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/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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Thread replies: 760
Thread images: 124

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>Fates FAQ (Please read before asking dumb questions)


>/feg/ Castle Addresses

you keep posting this meme but never actually say what series you're talking about
Azura is shit
>Report bombing trollfags upset they didn't get their Florathreads
Of course
>all the links work
Carry on then I guess

Nothing like a comfy and humble Flora thread to stimulate quality Fire Emblem discussion.
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Sakura is lovely.
Are you trying to imply that a Florafriend would vandalize?
Shut up you dumb waifufag
I like Hana
Fucking florafags reported a actually comfy thread

Fucking shit mods
Are you perhaps bothered, waterfag?
Do you really mean that or is that just something you post?
Real thread
>Flora escapes from Nohr and rebels with her village in Birthright
>since Corrin's not around Garon sends Hans and pals to deal with the rebellion
>they can kill whoever except they have to take Flora back alive
What did they do to her?
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>Takumi is the final boss
being autistic and mad about OPs is a phenomenon that was literally invented entirely by the millennial faggot cucks of /utg/

but they just couldn't keep their cancer in their own thread, no, it wasn't good enough for them, they have to spread, they have to corrupt, they have to consume

they are literally a virus
Tickled her feet
I swear to cuck you are the only person bringing up this ebin /utg/ conspiracy fuck off
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Help Jakob is impregnating me again
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polygamy mod when

i want to marry my onii-samas
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I want to fuck my NotReal!sister Sakura and her bitchy samurai best friend at the same time!

Fucking asshole reporing an active comfy thread
it's not a conspiracy if it's true you dumb cuck
Jacob's long, long fingers.
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I want to sexually service both of them
I don't care. I'm just going to make an Azura thread if this one gets deleted anyway. And then a Flora thread if you take that away. Alternating when applicable.

who cares

I mean who cares

what are you going to do? tell the hot pockets on me?

I dont care

I dont

I dont care
is that camilla
hot desu
G-guys, what if the mod is a Florafag that purposely deletes threads so a Flora OP can be made?
Come join the fun
then we report them anyway so they'll eventually get fired by based admin
Anon pls stop.
Absolutely savage.
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I want to suck his long finger, if you know what I mean...
Just let thrwads exist regardless of the op

Even if its an unconscious corrin
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Flora boobies
If we had a husbando thread, it wouldn't get deleted and there wouldn't be as much shitposting
Am I right or am I right?
end your life
fuck off with your fag agenda
fuck off back to your tumblr game general
literally fuckin kill yourself you weak, white, underage, millennial newmale bitch cuckold, you weigh maybe 75 pounds soaking wet, you have no muscle mass, you have bitch tits
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>when the antifag gets so jaded and embittered by hate that he doesnt even pretend to falseflag anymore, he just wholly consciously admits to everyone upfront that he is a passive-aggressive person actively working to make /feg/ a worse place to be in by any and all means necessary

What era of /feg/ even is this?
typical /v/ meme response. get banned, kid.
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"Middle-Aged Angst /feg/"
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Jakob a best.
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>Always wanted a Lance and bow unmounted class
>It's not anything cool like Great Lancer or Frontliner or anything.
>It's the fucking gimmicky Merchant class.
Absolutely disgusting. I should just buy a fuckton of skills of My Castle and play the class in an actually fun way.
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will the one person constantly shitting up the OPs ever decide to leave?
never assume anything is just one person
Merchants have the goat animations though.
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I'll be her daddy.
Considering he literally just admitted that he is a festering cancer to /feg/ who commits his life's work to making this place worse by the day be it by shitting up OPs or starting waifu wars by pretending to be [x]fag... I want to say no.
Shit taste
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I wanna fuck this hunk.
that sounds a lot like someone we knew...
someone worse than tharjafag...
...is he back?...
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I'll stick with perfection
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But she's cute. Like a cute, fuckable sapient pet that apparently cleans itself enough that she smells like bread.
What's not to like?
not a fan of that meme hair
Shes probably very hairy down there
And very stinky!
>What era of /feg/ even is this?

Waifufag Wars. We're in the middle of a movement to purge all waifufags from /feg/. Look at what Awakening has brought upon us.
why does she look so pouty?
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So you just groom her a bit. Then she's only as hairy down there as you want.

Canonically smells like bread.

That's actually a good question. She seems so pouty but she has a pleasant attitude most of the time. It's kind of odd. Cute though.
Genealogy of the waifu wars
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The waifus are getting tired of all the shitposting they get dragged into here lately, and who can blame them
She's the obvious counterpart to Selkie, who is very extroverted and carefree; in contrast, she is introverted and reserved and absorbed into her hobby.
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Let's say a resurrected Mikoto somehow becomes the solution to the mamui problem via future DLC. Which characters would you like to see her support with?

Caveat: She obviously can't S-support with Corn unless they pull another bullshit letter on us, but let's say they don't.
This shit is almost getting as bad as the ERP wars.
Coming to the eshop soon (just got thrown up on CDN):

50010000040636 KTR-N-UAXJ ファイアーエムブレム 紋章の謎 000400000F703D00

(N3DS Exclusive fire emblem VC game)
Which one is that?
Ooh monsho no nazo

I should get a cart of that for my fe collection sometime

>Mikoto supports with any first gen
>you can fuck your real half-sister or brother

Yeah, I don't see that happening.
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>ERP wars

God don't fucking remind me. What a mess that shit was.

I'd gladly take this one autist constantly hijacking OPs over that shit.
How are people able to recognize that Lyn is royalty just by looking at her eyes? Am I the only one who can't get over this?
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>Ryoma dies
>(You) mourn and cry a lot
>About to enter the throne room and finally get Garon to sit on the chair
>Decide to go back to castle first to flirt with your wife
>Tell everyone how good Peri's cooking is so she stops getting weird looks all the time
>Leo finally approves your tactics homework
>Chill in the bath with your bros without a care in the world
>Get on a boat somewhere to find Azura's wounded kid
>Blow hot steam away from your wife's face afterwards

Why is this allowed?
-gropes Femui-
Good point, I somehow forgot about the possibility of fucking the second gens there. I guess they'd probably have no choice but to make her not blood related then.
Elaborate? I wasn't here for this obviously
Why doesn't Corrin just live in the Astral Planes forever?
>More fucking axes
What is it with Nohr and goddamn axes that miss 70% of the time
What happens when you grind Nils to level 7 in Lyn mode? I honestly forgot and wondering if its worth grinding over
Sending solel to the sluth--i mean treehouse!
I just did Dwyers recruit mission but before I could recruit him, the boss ran into takumi, killed himself and ended the map. I got Dwyer but I'm not sure if I'm going to miss out on anything
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A long time ago there was a chatroom a tripfag named Drill made for the sake of ERPing.

People initially fucked around tongue and cheek, but eventually some people started to take it seriously. Among them was a guy who ERP'd as Brady.

Another guy who took part (one of the people doing it jokingly) was a guy who RP'd as Shulk. Shulk tried to tell Drill and Brady that this shit was going too far and was leaking into the thread too much, but Brady just told Shulk that the ERP would continue and Drill banned Shulk, as well as anybody that agreed with him, from the chatroom.

Drill then began bragging about his ERP in the thread and soon the thread was getting constantly derailed with stupid shit like "hurr durr we spitroasted Maribelle last night" and other crap. At this point Shulk had had enough. He (as well as a few others) began regularly raiding the chat, spamming it and ruining the ERPfags' immersion.

During this process Shulk confronted Brady, and got Brady to admit that his girlfriend was only okay with him ERPing because he lets her sleep with other guys.

Shulk asked "So you're a cuck? And you're proud of that?" to which Brady agreed that yes, he was proud of being a cuck. Shulk and friends took this and ran with it, spreading the word that Brady (or the guy ERPing as Brady) was a cuck. They also continued to raid the chat every now and again, which pretty much ruined the chat.

Drill got mad at this turn of events. He began shitposting at anyone getting sick of his ERP (or tried discussing games other than Awakening), calling them "grandpas" and telling them to leave. He also started to get mad at a streamer named ZigTotalWar, since he doesn't play Awakening and his streams distract from Drill's ERP as well. This ended in Drill accidentally exposing how much he samefags and getting run out.

The chatroom died shortly after, and now we've moved on from it. The cuck thing stuck with Brady for a while though (the character, not the person).
It's a crime that she dies so early.
it's a requirement for getting one of the gaidens in hector mode
Oh man this brings back memories

I kind of regret taking a year long hiatus from this place.
Oh right, the double gaiden chapter
There was lots of shit Drill spammed with


Jesus Christ that was pure cancer, only thing worse was probably the smutguy shit
I remember this shit
>he literally let his GF fuck other guys just so he could pretend to fuck someone online
Just Orson her.
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he's coming back to the past
I'm really not memeing here and am genuinely curious; do you just sort of accept the whole "(past) crush on Silas" thing for what it is, or do you prefer to ignore it in favor of the original script? And if the latter, do you do the same for the rest of the characters in Fates that had changes or just Camilla?
That's hilarious. Fucking subhuman trash.
Well you're reminding me how long I've been in this hellhole right now, my memory is a little foggy of the finer details so maybe somebody else can fill them in if they were here but it kind of went like this

A VERY long time ago there was a guy named Smutguy who, true to his name, wrote smut, his most recognisable one being a really fucking long one called Ero Emblem which basically consisted of Robin thinking of and executing clever ways to rape Awakening girls, he also made something called the smutbin which for a little while was in OPs

Initially nobody minded, but eventually the circlejerking started, with on-topic discussion always getting derailed whenever he posted

Initially people just kindly told him to tone it down a notch, to which smutguy and his followers gave the generic "if you don't like it ignore/filter me" response, and the circlejerking continued

What followed was basically a nonstop shitposting war; constant derailments, OP wars which were some of the worst this place has ever had (aside from Tharjacuck's one spergout that one time maybe) with OPs constantly being made for the sole purpose of putting the smutbin in it or not, it was just miserable

People in the middle eventually started telling Smutguy to go away since his presence was causing all of this, but Smutguy refused and continued to give the typical "if you don't like it ignore me" circlejerk response

This led one guy who had REALLY had enough of Smutguy's shit (now known as Batman) to actually jump through some hoops to dox Smutguy, which finally ended it once and for all as Smutguy fucked off for good because of it (from what I hear they reconciled after the fact)

This is just what I remember, I also remember that this is how Kromanon and the Lucina Manjaw thing came into being
>clear a whole map with Kazahana
>last enemy left, carries Killer Axe
>13 damage, 9% hit, 21% crit
>she has 30 HP
>he crits and kills her
This pisses me off so much about Fates. In the other Fire Emblems you had to pray to even hit with sub 70% hit rate. Now the RNG is worse than ever.
is it that the percentages are accurate or is it completely different from the old system?
that sounds... wow
what kind of autism has happened here?
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I remember Kromanon started because one of Smutfag's more vocal circlejerkers really liked Cynthia. So one guy started spamming "KROM (the boss in her Paralogue who Cynthia is dumb enough to follow) FUCKED CYNTHIA" to piss him off, which culminated in a gif of Cynthia going down on Krom.

He made more than just Cynthia ones. Heck he got chased out for a while after he made one of Morgan since the daughterufags got mad.

Manjaw anon came because Smutfag liked Lucina a lot, so Manjawanon started spamming about Lucina's ugly face (I wish I had the image he always posted).
too much
Hah, I haven't even talked about Micaiahanon yet
Micaiahanon wasn't THAT bad, he was more just really weird.

I miss Freddy anon
give details. to contribute to game discussion I have absolutely no idea why I'm getting so many castle visits on my Hoshido run when I got literally zero in my Nohr playthrough
Anyone have that one pic of Matthew driving a car down into Oswin's mouth
The latter. But I also get hit by sub 10% hit chance way more often than one in ten times. The numbers are not accurate at all (not that they were in the older games). You can clearly see that in mission 5 I think, where Ryoma fights against that invader with terrible odds for him and he still lives for quite a while.
RNG is fucking weird in Fates and I don't like it.
>You can clearly see that in mission 5 I think, where Ryoma fights against that invader with terrible odds for him and he still lives for quite a while.
I thought the RNG was fixed for that battle
Don't talk about him, /feg/ is having a good phase right now.
Eh I more remember him from when this place was like super mega dead before Awakening got announced and like 80% of most threads were just him replying to himself

Well there was a guy who was obsessed with Micaiah, like Tharjacuck-tier obsessed

He made these long, kind of scarily detailed posts on occasion on the ways Micaiah would "service" people in her army and shit

This predates Smutguy for sure, although Micaiahanon was around for that shit (which I remember because I'm now recalling Batman going "literally who" when Micaiahanon pestered him)

>>145544374 is right though, better just to leave it

>thought I had it on my laptop
>it's not

Post female butts
It's not. Ryoma even beat the invader for some people. Google it and look what people on the internet are saying.
did he use a trip?
I need to read that formyself
That wasn't that long ago, I remember the smut links in the catalog. /vg/'s not been around for long.
Takumi makes me happy!
That's definitely lost by now, this is years ago and the archive definitely doesn't go back that far.

But no, as far as I remembered he didn't use a trip.
so when do you normally use your boosting items? do you tend to buff high stats or fix low ones?
I wanna lick her sweaty abs
the latter, but i rarely use stat boosters, feels like cheating to me.
>archives last mention of micaiahanon is 2013
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How do you feel about le ebin BLAME TAKUMI meme?
Shit weapons are part of the difficulty!
I don't understand it but I find it funny. I don't mind my husband being meme'd.
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>beta camilla on the left
>Rich, Nuanced Gameplay
crimea river

Post musics
Can't we go back to then?
Sure, it was bad, but it was better than
>the spic
>cuck memes
>floragag/waterfag falseflagger
I'd take that shit over this any day of the week
I miss micaiahanon
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Post girl butts
I use this for my castle
and then theres this
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The latter. I pretty much skip all the support scenes and go read them on pastebin.
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I want to lel lel's lels
By the by, whatever happened to the game some people were making?

Last I heard the guy decided to scrap what he had and make it into a whole new project inspired by an assload of OCs we all made. I even still have mine.
No clue, but I'm pretty sure it fell through
Only tangentially related, but I'm trying to make some music for a SRPG and I was thinking something like this for the intro theme:

How do you anons feel about it? Any feedback is appreciated.
Disappointing. What demos we got were solid and fun.

Oh well. not much else we can do but keep walking down memory lane, eh?

Remember that fuckhuge tharjafag assmad episode? Other generals STILL look down on us for it.
Ooo what episode? I want to know.
>Remember that fuckhuge tharjafag assmad episode?

you're going to have to be far more specific
I keep getting two stat growths with Tsun!Sophie. Am I just being unlucky? I qant qt Sophie to shine.
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Selena's a sketch mom, unfortunately
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Well, once upon a time, not so long ago, in this very board, Tharjafag, the same shitposter you all hate today, was blown the fuck out in a manner that has not yet been rivaled.

Tharjafag, being a thoroughly unpleasant waste of an existence, could not cope with it like a normal, rational human being. No, he had to do something stupid.

Since he was blown out over his spamming of his shit-tier waifu as the OP pictures, he decided to spam, oh, about 40+ odd /feg/ threads with porn as the OP, while leaving one more of his waifu there as the only SFW /feg/.

This resulted in all the other, innocent little generals being axed due to general overflow, and everyone was pissed about it. Anons from every general swarmed over to the various /feg/s to tell him to fuck off and such, and eventually, a mod took note of this rampant faggotry and set the world right once more, deleting the NSFW threads and permabanning Tharjafag (for the 767th time that week).

And that, dear anons, is how Tharjafag gave /feg/ a worse name than it previously had, and ruined St.Patrick's Day for everyone involved. The End.

Lets make an fe romhack
And how do you propose we do that?
First we het tools and make a story
should this seraph robe go my MC,one of my tanky units,or mozu so she has less chance of getting killed?
Alright then.

You get the tools, i'll think up a story.
I can help with the story
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I love Severa, and so! Do! You!
As can I.
I've been looking at stat caps on the kids and trying to make the most OP combinations for each kid possible. Here's what I've come up with:

Strength: Velouria can get a +7 cap with either Effie or Charlotte as a mom, but I think I like Charlotte slightly better because she also gives a +2 speed cap.

Magic: There are three moms that give a +3 modifier, but no dads. However, looking at the magic dads and who can pair up with who makes it pretty easy... Nyx!Forrest, Orochi!Rhajat, Elise!Ophelia.

Skill: Saizo, Takumi, and Arthur are the kings here, but there aren't any +3 moms. Hana, Oboro, Mozu, and Camilla all provide a decent boost. I like the pairings Camilla!Percy, Oboro!Kiragi, and Hana!Asugi.

Speed: Kaze, Azura, Niles, Setsuna, and Shura all give a +3. The pairup options make this easy, Azura!Midori and Setsuna!Nina.

Defense: Benny and Subaki both give +3. For +2 mom options for both of them, you can go with Rinkah!Caledori and Beruka!Ignatius, although I actually think I like Rinkah!Ignatius the most since that also gives Ignatius a +2 Resistance cap.

Resistance: Luck and Resistance are interesting in that no parent rocks the +3 in them. However, if you want to make a decent Resistance kid, Kaden's the best dad left for it, so you could go with a Peri!Selkie, although I think I like Hinoka!Selkie more because her defense cap doesn't crap out as much.

Luck: If you're looking for a lucky kid, you can't do much better than Mozu!Seigbert.

It's worth noting that Corrin's boon skill gives him a +4 to his cap, which makes him/her a better parent than anyone in any combination. However, Corrin also has the option of pairing with a second gen for some truly ridiculous caps. Since Kana's personal ability depends on him carrying a Dragonstone, you could make a Nyx!Forrest!Kana with a +10 Magic cap!
Alright then, let's fill in the blanks with characters first and foremost.

What's our Lord like?
What would you Guys think of a native American like setting

Like aztec and incan inspired
Axes, Swords, or Lances, first.
>birthright was boring with awakening tier maps
>Conquest had some really bad and really good missions like 50/50 with a terribad story
>Revelations has the best story but the missions and level scaling suck ass

Personally. I don't like fates. I've played all FEs minus tharcia
I really hope the next game actually has good maps, these chapters suck
Childish Gambino
The best part is when somebody pointed out he wasn't posting Tharja and was only posting Cordelia/Severa (both of which he's professed to hate in the past) at which point he suddenly stopped.
ORiginal suggester here

Lances is cool

Also native American setting sounds dope
I was in that thread, but ROMhacking that would be too difficult.
fuck off /utg/ faggot
I propose Swords, but promotes for Lances.

As for characterization, howabout a 'Bandit' Lord?

I'm not sold yet, but I'm not against it yet either. Care to elaborate further?
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Soleil is wife.
Ophelia's wife that is.
Alright, so if they have Lances they get green hair. We'll make him a dynamic mercenary that isn't very compassionate, but learns to be through war's struggle.
>if they have Lances they get green hair
says who
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who /wiiu/ here
you tell me
Do you think Ophelia has the ability to create a magical futa cock to fuck her husband Solel with?
Swords are overused. I think a Halberdier class is in order.
A bandit lord would start with a Lockpick that he could use. Also, in order to defy recent stereotypes, make the lord callous.
bow lord
The next lord should be fixed and an asshole.
The self-insert should be a SECONDARY CHARACTER.
You have three or four main lines for Lords: those descended from Eliwood, from Marth, from Ike, and from Eirika. None of those have green hair.
Why does a Lancer promote need Green hair?

I mean, I like green hair and all, but why must it be enforced by weaponry?

Lancer Thief-Lord who isn't a very nice person. I can dig it, so far anyway.
Lances normale
Bows on promotion

Setting is aztec and Incan inspired
I vote we don't even bother with a self-insert.

Also, I'm fine with not being a bleeding heart or anything, but we should make sure to draw a line between "does not give a fuck for the struggles of others" and "Rampant douchebag". We gotta establish who the villain's supposed to be somehow.
Oh, and the classes for each:

Strength: Berserker, 40.
Magic: Witch gets a 36, Sorcerer gets a 35.
Skill: Sniper, Master Ninja, Hero all get 35.
Speed: Swordmaster and Master Ninja both get 35.
Defense: General, 40.
Luck: Basara and Falcon Knight have 35.
Resistance: You have the most options here, with Adventurer, Priestess, Ninetales, Dark Falcon, and Dread Fighter all getting 34.
1-2 range like Point Blank
How about there isn't a clear cut villain for once.
Just a random draw. Axes are green and beat Lances, so the Lord has green hair.
How about being such a douche that it's unclear if the Lord IS the villain.
That's an idea I like. Have it be a bunch of assholes of varying degrees fucking eachother over for some reason or another.

That's a very arbitrary way to decide things. We should put hair color up to vote when we decide on that.

This man. He will go far.
Needs reality instead of generic fantasy tropes.

A kind-hearted man isn't necessarily a good ruler or statesman, often they make the morally right choice, but that doesn't result in the "good" outcome more often than not.
A character may make an "evil" decision due to desperation, blackmail, or simply being misled or falseflagged.
Nations have their own self-interests and it's unlikely that they wouldn't take advantage of wars their neighbors were having.

Just have humans interacting with humans. The heart in conflict with itself.

The whole evil dragon manipulating things behind the scenes is getting pretty old.
yellow to be honest
>using "to be honest"
>not genuinely typing in desu
Vote discarded desu
I like that idea. But then, we'd still need a final boss of SOME form. Perhaps there's a looming threat of some foreign kingdom invading soon, and the crux of all the politics that drives the conflict is 'Everyone wants to mount a defense and unite eachother, but nobody can agree on HOW'?
>using filter speak
you have to go back
lol jesus I had forgotten about this
and he wonders why people don't want him around...
No, the final battle is a Crisis Core-type ending, where reenforcements come endlessly until they cut your entire party down.
that's easy, you twist the hand of the storyteller and have the "chosen" ones end up unable to agree on the final solution, and as a result, only one can remain standing. idealist vs realist type of conflict. petty morality versus righteousness. purging the corrupted vs attempting to save them, and so on.

This is why you need bitter rivalries, instead of just desu desu desu we are all great friends everything is so much fun
Looks like Red wins by a tiny margin. So we have a red-haired cruel Lord that has Locktouch and wields Spears and eventually Bows.
That, I can't approve of. I don't mind us not 'winning' the war or anything, but having rocks fall and everyone die is lame as hell.

I can totally see this going down Three Kingdoms style. One kingdom advocates efficiency, which may be too harsh on the people, both his and his foes, some times. Another is the standard Moralist who refuses to do wrong by anyone if he can help it, but by doing short-term niceties he inadvertently causes long-term disasters. Another kingdom has no interest in the other two's disagreements, but seeks to either mind their own business at best or abuse the conflict to get them selves ahead, citing the constant fighting of the former two as a reason why they shouldn't be allowed to run so much as a fucking bath.

How many kingdoms we planning on, anyway?
I like the prospect of Beruka x Sakura
I dunno

I only know the inspiration for the setting sofar
Sounds good. What's his name?
Except. Except if you can survive 30 turns of pure hell, you get the good ending.
Can't say. I don't have enough context.
Do Note

Im the one with the hacktools so im gonna orobably do most of the work
final boss is a group of units on the other side of the war that have a few chapters of their own spread throughout the game,at least, thats the thing I've always wanted to see
or the third kingdom could just intercede in the conflict during the breaking point and attempt to invade in the traditional fire emblem sense to put an end to this senselessness, but at the incorporate new lands.
you have the two original warring kingdoms forced to work together in the traditional fire emblem sense to push back the third.
you end up at an impasse and a stalemate due to mismanagement of the war by one of the kingdoms due to their ideology.
one of the original two kingdoms betrays the other and creates a new entity to rival the third kingdom. but is it a true betrayal when they were enemies to begin with?
the original conflict from the two kingdoms should be rought with misinformation on both sides and dehumanize eachother instead of Nohr vs Hoshido bullshit tier.

then from there you could have the split for DLC XD

but honestly it's easy to make a compelling fire emblem story when you don't paint the picture as black and white.
I still don't like the concept.

Besides, I don't think it'd be very easy to make a forced loss battle.

Howabout Connla? He was the son of Cu Chulainn in Irish myth.

You mean we have Gaiden missions every now and again where we play as the final boss, going about his goals? I can dig it.
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This is my daughter
Setting is incan/aztec so

Orobably a name from that

Also male or female lord?
Well, it's not like this series isn't known for taking it's names from wherever it can get them.

Hell, I'm cool with either one, now that I think about it. Name can work both ways, too. Put it to another vote?
>Single parent.
She'll be dating black guys within a week.
Black baby 9 months later.
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Post daughters?
>meme eyes and meme hair
>You mean we have Gaiden missions every now and again where we play as the final boss, going about his goals? I can dig it.
yeah,complete with units that have personalities you'd expect your side would have. adding a bit of greyness to the war would be for the best in my opinion
This would look much better if both eyes were the same colour.
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Post daughters.
I like that idea. Having the enemy just be a B-Team of likable people would be cool.
Pieri would look normal even with different color eyes if they were slightly off color like blue and green and she had hair without retarded pink highlights.

Honestly, it's as if the developers wanted people to hate her.

She would be much more likable with a more subdued, but still radically different design.
I hope next MU's daughteru is older, Morgan was more relatable.
>Those tiddies
She would be more likable if she weren't a murderous psycho.
I like Kana more because she acted more like a daughter

I actually like the dual color eyes and hair, its a cute design
Do i get conquest or birthright?

I beat awakening on lunatic
Are you going to ever play all the routes? Get Birthright first. If you're only going to play one, just go with Conquest, because the other routes are going to be a disappointment to you in comparison.
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Pieri isn't a good mom for Kanna right? She needs Mag to be a decent Dragonstone tank. Do you reclass her into something else then?
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what about something like this
Ahh, S-soleil stop!
Gregor is one of the best characters in Awakening. And maybe even Top 10 out of all the games.
>red hair
glad to see i'm not the only one here with good taste
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Daughter & wife.
Looks like special snowflake syndrome.
So classes for the romhack

Since its native American bases what about a Jaguar class
Sacrifical priests perhaps?
Dragonstone is alright, won't even help you mid to late game. Just reclass her to any physical class.
Why does Kanna pronounce papa in such a weird way? Why can't she just say "dad" or "father" or just papa in a normal way?
The voice acting is so fucking shit
????. Explain
Did you reply to the wrong post?
Who's the mum? Hinoka? Sevsev? Dori?
The color scheme is really nice but I still don't like how big the ribbon below the bow is. I don't think fits with a ponytail.
>red hair AND pink highlights
>AND a fucking bow
nigger please, you cannot get more special snowflake syndrome than that
They just wanted to give her a signature quirk for whatever reason.
I want to fuck mother of 2 Selena.
Should I juggle Heart Seals on Beruka for Gamble and Sol?

Or rather is there anyone who has a Beruka that already has those skills?
>you cannot get more special snowflake syndrome than that
Maybe if her hair was blue and pink, and she had different colored eyes?
I don't think we should shift the gameplay formula up too much.

I think I'm starting to not like the idea of the whole inca/aztec/mayan theming in general, really.
The ponytail combined with everything else except for the bow makes me think Anna
are you an idiot? purple hair with silver streaks and a tiara would be special snowflake not a simple red-pink ponytail with a bow.
No, Nigger. What i meant, is wtf is Snowflake Syndrome?
Special Snowflake Syndrome is when a character is trying too hard to stand out.

If it gets too bad, it can turn into Mary Sueitis
Gameplay will sill be the same
What would /feg/ do if Azura "Fufufufu'd" when she see's your penis for the first time?
Fuck her in her big butt
/feg/ would call her a cuck.
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Have passionate sex in the missionary position for the purpose of making Kana and Shiggy.
Ah ok.
Flora triggers me
>Azura's butt
Pick 1
Jakob pls
I pick Azura's butt
desu Azura would have the nicest ass of all the waifus due to her dancing working them butt muscles
>Implying Azura doesn't have a big butt
I pick both
anon it's gross enough to pick your own butt why would you do it to somebody else even if she is you're waifu
I'm into anal play
Gameplay will syay the same

Just special classes kinda Like hoshido
Nina/Niles pls
I'd choose Azura's derrier any day of the week.
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Then you should be with the designated anal queen waifu
Hoshido and Nohr had all the same classes we always had. They just split them between the two.
I meant the classes are more jnspired by the setting

Like hoshidos
You think Nina is into anal? That's pretty hot to be honest.

Buttfucking tsundere's is the most boring thing.
>W-why you! I can't believe I let you do this! I-it's not like I'm enjoying your c-cock in my ass! Baka! Don't do it so fast!

Boo hoo, give me a slut that genuinely doesnt like it at first and begs me to pull out like Sakura or something.
Some werd clearly new for hoshido
frotting with takumi!
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I pick Big.
Yes, she is.
She likes gay stuff, so probably also Anal stuff
>You think Nina is into anal? That's pretty hot to be honest.

Like the jaguar is just a fancy lookig spearfighter
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Thanks man. Gonna have a pre-breakfast fap.

I guess I could marry her in Conquest instead of Beruka, I'm playing the faghack as Femui. Think they got strap-ons in Nohr? Even if they're wooden?
Is it time to wake those slugabeds?
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Did they ISIS make these Paper Mario style on purpose?
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why can't her weapons break?
Nobodies weapons can break
It's fucking adorable
Bad idea, you get blue balls really fast without proper fluids
but how can she call herself a dancer if she can't even break dance!!!!??????????
>want a takumi or mamui one
>20 bucks online


at least i won't have to explain to people why i have a cute anime boy keychain, but still
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Name to me an FE game worse than Fire Emblem Fates Revelation. Protip: You can't.
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>still no art of Azura twerking
Birthright would probably be closest
Awakening is easily worse.
Fuck I'm at the fucking ice break chapter and I am close to giving up.
>You think Nina is into anal? That's pretty hot to be honest.

I don't know why, but this suddenly gave me the urge to write a smut where Nina misplaces one of her "journals". Reina finds it, brings it back to Nina, mocks the comical lack of experience evident in the contents, extrapolates that Nina is a huge sub, then proceeds to dom her, hard.
that's some hawt yooree there mai lad
yeseree some hawt yooree
I'm okay with this.
Does anyone have the link to all the Kanna edits of their mother?
Has anyone else seriously been considering filtering Knuffle lately? He was okay at first but now all he does is spam off topic pokemon shit and waifufag bait. Fuck off man.
Awakening at least had a great cast of characters and its story didn't go 100% retard.
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>Awakening at least had a great cast of characters and its story didn't go 100% retard.
Well, the characters were better than the cast of retards and walking memes that makes up Fates' at least.
They really aren't when they're as flat as the gates cast.

Bruhh. . . . . . . .
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>people are even weirder than your average anon
Good to know.
Thank god I don't have an obtuse fetish like this. How difficult must it be to find this sort of degeneracy once you've exhausted the initial pool of easily accessible material?
Jesus Christ that idea made me so hard right now. Are there any games that do this?
What about fanfic Nina that has an unconscious fetish
>muh dad
You'd have to commission shit.
His fetish is rape? wtf man.
She enjoys writing fanfics about girls getting k.od

No raep
>muh fate
Why is everyone female on /feg/ nowdays?
And fucking people while they're unconscious is literally rape.
She said there would be no fucking in them
So, /feg/ Birthright or conquest?
In terms of;
The version you bought first/only?
Archduke Izana just died without any indication whatsoever. Not as funny as the Rainbow Sage in Conquest where he died on command but still so bad it's hilarious.
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Then why even bother with writing this?
Conquest for everything
If you filtered him in the first place we wouldn't be sittin' here discussing it now would we?
No big difference, Road Taken is still the nicest song
Both have fun characters on either side. I will say that I had no interest in the Awakening kids so I enjoyed Birthright's characters more. However, Arthur is funnier than expected (especially his laugh in guard stance) and Charlotte is probably my favorite Fates girl.
*tips fedora
Anankos can invade them, he does it in the DLC.
I prefer his japanese laugh, it was more comical.
Oh I am playing the undub so that's what I was talking about. Should've specified.
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>Not this lel instead

Lady l'el a best.
This reminds me of Felicia's voice.
Those Hais do things to my heart.
this guy gets it
Birthright is unplayble after 20 on Lunatic unless you grind
Conquest is better on story and characters too
Its probs smth like this

How does breeding work in awakening?
Ponos goes in vagoo.
No it's not. I never had to grind, although I made it a point to complete all of those Challenge maps and paralogues. The problem with Birthright is that it encourages you to put your one-man aniki in the middle of all the enemy reinforcements as there is no way to shelter your weak units in the open terrain from all the flier reinforcements. Even if you grind, there's no way your weak units are going to survive.
is there an /feg/ fanfic?
When a man and a woman are in love, things happen.
>Birthright is unplayble after 20 on Lunatic unless you grind
What? It's the easiest, dude. Literally just only send out Ryoma and Corrin.
>Make Mozu a Master of Arms
>All that sideboob
get on your knees i'll show you
>Not pairing up Rinkah with Ougiman and feeding him food and tonics and letting him unleash the Glory of Hoshido on Nohrain Scum
When a mommy and a daddy love each other VERY much their child pops out of a wormhole in space time or something from a timeline where everything went to shit and they're both dead! Also, the stork is involved some how, probably working for a dragon.
It was a rainy day

/feg/ was slow that dat and was bored

Someone continue
I meant passing on skills and such.
>New Conquest playthrough
>Want to go with a meido this time
>Remember that Flora pretends to like you until you save her dumb dad and betrays you thrice while Felicia goes along with you if you fight both Nohr and Hoshido by yourself

Sorry, Flora, use your maid skills to keep the bench neat and tidy.
One thing I don't get about the Japanese version, isn't aishiteru a very formal way of saying I love you and thus not used often? Why is everyone saying aishiteru in Fates?
/feg/ decided to jerk off on his computer to some camilla porn

but then the power went off...suddenly james and kelik walk in on him...
We all fucked, but rocks fell
Everybody died
The end.
Anon suddenly came up with an idea.

"Guys, what if we shitpost to make the thread faster?"

another nearby Anon sighed

"Stupid idea, fuck off."

But just then, a smirking underaged man emerged from the shadows. Anon could tell by how his lips curvbed, what he would say next. That oh so familiar C word.


///Someone else take it from here
People called each other cuckolds until they're waifus materialized and raped them.
Not especially formal, just super-romantic and kind of out of place in everyday life. But in fiction that's far-removed from everyday life, it's just fine.

Kind of like people being really eloquent speakers in shit like Game of Thrones, if that makes sense.

The anon turned out to be none other thans Alessander lord of shitposting
>glory of 1-2 range sword with no drabacks, on a unit with huge speed and avo
Truly epic

Birthright post 20 is viable as long as you know when to turtle and when to be aggresive
Splitting into two groups helps to ease the pressure on each of them, as ong as they don't get outnumbered as a result
for example on Ch14,24,26
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Anyone find good h of Eponine?
Best mom for cute fujo on Conquest? Mozu is already taken.
Nine is better off using both mag and str bows, so Camilla, or Azura
I prefer Camilla for the support between Zero and her
Nyx if you want a Shining Bow Fujo
>Nyx is finally useful for something.
Well god damn
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Should Pieri end as Paladin or GK? Her iffy skill will prevent Aegis from being that useful so should she still get it anyways or just go GK after grabbing Defender to patch up her bulk and get Luna and Armoured Blow, which doesn't rely on Skl?
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she only betrays you once, you can't hold what she does in other routes against her. and you can't blame her for always betraying you either, since anankos/garon always sets it up so you fight her.
>you can't hold someone accountable for their own actions
Oh hi Europe, how's that Muslim immigration going?
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I still don't understand why people dislike Flora for being antagonistic towards you despite your nation fucking up her tribe badly while loving Takumi for the same exact reasons. Is this the power of husbando faggotry?
>a filthy traitor holding a grudge against someone for betraying them
even corrin acknowledges the hypocrisy
Grab Defender then have Peri become a Great Knight.
Go GK for skills and then end of Paly
Lots of people hate Takumi because he's just being a whiny bitch while they love Flora because she's so deep~.
and then there are the rare few that like both takumi and flora
>someone tries to turn me into a suicide bomber
>I'm not supposed to be upset
Florafags are as retarded as Corrin.
>betray your blood family
>betray the family that raised you
>betray both
There's barely any posts trashing Takumi in these threads, while there are a fuckton of Flora bashing on here.

>My liege's nation oppress my tribe and made me and my twin sister political hostage from a young age
>I'm not supposed to be upset
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That's why I on casual.
You sound pretty new to these threads.
Nice headcanon Floracuck
>bitch tries to kill me
>I'm not supposed to be upset
Depends. With skill, speed, or HP, I use them to fix. Most of the others I use to pump high stats.
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I'm confused. Give me reasons why I should end her as a Paladin or GK.
>despite your nation fucking up her tribe badly

Except that's not even true at all.
>the only way to beat chapter 5 on Lunatic without hacking is to savescum until Ryoma beats the hooded dude
Nice game, retards.
>your nation fucking up her tribe

That's only if you are a Nohr dindu nuffin though, in which case she joins you.
>garon takes orders from anankos before doing anything
>garon forces flora to fight you in birthright and revelation
>sends you to quell the ice tribe rebellion in conquest after consulting anankos
>surprise, flora's there
what headcanon

>literally hears that you've been sent to suppress her people
>she's not supposed to defend herself
>Actually liking Flora despite being a massive bitch and dumb ass that only pretended to like you
>My liege is sent to supppress my tribe's rebellion, which would usually end in most of the tribe ending up dead
>I'm not supposed to be upset and try my best to defend my tribe
>fucking up her tribe badly

Isn't that only because they started a rebellion? Garon has larger fish to fry than a bunch of frozen faggots that wear skimpy clothing in winter.
Flora is not THAT deep.

There is nothing "grey" about the morality of Fates' casts whatsoever. Characters like Arthur and Garon are blatant proof that.
but it is
do you know why garon conquered the ice tribe
in felicia's b-support with takumi she mentions that the mountains around the ice tribe village are packed full of ores and gems of various colors
garon conquered the ice tribe in order to secure their supply of ores to fund his conquest of hoshido
naturally this means that the village would suffer economically, which is really bad in a nation plagued by famine
plus, tons of people probably died when garon subjugated them in the first place
>Be Corrin
>Mikoto killed by Anankos
>Sumeragi killed by Anankos
>Garon probably killed by Anankos
>Good Anankos killed trying to stop Bad Anankos
>Taken away from homeland at a young age, only to be kidnapped and locked up for years
>Some bitch with her still alive sister and still alive father tells me I can't understand her
So the final boss is an opposing army where you know all the characters and actually feel things during the battle?

I love it.
Yes, because in Conquest you showed her kindness by sparing her tribe and putting down the rebellion peacefully, which prompts her to stop lying and start believing in you.

Even before the rebellion though. Kidnapping the tribe chieftain's children and making them your (also kidnapped) adopted child's servant at a tender age isn't exactly nice.
>garon forces flora to fight you in birthright
Fight could've easily been avoided. Flora's fault. And she even kills herself like s selfish idiot for no reason despite no one on her tribe getting killed.

Flora serves you. At least Felicia is smart enough to not be chained down to her backwards ice nigger tribe led by an asshole and bad father.
The one at wrong here is Corrin for sparing her misbegotten life.
Yeah, it sucks about your village and all but in the end my life and its continuation is more important. So, you know, nothing personal until the attempted murder.
Not to mention she knows what a naive sheltered idiot you are and that parley was well and truly an option.
Why the FUCK isn't there a 1-2 Dragonstone? It doesn't even have to be as good as the original, just give me the option since Kana's stupid personal skill depends on having one equipped, fuck.
Not Corrin's problem
>Felicia is Ice Beach Sumia
>She pretends to be ditzy and dumb and pretends not to know about the state of her sister and tribe
>Her cutesy acts bags her a rich Nohrian Prince while her sister pines after come cunt that would rather fuck a butler-murdering madwoman than her
>Ditches her tribe and lives the good life
how is she supposed to know all that
as far as she knew you were some spoiled crybaby prince of nohr, constantly doted on by loving siblings who are also ruthless killers
once she does learn of everything you've gone through she comes to highly respect how many hardships you've faced, as seen in her support with femui
Yeah, snow-niggers that mostly use magic surely know how to ironwork.
I bet you they didn't even have mines before Nohr have them the colonial cock.
I really can't. It's fucking awful on a variety of levels.
Sure, take it out on the guy with non-human features that's locked up all his life with armed guards that is obviously not a native Nohrian.
actually yes it is, because both routes' corrins are hard at work trying to undo garon's evils
>Flora: “Collecting ore is simple if you freeze the mine and blast the rocks...”
misc dialogue if she's on an ore spot. they're pretty experienced at it.
I know the anon is exagerrating, but

>Red eyes, silver hair and knife ears
>Always barefoot
>Looks absolutely nothing like the Royals
>24/7 house arrest, anyone that tries to visit gets the fucking death sentence
Paladin have better stats over all and one less weakness, but I mean you can do whatever. If you want to make her a Dark Knight for one level up. Should fix her hit. Or you can buy the skill, which ever works for you.

Because it was too good in Awakening. Have to nerf it. It is unfortunate that Kanna is stuck with such personal skill. On that note I wish you had a choice of personal skills to choose from for Kamui.
So? You're still the child of the Nohrian royal family. In fact, since you're so naive and sheltered you are probably more likely to obey your father's orders and inflict harm upon the tribe.

You're her enemy for fuck's sake. Do you retards understand nothing about human psychology and war politics?
They don't even use tools, the savages.
Again, what do they need it for? Trading for food to the nearby nation that also has no food or trying to cross its Mordor landscape to get to one that does and then back?
So she's in the right for taking it out on a fellow kidnapped person, but we aren't for disliking her?

Fuck that. if she didn't kill herself I'd do it for her.
So it's okay for her to try and kill me because I'm her enemy but it's not okay for me to do likewise because reasons even though she's my enemy. A fanatical one.
Holy shit you're as stupid as Corrin.
That's only relevant for Conquest though. She still turns on you otherwise.

If she can't even be bothered to attack the right people she can go barbecue herself.
>implying Corn wouldn't forgive her on the spot
Oh wait.
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She doesn't take it out on you, though. She's very composed and impersonal about having to fight you. It's not that she hated you, she was always just prepared for the eventuality of fighting you. Hell, she even waited to run away until you weren't at the fortress anymore. You meant something to her, just not enough to forsake her tribesmen.
What exactly could she have even done in Birthright? Iago was watching them like a hawk through Takumi, so any attempts to tell Corrin about her tribe's situation would result in the Nohrian army annihilating her people.
Trying to kill me does qualify as taking it out on me.
All I was was a way to get back at Garon.
Cheve did just fine, don't see her problem.
In all seriousness, for as yuri crazy Soleil is, at least none of her supports involve her surprise groping other girls.
She does a terrible job actually touching them in general actually.
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She doesn't even attack you unless you move into her range. She's literally just defending herself from what she sees as a Nohrian invasion.

>Cheve did fine
>the resistance HQ has to be abandoned and the rebels are basically routed even in Birthright
Why do you act like Corrin put down the rebellion themselves? They were aided by Nohrian troops as well. She's willing to kill anyone that attempts to hurt the tribe.

I never said it's not okay for Corrin to kill her or for you anons to hate her. I said it's retarded to force modern-day/liberal war morality on this issue and view things just from Corrin's perspective. You guys are the player, of course you know the meaning behind everything. The characters in the game aren't as omniscient.

Again, she will kill anyone who tries to hurt her tribe, aka your entire troop, not just you.
I'm pretty sure her only actual bout of yuri is with Ophelia, and even then she explains that she feels awkward around her and wants to be her friend since their fathers are bros but she doesn't know how to act.
She can't even kill anyone she cares about. If she kills Corrin it's a game over and Jakob and Felicia both retreat when their HP hits 0. I think the only units that can die in that chapter are Effie, Mozu, and Anna.
>Birthright saves me the trouble of benching Flora by making her extra crispy

Based Hoshido, is there anything it can't do?
12 people is not an invasion.
Even less in conquest.
And yeah, Cheve did fine. It's not like everyone died.
Surely the best thing to do to protect your small tribe is to take open arms against the massive army that you have no hope of beating and will massacre you if you attack.
Flora's dad is an imbecile for not even trying guerrilla warfare and Flora is a double imbecile for blindly following in.
she prefers groping her moms.
Be fun
So is the Wind Tribe the only tribe not filled with retards?
Corn pretty much did, Garon sent the fucker alone.
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>Routing Nohrian Scum with a handsome lobster and bearing his alpha jock son
>Not fun

Birthright was such a disappointment beyond Chapter 10 and 23
You fags have literally been arguing over Flora for an HOUR
Good defensive base, good ties to the outside world, no muh pride, their leader has a sweet shaved head.
These are actually people and not niggers.
Do you have brain damage? There are 7 more people helping you in that chapter.
>Why do you act like Corrin put down the rebellion themselves? They were aided by Nohrian troops as well.

Corrin was sent with only Felicia to guide him to the Ice Tribe. Silas, Elise, Arthur and Effie tagged along so you have enough people and Niles and Odin later, and Corrin tells them all to resolve it non-lethally.
At least the argument isn't about cucking for once.
the hoshidans will at least spare the non-combatants like the women and children in the villages
garon won't
either they win and they all get to live, or they lose and only some people die instead of everyone
and no, cheve did not do fine. the rebellion was a failure and most of their fighters were routed. cheve also wasn't under the threat of annihilation like the ice tribe village, so i don't know why you're comparing them anyway.
even in conquest, only the civilians who collaborated with scarlet's resistance were slaughtered. they didn't kill the whole population like garon threatened to do with flora's village.
>muh maps
>muh difficulty
Pls respond
7 more people than were supposed to come.
8 against her entire fucking tribe and you started in their custody.
Ice tribe is pathetic, Garon probably took it over with 10 lancers.
>Fire Tribe
>So insignificant they don;t even show up
>Only rep is garbage
>Ice Tribe
>Two retards and a cute girl that forgot her tribe exists and is too busy being a useful, productive member of society
>Wind Tribe
>Mr Fuga's Wild Ride
>Revelations Hayato
>Revelations Mr Fuga

Wind is definitely best.
The same thing happened in Conquest!Cheve yet they still fought with all their might. Are you faggots literally retarded?

Yes and when the fight broke out Corn was not alone. You fought and won that map with your allies helping you. Do you even understand what we're talking about? Jesus.
the ice tribe in conquest were caught with their pants down and unprepared for battle
the ice tribe in birthright is demoralized and a lot of their veteran fighters were likely killed in the failed rebellion against nohr
the ice tribe members in revelation are fully mobilized for battle and they're actually pretty tough
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Yeah, he had two healers and a cavalier without a horse in the tent, real threatening. What would Elise have done, beaten Kilma with her Heal or Mend?
Cheve in conquest didn't have the tactical genius of healing your wounded units. They were also attacked by the army and not just Corn's cobs.
You dunce.
>Do you even understand what we're talking about? Jesus.

Ice Tribe was up against a team of like 8 people that spared their lives and wanted to end things peacefully.

Cheve had to fight the main Nohrian Army led by Hans.
Conquest ice tribe lost to 8 people who were holding back and their leader started off as their captive that was recovering.
Birthright ice tribe is just a kfc.
Revelations ice tribe isn't tough, just damn annoying to the point I actually fielded tsubaki to fly someone over to Flora and shank her because of how dull it was.
Why do people even get mad at others for finding Hoshido boring?

Wait, what are you even trying to argue with Cheve here? Birthright!Ice Tribe and Cheve's rebellion can't be compared, they're totally different situations.
Yeah we get it, you're super hardcore.
Flora's fault for being an assuming cunt
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That's not even what I'm saying faggot. Birthright's maps aren't just shitty because of difficulty. It's because they're uninspired open wide shit near the end. That's just bad map design that also contributes to making an already easy route easier.
>Derailing the conversation to shit on the Ice Tribe's manpower

Nice counterargument, retard.

>Who's Effie and Arthur

Your team arrived at Cheve before Hans's though. You put them down yourselves. Hans came later to terrorize them even further.

They didn't fucking know that though. Again, you are the player. You know what's really going on. They don't.

We're arguing about Conquest though.
Both rebelled, Cheve used hit and run tactics and avoided a direct confrontation. They even had tunnels.
Ice tribe just got put down after rebelling because apparently they are magic Spartans with the power of Persian levies.
>It's a Floracuck blames everybody but their waifu episode
Ice tribe rebelled and put up intense snowstorms around their village after Nohr commences its invasion against Hoshido.
I don't think they were planning to go on the offensive against Garon, they just wanted to be left the fuck alone and trusted that their blizzards could keep the Nohrian army at bay, especially since they're committed in a war against Hoshido
>triggered Nohrcuck
>Effie and Arthur

Weren't they outside the tent doing nothing until Kilma started the fight? I only remember Corn, Felicia, Elise and Silas in there.
Guess who didn't arrive at the ice tribe? The Nohrians.
As for the manpower, if Flora's tribe can't handle 8 people how are they gonna handle the fucking army?
Flora is a moron for just going with it, even Corrin defied his orders by sparing everyone.
Not true. They were planning and preparing for rebellion for a long time
For all Kilma knew, they were just the advance force sent to infiltrate the village, and the main invasion force was waiting outside the village.
>Garon needs the ores
>they actually think he will leave them alone
Ice chief is retarded.
And the fight starts with them on your team.

They were desperate. Of course they'd just go with it and fight.

You can say that about any fight in the game though since your troops are always outnumbered.
He doesn't really need the ores anymore since he intends for the conquest of Hoshido to be swift and decisive. He's already outfitted all of his troops and all that's left is to crush Hoshido. That's also why he doesn't mind threatening to massacre them all, since they're no longer useful to him besides using them to make Corrin suffer.
So of course you kill the two children of Garon that you have as prisoners pretty much instead of using them as bargaining tools.
This isn't making then look better you know.
Uhhh no. Hans was with you all the time. You just don't see him because of gameplay/story segregation. He's somewhere else with his guys taking care of business.
Since they are that bitchy massacring them all and replacing them with Nhorians is a good idea.
>Giving a fuck about his children

Thanks for the good laugh, anon.

Still in the area you were fighting, your troops were badly outnumbered. They must also be jobbers too, huh?
Desperation is no excuse for stupidity, just a cause for it.

Think Kilma knows this?
Actually, did he even know Elise?
They literally blurted out that they were there to suppress their rebellion. Of course they'd probably take them hostage if they could, but they're more concerned with protecting themselves against the enemy and winning the battle.
Yes I can blame her. She's a massive cunt that never liked you despite knowing you and an idiot to boot who leaves her tribe leaderless.
So school and internship have been giving me alot of stress and shit lately...

and now i ahve this weird feeling in my chest...

Is school literally killing me?
You never knew her either.
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>there are people that married Flora
>there are people who made her queen
Beats Kagero I suppose.
How the fuck do you even know if they expected to lose? They will never know if they can fend off your troops if you guys don't fight. What kind of argument is this?

Also isn't the Ice Tribe a tough nation with a lot of pride and emphasis on combat abilities since Kilma is blatantly biased towards Felicia? Of course they'd fight.
>Still in the area you were fighting, your troops were badly outnumbered.
We don't know, he could've been in another section of Cheve when fighting broke out. We also know nothing against the numbers on each side. It's just assumption on your part.
She's a nice girl.
I mean in that chapter's map, anon.
>Ditched her precious Ice Tribe for a man
>People would trust her with a whole Kingdom
The amount of mental gymnastics Florafags go through to justify every single thing about their waifu is pretty funny desu.
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there's a lot of room for it, so why not make use of the space? gymnastics is an elegant art.
That's more of a gameplay thing. You're outnumbered in pretty much every FE chapter.
>Is a bitch
>Never liked you
>Cucks you
>"Nice girl"
If you're talking about Jakob, she still came back to defend her tribe despite liking him.

If you're talking about Corrin, she only joins you after you spare her tribe and made her trust you enough.
No it's not. Most of it is just reading between the lines fanfiction shit to make her look better.
>get back from a shower
>get some coffee
>open /feg/ hoping for at least some slow comfy morning posting
>lol no its a floracuck forcing his dumb headcanon fanfiction

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I can respect a flawed person who can be nice in spite of their flaws more than someone who is incapable of intentionally being mean
Which FE girl would be most likely to use an Estoc + hornets ring while playing Dark Souls
Her "niceness" isn't genuine
is there anything decent going on ITT?
It's not fanfiction, it's inferences based on events in the game.
>Gunter scramble convo
>Femui support
They already lost to Nohr once.
Second time was not the charm.
But anon, your waifu is not real.
It is when you exaggerate every single point and read between the lines to try and make it seem deeper and more complex than it really is.
They probably know they're going to be stamped out eventually. There's a big difference in attitude between the villagers in CQ and the villagers in BR. They have a very defiant attitude in CQ and are prepared to die, but in BR they're much more despondent and just want to be left alone. So it's one thing to be prepared for annihilation, it's another thing entirely to actually have that threat hanging over your head.

There wouldn't be anything between the lines if it wasn't meant to be read into.
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She's an ice tribe sleeper agent. Congrats on making her queen, she's one back stab away from great power to her nation.
Actually, her total compliance to her father's will reminds me of someone else, someone that gets properly shat on for his birthright actions and comes to a revelation in conquest of what a shit he was and this without trying to kill his siblings in most routes.
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>It's fine for Takumi to shoot you and Elise because your enemies
>It's fine for Scarlet and her buddies to fight your troops who were trying to suppress their rebellion
>But it's not fine for Flora and her tribe to defend themselves against your troop's suppression of their rebellion

Wew lads.
There is nothing wrong with dating black people.
You don't want to date the shitty nigger types, but there is nothing wrong with dating a sane/stable black man.
Then why doesn't Flora join you in Birthright? Her sister, her liege, and her supposed love interest all say "hey it's cool, fuck Garon, just join us"

and she's all "no thanks I'm gonna be a barbecue"
They both commit suicide in the same route too, out of guilt
Flora lights herself on fire while Xander runs into your sword
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Charlotte, pls leave.
Sup bitches. Am I to understand that there's only one Exalt Brand in the game right now from the Before Awakening DLC?
I think the better question is what the actual fuck was that fire. It literally wouldn't go down.
Saying that they forgive her isn't gonna make her forgive herself, especially since the Ice tribe are noted to be a very proud clan with a strict code of morals. One of the DLC pre-battle lines that Flora had before it got lolcalized expands on it, but the Ice tribe don't fuck around when punishing people who violate their laws.
Yeah. And when the Scrambles are released in NA, they'll be unlimited.
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No, I just had that one saved.
Can someone check my castle to see if it's still just Mozu?

Also how do I get added to the Spreadsheet?
idk, but in felicia's b-support with corrin it's mentioned that she helped cool corrin's fever down by transferring his body heat into herself, so maybe the ice tribe's powers are actually to absorb heat from their surroundings?
There is literally nothing between the lines. This is Fates we're talking about
>Look Mom I posted my first strawman on 4chan!
I'll just assume that Flora and Felicia are the Avatars I guess.
>Then everything changed when the Fire Tribe attacked.
Because forced drama. Nothing more.

So it's still her fault for being an idiot.
>rinkah and flora don't have a support in revelation despite both being heirs of their respective tribe leadership
>no ice and fire jokes
>no friendship seal counter access for flora
Why do people pretend Flora is a good character?
respect their culture
not everyone has the same opinion of suicide as modern christians you know
Sounds like a personal problem to me then.
Give me your honest opinions on Lago and Hans, /feg/. Do they contribute to the story? Do they have depth?
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Why does he wear the mask?
yes, it sounds like a personal problem to me too
it seems like a lot of people have a problem with looking at things from a detached perspective
they can't think outside of their own sensibilities and values
it's like all the people who complain about the thing with zola in CQ
you have to understand, honor was actually a big thing back in medieval politics and war wasn't seen as this incredibly awful and evil thing
How would you feel if next the FE has an African like map with a shit ton of Spear and Bow units?
Good. I want to be properly cucked by the superior black man.
Only if we get to ride elephants.
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If I'm running a ninja Corrin,should I just make Corrin's specialization ninja, or make his specialization samurai and grab ninja off of Kaze? Vantage is a really ninja-y technique and Astra would be cool.
Should I also grab swordfaire off someone's castle? because spending that long on Swordmaster defeats the purpose of being a ninja. Same with Draconic Hex.
Boon is +Mag if that helps.
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Holy shit this general have gone straight downhill since last time i visited

>all the fags with their rp fantasies

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so do i just play through conquest and birthright normally and then worry about minmaxing and such in revelations?
Do we get camel knights, elephant riders and chariot archers?
Don't forget swords and axes.
Remember, sub-sahara made it to the iron age at least.
I could live with some "War King" tribal looking class that used Spears and Bows though.
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Who is your Treehousefu my dudes?
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Not even the even the best version brophelia.
>She's wearing an actual MEGA MILK shirt
Oh I'm dying, how did Nintendo let her get away with that?
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>Try and find some nice Charlotte x Corrin stuff
>It's all just Xander x Charlotte

Fucking meme pairing she's MY waifu! ALL MINE! NOT HIS! MINE!
I hate all of them for ruining Fates' localization.
Women ruin everything.
very helpful. thanks
>these people censored Tsubasa

Fuck off old hags

What's happening today?
It's not real, it's a shitty /v/ edit
#FE is Atlus localization with NOA mandating the censors. Treehouse is not involved.

Treehouse is NOA, but NOA is not necessarily Treehouse.
See >>145566765
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NoA is their boss, if NoA tells them to censor, they censor. The suits are the ones pulling the strings and keeping them in line. Just like how #FE and Bravely Second are censored even though Treehouse isn't involved in either (because NoA is).

If memehouse had free control they'd slut the place up with their fuccboi bullying and lewd innuendo. They're like a dog-in-heat that needs to be leashed.
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Wonder what would happen if NoA got completely reshuffled.
Is this unused data or an edit?
They censored a wedding dress less revealing than Aqua's outfit; meanwhile, they spent an hour fawning over shirtless Link while playing the E3 Zelda demo.
Why live?
>We get to fight Zulu-inspired units

Y'all niggas need to seriously go to GBATemp

Give me your honest opinions on lago and Hans, /feg/. Do they contribute to the story? Do they have depth?
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Kana-bean is my cute little daughter.
>We get to ally with Zulu inspired units against Songhai inspired units trying to take over the continent with Bantu inspired units filling up the in-between.
>Mechanists can't summon these fuckers to fight

We Civ Now?

>/b/-tier meme
>Dark Mages are stated in-game to create Faceless.
>Can't summon them.
>Mechanists can't deploy those puppet things
Worse, it's /pol/-tier.

Worse still, I'm finding the idea of a WE WAS KHANS AN' SHIT version amusing after yesterday.
She's Corrin's wife, according to the image you posted.
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I don't give a shit if it was the same team or not, the fact is NoA condoned it. It's outright puzzling why someone would remove content that would bother literally no one, like togas, as well as changing stuff for no reason. I know this topic's been run to the ground, but it bothers me none the less.
>no female link

Don't care.
I blame everything on general incompetence from all sides.
When I did ninja Corrin, I picked samurai as my talent and married Kaze.
I heart sealed to SM after promoting, and changed to ninja after getting Astra.
Vantage is great.
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sounds like something that would fly in the 50s so I'd believe it

remember RE5?
>10:05 AM PT Pokémon GO Demonstration
>10:55 AM PT Nintendo 3DS Action/Adventure/RPG Debut Gameplay
>12:45 PM PT Monster Hunter Generations Demonstration
3:50 PM PT Rhythm Heaven Megamix Demonstration
>*Additional times to be added

New IP is right after Pokemon

What could it be?????
Inb4 its a Pokemon/FE crossover

Like what they wanted to do before they did Smt x FE which became #FE
At which chapter do paralogue enemies promote?
Is it before or after chapter 17?
So when should I start recruiting the child units in Lunatic Conquest?
Is there a certain chapter where I should?
Incompetence becomes a bigger problem when all feedback is outright ignored. The worst part is that it is active incompetence, not negligence; someone's taking every other chance to change stuff in every localized game.
How long more to the announcement of the new IP?
Just started so basically 50ish more minutes
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Bully material
I'm sure you meant to post takumi, it's ok. I gotcha covered.

Mamma mia.
Haven't you had enough Zelda?
Extremely predictable joke. Apply yourself.


I'm scared...

Ive had alot of shit and stress going on in my life in the past few months... and now i had weird pains in my chest just now (theyre gone now)... and heart problems somewhat run in the family...
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>Mechanists cannot summon Automatons and Sorcerers cannot summon Faceless
why even live
Zelda was yesterday only

Today is:

>Pokemon GO
>Dragon Quest VII
>Monster Hunter Generations
>Color Splash
>Yokai Watch 2
>Rhythm Heaven Megamix
>New Mario Party for 3DS
>BoxBoy! 2

So basically this'll be on-topic the moment the idolshit starts :^)
What's stressing you out anon-kun?
Nah, that shit belongs in /pg/
>implying /pg/ wants it
not even /smtg/ would pity take it. Fortunately no one that matters actually cares about it.
felicia's feets
School/Internship stuff

I just ran into alot of problems on my iternship (mainly because of some personal problems) this year, and got really stressed that i would fail my study.... luckily i can do my exams this year and do a new internship next year (basically split up the year in 2 years) so thats already reliveing alot of stress... but i still kinda cant stop worrying... the last few days it feels like my stress is coming back for whatever reason
Tiny salty icicles hanging off the tips of Felicia's chilly toes!
This isn't your blog
Get off the computer and go see a doctor right now you baka
You're still young, chill out. You've got plenty of time as long as you apply yourself. You aren't gonna get shit done if you worry too much.
>fire, ice, and wind tribe
>no magic triangle
Missed opportunity IMO.
I know I know

I'm actually getting help do deal with those problems so it'll be fine in the end but... idk... i'm just worried about my future and stuff
>>fire, ice, and wind tribe
>no fucking magnet tribe
dont reply to yourself
>people actually want that garbage back
yes, we do
He's right, the magic triangle is garbage.
>$34.99 for Pokemon GO
what the fuggg
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Sorry bro, she's the best Corrinsexual for a ninja M!Kana.

at least you're not permanently in a wheelchair like me. Why don't you count your blessings and man up you lil bitch?
Sorry man, i didnt mean it like that
But why would you ever use a Mag unit against someone with Res? Just gut them with a physical unit (or now preferably Ninjas/Dread Fighters). The magic triangle is simply obsolete, my dude. I do wish, though, IS would bring back light magic and not limit dark Mage to literally one tome.
Hahaha look at this fag, his legs don't even work
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Clearly they're trying to reclaim their title of "biggest Jews" after Fates happened.
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Just have the magic triangle correspond to weapons in other triangles like in fates, dude.
Then man up bitch

>Implying I care when my dick still works
Scrolls and Tomes should have been in different categories
/feg/ who are the top 5 Memedons and Mememasters of all time, bare in mind that this does not count Fuga and that there is only one correct answer to this so if you get it wrong I will know you are a pleb.
What if Hoshidan weapons all reversed the weapon triangle naturally?
>Clubs beat Katanas
Giant mace smashes puny, thin sword.
>Naginatas beat Clubs
Clubs are slow, Naginatas have range and can't be smashed easily.
>Katanas beat Naginatas
Katana is fast enough to slap the blade away.
>Bill's favorite Pokemon is Psyduck

Good god, that'd have been hell to get used to.
>Bill likes Gen 1
>Gen 1
The new 3DS RPG IP segment is next.
I would actually want this.

I wonder what it can be.
A crazed gunman just walked into IS hq and murdered everyone. No more Fire Emblem guys, the series is... over.
Why'd they go with Naginatas and not Yari?
Thank GOD
Guess Naginatas are more distinct from a regular spear?
Nothing of value lost
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>3 months to beat Revelation
Words cannot describe how astronomically pissed I was playing this game. From everything with the gimmicky maps, the poor level balancing, and the story just spitting in my face, it's honestly the worst thing I've ever played on 3DS, beating out Mario Kart 7 by a large margin. I don't even mind that they wanted a route where everyone is friends and everybody has a good ending, but promoting it as the "canon" ending, basically saying Conquest and Birthright were bad endings either way, and then charging $20 for that piss-poorly balanced son of a bitch just feels completely insulting.
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Yakuzaman spotted.
Werent there Nageyaris?
>but promoting it as the "canon" ending, basically saying Conquest and Birthright were bad endings either way,

And then they went and made Heirs of Fate that says Revelation is a bad end too. Sasuga IS.
It warms my heart to see people finally giving Revelation the hate it deserves.
So, what new weapon types would you like to see next game?
Nageyaris are the enemy-only throwable Naginatas, yeah.

Bit odd they make the weapon that literally translates to "long shafted spear" a throwing weapon. Then again most of those enemy only 1-2 range weapons don't make sense as a throwing weapon.
Those were renamed weapons, the original names for the 1-2 range weapons with exact stats of standard iron/steel/silver weapons were the same as normal range 1 only weapons. Star Axe was just an axe, Javelins with Iron/Steel/Silver were lances, Kattis were Katanas.
>We all thought Revelation was the canon route
>but Heirs of Fates confirmed it as the NON-canon ending

Top keks
wew this break is taking forever
Heirs of fate does nothing of the sort.
>literally dark cloud
what the Puck is this shit?
Aaaand the new RPG IP is shit. Maybe next time.

It's fucking NOTHING
Moustache-twirling evil douchebags with the depth of a puddle.
Ever Oasis looks cute. Maybe I'll pirate it.
Ever Oasis, looks ok. The music sounds a lot like Final Fantasy.
Green girl is pretty cute for a 3dpd
I wasn't expecting anything, and I'm still disappointed.
I mean, you can, but Revelation fucking sucks.
You literally saw maybe ten seconds cuck
It's literally a shitty ripoff of dark cloud
They look differently tho?
It's shit, you fucking cuck.
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I love Pieri and so do you!
>announce a new IP
>literally start showing live gameplay within minutes

How can anyone even compete with Nintendo?
I'm feeling a bit better now, that pain also didnt come back. but i'll keep an eye out for it... if it happens again im defenitly gonna see a doctor
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Who's husband is this?
Threw him in a bunch of faceless
Yes, they're actually different in appearance, that's the weird part. Neither Yari nor Naginata were really meant to be used as throwing weapons, unlike most spears, though I guess making a spear long enough to hit from 2 range felt too weird for them to do when the other 1-2 range weapons were all chuckables.
Just hear me out: Weapon Triforce.
We have two weapon triangles and a magic triangle, so one triangle can be like >ranged>magic>melee
And the other like
Or something.
Kindra is my wife!
I still think throwing swords are retarded

bring back sword beams

Just bring back wind sword, fire sword , light brand and runesword for gods sake if you need ranged swords
The odd thing is it's not like the renames don't match the item, because they do. It's that most of them don't work as a throwable weapon.
His hand's. Comes too late with stats too shitty to care about
Coming to the end of a gimmick Birthright run. R8 and h8.
I hate the animation for Mag weapons/Siegfried and Raijinto in Fates.

Just shoot a sword beam don't squat in place you Slavurai fuck.
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>unfunny weapon names
It never fails. Every single fucking time
>oh shit I gotta screenshot this for /feg/
>better put some tryhard unfunny weapon names to put in the screenshot
What compels you underage fags to do this?
Siegfried looked ok, rajin katana just feels like a glorified levin sword

Ragnell is blade beams all day every day
>screening a Birthright team
Who cares? You could use literally anyone and win. Come back when you do a route that matters.

fujos leave
Who's husband is this
>Gay hack
Also, what's the gimmick?
>Nintendo brings out a completely new and original IP
>immediately dedicates to showcasing live footage of the game and explaining its mechanics and features with commentary from the developers

Seriously, why haven't Sony/Microsoft taken the treehouse route yet? You may not like the game itself but this is pretty notable desu.
Silas', apparently.
The gimmick was using as many gay kids as humanly possible.

Hisame and Selkie nearly made the team before it became clear they were worthless.
Ah neat
Who were Hisame and Selkie's "mothers"? How bad did they turn out?
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>Boxboy sequel

When is #FE?
You cared enough to reply, shitposter.
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The best girls in fates so far are baruka and hinoka
What does Hinoka's pussy smell like?
Home made caijun seasoned beef jerky
Mamma Mia party is next
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Fuck me you people weren't joking about Birthright maps.
>they were able to only make good maps for conquest

I don't get this
That map was fun I liked it.
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Why are his crit lines so fucking good?
Fire Emblem Party when?
Early Hoshido isn't too bad.
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Kaden and Hinata married to each other. Hisame had no Str and Selkie came out as an objectively worse Kaden in every way.
Mini games with Rukina~
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golf clap.gif
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>Charlotte calls you Milady in her C-support, even if you're a man
Bravo treehouse.
What have they shown on the Treehouse stream so far?
To be fair, female is canon for Conquest.

But yeah, silly bug.
Typos and shit are a lot more common than I thought in games, holy shit.
>the treehouse secret was mario party
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Yeah, treehouse literally gave no fucks for the waifus
He was my MVP in Birthright, but got RNG screwed in Conquest. At least he lives on through Sophie.
Tsubasa confirmed for Smash
Guy in that gif kinda looks like Charlie Sheen.
Box Boy 2
Now, Mario Party: Star Rush
-Pokemon GO
-The new RPG IP is this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fsPHrBtzAw
-Mario Party Star Rush (now)
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Laslow Crit.jpg
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Cool. The new IP looks decent
>tfw Sophie always comes out as a crappier Silas whenever I recruit her
Mario Party looks fun again.
it looks like shit

Nice try Treehouse
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>no stupid car
>open map
>everyone takes their turns at the same time
>new concept; not a rehash
>existence of waluigi amiibo is credited to it

They're trying.
The localization reeks of novice-work in general. There's errors everywhere, bad voice acting, and censorship. But hey, it could be worse.
>existence of waluigi amiibo is credited to it
Waluigi is a terrible character that only underage meemers care about.
Based Xander.
>Tharjafag hates Xander just because he critted his shitty poo in loo waifu
You'd have to be a retard to activate that battle in the first plac- oh wait it's you. duh.
Even in Conquest he had a surprisingly high number of crits for me. Xander best royal.
What a shitty line
what's tharjafag's mycastle address

*Xander's behind you*
*misses you and accidentally kills own sister*
>making is this early when the thread was going THIS slow
fuck all you retards who post in there.
New Thread

noooooo bully
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I love Pinkeri! Yes I do!
I don't do the my castle stuff, plus I'm on the JP version.
>thread wars

You had no reason to make this, Telliuscuck. Kill yourself
Both threads were made to fucking early. Why don't you both piss off?
>everyone takes turn at same time
Into the trash it goes

Split into two groups left and right, the enemies will atack the nearest group, so you will have one turn to regroup after every wave
Good map after you find a strategy to beat it.

I'm not using this . You fucked up
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But Henry is Inigo's daddy!
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Not according to this artist
I made Virion Inigo's daddy though.
Isn't that the MaMU/Rukina artist?

Why are you listening to him (lol
>literally only made it so #shit can get in the op
It's FE related. (You) don't want to miss it, do you?
No, Henry is mine.
fire emblem

>inb4 3 new threads
Why hasn't /feg/ learned to ignore Flora threads like you did with Tharja threads
Literally no point

JUST move on over

I tried to, but the link 404'd. Such a shame.
Good job, retard
This thread lived, use it.
Thread posts: 760
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