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Dota 2 General - /d2g/

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Thread replies: 766
Thread images: 160

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GUSTAV edition

Latest patch: http://www.dota2.com/news/updates/22242/
New players: https://purgegamers.true.io/g/dota-2-guide/
Wiki: http://www.dota2.gamepedia.com/
Blog: http://blog.dota2.com/
Lore: http://dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=35923
Guides: http://steamcommunity.com/app/570/guides
Cosmetic simulator: http://d2armory.com/
Competitive Scene: http://wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Main_Page

Competitive DOTA 2 analysis: http://www.datdota.com/
DOTA 2 analysis: http://www.dotametrics.wordpress.com/
Personal statistics: http://www.dotabuff.com/
Personal statistics#2: http://yasp.co
Hero stats: http://www.devilesk.com/dota2/heroes/herodata/
Hero and DPS calculator: http://www.devilesk.com/dota2/apps/hero-calculator/

livestreamer GUI: https://github.com/bastimeyer/livestreamer-twitch-gui

Cosmetic items: http://dota2lounge.com/
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nth for Traxex is the best waifu
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nth for most stylish player in the world

Could somebody look this over for maybe 5 minutes and tell me what went I did wrong during this game and how to improve further?

I was the Windrunner


I dont really play WR but aghs shouldnt be the first item.

The way I see it aghs is only good when you actually have to fight more than 1 or 2 heroes. I'd go mael into blink into aghs
First thing i see wrong is the mjollnir and skadi and then your skill build..
no heart of tarrasque
Newbee or Liquid?
Team Liquid look way stronger than Newbee right now. Newbee played like idiots vs. OG
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what did he mean by this
guys i miss rtz

do you think he'll ever come back or are we stuck with rtc?

or was he rtc all along?
the latter
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looking for dota 2 weebs

RTZ was only good at one particular playstyle and team dynamic and that was the splitpush farming mid right click core while he makes space for his safelaner (and while the supports make space for him to splitpush)

That's it.

He was never actually good player, he never adaptaed.

Bulldog of mid players
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>mfw he doesn't rate n0tail
Expect more roster drama.
I'm pretty sure he's on about other teams though, DC are probably solid for now.
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I've always wanted to be Tresdin's squire. I always enjoy fantasizing about entering the fountain with her after a long battle and slowly removing her armor, starting at the helmet and making my way down to her boots. The embarrassment I feel doing this in front of other female heroes only adds to the allure of the situation. She sits down on a stool and commands me to kneel down and remove her boots one at a time. "Is that a boner?" Rylai says. Akasha licks her lips, Rylai giggles, and Shendelzare glares at me. I try to cover it up out of embarrassment, but Tresdin kicks my hands away. "You haven't finished yet." I don't understand because I had already removed her armor, but after she gives me a look I realize that she wants me to remove her shoes as well. I take off her shoes and reveal her gorgeous feet, surprisingly soft despite her being a strong warrior, and extremely sweaty. "Lick the sweat off my feet, squire," she commands me. I hesitate for a moment and look over to the other girls. They all start giggling at me and whispering. Then I feel Tresdin's foot forced into my mouth with the other one covering my nose. The smell and taste of her sweaty feet causes my raging boner to grow even more. "Alright, squire, stand up and remove your clothes." Although embarrassed, I take all my clothes off. Suddenly I feel my position swapped with that of Shendelzare. Suddenly I'm lying beneath Akasha and Rylai, who had both taken their boots off, and were pressing their feet against my member. "No," Tresdin said, "He's mine." She runs over and gets on top of me. It's only now that I realize that she's holding Aghanim's Scepter, and I understand that nobody will be able to interfere with us. Her technique gets more and more intense until I am unable to hold back. I cum inside her pussy with the force of a hundred megacreeps. She gets off of me, and as I lay there quivering in pleasure she gets dressed and begins to chuckle. "Only 9 inches? Pathetic."
every game.

every fucking game now has a lifestealer and he ALWAYS WINS. Some shitter ALWAYS feeds him and I've just about had enough. It's not even that I play badly against him, it's the fact that my IDIOTIC teammates just feed him with a passion. Valve has gone far too far, I'm about to send a note to Danny whom I, of course, know personally. He's going to put a stop to this I just know it.

God I really am on my last nerve. Fuck this cancer hero.
Mjollnir helped me push up waves much faster and gave me a little attack speed boost, which now that I think about it is stupid considering I had aghs for my ult so it was a low cooldown anyway.

Skadi is like FREE stats though.

Is that a serious item I should've gotten?

Aghs first gives a little of everything, I'd normally get blink afterwards but the game went bad at looked like it was GG for dire and we were defending high ground so no real good opportunities to initiate with a blink
>Is that a serious item I should've gotten?
he's trolling you
where the fuck is your blink dagger
n-new meta senpai
>Is that a serious item I should've gotten?
If you wanted to backdoor. Its an optional item.
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>chinese sumail
NewB vs. eu Liquid 5h 41m 9
world OG vs. world TBD 8h 41m


You heard it here first.
5-0 or 5-1
way too fat tbqhwy
>tfw worthless neet that can't afford overwatch
just get tf2 it's free to play
you're my only true friends
but the waifus
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Same desu
Traxex the Drow "fat nigger lips" Ranger is a better waifu than anything overwatch has to offer
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is OG vs Liquid "evil vs good" final battle
we need that shit
Is it us that's fucked up or the world?
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The world.

yes you did everything wrong

because you are absolute trash
Skadi is shit on wr and mjollnir is also shit, obviously
Learn how to itemize and skill your levels before getting further into analysis of your gameplay and such
>OG destroys MVP 24-0
>Miracle Invoker gets destroyed by DP

they're gonna slip hard in the grand finals. watch
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It is us anon, we haven't found the right people to hang out with and won't because we don't leave the basement.
Yes, which is why I'm trying to improve.

What was wrong with my skillbuild in your opinion?
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just saw the wow movie

it was pretty shit but this motherfucker here saved it for me. All in all I wouldn't recommend skipping playing dota to go see it, but torrent it if you're interested once it's out
>tfw fantasy hurts me more than irl
>playing dota
Would be way to embarassed to watch that pile
Thanks for the update anon.
How would you rate manila so far?
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watching this too :D
>no techies picks
>no meepo picks
>no pudge picks

no fun. All these Meta whores ruin the fun

>secret and eg btfo first day
>OG dominating upper bracket
>kubro raping chinks all week long
10/10, really excited to see OG vs Liquid tomorrow.
How is it shit? Bad writing, terrible animation, or just being a videogame --> movie adaptation in general?

8/10. Great games, okay production, and a decent pannel.
me on the right
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>keeps winning lans

where did you get this footage of me playing brew
every time
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>people payed for this
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>wow movie
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This is absolutely disgusting.
Taking ult at lvl 6 is stupid, you have no damage at that point, it will literally deal 0 damage, especially to someone like magnus who has shitton of hp anyway and at lvl 7 or so, maybe even before, he has 5 base armor and youre against magnus, you wont be getting to his tower that early anyway to use the ult, so just put the point into the shackle and skill normally, put the first point in ult at like lvl 10, 11 or something, when you actually get some damage and control of lane/game, so you can actually do something
its probably isnt, "this movie is shit" its just a meme opinion.
That makes a lot of sense, thank you.
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>tfw you have a quarry to settle
>$0.05 dollars have been deposited in your account
This is straight outta David Lynch film
do I?
If you're really anal about leveling ult at 6, get blight stone if the enemy has squishy enemies.
Now that the game is 100% dead what are you going to do?
>_____ you have nigger lips

only oldfags will be able to complete that
There was very little character development, the whole movie felt rushed with the pacing. There were cuts from orcs to humans where they talk like 10 seconds then cut back to orcs. The weird romance thing was really, really retarded. Whole movie felt rushed which was by far its biggest problem

at the start I had trouble understand what was going on since they introduce all these locations and characters at the same time but it gets better

Orcs were cool as fuck. Pretty much none of the conflict got solved in the end, it was weird
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man, these past weeks have been really good, I guess most of the idiots and shitters migrated to Overwatch™
No problem. Also, the skill build you did is fine, but its not good in every match up ever and as this anon said >>145198883, if you wanna take ult at lvl 6, 7, just get blight stone, it will make you do some damage atleast


Thanks for the info. At least I'll know not to waste my time or money going to watch that shit.
Is this real?
good lad
the romance thing lasted like couple of minutes, literally just one scene suddenly because there was no time for character development

then everything continued as normal. It was weird. I'm guessing the games had them more fleshed out so they just had to put it there? I haven't played them
>that dude in the foreground just moving back and forth
Also another thing, please dont use ult on axe or tide early on or spectre or enemy who has pms..
yeah it's real, it was weird since for like 99% of the orc scenes the CGI was amazing. Some human capital scenes were a bit too clearly greensceen but it didn't bother me too much

I knew there'd be a webm of that part here as soon as I saw it. It was really bad
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>tfw you settle your quarry
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Good thing none of those heroes were on the enemy team then :D
yeah its been great the games I have don't have any shitters in them just average players and its easy because I can just outskill/outfarm them to win without worrying about someone on my team feeding like a total numbnuts.
dead thread
reminder esports returns next weekend

>More esports on a long weekend
>On an actually decent time

Yeah that's only going to be Liquid, OG or LGD with a chance there.
I thought Sheever was in with the ESL lot though, wasn't she at the last one?
! Goodie, now go play another game and incooperate the things you read in here now, remember that you can build deso aswell instead of maelstorm and to not always build maelstorm/deso, mkb is a real good choice aswell and now since diffusal got buffed, its nice against certain heroes and in certain matchups and all
>implying the teams will even be half-alive after travelling to the opposite side of the world between the two tournament locations
alliance are already in sweden, I imagine the other teams are probably leaving today if they haven't already.
Alright, I'll keep all this in mind and probably play another match later tonight
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>international ranked
>idiot picks melee carry mid
>check profile
>country: peru
>another game
>idiot picks melee carry offlane
>check profile
>country: peru

dota is just unplayable. this shit needs region lock.
Reminder that this was posted as a 3k pub
what makes you think people wont just bypass it?
maybe four years ago

but someone confirmed that they are now 1k mmr players because that bear has like 1 mmr or something
bc Peruvians are too retarded to bypass region lock

also they only play in lan cafes
what? it's comfy and relaxy to do exams while having esports on in another tab.
soo peruvians was a problem in DotA?
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>/d2g/ was saying we'd have all-chinese grand finals
>we're actually getting all-european grand finals against all odds
No, only Pinoys.
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is Liquid NA?
Ill probably be in bed, would be nice to see what you did and build and stuff
depends how they perform but right now they're EU
Only if CoL & DC are Euro and if Secret is NA.
I'll respond to this post with the link to the yasp, will probably post it again tomorrow morning.

That is if I even get WR, I usually play supports.
>>idiot picks melee carry mid
If OG or Liquid win the major they are confirmed NA
It's a Euro organization housing Euro players in Europe.
its in fact 100% not NA at all anon.
guys i have important question

should i try to sleep for a couple of hours? the games will not start on time anyway
>the games will not start on time anyway
Have you not watched this tournament at all?
?cuando se lanzaren los nuevos imortales?
You can link it even if its not gonna be wr that youll be playing, every bit helps to improve you as a player, right?
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>Someone on your team is level 5 at 19 minutes
>frankfurt final
>og vs secret
>shanghai final
>secret vs liquid
>manila final
>possibly liquid vs og

what is it about these three teams?
momento huevos
What items should i buy on a Medusa?
>tfw no support bitchboy
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why does phoenix's dive ever stop accurately when you press Q again? theres like a delay? or a range you have to press it at? its so fucking inaccurate.
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The normies are playing loud music again
>why don't accelerating objects stop immediately

have you ever taken a physics class, anon? if he stopped on a dime he would die from all the g forces
your ping is a huge factor

literally impossible to play phoenix on high ping

how the fk am I (alche) meant to win these types of games where 3 of my teammates are 0-10 and the other is literally a bot that does not set foot outside of the jungle?
This can't be a boy because if it was it would go beyond perfect and that's just impossible.
Yeah you're right, I'll post any match I feel I didn't do great on or have a lot to improve on
>le badNaga build
>hurr guis why I loss?
Not him but, it is a boy
This is a fighting patch, you should go for more fighting focused items rather than just pushing.

Personally I like Radiance>BKB>Abyssal>Ac>Moonshards
Welcome to 2016.
Boys are better girls than girls themselves.
BKB second item leaves your late game weak, especially on Alchemist.
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this thread needs more waifu
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Who /retard/ here?
Do it, ill check it a bit if i see the post
Alchemist is not a hero that should go late game. If you have not won the game in 40 minutes you have lost the game.
Expect it in like 12 hours friend, gonna sleep tonight and play a few tomorrow morning.
Sure, ill be in the thread in ~8h when i wake up, going to sleep soonish aswell
what the fuck were you thinking?
Did you not watch Epicenter?
As a carry what item shoudl I buy to counter a fed Templar Assasin?

I was the only carry in the team and I was PA, I bought the mana ring, battlefurry, bkb (they had a lot of magic damge) then I didn't know what to get

I figured flat defense was best so I was building assault cuirass but it doesn't look like a good item for her to build, is this good?
Or you can lose if you can't come back from a 10k gold deficit at 20 minutes with a 10 second bkb fight.
you don't pick pa

it's that simple
I random every game
don't do this
High ping heroes:

Wraith king
those fucking nipples
I thought you should always get it on her? is it bad

Also why the fuck do pros have such different builds? Sumail builds the orb of corruption then armlet, some guy gets orb of venom then battlefury
>battlefury PA
don't do this
Stop randoming while you don't have a fucking clue how to play the game.
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alright /vg/, it's time for a real discussion:

Does wanting to fuck Enchantress make me a furry?
i dont know why people always blame this on ping or server lag or whatever. the same shit happens with axe call and centaur stomp. its like sometimes keys just dont fucking register at all.
Maybe I could just add you on steam qt~?

but I see a lot of pros doing it

Honestly I'm not good at any of the heroes so the gold helps better

it's random or slark all game
Randoming is bar none the best way to learn the game. Keep on it, anon. But once you're ready you will have to main to actually get anywhere.
sure sure the secret shit is dumb and youre a retard for that

highest last high avg?
are you an ultra retard?
why the fuck would he get it over Hao or Mu, who have been playing carry roles for years now, while resolution is just now starting to play carry on occasion that w33 goes mid
stacking armor is the best way to counter -armor. Stuff like AC, Shiva, vlads, armlet, roa, solar crest, butterfly, heavens halberd are good vs her. TA lategame only tickles.
Randoming doesn't do shit beyond learning what heroes skills actually do. Aside from that it's a free loss most of the time when you're new.
is pudge a cannibal for eating ench
or is he just eating venison
Is 3.3k bad?

I just got placed
>The tp cancel

Every time.
It's shitty, but not the worst.
Just so you can link me the game you played? Or whats the deal now, what you trying to do?
Being new is already free losses, you might as well maximize your exposure to the game.
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posting pictures like that is bad
and youre a fucking trash player
and a trash human bean
and a fucking faggot
kill yourself and fuck off back to your shit weeb board.
Every board is a weeb board.
Reminder that Newbee will beat Liquid because of the power of Chuan and Hao.
>but I see a lot of pros doing it
literally all of those games are stomps with 15+ kills where the battlefury doesn't do anything

>let's build a farming item on a hero that doesn't do anything in the late game
Guys I have to play furion for a quest

what do i build on him and how do i play him?
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>tfw no giant nipple GF ;_;
>but I see a lot of pros doing it
Don't try to copy pros because they're playing a different game

When a pro buys a battlefury on PA they farm it fast, know they can get away with the greed, and use it to the full potential to increase their GPM by a lot
Believe it or not that's slightly above average
it was a joke
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tfw indeed
one day we'll make it anon... one day.
How should i have known that?
I wish soe would sit on my face
Try PA or Jugg

Slarks also happen, those i found rage particularly hard when they get ''ganked'' going for CS on the other team uphill.
how can she have such a massive rack and then still be so thin

this fucking genetics thing
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you just gotta hang in there and go for it i guess...i-it gets better right guise?
>travelling is tiring
>especially in first class seats

faggot detected
I thought she was a lategame hero, was she not?

Then what should I build? Armlet? or SnY?
Its ok dont worry. If you want i can add you if you think you wont find me in here, but its really up to you, ill probably see it in the thread but you never know
PA is a carry but she sucks dick in the late game compared to other carries/against coordinated teams
where do I see an actual difference? I watched 3.8k~4k games and they look pretty similar

do I have to get to something like 5k

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>trusting your lategame to RNG
uhh dotards...

i just picked lifestealer and lost.

w-what's going on? e-e-everyone said he was an auto win. my team was really mad at me....

i think im having a panic attack....
Your perception might be even lower than your MMR
A lot of dota players actually have no fucking clue what is happening in a game and why, outside their very narrow area of expertise. Safelane carries are probably the worst about this.
You can't really improve your perception without watching a lot of replays, pro analysis and researching the shit out of the game and you're probably better off just improving your mechanics
Stack bras.
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>tfw no PA waifu
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Literally what hero is my teammate playing right now?
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>*cough* k-kuro please, I can play support if you want to *wheeze* just let me play at TI6
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PA is dumb as a brick and a murderous lolrandom cultist
trash waifu
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Is he coughing from all the running away he's been doing?
Also why do I have a jungler in every one of my games now? I used to play dota before for a while and I seldom had junglers in my games, now I have a fucking jungler every fucking game I fucking hate it

Is it the LoL players leaking over to dota?

The cabal of the great clan_iraq grows.
Why isn't there a competitive ruling for Shitquid's pre-emptive GG?
I've been playing this game for years and junglers are in 50% of games at least
I notice because I often play support so junglers inconvenience me the most
There was that big reddit shitstorm over jungling LC half a year ago, this isn't new at all
Jungling is actually fine most of the time it is rarely worth getting upset over
Definitely ask them for help early if your lanes are getting stomped though
>Jungling is actually fine
Only viables junglers are Chen,Enigmas and BeastMaster
I haven't played the game in 8 months how do you play the game now
high 4k low 5k is the worst, been stuck here for YEARS
>Play timbersaw
>Enemy team tries ganks at every turn
>Win game 7-14 becuase they never touch anit-mage

Holy fuck Im glad we won but why in the fuck do people think 3-5 manning the offlane is a good idea when my carry is taking towers left and right while getting the occasional pick off? Shits infuriating.
I believe you meant Anti Mage
And why is it LC every fucking game? I always see an LC farming all game

Should she be nerfed?

Every game I see LC go jungle then my team pick something trash like AM then go bot and die 50 times
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Cool opinion bro I really don't care nor does the greater part of the pub population
Deal with it nerd
Anyone got more of the PL girls?
>an actual viable build with cheap cost effective items
Oh no!
>all that attack speed
I hope he doesn't set his auto attack to standard.
If that vlad was a hotd I would commend this guy.
>building badArmlet

I'm triggered.
LC is actually quite good in the jungle when played correctly, fast levels and hard to gank due to sustain and dispel. She can get 6 and gank a lane really early, getting that snowball rolling.

However most LC junglers and junglers in general are lazy slobs who are only doing it because they can't lane and can't even maintain any map awareness and they'll jungle up brown boots and a 20 minute shadowblade before they start roaming around and feeding damage

Still get btfo by the rare LC who knows what the fuck she's doing though
she's quite short too, not womanlet tier, but not amazon titty goddess
What if you were to play Bloodseeker as a pseudo-lycan?
+40% damage against towers.
someone post that screenshot of Nahaz flaming in a pub
Heroes that need nerfing

Earth Shaker

Heroes that need buffing

Nature Prophet
>NP buffs

me hit tower
wolf at your door
ur base r belong 2 us
lmao get rat
>buffing goodslardar when he already has significantly higher winrates at all brackets

How about no
If you made NP as good a pusher as Lycan, he'd be retardly OP. His value is in versality and global presence. Lycan is like a train on a track to throne.
People call me noob for maining the Wraith King, and I still am new to the game, but what makes him bad? I don't understand

His stun is top tier, his crit is one of the best in the whole game, and his ulti's broken tier

Does he get countered easily lategame?

Is Aghanim good?

Also how is Wriath King as a support?
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>retardedly OP
Yes, and?
>LC is actually quite good in the jungle
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>actually playing the game
>MAINING heros.
She is though. There are plenty of heroes that are worse in jungle than she is.
Osfrog doesn't care about your sub 4k pubs
people will call you noob for anything you do in all brackets
What music does d2g listen to? I listen to kpop
Everyone knows his counters
1 button stigma (even though tons of active items are viable on him)
Ulti is seen as a worthless safety net for noob carries even though it smashes teamfights
Garbage at farming
Necrobooks can really fuck him up but he's pretty hard to manfight lategame
Aghs is funny but not really good unless you're trying to baserace or something
He's actually a good pub support because you can transition into an auxiliary carry if game goes late and bait out counterpicks
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Condolences dotards. You had a good run.
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redditor detected
veno doesn't need a buff, he's fine
>shitters leaving en mass to overwatch

thank you based blizzard
They call you noob because they're mad that you pick a hero that is good against retards. WK is a situational hero that is pretty hard to kill with stuff like Chronosphere or Reverse Polarity. That's his forte, blowing a big ulti on him won't kill him. He does however suck ass against mana burn.
hey pedoshit can you fuck off and never return to this board?
i-is he an ok pick to learn then? I really like him
What went wrong?
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>grabbing Geomagnetic Grip at level 3

Trash it
Yeah, his ulti lets you experiment with positioning and you'll be forced to learn the value of BKB
Just be aware armlet is eventually getting dumpstered like MoM did

Wraith King is really good against Wombo Combo lineups that you might face.

Sven does a bit more for his team and farms a bit faster. Luna kind of compels you to learn how to farm or push quickly. Chaos Knight is pretty light on farm required.

That said, there is always a place for the Wraith King because he wrecks Blackhole + Dark Seer wall or whatever else "big ult" combos.
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why do you exist
Well for the basics, but you can't really improve much with a hero that is so easy to play.
Too squishy
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Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck when does the pre-game bullshit start? My life has no purpose other than watching other people vidya.
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>Garbage at farming
+500% crit on creeps anon.
Stacks with quelling blade. Crit has stacked with quelling blade for more than a year now.
>He's actually a good pub support
Just don't make the mistake of taking too much farm from your true carry and don't be afraid to die if it will help out in the long run.
He's still slow and incapable of flash farming like certain meta carries
It's never been a deal breaker to me though since he's significantly harder to gank
still garbage because his networth doesn't scale properly with him

he needs more farm that he's capable of
I hate a game called: Dota 2
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call me trench but how the fuck do you counter slark?
He's such a bullshit fucking retard champion and even if I get dust he runs away with his ult or kill me with it fucking shit
anyone else noticed that cs go's numbers haven't been great lately?

their in game numbers just had a large drop, is cs go actually already dying?
To counter Slark, pick Slark
fight under towers and outfarm him
Ethereal Blade Morphling. Bait him into jumping a Replicate, shoot him in the face with shotgun, waveform over if he uses ulti.
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Honest opinions on him
how the fuck is echo sabre balanced
The wise flee his footfall
>Recommend a hero still isn't in the game despite being a Source 1 feature
It would be nice if I could tell the supportcuck in a very direct (yet still polite, so they listen because supports are prone to hurt feelings) way that Omniknight is instawin.
Teamfight disruptor

What do you mean?
it was removed before source 2 because it was useless, no one used it and took too much space

just fucking type your suggestions
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>blame this on ping or server lag or whatever. the same shit happens with axe call and centaur stomp.
2K trenchie from the depths
Let him waste Dark Pact. 90% of outplays is people panic stunning him on Dark Pact
The other counter is to group up a little, and actually plant sentries on siege/roshan/choke defence, against Shadow Blade.

Just fucking wait for Dark Pact, and silence him. Its not hard.
good for push strats

not good for actual carrying in current meta
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In trying to complete the windranger quest I had a lot of luck against slark
You're basically impossible for him to solo kill for most of the game and shackle fucks him pretty hard. Powershot can finish him when he tries to escape in ulti
>True soloqueue still isn't a feature in the game
Just make it an additional option to tick in the queue menu when solo.
>I would only like to play with other solo players*
>*Ticking this option may increase queue times
It would be a massive boon to Dota's population since Riot's been fucking up League's solo system super-hard. This is of course omitting how it would stop you from getting matched with retards who throw the game because of Party MMR being meaningless.
>enemy initiates and dives in
>activate reflection
>every enemy gets slowed
>they focus you
>sunder the tank/support
>morph to chase down dying enemy
>How is it shit?

storyline is all over the place and doesnt really make sense
forced garona/lothar romance is cringy garbage
many characters dont get introduced properly - if you dont know warcraft lore then you have no idea why this medivh guy is important or what he actually does
but if you do know warcraft lore then you will hate it because it retcons half of it and shits all over the rest
I might be a supportcuck but even I'm not going to listen to some rando shithead's 'suggestion'
Fuck off cunt
just remembered that clockwerk exists

might play him

I play with some 4k guys (i've been playing a few months but am rapidly getting better due to playing with them), and htey literally swear constantly he's the "worst hero in the game" and that even the "best dota player in the world" can't make him good etc but i really want to main him because i feel like he can be played pretty well

They juts completely ignore it though and say he's dreadful while offering no actual reason as to why

They tlak about how he gets blasted down by magic but then what about infused raindrops? I've encountered no such issues when using these
I've run into a lot of players who want to pick support yet don't know what would be good. This feature would legitimately be very useful.

It's not like you have to listen anyways.
I think the best way to describe him currently is a hard carry that has to snowball like a ta, or shadow fiend mid.

If you are really familiar with the hero you can probably find success in pubs with him, but he is a niche competitive pick.
>randomed meepo
>forgot to reroll

dota is a hugbox
mute button is useless when people just report because you said something they dont agree with ( like leaving your lane before the 20 minutes mark or carrying a tp to help a lane having difficulties )

the result is very bitter players who have no chance to improve on that except being shat on by said trash riki-sniper pickers every game and get muted

nice game
Lmao just be cuck.
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>99.99% of players had less reports than you
It only seems like a hugbox to disruptive toxic players like you :^)
git gud social skills
Post dota 2 losing songs :(

>when you see your slark charging out of the base and his shadowblade is 3 seconds from cooldown
Fuck with him in the laning stage
I get reported even when I win and dont talk at all

and I'm definitely not the only one

the core playerbase right now are people who would be a lot happier if thye played stale meta LoL

it doesnt help I'm playing with a lot of 4 stacks these days
they report me and when I carry super hard like I did yesterday with timber going like 21 / 2 I dont even get commended, I know it because I got a report summary right after that game.
I only listen to winning songs though
>losing in dota

you are a disgrace to your house's name

ya I'm being toxic for asking basic teamplay from my teammates who immediately, in 99% of the cases, go all contrarian ( stfu, gg mid no gank, etc etc ) because thats all they can do
fuck off redditor
I can never come up with a good steam name so I always change it but I'm never satisfied
Ever get the thought that maybe d2g secretly hates Dota?
any games from yesterday worth watching?
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ok go
like half the posters are lolbabbies and scv refugees
Liquid vs LGD game 2 was amazing.
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I heard slardar naix bombs work.
scv maybe, but I doubt lolbabbies post here
Having no escape mechanism on a carry in this meta isn't advisable. At the end of the day you're shit for the same reason a sven or luna or whatever is shit.
>having dota installed

its like being closet homo but for dota
You ready for the final day of goodTI?

You ready for more non-salty pinoy crowd?

You ready to see some fuccbois cosplaying?
who laogandie here
fuck pinoys

fuck team liquid so boring

t. seckret faggots
hello my fellow false flagging amerinigger
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Is cum the best gamer food?
So /d2g/, now that is Kunka still shit despite his armour buffs what do you think will madman do to the sailor of epic teamfights, that he could at least crawl into the meta?
I only watch in client for these free tournaments desu
I like being able to jump around the map at my leisure

I fear this could actually be true.
Pinoy crowd monkeys are so fucking hype, even when chinks are playing.

Wonder if gaben would actually step it up..
what tournament do i wanna watch where the crowd cheers "navi" for like 10 minutes
(not as recent as manila or as ancient as ti3)
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yes, as dipping sauce for doritos™
lol more like GAYmer food xD
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wanting a pinoy TI
some no name russian LAN that had like 30 people as their audience.

I remember those dirty slavs cheering na'vi then getting deathly silent when na'vi inevitably gets BTFO

The problem with Kunkka is 100% tidebringer. He's almost passable as a support, but still melee. Tidebringer is his only "core" ability but it scales like trash compared to something like Sleight of Fist

Icefag needs to take a stand on what Kunkka should be. If its support he needs just 1 more useful ability. If its as a core, he needs a substantial rework.
L to the FUCKING mao!!

so funneh xd
don't think you understood me there, my dumb friend.

Manila Major could possibly labeled as the "Good version of TI" when we get TI6, when all the salty murtiards and tons of delays hit.
Cheaper mana costs
Start with:
>Ring of Protection (175)
>Circlet (165)
>Stout Shield (200)
>Faerie Fire (75)
>10 gold leftover
Build (in this order):
>Aquila (seriously)
(pick one, depends on what the game calls for)
>Sell Aquila, get another item from the list

You can solo Roshan once you get 3 Meepos + travels, but the time it takes is usually too high to be worthwhile until you get all 5.
>Wonder if gaben would actually step it up..
no way murrilards will even bring the hype if we get a yuru vs yurus/ chink vs chink finals
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two questions /d2g/

#1: Why isn't kotol meta?
#2: what went right?
Anyone else stop playing Dota a while ago and get the urge to play again after watching the majors until you realize that you'll only have fun half the time you're playing and the other half will be miserable?
>2-stack with a friend
>Kunkka builds Echo Saber
>Chakra Magic makes level 4 Tidebringer have no cd
>Roll twice for crit Tidebringer
>Effortless multikills
Surprised nobody tried this in pro Dota.
No one wants a wave clearing support who can't baby sit
Sing tried that on stream.
Didn't go so well.
Keep off the Lane is outplayed by other supports
so its 15 minutes in and your big 2 hero combo is to deal 400 HP in damage in a clumsy-to-land aoe

why not just pick neither kunkka nor kotl and instead just ANY OTHER AOE HERO and do that instead?
and don't pretend your gimmick double cleaves are good lategame lmao, ur just a bad ember spirit
ember spirit with chakra is already better
>wave clearing
how does mana leak clear waves
>can't baby sit
he bosses the fuck out of melee or lower ranged offlaners
if they are a 600 ranged offlaner he can't solo support but he can trilane or go for kills
but melee heroes just forfeit 100% of their mana and get stunned for half the game
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>Travels Meepo
I srsly hope dotards dont do thi

Its perfectly fine. Notice how much people watch divegrass or any other sports despite being clearly shit at it.
Nah you're just both utter cunts and unaware of it
I talk to my teammates often and never get reported but probably the difference is I don't chimp out if people don't listen to me
Mana leak is his only noticable offensive ability and it's countered by basic dispels
Recall isn't worth a hero slot
Chakra cd reduction is sleeper broken with ember spirit though, two SoFs in a row is gamebreaking
meepo should be jungling a 7 minute travels
skipping travels on meepo is like skipping travels on tinker
you're going to spend the rest of the game teleporting around the map 2-5 times per minute
>hard to manfight lategame
He has ONE mediocre damage increasing skill.
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what went wrong?
>Mana leak is his only noticable offensive ability and it's countered by basic dispels
yeah and its a 4 second cooldown for 8+3 duration with 1000 range disgustingly strong disable that can't be disjointed

they can only bkb once in a fight, you can throw out 5-10 mana leaks
Play with a friend and try a different cheese strat every game. Even if you lose you still have fun
you had mortred the shit hero on your team
I think it's literally fucking impossible for an NA TI to be good until we get fucking first-world internet.
He also has built-in lifesteal and 2 lives and is tanky to begin with. He's not the be all end all of lategame manfights but he'll shit on a lot of frailer carries. It comes down to how you build him and WK is one of the most versatile when it comes to item builds.
Travels on Meepo is absolutely crucial to winning. The map control travels give to Meepo is second only to Tinker (arguably more). It also makes it much easier to maneuver weak clones out of the action to heal up while you apply pressure elsewhere. Travels drops the 70-second CD of a TP scroll down to effectively 9 seconds (45 seconds spread between 5 Meepos).
Please tell me, negro, which boots make more sense than Travels on Meepo the Geomancer.
>aghs mirana vs 4 heroes with escapes or proper sustain like jugg Q or pudge passive
also, whoever your mid was, lost his lane which heavily contributed in losing the game
How come when I play under the influence of alcohol, my games are won?
You have good intuition but overthink things when sober, possibly too cautious
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>skipping travels on meepo is like skipping travels on tinker
>you're going to spend the rest of the game teleporting around the map 2-5 times per minute

Alright dotards its not enough that this hero becomes an EXP VACUUM in teamfights what should we do?


BOT is core i know. But buy it late game.
You would more effiecient having threads in Meepo jungling. .
But If you are not as efficient at treadswitching micro to farm, i understand the BOT pickup.
You rage at your team less so they don't throw out of spite

>300% crit
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What went wrong? I was the Mirana.
FACT: If Wraith King was Skeleton King again his pick rate would quadruple.
>15% chance
Everyone else that can be considered a carry has a better carrying skill than that.
m8 meepo is a hero who either wins or loses the game based on picks. If the enemy team doesn't have the aoe to deal with him, meepo gets travels, allocates himself all the gold and experience and soon you've got a snowballing 10-0-11 level 25 meepo with travels blink aghanims hex when everyone else is level 11
Are you retarded.
>Necrobooks can really fuck him up but he's pretty hard to manfight lategame
>Aghs is funny but not really good unless you're trying to baserace or something

wraith king's aghanims COUNTERS mana burn heroes, in fact it makes burning wraith king down to 0 mana extremely bad for you, because now he gets an additional 7 seconds of invulnerability

when wraith king has aghanims and dies with less than 160 mana, he goes green into wraith form. Then right before the 7 seconds runs up, he pops a mango or soul ring and guess what? He reincarnates with the aoe slow and revives at full hp/mana again. Then if you kill him a 3rd time, he goes into wraith form, 4 lives just from aghanims
Even if you got a bad draft Travels is what lets Meepo stay in the game because it lets him run away from the enemy team until he gets Blink/Hex.
does someone want to be supported?
add me https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198063032212/
suck up all the xp\
buy items
win the game
meepo "the hero" geomancer

Yeah rush travels(2nd item after aquila) is good when shitters dont gank the bracket that you are stomping.
Same thing that travels rush tinker is good when you dont get camped
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The variation of players in /d2g/ are wide. From the scrubs with 2k mmr to pro players, many are represented and everyone is equal. Some are legitly confirmed aka LITERALLY OUR GUYS (Eternal Envy, Eosin, Blitz that cheeky cunt nice how you are browsing /d2g/ in that into video of Zephyr while having a huge fat grin on your face, we both know that you wanted to do that on purprose, Tobi did once a shoutout so confirmed I guess, Ezalor (aka GoblinTechies)) and many more, some are just rumored or dont say it directly (Cyborgmatt (someone asked him to come to /vg/ because of the reddit ban, he responded with "can I post WebM there?" what is a brand new feature so he is there most likely already, many of the GD Studio are rumored).
Everyone of these posts Anonymous. Except Eosin likes to state that hes a big deal in Esports often, which hes not. Stop doing that, seirously.
I hope that this gives you a little insight on an alternative site to discuss Dota. If any questions are open, feel free to PM me about it.

Yeah you kind of nailed it, but I don't want to see him as a, melee levels hungry, support. Maybe icefrog will give him a good stat gain so he will be a tanky teamfight oriented version of ember, that doesn't suck. Or maybe he will say 'fuck it' and buff Tidebringer 20 times in one patch, something like +15 damage on all levels 3 sec cd and more range.
>>>>>>>>>>>JUNGLE BH
>>>>>>>>>>>LOST TO THAT
Will there be a patch after manila?
why the FUCK would you ever buy aquila on meepo you colossal shitstain?
if he's going to jungle, he gets an iron talon. If he's going to need to survive brutal early game laning, he gets stout, maybe pms and sells it back when close to travels. He never chucks 1000 gold into an item that does absolutely nothing for him
I hope Icefrog is a madman and buffs every unused/underused hero like Visage to ridiculous levels and buffs back OD.
4 patches a year sounds very nice
You do realize how difficult it is the gank Meepo right? You need very hard lockdown or else he can just poof away and come back to the lane in 15 seconds.
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If Zai comes back to EG as pos4, you'll see visage.
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>why the FUCK would you ever buy aquila on meepo you colossal shitstain?
i do not, i was mocking the even more colossal shitstain ADVISING the rush bots

>You do realize how difficult it is the gank Meepo right? You need very hard lockdown or else he can just poof away and come back to the lane in 15 seconds.

>ganking a meepo when he is already past lvl3
>not camping the lane at lvl 1 the same you would an sf
grave chill remade. Now stuns the enemy hero for 0.4 seconds every 0.6 seconds and deals 50 damage for 3/4/5/6 seconds and gives visage +20/40/60/80 damage and attack speed

familiars cooldown from 180/160/140 to 30, mana cost from 150 to 75, bounty from 100 to 39, hp from 3 hits to 400/600/800/1000 hp

and for good measure lets give him a permanent invisibility skill with 0 fade time
Silencer changes.

Arcane Curse now silences enemies for 0.75/1/1.25/1.5 seconds if they are hit by Glaives of Wisdom during the effect.
hahahahaha normal skill KILL YOURSELF ARE YOU EVEN TRYING

just gank when he ganks
>Commit 3+ heroes at level 1 to camp a lane
>Meepo just leaves the lane
Unlike SF Meepo doesn't need 20 lasthits by the 30 second mark to not risk losing the lane.
>not camping the lane at lvl 1 the same you would an sf

shadow fiend has 500 hp 0 armor 25% magic resist 305 ms and no escape
meepo has 660 hp 4 armor 35% magic resist 315 ms and can use melee stout/pms and can ensnare someone and run away at levels 1-2 and poof away at level 3
>>Commit 3+ heroes at level 1 to camp a lane
this is bait
retards dont fall for this
What if you build midas on meepo?
>pick LS
>get counterpicked

>pick slardar
>team leaves me to solo off against slark + lion

>pick phoenix
>get counterpicked, mid feeds

>pick alch
>enemy mid is an account boosting smurf

i am actually so sick of this game.
viable in every situation

i can prove each and every situation that it will work, providing you also rush travels along with it theoretically
its 7 minutes into the game
you jungled with brown boots iron talon and you have 1800 gold in the bank

do you sell your iron talon and buy an item that gives you some minor xp/gold per minute while wasting an inventory slot you need to sell back, or do you buy the item that gives you a fucking nonstop chain of global teleports to farm everywhere and participate in every fight?
>enemy mid is an account boosting smurf
if you lose to him in a fair game 1v1 its nobodies fault but your own
he's not cheating, he is playing the same game with the same rules, you are on completely even footing and the ONLY thing not held constant is your respective skills

theres nobody to blame but you. You got outplayed, you deserve to lose
>Visage aghs reworked
>Reduces Visage's ult to 5 seconds, removes mana cost
>no longer replaces old familiars when used, can have up to 10 familiars at once
>Additionally, gravekeeper's cloak is now an aura and Visage gains a stack for every familiar alive
Would it really speed up his farm or not though? I got 750 gpm easily on him most of the times I played him. My 12 minute aghs treads turned into 16 minute because of the jungle nerf in 6.84 and I haven't played seriously him since.
>Draft a lineup that can 2-man gank from level 1
>Against a hero that has an aoe root and is not made of paper
Guess the draft /d2g/.
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>Game's central mechanic is killing your allies before they get into the hands of your enemy, and provide them resources.
Is Valve encouraging warcrimes?

Explain to me how you would get an NON-STOP CHAIN OF TELEPORTS with TWO meepos? You need at least level 11 for that shit.
when is the all star match?
>level 11
gee why not just announce to us you've never played meepo rather than ask stupid rhetorical questions
Post that webm. You know the one.
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>moving goalposts
the point of camping the meepo is to apply pressure to the lane, keep pressing it and to make sure his farming momentum doesnt speed up.
yes he is just going to poof away but you did rotate to the proper lane instead letting the goose loose.

>pick goodriki
>pick goodbounty
What, the one of the Earthshaker and Lina allies coordinating as proper teammates to acquire a rune? I don't have it, sorry.
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I miss dota tv sometimes.
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i have discovered a very reliable counter to memestealer, and no i'm not talking about force staffs, it's a specific hero

i dont know if i should tell anybody about it thought because once people realize he will become cancer level ubiquitous and i'd like to enjoy my free MMR against lifestealer spammers while i can.
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>Gank him level 1 by camping the lane
>Well, actually that's really difficult
>Actually it's just to apply pressure
Look, applying pressure to Meepo's lane is critical to stopping him from coming online, but that's legitimately moving the goalpost.

>Meepo just changes lane and now you're behind on gold/xp because you were camping the lane
He's not a fucking SF. If he misses the first wave's lasthits his lane isn't fucked.

why dude, just why
ok good for you
literally playingdota.webm
>pick void
>build MoM/Maelstrom
>get laughed at
What happened gulag ? Some faggot was even telling me to get blink
Jesus grandpa, get with the times.
>I know how i'll get /d2g/ removed from vg! I'll post porn!!!
>Oh wait! I'm just going to get myself banned and nothing else will happen!!!
Carry Void is more viable than ever, pros have been running it fine and the change on his bash deals more damage outside his Chrono = more reliable. Less inside but definitely better overall.
He was right. You should've been reported for trying to build ricing Void.
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>being behind gold/xp ever on bounty

git gud
>Phoenix/Winter Wyvern
>Faceless Void/Spectre
Amateur (on Spectre's part)
>Phantom Lancer/Bounty Hunter
>Night Stalker/Doom
Raping fuccbois like Slark
>Wraith King/Queen of Pain
>Dragon Knight/Visage
Tentacle masturbation
>Nature's Prophet/Jungle
>Skywrath Mage/Vengeful Spirit
>Centaur Warrunner/Enchantress
Open relationship
Dominance battles
>Tidehunter/Slark/Naga Siren
Rape/forced masturbation/minor cuckoldery
>Templar Assassin/Outworld Devourer
>Sand King/Earthshaker
>Juggernaut/Sven/Crystal Maiden
>Spirit Breaker/Shadow Shaman
>Windranger/Drow Ranger
As vanilla as lesbian sex gets
>Legion Commander/Axe
Glorious eye-contact

Anything missing/incorrect in this list?
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How autistic do you have to be to make a post like this? I'm literally begging you to go outside and touch a real woman, at least talk to one.

saber a shit
Quality post
Not a quality post
Her life must be pretty SHIT to do stuff like that for money.
While true, it still means that you have a WK with an aghs instead of a real item, and you still have waste another item slot on top of that for the mana item
Not an ideal place to be
There is literally nothing wrong with having a healthy sexual imagination
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What's the best hero to spam to learn the fundamentals?
If the final 'starts' at 15:00, how much can I safely miss without missing anything important?

There's going to be at least 30 minutes of intro shit right?
AA/CK/Enigma or Kotl desu

this keeps the reddit out

WK for safelane/carry
Zeus or DK mid
Tide offlane
Lich or Witch Doc support
NP jungle
Nice try Kaldr
reddit has even more fucked up boards than 4chan though
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Creeps get killed by so called "Heroes" from their own team, who they are completely loyal.
When Creeps get kills, they don't get paid, like literally everyone else.

Guys, what if Lima(Peru) Major next year?
I bet it all on team liquid to win this major. I hope this wasn't a mistake.
umm my uncle was a dire ranged creep but he got hired by radiant to stack ancients and now owns his own successful business
proof you can rise above your station if you're not entitled and lazy
These so called "heroes' are never brought to justice for killing creeps.
And it'd be fine if you said it was war, etc etc.
But these are people getting killed by their own allies
>women can't be sluts with disgusting fetishes!
>clearly she has been forced into this by unfortunate circumstances and by the patriarchy!


please respond
>enjoying any form of sex
this is like the 3d version of those pepe pictures
team liquid? you mean those guys who lost to MVP?
Yes, the guys who threw a series to go down to the lower bracket.
women love sex, you might know that if you had actually laid with a few of them
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>he believes their lies
>shill out for a battle pass
>first thing I've ever purchased on steam
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How do we fix this hero? I want to see him in more tourneys
yeah they just take thick smelly penises inside their dirtyholes for the guy's sake
anonymous its ok to be a virgin
youll find someone for you someday

until then you might wanna consider cutting back on the tendies
non main meepo dying only removed the percent of other meepos HPs when died

2 meepos - 1 dies - 50% hp loss to other meepos
3 meepos - 1 dies - 33% hp loss to other meepos
4 meepos - 1 dies - 25% hp loss to other meepos
5 meepos - 1 dies - 20% hp loss to other meepos
Fuck off w33
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>It's a there is no time to play dotes because university episode

The worst ones... ;_;
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ursa activates overpower.gif
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Just how Icefrog fixed Invoker.

At level 25 net now becomes a ravage and free level 1 Divided we Stand at level 1.

Aghs now upgrades all Meepo by granting them 5 levels worth of stats in addition to stat items giving full values.

So meepos have separate cooldowns now?
>it's a don't feel like playing a real game so just dick around in a private lobby episode
>stat items giving full values.
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Is that a badger or a wolverine? I always get them confused. Why's it so fucking pissed?
if the main meepo dies they all die, if the sub meepos died they go to seperate resses and remove hp from the surviving meepos.
You better just be baiting anon.
without aghs meepo clones only get 30% of stats from items
>mfw mods don't do their fucking job / are afk
It's just a dog and its owner having fun with a leafblower
it's a dog getting leafblowered
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Who /HYPE/ here?
oh right
i dont really play meepo

thx 4 the (you)
Oh. Now I feel stupid.
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>winter see's secret's draft

separate resses?
tfw 10 hours till post major depression
cherish every second we have left lads
resurrection timer
You're right. At least we've got the ESL One Frankfurt next week.

Oh. Yeah valve will have to do something drastic to make him good.
I want her to step on me
>Newbee v.s. Liquid

Huh, I had originally thought they'd meet in the final but I guess semis are alright too. Proud of how both of these teams have done I just hope whoever wins goes on to blow the fuck out of BigDaddyN0brains
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im literally falling asleep here on my fucking screen, any tips that dont involve eating shit to keep me awake?
keep the lights on
open your windows
drink PLENTY OF WATER as in aways have a glass of water to chug on
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Stick something up your pooper :3
Start looking for that porn scene from years ago
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>enter dee turd gee for esports
>it is a scat episode

What the hell man! These scat vids really improved on the quality huh
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Just wait till they get VR cameras in germany
when will n0tail return to playing meepo.
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What happens if an already invited team to TI smurfs and eliminates EG/Secret in a Bo1?

That would be amazing right?
n0tail play very little professional meepo
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literally me wtf
idnt know this was a common occurrence
When he stops playing with miracle
This waiting screen music has been so great. I'm gonna miss it after today.
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>actually think about how much time it has been
>whooping 14 years

im getting old
too old for this
someone hold me
holy shit me as well
tried so often on /b/ and /r/ i think i watched every video in this genre on all of pornub redtube and all the others and still never found it
Oh I must be thinking of someone else then, these guys C H O K E D the moment their formulaic dota started falling apart in the face of rabid gooks
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Why does gulag still worship this literal nobody?
which mid hero do i play if i want to be able to roam for kills as soon as i hit level 6?

what are some common household items i can stick up my pooper with spit?
what is it senpai
i wanna help a nigga out and maybe jerk my dick in the process

they already beat lgd and they will beat newbee.
What would be a cool level 25 bonus to any hero like Invokers?

Radius/360 increase only, no damage changes.

>Crystal Maiden Nova radius from 400 to 1200 for super-Shivas
Quick gulag.

Why has Sand King fallen off?
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Try one fucking faggot
>Sand King
>In a tanky hero blademail meta
Infused raindrops
small centaur cloak aura
Invoker's is already stupidly done. Why didn't it get a cool bubble effect? Why couldn't it scale gradually towards that instead of being a random capstone thing? Where the fuck's my 3rd Forge Spirit for getting 8/8?
le epic neutral magic resist aura
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Please valve. Fix the immortal gardens map so it isn't p2w.
Jungle nerfs. Needs too much to be useful.
>take 3 year break from dota 2 and come back
>they've changed all the matchmaking shit, so the hundreds of games and ranks I got dont count anymore
>stuck waiting 20min+ for pub games that usually have d/c's or ragequitters
>have to grind 48 lvls more of this shit just to do ranked again

who thought this was a good idea? I've gotta do a thousand games with random people of random skill that usually d/c or ragequit 3 out of 4 matches? jesus fuck
3 Forge Spirits would be a better summon than fucking Spirit Bear.
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>Staying all night instead of going to sleep early
fuck me



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What the fuck
You took a 3 year break nigga aint nobody want yo clueless ass fucking up their ranked pubs
Most powerful race, guys.
Uhh dotards?? What is this racist nation worshipping? Don't you know it's 2016 and borders are evil?
why isn't valve fixing the trees in immortal gardens. I thought they worshiped reddit and did everything they asked.
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>Haven't lived in the Philippines in 10 years
>mfw based PGL giving Dota the treatment it deserves
This shit is great
2 girls a younger one and a milf
the younger one wore a collar and i think her name was jacky ?!
The younger one gets creampied and then the milf slurps it out and they cumswap it. I think part of it drops on the ground and the milf forces the younger one to lick it up. Have never seen it again
Valve makes calculated concessions to reddit in order to maintain the flow of shekels
Mob rule is easy to usurp when you hold all the hatz
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Which team is the least memey? I hate Liquid but I don't think I can take "le two major" memes so I'll support them.

What an awful tournament this was.

so are all the new dota tournaments going to have this immortal gardens shit until they release a map with all the trees juke spots revealed?
>Secret and EG got last place
>Our Guys going to win another major
fuck off animefaggot
how come the stream (any stream really) runs like shit for me on firefox and internet explorer, but fine on opera?
>awful tournament
>secret and eg last place
i dont think so
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What did pinoys think of that National Anthem performance? Good or bad?
>he doesn't know all the juke spots
lmao kiddo
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>tfw i dont like KuroKy and FATA- and I never want to see them ever win a tournament
>tfw they could win manila
>Black wearing all black

There's a joke in this
3 Forge Spirits would be OP.

Their health needs to be reduced to be balanced
Just use livestreamer familia
PogChamp ▬▬ι══════ﺤ 竜神の剣を喰らえ
>3 grief elementals + necrobook + cuirass + activated drums = ???
>nahaz on panel for final day

>muh games in Valve events
this is mostly irrelevant, why does Nahaz talk about it multiple times every day?
Meepo should share 100% of his stats for fucking free. The fact that aghs is so fucking core that you'll lose outright without it is bullshit.
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>tfw i dont like KuroKy

how 2 use it?
Yeah it's totally filtered

it's still stupid
Do you think there will ever be National Championship in dota? mb in next 10 years?
better than horse teeth lady and fat guy with kid voice
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God I fucking hate Nahaz.

then https://github.com/bastimeyer/livestreamer-twitch-gui/releases/

if you want a gui
agha would still be a core item because of the extra meepo you fucking retard
Hey rtz fangay how about not worshipping your team assassin now that he's been exposed? The act is up and everyone except you reddit pieces of shit can see it.
are you retarded anon?
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>Bruno is in charge of ok'ing the twits for the overlay
>he is literally one of us
>he lets Tiago shitpost in that navi game

ishe the silver haired faggot?
Will there be a gimmick match after this? Like an all star match of sorts? I just wanna see something other than lifestealer, earth spirit, and invoker
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Who /5hourpowernap/ here?

See you at the final
can someone please just take nahaz to a retirement home
nahaz is insufferable
Do teams adapt to the tournament as they go?

It feels like naixgot popular in the last few days
Nah, I've had two bottles of wine some I'm perfectly not-drunk so I'll watch the games in bed zoning in and out.
i remember it was a big deal when immortal gardens came out. now no one cares. I wonder what's next.
>all star match
i forgot about those
i really hope they stop doing this
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>We did it, Reddit!
>Stats don't lie

The cancer got me, /d2g/. I'm already dead.
are they not allowed to shout us out?
if they were I'd rather they were subtle about it
Nahaz has no fucking restrain, he has to always be the centre of attention. God I wish purge was on the panel to shit on him again
Why is Bruno letting reddit mods tweet then -_-*
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You want even more fucking tourists shitting the place up with ebin /int/ memes?
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I miss them guys. ;_;
>5 hours
>a nap

this is some serious neet shit right here
Jesus, I hadn't seen Draskyl without his beard in a really long time.
This panel was the tits, and now you gave me nostalgia. Thanks.
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Try and remember all the huge deals that were forgotten about thanks to esports drama
This is all deliberate
yeah I also miss Pyrionflax
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>mfw they used my photo
I like Zai more than Artour, and because Kuro being a terrible team member, it made Zai go back to his studies since Kuro killed his motivation.
bruno gave us the manta dusa shoutout
God i remember their hours long coverage of fragbite where all of them were drunk as fuck. I wish there were vods
Guys now we've heard this song so many times, it really feels cringe.
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New vs old liquid

Who would win?
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>dat jerax kpii hug
so cute
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these fucking presentations are as bad as the ones in g-1 league
Did they really think it was a good idea to use the same intro music for every match ever?
>former mvp players jerax and kpii hug

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>bruno gave us the manta dusa shoutout

That was literally because black was sperging out about it earlier on the panel

You guys are so desperate to identify 'our guys' but you don't seem to realize how insignificant d2g is
We have no guys, they are all reddit's guys
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Man, Newbee sure does have a lot of personality for a chinese team.

Chuan is a legend, the fact that he's fat and always stands in the middle like he doesn't give a fuck has so much swagger.

Was draskyl funny? he seems so serious on his stream.
is korok out of prison yet?
wow 3.5 deaths on average????

Everyone on liquid seems to be filled with motivation. You're a fucking liar. And your idols are frauds that will never be relevant again unless a miracle happens.
t. 2014 kiddy
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I like him
Bruno is LITERALLY our guy newshit
Ixmike is such a gross piece of shit.
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some people just like each other, like notail and fly, i'm sure even if they played in different teams they'd still be friends.
that's one of the oddest thing in dota 2 for me, in every other e-sport (or regular sport) there is so much bm, in dota2 everyone seems nice and mannered.

black wasn't sperging, he was just correct. manta medusa is absolute shit and you should never buy it.
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He's never serious on stream
Aussie chink interview

Hi Artour. Shouldn't you be practicing for qualifiers instead of maligning Kuro, who has gone on to win a majors - soon to be two - after your toxic personality dissolved yet another team?
Is this the ugliest team in any form of competition ever?
I'm hyped for my boy kuro. Who /liquid/ here?
Why are these "analysts" so shit?
Just start the game already.
>soon to be two
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How am I a lier? I am just stating that KuroKy was the reason why the team secret at TI5 failed.
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What does he mean by this?
>always on reddit
>constantly talks about reddit
>said he hasn't visited d2g for years

yeah totally our guy
>Jerax is so bad

My boy kuro got this
Liquid hasn't won any major yet, unless you consider EPICENTER a major.
what you're saying doesn't fit the 3k gulagites narative
Is kuroky the reason rtz and universe left EG? Is kuroky the reason Liquid just reached 3 consecutive grand finals? Is kuroky is toxicity the reason his team is so happy with him? Mindcontrol more confident than he has ever been?
a showmatch of Secret vs EG
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so cute!
reminder that slacks is balding
Nobody knows what d2g is and if anyone came here all they'd see is fagposting and secondhand memes
Some of you nerds are desperate for any sort of validation that you'll twist reality around just to meet your pathetic fantasies, it's really sad
the only people who have personality on chinese teams are non-chinese people
>jerax is so bad
my boy kpii bringing that great aussie bantz
because if you look at how everything is now facts are this: teams with rtz crumble do to internal issues. liquid is a stable team full of fun loving finns.
open your eyes and see.
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Reminder that this is the best general once you filter the shitpost buzzwords of the month
honestly i'd date him
he's super cute for a chink
kpii has nice teeth
kuro hasn't won a major
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You can be sperging and right at the same time Anon, they're not mutually exclusive

Either way linken's manta medusa keeps winning in this highly competitive professional environment somehow :^)
Quick lads, do I watch ingame or on Twitch?
he has a nice long and cute dick too :3
>has no idea what hes talking about
>cant speak english
wich are this month's buzzwords?
I'm so sad fluff didn't actually do it.
He could have saved korok's gf
What does anyone's motivation on Liquid have to do with how Kuro killed TI5 secret?
your a fucking retard

It was stated by multiple parties that kuro was the issue within the team

Just because he's doing well on liquid doesn't mean he didn't fuck up secret or that he suddenly wasn't the issue
>they dont speak chinese in straya
news to me
i actually came around to linkens, the thing about manta is it's not actually terrible, it gives you a way to remove a lot of debuffs, it's got an ultimate orb, it gives you a little bit of damage and move speed.
the issue is you can buy a lot of items that are way better for the same price.
>formed successful team
>killed two successful teams
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But it was arteezy though
If you say them people will just find a way around and get in my general with their shitpost. It was just a reminder to use the filter option to improve your experience
I hope that stupid turkroach's organization falls apart & bites ppy in the ass
>player run org
toppest of keks
DAC & TI5's winner = muslim mid
Frankfurt = muslim mid
Shanghai = muslim mid
Manila = muslim mid/captain

"our guys"
>Hate Team Liquid
>Hate OG

I guess Newbee it is
You know what I am saying and rtz was the reason secret was destroyed 2 times in a row. Zai is rtz's teenage fuckboy. I'm not going to respond to you again, since you're clearly a kaipi faggot like Adelaide.

Fuck, Marry, Kill, Ignore.
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>dating a chink
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who MinD_CholesteRoL here?
if it was arteezy then why was he invited back to EG and secret TWICE


doesn't make sense retard
Maybe the other fuckwits should have listened to Kuro

winter, black, redeye, nahaz

hey look they're practicing Rubick and Ember, wonder what they're gonna pick.
Oh wow

its another 'Nahaz speaks for 20 minutes and says actually nothing' episode rerun

>multiple parties
>EE, rtz, zai
What do these fags have in common? They're all best friends who killed secret.
But manta IS terrible
In all those games the game was won despite medusa not because of her
Linkens is fine when it is needed
He sucks dick good.
Same, but kill nahaz ignore redeye
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marry winter
kill nahaz
fug black
ignore redeye
objectively correct
was that a pic of CLQ?
Fuck Winter because she's cute
Marry black because he's reliable and has layers
Kill Nahaz
Ignore Redey because whatever he's cool
fuck redeye, marry winter, ignore black, kill nahaz
What are they even talking about
just fucking start the game already
literally has nothing to do with ti5 secret at all

secret was not "destroyed" after ti5 you dumbfuck, they came out fine (as evidenced by them winning a major, among other lans). theres no bad blood between teammates either, rtz and kuro are friends.
first time ever responding to one of your shitty uneducated posts.
>arteezy fanshits still haven't killed themselves yet

how many teams does he have to destroy for you to realize that he is toxic?
i mean the illusions do shit all but i like the movement speed. i buy a lot of casual yasha's because of that.
If you were cursed with being either a manlet or baldling/bald, which would you choose?
what happened to him?
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You can make bald look good.
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forced 50.png
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F O R C E D 5 0
O R C E D 5 0
R C E D 5 0
C E D 5 0
E D 5 0
D 5 0
5 0
Then make a SnY, fuck
At least it doesn't have an active that costs a gorillion mana
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>be me
>google "mind control qt anime" to look for source
>source is the sad panda

Is this normal?
>kuro muslim
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>Delusional rtz fanboys
maybe the rest of the trashcan players should of listened to him instead of arguing
his kids asked him to stop playing dota, he killed them, he's now doing life without parole.
They came out fine because they were a different team without a team assassin.
EE is a sleeper team assassin though.
>Caring this much about your appearence when personality, self awareness and dedication are enough to be above average

You're just looking for an excuse
ee was on cloud9 during ti5, he never said anything about kuro. you're a fucking idiot.
get out

I'm bald/balding but 6'3", wouldn't even entertain the idea of trading an inch for a full head of hair. Height > all.
There's literally nothing wrong with being bald
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>kill redeye


Skeleton King was removed for pressing ceremonial reasons
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less nahaz

more newbee
good thing you're blowing them on unranked right
>got called "autistic" for telling someone necro isnt a support

alright which one of you virgins was this
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People whine so much about sheever, YET THEY LET THIS GUY ON WHYYYYYYYYYYY
He called FATA trash and then backed rtz up during his spergout.
Did he ever actually play SC or does he just host?
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Secret's problem is that their carry player is bottom 5 carry in the world, but he won't get kicked because Puppey, for some reason, thinks he's good. That's why universe left.
hi slacks
Only person with delusion is you

These are the facts
>Everyone on secret (minus s4 who knows what he thought) thought kuro was the problem
>EG and Secret all think rtz is not the issue (which is why he is never kicked and always invited)

Theres nothing to suggest that arteezy is the problem other than twitch memes or some retarded 2k logic. I don't even like arteezy but it's a bit baffling how you could claim he was the problem in secret
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>there are people in this thread that support Shiteeze and EE
host, he mostly plays first person shooters like cod, cs and overwatch.
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what did they mean by this
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Necro is perfectly viable as a support Anon
Don't tell me you're so autistic you parrot everything you hear on reddit
>He called FATA trash
>backed rtz up during his spergout
he is a SJW
How the fuck is Black^ so based?
Puppey has a messiah complex.

He needs to tie himself to broken people because he has to have someone to rescue and fix to the point of self destruction.

He's like the nice guy who dates a junkie stripper and lets her steal from him because he knows she's a good person deep down.
it's a porno shot
making it look bigger than it really is
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He did the same joke about stats 2 days in a row.. god thats embarasing
He's literally our Ogre
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I forgot how shit this general is and how easily triggered you all are
EE brings extreme inconsistency. Secret3.0 had w33 and PLD who managed to settle down with their team and calm down enough to provide enough consistency to allow secret to be the best. Misery was similar to EE but not too much. rtz and universe have no idea how to handle EE and PLD is stressed out of his mind because his greatest fear took two of his teammates. That's the problem
>reaver trophy
>it just happens to be a str meta for the first time in ages

he was saying that kuro 'has gone on to win majors' when he hasn't won any majors yet
EE can't be this retarded right?
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yeah I'm in the exact same situation.

Don't know when to start playing ranked again.
There are a lot of parallels between kuroky and rocky this tourney.
hes fucking joking, come on

see the above
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How would you like your panel?
Hello friends, I am new to DotA Two. I always heard that DotA balance was amazing but I was looking at the "Highest Win Rate" page on Dotabuff and I noticed there are huge difference in winrates. Can someone explain why this is like how it is.
this is /int/ general senpai, please stop stimulating the hivemind. I'd hate to have to ask you to leave.
yes he can it's fucking EE
The way rtz just destroyed 2 teams at once tells me that this isn't his first double homicide. He is the problem now and probably was the problem in the past.
He's fucking stupid, then
idk why im replying but different heroes are easier and harder to use, especially since peruvians can barely control 1 unit let alone 5 like meepo, or heroes like chen
alright guys, I need to screencap faces on bad picks, i must devote my full attention
Some heroes are retard proof and work too well in retarded tiers.
he wasn't joking

screenshot is pretty old tho

it was before C9
New thread. Please.

One less retard to fuck with.

This panel is a truly awful.
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Hello newcomer! Dotabuff winrates are more a reflection of 'meta' and has as much to do with actual hero power as it does with arbitrary trends. If you'll notice that some of the heroes with the highest winrates are still only around 5% higher than average which is statistically underwhelming. I'm not claiming that Dota 2 is perfectly balanced but despite our constant tongue-in-cheek griping the reality is that we're actually quite proud of the game and how consistently viable most of the hero pool is in every patch!
he played terran as he mentions in this vid


still flustered about the ultimate weapon's retirement but I guess it's good because it made me focus on dota 2 more.
look at the match right now and say that FATA- is good.
Gabe must've been like what the fuck man if you want a picture just ask?

Now he is in my reaction folder.
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