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/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 752
Thread images: 155

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>Fates FAQ


>/feg/ Castle Addresses

Epic /pol/ memes
Azura a shit
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the truth hurts
>Jew supporter
There is nothing more patriotic to Americans than sucking Jew cock
Subaki is a slut
Guys, I'm new to FE, should I have levelled up a character to the level cap before Master Seal it?
Which game?
Generally yes.
is the number of eternal seals limited per save or i can get infinite as long as i wait it to restock? does it apply to other limited stock items aswell?
Yes, level 20 then promote.
Yeah, max them out otherwise you lose important level ups. If you promote them too early, they will most likely not be able to keep up with the other units.
Eternal seals are bought with level 3 shops and yes they are infinite but they cost like 12000 gold.
I think Eternal Seals are infinite, I'm 90% sure.
As for the other items, I think it's the same. The only objects that aren't infinite are special weapons. Non-Bronce/Iron/Steel/Silver and standard rods.
That explains a lot.
Thanks, won't fuck up important characters next. Good thing this is just my first run and I'm not caring for shit on it. And it is birthright anyway.
The real problem is going to be managing your ressources in Conquest. You can run out of money if you aren't careful. Thankfully there are also good opportunities to refill your wallet.
please end the old thread first
It's just 17 posts
Can someone explain what the shopping in Fates is for if you don't need to replace weapons that have depleted there durability?
The only thing it seems like when rods run out and if someone goes up a weapon level
I'm going to kick your ass you little freak
Okay janny.
you still need ore of some sort though and good luck getting that shit without visiting castles playing the lottery and winning arena fights
What's the best class in FE and why is it Hoshido Noble____?
hey baby
It's obviously butler
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I wish I was allowed to pick the hair style of kana
I wish I was allowed to name Kana
I wish I was allowed to fuck Kana
Or name her. Like why can't you name your own daughter?
that too
maybe be able to have both Kanas as well instead of just a girl or a boy
I wish you would fuck off
That would require IS to put some effort into it.
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Or Kana has physical traits of their non-Corrin parent beyond hair color. Like they could have at least done it for Kana seeing as how shes the MC's child
But nope
on that note at least give corrins children who arent kana the dragon ears
I think they were planning for kids to inherit eye-color but bitched out halfway, that's why Kana and some other kids have grey eyes, that's the default.
The elf ears suits a fuccboi like Shigure
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W-who's your favourite unit newfriend
Shigure is better as a wolf
Kana hana anna
The stink trio
Sakura a perfect but gotta be lobster

By the way, how do I make lobster unstoppable? I mean, really break it.
Have you ever been so drunk you start saying shit you regret in the morning?
I mentioned FE and I thought what said was pretty awkward among other things I was debating /pol/ related shit with them, not to mention a few other things that I regret because it created awkward moments
How rude
Realistically you make him marry Rinkah, use a Marriage seal on him to Blacksmith and get him Lancebreaker.
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Battles please, if you've got the time.
But if I manage to get him lancebreaker through castles, what should I do? I'm willing to sacrifice Kamui for it.
Play as a grill, S-rank him and become his backpack bitch. Then stuff his inventory full of potions. Lobster can solo the entire game like that.
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Lancebreaker is pretty much all he needs.
And Rinkah gives him like +6 Defence, +5 Strength and +2 speed when paired up with him at S rank as a Oni chieften.
Another idiot question:
If I make a character become their partner/friendo class, how do I make it come back to normal? Heart seal?
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Written and illustrated by Setsuna
You can just marry him to rinkah, einherjar him awith Lancebreaker and other skills, and marry someone else.
Heart seal yes.
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Severa's such a cute & nice girl.
What other things are cute & nice like Severa?
what the heck
How do I deal with this? Just pretend it never happened?

Oh god, this is why I hate becoming too drunk, you'll never know when you start talking about your hentai fetishes or something incredibly offensive and awkward to other people.
cutting off severas pigtails!
Is setsuna the most likely to be a furry?
>Setsuna, this is what you wanted, right? This was the promise I made to you.
That would be rinkah
She can support both furries
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Her mom
I don't think she really cares enough to be gay or straight
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No bullying!
I like the other pegasus knight more
I feel like I should plan, beforehand, all my supports, marriages and stuff and start anew.
Sumia is objectively a better girl that Cord
Her mom!daughter
More bullying! Kill the shitstain!
Hinoka or Setsuna?
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How drunk were the others? I really don't know how to deal with this since I can't handle alcohol myself.
HSetsuna, of course. This is a trap and she fell for it, just like you.
Charlotte, Hana and Peri can support both furries too

The one good thing about being more boring than Lucina is that getting drunk doesn't make you awkward.
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>tfw got drunk and started dancing
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What are the best supports that Awakening has to offer?
They were pretty drunk too.

What do you mean?

Holy shit, we were dancing to some youtube shit that very night how did you know?
This one seems the most likely to huff a dog.
Azama supports.
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I may or may not have been used as a fucktoy when drunk
Cause I was dancing with you idiot. While you were drunk you told me all about this place.
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yes waife?
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I want to fuck Hinata!
Because NohrIan Noble has nothing on Ballistician.
Azura goes full furry in her supports with Kaden
Eh, fuck it then. It doesn't matter. Did you have a good time?
Yeah, but I told you we were fighting about /pol/ shit by 4am (didn't even realize the time because it was fun at least) before we went home. Let's call it a "impasse" of sorts.

Then I woke up in the morning thinking I said awkward shit and reget started to sink in.
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If it got really awkward apologize. It should be fine.
>Lon'qu as Laslow's father
satisfying headcannon.
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what i got.jpg
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LET'S SEE EM LADS. Template next post.
I like Hana
That would explain why he's more autistic than Olivia.
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Myrm girls are olev
Virion has the best supports in the game

Is there anyone worth marrying Elise too in Conquest besides Owain?

Also, is the only two decent Ophelia mothers Nyx and Elise? Does anyone give a beautiful blonde ophelia like Elise does?
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I hate these things. How the fuck do you stay so neatly in the squares.
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Elise is the perfect support and eugenics partner for Odin
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Where's her killing edge anon?
hnnnnnnng i dont deserve to see that creamy bare hana heel
Promote yourself to Hoshido Noble, get GIMP, learn how to use masks or crop shit up or whatever, transparency, do them things perfectly.
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I'd give her one but she's always wielding her Sunrise Katana +3 so she can actually pretend to be a dodge tank
or just crop them with paint for minimal effort
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Sad but true.
got any Peri doujins/fics?
sunrise katana is so fucking good
almost all the random hoshido drop weapons are good
meanwhile nohr gets bad venge katanas and other low mt weapons
Should tomboys be female Myrmidons?
I don't get it.
Is there any decent Elise doujinshi btw?
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>elise is a more capable, less delicate version of his mom.
Looks like we solved the mystery of the twitching swordhand.

Are you me?
Why? Do you just hate hinoka or something?
I wanna huff Laslows stink
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I love Pieri and so do you!
I married Hinoka in one of my runs. I just like Setsuna more
give me doujins, dammit
Tomboys can be whatever they want, but I do enjoy my genki myrm archeteype
You meant to put a picture of shitvera there, you fucking chicken.
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Does Xander even realize who he hired as his retainer? Does he not get that Peri ACTUALLY kills innocent people in cold blood? She's more suited to be one of Garons retainers
Wow Jakob is pretty much an asshole to Dywer
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Just like my dad. :"D

Maids aren't innocent at all.
He's an asshole to most people.
Shut up Pieri.
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She's good at her job I guess, and the more time she spends killing soldiers the less time she spends killing civilians
But Pieri doesn't have any
Fuck off, Mozu is shit
>88 turns
then some smutfics! Anything for me to fap to Peri. Or u want me to fap to Robin fucking Noire and Morgan again?


Hans is more innocent than a maid. Let that sink in.
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At least Hinoka has an ass to make up for the no titties. Unlike a CERTAIN Awakening character
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First of all, your art is shit.
Second of all, Camilla is shit.
Third of all, Lucina has a certain air of cuteness over her, as well as Hinoka and both deserve to be loved. Don't respond to me if you don't agree.
Jakob is an asshole to pretty much everyone, it's his way of interacting with the world (other than Corrin). On top of that, he had a shit childhood and doesn't really understand what being a parent is. As I see it, he's trying to repeat how Gunter acted with him, since it was the closest to a parental figure he ever had.
It's not an excuse for how he treats Dwyer, but at least it explains it a bit.
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>Unlike a CERTAIN Awakening character
You mean this one? I don't know, looks like she has some pretty tight buns to me.
Do you hire retainers?
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>hinokafuck headcanon
Fuck off, Hinoka is shit
She and Hans will get along very well
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Am I the only one here who thinks Hinoka's English VA kinda sounds like Tommy Pickles from Rugrats?

Thank you, I nearly fapped to this: >>149270550
That's because she literally is, she voices Kinu and Pieri too
I turn off voices moment I can tbqh
I don't like hearing people talk
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*voice cracks*
Which Fire Emblem boys would you breed? Who would you dump a hot load into and treat like a toy
>they had a woman who has pretty much never voiced anything outside of children's TV and games to voice an insane killer
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Holy shit I just looked it up...
Works for me.
>Gangrel in a maid outfit
Yeah, but I find that voice endrearing, like everything about her.

Best girl.
Hinoka is a dude my dude
I got more Buttercup from Powerpuff Girls from her.
>tfw no girls in this game sound like Blossom and Bubbles.
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>Baby, you're a river of chocolate in an ocean of cream. I'm gonna steal your heart on a daily basis
Before starting a run, how much do you plan it?
I don't.
>Tara Strong was too expensive

Mamma mia
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Man they really REALLY tried to hammer in that Nohr is not the right choice but I love their characters so much more.
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I planned nothing for Conquest and Birthright or any other FE but I am going full autismo for Revelations.
Hinoka was in love with you her entire life even though she thought you were her brother

Is this Saizo, Jakob, or Hayato?
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Yes but would she fuck you on demand like Camilla?
Weird. I felt, by both sides of siblings that the sides were equal. Then again, Nohr had the obviously evil king.

So I went to Conquest!!! Kill Hoshidans and add salt to the injury by killing them... WITH THEIR OWN SWORD!!! MWAHAHAHAHA
Elizabeth Daily also voiced Buttercup in The Powerpuff Girls
Nothing. I've beaten all routes in Lunatic and didn't plan a single thing. Which is why I can't get retards like >>149272230 who pull LE AUTISM xD card or LE SUPER SOLDER fags from Awakening.
why not both?
Yarne also voiced Molag Bal in Skyrim
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Selkie > Hinoka > Peri desu senpai
I want to go full autismo but I don't know how.
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Setsuna is the superior dumb waifu
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Even Clerics who play in the mud?
who CATFIGHT in the mud*
I mean what do you expect really?
I think both families are interesting
But one raised you and knows you better as opposed to a family of strangers.
But that's what makes it interesting when you have to confront them.
It's not some random boss or villain, it's your family.
I know the writing isn't as good as the other games
But I got some feels when after siding with Hoshido Xander says "you will always be my sister no matter what anyone else says" and when he calls you a traitor and attacks you.
It's like "nii-san no ;-;"
Peri!Selkie or Hinoka!Selkie?
>"you will always be my sister no matter what anyone else says"
I guess this quality of post is to be expected from a femMCfag.
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I love Sakura!
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Why are plain girls so lovely?
Prove that gril Corrin isn't better then boi Corrin

Pro-tip: you can't >:c
Does she lust after her brother like all the other siblings?
The canon corrin's is getting an amiibo and will be relevant for future games just like robin
Nah femcorrin is my head canon then
I like her big sister more
Nope. Just Corrin
>getting an amiibo

Taking some drawing requests. Nothing lewd.
MaCorrin/Rhajat stuff.
Anna sleeping
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Kiragi teaching takumi to hunt
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Morgan on her knees sucking Inigo's baby batter out of Peri's vagina.
Camilla tying up femui with her own towel like in that smutfic
Steel Sword.
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Mamui holding hands with Effie
Velouria x Selkie
>Morgan tells you to kill yourself.jpg
>tfw I'm not even a drawfag
I didn't think so many people would reply. Now I feel like shit.
I swear Kamui must have been a closet homo lusting after Niles not wanting to hit that as soon as he turned 13
I dislike Camilla.
>not making a Noire and Morgan pussy sandwich
>creampieing them both and making them their own mothers
>killing shitja by having get get raped to death by risen
FE fags always lust for fanart because there are too many characters and too few artists
Why haven't they announced his amiibo yet? Why haven't they finished the Smash line of amiibos yet? Why to they keep releasing all these Mario amiibos I don't give a shit about?
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Inigo Sawagoe.jpg
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Because Nintendo is dead.

>getting girls

He's not the master of Eternal Chastity for no reason.
I can see it now
>Inigo fucks Morgan
>he fucks Peri
>he fucks both of his daughters from each of them
>sends his debts from Ylisse to Peri so she can pay them
>continues fucking all of his daughters, Morgan and Peri are completely mind broken sluts
>he wakes up
>To Morgan cleaning Peri's cum off his cock
>Peri's cum
Is Peri a futa?
Yeah. Playing Conquest just pisses me off to no end.
"Conquer Hoshido and put Garon's ass on a magical throne so that your siblings can stop acting like dumbasses
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How do I recruit him?
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>Responding to bait like a two year old
It's not even funny anymore.
All I see from these replies that you and the spic make is that you like it so much you pretend otherwise so I can posting it. So I'll be happy to oblige you both.
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Let me fix that for you.
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gib waif!
no peri pls
Would Ophellia suffice?
More pictures of Laslow with his :3 face
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Here you go!
So you'll be going with Morgan for today? Laslow you sly dog you, when will you tell them the truth?
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Shes so pretty! Whats her name?
Oboro!Sophie striking an enemy general repeatedly over the helmet with the handle of an steel sword with a frustrated look on her face while avel runs around in the background with her armourslayer on his saddle.
He thought she was his sister
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I'm gonna hit that
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These pictures are hilarious
Someone should edit this one too
if only mamui was this cute in game
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Sakura doesn't have any big sisters?
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What do you mean? She has Femui
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best mother

best daughter
@ Giovanni:

Swap your throne units around. (You) should be in the lead (since Hoshidan Unity and Nohrian Trust work best if you're in the lead). Put a statue or something in between the Smithy and your Private Quarters to force players to go around somehow or go through them (and possibly incur the wrath of that Kana). Same with the stores on the right. Or rather just move the Smithy and the weapon store up one space.

Another thing to consider is Midori. Either your own or another blue shield unit. Her +20% Luck activation rate is an absolute pain in the ass to fight with Miracle. I once fought a Midori who guarded the throne and that bitch had Sol and Miracle so she would keep attacking me, healing for just the slightest bit of health and then she'd be above 1 HP... allowing her to activate Miracle again.
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Felicia is the cutest! Nobody could ever make me feel as happy as she does! She is truly perfect in every single way to me! I want her to always be happy and smiling! I could never ask for more! I love Felicia!
I don't care much for Felicia either way and she's usually benched once I get another second staffbot
I paired her with Henry
made for laslow COCK
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>getting pussy
>pieless chrom

you monster
>implying small-dicked shit units can satisfy her
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Olivia knows how to make pies according to her Kellam support, it's all good.
d-elte this!!
i want to fuck lilith
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Sumias pies belong to me! ME!
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Smug Rideru.png
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So who shall chop his penis off?
I really wish I could marry Lilith. She's so cute and I want to make her happy.
That's a strange hairclip on Cynthia.
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Why marry Sumia when her daughter is superior in every way?
and Sumia is wearing a strange hat. looks like a hand.
If you could bang Lilith, would Kana be a doubledragon?
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L E W D.jpg
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>hand hat
>headpats everywhere
Whats a good reclass for orochi?
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there is NO raisin to marry her over cynthia
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What if I don't like actual retards that don't even know how their own king looks like?
retard are cute!

>implying that's not the real Chrom
Cynthia please take your pills.
>tfw we'll never find out what happened to Krom and Kotaro
Did they die in prison?
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my retard > your retard
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srsly he is unkillable
granted this is my first level using him
but I've never seen hit percentages this low, it's like single digits.
Cynthia must be a bad sister if her fanbase cant stop shitting on her sister.
cynthia has no sister
She reminds me of niko from love live
I like this artists style. It's not Japanese or Western by clearly Asian. I wonder what. I'd like to study it.
Fire Emblem Fates.

Ophelia/MU ( +Mag - Luck )







Xander/Charlotte (Pure aryan child with pure aryan genes)





Odin/Elise –→ Ophelia for MU









Is this optimal ?
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When did you think she had her first sexual experience?
These are all mostly bad.
Just identify like 6 kids you like and make the rest shit
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He made her his child. He became her daddy.
When she made Kana
No really
Siegbert , Ophelia , Percy , Kiragi , Midori , Shigure , Kana , Mitama
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>allowing our jewish masters rape and eat our goyim children
She probably messed around with Xander. All those "sparring" sessions.
Would Anankos be the equivalent of the kikes ?
What would /feg/ do if they were the Fighter tasked with taking Forrest out on his paralogue?
Tenderly make love to him
Walk really slowly towards him and die
>that red line

What am I looking at?
I guess it's supposed to be the outline of her ass.
She must be rather thick then

Femui's big HUGE butt! Right?
Post PoR team, I want to rate your taste.
>boot up fates
>start conquest
>bored as shit already

I guess I will go back to playing monster hunter or something, at least I didn't pay for it.
It is anatomically impossible for someone to have that big of a curve, though.
Anon, it is not. Google "huge brazilian ass" and you'll see stuff creepier than that.
Thing is, you are getting fooled by her armor. That's not her ass.
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I agree with you since it is painfully obvious where her derriere is
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I've put PoR on hold for now, I'm only just recruiting Volke
>waifu emblem
Is it ok to let Leo fuck Sakura
Of course.
Fucking's fine, just don't let him marry that wanton slut.
You mean don't let poor Sevvy get stuck with a huge fag for s son.
poor Leo though , he is stuck with a huge fag for a son
Let me rephrase:
With an arch to her back like >>149287892, Even considering the side shot, with the way her ass seated on her body, either:
>1. her back is horribly bowed in
>2. her back is horribly bowed out
Either way, not only would that posture be extremely hard to keep, but she couldn't train with the sword. Garon would have killed her.
I guess that's what happens when you mix different things DNA.
Can someone review where this is "mostly bad" i actually see a good Percy, Kana , Siegbert , Shiro , Asugi , Ophelia , Rhajat from all this
Big unhappy faggy family!
So, I literally just started playing this game, but ran into a problem. I'm in Chapter 2, and only have a Bronze Sword and Thunder. But I cannot equip the Bronze Sword. When I click on it, it says Remove and Discard, and when I click on Thunder, it says Equip and Discard, despite my character clearly having IT equipped, as that's what he uses everytime he attacks something. So, what gives? I was able to use the same sword in the previous chapter.
You don't get a Thunder or Bronze Sword that early. You only have the Yato.
It's supposed to be her butt curve but that line is all fucked up since the followed the clothing instead of the actual curve
What? I'm playing Awakening. Those are the two weapons my characters does have.
He likely means Awakening.
He's probably talking about Awakening.
I have no idea what happened. You either traded the items to a different character or you switched classes. Or you paired up and are somehow trying to attack?
I was thinking about getting a flash cart so that I could play some romhacks on my DS Lite. Are any of the gameboy flash carts good for this?
>"Let me tell you about what you just played"
>Cleared all of Takumi's wall barring the nonohriansallowed treehouse itself
>park wolf lady on stairs, pass turn, then go see what hit accuracy/damage is
>he chunks her, she can't hope to kill him by herself
>takumi would rape ranged units
>afraid to park anyone past the stairway least they be touched in a nono spot by a crit
I'm a dumb. I was too far away to use the melee weapon.
This was meant for >>149291124 , but disregard it all together. It's still happening. I can't equip the sword at all. It's always stuck on Thunder.
>park wolf lady on stairs, pass turn, then go see what hit accuracy/damage is

You know you can just do these calculations by yourself right? They're just adding up hit/avoid atk/def. Letting enemies attack you to see how much damage they is suicide on harder difficulties.
I worded that poorly, I put her in front of takumi just to see what the projected accuracy/damage was then nope'd the fuck back to the staircase and out of his pillowfort

but I'll jeep that in mind regardless thanks
I want to get into FE, I usually play release order unless there is a remake. What is the best version of 1? NES, SNES, or DS?
There is a remake of 1 for the DS called Shadow Dragon
Incidentally Shadow Dragon is what Owain calls his penis in fates.
>turned leo from a dark falcon to his default class without thinking about reclassing back
>already used the other ebon wing on peri
You can heart seal him back I think
That would explain his Fates quote. "My darkness is darker than yours" :^)
Leo's baby dick won't be enough to satisfy her.
The DLC Royal Royale gives you Ebon Wings and Dread Scrolls ( inb4 pleb that doesn't use gateway and actually buys games and DLC )
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>calling others stupid

comedy gold
>>already used the other ebon wing on peri
But why
>inb4 pleb that doesn't use gateway and actually buys games and DLC
It's almost like people want to support the series and not be a nigger.
muh personal skill
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Why is Sakura so perfect?
>personal skill that works perfectly with galeforce
Damn you're stupid.
What personal skill would Kelik have?
The "stupid fag who keeps bringing me up skill."

Description: Makes some stupid fag keep bringing up this shitty meme hack to shill his garbage /v/ thread.
When they stop adding faggots to the game, probably. :^)
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>tfw in 2 hours /feg/ is gonna go dead
New Sonic, it's over. There's a big fanbase overlap from /feg/ and Sonic. Who ready to go /FAST/ here?
Wait, new Sonic? Does it look as horrid as the previous games?
Birthright's story might be much less of a mess than Conquest's but Elise's death is easily the single most infuriating one in the game.
Can she even kill things entirely by herself.
>just got to conquest chapter 24
>Useless cutscene intro for Hinoka
>first time I heard her voice since I always turn voices off asap
>it's fucking tommy pickles
god damn it
Im about to start conquest lunatic, and have decided to marry felicia to take advantage of her personal skill. Whats a good class for Corrin to take to compliment her class set?
The "become female and marry Gunter" one
>keeping your staffer constantly on your ass
I mean if you want to marry her more power to you but Jakobs personal is a better version than hers anyway. And Gunter's is even better(er).
why the fk would you marry gunter
Grandpa's pair up bonuses are insane, and his personal also benefit Corrin. It's a win win.
Ninja? For Poison Strike, Shurikenfaire and maybe Replicate so you can have a threesome with two of your waifu.
but now you gotta bring a useless unit with you in every chapter
In Conquest Lunatic, you're gonna be bringing in at least 2 or 3 backpacks. You need them. Gunter is one of the best. There's just no way you'll have a perfect spread of good units.
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Everybody post your favorite C.O.!

yeah, and wouldnt paladin jacob be a better version of that? Can actually be used outside of early game, and gives good stat-ups
Jakob is better if you're gonna be a Ninja or Myrm. Gunter is better otherwise. Also you don't get Gunter for a while in Conquest and his pair up bonuses shit on Jakobs. And also what kind of idiot pairs up two units they intend to use? That's stupid.
What the fuck are you talking about nigger?
>to unlock this chapter you needed to level up a bard far beyond reason 20 chapters ago

Marrying Felicia you would probably wanna go ( +Skill -Luck or +Mag -Luck ) Diviner or Dark Mage (Reclass to Grandmaster (Hidden Truths 1 DLC ) for final if you can , else Dark Knight ). As for Skills the best you can have i believe is ( Hoshidan Unity , Quixotic , Death Blow , Nohrian Trust , Vantage ) and Felicia ( Pavise , Aegis , Aether ( through Vanguard Dawn DLC ) /Sol, Lethality , Astra/Rend Heaven/Sol/Luna ). Just inherit the non DLC skills from your unit Logbook. ( Quixotic + Hoshidan Unity gives you +25% Trigger rate , that + death blow + mjolnir and high skill is a death sentence for everything that walks , just look at how easy you spam Lethality or Aether at people + the vantage for when shit gets rough )
>Forceful Partner
>If the Avatar is the lead unit, Avatar’s Hit rate +15, damage +3

>Evasive Partner
>If the Avatar is the lead unit, Avatar’s Avoid +15, damage received -3

>Devoted Partner
>If the Avatar is the lead unit, Avatar’s damage +2, damage received -2

Felicia's is the best
Don't be mad, and let Peri cook a meal for you.
>tfw in an hour /feg/ will truly die
The hedgehog is gonna kill the Marth.
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I know Hinokas and Felicias voices are very bad but something about them gets me so erect. I don't get it
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But Laslow, you're MY waifu.
What about effies, anon?
Its so fucking deep. It sounds like she swallowed a cave
>caring about laslow
Interestingly enough that's definitely a hooker voice that was doing wild things with her mouth last night
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Who is this?????
They arent even bad though?
I guess if generic moeshit voices are your thing though they can be
Felicia's is tolerable once yo uget used to it, but you cant tell me Hinoka's doesnt have atleast some bad line delivery, if not just a bad VA choice. Quite a few of the VA's suffer from that really
>generic moeshit voices
But that's exactly what Felicia's English VA is trying to emulate. And she failed horribly.

There are many good voices and Felicia and Hinoka (among others) stand out like a sore thumb.
The only voice that really gets me is Peri's. And even then only sometimes.
Yea but she sounds like she has a cold
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You waifu since childhood days? My Missiletainn twitches! Wanna make some Ophelias?
Peri/Effie/Hinoka/Kiragi/Percy are so far the only voices i cant seem to like. Everyone else ive more or less adjusted to them, most of them is just bad line delivery, effie's is just bad
Is every conquest chapter out to fuck me in the ass with gimmicks
Camilla gets me hard both as a voice and as a presence
English voices in Birthright. There aren't really that many terrible voices but the ones that are bad, really stand out.

>Looks like I win Tier

>Enthusiastic and good
Male Corrin

>Good but very few lines are poorly delivered or written

>Not detrimental to the experience
Everyone not mentioned, this list is getting too big.

Fem Kana

>Absolute garbage
>le Felicia is bad meme
Felicia's voice is lovely

her my room lines are so sweet
Shes in bad at worst, middle at best, replace her with male kana and that's about right
Whats wrong with male kana's voice? It fits him pretty well since he's still a child.
>We've got trouble
>ow wooow
Yeah, her VA is truly a masterpiece.

Her voice cracks all the time. It's painful to listen to her, especially with those fuckawful lines.
He sounds like a girl.
Well he is like... 8.
>that Bad list

Maybe female Kana but she's definitely not as bad as male Kana (who is somehow not detrimental?)

Hinata and Hayato are fine. Dwyer's alright, Selkie's fine. Felicia's not THAT terrible. Hinoka's okay. Subaki's definitely not that good. Same with Caeldori.
I like Hinata's voice desu
Does Elise or Sakura know what masturbation is?
Why is it stupid to have more versatility?
Would have to listen to them again, from what i remember most of her lines are okay, not great, but okay. And felicia's alright once you get used to it, then again both voices were lousy to me.
I swear, the training garb in my castle is more used than you're mom when she was a whore. Changing from hand to hand like it was nothing.
Elise has Camilla as an older sister, so yes.
And Sakura was never told about it but found out on her own
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Just started Fates a few days ago. First FE game for me.

Started with conquest because I don't really like the naruto style the other side got going on.

Is the localization supposed to be this bad?


No really should I have used the fan translation?
Am I missing out on anything?

Otherwise the game is really fun.
How many paralogues are there even?

So far I have married the Avatar to Camilla, Silas to Felicia and Odin to Nyx.

Can you pair up all females with all males or are pairings that won't work?
>>Can you pair up all females with all males
Seeing as you married Camilla you fucked up, MaMui problem exists
The plot is accurate if that's what you're asking.
The current fan translation is a fucking mess though.

It's a series staple at this rate.
Since you married Camilla you can't get all the children. As Malemui you have to marry a Kamuisexual if you want all the kids.
You're fucked out of all the kids if you married a 1st gen/non kamui-sexual. Theres only 1 paralogue+kids paralogues.

The main story script TL isnt terrible, youll see the worst of it in character lines/childern paralogue lines
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>I don't really like the naruto style
>bought Conquest first
Do not bully the redditor.
Alright so, having trouble pairing off the remainder of my units. So far I have:
Corrin x Leo
Azura x Kaze
Elise x Odin
Nyx x Niles
Camilla x Keaton
Effie x Arthur
Beruka x Benny
Charlotte x Xander

Who do I pair Jakob, Silas, and Laslow up with?
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Nah also the Hoshido side are the fedora tipping katana wielders.

What the shit is a Malemui and Kamuisexual.Are you telling me I can go full rance mode and hit up all the females as Avatar?

Well if the story is still accurate I guess thats ok then. I guess they only toned down the whole thing to make it more PG friendly.So far I only encountered only a single meme too.
Use this lad
Basically because you fucked a girl with other options there aren't enough women to go around to the guys who can have kids.
Malemui/MaMui is just referring to Ma(le)(Ka)mui, Kamui being the default Japanese name for the Avatar. And a Kamuisexual is someone who can only marry the Avatar, no one else. Thing is in both routes of the game the exact number of males that can marry anyone is exactly equal to the women who can marry(barring Kamui and the Kamuisexuals) so if you marry a girl for yourself you screw a guy out of marriage(literally)
Rance is shit.
>le meme shark tooth man xD
A kamuisexual is someone who can only marry the avatar(kamui) there are a few of them.
Yeah. Story's accurate more often than not the supports are (if I remember rightly, and ignoring the big ones everyone brings up)

Also yeah, Dastard is actually a word and has been in basically every FE game as far I remember.
Well yeah anon, this is awakening FE, EVERY opposite gender is fuckable. However BR/CQ are short on possible pairs, so if you fucked a 1st gen, you're short a kid.

And the biggest memes or silly lines youll see is usually from the supports or the kids paralogues, the actual script is fine. Just hope you have your brain off when reading plot
What's wrong with Camilla and Keaton?
Nothing, he's shitposting.
>replying to the cuck asking stupid simple questions

Fuck off cuck
>they actually think he's a first time FE player
It's a shit pairing that people only do for shitposting

Kill yourself faggot
It's the spic samefagging. He always comes and asks obvious retarded questions for himself to give super specific answers to to look smart. Just look at how much effort he put into this samefagged response. >>149301642

Who the fuck even answers a question like that?
First time FE player here, who's the best mom for Rhajat? If only there was a smart man with a tripcode here to answer this question in specific. Fucking hell where would I find someone like that?
What if Rance were the protagonist of Fates instead of Corrin?

Such a perfect world can only be a dream.
>implying a first-timer is going to be autistic enough to do that many paralogues

even I can only be assed to get 3 or 4 of the children max

You guys really overstate the mamui problem
>mamui problem
It isn't a problem. It was shitposting forced by femui fags and perpetuated by the spic
Rance is such a shit series.
its still worth mentioning anon, personally no, its notworth it until revelations if you go that route where theres no longer any shortage of pairs and in fact an overabundance. Still, maybe he is, paralogues are good exp
>It's a shit pairing that people only do for shitposting
Nah. Camilla and Keaton have a bad support and I kinda feel guilty about pairing them, but it doesn't exist for shitposting like...someone else.
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Uhh /b/ros i dont wanna alarm you but I think Silas is in love with you.
Even already having played Awakening when I first played Birthright I only recruited like 4 kids, and those were through natural supports, not support grinding, so yeah, that's true. In Awakening though I did recruit everyone for some reason, maybe I just enjoyed the concept more since the characters seemed more appealing.

Stop the bullying damn it
Nyx or Felicia.
Would you let Silas give you the friendly penis?
>You'll never be so bored or so pissed off to shitpost on the internet.
Feels pretty good.
He wants you to fuck Sophie
>Be Corrin
>get denied a waifu when they all get creampied hard by all the first gen males
>Mamui problem'd
>suddenly Silas kicks down the door
>he drags in Sophie and throws her on the ground
>Silas snaps his fingers and she seductively crawls towards you and begins sucking your dick
>he watches, arms crossed like a silent judge
>she sucks excellently, every job is accounted for and swallowed
>she pushes you on her back
>"Give em technique number 37"
>Sophie rides you harder than her horse down a mountain steep
>your dick explodes balls deep inside
>as he goes to leave she tries to follow but he stops her
>"No, you stay here. This is your home now."
>winks at you and disappears into the darkness
Ah thanks makes sense. I guess the blue haired bitch can only be married to the MC?

I mean the translation could be a lot worse. If there are a few memes in sidestuff dialogue I don't really mind.

Jakob/Felicia or Selena
>general is so dead people have to pretend that they're new to start a discussion

Sad, really
Sonic is gonna finish is off in t-minus 1 hour. The overlap is real.
It's a bad pairing support and character wise.

Gameplay wise it's good.
In Conquest only Flora is a Kamuisexual(and Anna but she's DLC), a child character would work too.

It's either that or everyone discusses stuff they already know they know, or cuckposting. Really this general should just die already.
>Really this general that I've been trying to kill should just die already

You don't say.
It's not as terrible as shitposters made it out to be but its still got a few bad parts, namely in some of the supports and some charcters.

if you mean Flora, yea shes MC only
>Pretending to be a first time FE player
>I "bought" Conquest
This general is killing itself, everyone just blames me and you know it.
Favorite Class Grandmaster with Felicia pairing
( Gave the set to someone else )
As for female equivalent , Witches, Galeforce kill Warp back to safety
Nah. You're just pissed off your shitty general is dying and nobody gave a fuck about your shitty spin off. You can fuck right off, this general will continue without you.
I miss when we used to blow through threads in like 2-3 hours.
>>149303184 (You)
Everyone blames (You) because (You) ARE to blame.
>not (((You)))
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Dark Knight
This general is probably among the top 5 worst.
I said stop the bullying damn it.
Hoshido Noble
and thanks for letting me blog, anon.
Actually no
This general is among the top 5, anon. Look at magog or lolg or even vitagen.
Because you are to blame. You are probably much the second or third worst waifufag I've seen on 4chan.
Who would the other 4 be
lol no. /fnafg/,/tf2g/,/utg/,/ksg/ and all the moba generals are a lot worse.
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>mfw on Awakening i married my MU to Tharja and now i remember this tripfag
You are the literal cancer of this general, shut the fuck up negro.
>allowed to live
>current year
>getting triggered by tripfags

He's so bad I can't help but wonder if he shitposts in other generals that didn't like that shit spinoff with his trip off.
I like Felicia's voice. It sounds really awkward, but that fits her character.
Sumia playing D and D with Cynthia and Morgan, while Robin is playing the Dungeon Master.
Rance unironically has better story and character development than Fates by a long way.

Inferior gameplay though
Saying RD next to Haar seems a bit redundant

Isn't that already his art from RD?
What is coming after than Fates?
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Minerva is pretty fucking good too.
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As much as I hate nips, Yellow Comet has 3 great C.Os and a cute girl. Easily best country.
FE mobile
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Nohr Noble
calm down
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You think? I believe +3 Dmg and +15 Hit is better than +2 damage taken and -2 received.
Any of the servant's skills is very welcome though.

Minerva is mostly carried in SD by low enemy bases and her goddamn Hauteclere. in New Mystery she's kinda mediocre and is entirely carried by the Hauteclere.

yes, but I don't want anyone springing for not being specific.
Calm down Leo
What would be good for an Evasive Partner set. Surely something with High Speed + Sunrise Katana , but what other skills to boost an evasive set ?
I'd capitalize more on the added defense, but any class that raises avoid and an item that also raises avoid. So a Sunrise Katana or similar is great.
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>my unit has a 2% chance to crit
>it crits
>Big tits
>Scandalous outfit
>Completely dotes on player avatar
>Big sister except not actually
>Arrives prepromoted with great stats and growths on a map where you could really use her help
>Internal level is 5 levels lower despite being a prepromote

Did IS miss anything they could have done to make her even more popular?
Giving her an ass
They could have made her a moeblob and have her show less skin. Would have made her the most popular thing in the series short of Lucina.

West tried to make her less popular though.
>Offers her tits as a pillow for MU like "in the old times" ( C Support )
>Somehow MU refuses
Yeah because he's a cuck
Give her and the other sisters a personal weapon like the bros.
Although this was after Myrrh got 1% crit killed out of fog, so, it balances.
>also chance happen meme
What would they give Sakura and Elise? Special staves/rods with infinite use?
Ryoma a god.
>say I'm going to use different characters this time when doing a PoR+RD playthrough
>Just end up using my favorites again
Guys, is Mozu supposed to be a great soldier or am I being memed by the game?
none of the top 3 females are moeblobs

maybe you could make the argument for Corrin but it's stretching it a little
Camilla has a lot of different factors going into her popularity, even if the biggest is tits. She still gets a lot of hate, at least in the West. Making her a moeblob would most likely reduce the number of people that dislike her while not damaging her popularity.

Basically, it'd turn her into Hinata from Naruto.
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>Felicia growth, kill all enemy units with their feets and want to rape your tiny body between her giantess thighs and make you her pet forever. What do you do?
Meant for >>149304986
Nice head canon camillacuck
Why are Shitmillacucks so pathetic? They're literally fat virgin neck beards who are so pitiful they need blatant waifufag bait like her.
Stop try to ruin a good niche fetish faggot
Giantess doesn't get enough art so don't ruin the ones we have already
Truth hurts doesn't it?
t. homo
she's okay if you put in the time to baby her, whether that's worth your time is up to you
w h o c a r e s
Anon, I make that draw. You dislike my style? Thats ok
>Cucknic the shithog

Fuck off
>talking shit about the blue blur
please kys
Besides being able to use higher ranked weapons, what else do weapon proficiency do? (Fates)
That's it.
So eugenics really doesn't matter in Fates?
It does. But takes serious autism to make it work your way.
Not really. Kids kinda suck even though they're more usable than their awakening counter parts.
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>taken a strong, powerful nation into an isolationist state, essentially renouncing war
>unable to protect her own borders from regular and obvious raids by her nation's neighboring state
>has military commanders too incompetent to protect her from assassination without help from time travelers
>was unable to anticipate the inevitable war by Plegia, a nation who suffered greatly by her father's actions
>neither prevented a war by finishing what her father started, rendering Plegia unthreatening for generations nor postponing it until Ylisse was properly armed for another conflict with negotiations
>all this while Plegia was arming for years with what was apparently a robust and thriving economy

This woman could've avoided all this needless suffering if she wasn't such a reactionary to her Father's mistakes.
Just do physical kid with physical mom and magic/mixed kid with magic mom. Caps don't even matter either outside of PVP, only growths and possibly classes.
Okay so I gave Hinoka to Silas in Revelation. That support was painful to read...

Anyways, she just capped Def as a Spear Master and has been raping everything in her path (29 because for some reason she has a -1 Def mod fucking hell). Should she Partner Seal info Paladin/GK to learn the skills and keep her Def up or should I just get those Def statues?
>nobody has written a good giantess Oboro smut
>or given her any pictures
>3rd most popular girl
Come on guys, it's {CURRENT YEAR}, this isn't that hard.
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> tfw the quality of the png died somewhere along the conversion process
This supposed to be like Morgan or something?
Make a side with you on Hoshido as well. That's all I can think of. Also, turn up the mommy factor since all japs seem to be manchildren.
Selkie lewd, Nah/Mozu lewds.
Just get Def statues if it bugs you, Lance Master is a better class for Hinoka to end in.
That's manakete!Morgan. Nice tans though desu
I actually prefer a tanky Siegbert so Hinoka or Selena for his mom. Probably Selena since he looks like hot garbage with Hinoka's abysmal red shade.

Elise!Ophelia is the best Ophelia.

Charlotte! Percy. Even she can't ruin his Def, Lck, and Skl. Also gives pure Aryan Percy and help him with his rather lacking Str.

Azura!Kiragi is good. So good he can even afford to go Kinshi Knight.

Mozu!Midori. Makes Merchant!Midori fantastic and she gets Aptitude as soon as she uses the Child Seal so Mozu can pass her something else like Bowfaire. Keeps up her Lck and help her Spd and Str without ruining her bulk.

Takumi!Shiggy gets Sniper. Nuff said. The Sky Knight tree has some rather garbage combat class options.

Ophelia/MU is fine. Though Nyx!Rhajat/MU is the best for a magic Kanna.

Effie/Mitama and watch her wreck shit. Merchant is probably better for a still bulky but hit hards and fairly fast combat unit but you can go GK if you want. I don't like E-weapons so I prefer Merchant, plus Yumis.

You should probably swap Kaden and Keaton's spouses though. Though honestly Selkie makes for a better spellcaster with a magic mom than being a Ninetails. I give her Orochi since she appreciates the Mag boost and doesn't get wrecked by her abysmal Spd mod. Sakura mothers Asugi because Great Master!Saizou is baller and two is better than one.
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This meme needs to end already, Selkie becomes atrocious if she goes magic.
What's the new Sonic game?
Put a trip so we can filter you, negro.
>That Str
Tharjafag, you're retarded. If anything her frailness and that personal is exactly why she's perfect for Galeforce. She can defeat a foe and get into range of another one to pop up a vulnerary and let them suicide into her the next turn with Bloodthirst activated. Heck throw Lifetaker on her and she becomes a nearly unstoppable rape machine.
I've never used Peri so I wouldn't know.
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A romhack of the first 3 games.
Looks weak.
>being so petty you refuse to use certain units because you don't like the specific anon that posts them
You're not just shit at the game, you're retarded and juvenile.
>being so petty
You sound as if people don't use Rhajat or even Tharja.
What the fuck, I just never used her since I always had Silas and eventually Xander, 2 is enough for me. Quit shitposting anon.
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Naga's war may help us place Fates in the timeline since a similar conflict is mentioned in the backstory of Fates and we know there's 12 dragons but only know 3 of their kingdoms. So a thousand years after that which would mean Fates takes place a couple centuries after Archanea is founded.
This leaves Magvell and Telius as unknowns.
However as Priam mentioned he's the scion of the radiant hero then Tellius takes place some time before Awakening while the use of dragon stones suggests Magvell is also set place sometime after the scouring. Even though subhumans work differently in Tellius and it went farther into the creation of human and sub-human so it might actually have taken place before the ending winter messed magic up.
In short it's all Elibe's fault.
I don't use Rhajat because I recruited her and promoted her and she had 9 fucking skill.
The first thing I did to Effie when I heard her voice ingame was take all of her weapons and send her to die.
I still refuse using her at all
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Um, I don't think so. She's one of the very few kids who can eat Orochi's terrible Spd mod. And since she's already a frail noodle arm with some Mag growth, it's better to give her a ranged weapon than risking it with a 1-range attack.

Even Asugi and Rhajat gets pretty wrecked by Orochi's Spd mod.
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>actually looks really good
Well damn.
Doesn't really matter who you use when you just boo camp to max level before you hit the double digit chapters.
>Spring 2017

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choose your subhuman
Now you're just making shit up, seems like you're the petty one.
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Why is she so delicate?
Then make her a fucking ninja. Those growths look incredibly mediocre.
Actually she'd really like Vengeance as well because of the high proc rate and it puts her frailness to use.
>PS4 and Xbox One only





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I love how humanity still killed off all the furries anyways.
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The fox.
>giving her disgusting cowtits
Both. I must spread half-breed abominations everywhere
Seems like the animal genes ultimately carry over in everything. You just supply the seed to get things started.
And have a noodle arm Ninja? Who's her mom? Kagerou? Orochi helps her Skl as well. Ninja also tanks her Lck, which is one of her better stats. There are more kids who want Kagerou than Orochi.
forced one of the two I'd say kitsune every time

the wolf bitch treated my Kana like a dumb kid when she just wanted to play game and I've always hated "2mature4u" types with a passion it'd also be like two peas in a pod if I were to be with a ditz desu but lordy children of such a union would not have much going nature or nurture for their intelligence
Rhajat/Corn stuff
The problem is that Kagero is a high demand mom for physical kids. And there are certainly better kids to give Kagero to than Selkie since she is at the low end of the physical spectrum for kids(as in she ties with Percy for having the lowest personal strength growth at 30%). At least going with the magic route on Selkie by giving her Orochi will not wreck Selkie's speed since she is the fastest kid at 55% speed so giving her Orochi's 15% will average in at about 35% personal speed growth which is average for a unit(that's Odin's speed growth but Orochi!Selkie has speedy classes to make up for it in Onmyoji/Witch). Not to mention that giving her Kagero as her mom only nets her about 7.5% higher strength growth at 47.5% over the magic growth of 40% for Orochi!Selkie.

Ophelia who is her reincarnation has big titties. So it is likely that Lissa herself would be a titty monster in her future.
>just making shit up
>promoted Corrin and Rhajat vs Selena and Beruka.jpg
Pretty petty to lie about stuff that has actual proof lying around
Luck makes no difference when you're attacking from a distance and Selkie's shit defense means she'll get shredded regardless if being attacked.

Selkie's skill is always workable because of Kitsune. Orochi is a shit mom for her, get over it. You're better off passing her over to Rhajat.
Pericuck SEETHING right now
>when he tried to shit on that SS played and someone pulled that out and the faggot deleted his post
The spic is the pettiest piece of shit here.
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I just did Pieri and Kaden's S rank. Holy fuck my sides
Which physical Hoshido kids want Kagero? Shiro is good enough to take Rinkah or wants Camilla/Mozu/Oboro instead, and can grab ninja from Asugi. Everyone else is fine as they are or (like Caeldori) is already rather mediocre. Meanwhile Selkie's growths really lean over to ninja, she just needs a strength boost. You're trying to turn a mediocre physical unit into a mediocre magic unit instead of turning her into a stronger physical unit.
I did restart that run cause /feg/ chastised me for it, but also I did only use the skirmishes that run, in Conquest I did everything legit, it's why I hit a wall at the end due to my shoddy team composition.
Kitsune/Ninetail is a garbage class. Dodgetanking isn't good. Who needs wimpy foxes when you have bulky Wolves?

Orochi gives even fucking Rhajat coinflippy Spd, which is not good for a spellcaster.

Basically this >>149316530
I like the Corrin/Camilla support because it's one of the few supports that gives him some personality.
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i am so sorry
You're a retard. Selkie gets auto leveled in kitsune which helps her skill until you recruit her.
Kiragi can take Hana or Setsuna if you're really insistent on ninja.
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I prefer abhumans myself.
Come on, that's fucking petty.
The problem with Selkie and Percy isn't exactly their str growth, but their base str.
They both have a stupidly low base that no mattet the mom even after promoting Selkie won't deal a hint of damage.

Percy gets carried by Str+2 and Axe's high mt.

Besides read his supports with the girls, he's a natural born badass. He's the same age a mKana and gets Nina's pussy all wet over him and takes her as his girlfriend.
Why aren't you people talking about the new Sonic game?
>Why aren't you people talking about the new Sonic game?
Which? Let me guess yet another 2D retro-wanking game or reboot that basic yells
>we do not know how to move forwards with the series so we'll move backwards instead.
That is literally what they said.

They're moving backwards and we're getting a classic 2D Sonic game because... 3D is a failure.
Jeez, ever since Generations it's clear whever they want to play it safe they'll resort to
>muh classics
How does Selkie's Magic base compare to her strength base?
I swear they've done that at least two or three times now. Between 4, Generations, and now this.
How about physical Nohrian kids?

Almost every other physical kid can use Kagero better, even mediocre physical ones like Kanna and Midori and Sophie who get 50% strength growth with her as their mom. Heck Percy uses Kagero better than Selkie despite them both being the same strength growth wise due to the fact that Percy has a better personal that can be used with Ninja's range tactics and better class synergy(Ninja/Wyvern>Ninja/Kitsune) alongside being able to take a hit given his good defense growth even if that gets tanked by Kagero's bad def growth.

Not to mention the terrible skill mods that Selkie would inherit from Kaden and with Kagero as her mom, even having a coinflippy 42.5% skill growth as a Ninetails isn't going to fix her.

Not to mention that Percy has better skills than Selkie. All Selkie gets are the Kitsune skills and Rend Heaven and with Kagero as her mom she gets nothing unless Kagero takes a friend seal class. Percy gets Axefaire/Sol/Trample/Savage Blow/Swordbreaker and with Kagero as his mom he gets Rend Heaven/Quixotic access as well.

Her magic base is half of her physical one, that is to say she has only a 15% magic growth. Orochi brings it up to a 40% growth though due to her base 65%. A Witch!Orochi!Selkie has the same base magic growth as Orochi with nearly the same skill and superior speed. She's ironically the best mage in Hoshido.
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Stat bonuses.

>she was giving all those faceless to use as personal fuck toys
>they winded up turning the tables and fucking her pussy raw
deserved it desu.
I like the idea. Artwork and execution suck.
Fuck. Fine, I'll concede, but I still can't help but think it's retarded to use Orochi on Selkie. It just looks like she'll suck either way but will suck less with Kagero as a mom.
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What the fuck. Reina's Bio says she Puerto Rican. That's such a weird character trait.
Kagerou gives Selkie Poison Strike which stacks with Grisly Wound. Both can give her Replicate which is better though.
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All right this got me riled up.

I am doing this shit with Selkie, any parents in particular that you want highlighted?
Don't fall for the (You) bait
Charlotte, Peri, Hinoka, and Oboro
Free (You) because some faggot told me what I can't reply to.
orochi and kagero i guess
Indeed and Selkie likes the idea of using tonics to up her stats and still be able to move. She makes for a rather terrifying Witch given access to Tomefaire and Death Blow from Orochi buddying with Rinka.

I think you need to show her off with the extreme moms(Azura/Hana/Kagero/Charlotte/Peri) and Orochi's as well(though after you reclass her obviously to Witch/Onmyoji)

All Honkers gives is better stats. Sky Knight as a passdown is terrible for Selkie who doesn't need the skills from it.

also source
>Bad ass
Well meme'd, he's one of the most boring kids
>This fucking retarded cuck is still trying to force le magic Selkie meme
>Ignores that Beruka and Effie are the optimal moms for Percy
>Ignores that Beruka
Fuck off. Beruka would never love Uglythur
I'm doing Rinkah!Velouria for that sweet Def and Deathblow. Is it a bad idea? Her Str doesn't look too bad.

Can she Friendship Seal my Rinkah! Velouria for Deathblow?
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Love never factors into the equation.
When the dragon tells you to inpregnate/get pregnant by someone you fucking do it.
How come Selkie bangs Kana but nobody else will?
Yeah, I wanted to see her stats and see if there are any extreme differences.
Beru GOD
Because Selkie has the mentality of a child.
For a defensive Velouria I'd figure going Selena for mom and Patient Assurance is much better, since you have more def and that Merc skill makes up for any lack of damage
Shits on shitmilla so hard.
Percy can befriend Iggy if he wants Knight. And Sky Knight does nothing for Percy other than Darting/Warding Blows at best. Kagero!Percy is hilarious given that not only will he be stronk and fast, but with Swordbreaker and Shuriken in hand as a Master Ninja, he'd be the most terrifying thing for Sumeragi to face off with. And who wouldn't want to see the shota slap around the Mexican Lobster like he's his bitch.

Nope, she only gets Fighter from Velouria. The only way for Selkie to get Oni skills is to have Rinka as a mom(terrible idea) or for her mom to be able to befriend Rinka(Kagero/Charlotte/Orochi/Oboro).
>muh class sets
The growths he'd get are much more important.
Just buy the skills online.
>Ninja Percy
You ARE retarded.
Dang it I fell for the memes and let Selena mother Caeldori instead.

Oh well. At least she can also be a Blacksmith. Should Keaton pass down Counter or HP+5?

Well Orochi is her mom so should she pass down Replicate or Death Blow?
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>The growths he'd get are much more important.
no, they aren't
Growth on children mean jack shit.
>tumblr still trying to full this LE SUPER SOLDER XDDD shit
It's over faggots. Your ebin le eugenics meme means shit in fates.
>I fell for the canon
Selena!Caeldori is okay if you plan on going full grind but unless she grabs knight or something I've found her to be really bad.
It's something you can do in Revelations given the general idea of the route.

Death Blow. Selkie can just reclass into Mechanist given its a side promotion option to Apothecary and grind in that until she gets Replicate.
it's meme canon so you can both be right.
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Fucking terrible, thanks for reminding me.
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>canon is now a meme
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Guys, This anon here
I think I found a way, with cheats, to make Canon children, without mother's growths taking them down

Just hotglue your Tharja figures
Takumi makes me happy!
>to make Canon children, without mother's growths taking them down
So just with their base growths? I sure will love 10% skill growth Rhajat

>le ebin hotglue routine
Oh boy I can't wait to see this epic posting routine AGAIN.
How was your day?

Asking real people, not (You) baits.
Where's Hinoka!Sophie?
It was still terrible, thank you for reminding me again.
Fucking amazing
>tfw my FE Keychains and posters arrived
They have a combination of Avatar with Peri (?)
Protip: Their growths factor into their bases because of auto leveling. Dumb ass.
it does says "most" for a reason.
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She seems fine as a Hero. Just like her Grandmother.
>+5 defense
Fucking what.
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Look at the picture, illiterate ape.

Your "growths" over 20 goddamn levels only amount over 1 or 2 points unless you give someone with 0 growth in Str or something.

Here is a cute protip: if you pass down Quick Draw, Setsuna passes down more damage than Hinoka.
>b-but Luna is shit
Love it when retards who don't know shit get blown the fuck out. So many retards spouting cookie cutter opinions from when people barely knew shit about the game.
Tsubaki and "Selena" have some fucked up mods and growths on them
>/feg/ used to call Luna bottom tier, meanwhile Reddit had her labeled high and everyone here said she was shit and reddit was stupid and wrong
>Fast forward to now
>Luna is now "Bottom A" according to /feg/ experts who claimed she was always good
The place is a joke. /feg/ is nothing but shitposters and retards now.
High Spd and Def is great Desu. The Skl and Str mods can be passed onto a high Str/Skl kid.

So I didn't fuck up?
Hero vs Great Lord for Caeldori? Great Lord has Lance.
>according to /feg/ experts who claimed she was always good
More like 1 guy who swears that dragging her ass around as one of the worst classes in the game is totally worth it and not overshadowed by Camilla and that Rally Speed is somehow better than buying speed tonics and using the kitchen when needed.
GL not just for the passed on weapon ranks but because it's a fucking amazing class.
...Why the quotes?
>buying speed tonics and using the kitchen when needed.
/feg/ is retarded. I remember some guy here whining that the kitchen was RNG and he was stuck on a save with a bad meal he fed to his army. What a fucking moron. The dialog even foreshadows a shitty meal before you feed it.
Yooo I'm doing a Lunatic Conquest

Who should I give the Witch class to and who should I give the Paragon skill to?
Paragon to either Mozu or one of your healers so they gain EXP faster. Otherwise just baby your favorite with it.

Any female mage works wonders as a Witch. Not sure who's better though.
So I guess Selena can pass her Sol. Should Tsubaki pass her Swordfaire since he's a Mememaster in my save. The faggot keeps on getting Mag level ups instead of Str. Good thing he can crit and proc skill often or else he's complete garbage.
There are lots of Severafags that will swear by their lives that she is a great unit no matter what.

Just play on casual normal you fuck
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hey, fun fact between Sophie and Caeldori
They both have nearly the exact same base stats (i.e. when you subtract the class bases) regardless of their class whenever you compare them with the same mother.

Sophie is still much better because she gets Elbow Room, C rank in both Swords and Lances and on top of that Paladin, Great Knight and Hero all better classes.
Dori only has Swordmaster to work with, but Arms Master is good too.

not only that, you can cook again to overwrite the previous boost.
Because thats not her name
>Should Tsubaki pass her Swordfaire since he's a Mememaster in my save
Are you gonna keep her in GL?
She's my saviour on lunatic conquest.

Now she is my goddess
>Witch class
Ophelia or Nyx

>Paragon skill
Mozu if you plan to use her (can get her out of her paralogue at level 9) or whoever else you really want to use, like Charlotte.
Keep in mind whoever you give it to might end up having a serious exp deficiency.
I'm sorry please elaborate?
*serious weapon exp deficiency
Yeah. Swordmaster isn't good for her Str and Def. If she's going to be in a non-DLC class it's going to be Hero.

Also since GL gives her Aether shoukd she really get Sol from Selena? Or how about Shurikenbreaker?
She won't be getting Aether until way later. But she'll be fine. I'd go for Shuriken breaker. Aether will just make it obsolete anyway
Does Fates have the same priority thing as Awakening where Sol & Luna only activate when Aether doesn't?
Oh. You're one of those memers.
Sol has twice the activation rate so it is something to consider I guess.

Also is Soleil's best class Swordmaster? Hana is her mom.
It does.
Every time of the way I think about how they handled Conquest, it rustles my jimmies so fucking hard. There is not a single good reason so side with king ganondorf who you follow blindly until the last 2 hours of the game.

Fucking why
Its fine if you don't mind dodgetanking and eventually getting hit by a 15% attack
Ninja works well too but she'll have a slow start with weapon rank
Just buddy her with Setsuna and pass an Archer skill down like either Certain Blow/Quick Draw/Bowfaire if Selena!Caeldori isn't going to marry Kiragi.

Funny how all of Caeldori's marriage partners are all good to her classwise.
>Siegbert provides Cavalier for that Elbow Room/Armored Blow/Luna and frees her up to buddy someone else other than Sophie
>Ignatius gives her Knight to take advantage of her bulk. Also provides her with Luna/Armored Blow.
>Shiro gives her the Spear Fighter class which she likes due to her inherit weapon skills in the lance. Also Spear Masters are tanky and are a S-Rank weapon class.
>Kiragi gives Archer to her. And we all know how ridiculous Archer is in if/Fates.
>Shiggy nets her Troubadour for Meido shenanigans with her.
The only one she shouldn't marry is Hisame due to them both sharing Memedon between them.
>le manga writer face
>no reason
>entire conquest rout is killing oh so grorious not-nippon
Conquest best FE game of all time.
If you count non-lethal as killing, sure.
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I bought Conquest with hopes of being ruthless. Instead I got extreme pacifism and daddy issues.
At least it had great girls such as pic related.
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Hi my name Is Hartmut.
Excuse me while I purge dragon kind from Elibe along with some manlets while turning their women into women and not oversized lizards.
All the while plowing tight newly-manaketed dragon-pussy.
My biggest problem with conquest is what was so wrong with just playing the Villian for once and straight up conquering Hoshido?
>Great girl
Batter than Neglectero.
You were not playing as the villain though. You were playing as a little bitch with no spine who served a bad villain.
It makes the Japanese look bad

And this is a Japanese made game.
Because Corrin 'sposed to be a good boi who dindu noffin'
Sword-based Cavs vs Lance-based Cavs? Royal weapon notwithstanding?
Depends on the game.

Green Cav >>>> Red Cav
Sain is the only Green Cav who's better than the Red. What are you smoking?
In Fates then. Would it be Lances since naginatas give +1 Def/Res? Plus that Guard Naginata. Katanas give +1 Spd but -1 Def/Res.
They don't need to make Hoshido look bad, just let the player choose to be a complete dick to them
>s-stop playing the game in a way I-I don't like!
Why are you so buttblasted that somebody plays a video game different to you?
Abel > Cain
Luke > Rody
Lance > Allen
Kyle > Forde
Oscar > Kieran, both times
Stahl > Sully
Alec can at the very least Double, not that it makes him better than Noishe by a large margin.

Always go Green. Always.

did Thracia even had professional motherfuckers?

I'd go with Silas, but Peri is good too. I'd never not use Silas, though, he's way too reliable.
>did Thracia even had professional motherfuckers?

Kain and Alva, kinda

They're Lance Knights, not Cavaliers
>Luke > Rody
These aren't christmas cavs
>Abel > Cain
>Lance > Allen
>Oscar > Kieran, both times

This is so wrong.

How do I stop marrying Felicia?
new thread when
At 750 you fuck
after 750
but this is /feg/
Well I never asked about Silas vs Pieri but I personally prefer Pieri

I'm talking about Lance Cav vs Sword Cav, not Silas vs Pieri specifically.
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They function pretty much the same. Luke is proficient in Swords and Str while Rody is proficient in Lances and Spd, which is the same dynamic Abel and Cain had.

Luke has green hair and Roddy has a reddish tint to his hair.

>Taking shit about Abel

>Implying Kieran is anywhere near Oscar
nigger, I'll fight you.
>sonic generations 2 confirmed
Here you go

New thread
By marrying someone else
>le no strength man
Oscar is shit.
thanks senpai
>Abel > Cain
>Stahl > Sully
>Oscar > Kieran
Are you sure? Cain's 80% luck growth is worth the 5% worse growths in some of his stats, if we're talking SD of course
Everyone is viable in Awakening but my experience with stahl is he sucks. No res, slower than Sully, weaker than Sully, can't pass counter to daughter, probably more but he's boring and I don't care.
Oscar can be really screwed in PoR and Kieran can't hit shit, not to mention they're both overshadowed by Titania. They're both mounted in Mount Emblem+Ike so there's no reason not to use them.
You need to elaborate, because I don't understand you. In fates Silas is the Sword cav and Peri is the Lance cav, the only other cavs you get are Sophie who is proficient in both and Xander who is married to his thick, long 1-2 range Siegfried.

If you mean

"Should I make my cav sword based or lance based?"

Always push Cavs to be at least C in both weapons for versatility, but Lances are more important for damage and javelins.
Nearly all her supports are comedy gold.
What I mean is for a general Cav is which weapon is better, Lance or Sword?

How about Siegbert? Since his dad is Sword-based is he the same?
>no strength man
you say what? This fucker is always the first to promote.

>with stahl is he sucks. No res, slower than Sully, weaker than Sully
From my experience mostly in No-pair up Hard, which left the most lasting impression in me, it's actually the opposite. Stahl's higher defenses make him much more reliable and sturdy than Sully's paper thin defenses. He gets plenty speed to get by around as a Paladin.
he comes with both high rank in Swords and Lances, like Sophie, so just use whatever fits the situation. You'll end up with higher rank in lances than swords, though.
New thread
Who is the best non-Xander Cav in Fates growth-wise? Siegbert since he doesn't have Def or Spd problems?
Growth wise? Bases are much more important but anyways.
Well they all have their issues. Silas lacks speed, but he has great Strength and Defense
Peri has amazing Strength, Speed and Resistance, but her low defense make her a little unreliable for taking hits
Siegbert is more all around, but also ends up being Average at everything.
Sophie has very high speed and has somewhat low Strenght and Defense
These last two can be carried by the skills their parents pass down.
this thread better get to 750 or i'll be very disappointed in you all
>you will never have an Oscar this blessed.
Silas is the best one to take hits and is a pseudo-General.

Pieri is a quick delete button.

Sophie doesn't seem like Cav material to me because she's like Pieri but without the Str to kill things reliably and the Res to have a niche. I'll probably make her a Hero.

Siegbert seems like the most well-rounded Cav. Fairly good Def and Str with decent Spd.
I'm trying
Can you even count the children since eugenics and all?
Why do we keep having early threads
try harder
Because /feg/ lets it. Keep migrating once they see a new thread regardless of how early.

I can only try so hard.
Eh. I stick around in both of the threads.
Used to keep them all opened and went to whichever one was the last thread standing.
I do that too. If only /feg/ can just have patience.
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