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Heroes of the Storm - /hotsg/

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Thread replies: 800
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Best girl edition.

>What's new
c9 quits hots for good, one of many "pro" teams to quit recently http://cloud9.gg/news/hots-eoae

season 1 on the 14th, silenced shitters banned from HL

PTR is live, can meme with medivh and new changes.


>how do i group with a bunch of meme spouting faggot teenagers?
/join /vg/

>Do you have a discord?

>What hero should I buy?
murky and abathur and JAINA

>Links nobody visits anyway
Official Site: http://us.battle.net/heroes/en/
General News: http://www.heroesnexus.com/
Tips & Tricks: http://heroesofthestorm.github.io/tips
Hero Rankings and Statistics: https://www.hotslogs.com/Default
Talent Calculator: http://www.heroesfire.com/hots/talent-calculator/
All of the hero voice lines: http://rpboyer15.github.io/sounds-of-the-storm
Where the FUCK is Maiev????
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What are the rewards and requirements for the HL rewards? Never bothered with HL since it's the exact same as QM except more stress and time-wasting. Exact same retards.
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Rewards are this, you should do placement matches before tuesday if you've never stepped into it. That will be 20 games you need to play to get placed, then if you want to grind out any other ranks or just see what you get after placements.

>vps his entire team
>focus backline ffs

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I seriously hope your match history looks like this

also tfw the streak is about to end cuz lastpick and enemy team picked tychus
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>TFW Can't even get to rank 10 for the epic mount.
End my life pls.
That makes me fucking mad.
They really need to stop the "delay" before anub goes into his burrow charge
97% of my deaths are because I die that 1 second into burrow charge
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More like Divine Bronze
Some of you are alright, don't come to HL today I'll be maining JAINA
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>not going full dps uther, picking divine storm + the upgrade at level 20 to roleplay as a ret pally
Lmaoing @ ur lyf
should be given to Arthas Menethil when he comes out as a paladin warrior hero. current Arthas is The Lich King
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Lmaoing @ ur rating
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>implying I ever touched HL
>playing a gimped game
for what purpose
it's like playing chess but only with pawns
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So you're a shitter then.
Who would have guessed. Go get gud instead of shitposting on here about bad play styles.
But I don't want to
This game was made for having fun, not tryharding <_>
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jaina is a low class whore who fucks green niggers
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>I don't have fun getting better and measuring my growing skill against other people competitively
>The game is so FUN that I literally have no respect for it or myself as a player and don't actively improve myself
>I have so much FUN with this game that I don't get involved in discussion that's meaningful
>I have so much FUN with this game that I don't actively spend spare time out of game honing my skills
>I avoid playing the game in it's truest form because I know I'm awful and I have no one else to blame but myself so I use the fun defense for how I waste my time being a stagnant piece of shit
>The game is SO MUCH FUN

I agree, you shouldn't :^)
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>log in after a day of hard work
>fuck ranked let's go QM for the 1000th time
>pick my favorite hero without any unsolicited opinion
>get matched with five scrubs with the same expectations as me (none)
>20 minutes of right clicking, doing my own thing, watching pretty lights and ragdolls fly
>if someone shits in chat just silence and go on, not even report because who cares if it's QM

I'll be honest, it sounds pretty comfy to me
This guy gets it :D
Games are just a way to pass the time anyway

>Not wanting to be the best player you can be.

Too scared to find out how dogshit you actually all are?
It is comfy. This game isn't competitive anyways and will probably be completely dead in a month.
But but anon

What if I know I am shit at the game and I just don't care?

What if I cna compensate by being a pro in other things like having my own house and job or an amazing social group or beign a good family man?

>implying I actually have any of those things
Speaking of being shitters, post favorite meme builds, mine are:
Dps Uther
Lazor Gazlowe
Healer ETC
Oneshot Muradin
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If you don't have an interest in activley improving in what you're playing then you simply don't enjoy what you're playing. It doesn't inspire you at all.
So even then your "comfy/fun" faggot defense falls by the wayside. All you're doing is sitting in a chair dying in game because you're a shitter, and in real life because you're not doing something you enjoy with your time.
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>those gold rewards

>game offers a multitude of things to do
>there are people with thousands of games exclusively Vs. AI
>lmao if ur not constantly comparing urself and trying to improve ur a shiter that isn't having fun

Okay, mr. weebposter.
This game is just something to pass some time as you talk with friends. Nobody cares if you're good at it and even trying to be good at such a casual game makes you a massive faggot.
not enough for you?
considering you can get both I think it's okay
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>I'm fucking shit and I'm okay with being absolute shit
And that is wrong because...?

>bothering to get good in this trainwreck of a communistic hero collection simulator

I'm not sure why you aren't off playing a game people actually care to get good at, but okay.
You're no different than faggots that take Angry Birds super seriously. Only Angry Birds has several orders of magnitude more players and much more prize money.
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Get gud shitters.
I get ~50 viewers on Twitch so I'm kind of a big deal and can't just move to another game.

>heroes of the storm elitism

this is more cringe than wow pvpers


isn't that like half of the people who actually watch hots streams
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I play Heroes of the Storm competitively
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>I'm so bad at videogames that I shitpost instead of just simply improving
>I spend my free time basking in how absolutely worthless I am at the things I do in my free time instead of becoming better
>I'm so opposed to becoming a better player that I'll dig my heels in and scream at the top of my lungs about how FUN it is to not improve myself

Less than scum.
This doesn't just go for this game, but all games, I bet none of you faggots are good at anything you play because you all have such a shitter mindset.
You are the people who hold everyone back in a guild.
You are the ones that sit there with a shit eating grin when games get dumbed down for casual markets.
You are the people that pay to win because you have no natural drive.
Why are you even spending your free time doing something that gives you no inspiration? That doesn't make you happy to improve?
They invented inclusiveness in schools because turbofaggots like you people cried when they came last when they put the least amount of effort in.
Here's your fucking gold star boys, I hope mommy puts it on the fridge next to all your other fake achievements.
You seem pretty triggered, you should go play some HL and have fun :D
I'd rather have fun playing with people here who want to fucking improve. No wonder the discord and ingame chat is dead as F.
>meme builds
>Healer ETC
>Oneshot Muradin

please die from cancer you filthy bronze
But I'm not bronze, I'm unranked :^(
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Full beetle anub, and i mean full beetle.
Dosen't help that when i'm feeling like doing that the enemy team has aoe for days
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you could literally make more money at mcdonalds part time than 99% of pro hots players
I feel you, everytime I want to kill someone with muradin I go against a team with a shitload of summons, so I never get the isolation damage from my W
Summers fun skins when?
Yeah that really sucks too.
Yesterday i was on raven lord with that 13 talent, i got a certain kill on someone and a fucking minion from the lanes (the trib was at top right) shows up like that bodyguard movie and saves fucking valla
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will morales get deported from the game when trump wins? will we finally get the qt we deserve for medic?
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tol'vir catgirl lunara skin when?
Do I need to do all the placement matches in team league with the same team?
there's no team mmr, all individual players have their own TL mmr
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only 2 days left to afk heroes to 9

there is no exp cap
i want to touch that dead rotten tummy
If you were to fuck Sylvanas, would you need to heat her up first? Or at least keep the heater on?
love would keep us warm
Body heat was the thing that caught me off guard the most when I first did naughty stuff with girls. Human bodies are toasty.

I assumed they were like a normal room temperature or something. Like made of silicon/rubber.

So I think having a cold waifu would suit me.
end your fucking life you animeposting piece of shit
"competitive" fags BTFO
What? How do you get that message?
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Get gud shitter.
when you don't have a daily life LOL
What pro HotS player makes more than a part time McDonalds employee?

>we will never get a skimpy micro bikini Li Li skin
C9 used to be since they were the best.
>being good in a dying game.

the stories I will tell my grandchildren about how I was rank 1 in Heroes of the Storm!
- Heroes of what?
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>I have a shitter attitude and don't actively try to improve my game in this game or any other game

I want off this ride.
do you have any more numbered cartooner images? also refer to >>145278969

p.s.: I'm lmaoin @ ur life rn
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>I'm bad and I'll defend being bad
>I'm literally dogshit and I'm fine with it
>Improving in the thing I spend all my free time on is fucking stupid

Lmaoing @ ur mentality
>I spend all my free time on
this is were you're wrong. Unlike you, I have a life.
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Have a life, assume I don't.
Keep on defending being a shitter, keep on defending people with the mental attitude in games of URGH YOU TRYHARD M8 when all it takes is enjoying what you're playing and not wanting to be the worst player on your team.
You all need to stop getting so mad because I called out your shitter mentality of being fine being literal dogshit.
Go improve your game, read some talent guides, watch some pro play, practice your movement and positioning, have some fucking pride.
Why are you all even playing this game or any other if you're not striving to better your play?
by playing for 10h 38min
*breaks your phone*
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for all the faggots that dont believe that i play perfectly and should be rank 1, but my shit team holds me back.

this is an average game for me.
>tfw today I subtly throwed 3 games
no better feel
What build? Mines?
Fuck yeah, hercules and Zena
symbiote, why would you ever build mines on a map that isn't either dragon shrine, jew hearts bay, or haunted mines?
it's easy topping every stat, and they're not even GOOD for a 30min game, in shitter ranks with abathur. continue being bronze tho.
>not building locust
do you even push lanes? kys
Because some Aba players post high damage with a mine build then complain about their team. When the lack of damage during a team fight is whats throwing the game.

Don't you find it hard playing at your rank as Aba when the majority of players at that rank probably don't know how to utilise him?

I'd say duo queue as a combo if you want to raise your rank as Aba or play a hard meta hero until your rank improves and go back to Aba then.
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She can help me)))
don't you have some english supporters to beat to death, vladimir?
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Hello. Where can we start a petition to rename the current Arthas to The Lich King and add Arthas as a Paladin Hero? The current Arthas is not Arthas, it's Arthas and Ner'zhul.

D (trait) switch between judgement types, every 3d basic attack applies the shit / or switch betwen auras

Q hand of reckoning
W crusader strike
E divine storm (uther should get a new ulti, pff. this will be a dmg basic ability)
R1 avenging wrath
R2 consecration
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also lots of talents for auras and seals xd like on lvl 20 just instead of storm shield blessing of kings or might XD would be cool, kk thx

Master Skin Arthas
without the beard tho, not very cool for a young king
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i need more hype heroes like artanis, beefy, lots of self sustain and decent dmg
Give consecration as his E
Auras should be from talents, selection of 3 styles at level 7 or something.
Trait should be hammer of wrath to execute low HP players with a CD

I'm not a fan of the ults, maybe make the ults different blessings that buff you and your team mates for 15 seconds, might giving damage, kings max HP and a shield?
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regular skin tints: blue ofc, scarlet crusader, green or golden

skins: Terran Marine Arthas, Dragon Knight Arthas, Policeman Arthas
is it gay if i want johanna and sonya to corner me, and take out their sweaty, big hard throbbing girlcocks and make me suck them before fucking my ass?
Hopefully never. The Lich King is Arthas in his "prime", whether you like it or not.

Save paladin skillsets for Tyrion or Maraad or Turalyon or heck, even Yrel
blessings are level 20 basically because medivh has mage buffs for lvl 20 talents
how do you afk train heroes? just go vs AI and tab out for 30 mins?
>tfw no Tyrant Velhari
dark vindicators > paladins
I wouldn't mind knowing either, I usually just bot match grind mine.
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hahahha stupid kid... arthas in his prime is always and during culling of stratholme especially, it was the most paladinic thing that has been done in warcraft
top kek
Exactly that. And it won't be possible come wednesday
dehaka is the master race
I'll make a bot that randomly clicks the screen then.
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maybe fucking stop playing fucking abathur at any rank under 5? use your fucking brain and pick a hero that can at least try to carry a game by setting a kill up or play a warrior and stop glorifying yourself.
Just a silly promo for championships.
You cropped out the new model dancing at the bottom.
what kind of a retard do you hav to be to enjoy playing as tyrael, maining him? please explain? i play hots for a year, i have every single hero and none of them, EVEN FUCKING CHROMIE, are not as unenjoyable as the hooded angelnigger. i never pick him in hero league, AND very, very extremely rarely i play him in quick match. so im doing it right now, his damage sucks balls, his sustain and survivability suck balls too. i understand how he can be useful in competitive and his level 16 q is fun, but beyond that, what is supposed to keep me entertained? boring and useless hero, yet ppl like Mopsio still pick him on high mmr hero league
If you want to rank up, why don't you play a meme assassin who can make and break plays by themselves as long as they patiently follow their team waiting fro their chance?

Oh, that's right, because your mechanics are shit beyond "point mouse in general direction of spike" and "ultimate evo then yolo on the easiest target"
He can be useful to shit on some heroes/heroics. Shutting down Li Li's jugs, or Valla's strafe, or isolating a Thrall or Xul who's advancing next to his tank.
>Shutting down Li Li's jugs
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>play hots they said
>shorter games they said
But why do you care?

Assumin you're a pro Hero Leaguer and I'm the shittiest of the shitty wood league QMers, even when you decide to play QM to raise some new hero to 5 the likelihood we have to play together is abysmal.

So you have fun constantly "challenging" yourself at HotS and I have fun turning off my brain and watching my hero whacking other heroes or getting whacked. In the end what we do is largely irrelevant to society, to our self-worth, to everything, so what's it to you?
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>Rexxar's face when tracer was in his vicinity
You'll be surprised to hear that people pick Li Li for Jugs in solo queue, even at "high rank" games.

You'll be even more surprised to hear that she can be a strong pick in such situations because it's team of pros that cna outplay her easily but she can be very good against solo shitters and not-so-shitters.
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>Blizzard will never add Lei Shen to HotS
what is the most stupid mount to go wth mecha tassadar? what mount would make u think damn this guy is a fucking stupid ass retard hopefully he dies from aids?
normal billie?
wonder billie
hell billie
>5 stacks of shifting sands
>temporal loop
>bully greymane for the next 10 minutes of the game

chromie is cute and fun
budget beast
Shes part of the Bronze Dragonflight for a reason though
I just made it, bless linux. It's not even training mode, vs AI, so I can get some gold too :D

>implying blizzhurd could stop me from botting
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>mfw I see tourneyfags using chromie

retards go full q without piercing sands
Peasant pony
>muh bronze talons for PvE DPS!
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>picking chromie in battlefield of eternity
Chromie can be used their, but you use her to poke the fuck out of the enemy team. You know where they are going to be. Just drop breaths and blasts all over the immortal. They'll ether get annoyed enough to come off the immortal and bully you or just sit there and tank your hits to the face. Especially with Mobius loop where you turn into a little spell machine gun.
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How long has this been on tychus' shoulder?
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>mfw on a 10 game winstreak and reaching lifetime mmr highscore
>reset in 3 days

since he was added
It's not a reset, retard, it's a loosening on confidence.

Meaning your MMR will stay the same but your first games will have more impact than normal on it.

How many games we do not know because Blizzard will never be trasparent enough.
by the normies
animeposting scum you're not fooling anyone
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New ranked this week, this is the change that will save this game... right?

It'll bring back the people who hit rank 1 then quit, for a while at least.

Nah, nothing'll really change.
Just finished playing a couple of bot matches and the game is very comfy but all this talk of the game dying is making me second guess if i should keep investing time into getting better at the game
>Most played hero in Hero League, by Role

Assassin Kael'thas
Specialist Sylvanas
Support Li Li
Warrior Muradin
forgot to add:
Blizz numbers
>Kael'thas left open
>guy on our team instead opts to lock in Gazlowe
>runs in circles dropping turrets that never reach anybody
>hit literally 0 grav-o bombs into stuns
>our sonya dies 14 times

send help
>historically the most OP and easy to abuse assassin
>probably leftover from haunted mines
>scrub magnet
>historically the most OP and easy to abuse warrior

seems legit
It's a meme, you dip
Why are the Diablo maps so terrible?

They are perhaps the worst maps in the game.
BoE is a great map
Infernal shrines grows on you and is pretty good
Fish Tank or Bubble Breeze?
No way. Infernal Shrine > Tomb of the Spider Queen > Sky Temple > BoE > BHB > Tower of Doom > Dragon Shire > Garden of Terror
how can you rate tomb so high then DS so low when they play almost exactly the same?
its not a meme. i play thi shit for a year now and i keep playing because for me there are no better games in sight atm, i just picked up hots because im a fan of warcraft characters, but the game itself is absolute shit if you compare it to other mobas.

the only reason why i dont switch over to the superior mobas is because its definitely too late to become a progamer at them. might start playing overwatch, idk. but right now sticking to hots until some interesting game comes out.

blizzard have done a very poor job with the game in nearly all aspects. it is too simplistic, very easy game, but there are still shitload of noobs. theres never good balance, just like in wow, cuz its fucking blizzard. the community is shit (its anti-toxic, so if ur an angry guy like me, u will be pissed OFF!) u cant flame because u will get chat banned.

matchmaking is very bad also.

no reason to start this game. u have to grind gold to enjoy all the chars, STUPID AS fuck. QUICK MATCH SUCKS BALS! RANKED SUCKS BALLS. the characters are boring, they are too fucking simple. there is no complexity in the game what so ever. ITS VERY DUMB STUPID GAME!

* bad MM
* no balance
* shit community of dumb stupid faggots
* average skill level is SUPER SHIT
* u cant carry idiots here AT ALL, 1 bad fucker AND ITS A LOSS
* u get chat banned for flaming SUBHUMAN RETARD IDIOTS WHO FUCK GAMES UP
* no complexity
* teams are leaving hots esport scene, its dying definitely
* prices are too high, both gold and real money
* u get gold rly slowly
* characters not cool enough and they all have almost the same build
It won't save the game immediately, but the healing can begin.

>Snowball's Bay above Dragon Shire



How are they?


Follow-up. Just had our completely deaf/mute Brightwing solo support into burst damage take Emerald Wind and then just die in lane all game.

>tfw rank 2 then tanked to 6 and probably won't be able to get r1 in time
Pretty much everything this guy said is wrong, ftr.

The only thing he is half right about is the fact that the average skill level can be pretty low, which is pretty typical of competitive team games that are still fairly young.
I absolutely hate the Dragon Shire mechanic and the rotate route are dogshit awful if you lose mid control
Also I like Tomb because it's intense at high mmr but I get why it would be boring otherwise since the game stretch for too long with no so good players
Is there any chance MVP could get upset tomorrow? Thinking about going all-in as a rage bet.
What are the odds that this guy is both:

1) Has a 3 month chat mute.

2) Has an MMR of less than 2k?
Yeah, they did lose 3-0 to the other korean team in the qualifier finals.
These are true, though

>bad MM
>shit community of dumb stupid faggots
>u cant carry idiots blah blah

Are all true. I'm in diamond and I may as well be in silver. You still get total retards on your team. The game seemingly stacks games against you where the enemy gets better team comps (3 supports while we have 0, um....hotstards?!) Where the enemy are coordinated/non-shit and you constantly have at least one dickhead that overextends and feeds 24/7. It happens all the time. No matter who you play. No matter where you are. No matter what you do. You'll lose and it's most likely because of random shits that you should not be queued with. I want to play a team game, not be a day-care worker.

Why is it only MOBA faggots that try to justify the fucking god-awful matchmaking? I don't care if the game has shitters, as long as I rightfully don't get put with them. Put me with equally skilled allies and opponents. Stop giving me all the shitters to carry free wins while they do absolutely nothing and I actually try.

>inb4 you've been muted
>inb4 muh bronze
2.7-3k (Diamond
Never been muted. I don't bother """""""flaming"""""""""" these man-children.
So how likely is it that they lose?
>Put me with equally skilled allies and opponents
That's what puts me off. I've been grinding MMR for weeks now and I went slowly from 2200 to 3300 soloQueueing and I feel like half my teammate around my MMR still have no game sense whatsoever and make awful decision ( WHO THE FUCK STILL GOES FOR BOSS DURING A CURSE ??)
I'm still climbing up at a steady rate and I really dont feel you can get good games unless you hit 3.7-3.9k mmr
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And if you were to get into the top 1% of MMR. Then what? All that stress, effort and time for....nothing. You're being a slave for a game that isn't worth it. I've reached Diamond and it hasn't changed at all.

The game is a huge carrot on a stick and insanity simulator. I'm about done playing 'seriously' in HotS since nearly nobody I queue with ever gives a shit. Why should I strain my mind occasionally for these people that don't ever do the same in return and occasionally abuse others (and/or myself)?

I like games where you plug in and play. Not grind 1000 hours for "eh you might get reasonable matches, eventually. but the match making is fucked all the way up to diamond so what makes you think it'll be good in master?"

Like the other game I play is BFGArmada. Load it up, pick my fleet, shoot shit. Isn't too difficult but requires some planning and sometimes quick thinking/movement. HotS is...grind and help ungreatful retards. Win = feel okay. Lose = feel shit. Sounds like a shit game the more I think about it.
2.7k MMR isn't very good and more than likely you throw at least 10x more than you think you do. Sorry to be the one to inform you.
Apparently better than most. Don't you know how MMR or ranks work?

Actually have you even played HotS? I know some people stroll through /vg/ and just randomly shit-post in threads they have no idea about.

desu climbing rating/mmr in this game is just making judgement calls

>ping away from boss, spam danger, say enemy team mia and that they're 16 and your team is 15
>everybody stands in a root at the same time
>anub'arak flies out of nowhere and stuns your entire team for like five seconds
>3-5 friendly players dead and boss stolen
>Apparently better than most.

Mate I have some advice for you, the vast majority of people who play video games are absolute shit. Having an MMR that's "better than most" is an entirely meaningless indication.

I'm telling you again, especially at 2.7k-3k MMR (Which I also fluctuate between), you are absolutely nowhere near as good as you think you are and are making huge mistakes that if you focused on correcting would net you more wins in the long run than wringing your hands over the time that one retard grabbed the boss when he shouldn't have.

You will always remember the match where some idiots dived into the throw pit and "cost the match", but you will never remember the dozens of mistakes you personally made in that match that put your team in the position where a bad engage led to you losing.

I can tell right away that your attitude is shit and that the only person keeping you from 3.5k MMR is yourself.
You must be 18 or older to post on this site.
desu BFGA at its current state is very infuriating
>play IN
>proceed to get rammed and kited to death by orks/chaos
Unless you are one of the ork apologists with "muh innacuracy" (only 10% more than IN at the range they were designed for). That game really could use a balancing
>carry early game pretty hard with up to 3 level advantage
>stop babysitting my team for a minute
>my team get cocky and start dying one by one and making shit calls
>lost ONE teamfight and lose the entire game because retarded mate get titled

70% of my losses right there
The second I stop handholding everyone and it goes to shit. Fuck this game and babby's comeback mechanics and fuck the playerbase for being inbred morons
I've nearly done the campaign and been doing solo skirmish Chaos. Chaos are my bois.

Again, partly why I like the game is because to me it's 100% solo. People just ruin most games (multiplayer)

And yes solo has its issues, AI cheat all the time, etc.

I love this "let pubs shit all over you all the time and you'll be #1!" reddit meme. It's just a sly way to say "stop being toxic, you hurt my feelings ! :<" Oh and your logic for bias is false. You can write down each game and summerise it. Vast majority of losses are because of dumb fucks on your own team. And it's a fact that match making is horrible and you get total feeding shitters on your team. AND it's a fact with all MOBA that one guy can single-handedly throw the entire game.

The whole "s-s-stop being toxic!" is a self-serving trick that blinds others.
Sylvannas also destroys on both Dibbles maps.
>"let pubs shit all over you all the time and you'll be #1!"

lmao, not at all what I said even remotely, but whatever strawman you need to help you cope with the fact that you are incapable of owning up to the fact that you are not nearly as good as you think you are, you gigantic fucking crybaby.

You absolutely need to be an aggressive shotcaller in order to maximize your team's potential to win. Communication is key and pinging is often not enough.

>Vast majority of losses are because of dumb fucks on your own team

So you're incapable of reading huh? You may have lost because Illidan dived 1v5 at the 20 minute mark, but there were a string of mistakes you made throughout the match that put you into a position where the team easily capitalized on the advantage and swung the game. Illidan diving 1v5 was simply the straw that broke the camel's back.

Until you actually own up to the fact that you can do better, you will be forever doomed to your MMR bracket, sorry chum.
Anyone under 3.5k is objectively bad and most of the good players are above 4k.
All mobas are like this. I'm 6.6k MMR in DotA 2 and I still get feeders and retards in my game regularly. There just aren't enough good players to fill up games whenever you feel like it.
Then MMR is useless.

>you can do better excuses and justifies all of the retards you get
Tip-top logic.
>Then MMR is useless
No MMR is a baseline and there's probably like a 100 good players that still play the game at the very most.
Even the most "alive" MOBA which is doter still has massive match-making and player issues.

It's basically get a 5-man team or give up, like everybody else. Ever played a serious 5-man? It's a completely different game. As another anon said 1 player can and will lose you the game. No amount of carrying or being nice will change it. I think this is why people don't take these games seriously as far as team games and e-sports go.
I asked myself the same thing, and it's been way more frustrating than rewarding to play Hots for me lately so I don't play as much as I used to. The feels of hopelessness and 'what have i done to deserve this team' are way higher than any other game I've played and there's not much you can do.
This game is dead to me until summer ends. These kids are way too annoying.

At least before on weekdays I'd get semi competent teammates with the occasional retard here and there, but EVERY fucking game I'm in now is decided by which side has less kids to babysit.
is a cute! a CUTE!
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What was his problem?
who even still plays this game
being possesed by the god king of demons isn't good for your mental health
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm wtf gul'dan isn't the god king of daemons pal, he was possesed by gul'dan in Warcraft.......
So, the person first picks Chromie and then yells at me for not banning Morales.
no he wasn't, he clearly turns into the Avatar of Sargeras before memegar kills him
>extreme emphasis on teamwork and cooperative play
>no voice chat
>reminder every time you get into a game that you can simply mute your entire team
>people on official forums/reddit complain ignore limit is too small and that they've had to simply disable all messages because toxicity
>we'll probably never get an all chat
>or a functional reconnect system because muh engine
They're adding voice chat soon.
not the guy but Dustin bowder on twitter
Not him, but I got in as part of the alpha for Blizzard testing voice chat through the Battle.net client.
It wasn't something I was interested in, so I haven't actually been trying it.
Play with friends you miserable fucking cretins.

If not friends, add people who are good and play with them. It's not difficult.

>try HL
>first game Johanna dc's off the start
>4v5 the whole game
>enemy constantly turns in coins and gets boss
>allies run around solo and keep feeding
Exact same as QM. Why bother with HL? Takes longer and it's just as shit.
>4chan in charge of servers

>No ETA. Team is aware of the need. Sorry I don't have a date for you.
>No ETA. Team is aware of the need. Sorry I don't have a date for you.
aka it's not being worked on and we will probably not bother

Aren't they working on a voice chat for bnet itself? Between friends only or something

>somebody complains of lag in either draft or before match begins
>disconnects for remainder of game
>lose full points
>opposing team gets full points
Hey, at least we'll probably have voice chat before we get Arena.
>aka it's not being worked on and we will probably not bother

That's the exact opposite of what he's saying.
My friends are admittedly bad too.
Gotta work on your reading between the marketing lines
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What if RIOT send shitters to play this game to make people switch gaems?
I think playing with a friend of mine who is lower rank is a great way for me to drop ranks. I was hoping the teamwork would've helped, but my teammates seem to disagree with every call we make.

Like, Xul last game kept being upset that we weren't engaging in this huge teamfight mid. It was Dragonshire. Like, who cares about mid? We should be in lane to soak and get shrines.

Just play heroes that synergize.

>Skillshots and Xul
>Any burst and Tyrande

Alternatively just play Sonya.

>tfw soloing enemy boss right before tribute on Cursed Hollow
loving this subtly OP guy
He's not out and out "haha you cannot kill me"
but you can definitely feel his steadily building pressure over a game's course
Turalyon, for sure. O.G. Paladin right there.
>plays abathur
>can't win games
>doesn't understand why
it means were getting an overwatch map next patch.
Because Xul start out with 5 abilities while everyone else has to start with 4. Then he gets to pick between two great ultimates. Then at 20 he gets another ability in the form of a high-damage skillshot.

Xul isn't powerful just because, it's because Blizzard loaded him down with a huge kit no other hero can even dream of.
>Blizzard employees tasked with "donating" large amounts of money to Chu and Mewn in order to keep them streaming HotS
>person picks Kerrigan
>lands literally zero combos the entire game
>master skin
>check history, only plays kerrigan
>Finally get gold for Ming

Wow, it's like I can just shut my brain right off
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Why does HotS get cooler skins than Overwatch? Is it because they are smaller/simpler?
They have more freedom as they don't influence gameplay nearly as heavily.
How do Overwatch skins influence it, then? They have the same skeletal animations and all.
Because it is a shooter rather than a MOBA, the ability to quickly distinguish what character you are seeing is more important.

In HOTS, you can't change characters mid game. OW is faster paced as well, so even a few seconds of confusion is more likely to hurt than in HOTS.
Ah, okay, I get what you mean. However, I still think OW's skins are either lame or odd, their themes especially. Nothing seems to match anything. After HotS's fun skins, I'm guess I'm somewhat disappointed in them. You'd think some kind of middle ground could be achieved...
True. I wish there were slightly less joke skins overall in OW, but I like most of them.
This reminds me when I first saw the Jaina's snowman ult, I didn't knew what it was and it really distracted me in heat of the moment.

Also zeratul/nova riding a small pony mount actually makes their glimmer smaller.
>smaller glimmer
Not anymore, gramps. That was a year ago.
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is jaina a whore for letting herself get captured by a succubus? did she want this to happen because she is such a slut?
jaina is such a slut

Synopsis: Jaina Proudmoore the most powerful human sorceress on Azeroth She has been captured and is held captive by Succubus. Succubus is a female Demon that has taken the form of a curvy amazon woman in order to seduce her captive through sexual activities.
in Part 1: Jaina has been held captive and been chained up for days in this remote and isolated dungeon. She is starting to loose strength. Succubus pays her a visit and decides that she is not ready yet and leaves her to wait a bit longer..
The day after Succubus is ready to start her dangerous seduction. Her rules of seduction are unusual. She will undress her tied up captive and reveal her body. Before touching her and exploring her sensitive parts with her soft touch. Soon, she will be making this beautiful young blonde damsel scream of pleasure with a series of forced orgasms. but it doesn't stop there, the punishment and the Carnal Quest has just started!
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delete this, Nova is a pure maiden
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Where the fuck is [spoiler__]MEI__[/spoiler]?!
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>enter team fight
>entire team switches to me
>this damage is through a 50% spell shield
>blizzard thinks this is okay
>550 damage per missile
>600 orb
I think your 50% shield kicked in between the missile hits and the orb hit
if chromie time traps an abby and he evos away, will the clone teleport to the sand trap?
>cho'gall hover
>uh oh
>cho'gall insta-lock
>lose in 11 minutes

:3 Staying positive. At least it was quick.
>inb4 it cancels abathurs ulti

Follow-up, just had another game with the same insta-locking Cho'gall pair who picked him after the opposing team drafted Tychus.

We lost, of course.

:3 Kill me.
FUCK YOOU JIANA IS PURE!!!!!!! FSUKC!!!!!!!!!!1111111111
you don't like memes?
>play 5 TL
>each takes at least 30m queue
>always get matched against the same enemy
>they beat us every time because of ebin picks and we had a drafter that was AFK
I didn't think QM could get more painful. As in, the game can be more painful than just playing QM.
>2 wins shy of rank 1
>Jaina/Morales picked into Greymane/Sonya
>Chromie first pick
>duo-queue Cho'gall who drafted him after opposing team picked Tychus
>duo-queue that seemed pretty cool but both disconnected just after we won the first objective and never came back

I should probably stop queuing, but maybe the streak will break...

Currently situated around rank 7
>a perfectly balanced game
>no shitters or toxics or noob
>enemy team is capable of defensing, we kill some, we die some
>after everything, we win fair and square
>good game guys
>only one win left to get the desired rank
>next game
>enemy team is obviously ganking
>tell care in chat, explain what to do in case someone doesn't know
>we get a peek of the gank team amongst bushes
>our Kerrigan jumps into 4 of them alone
>proceeds to do same thing 3 more times over first 5 minutes
>our core is being destroyed, the shitter writes "BIG NOOBS"

Each game is a coin toss. Even worse. If you get a shitter, you lose. If you don't get a shitter, you can win or lose. So overall chances of winning each game before the game starts are 25%
Arthas consumed Ner'zhul's soul when he put on the crown of domination, so it's only Arthas, not Arthas and Ner'zhul. Get your lore straight, faggot
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That carpet looks p comfy
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damn, almost feel bad for renovation
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>tfw i posted that pic
>tfw that was the comment i posted it with in the file name
Idk why you felt inclined to do that but here have another fun pic
So, which characters in hots do you ship?
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>tfw duo queue with chill bro
>we win 5 games in a row
>win them hard too, one of them is like 13 minutes
>chill bro has to go
>solo queue
>lose 4 in a row
guys I deranked to gold 5 :D
Tychus and Li Ming
>tychus anything
lmao r u gay?
>tfw no bronze dragon gf
why even live
I can't help it
im not a dragon but i can be your bronze gf
will you wear a skirt...
Anyone knows if there's a way to know the state of the game without hooking directly in the process? I know hearthstone produces "live" logs of what's happening, is there something similar for hots?
state of the game : ded game
I just want to automate my bot >_<
fuck it, I'll do it with OCR
What do you mean by state of the game? Do you mean like the state of a game currently being played, or the current balance state of the game as a whole?
How do they give codes on stream? Are they just PMing random people? Do you have to reply somehow, or can you just go afk?
Can't you read the replay file in real time ?
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>make smurf account
>feel bad for dominating new players
I can't do this
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>Space Lord Leoric
>just might get Aiden this December for Diablo's 20th anniv

Aiden Skywalker skin when?
Is playing this game a few hours every day addiction?
Feel u. Single handedly won a game with the smurf yesterday. Tbh was fun to just dicking around knowing that i could end it whenever i felt like it.
>"I play Tracer"
>team is shit
>"oh my god that new hero is so OP! you can't avoid her attacks!"
Well forced 50 isn't even trying to be inconspicuous any more.
I keep picking more and more obscure heroes and still get mirror'd every time.

Is it time to move to ranked?
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get on my level
Just wait 2 days for unranked draft senpai
Is that seriously coming?

Honestly the ranked part doesn't bother me though since hidden mmr is already a thing. It's the "i like to play un-meta heroes and don't want to have to counterpick" thing.

I don't even own 90% of the OP heroes despite having unlocked half the roster.
Whatever you do, just be polite. You don't want 4 angry kids reporting you because you didn't pick one of the 10 obligatory heroes.

I get this a lot, but as long as you don't respond blizzard's automatic ban wont do anything. I have dozens of games with angry betas reporting me all at once and trash talking, then I just say "Sorry I'm still learning" or "I'll give my best" only when they accuse me of trolling, you can play whatever hero without consequences :^)

I pick nova/butcher/murky every time and I win more than half of the games while I sit back to enjoy everyone getting upset lol :^)
Yeah, thats autism
Gilly looks like she probably has a brother who looks exactly like her
And which one of the two has the more feminine penis?
gilly isnt ugly and has a cute voice

well she's definitely not bad looking, but she's more kind of cute than hot.
unranked draft is useless if it doesn't replace QM
Forced 50 is only a thing if you play in QM with abslute retards
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only a few hours remain to afk heroes to 9
Pic related
gillyweed is ugly as shit. she is like the western version of nostromia.
chromie mercy skin when?
Mercy when?

Then we can mercy+morales unkillable power duo!
>wasting a qt skin on some midget
these "pro" teams

its like everyone except the top 2 teams are just jobbers
>he didn't write his own bot
Dominatrix Kerrigan skin when?
Holy shit, so I just completed my placement games for the rewards, and I got put at rank 8, I thought I'd be like a rank 20 scrub!
I know it's not rank 1 but for a really casual player not bad imo.
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>ultimate revives the entire team
how would you balance that?
Just stun her
Ask again when Auriel hits the PTR.
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When will they group me with good players? I feel sorry for those beginners. I just saw a Muradin soloing a fort until he died :(
You'll be posting about forced 50% before long, don't worry
Probably can only revive 1 person at a time.

And prepare for the spam of:
>Why did you revive him instead of me?
that is for whitemane not some overwatch slut
for fuck sake mpv black is so bad
It's just a meme man. Playerbase is plenty big.

Besides you should get competitive at games you enjoy not games that are popular otherwise you'll hate it.
More like
>most powerful/OP hero
>the cheapest heroes in each role
It would be cool if there was like a flaming simulator so people that want to yell at other people can play that game.
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Can someone explain to me the exact steps for idling for leveling?
Start a training game
it's that fucking easy

You won't be able to do it come tuesday onward.
After tomorrow you won't be able to, but just go into training mode and afk, the end. The bot win like 99% of the time, and you get about as much xp as you would vs ai.
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why does sonya counter illidan
Illiderp is best at countering bursty heroes due to flipping all over and going dodgemode for a little bit, combined with built in sustain to keep him going.
Skillidan can't deal with someone with better sustain, which Sonya has. Sonya will trade blows with him, but if she took War Paint (which has an 80% pick rate in diamond/masters on hotdogs) then she will outlast him with her greater health pool and periodic Slamming.
The vast majority of Sonya's damage is through slam, and a large portion of illidan's survivability is against autos. Sonya ignores evasion and reflexive block almost entirely.

This is almost entirely false. Sonya doesn't have better sustained healing than Illidan, she just does way more damage than him and has a bigger health pool.

life is only worth living if you're a winner am I right?
dont bother the losers is this thread dont understand
> winner irl
> playing HotS

Pick one and only one.
>sonya master portrait is based off this
You don't play with or against Sonya much if you think her autoattacks are negligible. Focused Attack has an 80% pick rate as well, thanks to how excellently it meshes with War Paint. And the most picked talent for her 7th level? Ferocious Healing, bolstering her sustain ever further. (After that, Follow Through, which yet again ramps her autoattacks.) Modern Sonya play is all about balancing her autoattacks between Slams.
And yet all her Slam talents are minimal in pick rates.

She doesn't have out and out "better" sustained healing than Illidan, but Illidan's health pool is significantly lesser, so when they swing back and forth he's still gonna be depleted first.
Ded gaem?
Well I can see that I struck a nerve

I didn't know "the minutia of how exactly Sonya's mechanics counter those of Dong's" was such a hot button issue for you guys.
Obviously her aas aren't negligible, but what I'm saying is that the vast majority of her damage is through slam, and that she doesn't need aas to fight illidan outside of building fury. Even untalented (and even without wrath), slam does a fuckton. Yes, she has healing talents, but that's not the main reason she shreds Illidan. Even then, her healing and sustain compared to Illidan would only matter in a 1v1 situation, which rarely happens in this game. Sonya counters Illidan because when Illidan dives into her team and pops evasion, Sonya can tell him to fuck off and take half his health in 2 seconds regardless of his defensive talents and abilities.

I'm kinda tired and cranky, I guess. Plus something about the way in which he's citing talent pick rates is rubbing me the wrong way and giving off the impression that he hasn't actually experienced the matchup much ingame. Whatever, it literally doesn't matter who's right at the end of the day. It's not even that important. Illidan eats shit to Sonya and that's that. I'm gonna go pass out now.
The principle of the matter from my perspective is that Illidan specializes in whittling fools down while they can't do anything about it. Your point is that she can do stuff about it (Evasion doesn't deal with Slam) while I lean more towards that she's also not really easy to whittle down (many strong sustain focused abilities).
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>tfw your favorite hero is trash

pls return leoric to his former glory
They just recently nerfed him too.
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Is it ok to look for a couple/friends here? I'm a top looking for cute bottom boys to play HotS with. Do we have any around vg? I'm very loving and protective. :)
Looks like omar missed one.

try asking a support main
so is this right?
>dota2: soloQ is just acceptable, games take long
>hots: soloQ is horrible you're too team dependent, games have perfcet length
how many games do i need to have uploaded on hotslogs to see my MMR?

>45 Hero league
>74 total (HL/QM)

Displays the MMR of both, individually. I think it can just take a little while to calculate, if you only recently uploaded, or whatever.

Also I wouldn't pay too much attention to early MMR, as it goes a little crazy. Shot up to rank 1 on my third smurf but I'm still hovering around 3-5 on "main".
Still need to do 7 placement matches for TL.

How long do I have? 1 day? 12 hours?
Probably like 20 hours
Seems about right.
Just play heroes that work on any team, like Johanna or Xul
I like to fuck my own asshole with a big black dildo as I play this game. I hop up and down on it in excitement.
>Li Li mains
>people who waifu jaina
>just rexxar main things

>this game
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stop posting mewnfarez
also: how much did you pay blizzard for this joke?
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So, what will be the rewards for actual seasons? With how short they're supposed to be (2-3 months) I assume there will only be a portrait with a number of this particular season in a color of league you got to. And maybe some gold. Or do you expect to be more of exclusive mounts, maybe repeating every few seasons.
>tfw I failed to reach 10
>tfw I was fucking 11 and the matchmaking fucked me

ty blizzard
>play with muradin
>he sucks and we lose
>play against muradin
>he sucks and we win

so is he like the Malfurion of tanks

>first three people pick their favorite assassin
>last two have to suck it up and play something to keep them alive



That's not so bad. I was a win off rank 1 then lost, like, twelve in a row, or something.

Ever have a draft in which you're held hostage? "We're playing Cho'gall so pick Rehgar/Morales".

>they just picked tychus are you sure
>we always play cho'gall

Gold packages, avatars, and stimpack time, unless they invent some other method of rewarding players.
Is a shame that blizzard can't fix this kind of shit and no Muradin is not bad.
Started at Rank 23, I knew I wasn't getting to 10. Dropped to R31. At least I got R31 for TL too so I get the shit for R20 HL :^)

Doesn't League have some sort of "Victorious" skin made for the most contested, strongest Champion of the season, or something?

>Kael'thas won't ever recieve a skin for being the king of preseason


What I meant by "Malfurion of tanks" is that everybody owns him because he is 2000g, just like Malf and Li-Li, and locks him in if their team needs a tank.

>and hots tournament stream just went as dead as this game
>What I meant by "Malfurion of tanks" is that everybody owns him because he is 2000g, just like Malf and Li-Li, and locks him in if their team needs a tank.
Oh in that case you're right.
HotS' skin creation team seems to work extremely fucking slowly. I can only imagine they're so downsized that the 3 character skins they have to start with for each character (default, master, and first premium skin) overwhelms their output capacity. Giving out non-Master skins for free seems outside of their ability.
Dunno about LoL but in Smite Ullr got a skin for if you were in gold(?) or above, and he's just a random adc so it could be just to heroes that are lacking. Though skins in this game are much shitter, there's no way to get them other than actual money.
Finished my placements around a month ago, I think I got rank 28. I've just today got to 10, was 1 win away from 10 twice before but each time we obviously got a shitter for that deciding match. It is doable, but man does it suck. I even had my duo-queue partner drop out during draft purposely for me, because she doesn't care about her rank and we had absolute retards. <3
Tickets to report-freely talk shit about your teammates for a set amount of matches

For getting high enough rank you get a once-per-season use of a button that instantly explodes the PC of player of your choosing
If you buy enough things in this game you become report-immune. Why would they ban someone who, with IRL money, bought this entire game?
Reminder that we STILL don't have the ASU skin for Azmodunk from Heroes of the Dorm forever ago.
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Yeah, the 3-skins-per-release seems like a bit of a burden. One of the things everybody I got to try the game over League/Dota loved, though, that they got all these "chroma" tints, or whatever.


Yeah, I haven't even looked at Smite yet, and I just try to stay (sort of) in the loop about League. Usually just listen in on Skype calls from time to time, or watch the occasional Platinum/Diamond/Master's coaching vod.

>pic related is what League does, seem to have a bit of a "theme", sort of like the Super Sonya/Tyrande, that they just toss on a Hero every season

And I checked out the random ADC guy, and it's a literal gold skin? Well, that's interesting. Sort of fitting I guess.


Hovering Murky/Gazlowe and then stating your intentions in draft to play them and then go Robo or March has actually gotten me quite a few dodges out of teammates.

Oh, and split-pushing on maps other than Cursed Hollow and Battlefield of Eternity I've found is a pretty easy way of getting to rank 5-10 or so, before people are able to deal with it.


Because if you're willing to part with actual currency for in-game cosmetics (no judgments) you'll likely do it again.

>Heroes tournament stream still dead
you can literally just watch the broadcast vod rather than the live rebroadcast lmao
Why did nobody tell me Bone Spear was fucking OP
The talent description doesn't note it's on a TEN SECOND cooldown. I thought it'd be like 30. I always went for Xul's ultimate upgrades.
Yeah that's what I was doing, it's nice to skip all the breaks and interviews.
I just finished HL placement games, got rank 26. What are the odds of me reacingg 20 before the update tomorrow? Want the one wolf at least.
Get Team League Rank 40. Gets the R20 mount and another portrait and gold.
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loool.. 13th june and i still didnt watch the dogshit warcraft movie. i dont even need to, i know its one of the worst movies in the world. id rather watch james camerons avatar 20 times in a row.

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>Kilrogg's beard has no skulls
Isn't that the appeal of orcs?
Any rank 1's want to carry me tonight? I need a rank boost. I'm not that bad, really
no, they have as much similarities to niggers as to mongols, huns and other korean types, depending on the game. their skulls arent that close to negroids, some orcs like grommash look like gorillas even
Waiting warmly for the patch and my new mount.
Overwatch was such a fucking dissapointment, cant play that turd without getting mad because its so shit.
Feels good to be back in the game that I know and love. Such a shame, I kind of looked forward to OW. I guess the marketing got me.
>Overwatch was such a fucking dissapointment, cant play that turd without getting mad because its so shit.
i had fun during open beta, played like 40 hrs in a few days lol, didnt buy yet but planning to

>ultimate upgrades

Always found these to be sort of lackluster, honestly. Mortal Wound is pretty fun against Khara/Rehgar though, especially if you go for a Scythe build.

>bone spear

Sshh, not so loud.


>looked forward to OW

>like gorillas
So, like niggers? That was that guys point.
>only one mount
>not having rank 1
>not even rank 10
this is beyond bronze
I just loved Raised Mage so much when Murky, TLV, or Rexxar are around and it became a habit to take it all the time just for the 50% slow.
Ming isn't OP, it takes a lot of skill to play a hero that can only exert area control over the entire area in front of her and teleport away and have literally no consequences for spamming spells that cost nothing and have a 4 second cool down.

Why is she banned so much? Do people really have that much trouble dealing with a hero that if isn't killed by the end of a CC, will retreat and continue throwing highly damaging spells?
That all may be true but at least leming can miss.
That's 17 placement games. Fuck that noise
What the fuck.
I thought that orc was Kargath but I was unsure because of the weird teeth.
Kilrogg literally never appeared on screen.
>tfw they have all the orc costumes ready for the movie about the second war (except Ner'zhul)
With the forced 50 that's fewer games than getting to R20.
>person in draft said to get a good solo laner
>guy locks in Sylvanas against Zagara
>says Sylv is best solo laner
>this is rank 5

Not that I'm saying I don't deserve here, or that I could just climb out, but I definitely lack the drive to.
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>Kilrogg literally never appeared on screen.

>those soldiers



Pretty sure if you go even in placements you'll get dropped off around 20.
I have seen this webm and I swear to god I don't remember this scene at all, plus I had to make it loop 3 times to notice he was missing an eye...
I'm stoopid :'(
Is raging/tilting/throwing just a meme? Like people just do that to mess with others for enjoyment or because they saw people doing it and think it's cool.

No one actually gets that mad over nothing right?
we don't actually know that he's Kilrogg yet, just Bleeding Hollow

No, it's definitely a thing. I've seen people get into an argument with somebody over nothing and then just go "I'm not carrying you guys", or "you don't deserve a win".

Usually it's over dumb stuff, like "Sonya isn't a bruiser see it says shes a tank", or "Thrall can't solo lane he's an Assassin", or "LOL you didn't take judgment on Tyrael gg afk", or "LOL didn't take poison nova".

I've seen and had it happen every now and again, almost always when we lose a fight, when people furiously look at the level 4 and 7 talents in an attempt to divert blame.
>I want x hero
>no dude hes useless
>insta lock nova
>"enjoy the throw xdd"
This delay doesn't exist
How do I get someone to carry my friend to rank 1? I played with him but he isn't the best and I rather not keep losing
when is this shit game getting a draft system for QM
Tomorrow. It's called Unranked Draft. See you then!
has kargath appeared in the warcraft movie? what about grum? they're better orcs than kilrogg. post webms please, also where i pirate this shit in decent quality?
Tomorrow, but its another game mode, QM will stay the same
Make Leoric great again
Yes, people miss all the time with their bullet the size of three heroes and they really feel the consequence of not being able to fire it again for 4 seconds.

Your team is really counting on you to land every one of the 6+ orbs you'll be throwing per fight.
Have him go morales or lili and then follow you around as hammer/raynor. Then he can just focus on movement and positioning and not have to worry about using skills.
>Org to the right passes behind orc that is, cheering?, in a space that is much to small
>Orcs in bg literally just doing idle animations
Hello. I am Blizzard Entertainment Game Developer for Heroes of the Storm. What Chen skin would you like to see in the game?
get gassed jew
Reinhardt chen
>Valla died 6 time in ten mins
>I am Murky
>"gg Murky has managed to die 6 times in ten mins"
>Every-time I die, it was either to save his ass or secure a kill
>Let's not forget, I am Murky
>My grand total death toll come to 1.25
>My hero damage is some how higher than AA build Valla
i just met a master skin li ming that died 15 times
You guys are pushing this kilrogg thing like those previous posters who pushed lili and sonya. Is this an example of tribalism?
Real talk, Fishtank or Bubble breeze?

Why does everyone say Fishtank?

Bubble breeze lets me automatically get to the back line and who auto attacks Murky once he has bubble heal? Plus you can use it to chase down Octograbs. Only think I feel like fishtank really comes in handy for is soloing mercs.

Why do I want to take like two less attacks per fight when it stray AoEs that deal their damage to me anyway?

Especially with Mings all over the place now, I am in greater fear of a stray spell that a few auto attacks.
its obvious what is better based on aa or wizards on enemy team
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ethereals when?

Literally tomorrow.


Kael'thas, please. He deserves a skin so much.


>6 times in 10

Hey, I just had a Jaina that died 14 times in 13 minutes!

>dying on murky and missing zero soak

I love how this actually upsets people.


Yeah, you'll meet day 1 Hero release master skins, more frequently if there is some Holiday bonus. Stimming normies.


Fishtank for Raynor, Sonya, etc. Bubble Breeze if you think you'll get kited, or can kite with it. Also if they're lacking in the AD department.

>random blog
>get match with guy who turns out is awful
>he calls everybody else bad
>queue into him
>curbstsomp his face in

Best. Feel.


It only affects Hero basic attacks, friend.
>enemy team is first pick and they ban kael'thas
>everybody on our team is like omg perfect ban li-ming
>on tomb
>and not xul
>enemy team gets xul


Why are the Bronze so scared of the ming
They are scared of the unknown
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>be chromie
>they have li ming
This isn't in the version i watched at the cinema. Curious about the deleted/not included scenes
>she takes Disintegrate

>he takes rejuvenating bubble
>he considers taking bubble breeze
>he doesn't understand you can die as many times as you want so long as your egg doesn't die
>his egg placement is so bad that he can't go a single game without it not dying
>he isn't balls deep sliming motherfuckers to death
>he'll never know the feeling of soloing any hero that trys to kill him
But I use Healing bubble to 1 v 1 win vs Illidans and shit

Explain your build instead of just posting the best candidate in the 2016 election. Everyone already knows Bernie is done and Hillary is a puppet. Tell me of your build.
>tfw down nearly 30 points in towers of doom
>we have six health left
>don't lose a single point of it

The turnaround. I have heard of these games, but I've never been a part of one like this.


Just a normie attempting to comprehend the manner in which suicide frog is meant to be played, I think.

>mfw somebody takes fishtank because "mercs"


Hey, wasn't Xul's winrate like 60-70% on launch, and way higher than Li-Ming's, but nowhere near as many people complained?

>losing because lanes are pushed
>losing because ching ping deletes your stupid face with spell that hits for a billion damages
>Hey, wasn't Xul's winrate like 60-70% on launch, and way higher than Li-Ming's, but nowhere near as many people complained?
Yes. Xul is far more subtle than Li Ming.
With Li Ming she visibly explodes you from vision limit and blinks away from whatever you try.
With Xul he inflicted a guaranteed 2 second root with lane pressure that had never been seen in the game before.

people didn't complain about xul because 'he sucked' because they bought him, picked poison nova, died 10+ times a game trying to land the perfect ult, and felt the hero was 'meh' because they're shit players

I'm not sure, but it's probably Slimy Pufferfish.

>stumble upon a full health sonya trying to invade

>apply hentai
>this kills the snu


Mhm, subtlety. He didn't win because he pentakills your team, he wins because he'll keep 2-3 lanes pushed by himself, and he isn't terribly complex, or at all difficult to learn.

Hoping for more Heroes that aren't as in-your-face with HIGH SKILL CAP HARD TO HIT MAGE SKILLSHOTS.

Waiting for the eventual slow, lumbering Hero. Hoping it's a giant treant, or ancient of war. Maybe have a "stone giant", or "rock golem" skin, and he is simply slow, but can gain momentum if he continues moving, increasing the effect if it's in one direction (reduced by turning)

'Dunno. Just hope we don't see any more burst mages for a long, long time. Perhaps another knife fight of a melee Hero, but I can't handle all the burst mages and how they're in 100% every game.


Yeah, I played a bit of Johanna when he came out.

>blind his W
>condemn into punish when allies come in for a gank because he is almost immobile
>condemn or poison shield his poison nova wind-up

Interrupting that ult actually made me feel like I was starting to play the game, and wasn't just going through the motions.
Here's the next rotation for those who haven't checked the EU forums.

Li Li

>no Chromie

Did I miss her, or will she be next week?
She still hasn't come onto rotation.

fishtank>ltd>slime advantage>grab>wrath of cod>slimypufferfish>rewind

you're going to die, and you're going to die a lot, but it doesn't matter because you're going to be killing people. your area damage is extremely significant and even by yourself can chip the whole team down while you delay them

even if they don't get hit by the pufferfish the rapid fire slime adds up faster than most people expect, also rightclicking a motherfucker in a team fight while he doesn't realize you hitting him like a truck is still hilarious

if your egg dies once you need to work getting better at placing/moving it -- obvs if you have a nova or something onthe other team you have to be more conservative

murky is voting for trump
>Season 1 Heroes of the Storm rewards announced

Mixed feelings.

>armored mount is Master and above

I'm actually pleasantly surprised by this.
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>constantly disconnecting abathur with monstrosity, chen, greymane, xul, tychus
>jaina, kt, tychus, nova, leoric

based quick meme
pink valla is cute!
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>those gold rewards
>Discussion on health sustain

>Health Globes will provide significantly more healing
>increased cooldown on healing well
>they've tested disabling or greatly reducing passive regen to make damage taken more significant

Doot doot Abathur mines are fun.
I will try this damage focused Murky.

I think Tassadar is voting Trump as well, because of his best ultimate.
>make damage taken more significant
Do they even play this game?
Taking damage is awful with how fast your HP bar evaporates.
The fact that you can actually get back to the fight in short order with healing fountains or regeneration master is a huge boon to the early game flow.
>i didnt read the blizz post

Wonder if they'll eventually make hearthstoning a little less convenient.

>event in 30
>shove last wave into towers
>use ability to deplete mana slightly
>tap well
>arrive at fight

Or deny experience in lane. That might be interesting.

>Zagara against Sylv
>she goes for cheese so I shred her up early
>position myself between her minions and her towers because I have full vision on their team
>don't deal damage to her minions

Probably the closest thing. Sort of wish there were more 'little' things.
>hey guys
>we don't know how to balance this game
>so please tell us if this change will break the game
Interns doing the balancing of this game

just throw slime everywhere and right click

dont be afraid to 'waste' a puffer just for the slime

also listen to the official murky theme


>heroes don't have official theme music

Is shameful, friend.

Well I tried it.

Win, 6K11A1"Death"

It seemed very good, I got really aggressive with the egg, but the enemy team was also pretty retarded and got Octoraped all day.
DAMn that elemental lizard mount looks cool tho
How did you know, what I consider to be the exact piece of music that embodies my entire childhood and the spirit of everything fun about the 90's and the Ninja Turtles?
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I have 10k gold. Chromie, Kael or Chogall?
Chromie. You'll rarely get to use Cho'gall and only huge Faglord Maximizers use Kael.
Is Chromie the better mage?
kael, the prince of all saiyans

dont listen to vanilla midgets
No but you can actually use chromie, kael is always banned if you use chromie pick the q build
chromie is literally trash, lowest win rate in the whole game
That's not Medivh tomorrow.
She's much harder to use than Kael. Her skillshot abilities do a lot of damage, but take a lot of skill to land them.
>people fell for the w meme build

fucking manlets will never learn
fucked up quickmatch comps are a thousand times more fun than hero league meta

What do you do, exactly?


Requires somebody to queue with. He isn't played because nobody that plays Heroes has any friends, and he is easily countered.


Extreme levels of range and burst damage, but absolutely helpless if caught out. Very, very easily countered with Zeratul, Anub'arak, etc.


Permaban status until further notice. Don't expect to play him more than once in every 100 games in ranked. Lots of fun in QM, though.


Huh. Just realized she's only barely above Muradin. Still bottom, though.

Season 1 rewards. You'll only recieve 1750 in-game gold for reaching Master tier, and 2000 for Grand Master (top 500 region).

Sort of disappointing amounts, but I guess it's something extra, and they already give mini stims away on holidays.

>sauce, if of interest
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chromie is the worst hero atm

dont waste ur 10k

webm related
>but absolutely helpless if caught out
Once she gets to 12 and gets Bye Bye!, she can escape any fight unless you have multiple stuns.
>taking Bai Bai instead of range or Ice Block
You need to be 18 to post on this website, kid.
she could kill your from distance without warning but she was in fucking melee range for some reason.

bye bye is literally a retarded talent.

Potentially, but then you forego 25% increased range on your two damaging abilities, which is pretty significant.

And if you're already willing to do that; wouldn't the block talent offer a little bit more in actual engagements, instead of taking the talent that saves you if kinky beetle catches you out?


Hah. Gets me every time.
You would think, but I've played against a few Bye Bye Chromies who managed to get 10+ kills each and only one or two deaths the whole fight.
Mostly because my teams were QM shitters, but still, it's frustrating to try to kill her with that.
Speaking of which, Uther bubble+hearth talent when?

Yeah, I think she has a place, at least in unorganized play.

>enemy team last pick
>realize we're actually susceptible to Chromer and have no way to reach her
>guy in charge of banning picks her
>deletes our squishies the whole game

Still won, though. His teammates were completely dreadful, even if he did manage to kill our Jaina every team fight before it even started.

They also had a lot of vision being shot around, and this was infernal shrines. Might have helped a bit.
The extra range is better because you can snipe from your base with no consequence.

>bye bye
>by the time chromie gets back in the action the rest of her team is dead

bye bye is just not worth it.
>>bye bye
>>by the time chromie gets back in the action the rest of her team is dead
In QM, she had already picked off at least two of my team by then.
I'll admit, they were good Chromie players who could mostly reliably land her hits.
I was Uther and was the only person smart enough to stun the cunt. The problem is, she was rarely in range for me to do so.
well that make sense then
>Watching E3 conferences while playing hots
Now I can have twice the anger and twice the disappointment
>new gladiator season mount has the same color scheme as preseason one
>bright blue, orange and green

Chromie is god tier in altars of doom and cursed hollows.
>no shaman camps in try mode
>no bosses in try mode
>no globe spawner in try mode

Fug. I want to see how quickly I can kill bosses on various Heroes using different builds but don't want to spend hours in custom games.

just post lewd waifu pics instead of autistically all capsing them every thread you autistic faggot
>Stop doing this cancer
>Do this cancer instead
You are no better than him
>that Nova Ops trailer
>literally *dashes behind you with katana* Nothing personal
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>nova will never sit on your face
Does Tracer automatically target pufferfish or something? She drops them the instant they come out, I didn't even know they where "hit based"
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Sister of Battle Johanna skin when?

Base/Master color 2.
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Fine. Cultist-chan Li Ming when?
Um that would be heresy though.
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I mean, like, they know their target audience.

>mfw somebody gets picked off and I go to split-push a bit
>remaining three teammates think it's a good idea to contest objective 3v5


Poor Butcher.


She attacks, like, 20 times in a 1.5 second window, or something. And yeah, you don't have to manually click them to target now, so just A-move if there aren't minions nearby and the puffer'll die instantly, if I'm not mistaken.

>haven't seen a Murky in legit over 200 games since Tracer came out


We'll probably get a tennis-playing Li-Ming soon, friend.
>Li Ming in a short tennis skirt
Oh no, it's a boner.

Have you not thoroughly examined her master skin, friend?


Beach Johanna when.

>wet noodle flail
>surfboard shield
>ult nobody takes causes her to cannonball with splash effect
>real ult throws board
>her blind throws sand
Wearing a cute short skirt is classy and better than having you panties on display for the entire world to see like some sort of slut.

reminder that sluts make the world a better place
Should be a one piece suit with a cute small skirt
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does tracer have a special interaction with widowmaker nova
dat over extending lmao
Two piece with sarong.
I just want a female char with big ass and tits and clothing to complement both.
Hi im mostly just a WoW player but someone told me that Chromie got put into this game, and she is my favorite dragon by far, so i want to try this game out now and get into it.

But my question is who are the youtubers who put out quality and consistent videos on this game? i learn better by watching videos.
There aren't that many youtubers for this game that do full gameplay. MFPallyime and Squadron work well for beginners, though. Once you get a decent grasp on the game you'd probably be best off watching streams instead. There's quite a few decent streamers.
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Cultist-chan is love, cant wait to see if tomorrow changes are good for the game
>Tracer auto-kills puffers

Ah, yet another freebie for the games most braindead hero. Incredible.
it's the third color option isn't it?
>If I don't absolutely die, I will continue raping the shit out of your team with literally no risk

It's like playing Jainia for retarded people.

>favorite dragon

Bit of a heads-up but you won't be seeing much of her dragon form in the game. Think of her as more of a golden little gnome. Beyond Marksmanship Hunter levels of range on her abilities.


I think that it's just they've made the puffers automatically targetable, which allows Tychus/Tracer to instantly delete it without even being conscience of it (provided there is nothing else nearby, or when you bubble, making yourself immune).

It was probably done in the name of consistency, like the change to Gazlowe's D, but I don't see why they couldn't just leave it be, Murky has been hurt enough.

And it's bullshit Li-Ming's trait triggers if he so much as dies on her screen, even when she in *NO WAY* participated in the kill.
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Short question: Are the preseason ranked rewards you'll get based on the highest achieved rank in the season?

Or is it like in League of Legends where whatever rank you have at the end of the season counts?
I think what Blizzard has missed with Tracer and Ming is simply providing consequence.

The only consequences they have for misuse of skills or bad positioning is sub-standard damage output.

You have to be basically retarded to die with them.

Now take heroes like Jainia, one step of of place and Jainia is fucking dead. There is no "get out of jail card". She blows her combo and she cost her team basically all her damage out put.

You miss some shit with Ming, whatever, they still had to avoid it, costing them time and your cool downs are non-existent and your spells cost nothing.

Bad placement with tracer? Whatever, hit E at the first sign of trouble. You got rooted/slowed? Doesn't matter. No consequence, and they've wasted a valuable CC on you.

They simply don't play by the same rules and make some champions pointless.
highest achieved
Thanks! Do you know if it'll be the same for season 1?

Yeah, it's just disappointing, honestly. Doesn't give me hope for the future of the game if Tracer and Li-Ming aren't made even remotely punishing, and I doubt they will be.

Flash on a five second CD.

I don't even want to think about the abomination that is Tracer, just disgraceful.

Also love how Li-Ming can just lob her Q everywhere and miss 90% of them. Doesn't increase in mana cost with each miss, doesn't have a higher CD like Medivh's damaging ability; imagine if Magic Missiles had a 6 second CD reduced by 1 for each missile that connects, or whatever.

>off-topic blog
>win hard-fought game
>immediately get a game where one guy, same one, gets picked off before EVERY fight
>this has repeated for the past literal 8 games
>ping guy danger and say to be care
>doesn't move
>oh sorry/my bad/tired

Ugh, I was, like, 1-2 wins off rank 1, then this happened.




No idea.
Wow, an incredibly mobile and slippery character is dodging a skillshot based character? YOU DONT SAY.
Bronies ITT saying chromie is bad

I get my quest done in 8 minutes

120k+ hero damage after 20

ummm helooooo
>Placed 31 in TL after 11 wins 9 loses

At least I get a mount, right?
How many hours until this stupid fucking patch
It's similar to Abathur. Shitters will be very shit with her. Competent players will find good use out of her.

MOBA doesn't attract smart players. Blizzard doesn't attract smart players. Put the two together, you get something special.

See? >>145438095
>An assassin does damage
Wow anon, you go!

>average player finds her bad
>lmao shitters
>pros either don't use or play and then lose horribly
>lmao she still viable in niche scenarios


Eight, I think?
"pros" are just random people Blizzard picks off Quick Match to form "teams" so they can pretend there is something of a "pro" scene in this game.

>Azmodan/Gazlowe/Sylvanas be like look at my siege/experience gain I'm not the reason we're losing
>Cho'gall duo-queue be like look at our hero damage we're not the reason nothing is dying


Yes, I know. Regardless, the term applies, no?
Has preseason ended already? I want to start playing ranked for season 1 ;_;
I understand. They are technically pros. However, there isn't much competition in HotS and the "average" player is pretty poor overall. And personally, I advocate and side with personal experience and discussion (as we're doing) rather than just following what the pros do and the "meta" which is what majority and reddit does.

I'm suspicious of "pros" and "meta", doubly so when it's on such a small game as HotS that again, has little competition.
I'm really surprised they made another mount, especially that they gave higher requirements to get them. I know it's just a reskin of an existing mount, like the wolf was, but still. So will they keep making elemental <existing mount> for each season? Elemental horse, elemental hearthstone card etc. I think that they'll probabbly repeat team every few seasons, but who knows, Blizz surprised sometimes.

Gold rewards are shit though.
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Is all forgiven?
The feet are back! 10/10
brb fapping
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Good fap material

Kill yourself.
no one plays this game anymore its the /ft/ general now

This is fucking disgusting, not even cute socks to go with. Go to jail ugly skeleton, nobody cares.
>tfw no Terokk
>tfw no Shadow-Lord Iskar
>tfw no High Sage Viryx
arakkoa hero when


Even fucking Valeera is more famous/importan/COOLER than all of that generic garbage. BOOM, deal with it.

Also, this game need trans heroes. I had hope in Chromie, but they went full grill. Disappointed.rmvb.exe
>cooler or more important than THE VEIL CANNOT HIDE MY MIGHT
end your life

>not tight

Garbage. Try again silly penguin.
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>trans heroes
>Also, this game need trans heroes.


>jiggly bulge
>cute outfits

What the fuck is not to love? I want to see Faye maining that shit, not even kidding.
>OW has a trans hero
>HotS doesn't
No wonder this game is dead. Get with the times.

wait what? Who is the OW tranny? THIS IS FUCKING IMPORTANT
>He doesn't know
C'mon I don't even play that shill forced advertisement game and I even know.
Bullshit, just because Zarya has bulging muscles doesn't mean she's a tranny. She's female, nothing else.
No hero in overwatch is trans, unless he means like trans human or something like genji being mostly a robot now.

>hurr durr memes

Googled that shit. FUCKING NOTHING. Got my hopes up you piece of garbage.


ikr? She is a woman, you can see it from a mile away. Anyone here EVER kissed a beautiful man/twink/trans? You are missing so much, but hey, w/e.
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"u-huh, yeah...cool"
Dustin Browder, save us from those disgusting deviants

You know what, getting real for a second here on this place, this image/meme is fucking disgusting after what happened. Just... revolting, really.

I'm going to play the game now.
I couldn't be happier about what happened. We get to rid the world of half a hundred deviants AND demonize arabs even more for the mainstream demographic at the same time? Thats fucking swell.
Lunara is cute CUTE!
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>The oldschool Grunt with the Hornhelmet in the Backgroundm who is hammering his chest.
>2400 desperately trying to climb before season end
>queue into 3 rank 1s
>go to check mmr after losing because curious
>3800, 4000 and 4400

I just don't even know.
A noob review of heroes.
Played for 2 weeks, lvl 30.
Tryed zeratul. This invisible guy got to be easy to play with!
Insta dies all the time, had 2 kills in total, even li li had more hero damage than me. I have no idea how we won that qm. I give him 2/5, probably never dare to play him again.

Update. Looks like it might've been Fan and Kure.

Game feeling deader by the day.


Probably one of the most complicated and difficult Heroes in the game, friend. I've been too scared to play him.
It's the 14th, where's muh SEASON 1
>Probably one of the most complicated and difficult Heroes in the game, friend.
Interesting way to say "shit and underpowered"
Zeratul is actually really good. VP is the best ult in the game and vorpal + wormhole lets you make insane plays. One of the highest skillcap heroes for sure.

You're joking, right?
Skillcap doesn't mean shit to viability, anon. Not saying he's easy, but his usefulness is another question.

Fantastic argument/point, anon.

>hero is an shit
>lmao nice argument

He's one of the highest skillcap heroes ON TOP of being really fucking good. Ask literally any high MMR player and they'll tell you Zeratul is good. You can flank and kill squishies super easy with follow through, and regen helps you get tankier late game. Wormhole essentially lets you poke as a melee hero and potentially waste enemy cooldowns if they think you're committing hard. VP is the best ult in the game and can essentially turn a fight into a 5v1 on top of freezing the enemy team's cooldowns and making for some of the easiest aoe followup ever. If you're the guy who said he's only been playing for two weeks, I think you need to have a little more reservation before judging a hero so harshly.
It is okay.
>You're joking, right?
Is utterly useless. Much like your post, again.

Auto attack Zera seems like total shit. Compare him to other assassins. Only thing really going for him is VP which sets him apart from other assassins. Especially a hero like Tracer outshines him and isn't difficult at all.
I'm the guy who only played two weeks and I don't want to judge a hero because I still suck at the game. My point was that as a noob you should really stay away from him. It seem so easy to just run around and gank in stealth, but enemies really like to gang up on you. No idea how good he really is.
You're a year late
For what
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would this buff or nerf the vikings?
You missed when divine storm was op
I know :(
Maybe it will be good with a Medivh on your team


I think it's more just that they're rethinking mechanics of the game, which is probably a good thing.

Not sure how I'd feel about a poke meta, though. Nazeebo in every game and all they do is lob spiders in your general direction.
memekings with health regen while everyone else is a lot squishier might be a good thing
then again with how things currently are everyone would be nigh dead within seconds like that anyway
It would probably change them the same as any other hero.
Best way to build LiLi?
>removing health regen on Assassins

>remove any/all sustain from glass cannons
>knife fight heroes cease to be played
>play Dps Uther
>constant source of cc for team
>ends up with 2-5 kills each match
Feels good
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Speaking as a severely bronze'ing bronzie, it seems like a great idea to emphasise their squish and encourage a balanced team.
Specialists having minor health regeneration and tanks maintaining their current health regeneration to help their roles while cutting or severely reducing assassins' health regeneration might make for interesting results.
All that's going to happen are the squishies getting hit once and abandoning team fights to hearth back to the garrison.
And it's going to make long-range shitters like Hammer extremely powerful.
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I stopped playing for the past year or so and now I'm curious what I should buy to get back into hero league. I have 30k to spend. I'm thinking I probably need more assassins but I'm not sure.
carries: kaelthas, thrall, falstad, xul
warriors: muradin, etc, joh, anub, dehaka if u want
healers: tassadar, tyrande
all you need

Yeah, this. Taking a bad trade then simply having somebody cover your lane while you back for free because it's more efficient than the support burning half their mana bar on you isn't good gameplay.

I don't think it is, anyways.



Please stop referring to them as if they all fulfill the same role.


Might need a spot of information here.

>role/duty preferences

Regardless, I'd suggest snagging Xul, Johanna, Nazeebo, and Tychus A few others come to mind, but these are what I've found to be relatively easy to achieve results with (that you don't already have).

Thrall/Falstad too, probably.

>Anub'arak Burrow talents at both 4 and 16, hit 2-3 enemy teams with a charge after activating Locust Swarm ultimate and you've probably already won the fight
>Zagara because fuck you this is my lane
>ETC because people are terrified of Mosh
you are very luck yi answered you first, this thread is full of shitters and i dont recommend listening to their advices
to add to my list: illidan, lunara, zagara. stitches for warrior, he is good vs thrall
here is priority of picks


on infernal shrines/tomb kaelthas=xul
lunara super good on pve maps and vs supports that heal 1 target

warriors: muradin>etc=anub(not solo tank)>joh=stitches
stitches super good vs melee assassins

supports in soloq: tyrande>tassadar>rehgar>kharazim
>new hotdogs site layout
Today is the day boys!
We season one now.
not me, im muted until august
please stop saying my waifu's name in ebonics!
Europeons gotta wait till tomorrow
Feels bad living in the thirld world
he's trying to stay relevant, that site is only useful for w/loss stats now
HAHAHA Get fucked you toxic cunt.
what is your hero league MMR?
Lead league, a step above wood.
I can play ranked though, enjoy QM and unranked draft!
what program do i use to record while playing a replay
that was fast, thanks f@m
Why arent you rank 3 or higher yet, anon?
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>go to play ranked
>see this

so is Hero League gone? Only team league now?

>one and a half wins off rank 1
>tank all the way down to 9
>guy who afks after first objective explaining how they can't ban you if you just clear waves
>guy whose "main" hero was target banned by his teammates feeding kills from minute one of the game
>the above happened twice
>duo-queue who said they were just doing dailies
>queued into who I assume was Fan because he had "Fan" in his name and was 4400 MMR

Oh well. Serves me right for waiting until the final weeks. Procrastinated because I had never enjoyed ranked, and still don't.


Three hours, friend. Soon.
If you have friends at all chogall is tons of fun. And if you own him then your friend can always play.

Kt is powerful but permabanned.

Chromie sounds annoying and has a really low win rate due to being heavily counterable and super squishy.
>Maintenance at 7:00 PDT
>It's 7:13 PDT

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At least we ended the game on a good note.
>hots stream as dead as the game
Yes. THREE months ago, on 3/10/16, they posted that the winner of the Heroes of the Dorm will get the 3rd color variation. It's still locked in game. ASU's colors are Gold and Maroon (not to be confused with every person at that college being morons). Shouldn't be hard considering the Laker's colors (2nd skin variation) use almost the same color yellow.
Man I wonder how have i dodged being muted so far. Im pretty much the most toxic player Ive ever seen, at the first big mistake my shitter teammates make, Ill immediately hearth back, insult them, afk, feed, basically do every thing you can be reported for and yet Ive never been punished.

Feels good desu
Don't worry, once you get enough reports and get silenced once, you will keep getting silenced over and over again
this desu. shit works like a police record
just how much autism do you have?
You are the only constant.
is this old
is Kaelaris as clueless in Hots casting as he was in sc2 casting?
>sample size of 200

silence shouldnt be a thing. its fucking justified especially in this "team based" game of retarded subhuman dogshits. just played a quick match game on my smurf account, leveling illidan because u kno, he is pretty good to have for hero league. dragon shire - me 0 deaths, 100k DMG AS ILLIDAN WTF? and like 45 kills, everyone else on my team 8 deaths, 15 kills and li li that healed less than enemy tassadar. we lost ,we didnt even get a dragon a single time over 30 mins and when we wipe the enemy team im the only one pushing, others are dead and li li is soloing an enemy bruiiser camp :DDDD because "team?"
How is malf in competitive play? I've had a ton of fun with him on qm the past week.
umad bro?
he is shit as any other support in the game that doesnt heal through burst. he sees play rarely and when he does he loses

no reason to pick malf when u can pick kharazim
no reason to pick kharazim when u can pick tyrande/tassadar/bw
no reason to pick bw/tyrande/tassadar when u can pick rehgar
tass+tyr when together

any other option except brightwing in certain situations is trash and hinders your team
>just played a quick match game
wow its fucking nothing
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u r a fag
>June 6, 2016

Gee anon, I dunno.
I want to murder tracer
nigger nigger nigger
they could have uploaded it five months ago and provide a link to it only now
are they going to do a fuccboi anduin hero prom when they release legion.... ?
Superman when?
Who best hero and why thrall
jaina pls we know you cant control yourself around green nigger dick but you are just embarrassing yourself now
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Здpaвcтвyйтe, дpyзья I am former Russian poccиян developer of Blizzard entertainment cтyдия Близзapд I was kicked, but i have spoilers of upcoming heroes. Today i want share you one, its secret leak.
Tell us more.
it's the magic disco orb?
IYou are almost right correct, this is one of abilitis of the upcoming goblin trade prince hero.
new hots update is online and available
get it while it's fresh
>Significant improvements have been made to the stability of the framerate in all game modes.
oh boy oh boy oh boy!
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kagutsuchi confirmed boys
Ley Line Seal seems like a shit ult desu
At long last, the dance studio.
>Muh pre-TBC dreams.

>implying valve could even own a 0.01% of Riot's parent company, Tencent

Tencent could outright buy the entirety of Activision-Bli$$hit and ruin all their games with even shittier game designs and microtransactions
What about playing a two-headed ogre?
What always got me was how people would've buy shitty stuff just based off art alone. Smite and LoL especially.
>Abathur: You can no longer use Hearthstone to port back to base while channeling Ultimate Evolution.

at least they didn't fix the teammate forced disconnect exploit :D
Is the maintenance over/when will it be over?
1.5+ bongs
it's done on NA.
I'm on the americas servers and it won't let me play because its says its still on maintenance
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pretty much all that's kept Blizzard reputation completely out of the toilet in 2016 are their:

1. art aesthetics & sex appeal
2. music
3. customer service

Aside from those 3 you get:

>shitty balance
>shitty design philosophy
>shitty grinding mechanics
>incoherent, inconsistent and childish writing, lore and universe (thanks Metzen)
>arrogant assholes of a development team (Jay "Fuck That Guy" Wilson, and "Trust me, you don't want legacy servers")

All in all Blizzard = Apple
metzen must have wrote jaina so he could live through her because of his lust for orc cocks
jaina sucks dragon cocks, not orc cocks

I can jack off to either of these
I doubt it, Jaina never fucked orcs.
10am PDT means 1pm EST. So 'at least' 20 more minutes.
what mantid hero will be added to hots?
oh shit
random tyrone buffs? WHAT?
were these in the PTR even?
Yeah the mana cost reductions were announced.
patch notes when?
see >>145467510

on the forums? i can't remember the PTR notes featuring tyrone changes
the lack of any cleanups on those changes or any notes whatsoever seem iffy too
feels like a last minute change
>log in
>you reach rank 11

fuck you blizz
Mmmm someone posted the PTR patch notes when the server went up and I remember reading it there. Personally, I never play the PTR since it's only 'alive' for 1-2 weeks before the patch that I'll eventually be playing with anyways.
>log in
>Rank 15

I never got past 19, why did this happen?
you hit 15 once then you drop to 19.
It was in the PTR but it was undocumented.

>Scary name, right? There’s no need to be scared, it’s actually a pretty simple concept. At the beginning of Season One, we will transfer all players’ current MMR into a cleaner, more accurate model for all game modes. We will be maintaining the current ordering, however, so you will still be matched with players of equal skill under this new system; we are simply adjusting our model to more accurately reflect the distribution of players. This means faster queue times at the high and low ends of the MMR spectrum, and more consistently fair games.

am i a legit retard because i dont for the love of me understand what the fuck they're saying.
>am i a legit retard
Probably. Basically it's 'averaging' your MMR a little bit (bronzies get their rating raised, high rating people get it lowered) and matches affect your rating more (before new season you'd win/lose, let's say 10 mmr, on an even match after season you'll win/lose, let's say 15 mmr, each match)
can you do the placement matches with friends?
yep, thats how you go 10-0 and get diamond3 without having to dodge draft every second game
It's a shame I don't have 4 friend to do this.
you do it in duoq

>Poly Bomb is the better ult AND it has a lower cooldown than Lay Line Seal

Uhhh Blizzard??
>go to us server because wanna try the changes since im europeon
>quebec fagspeaking in french, mexican XDDDing
Feels right at home
>no old man movie voice
im sad
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guys i placed bronze 3 :DDD
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Holy shit leak bro was right! Auriel soon I’m so happy for angel waifu, I thought they would never add her
Leakfag has not forsaken us
how did you finish 10 matches so fast?

My body is ready
I placed gold 3 on the PTR :D
off to a great 0-1 start thanks to a haymaker muradin
>doing 1st match placements
>retard second picks Jaina
Was Medivh released?
Sounds like my fucking game 7 deaths blames vps all game
>attacks Illidan while talking about darkness
>not Thrall, the abomination that he helped summon to the world
Are you people seriously making the placement games right now?

Fml plat 1 and friend got diamond 4 and we did our 10 together
Medivh and thrall have history. play WC3 child
you now remember that reddit likely got leakbro fired
Who designed Medivh's ultimates and said
>"Yeah I bet some people will choose Ley Line over Poly Bomb"

Poly's cd is even 40 seconds compared to ley lines 80. What the shit?
IT HAS PLAY MAKING POTENTIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
holy shit those performance improvements
holy shit
would it be autistic if there was a hero with 3 basic abilities that were high cd and powerful like ultimates? so basically 3 ults from lvl 1. and on lvl 10 u get a short cd ult that is like a basic ability
Your friend had higher MMR than you before the patch
>Handicapped Invoker

It maaaaybe could work. Depends on the role though.
>decide to meme with nova
>3 games in a row the enemy team has double tanks
>queue as any other assasin and it's always 4 assasins 1 specialist
>not forced 50
Gul'dan should be that + a controllable demon to do shit while you're useless
>Mercy skin
Stop trying to make me spend real shekels in this game
you can do it now or later when idiots will pick medivh and make you auto lose
0-2 atm

What happened to ranked? Where are my rank 1 buddies at
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Z - after a short delay jump into the skies lol, land in target location with lightning! big dmg, but not easy to land XD

D - basic attacks give ability empowerements

Q - create lightning orb. can move around like lunara's wisp. deals aoe dmg.
empowered: restores thorim mana as it dmgs enemies
empowered2: also explodes for high dmg when it expires

W - hurl lightning spear, goes thru 3 enemies, lower dmg to the last ones hit
empowered: equal dmg to all enemies hit
empowered2: also slows enemies

E - charge target enemy with electricity, increasing thorims basic attack dmg on it
empowered: increase thorim attk speed
empowered2: also spreads to nearby enemys

R1 nearby enemies get caught in mana draining lightning chains, and get slowed then rooted if they dont gtfo

R2 throw hammr like boomerang.. dealing %dmg and giving ability power for each enemy hit
this is what u get for not dodging draft
ialready said in multiple threads guldan should be with a big arsenal of global and impactful spells and he should have presence like abathur just walk around do his things
>2 idiots from your team don't come for objective
>tell them I won't bother trying to win if they won't
>just lane rest of the game as Nova
I wish I could ban people from being added to my team in games
Dodging = nothing higher than gold
what do u mean? lol. im on eu so idk what you are talking about. im pretty sure dodging doesnt affect your mmr or where u will land. id rather dodge a game with no supp/no tank chromie-gazlowe and play 3 quick match games SEVERAL TIMES in a row than lose 1 placement game.
what's the penalty for dodging during placement games?
a whole lot of wasted time in 30 min qm queues
why is uther considered easy if he has by far the most amount of buttons to push?
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pls rate dis screenshot
The difficulty ratings have like no meaning, most of them are random.
>diablo goes lighting hose
>brightwing goes emerald dream
>sonya retardedly split pushes and complains the whole game

i was rank 5 and im getting these idiots in my placement matches

bronze 5 here i come
he's easy if no one takes those talents.
Oh man fuck this game got so bad. 4 losses in a row in placements. What will happened if I lose all 10 games? I was rank 1 preseason
lm@oing at people doing placements right now

You deserve the losses

Wait until the impatient bronzies get placed first dumbos
I won 2/10 got into diamond.

no longer bronze, suck my dick bronzies
So your quick match MMR is more important than actually winning games?

Or did they actually change the system to take personal performance into account?
Anything under diamond is still bronze
your old hl mmr is way more important than placement matches
qm mmr only matters for someone who has never done hl
So I should be somewhere in plat or diamond after 10 losses?
that's not how the periodic table of elements works
Good thing game rankings are not elements
But does he remember me?
In the leavers' queue
Wait a minute... that adventurer...
So i made a purchase today and only got Hell Billie, in the website it clearly says "If you don’t already own Billie the Kid, don’t worry! We’re planning to give this mount away in addition to Hell Billie from Thursday, June 2, through Tuesday, June 14, 2016 as part of this in-game store promotion."

What now?
>first placement game
>captain says "is chromie a good ban?"

kill me
lmoa get fucked
>is chromie a good ban
Yes so nobody in your team takes her
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i actuall y had kilrogg there too but he somehow got removed while i was saving this file WTF???
sonya is so damn fun
Why didn't you color kargath you lazy piece of shit
guy s after some minutes of thinking i have come to the realization that the kilrogg i drew quite possibly gained sentience and escaped now he is hiding somewhere in the computer dimension
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>wipe enemy team, dead for at least 50 seconds


rank 1 plays, i feel sorry for lower ranks because it must be even worse
you have to grip your team by the balls at this point and spam ping on the enemy fort

whip them into submission with caps-ed sentences simultaneously
>spam ping on the enemy fort
>tfw you can only ping something 2-3 times before it stops you
Yeah that's really annoying, I was pinging to advance yesterday and I couldn't ping danger to save a teammate, so he died literally because people can't stand a few small noises.
>enemy team all alive
>walks in front of enemy creep wave on his way into the boss pit
Tales from the trenches:

>Pretty even match in spider tomb
>2 keeps remain for the enemy 3 keeps for us
>we go to a teamfight
>Enemy ETC catches all 5 of us with mosh in a moment of stupidity
>His team notices this too late, we gangfuck etc and then take them when they are approaching
>Proceed to go for core since they are all dead

More of those and I'll place outside of bronze, not thanks to my skill but due to the stupidity of my the others
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>click summoning stone
>portal appears
>click portal
>Chromie appears
Anyone else listens to nasheeds when playing hots? i do, usually, when i play kaelthas/illidan. Kaelthas is like this bomber guy and illidan is a determined jihadist with great goals that require him to be cautious and patient

Drop some hot Dehaka tips
1. Collect essence
2. Slap bitches with your tongue
3. Win
Lick the squishies
People can hear you appear in bushes near them
Lick the squishies
Burrow to avoid skill shots
Lick the squishies
_____Lick the squishies_____
>guy auto-locks vikings
>tells everybody what to pick and how to play around him
>he blames everybody else
>40 total viking deaths

i may have found the cancer worse than nova/sylvanas/hammer pickers


Map awareness. Look for ganks, or unsoaked lanes, in addition to potential to contest objectives (Dragon Shire delay, or Sky Temple).

Hit squishies with tongue, drag into team and hope for best.

Burrow to avoid scary damage/cc.

W to avoid getting blocked in, or use it to move through somebody to bodyblock.
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don't go into the bushes.webm
2MB, 1920x1080px
Have fun
Be ware of your teammates and their skills. When they're around and you're pulling someone try to keep steady so they can land their skillshots.
she's a cute! a CUTE!
He is the Li-Ming of tanks, a snowball warrior. Dive into enemies, grab a squishy, heal for dmg you took diving, your team kills the squishy, you get a heal for another dive, repeat.
Remeber to take increased essence on takedowns on 4 for that to work. I personally also like reduced CD on tongue to really pick the enemies off one by one, but the meta choice is reduced CD on W
Is this game saved?
It seems to me like we are right now like with every new diablo III season
>First week is full with players
>Second week that number is cut in half
>Third week and forward it goes back to being just as dead
nah, still got really long wait times compared to 6 months ago
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hey warcraft lorefags, who is this green nigga?

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guys we need a new thread
also have you checked out those challenges yet

who the fuck doesnt know that
Wait, what is that?
t. someone who played his last warcraft game when he was 12 (wc2)
Are anyone else's placement games not counting?
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>A new Veteran-level Tutorial has been introduced to the game.
>The new Veteran tutorial can be accessed through the “Challenges” button in the options menu, or by selecting “Veteran” when first entering the game on a new account.
basically little scenarios in which you have to pick the right talents and fulfill some requirements and shit
neat concept though i dunno if it'll help mouthbreathers with learning game basics
that was his most relevant game till wod
part of the new tutorial. teaching you about interrupting moshpit, soaking xp, ganking lanes

Yeah, but I think it's just a graphical bug.

>I wish mine didn't count tho
i like the idea at least
Oh it's the tutorial. I just completely skipped everything past the word tutorial on the patch notes

Would be neat if they made some actually difficult challenges and added some icon rewards or something on them
>greater cleave
i hope it's going to be the first step towards some more "challenging" stuff

don't judge our poor little balancing team after they came up with the bright idea that is cutting off health regen
would they cut off the game's life support to follow up to that change?
Chromie's best against people who clump together or stay still
If your enemies are spread out then she isn't as effective.
you also have to predict where enemies are going to be and shit with those skill shots.
>quest done in 8 minutes
c'mon, you gotta get that shit done in 5
>would they cut off the game's life support to follow up to that change?
I think they already cut it off and are waiting for the game to die. The health regen change is just them sticking a sword up the games ass to speed up the process
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yay victory

it'll definitely stay more of a niche thing i think
i mean they aren't implementing that health regen thing and only thinking about it so there's that
though, how would you try and salvage the game?
>valla still hasn't recieved facial animation



Just played through these and rather enjoyed them. Neat little things.

>wonder if we'll eventually get "minigames" like in Starcraft


Hey, what's generally picked, and why? I've never played Zeratul because his potential complexity/difficulty sort of kept me playing other things.
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this thread is dying, as are the easter eggs in this game

>Lmao the true reward is knowledge
>Sweet! Thanks blizz!
maybe new players get some dosh out of it
that fucking "Sweet!" cracks me up every time though
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This is the moba that has the biggest gay-service for vainilla stuff, lot's of DILFS and hot daddies
8/10 won diamond 1

Anyone want to que together sometime?

Ahh, I don't remember what they were called. Sort of like how you had to divide your forces into separate groups in order to counter/defend against various opposing compositions of units.

>never played Zera before
>play the training missions
>ganking one is most fun I've had short of playing with friends
oh i see
i do hope they'll use that thing to come up with more challenges later on

>i've never played ranked before
i'll probably end up being a bronzie
Ranked is not hard my friend. In fact you just que together with someone and murder the games.
why so many diamonds in this thread, wtf? what was your MMR in hero league?
New bread when?
>implying i won't lose my spaghetti and lose every single game without fail
Rank 1 at 124 wins 43 losses
Idk how to get my thing from that.
It's fine just learn
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what heroes resemble spider-man the most
ability wise
skin wise?

abilities: sonya, illidan i guess
skin: lunar illidan?


good grief


Just get into it, there isn't anything to be afraid of.
>there isn't anything to be afraid of.
>implying angry people angrily yelling at me to pick whatever won't make me go full-on spaghetti drop
>pick Strafe
>kill ETC with it
hardly a challenge

Literally mute them, they aren't worth the effort. Focus on your own play.
shit i'm running out of cheap excuses as to why i'm not playing ranked
go bak to reddit
i don't even browse plebbit
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