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/tesg/ ~ The Elder Scrolls General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 691
Thread images: 251

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>Mods, modding guides, and FAQs
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>The Booru
>The Lewd Booru (Use the filter if you find a picture objectionable)

>/tesg/ stories
>Lore and Lore Accessories

Find or create an /tesog/ thread.

>Thread was created with incorrect OP or a lot earlier than post?
Ignore and report; Wait for a correct thread to be made.

Elder Thread: >>148723443
Marrowang post
I must figure out how to rid my face of dents!
And also slay dragons, I guess.
What's wrong with the op
Use a hammer.

Don't be a pussy.
I don't get it, what's wrong with this OP
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Xth for Hammerfell.
Nothing wrong but the other thread was created first.
It was created a half hour too early. And it still didn't even get posted first. So no, we're using this one.
>>Thread was created with incorrect OP or a lot earlier than post?
>Ignore and report; Wait for a correct thread to be made.
I feel like that might hurt her. She's a mage. She's made of paper and cloth.
>new thread drama
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post Dunmer
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This, warhammers or bust.
Nothing will top the new thread drama of last year when Izzy was purged from the OP. That went on for like 2 months.
>only a couple posts
Come on friend.
>not making a mage tank
It's almost like you want to be a stereotype

Use alteration magic then.

Maybe while you're at it give her an ovipositor.

This guy gets it
looking good triss.
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>Waifu ain't on the list
Fuck off Pen!
Serena is not for lewd!
What about a really big mace?

It's got FLANGES!
New playthrough.
What mods are best for letting me rape and impregnate females on sight?
>Reposting it over several threads

this looks retarded
unless you have a lore explanation for that strength
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What about a regular sized mace?
I do. I'll stop when I'm a master, or can make Ebony armor.

>Maybe while you're at it give her an ovipositor.
Where can I find one, to know what that is?
She uses glamour magic to make her self look like a dainty flower instead of a gross bulldyke.
Sexlab Defeat
Come to my room, bring lube.

I'm in the penthouse suite~
Post noses and/or your favorite screenshot.
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Favorite? I can do that.
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I bet she's reading Boethiah's Pillow Book.
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>your favorite screenshot.
oiled bananas!
!!! i've been discovered
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Same here.
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waste of oil T B H senpai
Stumped again. Sitting here in the garden, don't have the key to get into the north section of the mansion. I've checked out every point of interest in the garden, and I haven't found a way to progress. Nothing on the tree, nothing in the pond, no loot of value on the dogs (just meat). Went back and double checked all the rooms in the south section of the mansion, even went and double checked the basement.

I feel like I'm missing something obvious here. I did manage to clip through some of the geometry and get out of the level, though, so I guess there's that.
Note to self, stay away from competitive generals.

Here's one that I like.
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I like that hair
Go for a swim
Go away CT you are supposed to be playing Monsta hunta.

Works on my end
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this is the best i can do.
>Go for a swim
I did. There was nothing in the pond.
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>Nothing in the pond
Are you sure?
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check in the water again.

No. I don't play that game.
Surprisingly, it's /mhg/

Took a break for now. I think I clocked in 20+ hrs already. I'll probably play some more in a bit since I want to get out of Low Rank.
100%. What's *supposed* to be there?
A familiar looking bust of the man, the myth, the legend, and the fuckable
>play sord and magic elf for like 3 hours
>game crashes
>feel like playing big warhammer nord now

what the fuck man
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>Aye siwmae how horrifying
There's supposed to be another statue down there. Try reloading an earlier save and if that doesn't work console the door unlocked. It's just another statue portal to oblivion and back for the key
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>Install Cirilla ENB
>get this

For fucks sakes. Every ENB that uses Sweetfx does this shit.
>Boethiah's Pillow Book

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implying I can pick one favorite shot

Have one of my newest ones
It's weird, I could hear the drums when I got under the water, but there was no statue. Eventually I managed to get my cursor to a spot where I could activate the statue, but there wasn't a statue here.

>he doesn't know
LCtrl turn the light off
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I need a answer about this
No they don't.
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Did you use better vampires to turn him into a thrall?

It's what I did
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What the actual fuck
No, but that would make the Dawnguard story A LOT more interesting
what cute armor, is it a mashup?
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Kind of. Most of it is from zzjay Wardrobe, but the boots and circlet are from ESO Altmer armor.
Bright as fuck regardless of whether the light is on or off.

Yes they do. I've tried Cr ENB, Cirlla ENB and Kountervibe and they all have this shitty over the top bloom effect.

Vand B and Unko ENB look completely fine.
You'd be surprised why people start raging in MH because someone didn't do something they were "supposed" to do. It's why I only play with friends or people I know.

What area is that? You sure been playing a lot of landmass mods recently.
I wish this general had more lizards.
>tfw can't discuss Enderal on /v/ because there is this one dedicated shitposter that enters every Enderal thread and just starts spamming the thread with dumb shit every time

I can't handle that autism
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But 9/10 lizards are double-crossing backstabbers
You deserve it for going to /v/ in the first place.
Lizards are bad for your health
>trusting lizards
Your fault desu senpai. Like surrendering to muslims.
Why is immersive weapons so shitty? Any good weapon mods out there?
Down we go.

Lore Weapon Expansion.
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posting my results from last thread:

>the ritual
>dark brotherhood
>lawful good
How the hell am I supposed to play this character?
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I know Witchcat made a lizard kinda recently and he started posting it. Dwemer looking slave argonian with robot legs. She's pretty cute.
I beat Oblivion already but ROLLAN for fun.
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Mr. Bean. Try to help and heal people only to accidentally become the greatest assassin the world has ever seen. Cause deaths accidentally with level geometry, exploiting ai and accidentally leading strong enemies to your targets.
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That sounds pretty fun actually. Thanks.
I don't go anywhere without Heavy Armory.
wew rolled a mary sue
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And another one down. I can't imagine I have many left to go.

They tickle my Lovecraft bone in (almost) all the right places.
This seems like what I want, thanks.
what a cutie!!!!
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That sounds kind of boring. Shame.
Can anyone help me out? I can't figure out why the feathers of my arrows clip out of existence when I don't look up or down. See screenshots http://imgur.com/a/1HP0Z Using Proper length arrows, immersive first person, and archery gameplay overhaul. Any help appreciated.
A tl;dr of what you're getting with the mod:
>Nippy, fast hatchet axes
>Meaty, sluggish maul maces
>Fast but short shortswords
>Rapid but weak quarterstaff warhammers
>Stylish as fuck halberd battleaxes
>Super long greatsword-class spears, as well as long onehanded sword-class versions
>I think there are a few new added weapons such as Ancient Nord Daggers
And everyone gets them.
Why don't you have it?
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Endeal soon
I know who you're talking about. The fact that he hits every thread makes me think he starts them

It isn't like we can discuss it here
Lore Weapons Expansion
Oblivion Weapons (http://tesall.ru/files/file/4528-oblivion-weapon/)
Arcania Armory
Third Era - Dwemer
Insanity Shields
Heavy Armory
Dawnguard Arsenal
Throwing Weapons Lite and Redux
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So, what does /tesg/ do to improve their performance in game?
uninstall ENB
use mods that improve performance
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>snow troll wants to rape thalmor justiciar
Man sexlab defeat is great.
This is bait.
Do not respond to it.
We are not that dead.
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What's a good way to pick up some wrestling waifus?
What are these mods?

How the fuck did this faggot get three seasons?
Calm down there.
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>want to make a kitty
>want to make a lizard
>already feel like I have too many characters

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Don't worry, kid. I'll put an end to this.

What's the Vigilant boss music from? It's pretty good.
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>not liking nathan for you
Alright guys I'm gonna go try and induce a coma on myself, hopefully when I wake up summer will be over
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go back to bethsoft forums. This place is for the big boys.
No, that was a legitimate question.

Answer it or I'll jizz in your iv bag.
Already checked it out, I like how it only adds new weapon classes to each tier instead of the random nonsense of IW.
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What do I do with all these unmanaged mods in MO?
>still no highly recommended performance friendly ENB "vanilla+" preset
Are you such a pathetic gay nerd that you need have a stroke in the thread? Git fucking good.
Because enb is not performance friendly.

More like scripts of skyrim am I right?
Its all OC he asked permission to use. Wait til part 4 where every single boss has their own track.
Kill zixaphyr
It is with great regret that I have to inform you that you have to reinstall those mods with Mod Organizer.
>retards still don't read the OP

Nice. The Lamae Bal fight music was pretty good, too. Though, her fight as kind of lame imo.
It's this
I'm trying to take nice pics in it but it makes my game stutter like whoa and eventually CTD, guess it's too hardcore for my GPU.
>Being poor is the same as being a drolling cancerkid
This isn't even good trolling, it's just sad.
so whats a good follower mod? all the ones on the tesg site look so meh
>he thinks he isn't poor
what the fuck do you mean by a wrestling waifu
>I know who you're talking about. The fact that he hits every thread makes me think he starts them

well I created two threads on /v/ about it and he entered both of them and shitposted. So I think he just uses the catalogue until he finds it. I really sometimes understimate the dedication of some retards to pick one game and just completely lie and shitpost about it. It happened with Xenoblade Chronicles as well which wasn't that known on /v/ when it was released and spawned a couple of threads where people talked about how it was pretty fun. As the game gained traction the typical shitposters showed up that obviously never played the game but spouted generic /v/ phrases used for every game. "Generic world, forgettable story, uninteresting characters". It's like there is a fucking "how to" out there how to shittalk a game on /v/ without actually ever having spent a single minute with its gameplay.
Mod Organizer likes to organize mods. It cannot, however, stand the idea of operating within the standard Skyrim Data folder. Instead, it wants to build a shack someplace else, give each mod its own data directory so you only see files relevant to that mod, and trick the game into thinking that all those mods are in one folder. It's painful to switch to, but it does have perks once you have it.

You can reinstall the mods with the .rars if you have them, or you can redownload them from the Nexus so that MO will have the Nexus ID to keep track of whether or not a mod has updated.
What the flying fuck does Sithis have to do with any of this?
Oh you're supposed to take his deal or you die.
Oh cool, you got the "secret" path. Lots of people didn't know you could actually martyr. Have fun with that foreshadowing.
Can't see shit captain
How do I reinstall with the .rars?
I kind of expected some kind of deus ex machina. Do I get my shit back?
Sithis isn't a person

None of the divines or Daedra are people, the ones you see ingame and get help from are wizards.
No. So reload a save. The old you died. You're supposed to make a totally different character
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Waifus like Ilx, Karina, ewa, vinella, arurun, anne, synn, and cumtears.
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Is cancerfu kill?

Nah she was around last night
she was just here a few hours ago, bro.
In order to spawn Papa Nito there, you had to pick up the horn you dropped when you died. Surely you're around there somewhere.

With the button at the topleft with the disc on it.
Jesus, that's fucking adorable
What's that?
how are any of those 'wrestling'
especially ewa what the fuck
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Alright, I can't make out a single word of what this guy is saying.
Because they're strong!
are these outdated?
why don't we have performance on the tesg.com?
>why don't we have performance on the tesg.com?
we do.
should waifuposting be banned from /tesg/? I think it's time we address the real culprit of low effort posts and terrible discussions.

Please RAISE your hand if you have any objections. If you don't have any objections then we will proceed with the ban of waifuposting
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Doesn't matter. Its dark souls from here on out. Find your way to the prison and your end goal is to get to the top of white gold tower. If you run into pepe you're going the right direction. Make a save before the ending and kill as many bosses as possible before so you can see all like 6 endings
But I don't hate the Count I'm just trying to figure this out
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Why don't we have an animation section anymore in tesgeneral?
Anyone got the webm of Kaarina lifting Anne over her head?
Welcome to Ep 4

Just go around killing bosses and unlocking doors until you get access to the city and then the inner district with the tower, and don't forget to get all the flashbacks
what, a whole section for it?
I dont see it
I must be blind
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you didn't raise your hand. Post ignored
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mad strength.webm
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Well sadly you don't have any authority on the matter.
Besides, waifushit already ran out most of the content creators. Even trainwiz has mostly stopped coming here. We're the only general that needs to go to a completely different board just to talk about anything that isn't waifu.
In a very general sense, waifuposting shouldn't be banned, but the "Waifu" shit we have now? The nude pinups of nongame sluts that have nothing from the actual game? The avatarfagging of these abominations?
Yes, those should be banned.
I'm not gonna bother replying to anyone who does reply to this, I'm not really feeling it today.
*raises hand
We should do that when anons start contributing more than waifufags.
So it looks like the waifufags are safe forever.
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Sounds good.
>nab the dlc files
>drop them in
>crashes once I load into the game
At least only like two mods I wanted used it.
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Post Thalmor slaying.
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Such strength.
shame she let Anne sit on her tho
didn't raise hand. Post figuratively and literally ignored
>We're the only general that needs to go to a completely different board just to talk about anything that isn't waifu.
People talk about shit that isn't waifus in here all the god damn time. You're just mad because no one wants to talk about what you specifically want to talk about when you want to talk about it you fucking crybaby.
Also watch your Karma, you'll need it to see the true good ending. You should be fine just by killing all the bosses, but try not to kill too many non-hostile NPCs anyway
what is this game?
I don't object though, of course I didn't raise my hand.
I've avoided getting any hits to karma so far. I only kill hostiles, anyway.
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oh snap I have some thalmor slaying
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the flattening.webm
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I imagine she was too terrified to move out of the way
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It's obviously half life 3.
No fuck you. I was the guy that wrote that long post about the pain of toasterfags last night. I don't have to put up with your 1080fags much longer.
You're right, you don't.
Reddit is probably a better place if you want to talk about nonwaifu skyrim, and tg is a better place for tes lore.
what mod is this?
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Well i finally finished the Dragonborn DLC and i give it a 7/10, got the black books and got the hell out of there.

Now i gotta see if i should do Vigilant real quick since Mistel is spoiling it, which i have to hide all his posts atm, or continue the /tesg/ project. Thanks for the cape btw Zix!
If your waifu was real, would smell and kiss her butt for 500 bucks?
Must have been one of those "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" deals judging by the way that she walked all over Cumtears
There are some non-hostiles that give you positive karma if you kill them

But yeah just kill bosses and get all flashbacks. I missed a couple flashbacks the first time I played it so I didn't get the true ending. You don't want to miss out on it.
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Is Eiries here? I got words for you buddy!
Vivid Weather + Tony ENB

Rain is sometimes (usually) like vid related.
How can I fix this? I've been flipping switches, but I don't know much about enb's and I can't fix this damn thing.

Help please, anyone... Sometimes it's very pretty, other times is does this. :(
What idle animation is that?
Remove Vivid Weathers.
Fuck off.
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What kind of lighting do you usually play with? I've only ever used the realistic stuff but thought I might try something out. As you can see from pic I usually have no light unless i use torch.

>but the darkness is what makes him badass
>mfw during the fight the lightning was lighting up the place

Probably the best fight I had in awhile.
same right here and I think its vanilla rain
I think that was more a case of "I'd rather actually die than face the shame of losing to cumtears"
Its a weather effect that doesnt work right with ENB rain. It happens on any ENB preset. either disable enb rain effect or switch to a different weather
i miss reading the posts made by the summerset isle autist
sorry, don't remember, lifelike idle animation maybe

this isn't an option, I love vivid weathers

what do you mean you think it's vanilla rain?

how do I disable the enb rain effect, where is it? I haven't found it yet obviously

also, vivid weathers comes with it's own enb, it's obviously easily doable, there's something about this enb that I need to shut off or something.
>how do I disable the enb rain effect,
look under the rain tab in the GUI and disable
Why is Frost magic so based?
Because it's cool.
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I am such a stupid fuck, how the fuck did I not see that before, I must of spent like 30 minutes flipping options in this fucking thing.

Thanks buddy 8)
Its chill
starting a new game on the civil war start for alternate start, should i be storm cloak or imperial?
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Because freezing enemies is fun and it's the only the only power that lore-friendly with vampire characters.
I installed Cloneskin and now everyone is like pure white, blinding white. Is it supposed to be like this or is it my ENB?
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because it's-


aw fucking
c'mon goddamnit
It's great isn't it?
install a custom race for yourself, put cloneskin on that, leave everyone else as sg or whatever the hell you want.

I honestly dont understand how people can play in third person.
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Man, this is neat. I'm a sucker for mods like this, desu. I just love exploring new and strange places.

Are most of the enemies supposed to be non-hostile, though? The scamps and whatever those undead things are, aren't attacking me.
I see, I think I'll stick with my plebeian SG textures.

that would probably be a good idea, but I'm too lazy to do that. After playing with the skin tone like the readme said my character looked pretty good, but everyone else was pure white so a custom race would fix that.
whats that armor`
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enb 2015_04_04 22_05_06_68.jpg
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Have an old one.
Witch Hunter set from Vigilant.
Not pure blinding white but they could be on the pale side. Post pic.
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Take a break from you're waifus and help me decide on a Morrowind character.
My skills are set, and I've come down to these two race/class/birthsign combinations but I can't decide between them.
Which would be more fun for a first playthrough of Morrowind?
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What? Stop shitposting please.


Because magic effects are blindly in 1st person.
They're non-hostile in the area you start in, everywhere else in the map they'll be hostile.

You'll also see some Alessian believers who don't move, that's cause they're asleep or something and only attack you at night.
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what mod for the spell circle effect?
Go Argonian for that Dunmer irony.
what is a normal map?
Colorful Magic, actually.
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speaking of apocalypse, what is the Summon spell supposed to do? the description makes it seem like you spawn a copy of the target but it just "resets" the target, like hitting disable and enable.

maybe I was exaggerating, but it's definitely too pure white for my taste.
It's your ENB.
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Who /masterrace/ here
That is the normal tone. Your enb is making it look way worse than it should. You have to play with contrast and bloom a little to really make it work well.
I think I have my PS3 copy around somewhere so I guess so.
Ah, a fine quality Bethesda game in its natural pure un-blemished state, as it was intended to be.
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Anyone ever tried Helgen Reborn?
Try fiddling with EpidermalAmount in the SSS settings. Also BloomMultiplier in enbbloom.
Yeah,, its alright. Shame they couldnt see the Fight the Thalmor and Rebuild the Blades questline project to completion.
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Darkend got updated, and Rustic Clothing is currently being updated.

Still got it somewhere.

Apparently it's solid.
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Finally someone understands
How embarrassing
Whats new with Darkend? It felt like it ended so sudden last time I played it.
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>Vanilla Bethesda games

Shoot me now
I fucking hate you shitters
the LOD they gave us is shit because of fuckers like you
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>mfw no Requiem patch
Should I give up? What mods do I need to make pseudo-requiem?
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does anyone know if having Null scripts normal at all?
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Some new enemies, a new crown and a new castle from the look of it. Some new bosses. He put more journals in, which is nice.
It's not as great as shock magic.

Plus you can use it to disintegrate anyone who pisses you off and you'll get away with it because you're a wizard.
You have to play nice with others anon
Just because someone has a console doesn't mean they shouldn't have fun :^)
Oh man, now I want to make a flanged mace!
Shock magic is for tryhards who base everything off the damage number and don't realize fire and frost are better per unit of mana and don't take into account their other effects (damage over time and slowing)
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What are you doing in this fine day, /tesg/?
I'd flange her mace if you know what I mean.
>guild wars 2
How else are you going to roleplay as a sith lord?
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Yeah, that's not normal. ActiveScripts are usually 20 and under, you've got 173. Something's bloating the save, so use the scalpel tool on Nexus to find out what's creating them.
>World of Guildcraft Wars
>tfw try to balance out my game
>now get one shot and too scared to do anything
back to the lab
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That all sounds very nice.
Any word about those damned ice-spike sentinels? Or is that a part of the "New castle" thing?
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meant for >>148797093
I want to lick that loli's abs.
>tfw no one will ever make the scar pattern armor from GW1
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Fuck trying to line up the beam.png
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Fightin dragons
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10/10 shot
Music and browsing. What are you up to senpai?
Why does Arena have so much Ye Generic Butchered "Old" English? Enough with the thous and thys.
Coldharbour ain't such a bad place. It's got a good aesthetic. Props to Molag Bal.

Jesus Christ.
Clearing out a mead hall for a bunch of lazy nord warriors
It was an incredibly generic attempt at a D&D clone.
Imma play some EU IV. I won't stop playing until all traces of kebab is completely annihilated.

Nasty guy.
Because Arena was supposed to be a generic medieval style gladiator game.
wtf is this wow
Nexus doesn't allow it, but do any rape mods exist for Oblivion?
dude, you must be the most racist and islamophobic poster on /tesg/. just go back to /pol/ already with your gross views, nazi.
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>Darkend and Rustic Clothing getting updates.

Oh, it's Nita's shot. I saved it because I love it so much.

I don't know where those weapons come from, but they look cool as hell.
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Come on anon, its 2016.
why are there so many unbearable avatarfagger in this general? dont they have better thinks to do but shit post all day everyday?
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Oh man, who knows. I hated those things in the final tower, what an awful experience. Just updated it and I haven't even started it yet, still trying to clear out Markarth stuff, and then I really want to speed through the early parts of Vigilant.

Yeah, it's the best. Plus you get good rewards and loot for exploring everywhere and talking to everyone.
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I've only ever played argonians. MY TIME IS NOW.

also not sure how the arrow got stuck in his neck stump.
He hasn't listened for the past 3 months of us telling him to fix his ENB, what makes you think he's going to do it now?
One of the LoversWithPK plugins from loverslab.com
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wew, just make sure their bio-chips are removed when order 66 goes out.
>Not the first post from this IP


h-have you ever considered dragons dogma?
I'm getting super long loadings, crashes every once in a while. I think it's because I'm running too many scripts. Is there a way to know?
Obi Wan was directly responsible for the fall of the Jedi.

how do i know i need this?
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I literally just replied here >>148798305 to a guy all the way up here >>148797960, before >>148798191 was even posted.
How do you know stuff like that? Are you implying that you're an admin?

Impersonating an admin is a bannable offense, you know.
You see that blur around the edge of the screenshot you just posted? That happens during killcams. That mod gets rid of that junk.

Although it's better to just not use killcams for screenshots in the first place.
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It's easy to tell, because when >>148798401 was posted the # of posters didn't change. Therefore the same IP has posted more than once in this thread, which is an extremely silly leap of logic to assume it's any one particular person. Anon just wants my genes.
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Why did you have to do that? sigh...
4chan X
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Good morning /tesg/!~~~
Just checked with my American overlords now, it's just changed to "being shipped today". They're slow this weekend. Maybe they found a Mew in the warehouse and all work stopped.

Awesome game.

Makes your screenshots a lot clearer if you like kill move shots.
Did you get that Rx 480?
Follower when though
>D.Va face tattoos

Winky face
What's chappin' your chub, chump?
I don't want your genes, I want you to split me in half.
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You need to kill yourself immediately and never post here again.

oh cool thanks! I'm not really concerned about looking the best I just like to play have fun and take pictures while i do it.
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I have the game but I barely played it. People keep telling me that the game gets gud after around 20+ hrs, which I don't know if I want to keep playing.

I mean from what I've played, it was fun. It's just that I can't really be bothered to play it when the pacing feels a bit slow in the beginning.

Aw shit. I'm already at HR3. They don't seem to have a G Rank from what I've seen so far.
is this why you stalk people for followers? to give them these retarded anime poses, shitty outfits and dumb expressions while also making them look ugly as fuck wit your bad enb? you're cringe incarnate
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Thank ye.
Ahh, let me know how it goes.
I might load up a profile with nothing on it except that if I hear good things, hopefully I'll be able to play the game then.
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Are you that witch cat creator?
>everyone only posts once in a thread
wew lad
where do you get the lily pads from?
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When I figure out what the follower should be wearing. I might actually have to go searching through mod repositories for the absolute most fitting armor/clothing I can find.
I know people might want to switch her clothes and armor, but I would still like to give her something that's function and fitting out of the box.

Victorian skirt and top hat a best.
That's not even remotely close to what that said. Try to stay out of conversations when you have no clue what you're talking about.
I vote for the hat and nothing else.
if your loading screens are long, it's probably due to too many hi res textures.

but if you insist on it being scripts do increase this value in skyrim.ini, it will devote more time to running scripts on loading screens, this is what I use and I use quite a few scripts:

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I don't like the concept of drowning
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There is no G rank, it only goes up to HR and the variant monsters. Is the online good? MH4 could be annoying with kicking you all out of a quest half-way through.

Darkend was okay, I played the previous version. Bit empty for me, but I did play it right after Vigilant (which is kinda the gold standard for me). Beautiful weapons though, and I like the sound of a new castle to explore.

Yeah, why?

The irony in that post is that you just described everybody who post waifus in /tesg/, shitposter kun.
If she doesn't come with the hat on I think you're going to upset a lot of people. Myself included.
Oh my...
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Dress plus hat is where it's at, man.
What mod makes the font like that?
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I played all day yesterday and today. Noticed no major problems with wifi while I was playing aside from the occasional hiccup with lag.
I remember the whole "kicking you all out of a quest half-way" with MH3U and it happened way too often for me.

Coming from MHTri/MH3U, combat feels a lot more enjoyable due to the style/arts system. Really hope next generations keep this mechanic.
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Okay, she gets the hat and victorian outfit. I'll give Ra the files tonight and then the wheels can turn again!
>no sheath

You should really get that mod
I need moar of dat butt.
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Aerial-style IG is absolutely cuhrayzee, I love it. Getting sick of the demo monsters now.
I need to look up some videos on how Kinsects work though, apparently they've changed it again.
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Went outside, threw a candlelight above my head, swapped to firebolts, and amidst all the blur, heatwaves, and bloom, I forgot I wasn't using an ENB!
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see >>148789625
Dunno if there's a mod to put them in the vanilla world
thx, I think I found a standalone for just the lillies though, hopefully it'll do what I want :)

but I don't want the mod, so I'll have to see if I can rip just the water lillies out of it.
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>erins tummy
I need a moment.
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From what I played in the demo, I didn't like aerial glaive that much. It's just not my play style. I'm too used to the 4U-style glaive.

I'm just happy hammer is good again. I used it in every game until 4U, but it was really really outshined by everything else in that game. But now? Adept hammer is nuts. I love it.

Can't wait 'til I can get my hands on the game.
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Anyone know if it's possible to use a DS4 controller with Oblivion on PC?

I cannot figure this shit out
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Yeah I figured they must be a modder's resource since I've seen them in other mods
marshmallow after that. i wanna make banana nut smores.
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>banana nut smores
Post blonde waifus
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>Dunno if there's a mod to put them in the vanilla world
You could probably do it by spending 1000 hours with Jaxonz Positioner.
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Well I'm gonna give up and actually play the game for a while. I can't fix those weird dented cheeks.
Maybe I'll go become archmage. Never did that before.
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Yeah I heard it was changed.
I absolutely love Charge Blade though. It's such a fun weapon to use and it has a lot going for it.

I think a lot of weapons got buffed. Especially SnS.
The Ruffled Feather's WATER Plants add-on
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I'd rather not do that
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>that tummy
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If there's a will there's a way
jk I'd rather not do that either
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Oh yeah, Guild-style (basically MH4 vanilla) IG is still going to be a crutch when learning the new monsters. I haven't even begun to use the new SA styles yet. Hammer felt solid to me in MH4 - it's never good to worry about how "good" a weapon class is, otherwise we'd all be using GS and the game would become boring. I feel bad for LS though, kinda hoping it's not a trip machine. I really liked LS in MH2

Fuck DS4. It disconnects constantly for me and everytime it does, it turns on the bloody PS4. I gave up and went back to DS3. Here's what I use for Skyrim (hopefully it should work for Oblivion), good luck - https://github.com/nefarius/ScpToolkit/releases/tag/v1.6.238.16010

Got a friend who loves CB to pieces, does shit loads of damage. One slightly disappointing thing about MHG is that it doesn't add new weapons, but I guess we'll have to wait for MH5.
where do you get this though? I downloaded the ruffled feathers from the step guide, and it doesn't seem to have anything related to water plants (at least it doesn't mention it when you begin the installation).

Can you give me exact links, I'd really appreciate it.
Kitty tummies are best.

Well, it is MHG, a compilation of nearly all of the previous titles. I'm not too mad since I'm still new to the series relatively speaking.

It's possible but I haven't really figured out how to get it connecting myself since I don't have one.
Check on youtube for guides. You should find something.
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What skin texture are you using? Also, install racemenu and just sculpt it out.

Nah, the problem was that hammer didn't have a niche anymore in MH4. Other weapons had one. It used to be that the hammer's niche was KO. It was, after all, the KO king. But, thanks to the Charge Blade being poorly balanced in MH4U as well as the hammer being slightly nerfed, it was outclassed in every single way by other weapons.

I think they actually removed LS tripping in MHG, which is nice. The biggest surprise for me, though, is the bow. Adept bow is absolutely insane.

As for new weapons, I just want those cool tonfa things from the tencent MH MMO.

Finally Peri, She will finalized this squad.
woah she is really cute!
how do i make a cute loli like yours??
post cancer crew
This >>148803632
Poor Snek
>try to look for it on the nexus
>the author took it down and linked to the STEP nexus page instead


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>get Elemental Potency in Ordinator
>cast Atronach
>hands suddenly turn green
>go into third person and only my scalp exists
>last save was two hours ago
>online all I find is "lol cool glitch"

Fuck video games
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That LOD, tho.
You didn't answer my question.
>What skin texture are you using?
"SG Female Textures Renewal" from the OP. Should I be using something else?
>Also, install racemenu and just sculpt it out.
I did install it, but I can't seem to sculpt it out. The screenshot was actually taken using that third function of racemenu. Pretty sure it was called "screenshot."
ya this is where I'm at, the only one available is the one from step, which does not have this water add-on you're talking about. I also found a mod for WATERPlants, but likewise is completely gone, the other mod that I thought had it, doesn't seem to, I just went thru all the textures for it and none of them match a water lily, I don't have the heart to go thru the nifs at this point.

If you have it, can you upload it to a mega or something, I would really appreciate it.

Why the fuck are all these mod authors removing their mods for no damn reason, fucking idiots man. People didn't just stop playing/modding skyrim because se will be coming out soon.
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Why is this taking so long? ( I'm using NMM bc FNIS doesn't work with MO on Windows 10)
Break your ENB and post results.
Keep working at it if you want to. A good way to take care of it is to inflate the dented parts way out then smooth them back down. Use gentle, single clicks with the smooth and inflate brush, don't click and drag.
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Rustic Clothing is up, but it's not a huge update. Also Renthal put his flora collection back online, get it quick before he takes it down again.

Ah, I see what you mean. I barely saw any Hammer or LS players online now that I think about it, lots of GS/CB/IG (je suis monte!) and DB. Bow has always tempted me, might give the Adept style a go if it's actually doing damage. No tripping sounds amazing for lance users and people who want to use LS without being ashamed of themselves.
>MMO tonfa weapon
>basically Trickster class
We'll never get it though. I read that the Japanese fans didn't like the fact that we got Hypnoc and the other MMO monster I can't remember in MH2 on PSP, and that's the reason they never appeared again. They'd probably whine to high heaven if we got a weapon class currently unique to them.

Check out gaijinhunter on YT, he does very informative videos on the weapon classes. Found him through Google one day, gives solid advice.
Speaking of followers..
>I'm using NMM bc FNIS doesn't work with MO on Windows 10
>FNIS doesn't work with MO on Windows 10
yes it does.
>FNIS doesn't work with MO on Windows 10
Yes it does
Yes, she is next on the to-do list, isn't she?
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The effect might be a product of your skin texture, then. Consider trying something like Mega Milkdrinker or Cloneskin.

Or Fair Skin Complexion, if that's the look you're going for.

Also, get an ENB, man. You don't have to have it turned on while playing the game (I don't), but it's nice to be able to hit Shift+F12 to toggle a nice ENB on for screenshots.

>I read that the Japanese fans didn't like the fact that we got Hypnoc and the other MMO monster I can't remember in MH2 on PSP
Fuckin' crybabies. I'd be MORE than happy to pay a sub for one of the Monster Hunter MMOs if they'd just localize the god damn things.

Heres the standalone folder from The Ruffled Feather. Hopefully it works for you
r u tarded?
Is there a way to make followers do less damage? I like rolling with a couple followers for company but I think they are bypassing dynamic difficulty and they are doing way too much damage to shit.
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How do I make a waifu as good as yours?
Have you tried it yourself? Because yes it absolutely does.
The same way you make any good waifu: 1000% autism.
I think you done goofed somewhere..
Apparently there is some rare issue with it, but it can't/hasn't been identified. I'd just do a reinstall if you ran into it, people are clearly using it fine. And MO is so much better.
>unacceptable reaction from MO creator
hold the fucking phone
anyone got anymore information here?
but it literally does, im using it on windows 10 myself with MO, ive literally never had a problem with it
Well that's wrong, because it works just fine for me. You just need to find the generatefnisforusers.exe in your data tab and right click > run.
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jfc fore what are you doing
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Alright, I'll take your word for it. What do I do then, simply install it through MO? It says to run generateFNISforusers after installation. I'm not quite sure what they mean by this. Any help would be appreciated; thank you in advance.
>due to the unacceptable reaction from the author of MO
>the reaction was probably "stop being a fucking retard"
I remember something from forever and a half ago about being able to set some kind of dot on the wireframe, which also set it on the face, to make sure I'm hitting the right spot. But I didn't see it. Is there a button for it?
Also, for single-clicks, should I just leave the options for each of those at the default settings?
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Where do I get one?
It puts the generateFNISforusers executable in your data folder. For MO this means that you find it in your right pane "Data" tab, right click, then "Add Executable". Then you can run it through MO.
The Knights of the Lore Breaking Table.
pls find the reaction
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Thank you.
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>he's this booty blasted that he can't use the shittiest follower on Nexus
aw thanks man, I really appreciate it! 8)
Please only post screenshots from after you got your new monitor from now on. Thank you.
>running windows 10
>not dual booting along windows 7
da fook
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Coming soon™

>being this autistic about Vilja

hahahahaha holy shit dude
this is bad fucking news for all of us I think, they better sort their shit out, cause I can't live without either of these mods (not that I plan on going to windows 10 anyway) but still... this isn't good news for us.
lmao wat
just guessing, but this might be it:

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>download windows 10
>blame its bugs on MO
Hey /tesg/, I just recently installed a new ENB (Poupouri's First Seed to be exact) and now for some reason, the mod "Realistic Water 2" just seems to not function at all, the water looks vanilla and doesn't have that nice choppy effect and when I go underwater, I can't see a damn thing and the screen is completely green. Any ideas on what setting I need to look at to fix this?
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Sounds dumb but I'm having trouble finding it in my data tab. Is there a search function?
I want to buy her a drink and hold her hand.
Some of the wow weapons look pretty lore friendly t b h, then some of them not so much. Never the less.

it should be under "tools" near the bottom of that list.
disable DoF in your skyrim.ini or enb .ini
Pardon? I'm not using this for followers.
I didn't download Windows 10 VOLUNTARILY.
So you downloaded Windows 10 ILLEGALLY?
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But anon.. Some of my favorite screenshots are still 1400x900..
read the problem the person is having in your screenshot.
omg who the fuck cares if it's illegal or not? who are you, drumpf?
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Scroll down until you see a folder called "Tools". It's in there.
Sheesh, maybe you ought to get to know her a little better first before moving on to heavy stuff like that
Auto installs mayn
People just wake up and their PC is running Windows 10.
having an illegal copy can cause issues because microsoft's spyware starts shit.
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Thank you for helping me thus far. I hate to bother you with one more question. As shown in the screenshot, I am having trouble adding the executable as it doesn't recognize it. What am I doing wrong?
>On computer one day
>All of a sudden a notification pops up about installing windows 10
>I only way to cancel it is to hit "postpone update"
>Click around for a bit and find a way to disable it auto updating
>Never update to windows 10
Still, I'm considering installing it on one of my other drives before the whole "free update" thing ends on the 29th, should I?
Maybe try the one that's called "GenerateFNISforUsers", not whatever the hell you have selected.
Right click "GenerateFNISforUsers"

Yes, but when you post those my resolution filter doesn't work. The easiest thing to do would be to start using a trip. That way we're all happy. :)
If this helps windows 8.1 is actually better than 10 until you get used to it.
4chan X was a mistake.
On the 29th it will force update you to Windows 10 no matter what. You might as well get it over with.
>So far I only see you blocking my my reasoning with killer arguments. And you didn't provide ANY verifyable reason why you can't switch off overwriting off loose files (ONLY) when the same file is present in the bsa.
sounds like typical euro autism when trying to speak in another language
if she uses a trip people will just bitch about that
Hey /tesg/ I have a few questions. What mod for followers do you guys recommend ( specifically the one that renders UFO obsolete) and what are some good armor mods (along the lines of immersive armors, nothing too ridiculous)
Use EFF.
So the mega milkdrinker skins go into textures/actors/character/female/, right?
Use MO you fucking turd.
What about armors?
No they won't. Only newfags fresh outta /v/ get upset over trips.
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>spend a second wondering how an autist came up with FNIS
>it was all for Vilja
wew lad
>favorite screenshot
>not even of your own character
also mod for that werebear?
"Good armor mods" is extremely vague. What exactly are you looking for?
All this autimo from fore and his problem was not cleaning out his fucking overwrite folder like you are supposed to, god that's hilarious.
this is bad, they've butted heads completely (only read the first issue that was closed, moving onto the next one now), if they don't figure shit out and stop screaming at eachother, people might literally have to decide on whether they want to us MO or have animations in their games moving forward.

I don't like this at all.
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This hat is cute. The whole set ain't bad, either.

With great ability comes great autism.
I'm looking for armors that fit in the game well, are available for both sexes, practical, and preferably in a modpack like Immersive Armors.
>With great ability comes great autism.
>meanwhile the MO creators diligently and calmly reply to his autism
well you have a choice of Immersive Armors or Immersive Armors.
did you try this?
The fuck is wrong with her arms?
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Cute, it looked kinda stupid on my argonian. The little girl's dress and hat were the only good armor/clothing I remembered.
What do you mean?
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That outfit.. Where did you find it? I need it for.. reasons.

That werebear is my character. moonlight tales.
It's a set from Vigilant.
only if you're a mindless puppet, i've removed any possibility of that happening
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It's time for a foot.
So I want to have modded Morrowind on my new computer, but I don't want to reinstall all of them individually. Would it work to just

>.zip up my current modded Morrowind install directory
>put it on a flashdrive
>download vanilla Morrowind through Steam on new computer
>replace contents of install directory with unzipped modded Morrowind

I don't really see why it wouldn't but I'm not very computer savvy.
>i've removed any possibility of that happening
You can think that.
What ENB is good for gameplay and screencaps?
It looks like she has no elbow on her right arm, and her left arm is broken.
not him, but...

I don't have windows 10, nor do I worry about my system updating to it since it doesn't ask me (windows 7), but - it should be a windows update that is trying to force it, don't let that update install and your computer will stop harassing you. it's not complicated, want to be even more sure, don't let that update for windows 10 install either once it's kb number is known (if it isn't already). If you're still worried about it, disable windows update from automatically installing, and verify your updates yourself before they install, when you find the update that is doing the windows 10 update, block it.

tldr; you can think that.
Go ahead and try it
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She's leaning forward.
I'm running a near toaster, using Tony's ENB, it's a nice setup imo. You can tweak it further to suit your needs, or just disable the enb when playing entirely and just rely on the the sweetfx for gameplay.
I'd love to lean her forward ifyouknowwhatimean
I'm running an unupdated version of 7. I have the service pack and that's it.
sure, if you like chewing on feathers while eating out her ass you sick fuck
>jumps to ass eating
I feel like you go some inner demons to work out anon. I was just talking about putting my dick in her.
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Just reinstalled and finished modding, lets have a go.
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you sick, twister, normie
>implying that matters

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What're they gonna do, break into my house?
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Alright. Lets do this then.
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I just figured out that Obis bloat up your save like a dunmer in a water-well

or you will end up like >>148796638
>Tony's ENB
does that have another name
That's old news.
That's not even bloated unless your processor is absolute shit.
I need her feet.
And Loli Nita's feet as well desu.
I don't have the latest link for his latest release, but I can upload it to my mega for ya if you want, but someone probably has it readily available... Let's give it a few minutes to see if someone will post it for ya. It's pretty big and I'd rather not, but I don't really care either if no one posts it.
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(Cant stop being chivalrous).gif
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Just tried it and went down to 20 fps. How do I tweak it so that I can get up to 30? Sorry I'm new to this.
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Oblivion Weapons 1.6 (2).jpg
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>I just figured out that Obis bloat up your save like a dunmer in a water-well
no it doesnt, it bloats it normally like any mod that adds and scans bandit spawns and enemies, like Immersive Creatures.
I use OBIS and mine is only up to 126, what the fuck else did you do?
roll for next character
that's not the latest, it's uploading to my mega now if someone doesnt' post the link for it.

just press shift+f12 and the enb will shut off, sweetfx will still be running. Press scroll lock to disable the sweetfx as well (you should get a visual verification after pressing both of these, an obvious sign that they're working as intended). I was gonna hunt for a better enb, but decided fuck it, I'll just play with sweetfx and use the enb when I want to take video/pictures.

So basically, I disabled the enb pressed shift+enter to open the enb menu and saved it again, so that my game starts with the enb disabled).

You should get a huge increase in fps after disabling the enb (I get about 15-30fps increase with it disabled), but that all depends on your video card, your textures, etc, etc...
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lookin back.jpg
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>I use OBIS and mine is only up to 126, what the fuck else did you do?

now use save cleaner and check for those null scripts

it is?

I heard that having 20 or so active scripts is the maximum or so

it creates null scripts
I would like to know how to download this mod.
i forgot that in your idiotic world you think they can dictate what they put on my computer. you probably think you can hack someone as soon as you get their ip, too.
look buddy i've deleted the gwx section of my registry and disabled any updates, i'm not getting that shit-infested spyware of an operating system
I'm pretty sure this is his latest version:

Tony Kountervibe-Rampage Edit.305 26 06 16

Sure, I'll have a go.
There can't really be much wrong with my game, I have a full load order and it only takes a minute to load, at most.
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What could possibly be so horrible in this pot?
You already use Windows, m8. It's too late to not have a shit-infested OS.
His dignity.
>I heard that having 20 or so active scripts is the maximum or so
it depends on your processor. and 20 is really low I would think in most cases, and even then it really depends on the script(s). some scripts don't use up much resources, some require a lot of resources, it varies and you must use common sense. for comparison, watch your cpu usage in a pure vanilla install, then run it again modded and check your cpu usage. watch it as you install each mod and while those mods are being used to see how heavy it is on your system. one script is all it takes if it's coded by a moron to pooch your game.
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Lookin good so far
>it creates null scripts
And? I just ran my current save through SaveTool and found 0 orphaned scripts and instances. Seems like you're just being paranoid. I tried to look up null scripts and found nothing about them so unless these nullified scripts cause games to break over time, you really have no reason to stop using OBIS if its working fine for people. I certainly haven't had problems with it. Sounds like you just have a bad toaster.
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Voye Starter Kit.png
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Lawfully good dunmer... let's see how this goes.
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>one handed
>i forgot that in your idiotic world you think they can dictate what they put on my computer.
They actually can.
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I don't have a toaster, I just prefer to play it safe than sorry
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Nyoh my god.
>I'm 15 years old and I think I know everyting: the post
>tfw no VR skyrim without motion sickness
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no breaks
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It doesn't really seem to affect very much. I run a pretty intensive set of mods and I can keep my framerate around 60. except in riverwood, but even vanilla doesn't like it there
>getting motion sickness
Doubling this, clicking the download link on the site in this post >>148809231 just leads me to a page with HTML but is blank and no download starts.
>that fucking rug

might as well finish the comic while I'm at it
fucking morons

Kobold princess is best princess. One of my favorite comics. Finding good Kobold pics is hard to do these days, no thanks to WoW.
It's just something that happens when you try to play a VR game where you move the camera using a controller anon
I believe in you
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mah nigga

necromancer knight with kobold waifu is also a great idea for a backstory
true story: I was like 8 years old, first time I ever played D&D (I'm an old'ish fart now). Got jumped by a bunch of kobolds. I survived by fucking the lot of them using every hand and hole I had at the same time, it was at a very early age that I realized women can get away with anything. I wasn't proud of myself, but the game continued.

If you dont already, you should come on over to the scalie thread on /trash/. We talk about kobolds frequently.
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I'll take a peek
you'd be surprised
But kobolds are rats
>But kobolds are rats

Get the fuck out of here.
Thanks, man. I appreciate it, and I hope I'll be appreciating it in game, too. Does it add these items to leveled lists for bandits and such?
Thanks to WoW Kobolds will always be donkeymolerats.
>Does it add these items to leveled lists for bandits and such?
Yes. You should notice bandits and Forsworn using them immediately. Word of warning, the mod is in russian so the armors and weapons will show up with the obvious boxes but that shouldnt be a problem, right?
thanks again dude, just tried it out, worked great :)
Let me fix that.
Nice filename
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Well, that came out of nowhere.
My first character when I'm done modding is going to be a lizard so just hold on to your butt Anon, its coming.
Good luck with that, theres alot of items in there and it does overwrite some vanilla values from what i remember
>used to play whatever race I wanted in games, always picked a male
>now I just play as cute human or elf females

what have you done to me /tesg/
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Have you seen japanese kobolds?
that ain't no kobold spud
So what.

It is a Japanese Kobold, friendo. Exactly how they think they look.
I don't care what they 'think' they look like, they clearly don't know what the fuck a kobold is.
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My aunt had one of those white things on the wall.

What is it?

This is a Kobold

Fuck anyone who says otherwise.
>I dont understand different cultures: The Post

Yeah how like asian dragons are different?
If you don't like the bloom just switch out the enbbloom.fx file for one from an ENB you like.

Take the first steps into customizing your ENB experience.

- Boris
at least those resemble dragons, you posted a furry or what normal people refer to as 'what the fuck is that suppose to be???'
>cultural relativism: The Post

I'm pretty sure this is just a translation issue because that's clearly a fucking dog girl.
Any horror quests that do something like the movie Tusk?
It's an ovipositor.

Your aunt was a freak.
>dog girl

Nope. Read the descriptions in the picture


Not a furry. Not even a 3 on the scale.
Now this is just weird.
Polt best girl, but I struggle to call her a kobold.
>What is it?
it just rubs on a the clit, a vibrator - haven't you seen a porno friend?
>Kobolds =/= Kobalds
The descriptions describe a goddamn dog, anon.
Is that fight just him solo? No skinny lion bitch?
>tin catalyst
>great soul spear




>most OP spell vs. most basic spell

this is a very bad comparison.
>Polt best girl

Damn straight. You have to beleive that she is. The history why Japs think Kobolds look like that is pretty darn interesting as it was a D&D translation error. They just ran with it and now we have that type of kobold too


No they do not. Do you have a problem with reading comprehension?
Fuck you Pen

No, I'm not allowed to watch porn.
Yeah, it was 1v1
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Try these
Okay you made me look this weeb garbage up

>While her species is a Kobold, a Germanic sprite that can take many forms, she appears as an almost human woman with a wolfen nose, tail and ears.

So basically "no anon she's not a dog girl, she's a shapeshifting sprite that just happens to always appear in the form of a dog girl" fuck you
>tfw 3/4 of that
Goddamn standard onahole just won't cut it. Those pneumatics are just too pricey for me.
which follower overhaul works with custom followers but also lets you have more than 5 with you at any given time and works with "almost everyone is an adventurer"? i wanted to use amazing follower tweaks but it won't let me have more than 5, and immersive follower tweaks won't let me have more than one with me at a time or possibly conflicts with "almost everyone is an adventurer".

Exactly my point. not a dog girl. She is a kobold. Do you see it now?
Oh god no. Why would you post that?
Ah fuck you 6/10
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I just picked a random webm to post

won't work, not compatible with almost everyone is an adventurer in that any follower that uses a more follower voices mod voice will not follow past the first one.

won't work, not compatible with almost everyone is an adventurer in that any more follower voices mod follower can't be dismissed except by murdering them.

are there really only three follower overhaul mods? holy shit i am disappointed if that is the case.
thx, I'm gonna sleep wonderfully tonight.
you're a real pal.
Fuck you

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This reminds of the time when I found a dried sardine inside my nephew's right ear.
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>This reminds of the time when I found a dried sardine inside my nephew's right ear.
I'm sorry, what?
how do i get aft to let me have more than 5 followers then? i should be allowed to have as many as i want but it won't let me have more than 5 because the author is a pretentious fuckwit who thinks skyrim should be about immersion and dark souls.

i don't know what that is.
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>all those cleavers
immersive amazing follower tweaks lets you have a lot more followers I believe, if aft was working for you, then that should also do the trick as well.
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no problem, buddy

why a sardine? was he mentally handicapped?
>tfw smough is left all alone surrounded by illusions because he eats people
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TESV 2016-07-10 17-32-08-71.png
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Speaking of towergirls, fuck kobold princess. Drider princess was the best.

Her weakest aspect was her finances. Open up a silk robe business to the other kingdoms and you solve money in a heartbeat. Best princess and cute little spiders to do all your bidding for you.
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monster girls suu.png
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Jokes on you, I have a thing for Annelids
...i said in my post though that immersive amazing follower tweaks wouldn't let me have more than one follower, as when i tried to recruit lucia via almost everyone is an adventurer, then tried to recruit jenassa, lucia left, and then when i tried to get lucia to follow, jenassa left. how does it even work? the author is more of an egotistical fuckwit than the amazing follower tweaks author, and half as coherent.
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How did that happen?
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Imagine having one of these stuck inside your ear.

You're welcome.

No, he's perfectly healthy. I'm not even sure how it got in.
There is not enough slime girl in this world.
this one was cool - particularly loved the blood at the end
>Maxeen has best taste
As expected of the one I love.
Post some butt babe.
Or feet.
You forgot free suits of bullet proof armor for when you go pillaging neighboring kingdoms.
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>he thinks I have to imagine
like I don't have at least 2 or 3 in there right now
she succ me
he probably read too much douglas adams
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not Mrs. Smith
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I can't help but imagine that these webms would be perfect for having Umaru crawl out. I've never even seen the show, I just feel between how proudly the spider stands in the first webm and the cute jumping spider in the second webm, that it's not too far removed from the situation.

I've done some CK stuff before, I can rename a bunch of things and keep an eye out for the asterisk denoting edited content. Maybe I can clean it for dirty edits after the fact. It'll take a few hours, I'm sure of that, but I can do that. The mod maker knows English, the IDs are in English, I just need to transliterate them in a way that's not utilitarian and also not Russian.
I don't know, I found the mod rather buggy myself, which is why I dropped it. I honestly don't use any follower mods any more, they're just not worth the trouble and I don't like followers any way except for the beginning of the game when I use them as pack rats. I prefer the follower mods because I can just zap the bastards to me, but I've found alternate ways since so I no longer care.

Sorry, I don't know of anything else. I don't remember having issues having multiple followers though, maybe you need to take another look at it, they can be tricky. If they conflict at all with anything they act all weird. I'd suggest doing a pure vanilla game and test the mod out so you know exactly what it can and cannot do, then try to work it into your load order. I very much preferred aft myself, but it was tricky, where I had it on both the left and right hand panes in MO really made a difference and I could never trust MO or LOOT to sort them properly for me (I have a lot of mods).
Actually, my favorite in general are cowgirls but in the anime, I must say that Arachnae really got to me in the end maybe I like femdom...
please respond
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>tfw no Aria the Wisperer armor
>tfw you will never be a qt spider girl in Skyrim
Point me to the nearest suicide booth, please.
Maybe you've finally warmed up the idea of rock hard pulsating ovipositor planted firmly in your rectum.

Good show Maxeen, I knew you had it in you.
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2MB, 1920x3240px
you're already here
>All manual saves cause CTD during loading
>Auto saves are fine

Are there any mods that could give me a slime/jelly waifu?
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Anything but that.
>u will never see Kaarina wear spider girl armor
y even live
that's a switch, though the solution is clear
don't manual save
Boris, what does ENB mean?
>don't manual save

Thats what Ive been doing. I just wait an hour.
Isn't kaarina the same as the redhead Meara has?

Or just mere coincidence?
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Silk is incredibly versatile. You wouldn't need to depend too much on soft material imports, your exports would be glorious and cover any costs you needed. Nobody would invade spider kingdom because everybody turns into a pussy when it comes to arachnids. You can have scouts in every kingdom and they'd never even realize it, increasing your ability to jew your pricing.

Fuck, I wouldn't even bother invading. I'll build a financial empire that everybody would be too scared to touch. Having a cute drider princess every night is just a bonus.
Everything Now Breaks
>spider discussion
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You don't like the idea of carrying your heavily pregnant wife's children for her until they are ready to hatch, ultimately sacrificing yourself for her in a final show of affection as they burst forth from your abdomen and devour you alive, setting them down the path of cold murder that spiders are known for?

Are you really that selfish?
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it's not a solution to your problem, but you can install CASM, you can set your autosave shortcut key to actually use an autosave instead of a manual save, would suit you fine for now, but I have no idea what your actual problem is.
Not as beautiful as you.
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Elitist Neurosis Broadcaster
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daww, he's just sad his homes flooded
EFF lets you recruit anybody without other mods, though. Just force recruit them using MCM, it even works on dogs and shit.
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Almost forgot the last part.
please don't make me redo it.

here is the weird thing. If I run save scaple, it doesn't detect anything wrong, but still creates an edit save file. If I load that file, it loads fine.

This seems like some stupid problem, but it isn't that bad really.
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Eventually (Not) Broke
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long worm.webm
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Annelids are cool
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Don't talk silly.
Look at that precious baby.

It's a PSA to you to stop being such a gross sack of shit.
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So who or what actually possesses CHIM in Morrowind lore?
It's apparent none of the Tribunal do as their powers were inexorably tied to contact with Lorkhan's heart and waned when Dagoth Ur denied them access, which is completely at odds with the 'revelation' manner in which CHIM/zero-summing appear to work.

>inb4 chim is le dev console hur it wus u all alnong
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Electric Neon Boogaloo
He doesn't wanna leave, look at those big pleading eyes~

Vec and Fyr
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She reminds me of Melissa.
Is your waifu strong enough to beat the Numidium, /tesg/?
good morning /tesg/!
Chim is the dev console. It was you all along.
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So did I, it's a lot of rolls.
Dragonbreaks are just plotholes. It was the writers all along
fuckin summer bringing all the spiders indoors
crawlies all over my walls
Vehk is the only one who has achieved CHIM; the other two are up for debate. However, I'm of the crackpipe theory that Vivvy's experience of CHIM is a bit convoluted, or at least mirrored, to Talos'; Vivec did a bunch of selfish things to make himself a god forever, an internal benefit, whereas Talos became a god through external bs. Whereas Vehk was one in three, Talos was three in one.

Imo they are the only nerds who we are gonna see achieve CHIM in the games since the duality of Man v. Mer is a huge overarching theme in TES.
Last I checked, my waifu doesn't cry cum. So no.


IT IS 2016

sorry, never heard of that tool, I don't use that stuff. in a situation like yours something is clearly wrong, I don't use tools to fix it, I find the conflict and remove it so that the game runs like it should again, or modify the mod so it doesn't break it. although in your case it could be something as simple as an ini edit that you need to do (but I doubt it).
In the next game a trans half elf redguard is the protagonist with you taking the backseat to xir ass kicking xir way to achieving CHIM.
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>hating on spiders

Look at these little niggas, they're the ones you should truly fear. The fact that they can be so organised makes me nervous
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>lawful good dunmer in the thieves guild, two quests of my choice, is a fighter, is skilled in restoration, illusion, and speech and is also the dragonborn.
This is nice. it is bed for time now
for my next run
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>past 1am and I'm still awake.
Good Morning. Hope all goes well throughout your day.
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I mean, I can get the pneumatic if it makes you feel better.
So is the Lover's Stone an objectively superior version of the three stones at the start, or am I missing something?
Theme songs!
Let me break it down:

Vivec was one out of three people who forced CHIM and their divinity.

Talos was three people who realized CHIM and by popular demand, achieved divinity through deed.

CHIM is basically Lorkhan's loveletter to the races of Nirn; you can become a reflection of him through CHIM. On the Mer side, you got Vehk becoming a reflection of Lorkhan by force, and Talos by deed.

The 36 Sermons are basically an acid trip Vehk underwent trying to comprehend the 'I', along with one or two truths in the entirety of it. 'Poet' isn't his title by accident.

This all said this is my interpretation of it. You're better off digging through the Imperial Library and coming to your own conclusions.
You won't be able to sleep because your soul gets raped every night while you try to rest.
Well, I'm playing a girl.
Well then you obviously enjoyed it, carry on.
So now you won't be lonely while you sit in your room at night, you can make so many friends!

My TESGW theme
I love the weird situations mods can put you in.

>Begining of Thieves Guild Quest in Skyrim
>Brynjolf starts his speech tell you you are now a member
>Attention: You follower wants to pee in your mouth
>Animation plays while Brynjolf welcomes to the family.
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I have day off so no problem here! How is that follower comming along?
bread pls
Is there a mod that does something like that? I wouldn't mind being fucked in my dreams, even if it's just text like those nightmares in Morrowind.
I wanna try to keep the fetish stuff out of the main game, though. Just make it pretty and play better.
you have a mod that makes your follower want to pee in your mouth??? haha

I've never seen that - what is it?
new thread when?

Its on loverslab under PNF
Trainwiz was doing something, don't know if he ever finished.
chills all over my body
He never got it off the ground due to trouble implementing 'how' it would work.

dangerous nights or cursed loot (has a simplified version)

you're gonna need to break that down a little, nothing's coming up - what does pnf stand for?
This is a good idea. Maybe have it look back on the npcs you interacted with in the past 24 ingame hours, then choose a random animation that plays of you fucking them or being fucked by them.

Your character wakes up still able to marry and you get to enjoy a scene of them getting railed by a cave troll.
>that had, towel, and scenery
Is that the Redguard mod or whatever it was called, or something else?
>you're gonna need to break that down a little, nothing's coming up - what does pnf stand for?

pee and fart. I suggest disabling pooping though. That shit is weird
I know there's 5 vampire mods recommended by tesgeneral, but looking them up I never found a single one address a certain aspect I always found interest in.

Are there any mods that change how the Vampire Lord mode is animated? I'd prefer if it either went full creepy monster instead of some hunch back trying their best to look imposing but ends up waddling like a penguin all the time, or barring that something that lets me use the normal animations I've set up on my character (so all the animation mods etc being retained). What about the hovering magic cast animation? Are there any that make the wings more active or make the body less stiff?

There's many mods to make a vampire strong or have cool abilities, but making them look good while kicking ass is a whole different story. It's like some falmer trying to be swag.
thx, it's not fetish was just curious, never heard of it.
>Are there any that make the wings more active or make the body less stiff

ADW does that. You just need to understand how FNIS works.


There are a lot of weird fucking mods on loverslab.
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