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Fighting Games General /fgg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 753
Thread images: 165

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What fighting game manga should I read?
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fightcade anyone?
3s, vsav, a2

im bad at all of them
daily reminder SFV freakin' rocks!
xrd sucks
>juni will never shit in your mouth
shes autistic so she might do it if you ask her
>tfw want to play but can stop watching the trainwreck that is the Sonic 25th anniversary stream
Ryu Final
One Piece
>Guilty Gear won
furries are
Sonic Mania was a decent reveal, and Crush 40 was alright too bad the crowd is fucking shit. Still waiting for them to beef it with the second reveal.
is it just me or is fuudo really hot
Won kusoge of the year maybe
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Is Hugo cute?
If only they weren't like an hour behind schedule I'm waiting for
Do you think that girl gave him a blowjob afterwards?


the most powerful race
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who cares lmao
sry im going to bed
Is that a boy?
i kinda want to try vsav !! ill play that
Every time.

well yeah they have fucking saiyajins under their umbrella how the fuck are you supposed to top that?
okay im in the lobby whats your name
>SA3 confirmed for never ever

Wanna play some 3S? FC is Maffy

It's sayans, not sayajins you dumb fuck.
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>marvel 3 not at SCR
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I haven't won a single game with Dizzy yet and she's been out for a week. I learned the oki setups and combos but it's worthless if I can't ever win neutral. I think I'll just go back to easy mode Ky. Zoning chararacters are too hard for dumb people like me.
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Geniune little girl
just spam projectiles lmao
Go ask Indulgeme for some tips, I hear his Dizzy is pretty good
Post his boypussy
Post 2 minutes of you winning a tournament as Dizzy.
Dizzy is literally the lowest IQ in fighting games
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>It's sayans, not sayajins you dumb fuck.

haha holy FUCK millenials!

you're going to get even more sullen and whiny when you realize that you were raised wrong on purpose, I bet. How does it feel to know that your only possible purpose in life is to incur crippling debt and live as a slave, caring for an ever-waxing tide of elderly invalids?
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Jesus christ, KoF 14 on 5 difficulty is KI Kyle levels of fucking horseshit. It blocks fucking everything and shoryukens you the instant you even think about going for a throw attempt.

Did anyone else try this yet? Any tips for playing this game. The 5 AI just counter hits the shit out of you and nothing else it seems.
t. American
>KI Kyle levels of fucking horseshit
What did he mean by this?
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>He doesn't know what SSJ is
Kyle is the hardest AI difficulty in KI
He meant that the hardest level of difficulty in KI is called Kyle and it's near impossible to win a round
Why is it called Kyle?

>Alongside the option of battling a CPU controlled opponent, you can choose between multiple difficulty levels for said foe. However, instead of going from "Very Easy" to "Very Hard", the KI difficulties are listed as Noob, Easy, Medium, Hard, Killer, and something referred to as "Kyle." The Kyle difficulty level is the most difficult setting, and is based on one of the development team's AI Designers, who is apparently insanely good at the game. (I'm not making this up.)
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A friend of mine just bought me injustice, do people still play online on pc?
Probably not but the story is worth a play through if you like comic book silliness
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>oki setups and combos
That's the last thing people should worry about, learn to play the game first. Properly move with your character, best normals for every situation, basic hit confirms, predicting your opponent's moves and so on.. and finally you can go for your neat set-ups and training mode combos.
I found 3 communites near me and they only play smash

are seimitsu buttons any good?

does anyone use them?
nice vagina bones desu
>no BBCF at SCR
Death to Valle
Post a 5 sec webm of you attending a BB tournament
The game won't even be out here by then

are you really surprised
Anyone wanna play something on Fightcade?

I'll play whatever you want.
But Ky does all that stuff well for me. Dizzy's normals are kinda slow and only have good range but I keep getting meme'd on
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>you will never be good enough to have a difficulty level named after you
>my literal all time favorite FG
What did he mean by this?
Valle has had games that are only out in JP at SCR before.
Read some arguments for Smash being a fighting game, replace "Smash" with "Catherine" and it shall all make sense.
Is Mai a good character for beginners?
What should I streamboar as I go to sleep, Max playing KI or Rotanibor playing Vsav?

get fucked waifu shitter
>Mai ready to fight
>Chun-Li looks like she wants to eat her pussy

Why is Chun-Li such a slut?

I use them.
They're fine.

You ask this every thread.

They are a little bit different than Sanwa buttons but still good.
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she's only interested in experienced players
When is Eyedol going to get normalized?
depends, how big is your dick?
what are you watching?
Speed running has given him terminal autism, even more severe than Smash autism.
Then why does she thirst after Andy so hard?
Why is Ibuki so hard REEEEEEEEEEEE
Yes, she's easy as HECK.
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>you will never nut in Mai and be forced to take responsibility while the rest of her ninja clan family silently judges you for not having any seemingly redeemable ninja qualities as a man and sometimes they throw shuriken at you to test your reflexes and they stick in your shins and shoulders
Just f.HK bro
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Is Slayer good for beginners?
Smash is easier to swallow as a fighting game than fucking Catherine.
Its good entry level metal until you get into the harder stuff
No it's a meme "hard reads" character, just play sfv or go to your local casino if you want to gamble this bad.
In Catherine though, there are more areas of space that players have to be aware of; you're trying to control the entire stage: above, below, on the ground, platforms, and even the sides past the ledges. Not only that, but just as much fighting takes place on the ledges as it does on the ground, possibly even more, making it so that competitors have additional ranges, options, scenarios, and match up information to learn relative to where they're at on screen.

Catherine requires a constant flow of incredibly fast inputs, intelligent reads, awareness, and most everything that you'll find in any other popular modern fighting game today with a dash of extra difficulty. It is undoubtedly a real fighting game.
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Play Kyo then
Did you get this from somewhere, change a "Smash is a fighting game" post, or did you just come up with this now?
so I'm watching the ESPN2 broadcast of Evo 2016. So does Mike Ross commenting this mean he's "made it"?
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Isn't Catherine a puzzle game?
Just took a couple of paragraphs from an eventscrubs article about Smash having possibly the hardest execution out of all modern fighting games
Catherine's a fighting game, guys, you just have to really be on point with your pushblock
>literally describe Unreal, Quake, and paintball

honestly EVO lets Smash and Mario Kart in i don't care what gets added anymore
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>generic polturd
>3dpd phoneposter
>sfxt aficionado
sad life
Are you currently support any FGC members via Twitch subscription, Patreon, or Twitch donations?
I'm currently supporting Jiyuna in all three ways and you should too.
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Real question, is Maxima a good character for beginners?
Competitive Catherine play always seems to remind me of an NBA basketball game. You have two opposing players (or teams) that are constantly moving in a high-pressure atmosphere, imposing their offense with little to no breaks between plays.

I have only scratched the surface of Catherine's intricacies, but for a perfect example of what I discussed here, check out how fast veteran DacidBro's hands move during a top-level Catherine bout. Watch closely as he performs perfectly timed pushes, drops, reads his opponent's movements, controls space, and makes decisions in what is seemingly split seconds.
>That's safe on block
>But not against reversals
Then who is good goober beginner?
Not really
Is X a good character for beginners?
It means it's safe on block unless it's punished. Don't worry about it if you don't get it it's pretty high level stuff
Yeah he can do a hadouken

In the versus mode, you can smack each other and knock each other off the stage and shit and win via KO. When these fags play Catherine as a fighting game, they're no longer competing it in like the puzzle mode is intended. They also have a bunch of rules about what stages you can't you, etc.

It's basically the equivalent to what Smashfags did (Fox only, no items, final destination), just in another even-less-related-to-fighting-games game.

People started taking to it because it's such a spicy meme though.
So it looks like Qanba more or less made a PC version of the Q1. It's not a bad price.
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fuck off Jiyuna
tfw no friends to go to SCR with
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Ky Kiske.

He's the Ryu of Guilty Gear.

>basic hadoken projectile
>basic dragon punch motion 'shoryuken' knock off
>not-exactly-similar tatsu that gives you a flippy backslash jump in (goes over projectiles rather than through them)

And then he's got extra tools on top of that. If you play someone else in other fightans already, I can likely make a good recommendation.
Sol, Ky, Sin, May, Elphelt, Jack-O' are all decent beginner characters.
Sol or Leo
Not even close, better pick D
DeeJay is supposed to beat Guile in ST, right?
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Does anyone have the webm of FAB hitting 100% over like fifteen seconds with Potemkin? I think it was posted on Twitter but I can't find it.
I play Alex in SFV and Hisako in KI
The problem is some people took it too seriously and now you have it at CEOtaku and Davidbro crying because LK made fun of it.
Kula is a good character for beginners! Play her, she's easy, fun and cute! CUTE!

Everyone but zato is a good beginner character.
Please don't post my wife without my permission.
Is it wrong to play 3 shotos in KOF
How do her HJs feel like I wonder
Kula is pretty cute, huh! Unfortunately, the cute girl quota on my team is already met with Mian. What big, burly men are good for beginners?
Ralf or Clark
Never post anything lewd about my wife again.
If you're a man you'll play the man of many PREDICTABOs
is loli pussy good character for beginner??
Well, I'm going to tell you right now to stay the fuck away from Potemkin. It seems tempting to use another Grappler because you use Alex, but Potemkin is straight up garbage in GG.

Outside of grappling though, both Alex and Hisako are slow characters that do big damage and have an emphasis on reversals/counterattacks. I'd actually recommend Leo to you. He's big damage, close-range, and he's one of the only people in the cast with access to two tension-free reversals.
Do you think her hymen is torn with all that fighting and kicking she does
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1. Kula is my daughter
2. Kula is 14 years old and thus not old enough to be married
3. Posts ten seconds of you doing Kula's BNB
Milf pussy is easier and beginner-friendly
Kula is my wife and I don't know or care to know how to make webms.
Why not? I was thinking of running K'/Kula/Maxima since they seemed cool and beginner-friendly (K' and Kula at least).
Only if you're a stud. Those old hags want to relive their youth fucking chads, not put up with nerds
Where did I post anything about pol you fucking loser?

While you're posting generic 2D sluts in your dark basement I'm fucking hot babes at evo and entering offline tourneys.
Post CFN you bitch made faggot
>Potemkin is straight up garbage in GG.
unless you play against Ogawa he's fine.
Potemkin is only bad at very high level play. The average GG player like you gets raped easily by any decent Pot player
any tips for lucario vs braixen
Terry, K', Kula, Ryo, Iori, Kyo are all fairly generic shoto-clones, if that's your jam. Maxima is like a really noodley grappler with some bizarre links, so I'd avoid it unless you're a seasoned wrestlerhomo.

I play Venom. I ejaculate hot ropey payloads of billiards all over and inside Potemkins on the daily. He is nothing to me.
use attacks that are super effective against his type
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t. polturd fgc tranny lover

my cfn is dougyanceyfunnie i would destroy you in sfv kid
>Generations 2:Electric Boogaloo
Its going to be original levels so I guess that fine. Sega didn't completely fuck up for once.
does anyone else feel like the hits in Blazblue feel too light? I wish it was more impactful like in GG
Post 5 seconds of you raping a decent Potemkin
Dont use Lucario
Steel is weak to fire
It better have a lot of levels for all this time we've had to wait and no pointless padding like Generations did
Do anons still call doug bad? Mostly i just see people impersonate him lately
wow... this game is so.... difficult
post 30sec of yourself winning evo
I thought he was sincere
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I would have liked Modern Sonic to get a game without Classic, but hell if that is what it takes for a decent Sonic game sign me up. Now I can rest easy, and go get shit on in fighting games.Bring back VF you fucks.
I played Sonic the Fighters today. It was a Fang mirror and we immediately changed to another game after it.
I defaulted to imagining F.A.N.G in Sonic
who wants to beat my ass in ST or 3s and tell me why I suck
>SFV sucks so much Daigo is going back to GG
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thats fucking gross

if youre gonna post porn at least post normal stuff
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But real talk what are the chances of Necro coming back
Is Doug here and does he want to play A2?
fuck i laughed
le washed up overrated shoto man sucks lmaooo
None whatsoever.
I'm not good enough to do that but I'll play you in either if you don't mind me being in Japan
Should I not even bother with Shun'ei if I don't like TK thruster?
How to get better with gief? shotos are just running , jumping away and chipping me to death. so far i'm maining gief, but also use mika and Guile, testing the waters with chun, and gonna pick up juri next week. still new to fighters, and sfv feels nothing like GG or SG
If he's not, I'll play you
yeah sure that's fine. do you have a preference?
become a body builder
actually, i'm east coast how bad will it be?
Is Void going to be ok?
In a game with a gigantic fucking roster, it seems stupid to pick characters that are missing all kinds of tools. His TK shit is garbage.

Especially when you have people like Kyo that have proper fireballs, DPs, tatsu equivalents, invul frames, etc.
Better start saving up for a gofundme for his family
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This isn't fair
Kyo doesn't have a fireball.
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What is the most perfect fighting game in existence?
I hope he kills himself
getting a chihuahua, less time for street fighter and fightan thank god
Gief is 80% patience and 20% confidence

You have go be brave enough to go for ot when the time comes, but jumping the gun will get you killed. The best advice i can give you is to play slow for a while, hot fewer buttons and see what they do.
Or play alex
Delete this
>What is 108 Shiki: Yamibarai
i did not need to see this.......
I hadn't thrown up in a while thanks m8
Not in XIV
>Daigo sucks so much at SFV that he is going back to GG
If I put peanut butter on my benis will (s)he lick it?
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He's right. They gave him the fire punch instead of the ground fire.
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>posts shit girl
stop posting anytime
How much for a night??
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>I remember liking SvC Chaos, let's fire it up
>the only thing people want to do is play Earthquake chain/fart spam
>if you shut it down with Goenitz tornado cheese they get mad and stop playing

Some people just need to be dragged out into the streets and shot.
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Literally our guy
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I'll play Uno. Is there a good platform for it?

First to 3 Uno matches.
I can relate to that though

>tfw no waifu to castrate you with her teeth
>tfw no abusive gf who will beat the shit out of you and cuddle with you afterwards

See me in XBLA uno senpai, you literally can't see me
thanks man

Our boy PISSS on r/kappa.

The fuck outta here
Isn't it supposed to be a place to discuss fighting games? Apparently not. Good thing I don't go there then.
That's the board for general discussion.
Ryu is so fucking fraudulent in this game
>a testament to how braindead a game is that being the best is meaningless
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There you fucking waifufags, now I never want to hear "Is X female character a good character for beginners" ever again
>the best
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r u ok
I really expected that mika to wake up super
does someone have a screenshot of the facebook post of a smasher taking a dump in a dudes luggage
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say that to my face and not online and see what happens kid
dizzy isn't that hard and post 5 seconds of you doing a j.d unblockable with elphelt
is pisss making you discord bottom bitches shitpost in his stead now since he's banned for 2 months?
Why is SFV's Ibuki so not fun?

>May easier than Jack-o
Literal garbage post
shes really fun she just sucks extreme amounts of ass
Where is Juri

I need you Juri
SFV is No Fun Allowed: The Game
what if rashid is my waifu
Let me rephrase this

What is the most perfect fighting game in existence and why is it KoF '98?
Ibuki is fun
Honestly, I could barely post that with a straight face
>dsp replied

You don't need to do an unblockable unless you're playing at a tournament. It's chart for beginners. Elphelt is much easier to pick up than Dizzy because Elphelt's hard stuff is only necessary to learn when you're good at the game and playing at a decent level, Dizzy's basics are hard.

May and Jack-O' are meant to be the same I just can't put them in the same spot because you'd only see one.
Because the game is designed for esports, it's meant not to be fun.
She was better in SFIV, in SFV she's just boring, she's probably the last fun DLC character released so far.
post 30sec of you memeing daigo with ibuki
sorry I found another match

east coast would have been real bad though
Where is Kum
Where are nine million of the KoF girls
>last fun DLC character

I meant least fun DLC character.
much read

so style

She was a dumb meme character everyone hated to play against in 4
>basic bitch vortex
what did he mean by this

i feel like the last reset was unnecessary

you coulda killed off the overhead with st.mp xx dp xx super
Did that s.mk link off of the overhead on a not-counterhit?
I dont think you know what a vortex is, as much as he doesnt know what a read is
Is Balrog any good? I have enough fight money for either him or Alex and I'm having a tough time deciding. I played alex for like 10 minutes when he was free, but not enough to get a feel for it
Legit, I believe Dizzy's RC combo BNB is way easier (and also less character specific) than Elphelt's. Unless by beginner you really mean retard who mashes buttons all day long. Then you can scale Ramlethal down because her target combo bullshit is very hard to deal with as a beginner.
>Hard to play
>Hard execution
Literal cuck detected
when you do overhead off the target combo from st mp you get more advantage on hit allowing you to link st mp or st mk, its probably the only way to even use her overhead since its garbage otherwise
I prefer Alex personally, but it really comes down to your play style.
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pics or it didn't happen
They're both below mid-tier.

Save the dough for Urien or Juri.
Huh, didn't know that, thanks.

yeah its +3 on hit raw or +5 if done from the st.mp->f.mk target combo
I'm a super bronze shitter so I don't really care about tier lists. I guess what I'm more asking is which is more fun
When is TGS?
SFV is balanced
Literally all of Dizzy's oki setup need character specific projectiles/delay
Fun :

Juri > Urien > Alex > Niggerman
alex and balrog are not fun, you can't really freestyle with them and all the games look the same
lol I forgot Capcom players have their own special meanings for shit that has broad applications in every other fighting game

the Smashers of traditional FGs
>needing perfect oki

PR Rog seems like he is having fun with Rog on his stream, but then again it's his husbando.
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how do i refrain from panic dp?
what's the difference between being hard to play and hard execution?
Fair enough. When is Urien supposed to be coming out?
If you want to DP don't
this is what sf4 did to people brains
Hard to play is more about what the character needs to do, how good you need to be at non-execution stuff like footsies and defense. For exemple complete zoning characters like Dhalsim tend to be harder for beginners, but they don't necessarily have harder exercution.
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Don't listen to that retard Urien is way more fun to play than a boring zoning character like Juri, hell even Alex is more fun to play than her.

Urien/Rashid/Ibuki are the most fun as you can do a lot of different stuff with them and play the character your style, play one of them while waiting for Urien. We don't know when Urien will be out maybe august maybe september.
okay, that's what i was thinking, but that sounds more like character tier to me, idk
>tfw make a kikebook to join my schools FGC group and they block me
Facebook sucks
Hard execution : The character is easy to play (straight forward, needs to do x y z to be successful, but the execution requirements, aka links/button pushes are very tight and require precision, and are hard)

Hard to play : Character requires good reads, oki, character-specific combos/frame knowledge in order to be successful at all, regardless of how easy his commands are or how slack the executional requirements are

try being less abrasive
>SF and KoF today are all about long ass-fuck combos and gimmicky shit that keeps the opponent locked down and helpless for as long as you do it right
>the only exception anymore is anime

how do you feel about valle dropping marvel from scr
>Ryu gets a new CA
>it's called the Ryujin Eisei Kyouteki Toshi
how hard would you cringe?
lmao as a goober this post is super goober
That's what you get for being a sperg polturd/sjw that's literally the only people that get blocked, get fucked
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I've heard theres a mod for pc to play urien or something, how to do and will I get banned?
All I did was press the join group button since it's a closed group. I think they blocked me since my page is empty.

>calling yourself a goober

this is like being a jew and calling yourself a german oven mitt
did you miss the reset?
Did you miss the part where it was a shitpost?
>locked down and helpless for as long as you do it right
Not at all. Shoto characters tend to be the easiest characters to play, yet their placement in the tier list is always different.
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stop reporting me
>saying things I don't like = shitpost

don't be such a total pussy

just upload a photo and fill out some generic details about how you like listening to music, watching films, intaking oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide.

Is Alex actually decent? i only ask cause FM is precious and i dont want to make bad buys.
Who are you quoting?
nice shitpost
he is mid tier but underplayed for some reason
Alex is aiight.
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>not using the fight money exploit like all the other cool kids
>implying there is a PS4 fight money exploit
Denim shorts Josie, I need you.

Also, VSL tournament qualifiers being done over at /greentekken
i used them on the pc, everything is patched now, unless theres a new one round mod
Don't know about PC but the exploit still works on PS4. I updated to 1.06 and was able to do it just fine two days ago.
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>this is what sf4 did to people brains

It stills hurts me every day.

>want to play cool characters
>all of their BnBs involve shit that's impossible to get consistently without plinking/blinking 1-frame links
>don't really feel like spending three thousand hours in training mode just to be able to start playing the game
>go back to character select
>"Well, I'm not going to be one of those shitter shotos. Who's left?"
>Cody. Just Cody.
>Get raging drunk and start playing Blanka instead
>get to 2k bp just by playing like a complete asshole, laughing so hard I cried
don't do it for the premium costumes btw that's a sure way to get banned
How do I learn to zone
I can only play rushdown and grappler and I feel like zoning requires too much brain but they look so cool when I see good players do it
In what game? Zoning is pretty easy in SF usually but it's less rewarding
Sup Ross

The essence of zoning is to make your opponent hate you more than they have ever hated anything. More than anyone ever thought they could hate anything.

You aren't playing to win. You're playing to break their will to win.
It's only listing the returning KOF girls
We haven't really seen enough of the new ones to make a true judgement

Though Love Heart and Nakoruru will probably be in the low execution, easy to play corner
Any game. The ones I play most right now are SFV and Xrd, I tried playing Dhalsim and Venom when I started and couldn't do shit, couldn't do anything when I tried playing Dizzy either.

I thought that was grapplers
>I thought that was grapplers

No. Almost the opposite.
To play grapplers you need to make your opponent think they've already won.
>It's chart for beginners
Then I-no and Millia should be the only ones in top right
play axl to zone. it'll make a lot more sense.
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Trigger fighting game when?
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So where does Juri rank in terms of power in lore? She beat Chun-Li, Cammy, and Guile, so she's at least mid-tier, and didn't seemed threatened by Seth, plus she beat all of the dolls at once
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>sf lore
Don't do this to yourself /v/..
>dizzy basics are hard
Yeah. Summoning fish and going for mixups for free is very hard
Lore power levels

Rare Akuma
Oni = Asura
Akuma = Evil Ryu
Everyone else is a pleb
wud scissor
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inferno cop.webm
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you cant make one because inferno cop has plot armour
>Oni = Asura

Post season 2 predictions:
Abel, Sagat, Sakura, Oro, Dan, Hakan
Maybe per nerf when she had gorilla normals and could just mash S

Not anymore
Probably around Sagat. She got rekt by Bison in her SFV story but was beating Vega.
dropped my link

Evil Q
Evil Dan
Divine Blanka
Evil Juri
C. Viper
Sorry, the opponent was mashing ultra and you lost
Akuma, Sagat, Ed, Abel, Hugo, Dudley
fuck, hate when that happens
>Rose posessed by Bison
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I just want Poison back.
Sakura, a new kickboxing slut solely designed to sell swimsuit dlc, Ed, Blanka, Abel
Dark Ronald>>>>>>>>>POWERGAP>>>>>>>>>Everyone
Viewtiful Joe
There is no way they could ever make Blanka work in this game without completely overhauling everything to the point that he's not even the same character or cha

Don't even fucking joke.
Oh yeah? Fuck you.

Sure there is.
Blanka Ball on Vskill.
Everything else translates pretty smoothly.
>blanka ball on vskill

what the fuck man
as compensation its -45 on block
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Thoughts on Wonder Woman?
>they would actually have to do this to make Blanka not too good

Fuck SFV
Why did you post this?

You too
Blanka is top tier... in CvS2.
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>Trying to skip neutral like a true goober
>This guy forces me to play footsies
How do I win neutral on this guy I just want to meme oki on him
NRS keeping the tradition alive
Jesus Christ, new Injustice is ulglier than SFV
She's too good for SFV
More like Wonder (if it's a) Woman
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>mfw Capcom could've got CyberConnect2 to make the SFV story
Aliens invade earth and threaten to destroy it unless you can land 3s Yun's hp loop 10 times.

You have one try.

How fucked is the earth?
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I don't even know what the loop is
the earth is doomed unless you can land sf4 ryu's f.hp c.hp link into f.dp

you have one try and you get no warmups. also, the entire planet's eyes are on you. how fucked are you?
>what the fuck man

s'cuse me.
meant Blanka Ball on V-Reversal

1/3rd gauge seems about right. Maybe V-skill would be electricity? I don't fucking know.
It's uglier than KoFXIV, they managed to do the impossible.
What's the cheapest way for me to get KoF XIV at launch? I want to main Nelson because of that EVO tournament hype and I like how sick it looks when he runs to the other side of the screen during then super flash.
It would be cheesy as fuck but probably enjoyable.

>everyone grunting at each other and punching waterfalls so hard they split from the bottom up

I mean the current story was cheesy as fuck already. But it was shit cheesy not big dumb anime good cheesy.
well kofxiv just lacks budget but looks fine in aesthetics

I only play Yang.
Fuck Yun, and fuck this entire tier-whoring not-so-great-ape species.
>number of posts speculating that a character will get an old special as a v-skill


>number of characters that have a special turned into a v-skill

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Making the video now but I asked Daigo at Evo who are the Top 5 US Street Fighter players (before Top 128 even happened) and this is who he said in no order.

-Justin Wong
-PR Rog
-Filipino Champ
-Chris G

what do you guys think?
I'm baffled by Filipino Champ and Chris G
I'm starting to buy HBR's inexperience shill. The later models look way better than the first ones they showed.
Why are NRS games' animations so ugly?
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I'm an alien too anyway, fuck earth.
ayy lmao
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>I'm baffled by Filipino Champ and Chris G

He was just kinda blindly grabbing for names at that point. We don't have five good players.
LI Joe cuz he made top 8 and the others didn't...
Why do people here dickride japs so much to the point where you complain about your fellow countryman getting an "easy" bracket?

There's no such thing as easy brackets and your treacherous behavior is even more unsettling.
she's fun when she has (ex) kunais and bombs.

this is why she is low tier. she needs meter and bombs, but she only has those when she's already dead. 3-bar vgauge on a character with poor damage and poor health.
wanna play a bit of uniel?
shut up LI joe
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I need a Mike "filename" Ross for this
is guile a good character for beginners
1. Art
2. Du
3. Rog
4. Goo
5. JWong
daigo never won against fchamp in a tournament
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You probably forgot because you were drunk, but as I said last time I won't be home until tomorrow so I can't play fighting games until then
Mike "filename" Ross
why does necalli have a divekick
Why don't you have a divekick?
right, i forgot.
wasnt drunk tho, was busy writing shitty term paper
s-see me tomorrow then

It was cool to see an American make it that far, but the reality of it was more like Infiltration's Nash winning more by proxy.

That said, Joe played smart and often did the opposite of what Infiltration might have done. I think that threw a number of players off. His execution wasn't flagrantly bad but the drops lost him his finals match.
Because why should a character with seismos and anti-projectile charge skills not have one? Don't forget to give him excellent anti airs.

What kind of character was he again?
Imo yes, he's the charge of the beginner coin, ryu is the other side.

i feel like im cheating when i jump, the opponent reacts and antiairs but i still win because i have a divekick
Because fuck you ur worse than Breek das why.
Mike "the Loss" Ross
Mike "Chocolate Monkey" Ross
Mike "I'm not Sanford Kelly" Ross
everyone on 2ch is considering dropping sf5 cuz infiltration won
>first game I played online was xbla
>not even a minute into the game and got called a called a bitch nigger for changing the color
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So, on PC, ever since the prior patch that added balrog and ibuki, whenever I play SFV in windowed mode, everything starts to go slower. However, while in fullscreen, it runs smoothly. I'm using an Radeon R9 390 with the screen at 1920 res. Even at lower res in window mode, it still lags. Anyone had similar issues?
So they mad he isnt Japanese.
Is there a fighting game character with your first name?
meant to say first game on xbla but whatever
Mike "Brown Noise" Ross
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>he's the charge of the beginner coin
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Reminder that in SFV if a character doesn't have a dp he'll always be below average.

Nash doesn't count since he has the best v-reversal in the game.

Last I heard Japan recognizes F-Champ as the best Dhalsim in the business.

Nash's V-reversal is garbage, dude.
Robert Garcia
Daigo has literally never beat Champ once in any game.

Chris G is probably cause he sees Chris G consistently land those Guile kill combos but Du or Dieminion have never done it in tournament
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>first google search
I hope he's a good character.
Who's stronger, F-Champ, H-Champ or C-Champ
Non-full screen = enjoy your v-sync. There's no fix for it aside from uninstalling the game and never playing it again.
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no but this is probably the closest.

What's bad about it?
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It's not a name I see often.
Who are H Champ and C Champ? I've never heard of those guys.
what are ibuki's footsie buttons
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f.HP, mash and hope for a crush counter.
Honduran champ and Chinese champ
oh boy you should try playing ken, air tatsu just plain beats so many anti airs

Slow, vulnerable, predictable, etc

It is widely acknowledged as the worst V-reversal in the game. The fact that the best Nash players in the world are able to make it look good doesn't make it good.
Hentai champ and concentration champ

HK that is, I'm retarded
Never heard of him

>japanese players mad the best fighting game player in the world won sf5

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that's why
I use to really like that band
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That must have been rough growing up.
tfw during high school I heard "GOING SOMEWHERE JAREK!? often...
nice to meet you, jack-o-kun
you didnt need to tell us, we knew already
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His evil version is really strong
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> No fighting game character named Gerald

Why even live?
>Ring of Destiny.webm
>That must have been rough growing up.

Why do you think that? Angus is a pretty alright name.

That's literally every one of them.

>It is widely acknowledged as the worst V-reversal in the game.
In a game with Vega, Balrog and Cammy? You pulled that out of your ass.

There is a longstanding rivalry between Korea and Japan. Something to do with the Japanese occupying their land, raping their women, etc and being insanely xenophobic fucks.

The Japanese are literally racist against other Asian cultures and ethnic groups. Not just a little bit - like a LOT, and institutionally. If you are of distant Korean descent, it says so on your Japanese driver's license.
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that's actually surprising there isn't, sounds like a Knight coulda had that name.
Nobody called you Anus?
Anus is not an alright name

I did it for myself.
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Not playable but good enough.
Nice try pal but Gill and Urien and Alex are way more powerful than her and Ryu
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>nanase has a 5k combo damage 'cheevo
Not even any notable video game character besides pointless NPCs. Best ive found was Gerald Robotnik from Sonic and one of the Cars cars from Radiator Springs.
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You got the next best thing tho
>no lawrence/larry

what the hell, i thought tekken would have on for sure
>drink redbull
>#riseup in guilty gear
>stop playing
>feel like dying
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Your name is Roa?
All asians are racist against other asians tough, it's not unique to Japan.

>start with 2c
>counterhit on

After one redbull?
Call poison control.
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>people got butthurt SA3 wasn't the announcement
That last part sounded like bullshit. Source?
What's the cheapest way for me to get KOFXIV on release? New Amazon account + Prime trial + 20% discount?
i never drink energy drinks, im OK but i just feel like shit
His first name is Michael
cool, close enough
Rolento, kinda, not really
Next time drink coffee and not a fucking energy drink that shit is really going to kill you.
I know that was a joke...

Drink a bunch of water.


Could be. Was related to me by someone visiting Japan.
The Sonic Adventure games were fucking terrible, 2006 was adventure 3, and no fucking around if you have a different opinion you're retarded
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Rolento was supposed to be named Lawrence:
Not as much as you'd think. I never had any nicknames either.
Yes. I don't play him though.
Closest I could find.
Why is European humor vastly unfunny and inferior to even the most bone-dry British humor?
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Coffee kills me already, every time I drink one I start sweating and feeling like I'm gonna have a heart attack
I don't know why people don't consider Heroes was SA3 either but then again, I hate that people think the game will automatically be amazing if it even has that title.
yeah i guess the japanese pronunciation of lawrence would be "rorensu" or something pretty close to rolento
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Forgot Sagat, Gouken, Urien, Gill, Alex, and Chun

All these characters are way stronger than Juri or are on par with Ryu

I'd argue that Gill and Urien and Gouken are stronger than Ryu and on par with Akuma

Alex is on par with Ryu SAMs with Sagat
and Ken

Juri doesn't even belong on this list.

Get out of here waifufags
Well, I've been playing Melty Blood for a while and didn't know until I just googled it myself, so I thought maybe you didn't know either, since everyone just call him Roa.
didn't 1 arm oro fight evenly with akuma?
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>Rare Akuma
You wat
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Nah he was like Cody with cuffs literally holding back
>can't drink coffee
I guess this is the closest.
>no character named Troy

Would've thought there was one out there.
He even forgot Gen
Gen is literally just as strong as Gouken and Akuma
Does anyone have any kum haehyun hentai by any chance?

Couldn't find anyone with 'Ryan'. Blue Mary (Mary Ryan) is as close as I can get I guess. My birthday is even Feb 4th too.
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It's literally in character select...
brick is not europe
Why are you calling Italian- no- Brick humour 'european'?
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>Is there a fighting game character with your first name?


So was anything interesting announced by anyone?

Did Marvel say anything about games by other companies?
>Akuma vs Magikarp
10-0 Magikarp

Akuma is a jobber
Wow this is what a kusoge looks like

Is this our pisss?
DC vs marvel coming soon made by NRS
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>not embracing it
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>be down to 1hp against a fang
>block the instant overhead jp.mk
>go to punish the landing recovery
>ibuki attacks the wrong way
But I never use him or know anyone who know him
Why would you use male characters in anime games
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melty discord is full of scumbag roa and kouma players
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If Smash Bros. for PS3 is a fighting game
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I'm bored of Revelator, what else is there to play?
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Is there any fighting game character named Brandon?
Oh, I quit that discord because it was too weeb for me. I just want to play fighting games not discuss anime while showing off your daki.
how do i play sniffbuki?
t. buttblasted sin player
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come destroy some humble bundle waifushitters
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you cant

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I play Faust though you rude bastard don't you ever say that shit again
god damn I miss sf4

I really wish the community would still play it. I'm going to a regional in 2 weeks and the usf4 side tourney has like 10 entrants so far...
You can just post your IP and say gg when it's over. I have never discussed anime in the time I've been there.
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i need a hug
Reminder: The second half of Balrog's character story mode takes place after the main cinematic story meaning Necalli is still wandering around in order to job.

Akuma confirmed for season 2.
NRS was getting slightly better at women with MKX why did they stop caring
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not a gay hug i need a gentle caring womanly braless bosom embracement hug
I must've totally blanked out on this, what did Bamco announce at SDCC? Nothing?
necalli gonna end up as comic relief character by next year in the story
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nah b.gif
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>Chun Li
>Below average
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i think im gonna go back to dhalsim

ibuki is gonna take a lot of work and i just dont think she'll be ready by the time egx comes around
DC wanted her to look that way I'm not fucking around
who is most gorilla in sf5
He was doomed the second Gill showed up in the story mode.

I wouldn't be surprised if, should SFV even survive to have a season 3, the 2018 season is just a straight retelling of NG/2I/3S.
gotta lose weight if you want that fatty

just the way the world works
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shut up broski nobody cares
cammy's easier than both desu and more fun
embrace the ass
the character you like playing the most.
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I respect that decision because I too feel as though Ibuki has some godlike play limited by the fact that she has almost no way of opening up opponents in any reliable fashion.
alright just remember that you will forever be known as a dhalsim memer with no actual fundamentals
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i'm on to you buddy
why the fuck is she so hard REEEEEEEEEE
>no actual fundamentals
well it's not like switching to ibuki is going to solve his problem
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TvC2 when?
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At least it's the truth
I don't like phone conversations but man this is a new level of autism
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I had to cheat with google.
Bison, Chun Li, Ken.
Damn man don't put so much sugar
chun li isn't gorilla she takes a high level of execution and concentration to win against competent opponents
sometimes i think i'm just barely getting by everyday without having a nervous breakdown but i read these posts and i realize i'm probably a normie compared to like 60% of this site
I do similar shit I just don't write it down.
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Alex, Bison, Ken, Mika
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I'm not black tho
Sugar is like the only reason to drink coffee
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when their vergil pops x factor.gif
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>Not enjoying a cup of black coffee

I'm out. Peace, /fgg/. Gonna Aquasilk it.
I can drink it black but it's acquired taste that said 1 1/2 spoonfuls of sugar and you should be fine.
You like the taste of burnt tar?
What's was the tier list for Rising Thunder before it died?
>not getting high off coffee every day
That's Chariot's gay furry friend
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Why does SFV have two Kens instead of just one?

Seriously. Ryu's fireball has a frame less of recovery, slightly less negative on block, and it doesn't combo with the low forward (which is shorter and slower).
No wonder people go mindless rushdown with him when he facilitates that playstyle.
good: ninja dude, russian, boxer
ok: chick after nerfs, guy that threw disks
only worked vs new players who didn't know how armor worked: greek grappler dude
Wait I thought Brick was a baguette.
that's void
May he rest in peace
The reason they gave him stuff like dash was to mitigate issues with fighting certain characters that nullify his ability to play neutral like chun li

unfortunately this is a shitty way to balance, back in the day it was balanced with strong fireballs. you just have to play certain ways in sfv or die
>KoF 14 backdashes are airborne frame 1 and have lower body invincibility
Did he get hit by a truck?
Potemkin gets me mad as fuck. I just. That fucking slash attack where does that whack-ass pose... God what the fuck, what a garbage char and I love his design so much. :'c

At least Venom and Leo are fun to play. :l (I only have GGXRD -sign- (or whatever) on PC so I haven't played anyone else yet)
he went to see a rock show and the band absolutely killed it live.
>Watching American fighting game stream
>Constantly getting mad over the video game.

>Watching Japanese fighting game stream on Niconico
>Always chill, never get mad over the video game when they lose.

clips. twitch
What's the best game to play on fightcade for someone who's new to fighting games?
Third Strike
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>viscunt and other marvelowlifes hyping themself up for a marvel 4 yesterday
Just play skullgirls or whatever.

This game is so lame. Even Ultradavid thinks the game has fuck all diversity of playstyle.

Most people like to play a 2p game not a 1p jab jab option select knockdown into safejump 50/50 epic forced coin flip guess vortex. Sorry.
who are you quoting?
Did you see him exposing that esports "journalism" about this? They just wrote an "article" about this clip without checking any video footage before it or contacting juicy.
Why do you think nips are better? They have a better mentality towards losing, Americans have this "I only lost because I did something wrong" not "I lost because the other guy was better".
Captards are not people. Captards are loyal sheep that will follow the trail of piss that ono laid before them.
Is the community friendly to newcomers?
Or just because they're the most active?
Juri's new CA may look a bit uninspired visually, but it's already more practical than her U2 from SFIV. Landing that shit in a combo was very risky and it didn't always work well.
The only comment is by juicey himself and he also contacted them on twitter openly.
Epic /v/ console war tier post.
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>marie, umbrella, b.dahlia will never be added for the sake of the story
>nobody wants good characters like hive, yu-wan, and scythana
>everyone wants the next DLC characters to be meme shark and pedobait

this is why skullgirls deserves to die
Capcom makes consoles? Where are all those sf4 players now?
yu wan was just a fucking wolverine clone who the fuck wanted that
Can we consider Daigo exposed at this point?
3S because it's the most popular American game on Fightcade, because it's a great game and because it is very easy to pick up and play.

ST = more of a relic than a legit fighting game. has lots of dumb design that will frustrate the shitnout of you.

A2 = Great for beginners but the game is dead as fuck and when there are people on its always brazilians.

A3 = Has lots of kusoge mechanics and the mets gets dumber the better you get.

There's a reason why 3S is by far the most played. It has the best mechanics.
Anyone wanna play something on Fightcade?

I'll play whatever you want.
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i do and every non-virgin does cuz skullgirls never replace marvel without a proper sniktbub
Forgot to say I'm in Europe.
Still applies?
Maybe I am blind but I don't see any real info where the money goes towards to in this article. All I see is strange wording and dance around the topic like they need th money for other stuff and next year.
>Marvel not at SCR
Confirmed dead
>loses to taquito and justina at EVO
His match with Tokido have been the best match of the tournament
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Do neogeo pocket fighters have a scene?
3s is a japanese games..
3s is also very counter productive for fg fundamentals unless you want to learn slot machines and no variety in characters and playstyles.
Euros play alpha 3 and super turbo more but I don't think you'll have problems finding matches in the 3S lobby anyway. There are enough euros in there to always have people to play against
Not only is marvel a shit game but it also brings only a small number of players to events.
post 30 seconds of you playing 3S
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RIP Void
Thanks, Anon!
>ST = more of a relic than a legit fighting game. has lots of dumb design that will frustrate the shitnout of you.

Too bad ST is the quintessential fighting game.
If autists are concerned about pure skill, wouldn't a fighting game with only one character be the ultimate test of abilities?

There's no tiers, because there's literally only one character. Everyone has access to the same tools, combos, etc.

Would people start claiming dumb shit, like being on the right side gives you an advantage?
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I'm pretty sure people claim that shit with 2p side already
>any sf past 3s
Good one.
every player has a "good side" if you dont think that youre delusional.
Mirror matches are NOT always even- again, if you read Japanese BBS you'd know. In Japan, difficulty of mirror match is based on how differently you need to play the character during the mirror, and whether you gain or lose your main tools. For example, as a Ragna player, I don't have to adjust my playstyle for the mirror (just space my 5b)- I actually get new tools to use specifically for the match (double berial variation, dp clashing gimmicks, etc). Because of these factors, it's generally accepted here that Ragna has a relatively easy mirror, which acts as a 6-4 matchup when it comes to character ranking. On the other hand, Arakune mirrors cause the player to play a completely different style plus he loses a lot of his options (where's your curse pressure when you're cursed yourself?). Last I read, the Japanese said he has the hardest mirror and ranked it at 3-7 in terms of character ranking, but I haven't checked recently. And then finally, a lot of chars like Bang/Tsubaki/Hakumen have relatively plain mirrors which get 5-5 in terms of character ranking.

But again, I don't think US is ready to add in these factors when they're still putting out ideas like a fighting game with only one character.
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BTW this is all we got for Soul Calibur from sdcc.
>"tweet @soulcalibur if you want a new game"

seriously? no ken? yeah no pictures but ken.
in certain games there are advantages to one of the sides thpough
Only Melee
>mirror matches aren't always even
>mirror matches are 6-4

You're a fucking moron. In a game where only one character exists, you're not playing the character differently during the mirror than you would be outside of it, because there IS no other match-up.
Bro you fell for a pasta calm down
Mirror matches are a yolo randumb mashfest
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6 years old pasta and people still fall for it
>replying to replies to copypasta
He seemed pretty mad that someone wrote a wall of text to his shitty idea. Guess I shoulda let it roll.
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power button

anti air jab into sweep into DA SHIMMIE PogChamp
Raw super
Sweep, DPs recover fast so idk if super or throw would get him.
Is there a character called Ariel?

he can break it

not fast enough
5.k c.s f.s 5.h 214.s
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2361 cr.hp 236 release hp~lp is the correct answer
what do i win
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>he can break it
Does @Soulcalibur still link to some random Jap account with no avatar that hasn't been used since 2008
This is the account https://twitter.com/hoshino_calibur
But yeah very rarely used, especially confirmed to Harada or Tekken now.
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hello does anybody have the sol mirror match.jpg with the gorillas
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It's the only match that I've felt invested in.

Vs Justin Wong too but that ended in heartbreak.
Went through a lot of changes.

Edge was at the top for like 80% of the game's life though, Talos alternated between high tier and absolute unredeemable bottom tier, Chel was high for a long time with Vlad and Boxer being solidly mid tier and Crow always either losing a round hard or winning a round hard
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why is fixing lmao8frames not capcoms top priority?
because they're halfway through CPT and don't want to make a change that big until after capcup

esports were a mistake
fixing 8frames doesnt sell costumes
>implying you noticed before snake eyez made a big deal of it

did you actually just suggest that the 8 frame input delay wasnt discovered until snakeeyez kept getting bodied?
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>8 frames of lag
>shorter hitstop

Punish me. I dare you.
8f got found pretty early on, then no-one said anything until snake eyez started losing and had to start OSing
It wasn't a problem until Snake Eyez went full bitch mode and kept insisting that it was a problem.

8 frames is literally nothing.
>implying you noticed even before that
>mfw the fucking run

You literally can't punish it unless you're actively looking for it and 100% ready to react to it, it feels you can't even throw it, it's bullshit
It's unsafe as fuck you retard. I punish it with Ryu's lp.dp without even thinking about it.
It was the highest level of skill shown at EVO. The fight was pure footsies and a 10/10 fight.
I'm sorry that not everybody has an invincible 3 frame meterless reversal

Lag equivalent to the startup of an average roundhouse is nothing? So when does the input lag become indefensible?

Oh 10 frames is nothing
12 frames? Just adapt
Because mindless drones like you will defend and give them money anyway.
>putting real work into a game that will be dead next year
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>pure footsies
>a 10/10 fight.
>night time comes around
>goobers start non-stop shitposting about SFV unprovoked

nightly reminder that night-time fgg is the worst
Because its not "broken". I certainly dont think its a good thing but its not something they just didnt realize when they launched the game.

Clearly they intended, or at least accepted 8 frames of input lag while developing the game.
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Nobi kumite
It's noon though.
SF is nowhere near my main or even favorite game, but based on its reception you'd have to be retarded to think the game will be dead next year. If it had a bad release like SFxT then maybe, but mainstage at Evo, ESPN time, Capcom pumping cash, and the largest turnouts at the event. Come on man.
>main chun
>try to play a diff character
>can't adapt to their stubby normals

jesus, its like a completely different game.

chun for life
I want to quit so bad learning fighting games seriously so hard. Remembering frame data, meaty set ups optimize punishes and execution a lil is killing me fuck.
assuming it was hpDP i'd just sweep for the crossup setup

i can personally only do crossupHK,crHPxxhpDP fairly reliably, then i'd super his wakeup block for chip and space, sweep him if he reversals through it like a real nigga. hella doubt i can do that kind of thing yet in a real match
>Linne has pantyshots
>Nanase does not
Take the points and run nigga you don't need to BO3. Just take the points and go!

This aint a tournament! You can just leave! Do it faggot!
Someone see me on fightcade

I'll play anything
>but based on its reception
It got the worst reception a numbered sf ever gotten after sf the movie the game. It way undersold and makes so little money that capcm has to put out a 25$ to lessen the fall.
>everyone lines up to suck Garou's cock
>Real Bout FF 2 is easily ten times the better game but there's no Rock Howard for faggots to jerk it to
Because CPT isn't over until December and changing 8frames will affect the balance and force people to change how they play. The current delay requires a different timing than 4 or 5 frames would meaning things that work right now will not work once 8 frames is changed.

It would have a huge impact on CPT results.

However snake eyez is a bitch and 8 frames isn't his problem, he just blames it for his failures.
sf3 was worse
you're retarded, garou is straight dumped on
Wtf cpt runs through Dec? This game is done
Garou is never dumped on. People regard it as the SNK equivalent to SF3.
Capcom Cup is in December. Quit being a retard. The schedule has been the same since 2013.
>make rom dumps to gather more money
>only put them on ps4 instead of all systems
>no ggpo so dead after 2 days
Fucking snk, just stay dead.
This is bait.
8 frames is a problem.
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>people are still playing SFV
At least it's supported by Fightcade.
why does Ryu's s.lp beat crossups while hitting the wrong direction?
Getting 5000 entrants on your evo premiere is nothing if not impressive. And the reception of the causal audience, which capcom did fail to capture has nothing to do with the game's tournment life. How many people are still playing Melee casually? How many years has that game been around?

I never said SFV is poised to be the best or even that it will have a longer life than previous SF games. My claim was, again

>"based on its reception you'd have to be retarded to think the game will be dead next year"
It's going to be on PC too however.
It's literally regarded as a broken trash meme game dude, unless you mean 3s is similar in that way, in which case I can understand your point
without memeing, i can't understand it
it's shallow as fuck
it's street fighter so you have to play it because it's the best and everything else is dead and I suck dick

stockholm syndrome at its finest
If you're bad, sure.
What KoF game is the one where the rest of your team is chilling in the background while you fight your match?
Never looked at the schedule. Theres gonna be a few months of no DLC characters where the only thing that will be on peoples minds is 8 frames
98? 99?
>tfw sf5 has great graphics but shit gameplay
>tfw kof 14 has great gameplay but shit graphics

what if capcom and snk worked together to make a fighting game?
Dude it's Street Fighter. Even a terrible entry will get played for a couple years. Remember when SFxT came out and people shat on it? It still got into Evo. TWICE.

Some people legitimately love it. But everyone is playing it because everyone is playing it. If we only played good games we'd still be stuck on Alpha and CVS2.
Nigga please. More people are going to be whining about Nash than 8 frames. Only shitters that need something to blame like DSP will keep the 8 frames meme alive.

Then they'll keep it going even after it's changed for the 2017 season.
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>>tfw sf5 has great graphics
with full 3d models, why the fuck is this not a feature now? I want to have Vice look disapprovingly as a I drop my King combos.

>sf5 has great graphics

Certain characters have cool stylized models but fuck if it has good graphics.

Who has the webm of the robots in Balrog's stage?
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They did and it was amazing
The same reason models in the background of SFV have PS1 textures and run at 30fps.
One of the main gripes about Nash has to do with 8 frames and his light year dashes
Only 98 has it.

They removed it from 99 onwards for some stupid fucking reason.
so now that the kofxiv demo is out have any chinese/korean players given their thoughts on it?
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I don't even know why I still come here

>Open up /fgg/
>t. everything in the fucking world

This place is god awful yet I can't stop coming here
Got some good sniffs with Mai
china hates it
5000 is the normal grwo from sf4+new game hype. The game bombed and capcom is trying to gather money to have something next year.
china hates everything that isn't 98 so that's no surprise
whats ryus optimal punish?
Because despite alllllll off this, you know how much worse it is anywhere else.

You post a comment on how something is bullshit, and JannyModWaifuFan2311 with his 32000 post count, 5000 karma and 32 upvotes just starts slapping his dick on the table and you get shadowbanned while everyone murmurs in disgust about your problematic comment.


> a 127% increase in entrants is normal growth

Anon. You're really stupid.
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>>tfw sf5 has great graphics
(st.hk CC, walk forward) s.mp, cr.hp xx hp srk
>8 frames is literally nothing.
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The power of the Sony PlayStation 4?
Looks pretty dead for a new kof. Twitch is even worse.
>+ new game hype
Who needs to read?
It's my first fighting game.
I bought it because it's active, has decent netcode and is not too complicated of a game.
Now I don't wanna switch games so quickly because I'm still complete ass at fighting games in general.
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>SFV has bad graphics
No one needs to read. You need to learn how mathematics works.
>has decent netcode
Hes right, shouldnt have been born in a third world country
YOu will only learn bad habbits by keep playing this early access scam.
Well if you think the netcode is decent then I guess you're gonna be blown away when you experience actual decency much less good netcode.
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And yet that uncanny valley is still 100 times better than clay access v.
>omg people keep thinking for themself and criticising sfv
>better deflect to other games
Like what?
Dude I'm at a stage where all I do is throw fireballs and anti air people then do some jab confirm or a throw on their wakeup.
My dude, Mortal Kombat X, which was the BEST selling game in 2015 at one point, of any genre, only got 1162 entrants on its debut year.

This is not an argument about the game selling well, its about whether the people who actually go to tournaments will continue to play it. And again, everyone is playing it so everyone will continue to play it.
anyone uniel pc eu?
i want to sniff stinky shitboats
SFV will die without official pot money and esports overhyping just like sf4 did.
>sf4 died

Yeah I think i'm about done with this shit hole
Cool. At least there are people playing it unlike GG and KOF Kermit.
Let's talk about what here not what ifs.
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>re-add orochinagi hold trick and make it the only way to combo into orochinagi from 3D
>except whats the point when quickmax does more damage for less effort

odd design decision tbqh
How many people entering SFV have any serious chance at winning a dime of the pot money? You're telling me that even 10% of those people truly believed they would even get top 8 at evo?

You know. At this point you're either baiting me or you're really just this dense. But either way, im the idiot for even responding to you.
>kof xiv has long combos
SFV only sold 1.4m in the most profitable period where capcom expected 2m. Capcom released a 25$ stage made of hastly thrown together reused assets while claiming the money will go somewhere to cpt with no defined percentage or info.

but you waste more meter for quick max.
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