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/shmupg/ Shooting Game General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 679
Thread images: 174

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This general is for discussing all shmups/stgs (shoot 'em ups/shooting type games).

Previous thread: >>145074372

Need something to play? Check this shit out: https://mega.nz/#!mlwG3ZCJ!NMdWxNY4pjqc1vFGwzyPIbtGor0GHObcfENNMgOQW1s

Join us on Steam! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/shmupg


Mushihimesama http://store.steampowered.com/app/377860/

Dariusburst: Chronicle Saviours http://store.steampowered.com/app/377870/

Deathsmiles http://store.steampowered.com/app/314180/


Battle Crust:http://store.steampowered.com/app/444710

Space Moth DX:http://store.steampowered.com/app/425340

Mecha Ritz Steel Rondo



Blue Revolver

Xydonia http://www.indiedb.com/games/xydonia

iMalice http://amamoriya.gozaru.jp/imalice/

RefRain http://store.steampowered.com/app/435970/

Shooting Game Test

New Degica port soon(tm)

>Don't forget to vote!

Other links
STG stream aggregator: https://stgrillz.appspot.com/

/shmupg/ high-score list:

/Shmupg/ community YT channel:
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First for Casper!
2nd for tuna sashimi
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3rd for final version never

Someone should really clean up the OP next time.

Every day without news of iMalice or Blue Revolver makes my depression worse.
Still want to know if RayStorm HD is worth $15

Other 360 shmups I'm looking at:
>Raiden Fighters Aces
>Mushihimesama Futari
>Otomedius Excellent
I don't know about RayStorm, but Raiden Fighters Aces is grade A greatness, and Mushi Futari is one of my favorite Cave games. Otemedius isn't that great unfortunately, but if you adore horis (especially Gradius) it might be worth a pickup.
Those are some big scissors for a little girl!
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It's because Casper is a big girl for you!
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You callin' Casper fat?
Little kiddie slut can suck my dick, if she want to be a big girl.
If I called her fat, would I die?
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>tfw drunk on schnapps
thanks Germany but also shmups are impossible
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It would be extremely painful for you.

Casper is an innocent and pure angel!
She's literally dressed as a dominatrix
Slut sucks cocks on a daily bases already
Sounds more like Rosa.
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And another video published: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5svrQiVFKM
A Battle Garegga 1cc by KBR. 60fps should kick in as soon as YT stops being slow.

I still have 3 more replays left to upload now, so if you have something you want me to upload. Send me the replay and I'll record it soon.
>Stage 7 additional bosses: 25:35 + 26:42
Those aren't additional bosses, they're the final boss' first and second forms.
2 things.

1: Is this actually kraut-kun, or an anon being epic and pretending.
2: Audio is balanced very strangely, it's almost like trying to listen to it through blown-out speakers, which is a real shame for a game with such a great soundtrack.
I know, I just worded it really badly because I wasn't sure what I should call them.

>1: Is this actually kraut-kun, or an anon being epic and pretending.
Yes, I believe so.

>2: Audio is balanced very strangely, it's almost like trying to listen to it through blown-out speakers, which is a real shame for a game with such a great soundtrack.
Sorry about that. I noticed this too, after I finished recording. For some reason the audio-volume of the game was extremely high, I don't have that problem with Shmupmame 4.2 so there might be some setting in Shmupmame 2.2 somewhere which is screwing it up.

I had to force down the volume in Sony Vegas because the original was ear-rape.
>I know, I just worded it really badly because I wasn't sure what I should call them.
The impression I get from calling them additional bosses is that it feels like you're saying they're TLBs.
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Out of cash. Sorry.
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Will bigger bumps work?
>ability to create vacuums
So she's good at sucking?
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Guess so. She seems to be an opposite to the wind abilities that Souffle has or something.

Anyways, setting up stream again for more Mushihimesama Maniac practice. http://twitch tv/harrykoakuma
Focusing on the digital stuff for now.
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>check anon's replay
>he's blatantly using crutches like autofire, bombs and/or savestates
>close anon's replay
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>savestates in a replay
savestates being used for anything but practice is heinous

your chaining sucks dude
Guwange is pretty good
Idk if it's worth buying over just emulation since it's so old
S top posting this nigger
Yeah, that's the balancing act. There are some cases where it's totally worth it. Emulating Radiant Silvergun is such a huge fucking pain in the ass, plus the only good Saturn emulator has fairly bad input lag, and the XBLA version has extra features. Same with RayStorm HD, which apparently has extra ships, so I'll probably pick it up. Raiden Fighters Aces...I dunno, I could just emulate it. etc etc
RSG x360 is a no brainier imo
Lots of good features and you don't have to buy a Saturn and rsg or mod it
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Do NOT bully the Sega Saturn..... or else.......
could penny arcade be any more pleb
idk whats worse, old pa or new pa
New PA.
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>playing Crimzon Clover
>can't even make it to the second boss without dying even though I used to be able to
>every time I die to some stupid shit that I should know to avoid
Dodging in CC really takes some getting used to, due to the huge sprite and difficult speed handling
What's the link for that indie clone of TSS that leaked? Or even the name of it would help.
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Stream is over, thanks for watching.

Not familiar with Mushihimesama scoring mechanics so I dunno what you're talking about, sorry.
There is no flaws in CCWI scoring mechanic.
You just need to git gud.
>Not familiar with Mushihimesama scoring mechanics
The basics of it are similar to DDP, in that it's based on dealing damage to enemies consistently across the entire level. The difference is that Mushi has its weird and wonderful child and parent counters that act weirdly depending on how you're pressing the shot buttons, but don't worry about that yet.
have you cleared maniac yet
i've been sorta trying but get distracted learning chaining routes
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Oh, huh. I'm not too worried about all that just yet, I'm just learning the stages and bosses for now.

Not yet. So far I'm able to make it to stage 4 on one credit. Stage 4 is being difficult but I'm making some progress on it.
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Are there profiles for the original set of element dolls?
Who would those be? Is A.I one of them? Because I know I have her card, at least.
Shotia, Leinyan, and Exy, from DOJ.
I'd like to see A.I too, though.
Where are these profiles even from?
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It looks like Leinyan does, under the name "Ray'n", but I don't think Shotia or Exy do. Unfortunately, since I don't have Leinyan's card myself, I don't have access to her profile. I guess there's always a chance that a screenshot of the profile is floating around on the internet somewhere, but who knows.

I'll do A.I's profile, though.

They're from Cave's iOS/Android game, Gothic wa Mahou Otome.
Ray'n is Leinyan from DFK, so Shooty and Next EXY might be in there as well.
Anyone? It was like TSS but bullet hell
Just play maniac max lmao
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I don't suppose you're thinking of Phantasmagoria of Flower View?
Oh, I'll take another look and see if I find anything then.

Almost done with A.I's profile. She's a big girl.
Nope it wasn't a Touhou game. It must be fairly new because it was an alpha leak
I'm interested in this as well. Is there anything else you can remember about it?
>open game to idle on attract screen while i get water
>play one credit and rage quit
where did it all go so wrong
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Had a little trouble with part of A.I's profile but I think this works. Her height and weight are massive (I've never worked with metric tonnes), so unit conversions might be a little off.
A girl after my own heart!
Finally a Cave girl that I know is heavier than I am!

>dislikes the concept of existence
same desu
A dropbox link was posted about a week ago maybe. I thought it was in one of these threads but maybe it was on /v/?

I saw one gif and it looked like TSS. The combo meter was an eclipse.
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>Dislikes: Concept of existence
This feeling is all too familiar.
Asian girls are dwarfs... Even 160 lbs can be a good weight if you are over six feet tall.
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Found portraits for Shooty and Exy (notably, not Next Exy). Turns out they're in the game, but again I don't have their cards so I don't have their profiles.

I wonder who the heaviest non-skyscraper Cave girl is.

I'll look in the previous threads and see if I can find it.
Man, I trashed this card because she's only 3 stars of lower maybe, I forgot.
>playing meme modes
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Doesn't seem to be in the previous /shmupg/ thread or the one before it, unfortunately.

Minor correction to the A.I profile, apparently the girl referred to in her Compatible section is named Perfect.

I had a few of them, but I got rid of all but one. And yeah she's 3 stars. I maxed her affinity but haven't actually leveled her up at all.

What is Maniac max, by the way? I forgot to ask.
>What is Maniac max, by the way? I forgot to ask.
In 1.5, while you're picking your shot type there will be 6 options. The ones on the left are normal, the ones on the right a "MAX". MAX means that you start at full power, and enemies shoot much more/faster bullets.
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>tfw don't own a portable botnet to play CAVE's mobile kusoge on
post you're scores
its nothing special
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Found a gif on Google. It's called Rival Star Heroes. Haven't found a download.
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It's not that great, I guess. Mildly addicting, but if you're not enjoying the girls then you probably won't like it too much since the stages are mostly easy.

Except those Ketsui themed ones they had a couple months ago.

I can't find any download either. Though it looks like it's called Rival Star Hero, instead of Heroes.
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Dude looks like a lady
Wud you fug her?
holy fuck i cant even jokingly call kamui a girl now
maybe shes just a butterface
no im gay and only like big boys
I find it pretty impressive how young she still is.
Getting a WR in one of the most popular shmups at barely 19 is pretty sick.
Damn that game looks cool, after I wake up I'll see if I can find a download in /v/ archives.
>dat smug face looking at you're pity score
So how's this E3 been treating you /shmupg/?

Being attitude for gains are we?
No shmups were announced so it sucked.
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I mentioned something about Zelda looking cool in my stream title today.

Otherwise eh. I guess Sony's thing was kind of neat?
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Well it's about time for bed. Good night /shmupg/.
why try improve n no talent
Good night, sweet prince.
you can do it anon, just be yourself
sigh, thank you. it's the most insidious sin - to be fine playing, following good routes, and then you get caught up thinking about ridiculous people like kamui
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I captured 80% Reflowering after dying on the very last reds 3 times

congrats, 2hu is good!
>Guwange is pretty good
Guwange blue is even better highly recommend, it removes everything annoying about Guwange like the stupid taping for coins and the obnoxious as fuck cat spider milking (reduced to 3 cycles only) and just rebalances the game perfectly.
dead thred
Hopefully that means everyone's practicing.
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i can't beat this indie shit
I was sleeping!
are you gonna practice now?!
Now I'm gonna watch videos to see how I should route my game, then I'm gonna go back to sleep because I only slept for 3 hours.
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>validate cache because renaming .exe's broke things with update
>all saves are gone
the game updated?
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Not the game itself, but launcher is more convenient now.
oh neat
whats game exe supposed to be named btw, i had it named launcher and now i forgot
The one with face should be named MECHA_SR.exe
RIP /indie/
Is it normal that when recording a replay, the vid file is always like 50gb huge? Is there any better way than fraps?
hows 2006?
use obs m8
how large are the files there?
>use obs
How resource heavy it is?
there's a reason a ton of the webms posted here are low quality garbage.
So it's normal that files are so huge?
if there's a ton of animation at 60fps yeah
... because of the 3mb size limit on 4chan?
>2hu is good
this meme has to end
>this meme has to end
this meme has to end
>ending the 'this meme has to end' meme
this meme has to end
I watched the DDC stg weekly last night and I don't think the games could be worse than the community desu
Isn't the community, like, amazing? Creative, lots of artistic talent, making music and little fangames.
terrible fighters in MUGEN
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>Isn't the community, like, amazing?
The community is almost entirely composed of cunts who probably don't even know the games exist because they're too busy whacking it to doujins.
I'm talking about the western players
Buncha whiny shut-in cunts tbqh
Yeah those fuckers' sole representation is unfortunate, all the good Westerners are in other fandoms.

Half of the good ones might be regulars on here... it's that small you know.
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Any luck finding the download?
Is Harmful Park the comfiest shmup?
Can't seem to find it, I'll try again a bit later.
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Dumping my Google finds
what the shit are you talking about? I wouldn't be suprised if there were more decent western touhou players than there are for all other shmups combined
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He's ttalking about the ratio of Touhou 'players' that don't care about the games to Touhou players that actually play the games, which is about a million to one.
How many of them even score?
"Good Westerners" from a secondary perspective, not as players. Hope that clears it up.
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That's it. The other gifs are over the size limit.
That's the case for every shmup though. Vast majority of fans always barely actually play the games. Only like 10 hours at max.
oh I see, that explains it
quite a few, depends what you define as "even score"
Was this produced by japanese? The art style looks so western pixelshit like.
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No, it's not. A Gradius fan is someone who plays Gradius and a DoDonPachi fan is someone who plays DoDonPachi, but a Touhou "fan" may or not play Touhou because the vast majority of Touhou "fans" are too preoccupied with consuming fanmade materials to play the official games. Other series/games don't have this problem; you don't see people that talk about what their favorite R-Type H-doujin is but don't know what a 1CC is.
It's some indie game. I doubt it's japanese.
>Other series/games don't have this problem
Yeah. Because those games simply don't have the amount of material like 2hu.
The Secret Lover is my favorite mushihimesama AV
You do not have to play Gradius to be a fan of it. Most people who like Gradius barely even played the games. Look on steam reviews for shmups for example. 99% of positive reviews there barely played the game for 2 hours.

Touhou are just games which have a lot of fanmade stuff, that's why they are an exception, in the end it doesn't really matter, since other fanbases are not much better too.

95% will always be fucking casuals who have no idea, no matter the game.
That's what I'm saying.
If it is made by a westerner, then it looks surprisingly good for this.
The Touhou fanbase is so bizarre to me. It's so completely, almost wilfully disconnected from the source material it might as well be about absolutely anything else.
>Isn't the community, like, amazing?
Nah it's easily the worst community i've ever been a part of but I think video games in general are a magnet for a particular type of hedonism indulging beta seeking a sense of control over there otherwise limited lifestyle, I believe this is why farm for example is run like a totalitarian safe space that sacrifices free speech for control and a dominant narrative and why nerdlings in general are the biggest whiny self proclaimed victims of a society that hasn't accepted them whilst being the most obnoxious close minded judgement lacking any real life experience bunch of cunts imaginable. I just want to meet players who simply enjoy the game they are dedicated to without having to turn it into some desperate identity defining thing to fill the insecure void in their lives.
Every community with lot of fan content has this problem. Not just Touhou.
In the case of the shmup community, it's the Touhou community itself.
I think no honest Touhou player would disrespect the community AT LARGE because it produces all that Touhou hentai that is the lifeblood of anyone who scores!
But with practice that will change
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>tfw you suck at shmups
>so many things on screen
>my eyes can't keep track of them
>get hit by something I didn't even know was on the screen
>everything is like a blur
>get hit again
>feel like crying
its ok anon you can say suck fat dick on the internet
Thank you.
Keep on playing and you'll get used to the stuff happening on the screen. Play on the easiest difficulties, if necessary.
You seem to be used to the pressure already. You will be great when playing for score.
You probably didn't even play much. The worst is when you play much and realize others are much better in less time.
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It's hard for me to make it past 25 minutes of getting rekt.
>You seem to be used to the pressure already
What makes you say this?
I always play STGs in short bursts. Pop in one or two credits until you die, then make a short break, eat something, shitpost, smoke, whatever, and then play again, rinse and repeat.
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would u a last girl on earth if she was a loli?
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I would a loli if it was last girl or not
>Do you want to join me on my Hawaiian vacation?

Should be a yes option desu
Do the lock-ons of the other ships in CCWI do more damage per shot than Type I?
I feel if the lock-ons actually would do some decent damage, this would make scoring for me a lot easier.
Somebody interested in iMalice 0.5.02?
Type III's lock on seems to do good damage
Like, everyone!
No, all lockons deal the same damage.

Type III looks cool, but it's wayy too fast. I already find type I too fast lol
CCWI is $2.50 on GOG right now tbw.
Every ship in CC is too fast for a bullet hell game, nearly every mistake I make is the result of sliding right into a bullet.
Type I is still ok, imo, but Type III just goes over the top.
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Why do Touhou players think they''re skilled when they do survival challenges instead of score challenges?

The least you could do to pretend you're hardcore is to go all the way.
Is it like Miyamoto from Dimahoo?
>Why do Touhou players think they''re skilled when they do survival challenges instead of score challenges?
That's not Touhou players, that's only those guys and also the secondaries. Which means 99% of people. Yeah uh, anyway, we on /vg/ we know the truth, right?
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>tfw touhoufags will never know what it feels like to freeze on a park bench
I've frozen on a park bench before...it was okay. Done some fucked up things before Touhou saved my life, was about to become a drug addict when EoSD came in. True story.
I know what it's like to be shit, that's roughly the same, right?
Well, imagine that you cannot close the game before you PB, and you don't get to eat unless you 1cc. You must also earn your right to sleep. Then it might come close.
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w-wow, no need to get so serious, anon
Oh, but you understand now. There is no other feeling like that. It is then when you will be alone with the gods, and the imperishable night will flame with fire. You will ride life straight to perfect laughter. It's the only good fight there is.
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what's so wrong about masturbating to touhou?
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nothing, don't let the naysayers get to you!
is buying Raiden Fighters Aces worth it if I can just play them in Shmupmame? If they're emulated 100% properly then I don't need to buy Aces, which apparently runs fantastic since it's not emulation but a port
Shmupmame will introduce slight visual artifacts as it reduces input lag, whereas the port will just play perfectly. I'd say all things equal go get the port.
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slow start
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>shmupg is dead again

everyones off practicing!!
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Well, that was something, still.
>shmups will never be popular enough

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No wonder... I love shmups like no other genre, but even I find some of them are just way too ridiculously difficult, to the point where it's just no fun anymore.
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>tfw still no dagger-like spread shot like in the trailers
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does the new version of iMalice mean that its getting finished ?
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I like the one with the three dolls... Do you have it?
What did they mean by this?
>that scores haunting me
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>download 40gb of shmups
>cant complite one of them
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I wish Exy wasn't fond of choking me so much.
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Exy a shit anyway, Leinyan is where it's at.
I loved Mobile Light Force!

Man, fuck XS Games for doing that shit to these games.
Which touhou is a methodical masterpiece?
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Fairy Wars
Mecha Ritz is good.
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im gonna crash my credit irl tbqh
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Stay alive
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oppai oppai
Cute R-Typo dude
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looks like the old capcom intro
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what shmups?
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Casper? She's too loli I couldn't recognized her on that pic
Should've been able to recognize the bat, senpai.
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incoming reco butt
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I'd fug them all
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comfy wall
>cool tea
As in her tea was pretty awesome, or her tea got cold?
Best character in 100% Orange Juice
Look at how much is on her plate. What a fatty.
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That's not very nice.

She does eat a lot, though...
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Does the general allow not-so-good players in? I'm still trying to beat Touhou 8 but I can't figure out the sakura petal time thing. I end up not having enough continues by the end because of the 4th level. Tried just going through without a single continue but it gets me right at that point.
Please don't throw me to /jp/, that place is hell.
Only superplayers and up may post here anon, I'm sorry but you're gonna have to go.
Of course you can post here you baka.
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>sakura pedal timing
>touhou 8
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last one

>Does the general allow not-so-good players in?
You'll fit in just fine here even if you're bad, like most of us are. Take it easy. And don't take the trolling to heart.
Is that the XCOM 2 Skyranger?
Anon I got stomped by PCB hard and DoDonPachi earlier, and live on stream. You'll fit in just fine.

Did manage to 1cc Mecha Ritz twice, on my first and second "actual" credits (meaning when I wasn't just testing out ships). I have absolutely no idea how to gain Heat, and that seems to be what ups your damage.
About fucking time.
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Can't really blame him, given the elitist attitudes that many shmup players seem to have.

It's been so long since I played Imperishable Night, but I think the time system works like this: You need to meet the Time requirement listed for a stage to save on time. If you meet the requirement, you face the boss's Last spell (purely a bonus) and time only advances by 30 minutes. If you don't meet the requirement, time advances by one hour.

Getting time points isn't too hard. The easiest way is to stay unfocused whenever possible. When the meter in the bottom corner is 100% on the Human (blue) side, you'll get time points whenever you're shooting something. For Youmu I think the meter only goes up to 50% but same effect.

You can also get time points when the meter is 100% on the Youkai (red/pink) side, but in that case you'd only get time points when using focus and grazing. It's less beneficial than getting it from the Human side I think.

If you don't know how the meter works, if I remember right, it just gradually drifts towards the Human side when you're firing unfocused, and towards the Youkai side when you're firing focused. It also gets a massive boost at the end of a boss's spell card. So say you're using focus shot and finish a spell card 100% on the Youkai side, if you quickly release focus and fire unfocused then the meter will shoot far into the Human side.

Lastly, dying will tank your time points, so ideally you want to not die. I think bombing might also incur a time point penalty but not as badly as dying.

I hope this explanation made sense. I'm kind of explaining it from memory from several years ago. Really I recommend utilizing practice mode and spell practice to get better at the game itself so that you don't have to worry so much about the time points (if you don't use any continues at all, you don't have to worry about meeting any time requirements in order to see the ending).
Thanks, it's really just the fight against Marisa (or Reimu especially) that gets me. Very little space to move around and you have to keep moving. The worst thing is that the harder spellcards I do well on with practice mode because of how easy it is to spot the pattern, but I somehow fuck up when it comes to the real deal.
Thanks, glad to see a nice shmup community. After this game, mostly gonna try out Battle Garegga
>You can also get time points when the meter is 100% on the Youkai (red/pink) side, but in that case you'd only get time points when using focus and grazing. It's less beneficial than getting it from the Human side I think.
This isn't entirely correct. You only get time points for grazing while 100% youkai AND in a boss fight.
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Good luck with IN, and Battle Garegga in the future
Do the 2hu game play good on a stick?
Not really. The phantasmagorias (PoFV and PoDD) do fine though.
You can still get Lunatic 1cc's with it, but overall it's a clear downgrade.
Heaven is here inside my soul
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Casper is not fat!

Captcha: Select all the food
I think the captcha is trying to tell us something.
>Getting time points isn't too hard. The easiest way is to stay unfocused whenever possible.
this is only half true, and is something that bothers me whenever someone that doesn't know the game very well plays a casual scoring credit. One of your most important sources for time are familiar cancels during the stages and when you unfocus you break all the familiars without getting a cancel, which often ends up being worse than just killing the host of the familiars even without proper canceltiming.

That being said, the time doesn't matter for a 1cc anyways
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And just what would that be? She's not fat! She's cute and petite and not fat!

Oh, huh. I didn't really know that, but I did say that it'd be better just to learn the stages and not need to continue instead of learning the time system for survival.
Come in and make yourself at home you cunt, don't be an over sensitive sperg lord and you'll be fine.
Dont waste your bombs anon, you need them for the true final boss
>tgfw you play games that are designed to be dodgeable
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Have a nice dream.
>lesbianism is pure
this meme has to end
post your favourite shmup tunes

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r8 my first unlimited attempt
Reaching stage 2 boss is already cool. Now try to beat it!!
It is when it's 2d.
this tbqhwuf
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>anime shit
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nyt loppuu.jpg
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>western shit
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>non jap shmups
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Displays your Mecha's attack level.
The number of Shields you start with when respawning is decided by this value.
Heat is affected by Rank (see "Rank" under Game System for more details) among other factors.
The maximum Heat is 5.
Please stream
gimme like 4 hours
If you launch the game through steam now it comes with a readme option, lots of info there
Alright, but something about it seems inconsistent. I've been both heat 3 and 5 when at rank 60, and at heat 3 i hadn't been hit for 3 stages in a row, heat 5 came half a stage after a terrible boss fight.

I know I just need more time in the game, but as it stands I'm confounded by that one mechanic.
I just copy pasted from the manual, that's all the info there is.
The Rank level affects your Mecha's strength, the speed of the game,
the arrangement of the enemy formations, the intensity of enemy attacks, and more in real time.
In turn, Rank plays a factor in determining Heat by increasing it every 100 levels.
Heat will also increase by 1 whenever you have no remaining Bombs, no remaining Shields,
no remaining lives, or more than 500 time.
I still have to play so many games, but I also want to be really good in some games. To get really good it takes so much time though, so I can't play the other games anymore.

It's a dilemma.
Sounds like a recipe for burnout.
It's ok to just have fun, you don't have to go All The Way™ all the time. Play whatever you feel like playing.
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>It's ok to just have fun, you don't have to go All The Way™ all the time.
Don't listen to this guy, he's lying.
I have Deathsmiles on Steam, but there's like 6 different versions of the game in it. Which one should I play?
I'm usually going for Original in every SHMUP but I don't know if it's even relevant anymore when revised versions are available too.

Same thing with Mushihimesama.
>Play whatever you feel like playing.
The thing is, once you played a game for score and tried to "Go All The Way", you develope some kind of standart where don't want to just do kuso playthroughs anymore, but actually play as good as you can, no matter the game. So when I play a new game, I always try to do my best, but to finish games like this takes so much fucking time.
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OH HEY, turns out i still have the old image folder. There's not much in there.
Rule of thumb: anything that was released in the arcade is 100x more relevant than anything that wasn't.
>such a simple shmup + an extremely convoluted one
How would it play? Would all the CRS bosses turn into PRAYERS?
Well, the original arcade games are in Deathsmiles. So it makes sense that those would be the most relevant. I was just wondering which one of them all is recommended for someone trying to get into it.

With Mushihimesama it's a even less obvious. It has Original, Arrange and 1.5 versions I think.

I usually go for chronological sequence with anything, but when another version is the same game except better and more balanced, I guess there's no point.
It's all about the time you invest.
Whenever I play something other than my main game I usually try to learn scoring tricks too, but it's mostly just a temporary distraction.
Think long term and not with the must do it now mentality, an hour a day is plenty if you stick to a game for ages for example. To many player tend to go all gun blazing and burn out quickly.
deathsmiles MBL 1.1 is easily the most fun imo.
Already have 100 hours in CCWI and still constantly die in fucking stage 2. Playing this game for score is not fun at all.
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I enjoy the Normal mode myself. Mega Black Label is cool because Sakura is playable but I don't know much about the different scoring mechanics for that mode so I don't prefer it.

After having played it on the 360 port, I can't get used to not having twin sticks to control my familiar with.
>How would it play?
I'd say it plays super if simple one is somewhat dominant.
>no new Gradius, Parodius or even Otomedius at E3
>no G.Rev
>no Treasure
>no Cave
>no Irem
I guess there was a third-party Touhou action game

This isn't the future I chose, what happened to all the shmups?
did you seriously think any one of those games or devs would announce a new game at e3 lmao
Shmups are unironically dead
Shmups are dead since a decade already. Enjoy your doujin kusoge.
Don't go nuclear just yet.
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wake me up
(can't wake up)
CCWI is just fucking weird... Sometimes I get a 12.8 multiplier, other times not... The game just does whatever the fuck it wants

I really want to become better at the game, but I often don't even have any clue what I am actually doing wrong...
>doujin kusoge
You keep telling yourself that. Meanwhile, I will be enjoying my methodical masterpiece.
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>tfw I just finished watching 100 Yen: The Japanese Arcade Experience
Awesome stuff
>but I don't know much about the different scoring mechanics for that mode so I don't prefer it.
So learn them and you will.
>179 francs
Qu'est que c'est?
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the more pixelated you make your sprites the more #retro #indie you are
thanks trap
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If I like the scoring mechanics, maybe. Besides, I already like regular DS's scoring mechanics, so there's not really a problem.
I've seen some crappy fonts in my day and that one's definitely up there.
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Well, it's a font for ants. What did you expect?
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I don't want to hear your excuses! The font has to be at least three times bigger than this.
>I already like regular DS's scoring mechanics, so there's not really a problem.
So you are incapable of liking more than one thing at a time?
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It just seems like it'd get confusing trying to remember scoring routes for different scoring mechanics in the same stages. I haven't actually tried it yet.
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>tfw having learned 4 completely different routes for the same 5 stages for use in different modes.
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5 gal..jpg
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I do plan to learn other characters' scoring routes in Deathsmiles and MBL as well, but first I want to focus on improving my vanilla Casper PB. Who knows how long that'll take, though.
What does Batgirl have to do with shmups
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Riding bats of course!
She's pretty good.

Other girl is shit though.
>Other girl is shit though.
She's pretty fucking good in MBL 1.1, m8.
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>10 options
Do enemy bullets become hitscan?
fucking ygw rank'em'up bullshit
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what is his fucking problem?
he has a terminal case of Shitty Designer Syndrome
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That does not change how I feel about her.

shmupg's game
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>kraut buster
You know, considering current state of metal slug this just mite b gud.
>Last update: 2015-06-09
And here I got all excited for a Metal Slug-like.
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Tfw no sdj
>image dumping and memespouting posts
what a shit tier thread
You're sure helping
>meta shitpostimg
What a kusoposter
>Degica Games is hosting a skill competition! To participate, first, you must turn on replays so we can validate your score. To turn on replays, from the start screen, select “Option”, then “Option”, then toggle “Replay Save” to “On”. Once you do that, all you have to do is play to win! The highest three scores on the leaderboard at the deadline below will each win a prerelease copy of Triangle Service’s EXZEAL!

>The contest starts at MINUS ZERO’s launch, 6/16 US (6/17 Japan), and ends at 6pm PT on 6/20 in the US (10am on 6/21 in Japan).
Go get scoring /shmupg/
Scoring in Minus Zero that is.
How euroshmup-y is it having an upgrade system with money in a shmup?
Gun.nac and fantasy zone have it so it's not exactly euro shmuppy
I fucking love Fantasy Zone. Why is it so good
>the prize is some shitty game no one's going to buy
hmm, nah
Only reason I will be happy when clearing CCWI is just because I don't have to play it anymore then.
I seriously never played a game with such shitty scoring mechanics.
Why play a game if you clearly dont enjoy it?
I love some aspects of the game and already put a lot of time into it where I can't just turn back now.
I hoped it gets better and I just have to accustom myself to it, but the better I get the more I realize how shitty and unfair the game is.
don't play any cave games then because CC clones them in every way possible
I'm not a big Cave fan either, but I find CC takes it even further with the bullshit difficulty, at least in Original mode.
I hope you never be able to clear it!!
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Anyone play this? Just tried it for the first time and it's a lot more fun than I expected.
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Fuck yeah Gun-Nac
Maybe I'll get it in the steam sale, the bear-trap weapon caught my eye
Lookie what we got here
A dead thread
I'd rather save my money and by Exzeal desu.
>I seriously never played a game with such shitty scoring mechanics.
But you played Ikaruga.
It's like a buck, I think Exzeal's gonna be more than that

Admittedly Minus Zero doesn't really do a lot to attract me
What does this have to do with shmupg? Looks like a wannabe metal slug. I want it.
Short version is there's a player who's been nicknamed Kraut

Not that important a joke, but that's how it's relevant.
vert screens are godlike, why didn't I play like this before
have you taken a look at this shmup skill test thing? It's absolute garbage
Fantasy Zone aigh but Fantasy Zone II DX is godlike, especially when going for the good ending.
i want to know this feel but i don't have enough money yet to buy a good monitor for verting

Not that expensive, anon
I currently have $30,and need $120 to pay for a fine I got due to being too poor to register my license plates.
I'm not even using a vert screen, I just tated my laptop lmao
make a kickstarter
I get paid tomorrow, I'm just gonna be on the wire for a bit and I was hunting for bump material.
every bump is a good bump
I use a Sony telly with an aperture grille CRT matrix, cost me pretty much nothing as I obtained it from a relative's stockpile. The video is RGB. I highly recommend.
But not every shmup is a good shmup.
yeah, some are hard, which is not fun :(
Hard is good. If it was easy it'd be boring. Also good when you're reading doujins ;3
Don't die! BOMBU~
What's your score in Ikaruga? You don't even have an idea what you are talking about.
Is there any good shooting game for Android phone?

The best game i ever played is Sky Force 2014.
Speaking of doujins, a vertical monitor is also perfect for reading them. It's an even better reason to rotate your monitor than shmups.
>5ms Response Time
>Hard is good. If it was easy it'd be boring.
I generally agree, but a game also can be too hard, where it just becomes bullshit frustrating IWTG tier.
show me better monitor than plz
just search for 1ms response time
after doing this, considering the size, IPS and the fact that 5ms is still under a frame of lag, I'm good with what I've got.
Whats that type of stand called that you can use to vert monitors?
a rotating mount
I've just been sorta awkwardly balancing mine on its side when I want to play.
Just get a 144Hz 27" IPS panel, your wallet will thank you.
yoko pleb master race
Incoming standard Kraut rage.
you should atleast say something like
CCWI is well designed, kraut-kun just whines because he's shit and can't play actually difficult shooters instead of his puzzlegames
>actually difficult shooters
Again, post your score in Ikaruga if you think it is so easy
Every shmup is a puzzle game about memorization and execution, Ikaruga is no exception there. Also Tetris GM is harder than any shmup.
see? works every time
why is the Toothpaste laser so godlike
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what about ABA games?
In my mind I'm dodging like the Chinese god of mad dodgin' WC, but in reality I'm glad that no one else is seeing this embarrassment.

Every time.
TriZeal in 2 weeks on Steam

the shmups just keep coming
you're good, please stream!
but money..
That would be just EoSD 1cc attempts... no special tricks even. Wouldn't any regular EoSD streamer make for a better show?
well, there are not always other people streaming and following multiple streams is not impossible! I couldn't watch right now anyways though, so don't feel pressured
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It's hellsinker all over again.
applocale that shit
Survival play is shameful. I can only do it in private, when no one is watching...
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>Ura practice starting from 2-1
>no-miss up to Cindy and enter EVACCANEER with 5 lives
Just when did the practice start working?
Tetris is like 5 minutes long lmao
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Bumpin with more unprotected assets.
You're meant to experiment with it and figure out what works on your own you fucking casual. Sorry if the developer isn't going to hold your hand. Maybe you should play Call of Duty instead, and leave the real games like shmups and Dark Souls to the rest of us.
the garegga experience
>the length of a game determines its difficulty
>Dark Souls
xD senpai true
Do you have the background right after the boss waning signal?
rRootage is good
Who is your favorite western player?
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you mean pazzy?
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This one?
>any answer other than gus
Anon pls, I just wanted that cool panoramic shot as the player ship ascends to fight the boss.
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Oh, well...
They're all just .png's. Pretty sure you can find all stage 1 accesories in v0.2
Thanks Imalice anon.
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Upload another video, archive anon
Oh yeah, good that you reminded me. I uploaded one but haven't published it yet.
Shmupg is tired too today?
Me desu
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Latest video is an ESP. Ra. De. 1cc by CLP. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYZtzhmwH28

I ended up watching the whole playthrough while I was recording it because I've never seen anyone play through this game before. It looks rather fun.
It's a fun game to clear and I love the art style
Shame about how scoring works + no boss timer
Nice one cheers buddy and yeah it's super fun I clear it for fun at least once or twice every few days.

>Shame about how scoring works + no boss timer
The scoring is great its only the boss milking that sucks ass thus why i don't do it that said I reckon 30 mill could be achieved without milking at all still so unless you're going for wr it isn't the end of the world.
>tfw still a few months to go for diefuckcatsyou
practice Doom, dude, that fight really sucked, do runs already aswell
shit game i'm more excited for tri/exzeal desu.
Also LOL at that second hit literally just floated into a bullet whilst looking at something else.
Got a C Rank in Meme Ritz
Which one?
Steel Rondo
i think he meant which ship
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>J-D 5th
What did he mean by this?
Phew, that was close anon!
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first one of those small ships come str8 at me during that 2nd stage boss thingy and then right after i kill it this motherfucker comes literally out of nowhere. i could literally feel that 1cc even tho i was using type z as crutch
Play the game for score, anon. I have a bigger score at the end of stage 1 already... 1cc is useless in CC
sorry for not being as hardcore as you
What rank did you start/end with
I tried 350 starting and lost a life as soon as the first wave of ships with suicide bullets
Shits too fast for me
A 100 start seemed too hard for me not so long ago, you get used to it. Maybe I'll try 150 next
Survival > score
1cc comes first.
Naw, it's always about score. It's the best way to messure how well you do. A survival 1cc is completely useless in CC.
I wasn't trying to offend you. All I say is just that CC is one of these games you really should play for score, kinda like Ikaruga, otherwise you won't get the full experience at all.
Suddenly I am suspicious of this poster's identity
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Does it matter?
>Not knowing what ???? or ????? means
baka desu senpai
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>I wasn't trying to offend you.
My fucking god Krauts actually developing people skills, I'm stunned.
Are you a kike, or why are you so butthurt?
>this fucking part
It gives you so many points in stage 1, but it's sooo difficult to execute.
Clover-TAC really can go fuck himself for putting this right at the start of the game.
Funky music
>Clover-TAC really can go fuck himself for putting this right at the start of the game.
He doesn't make games for plebs.
Well a 1cc is actually really relatively easy in CC, so in a way he does.
Also, I doubt many of the scoring technics in the game are actually intentional. A lot of it is most likely also just stuff players found out afterwards, which is also why a huge part of the game feels really unbalanced to me.
>A lot of it is most likely also just stuff players found out afterwards
This is true for a lot of stgs desu.
That's true, but I find it becomes very noticable in CC, because of the games huge focus on scoreplay, and all the danmaku style zako in it.
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Play mushi maniac/ultra where over half of your score comes from midbosses.
>over half of your score comes from midbosses.
Why that? I knwo Cave never playtest their games for score, but why do they give so many points?
because they have a lot of health so you can counterbank much higher values with them
Each one of your options has its own seperate hit counter, if you get them up high enough you can then rapidly tap autofire to add their values to the main counter.
This sounds like some weird Garegga shit to me.
>Garegga shit
Original has lots of tick point milking too if you're into that sort of thing.
I love Garegga, but I'm not really a big fan of some of it's very "unconventional" mechanics.
literally every cave game is full of stuff like that
clover tac loves cave
clover tac copied everything cave does with their games and made his own cave game
welcome to the arcade world kraut-kun
You dumbfuck don't even know what's so difficult about this part and why it's so important.
CC is not just another CAVE game, the game gets a lot more complicated than Cave games when playing for score.
Well, cri-cro is more like 2+ games clusterfucked together. Of course it would have twice the depth.
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hate this
Then why do you idiot say it's just another cave game?
Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't know any game which has a mechanic like the Break Rate in CC, which is why this part is so important for the later zako rush in the stage.
so says the dumbfuck that's never played a cave game for score and sucks at crimzon clover
Oh boy, a goldmine
Because it takes elements from lot of others cave games.
Multipliers and timers from Ketsui
Hyper sfrom DOJ
Lock-ons from Ray series
It just plays like an IKD game, but a LOT more polished.
I don't have to play a game for score to understand what is happening in it, I also can read commentary and watch replays. Also, I'm actually pretty good at the game, otherwise I wouldn't be amongst the top scores in my mode already.

>Lock-ons from Ray series
Oh, so Rayforce is now a Cave game, huh LMAO

Also, the hypers in DOJ work totally different. One of reason why this part of CC is so difficult, is because you have to point-blank the big silver ships, while they are invincible to build up your break metre fast enough, send lock-ons at the same time (which slows your ship down) for more tick points and to deal with the smaller aerial enemies, while at the same time being quick enough to maneuver out of the way of the invincible ships, so that you don't kill them with your shot once they become vulnerable, but with the lock-ons to build up your multiplier.

Your multipliertimer has to be around 300 at the end of this part, so that you can carry it over to the next part to get more points from the "invincible" ships there, and the timing in this is just strict as fuck.
>and the timing in this is just strict as fuck
w e l c o m e
t o
c a v e
s c o r i ng
Am I missing something or do they mostly ignore trying to increase their counter on stage bosses
Shhhh he might realize why ikaruga's scoring system sucks so much
To Kraut-kun's credit, CCWI's first stage is quite complex to score compared to the first stages in most games.
In Cave it is much easier to build up your multiplier, because you just have to shoot or point-blank the enemies. In CC on the other hand, you also have to know exactly when to use your lock-ons and enter break mode the best.

>it's harder so it's better
If IF cave could be harder (which it isn't), this doesn't say much about the quality of the game.
He didn't say Cave games are harder than Ikaruga, nor that Cave games were harder than Ikaruga.

Relax a little
Then what the fuck is his problem? That Ikaruga's scoring system also has very strict timing?

I have no problem with strict timing, but I find the timing in this part of CC a bit too strict, especially for being right at the fucking start of the game.
Get baited lmaooooooooo
I believe so
Totally... The stuff makki pulls of there in this stage is just insane. I personally dislike this, because it really makes you having to restart from stage 1 a lot.
>implying I don't already restart from stage 1 a lot because I have stupid deaths
Are there any decent shmups for the 3ds?
I guess the space between the screens is really annoying but I would love to be able to play a round on the go.
You can play Recca on the Virtual Console
Steel Empire is the only one I know of
That shit's fantastic

3D twinbee, recca, gradius
Thanks, will take a look
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>enemies can steal options
>enemies can steal extends from the extend counter
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>mothership enemy
>has "mom" personality
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>ending picture changes depending on the ship you're using
>that gif
I always wanted a thing called tuna sashimi
Gus, fix your audio.

trizeal a shit
No. You should at least clear it once, or you'll be haunted forever no matter how big is you're scores.
Didn't he already counterstopped this game? Why does he still keep playing it?
damn i didn't know gus is into harsh noise
But the time you learn Survival routes could be spend on learning scoring routes instead. If you plan to 1cc it anyway, but with a good score, playing for survival is a waste of time.
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Why the fuck I can't stop listening that
Literal Autism.
for when a non-counterstopped version is released
>cave can't get any of their ports right
>expects a port with improvements
lol just lol

I'd rather be home practicing, instead I'm stuck working
>If IF cave could be harder (which it isn't), this doesn't say much about the quality of the game.
Get to work on that 2-all and scoring then if it's so easy. You don't know anything. I don't know why I come here when you obviously have no idea what you're talking about. Insert more bullshit you like to do here.
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Sukuna wants to be a mini Reco!
I'll allow it
Only if she goes commando from now on
he counterstopped 1.5, now he's trying to get a clear with a good score in 1.01, which doesn't counterstop
Technically it does but it's impossible to get anywhere near it.
He's aiming for 1.4 billion
Hey Japan, if you love Type B so much why don't you marry it?
https://www.twitch tv/matmouse_kp
>Why does he still keep playing it?
Because he actually enjoys the game? I know crazy huh?
Anyone who enjoys playing 1.01 is definitely crazy
Gus is playing in yoko. That means his scanlines are horizontal instead of vertical! Golly gee. This is why still he hasn't cleared.
>falling for the tate meme
>falling for the LCD meme
>implying CRTs aren't the meme
tfw shit
o n e ( 1 )
m i l l i s e c o n d
a d v a n t a g e
you can play shmups outside on a terrace with ambient sunlight everywhere, with an LCD that won't work out so well.

>not playing shmups outside
hello i do not really play shmups

what game should i start with, i've got a few hours in between classes that i need to kill time with
A regular Cave 2-all is pretty much just as hard as playing through normal and hard in Ikaruga, so no, it isn't harder.

I never said it was easy though, learn to read faget
Pretty sad if it's the only stg he enjoys though. You don't have infinite time on this earth to play STGs, jusr saying.
A counterstop should be a good point to switch to another game.
Crimzon Clover on Steam. Closest thing to an arcade shmup, but is actually meant to be played at home. Made by a superplayer who knows what he's doing. Well-respected by everyone.

Don't listen to the discussion regarding Crimzon Clover here as one of the participants is literally autistic and trying to go for very difficult challenges there.
The one you like the most.
but i've literally never tried any of them
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But CC is impossible!

Why not recommend something classic and of normal difficulty like Gradius or something?
Quality and helpful post.
Try DoDonPachi, Mushihimesama, Crimson Clover, Battle Garegga, Recca
Then the one you think you like the most.
CC has a novice mode which is complete babbie proof, and also rather easy-ish on arcade, if you don't play for score.
CC:WI has a Novice mode though? At any rate it's really no more impossible than any Cave game, which is like 50% of popular shmups. Go all the way, I say.
>rather easy-ish on arcade, if you don't play for score
W-well yeah, true, h-haha.

>Pretty sad if it's the only stg he enjoys though.
Literally what? stop creating imaginary standards for everyone else to adhere to.
>You don't have infinite time on this earth to play STGs, jusr saying.
>A counterstop should be a good point to switch to another game.
He still sees room for improvement and like i side he enjoys the game it's as simple as that. He's playing 1.01 now anyway which is harder than 1.5 and can't be counterstopped so whats your point?
>A regular Cave 2-all is pretty much just as hard as playing through normal and hard in Ikaruga, so no, it isn't harder.
LELLLLL, no kraut every 2 loop cave is much harder than ikaruga.
>getting this defensive
Is this the Gus Defence Force?
Show me your hard more clear of Ikaruga then please. Pretty obvious bait 2/10
Gus should spend more time doing survival runs of doujin kusoge
Liberal tier response.

Show me your insane clear of wolflame then? You are lagging behind the glorious BRITISH, UK 3-0 GERMANY
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>mfw im 20 hours in on CC and just now i realized what that multiplier below break bar does and how to increase it
Did you not watched the tutorial?
Where does one acquire battle traverse from?
i did when i played the game first time
CC scoring mechanics are pretty damn complex. It goes way further than this. For example, a good way to increase the multiplier timer is to gradually get lock-ons ranging from low to middle to high, so for example if you get first a 4.4 lock-on, then a 7.2, then a 9.4, then a 10.4, etc, this way you can build up your multiplier timer very good.
Gigantic oversized player sprites are cancer and we must put an end to them
I think in CC it's still acceptable, because the game actually is not that much about dodging anyway, but rather about routing and bomb/break management.
Is that White Label on matmouse?
Although, fuck that, I can't dodge for shit CC for some reason, so yea, you got a point.
So what again was a good stick for shmups?
Why that?
everyone uses it, these guys


are using it
Where can I buy this stick with buttons and everything. I only see it purchasable as stick alone, but I want a whole box with it.
Boxes with Seimitsu sticks in them are difficult to find as they are usually made for fighting games, which are like x100 popular than shmups.

Get a Qanba Q4, buy an LS-32-01 joystick separately, remove the mounting plate and install it in the case. It's easy.
Don't really need to replace the buttons as the Sanwas work just fine, but a classic choice would be to replace them with flat Seimitsu buttons.
Buy a cheap stick with off-brand parts and open it up to replace the stick with your part of choice.

This is a serious suggestion, buying sticks with the parts you want in it without modding is a difficult task if you want anything other than knockoffs or a JLF.
What exactly is the difference between a good stick for fighting games and a good stick for shmups? Is it because the LS-32 is stiffer?
LS-32 has a smaller deadzone, shorter throw, and is a little stiffer (though still very light) makes it easier to do precise taps. Its microswitch clicks on actuation are also louder, which I like.

LS-32 seems like the most popular STG stick, but it's a matter of personal preference. MON used Sanwa to clear Death Label, for example.
JLF is the "standard" stick for fighting games. It works well for them, but most people find it unpleasant to use for shmups because it is hard to make precise adjustments with it. A minority prefers it for shmups but they still admit that it's not good for precision.

In fighting games, this extreme precision isn't actually desired, but rather you just need to input directions reliably... so that works there.
I see, so the LS-32 is very sensitive, which is good for precision, but bad for reliability in input combinations.
I kinda like the Quanba Q1 stick, since it isn't that heavy and has a turbo function too.
There is an edition where it comes with Seimitsu parts too. What exactly does this mean? Would I still have to buy an LS-32 then if it already has Seimtsu parts?
Q4 also has a turbo function.

I use the exact same setup. Can recommend.
Depends on the specifications of the parts.

If you want arcade perfection, the only two joystick models you should be using are Seimitsu LS-32 and Sanwa JLF.
DLsite has it for 10 bucks I think
>Q4 also has a turbo function.
Yes, but it is so huge and weights much more than the Q1.

There were no specifications. They just said Seimitsu parts.
Weight and size on sticks isn't really a problem, since you rest it in the lap or place it on a solid surface. If anything bigger/heavier may be better and provide more surface area for arm support and better stability.
At your own risk then! It's probably an LS-32 though.
For me it is, because I already have enough shit laying around on my table, and find such clunky devices not really pretty. The stick also costs more than the Q1.
Actually I found it now. They say it is an LS-32-1 stick, but they also have Qanba written in front of it. Does that mean it is not the original LS-32 or would this still be ok?
That's fine ls32-1 is just a ls32 with a standard mounting plate
>standard mounting plate
What does this mean?
Might be an imitation if it's branded that as Qanba used to make their own knockoff parts and labelled them similarly, e.g. Qanba JLF = imitation Sanwa JLF but inferior, not arcade quality.
Yea, I think I've hear something like this once, that they also make imitations.
So i guess it would best to just buy the regular version then, since it's cheaper and buy a seperate real LS-32
The 01 doesn't concern the mounting plate, it means that the pins are arranged differently. You want the 01. Don't worry about the mounting plate.
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Don't forget the buttons then, get flat Seimitsu's.
Why is the XBox 360 version so much more expensive than the PS3 version?

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It's only SPS. He must use Type B for extra challenge or because the record is not as hard to beat as HFDs.
Did HFD play WL?
He got the Type A WR in 2012 I believe
Why must sticks be so fucking expensive? Is really worth it? I mean it's not like I can't play with my controller.
>Why must sticks be so fucking expensive?
anti-pleb gate
>Is really worth it?
>I mean it's not like I can't play with my controller.
you can't play as well
>you can't play as well
I'm not really sure about this...
i am

source: used both
there was a guy trying to 1-all earlier
he did 1 run with B then 1 run with A then quit
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>top score on mushi maniac pc doesn't have a replay
>source: used both
So have i and you're wrong as fuck, it depends which the individual feels most comfortable with as to which they progress the most with for me that's pad.
Just like the world record!
>you're wrong as fuck
scores don't lie hombre, all the top players use sticks :B
I think it also depends on the games you play. If you play Ikaruga for example, a stick would be much better, because you often have to do very rapid direction changes. The main advantage a stick has over a pad, imo, is that you can wiggle motions much better and controlled.
Are you seriously trying to have a controller flamewar IN TWENTY SIXTEEN?

All the top players are Japanese, so he's fucked either way
>“Ikaruga is the first one, and we don’t intend on stopping there. There are some players who say ‘How about Radiant Silvergun?’ but we also don’t intend to only do ports. We’re thinking of making a new original title for the platform, Steam.”

Why the fuck did they not do what they said? Are they broke now? I would sooo love to have Radiant Silvergu HD on steam. I'd play the shit out of this.
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Do I have to buy 30mm or 24mm buttons for the Qanba Q1?
all panels use 30mm, 24mm is the start button

get the PS-14-G buttons and a PS-14-K if you want to replace the start button (I would because why not). snap-ins, not screw-ons
sorry, PS-14-D
Why snap ins?
Q1 comes with snap-in buttons by default, so it seems logical to replace them with other snap-in buttons.
But I want the transparent ones to mod them with my shipfu art
>Q1 comes with snap-in buttons by default
Does that mean screw ins wouldn't work? They don't have snap ins for 24mm where i buy.
Sounds like you'd be knowledgeable about sticks either way then.
No idea, sorry.
Not really, but if I buy a stick, then I also want it to be ultra cool with nice artwork on it.
Oh. I named a particular example just to be more assertive.
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Kanye, is that you?
>all the top players use sticks :B
Akai katana WR is done by a jap on a 360 pad. The reason so many use sticks is much more to do with the arcade environment than any kind of preference to controls.
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Getting back into Vasara 2 today with a 8 million clear, thinking about going for the 2 loop mode as no replay exists for it anywhere to my knowledge, game is criminally underrated as fuck.
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