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Heroes of the Strom /hotsg/

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Thread replies: 752
Thread images: 102

best girl edition

>What's new
season 1 on the 14th, silenced shitters banned from HL
medivh soonish
reddit believes my "leaks" i post here


>how do i group with a bunch of meme spouting faggot teenagers?
/join /vg/

>Do you have a discord?

>What hero should I buy?
murky and abathur

>Links nobody visits anyway
Official Site: http://us.battle.net/heroes/en/
General News: http://www.heroesnexus.com/
Tips & Tricks: http://heroesofthestorm.github.io/tips
Hero Rankings and Statistics: https://www.hotslogs.com/Default
Talent Calculator: http://www.heroesfire.com/hots/talent-calculator/
All of the hero voice lines: http://rpboyer15.github.io/sounds-of-the-storm
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Best girl indeed
Why do people think Tyrande's looks can even compare to the unbelievable secy Nova / jaona / li ming
>fucks niggers
>fucks orcs aka green niggers
>mexican whore makeup
>playing in bronze
>some dipshit wants to duo with me because he's under the mistaken impression that I have any idea what I'm doing
>I manage to string together a few decent games and we win
>turns out he's a girl
>turns out she's a twitch streamer
>next day she wants to duo again
>still manage to do well even though she's heavy as fuck honestly
>have filthy sex dream about her where I rape her basically
>next day she wants to duo again
>I've already been spamming games for like 3 hours and I'm exhausted at this point
>draft illidan, completley shit the bed, die a bunch of times
>tell her I can't do this and quit mid match
>she doesn't want to duo anymore
>week later deletes me off her friends list
well boys it looks as though I've been cucked
Li ming isn't mexican you fucking walnut
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ayyyy cabrone
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looks like mexican whore makeup to me
Where the FUCK is Maiev????
They really should release Gul'dan at the same time as Medivh.
Just because you want it or like, a reason?
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Anyone else feels like anub just got some QoL buffs instead of a proper rework? even if they claim it was one, i've seen heroes that just got "buffed" that had more depth than a "rework".
Sure he's overall better but i'm gonna be sad if they don't touch him again in the future
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shes locked me in that underground elf prison and is going to take turns with her warden friends raping me for 10000 years

no need to send help
I don't get how making Tunnel into a huge part of his kit rather than an escape isn't a big rework. Maybe I was a shit Anub before, but tunneling into the enemy team was a death sentence.
first anniversary histories anyone? https://us.battle.net/account/management/orders.html if you don't log for yourself

only thing i really regret is artanis. fun but it was mostly for milking daily quests with a SC warrior. stupid system
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I can't get it to only show HOTS, but needless to say, it is an embarrassment. Definitely counted more than 100 bucks on skins alone.
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Someone posted that to me the other day. Ah well. Love this game.
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>night elves will never say hello to you
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For whatever reason the three heroes i got with real dosh (Artanis, rexxar and zeratul while on the black friday/holiday thing) are shown on my america log instead of EU,
for what little i spent i don't regret it, those 3 guys are f u n
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So if the Axolotl leak is to be believed, we're getting Samurao, Gul'dan, Varian, and Auriel after Medivh. That leaves us at least two more heroes for 2016, assuming a 28 day interval. Who will they be?

Banking on Aidan for December given Diablo's 20th anniv. Even if I have no fucking clue how he'd work.
Anyone else just tired of this game? Ranked feels completely pointless even with the new system when the game can be ruined by 1 shitter.
I agree her artwork looks like shit but her name is Li-ming for fucks sake, shes obviously a chinaman
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That's why team league is a thing, you can actually depend on other people you actually now.
But to be fair, if you spam HL when you're sitting in rank 1, you tend to encounter the same people more often, so you can kinda know if they're willing to be in the same page as you.
If blizz adds some sort of custom game maker to overwatch, a first person version of hots would be made within a week and this game can be left to die peacefully
I don't understand thia game. I get 102k hero dmg. The top player for hero dmg on the other team has 37k. Guess who wins? Not my team. How much do i need to carry my team to be able to win this shit? This is why i always say rank doesn't reflect personal skill...
you probably are so bad you don't even realize the retarded mistakes you are making during games and think that the numbers are somehow justifying your mistakes
I think 11 kills and 2 deaths is pretty good

tldr: no john, you are the shitter

You guys are looking for any excuse to say I'm the bad player. Arent you?

Destroying the other team doing nearly 3x the damage as the other team's best player. And you're trying to blame me? Okaaaaayyyyyy
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t. DSP
I'm going to 2nd this.
'Muh numbers' is about the surest way to spot the shitter.
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>Get daily quest
>3 assasains games
>all 3 games are no-tank, no-support
>bursfest and retards split all the time on both teams
Is there a bigger clusterfuck in videogames? Dosen't help that i don't like most assasains in this game
The only thing they need to touch are a rework of his trait to work as if it had legion of beetles base and add talents to make a spike build, otherwise Anub is fine as a bruiser that goes deep to get kinky with the squishies. Shit he can even solo tank with a good team and other divers, he may lack health but bitch got stuns for days.

New regen master sucks for tanks though.
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also, what heroes have the hypest attack comand voiceline?
war3 illidan voice > the new one

Upload the game to hotslogs and post a link to it
Show us how gosu you are sempai.

The only class that can kind of carry is specialists but that really depends on your team not dying and throwing all the xp to the trash so even in that case it still isnt really 'carrying'.
So, is there anything to keep in mind with Xul? I got him in a bundle and I know he's pretty meta right now.
play him on spider queen and dragon shire

clear mobs then change lanes repeat
Triumph through sacrifice
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Anub is awesome, I hope he never gets nerfed. Consuming the living and the dead with him is fucking fun.
he was good once then got shit on by nerfs and power creep

he might not get nerfed again but he will be obsolete some day like several of the old heroes
Anub falling out of the meta had nothing to do with power creep. He got fucked into unplayability by the scaling change.
nah m8 they nerfed his op beetles
He was still playable after the beetle nerf, he just wasn't the completely busted rape machine he became when they fixed his beetle AI to not be retarded. Scaling was what did him in. Either way, it still has nothing to do with power creep.
what are you on about m8 leoric and jojo were absolutely power creeped past the other warriors to the point that nobody played anything besides them and muradin
>allow people to invite you
>accept invite, hit ready, game is instantly found
>it's a fucking AI match
Whats the appeal in playing against AI? I dont get it.
>Whats the appeal in playing against AI? I dont get it.
Pve is always part of gaming.
Some people get nervous playing ranked, others get nervous simply playing against a real opponent. This way you just get to be bad and nobody can yell at you for it.

Being able to complete dailies in minutes, for one.

Showing a friend the ropes without worrying about pressure. Had a friend too nervous to even queue with other people, so we ended up playing Vs. AI with AI for a few dozen games.

I, personally, like how easy/relaxed they make it.

And some people just enjoy dooting around in the game, players or not.
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Wow, people care that much for what some random fucks think or do? Jesus, no wonder tumblr is a thing. What a bunch of little flower pots.
pretty likely you were the lowest ranked of the group. seems like every time i see someone complaining it's a rank 30 something

not wasting time on death timers for one big thing. any one bronze or silver would be better off on elite AI than fucking around in pvp games past 15 minutes. of course they'd rather be proud of playing with other garbage rather than improving themselves faster.
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Your soul shall be mine!
Aidan would make sense. But then again Blizzard might decide to release somebody more recognizable to current Diablo players like Imperius.
I greet you
>That leaves us at least two more heroes for 2016, assuming a 28 day interval. Who will they be?
They will be 1 and 2 extra weeks between releases
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>Reddit killed the golden goose for upboats
>now even ign wrote about leakbro
ded thread
ded game
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>go to do daily
>get into game with master skin hammer duo'd with a morales, both players have the same name minus one letter or something
>huehue i wonder if all they do is Vs. AI
>it is
>6000 games
>not wasting time on death timers
what? you can respawn sooner in AI games? I odn't understand
Probably a bot

Please tell me it's a bot
What the fuck

While neither of them said anything I don't think they acted like bots


I've actually bumped into a few of these completing my dailies in Vs. AI

>fellow that had played seven QM games and lost all but one
>over 3000 Vs AI
>as Sylvanas, which he was level 20 on
>no other heroes above level 7

To each their own, eh.
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>yo I'm gonna be an ass for the imaginary praise of perfect strangers

why the fuck is this even entertained as an acceptable idea? fucking cancer. the sooner civil war comes the better.
kneel peasant
>tfw got a big winstreak in HL over the weekend
I guess sometimes the retards actually are on the other team.
eeeeeeh I was thinking more BBC but I guess you are right too
>be malfurion
>two tanks and thrall jump on me
>twilight dream them
>they just run away
they could have killed me, but like every time I use that ult people just turn the other way I love it
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>dps Malfurion will be the closest thing to a moonkin we'll ever get
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I was thinking about wow chars who got cucked to death, and the only ones that come to my mind are illidan and kael'thas. Anyone else of note?
Arthas did the cucking tho
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>tfw no holy lady to purify me
don't recall any love triangles involving cairne
He was poisoned in an honor duel. If that's not getting cucked idk what is
taurens aren't even people, who cares
You are right, they are way better. :^)
t. baine
t. gnome dicklett
I wish they get rid of the whole mmo holy trinity thing so we can play as characters we want without being healcuck.
fuck you!!!
orcs are so dumb, literal niggers of wow
t. centaur khan
>chromie is in
>instead of someone hot like alex or ysera
no wonder this game is dead
I'm here to feed!
I stand feeding!
>wake up
>sun's out, have nice breakfast
>decide to play some HL to properly begin this nice morning
>first pick instalocks "I'm here to help!"
>instantly alt+f4 and dodge the fuck out of that game
phew, that was close to ruining my day :D
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>first picks are Illidan/Tass
>enemy picks sonya/bw
>hover over gaz because the game is already lost
>a player you were matched with has left the game or disconnected from the service
Is Raynor Q build good or bad?
i just had anubarak solo tank who dived in backline and complained why his squishy team is fighting vs artanis and dehaka in the frontline :D
>yfw they'll begin browsing /hotsg/ now
I'm rank 9, on a pretty nice winning streak (Was rank 20 less than 2 weeks ago) and i was wondering where i will be placed.
Gold 1?
2bh I'd welcome any posters at all at this point

ded thread
Between bronze and copper
>welcoming blizzard employees who won't even leak shit and just look for feedback
Rank 9 should be something like Plat 3, soft reset notwithstanding.
aww shiet dude. I was hoping at least for silver.
O rly? will i be that high?
That's cool, thank you
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>low rank queue
>some guy offers to heal but says "he'd rather adc"
>tell him there aren't adcs in this game
>he says "valla is adc basically"
why do shitters overvalue valla
>will i be that high?
Uh, no, I said "soft reset notwithstanding". Your MMR will be reduced when the season starts, and you'll have to play through placements again, which can mean a huge swing in MMR.
Still though, unless you completely screw up the placements, you're gonna be Gold at least.
She has the same cookie-cutter skillset most League "ADCs" do:

>ebin homing skillshot
>ebin cone AoE nuke
>#LCSBigPlays dash
Throw in 3-hit passive from Manticore, and you get the quintessential LoL AD carry. Kind of like poor man's Vayne.
lol......... implying gold isnt screwing up your placements. MASTERS is average skill level. diamond is decent, but most likely shit. platinum is near subhuman.
>MASTERS is average skill level. diamond is decent, but most likely shit. platinum is near subhuman
Not after reset kicks in, big boy.
Lads I'm kind of shit and in MMR hell. What do I do?
Find a buddy and spam Cho'Gall. In desorganized low ranks he's like literal free Elo.
MMR hell doesn't exists.
If you cant win it means that you aren't good enough.
git gud or die tryin
buy greymane and start grinding winstreaks
Make a new account and stomp noobs for the first 20 games so you get high MMR
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>tfw want to play with /hotsg/ in quickmatches
>too scared that i might get shit on when in the off chance that i play bad

Is there a penalty for dodging?
And whats wrong with Jaina? I mean i've seen players devastate enemies with her.
>play 3 games as a specialist hero
Time for some Abathur
How is Tracer now? Shit?

Still OP?
Extremely annoying, but otherwise mostly mediocre.
She's only good for quick matches imo.
If you played on Rank i think you'd get shit on the most.
so fucking pissed right now... will u believe me if i told u that the meme team almost won? i was laughing during draft, so i picked azmodan to troll around as well, but i knew for a fact i could lose this game because of dumb retards. i play this shit for 1 year and have won with meme teams cuz IDIOTs, SUBHUMAN RETARDS underestimate others and start playing worse than bots.

i stacked whole game basically depushed and put pressure lanes cuz my team dont help me, during a -4 team wipe successfully defended our core vs these memelords, but they were low hp, so they had to retreat.

their team is literally some shit straight from looney tunes
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i wish 4chan stopped being the gayest website on the internet. so fucking retarded, stupid website for stupid f aggots. on 2ch ITS SO much fucking easier, u can upload like 4 screenshots, here only 1 and it doesnt even tell u if the file has been chosen successfully. also theres no cooldown, and here u have to wait 80 seconds between posts? WTF? and here u cant "subscribe" to threads, how can u fa ggots browse this shit i dont know, u must be on some new lvl of mentally retarded subhuman degenerates.
Muted idiot complains about rankeds... ITs okay. Eight days and you wont play them anymore sweetheart <3
Do you want some reddit gold or an upvote will suffice? ;-)
>get muted in HotS
Like clockwork.
i have 4 month chat ban btw, so its like im gonna get unmuted on august. will have to play on smurf i guess, unless blizz unmute me after i send them my compendium of screenshots of non silenced players VERBALLY ABUSING ME!

Thanks lads, somehow that made me feel better
>[3. General Pycкий]
>estimated wait time 160s
>actual wait time is anywhere from 50s to 300s
Is Chromie a well designed hero?
list of well designed heroes in hots
i dont know. i think shes an underwhelming, shit hero and you might as well go gamble at a casino instead of playing her but im not a game dev
Makes sense. I tend to stick to one lane, but I can see how that would be a waste. Does Xul require a lot of mana or am I just wasting it?
You just don't die as much.
She's so pretty and her voice, ah. Too bad her purifying is bashing into bits.
thrall cucked 'em both
I had a dual queue in HL, who ended up picking Jaina and Morales. This wouldn't have been weird, but the entire time, Morales was bitching about one guy first picking Valla. But somehow Jaina is acceptable.

It was a really good and close game too. It honestly would've been great if people didn't bitch.
>tfw you are first on every stat on the score board
>still lose because it's too hard not to run around alone when enemy has butcher
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We're all baddies here fagola lord, embrace memes and do fun comps instead of tryharding in QM, jeez
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Shanariel albaladas,h,

This threathed , habe pbeen whisiteid by the sunking Sunweller Orunce Keltherens of kingdom City Thalas Quelendor . Reporst this in 10 seconds, or Prnce Kelthere Ryder will never visit you again.
I hate it man, they just always want to do some useless xp gain task after 16. I cant say it any nicer than please group
stop slandering the prince.
>people did this in the early days of dota
>you know, back in the day before meta and competition was a thing and people were just playing hero characters on a custom map
>and before WoW and shit.
>someone finds out that healing and supporting a team really helps out in team composition
>use it consistently
>majority people of people bitch about it endless because MUH KILLS/DEEPS

When I saw this in LoL with the tank and support changes, and people hating he medic class as a whole in TF2, it really made me realize how much "DPS"-minded people are embittered about anything that gets in the way of said DPS.
desu. there are some people who hang in the /vg/ channel that are really. Really bad. Not to say they shouldn't try, but its like, dying on the easiest mode of current day Call of Duty games and not making any progress after 50 logged hours.
Not much of a surprise here

>people have pent-up aggression from day-to-day life
>play video games to release it
>suddenly damage roles are the most popular
It's not absolute, but it's definitely a trend.

i know its one of u fuckers.. why is this so autistic?
It's written about as well as your post so it was probably you
>Armor Up
>Not Garrosh
I don't care about MUH DEEPS, I just wish we could get interesting utility supports that weren't immediately disregarded or labeled as specialists because MUH HEELZ
>play ranked as Tass
>game not going so well
>Me: "well, what are we doing wrong?"
>Genius teammate: "IT'S ALL BECAUSE WE HAVE NO HEALER!!11"
>check scoreboard
>actually outhealing their Li Li by 10k
Well gee, something's not adding up here.
>none of Blackhand's four incarnations will ever be in HotS
Feels bad man.

Am i missing something here? Only healing Tass gets is Healing Ward right?
>Leeching Plasma
>While Plasma Shield is active, 30% of the target's Basic Attack damage against the primary target is returned as Health.
leeching plasma :^)
Also, shields that actually prevent damage before expiring count for that stat.
Bad. His Q is a great poke/peel/waveclear tool but ultimately his biggest utility is dumping dps from a mile away in a fight and things like seasoned marksman, focused attack, nexus frenzy, and exec are way better.

Building his w is actually useful though and I rarely see it. Getting overdrive and steel resolve mean you're permanently 20% faster and shoot faster because it costs no mana and there is no downtime for the cd. Giant killer is nice but I think most of the time resolve actually nets more damage for the team.
what four?
1. movie
2. warcraft - orc with deer helmet XDDD
3. wod
4. ?????????????????? REINHARDT?
The 13 push is a hard counter to mosh pit honestly, i like to bait it with that shit, people usually save the stuns when the pit is about to end
Warcraft Adventures, Lord of the Clans
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post some nice kilrog concept ;)
How to Lunara? She's level 7 but my winrate is 32% with her. Abysmal.
When I say bad I don't mean "not fun" or "total shit" but it just isn't as optimal. The second charge is nice for that instance but if you go full q build you get cd reduction too so you're just throwing out pushbacks all the time which can push enemies to safety. Similar to how morales grenade build is fun and okay but you have to be careful about hindering your teams own efforts.

I've recently fallen in love with the permaspeed from resolve though. Gotta move quickly etc.
I've always went for W myself, the 16 stun isn't that strong since the nerf, and al the mobile heroes that can escape the second shot if you don't wanna overwrite the first one and lose value out of it.
That said ever since li ming came my winrate as james jimmy jumbo dropped like a hot potato. I can't really tell what i do wrong and i get frustrated, i think i'm positioned really safely and my movement is as erracit as it should be
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This enemy team was pure fucking cancer. So much shit flying our way there was no way of dodging it all.

Ended up winning because we caught xul and tyrande in the jungle and pushed core
From watching lunaras play in HL matches I've gleaned that you're supposed to feed the enemy team and then point to your DoT inflated damage as an excuse.

But really:

1. play safe

2. Don't engage with less than 80% health

3. Get free spores on minions and long range from spores. Pop free spores on minions. Thow three long range aas on someone and pop spores for three more long range aas while throwing out some vines.

4. Congrats you just bursted someone from full health without getting in range.

Battlefield is her best map. Immortal poke is real. Unfortunately they don't count for the free spores on pve though.
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Q - Shred Armor: short line skillshot that does damage and increases all damage taken by 30% for 6 seconds. 5 second cooldown and the debuff stacks
W - Heart Seeker: Throw a knife at an enemy hero, the knife damages and applies a DoT to all enemies it hits on the way to the target
E - Bleeding Hollow: summon 3 Bleeding Hollow warriors to hunt down the targeted enemy. One applies a snare and the other two apply a stacking bleed
trait - Vision of Death: Knowing he isn't destined to die in the Nexus reduces all damage Kilrogg takes by 50%
R1 - Fel Corruption: Kilrogg drinks the Blood of Mannoroth, increasing his damage and attack speed by 30%, his damage mitigation to 80%, causes Heart Seeker to summon blood orbs that heal Kilrogg, and Bleeding Hollow summons Hulking Terrors instead of uncorrupted orcs. lasts 15 seconds
R2 - Death Throes: Kilrogg enters a whirlwind, damaging all enemy heroes in a short area and launching projectiles that deal heavy damage towards all heroes that aren't hit by the whirlwind every 2 seconds. Lasts 10 seconds

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>Local prophet ruins everything
>hides out names
Only cancer I see is that post.
That must've been pretty close to a Touhou game.
Ah. Hello there.
>implying I want the bronzies in this thread asking me to carry them

Had a hard time engaging since they usually knew we were there so we would get barraged and end up with half hp butcher and xul before even getting close
For once the splash art is better than the model
What happened?
Medivh isn't a woman.
time for a lesson, insolent pup!
How do you stop Medivh from stealing bosses with Raven Form?
Not a woman.
yours is gay
here is based kilrogg concept

D Hello I am Kilrogg - WHhen reaches 1 hp, unkillable for x seconds. if he LAST HITs an opponent, restores some hp and doesnt die! because it wasnt the one he saw


W skillshot poison dot/slow n talented shit.. attacks spread it to other enemies

E PASSIVE EFFECT: when in bushes kilrogg vision radius increases, he detects cloaked heroes. can talent for hp regen, cooldown reduc, etc. when kilrogg leaves a bush his attacks deal more dmg (AMBUSH CHARACTER :D)



R2 OK Fel corruption it can bee XDD
Dosen't seem to be permament i guess, if it isn't just sit in there and wait untill it's over

if it its permanent i guess he dosen't count as a contester

what you can't stop it's the inevitable whole enemy team getting your ass, but that's a risk you will have to take when there's a medivh on the enemy team, same deal as a noscope ebin gust
Yeah because that ever happens. Blow more smoke up your ass, anon.
Ready for Medivh-Illidan cancer? I am.
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have you accepted our lord and saviour of melting hp bars in your heart yet?
it's about time XD
>arthas + chromie duo queues

im a little scared
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You have chris, kinkbug and the man that makes other men gay with his voice. you kay mang

You should see Xul/Chromie duo queues, especially after he gets the vulnerability at 16.
I heard Metzen is now working on Overwatch.
Does that mean Thrall will die now? ;_;
Thrall will settle down, for he had a hard life.

He also gives the fuckin' doomhammer to every shaman in wow
he gives up on shamaning because the Doomhammer is mad that he's a little bitch
tychus prevails
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>censoring ur name when we can just look up the other player's match history

>spics having brains
it just means hes going to add thrall and more orcs to overwatch
But isn't Winston the Thrall of Overwatch?
i feel like a celebrity when you put it this way
Post tits
So, are we on the Medivh'll be broken camp or the opposite? He seems good.

Not unlike Tassadar I imagine he'll be good in a structured/coordinated environment.

Might suck for qm/hl, though. Imagine dropping a portal, baiting your entire team into a mosh pit, or flame strike, just like medevac.

Or spending the whole game scouting because muh trait value.

Or laning because muh specialist.

Or building full damage and only ever shielding himself.

And so on.
he'll be broken as fuck in stacks and competitive games but garbage in QM
>play nazeebo
>half of the heropool ignores my zombie walls cuz mobility creep lol
>I die to every dive hero
>literally hopeless against something like tracer

so his winrate is some sort of error right
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>Barely over 10k

It is early in the day! Really! That's it, the game is alive. Totally.
game please don't die, you're way better than league of dota
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medivh was revealed months ago, why would people rush to see the spotlight?
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>it's shitrogg posting time
I'm out
I don't get how this meme started, but I appreciate it nonetheless.

I don't quite understand what point 3 means. Spread your spores through a minion wave, free spores?. Three AAs, spores, vines, gotcha.

What talent gives Free Spores? I've never taken that.
fuck off Grom, this is a Bleeding Hollow thread

>I don't get how this meme started,
Kilrogg is a huge fucking ham and it's funny as hell

>free spores

The talent at level 1. Reduces cost/CD of your W whenever it's used to extend the duration on *only* minions.

So, cover minions up with aids, W, get the attack speed steroid, or range increase @ 16, and use it to plink away. Re-use W whenever the buff falls off.

I think, anyways.


Didn't this come out, like, an hour ago?

Not saying the game isn't dead, but most of the spotlights recently have been getting views I thought.
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well played senpai
my mom cried when she saw this randomly btw, i found it kinda cliché. But that's wow
>tfw I always position myself so that the enemy's johanna can properly blind and condemn me
Oh, I always take the revealing poison at 1, because of Hotdogs. I'll try the other one.
Yeah, do that.
I have a rough idea of how sonya and johanna would make """"love"""" to me, but not sure about valla. hatefuck maybe?
I can already see medivhs on my rank just flying around everywhere and not contributing to the fights other than being lunara's wisp
>you will never be Johanna's apprentice
why live???

Yeah, that's what I generally take, and play her like an AA Chromie.

Only catch with the W talent is that you don't get the reduced CD if an enemy hero/building is covered in your poison at the time of extension, so you'll have to color inside the lines until you're ready to W.

Friendly reminder that kilrogg is shit


Oh, hey, any ideas as to whether or not we'll be getting a PTR shortly, or balance changes? Seems like they'd nerf Kael'thas or something prior to the release of season 1, and we're in the final week.
kilrogg? more like gayrogg
As long as they buff my waifu, Jaina, everything's fine


I haven't actually had a good game with/against a Jaina recently, they all seem dreadful. Are all the competent players just making use of better Heroes these days?

>master skin jaina picked into greymane
>its fine just peel for me
>I try my best, always holding blessed shield to follow up with a condemn to keep her alive
>ends up with 14 deaths, like 2 kills
>calls everybody else bad

just a shit jaina. 90% of jainas with master skin are utter trash and bought it only because it looks cool
Valla would obviously be into kinky stuff.
Then again she was an orphan and lonely most the time so she might be into over the top romantic shit.
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Irregular reminder that Tychus is meta as fuck right now and you better get on that bandwagon quickly before people learn how to counterplay

Had a game today where I was defending a shrine on dragon shire and a thrall attacked me. I think he was very confused where instead of running or trying to evade his root, I simply stood there and melted, then eventually killed him.
You won't be able to exploit clueless fags like that in a week or two, better hurry.
Can someone post Tyrande and Li-chink fighting?
>warmongering maniac
>tries to genocide the Draenei
>tries to brutally conquer not one but two worlds
>threatened to slaughter the Shadowmoon clan
>responsible for countless deaths
>ends up as one of the good guys at the end
Even green Jesus would be jealous of plot armour like this.
3000 BC
Honestly it's my least favourite episode of lords of war, but I can imagine some people getting emotional while watching it
>medivh is not even out and I'm already tilted because his portals don't face in each other's direction
Seriously what the fuck it looks stoopid
we saved him from the Legion so he's a good guy now ;^)
Alright, so I'm currently installing this game over the worst internet known to man so it'll only be another 12 hours until its done and I'm wondering which hero is best for me to play. I main Viktor, Kassadin, and Thresh in lol, recommendations?
What's the best counter to epic backdoor qm comps. Often when playing casuals with my friends we'll bump into triple spec comps that just constantly throw themselves on the lanes. Inevitably it's on huge maps like cursed hollow. Not all of my friends are on top of it so I usually have to rotate for the kill and we always end up chasing some azo or sylvanas, killing them and then rotating to stop the naz in the top lane while murky judt trows himself against center.

Are you just supposed to rotate together and kill them one at a time? I hate that I can win every fight and still have all my forts grinded down.
I recommend that you don't play this game with shitty internet, or you will be looking at the:
>Reconnecting. Game is 0:01 minutes ahead
screen, for most of your match.
best strat is to move a few leagues up
You should play the free heroes before buying some. They're organized by role.

You get in game money to buy heroes quick so buying some cheap heroes like muradin valla/raynor and lili/malf is not a bad idea. Once you bump into a good hero in free rotation you'll have enough gold to buy them.

For "most meta in role" Kael/ming (often banned) and raynor/valla for your "ad carry" reghar for support, muradin/etc/johanna for warrior and xul/zag/sylvanas for spec.

But desu most heroes are fairly viable. Kerrigan/gazlowe/nova/zeratul/tassadar/abathur are some of the more situational heroes to steer clear from early on and the last vikings are probably the highest skill floor.
I've got better places to play, just depends on where I crash.
Pick a lane, push it hard as a team, the enemy will either have to group up to stop you or trade structures and your team will always be faster. Also focus on the objectives.
I was bullied by Tychus's like that even before his rework.
>losing to tychus before rework

wew lad
Reminder that Illidan did nothing wrong

>B-but muh well of eternity!!!!!
It isn't Illidan's fault that the legion came to Azeroth, it was Azshara's for being a hedonistic bitch who need to get her magic fix. The Legion already had it sights set on destroying Azeroth well before Illidan tried to make a second one.

>B-but muh skull of Gul'dan!!!!!

Yeah, what about it? He used its power to kill Tichondrius and remove the corrupt satyrs from Ashenvale. That's more than his asshole brother ever did.

>b-but muh eye of sargeras!!!
Would've destroyed Northrend but there was nothing of value there and the Lich King needed to be destroyed to protect the lives of countless innocents
Why the fuck can Rehgar 1v1 me when I am playing Thrall? This shouldn't happen.
Not losing, just being bullied. They end up feeding late game, but once in a while you engage when their shit is already spinning and die.
I really like how Tassadar and Artanis look, how hard are they to play?
but really now, what level? did you fought him in lanes? the bounce of your CL should give you a edge on the fight.
doesn't help that every single time he tried to help or did any of the thing you mentioned, big brother malfurion came in and chastized him because he was the demons, a bad guy and will only bring misfortune and should gtfo while throatfucking tyrande with his tounge.

He had a hard life.
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Oh boy, can't wait to play another match against le 1v5 protoss of infinite shields
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Both actually synergize eachtoher a whooping 100%. But tassadar is only strong if your team has another suppor or your team is auto attack heavy.
Artanis is really strong if they don't have shitton of burst or the enemy team is melee heavy, once artanis gets in a fight, you see it from start to end, or you die midway, there is no retreating for you, since your defensive abilities are granted by slashing niggers with your blades. Ever since they buffed him a bit he started weak but becomes a fucking god (wich made sense in a lore way, but the character was a drag rather than an actual hero) Into bein g good from the start to the end
It was immediately after engagement. I would try to split the team with sunder and then get rid of him. Usually, he'd wolf a little bit away and then kill me when I go for him.
At what level did this happen? shit like gathering storm at 16 can do massive damage if you stay too long on the shield range
In no fucking way can rehgar 1v1 thrall unless you went for some garbage build. At level 16 your FT combos should take more than half his health while leaving you at full. And the fact that rehgar can't ancestral or cleanse himself means he's essentially fighting you with no ult while you still have sunder.
Artanis's prism seems really good for getting out of engages (or starting them then committing 100%). Can you use it during the first half of your dash? If so that could make it pretty easy to catch people out.
Nope, People have been asking for that for the longest time, i don't think they will do it.
Tass is more situational. No direct heals so you rely on comps that need less or are aa focused or have a second healer. Overall the harder of the two.

Arty is very fun. Part of it is playing as a zealot man, twin slash is super satisfying. He's pretty good especially when paired with another warrior. He falls into the bruiser class of semi tanky warriors that can dish out damage. He's not forgiving if you don't know how to pick your engages. No escape option means bad artys feed hard. He's also vulnerable to cc since his passive relies on constantly attacking.

Arty is free try him out. I always have fun playing him.
>not having him after buying lotv like a good goy
>not "pre-ordering" lotv in amazon, get your reward in hots and cancelling the pre-order
I bought the nova mission pack too, quite sad that I didn't get a free nova with it :( I'd buy the abathur coop commander if it gave a free abathur in hots too, but it seems blizz is too jew with its promotions.
The satrcraft promotions are weak sauce honestly, they need to step it up.
I believe it was 16-ish, yeah.

My build is the usual, well. Okay, I just checked , it apparently isn't the usual anymore. I take Grace of Air over FT. Now I know better.

And the Sundering was the first thing I did, he survived it and healed up.
>the Sundering was the first thing I did

If you don't need sunder to initiate, don't open with it. You could use it to stun him out as he's running, or stall for time while your E comes back up, or (if he has something like rising storm) stun him to create space and wait out any period of time when he has higher DPS than you.
we did it reddit
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tychus is a miracle of the universe
there is nothing sweeter than nuking the shit out of dirty little hobgoblins like chromie
>picking odin
i'm roughly 3.3k mmr and i pick odin every game
drill is for fun-hating faggots
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>odin/Hyperion/orbital strike combo in a teamfight
That's some terran firepower i tell you h'wat senpai
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>zagara hits a maw on everyone
>nuke blows up on them as they're all emerging
there is no sweeter combo
Wait there are people who unironically think Skilladin is bad and/or Malfurion isn't a faggot?
MMR hell exists in the sense that grinding your way up from rank 38 just takes a really fucking long time no matter what. Even if you post a 100% winrate it will still take like up to 2 weeks, and if you post a 60% winrate it could still take months.
>>b-but muh eye of sargeras!!!
muh global warming analogies
>Brazilian on team ends up playing kael'thas
>ends game with less hero damage than tyrande
>zero killing blows
>40% kill participation

>takes 200 games to reach r1 on main for first time
>takes like 25 on smurf
>repeat the above on second smurf

It exists, in a way. Not in that everybody deserves to be rank 1 and should get there, but that grinding your way up there can be a long process.

Or stupidly easy because mmr is busted.
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True, Illidan did nothing wrong.

On a related note, Garrosh did nothing wrong either. He was a great warchief.
Fuck Vol'jin and Thrall.
>saying mean words to green jesus
the elephants will destroy you
brazillians are the niggers of the internet
what about real niggers? or the /pol/posters?
that's incredible!
If you get put at rank 38 after placements you suck ass and it should take weeks to rank up - because it should take weeks for you to improve enough to earn those ranks.
oh no my feelings are so hurt
But Green Jesus made him do that.
can you pick free rotation heroes in Ranked games now?

It doesn't help if you start by playing a relatively unimpactful role, especially if you're significantly better than those you're playing against.

Can't make as many plays on Li-Li as Sonya, or Li-Ming/Kael'thas.


Yeah, anything currently available to play on the free rotation is usable in ranked provided you're at least level 5 on the Hero (which you can always AFK train, but I guess its something).

No more account level requirement for ranked, either!
you can carry shitter ranks with sonya tho

Yeah, significantly more than with something like Li-Li, which is what I was trying to say. Play impactful stuff at low MMR.

>very strong duelist
>efficient/capable jungler; nobody times mercs probably at low mmr, if they bother with them at all
>sieges insanely well, especially after 10
>capable of soloing boss
>able to solo core at higher levels if uncontested, handy for when your team is feeling too squeemish to end

I love Sonya. She carried my scrub arse out of the absolute depths, now I hover painfully between 8 and 12.
I'm not saying it to be mean, but why should an improve in skill from the very bottom to the very top (implying r1) be quick?
why should it not be quick? do you not understand that it part of why the matchmaking is abysmal? people are hundreds of mmr underrated all the way up into masters because they can't gain fast enough. you need mmr to be up to the second not some petty ass grind because you had no clue your first hundred games.
>people are hundreds of mmr underrated all the way up into masters
lol no they're not
wrong. masters winning at near 60% clip is a product of dysfunctional mmr calculation.

just fuck off if you don't know what you are talking about
Actually I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>masters winning at near 60% clip is a product of dysfunctional mmr calculation.
>1 win away from rank 1
>lose streak back to 5
fuck this shit, i need to duo Q
>tfw 2 wins away from rank 1
>don't feel like playing
I just know I'm going to get a loss streak
>decide to stop blaming teammates and to be as positive/helpful as possible
>get at least one friend request every game
>bnet suddenly full of people asking to duoqueue

mistakes were made
Okay, even assuming I win every game from now on, how many games would I need to do to get from Rank 35 to 20? Would it be like 50 games? Less? More?
like 35

Provided you don't end up ever getting bonus points, yeah, around that. 100 or so per win, 300 to rank up.
It's 3 wins per rank so with 100% win rate that's 45 games
why are south americans allowed to play on american servers

they literally suck every time. i have not played with one good s. american. holy fuck they ALL pick kerrigan or nova too.

No idea. Same in WoW, too. Nobody wants anything to do with people on BR servers.

Perhaps the playerbase isn't large enough to have their own little community.
Yeah, shit's impossible. I waited too long.
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South american here, i can tell you that the playerbase alone is big enough to cover it's own server. Regardless of the fucking game
decent PCs are cheap enough all around any fucking country and they tend to orbitate towards f2p games for obvious reasons. Dosen't help that 80% are fucking literal kiddos that don't even try to play the game correctly and just plays for the fucking laughs because fuck putting effort into things.
When i play on the NA server with my cousin, it's filled with fucking venezuelans, a country that is literally falling to pieces, yet they still have time to play vidya

Yeah, and I botched my placements on my main account.

>curious as to how/why I can't break rank 5 or so
>make smurf
>smash way up to rank 1 in a sitting

Love this game, but the rank system is aneurysm-inducing.
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getting top 200 and quitting this game for the coins.

I'm probably an idiot for asking, but is there anything you could offer to assist in climbing from rank 5-10 to 1?

Feel as though the biggest thing I can do at this point is furiously ping teammates away from bushes, bad camps, contested objectives, etc. Wasn't sure if that's just something I'll need to get into the habit of.
find a dedicated duo q partner, and pick combo heroes.

build synergy and make the game easy for the rest of your team.

use voice comms.

I played with a friend, we won 15 in a row to get top 200. but that was way back in the day.

Mechanics (camp timings, contesting, pulling back) come in time, if you know what you did wrong in a play, that's enough.

Brilliant, thank you.
>still no xel naga ult or alt skin for kerri

>still no line of pool party/beach skins
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I'm South American and many people here are retarded and to add to it there's not a gaming "culture" that's big enough for people to tryhard more in games (so you'll end up getting mediocre players) so the ones who play games are either school kids (mostly f2p - the most retarded out of the bunch) or people who work, but they'll do it more casually. Also, on average the hardware that they use to run games is way inferior than all other regions. You will find the occasional good player but it's justified to say there's a lot of bad ones.

We are almost in summer, where is the summer fun bundle?
Medivh is next week, Gul'dan next? I hope he comes sooner than expected.
>Gul'dan next?
We don't know
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>tfw no micro bikini tyrande
>tfw no tyrande and li-ming buttfight itt
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ok so, blog post inc i guess. won 9 straight placements in a row and shit got real

rank 1 stories

>10th placement game, im the only one in placements, all 9 rank 1's
>3rd pick hovering chromie and our ban guy bans chromie
>chromie guy locks zeratul
>`you chose what kind of game you want to play`
>here we go
>tychus making le ebin flanks all day every day making me waste all my cds on saving his ass all the time
>`tychus i'd appreciate if you watched your positioning`
>`good to know, i'd appreciate some apple pie`
>zeratul keeps blinking into groups of 4 people before wormhole
>naturally lost

>next game, 9 rank 1's and my faggot ass
>first silenced rehgar
>second pick zagara
>i'm waiting on our 4th pick to hover something, in case i have to fill tank
>hes not hovering
>10 seconds left
>i lock in greymane, he locks in azmodan
>last pick gets chromie
>reghar keeps spamming pings on chromie all game
>accumulates 108 gems without ever turning in
>we can never turn in since we dont have a tank to engage

sub rank 10 games were miles better and enjoyable. how is this possible?
>wasting a ban on chromie
you asked for this
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love this guy
why is li-ming so cocky? fucking cunt.
>Play BW on QM
>Find myself alone in lane with enemy butcher at the beginning of the match
>manage to kill him as FUCKING BRIGHTWING
>Tell my team that the butcher is a fucking idiot
>Once we both hit 10, that guy is fucking everyone
>I guess because of a desire for revenge, he charges and kills me every time I teleport to a teammate near him.

I guess the moral of the story is, don't underestimate the butcher.

Or maybe it is that I'm too bronze to play BW, I don't know
Butcher wrecks in QM since you don't usually have multiple stuns/blinds to fuck his healing up
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She's sassy, AND confident. Just like me, sorry boys ;)
fuck you!!!
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>The faggotry that Diablo and Artanis can perpetuate early game
it sounds like he is touching himself
he has to rape before he chops
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Woah there pal! did you really steped out of your gates? Let me push you all the way to mine, i hope you like cannon towers, haha
>"I'm here to help!" 1st pick on my team
>already dodged a match today, in my despair hover cho
>memer after me hovers gall
>last pick hovers gaz
>"a player you were matched with has left the game or disconnected from the service"
wew, dodged a bullet B)
>tfw no phoenix skin for kerrigan
>not waiting until they are half way on the lane and lob em over your gate

>got dibbles for owning diablo 3 which I got for subbing to wow for a year
>try him out for first time
>sylvanas shoving lane all game
>is standing with her face pressed into the gate to disable both towers
>flip her over
>charge stun the haunting wave
>do this all game

if only this game had all chat I'd have loved to hear from her teammates
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>Get to play LiMing in HL for the first time in... well ever.
>Team feeds like mad.
>I have a loss on my HL record as Ming
I feel embarrassed whenever I look at my games played record now.
>Get to play LiMing in HL for the first time in... well ever.

Fuck all chat could be so much fun. Just let babies turn it off if the can't handle the bantz. Mind games and inter-team salt is so great in LoL
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>Lying on an anonymous North Korean bootleg colouring book enthusiast forum
3rd pick too.
I don't know it was my birthday+Christmas today.
Turns out it was all a ruse to ruin my day.
it almost felt personal, like they just went 'Hey fuck this guy and his LiMing pick'
It wasn't your first time playing li ming because you need to be lvl 5 to use a hero on hl.

Checkmate christfags.

I mean, they remind you every game you can simply completely disable friendly chat, right?

Doesn't seem unreasonable they just have a default All Chat which can simply be disabled.


I've actually seen her not banned quite a bit recently. I'll usually suggest "Hey, might ban Xul on tomb if first pick doesn't want to play", or whatever, and she makes it through more than Kael.

Who I saw make it through today, and the guy on my team that played him did hero damage comparable to our healer.

>jaja xd i can kael
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>in HL
Due to her near 100% ban rate.
I play her QM all the time. Anon, you need to go to bed.

>100% ban rate
>plays that character anyway
>love a particular master skin
>feel too insecure in my ability to play the hero it belongs to

>2300 QM MMR
>3000 HL MMR
>started playing HL after playing QM for 6 months
>implying MMR hell doesn't exist
i would start a new account but buying all those heroes i already have all over again would be a huge pain in the ass

>want to try playing on EU and KR
>having to start from scratch

remember to pay ur repsects to our saivor kaeltahs, ahslenanore to u all.
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>pay respects to the cuck king

fuck you!!!

>he still hasn't gotten a skin for being the guy that forces dodges when somebody doesn't pick/ban
thank you based king for 50 HL wins and rank 1 carry
>hero league
>its a "i can't play warrior or support :^)" episode

Thanks for the loss.

these people should be neutered irl too
>tell them I can't play tank/support
>I actually can

fucking rused kiddo
why is bw so passive-aggressive???
what else would you expect from a baby girl dragon
She's cute! I wish I was good with her.
He is a dragon that look like a frog ofcourse he fucking passive-aggressive .
why are you so mean? meanie
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Hey guys, got Overwatch today and it came with a code for Jaina, I don't know how useful that is to any of you, but I don't plan on every playing this game so here you go.

Fastest gets it.

thx m8 got jaina on europe and asia now

that ill never play
>overwatch comes with a code for a HoTS character!
>it's jaina
How are those two things related
>do you want to play Mei in a MOBA?
>too bad here's the worst hero in the game, eat my dick. Love, Dustin
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Well that's too bad anon, from what I saw she's basically Crystal Maiden from Dota who is one of my favourite support sluts.

Came with codes for several Blizz games.

There was a free card pack code for Hearthstone which I gave to the /hsg/.

I don't have any use for them, Overwatch is the only Blizz game I play.

Eh, at least some people bother to give notice. I'm generally willing to fill but my Support pool is pretty limited.

>last pick is silent
>doesn't hover
>comes back and locks sylvanas/nova/waifu
>just dies all game
>that sinking feeling of realization that you're at the same mmr as them and probably deserve it
> :(

>only playing one blizzard game

you're a rare breed friend, i feel as though their cross-promotions snag a lot of people

myself included
>tfw Lady Liadrin got me playing WoW again
>tfw addicted and quit HotS because of it
>tfw just here for the memes
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>when your rank is low but your win/lose record is almost perfect 50/50
Sucks having facts and numbers supporting realization that I'm bad. I'd like to say "IT'S ALWAYS MY TEAM!" but I am the only constant and MMR can't lie.
I got morales just because of this, i only had rehgar and tass. I was thinkinking uther but morales is nice since you can actually practice (more like forced to) your leadership/assertivness since you can't get shit done alone for the most part

Yeah, found myself on a pet battle binge after a lot of people quit, realized how strong Graves was so ended up trying out Hots with no prior moba experience

Had a lot of dumb fun and stuck around. Hoping things pick up a little with the season launch.


Eh, keep playing. If you think you're at an MMR below you I'd suggest trying a few higher impact heroes, if you aren't already playing them.

Probably won't climb as quickly to your appropriate mmr playing a support, or low-damage tank.

Oh and anything with infinite waveclear is one way to get through bronze. Like Xul. Lot of people can't deal with their waves constantly being shoved in.
>Yeah, found myself on a pet battle binge after a lot of people quit, realized how strong Graves was so ended up trying out Hots with no prior moba experience
Literally me.

Yeah, Morales was the quickest pickup after I realized my shallow healing pool. Went on to snag Rehgar. Only healer I played prior was Bw, and she often wasn't the best of picks.

No success on Rehgar, even though I feel like I'm doing most everything right. Maybe I just need more games played.
if you are shit just watch vods on twitch of the good players, you can skip around to games of heroes you want to learn
>It's 3 wins per rank so with 100% win rate that's 45 games
ok A, no it's not going to be 3 wins per rank every time. There's nothing more frustrating that kicking the shit out of the enemy team, thinking you're a gamegod, then getting like 35 points. B, I have shit to do and sometimes I can only play 2 or 3 games a day. That means 15 days with a fucking 100% winrate, which is compeltely fucking unrealistic, because idgaf who you are if you're playing on a low rank account you are NOT going to win all of the games. Like trust me, I've definitely thrown games myself sometimes, and yeah, it's possible a better player wouldn't have thrown that hard. But I've also had low rank games where falstad unironically took bribe at lvl 1. Not much you can do in that situation.

Getting a game where you actually feel confident in your team knowing what to do, and capable of covering your ass if you make a misplay, are EXCEEDINGLY rare at low ranks. You pretty much either carry your team, or you lose. I will legit tell you that in my entire HL experience I've only ever once actually been carried by someone else.
Same. I was a huge pet collector.
>new ptr patch
is it medievh?

I know a girl who pre-purchased the $60 Overwatch just for the winston pet. Not quite on her level, but I do like pets. Mounts, too.

>because idgaf who you are if you're playing on a low rank account you are NOT going to win all of the games

I've actually seen this used as a selling point of Hots; emphasis on teammwork, and that one person can't "carry" a game. I didn't quite appreciate this until a friend let me spectate a game of him in League.

He went, like, 91-0 on Leblanc in the Bronze.


Oh, are we getting a PTR shortly? I hope so.


>35 points

Really? Out of about 300 games between main/smurfs I've only ever seen 95-105 or so, spiking up to 300 with bonus points. Weird, maybe I need to play more.
>Oh, are we getting a PTR shortly? I hope so.
Is happening right now.
I had like 700 unique pets but I would never buy a collector edition just for a pet.
>Freeze! Don't move!
So, PTR is up? With Medivh? And the thread is still kill? Jesus.
PTR online now

Nice, dude. Just checked Reddit and apparently Medivh is playable. Wonder if we'll get a balance patch prior to the launch of Season 1.


Yeah, always loved achievements but neglected battle pets. Ended up just going and getting most of the collecting and trainer battling done in the span of a week, then learned about Graves.


Apparently, yeah.
Yes I just checked and he is there.
>AFK Detection has been added to Training Mode games.
free gold train is over
>no balance changes



It was only a matter of time.
>Very Hard
>the amount of autists this will attract when they hear he has a "high skill cap"

>New veteran mode in training
Reminder to do all your training modes to get some gold
>Really? Out of about 300 games between main/smurfs I've only ever seen 95-105
I mean yeah I've definitley seen that happen. I think it has something to do with MMR stabilization. I only have 1 acct, i have a lot of HL games played, still pretty low ranked, and i would say it depends but it sometimes can take 4 or 5 games to rank up, and sometimes a loss can undo like 3 wins worth.

I mean I think I'm a pretty good player who is probably at least a little better than my rank, and I definitley feel like I can play out of it, but the only problem is just that it's such a time commitment. And also at low ranks because you have to carry as hard as you do, like its not like I can spam a bunch of games, because I'll get tired and start losing, basically winding up yelling at my teammates for all the retarded shit they're doing in chat, because it's 2 AM and I don't have any more god teir Sonya carries left in me. So basically what that means is I'll play 3 games, win all three, then stop before I inevitably start playing sloppy just due to psychological exhaustion or whatever.
>Garden of Terror: The Garden Terror's basic attack splash will now correctly deal bonus damage to structures affected by Overgrowth.

Oh wow.
He's literally tassador 2.0, shit tier in qm/hl but god tier in tournaments and tl.
>Bug fix patch
>Don't fix the chromie skin bug
>Don't fix the Monk bug

Great job blizzard
>Just checked Reddit and apparently Medivh is playable
I don't go there very often but to check stuff 4chan doesnt really have generals for, mainly Twitch streams.

Went into a thread on HOTS to find a couple of faggots arguing over a transgender HOTS streamer (these exist?) and how someone wasn't PC enough in acknowledging ''it.''

It was exactly like the caricatures, both disgusting and frightening.
>can't play goblin queen
>just the ugly red and black color

just end me
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Holy shit Medivh's 16 talents are fucking bananas.
>circle of protection
wew lad literally fuck zagara en etc.
>not fixing the nova triple tap bug that's been around for months

Yeah, I usually check it on a daily basis for news, esports, or whatever. Dislike it due to the censorship and general circlejerkyness of it.

>made suggestion
>everybody likes it
>one guy goes "hey didn't league do that"
>everybody suddenly hates the idea
>"blizzard is doing their own thing"
>"I dont care how small hots is as long as it isn't toxic like league"


Looks that way. I'll tinker around with him a bit more on here, seems pretty neat.
That one is still around?
Haven't seen it in a while and I don't play nova
>I'll tinker around with him a bit more on here, seems pretty neat.
Oh yeah he looks great but fuck qm is going to be so bad for a few weeks.
Yeah enemy nova used it on tracer as she recalled, we could see the triple tap animation on nova as she was stealthed.
doesn't it only protect from damage, not CC? they gave it a new name protected instead of invulnerable so I assumed that was the difference
You're right. At least you can save people from kael.

He is feeling a little more mechanically demanding than other Heroes. Diggin' it.


Yeah, I walked into the Fort in Try Mode and it prevents the damage, but not the Attack/movement slow. Might see the base duration knocked from 1.5 to 1.25, or 1, though, as well as a few seconds tacked on to the CD.
You can use it after your team gets mawed to prevent the aoe fuckery that always follows.
>Lunara's price has been reduced to 7,000

why the flippin dicking sopping

like why her
>his arcane explosion talent uses the actual ability noise


the little things
>Medivh, The Last Guardian, has been added to Heroes of the Storm and is now available for play!
the nexus could always use more memes
>AFK Detection has been added to Training Mode games.
rip sfking for lvl 9 gold bonus
>Lunara's prices have been reduced to $8.49 USD and 7,000 Gold.
cute! CUTE!
>A clock has been added to the Home Screen.
thanks reddit
>medievh is a meme
what the flying fuck?
>flying fuck
you got it
ah, hello there
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So, how's Medivh? Fun?

I know there were no other changes, but I figured I'd try to get some discussion going.
he isnt out yet
he is on ptr
>tfw already afk'd almost all the heroes to 9
feels good man
rip my bros who had yet to discover the joy of afk farming exp

Not on live, but he is fully playable on the PTR. Check him out, friend.



I think so. Sort of scared to see the average player try to pilot him, though.
pretty random but it will be 6 months since release and assassin is pretty heavy at 10k. maybe this means they will settle in to a fixed schedule now.
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>Please note that your rank does not reflect how good of a person you are, nor is there (as far as we know) any correlation between rank and personality traits such as intelligence, empathy, social awareness, or taste in movies.

remember kids: as long as you are having fun, everyone is a winner!
Hahahahaha! Source?
ranked mode in PTR ingame client links to this
dont you get nearly no XP for those games?

How many hundreds of games have you afkd per hero?

>6 months since lunara
>6 months

good grief

that hit me pretty hard

Yeah, it's 60-70 training matches or something without the Holiday/Stim bonuses. It's fire and forget, though. Just tab in, queue it up, tab back out. Was something to do in the background playing Garrisonvilleâ„¢ on my twenty five alts, which is something I also do in the background. Sort of.

But yeah, just queue a training match then come back to it after 15-20 minutes and repeat. There is an event on right now that offers a free 50% bonus to base experience gains.


Hah, wow. That's great.
Admittedly, just because you are a Grand Master doesn't mean your favorite movie is the correct one. Ghostbusters.
I only watch kino breh.
>let's try new ranked on ptr
>enemy firstpicks medivh and chromie
thanks for the free win
I wish you could transfer gold from the PTR to your main..Its useless to have gold on the PTR..
alright /hotsg/ post some of your worst players ever encountered

I wish that I had all my purchased Heroes from US also available on EU and KR.


>appropriate Chromie name

And I didn't screenshot it, but had a game where the enemy Diablo died, like, 34 times. He was tower diving people 10 seconds into the game and dying for it.
uhhh actually he was using his trait? l2p fuknoob
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Fucking idiot
Medivh is amazing. Raven Form might be too good.
>being able to go permanently invulnerable and fly over terrain might be too good
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medhiv is honestly pretty underpowered. he basically does nothing. hes more of a afk hero than aba or lost vikings.

Maxed long ago, friend.
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Your soul shall be mine!
Gul'dan what have you done!
I am so weak
Fuck Hearthstone priests.
I seriously hope HotS will never add any WoW priests and especially that little prick Anduin.
*entombs your minions*
Anduin looks like a lesbian.
If they ever add WoW priest, I hope it'll be Moira
i really hope that leak was being honest. i like gul'dan so much
>Medivh out
>Nobody cares
>Dead thread
>Dead game
>playing Priest versus Priest the other day
>play Forbidden Shaping at 9 mana
>enemy priest entombs it
What an absolute madman.
Also, hots.
But he's not out yet.
>he dies once
>your Core is replaced by Ragnaros who has 4 times less HP, but deals huge damage with his attacks
That would certainly be a funny concept.
He's not out. QM is disabled on PTR and anyone who isn't first pick in HL bans him because they can't play him anyway.

>PTR to test new shit
>ban the new hero

like why is this

a thing
they need to add more stupid meme heroes like Cho'gall
competitive HotS was a mistake
buy Tracer? I just got back to HotS the other night and saw that I have 18k gold.
People can't deal with something new. So they ban it to not loose a match. Same reason Tracer was banned EVERY SINGLE MATCH for a month after she released. Nowadays people grew used to her. Though my single-digit rank friend still bans her every chance he has, even when that means enemies get Kael. But he's just an autist that pretends Overwatch doesn't exist.
"Deathwing, our first 5-player hero"
>Same reason Tracer was banned EVERY SINGLE MATCH for a month after she released
If that was true, chromie would have been banned all the time, which is not true. Pretending like tracer wasn't strong on release is just you being an idiot.

tracer is also unfun to play against, same reason illidan is banned a lot. they are both pretty strong with a good team comp a good tracer or illidan absolutely wreck people, and you don't want to take the chance of one ruining your game
Obviously Tracer was OP and Chromie was UP on release. But people were so buttblasted because of Tracer's OPness that they continued to first-ban her long after her nerfs and in situations when other bans would've been more validated.
>not memeron like that april fool's joke
forced 50 exists its real its out there and its coming for you anons beware
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And what, Gul'dan, must we give in return?
>Onyxia as a 5 man hero
>1 player controls movement
>1 player controls tail swipes
>1 player controls deep breaths
>2 players spawn whelps
>she has to be DPSed very very slowly
your memes

I hope he gets pushed back for Auriel. Guldan's cool and all, but he is 'another ranged assassin'. He can wait.
>implying he won't be an Abathur style specialist built around summoning and buffing a demon
Didn't leakbro tell us that he was an affliction warlock? With dots and shit
she's like hammer or azmo to me. someone you'd be fine to occasionally play on free week and not miss afterwards because they don't have a lot of variety to their game. she's a bit more aggressive and skillful but that doesn't make her any less dull. wait and get her to lvl5 and see what you think.
>Fire-based Mage
>Ice-based Mage
>Sand-based Mage
>Arcane-based Mage
>Now Warlock Mage
Blizzard always on point with the memes
>competitive HotS was a mistake
Still more fun to watch than Defense of 90-minute slugfests or League of ResidentSleeper. Chinks quitting the scene doesn't hurt either.
>Medivh likes the Raven Lord
best guy
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>In fact, NEVER pay attention to Khadgar.
Khadgar getting bullied by everyone is the best
>I had a theater built in Karazhan, the troupe would perform one of three plays for me at random every week. Funnily enough, it was never the one I wanted to see
fuck that's good
>dude can you come help us in team battles?
>other team-mates start to ping him
>dude stop feeding and group with us
>"omg u guys r bad, check my siege damage, I'm getting all the XP"
Poor Khadgar
fuck off khadgar
There's a boss in the Karazhan raid that consists of a theater play that's randomly chosen between Little Red Riding Hood, Romeo and Juliet and The Wizard of Oz, each play/boss has different loot so it wasn't uncommon that you needed loot from a boss but the event spawned a different one.
Ah, WoW jokes.
But thanks anyway.
>get tailswiped into a whelp nest (heroic ability)
>automatically lose 50 ranked points
I miss old Nova
You think you do but you don't
But we have new, better Novas! For under 10 dollars! What a steal!
To add onto this, I find it hilarious that they changed her because newer people struggled against her, then turned around and added Li-Ming and Tracer to the game, and fucking refuse to balance out KT so he isn't such a faceroll fuck.

These fucking devs, man. Poor Nova. And Kerrigan buffs are still nowhere to be seen. I miss Alpha, it felt much better balanced than this shitfest.

I also like how instead of simply forcing Warriors and Supports to each team at a 1:1 ratio in QM, they just add Unranked, wherein everyone will bitch at you for not picking a meta friendly comp even if it isn't Ranked, purely because it's generally going to be seen as practice for HL. QM is so fucked, and they wonder why their matchmaking blows because there aren't enough players to support a legit good matchmaking system, probably because they all leave so soon after playing QM, being their first impression of the game.
They're adding unranked draft.
medivh is fun. FUN
Sounds like he has the same voice actor as KT and Xul

I mean the guy is a pretty talented voice actor but i just hope they dont keep using him for literally EVERY voice
>KT and Xul
You mean, Uther and Xul? Kael has a different voice actor.
think he meant Kel Thuzad
I think you mean Maiev.
> Garrosh did nothing wrong either.
cept ya know, bombing Thereamore with a mana bomb and literally driving Jaina insane for a short while. Ontop of that he pissed on Baine and Vol'jin whenever they tried to tell him to stop trying to cause a world war.
Garrosh did nothing wrong is just a meme, like hitler did nothing wrong. Garrosh is warcraft's hitler.
>>bombing Thereamore with a mana bomb
>Destroyed Alliance's potential base of invasion of Kalimdor
Is that supposed to be a bad thing somehow?

>>driving Jaina insane for a short while
She wasn't insane, she merely stopped pretending to not be a cruel heartless bitch for a while.

On another note,
>Killed Rhonin
>Alliance has a giant fortress right at Orgrimmar's doorstep
>is clearly used as a transportation hub for the Alliance to supply their forces in the Barrens
>destroying it is somehow bad
>listening to a literal troll and a cow
>warcraft's hitler
That would be Sylvanas not Garrosh.
>Sylvanas is Warcraft's Hitler
Now that's I meme I've never understood.
She's more of a Mussolini thb.
Talks big and powerful all the time, fails to conquer a small nation, has to call Warcraft's Hitler for help, uses chemical weapons (the plague), gets overthrown at some point and needs the Orcs to restore her to power and finally also betrays Garrosh.
>has to call Warcraft's Hitler for help
Wait, wasn't it Garrosh who called for an invasion of Gilneas in the first place?
Looks like he told her to invade but she completely messed up and the orcs had to intervene on her side.
>enemy team has rank 3 with zagara.
>think this gonna be difficult,
>he split push all game and get blow up everytime.
The fact that he can climb all the way up to rank 3 make me feel confused.
>but she completely messed up
Well, how utterly unsurprising. Even after death Sylvanas is still terrible at warfare. Ranger-General, my ass.
Watched that video the first time the other day. Old WOW sounds fun, in a sort of second job kind of way.
>it's a mad shitter whispers you after the match episode
>rank meaning something
Ranked is a lottery, unless you play a ridiculous amount of games. Applies to any AoS-type game, actually.
How is Medivh on PTR?
Is he good?
The Q build seems to do competent damage while also having the utility of the rest of your skills.
At level 20, if you get the timing right, you dominate teamfights
Literally new and shiny Abathur.
>she merely stopped pretending to not be a cruel heartless bitch for a while.
take that back
he is a better Tasadar.
tha'ts a quite outdated bw meme, might want to get in with the times granpa
>another jainacuck in denial
It would be funny if it wasn't so common IRL.
jaina is a pure, kind and benevolent woman, wash your mouth when you speak of her.
How many different heroes do you get to play normally? How many do you own?

I just realized how different these two numbers were for me.
god damn do they have this much content for each hero?
Came back to HotS after 4 months. Why are my normal queues taking 4 minutes to find a match?!
>AFK Detection has been added to Training Mode games.

>"I'm sorry, what? THRALL and me?!"
Literally Facebook-tier slut.
fuck you!!!
Better late than never.
about 40 I'd guess
maybe 10?
You play a lot of free rotation?
>Sargaeras should have opened a Dark Portal to the Nexus
Confirmed boys
not really, I play mostly specialists
>AFK Detection has been added to Training Mode games.
not like i wanted to afk farm levels or anything
good thing i've levelled everyone but tracer and bronzie to level 5

did they get new people to write the patch notes? them mentioning the heroes' names in front of each change for "heroes and talents" is kind of a new thing i think
do I have to dl another 10gb to play in PTR?
my PTR folder is 11.5 gb
>AFK Detection has been added to Training Mode games.

for what purpose? the only outcome is fucking a minority over and bringing nothing positive to the game itself. who asked for this? i bet it was reddit
Yeah, here's a playlist:
Is this game dying? Has Overwatch killed it?
>Affecting any other game
What could save this game from dying at this point?

A hot streamer girl like Jeannacides?
You cant save what is already dead, my friend
id save those titties from dying
But you can't kill it either! Checkmate, defeatists.
I get it. But that's really not the username I thought a girl like that would have.
Gillyweed already streams and it doesn't help.
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>infested tychus

listening to it was both unnerving and sad
qms going on now in /vg/ channel.

Pic not related
I think she's got a strange cuteness to her. Almost like Luna Lovegood.
>First pick Rehgar
>Rest of team picks squishy backline heroes

Just fuck my shit up famalamadingdong
cute =/= hot
but what do I know, I'd fuck anything at this point
>playing ranked when the season is about to end
im doing it so i wont be rusty and be shit for soft mmr reset
What if I stream hots but I'm not hot or a girl?
Would that kill it faster?
>queue is 3 (TRES) minutes
look who is late to the funeral
>Sgt. Hammer Free week
Welp, guess I'm not playing this week.
>Hammer and Morales free week
Morales has a chance to not be complete shit
>that's my boy
>or he was until I turn him into an old man

>Blackhearts bay
>illidan: "I will jungle"
>has morales healing him nonstop, except when he wanders around behind the enemy fort
> I am stuck with nova and chromie against a decent comp

You were not prepared
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Fuck, I had a 'Jungle Illi' on BHB too.
Not that it's a bad thing to get coins, but he was so full of himself. Shitting on our teammates, most notably our Azmo. Note: Azmo was our team capt i.e: highest MMR but Illi felt like he was the shot caller with such great wisdom like "PUSH AZ! WTF!" even when Azmo had highest siege/exp plus a healthy collection of coins.
Is every Illi player an overbearing asshat who thinks he's the hottest shit?
Man remember when they banned nonstop rexxar at launch? no? Me neither!

Neither was Kael'thas on release. :^)


>that one person who picks li-li into like five stuns because they have raynor/valla and her tiny blind which she'll use on CD "counters" them

Even better, the li-li that goes water dragon in a double tank comp because "we need more damage".
>newfags trying to fit in
what's the most meme comp?
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I've been in 4chan ever since 2013, if anthything you're probably the newfaglord.
Also i am a master of the arcane, and i rock the hottest looks. Who the fuck is you?????
>new game
>first pick illidan
>illidan gets mad at ban, which really didnt matter
>tells everyone to go back to lol
>leaves the second we join the game and doesnt come back

>tfw 1st pick hovers chromie and you ban her
How can one even prepare for this
what's illishits role in legion anyway? resurrected bad guy?
Back in my day, we stayed in school until the roads were hot enough to fry an egg, and fry our eggs on them we sure did.
It's June 7th. Children are done school now? It's really full Summer?
Oh god, not like this, not like this. We are just about to get the ranked rework, we don't have time to report them all.
"The demons are invading. That hibernated demon hunter and his cult of demon hunter followers may prove useful in hunting demons"
>tfw 1st pick chromie is captain
>rest are: nova illidan + morales (jungle) and diablo
>chromie keeps spamming her shit when its off cooldown at minions, doesnt manage to dmg anything
>illidan is a walking piggybank waiting to be broken
chromie has a talent where if she uses an ability, her next attack is like super mega powerful
that talent is useless for both q and w specs.
mind you, we didn't even ban illidan, he just got mad because we didnt ban kael and called us trolls (enemy banned kael afterwards)
they brought back michael bell to do medivh's voice, and i'm pretty sure he didn't voice xul
>if you don't do a cookie-cutter MUH META bans/picks I'll rage and throw the game
why. I noticed this happens a lot more in low mmr r1.
Xul is voiced by the guy that does uther, and that other guy, and that other guy, and that other guy.
I'm suprised we haven't called it "Heroes of the Uther" by now
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>been away for a while, last played when they first reworked kael and he went back to a living bomb machine and not a flamestrike sniper from the fog

How is he nowadays?
>Heroes of the McConnohie
we're 2 out boys
What's Kael looking at???
99% ban rate on hl
yeah, in total i think it's uther, greymane and xul
can't wait for him to reprise his role as kel thuzad tho
does he really voice arthas?
a photo of arthas and jaina on their wedding day
he voices the Lich King in Wrath, in WC3 he had a different VA
impressive in that case, proves he has somewhat of a voice range
mean to quote >>144765134
If you aren't picking first picking Kael, why not ban him? I don't get it. I get that there's no need to rage, but like, you don't exactly have any more info to go off of.

I see people ban Jaina and whatnot and I am super confused.
Whats the meta nowadays i havented played since li-ming patch. Are nova and kt actually trash now?
I love cloning him.
Anub about to get 3v1, clone him and engage in infinite stuns until the enemy is wiped out. They try to run but that was the last thing they should have done.
kt is god tier
nova is shit as usual
they are too dumb to come up with any ideas so they just follow what reddit / streamers tell them, and consider everything else to be sacrilege
had a diablo tell me my positioning was bad and to stay backline as healer whenever anub and thrall comboed us
>I was uther
>rest of us was squishy mages
i dont think he understood the situation
Not those guys, but I do things seriously if I do them. I won't play a character in QM if I'm not excellent with them and I don't instead to try draft until I'm excellent with ALL of the characters.

I have over 1400 AI games; and, yes, I know I'm crazy.
>hots is now deader than sc2
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jesus, just go and have fun dude
no one cares how you play in qm, games are for fun
>kt still god tier
Does this mean li-ming got nerfed to shit?
Or the game's balance is still a huge fucking mess.
1400 AI games? You are trying WAY too hard to protect shitters from playing with a non super pro. You are also depriving yourself of a chance at some good games.
^ is right. It's just QM, no ranks to worry about. It's just a game, games are for fun. Anyone getting mad in QM is a faggot and you can just click mute.
Sure, know the basics on how to play a hero, and build options before you go into a QM with them, but don't try to be THE BEST EVER. Just try to be a bit good at a hero before you go into HL with them.
You may be shocked how bad everyone is at this game. If you ever even play it with them....
Maybe you are nervous? performance anxiety? Be strong anon, you too can have fun.
>Does this mean li-ming got nerfed to shit?
No but kaelthas burst is strong as fuck, he can aoe stun and the living bomb is the shit.
>Doesn't seem unreasonable they just have a default All Chat which can simply be disabled.
When you would piss off a member of your team they would use it to sabotage your game even harder.

There is no reason to talk to the other game other then to trash talk which goes against Blizzard's MO.
Don't you mean The Quiet Man? Ghostbusters is great, but it has a sever lack of John Wayne.
Fucking babies. I'm surprised they allow it in Overwatch.
Hi guys, I've just seen the new ranking system and it looks pretty cool. Is it worth getting into HotS?
>I see people ban Jaina and whatnot and I am super confused.
They don't want their team to pick her
Probably not but is a fun game when you don't get paired with retards.
That's a waste of time and you underestimate your monkey brain ability of leaning.
You are both wrong and stupid.
Sure trash talk would be a larger concern, but more reports would likely happen too, and thus balance that. Most important for babies like you: YOU CAN MUTE THEM IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE IT
Sabotage? Like tell the enemy where you are setting up a gank? If some fag wants to throw, they can already do it, single handily. One more way to fuck over your own team is a very minor concern. You would also be able to see his 'sabotage' and thus, report.
What are you so scared of anon? Are you just a blizz cock sucker who gobbles down their shit and feels they can do no wrong?
I want all chat so I can meme with 9 people and toss sick bantz at each other in the name of fun and keks.
>1400 AI games? You are trying WAY too hard to protect shitters from playing with a non super pro. You are also depriving yourself of a chance at some good games.
Well, I should also say that other then early in the morning my ping is over 400. So unless I have the day off, or feel like playing in the shop after work, I really don't want to subject people to my lagging ass.

I have a few hundred QM games, and here in a few weeks I might consider doing draft games. The other thing keeping me away from the draft is that my cousin, who I frequently pay with is only decent with a handful of characters. get him on Falstad, Lunara, Brightwing, or ETC and he plays like a boss, otherwise he likes to siege to far forward with Hammer and then yell that his 'z' isn't going off as fast as it should.

I wouldn't care about ranks even if I played ranked. I have fun by achieving mastery, or more often trying hard and failing to achieve mastery. It's why right after graduating high school I spent a Summer only playing Burger Time with a friend of mine. The goal was to achieve Burger Time perfection before we moved away.
The only time I've seen people ban Jaina is when someone on my team highlights her, she is rarely banned because she is the worst mage and one of the worst assassins.
>I lag
Don't play. You are right to stick to AI, I'm sorry I said anything. We don't need or want you in a vs match. Useless fucking shit internet fucks ruin games.
I'm a slow speed Canadian internet user. I got 179 ping at worst connecting to a BRAZIL server. How in gods name are you getting 400ping?
My small town is oversold on DSL. Unless it's during certain hours the entire town is shit with high latency and packet loss. It has improved greatly this year, I used to have 30% + packet loss after 8PM, but my latency is still crap most of the day. If I want to play with no lag I need to do it between 5AM and 8AM. If I want to play with marginal lag I need to do it before school lets out. If I want to play at all I need to do it before people settle down to stream Netflix or whatever in the late evening.

Or I can just play at work, where we have silly fast Internet.
Why not just play single player games? I wouldn't touch HoTS if I had a shit connection, I have a ton of other games to play thanks to this piece of shit game.

Have you tried using a VPN? I managed to decrease my ping by half to play Blade and Soul during beta. I don't know which services are better though, I tried WTFast.

Damn that high.

So what, the added CD to phoenix and movement of talents still didn't stop him from chain fucking teams?
I'm not actually much of a gamer. I had a buddy that wanted a fifth man for his team so I started playing Heroes after a ton of begging from him. His team was filled with women who didn't want to 'get good' so it detonated shortly after. It was too late, I was addicted

>Have you tried using a VPN?
Wouldn't work for me as the problem is the local infrastructure.
Why do people with horrible stone age internet even want to play multiplayer games?
You have an endless amount of choice in other games to play. Why go for an online multiplayer, competitive game, requiring a stable connection that you don't have?
Go play angry birds.
I can remember playing games on the damn phone system were you dailup directly to the person you are going to play with. I can remember trying MMO's on back road half speed dailup.

Nothing wrong with it.
I bought the Legion CE for the mount. I bought the $130 CE for Tracer in HotS and the physical shit. I couldn't make it past the tutorial is how shitty that game is to me.
You understand that bantz is just trash talk in a casual tone?

Plus, it is needless distraction at best.
>Sane rational person.tiff
This game is a needless distraction.
Casual trash talk is fun for some people.
You are not proving anything here. All chat would be welcome by some, and turned off by others. No reason not to add it, but a reason to add it.
Feel free to continue failing to convince me otherwise you fucking mong
How can I fight Illidan as Zeratul? I ran into at least 3 of them yesterday and have no idea how to beat them.
Did Blizzard ever say why there is no all chat?
Trash talk is fun for some people. Trash talk isn't fun for other people. In either case, it does not help your team to win.

Chat exists to help strategize. The fact that you can currently socialize on it is a byproduct of its implementation. If you play this game as a means to socialize, you can play casually in custom games (where all chat is available). If you are playing a real game however, giving players (even those who do enjoy bantz and memes) the ability to chat with the enemy team will distract those players.
>not playing mind games with the enemy team
>ally chat: Set up a trap at boss
>all chat: Guys go check the boss if you want a free kill
>free kills
Exactly, it would just make shitters worse, even if you turned it off and couldn't see it yourself, and there would be no reason to turn it off because it would only hurt the people typing in it.
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While it could be used that way, I can see people in my rank fucking things up and typing everything in all chat
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the quest for tyrande booty never ends
Is there any clarification on which rank gets which portrait?
What are some of the best hero combos to duo in HL?
i havent seen any evidence that r1 gets anything different than rank 40
Abathur and Lili
Arthas and Illidan Both sexually and non sexually
>the ability to chat with the enemy team will distract those players.
That's the fucking point, m8. If they can't handle the bants, they shouldn't be playing a competitive game.
Nope. He a good boy. He dindu nuffin.
He got a whole novel explaining what a good boy he is.
Seriously, it's sickening how much of a dindu nuffin Mary Sue he got turned in to.
hope they pull a twist where he becomes an evil fuck and we get to kill him for good

actually, save the good writing for the side stuff because everything related to illidan sounds beyond repair at this point
I'll admit I worded that statement poorly. I was saying that it would be distracting to your own team.

I don't want a teammate to chitchat with the enemy team not because I give a shit about their feelings, but because it is a waste of time and a distraction.

The same way I don't want someone on my team to be on the phone with their friend, but we can't enforce that.
>Seriously, it's sickening how much of a dindu nuffin Mary Sue he got turned in to.
that's literally the entire orc story
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If your teammate is too fucking stupid to focus, then you deserve to lose.
Go fuck yourself for trying to ruin other peoples' fun just because you're too fucking bad at not being distracted.
It sure was for the Warcraft movie.
It's an underrated moba. I tried lol and dota and never got into them but I like hots. It's faster and shorter and is more about teamfights and comebacks.

Unless you only play games to be a literal professional no reason not to try it. Especially if you've played blizzard games before for the cross over characters. Hop in the vg chat and add me. I'll play when I can.
The best way to get better is to play against good people. You'll never be that great if you only play vs. AI
Well she's a pretty good ranger, but she's also a great example of "just because you're good at shooting doesn't mean you're good at leading"
how do placements work? does my win/lose ratio matter more than my actual mmr depending on who i faced during the placements? for instance, theoretically if my score is 12 won and 8 lost but im still close to 2.5k mmr what gets taken into account more? i hope you understand what im asking
VS AI is good for training skill combo timing, but it breeds bad habits. Real players won't be that predictable.
Ah yes, clearly any feature that adds fun to a small subset of people while hindering playing well is important for ranked play.

I don't want you to be able to type to the enemy team because you aren't playing or strategizing when you are doing that.
If I'm competing at the top level, I'm going to have the team in voice chat.
And it only takes a few seconds to type the bants. Nowhere near enough time to take away from your precious "strategizing." Something that should hardly be necessary with good players.
I think you are getting hidden ranking points in your placement matches and end up on whatever rank those put you on. How many points you get depends on the rank/mmr of everyone else in your game compared to yours
He's not a chain bomber anymore. They removed his ability to double bomb the same person, but to compensate they made all of his damage fucking insane.
What's the damage on living bomb compared to other skills anyways? It feels like getting hit by all three Li-Ming missiles
I don't know the numbers off-hand, but E>W>Q with gravity crush takes more than half a squishy's health bar. With sun king's fury your autos do the same amount as a tick of living bomb, so it's pretty much a guaranteed kill with phoenix.
It isn't about competing at the top level. It is about competing at all. There is no need to add other means of entertainment to your HOTS game.

Look, I understand that typing to your enemy team a joke or two isn't going to lose you the game. But at the same time, neither would giving you the ability to play Pong while dead. Or being able to swap skins/mounts during a game. Or being able to play a little jingle at the push of a button.

There are loads of features that could be added that would be fun for some people, but are nothing but a distraction for people who only care about the game. It makes sense in custom games, which you are playing solely for shits and giggles.

But even in QM, you want to encourage people to play seriously and focus on the game rather than chit chatting.
>Waahh! No fun allowed! Must win muh MMR!
Fucking pathetic little babby.
pure autism tßh
>He fell for the "competitive" marketing meme

Any given game is as "competitive" as you want it to be, it simply being a PvP game does not mean it is. Even in the case that it is, social interactions not directly tied to the game itself is still nothing but fluff and irrelevant.
You never lost a game because of someone who walked away from their computer or is too high or drunk to play?

I'm not the type of person who gets mad when we lose, but losing because a player would rather do other things (like banter) is irksome.
>Tfw imagining the queue times for every mode when unranked draft gets added in

When you play against another human being, it's competitive. Wether you try your best to win or not does not matter, you are still competing against the other player
Just do unranked draft always.

I'm gonna first pick Gazlowe. Fuck everyone. It is unranked.
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>gg we lose no teamwork
Not always. It depends on individuals involved, and their mindset.
Some people just believe that if you are going to play a game with other people you should respect those people and play seriously. If you are playing baseball and the coach sees you waving to girls in the stands then he should pull you out of the field and box your little ears in.

It's disrespectful.
imagine being so fucking retarded that you cant handle someone typing at you on the internet when you have the option to silence them completely

just sit and imagine that for one second
It has nothing to do with that. Stop typing and play the game.
But if you taunt the opposing batter, that's all part of the game.
Baseball has had bants for over 100 years.
You don't seem to get that the point isn't being distracted by other people typing, it is being distracted by the ability to type to other people for no ingame benefit.

People don't need more ways to fuck around. Joking with the enemy team is a lot of fun, undeniably. But given how readily fucktards die while typing to our own team, adding another audience for "epic" bantz serves no one.

Plus, if you want to play casual games with all chat, you can.
>Mr Baseball heckles the Japanese batter.
Damnit. Now I have to download that movie.
>Plus, if you want to play casual games with all chat, you can.
But this is literally THE casual moba and the only one without all chat
>find the straggler on their team and get your team to kill them over and over
>repeatedly make fun of them in all chat until they quit
>collect free mmr

whatever you say babby boy. honestly allied chat is fucking useless 90% of the time anyway. its usually just idiots spouting memes and i end up muting half of them and just using pings and really basic calls.
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>I only died because you were distracting me with all those pings
oh yeah also most people in my experience that say 'just stop typing' are usually throwing the game and dont want to be shit on by their team. they're the same retards who know so little about the game that they cant come up with anything but 'no teamwork' when blaming someone else too.

youre going to actually propose that people shouldn't be allowed to chat because of mouth breathing retards that cant stop being epic? are you going to try and make discord illegal next?
>i was delaying li ming and you couldn't get the tribute? lmao xd
>he was the tank

fucking retards
HOTS is faster paced.

So your point is that you want to be able to win by mocking the enemy team?
Distractions that cause shitters to lose? I'm for it. More room for good players to move up.
Please give me as many distractions as possible so I can ignore them while shitters don't.
Getting rank 1 due to all chat. Thank you.
>I will distract them while you gank
>runs in the middle of then 1v5 and dies immediately
I am saying there is no need to add features IN game that serve no benefit IN game.

No one can stop me from masturbating while playing HOtS, but that doesn't mean they should add a video feed of porn in the top right corner.
Of course they should. So little worthless shits like you get distracted and maintain the low MMR they deserve and stay the fuck away from me.
So, you are intending to implement a means to separate people by skill level pertaining to things unrelated to actual gameplay?

I get wanting to talk to people, but wanting to be able to talk to people because you think it would give you the edge seems a bit ludicrous. You wouldn't be fooling anyone.
my point is that you shouldn't deny players the option to have something because you think they might use it in a bad way. this mentality is so ridiculous.

if youre playing with the kind of people who die because they're trying to socialize with the enemy through all chat you probably have WAY bigger problems in this game
What's the problem? the main damage dealer was out, no amount of cc could gimp your team if you still had support(s) to mitigate damage
>you shouldn't deny players the option to have something because you think they might use it in a bad way. this mentality is so ridiculous.

Why implement something that can be used in a bad way when it is a complete nonissue otherwise? I doubt all chat is such a huge contention that if implemented, MORE people would join. From a marketing perspective, it just doesn't make sense.
Imagine being so retarded that you ABSOLUTELY HAVE to be shitty and badmouth somebody the second something incredibly trivial happens, as a means of grasping for a false sense of validation.

>they remind you that you can always mute friendly/team chat in the game where if one person afks their team loses
>we can't have an optional all chat

:3 It's like you hate fun.
>it is a complete nonissue otherwise?
that's your opinion anon. the game doesnt absolutely need all chat to be good, but it does serve a purpose.

i like when some shitter complains about their team in all chat because i now know we have an advantage. i like talking shit on the same guy and making him quit for a free win. and i know it just grinds your gears right up anon but once in a blue moon someone will say something funny without having a full blown conversation.

also again, i dont like the idea of holding back features because people think the community isn't ready for it. its a slippery slope. look what happened to league of legends.
All chat isn't necessary or good for the game. It's just another avenue for toxic players to harass people.
Copy-pasted straight from reddit.
>as a means of grasping for a false sense of validation.

do you really think this is what every person feels when they talk shit in a video game?
That's a good point, to be honest. They really shouldn't let you. Even if people are being abusive, it is better to man up than put your head in the sand.

I'll be honest, I don't know what happened to LoL. I know they had a bit upset because some player was playing a bad character.

As for their issues with "toxicity", I don't have a horse in this race. People are too easily offended, but when people intentionally use chat to offend people in order to gain an advantage, I don't really see how that makes for a better game.

I definitely understand where you are coming from though.
>No one should be allowed to use something because I don't like it
Fantastic argument.
In one way or another, yes. Whether it's that or a sense of release, even if it's done from a place of not necessarily venting frustration, but rather for the sake of taking enjoyment knowing that another person is reading the purposefully bullshitty shit you're flinging at them. At the root of it all, it all kind of comes down to the same thing.
It isn't as though you can't do all chat. You just can't do all chat in a real game.

If you want to all chat, you can.
or you know it could just be comical

but yeah i do enjoy when somebody on the other team starts whining and my team basically bullies him out of the game
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>real game
Can my waifu be real too?
How can your waifu be real if your eyes are not real?
All chat in custom supports the case for all chat in QM.
Even if I agree with no all chat in HL to 'keep it serious' (I don't agree)
QM is for fucking around and having fun. 'MUH HIDDEN AND USELESS MMR'
Putting together a custom game is not always an easy thing to do. Quick match is just a quick match. No rank, no serious draft and team building, just a quick game. So, all chat. Or toggle it off.
>repeatedly make fun of them in all chat until they quit
I can see where you are coming from, and it doesn't bother me when people do this in other games (if they are my opponent), but I was raised to be polite and civil at all times, so I don't really feel like it's a good idea to include something that's only use is bullshiting and taunting fucks.

If I wanted to bullshit with idiots in a blizzard game I'd play the over-glorified chat client that is WoW. If I wanted to heckle the mentally retarded I'd buy tickets to the special olympics.

There are already a lot of factors helping people suck at the game, one more reason to take their hands off of the go position will only hurt matches.
There is nothing good you could ever say in global chat. It's not about hearing it, it's about your dumb ass taking your hands off the controls to type.
Fuck my ass for linking reddit, but here it is
And look, you can! All chat didn't destroy overwatch! It's not 100% toxic!
>I should be able to mock my opponents.

Fantastic argument. :^)
I can't ever say 'Good play guys' to the other team? I can't gg them? Not possible, I physically would not be able to type that if I had all chat? You are 100% sure I could only bitch them out and call them faggots?
Sounds like you are the bitter cunt here anon.
Different kind of game.
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Overwatch is really casual so it's not a valid comparison.
*tips fedora*
None of that shit helps anyone.
The only things worth typing in chat are things, like, 'hold up', 'group up', 'stop feeding', 'pay attention'.
can't you faggots post this shit on blizzard forums or something? blizzard is not here to read your memes
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Heh, greetings.
>all these retards (or one) saying all chat would be too distracting for everyone
if you want to engage in discussion you use it, else you get distracted. It's no a competition on who HAS AT ALL COSTS to win, some people, the casuals like me , while being 3,5k~ r1 would enjoy a litte trash talk or small talk on play or WHATEVER. The retard tryhards who scream and cry at the sign of a non meta pick/ban or anything that isn't "competitive" are ruining this already dead game, and you should all fuck off to other games with your stupid cancer.
better than waifushit
huh! I must choose!
*tips armor*
*ends turn*
Waifu is love.
Waifu is life.

This thread would be greatly improved if talked about our waifus.

>ywn study with Jaina
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>game where a single people being uncooperative can and often does lose you game
>reminds you on gamely basis that you can simply mute all your teammates :^)
>we can't have all chat because toxicity/distractions, because there are such a significant amount of things to focus on at all points in the game
>people being toxic in all chat can't be reported because...I don't know, do people think this?

And hey, why can we see who we're playing against? Smashed some guy on Sonya, queued against him, and he first banned her.

Like, why? Don't other games like this hides names of opposing players until after draft?
>tfw we went an ENTIRE thread without a butt battle between li-ming and tryande
baka desu senpai
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Different genre sure. Team game, variety of hero choices. Team composition and objective focus. Yeah, sounds like the same type of game.
It's a blizzard game, it's casual. HOTS is as casual as any other game they have put out. You can play any of them at a high level if you really want, but fun is paramount to the design philosophy.
>he wants to have fun
LMAOING @ UR LIFE RN, only competitive no chat final destination mode allowed.
I meant it wasn't a 3D action game where everyone zips around super fast and is everywhere at once. It's a slower paced stop down game.
cant handle le bantz xd
fuck off shitrogg
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>HOTS tracer has zero zip and is slow as a sack of dicks
>Roadhog zooms around at light speed.
Ok, ok I've had all the laughs I need. Time to stop feeding this troll (You)'s
Discussion over. All chat would be nice, but currently don't have it. GG all, GG
Post more butts and waifu's now
So, have you guys asked Dustin about all chat?
>Escape the cancer that is Tracer from Overwatch
>She's in HotS too, just as cancerous

Just fucking kill me
What heroes are supposed to be next?
Also, D.va when?
>memeing with medivh
>we're lategame, team is stacking
>make a random portal where I can't even see
>whole team tps in and dies in 4 seconds
you're an asshole and a great example of why all-chat is not in HOTS
is best girl
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I think that's exactly what he wants.
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