustworthy
no I didn't, I'm just not going to argue with Anonymous
You could at least wait until there was a new thread so that people wouldn't scroll up to see if it was true.
Anyone that argued with you using their name was kicked.
Venomblade? Kicked.
Vae? Kicked.
Effie? Kicked to protect Jacquie.
You even demoted Ruseman.

Anyone with sense knows you cannot be trusted to do anything but take musky barb piss enemas and cover your ass in between.
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Rexxie pls get them to stop bullying Dros
Then you can talk to me bitch
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does this look canthan or does it look like a mistake
Why do you take off your cringey tag just to post about yourself?
The latter.
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not me idk.png
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none of those people argued with me, and you've provided no context

thats not me, I don't even own that gif

whats your issue with me, anon?

about what?
dros or rexxie dont use cute anime girls in their responses.
Unless that's what they want us to think?
Mesmers showing your girlfriend highs she can't comprehend, while you sit here dramaposting and not ignoring tripfags.


Mesmers taking your girlfriend to their hotel room, while you sit here trying to maintain an online identity on an anonymous fetish support group board.
Is there a simple guide on how to gear up?

As far as I can tell, there are about a thousand different ways to get to ascended without crafting anything, but nobody is actually listing those ways.
kicked for hacking and trying to bring hackers into HOPE
vae doesn't care about HOPE
effie is fucking psycho, him being kicked was never a bad thing.
>demoted Ruseman
right right, Ruseman who doesn't play the game anymore and doesn't care about you or the guild.
The thing is, most of those ways are either extremely reliant on rng or require ascended gear to clear the content in the first place.
>not caring about HOPE 3.0 is a good enough reason to be kicked in 50% of cases
Nice damage control, Ooth
yes but
>player doesnt care about the guild
>why should guild care about player
still not me, stop being so paranoid
I don't care about HOPE
should I be kicked from HOPE?
well shit, does that mean I actually have to touch the crafting system in this game?
no but why should we invite you back
who is this newfag
>HOPE shitting up the thread again

fuck off please
>you will never have a big fat koda cock up your asshole
I thought Vae left. Either way, he doesn't care about HOPE but you'll still shitpost about him. Also,
>50% of cases
Ruseman stepped down and was demoted, he's still in the guild. Do you know how percentages work
make me guild leader so i can kick everyone and end their suffering
>people still care about Ruseman
all shitposts were started by nonHOPEfags
Oh, it turns out I have an ascended ring already. Is there a way to change the stats on that ring?
i think only armor and weapons can currently swap stats. the new bloodstone accessories can swap stats, iirc.
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how do i get bloodstone accessories?
with google
>tfw you get a disconnect in your match and then get fucked by the enemy team's 3 scrappers chaining cc on you fucking 4 second dazes and shit how is it fair any class has that much cc and you start calling them shit cunts and now have to hope none of them reported me for verbal abuse
Rat orders you to stand still so she can clamber up your shoulders for a better wide-eyed, giddy-smile, ear-bobbing view.
Norn suddenly slips her hands under your armpits and hoists you up onto her own shoulders asking excitedly where the two of you should go next.
>not blinking away
>not turning invisible to break the stun and leave a decoy
>not portaling to their home point and decapping it

You got a girlfriend?
I am a necromancer with no death shroud and a nerfed 3 skill
blood rubies from doing either the events in bloodstone fen or the reward track for wvw/pvp
What's a rough estimate of how many non 4chan members are in HOPE?
Salad gives a jubilant shout when your destination comes into sight and takes your hand as she sets an enthusiastic pace towards adventure.
>how many non 4chan members are in DORF
lewd weird butts

Do you mean non tripfags?

Probably the majority?
Why not just use the teleport wurm? It's a fantastic stunbreak and mobility tool.
>Anyone that argued with you using their name was kicked.
wat. Drosera is the most chill guy I know and I don't recall arguing with him at all.
the epitome of faggot
Here's the best part: anet can't "balance" how much we enjoy our company with others; every waifu is viable and appreciated.
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I tried teleport wurm and I never get anything out of it. Either you don't use it an nothing happens, you use it to shorten the time moving between points by 0.2%, or you use it to run away from a fight you're going to lose and then one of the other classes uses one of their vastly superior mobility skills to chase and rape you. Necromancer does not get to disengage from a fight ever.
where is kittdai
Jesus christ please tell map chat or use LFG if you're hunting the Bloodstone-Crazed beasts, assholes. Sick of looking on every map just for it to have died already.
trying to remember which girl she is: dylan's gamer gril gf or the christian blogger
i hope ur cute and comfy, anons
gas the rats
I want to be dylan's gamer girl gf
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don't do this.
What combo of gear best resembles Paladin's Amulet? As far as I can tell it isn't a real gear prefix.
Soldier/knight mix is close
hipster rat
/w me grelom
How do I grind masteries as a non chrono mesmer without wanting to kill myself?
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kill you are self
Do bloodstone fen jade farming
Here's my best estimate.
Best you can do is mix Marauder/Knights, Berserker/Knights or Sentinel/Soldier. Full Marauder is likely going to end up better for anyone that isn't a light armor class, though.
I'm a necro, so it is light.
Oh, I forgot to mention Cavalier is decent on Necromancer. You don't really want to go full power Necro in general, but they have the traits to get 100% with no Precision and Cav stacks you with Power, Toughness and Ferocity. Toss in some Valkyrie for more Power/Vitality as needed.
I'm gonna do it rexxie! Then it'll just be YOU and ME!!!
if i erp drosera every night can i be the new HOPE guild master?
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post adventurers
I'm going to buy HOPE from Drosera for 10g.
>implying you can cuck faeeq
I'm new to these threads, what do the HOPE, FUN, and DORF guilds do? Are they WvW?
DORF is a dead mapchat guild that tried to force their guild here, only 1 person is in it now
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>staff guard
>in any situation
>of all time
>til the end of time
Xera nerf when?
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Okay, but what do they do ingame?
you'd have to join and ask, pretty sure they play the game just like everyone else
HOPE and FUN both do weekly guild missions/raids, and daily fracs (T4s usually) with the occasional dungeon. Both are mostly at endgame, but they're decent social guilds and actually pretty helpful in my experience.

Some people in them WvW/PvP, but nothing organized. HOPE has the occasional PvP tourney I guess.
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youre giving me flashbacks toa time when mightstacking was harder to come by and an ele would blast full duration might and some staff guard fag would do his shitty timer might and overwrite teh good might.
Ah, yes. Back before might stacking was completely brainless.

Dark times.
Holy shit Grelom is fucking RIPPED
he has to be to make up for that height
>how to fix gw2
Chaos Armor, Stealth, Alacrity, and anything else that is sort of like those (a boon, but not a boon), is now a boon. Same for conditions that aren't conditions.
Every class now has a stealth reveal utility.
Stealth is unreliable when within a certain distance of enemy units.
Grelom is 6'3
Go to bed mesmer
It's not good to lie on the internet, Grelom
Not with you.
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those are two separate lengths if you know what i mean
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happy birthday eristic!
>and anything else that is sort of like those (a boon, but not a boon), is now a boon
I hope you're ready for Ranger's pets to be fucking your girlfriend alongside the mesmers, anon. Letting people take a +concentration amulet to hand out long lasting GoTL stacks would be a nightmare.
>Crying about Venomblade being a hacker
Faeeq or Dylan
>Crying about Vae
Not sure
>Crying about Effie
Faeeq or Dros
>right, right
This is a faeeq post.
Can we talk about how bad guardians are now? Pls help.
which femsura has the nicest nipples to suck?
>What combo of gear best resembles Paladin's Amulet?
Weapon and class not given, anything would work in this case. "Paladin stats" simply means 2050 power, 2050 precision, 1560 toughness, 1560 vitality.
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How is revenant in PvP these days? I'm looking to get back in and really would like any info regarding tankish "holds a point for-fucking-ever" types.

I've always been shit at condi.
>tankish "holds a point for-fucking-ever" types
You wont find that playing revenant. The builds that work best are DPS team fighter specs than anything else.
>mom found the milf norn logs
So I hear that Thief P/P is awful. Is it worth playing at all from a PvP standpoint? If so, what specs/stats/other weapons are worthwhile?
I'd go looking myself, but there's not much recent stuff out there about such a build.
>mom found the moldy yellow FHD cum tribute pics
odds warrior
evens guardian

That's the only bunker builds at the moment.
Shit, PvE*
which one is evens? 2 4 6 8?
It's awful damage wise and single target, most classes that have a range option are better with melee setups, range is very situational and shortbow is better tool for thief, it gives you a lot of mobility and easy blast finishers.
What about scrappers?
I saw a tanky as fuck little hammer asura shit
Scrappers can fill the role of "tank" but not really "bunker" since they do occasionally have to reset.
I have got a couple of characters to level 80 and finished the main story line with them. Any suggestion what I should be focusing next?
At the moment I am limiting the game mainly to sPvP and I am kind of missing any other goals.
hot erp
erotic roleplay
Help people cum hard through lewd roleplay
you guys really need to stop with le ebin ironical erp meme
Post thicc dottirs
This. None of you faggots actually erp.
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Norns have been the biggest let down in the history of MMO races
I expected tons of armors with wonderful helmets like the left model of your pic, and had literally none
Fuck anet
Even GW1 norns look more nornish than GW2's
You could say that about GW2 armor design in general. Or, hell, just GW2 in general.
im going to make the rat cum so hard she will be addicted to me.
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I'm satisfied with Asuras
They may look a bit less alienish than they used to in GW1, but their animations are top tier and most of their armor designs are badass as fuck
I enjoy them so much they're literally the sole reason GW2 isn't an absolute to-the-trash-it-goes blunder to me
I'm going to force him to make me pregnant.
no u won't
he loves me now
deal with it
fucking bitch
Is that from a meta standpoint? I can live with not being the most ideal build, so long as it is at the very least playable. The lack of aoe at the very least seems offsettable by having a second weapon that is good at that.
Speak for yourself.

I forgot to save the post about how norn should have never been a playable race because of how PC status neutered the entire race.
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Yes please
>more weapon bars with a bunch of wasted slots for no reason but flavor's sake
You don't know what you're asking.
Are the log in servers fukd at the moment or is it just me?
You don't look very fukd at the moment but we can change something about that.
ok im redy
gw2 got an expansion a while ago didn't it?
do people still play the base game?
i bought gw2 shortly after beta, but ended up disliking it a fair bit
thinking of jumping back in because i have literally nothing to do, but i've also got no money for the expansion

will i still run into players everywhere to do those constant events and global bosses with?
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Same here. Let's help measure each other's personal dickings per second.
Yes, you can find players completing events in Orr/Silverwastes, as well as a world boss train. Check the LFG for Open World - Squads/Parties, and the other tabs.
yes, it got a pretty good expansion at the end of last year. Most of the content pve wise requires the expansion, and most players gather there. But you'll still find people doing leveling and such.

I recommend the expansion, it is great. Though I also wouldn't come back to a game I hated.
Rats are addicted to the chemical chain reactions that spark and foam through their brains while in the presence of the one they hold most dear, not your clumsy appendages.
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nice staff, here's mine
Sorry anon. Would you prefer a femcharr or nothing at all?
How to counter the new Guardian meta?
Fast classes that can just go decap somewhere else. Thieves and Mesmers are good for that.

Classes with heavy ranged condi pressure?

Being an engineer.
but im bar
>Fast classes that can just go decap somewhere else
For real? The best counter against these guards is to just run away and fight something else?

>Classes with heavy ranged condi pressure?
They just block it with that virtue and sword 3

>Being an engineer.
I haven't played engineer in PvP since pre-HoT. Why do you say engineer?
I have a human Thief.
Norn Engineer.
Warrior Charr.
Will have an Asuran Necromancer.
What should I pick for the Sylvari?
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Caesar salad is pretty good, I might also recommend a nice roast pumpkin and pinenut salad with a balsamic drizzle!
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id transfer to na just to bury my face in that ass
feed me your barb I beg you
Engineers can literally do everything.
too bad its not enough to amount to anything, pretty meh.
Back the fuck off, leave Vae to those who know what to do with his body.
>not having the new envoy staff

do you want anet to starve?
Between Warrior and Necro, which one is general better at both PvE & PvP and which one is generally considered more fun? Going back and forth between the two.
>tfw bought storm bow

I fucking hate myself
kill yourself
Which of these three classes would be best to grind out masteries?'

What;s a good weapon combo for lvling a NEcro?
staff/dual daggers
Thanks, one more question, I was planning on going Tailoring/Artificer, but was wondering if Jeweler overall would be more beneficial than Artificer.
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make a second character so you can do all three
tailoring is going to be good for you in general if you want to craft your own light armor and have the means to do so. you can do both jeweler and artificer but you can only have two active at once. jeweler will let you craft the HoT stats accessories if you get the recipes from the maps.
Oof, look at those awful sliders. That's what happens when you let a bookah fatten up your ears and nose.
i hate seeing ugly rats wear miniaturized versions of my clothes

this must be what it's like to wear the same dress to a party
Thanks guys, I've been wanting to make a Necro for a while, I've always played Melee Physical classes. It'll be interesting to do something different.
Isnt there a trick to linking multiple legendary insights? How do I code it to link like 50?
I actually see quite a few random people in DORF while pvping
>just want to log in and rp
>being stalked wherever I go
Make an F2P account for discrete ERP.
Do you mean like creating a separate stack of them?
I thought about it, but I don't know if I'd want to make completely new characters and personalities just to ERP
Anyone have a link to a solo'ing leveling build for Necro?
Start blocking some niggas
who are you? I'll stalk you too!
If you're so beta about RP that you're worried about being stalked, you do need one.
fuck off effie
I'm not effie, you're effie
Is there Hope on Stormbluff Isle?
it looks like there's no HOPE for you
Hope is extinguished.
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Shaman armour when?>
Friendly reminder to not let your rat become soft.
Like using a code to link in chat
seriously guys, how do I pve as a mesmer without wanting to kill myself? Is this just going to have be be an exclusively pvp character?
I constantly switch targets for my phantasmal berserkers so that when one enemy dies I still have two phantasms up on different enemies.

Honestly I haven't really found much reason to shatter in PvE aside from bosses and the occasional panic distortion.

But seriously, don't just pile all of your illusions onto a single enemy in PvE, that's just stupid.
>just ignore the class's base core mechanic!

You have more than one illusion skill, each weapon set will give you two, a clone and a phantasm, you just need to learn how to manage your rotations properly on when to shatter.
in group pve content the only shatter you need is continuum split sometimes disto
Yeah, I don't pile them on, but it's still a slog getting through this.

Can I just use tomes of experience to level mastery experience?
tomes stop working on your character as soon as they hit 80
Nope. Can't use tomes past level 79.
Haven't played since just after HoT, which character of mine should I get comfortable with first?
Options are Thief, Rev, Ele, Mesmer.
I used to mainly play Thief, but they sucked so I was switching to Rev. I only sPvP'd with the Ele and Mesmer.
Depends on what you want to do with the characters. All of them are in a good spot in sPvP. A single herald-rev and chrono-mesmer are both mandatory for pve.
I'd like to play around and get used to one as a general purpose, "do every type of content" sort of thing.
I'll end up playing all classes in spvp anyway.
Play your herald for general pve content.

It does good damage. good mobility. Great survivability while in zerker. self buffs enough.
Well, then it's just playstyle.

Chronomancers are mainly a supporting role in pve, bringing alacrity and quickness to the raid, and dramatically increasing dps. Revs, I don't know much about, other than that they have a huge boon duration buff, which helps the chronomancer out keeping up quickness. You also have portals for skips, and a lot of good reflects, so there is utility.

wvw, chronos/mesmers can roam, act as invis bots, etc.

and sPvP, they're annoying faggots, which is why I love playing them.

I can't speak much to the other classes, other than to say thieves are also annoying faggots, and I love playing them too.
Using a tome at level 80 yields a spirit shard.
Isnt there a trick to linking multiple legendary insights? How do I code it to link like 50?
use google, i forget the website but thats what I did
I cant find it!
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kill you are self
here you fucking retard

>spoonfeed me!!!
Not him but why are there 3 different slots to put stuff in? This is weird.
You need a wardrobe ID, and an item like that has none so its impossible.
It doesnt work for legendary insight.
I got it for you bud!
Tfw just saw my ex girlfriend doing amateur porn on a website.

I feel disgusted brahs.. I thought I loved her at one point...
link it
do you praise the sun /gw2g/?
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do you fuck the off, /dsg/?
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I sure do
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I praise the fluff.
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but do you even wrestle?
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I'd rather wrestle a Charr.
In bed.
Prove that the sun shines through you. FACE ME in another form.
what the fuck does this even mean, Swagg? i'm so tired of these fucking memes, god damn can't you guys post without posting shit?
*dodge rolls form debuff*
post some line ups
>can't you guys post without posting shit?


Where do you think you are?
>Where do you think you are?
Not /trash/?
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the thickness of the black stripe on the right is triggering me, pls fix
Dros pump and dumped me last night :(
I still like your rat and Engineer the most.
I need more Vae pics
What is the more durable waifu, a fhd or a salad?
Depends on what the D stands for.

Is it a

"""female" human dick"""girl"""

Or a female human daughter?
So started my Necro today, at lvl 18. Still trying to decide between Necro and my 37 Warrior. Warrior seems to get more use out of abilities. On Necro, using dagger/foci and basically just using Dagger Auto attack and Foci 4. On Warrior I used all kinds of abilites. Does it get better for Necro further on or am I using the wrong weapons?
Necro at cap uses conditions and Epidemic to get its full DPS, not power damage. Power Necro is pretty much as you said, Dagger auto attacks and shroud form.
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Bad eyes, okay but generic, third one looks like my GM's mom.
No, not really. Necro is a super slow class with super long cooldowns, meaning you'll have a lot of downtime while they take forever to kill you, because gee anet, two health bars???
I swear they look better from the side
post yours faggot
So should I start lvling as Condi or just trudge through Power til cap?
Tuesday patch when
It doesn't matter that much, honestly I leveled as condi but it feels awfully slow to bounce and ramp.

Use Rampager armor and do whatever you want.
it would have happened hours ago anon, no patch today
Or go back to my Warrior lol
anon please this is serious
Technically speaking, a tree trunk is harder to cut than a pig of the same thickness.
Best classes for PvE & PvP?
It looks like you took an MSPaint eraser and scribbled it over your charr's face, lol. that's so awful.
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im too lazy to find another headpiece for him
I need Vae and Vae only. How do I capture his musky heart?
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Can you spot the difference?
No, they're both shit.
You should just delete and replace with femsura T B H
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i already have a femsura
fun fact: i used to have a femsura necro but i deleted her to make the charr
idk find me a good light head piece that doesnt look ugly on charr
>deleted a femsura for a cat
I like you
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>deleted a femsura for a cat
used to be ele but now i'd say maybe revenant or necro.
Revenant and Warrior are good or better in both modes.
i only wanted one of each, i deleted my mesmer rat earlier this year
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>Be me
>Do Teq
>Our zerg gets wiped
>I die
>Log off
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you forgot to post the ending
Thanks guys, in the middle of lvling a Warrior, been thinking about a Rev, but idk. Lvling a Necro too and trying to decide which one to do first.
Eventually you'll max out every class in the game. Just try what you think looks good and you'll see for yourself.

Personal favorites after maining Engineer for a year are Warrior, Revenant, Engineer, Necromancer, Thief, then a power gap with Guardian, Ele in the middle and Mesmer and Druid on the bottom.
Thanks, the warrior is 37 while the Necro is 19, so probably going to finish the warrior first.
This is the only MMO that's had PvE I've enjoyed. The heart of thorns maps are so amazing. Why isn't it more successful?
because its only 4 maps for $60
That's still 4 more enjoyable maps than any other 60$ mmo.
Can you have fun in this game without paying for the expansion
not really, you would think that if it was as good as you claimed people wouldn't have dropped gw2 within months of the release of the expac
Yes, but eventually you hit that wall.
I really enjoyed the PvP aspect of it, and there are some viable non expansion builds.
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>Decide to give the game another shot.
>Haven't played since launch
>Delete one character to free up a slot
>Log in to another character to adjust graphics
>"Oh cool mail"
>Forgot like GW1 they give you birthday mini pets.
>I just deleted 3 years of the easiest fast gold I could get.
Fuck me /vg/
Does anyone have like 13,000 hours played? I wanna see.
Is there any links for a decent Condi build for Necro, looking scepter/WH or Foci, but still new to the class.
send a ticket to Anet and they should be able to restore your character, but you have to act now
Through email or in-game bug report?

Also, is there a way to adjust the camera for asura. I have no idea why my highschool self wanted to play the shortest race and make it as short as possible. I'm like a dot on the bottom of the screen.
the website has a ticket system, you log in and post info there

say your character is missing and you want it restored, don't give them a sob story, just say it's gone and you want it back
there are multiple sliders you can use to adjust the camera, check your options

set it to minimum height and the "lower height to character" checkbox
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lineup 2016 final.jpg
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I'm a big fan of lineups.
I mean, I can only comment on my experiences so far. The only other MMO that I can think with a similar level of fun pve of is archeage, but that was more the competitive harvesting and exploration aspects.
There are only 9 classes in the game, why do you have 11 asura?

Why are two of them the exact same model?

What the fuck is this autism?
Is this from your Trash Rats folder?
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The brown mouse and the bunny-eared one are bank alts, same for the Norn girl and the apathetic salad.

I like the lime rat and I'm not the only one that does. Copying the model for her lets me play two different weight classes and pick out outfits from different wardrobes.
People...LIKE the gross green sparklerat?

Corrupting priestesses or getting it on with wives and their late teen daughters.
Green isn't gross, it's minty and fresh, a cleanser. Far better than mangy white fur that clings to your garments and stuffs up your snout.
>that passive aggression toward squats for no reason
shitpost about fluusi more
Vae is a smooth, chiseled charcoal grey. Don't compare him to some sparkle-white femcharr.

I miss when alliance battles actually popped, that shit was actually fun.

It was like a 12 v 12 moba where you could design your own hero.
>tfw no Vaenus to rim daily
fuck off fluusi
Green is the color of baby diarrhea.
show us the trash rats
I don't get this meme.
hey, can i get a screen of the druid that looks like quicksilver? I REALLY liked his armor.
If you read this : u r cool dud
Should be in bed for work but got invited to a threesome with two blondes. I have no regrets.
Tell me about the handsome fellow on the top left
tfw will never tonguepunch his borkhole
No you didnt. Stop lying on the internet.
I bet he means in game and not rl.
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lmao what a sucker
And that ruins green sylvari for me
You'll regret it once its over and you're left unsatisfied with the feeling that you'll never have the real thing and you're wasting your time doing this virtually.
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Pompous miser and womanizer. Also a necromancer.
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This is a cute rat, I would give her cheese.

Do not fuck Sparklecharr
Do not fuck Sparklerats
Do not fuck Sparklenorn
Do not fuck Humans. Period.
Do not...wait, how do you tell if a sylvari is a sparklesalad? They're kind of naturally colorful.
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they all sparkle, man...
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please tell me the secret of getting a femcharr wife....
Assert your dominance over a mcharr sexually, that gets all the femcharr purring.
you first _____REDACTED____________ then ___________REDACTED___________________
So femcharr are only into penises that can redact into a sheath?
>only have 12 bloodstone rubies
>need about a thousand

kill me now.
*shoots you and takes your 12 bloodstone rubies*
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*erp's you while animeposting*
This is gw2s fault for not having enough content to talk about.
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Can I borrow someone with better eyes?
Left, middle, or right?
right matches your eyes, buckle looks a little weird though.
I can't really say I like any- that aqua and purple are just too jarring together
It used to be mostly sage, forest greens with gold accents but then I started adding brighter teals and Musky Grape and now I can't remember what it looked like originally :(
I mean, I like the idea of the teal metals being like corroded copper, but I'd probably pick another color for the cloth/leather, maybe something neutral like a brown
but that's just me
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l i n e u p s
Starting to kick myself over not buying a fucking perma hair kit because I had the genius idea of making Juggernaut for my scrapper pre-HoT.
I fucking love me some lineups, fAM
Your femcharr warrior is still my favorite out of the cats. Best fur pattern
>only one mesmer
>its a cat

Double faggot.
Mesmers are awful dude, don't act like they deserve repeats in a lineup.
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Thanks, she forever remains the most untouched lad. Every single one of my characters (even the non-charr) have had at least one TMK used on them. Femcharr war has stayed the same since I made her a month or so after launch.
I had a second mesmer but she died in the name of MORE MCHARR. Which is a shame because I love spikyface.
Also fuck off with your sparkle princess barbie doll mesmer bullshit.

So, what class is good in this game since I get a free level boost with HOT. I'm mostly wondering if I should go Mesmer or Elementalist.

I'm leaning mesmer since I thought mesmer was awesome at launch since I would trick the fuck out of people in PvP with illusions but I'll assume 3 years running people can now tell which is real, right?

If you can make a character look like Shiro from Factions I'd prob run w/e fucking class can do that. Which I assume would be assassin- I mean "thief"
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Did you really? She was one of your hottest Charr..
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Rest in peace, Thiccat.
>lyssa, dwayna, and balthazar all have full gemstore outfits of their avatars
>grenth just has the hood

It's like they don't even want money

Obvs no one gives a shit about melandru because we have enough sylvari clothes
>tfw there will never be a gemstore outfit for Abaddon
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rip riv.webm
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Yeah I deleted her so I could make my piece of shit rev that I hate. There's a bit of regret there but I did keep her sliders. Maybe I'll TMK my rev into her since his name is fairly androgynous.
How is Abbadon not our bae, without him every class that uses magic would not exist, no guardians, revenants, rangers, elementalists, mesmers, or necromancers.
Abaddon only got a bum deal cause ye olde humans were pussies who couldn't handle true magic and so he got curbstomped by the other gods into Torment
who is this effie person?
The less you know, the better.
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still haven't updated with Linkkle
I have 6 million karma and need gold, wat do?
Delete all tall races, replace with rats that sport the same outfits, skin color and hair color as those you sacrificed.
make 6 legendaries
your norn girl is alright

i don't have any other nice things to say about your lineup
Any1 else rubberbanding rly bad right now? Jesus fucking banana balls
Why she so thicc tho
your brown femsura makes me want to create a skinny one with huge shoulders, gloves and boots, but with skin-tight shirt and pants.
You can turn karma into legendaries? I thought you could only get like 2400g for 6000000k.
I want to put my poños in 4 so bad
go to sleep calsi

t. Calsi
I want Vaes tufty cunny sat upon my face
Can't sleep... the fluffy is going to suffocate me if I do....
Your Rev is delicious brown, delete one of your Vae clones, preferably Light Gae instead and make Revvae.
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>deleting my only pocket charr
But he's so cute and barbable.
pocket mcharr are a meme created by thicksura degenerates
do you want to feed into the ratfucker agenda?
Say yes.
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But I just wanted to be the smol one for once..
[THICC] guild when
Hahaha, we got him. He's one of us now, even if they don't know it yet.
>nearly have 100 gold after 4 years of on and off play
>450 gems from recent achievement chest
I'm almost tempted to part with my hard earned dosh for the nostalgia but at the same time I don't really like the redesign. It looks too particle effect and not enough actual weapon. What do?
Don't buy vanity with gems unless your lineup is already perfect with one of every class.
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What helmet is this?
Only Class I dont have is a necro. Also not bothering with a warrior, they were boring as fuck to play.
>5 sigs
It's like you don't even want 25 might, banners and Epi bounces in your raids.
I heard that B2P can change servers? Is that mean for free or have to pay?

Would changing servers benefit if I want to meme in WvW?

What server are you on

In general it's not worth it since you have to pay out the nose for virtually nothing
Jade Quarry
don't live us anon I'm a qt femsura I'll ERP with you if you want
Absolutely no point, you are already on a good high pop server and switching will not visibly change your fights since they're already as active as it gets

Spend more time in EB if you're feeling like it's too quiet
Understood. Thanks.
who are you? ign? c;
i wish he'd just go away forever
Not you, you're not even on JQ so shoo
mr. c:-reep...
okay, also keggin
but mostly "comfy," i've never once been made more comfy by his insulting childish quips
he's like... ugh, so uncomfy to be around...
i think he might be a pedophile or something, the way he talks is like a child molester
Who are the most hated posters on this general?
Anyone else here sick of the NPC's at the bank in lions? Shit is driving me insane.
I use the Mists for all my banking needs. Towns aren't worth all the noise and people.
>they're still playing with the voices on
literally what the fuck
touch the fluffy cunny
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>When u whisper the nornfu offering to level her and then go offline to fap

I literally always play with volume minimized so that only some of the heavier combat is barely audible. GW2 and Italo disco are a match made in Valhalla
I'm going to destroy the fluffy cunny
I'm s-suffocating... It's t-too fluffy....
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>its fluffy-o-clock
Reminder you're barely average and should uninstall if:

>sub 80k account value
>sub 25k AP
>less than 10 legendaries
>no Eternity
>no Dungeon Master
>sub WvW rank 8000
>no Dragon PvP rank
>no Ad Infinitum
>no Ascension
>didn't place in Legendary division at least twice in two seperate seasons
Who told you you could stop farming, miki
Baseline glider, updraft and mushroom jump should have been immediately available to players. It's crazy how much more natural the flow of the HoT zones becomes after just that little bit of arbitrary investment.
Are we going to have updrafts and mushrooms in every map from now on?

They'll probably need to change something when the next expansion comes out or new players are going to have to grind in HoT just to play it.
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Just make gliding universal. The other ones have no relevance outside Maguuma.
HoT will go free to play when Heart of Cold comes out
Primodius just awoke kiddo, that's our next target.

I hope we go to the ring of fire.
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I was merely minding my own business when a vigil crew constructed this palisade wall around me. Someone is getting smugged for this.

It'd be nice to see anet actually re-use and expand on features that they've already implemented for once, but that'll never happen. Gliding being universal might be nice. It'd be better if they kept the theme of sprawling maps with a bunch of jumps and height boosters but just folded them all into universal masteries that spanned both old and new zones.
m8 all of the dragons are fucking awake, we could be going anywhere

the desert
the ice
the underground fire
the water

all perfectly viable places to go next, none of them are for sure until it happens
i don't know anon, I'm having fun with this game. You should probably uninstall though, I imagine your friends and family miss you.

The Tyrian continent is really unlucky. Cantha and Elona must be paradise compared to Tyria filled with Eldritch Dragons bent on nuking the world.
> obese rat waddling with donut powder on her clawtips
This triggers and disgusts me.
literally a zombie apocalypse
Yeah Elona is ruled by a crazy powerful necromancer we released in GW1, there's probably a larger undead army there than Zhaitan had.

Cantha might as well not exist anymore due to racist NCSoft executives.

But he was popular among his troops. They were happy to seeing him back.

Probably "Bubbles", the Deep Sea Dragon, is close with the Imperialist Cantha facing it. Elona probably has to deal with Kralkatorrik.
He killed all the sunspears though, save for a few he let betray their oaths.

Honestly I think an Elona expansion is too much content for the team to make. Vertical maps take Anet a lot longer to make and it took them 1.5 years to give us 4 maps. Giving us enough area of Elona to really be substantial would probably take longer than they have.

What about the new maps for the living content?
What is the question?
Do they have a small team or something?

There are fourth map in Hearts of Thorns. But, arguably, the maps from 2nd Living Season should also count as part of the expansion.
No, Anet claims the reason their content takes longer is they have to make a lot more DE's to fill up a zone than quests would. They also spend a lot of time with quality of life improvements and correcting design decisions that were wrong.
Yeah, depends on how much we get. If we get 4 or 5 maps like Bloodstone Fen periodically up to the next expantion I would be satisfied. But I highly fucking doubt that will happen.
What if Imperial Cantha or Palawa Joko invades Tyria?
We will farm some AP with new Current Events
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Thanks for the solid advice all, I ended up listening to no one and making it much worse ;_;

i'll fix this some other time...
nice apron mom, what're you cooking for me today?
What class is it?
show me your gliderfu, anon
Then obviously Retard's Watch is there to save the day.
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i want vuncia to sit in my face
I want squatfu to squat on my face
Mesmer. Old combo was forest green and gold with natural accents, this one is just to mark where I want the light and dark contrast areas.
why's this game such shit

i can't kill anyone in sPvP and no one can kill me. takes forever. skill rotations don't make any fucking sense.

last i played was ~7months ago. is sPvP less terrible now?
>last i played was ~7months ago
Bunker Mesmer and all the other bullshit undying setups are gone, Engineer got nerfed but they're still the "most" tanky, so compare that to before.

It's still dumb but the reasons why are different.
>Skill rotations in PvP.

The have isn't shit anymore, but you will always be.
Vae...how is GW1..?
>play with a HOPE member in solo queue
>expect dank memes
>get a guy who was reasonably competent and knew having 2 people on an uncontested objective was retarded

Huh. really makes me think.
Vae isn't the only person playing GW1 right now....
>Deceptive evasion now generates a clone that dodges in the other direction from the mesmer dodging. It then proceeds to mirror the mesmer's movements and auto attacks for 3 seconds.
How are SFR doing in wub these days? Been a long time since I've played. Considering returning, maybe giving Revenant a go. Anyone know of a place where I can pick up HoT for cheap?
I already regret buying it
I need asura girlcock in my life
Nice staff for halloween at least.
I am surprised nobody asked yet, but how many cocks did you blow to afford the staff, Miki?
That's what you get.
SFR is doing pretty shittily so far, I'm surprised we haven't been merged because we defintely don't have the pop to fight against merged servers.
I wasn't even aware some servers had been merged.
WvW has been the same old shit since forever, the population is declining and even vets are getting bored of their own choice of bringing back alpine maps, turning off potential new players as well.
A shame. There only seems to be this or ESO that has the large scale battles such as WvW that I like.
I actually never played the new WvW map because when HoT came out I was too busy with pve

How was it? I heard a lot of people didn't like it for some reason
It was great, different areas with different gimmicks made zerg fights a lot more interesting.
People dropped them because they didn't like the gimmicks and minor PvE parts like keep bosses having patterns and whatnot, and the new WvW mechanics introduced with HoT were kind of shit (changed later but people blamed everything in the Desert Borderlands and boycotted them until a few days before they were removed).

WvW only players don't seem to realize that the game mode was supposed to be a blend of PvE and PvP right from the start and not just a 50vs50 zerg crash between two capture points.
It will never evolve and I don't think Anet will put much thought into it in the future as every change is seen like a treason.
HOPE discord? More like Lusster's blog. Gkick when?
>tfw both ESO's Alliance war and GW2's WvW have factors you like but also really shitty parts
>really like the size and expansive PvE in ESO, can have fights in some random cave or town, your zerg getting wiped can result in sneaking back home through swamp and underbrush like it's fucking vietnam, praying no one casts an anti-stealth spell or spams AoE nearby
>but the balance feels way wackier than GW2 where I know what to expect and some asshole isn't going to heal through multiple people wailing on him, all hitting him with an effective that reduces healing by a third
>GW2's seige game is better too, requiring multiple people to set up instead of everyone bringing their own personal trebs, ballistae and catapults that cost nothing but time to set up, which means a single man can lay siege to an outpost if he's willing to run between all his siege while it reloads and fire it off cooldown
>also a zerg can just pack up said siege to move it to the castle's inner wall, instead of having to either position it well enough to hide both or spend more supply
>despite it's bigger map, ESO's siege doesn't fire beyond visual range like GW2's trebs
Someone take these games and mash them together into something incredible, plz.

It looked really pretty and played well for a roamer - lots of ways to lose people beyond the Alpine strategy of having a lot of leaps/dashes/teleports and/or stealth.

But for zerging it wasn't so great. Not because 2confusing (though I'm sure zerglings did get confused) but because unlike Alpine the fortifications don't really.. help you do much. They're not staging grounds. The two north towers? In Alpine they are pivotal, you need to hold them because they can be used to treb garrison. This isn't true of Desert. You can let them burn. They're only good for PPT - they're basically a camp with walls. DBL had some cool ideas but it doesn't really have the proper flow.
I'll refund your staff if you ride mine.
Desert probably could have been shrunk down. After all, it was basically Alpine with a new skin overtop, they just decided to make it like 1.5x larger for no reason.
There's the upcoming DAoC spiritual successor, but last I remember, things were looking grim for it.
Oothier and the Krait

The krait spied the young witch wandering around the lake, he slithered while watching her explore his territory. Noiselessly slipping around the underbrush and being sure nobody was with the girl, slowly closing in on her. Oothier wasn't paying too much attention, being the ditzy guild leader she was. She was more focused on lazily walking through the forest next to the lake, eventually coming to a brief clearing and slowed down her pace. The krait took this opprotunity to pounce, surrounding her with his large tail as he rose well above her own height, he must have been at least 18ft long with his tail included. Oothier gasped turning around and backing up only a few steps, before pulling out her enchanted dagger and holding it up to defend herself. "Who sent you, human?" the krait questioned, swishing his tail behind her legs now that his presence was known. She gulped and held her stance "Nobody.. I just travel on my own..." she stammered, never seeing such a large krait before. The krait pulled out his own blade, promptly swinging it towards her head to test her reaction. She quickly brought her dagger above her head and used all her might to stop him, her feet digging into the dirt from his strength against her own. He pushed harder with his sword, pushing the dagger out of Oothier's hand, and then swiftly whipping the back of her legs with his tail. She collapsed on the ground before him, looking like she was praying or begging to him, looking up innocently with her one good eye, knowing this may as well be her demise.

The krait smiled, his fanged mouth looked even more monstrous to say the least. He wrapped the end of his tail around her legs and lifted her up into the air. She gasped again, as she felt her carapace pants lifting over her waist, trying her best to keep her privates covered even in such a damning situation, her face turning a bright pink despite having done way worse things in the past.
"Please stop! Put me down!" she yelled at him, he continued chuckling, wiggling her around as if she were a toy to him. Noticing her top and ripping the fabric away so that her large pale breasts were on display for him. She moved one hand to cover her breasts now as she, still had the other covering her crotch. He gripped her head and turned her up-right, forcing her to look down towards his waist. She looked at first with hesitation then horror, as two thick spires emerged from the krait's tail. Already dripping wet with precum, he coiled his tail around Oothiers body making sure he had a good grip on her legs. Then with his free hand, he held grabbed one of her wrists, then the other, and held them behind her back. She suddenly realized what was going on the two cocks began throbbing and leaking more precum down the undersides. Her one eye went wide, as he forced her head down along his bottom cock, the upper one making a mess of her hair, she felt her screaming against his spire, only making it feel more pleasurable, as he shoved inch after inch into that tight hole. She couldn't stop him, or even struggle away as his tail kept her at his mercy. His gutteral laughs echoing through the forest as she cried from the pain of a krait's cock invading her throat, she hoped nobody would catch her in such a compromising position, how embarrassing would it be to be caught by your guildmates.

The group of adventurers heard the demonic laugh, assuming it was a quest and heading towards it. Miki, Faeeq, Delphy, and Florburz wandered toward the scream, mindlessly killing regular krait along the way. Florburz asked "Does that scream remind you of me, why isnt this more about me." Faeeq replied with his abs. Miki said "It does remind me of something... but I can't really put my finger on it" in european, Delphy replied "U wot" not able to understand her. They killed the last few krait in their way and finally came to the same clearing Oothier had been wandering at.
The group came to the clearing and saw the krait violating their guild leader! Except Miki, who enjoyed the fact that the rival guild leader was in such a predicament, at least she was, until she saw how big the krait's slimy cock was. She quickly became jealous and shouted in european "Not fair, you must share that with me white girl." The rest of the group ignored her and started getting closer towards the beast, except Delphy who ran away like a fucking cuck. The krait noticed the new people and held his sword toward them, "Back you fools, or my blade will be the next thing to go through her throat." he said continuing to jerk the girls body along his cock. She gagged and moaned against him, the second cock slapping against her face as he slithered around awkwardly, still holding her with his tail and her arms still held firmly with his free hand. Florburz was a engineer today, he brought out his hammer, and readied it against the new foe "You better put her down son, or I'm going to have to do something really not nice, that you wouldn't like, it wouldn't be something you-" he was cut off by faeeq flexing his abs, and flying at the beast with whirlwind speed. The krait shreiked blocking faeeq with his own blade and coming back for another swing at the puny human. Faeeq quickly flexed harder than before, blocking the blade, and bringing his muscular arms down around it, "I'm hooked now." he quipped. The krait swung his sword up, making Faeeq fly up with it, he uncurled himself around the blade and continued soaring upwards. Miki had already moved over to the kraits second cock, kissing and licking at the the slimy membrane it leaked. She couldn't help but inhale and crave his musky slime, "Give it to me creature, I require this" she said in european, the krait replied back "Err.. right.." letting go of Oothier's hands and grabbing Miki. He looked up, and couldn't see the man, back down at Miki already naked and grinding against his cock.
The krait looked up for the shirless man from before, seeing nothing but a glint in the sky and hearty chuckling from far away. He shrugged turning his back down to Miki, realizing she had already taken her clothes off and was grinding against his upper cock, her ass in Oothier's face as if she didn't care. Oothier gave her ass a dirty look, but not for long as she gagged yet again on the cock lodged down her throat. She could barely breath and was beginning to pass out. Florburz got closer with his hammer, the krait still trying to balance two women on his cocks while prepping himself to fight the charr. He needed his tail for this and uncoiled around Oothier's legs, her body collapsed against the ground and fell of his cock, panting and trying to catch her breath. She was quickly picked up again by his tail and forced down his lower spire, wrapping her arms around Miki and groping her breasts to stay on. He shoved both women down, making sure he pierced the deep, keeping them stuck to his body as he could more appropriately fight the charr now. Mike hopped off only for a moment, to turn around and slide against Oothier. Looking into her eye and saying "Thank you for sharing, I am very gracious to your attitude of sharing" in chinese, Oothier just nodded absently. Miki wrapped her arms around Oothier, and Oothier around Miki, both of them wrapping their legs around the krait's tail as best as they could.

The krait slithered toward Florburz and readying his sword to kill pathetic cat, Florburz swung his hammer like a retard a few times before finally charging forward in a zigzag pattern. The krait waited for Florburz to come to him and slashed eagerly with his sword, the two women swaying side to side on his cocks, the fight only making him harder. "Give back Oothier! You can keep Miki, be reasonable, Miki is a much greater asset to own, she seems to really like you, Oothier on the other hand, when you weigh the pros and cons, like, lets see the pros-"
He was interrupted from his speech as the krait swung again, clashing against Florburz hammer over and over in an attempt to knock it out of his hands. Miki and Oothier were making out now, nobody saw who started it, but they seemed really into it as they bounced on his cock. "Please?" Florburz asked nicely, "NO!" the krait hissed back, swing his tail around to hit Florburz. Florburz, tried to block with his own tail, and was completely swept out from underneath his own feet. The tail whipped back around for another hit, smashing into Florburz side, the Krait hissed at him again, grabbing Miki and Oothier, and jerking them along his cock as he made Florburz watch. Laughing maniacally, he brought his sword up to finally finish the charr's life. That is until he heard something in the distance... "aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" screamed Faeeq, soaring from the heavens, greatsword in hand. "WHAT THATS IMPOSSIBLE" the krait shrieked out "IT CANT BE!", Faeeq shouted back, "IT LOOKS LIKE YOU HAVE HAD..." bringing his greatsword above his head and down in front of him "TWO" slicing through both of his arms, continuing down to the twin cocks, timing it perfectly so that he cut them off without harming Miki or Oothier. "MUCH TIME WITH THESE LADIES." he finished, the krait began screaming as he bled from his arms and mutilated cocks, slithering away on his back in pain, trying to get back to the lake he came from. Faeeq decided to let him go, it wasn't his choice to let someone or something live or die, only mutilate them to the point they can't fight back. He pulled Florburz up flexing his arm as he easily pulled the charr twice his size out of the large dent in the ground. Miki and Oothier were no longer kissing, really turned off by all the gore, and sliding the dismembered cocks out of their bodies. "I don't even like you people, you haven't even finished wing 1, I want to leave." Miki said in russian, Florburz quickly activated his defense force siren "N-No!"
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Lusster is a bully now, gkick lusster!
HAHAHA, now TWO characters get to wear "mesmerizing" dyes!
Asura are disgusting little gremlins.
You're just saying that because we don't have fluffy tails, poor posture and excessive armor clipping
smug rats make me sick
Why can't every race have a fluffy tail? who the hell is in charge of balance at Anet?
Smug rats are treasures.
Strong rats have justly earned their size.
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These threads are garbage. Far too many rats and furries, far too few salads and FHDs.
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Hello! I haven't played since living story was introduced and I have some questions.
I'm really interested in the druid spec for ranger and I was wondering if you think it'd be worth reinstalling the game, buying heart of thorns and getting a new character through the story for?

Would anyone maybe be interested in letting me join their guild and hold my hand through all the new things every now and then? The last time I played I didn't interact with anyone so it was really lonely.

Thank you for reading, sorry to bother!
are you a qt fhd? if so whisper me Jeff Vann
Join FUN (EU) or HOPE (NA).
don't do that.
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I'm not sure what fhd stands for so I can't say! My first character was a Sylvari and my ranger would be too because I love plants. I'd have to buy a make over kit for the new hairstyles and faces, they look really cute!

I'm EU but would it be a good idea to be in the NA one? NA servers tend to be more active overall in my experience.
>I'm EU but would it be a good idea to be in the NA one?
EU is active enough. NA would be quite dead during EU prime times.
Also, HOPE is the guild full of meme-spouting idiots, constantly shitposting in /gw2g/, while FUN usually kicks those who won't stop meme-spouting/shitposting.
My favourite meme is NA vs EU
I can't promise there'll be someone to hold your hand all the way through the new content but I'd suggest you to join FUN if you want people to talk to, we're always happy to answer questions.

And there's no reason to move to NA if you're EU, the game is far from dead, on both regions.
Do I defend Astorea or rescue Ysvelta?
>open up LFG
>nothing on it
game is alive guys
>retard doesnt understand everyone is too much of a FUCKING PUSSY to make their own lfg and are doing exactly what he's doing and waiting for someone else to do make it

why the literal fuck should there be anything on the lfg, unless it was a dead game where you cant even find a full group
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>>FUN kicks those who won't stop meme-spouting/shitposting.
yea thats why FUN kept jugg for years while HOPE kicked him immediately
>HOPE kicked jugg

and he's still mad about it lmao
Are Mystic Forge Conduits worth it? They're like 7g for all the pieces on the TP which isn't really all that much if you're actively playing the game, but that's still 7g I could use for something else.
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>a mundane gkick cursed us with caturday
Please, that's like saying EU is full of animal fucker furfags if you go off this thread, don't be so ignorant about HOPE and even FUN for that matter.
he was kicked for a few reasons, but he was already doing caturday and tried to blame it on HOPE since he was technically in it, so dros kicked him
Where do pictures like these come from
tumblr, where you can just tell normalfags they are pedophobic and they will leave you alone to draw child porn
just send the 7g to me, it'll be used to fund my main char min/max and/or a cool greatsword skin
>cant afford 7g for an unlimited mystic forge
Thank you very much for answering my questions! I'm a bit too poor to afford the expansion and such as is but I'll keep this in mind for the future.
I don't suppose the general has a discord or somesuch?
I had no idea the normal forge had a limit, anon
he got kicked because of caturday
No, most thread-based discords are cancer anyway, you'll enjoy FUN /g though.
Did you even bother to actually read what I wrote?
I said the 7g isn't much money but I'd rather spend it on something else so I'm not sure if I want to buy the conduit parts.

Learn some damn reading comprehension.
then buy something else, but 7g for a mystic forge you can use anywhere infinitely(priceless) isn't a bad deal, and its not like you have to buy another once you have it, 7g is like nonissue level of finances, learn some 15min gathering routes noob

where did I imply that? take this fags advice >>152077252
>Learn some damn reading comprehension.
not same anon but i think what he meant was
>not wanting to pay 7 tiny gold to have the mystic forge with you anytime anywhere
>no longer to ever go to LA just for mystic forge, possibly saving money on wp fees
>you must be retarded
thats my guess
>he didn't just farm the gold to buy it instead of posting on 4chan
>this literally means no limit
>using unlimited as a selling point for the item implies that the regular thing has a limit, why fucking else would you say it is unlimited
you're a retard, now stop blaming other people for being a mumbling retard
>theres a mystic forge node that came before the conduit that was one time use
now youre just being a newfag
I bought the stuff for the conduit as well as bought a copper fed salvage-o-matic

Having a conduit, salvage-o-matic for trash gear, and some mystic salvage kits for the decent stuff(and a few bank accesses to quickly grab more forge stones) is really great since I no longer have to leave Orr or the jungle maps ever during my farms.

Not having to deal with all the faggots in LA is also a pretty big bonus.
The conduit costs 40g to make. I don't know where you're getting 7g from.
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lol, please fuck off retard
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>allows the unlimited
On the TP the node is like 80s the Nexus is ~3g and the frame is like ~5g

So it's more like 9g if you just buy the shit off of the TP.
>he still doesn't have Ultimate Dominator
You also need 50 mystic coins.
I already have it for 3 years tho
Which is something you get for free from the daily log in rewards.

Who the fuck BUYS mystic coins?
Someone who hasn't been hoarding their coins like a faggot for the last 3 years because they've been making legendary weapons?
dont they only take like 50-100?
Aren't they used in the mystic clover gambling part of making a legendary?
>making legendary weapons like a faggot
1/10 bait
its okay to be in denial about your waste of money
mcharr choking on husbands musky cock
Mental problems
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Stop shitposting.
This, leave Miki alone. We already know she is a barbslut.
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What does Miki's cunny smell like?
Post Miki barb logs
Like forced memes
I want to take Miki to the barber shop
steamed rice
the smell of mcharr seed probably
Stop replying to yourself.
>waste of money
>you can waste virtual money
>its a waste to spend virtual money on virtual things
lol nice try anon
What does mcharr seed smell like?
sounds like someone is jealous
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Furaffinity, actually. haw.
Is hope any good at pvp?
A couple are, but otherwise no.
I feel like actually going to the mystic forge is a cool little ritual for any time you need to use the thing, and most players don't actually use it often enough for this to be even a mild inconvenience.
which greatsword is nice on a c@ warrior
Your imagination.
Being "good" at pvp in gw2 amounts to reading a match and knowing how to be in the right place at the right time, when to leave a fight, looking at how many people are on each point and understanding which one is most vital for you to go to in order to secure the victory.

This game's capture point pvp mode is 100% strategy, no skill. Winning or losing a 1v1 depends entirely on what class and build you are playing and which one of you has their cooldowns off. In the case where both players are playing the same shit and are fresh off spawn then there might be a measure of skill, but more likely they will both stagnate until one of them has to disengage.

It's a game about controlling circumstance, there's not much mechanical skill in it.
>is a large group of people being treated as a single identity good at a game mode
which greatsword that doesn't cost a fortune is nice on a c@ warrior
alternatively: buy me fused
>mesmer can have maybe 50% stealth uptime, and make 10 people invisible for at most 7 seconds, on a at lowest 63ish second cd
>thief has 4 second duration stealth with no cooldown, effectively giving them 100% stealth uptime

That's okay, the thief should have better stealth access, plus that kind of stealth uptime means the thief isn't doing much else with how their resources work and the mesmer is fine in 2nd pla---

>engineer has 30 seconds of stealth for everyone that reapplies after hitting people, and all on a 40 second cooldown or something like that, meaning for the average length of a fight ,the engineer has 100% stealth uptime for his whole team at no upkeep cost

what. Why is the engineer allowed to outstealth the mesmer, and arguably the thief?
Has anybody here been banned for trading gold on d2jsp?
Your choices are either spikes or sparkles
I'd assume so
Haven't been able to play much the past few days due to irl stuff, but I'll potter around with it today sometime.
>its this mesmer guy again
Mindfag is that you?
No, but I am genuinely curious about why engineers get access to the best stealth skill in the game.
Well, what would you put on my back?
Because Engineers are the masterclass.
It's all detailed in Mein Kit.
Your furry backpack
Another banhammer from FUN.
quick! you have 10 seconds to explain why you have accepted JUSTICE into your hearts!
havent!** (not used to this darn phone yet)
You are not justice rat.you deserve nothing.
fuck off jugg
anon, i hate to tell you this... but thats a human
justice rat STINKS and is a forced meme

do NOT roleplay in the thread
Not sure about your back, but I'd put one of those autism crash helmets on your head.
I will role play where I please

that human means NOTHING
There is no justice within Divinity's reach
is world pvp dead in this game or still just as strong?
post ur posse
>world pvp
Nice use of those goggles to hide that big ass forehead.
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I'd swing it around but it just ain't possible, try again.


Calm down man, jugg doesn't even play the game anymore.

That's hokey.

I'd love to but the shade of metal is completely different from the armor, and I'm not sure if I'm willing to fuck with those dyes.

is it really that dead lmao
u just jelly of my anime xkiritox swag xd
They grouped the shitty/dead servers with servers that actually do stuff so now it's 4 tiers/12 ranks instead of 8 tiers/24 ranks. It's probably more active now than it was before.
how this thread has been up for almost 3 days is beyond me
the zerging any good though? still teamspeak led by leaders? or just a free for all?
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nice hair, did your mom help you with it
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I'm back!
Now jump off a cliff.
no but i helped stain that semen covered mop u call hair
depends on who your server merged with or if you're on one of the main servers. i can only speak for t1
My chars are on Deso EU, i was thinking of coming back only for WvW though.
It should be illegal to have this many faggots in a single picture.
dude ur hair is the same color LMAO
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take off the goggles so everyone can see that billboard youre covering up
whats up buttercup

Flash those sweaty inner thighs for the camera Bru, you dirty cockloving slut

Just like that
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Gw2-64 2016-08-17 17-13-02.jpg
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nah m8 mine is winter ice, aka swag sheen
>>152096154 is the color of semen that has marinated from multiple backalley sessions

literally dick sucking lips
Why are so many of the BL ticket weapon skins shit?
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leave her legs alone
literal fuckboi
>brulent tries to make friendly banter

>jeff vann just makes it sexual and isn't even clever because he doesnt feel he has to try
show us that cum dripping down ur legs you whore
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his hair is holding him back
even your hair knows its awful, its trying to escape off of your head
>he feels he doesnt have to try because he already has her as a girlfriend
>treats her like shit

maybe brulent has daddy issues or is fat irl, that would make sense
i wanna cum in so many FHD lmao
>he didn't save that pic of her BIG FAT TITS jeff vann posted for everyone
just like that baby is trying to escape that pregnant-at-18 slut's belly

do it bruh
Dump Jeff so I can fuck this FHD
she's pregnant man that shits been destroyed
>bru's sweet sweet tits
He was the true mvp that day
>the only way brulent can feel love is through the cold affection of jeff vann the chubby chaser
>it's autism o' clock
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lip to gourd action.jpg
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get back to me when ur hair stops hovering over ur head
thats not a reason
right after u hover over this dik

new thread for you fellas
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Cancer face
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best claws.jpg
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>this is what human mains look like
venom and effie did nothing wrong

t. dindu
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>sparklecat complaining about aesthetics
Go save Ysvelta, totally worth it
Thread posts: 755
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