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/pgg/ - Pokemon GO General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 873
Thread images: 136

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Funny encounters edition

About the game

>official FAQ

>What is it?
Pokemon Go can be described simply as the Geocaching of Pokemon. Grab your smartphone, get some exercise, catch some mons, battle some people - the usual Pokemon gig.

>Is the server down?

>general database

>Is it worth evolving X?
>Some questions answered
Fresh with updates!

>Information on spoofing

>Pokemon moves DPS

>Scanner set up guide

>Scan request Discord channel: https://discord.gg/GfREGwz
scan the pyramids for fun

29.94398736210204, 31.184005737304688
kys for fun
>we can't talk about your cheating we can only talk about mine
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In the darkest darkness, we are the light.
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holy motherfucking shit YES
I ran like a madman to get this fucker, thank you based scanner
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>finally got enough oddish and evolve one into a vileplume
>find a wild one with better stats few hours later

feels good man
>kingler ran from me
>was only 150cp anyway
t-thanks scanner
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Never heard of a move called morso
holy shit didnt realize he'd be that strong

i'm 6 candy away from evolving
Friendly reminder that if you set up the scanner yesterday, it may no longer work. You need to update to the latest ver of the script.

>Grab the script from https://github.com/AHAAAAAAA/PokemonGo-Map (DDL: https://github.com/AHAAAAAAA/PokemonGo-Map/archive/master.zip), unzip it to the location you want to use it, copy over "requirements.txt" to the scripts folder for your Python installation, if you did everything by default it should be in "C:\Python27\Scripts"

>Go to your scripts directory, shift+right click in the folder window and click on "open command window here", in the new CMD window, type
>pip install -r requirements.txt

So basically you just install the script again, no need to delete the old one except, you know, if you want.
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>no voltorbs

im dissapoint
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it just working what happened

Based valorbro

Team rankings:
1. Valor
2. Instinct
3. Autystic
cr8 new acc
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Oh look, /v/alor is here
But Valor is a Reddit team
I want to rub my dick against a Dragonair
>fewest subscriber count
>leddit team
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valor is literally nothing but retards

the only people who ever deface nice memorials with graffiti are valor
valor is the underage shitposting team
mystic is the awkward 20~ year old feat. reddit
instinct is actual adults + hipsters
is it true that the in-game tracker doesn't even work at all?
>instinct is actual adults
sure buddy
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>get another mr. mime from a 10km egg
>that shit-eating smile when he pops up
whats everyone's favorite spoof spot
>valor is the underage shitposting team
I'd agree with this since every Valor player in my town seems to be named Something05
desu havent seen an adult valor yet

you're mom's vagina
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>tfw diglet uses black hole on you
the one that will get you banned
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Alright you fucking faggots, I need legitimate answers from shitposters here. What the appeal of this pokemon go thing? I'm seeing middle-aged women walking around playing it without a clue what the fuck they're doing. These are the types of bitches who need help locating their resume in My Documents and attaching it to an e-mail message. Yet there the fuck they are, playing pokemon go at the grocery store like a fucking seven-year-old. What pisses me off more is the twenty-somethings that are playing this (majority of which are men). What the fuck is your deal? This is literally your existence. Right now. You're playing with virtual pets on your fucking smartphone. You clap like a fucking imbecile every time you catch a fucking Pidgey or some shit. I'd say kill yourself, but it's literally starting to interest me what the fuck is wrong with you people. /vg/, please explain to me the sensation of pokemon go. Why the fuck are the future molecular biologists, physicists, doctors, lawyers, etc. being replaced by faggots trying to "catch them all"? This is worse than my little pony. inb4 fucking normie
>tfw haven't seen a single diglet and I'm 22
babbys first VR experience featuring nostalgia about muh genwun

it'll die down soon, trust me. game is shallow, has shit combat/gameplay and no content
can someone explain what the scanner does? I've been really busy lately and just found out about it
Why is it always the grumpy fucks that no one likes that hate pogo?
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>tfw this will never happend
>tfw once legs are implemented they will probably be obtained in some retarded way like farming millions of transfer garbage
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>worshipping a blue recolor of pidgeotto
>worshipping a collection of black and yellow triangles
who else /only spoofing within my own city because it adds a false sense of security/ here?
This. Do I have to live in flyover land to find one
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>normies, 20yo casuals, dudebros

>reddit posters, people with autism, 16/17yo scene and emo kids

>loners, hipsters, the best team
just wait for them to start releasing gen 2 pokemon
it's going to be dropped so fucking fast
If I wanted to play in my city, I'd walk.

My cite is shit. Pidgey galore, nothing interesting ever spawns here.

I spoof because I want to catch some non-boring non-shitmons.
I actually know two adults who picked valor but yeah, overall it seems to be mostly children, which I find quite surprising cause I figured this game's current target audience would be genwunners and nostalgiafags and I'm pretty sure most valorfags I've met weren't even alive when 1st gen was a thing.

it displays all pokemon available for catching in area of your choice
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Because you damn spoofers dont leave the house.
In my town mystics are either kids or nerds that make you a frustrated face when you tell em you're Valor master race.
>Too stupid to scan
Man, where could I not fuck up?
>just wait for them to start releasing gen 2 pokemon
This is Niantic. It will never happen.
You would be lucky to ever even get actual PVP.
I like blue
>people who thought you had to read the descriptions of each and pick the one that best reflected you

>10 year olds who liked the color blue

>"shiiiit is that my nigga Zapdos? Gonna pick that flying fuck"
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what's happening to my scans?

was working fine before, now it only loops once or twice before getting an error
doesn't it just come down to what color people prefer?
who actually gives a fuck what the teams are supposed to represent, it's all about what color and legendary bird you like.
your pc is infested with malware now, gz
Read the fucking thread.
I just fixed the issue by reading.
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15 year old at most, go outside or even read this thread if you need any proof
redditors and autists
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Zapdos was never "my nigga"
I already microwaved my ram.
Those were 32gb toasted.
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i still dont understand the fucking meta of this game

my best pokemon are level 350 pidgeots and raticates and everyone else has level 1000 shit, i know its because i dont play enough but even then what are you supposed to do.

>wait for eggs to hatch
>get a level 80 pokemon so theres no point upgrading it cause the upgrade bar or whatever is full

i assume you have to get lucky and find high level pokemon and upgrade it from that but i dont get it
shop never fucking loads man
>"I have shit taste" - the post
it's just that you cant do shit til you powerlevel to 18-20
Point of game is to grind until you're dead
> VR
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>10km egg drops an ok eevee
>like everyone else im already up to my balls in eeveelutions


Even mr-mime would do
let the kiddies fling shit at each other
>i know its because i dont play enough but even then what are you supposed to do.
catch more pokemons and level. Each levels increase the max cp of pokemons you can find. For example I'm level 14 now and can find in the 500-600s
fucking normie
You are only allowed to have fun once you grinded to lvl 30.
you need to catch and evolve shitmons until you level up to 20+. that's when you start finding high level mons.
that's my understanding of it anyway, i'm only level 17.
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Just hit 30, here's what you get
>still no bans
Is http://www.poke-radar.net legit?
its either down or stuck in trying to connect for me.
the meta is get a top cp lapras, snorlax, vaporeon or dragonite and wreck everything but still lose gyms in a minute because attackers are far favored
any scanbros?
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This is the true one.
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>watching people constantly battling it out in my city with their 1.5k CP snorlaxes
>whenever a gym gets neutral, quickly put one of my 100 CP shitmons in

Damn, I could do this all day.
Someone literally answers that question in the first few posts.

The site is always not working. Set up the scanner senpai.
>the darkest darkness
What are we, the Kingdom Hearts team?
nice reddit picture nigger
May I have a scan?
I'm about to go out on a big ass trip

This really helps my social awkwardness, I've been asking random people where the pokemon are and giving them diretions to where others are
>steel wing scyther from 10km egg

into the trash
read the OP, especially the last part
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after installing the new script it "works" but it's still taking way longer because of these errors
>like everyone else im already up to my balls in eeveelutions
Fuck you
as opposed to what? putting 3x 3000cp mons into a gym by some slanty eyed korean ricefuckers and having it go stale and undefeated for 5 years?
thanks, didn't realize it changed
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This is the goal
that's fucked, fix it
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I keep getting this error when trying to scan now. I've literally done nothing but scan so I'm guessing it has something to do with my PTC account?
How should I been scanning?
Really sucks that I can't get this thing to work...
It generates free coins every day that way
What CP Gyarados will my 171 Magikarp evolve into?
Did you update your script? Old one stopped working.
Servers dead?
Anyone else's shop never load?
I just want to collect my coins yo
Read the fucking thread
>Read the fucking thread
Read the fucking thread
>Read the fucking thread
Read the fucking thread
>Read the fucking thread
Read the fucking thread
>Read the fucking thread
Read the fucking thread
>Read the fucking thread
Read the fucking thread
>Read the fucking thread
Read the fucking thread
>Read the fucking thread
Read the fucking thread
>Read the fucking thread
Read the fucking thread
>Read the fucking thread
>nox promoting walking
Once it’s available in local play/app store, put down your computer, walk out and join the real battle!
what kinda shit can you find at Central Park?
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i updated mine

what's going on?
New to the scanner. Can you scan two nearby areas at once?
Shop only ever loads during non peak times. For me I can only open it between 3-7am. Outside that, it won't load.
I think it's just servers being shit causing those errors
Welp sorry should've read the thread
did you microwave your ram?
you have been doxxed
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based and underrated post. thank you anon.
daily server dead time
It's down again

this. in australia, can't log in since a few minutes ago.
Anyone know some good places to farm some poliwags or ghastly?
>he plows her with the strength that only a man who walks could

tip kok
>prefer blue
>roommate picked red
>when building my character, I felt the orange options coordinated the best
I don't know what the fuck I am.
Yeah the same is happening to me now
hey i know this is probably a stupid question but it wont let me imput any variables into Lockito on Nox, so i can either go at 50.0 kmph or i can delete the 0 and go 5.0 kmph. my keyboard doesnt work only in that box. am i doing something wrong?
Why can't we just pick back up and reuse the Pokeballs that miss or have failed to capture?
I think they purposefully switch of servers on us late night and let the other faggots have their time.

Still a bit early today.
I can input a speed just fine. I usually pick something around 7 to 8 km/h

>yellow and black colour scheme on character
>team instinct leader turns out to look like a major douchebag
I know it doesn't really matter but it matters to me ;_;
just delete the whole value and then rewrite
What level are you?
Any scan requests?
ok im an autistic retard i guess because this shit worked.... thank you lol
scanner is down lads
Alright, so my scanner's working fine and a map has been generated at localhost:5000
If I use ''example.py,'' will it load any Pokemon or is that literally just an example map? Or will it just take a while for the Pokemon to load?

I have the same problem. All you have to do is delete the whole thing, it doesn't like letting you enter text in front of the text there already
no pokemons in groom lake nevada
25.2941791, 51.51805079999997

Yes, get into the discord channel for scan requests.
>inb4 hurhrheurhur >discord
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example.py is the script being used. Don't worry about that, just change the username, password and location
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why don't you go to localhost:5000 and find out, since you say your scanner is "working fine"
>haha look how hip I am kids!
Oh well, I guess #ImWithHer now
I'm fucking on localhost:5000 right now, why do you think I mentioned a map being generated?
But #HesWithUs
She picked the shit autistic team. Of course.
I really hope trump would be a valor bro if he played
When will they allow us to switch teams? I don't like this one anymore.
she joined valor though
made me check/10
>Picking the team with the most people
Hillary Clinton at it again
reminder to join team Mystic? OK!
Anyone know where i can find fire pokemon at? Or if there's a good location in California?

if it's working it should zoom to the location you input after -l and load all the pokemon icons on it, i'm not sure what you did wrong. paste the exact input you put into the scanner here w/o password/user
>Have a friend over for a week because my roomie is gone
>2 days in he borrows my headset while I'm sleeping and end up breaking the left side
>try to get a refund but they want to take it in for repairs
>literally tech limbo so I'm playing with phone headset and no mic
>another 2 days go by and he moves my charger under the table
>plug my phone in and leave it on the table
>he gets up, sit down and immediately pull the cord so it gets smashed unto the floor
>screen cracked
>tries to blame me
>"You KNOW I always keep my legs crossed!!!!"
>He's broke AF so doesn't even offer to pay for anything
>still 3 days left of his stay

Friends... why even bother
the egg incubator is incredibly broken
i took my bike and drove 10km/h the entire to to hatch a 5km egg, i did it as a controlled test and carefully compared my precise distance meter which i have on my bike with the incubator value, when i move 6km, the incubator was only showing 3km FUCKING GARBAGE PIECE OF SHIT
She did pick the team with most people, actually and that's not Mystic.
looks like I'm a #ValorMissile now
have to be below 15 km/h or something
are you retarded or just can't read? i said i was moving at exactly 10km/h the entire time
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>She picked the shit autistic team. Of course.
Couldn't agree more
Someone said it had something to do with climate. Try scanning a country that's hot as fuck.
>>He's broke AF so doesn't even offer to pay for anything
kick him the fuck out
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Wonder what the deal is with this game and malls. Every mall that I have been to the GPS doesn't work particularly well - even if I have full bars on reception. And hardly any pokemon spawn.

Pic related is one of the malls near me.
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Shit, do I need to mention -ptc in the input too?
If not, I've been using
"python example.py -u ********** -p *********** -l "54.888316, -1.505733" -st 10"
The cmd window seems to imply that it's working though, just tried a different location and it's on about 20-ish% so far
I bet the stupid bitch doesn't even use lucky eggs to mass evolve.

Trump does. Guy is already level 28.
oh yeah no I didn't really read your post

sucks to be you I guess
Because Niantic needs your shekels
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Where's that guide that shows the best moves for each Pokemon, not the dps chart. Need to see if this is worth keeping.
-a is only if you're using a google account I thouhgt
Wont i get banned for leaving state outta nowhere?
>Trump does. Guy is already level 28.
Pics or you're lying
she doesn't even know what pokemon go is you autists, those tweets are written by her staff
Have you ever played a pokemon game in your life?

Yeah, it's pretty iffy. Regardless of how low speed you spoof-walk at, it tends to only get about three quarters of the distance you've walked. However, it's worth noting that the egg distances update INCREDIBLY infrequently, so if you'd stood still and waited 5-10 minutes after 6km the counter probably would have ticked from 3km up to 4km or 5km.
please tell me this is fake

I don't feel like making a new character
walkers btfo
A mall in my area spawns a fuckton of pokemon. And GPS reception isn't a problem as I am a spoofer :^)
gonna tell him to pay for repair or go home once he gets up from his nap

I also got a speeding fine while I was going to pick up some meat for us.. Obv he didn't wanna split that fucker either

Literally lost $500 just having him visit for 4 days
Haven't been using -a or -ptc, should I?
Scanner's at 52%, it's working!
Pokemon are appearing now, thanks for your help anons
Tweet's fake, dummy
You'll have to switch your game off as long as it takes you to travel to wherever your going. Look up how long a flight takes.

That's why you scan around and find out where you need to spoof to first.
it is, she picked the read team

as expected of a communist
She picked Mystic because it's blue which is also the color of democratic states you retards
proof https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOF4ghVzUQI
Valor propaganda, she joined them.
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What's the joke.

that looks like it's working, yeah. So when you go to your browser and enter localhost:5000 into the URL bar what shows up? I typically do that when it's about 15 steps in and grab the stuff from the centre, by which point it'll have done the full 80 steps (i use -st 9) and i can get the full scan for my area. also you don't need to use lat/long, i make a ton of bat files and it's way easier to scan lots of different places just by entering for example "Smith Street, Townsville, USA" etc
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here's an example one of mine btw

python example.py -u ******** -p ******** -l "Sydney, Australia" -st 9 -i "pidgey, drowzee, rattata, cubone, zubat, ekans, paras, sandshrew, ponyta, mankey, doduo, geodude, growlithe, abra, rhyhorn, meowth, spearow, oddish, arbok, machop, onix"
Shillary joined Instinct to win the asian vote, you retards
So scanning is looking ahead of time what you want and then spoofing is the act of getting what you saw?
i'm level 7 and the highest level pokeman i have is like a 250 CP lickitung i caught, how are people walking around with like 2500 cp vaporeons?
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For the twenty year olds, its nostalgia. When they played the first Pokemon games as a kid they've always wanted to go do the pokething in the real world, and this is their chance to. Middle aged women probably play it because they're in denial of their age and want to be like all the cool kids even though all the cool kids from her time are off being architects and engineers while this woman has her husband drive her around, stopping at every pokestop. And you bet if there's some teenagers playing, she'll roll down the window and yell "GOTTA CATCH EM ALL!" That's why the same adult women who play this are stupid, because they aren't at all in touch with reality and they're just as ditzy as they were in high school.
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It's gone to completion, tried some random location in India and it seems like there's not much there anyway, but at least the scanner's working.
Gonna make a few .bat files ASAP
Just give me one magikarp over 150 and I'll pop these god damn candies like it's no tomorrow
evolutions are the shit

a 350 evee turns into like a 900-1000 creature

higher your level the higher natural pokemons are
what the fuck cunt, server is down for me
How high should my Eevee be before I waste candies ( I don't find em too often ) to get a vape?
spoofing is tricking the GPS you are somewhere other than your home like the NEET you are.
East Asian here.
I hate all that political correctness shit but trump is 2racist4me.
Who do I vote for?
Would -i only really be viable once you've scanned the area a few times though? Or does it just set parameters should any of those pokemon appear?
Hoping to get some more scanning done today, maybe I can finally avoid that fucking three paw glitch

by being level 25-30. either they've played heavily since the game came out (10km+ walking per day or 3 hours+ camping lures per day, roughly) or spoofed for 3+ days. After that point, levelling falls off incredibly fast

2500 is still very high though, most of the high level stuff in my city is like 1900-2100

Check the links in the OP for how to level using pidgeys so you get better pokemon
Literally just got a 1555 vape by evolving a 589 eevee
do you use your real account for scanning?
how? Let's stop this meme. No matter how many time people keep repeating it people can never tell me WHY he's a racist. He has said nothing racist. Not wanting to let illegal immigrants and muslims in your country does not make you a racist.
i'm in the exact same boat brother.
my favorite color is blue but only the female trainers get to wear blue clothing so i went with the orange hoodie instead.
my best friend picked team red so now i'm more or less forced to pick the same team.

wtf is this shit:

retrying_api_req: request error (Unexpected end-group tag.), retrying

it still loads the sccanner but has errors in between the 1-25 count.
I only have a 420 one right now, oh well
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>tfw no eevees in my area
trump's not a racist, only retarded ledditors think so
if you want legitimate reason to dislike him then just read his tweets
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>tfw to many eevees in my area
I'm retarded so I know nothing of this stuff but it appears to be happening to everyone at the moment
I got that a few times, doesn't really seem to be that big of an issue so long as your steps are still being carried out
I am a 30 y.o. male who has always been an introvert. I went through my early life being bullied for being ugly, and this caused me to being a very unsociable person later in life. I had no friends, and being the only child, it got very lonely.

I spend most of my time indoors, and I make a living playing poker online (I guess I am a professional Poker Player). I rarely ever leave my house, am very overweight, and suffer from anxiety and depression.

When Pokemon GO came out I was so excited, as it was part of my childhood. The game actually made me go out and explore the local parks and neighbourhood. I had been playing early morning everyday and so had this other girl that I had saw. We kept clashing into each other, and after a few days we got talking, and as they say "The rest is history"

It turns out that she also suffers from anxiety and depression and also spends a lot of time indoors. Thanks to this game we have been able to meet after constant rejection through dating sites. We have been going on early morning Pokemon hunts, and We had our first kiss yesterday (My first ever kiss!). We are planning to go out for dinner this week. I am just buzzing like a beedrill right now!

This game has been a good medium for all types of people to interact with each other. Other sites and apps like Tinder have put me off because of fear of rejection, but this game is just awesome for meeting new people.

Thank You Nintendo!

Thank You Niantic!

Thank You Pokemon Company!
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i need some help, tried setting up the damn scanner for the 5th time and now im getting this.
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>ftw no data at the moment.
I really need some pokeballs.. And an Eevee keeps showing up nearby, but I can't reach it because wifi signal doesn't reach outside my house.

I hope they added in a feature that allows you to suggest places to add gyms/pokestop like Ingress has. I'm not saying I want a pokestop outside my door (Like the lucky bastards out there that do) but going across town to scrape up pokeballs..
Valord reporting in
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Im with you there anon. I've asked so many people why hes racist and the one response I always get is "He's said multiple things discriminating against brown skinned people." But they never name any of them when I ask, they just quickly change the subject. Hes not racist, the media just makes him look racist because it makes them more money.
where do i subscribe?
Keep it up anon
>Open scanner and scan my area.
>Absolutly nothing but rats,snakes and birds.
Stuck at home again

I've got a story from yesterday tho
>On my morning routine to drive around my town capturing the gyms and collecting the bonus.
>Stop by one gym, its team Insect, cap it.
>Notice a parked car, the driver pulled his seat down but i can still see his legs.
>As i drive away i notice the battle signs on my gym.
>I turn back to the gym and stop by that car, driver is on his phone looking at me.
>Give him a thumbs up and laugh.
>He drives away, i cap that gym again (He was team insect)

Another thing happened yesterday at around 23:30, in a small town where no gyms and like 3-4 pokestops i noticed someone popped a lure, so i scurry there.
As i get there i shit you not like 3-4 parked cars, and a couple of groups of kids hanging around.
Was pretty funny
>where do i subscribe?
on reddit, it's clearly pasted from there
what the nigger dicks is up with berries? Shouldnt they say they decrease the chance to throw pokeballs or some shit instead of actually catching pokemon

i think you might be misunderstanding how the scanner works. it scans each little chunk of the region you ask for individually, pokemon only last 15-20 minutes, the scanner takes quite a while to do an entire city, so you should refresh a couple of times through the scan so you can see the results as they come out. Refreshing won't update the timers on the pokemon it scanned near the start, either, they will always have the timer it scanned them with, so if you wait until the scan is 100% complete before loading the page, you might go for a "4m30s remaining" scyther and it will have been gone for a couple of minutes already

the scanner autorepeats but to be honest i just cancel it as soon as it hits 100% and i load the full scan, then i set another one going elsewhere or after a break - maybe today's update fixed it but it's always had big problems with the scan loop because it doesn't delete the old icons, so the map gets crowded with useless fake bait non-existent pokemon. -i excludes the pokemon listed; if i don't exclude pidgey/sandshrew/geodude, they clog up the entire city, make it impossible to see stuff i actually care about (i'm never going to hunt down a sandshrew on purpose, i don't need it on my map). they also make the map load slowly. i guess -i wouldn't be "viable" in a rural area with no pokemon, but in a city even with those filters you'll get 100+ pokemon.

tl;dr - waiting for the scanner to loop multiple times will just clog your map up with outdated info
I met my gf through Tinder, now been with her for over a year and definitely for life. Talked to less than 5 on that app and didnt meet other girls but her on there. I even put up a semi-nude photo of me but she didn't notice it until after the first date lmao

But Tinder does suck for introverts
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>decide to clean up some magikarps
>accidentally evolve the lowest
It feels like with berries they are less likely to flee after jumping out of the ball
When you use one, it does decrease the chance for them to break out of the ball, but the artificial difficulty makes them jump and attack more, so it's almost not even worth it.
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LOL found a squirtle spawn blastoise here i come.
Kys for a better world
>Lost a 581 Clefairy
Fuck you, game.
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>tfw this could be me
>tfw too lazy and minmaxy so I prefer to spoof instead
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Spooffags, Travel to the north or south pole on a spoof account
They don't actually do anything. It's just placebo. They just decrease the likelihood of you actually getting useful items at pokestops.
tfw caught a 666 one an hour ago
How did you get the 'Hide Pokemon' on your scanner? I always have to zoom in to get past the pidgeys
It's a copy from reddit senpai
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>steins;gate ff theme
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This is too tragic, lets see the genetic mistake in all its glory
Why should I?
if you did that with me i would shot you with my taser you fucking creep.
this game gives you no right to stalk people
Tfw no pokemons EVER come to my house

Tfw friend got 10 pokes in a row without even moving

Why is this happening
That hide mon thing is slick. What's the code for that?
The scanner set up guide is dogshit and hard to follow. Make a fucking video.
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Got this fucker from a 10km egg. I'm only lvl 8, hes pretty good, right?
R u a grill
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>Seeing someone stationary in their car
>Pull up next to them to give a thumbs up
Shit CP.
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He wants us to get banned
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>hatching 10km eggs at low level
I followed it fine and never used any code before. What part are you stuck on?
do you people even read?
-| `-i` `--ignore` | Comma-separated list of Pokémon names or IDs to ignore | |
-| `-o` `--only` | Comma-separated list of Pokémon names or IDs to search | |
the guide is fine, you're just retarded

fine i am gonna spoonfeed you cause i am in a good mood and not many people realise


why dont you like it its a good sci fi vn/anime

You probably already know this and just want the GUI implementation of the command, which I don't have, but you can add e.g.
-i "pidgey, drowzee, rattata, cubone, zubat, ekans, paras, sandshrew, ponyta, mankey, doduo, geodude, growlithe, abra, rhyhorn, meowth, spearow, oddish, arbok, machop, onix"

after your -st # to exclude those pokemon


hahaha go stick that shit in a gym
Oh fuck, I see what you mean
-i just gets rid of all the shitmons and I'd be better off just using Lockito to run to a good Pokemon ASAP
Thanks for the explanation anon, appreciate it
Maybe for people who have never used a computer before gramps.
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>gps bugged out and left me standing right next to one of the pokestops I hit up earlier
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Better start powering that nigga up
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Do it on a spoof account, not your main one so you don't get banned obviously. I won't spoil it.
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>tfw scared a few fellow autists in the plaza at night
>they noticed me, then turned around 360 degrees and walked away REAL quickly
At least you have enough to evolve another. Also that's really sad anon, I have Rattatas with more CP than that

Pretty sure CP of egg pokemon is determined by when you pick the egg up, not by when you hatch it. Do you have concrete info that the CP max cap is based on hatch time rather than egg-finding time
Not him but I understand from where he/she is coming from.
I find it INCREDIBLY uncomfortable when i'm sitting on a bench next to a lured stop and someone just starts talking with me just because i'm playing mons like he is.
Like what the fuck? I don't want to talk with you, fuck off
>At least you have enough to evolve another.
magikarp takes 400 candies, friendo
Is there any way to scan from home (I know how to scan)

and show results live to my phone
98% who people uses computers never touch cmd, sperg.
find me a single person that has hatched me a 1k pinsir/ scyther/ snorlax/ lapras/ aerodactyl at low lv
is that half circle the max power he can get if i keep feeding him stardust?
boys thats a bad one, you know you fucked up when its lower than an average magicarp itself
its the same shit like capture date. they save the day you got the pokeman egg and your level so yes. CP is capped. its not that hard
couldnt help but to start reading that list to the poke rap tune, fuck
But its not like anon was trying to start a conversation, it was more like he was calling him out and letting that guy that he knew what that guy was trying to pull.
This happens to me as well.
I always take my doge walkies at 11PM and i'm 6.5" so when people see a giant shadowy figure with a big doge walking towards them they shit their pains and leg it
so i just installed Nox with PG (coming from Bluestacks, crashing got on my nerves) but it's really slow, throwing balls is highly inaccurate because of this, what do?

my computer ain't shit either.

just close the app, wait as if you were driving there at 100km/h, put your GPS straight on it, and log back in. WASD is fast enough for general wandering around catching all the mildly rare pokemon in a 1km*1km area otherwise. lockito is clunky as fuck and awful to use, only use it for going afk while hatching eggs
Και στο ΟΑΚΑ γίνεται της πουτάνας
If you think cmd is complicated in the guide you're an idiot. The code can be copy pasted from the guide.
No, it's not. Maybe for NEET cunts and script kiddies like you.
if this was in america i would call the cops and reported him for a stare rape attempt
holy kek
I get a syntax error for "example.py" when using the scanner.

pls pgg
what the fug, anons>

>retrying_api_req: request error (Unexpected end-group tag.), retrying
>retrying_api_req: request error (Unexpected end-group tag.), retrying
>retrying_api_req: request error (Unexpected end-group tag.), retrying
>retrying_api_req: request error (Unexpected end-group tag.), retrying

the fuck is this?
lol σοβαρα παο να σkαναρω εkει λολ ευχαριστω για την πληροφορια φιλε σkανφαγ
Someone pulled up in front of my office last night and downed our gym but in the second of neutrality I just placed another vaporeon. I guess they spent too long on the victory screen

this tip top bait

Not that guy, but I'm new to all of this shit, and I found it pretty easy to grasp. The location bit threw me off, but I came to realize what it meant without assistance. Maybe you just have brain damage, anon.
download nox pokemon go macros
the servers are fucked
goddamn mother fucking pidgey. Every goddamn time I open my fucking phone these little shits just pop up to say "OH HEY WHAT A NICE DAY I HOPE NO ONE CATCHES ME". No one wants to fucking catch you, you goddamn mother fucking pidgey. Why don't you just get the fuck out of town. I don't wake up in the morning and think: Gee! I hope I catch a pidgey today! No one thinks that! Because no one fucking loves you! Fuck the goddamn pidgey mother fuckers. I don't need this goddamn mother fucking bullshit, I need my goddamn mother fucking meowth so I can get my son of a bitching persian. Don't even get my started on how you pidgey fucks pop up when I use incense. You think I waste good money to draw your goddamn fucking feathery asses out of the fucking trees? NO! I don't! Because I don't want you fucking mother fuckers. I can't believe how many fucking pidgeys I fucking see when I step outside my house. Their in the fucking air, the fucking trees, fuck they are even in my goddamn mother fucking mail box! You think I want to get sued by the postal service when one of these mother fucking mailmen get bit by one of the fucking mother fucking bullshit pidgeys? Fuck all these fucking pidgeys.
you're welcome frenchy
>not using Pidgey to powerlevel
leveling after 20 takes so fucking long it's unreal
Are Beedrills good?

read my post again you fucking retard. alternatively read this guy's post >>148951657

waiting to hatch the egg later won't help. It's a shit egg from the moment you pick it up and it will forever remain a shit egg
what do you mean? i am not french i am greek
theyre the best mon to stockpile and evolve anon. give them a break
It you thinks it's basic technology literacy then you're an idiot. If you ever decide to get some exercise I hope someone at the takes the same logic your using and fucking cripples you.
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>this happens at work
>scan it every five minutes all fucking day
Pidgeys are for farming.

Zubats are the real cunts
>worshipping a weaker ho-oh
speak English
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Can someone check 40.256424,-74.281730 ? Wondering if there's any good pokes hiding.
>tfw haven't found a single rock type since I started playing

I'll go on a hiking trip soon, does that increase my chances of finding one? I'd love to have an aerodactyl or kabutops.
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>Trying this hard
not the guy replying but what the fuck are you doing in this thread if you dont know basic python and cmd programming?
thanks alot for making forcing everyone to learn your cunt as retarded alphabet in school asshole
gia bulbasaur vasika xaxa mperdeytika. exeis vrei pouthena kamia fwlia dratini i ghastly?
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i hatched mine
i would but the servers are fucked atm. scanning for me is slow as fuck.
you literally copy and paste less than 8 commands into CMD and you're set up

how hard can it possibly be

Pokemon you want to see when you're high level:
god tier - lapras, dragonite, snorlax, vaporeon, slowbro, blastoise, golem (fighting)
top tier - non-evolved version of the above, to create those
high tier - pidgey, caterpie, weedle, for levelling
shit tier - other pokemon

Pokemon you want to see before you hit 25+:
god tier - pidgey, caterpie, weedle, for levelling
ok tier - all the 25cp evolution pokemon
shit tier - everything else. You think a 200 CP lapras is useful?

Well meme'd spergs
I have two ten kilometer eggs right now, I really hope one hatches from it.
The point is you aren't writing commands or new code for yourself.

It's given to you in the guide. The commands are all short one lines that can be copy pasted. I have never in my life used it till the guide but I didn't find it hard because the guide tells you what you need to input. If you have trouble grasping that, then you should get government money for being slow.
Maybe you should kys.
Haven't touched a pokemon product in 12 years. Question: When should I evolve a pokemon? As soon as I get the candy or should I wait until I am at a higher lvl or find a pokemon with higher WP?
Whenever you get a chance then, I really need a way to do this on my phone.
only 10 more days until GO+ is in stock here
no more staring at my phone
>she has a dick
>shit tier - everything else. You think a 200 CP lapras is useful?
you get 6x exp for filling a new pokedex slot
goes a long way to helping you reach lv 20 where you can find worthwhile mons
right now, by the time my scan is complete, the pokemon have expired. maybe another anon can be of more use to you.
Just install apk retard.
dude i spoilerd it for some reason also i didnt disclose any info in my language plus i dont think you can spoof all the way to greece without rpercussions plus the place with squirtles is pretty easy to find if write in greeklish

δυστιχος οχι αλλα βρηkα το hotel grande britagnie sto sintagma exei 24/7 pokestop me lures,mallon diafimizoun etsi to meros kai nomizoun oti fa erfoun perisoteroi anfropoi enw egw spoof/scanner-fag kai apla trefomai apo ta lures tus lolol
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>reddit shorthands

You first, buddy.
where do you even get fire pokemons? I feel like picking Charmander was a dumb choice.
>not wanting to catch rares even if they are weak cp or bad for farming

Id burn 50 eevees to get some Hitmonlee, Porygon, Farfetch action.
Fuck those broken little shits, ive already got 4 vapes and 2 werent even evolves
You don't even need to know basic programming. It's literally copy and paste.
Anybody else love to fuck with other teams when they play? Whenever I'm walking around Ill sometimes find a few guys sitting at a gym and playing and shit and ill ask what team they are and I'll just say "Sweet me too!" And tell them there's a Blue Eyes White Dragon down the road or whatever then ill take the gym and put a 14 cp pidgey in it or whatever the lowest cp guy that i have multiple of that I can find
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API request error, retrying
you fucking newfag
It's video game not coding general.
All the dudebrahs at work are Instinct.
Autistic stores guy is Mystic.
Everyone you would want to share a beer with is Valour.
server overload.
What's given to me? What about how I open the cmd window? What about how I download from git? Where I type local host? What I do to submit the code since there to no ok button? What about how to bring up the actual map and not stare at a black screen all fucking day? What about how I fucking unzip the damn mapmaster? What about the steps to make a pokemon trainer account? Links to the site but doesn't help you make the actual account. Like what name I should use, what DOB, or I make the account? Fucking great.

NONE of this is explained you fucking idiot.
Hard enough to spawn multiple comments regarding errors and requests for someone to scan for them.
>get excited over the 800 ponyta I found
>shit multiplier
Why do the multipliers have to be such dogshit for most pokemon?
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this is what you get.png
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here ya go.
lmao greekfag
go to the scanner discord.

theres an anon scanning now.
I'm good.
well yes,but you still need an undersating
of scripting to get the commands right

For example i made 2 .bat lauchers for
AAAH's scanner and memelyfe's scanner
in order to automate all the comands everytime i
open it.

but people were saying to change the name of the
threads to python and scanning general ,also its 2016 even 13 yo scriptkiddies know programming

yep i am greekfag what up with it?

yeah, i admit levelling would be pretty slow without the 500xp from constantly finding new pokemon, but that's once per pokemon and they're all the same

compare with the noble pidgey

each pidgey gives you 100xp just for catching it
potentially 50xp for the throw, but reasonably you should average at least 10xp as the 50xp will make up for when you get 0xp
each pidgey gives 3 candies for being caught and 1 candy for being transferred (before or after evolution), plus about 1/3rd of a candy on average from you evolving a roughly a third of your pidgeys. this is close to 3/8ths of the 500xp bonus from spending 12 candies on an evolution, which is 190xp, except this is doubled because you can do all evolutions during a lucky egg, making it 380xp

So in total each pidgey is worth just under 500xp
Does the iOS, iApp Signer, Xcode 7.3.1 Spoofer still work?
i scanned up there and all i found were drowzees

or was that the point
πιπιλίζουν το πουλί μου
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>feel nostalgic while servers are down and im looking at my childhood pokecard collection
>look up the modern ones and get hit in the face with this cancer

Boy they really lost that subtle neat look
From what I've seen in my 'hood yo, this is how it goes

Tryhards and assholes who take the game too seriously, also dude bros
The Bernie Sanders of pogo, most people dont know why they picked it, it was just bandwagon
Hipsters who go out of their way to let you know they picked it because it's superior because "Im different therefore better than you"

That being said, I picked instinct because my friends picked instinct and because I like the color yellow. Plus I don't like owning gyms, and instinct never owns gyms.
hate to break your hip gramps but those cards are hype as fuck
>US has two servers now
>haven't noticed any server issues after the dip when us Canadians got it

Seems like all is going well, I was out all day yesterday, and didn't experience any hiccups, and it looks like today will also be another productive day.

Sucks for you euros.
I feel like replaying R/B but it probably wont hold up to my memories of playing it.

Might just read the mango, I dug the first few volumes
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what is the max dratini cp?
What team should I join?

I heard one team is basically the defacto reddit team.
>is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

what am i doing wrong
They are all explained fine.That isn't the problem. But whatever you have to do to make yourself feel better about being a social inept, pretentious asshole.
Its like going from a maserati to some ricer mobile with 20 useless bits of aerodynamics

Im sure its a hit with the add kids though
Haven't bought pokemon cards since diamond and pearl but man you must be joking
Although I love the simple look of the first cards some of these new ones look fantastic
Euro here, most of the server issues are no longer appearing
Hey man, Darkrai's always been a pretty cool Pokemon I think
Im just here to fill the juicy pokedex, so a 200 cp Lapras is alright with me
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every team thinks every other team is retarded/autistic/leddit so either pick the one all your friends are one or the one you like the best
https://ispokemon.online/ says they are offline right now.
Whatever issues Euros have, they won't last. They'll be up tip-top shape in a bit. Just gotta wait for the general hype to die down, and then it'll be golden.
The usual shitmons. And squirtle oh well.
Thanks though!
reinstall that shit with default settings n paths
Just join whichever team your friends are on, every other team will make fun of you regardless.
Well, I'm playing from Spain right now so...
I found a 680
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Why even try?
>get emergency text that a tornado is spotted in my area


do you guys think theres any cool pokemon out?
>heavily unstable
But it's working perfectly here (italy)
>tfw can't copy paste my google login in bluestacks anymore


Yes, I know I should be using nox or memu but neither of them worked for me since I have a shit PC.
Gen V is not available, so no.
fucking scanner isnt working

wat do? just wait?
and as I said this I got the pokeball freeze glitch
Is there a site showing what's the highest CP you can find on a pokemon in the wild for a given trainer level?

Example I'm 20
I'd pick a pokemon like charmander and it would say "can find cp x to y in the wild"
I hear the eye of the tornado has a Mewtwo
I've noticed that as the game has stabilized a little, the general has too.
I wouldn't bother asking, they will just type "kek" and call you an idiot for not knowing something that's basic to them.

Even though if you told them to do something socially basic,like hold a conversation for a minute with a stranger,they'd turn into a stuttering sweaty mess.
Never mind I got it. In case anyone else has it, had to go into settings and enable 'switch to other input methods'.
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dratini pls.png
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r8 my Dratini farm

not working for me atm either m8, best to just w8.
seriously though, is yours sperging out on this?:
>retrying_api_req: request error (Unexpected end-group tag.), retrying
>retrying_api_req: request error (Unexpected end-group tag.), retrying
>retrying_api_req: request error (Unexpected end-group tag.), retrying
>even 13 yo scriptkiddies know programming
Seems so.
kek, you are idiot
Working for me, checking for pokestops in my town atm
>Step 1 out of 225
It's peak time. Wait it out till it's late in the afternoon.
"Friendly reminder that if you set up the scanner yesterday, it may no longer work. You need to update to the latest ver of the script.

>Grab the script from https://github.com/AHAAAAAAA/PokemonGo-Map (DDL: https://github.com/AHAAAAAAA/PokemonGo-Map/archive/master.zip), unzip it to the location you want to use it, copy over "requirements.txt" to the scripts folder for your Python installation, if you did everything by default it should be in "C:\Python27\Scripts"

>Go to your scripts directory, shift+right click in the folder window and click on "open command window here", in the new CMD window, type
>pip install -r requirements.txt

So basically you just install the script again, no need to delete the old one except, you know, if you want.
PokemonGo-Map - Live visualization of all the pokemon in your area... and more!"

This was posted in the discord chat
I wish I could find a dratini farm in Europe

I'm okay with spoofing around the EU but going to Australia is too much yo
I dont know man

I walked like 10km yesterday and I met only one rattata and there are no pokemons around my house ever

I just want to play the game, maybe scanner could help me find something
>gets insulted for not knowing basic rogramming
>calls other scriptkiddies
butthurt detected
Can a scannerbro help me out? Would really appreciate it!

Latitude:40.681176040° 40' 52.23'' N
Longitude:-73.808796073° 48' 31.67'' W

I'm commuting to Central Park and The Natural History Museum later since I know there's some spots with ridiculous spawns but I would like to know if anything good is in my hood while I'm on a coffee/ hatching run

Sometimes I see Scyther Magmar and Slowbro silhouettes but can never find those fucks before they disappear

Also with this scanner thing how long do the pokemon stay around?
thanks for the heads up,

how close is it though to max cp in percentage?
Read the OP
I do. It's the typing that's fucked up.
So is Niantic done adding the game to new countries? I hope so, because I want the game to start stabilizing a little
What is -c, -ol, -pm and -d? Those weren't there yesterday and the Readme is shit now

The guide? I'm not home atm so I can set it up

I'll just do it later, then
Japan is getting it tomorrow.
Are there many pokestops clustered there?
Should I spend some time levelling my team before I go to Dewford?

No, Japan tomorrow. Expect servers to finally implode for real.

Also every McDonalds in Japan will become a gym, they paid for it. Sponsored.
The last part..
anyone got a rough guess or know the speed limit for hatching eggs before they stop the counter?
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>go to the UK from the USA
>beat the shit out of all these famous areas
>name all my Pokemon pic related
>assblasted Brits can't do anything because my pokes are roided up all-American hulks

So Nox decided to "update" Google Maps and Lockito randomly for me. Suddenly my map for gpsies got registered as Boston, while I live in Europe - got unknowingly teleported to Boston from Europe.

Just how fucked am I?
I'm butthurt about my non working scanner.
You know nobody can see custom pokemon names right? Only your trainer name.
They can't see your nicknames, dumbo
at least we will have more hacking tools once those filthy chinks take a whack at it
whats the problem?
instead of dissing ask for help
S6 edge.
Using My Boy emulator.

Runs and looks really good.
Most errors are easily solvable by just reading the guide, and people ask for scans because they're too lazy to set it up
amazing considering only you can see it retard
>not having your trainer name USA USA USA
you had one job m8
Not him but asked for help already, got nothing
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Fuck. Well, at least they're on my screen caps.
>thinks anyone can see
as expected of dumb americans.
>unexpected end group tag

What did he mean by this?

Its managed to scan a couple pokemon though...
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tfw its fucking hot outside
tfw all the normies walking around, sweating to death while catching pokemon
tfw sitting at home, drinking a cold lemonade and spoofing
there's a quad cluster just across a small lake that's lured 24/7, and a long stretch of singles along the path with all the Dratini spawns.
If you didn't touch a pokestop, then you shouldn't be softbanned. If you did, then you're going to be waiting for 8~12hrs since the distance is massive.
is eu shitting itself again
>tfw have to post on 4chan and tell everybody how inferior their playstyle is to mine
And somehow you need to justify yourself?

They are having fun while you are sitting at home rotting.
Those normies are getting fit and turning into Chads.
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>mfw working out with free weights in my home gym while spoofing between sets
>mfw will get more muscles than any walker would
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My Arcanine is maxed out right now at 1985 and my Vaporeon is 1 power up from being maxed out at 1739. On the tier list it says they both have identical growth of 40. Do they just have different caps? If so what trainer level would I have to be to get Vaporeon to 2000?
>implying you get fit by walking a bit or slowly riding your bike while stopping every few meters

it's not that easy kid
You feel of insecurity
>Getting haughty over a mobile game.
>tfw only go for a walk at around 9 pm

For some reason this game is way more relaxing at night. doesn't make sense to run around in the heat anyway since footprints are broken.
will suck dicks for ghastly
Have they addressed the three step tracking glitch yet?
Walking 10+km a day will give you a body that looks like it walks 10+km a day.
Everyone thinking they're going to get /fit/ playing Pokemon will still look like shit in a couple months guaranteed.
Yea but by that logic you could put up a sign that says "10 dollar blowjobs just come to my window" and make more money than someone working in fast food.
But you're still a cock sucker.
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When is a good time for you?
I'll look through the new guide and come back if I get new errors. I'm going to start learning script to avoid this shit in future.

I prefer walking around, getting fresh air, getting fit and meeting tons of new and interesting people every day at pokestops. Already made a ton of friends in a nicer environment than bars

Also coordinating groups to travel to gyms and setting up towers of sick pokemon is pretty cool too

But I'm not socially retarded so I could see how some people would rather stay shut in their rooms over the summer spoofing for the biggest (dorkiest) social phenomena ever
I bet this is in america or australia once again


Why can't there be any spawns like this in europe
need a scanner pls


there's a tauro here
what is up with these pokemon with pics on them? did someone find a way to find pokemon on google maps or something?
just swallow the spoofpil anon.
did I trigger you guys? whats your highest pokemon? ;)
i got u senpai
gimmie a bit
Nice thanks
I've done all of that for a week and I'm already tired of it.

More power to you if you still enjoy it I guess.
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43.024468, -81.225763
I can't get mine to work properly can someone scan my area?
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> he thinks track athletes look like shit
>follow scanner guide
>actually follow multiple scanner guides
>enter command line as required
>still says enter lat long even though I did
where did I fuck up
Eh not really. It's your decission. I'd do it too just for a dratini but my PC is broken.
Track athletes don't look like that from running and walking. There's a bit more to it.
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you only got 2 minutes till that tauros goes
i didn't know walking trained your biceps as well
higher than anything you can copy n paste off the internet

the scanner taught me the spellings of the pokemon names "gastly" and "rhyhorn", weird shit right.


walking 10km+ per day definitely changes skinnyfat into slightly more wiry/average as long as the walking continues, and obese people will lose a fair bit of weight if they're actually managing to walk 10km per day consistently. you're right though, it should make no difference for normal people because normal people already do exercise equivalent to more than 10km of walking in a day
>he thinks walking around with his phone to catch pokemon will make him look like an athlete

did you use a 1 instead of a l
Ok, NOW it's shitting itself
>walking and playing pokemon on street
>same stress on body as running track
enjoy pokemon trainer body
How do I get a realistic GPS spoofer?

I mean, one where I select location and the character actually walks around randomly a bit to stimulate real movement?

The regular GPS spoofer does jagged movements (from point to point)

I spawn myself somewhere, then use WASD to walk around
It's great
How many evolutions should I have before I pop an egg?
is someone taling scan requests? I saw a venosaur but it disappeared again

looks like i was too late, thanks tho papi
How to I get a larger scan of my area?


I keep getting small chunks even though I expand the map.
Is that name of program?

Can you link to it?

No but you seem pretty miserable and kinda sad, trying to demean people for doing regular things like walking outside and being social

I don't really mind spoofers desu but the people who try to act superior for being totally antisocial are pretty funny

At the end of the day you'll get bored of playing on easy mode and have nothing memorable or positive to show for your efforts buuut you knew that already :^)
Change the st to 10
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Scanbros can I get some help?

I can do a basic search just fine but I'm just sick of seeing all the pidgeys and crap I don't need, whats the line I need to add to take them out of the search, if possible.

do you really think they're going to go to the effort of tracking and recording 20 million people's routes to find the ones that are "too straight" and ban them all?

if you're this worried, just close the app, spoof to a (nearby) location where there's a scanned good pokemon, catch it, and close the app again. if they banned all accounts which followed that pattern, they'd end up banning everybody who has their phone off and only turns it on when the friend they're walking with finds a pokemon.
whats your highest pokemon tho?
If anything, being a walker is boring unless you happen to live in one of the major cities on the planet

If you don't, enjoy zubats, pidgeys and rattatas
Jesus fuck can't you even use google? Do we need to spoonfeed THAT hard? Does your mom still dress you in the morning?
you have much to learn grasshopper. He clearly doesnt have ripped biceps at all because runners dont lift but his legs and abs are in average shape for someone who moves from one point to another

I would know, State champ for track n field 2006

anyone using this scanner? how to change the st?

How do you guys get your coordinates? I wanna request a scan, but this is the first I've heard of this.
Canada knows best.
google maps
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>tfw you ask a scanbro to scan your area and before they even post the image they say "I'm so sorry"
Christ you're dumb.
Go play around on google maps until you figure it out.

control+f this thread for "-i" without the quotes, i pasted a pretty good filter several times


read the OP please, all info you need is there
Are you literally retarded?
Can you not think of way to figure out gps coordinates of a location?
You can go to dewford, but do the cave before the gym
reminder the pastebin doesnt actually work

On an unrelated note, do you guys think that "hacker group" that claimed responsibilty for the server downtime over the weekend really did it or are just being attention whores? Could their fuckery have caused the 3-step glitch?
It's literally what I followed to get the scan working.
Thanks, bro.
Are you refering to the cave with the Team Aqua guy?
neither do niantic's servers.
Just at the current time, or ever?
If you're softbanned, are you softbanned while or immediately after Spoofing, or can it happen later as well?
there's an onix now, someone? mate?

guysss ;_; no one?
could this game be game of the year? has a cellphone game ever won
Anyone got a problem with eggs not hatching?

They pass the km threshold and then just disappear from the incubator but when I sort my Pokemon by time there is no new one. Fucking animation won't play.
>EU down again
simply epic
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Just hatched a bunch of shitty 5km eggs expecting the usual absolute garbage

Got tentacool, oddish, shellder from 3 of the 5 eggs. All shit i have already but need to evolve, so i got a bunch of candies towards each. Fuck yes
These god damn fucking shitty servers.
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Don't worry NIantic will fix.. I mean release game to Japan tomorrow, that should do the trick!
>Walk 6 km, check egg, only 20m logged.
Nope, the cave northwest of dewford, where you have to deliver the pack to steven

i appreciate that you're offering an incentive to spoofers so they can grab a pokemon from the area in return for scanning it for you, but onix is one of the shittest pokemon in the game


currently. the servers constantly spawn pokemon with 15-20 minute lifespans (obviously they disappear to you once you catch them, but the instance remains for everyone for about that long), the scanners provide a map of your area with icons of all the pokemon currently there, mousing over provides a timer of how long each pokemon had remaining when it was scanned
Japan is going to fuck the servers so hard. I'm thinking of taking a break from the game for a week starting tomorrow.
Isn't 25 the max?
ya it is. that guy just photoshopped to lie to you

I feel like they gave up and just release the game as a quick cashgrab in the last countries now. Which is a shame because the game has potential.
How many evolves can I fit into one lucky egg's length?

I currently have
>12 caterpies
>36 pidgeys
>12 rattatas
>31 weedles

I'm also planning on timing it so that I hatch some eggs. I'm not buying any of these fucking things like some retard so I wanna make sure I get the absolute most out of the freebies they give me as leveling milestones.
40 is the level cap. Was discovered days ago.
My friend/housemate picked Valor because Moltres is his favorite of the birds, and didn't realize that my brother and I picked Mystic. He was mad at my brother because he would have taken Mystic if my brother had told him what team he was, I started playing a day or two after it came out. We have a gym that is a two minute walk from us that we could have set up to be an IRL Pokemon gym for the three of us.
can't see an onix there
It does? Like what?

Trading just makes filling the dex easier.
Trainer vs Trainer combat is shit because the combat is shit, same crap as gym battles.
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>servers down again
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Not a big deal but if you feel generous.
t. creator's friend shilling
>decided to stop playing and go home 15 minutes ago
perfect timing

though I guess the increased occurrence of freezeballs was a good indicator.
I keep getting this shit as well
>nearest pokestop listed at 240m away
>walk back and forth 8 times today
>0.6 km registered towards my eggs
how the fuck do i open config.json to insert the api key?
before i kill myself pls
t. guy who asked how to open cmd
The Japs don't have it already?
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Is it possible for someone to just turn this "scanner" garbage into a website you can just login to and use?

Do I really have to install a ton of shit to use a fucking map on my PC?
So when did you guys start?
What did you accomplish besides catching those mons?

I hold 4 gyms in my possession or at least got 4 pokemon as defenders. Made 5 friends on the way and have lost some pounds walking in blazing heat. I feel really good and am ready to farm up some pokemons before using my lucky egg.
I am out every day even though the bugs really annoys me (especially the pokeball glitch).
A pokemon spawns once every hour in my living room so that's been my highest priority of catching that pokemon.
only the leet hackers
Right click.
Open with Notepad.
Sounds reasonable, given the length of the animation. Guess I'm ready to go in, at least once the servers stop being shit. Thanks anon.
Hows are your pokedexes coming along?

>126 caught
>128 seen
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open it as a text document

so i got the scanner running. but how do I change the range of search? I wanna go broad!

also I keep getting, API request error, retrying. it doesnt stop me from working but it does make the scans take longer. any solutions?
like 80 caught I think

I did 47 evolves and still had over 5 minutes left, even with being slow and having to reboot the game once. It's definitely over 50, potentially around about 60

You get 5 lucky eggs by the time you hit the early 20s so the limiting factor is the pokemon you catch moreso than it is the amount of lucky eggs you have, to be honest. To be evolving for 5 lucky eggs straight you'd need to catch 900 pidgeys (60 evolves per egg, 3 pidgeys per evolve, 5 eggs).

In case you're retarded there's a website you can find on google called pidgey calculator to help you work out how many of each pokemon you need to transfer before you do the egg
it literally takes like 2 minutes tops
This seems like one of those shitty bazooper edits
Nicely censored name, seismicxcharge.
Someone did make a site, but it's always down.

You don't need to install a shit ton btw. It's two things you need to install, python and pip.
Yeah it does mate, just install the newest Map and try again.
i did that and it contains approximately four hundred million strings of text. i didn't want to just paste it in there willy nilly, i figured there must be a way to open it that has a simplified view.
>the game has potential
Nah. It really doesn't.
He's German/Austrian, you American you.
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>Do I really have to install a ton of shit to use a fucking map on my PC?

>He doesn't understand how to install and use python

What the fuck do you even do? How computer illiterate can a person that plays video games be? Retard.
someone will make a stable one pretty quickly, I'd imagine

some sweet ad revenue to be made
This happened to my friend with a male Nidoran, it was even worse having his horn-cock be shoved right in your face
You can still play when softbanned, but you'll ony be able to hatch eggs by walking. Doing anything risky during a softban puts you at a way higher risk of a permaban should a banwave ever happen.
>you'd need to catch 900 pidgeys
Almost there then :')
I made sure that the censor bar looked obnoxious enough for people to strain their eyes.
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Seeing how many Pokeymans I can find in NK.

Server is dead though, so API requests are all timing out.

Will report on whether or not Kim has reached level cap.
fuck these server
Servers will be down for the next 3-4 hours like everyday.

Fuck sake nincucks.
Weird. I would have expected them to get it first.
You in Austria or Germany? Rural or urban?
>tfw I can play as a spoofer

>try to spoof because im sick irl
>go to NYC central park
>leaves everywhere, no pokemon whatsoever
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>lunch break
Niantic is an american company.
Just arrived in England on my world tour

Anyone know where the rare Pokes are?

L O N D O N sucks
2km is best egg i picked charmander as starter and hatched a bulbasaur, squirtle and pikachu. Also i got 7 items from one pokestop today
nobody fucking cares, virgin
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My scanner is not working, is it on my end?
I care
London is literally the worst place in the world.
Did the same today.
Regretted it later when I was hungry
Spoofers ruin the game for everyone :(
>giving your phone to someone else
New kind of stupid.

post the one with the girl with the rock hard nipples
There's a park near the zsl zoo in london that is a rhyhorn nest.

Apart from that I haven't found anything in london.
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>still no 10k eggs
At least those incubators you get given at 20 are helping me burn the backlog of 5k eggs I keep getting given.
Does anyone know how to broaden the search for the scanner?
Can't you log into the account from multiple devices?
Have you figured out how to hatch eggs yet without getting banned spoof fag
Servers are down m8. Try again in late afternoon.
>have 800 pidgey and weedle candies
>servers too fucked to use them

come ON
not that guy but there's a guide in the OP
>giving your account to someone else
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No son. Niantic ruined the game for everyone.
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german and rural.
Few Pokemon spawns here but that makes competition for gyms for predictable and the handful of pokestops are always lured. I lucked out with a Vape-Eevee in my gym, making kids cry their eyes out.
Obviously. But a lot less stupid than handing over your device.

Real talk, you just move real slow.

It's not perfect, but it works.

......I actually feel like if you were a fast runner, that might actually be quicker, really.
Change the st to 10.

You can hatch eggs easily while spoofing. Where have you been?
how the fuck do spoofers get pokemons
im walking around central park and its all leaves but no pokemon
My server doesn't seem to be down.
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Anyone else having problems on a Nexus 5? The fucking GPS is constantly glitching around.
change -st 5 to a higher number i think

does anyone know how long the pokemon stay there for? like if I scan and find a pokemon, how long do i have to get there before it goes away?
My dick isn't inside your boipussy. We should fix that.
>small town
>weirdly a huge number of stops
>ran into middle-aged couple playing GO at a couple of lures
>they're hardcore Ingress players, tagged most of the portals in town
Thank fuck for those guys.

Enjoy getting raped and murdered just like hitch-bot
what file is this change done in?
Click on the pokemon
mouse it over
I'm rural Austrian, only one pokestop in a 1400-people village, no arena, no really rare pokemon around yet.
Working in the city gives me all the items I need though.
No GPS problems for me, but the game is freezing constantly.
>does anyone know how long the pokemon stay there for? like if I scan and find a pokemon, how long do i have to get there before it goes away?

You can click on a pokemon on the scanner and it tells you m8 with a little counter.
We cant do that shit anymore on Ingress can we?
Yeah, we should really fix you.
Calling the vet, brb.
DYEL? Jesus, his arms are nothing. How long have you been obese?
No, submissions have been closed for a long time.
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rate my golduck
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>servers are fine
>pop incense
>servers start lagging
>5 out of 6 mons were freeze balls
>one of the freeze balls was a mon i wanted really bad
no this is not niantic fault, this is fucking retard nintendos fault for not looking at ingress properly and realizing that niantic are incompetent fucking cunts who can't be trusted with a game like this
>'unknown error' when transferring
Yep, it's after 3pm in Europe.
Aren't they taking Pokestops applications right now?
i have so many ghastlys here in czech republic i don't even bother with them anymore

The more I see this shit, the more I laugh out my ass when people think this is a CIA operation.

...Then again, the CIA spent 6 million dollars in 1960's money to surgically insert a radio-transmitting camera inside a cat, and said cat was released in central park during its first test, and was run over by a car within the first 10 minutes when it ran into the street.
Giving access to your google account to someone else is just as stupid. People these days link all kinds of shit too it.
Sorry if this was posted before, but anyone know what this means? I don't know much about coding so if I could get a retard version of what this error is telling me that'd be awesome

>UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character u'\u2642' in position 34: character maps to <undefined>
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my nigga
Did you know that the CIA also forced MLK to assassinate JFK?
You most likely caught them at different base CP
Only removals, not to add in new ones.
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Question for scan bros. Every now and then, more frequently when I change my -st > 5. When I browse to localhost my map is fucked and I get a python error message instead. Anyone else having this issue and know what the fix or cause is?
You can also use a PokeTrainer account to play the game though.

Lets not turn this into a big fight. I think it is stupid as fuck too, I just wanted to ask if you can log into one and the same account from multiple devices or if the account is somehow tied to a hardware footprint.
kek never heard that story
Doesn't seem like it belongs in here.
Maybe try out your luck in the discord group!

^Link in the description
What does that mean?
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>cant create ptc account for the scanner
>[-] retrying_api_req: request error (Unexpected end-group tag.), retrying
>[-] retrying_api_req: request error (Unexpected end-group tag.), retrying
>[-] retrying_api_req: request error (Unexpected end-group tag.), retrying

what is this?

Well new generation has a mix of pretty good, cutes and some retard ones.

Just as usual, would play.
Fuck off fags stop calling them mons
On the bright side you've hit the cap for hatched pokemon CP, apparently, so if you do get a 10k it will probably be better than if you got one any sooner.
>that bear
> that horse
> motherfucking flower necklace

Just uninstalled Pokemon Go
It takes 2 minutes to set a new one up, and is much more stable.

server fuxxed
the problem is the poke servers lag and change code constantly so the scanner fails every 7 out of 10 attempts not to mention you have to manually update the scanner every day
Do I absolutely need PTC account for the scanners because that's not happening any time soon?
You can request to have a pokestop or gym removed because of shit like this

>A fucking hawaiian flower necklace pokemon

Nigga wat
Are the servers down?
What else are we supposed to call pokes?
How do i add my friends to the pokemon go friend list? i can't find it
and where is the location chat?
Oh sorry my bad I forgot that was a thing

Ooops, got the story wrong. It's been a while.

They actually tried to use it to spy on people. The cat said "FUCK THAT"

Fuck is this game ever gonna have stable servers? Getting real tired of this shit.
>tfw keep finding weak magikarp

I-it's ok. Still 50 more magikarp to go until I'm there.
Guys remember that last gen had a ring of car keys as a Pokemon. Id take a flower necklace over that any day.
The new one can use google accounts too. Take a look at the readme on github.
i keep getting a syntax error when i do that
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Well the aloha region is based on hawaii and they are retarded so they gotta turn everything hawaiian into a pokemon
Can anyone do scan for me, computer broke last week 46.8611° N, 52.9466° W
The story of the first one is actually really funny.
When you do what exactly?

Servers are down faggot
>Frozen balls everytime

enjoy 1500 cp gyarados
im playing nox and i cant meet any pokemon
whats up?
That was a ghost taking over the keys, it wasn't the keys itself

Also it was a based as fuck pokemon, I used it when fighting online
Is this the first Pokemon based on a clothing accessory?
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What am I doing wrong? What should I be replacing example.py with?
github for what? Python or the map scripts?
I just want one that is around 160. My highest is 114 though.



>americans needed to spend 20 million before realizing cats are annoying as fuck to train

jesus christ america

That horse and lion thing look like digimon

Flower necklace looks retarded unless they save it with a pokedex entry about sucking the life energy from humans who mistakenly wear one

Seal thing needs to be shot behind the chemical shed.

Both birbs are fucking adorable

Koala and mosquito moth dude are cute and I need a plushie of them immediately

I haven't played since ruby and sapphire but I'd get the new one when it comes out desu
Does the scanner reveal Pokestops?

I kinda want to make a map of them all in my city for the unique visits medal.

add "-dp" to display pokestops
opinion confirmed shit.
The map script page of course.

Looks like you didn't install the script right.
>python is not recognized as an internal or external command

pls help i'm retarded, where did I fuck up?
you dont have python
Its xl, should be good for gyms
Are you in the right folder? It can't find the example file

Also that -1 should be a -l , and the coordinates in quotes
>people have spent hundreds of dollars on this unfinished game that only works half the time

oh the humanity
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The car keys was a top tier pokemon you casual retard.

Fuck off.
but i do have python

oh god oh god oh god


someone on leddit caught one in michigan apparently
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Alright.. where did I fuck up...

>people have spent hundreds of dollars on this unfinished game that only works half the time, when anyone with a non-potato computer or who lives in a major city can farm XP and items with ease
is it rare? i see them on my scanner all the time
Sokchu, Korea
And y'all be talkin shit on this flower necklace but I bet its gonna kick ass.

God I hate those fuckers even more goddamit.
Japan online now

Enjoy your servers lads

; )
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You didn't install the new requirements.txt
Copy-paste the new one on top of the old and run "pip install -r requirements.txt --update" through CMD at the scripts folder

They should stop trying to make individually interesting pokemon and realise that most of the remaining scope for good designs lies in complete evolution sets, e.g. bulbasaur's design is literally just a quadruped with a bulb on its back but he's cool because in his evolutions the bulb slowly opens. They need interesting changing shit like that. Some of those designs look ok, like the cuttlefish at the bottom right, the bug on the left, etc, but the main one that looks like it has potential to be genuinely interesting is the hummingbird thing with what look like flower stamen trailing underneath it, that would be cool if the stamen evolved into a full flower or something like that
You think gyms are bad now when they are double your best mon cp? Just you wait for the trading update when chinese fucks send flood the market with their botted 3000cp mons for dirt cheap and no gym will exist without at least 3x 3000cp mons in it
wtf is a pokeball?
Oops, didn't mean to post that pic
Oh well, at least I found some clustered up pokestops
Not till tomorrow.
poke stop you dickstik

where are you? you're probably seeing spearow or something, farfetch'd is meant to be asia exclusive and so far people have only found them in south korea, apart from that alleged michigan catch
You still vote for Trump because he is less garbage than Hillary and wasting your vote on meme candidates doesn't help anyone.
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Niantic Headquarters.png
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Trump is a meme candidate though.
He's not racist you dense motherfucker
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You know, I feel like the three steps bug isn't even a bug. Niantic probably just turned it off to make the server load easier on them.

Fuckin cunts
this is why trading should not be implemented.
the only solution would be to only allow sub-500 cp mons to be traded so that people can still get rares/exclusives from other continents/countries.
Wow nice post i havent seen this yet thanks for the fresh new content
there a way to get free mobile data?
Eevee's evolutions should be bumped up from 25 candies to 50 or 100.
I've said that for a while now.

The thing isn't even listed on their known bugs section. Nor have they acknowledged it on twitter.
ok,good luck with your studies
Who was the last non-meme president, Bush Sr.?
>servers acting up all week
>footprints glitched out
>oh hey lets release the game in japan tomorrow, what could go wrong? :^)
Isn't that common knowledge by now?
Or just make it so you can only trade with people nearby. That way the Japs can't flood us with their market breakers unless two guys meet on a plane or something.
Shouldn't you power up your pokemon to max before evolving to take advantage of the multiplier?
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2MB, 1362x1490px
We should all be glad we're not playing Yokai Watch Go at least

Look at this shit

No pokemon gen to come will ever be this bad
Yeah, pretty sure trading is going to be nearby only like they showed in the trailer.
>walk for over 2 hours in the hottest day I've ever lived through
>none of my fucking eggs have hatched and half of them aren't even close because it hasn't registered the distance I traveled or some bullshit

I have almost a while bag of 2k eggs and I'll never fucking hatch them at this rate. Why can't I just throw them away like the trash they are?
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please respond

i do have python but it says it is not recognized as an internal or external command when I try to do the last step ;-;
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I was wrong.png
3KB, 397x173px
Where did I go wrong?
Idk, people keep calling it "The three tracks bug" or something similar to that.
fuck this pro-life bullshit, you should be able to throw away eggs.
I recognize those streets! Thanks Anon!
Compton here I come!
You haven't set the PATH for Python. Just type the full path to the Python folder instead of using just "python" in the command line.
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Thanks again
How could I ever be a walker without your guys help.
Well.. until they fix that dam 3 step glitch
Program Files x??, Python folder, right click path and copy address as text

Right click My Computer, Properties, Advanced System Settings, environmental variables, double click path, edit, paste address

Worked for me
They're not supposed to be animal hybrids or anything remotely like Pokemon though,
Yokai are demons, of course they look like that
No shit the evo cost should be greater. Same amount of candy as a Rattata->Raticate?
Someone at Niantic clearly jerks it to eeveelutions.
Is the scanner US only or something?
the cmd shows that the map is 100% complete but localhost:5000 shows nothing but a blank screen.
are your coords right
>+110 pidgey candies

I'm getting ready for the lucky egg lads
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no it's mars only

of course you can use it anywhere you mong
servers still down for scanners?

when i go to the webpage, do i go to setmap or setlocation?
I'm in the UK and it works fine
Well I've entered them as number,-number without quotes.
I got this, too. So qt
Articuno is by far the best bird though

wasn't he also the hardest to get of them all? he rapes ass with blizzard in the GB version
Whats up with the hitboxes sometimes?
Hillary being bad is overblown. She's just a cookie cutter American politician, which is objectively bad, but not as insanely bad as people are saying.

Trump is literally Terry Crews in Idiocracy
>still softbanned

gay game tbqh
lincoln, his only mistake was freeing the slaves though
enter with quotes and add a space between the comma and -number
Don't do that
all the gyms in my city are taken by yellow
you need the quotes
kek walkers
aw fuck I have 6 minutes to go down the street and get a kabuto

What's the best eevee evolution?
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Hello /pgg/! Got my scanner running but it craps out on me every 10m or so. I saw the post about adding a .bat file to reset the scripts or w/e but I don't understand where to put this .bat file, what to name it and weather or not I need to "activate" it.

Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongodev/comments/4t8ohw/autoupdating_pokemon_go_map_scanner/d5hm1rd

>Put this in a .bat file
>it keeps the web server running but restarts the python radar script every 1200 seconds (20 min), change to your liking
>i better post this to make sure everyone knows and reducing my chance to catch him
Viking ayrans with blue eyes, prefers the cold

Asians, smart but autistic

Your typical hispanic, will greet you with a huehuehue when you meet them, typically greasy and poor spoofers, prefers the heat
are you really so naive? spoofers will take care of that, spoof in korea, load up with rare pokemons, log out for 24 hours which covers the "travel time" spoof in US, sell your mons to hungry burger cunts
Same shit will happen while spoofing because the servers are dogshit.
Valor here, but Zapdos is the best.

nickname your eevee "Rainer" before evolution to get him 99% of the time
Installed python.

>Grab pip from https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/ (DDL: https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py), if Python was installed properly, double click it, it'll install automatically, if not, reinstall Python.

But clicking the DDL link there just links me to an html page with a hella lot of text and no way to download. Someone help?
fat piece of shit 6 mins is easy
Posting from the NC mountains. Very sparse mons around here, but can someone scan for curiosity? 35.896356,-81.970877


>The Snorting Hat

>Timmy Dickwhiffle

>Granny Blowjob

>Edgelord McPuffles

>Bigfoot Sperm

>It's just a fucking House

>Feels Dog

>Teenage Mutant Boner Hair Turtle


>It's just a human


>I don't even...is that a hard-boiled egg shooting a heart gun?

>The turdlicker

>Something something Japanese caste system filth

>Just an umbrella with legs

>Shoe with legs

>Jinbe from One Piece

>We forgot to finish drawing this one

>bags or something

>Masturbating Alien


>homeless hat with sexy legs

>another granny

>another umbrella

>edgy food

>fundoshi man

>Sad Robot

>It's just a tank

>The Nosepicker

>Count Remotecula

>Just another old man

>Someone's fetish

>That lizard kid from Undertale

>Another lizard kid

>Okay, this design is cool

>three guys


>Gay dude

>Rad Pig


This is Chinpokomon tier, right down to Shoe.
He still has to get dressed

I'm not the only one who is always naked at home, right?
No, poorfag. I want to walk but my country is shit so there aren't many places with wifi available, and I wanted to hunt in less populated places like in the woods or something.
ive only caught 2 eevees and im level fucking 13
why is eevee looking so evil?
You put in http://localhost:5000 right?
i want a mr. mime

give me a mr. mime
takes me like. 6 minutes to do a full 10 str scan. any way to make these things scan quicker?
Got a fly from athens to munich. Will i get softbanned? ;_;
save the file by right clicking it you underage faggot
Jesus fuck why is florida so hot and why do I still live here
fuck meant to >>148959802
By the time trading comes out most spoofers will probably get banned anyways.
yeah, all you gotta do is tell everyone to stop overloading the servers

I changed from "python" to "C:Python27"
Or am I supposed to type in more? cause nothing happend
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>My faction's bird is the best
>Everyone else is an autistic cuck LOL XDXDXDXDXD
>Last 4 times I left the house especially to go catch pokemon stopped working about 10 minutes into my walk
>Starts working again 5 minutes before i get home
>Always freezing after I catch a Weedle or whatever shit it's throwing at me.

Man I love this game desu.
meh. thought maybe I was just missing some optimal settings.

Well the Yokai are mostly cartoonified versions of spirits from actual lore/religion/whatever so the ridiculous designs get a pass. They really do have dumb spirits that look like a dog with an old mans face or a face with legs.

No excuse for a key ring, ice cream cone and flower necklace monster when you have full creative license for designs
i never said anything about factions, im just talking about the birds
So, how long until someone creates a "search for a certain pokemon" add on to the scanner?

I just want to find a hitmonchan
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>>My faction's bird is the best
>i never said anything about factions, im just talking about the birds
You're either incredibly stupid or desperate for another (you).

not that those look good, but they're meant to be based off folklore legends of japanese monsters and shit. all of those would look retarded as pokemon but a handful look fine in context
C:\Python27\python ?
"C:\Python27\python.exe" should work iirc.
>tfw had a dream I got banned for spoofing
>scared to log back in now

what do
is muk in this game?
it's already in there including a function to exclude certain pokemon.

did you even have a gameboy as a kid friend

Yeah adding quotes worked thanks.
I was also a dumb fuck who didn't realize the "-" mattered in the coordinates and looked in the wrong hemisphere
I have one
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Should I hold on to these three headed fucks just in case evolutions give out more than one candy for Xfers in the future?

Oh yeah, 9 pidgey evolutions, that'll take a good 4-5 minutes of the egg, nice. Any plans for the other 26 minutes anon
Is it normal if my scanner only works in the US but not in Europe?
need some help with this part

should i put in the coordinates with a comma seperating them?
do i want to keep the hyphen at the end with the coordinates?
Yep now it works, thanks anons.
Now it just says Location is required.
I am supposed to type in the locations from google maps right?
Or what does pastebin mean by "anons house, anons city"
The one time I tried to scan Kazakhstan from the US, I was given a blank map.
Take that as you will.
>walker will defend going out and not being able to catch pokemon because of these shitty as fuck servers

meanwhile Im sitting at home, feeling comfy and wait for them to stabilize
it will accept pretty much any location google maps can understand
Since it uses google maps, you can just type a street address or anything and it searches for it. Coordinates are more accurate ofcourse.

Why cant it accept EU locations for me then?
>36 degrees tomorrow

Yeah sure I want to sweat my ass off in the sun for some pidgeys!
neck yourself
What's you favorite local spot? I'm not a spoof fag, I'm just curious.
Can i spoof on an android phone. My little bro just showed me this application he downloaded on tutu, but its for ios only
>all the walker got was a nice workout, some crucial vitamin D from the sun, potentially talked with some people while his brain was releasing healthy anti depressant chemicals from the exercise, light and air

poor walker
Beach, mall, parks around my house.
Grocery stores are alright but nothing like a big city.
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32KB, 879x705px
Fuck, what did i do?
Well Dodrio doesn't evolve so...
>I'm not a spoof fag

fuck off
Is there a function that includes only certain Pokemon? Tell me to read the fucking readme on the Github if it's there
I was gonna go out and exercise, anyways, you hamplanet.
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I was not right.png
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It says this tho.
I copied my town square location and it showed this.
>tfw i dont even have one dodrio
Skip the ">" and just type "pip install -r reqirements.txt"
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lol guys rate my little dude xD
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Spot right next to our old town hall has 2 pokestops right next to eachother, a place to sit and lots of shade.
>was a nice workout
Maybe in america where walking is considered a workout fatty

>some crucial vitamin D from the sun
implying I don't have a full time job, friends and a gf so i'm out a fair amount anyway

>potentially talked with some people
I talk to my gf and friends daily

>while his brain was releasing healthy anti depressant chemicals from the exercise, light and air
happens in my day to day life fatty, just because you need an app for it, doesn't mean we all do
doesnt it say in the pokedex from the original game if you remove the mushroom from their backs they die?

>if i pull that off will you die
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I've been trying to log into the gane but it stays like this forever, it only happens with my Google account, it logs in prefectly with any other account. Playing in a Moto G.
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Can you guys riddle me this?

Why am i getting an error for this cordinate?

When i scan in NYC i get no error whatsoever.
Yeah, use -o

EX: python example.py -a PTC -u myUsername -p myPassword -l "Seattle, Washington" -st 5 -ar 5 -o Eevee,Pikachu,Magikarp

There's a README.md file in the OP's pokemon map master that you can drag to your browser and see some useful functions.

I don't even seen one yet in my zone m9.
disable your GPS signal.
Servers are overloaded so you gotta fetch as less data as possible for your login attempt.
Also delete your session data manually.
new thread where
so you literally just sat at home watching some number grow instead of going out and walk around, are you braindamaged?
Put location in quote marks

Don't take the bait dude

The shut-ins are so insecure they feel threatened by the concept of exiting their house, getting in shape and interacting with strangers.

Replying to them with common sense gets twisted in their minds into thinking that you feel bad or defensive for doing normal things like socializing or exercising
Where do you think you are?
Please someone answer this
Not quite.

>instead of going out and walk around

I got back from work half an hour ago and it's hot as fuck. Rather stay inside, air conditioning on with my gf and doggo.
why does your game look so different from mine?
Are the EU servers still down?
good for you man, now fuck off
they are certainly not stable but they seem to work a few seconds a minute
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catch of the day for me
first pinsir I've ever seen, too
when do i start evolving shit? i got a shitload of pidgey candies.
New Thread:

New Thread:

New Thread:
stay mad fatty
Does Lockito suddenly stop woking for anyone else? Haven't spoofed for 3 days, just wanted to take a gym a few blocks away right now, but it keeps crashing; lockito seems a bit different now too. Was there an update or similar?
and is there any command to exclude specific pokemons..? also what is -ar?
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Teamless banner.jpg
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which EU country?
Each country are rumored to have their own server since yesterday.
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Can someone scan me please?
lol no they don't
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Ah well, thanks anyways!

Some of us live miles from other human beings and have such dismal pokemon spawn rates that we HAVE to spoof if we want to remain competitive with people who live between like five pokestops.

Get off your high horse.

We're not cheating, we're leveling the playing field.

But i didnt need to do that with NYC, and that shit works fine.
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I keep getting this error after the scan's started. Is this just server fuckery?
Did it just die for anyone else in the UK?
cant get scanner to work due to syntax error can someone scan for me plz

I've been trying to get Nox working, and while it's so far been far less of a hassle than Bluestacks, I haven't figured out how to get WASD keys working, all the guides seem to have them show up by default while my fresh installation didn't behave that way and the WASD pad I can bring up looks different and doesn't seem to actually do anything.

I'm like hours away from anywhere making this worth playing legitimately, I just want to explore around my area.
It's been stuck on this screen forever

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>check scanner
>Blastoise two blocks away
>HOLY FUCK, rush out to get it
>only find a 250CP Squirtle
>blame the scanner, go home and look on my computer
>Squirtle was right next to Blastoise and I'd clicked on him instead of Blastoise
>Blastoise was already gone by the time I left

Can someone scan please?
Which Pokemon can take out Hypno and Vaporeon the fastest? All the gyms around my area are just stacked with them. There's literally a gym a mile from me that's just Hypno, Vaporeon, Hypno, Vaporeon, Vaporeon, Vaporeon, Vaporeon and I can't do shit to it
WTF you can earn pokecoins by holding gyms? just noticed the button in the top right of store, did the game explain this at any point or am i retarded?
Yea, it barely works for me for some reason
buy them like a good goy
hopefully never, every other gen than 1 is shit
take off the nostalgia goggles. Gen 1 pokemon were pretty shit, gen 2 was worse, it goes uphill from there
>see hitmonchan in location you caught him before when walkfagging
>"neat, maybe it'll be better than the pathetic 56 CP one I got before"
>barely make it on a bike
>it's 18CP
>be level 20
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