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Fighting Games General /fgg/

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Thread replies: 763
Thread images: 166

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first for broski
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luvcheez teach me how to play honk
Second for me
How's SF4 online?
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This guy added me after playing SFV for a couple of hours. I don't recall playing him, should I just accept?
mostly dead
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is that a beard I see...
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>tfw mom burned the nuggets
>had to scream at that dumb bitch for 10 mins
>lost my next 3 ranked games

Why are you lying? You saved it from 4chan.
is it gay if you had a dream about sucking a girl's dick?

asking for a friend
all you need to know with honoka are 2 things

1. 6p
2. 6 throw at the wall

Does st.lk hit confirm into stuff? Gotta be able to follow it up otherwise they'll realize it's a trap because that's the only reason I ever use it.

I've been using the cancel into command dash shoulder out of stuff. I like it off cr.mk. My problem is off cr.mk on a hit I want to tenko and on a block I want to either nothing or shoulder, but, I find it hard to react to, due to a bunch of things. I've set the dummy to random block and I'm trying to train up on it but I think it might not be reactable and you've got to anticipate a block or hit ,rather than react to it.

Any other useful Karin tips? This is all super helpful.
i'm in europe and have no trouble finding ranked or endless matches

yeah sometimes it's the same 10 people cycling but i get matches even in the middle of the night
>Does st.lk hit confirm into stuff?
Go into the training room and figure it out.
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Depends. Was it "his" own will or "he" forced?
bros, this looks like the silhouette in the cpt mystery download bros

could it be akuma is in kof 14 bros? are we finally getting cvs3?
how hard will it be to install new buttons if ive never soldered before
i dont like this fetish
depends what stick you have
Why though? He passed out and his mistress was happy.
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please make it stop
where the fuck's their air conditioner
there was apparently no force
Anyone have vsfghting backets and results?

sf4 colors are very nice to look at compared to sfv
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He beat MBR.

Our guy is going to win this shit for America.
So who is in top 8?
He's from the UK.
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Hes still our boy.
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>Gllty is a cuck
>didn't do a single pose Ibuki does

I think ricky and gllty looked cuter when they were male. Now they just look like bad females.
>when they were male.

You mean before they started transitioning?
Trans women are -never- male.
They're just pre-transition mtfs
>maximum overcuck

Back when Capcom didn't go full PC...

Now I had my CFN changed because it had the word "sodomy" in it
Triggered. Delete.

this game is made by one person in UE4 (same engine as sf5)
zangief think he slick
The fuck are you talking about?
You don't need to hit confirm off a +3 point blank normal for it to be a threat. You're already threatening tick grab by being that close to them. Counter-hit st.lk confirms but you'll need godlike reactions or autopilot into mp and confirm the special to input the next normal quick enough.

cr.mk (dash) is autopilot, you are confirming into tenko or shoulder on hit/block.
Another one you can try is the 'mago bnb': cr.mp (confirm), cr.mk -> juggle. The mp gives you tons of time and frame advantage; this is better than mp->mp because it connects at farther range.

Other tips.. she has the best fireball punishes - you can reaction hp ressenha into super against shotos from (almost) fullscreen. Closer - EX dash tenko into juggle. Closer - raw super (spam buffer and react with punch). Read - regular orochi goes through after orochi is active.
Hey guys, remember in SF4 when you threw a fireball and then FADC'd immediately to punish their punish to your fireball
If you can FADC in that situation then what they did was not a punish
is this bait
>fadcing a fireball
No one ever did this in high level
what kind of retard would fadc a fucking fireball outside of a hitconfirm?
>chun li
I dunno what gllty looked like before but i would do gllty super hard.
Other tips...
st.mk is a "good" button, but doesn't lead into damage. I'd rather get a st.mp/st.hp whiff punish/counterpoke into juggle
st.hk is slow and only really useful with VT. Do not use like a standard poke; offline better players can whiff punish this easily.

rekka backdash can be punished by some characters.

rekka followups are actually a TRUE mixup.
Punch followup beats jab mashers (unsafe)
down+punch leaves karin +1 but loses to jab mash
Not sure about slide

Karin has great and varied followups to launcher. You can go for raw damage, tatsu for oki (safejump/crossup), vskill for meter and its own set of safe pressure, or jab jab xx dash for a left/right reset.

cr.mk xx tatsu (confirm) xx super is a very easy option select poke to throw out when you're stocked.
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How do I enable training mode for 3S on fightcade
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thanks for the laff
That's not too different, still cute, though those dilation glasses aren't helping
Defend this
do not laugh this is a daigo technique

>projectile invincible moves goes through projectiles

stop the presses
It has projectile invincibility???
>a tatsu with that arc has projectile invincibility when only 3 characters have fireballs that go into the air
>all 3 of those characters are low tier
Use MAME instead, the cheats on there work better imo
Is this a read, luck, or option select?
Luck. I've mashed out super on Dhalsim as Alex and it autotracked him during his teleport. Really brings the whole "YOU CAN'T ESCAPE" thing full circle
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>silvers with option selects
>silvers with reads
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Why is that bullshit fireball immune out the ass and my birdie dive gets fucked over by any fucking nash fireball?
Its bullshit. Ken has his own fireball he doesnt even need to fly over shit.
why is there no good PC fighting games still?
skulkgirls, usf4, ki

tekken 7 soon
umvc3 eventually
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>umvc3 eventually
So what did the "chun is mid tier she hasn't won any majors" guy have to say after chun won those tournies?
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He's a silver player, he doesn't know what an option select is.

But yeah, you can probably late-os that fierce into super to beat teleport. Better players could reaction ultra when the fierce whiffs.
Better yet, turn input display on and you can see exactly how hard he was mashing.
Why are you teleporting into the corner (reaction punishable) instead of using vreversal, block, or slap xx vt ?
Made the read you were gonna just block so wanted to normal xx super, luckily he was mashing hard enough he got it to come out on whiff, making it an option select.

Hes obviously smurfing
Why does it feel like none of the sfv characters have personality

Everyone feels like a board and no one is unique

Except of course birdie but even then he is a cliche

All the other fighting games have unique character personalities but this if just

good vs evil no real inbetween
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bricc r u here??
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cute doggo!
>smash players
where did I say anything that has to do with smash?
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>start fight against nash
>playing ryu
>first round start
>immediately dp
>it catches his mk.scythe
every goddamn time
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I don't see how what that had to do with smash bro.
Why aren't more high level pros entering the online events?
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*throws sonic boom*

jump back
get hit

jump forward
get AA'd

Netural jump
Still get hit or AA'd
*throws sonic boom again*
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post yfw urien is fucking garbo
*uses anti-fireball v-skill*
*also throws fireball*
Are the battle lounges kinda jittery for anyone else? I can't seem to find a good connection to save my life, and it doesn't seem to be me
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why is a crouching straight punch on cammy an anti air
it makes
no sense
They've all got their own heritage and are from different parts of the world.

Nash is a fucking ZOMBIE
Bison is consumed by PSYCHO PAWAH
Ken is le american playboye
How can you hate these characters?
Juri is a slut
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Can't you neutral jump that into a full punish if that's your read?

Better than risking a full crush counter punish...

Because she crouches below where you'd normally be swinging at with your jumpin

If you think that's dumb, have you seen sf2's lack of tripguard?
why is he dressed like juri?
It's about making a statement.
And also cause yolo.
He'll be mid tier. He has an invincible reversal (ex headbutt)
>gootecks and justin somehow keep it professional
I would've put that kid on blast. He wasted a time slot.
100th for broski!
Do retards actually believe this bullshit?
>I like that shirt

is gootecks gay furry
Is he playing now or what?
why would you want to embarrass yourself like this?
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>who's your favorite character?
>"oh you know i dont really have one"
>if one million dollars was on the line what character would you pick?
>*waits for char select to load*

what a cuck i hope he killed himself
Anyone know top 8 for VSfighting?
God I hope Tizoc doesn't suck in this now that his throws can actually hit.
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>I've never been raped but that didn't make the rape flash-back I suffered any less real
Please tell me this is a joke
Shit it's probably real
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He lost to the same Chun. No shame in that. Our boy ISDD will be back when Chun is nerfed.
Best guile in the world, Pum Pums best be looking out.
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You could just tell they knew he was bullshiting
I'm not sure if the same people that were on fgg same hour last night are here, but I'm the guy that was asking for advice on what to do in your first tournament

Well I went 4-2, this was for all of you.

i'm not as upset as I thought I was going to be but I am upset that I lost to a damn mvc3 player playing Mika....and then to blaqskills vega. Mika is definitely Fucking bullshit. Funny thinghappened combojack ragequit the tourneyafter going 0-2 losing to the same marvel Mila player I lost to

You guys aren't so bad at times....lol
i want to fug that ginger

4-2 is better than like 95% of people's first tournament

good job
Which female has best feet?
Congrats on doing pretty well at your first tournament! Out of curiosity what rank are you senpai?
who are the best eyedol players to watch at the moment?
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good shit fampai, keep going!
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Well done for first offline tourney.

Dealing with Mika's bullshit is matter of some experience and patience. But if you ever come across competent Laura, well she is worse than Mika at times.
Doesn't KI have replay videos ingame? Can't you just watch top ranked players play him?
They're japanese anon, they probably don't know what cuck means, but have a dictionary of sex acts to censor.
Where you located senpai? Combo jack always used to go to the locals I attend, dude spergs out super hard whenever he loses to someone he doesn't 'deem worthy'

I kept telling you not to be autistic and have a good time and to not sweat it. Glad to see you didn't go 0-2
I never actually noticed he said he played on xbox. Holy crap kid.
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Thank you I FUCKING CHOKED THOUGH IN MY FIRST MATCH which was something I strongly wanted to avoid doing even after playing casuals....

I almost panicked but I remembered what you guys told me to do and that was to keep calm and not sperg even though it was difficult. I won but I was mad, hands were shaking and stuff.

Thank you and Gold :(

can't get seem to get to super but I quit rank I'm done with unintentionally sperging out due to playing stupid shit or losing to laggy asshole no skilled mexicunts that tbag/taunt.not sure if youknow that feeling

Going to tournaments is a wild ride. Guess it's true at the end of it you feel that you could've done better and are better but lost to stupidity. My case was a stupid mika who showed no neutral all it took was one hit on me
Nice penis toes

Would sniff/10
I'm not comfortable with you saying that
Yeah I completely understand I've only been to two tournaments but I feel like the games were so much better then my online ones due to zero lag and being calmer.
you kinda sound like an autist, but good for you man.
It's okay anon. We've all sperged out over online at somepoint, some just won't admit it.

Hell Mika makes me want to lose my shit every time I fight her. I have to take a break after a match with her regardless of the outcome just so I can "reset my brain."
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Thank you and haha thanks for that advice and he totally did lol the guy he ragequit on was scared and he kept cursing the retarded marvel mika player after he lost it was intense

I'm located far from la but took it upon myself to attend this tourney. Socal wnfs players are no fucking joke

Thanks I'll try to go to more. This actually is motivating me to go to SCR even if it isgoing to be at an abysmal venue an hour and a half away
Mika is definitely worse imo this guy did not demonstrate any sense of neutral and took me off as all he kept doing was throwing out random shit

All in all it was a better experience than anime tournaments
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Well don't go around posting your lewd sexually charged penis toe'd feet at night kiddo
What is your CFN?
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Too little variation.
man my ibuki v-trigger setplay is getting weak

i need new setups

anyone know of an ibuki discord i can sneak into
yeah sorry if I appear that way it was just a good run and now I sort of know what to expect but it was definitely a lot less stressful than I thought it would
Fuck mika. Infiltration was right
You should come out to WNF sometime friendo. We can run some casual sets and meme it up between our matches if you ever show up. I make an hour and a half drive to WNF as well, maybe we live in the same area.

And yeah lmao the esports arena is a fucking TERRIBLE venue for SCR. I can't even imagine how packed and smelly the venue is going to be. I'm not looking forward to that at all. Fucking Valle
Valle is a stupid ass for seriously thinking putting a fucking major at esports arena is a good idea
Asian online qualifier is starting.
bruh, it's real
And the caster by Cameraman is too terrified to make any sense.
>online tourneys in non-GGPO fighting games
This can only end in disaster. I want to see the rollback when a turkroach plays an Aussie.

What the fuck WAS that moron thinking setting up scr at esports? As if not having marvel as a main lineup was a stupid idea itself, well considering marvel is heavily played at wnf that is. What's the venue like during the week? A lot of people are complaining about this mexijew's decision about the venue on Facebook
I remember going to the first WNF for the release of SFV and it was fucking PACKED. Straight up wall to wall and they only had like 230 players for SFV. I can't imagine the clusterfuck of trying to run a MAJOR in some small ass venue, even if it has two floors. The fact that it's at the esports arena makes me not want to go because it's going to be so crowded but I'm going to cave in regardless.
Is there any trick to canceling 2 shorts into super in 3s? do i really have to input the super this fucking faster after the second light button? im not sure my old man hands can handle it
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I can't take it
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Good morning /fgg/
Is this Hugo??
i really really hate that punch followup after bisons ex headstomp

i know exactly how to punish it, except they switch sides for a bit and then come back to the same side, so half the time my dp gives me kunai reload and back mp gives me st.mp

its not a read, its not skill, its taking advantage of shitty sideswitch detection and should be removed
epic post you dumb shitter
how do you deal with zangief's lariat?

it makes him invincible, works as an anti air, safe poke, punish, it does everything
it just werks

why make ken have to think

amazing design
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>safe poke
oh i am laff
>ibuki main complaining about sideswitches
not an argument

>He doesn't know Zangief's lariat is also a combo ender
This is our jive
what's yours, ill create a new one to add you. I used a name I use everywhere online don't want to give myself out :/

Where are you or who are you lol sounds like fun I'll try to come out but can't promise anything because traffic sucks but it'll probably be worth it. I heard horror stories about parking and getting around esports though
>still playing sfv
Why torture yourself?
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t. snkuck
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>complaining about bisons shitty ex devil reverse

>complaining about a shitty character single side switch move while using a layered setplay character

Really nigga
Fuck yes capcom is listening to us fans again. MvC4 and CvS3 will soon be here.

thank you esports
just like darlstalkers, rival schools, mega man
>asia and oceania have same online qualifier event
is capcom this stupid
the lag is 300ms+ between ANZ and asia
Oh you like E-Sports? Based d3v has more for you!
Did they really write an article about a reddit post that is an announcement of an announcement that will come after their FAQ is done?

SRK has gone downhill.
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based Bamco
Megaman is back, baby. With this awesome new cartoon show in the making. The plot has Megaman struggle juggling his all day school life and being a superhero.
SRK is a glorified billboard for fighting games. It holds even less merit than eventhubs. Eventhubs even did an article on the 8f lag and spoke with FourWude about it. SRK tried to sweep it all under the rug. Just like they locked their forums so outsiders wouldn't see all the SFV backlash.
Legenday ST Guile player Muteki trying out Guile in V

any ken tutorials, I'm feeling like playing sfv for a while
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Wow this alternate outfit looks good but I know you scummy publishers. How much will that cost me to own? It must be $20+$10 tax to support the Tekken tour, right?
daigo for setplay potential
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>is capcom this stupid
It's cute that you still have to ask.
Is Laura really that bad?
>Just like they locked their forums so outsiders wouldn't see all the SFV backlash.

Is that the actual reason why? If so, that's hilarious. I had lurked SRK forums without an account for a long ass time because I liked reading through the stick threads and related topics, then one day could no longer do it because lolaccountonly. I never saw it brought up anywhere and never heard anything about why.
It's hilarious. They actually thought online tourneys could be done over longer distances with their shitty netcode. Might aswell roll a dice instead.
Making the forums private prevents google and other search engines from pulling form posts with sfv critic up in search results.
If I want to learn Charge who is the best to start out with?
Yes. They locked it during SFV launch when everyone was shitting so hard on the game. SRK is just a glorified shilling site.
SF IV was a mistake
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It's funny seeing Harada constantly reassuring fans that DLC content will be free on twitter. He's alright.
guile or rog, don't play bison cause he has no walk speed
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Aussies may be interested in Honoka's seiyuu
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do any fighting games have genderswapped character or costumes?
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Guile in ST
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>spacing your ultra wrong
How is this fighting games?
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Yes. While in V-triggered mode, Ken's hurricane kicks eats projectiles.
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Why are all sfags deviantarts?
Fuck off with this disgusting shit.
You can stop now Gllty
August 7th, still no Urien, they can't keep getting away with this.
>the floor is lava in sfv
>every character who doesn't have amazing anti airs is shit tier
coincidence? :-)
why does capcom treat SFV worse than a random steam early access indie dev would
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Voice actor of a fightan character is not /fg/-related?

Daigo confirmed for OzHadou nationals:
Infiltration is coming too;
So 3rd place is the best any Aussie can hope for…
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>liking girls more than men is now considered disgusting

thats not a costume, tekken has some dope character customization, not soul calibur levels though
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Genderswapped Urien looks like Evil ELENa
If you what you consider girls are actually men with their gender swap you need to reconsider your life.
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Because random early access indie developers care for their games and fanbase while capcom is a former big developer and publisher that systematically scared away all their talent and fans with brain.
nash has really good anti airs you derp
and projectiles to benefit off of them
You going to OHN? I was thinking of going but not sure.
I dont even play these stupid babby games lmao but mika is the best
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they're fictional characters

female ryu is not male ryu that turns into a girl.

female ryu is just that. female ryu.
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You buy the game you own it! This and a near infinite amount of possible combinations that you can customize to your own liking for every character, even Akuma from the Iron Fist Tournament Series FOR NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE.
You pay $59,99€ and you own it all!
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>d3v so desperate he spams tumblrina images of street fighter """"""girls""""""
Just tell ono to fix his fucking game dude wtf.
would've been better with a modest chest
Based, the real trinity
>You could just tell they knew he was bullshiting
Well after he says Xbox I think anyone with half a brain would know that.
th-thanks billy mays...
>top 16 asia/oceania online has a literal ultra silver
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Want to go but cousin's wedding is on that weekend. Forgive me, Daigo-sama.

Female Ryu is Sakura
Female Ken is Karin
What could be the surprise character announcement that could make you back in the SFV hype train?
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the one that fixes the neutral in dash&mash farter 5
I would be way more excited if they fixed the game first and make it more fun to play. Not that excited in seeing new characters if they end up playing like crap or just boring.
when the fuck are we getting the 3s costumes for alex and ibuki
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Reminder that the skullgirls community is toxic because they keep bullying poor street fighter with their tech terms only nerds care about.
When daily challenges release.
Ultimate rugal
I sure hope/wish T7 doesn't stick with "number notation" and adopts numpad notation.

>f+1+2, 2+2, 3+4 = 7, 1+cos(x)+shutthefuckup
once again proving short hair on girls is the cutest
The special snowflake notation is only used in america anyway. Asia uses numbpad notation.
Kill yourself back to /soc/.
Wow really?

American Tekken players eem like weirdos, honestly.
the power of /r9k/
Stop wasting money on viraling and fix your game.
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>interlocking fingers
>viraling a mod
Are you this dumb?
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There is nothing lewd about incompetence in coding skills and visual design. Holy fuck she is even clipping her arms through her own torso wtf.
You have been trying to sink the Shibasaki x Karin ship from day one.
Namco fixed the titty jiggle/cloth physics in Josie Rizal's original outfit.

Tekken 7 really has great graphics.
>Namco fixed the titty jiggle/cloth physics in Josie Rizal's original outfit.
Wait what was wrong with it?
Where are the memes https://youtu.be/jOC72tLTg74
>What if Nickelodeon announces a fighting game?
>What would be the best game engine?
>Would it be ground based, air dasher, etc?
>How big a roster?
>How many reps for each show?
>Name 3 top tier characters
>Name 3 low tier characters

Guilty Gear
Ground based
2-3 depending on show
Danny Phantom, CatDog, Cousin Skeeter.
Cosmo, Alex Mac, Angelica Pickles.

[Because fucking up is easy, staying on the straight and narrow is hard. I would hate to see people pull for him only for him to go back and then never get out again.

Stuck at work and bored
If you look at Josie Rizal's model in her original outfit before the FR update(or maybe the one before) there was no titty jiggle. It seemed to me that Namco hadn't gotten the cloth physics right for her original outfit shirt so she did not have a titty jiggle in that outfit but in other outfits such as her beach one she did have the titty jiggle.

That is not the case anymore.
You are so late holy shit the series has already a 3rd game.
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What are fighting game moves possible in real life?
hi /v/
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Ah makes sense. She seems overall one of the more unfinished characters. Like her rageart has voiceacting but her face doesn't move at all even for the camera closeups.
Someone with a good keepaway game
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>mfw this shit has some sort of rollback netcode

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>>mfw this shit has some sort of rollback netcode
Please tell me it is better than whatever capcom shat together with sfv.
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Does this more or less confirm crossplay between PS4 and PC? Now they only need the go-ahead to include Xbone in it aswell.
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>i don't understand it so it's bad
>if i don't like it so it's bad
>everything is bad, except for my ideas
Nah, I don't thnk it has rollback netcode but probably better netcode and more players than something like kofxiv.
there's really no reason not to do crossplay, so i think it would be safe to say that it is confirmed
>small or non existent if your a pc or xbox user. fighting games always had big userbase on ps platforms.
Jesus christ that lying.
They know everyone but sonykids want crossplay with all systems. Players want a bigger and more active community on every plattform.
>there's really no reason not to do crossplay
There is plenty considering how hard having their own servers fucked SFV up.
i don't get how throw ranges work in SFV, why are they so fucking huge sometimes and other times they whiff at point blank range
>telling people to ask sony
who the fuck develops this game again?
SFV is fucked like that because the developers designed the game with the offline tournament scene in mind, hopefully they fix it because i have been wanting to get into SFV
>capcom is an incompetent mess so lets drop everything
Yes we should also go back to sprites for every fighting game because clearly capcom sucking at 3d visuals means 3d is doomed to forever shit.
Le don't ask e for shit gook of delayed releases :^)
>Yes we should also go back to sprites for every fighting game
I wouldn't mind that.

Running your own servers for matchmaking is a challenge for every publisher. There is a reason why most mid-tier publishers just rely on PSN/Steamworks instead. Running a server is hard, expensive and nowhere as good as Steam/PSN.
Nice fighting game post, blogkid.
>talking about fgg is not fgg related
>we will never have Po with Inner Peace mode and Wuxi finger hold in a fighting game
we have passion for our crafts
you know european dna is just regular african dna right
/pol/turds and no/int/elligence fags fuck off you have your own boards to shit up.

this place is for fighting games
i have no idea why people degenerate into shitposting so readily and willingly
poö shits leave
The mod bans me for some casual off topic discussion but lets this continue.

The out of Africa theory is based on the geology of this planet.
Why are Euro-CPT tournaments never on time.
don't talk to them
Is broski the only /fgg/ player playing?
I fucking hate Nash's braindead safe pressure and unreactable dashes.
thank u black jesus
now we can get back to not talking about fighting games

im not
Is Bricc here?
>broski comes online
>all the off topic shit gets deleted
is broski the janitor
If this post is deleted broski is the janitor
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brick can i suck your dick?
is brick the janitor
Brick doesn't have a dick, he's a cute clumsy girl and my future gf

do you believe i would be performing janitorial services on a taiwanese meme factory without expecting some sort of financial reimbursement for this service as provided?
Girls can have dicks
Well then can I suck your dick instead?
is Laura high IQ?
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>is midscreen mika high IQ?

Thanks bro. Copy pasted, keeping it in mind. Will train for a few things off here in the lab and will use others in my game. Really appreciate it.
twitch tv electronicdojo
She's just as dumb and random as Mika is, it's just she can't tick throw or call assists.
i forgot gigas existed
Anyone know if a standard mayflash usb adaptor will be enough to let me use a PSX or Saturn controller on a PS4?

I know SFV supports generic USB input but what about other games?
how is this thread so dead at this time of the day
he looks like a metal gear rising character
what do you want? even more random shitposting?
yoshimitsu raiden customizations confirmed???
Gotta have the secret code for the secret club.
I for one am gonna use numpad + LP,RP,LK,RK until it sticks.
But that's Haman.
Please only post with cute pictures of cute girls, Thanks!
so tekken 7 has ultras?
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Just ask based Sony for legacy support. :^)
The american notation makes kidn of sense in that it lays emphasis on being able to describe the movement more indeepth, which is exactly what tekken is about.
Ghodere disappeared from /fgg/ since that Nigerian Ken defeat, tootally gone.
how does you posting with your trip benefit anyone
speaking of throws in tekken

why doesn't training mode show you the button to break command throws in TTT2?

who cares
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>The american notation makes kidn of sense in that it lays emphasis on being able to describe the movement more indeepth, which is exactly what tekken is about.
No it doesn't.
everyone who doesn't have autism
>She's just as dumb
>except she can't do this dumb shit
Realizing I can roll my directional inputs is immediately improving my execution on punishes. Fuck yes.
Isn't it always by the arm?

i dont play or keep up with 3D fighting games, this is the first time ive watched tekken 7 footage since it got announced

i thought the whole point of tekken was semi-realistic punches and kicks rather than magic fighting and long super animations
>not activating your homemade controller
my main is ____, i wish I had mained ____.

would you have chosen any different?
1 throws extends left hand
2 throws extends right hand
1+2 throws extends both hands
throws from right side, breaks with right hand
throws from left side, breaks with left hand
throws from behind, well you better have good ukemi sense

it's not that obvious, but it isn't rocket science either
I main Chun-Li, but would love to main Vega, but the lack of reliable AA and the lack of reversal puts me off. I don't like to have such glaring flaws in defense.
Write any notation that is "possible only with the american notation" and I'll write it in the numpad notation.
Wow, this is retarded.
Alex, wish I had picked literally anyone else, probably Ryu or Chun
>Broski is actually retarded
OK so the Ragearts(""ultras"") you get for being under a certain level of health, FR indicates that with the healthbar. The lower the more damage BUT it is not a move with invulnerability. They have some armor but not enough to always keep you alive if you just throw them out at random AND they are all very launch punishable on block and whiff with the exception of Hworangs which pushes you miles away and Akumas which functions as grab.
Been nothing needing a trip
I'm talking about the throws that don't follow these rules, where you just have to know the button to break.

Like with King.

It makes sense visually more than you think.
she still has mixups and resets out the ass, they're just not as good as Mika's because she's negative after throws and doesn't have a great anti-air normal or a good air-throw. She has a stronger neutral game and can actually play footsies
Do me a favour and code a website that translate the notations of fighting games bewteen numbpad, american tekken, american ghetto slang, ingame symbols and even controller layouts.
You're thinking of Virtua Fighter.
For Kings long grabs just roll over buttons aka mashh everything. Works everytime 70% of the time.
Why would I because numpad + buttons gives you every motion you can do with a controller?
There is no reason to use anything else.
Should I cook salmon or ginger chicken for eating while I watch the Revelator story niggas?
that's the reason why you avoid king's throws in the first place, he has garbage lows to compensate for his strong throws

his chain throws almost always starts off with a 1 or 2 throw anyways, the only obscure throw he has is giant swing, which is a 1 throw that looks like a 1+2 throw
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Well not really, when people look at the screen they think of close limb and far limb at best since that's how the move looks to them. Right limb/left limb seems like unnecessary barriers to figuring out what's hitting them.

That's how it looks from the perspective of a 2D player at least. All the 3D experience I have is mashing with O.Pyr in SCV.
Why don't you just... change main?
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anyone sfv/kofxiii/3rdstrike eu?
Why did they remove all crossup stomps from Alex but Ken's tatsu can crossup from all angles and trajectories?
Yeah, Tekken was always about the realism.
Bamco really dropped the ball this time.
too many ryu and chun players at my local, bigger spread of characters is better for everyone
not when you realize the entire basis of the game's button layout is that it is left hand, right hand, left leg, right leg, and this is consistent/doesn't change on either player side. you sidestep left or right, not down or up; your left tracking moves always track to your left; etc. it's not a 2d game where everyone is simply ambidexterous.
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the only thing that matters is winning
the only thing that matters is improvement
the only thing that matters is haing fun alongside your local fighting game enthusiasts.
It's a wonder that Capcom would sell you - and I mean this - sell you DLC characters that are weaker than the rest of the cast. It's like paying for toilet paper that falls apart! None of the DLC characters - listen to me, because it's the truth - none of them are good.

People are going to buy Urien. They are going to buy Urien and he is going to be shit. Trust me on this.

I'm using Autohotkey so I can rebind my buttons if that counts. No macros though because I'm not a faggot.
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>your local fighting game enthusiasts
I swear to god if you put "american" in the name of something, some european queer will always come along and say that it's shit. It's like a rule of nature.
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>sfv's garbage launch is still the best fighting game available right now
holy shit you can't make this shit up
You know europeans invented the word American?
just cause it's mildly popular doesn't mean it's the best
I will never understand why people leave after the 2nd match after you both split a game. Nothing got resolved, no one is the clear victor yet.
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>Nothing got resolved, no one is the clear victor yet.
mildly popular is enough to be the best when the competition is dead
we're talking about fighting games not mobas kid, it is the best
retarded capcuck 16ers smfh
europe invented america
What's /fgg/'s fave way to ragequit? The system shutdown, the log out with no doubt, alt+f4 out the door?
t. generic dead kusoge aficionado
*wins the 2nd game*
heh kid you got figured out im done here
>random laggy online tournament has more viewers than VSFighting
lol nice timing for the online tournament Capcom
stale meme
Our guys are up

I just drag the window border for about 10-15 seconds, that way I can keep the opponent in suspense
alt f4 during their super or killing combo, only ragequit against fucking shitty players who dont deserve my points

all these shitty silvers think they can beat me? yeah, right. i EARNED this gold. BY RAGEQUITTING.
>replying to yourself
I only see one (you)
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>be noob bison player
>just trying to learn how to footsies
>start playing casual matches
>0lp Ryu
>"fuck I'm not gonna learn anything from this"
>he does nothing but backlash and throw fireballs
>by this point I also noticed he know how to block
>this is where I should have realized my mistake
>after dashing himself into a corner I just stop
>start crouching and standing really fast it just looks like I'm taunting him I wasnt
>I finally get on top of him
>wake up ex dp
>start getting FUCKED
>beats me in the first game
>by this point he is anti airing everything
>he is also back dashing to hell while doing this
>precedes to ravage my anus everytime I get close
>the last round he just times me out


>america first ever country to win evo by coming 5th
So every crub can read notations of every game.
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if i couldve picked any american player to do well at evo im glad it was joe

he seems nice
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What the fuck I love Tekken now!
>get banned for /int/ shit
>reset portable iphone procy
>come back and shitpost more
Kill yourself.
Fuck off with your heavily letsplays. Stay in /v/ to discuss you pewdiepies.
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>Stop posting fighting game content
You don't stimulate your prostata to those videoes because of the fighting games but because you are a letsplay child that wants to suck off gootecks and mike.

That Gootecks face should be a new emoticon.
I enjoy watching 3 guys who love fighting games play fighting games, 1 of them was in EVO top 8

Sounds like you dont have friends mister autismo
why would anyone even do something like this? he knew that he was going to look like an idiot right?
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Brentt and Chris T making it to Top 8 winners at VSFighting while KBrad doesn't make Day 2

chris t is godlike

brent is just riding the coat-tails of top tier ken and le trinity xd
>3 guys who love fighting games play fighting games
lmao? gootecks is a businessman and ross a twitch entertainer
>kid with so little interaction he has to watch fucking letsplays
>claims others have no friends
You wouldn't watch that shit if it was only the fighting scenes with the 2 clowns cutout but you would still watch it if it was just the 2 clowns.
Every scrub could read notation for every game if people just used numpad notation instead of special code specific to their game.
It just tells you which way to tilt the stick and which buttons to press and that's everything you need to know.
No because I enjoy the commentary while the game is going on whats so fucking hard to understand about that

If I want to see a fight without commentary I play the fucking game myself
Chris T is really good

Dunno how brentt made it so far
>It's another Ken on stream totally trashing the opposition episode.
How do tourney players play on tiny monitors, i need a 55inch tv
abusing ken's busted histop
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>That Tekken setup is sick! Unfortunately can't be streamed due to protection on the arcades :((((

Those monitors are less laggy than your tv
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>run cancel

What do you do?
jab and then get counter hit because 8FRAMES
React to it and jab
holy fuck where is this that looks comfy as fuck
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Defend this
tvs can't lag, they're not on the internet

Sir are you trying to bait me
vsfighting in birmingham
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>React to it
yo D00d get hype!
you can't, KI and NRS players are subhuman, no one's going to argue against this
Broski makes me happy
Sorry but not everyone is 9 years old and into this letsplay and eceleb worship culture. Maybe try rkappa and /v/ instead?
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>dislking mike and gootecks
>literally our guys
hello kappa
t. captard
namcuck actually, check your priviledge shitlord, learn my pronouns
when you going to tournaments?
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Defend what?
>mike has nothing going for him but being capcoms puppet
>gootecks biggest accomplishment is getting his face spammed on twitch
Only 09er retards could overhype those 2.
I play on a 55inch crt
wtf i hate screens now
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>my hobbies include crying about capcom on 4chan, all day, every day.
Seek help
YOu never use those images without a shitpost, don't you?
Yo that match up looked impossible
Don't forget to include this one >>150935617
Kbrad got perfected by this Laura
>you can't zone in SFV
Umm /fgg/?
is ISDD our boy, cuz he def seems like a huge faggot
ISDD showing you how to zone. Love his Guile, love ISDD. Fuck you, I said it.
This game is a fucking joke
Top 12
What are you guys watching?
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>watching other people play videogames instead of playing the videogames yourself

Explain yourselves.
lmao fucking frauds are getting into op 16's, holy shit

lmao, ISDD is a good player alot of sfv player are just fucking at dealing with basic zoning.

against anyone decent playing guile is a chore.

the level in Europe must be low if Akram can get to top 16.

and i have to say it must be lower in america if kbrad lost to this guy.

Imagine ISDD vs Akainu next. ISDD hate that guy so much because he always totally owns him online.
holy shit how high is Ryan hart's t cell count
It's ok if it is a high level tourney so you can steal tech.
I'm bad at videogames and the players I watch play on a level I will never reach

>watching other people have sex instead of having sex yourself

Shut your mouth, wanker.
Shitpost beywern matches masterrace

fun things are fun
You CANNOT zone in SFV, nice propaganda capturd
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You can not even reach mikes and gootecks level?
>the city of Redbull

I'm doing both though.
That's not zoning, that's spamming
That's what the get for signing 09ers
is ryan hart dying??
I bet that's the same moron laura he fought online who kept walking into fireballs lmao

ISDD said that he can zone better in SFV with Guile than he ever could in IV. Ignore that goober.
Nah I don't think so desu
I have no friends, no PS4, my PC is 8 years old and the nearest locals are in a different country, it's my only chance to experience a fighting game that isn't fightcade.
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It's called being a cuckhold and is the #1 trending fetish worldwide.
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We'll make it one day, dumb frogposter
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Dying for Tekken to return bigger at FGC events.
What's Melty? What's EFZ? What's all the fighting games that are on cheaper consoles like the PS3?
i swear to god luffy get your shit together.
desu most people would rather wallow in pity than play meme games
I'm gonna play akuma and drop with when they nerf it just to trigger people like you lmfao
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dumb voidposter
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Jokes on you Akuma already got the nrerfhammer which will go live in arcades next week with Bob.
Beautiful game.

I want to dress my girl, LEo
keep the faith, our boy will win uh... egx?
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I don't know, a lot of people seem to play SFVIII
Then I'm not buying it lmfao
What IS EFZ? literally, what is it?
isdd was a fucking shit guile in sf4 anyway
only reason he gets any coverage now is because that chink stopped playing guile and dieminion killed himself over sf4 being dead
It's the problem with Mika. If the opponent doesn't let you get started, you'll get absolutely obliterated. I still don't like his choice of character, but I thought same of Fuudo...
send me nudes
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lol gay
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I want to dress MY girl Leo up in a bikini, is what I meant to say.
Eternal Fighter Zero, cool game, cool mechanics, rollbacks netcode. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eY0Qu0PwLcc
I think Luffy said in an interview the only character he finds enjoyable is Mika so don't think there is any chance of a switch.

I think his Mika is good but sometimes his play is too stubborn and he keeps doing stuff that isn't working.
I love fightcade though why would I play dead smelly weeb meme games, it's just nice to experience something newer than kof2k2 every once in a while.
Eternal Fighter Zero
Kusoge by Tasofro with various VN characters. Also got a rollback caster fairly recently by FireSeal, the same guy that did Sokuroll.
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>Karin will never be in a good fighting game

Fuck you Ono
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i'm gonna enjoy watching kof and tekken crash and burn

i'll be there at release anonymous, i'll be there with kermits
The day Rose gets in SFV in the day our boy will shine again

But seriously he's way better at playing defensive/zoning characters

They just don't exist in SFV.

Mika is a retarded character seriously, he'd be godly with Karin.

He tried playing nash but he found him to be too slow so he switched to mika.
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WIDEscreen fighting game when?
>They just don't exist in SFV.
t. diaper
>why would I play something else than 2k2
>it's nice to experience something that's not 2k2
You're retarded.

Big Bang Beat Revolve
That or Galaxy Fight
Kermits are only for anime smdh
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Why does Capcom keep doing this? SFV was fun as fuck in the first beta, SFxT was awesome in location testing, then they release the games with all the fun shit stripped away.
SF Alpha would be cool without custome supers and hitboxes/framedata not randomly generated.
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Poor Gootecks balding

I know the struggle
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dumb johanposter
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>implying they won't ruin Rose should she ever grace the game with her presence

Face it, SFV and it's designers are utter shit and ruined every returning character that had even a slight redesign in terms of moves which is everyone outside of Ryu and Chun, irnoically the two hands down strongest characters in the game.
>Ooga booga jumps and divekicks
>Nothing you can do
Nice game. Even if you manage to trade it's unfavorable.
Just pick Chloe.
Goddamn what a retard

Anyway there's a situation in which you can zone in SFV and that's if your opponent picks Zangief.
>be fang
>has one of the best anti-airs
>complains about jumps and divekicks
Is Karin the most honest character in SFV?
he became a vegetarian some time before sfv came out

during the golden years of sf4 he was still eating meat
Galaxy fight is so cool but it has possibly the worst cast of any fighting game ever made.
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>s.hk range neutered
>becomes a crush counter button

I can already see it.
>"anti air"
>a ""divekick""
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Also coincidentically the first 2 characters shown and playable. The production value took such a hard nosedive after that.
same designers from sf4...
>absorb becomes her v-skill
>only builds v-meter
Where does Voidere get all his cute pictures?

I need them to fight depression
>He tried to anti air in SFV without an invincible move
post cfn
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p..please don't even put it out there

mother of god..
>can't anti air a divekick
Waiting for SFV to be released to start playing fighting game was the worst mistake I've done in my life.

I just hope they'll get their head out of their asses and fix this mess over time.
SFV is not fixable. It would require way too much worktime and money investment that capcom doesn't have.
There could be modders but people interested in sf never do anything worthwhile with gameplay.
The V-Skill would be the two orbitals.

They will, right ?
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>he plays games with a mizuumi wiki
V-trigger i'd imagine
is there an SFV scene or any traditional fighter scene in Michigan??

I'm only finding once a year side-tournies at conventions in detroit and anything outside detroit is mostly smash

I'm hoping I can find something more regular for SFV in GR or lansing

MI boys help me out
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>absorb becomes literally just a shittier version of Bison's v-skill

They fucking wouldn't.

No, you're right, they would, I bet she wouldn't even have mid and high reflect anymore either after the gutting of Juri's fireball heights.
>First fighting game is SFV
>Shitting on it as if you have anything to compare it with
Stop parroting.
nice dodge
Well, there's SF4 remix, that's actually semi balanced.
t. bronze diapers
Our boy ISDD vs problem X now
>still defending trash masher 5
Stop shilling.
what is the point of this webm
There would have to be so much changed in terms of hit and hurt boxes that yeah, I doubt it'll ever be brought into a good spot.

Also; the v-skill system is utterly retarded because they're basically all just an extra special move, the game feels like it's lacking a system that actually makes it unique, v-reversals sure aren't enough and they're just retooled alpha counters anyway.
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how's SFV for a first fighting game?
Melty blood is more alive than kof 2002 in the civilized world
To show off the stunning NextGen graphics this awesome cinematic was rendered in.
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Reminder you CANNOT zone in SFV
>But seriously he's way better at playing defensive/zoning characters

There's Chun-Li. I played Rose in IV and I play Chun in V because it's the closest thing. Maybe Karin to a point.
Shit. But please hate on it for the right reasons and don't copy what others are saying like this mindless drone >>150937684 as if you have any clue as to what you're talking about.
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>there are others that want her back

Why are there so few of us, guys?
Good morning Brick.
Showcase that whiff punishing in SFV requires your opponent to whiff literally one of the slowest moves in the game and burn a screen freezing resource?
Reminder ISDD is our boy
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I don't even play her, I just want her back for our boy
She had an ugly manface and retarded outfits in sf4.
not the same guy you were talking to before

I'm new and am curious why it's shit, is it worth getting into?
Can someone that knows how to play sf play isdd?
pathetic lol
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>these fucking 16ers on stream

Has no-one played another fighting game before? Zoning is still garbage, these fags have no patience
O U R B O Y I N T O P 8
Problem X was the best in Yurop
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I liked her big puffy dress...
I disliked alternate 2 and 3, but the rest I liked, especially the alternate 1, the D&D:SOM thief costume.
>ken's hair still clips through his neck on player 2 side

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you gonna hold those kermits when tekken is out f.am
no he wasn't
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>according to diapers you can't zone in SFV
This is embarrassing lmaooooooooo
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Good afternoon anon!
>Rose is literally the other half of Bison's soul
>has no relevance in the game about killing him for good

Face it, she's never coming back
waiting warmly for videos against most of the rest of the cast who can deal with projectiles
What was that? Censor more costumes you said? Censored costumes up!
That's not zoning that's just throwing projectiles while backing into a corner
>retard cannot down back and jumps into Guile from mid screen
>when he's not jumping he's walking forward into fireballs
>this proves zoning is viable

Just because these eurocucks are retarded doesn't mean zoning is viable or Guile is good
Yes he was. Chris T is going to win now.
post your cfn
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CCL, phenom, ryan and luffy are all better than Problem
just anti air bro lmao
Look at her grabbin' those buns
How does it feels to be wrong?
Luffy is out, Phenom got exposed at Evo, Ryan is old, and CCL is a literal who.

Chris T. is going to win
Daigo and Tokido refuse to anti-air Ken for a reason.
why are you afraid of posting your cfn
>Chris "up forward" T going to win a tournament outside wnf

How fucking free is Europe? Why does everyone freeze up and whiff half screen throws and stuff against these American shitters every single time
It's still not as stupid as Ryu's jump MK
they're all better than problem x though

>coming 17th out of 5000 is exposed
Why is everyone ignoring how fucking good ISDD does? I'm 100% sure hes winning this tourny today.
It's not the game's fault that you are bad at Street Fighter
>Capcucks thinks this is zoning
Play Xrd if you want to experience proper zoning
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Why did they take away Chun-li's weird air spinning pinwheel special from the first time SFV was shown in favour of marvel style air legs?
>So stupid he V-reversals a sonic boom fullscreen
And don't give me that EX slash elbow shit, he was much, much too late for that.
If anything that'd prove how bad he is.
is revelator's online dead and will it be dead soon? I'm contemplating picking it up
I dunno but that shit looked cool
isdd fanboys probably just one really dedicated shitposter are the worst thing to happen in a while
>seriously asking if captard kids played anything but street fighter
If that were the case then the fgc, twitch chats and this thread would look way different.
Why did they remove OTGs?
Why did they remove a lot of things?
Every fighting game is dead.
lmao brentiscool
fire brentt from the trinity and get ISDD
but.... otgs are still in the game.
Why the fuck is guile so slow?
I can't find what it looked like
Removing most otgs was more a design decision, a retarded one that removed something that would've been cool but a design decision still.

This change was actively removing an already made animation and adding a new one.
Because the game looked too fun.
Fun and Street Fighter don't mix.
Damascus is more reserved now than at the start of CPT. Probably someone at Twitch/Capcom told him to cool it. How tragic.
You don't know what an OTG is
told u guys lmao >>150934880
>This player didn't play perfectly it means you can't zone in SFV
Ahahah dude you're bronze, calm down lmaooooo
>rank 108
>hthis retard keeps playing this trash
ibuki has an otg
not sure, just look up mike ross v combofiend, it was the first time the game was shown off I think they used it
He's a bully that pisses off carebear normies, SJWs, and redditors. He's the best real life shitposter Europe has.
sfv is fun and there is nothing you can do about it diaperboys
play the game
t. autist who cry about sfv all day (for free)
They have netplay tournaments weekly or biweekly. Plus top players host daily lobbies as well as randoms if you go to the discords.
Just stop snkuck / Tekuck / MKuckX / Gucker
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Based CCL
His autistic rage is hilarious
t. loser living vicariously through a retard with a funny accent and a little bit of sf skills
Get a trip, combofiend.
The Asians molded him. They made him stronger. They made him learn the secrets of Chun's thunder thighs.
>Player doesn't know how to avoid fireballs
>Is so bad they can't even time a fucking armoured charge move without accidentally v-reversaling
Guys, try out this sick combo:

b+4+2, f+3, 2+3+5
Man, I bet Tokido is cool as fuck to hang out with, look at that suave motherfucker
>I'm a bronze player but let me analysis what I think this high level player is doing
Ahahaha just stop dude.
you forgot to add polturds to that list but i guess you said redditors
Our boy ISDD playing his Sensei, Ryan Hart next.
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Is the answer 11, 12, A?
>dropping combos in buffer fighter 5
Do you mean 4RP+RK, 6LK 5RP+LK~TAG?
I hope ISDD gets kicked out of the tournament.
There's no other explanation for fullscreen v rev
>my main hobby is crying about videogames I don't play
lol spoken like a true pom pom
>Tagging in

Uh I only play tekken 7.
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isdd and sfv are here to stay, there is nothing you can do about it
Ryan Hart looks like he's auditioning for "All Things Fall Apart 2".
How can there be a 5 if tekken only has 4 buttons?
ITT: pom poms
>da missed lk sommersault
>still worked
>pom poms

What did he mean by this? It sounds cute.
tag button
I don't think Guile can beat Ken, but Ryan is eating it.
TTT1 and 2 have 5 buttons.
Can someone explain to me why ryu can just DP through ibukis air kunais?
shut it pussyclat
ryan hart is looking a little too thin
why not? get weapons out of my street fighter
what buttons do I press in sfv when the opponent keeps pressing theirs then throws me when I think they're done.

I'm juri
>zoning in sfv
diapers on suicide watch
this is fucking ST all over again, what a shit fucking game
Based ISDD

Best guile in the world.
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>SFV is a footsies game!
That Guile comeback
Jab xx power button
it's a character from that brony game
the booms have too much fucking pushback is all.
You commit to a hard read.
Most things in SFV have too much pushback

as soon as isdd plays some one who knows how to play guilehe has to play perfect to win a round
Oh, that's disappointing.
>there was actually a fucking 5 button

Guys, wait. I messed up that transcription. It's actually:

f+4+3, ff+1, d+2, d db b+3, f d df+2, 3+4, ff, d df f+1+2
G...guile can z-z-zone in this game...you sh..shitters

*gets jumped in on*
you want to play a zoner AND be sloppy?
is there a list somewhere of what frame advantage ken has after all of his v-trigger activations off buttons?
Ken is mid-tier
no shit

anyone who thinks otherwise is just shitposting
*anit-airs just fine with guile* :3c
Get fucked ISDD shitters.
The prima app has that I think
Damn if ISDD didn't miss those antiairs..
Its actually just Pom.
Yeah i saw one that had run-cancels as well. Could have been on reddit? Cant really remember sorry
*loses set 3-1*
Based ISDD, top 8 and won so many fans.

When will he be on excellent adventures?
It's not just the f.hp that whiffs on crouchers, or the non-invincible flash kick, but why in gods name is he the only character who literally can't anti-air with his jab in 8frame Fighter Five?
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>isdd plays solid and anti-airs like a boss
>Ryan Hart plays like online retard and fishes for that one Ken moment
>wins the game because fuck all

I really hope Crapcom has something in mind for the first balance patch. That's fucking retarded shit.
so feng forward kenpo, jin demon paw, generic right hand crouch jab, bryan soccer kick, EWGF, lei play dead, forward dash, and feng yan wang headbutt

alrite dope shit
Ken is bullshit. Ghodere redeemed.
*lets you unload your salty runback in me*
>ISDD plays solid
>saying the moes names

tekken players have no idea how autistic this sounds
So you meant
6LK+RK, 66LP, 2RP, 214LK 623RP 5LK+RK 66 236LP+RP ?
These look like inputs from different characters, no character has the mishima crouchdash and the regular one.
Who on /fgg/ has the most hours on fightcade?
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>downplaying Ryan fucking Hart
Nah he had sick reactions and reads too but yeah Ken is derp and can steal rounds so easily
Ryan Hart plays SFV, he goes in and does button/throw mixups.
That's what you should do in this game.

He played solid the first game, but he fell apart after that. He also fucks it up for himself AKA choker. If he had those godlike Japanese clutchness, he would be an amazing player.
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>Ken jumps
>mixup between normal, tatsu, and ex tatsu so the grounded player has to guess which retarded hurtbox he has to AA
>AAs do shit damage while landing a jump in does massive damage
>SFV Kens constantly jumping more than any other mainline SF game

Fix jumping hurtboxes
don't SF players still say the move's names? i have heard people say hadoukens, or shoryukens or tatsus or whatever

not bashing or anything


looks like 636.26 is the number to beat

anyone got more than that?
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dam son
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Defense is boring dude lmao
Who the fuck wants to watch boring footsies, rushdown is kickass bro, I love watching the same bnb's over and over again
most of them are minus but good luck reacting to it.
sfv characters have like 5% of a tekken's movelist

no one knows what the fuck what can can kicks is except legacy players
Go play dead games if you don't like Street Fighter.
nice sound
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My hobbies? Well I'm glad you asked, I really enjoy complaining about games I don't play in the fighting games general.
PS: You can't zone in SFV.
Is there a group of players that aren't smashers more hateable than Thy Trinity?
Even the audio equipment doesn't want to see Ken
a legend like ryan hart gettin wrecked by brent is cool, sfv is a weird game

>sfv audio bug lmao

holy shit

chat saying ryan is the purple ken?
>Can't react to a screen freeze
More like good luck punishing them because very few are genuinely punishable
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That's been around forever in 2d games.
which trinity are we talking about here

because the trinity I'm thinking of has Flash Metroid as the Son
Wow, I got trolled by the stream Ryan Hart is wrecking brentiscool.
ryan lost the first round in all the top 32 lol
Thy Trinity is all those dumb Kens who look like absolute douchebags from California who were on Excellent Adventures talking about how Ken is mid tier at best and Cammy beats Ken
>this makes it okay or ryu any less broken
>That's been around forever in SF.
>broken things shouldn't be fixed
God they really do have the most punchable Californian faces don't they? They all look like the biggest douchebag fuccbois
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Just kidding, even F-word is bored of this
>one character has something resembling zoning because capcom had the brilliant idea of giving most of the cast anti zoning capabilities but not everyone
>that means that zoning is viable in sfv
you have literally never played a game that isn't sfv
kill yourself back to r/streetfighter/ 16er garbage
Chris and Julio are fine

Brent was the one saying ken is mid tier, annoying tag along
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Why do streamapes shit talk players that would probably destroy them for free?

>I'm going to make a strawman argument and imply that the person posting this is defending it

Go fuck yourselves. I didn't defend it, it's just not exclusive to SFV.
DUDE you can't zone in SFV shut up
No-one said it is exclusive; fucking kill yourself
do you not remember when chris prayed to god to get gief nerfed after getting fucked by snake for the 5th time

julio is cool tho
should i play fighting games or should i cry about sfv hmmmm
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Nah, I meant FADC 5LP 2MP 214LK 623HP FADC 236PP.

Anyway, I'm sitting on 20$. Do I buy TTT2 to prep for T7, or is that going to be pointless? I've only "played" SC5.
Are you watching the Olympics? You know, REAL sports?
It's fucking prevalent in SFV
yeah, whenever I fight a dumb Ken player online I imagine it's those douchebags
>shit company can't fix decade old problems
>takes it personaly
hi combofiend
>playing SFV
This is our jive
I like Prego better desu

i watched the volleyqts for a bit but then it turned to archery and i switched off
you should pray for viable netcode in kofxiv's instead of shitposting
think about dirty stuff with Kula instead
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>We are going to have Nash vs Ken, Nash vs Chun Li, Ken vs Chun Li or Ken vs Ken Grand Finals
Who the fuck watches real sports
im gonna make the new thread brb
>now see, Cammy is better than Ken because of her garbage health and reasonable hitboxes, also her v-skill is plus.. PLUS GUYS
That was fucking hilarious, Zangief vs Ken is probably around a 3-7 matchup in Ken's favor in SFV.
Really? Take a look at when that screenshot was first posted, anywhere. It's all "SFV hit/hurtboxes"

Also in IV.

I don't like strawman arguments.
My opinion should be respected, after all I'm wasting my time here complaining about games I don't play and I do it for free. #fucksfv
I fap at the gymnastics.
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I hav a bit more it seems
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Is the volleyqts over?
Pick up dolphin and SC2
post cfn I will trash you in sfv
Is archery fun to watch? I considered trying it out but man I feel like it's the most tryhard hobby in the world

it is due to his shitty hurtboxes, no-one said that shitty hurtboxes are exclusive they're saying that SFV has shitty ones. Please kill yourself
It was boring desu. I'd rather just play DOA.
there's barely anyone online, but its worth it if you want to get the feel for the game, it plays identical to tekken 6 with the addition of tag mechanics, just keep in mind the combo system has been changed in T7, so just learn fundanentals

or just go play at the arcade if your local has T7
Julio is literally the coolest dude, sessions at his place always end up with a couple guys just sitting around smoking, playing, and brainstorming crazy matchup shit for 8-10 hours at a time
Far less prevalent than V
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idk why SF players whine about hitboxes when this is normal in Tekken
Because no one plays Tekken
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Is Rashid the highest IQ character in SFV?
>high IQ
announcer just taunted the stream to death
>Really craving coke zero
>Cant go outside because theres gay pride going on my city

Nice world capcucks
Scared of human contact?
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