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Love Live School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #769: Out with

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 784
Thread images: 159

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Zenkai no /llsifg/!: >>147441831

>Current Events
JP: Dia & Ruby ScoreMatch [when maintenance ends]
EN: Toujou Nozomi (Bathrobe Ver.) [Super Rare #661] Token Event

>Get the game in English!
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=klb.android.lovelive_en
iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/school-idol-festival/id834030294?mt=8

>Love Live! School Idol Festival Calculator

>EN Event Ranking Tracker

>Event Tracker


>Love Live! School Idol Festival Wiki


>Next Aqours Livestream
8th July 2016

>Watch Sunshine every week with /llsifg/
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Umi is love.
That's a spicy meatball
Yohane-sama a best.

I wish the 2 marifags that exist would fuck off with this shit
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If you were Maru, would you choose heaven or hell?
she has had her time in the spotlight
Is the updated .apk up anywhere yet?
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Qoo has it.
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Running Riko with swimsuit.webm
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Don't mind me.
Just posting RIko-chan!
Determined Riko is cute!
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Press "F" to pay respects.

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Reminder to DON'T sexualize Riko-chan.
Hahahaha, nice one anon

Nice one...
Thanks m8. I always forget where to get these.
Thanks! I made that post all by myself! ^_^
Why did you steal my (You)?
It supposed to be mine, fucker.
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Me on the left
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I love Maru!
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Why is Ruby so shit? She ruined the whole episode.
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My bbygrl Chika
I love seeing your face on my sif icon

You are now the face of a new generation, and ill stay with you the whole way, hand in hand

To quote the goat king of pop "I love you madly"

Ilu bae
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I love Yohane-sama! I want to marry Yohane-sama!
Because I knew you'd respond to me, and I was feeling lonely. I'm really sorry. It was all my fault. Will you forgive me?
She's the second ugliest love live
Why is Yoshiko so shit? She ruined the whole franchise.
Thats simply not true
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Nice. Epic. I like it.
Just give me your best (You) and we're set.
Yeah, actually she's uglier than Ron so she's ugliest love live period.
What's the source of that pic?
love live school idol festival
They're in the APK, I posted the Aqours ones earlier in the thread
Quit being tsundere.
At least she's better than Nozomi
I want her new UR so bad
No she isn't
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I see, my bad.

I can barely stay awake, I think I'll update in the morning instead of waiting for it to be finished.
Good night /ll/
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I'm Chika.
Zura is love! Zura is life!
Retarded chuuni
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Ruby likes getting cucked.
Klab pls
How can others pairings even compete?
you can literally switch either of them for anyone and it would be exactly the same
Who is orbiter in the RubyMaru pair?
my dick
They complement each other.

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>japs making guides on how to switch Honoka back
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Literally the two equally best girls.
I love You's voice when she talks.
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Confirmed rinpana has 2 kids
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Cutest friends!.jpg
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RUBY IS THE #1 IDOL IN THE UNIVERSE! First years truly are the best this time around!
>cool beans
>Furry, anyone?
I like cats too, am I now a furry?
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When is the maintenance ending? I want to sleep

The Honk art is so shitty and old why would you want to?
right now!!
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I want Ruby to piss in my mouth.
She'd fucking cry if someone told her that.
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Hey hey hey, bought some nice lewd LoveLive loot from AnimeExpo. I'll post pics when I'm home in a few days, but I enjoyed meeting with some folks during the LL meetup. Thanks, brohammads.
Best love live girl
leave her alone!!
So you're saying that I also can taste her tears?
get the fuck out of here
If Kanan is nozoeli and Mari is nozoeli too, does that make them incest?
A damned eternity.
I bet Maru's hands are soft and warm.
If you even dare think of making Ruby cry you'll have to answer to me.
Is YoshiRiko the new UmiEli
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k, ns.
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Go away.
Is Ruby more pathetic than Pana?
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piss anon here, more please.
also, got any period stuff?
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U-u-uh.. S-sure? Not period stuff. Sec, lemme dig a bit.
Remember when Pana screamed so strongly that it made a girl fall from a tree, because a girl touched her?
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How long until full JAV with Hanayo's VA?
At least Ruby won't die from diabetes
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Hanayo was never pathetic.

Ruby is Pana all along
But I want a Mimori one
Go away.
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The years is 2525, School idol festival is still ongoing maintenance.
Cute Sora.
To put in the new Mahou Shoujo Yazawa NicoNico cards.
Adding Aquors broke the game.
someone add the nose.
Reminder to sexualize Riko-chan?
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Wait what? I just noticed that the portrait orientation is now different. KLab why.
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These new backgrounds are so bad.
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I guess someone is really disappointed.
Holy shit, I just noticed Yoshiko's nose, is she an actual jew?

how the fuck is this even a thing
its a thing for everything
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>Still not up
It's just a little bigger than average it's also beautiful
How many loveca have you saved up for Aqours?
200+ for my empress, Yohane-sama.
Fuck it, shoudn't have rolled last time but at least I got a UR seal out of it
None, really. I don't have any preference between old and new grills.
950+ waiting for Yohane and Riko.
None, will save on EN instead.
300, I wish I had saved even more.
250+ for Yoshiko, but I'm going to roll for Umi
200 for either Mari or Yohane.
Not yet, but im planning to save it until the aqours arrive on EN
Good luck, brother. May Yohane-sama grace you with her favor.
I have 370 at the moment. But I'm going to T2 the Dia event and I want to roll for Umi.
100, but notEri is the only aqours I care about
A bit over 200.
Wait so for UR seals is it supposed to be 1:1? One UR sold for one idolization?

I hope it's the same for SRs, I have 15 silver seals and I'm more excited about idolizing my SRs
80 :')
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Is SSR going to be above UR? Why are they changing balance? What's the point?
0 loveca

180 for muse though.
>Is SSR going to be above UR?
SSR is between SR and UR
Money probably
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>imgur jpg

Because shiny popular games like Granblue and Starlight Stage have SSR, KLab also wanted that.
ssr is going to be in between sr and ur i believe
they're changing it because idolm@ster is more successful. i think that's also why they added master difficulty
holy fuck

it's almost 4:30 am

please klab

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So who is the Kotori of Aqours?

Aka the one nips go really crazy over in events and such
t i t s
>1:29am where I live

I can wait.
I have 370k FP ready to get some Aqours Rares.
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If 2 slots can up 450, with 8 slots in every card on a team you can up 16200.
New normie background is shit
The one that copying burd's photobomb
Hell yeah Aya!
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Honk SSR.

That would probably depend on the available skills.
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Do promo cards give seals now?
How much compensation loveca?
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1 or 2.
One 10+1

Actually that doesn't sound completely out there. One free 10+1 for the big update, Aqours box only, this week only, returning/current players only

If only
Seal is my favourite animal.

Seriously though >>147505870 did I dream this shit up or do they give low-tier seals or what
They don't, why would they?
Some anon mistranslated in a thread the chart for ability slots into new seals, maybe you remember that
Thanks for clearing that up, it might just be the mistranslation I remember.
Fucking kiab, what did they break now? End the mantainance now
They remembered adding Aqours would be a huge mistake after all because their sales would sink harder than before, so they're deleting any evidence of Aqours in the game right now.
So we're not getting new µ's in scouting?
Muse SSRs are added.
But it's designs we've already seen before.
But they have a new border!
Like what?
I'm so tired.
The Muse SSRs are literally just the MOMENT RING promos in their school uniform and the Aqours SSRs are magazine scans.
What about their idolized forms?
1 hour 30min.

Oh true I forgot all about that. Still not expecting much. Can't make them TOO attractive so the UR art still looks good comparatively.
Time to play EN then.
translate it nigga
Maintenance will be over in just over 80 minutes.
Tadaima, we fucked up and the maintenance ends at 19:30 japan time, we're sorry
They PROMISED the update will be finished by 19:30 and apologized. They normally use vague words like "we expect it to be finished around X hours."
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>1.5 hours left
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Wtf does "Zura!" mean?
>(You) already has the cutest cards
Truly the new Burd
You mean new Eli?
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JP Apks on OP when?
They're on http://ll.idolactiviti.es/apk
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>Still one hour left
No, I don't.
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Is it a canon pairing?
I wished I am Riko.
I wished I am Yoshiko.
Oh fuck, sub-unit's costumes, especially GK when?
This 2 make a great ship
After solge cards.
These two make a terrible ship.
>implying they'll give more attention to the hags
Did you not watch the first episode of the anime? They both showed up, in the same episode.

Now that's some YoshiRiko closeness if I've ever seen it.
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>Only play SIF to roll Umi
>Only rolled 2 Umis SR or higher not counting event SRs
>rank 118

This game is garbage
No. Bad Anon. Bad. 10 more minutes.
sorry about the umis
shit tier luck for someone with shit tier taste.
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Don't sexualize Riko
>being f2p
>Free player
>2 Idolized Umi URs
>1 Unidolized Umi UR

Umi just doesn't love you.
I buxed once during a the last scouting with the watermelon umi/nozomi and got absolutely nothing I wanted, like 200 gems + the 50 from spending money/tickets

Never throwing money at them again
>Counting both EN and JP have URs from 8 different raibus
>The missing one is my favorite
R e a d y ?
Den dedededen dededennnn
If you want a certain raibu just wait for limited scouting, second years or Lily White or whatever.
Downloading. It's slow this time.
Oh, yes! Doki doki sunshine!
I can deal with the new icon but the new music is making me uncomfortable
which Aqours do you want to hear Bushimo first?
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Why would anyone pick the µ's tab?
Anyone but Mari.
Where are you guys?
Second year scouting is where I got one of my umi SR and also a ton of Kotori shit. Last time I did Lily White I got 2 Rin SRs

I just have poor luck I'm learning to accept it
8 loveca
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>putting Aqours as default
This is a disrespect to the elders.
Where's Master difficulty??!??!
The Aqours download music is nice, but maybe that's just because it's different.

Also as you'd expect the tutorial is given by Chika, Riko, and You instead of those old busted 2nd years from who's?
Suck it hagfags
I'm already done.
Any help?
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Aqours songs and greetings in score match. No master difficulty though.
In JP I'm a yes man and just press okay to everything because I'm not a coward.
Your game lost all its data so you'll have to restart the game from rank 0. Button on the right is OK and the one on the left is Cancel.
hehe same
still getting a rootpatched APK
Well, I keep getting this message too while trying to do anything that changes the menu and I'm already in. Probably just saying the server is busy or something.
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Aqours stories from the token shop voiced now.
Cute Yohane-sama.
use rootcloak
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Well then
I love her fashion.
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>no new artwork
Lucky ass faggot, I want a Yohane-sama too
How do I get the Aqours image? I keep getting µ's
Check idolactivities
Cute Mari
3 UR set for Aqours. It's the 2nd years. Also new drop rates.
UR 1%
SSR 4%
SR 15%

>Not saving for first year UR set
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I love the update guys.
>There was an error during transmission.
>Will retry.

>Club members downloads settings
>It's possible to decrease game size space by downloading club members on the fly only when needed.
>Do you want to set it?
Why do I still get µ's on my home screen and some of my card's icons are blank?
It's by what you have selected in game, new accounts default to Aqours.
Switch to Aqours mode then restart.
>Harasho is replaced by Shiny!
Thank you!
sorry about the ruby
I want to rape that Maru!
Nice pull
i want those kanan breasts
Sub unit costumes when?
Score match now count for cleared/throphies count.

>some of my card's icons are blank?
Because you pressed "OK" here: >>147511197
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New club member screen looking really good.
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>Inserts already
Damn that's a nice UR
I envy you.
It looks so sparkly.
I got this.
Looks crowded
I want to hug her! I hope I get this one. I'm going to make a new account. My first Aqours draw on this account was You, so I hope she likes me even more later.
>that You
Damn son

Sorry for the Ruby
>UR: 1%
>SSR: 4%
>SR: 15%
>R: 80%

I like these rates
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congrats on the ruby
Congrats on the You
23 tickets:
Chika SSR
2 Dia SRs
Riko SR
You SR

I'm okay with this. Should I scout for loveca (I have 380)?
Are there any new Normals?
I see. Any way to change it back?
Sorry for the (You)
Different anon here, I didn't press OK but I still got blank card icons.
Are the Aqours Rs on FP scouting?
Those are some good rates.
Do it
Yes, but you probably must change to aqours mode to get them.
Never mind, I got impatient.
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I love Ruby!
Has there been any info on the rates of idolizing SRs and URs?
I only remember it costs 500 r seals to idolize a UR
Why is she so beautiful?
SR is 1 silver seal and 20 pink seals to idolize.
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Got Chika too.

Also I tried to change my main leader and it's still stuck as Maki help
>the new nico nico ni
Wow, that's nothing.
Am I the only person having an app crash after playing in the score match? (winner announced)
im crashing after every song
Mine is fine except for connection errors
No but I just get constant error messages.
So there's been a ton of new tasks added and I saw that some had something to do with subunits.
Is it for unlocking new songs maybe? I really hope Otohime will finally be added to the game.
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Wow. This is the first time I have ever even heard of this song. Increasing the note speed by one tick really helps with seeing the notes better.
>This is the first time I have ever even heard of this song
>First insert song of the anime

>watching sunshit
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I can't into moonrunes. How long does it usually take for the wiki or whatever to do menu translations?
So, anyone else saving on En for Aqours?
Play Eien Friends with Printemps members to unlock WAO WAO Powerful Day.
Play Aki no Anata no Sora Tooku with Lily White members to unlock Omoide Ijou ni Naritakute.
Play Fuyu ga Kureta Yokan with BiBi members to unlock Sakkaku Crossroads.
How many points does it take to S-score an EX song? Do I need a team of Idolized UR or SR?
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Unidolized SRs with good guest bonus will do fine. Events without guest bonuses might be a bit tight.
>movie subunit songs still not here
Oh wow
anyways I'm going to cum literal buckets when Otohime Haato de Rabu Kyuuden is finally added to the game
Even Chika is bearable in this one.
Which Aqours sounds the best on the home screen?
All of this are UR's?
Waiting for the 3rd year URs.
>all thse people rolling you's
Mildly jelly
Our true lord and savior Yohane-sama
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Yes, these are the URs.
Cards points changed, unidolized URs have 5500~.
They didn't add the previous "bonus" songs either, did they?
Didn't even perform them at the lives. I'm kind of worried they'll never be added.
A team of Max Level SRs can do it? SR with increase score skill?
I get that reference.
You just have to git gud
Congrats on the (You)
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Cap, please
Surprisingly cute.
The cutest
The movie subunit songs have never been performed at a live, it's a shame. But I think that they will be added eventually someday as they'll still be introducing new Muse songs every month and for events.
Maybe they'll show up as an event song or be the new song after the latest chapter of the story comes out.
Shocking, even.
>tfw EN
>Yoshiko calling Maru Zuramaru
Holy shit this is cute.
can't wait for Riko's Idolized
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I won't shit up the thread with all the SSRs
hags: http://imgur.com/a/gA2Hp (school outfits are unidolized)
Aqours: http://imgur.com/a/xdt0N (left card emblem to easily show idolized)
I was just hearing that!

Please don't do this to my heart
Uhh ohh what will happen to ruby now?
Yes. Skills are not so relevant for simply reaching S-score, I think. Esp low-level score skills are such a minor boost that I find perfect locks to be more useful.
YoshiMaru confirmed, suck it YoshiRikofags
>Maru completely forget about Wooby when she's with Yoshiko
They're all so damn cute
>YoshiRiko and RubyMaru both destroyed by YoshiMaru
I'm in heaven
>tfw Ruby is alone now.
>Kiab finally saw the light and support YohaMaru
What about DiaRuby?
It's not like there any other girl who will willingly hang around with Dia
Muse SSRs are so ugly, it's like Klab wants to kick them out of the game
If I practice away my ugly initial Hanayo UR, I'll get a seal right? And with only one I can idolize my dream UR right?
Yes, go for it anon!
Dude, DiaMari is my otp. No touching
I've been playing since 2 years now. Finally best girl will shine
Do it unless you care about skill slots.
What UR is it?
Halloween Nozomi
How are Master songs?
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Great taste.
Nobody's been able to beat one yet
Why do you hate Dia so much? Do you want her to commit suicide or something?
How are expert songs?
Halloween is best UR. Victorian is okay but I loathe that hat.
How are easy songs?
I don't even see any.
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She's beautiful.
Fuck you anon
Cute, congrats
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Thanks RNG
Lucky fucker,congrats
unf I want that Kanan
Cool (Aquarium): http://imgur.com/a/naMPA
Smile (OP) : http://imgur.com/a/PlpGx
SRs: http://imgur.com/a/Eefov
Maru is so cute
How was everyone's 4th? Did the raibus sing this?

So who do I idolize

Victorian Kotori or Halloween Nozomi?

I can't do both because I only have 4 URs and I'd like to keep my tricolour going.
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Thanks, You is very cute.
I still cant get over how Maru is smile while Yoshiko is cool. Feels like some backward ass shit.
I like idolized Halloween Nozomi more, Victorian Kotori is cuter unidolized

It's up to you though
Look at center skills.
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Kanan is the new Eli.
I'm talking about her body.
I can't get over how Riko is cool and You is pure.
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Someone hold me!!!
No, the weirder is how Maru is smile while You is pure. They should be reversed.
I think Maru and Ruby should be swapped.

Clearly, no one can agree.
That idolized nozomi is super cute
Klab likes to pair Yoshiko with the waifu material.
Odd I idolize Victorian Nozomi
Even I idolize Teacher Nozomi
>two URs AND an event SR
Lucky motherfucker
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She really is the new Burd.
Victorian is superior.
>tfw still can't decide who my favorite Aqours is
I just like all of them
thanks, anon
>Accidentally click the Nico scouting banner
>Changes the game to hagmode
She has the best SR by far, rest are all pretty generic but she gets a sailor uniform, based as fuck
RIP Nico you won't be missed

Well yeah I do think the idolized Victorian Nozomi looks better but unidolized Teacher Nozomi is super cute, I'm definitely gonna work on her next and keep the unidolized art.
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Bow before your queen, /llsifg/.
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Man, Riko is most beautiful Aqours.
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I don't even play the game but just read on Twitter what happened here, holy shit.
I have both kotori and Nozomi but I can't decide. I like Nozomi better but kotori is prettier.
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In that case choose the one who'll strengthen your team.
>thumbnail is different

I thought that was Riko..
What's in that 3000yen package?
If moot was here, things would be different around here
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It's true, Yohane really has no luck.
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>enough loveca for one 10+1
>get best 2nd year UR
Based klab
Why, what happened?
How many SSRs idolize an UR? I have four to get rid of
>Yoshiko giving nicknames that are close to her

She's not a devil afterall.
why are the SSR for muse so bad? and for an outfit that was already an R card??
SSR's for Aqours are also bad. It's just promo part they are recycling.
5 SSRs
i wub wooby
How long does it take to get 50 loveca on a new JP account?
So close
Playing? Some hours.
So how the fuck do you change the home screen girl now?
Changing the main unit center doesn't do it anymore.
with all the bonuses and the ranking up that you will do, a couple hours should do it
Hold member > パートナーにする
You choose any girl you want from your member list and click on パートナーにする
Thanks. Just found it. It's an unnecessary change that's not mentioned anywhere.
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She's here, lads, along with three idolized SRs of her too.
it means "we're even ripping off Rin and people still watch our shit"
>It's an unnecessary change
I think it's great actually, now you can easily put a card as your favorite/partner instead of having to put them on the center of a team.
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Don't mind me.
Just posting RIko-chan!
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today's spoils.png
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Looks like it's time for me to start playing again.

Man I really like Mari but she has that uncanny look in her cards that some of Kotori's cards had. It's the yellow eyes. So far Kanan, Yoshiko, and You's cards seem promising.
What are the steps to Idolize a SR card with another SR card?

T-Thank you in advance.
Fuse/sell away first SR to receive SR seal.
Hit idolize button
Choose SR to be idolized
Choose the one that says seal
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Special practice -> select card -> pink button
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Riko is cute! Cute!
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>Kanan > city whore.
Regarding URs in the normal Aqours boxes it will be 2nd years -> 1st years -> 3rd years?
特別練習 > click member > 部員から選ぶ > find the equal member
Thank you!
1. Cut a hole in a box
2. Put your junk in the box
3. Make her open the box
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City whore saga finally ends.
Conan shall henceforth be known as the City Whore slayer
omg can we stop talking about aqours already nobody likes them unironically so please no thnks
I hope, gives me more time to save up.

Does anyone else hate the new icons for cards? I mean I like how you can see the UR's backgrounds but the SRs and below look so cheap
Accept it hagfag.
@147517805 (Watanabe)
KLab will give 5 loveca as an apology.
>tfw I don't feel like playing EN at all anymore
Haha the hag meme never gets old thanks for posting it again
Haha the Haha the hag meme never gets old thanks for posting it again meme never gets old thanks for posting it again
You mean no one talking about u's?
Why can't I use my maxed Ns for practice? I've unlcoked them and shit already.

Remove from favorites?
>max leveled promo URs are so strong you can switch them with unidolized SRs in your teams now
Did they added more free slots with update?
They always were, KLab just finally added bonds to count so that stupid people like you finally understand it.
So they removed the slots given as rewards for gathering new club members.

Did they ever mention anything about this at all?
But their stats were weaker before, weren't they.
I didn't even know that the Sunshine anime started. I just play SIF.
>waiting for 1st years URs
>have 350k friend points to get the new Rs
Good thing I traded pink seals only for one Aqours R.
>I wonder why they give out a loveca
>Ah who cares can't be important
I don't seem to remember anything like that in the changelog though.
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I love this update.
wait,am I wrong or there is another Starter pack?
Yes. In exchange, they increased the starting slot amount to 120, so you haven't actually lost slots. And they did mention it.
There's a new one for muse and a new one for aqours.
There is. One for Muse and one for Aqours.
So here's million dollar question:
>all that Yohane-sama
I wish I had been blessed by Yohane-sama too
>game runs worse on my phone now
>actually starting to get bits of lag during snogs
Maybe it's time to upgrade.
Guess it's my bad for not reading it thoroughly enough. Thanks m8.
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nah, not a fan of token events
EN will get that update in fall.
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After first episode it's looks like YoshiMaru will be canon and Ruby will be forgotten by her friend
Maybe even with some forced drama
Dang congrats
>Playing the game for a year
>Always scout when there's a guaranteed UR.
>Always get 1 SR
I envy you.
>0 loveca
Was it worth it?
Can I just get rid of anyone that came pre-idolized and max leveled? They seem pretty useless
What would happen if you idolized an already idolized card? My idolized Umi SR seems to be available for idolizing. How many silver or pink seals for idolizing URs?
>guaranteed UR
SR, I meant.
You get extra skill slots.
>kotopana vs kotoumi

Like wow, good job sunrise.
Anything relevant have you got from the rewards boxes?

Only a pink seal and a few skills.
>kotopana vs kotoumi
Both aren't canon, so who cares
That doesn't even make sense.
Are healers still useless?
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I'd only thought of that because Kotori is close to them both.
>neither ship act like Kotopana or Kotoumi
Literally what?
What are the missions to get each of the Aquors Rs?
Just play the events,I think you need to play every song once(i think twice at expert for a loveca)
Any tips to get a lot of bond pts?I get like 47-50 pts on expert
>used to no one saying anything on score matches
>everyone but me yells yousoro
"complete a song with a team that has at least one corresponding card of [insert aqours card] on it"
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Hnnnnng zura
>Can't nico nico nii before a score match anymore
Purest angel
Play Glass no Hanazono/Nicopuri Joshido on easy, they give you 52 bond points for each full combo. Most efficient way to grind kizuna imo but I tend to fall asleep midway though.
How badly will EN translate Ganbaruby and Yousoro?
Why are artists making feel bad for the chuuni?
I wonder what happen if I set the speed to expert...
She has a bad luck curse, though.
Probably yo ho or yoo hoo and do your best ruby!
Sexy fallen angel.
Very nice.
Tripping is a rather normal thing, if it was tripping every step then yeah something is wrong.
Holy shit, the power creep is real.
30 minute emergency maintenance at 4am JST I think.
Not worth it if you're planning to grind the most kizuna points possible, even if you managed to score a full combo every time you still only get around 125 pts. It's challenging but not efficient.
More lovegems then?
Hahaha zura it's like nya. Totally original 10/10.
It's still more original than a catgirl. But it's ok Rin is original because there are no catboys around but her.
Her zura is a dialect tic while Rin's nya is a character one.
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Because no catlike characters existed before love live amirite?
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>crack ship
And YoshiRiko isn't?
Yohamaru. Yoshiko and Hanamaru have more interactions.
That isn't yoshiriko
Yes, rikoyoshi is the new NicoMaki
Oh oh oh oh
You realize every ship is a crack ship because this isn't a romance story where people will actually get together, right
We will offer one Loveca as a result. Thank you for your patience. We hope you continue to enjoy Love Live! School Idol festival.
Umi is my father and Eli is my mom!
Please don't bother. They didn't learn from Muse, it won't change now.
>the new husband x husband.
Oh I get it. Yoshiko tripped and dropped her ice cream?
>new Nicomaki
>they don't argue with each other
>they aren't tsunderes
Are you sure you know what nicomaki's dynamic is?
Good for you Dia.
>hating the purest raibu
You seriously need to end yourself.
I meant the only canon ship that was here from the start before anime
Who are you quoting?
Anon really. you're not trying hard enough now.
So who likes this crack ship? You is totally staring at Kanan's ass.
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Lick Riko.
Nozomi is my father and Eli is my mom!
>no one plays attention to the slav unless she's paired up with someone
Truly an irrelevant character
>rolling for µ's
>useless slav
Into the garbage it goes
A girl using a word at the end of her sentences was original for LL at least. This is seriously the same band. I'll even bet most of their songs were old songs written for muse.

Zero effort has been put into this "project". I was really looking forward to Aqours but if Sunrise isn't going to try then they're not getting money from me.
No it won't be since there are signs it's sinking already
The anime and the game have nothing to do with each other.

>A girl using a word at the end of her sentences was original for LL at least.

This does not make any sense.
The art for these new µ's cards is even worse than before.
Sunrise barely tried for muse and you ate all their crap up.
What doesn't make sense? Rin happened to be in the first LL gen and she used a word at the end of her sentences as a trope, therefore anyone after is just a effortless repeat.
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who µ's here?
Zura is because of her dialect, nya is some lol so randumb eckDee shit because without Rin would be too much of a discount Honk.
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>got worst acqwhore
Why are you guys acting like this art is even new? This is just old art they decided to use for cards.
They stopped trying. And I don't know why people would roll for µ's when your odds of nice cards in a smaller pool are infinitely better.
>useless slavshitter
I know but they are better unused art than this.
Chika is cute tho
Post pic of idolized Dia
>Zura is because of her dialect
Please tell me what region of Japan does this.
>Super Super Rare?
the only good unused art is the guy who does >>147520031 art. He seems to be primarily only doing Aqours now, and they'll probably never use his art in game.
super shit rare
>rolling for them
>still calling them Aqwhores
Fuck it, I guess I'll just wait 6 fucking months for this to appear at the seal shop
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Reporting in.
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my condolences
People coming from Nagano or just speak in a Shizuoka dialect.
What is the point of tier 2 event when you can always idolize it with seals?
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first aquors 10+1, and I like riko the most
am i lucky?
Why doesn't everyone do it then? Numazu is in Shizuoka
You got her ur so yeah
sorry for the chikas
Sorry about the Chikas
>zero loveca remaining
Because everyone probably wasn't raised the same? Or speaking in the area's dialect isn't really mandatory?
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I got (You)
>zero loveca
at least I get a ur lul
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Beautiful. I get this slut instead
I wanted (You) got Chika-chii instead.
She's not a slut, she's a whore
I love the option which you can choose either the idolized or unidolized to show the card, given that there are lots of cute unidolized cards now. The art of the idolized SSRs is pretty lazy honestly, but the unidolized are far better.
Extra skill slot
Riko is pure
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>Card title is Cute Angel
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μ's is dead
This is my no fap Tuesday damn it.
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Will sleep with everyone.

Will sleep with everyone but you.

This check out.
I think I'm starting to like Dia unironically.
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Yes! Got my (you) from the 10+1
I wouldn't want her city whore stds anyway
Not bad for the first day.
Welcome you third diafag.
I blame Sunrise. They made her look cute. I have always liked her voice, but I'll probably like her more and more as the weeks go by.
I wanted that (You), fuck you anon.
I got Riko who is my favourite Aqours so it must be fate.
So far, has anyone got more skill "seals"? (don't know how to call them), or different skills?
How similar are Riko and Umi?
Riko -> Umi with softer personality
except for their hair and eye color and Riko's talent for the Piano, they're pretty much the same person
I think they are pretty different.
They are both responsible and, to certain degree, lone wolves, but one behaves as a soldier and the other as a nurse.
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Fuck off. Riko is the purest.
Umi has a personality
Poor Kiab employees have to stay up past 4AM to fix their shit.
Scratch the nurse part.
Riko is more like an artist.
Both are best girls.
>no login bonus to celebrate the new version

Getting your favorite on the first day of the update must be a sign of good luck. Specially if you managed to get her ur.
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>all these people getting (You)Rs
Fuck you guys.
Go play the master song faggots
>you is the one doing the outfits
So is Ruby useless now?
>cute angel
>Yohane likes to hangout with the angels

So cute
You clearly don't love You enough. otherwise she'd reciprocate her love by showering you with URs.

and wash your goddamn hands.
Where was that confirmed?
Aqours story in SIF
>Bokura no live on Master
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How can old hags even compete?

Praise Aqours.
I'm hoping I get a Ruby UR
If that has 700 notes, I don't wanna imagine the hard ones.
>tfw no lp to try it out
You is perfect.
Did anyone else get their favorite Aqours for the login?
Remind me again how people can dislike Ruby?
Ruby is cute and she deserves love.
I can't tell any of the voices apart yet.

>No gloomy Rin style face.
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I wasn't ready for that
SO ENbros when are we getting this update? I want to get a Yoshiko-chan card desu senpai
Meant the chibi for the login bonus sorry
If I don't get you's ur when it comes out on en I will cry

does anyone have the clean versions of the urs?
>Playing En
They said "fall" at AX and after the fits people threw about 3.1 being late I wouldn't be surprised if that's a conservative estimate.
a warm rising sun
from her grace a sense of peace
nature being at ease
Some time in fall
4Q 2016 at the earliest
nvm i found them
start at >>147512374
So in those special boxes, certain URs have a higher appearance rate on certain days?
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You stupid chuuni, stop being cute at once
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The best thing about this game is the stories and the side stories, and there's literally no point in playing JP when you can't enjoy the best part of the experience which is reading trough the stories.
so much for changing stuff
Knowing how klab EN screws up a bunch I'm expecting it to get delayed to 2017
Fuck Maru and her annoying catchphrase. Her constant Zura when using skills is annoying as hell.
> 4 slots - Princess/Angel/Empress Heal - When your health is max, If your heal card's heal skill acts, Add (270 * Health Recover) Score - Heal Cards Only.

Healers cards are not useless anymore.

It needs 4 slots though, just UR and idolized SR, SSR can use it.
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>he can't read basic japanese
Yohane-sama is the cutest.
>Yoshiko takes Maki's place
>Riko takes Umi's place
>Ruby takes Nico's place
>Chika takes Bonk's place

it's almost like they repainted half of the characters and nothing changed
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>No Rinspair Chibi in the loading screen for Aquors.
Go learn you some Japanese, faggot.
Haha the hag meme never gets old thanks for posting it again
Riko is on Eli's place.
Haha the Haha the hag meme never gets old thanks for posting it again meme never gets old thanks for posting it again.
I am an American, Americans shouldn't learn Japanese, Japanese should learn American.
dropping a word on this tbqh
baka gaijin desu senpai, you don't deserve to be in here
Yeah no
>not learning australian
Stupid burger
I wonder who's next?
>sporty type
>doing outfits

Nothing can be more facepalm than this
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>learning American
I know Ruby happened a long time ago
I want to non sexually fondle Ruby until she overheats
ITT: traitors that cling to brand names

You're the reason why music is trash and gets rehashed

You're the reason why movies are trash and gets rehashed
Aqours is superior to muse. Get over it, hagfag.
Idol music is all the same anyway
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It's okay man I struggled with it in the beginning too. With time and effort I'm sure you can do it.
You tried to destroy our fleet in a surprise attack. You bombarded Pearl when we weren't watching. You violated the Washington Treaty countless times over and your Empire dominated all your neighbors. But then we fucking stream rolled each and every Japanese sailor in the Pacific. The Empurarr took the medicine Uncle Sam prescribed him. You disgusting slint eyed Chinese prototype of a person. We destroyed you at Midway against all odds. We took back everything and destroyed your country piece by piece. And then there were the nukes. Today, your economy only EXISTS because of American reinvestments, and the only reason for why China doesn't swallow you in a single gulp is because of US military presence in the Pacific. You are so pathetic that to this day the Japanese Armed Forces are the second biggest in its own country, because the biggest are American. YOU don't deserve to be here. This website was created by an American who respects your culture, and you're even speaking our language. And yet this is the kind of treatment you give to the people who invented the airplane, the automobile and the internet? Not so honorable of you, you sumo wrestling rice farmer.
Waiting for the TMA one with all the girls.
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i don't like this.gif
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>sold like 8 fucking skill seals before even reading and realized it's the selling and not unlocking button
Just fucking end me.
To be fair, it's Lantis, and its all rehashed recycled garbage.
Haha the hag meme never gets old thanks for posting it again
July 4th is over big boy, calm down and grab a burger
New interface, SSRs and aqours SRs look like shit.
Oh well.
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I'm glad I rolled for this pure maiden.
>nozotoddlers can't read
How can they be superior? It's the exact same fucking band.
Do it faggot, you don't have the balls anyway
I'm still amazed at how pretty this UR is.
This UR is the one practically everyone got. except me
Why the fuck you guys keep getting YouR.
I'm gonna cry in the corner.
Everyone got her.
She is the seaside town bicycle.
Holy shit competition mizugi too? ありがとうございます
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Why don't you like me /llsif/?
It's those legs mang. They're amazing.
R.I.P. the best game related thread we'll ever have for a long time.
she's not even that cute, I'll just wait for Shuka's AV to surface.
Dumb hagfag
But I wub wooby
Wait for when EN gets the update in two years.
>butthurt owaranai
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new hotness.jpg
103KB, 1024x768px
>still playing with old hags
Lmao the hag meme thanks for posting it again
The emergency maintenance better be adding a login bonus.

Best if they pull a deresute and give us 50 gems.
The longer until we get aqwhores, the better.
Wasting LP during an event.
>stated by kiab that'll be a fall release
>being this asshurt
Being blind consumer human garbage
>playing with sunshits
lmaoing at your life
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First try FC. Am I the greatest LL player of all time? The answer is no because it's Bokura
>learn American
>not doing it for free loveca
Datte butthurt owaranai
>the butthurt continues
he's right since you were probably 12 when u's started
>butthurt continues
You can do this and the other 24 new EX after the event is done, playing it now is wasting LP.
someone hurry up and make a µ's thread before sunshit gets in the OP again.
It'll be a YoshiRiko OP.
someone hurry up and make a sunshine thread before hags get in the OP again.
I would rather have u's than the crackship
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