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Overwatch General - /owg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 802
Thread images: 251

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>Official Stuff

>Official Comics

>The Oversheet

>/owg/ ID List


>Convert source mouse sensitivity

>/owg/ Survery

>OP Pastebin
http://pastebin.com/twRyTamX (embed) (embed)

>Stats and Leaderboards

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What are times you just know you're going to lose?

>Widowmaker and Hanzo on attack
>Have a gold medal in eliminations while playing Reinhardt
>Genji will never be as good of a flanker as Tracer except for niche situations
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post cute ships
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>2 McCrees on the enemy team
Mercy as heal in koth
im noticing an increase in great tracers and it's fucking annoying
a mercy plus 4 shitters as teammates
>friend invites me to a group mid-game
>game pops up a big message "DO YOU WANT TO JOIN Y/N"
>pick Y
>counts as "leaving" a game

literally what the fuck blizzard? If it's such a big deal why don't you warn people or not let them invite you mid-way through a game?

I don't have a penalty or anything but I had to find out from third party forums that joining a new group fucks you in the ass.
they wanted all the VAs to be native speaker of the character's nationality, i think.
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Jesse McCree and ME!
I want to make passionate asslove with Jesse McCree!
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Is Bastion playable at all on attacking because it doesn't seem so. He's great on defense though if you find a chokepoint.
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What's the best Reinhardt skin and why is it Bloodhardt?
>They play Torbjorn
>Sentry lives forever and gets a quad kill while his user is jacking off

>I play Torbjorn
>Sentry dies to a single person paying attention and never lasts more than a minute

theres literally a giant red banner that appears across your screen and it counts down from 5 with the title "LEAVING GAME..."
what are the penalties for leavefags?
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>The enemy team's Tracer, Widowmaker, McCree or Genji are On Fire every time you check the scoreboard
>3+ gold medals on D.Va
>top damage/elims on any support
>more than one person switching heroes every single life
>koth with no Lucio
>koth with a somehow shit Lucio
-75% exp and I've heard it puts you in a leaver-queue so you play with other leavers.
Tracer's voice actor isn't 45, you talk some fucking shit /owg/

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If Blizzard told you to give D. Va an ability outside of her mech, what would it be?
Hard mode: No mobility skills
Ultra hard mode: No damage skills
>any healer but Lucio on KOTH
>Zenyatta is your only support and he's dead everytime you check stats
>gold medal in eliminations as Lucio
>gold medal in eliminations when you only have 1 elimination well into the game
How have you not come across a Bastion sitting on the payload with a Reinhardt shielding him?
I love cleavage
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Today was a good day.
>Russian tank
>Blocking a dragon in this game
Bretty gud otherwise.
Explains why most of the VAs are their characters nationality.
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>This general is one person!
Why does this meme always persist.
One guy can say something retarded and be the only one who believes it
instead of suiting up once ult is ready, toss a beacon that drops in a mech, potentially crushing some scrubs
>just finished downloading the game and opened my first box
>legendary reaper skin Nevermore

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>mercy doesn't know she can damage boost
I'm buying a reaper leggo next and plan to make bird puns while using it every match

should I get plague doctor or nevermore
>5 dps and I must healtankescortwtf
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>Mercy only damage boosts and heals one guy for the entire match
that skin is pretty good, fellow edgelord.
When I dont play with my friends

I love being able to strategize with my group of 5 friends. Instea of trying to get people to change hero in chat and getting shit for it.

Synchronizing ults is one of the best feelings in the game. But when you are playing solo, it seems like the games always puts me on a losing team. At least 4/5 times.
I just had a sym in koth
we raped them though
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>Mercy does nothing but heal the full HP Reinhardt
He is, but you have to be clever and move a bunch. Think of it like playing reaper with the abilities removed in exchange for the ability to basically use deadeye if you can get behind the enemy team with enough time to transform. Also you're huge as shit, it always reminds me of that scene on elf where Ferrel's sneaking around tiny little elf houses or something.
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i realized 2d would be better


positioning, hp management, also team awareness matters - if they build their "spam bunker" around your turret you are in for a good time. and feel free to save your turret with molten core whenever even if you're not there, you get ult easily. however when ulti'd you can basically run straight at 5 people and fuck them up.
>entire arcade to play your legolas fantasy weeb autism
>every game both teams no matter attack or defense still have a token hanzo

Why do people do this? Why is he so appealing to retards?
>the not-german is bothered by the poo in loo
It's the little things.
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Trash PC, sorry.
How does the damage boost work? Is there a bar somewhere that you can see fill up and that's how long it lasts or how strong it is? Or can I just Right-click my whole team for a fraction of a second and get max damage buff benefits?
I didnt know OW released on the 3ds
what is KOTH
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I only played D.va and Junkrat, but I guess I have to start listening to Linkin Park because it isn't bad.
>Tracer's voice actor isn't an American trying a shitty British accent

It's a beam-staff.

Left-Click is Heal.
Right-Click is Damage Boost.
It applies on hit and is a 30% boost.
It works on everything except turret damage
King of the Hill
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Daily reminder. Get behind me, you assholes
It works the same as the heal beam, it only boosts damage for as long as you're holding right click. it's a 30% boost to one person, until you stop holding rmb
king of the memes
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The other team is shit.

I see many Torbs doing the TF2 and just standing behind the sentry and hitting it. This doesnt work
imo plague doctor, the black skull on nevermore looks kinda odd
you mean there's only one person here who believes d.va is a viable hero?

thank god, I thought you were all retards
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Now make one for Mercy / Lucio.
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so i have a friend who plays a lot of reinhardt and goes fucking hard every time

why can't reinhardts on my team when going solo do literally anything? they just hold m2 and die

got this video from here but he basically does shit like that all the time
Anytime anyone instalocks more than one Genji, refusing to switch
Person with GMRGIRL name picks mercy
A player in the 60+ range picks genji
no really they're all fucking bad wtf, never seen anyone at 60 with a handle on the character really

Bot rape poopsocking is real.
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the ride never ends.gif
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Zarya is a really good offtank
>had to knock textures to medium in order to get stable 60 fps
>game still looks almost exactly the same
Someone explain this to an idiot please.
>the same people complaining about McCree are the ones that shoot Zarya's bubble
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4/10 stop playin Widowmaker so much. Play more tanks.

r8 back
You might need glasses?
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>s76 or mccree ult
>teammates run everywhere but behind the shield
got absolutely grazy games today

Except that she needs to get hit to be effective so not really.
the high setting textures are already pretty shit so it's probably hard to notice when they get shittier
you shouldn't be changing texture quality to get more fps, change settings like shadows and lighting instead
Most people don't "play" Reinhardt, they just know they need the shield.

Me and my buddy have crushed entire teams with Reinhardt / Mercy or Reinhardt Lúcio. Lúcio is good vs bad players who panic, Mercy is good against good players.
enemy not shooting means enemy not killing. Seems like a pretty good off-tank to me.
>Genji uses his swipe to move and never to do damage
>he refuses to switch at a choke point because he thinks he's doing well thanks to racking up assists from the few shurikens he can actually hit
Do you think the matchmaking honors your block list? I'm blocking people whom I wish not to play or encounter again based on various reasons, but if it's useless then I'm not going to bother.

i got the black and red one in beta and i didn't even equip it ironically

i wouldn't hate emo fashion necessarily its just... such a sort of teenage phase sort of thing and the OW design is very shitty hot topic. as a grown women you're probably more of an elegant goth and even then Zarya just doesn't seem the type.
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>reminder that this is the guy saying ez and rekt at the end of the game
>seagull is making hundreds of dollars in donations while you're sitting on a korean image board complaining about imaginary forced 50
I do wear glasses actually.
jesus fuck

>chase a guy around on the sideline
>kill him
>turn around to cut to the center of the action
>entire ennemy team sitting on it, entire team running back from spawn

why does this keep happening
why can an entire team disappear
why doesn't this game have any information feed to know how wrecked your team is getting
>the 120% pick healer is only good against bad players
loving every laugh
there is a killfeed
it's off by default and pretty garbage
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hold the door.png
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I think I'm done with this game. There's no fucking way I can keep playing with these subhuman pubs. I'm tired of playing as Symmetra just so I can force a victory. I hate them. I hate them so god damn much.
How long does it last?
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>ally runs ahead to do damage and get in their face
>run in with them, hit shift and e
>100 energy or zero damage and free reign

that wasn't so hard
it fucking happens to me all the time too, that's just how the game is
I'm defending the point, make a mistake and die (often the first or second death of the match) and suddenly my entire team disappeared off the point
Turn on the Kill Feed and all your problems will be solved
I already changed that stuff to medium and turned off stuff like reflections shit. Was still getting dips to 45 fps.
It's on by default now
what about that is crazy?
>guy below level 10 instalocks Hanzo

It's 5x6 at that point.
lucio buffs fucking when?
As long as Mercy keeps it active, it's an on/off switch
What kind of Reinhardt doesn't E before charging after Earthshatter?

Soloing as Reinhardt is a pain in the ass because your enemies know to actually focus you, even if your flankers are RIGHT FUCKING THERE
She is, just not when standing behind Reinhardt. Your job is to run out and slap the enemy team with your dick, while drawing fire occasionally and then letting your shield regenerate. Standing behind Reinhardt accomplishes none of this, plus her range is absolutely atrocious to boot
>"our monkey is being fucking useless"
>I was going behind enemy lines to kill their teleporter and WM while their Zarya chased me around from medkit to medkit
>He stood at the chokepoint on Hanamura throwing shuriken until we lost
top right, death placement markers

when you are stood behind a rectangle, and you have a skill that can shield other people, could you possibly use your vast imagination to wonder, what is something that's almost guaranteed to get hit a lot a build your charge easily?
turn on killfeed
>not playing with a premade
It's only your fault.
If anyone else was wondering about the leaver penalty specifics

-Leaving an In-Progress game counts as an automatic loss (on your profile).
-You must complete more then 90% of your last 20 games or you get penalized, which is 75% less XP per game.
Because most people play reinhart to win payload since everyone else in the team is full retard and won't stand on it. I used to go ham with reinhart, but I realized that I won more games just sitting on the payload doing nothing.
>What kind of Reinhardt doesn't E before charging after Earthshatter?
well he didn't exactly need a fire strike there and used it on the mei after
Are you trying to misunderstand?
how to troll /owg/:

>lucio's heal should be doubled
>mccree needs a buff
>winston is balanced
>widowmaker needs a nerf
>mei is op
>hanzo is useful
>watchpoint is a good map
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>MFW reporting people for hacking and they get hardware banned by Blizzard and they don't even realize it after buying the game 3 times.
>Talk shit about Mei or the people who play her
>They specifically hunt me down every single game

Every other character, even the Widows and weebs, just say "Whatever, fuck you buddy you blow" at worst. What is it about this character that attracts such insecure people?
There's nothing to misunderstand about you being wrong though
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D.va Play of the Year.webm
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r8 my D.va POTG
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>attack on Anubis
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Widowmaker Skullfucking Tracer.webm
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Widowmaker x Tracer.
>take point on koth
>some retard wanders off to 1v6
>we lose the point 6v5

i get you do this once but three times? skill based match making
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>75% less XP per game.
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Does anyone want to be overwatch friends with an awful player?


I don't know anyone who plays this game
Fat bitches probably play as and pretend they're her.
Why is vsync not working with fullscreen? Borderless windowed was fine but when i switched to full screen it stopped working.
>I used to go ham with reinhart, but I realized that I won more games just sitting on the payload doing nothing.

you gotta look for a good charge opportunity on a healer, mercy if they have two, the whole time though
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Die! Die! Die!
>not having gsync or freesync

fucking pleb
Mei is female and obese. She's the very definition of Tumblrinas and that is the kind of people she attracts.
That image is wrong. You can leave during Hero Select without a penalty.
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Rate me, /owg/
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>no one picked lucio
>two snipers on attack
-Numbani def, and team spreads rather than grouping around the def point
-3 weeb mainers in my team (weeb name, plays hanzo/genji/d.va and usually terrible at it)
-too many offense heroes on hanamura attack, and enemy has TB, 2xMei, Rein, Bastion and Mercy/Technonigger
Pistol whip melee that stuns if it's a head shot.
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>lolbabbies using lol terms in overgame
stop it!!!
>Rein charge another rein off cliff
>Knock 2 other guys off with you
Feels good, man.
I was hoping you weren't actually retarded. Oh well, I'll help you understand. You're playing as a duo, flanking the enemy team - would you rather have a mediocre healer with a speed boost, or a turbo healer with a damage boost?

Are you getting me? Did you miss the part where I said "me and my buddy", indicating that we were playing as a duo?
Genderswap skins WHEEEN
You can actually damage people with the mech when it drops down, but of course you have to be close enough to them. I don't know how much damage it does.

I've been killed by it before.
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tracer best girl
which champion is the best for someone coming from league of legends? i need low cooldowns, regenerating health and high damage, i used to play ADC
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>Tfw extending over time for 6 minutes as lucio
yeah? There's basically zero clear info out there about the leaving penalty and that was the best I could find.
that's why I hate dark skating man
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Well that certainly happened. Not sure how to approach this.
Uninstall Wizard

blade'n'soul pls


chopper and soldier (76y/o).
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>it's a "really good widowmaker on attack carries the push all the way to final point then loses the game for everyone by not getting on the point" game
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Reinhardt on payload.gif
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Dad:76 might be a little overbearing.
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Here have this pepe for the next thread
Soldier: 76 has all of that.
If I change my battletag I will lose all my friends?
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she plays 2 win
that almost makes me want to play deevah
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tier list overwatch.png
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if you main one of the heroes in the bottom half, you are literally trash tier
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>all these league fags who think they have to "main" a hero
>Have non switching Genji/Hanzo's who single handedly lose us the game
kill yourself doturd
Yes, the penalty is there from setup until you see the Victory/Defeat text show up.
There is literally no reason not to use lucio, so thanks for helping me understand I'm dealing with a retard who says things "this character is gud against bad players"
Report this dick in your ass
No, also dont use any weird letter like è. you wont be able to look up your stats on masteoverrwatch.
>King's Row
>implying I don't dodge this fucking shitmap
No matter how shitty my day is this pic always makes me smile. Thank you.
Widowmaker is worse, trust me.
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>It's a "somehow the team comes together and manages to save at the very last second" game
>that stupid face
>abnormal tits

into the trash already
>all these lewdposts showing puffy areolas and cameltoes
>can't post fully clothed symmetra holding a dildo she made from hard light without getting banned

>player chooses widowmaker
>proceeds to miss most shots on stationary enemies making predictable movements
>all they do is contribute to enemy's ults

Stop choosing Widowmaker when you can't aim for shit, jesus fucking christ.
Had a 6v6 game vs another stack today defending on King's Row. It was like 4 minutes of overtime and it was fucking crazy. Every time each time wiped the respective Mercy would rez everyone and it just started all over. The payload was a cunt's hair away from the finish line too.
>e-sperg statistics
sure thing, senpai
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>He mains heroes in overwatch
I don't understand. Symmetra isn't even useful in that many maps.
Sure you can. Just give the link.

alright I thought that would make more sense. I guess it's clearer to just say if you leave any time you can control your character you get a penalty.
Stop thinking about how much you desire my bussy, homo shill.
Sometimes I enjoy the peace and quiet of pushing a payload alone
damn son watching SEAGULLâ„¢ WWW TWITCH TV A_SEAGULL CMON DOWN BOYS I learned you can rocket jump with 76's rockets, pretty neat
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>MFW I make things up on 4chan
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>play with a six stack
>play as reinhardt
>"reaper's up there. he's gonna jump down when we push under the bridge. just shoot him as soon as he ults."
>push under it
>see in third person no one even turns around
>we all die
why do I play with a six stack even
seagull is an awful player
>sym is halfway up on def
Why should I buy overwatch? I need someone to convince me.
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If mcree has 3 bullets before highnoon and he activates it will he only be able to kill 3 people?
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>it's a "your team dominates the other one at the start of the game until they get incredibly cocky and practically give up the first objective in overtime and go onto lose" game
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>Rocket jump
Wait really?
You really are fucking dumb. I see I triggered your autism so I'll just walk away from this.

and start playing hanzo, rite?

ridiculous hit detection and more consistent vision up time
you missed out on the open beta? I'm sorry for you
Do you enjoy putting barbed wire up your uretha?
If yes, buy Overwatch and solo queue.
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I can like tits and not like when people misrepresent a character
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>playing on defense
>we have a healer
>awesome, I pick Rein to set up a choke point
>my entire fucking team runs to sit outside enemy spawn room while I'm left near point A choke to defend alone
>watching my entire team run past me

Hehehe thanks Overwatch :^)
This is when you switch to Winston.
>team is all people who pick hanzo/genji/widowmaker/other offense
>no one but me wants to tank/support

also when you almost deliver the payload, then die and people start going in 1by1, never teaming up again.
>Double Bastions
>People keep asking them to switch
>They never do

w e w
I would but you're better than me ;_;
Report and ignore the shill.
No (You) for you.
>Low test beta cuck detected
Shouldn't you be at a bernie or shillary rally right now?
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Rate me, /owg/
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I'm trying to git gud at head clicker, but it's not getting much easier.
No. Honestly I'd like McCree to have more ammo management.
it's alright I'll love you regardless
Nah, I played from the 3 days early beta through to the full open beta till it ended. But right now I can't justify buying it.

N-no :(
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>It's a "Bastion and Toblerone defending on Temple of Anubis and you're on attack" game
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heehaw baited
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This whole "engage the enemy outside their spawn, get wiped and lose the first point in a minute" meme needs to go away fast
>4 McRees
yup. Having a full clip is super important for mcree. There's a reason why he has a skill that literally reloads
Teleporter, turrets, and balls completely ruin the enemy team.
Bye bye scrubdub

seems like a pretty nice chill dude and has really good tracking


blizzard are really struggling, they'll need a kickstarter for WoW expansions soon.
>He doesn't realize how aggressive Blizzard is on banning cheaters in Overwatch for some reason
Maybe it's a new game. Even WoW doesn't get that much attention.
>Tracer is a thin, athletic QT
>Slap wobbly cow tits on her like an 8 year old doodling porn in his notebook
Go be retarded somewhere else
Yeah. If ur ghey.
does lucio do more damage depending n stance ?
I'm not going to convince you to buy it because ultimately it's your money. If you have friends to play however, it'll certainly be better than solo queue as the other anon described.
It looks ridiculous. You would know but you've never seen a woman naked in real life.
Heh, you're probably a handholdless virgin heh, well maybe you'll make it someday kid.
>friend invites me into a group
>5 of us
>don't know any of them
>they're all total shitters
>i'm consistently getting 3+ gold metals every game
>don't want to just leave and keep playing since it's considered rude
Solo queue is honestly better than playing with a group of known shitters.
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...I just know some good spots on temple of anubis b and I...I...please help me owg I have a problem
Will Tracer be the next big cancer after McCree gets dumpstered by Blizzard?
You would have died no matter how many ticks it gave you. It was way too slow.
How is that backpedaling?
>really good tracking
His tracking ain't shit, I play on 800dpi / 5 sens.
a lot of my friends of friends aren't great at the game but I'm not that assblasted about winrate so I just stick around for chill frags
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Tracer a qt.
McCree will still counter tracer, they're touching the fan
>Forget to mention Tracer has ADHD and autism. She's practically the pinkie pie of Overwatch
I have no idea why people find these types of characters appealing. It's always the extremes. Either the hyperactive character or the evil mcgrimdark.
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>tfw playing with /vg/ is basically like playing with pubs
>some of the people who added me unironically use twitch memes and say shit like "so salty xD"

whats the point?
I wish I could find this game chill. Something about being spawn-camped for 5 minutes straight is just too enraging. I wish I was kidding but we literally didn't leave the spawn for an entire match on hollywood
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>defending point A
>Genji and fucking widowmaker stand outside their spawn trying to get epic kills
>Dva is jetting around the map like a retard
>Just me as 76 and a mercy trying to hold off the oncoming reinhardt train when they easily respawn and overwhelm our shit, overextending teammates
he thinks it's a conspiracy instead of some dumbass intern with the twitter account

over 15 people have added me from /owg/ and I've avoided all of them, I don't know what I was thinking
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whatever brah.gif
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w/e makes you feel better fago
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You think people who post here were good, smart, over the age of 18 or worth knowing?
4chan isn't a secret club anymore. You gety a metric fuckton of normies, underage kids and redditors here now. It's no longer a bastion for sophisticated adults like ourselves.
apparently i had much better experiences than you
>While overwatch general goes through 6 or 7 threads battleborn doesn't even fill one

Not to be a dick or anything but HA HA
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>what the fucks a pinkie pie
What is wrong with you
Also being excited and spunky doesn't mean someone has a mental disorder
>holding rmb
>not setting mercy beams to toggle
No. Ulting reloads your gun. Same for 76. This guy >>144111542 doesn't know what he's talking about.
Most of the people who added me spoke to me once then never again

And one doesn't invite me anymore because I went all scottish rage mode when we lost and picked a fight with one of his friends
I regret nothing that lad was a mondo prick
>ally Hanzos have killed me more than anything in the weekly brawl
Who came up with this bullshit?
Nice try, globalists
someone's bad at tracer if theyre getting countered by anything other than junkrat traps or hooks
That knocks you right off at least
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>bought 25 loot boxes
>got Gearbot bastion when i already had Steampunk
>Djinnyatta and I never play that trash hero
>Mako Roadhog, pretty good I guess
other than that fucking nothing
That's sad
where's your happy merchant? 4/10 meme desu
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>It's no longer a bastion for sophisticated adults like ourselves.
>It's no longer a bastion
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I'll take that roadhog
It takes like 3 days to get 25 boxes by leveling. Hope it was worth it.
probably mei
I just feel invincible when I play her and its too good
How does anyone play tank or healers? Every time I do, my damage players don't do shit.
I play with about 10 different /owg/ people daily and have had met very few that are cancerous or annoying.

I also play late night/early morning so that might make a difference.
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I like your attitude, whats your btag scotty?
He's not asking to main, he's asking who a good hero to learn with is

God fucking forbid people try to learn the game

Besides most are recommending 76 who's basically never bad.
I think you're incredibly bad for originally trying to crow about a mccree nerf, and then immediately acting like you haven't been walking into flashbangs.
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>getting on Jeff's Wild Ride at all
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This is fuckin adorable. Does he tells Junkrat that he is too skinny and needs to eat more vegetables?
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Help me.
How do I play Egyptian of many rockets?
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le conspiring hands.gif
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Try 50 more
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don't worry stupid go- I mean fellow customer, the next 50 boxes will give you everything you want
>tells people what hero to play
>loses 4/5 games in solo queue and blames it on matchmaking
You sound like the guy who complains when someone picks widowmaker on attack or tells the team they're idiots for using two winstons.
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>king's row
>cart is almost all the way
>pop ult, slice and dice mother fuckers left and right
>my team scatters, do a 180
>pic related
>headshot mcree with his own ult

i FUCKING love this character
never ever play if there's a 76, mccree, or widow on the enemy team
in other words don't play pharah
It takes me less than an hour to earn 20 dollars. So really which one is a bigger loss?
You play Quake instead
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I had a Scottish guy range once in my team. He was so fucking hilarious it didn't matter that he was sperging.

>estimated time 0:09
>elapsed time 2:21
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lrn 2 guide ur rockets
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Who's your least favorite hero to have on your team, owg?

>fucking retard genjis overextending, getting destroyed and pulling out their weebsticks to kill one fucking guy
>someone picks DESIGNATED TURRET PLACER on offense
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what's the point of the highlights if they are not saved in your folder and they got deletd when you quit the game?
The other day I had someone say we needed two tanks and two Lucio because they saw the 'pros do it'
>same 4-5 heroes on each team every single match

wow, exciting
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Get used to the speed of her rockets. Make sure you're keeping track of enemies like Widowmaker that will shut you down if you're just floating in the sky.
>there are people in this thread who care about winning and losing in a casual queue in a game that has not even been out for 200 hours
neck yourself
Setting yourself up for pain
>tfw I've added people from /owg/ but am too shy and scared of rejection to ask to group up

Vegapunk #2644

mon oot lad, I'm shite at the game but the banter is immense
you can still play pharah without floating around with a giant target on your head ya know
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>tfw someone says you're beast or really good but you don't feel that way

I hate when people commend me, it messes me up really bad
Hanzo on any map
He just seems like crap compared to widow
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You don't be spunky and excited 24/7 no matter the situation unless you have a mental disorder. Stop trying to normalize mental illness and make it socially acceptable.
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1. Grab penis
2. Fap to pic related
3. Join game
4. Aim rockets at the ground ahead of enemy
5. ?????
hanzo and symmetra
would rather just play 5v6 honestly
Your boost makes a better escape than it does an entry, stay out if the sky until you know what the enemy team cop is, your Q does just as much justice at ground level than it does from above, he'll you're less of a target sometimes if you're not in the air.

Unplayable on some maps, DA BEST on others.
>team of 4 players against team of 6 players
>game begins
>team of 5 players against team of 5 players
>game quickly shuts down before it starts

what the fuck blizzard
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Junker D.Va can get on its back and drive around like a car.

Think on that.

Yeah just let that sink in.
Group with me and we can overcome shyness together
Why would I not refrigerate a tomato sauce? Even the made to never spoil crap grows mold can't imagine that at room temp
offensive torb is a thing if you actually play for it. Most people picking torb just want to hide behind a wall and get free assists.
overtime is such a fucking garbage mechanic
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i think that makes 12
What if I dont have a penis?
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Hana Song is a slut
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Nigger it's a video game character.
You could also see how calm and collected she was at the Omnic rally and when that Omnic guy got assassinated and she was genuinely upset.
Don't be a fuck.
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>enemy team has a good genji
>tell him he's really good and that he is doing great
>he starts fucking up
>mediocre hero
>nobody else goes support because "lol we have one"
Who is she ?
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>he doesn't prepare for the overtime suicide push and loses
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One player should be able to earn more than one commendation card per match, how are people going to know how hard I quickscope otherwise?
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If it bothers you, you are the one who is fucking garbage my man. Git gud.
He's talking about Symmetra
designated turret placer is symmetria

I fucking love torbs when they drop armour, torbs are fine
What are the best maps?
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>not playing le smugbleuberry of booty and killing everyone before she's nerfed
Well m8 I confess I dunno as I'm not the one who said it
Shove a broom handle up your ass imagining all the sweet kills you'll get with Mercy damage boosting you.
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I want to kiss and sex her mom desu
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>Want to get a really high rank with Mercy
>Lucio is just too fucking fun

Nigger she can do whatever she wants it wont make her deal damage or have any purpose on a team
Anyone else besides me fantasizes that Soldier 76 is Cyclops? Only reason I play him and I yell
"OPTIC BLAST!" when I use his helix.
>can't change widow's scoped zoom ratio

fug it's so slow
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When open beta closed i reviewed my footage and concluded that Battle Torb is the closest to what you can call a "hard carry" in OW.

My suspicions were confirmed. A well-placed turret and skillful handling of Torb's gun can completely turn the tide of a game, even with the enemy using comms. Yes, even on attack.
only if it's unsealed
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>play with friend
>get 4 man stack with 90
>think ok
>his retarded friends picks genji
>literall just throws shuriken and does nothing
>call him out to switch
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Is there more of her?
Play fun, not waifu, you do better
>there's people who actually teabag in this game

It's almost nostalgic if it weren't such an indicator of how cancerous someone is
>love playing Tracer
>realize that she dies to a stiff breeze
>realize that she does fuckall damage compared to reaper or mcree or even junkrat
>kind of sad
yes you can?
I don't get it.
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>frogposter in charge of not being the shittiest player in his group
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Symmetra with a decent player will cement you the game. They'll make perfect kill rooms, hide teleporters in perfect places and demolish fucking Reapers in close range with curry ninja tactics.
Did you just get owned and teabagged by someone?
>tfw its unusable from hrt
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gonna try this right now
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are you gay or what?
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>compliment enemy mcree
>he actually thinks im being serious
>compliments me too
>adds me after the game

jesus christ
I only do it after an absolute stomp or if it's someone who was talking shit the last game.

If I'm playing Mei then I do it every time.
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I don't like the fat fuck, but I agree. The turret is more reliable than your own teammates and you're on your own most of the time anyway.
I imagine him as Cable more than anything.

I want to get the wight Reaper skin to be taskmaster.
Now bully him
I just spent an entire game as Tracer assassinating the other team's Mercy. I got her about 9 times during the game, sticky'd twice.

Sadly, my team was doorknobs so even without their healer the other team still rolled them.
genji is k-style all over again
Fun fact. Pharah's mother used to have lots of unprotected sex with her squad and other squads. Pharah nor her mother knows who her father is.
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I just fantasize about 76 tbqfhwy family member
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Stand back I'm summoning.
It has wheels dude
There's wheels on the joints dude

Are McCree players the 2015 Hunter players of Overwatch?
>want to learn pharah
>always feel like I'm a worse version of 76
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Behead those who insult Pharah.
>had 4 gold medals
>shittiest player

>Bastion as himself
>Literally a spawncamping piece of shit robot hanging out at Blizzard every day
>Too scared to nerf him

It all makes sense now
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Love this games balancing.
I preordered the origins edition, any stuff/collectible i've missed forever?
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you best leave summer boy
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>that everything
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post your masteroverwatch profile retard
That depends on if I write more greentext about them or not.

Genji/Mercy is calling to me.
No, you are a flying Junkrat. Employ similar tactics.
I like you.
>D.Va on your team
You wonder why you lost
Post the other version
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Nah its wasted on normies they don't understand the joke

Now if only I could find a mcree >main from here to constantly icewall
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>team is getting pwned by Widow
>i'm the only one making an effort to shoot at her
>she kills me
>type into chat: fuck this sniper cunt
>get rezzed by Mercy
>tunnel the Widow dead
>I realize later I played with that guy before
Why does Blizz want a 50/50 win rate?
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Only time I thought a teabag was needed is that potg that was posted here of Zen owning like 4 people solo
"Well Played"
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>you have a thirty and twenty in your group
>90% sure none of you switched to counter
When I'm playing against a McCree I make it my main objective to kill that fucker whenever I see him
>play well as symmetra
>never get post-game votes

do people not understand how she works, or something?
I wish I had a quarter of your luck
I'm 40 and I barely got 1000 coins
not a single epic skin
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>Play Animefievel
>Enemy team has one of those ungodly Widowmakers that manages to kill my tire every time I'm about to slam it up their Reinhardt's ass
I like Junkrat's wave when he's holding his detonator
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>genji picker bitching about balance

Are you EU?
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>playing Reinhardt if you know when to go aggressive is one of the most fun ways to play the game
>got 6 commendations for being on fire 92% of the match
>tfw teammates actually wanted me to get POTG
Too bad the POTG doesn't show me going up top and firestriking Pharah out of the sky after damaging her with my hammer
What am I looking at? Your team almost had the same comp
Is there any way to see which people in the game are grouped?
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>all that delicious brown
>Enemy team is a 6-stack of 2 McCrees, Tracer, Junkrat, Widowmaker, and Lucio
>My team is all solos
>Team gets a 5k pushing 1st
>It's high noon
>Teammate deploys a flawless rectangle and everyone actually stands behind it
>Suddenly Lucio and the rest of their team zip in at rocket speed and demolish the shield
>McCree gets a team kill
It's just not fair

Would give her a pocket defense matrix that lasts half as long but has all of the potency

Would also give her suit-powered agility that allows for jetpack styled movement, also at a significantly decreased rate.

Basically, there's no excuse for D.Va to not have her utility because of the mech being absent. Doesn't need to be as good, just needs to actually be there in some capacity.
haha take that bitch mei
that's the point he's trying to make
shut up Mei
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>when you get bullied by premade enemy team
Current match making clearly just treats everyone over 30 the same.
>What are times you just know you're going to lose?

When there's more than one Reaper on the team.
How do I counter the fag on the OP pic?

I just lost a game because it was almost impossible to deal with 2 of those guys.
The levels, anon.
Ana knows who the father is, but she never told Pharah. It's John Morrison and he knows it
DVA is shit, though. Of course you lost.
Commends translate into nothing, though.
>i cant aim at heads with tracers weapons
thats all i read from that.
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>playing with friends
>level 7 on our team
>"please don't be bad"
>lose first round
>"my team is fucking retarded"
>win next two rounds
>shit talk him
>he says nothing back and leaves
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>mfw getting killed by melee after dashing away from the enemy

fix your fucking net code blizzard
>le bully maymay

kill urself my man
A mark of a good Rein player is knowing how to be aggressive without overextending

You cannot just be a moving rectangle if you expect to win at higher MMRs
two can be pretty tough to deal with. you'll be getting riptired basically every other time you spawn. Just switch to a pharah or reaper or gengi. Widow is pretty good too. Basically anything that can get past his bullshit spam.

>le bully maymay
kill urself my man
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>le le le
>lo lawl
One time some guy from /owg/ actually got mad at me for wanting to get better with Hanzo and for finding him fun.

He said that after we lost a match as I was using him, even though we won three in a row before that loss.
they think it means that game is presenting even matchups
trying to balance around a 50% win rate is ideal because it means you should be getting relatively fair matches for both players. the problem is when the game achieves this by bouncing you between games where you completely dominate or get completely dominated to move your win rate up or down.
I used to but now I'm in love with Junkrat.
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>tfw you shit talk your team but they end up doing well so you have to go tryhard and do better than them to not seem like a retard when you try to play it off as friendly banter
The fuck does this even mean?
Nappy-headed sucker looks like a fucking baby.
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>Enemy Junkrat has 98% accuracy
What are some other signs you lost a game before it began?
Winston is decent at handling him, provided you don't step in his trap. Roadhog can also mess his shit up, but good ones tend to stay behind their team, and you're much less likely to get within hook range of him. For offense, Pharah's the queen of fucking Junkrat up
>potg will never be a double wall climb riptire to kill an annoying widowmaker
>it will never be nailing a Pharah by mine jumping into the air and nailing her with two perfect grenade shots

Life is cruel as mememouse

Almost always the one complaining about lack of "proper" tanks and stuff while being shit himself.
How do you know the enemy team is in a stack, other than the metafag 2 mccree lucio widow comps?
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what is this expression trying to convey?
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>Mei ults while I'm throwing my Tire
>Do two donuts before blowing it up and getting five kills
>It's seen in the play of the game
>Neck yourself junk rat you fucking tryhard
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I still don't have a spine and I still don't know what to play for the next 50 games
I'm also spending way too much time on these
to be quite fucking honest with you
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>you still cant bind junkrats mine and detonator to the same button
she needs black cock in her ass
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No episodic show starring Soldier: 76 as he travels around the world shooting down baddies with a different Overwatch agent as a guest in each episode.
It's the cropped porn face meme! WEW LAD! XD
weebs call it ahegao I think, it's the closest they've come to witnessing the female orgasm and they're compelled to illustrate it
>Use Reaper's El Blanco skin
>Some faggot starts singing spanish songs over coms
>Have to admit he can sing pretty well.
What's the most annoying ult and why is it reinhardts
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tfw u get bullied and they add you later and you accept and they yell at you over mic and you curl up in a ball under your desk and cry
Welcome to 4chan!
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>not leaving
I mean if you're going to be a jerk do it the right way
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>he has trouble pressing jump and mouse2 at the same time
They're fucking garbage.
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>enemy Reinhardt knows when to go aggressive and when to fall back
>Widowmaker landing headshots left and right
>Mercy knows when to damage boost and heal
>enemy actually targets you when you focus Mercy
they pleasure of being cummed inside of by old men
The pleasure of being cummed inside
>using it to jump
neck yourself
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This game might as well be called Rage Simulator 2016.

Yes, you get bad teams in any other team objective based game but DAMN it is rage worthy as fuck when people are SO fucking dumb.
It's not cropped, that's the whole image.
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>mfw actually getting headshots as 76
>mfw land helix direct on phara in midair
>mfw mercy damage boosts me when I ult
>mfw get the white 76 skin from loot crate
>mfw most playtime is in 76

Why is 76 the most fun character
get fucked, zarya
it translates how much your team know how well or how bad people did
it definitely proves if you're playing with retards or non retards
she is parched and needs a bottle of water asap
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>Players are better because they played more than you

That stops being a good excuse after like level 30
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>prepare to attack
>genji and dva locked in immediately
That's a sign of an aimbot and you need to report the person and get them banned for cheating.
>enemy junkrat has like 3 Rip-tires like 60 seconds in
wth is going on here
>not using it to jump to get higher for height advantage
are you braindead
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both in my last game
gotta love le dank floating meme orb robot monk desu
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yet people kept referring to total score for "rank"
Junkrat gets like 10% ult every time he gets a direct hit
>that entire team
I hope to one day not get fucked over by match making and get a team that works together as good as that.
>pharah has no splash damage
>also extremely slow rockets
so it's a worse direct hit?
fucking A
Fucking THIS though

Level in this game doesn't denote skill
After I got 40 I started facing stacks, but that was really the only difference
>98% as Junkrat
How is that even possible, unless you spend the first 5 minutes of every game just pumping bombs into Reinhardt's shield?
>Global Rule 2: You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?")
Seems you're the new one.
because you never feel completely useless.
Good choice.
Why does the after game card for Phara always show "Direct Rocket Hits"? Literally no one votes for that, even if I get over 80. Why not show something important like rocket damage.
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Please write more about Dad
>quoting the rules
Welcome! I see you're new here. Don't worry, we'll get you up to speed!
because he's made to be ridiculously easy so cod babbies have something relatable to jump on to as soon as they start playing

funnily enough zarya and zen make a great team
>zarya shields damage for zen, who's targeted, helping him stay alive and her get charged
>discord + any charge over 50 shreds in seconds
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quick, come up with the most stereotypical reaper main account name you can think of
le dank niggertweetspeak maymay is a 4chan staple despite coming from reddit
>I'm going for the top nasty.
that masterOW website is pretty neat, its says i am rank 18,000 by score and tjorbjorn rank 1,000. i dont even know what that means but i'm going to tell people i'm ranked top 1000 out of millions of players and im awesome.
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>Just sprays 4 boxes in a row
>Still don't have a legendary or 250 skin drop for one of the 12 heroes I like playing
>Finally, a non-spray
>it's a tobjorn emote
>I have 1 minute of play time on him and he's my most hated hero

I'm starting to believe that bullshit someone in this thread was saying about Blizzard making the algorithm only give you shit for the heroes you don't play
>that skin

I can't decide between saving dosh and buying that skin or getting sunyatta. The purple looks really good.
Hitting multiple people with one shot counts as over 100% accurate (although the actual display will not go above 100%). I.e. hitting 2 players is 200% accurate.
now we just need some butter
People always complain about getting widowmakers but I'd say having even 1 genji is usually a bad sign
why is it so hard to headshot with 76 but with mei and mercy's gun i land headshots all day?
Don't have it unfortunately
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>Other team has a good Junkrat
it's supposed to be impressive without context.
i got 139 direct hits one game and most of them were just shooting a reinhardt shield in a constant stalemate
What is the best soldier:
victory pose
highlight intro
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D.va is the best!
because you aren't used to hitscan
Why does everyone bitch about Mcree but not roadhog when he has the exact same thing with longer reach and he also has a 5 second heal?

the other day i played with XxSMOK3W33DxX
Ironic waifushitting is worse than the real thing
>le balanced AR aimbot man

he is literally the most boring character in the game
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has there been a winston play of the game, cincinati zoo edit yet?
You're used to actually aiming
roadhog won't 1-shot another tank, roadhog doesn't have mobility, roadhog has a huge hitbox and is effectively useless past 10 yards
breasts too big
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why does she look so annoyed? This is what pisses me off with shad, he has no expressive range between mmmh yeah that's it and go fuck yourself.
>kill entire team on cart
>go up top as mercy rezzes them
>tac visor
>kill four of them
>lose POTG to symmetra turrets and lazy balls
>have 3 gold metals
>don't even get a card at the end

I told my friends I was done for now and logged off.

That's four games in a row where I carried hard as fuck as 76 and didn't get a POTG. I had quad kill without tacvisor with at least 50% of the damage done on every target and it lost to a Mcree getting two nooner kills and then getting shot in the face by me.
You need to burst fire in very small bursts or his bullets spread.

Mei and Mercy have travel time, but they do not spread
got you
>get sent into US servers because fuck anyone playing in SEA servers at 4 AM
>total shitshow with clueless noobs and quitters at lv40
jesus christ and I thought you guys were kidding
I think Roadhog's footsteps should be louder but otherwise he seems fine.
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76's gun is hitscan, you need to actually aim at the head

The standing with gun over his shoulder one
Helix rocket


yeah, I could never save 1000
not patient enough
How to get good at Genji?
>got 2 zarya legendaries and 2 symmetra legendaries

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>Devil Mercy has hoof-toes
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because you have to actually hit the guy with the hook. None of this flashbang the wall for stunning Genji crap
>aiming with projectiles
lol no, it's prediction

>Why does everyone bitch about Mcree but not roadhog

Can Roadhog deal 840(eight hundred and forty) damage in the span of a second?
Shit character:

>Buddhist robot
>26 fps on those settings
>queue with 1-2 people at most
>always paired with 3 random shitters that have no idea how to play the game

How do I go about finding skilled people to play with in this game? It's getting tedious and boring having to endure/carry randoms.
Widowmaker/Hanzo because most of them can't hit the broad side of a barn.
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Know when to use the dash to move vs deal damage
Go behind enemy lines
Reflect constantly
Go bumperjumper if you're using a controller
Lol no, no you don't
Roadhog's hook is hitscan
You can literally go through walls
PS4/XBox players, how do you use any programs to lower ping like WTFast etc? This is my first time getting an online game for my console.
Dunno family. I always get a 45%+ kill participation card as Soldier. It's almost impossible not to.
>THREE bastion on your team
>enemy has 2 McRib
>I have to play Reinhardt
>No Pharah on attack in Kings Row or El Dorado
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>get tracer pregnant
>destroy chest thing

What would happen?
>coworker keeps linking me his overwatch highlight videos
>its an 8 minutes match of mcree
wow so impressive
>Roadhog doesn't have mobility
Everyone in game has the same walking speed, mcree only has a roll that goes a couple of inches.

>you don't have to hit

He was still on target when he pressed it.



She'd get unstuck in time and vanish again
normal kids are impossible to control already
>Victory Pose
Fist bumb

>highlight intro
over shoulder

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High definition soldier butt > FPS
You will be fine, anon. put the game in.
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D.Va themed Dorito bags when?
If you leave before the Hero Select screen is finished, there is no penalty. As soon as you spawn is the cutoff
>He doesn't know what hitscan is
>autistic genji main for 24 levels
>get anubis pharah from a box with a heroic pose
>might as well branch out of my offense flanking assassin niche
>play her on hollywood defense
>23 kill streak and play of the game without press q justice rains from abo-augh

I don't know if it was beginner's luck with her, but holy fuck she's fun. Any tips for her?I have a a year or so of Soldier practice for leading with rockets.
yes "HIT" scan

unlike Mccree's "just don't throw AT the shield" flashbang that doesn't care.

this is the correct tier list
>Have to basically solo KotH because my team won't get on the fucking point

I actually think it's intentional for the most part. The shitty choke points are there to force your team too coordinate ultimates to win the game.
>victory pose
>highlight intro
Looking at you
First game I had MVP for spending 85% of the match on fire. Second one I had 60% kill participation. Third one was KOTH and I had like 10 objective kills.

I didn't even get a scorecard on the last one with like an 11 player killstreak and that nice teamwipe, so I just got annoyed as shit. I know I shouldn't be as bothered by it as I am but like, shit dude, I actually broke open their entire team and drank the innards like coconut juice, I want some recognition.
>king of the hill is by far and away the worst thing in this game
>you can't pick the mode you want to play
>you cant even blacklist one mode from matchmaking

literally why
Fist over shoulder golden
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>When only yourself and red pops up on the killfeed and the cart just pushes nonstop
>When switching to attack you try to haul ass and 1v6:ing almost works until two of the enemy players literally counterpick you because their Reinhardt can solo the rest of the team

How does anyone get so bad at aiming that they can't even focus down a Reinhardt is beyond me. I literally had to
>Kill the Reinhardt so he stops solo:ing my team
>Kill their snipers so they don't solo me when I try to push
>Kill their fucking Lucio so he stops stalling the cart
>Over and over and over again

I'm pretty good at carrying when I want to, but that game got ridiculous. Blog over.
Staying in the air is good sometimes but not most of the time. If you hover too much or jump straight up and rain justice most of the time it will just get you killed.
honestly I have no idea how at over level 40 people still don't know how to contest points, the amount of games I've lost raging at a windowlicker who just stands on a balcony taking potshots whilst the enemy team breeze through the final capture is just too much. Hopefully in ranked people will know how to play the goddamn game.
You can make a speedy escape from a bad situation by shooting your E into a wall next to you
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Great, isn't it?
>Get into a group
>D.VA player is obviously an underage kid
>He stands a bajillion miles away holding gown left click
>He's not even doing damage because of the range
>Team shitting all over him and telling him how to play
>He starts cussing and using racist hate speech
>We lost the first objective because he keeps getting killed and not contributing
>He starts ragging on our Mercy
>Everyone at this point just reports him for racism
>Fight tooth and nail defending the last objective
>Just barely manage to win because the enemy team got cocky and fucked up
>D.VA shithead starts bragging how he won the game for us
>Slap him on ignore and leave the group so I won't have to play with him again
probably because they don't want modes to die out like in a lot of other games
>Everyone in game has the same walking speed
>Posting without having played all the characters
i know what hitscan is, mercy's gun and mei's icicles are projectiles
What would happen to the baby?
>enemy has two level 40s
>I have a level 7 and 9.

that's a funny way of spelling best. Although I wish the matches were longer, they tend to go way too quickly.
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>Deploy a rectangle in a narrow hallway to block the tire
>It swerves left, climbs up a wall, goes over my shield, then drops onto the point
>Gets a team kill because everyone expected the shield to protect them
>Feel like shit and apologize to my team
>It gets POTG, immortalizing my failure in everyone's mind
>I had a Scottish guy range once in my team. He was so fucking hilarious it didn't matter that he was sperging.

I can only imagine helmet-less Reinhardt saying these terrible things now
If they die out that means they aren't fun.
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The other day I actually played with a Reaper named Reaper.

Because Roadhog is garbage and easily one of the game's worst characters.
I was quite stupid to realize it but it could be an issue with me: I had 130-140 ping in WoW back when I was playing it with GPNs and around 300 without it.
Now I am going to have a lot of trouble if the same ping 300 will remain. I don't plan to main tracer/genji but any other heroes won't be fine, so I am looking for a way beforehand.
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>Hopefully in ranked people will know how to play the goddamn game.
so the playerbase doesn't become divided. We don't get stupid wars between gamemodes like lol, dota or smite do because everyone is playing the same thing, just at different levels.
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The tire can drive through Reinhardt's shield.
People should just fucking shoot it.
Also your E takes it out.
did you fail basic biology? the baby is part of the mothers body until it is ready for delivery
Maybe they shouldn't make shitty game modes like KOTH

>tfw other people call her windowlicker
Fucking hate Widowmaker.
I wish that contesting the point slowed down the controlling team's percentage gain slightly
>putting up the shield at all

you do know that junkrats tire goes through the shield completely right? It can just drive right through it. Even if he didn't do any fancy wall climbing he could have just drive it right past you for the same kill.
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Please remember to keep track of your supports! We can't help you if you get lost!
r-routing as in network issues not map pathing.
>Expecting teams to be better in ranked
They may actually be worse.
I normally just was airborne if the offensive team was preoccupied with getting to the point or the team or to get a better vantage

How fast does it blast me away?
That's failure in everyone. Everyone should always learn to scatter during an ult. Also remember that flame strike from Reinhart one shots the tire.
it's a pipedream I know, but I want to believe.
But it's a fact, except i think tracer but i'm not positive.
A long time ago, in a meeting room far far away, someone said "You know, shooters need snipers..."

And so, first person shooters were ruined forever.
Reinhardt's German, but I know what you mean.
Why is the initial trailer and the Dragons short the only decent lore content we've gotten?

Everything else has just the worst writing.
>i just got stomped my last game and this was their team:
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>People think ranked will make the game better
Play safe, your rockets' direct damage + splash is enough damage to make anybody rethink coming a certain route. Always be firing and reloading, and don't leave yourself too open to mid-range heroes to pick you off (namely 76 and McCree).

Eventually as you move up in MMR you will have to use your ulti in more and more cleverer ways, because people generally have a good idea how to avoid it (or kill you outright) if you simply jump/hover and press q. Try to time it with Zarya's, whip it out as a surprise when pulling back through a chokepoint, or fire from a good flank on ground floor (since people tend to search up as soon as they hear it coming)
you're right
tracer and genji have slightly faster movespeed
soldier and lucio obv have their speed buffs
other than that everyone has the exact same movespeed
Holy shit you got fucked hard hahahahahahaha
Did Dva get buffed?
Also why does 4chan think I'm spamming?
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>Hopefully in ranked people will know how to play the goddamn game

you poor deluded fool
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I'd go with "probably will be"

Dunning-Kruger will be strong in ranked, and why not, after all they've been getting POTG and gold medals in all their quick play games even though their stupid teams couldn't push the objective while they racked up sick kills
I fucking hate it when super fast or flankers bitch about lack of heals from mercy.

Stay in LOS, is that shit so fucking hard?
dear mid tier shitters

on koth, get on the fucking point if the enemy has 99%

thank you
Digital comics were good
sniping in UT99 was so much fun, I'd blame that and CS

thanks CliffyB, thanks GabeN
>symmetra highlight intro

fuck this curry bitch
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Overtime rework fucking when?

Whose dumbass idea was it to make it overtime function like it does now? 3 minute overtimes on koth are fucking hell.

It was never this much of a problem in TF2 koth because the characters didn't have this much fucking mobility and staying power. I've had Tracers just zip in and out of the point for minutes at a time just to keep extending the thing, while Lucio just brings everyone over to the point in seconds, then keeps them there with that healing.

Does anybody actually enjoy this shit?
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I am stockpiling porn of this girl thanks to you.

Well, at least ranked lets you knock down shitters a peg when they start spouting bullshit.
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>be me
>be playing GarbageHamster
>enemy team is completely focused on the chokepoint
>sneak behind them through the numerous side paths
>they all focus their attention to the front of the chokepoint because they expect the tire to come from there
>mfw whenTeam Kill
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Use your rocket boost mainly for getting to high up areas instead of just floating in the sky, any hitscan character with sense will kill you very quickly.
Keeping your boots on the ground and using your boost for verticality in the environment and escapes is far better than flying at all times.
Get good with her Rockets as well of course, the direct hits hit like a truck.
I just type in all caps Titans...TOGETHER and it works

No, you should stay in the air most of the time. If you don't, rockets get harder and if they don't directly counterpick you just poop on them.
If you anticipated a last second suicide run at the point and was ready to shut it down it wouldn't be a problem for you

But no, you were already winning so why not camp their spawn while a tracer wins the game alone?
I'm not talking about skill, I'm talking about general game knowledge. It seems that only 1/10th of pubbies actually know about contesting points, I'm hoping that anyone above bronze will have an understanding of the basic mechanics.
You were probably shit as Genji (most likely) and thus constantly get paired with 15% win rate shitters.
If I have to see just one more team where the other 5 fucknuggets instantly pick all attack characters like soldier/tracer/reaper/hanzo/widowmaker
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>like midnight american time
>queue with my european buddy in europe region
>we must've fucked the matchmaker in the ass with me jumping continents
>get down syndrome kids on our team that won't touch the cart
>5 minute matchmaking
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I really hate the helmet on that skin
>lose on a team with 3 McCrees

Good to know I just witnessed the global winrate for McCree plummet even further in real time.
>killed while behind cover
>their killcam
>I'm out in the open

lmao 20 tick
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the overtime horror stories were worse in Arcade, what with the massive CD time decrease meaning meis and reapers could basically stay invincible forever (and in mei's case, be actually invincible because free healing while in cryofreeze)
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>Lucio doesn't speedboost out of the spawn
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i used to do stuff like this until i realized my teammates are stupid and won't capitalize on the fact that every fucking one is now attacking me and ignoring them
>when you're saving up to buy a legendary skin, but you get the poorly colored alt skin instead as a drop

t..thanks I guess
Does anyone wanna play eu pc?

Why is Pharah's bikini not like the tohers.
>hate the helmet on that skin
>Djinnyatta and I never play that trash hero
you deserve to buy 25 more and get nothing but voice lines
maybe if you're a spastic who likes 1-3 heroes being miles better than everything else and 3-5 heroes being worthless as fuck, and enjoys abusing or getting abused by knockback
>Zenyatta hipsters

Playing a trash-tier hero doesn't make you cool
>midnight american time
>play in europe
>where it will be anywhere between 5-8am
>when everyone who isn't a child has work
Literally what the fuck did you think
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>people will stick to what they know in ranked
It's just going to make people more cancerous because they're losing. That's about it.
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You have my gratitude.

Koth's only flaw is that Lucio is literally mandatory if you want to win.

Otherwise, the maps are the most balanced.
No, people will honestly bitch that they deserve to be in Plat and that the shitters are bringing them down.

Honestly I really fear for a ranked system for this game. It's either gonna be nothing but harrassment because some bronze reinhart asks for everyone to stand behind his shield on a payload and gets bitched out or it's every wannabe badass doing their own thing with no coordination. The cancer that is the LoL community will befall this game likely once ranked starts.

It's not like there are ways to hyper carry in this game like mobas since you don't have a character progression
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>tfw uneven as fuck with Pharah
I just can't get the hang of her rockets.
>he wants poo coloured commando over dank night ops
wow friend

Invisibility for like 3 seconds even though OW said they don't want any invisibility skills
failing that, a personal barrier that just barely covers her and takes half the damage of a winston barrier with only 75% of the uptime
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>ragecap has left the group
>ragecap has left the voice channel
>ragecap stopped playing ow
>Trash tier
He's just a glass canon, he can easily do 170 damage a hit and with 20 balls that's 3400 in about 30 seconds.
I don't like the Overtime mechanic on koth either because it really drags games out
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Sure thing anon, sure thing.

Is it gonna be like SC2 where you play and get placed in different leagues?
They will, at least at higher levels.
All these people saying it wont are the same bronze shitter who complain about elo hell in LoL.

If you're actually good and get to a high rank you'll play with actually good people, like any other competitive game
It's one of those things only practice will fix
>Otherwise, the maps are the most balanced.
I think this is why I like KoTH. In a good match there's a ton of back and forth and it feels great re-taking a cap point when the enemy is close to victory. There's a lot of one-sided matches though and I do get what the other anon is saying about the "useless" heros in it.
>tfw I bought that skin
I think it looks better personally.
Indeed I want to cover her face and ass in honey and lick it off
He was mad dont bully him
>When you style on people as Genji and get a triple kill but play of the game goes to someone who just runs in, presses Q and gets like 30 kills without trying

Why does play of the game even exist if they're just going to give it to Junkrats and Reapers every game?
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The bikinis are designed to be their country's flags, friend, you just can't see much of Pharah's. The straps are red though.
Can Mercy revive people when they're pushed off the map?
Don't randomly jump into the air until you have an idea where the enemy sniper is
Once you know, she's actually pretty effective at taking them out because they're shitters with no awareness of their surroundings
Then you're free to go after enemy priority targets, there are only a handful of heroes that effectively deal with Pharah while she's in the air
Practice makes perfect. Most good Pharah's you see are probably Quake or Tribes vets so they've had plenty of it.
getting real sick of dying to q's, turrets, and snipers

just sucks the fun out of the game
Tracer, are you giving Widowmaker a blowjob?
Tracer is dead
Yes. there was a video on lebbit the other day of a mercy who did that to a pharah. It respawned pharah on the closest piece of solid ground it could which also happened to still be off the ledge.
It's retardedly powerful for the attack, and is pretty much a spit in the face to defence when you've held it all game. My suggestions for a rework would be:

>have overtime for first point captures subtract from given time for capturing points (so if it takes you three minutes of overtime to capture A, you are only awarded two minutes)
>overtime decay no longer resets each time the point is contested (this stops high mobility characters from cheesing the point and getting ridiculously long overtimes)
>Overtime captures only award half of regular time on captures
>teams do not get winning xp, the xp is split evenly between the teams, one for full time defense and one for overtime win
>defense overtime losses don't count as a loss towards your win/lose percentage
stats time
Then stop playing because its going to keep happening
I want to taste D.Va
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>Lose first point
>One widowmaker on team becomes two widowmakers
>second point collapses
The funny thing was the first widow was doing well. Two is just redundant.
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I'm getting the exact opposite.
I got three team kills with reapers ult in one long ass game, and the PotG went to our shitty pharah who killed one person with a rocket

>It's not like there are ways to hyper carry in this game like mobas since you don't have a character progression

Yeah, it's much easier because the game doesn't get significantly harder if someone keeps pooping on your Hanzo.

You can just murder the enemy team if you are significantly better than them.
It's really weak. Like 50 damage I think. Certainly not enough to make you rethink hiding behind a corner to duck into the mech.

All I want for D.Va outside of her mech is a smaller version of her mech's boost for escape and/or smaller defense matrix. Boom. 10x better.
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i paid $40 for a game with the smallest maps i've ever seen in an fps

why are all of the corridors and objective points so fucking tiny when the game is loaded with collateral bullshit on every character

even the "big" maps like kings row or numbani feel really small due to the spawn point routing, each segment is just a tiny corridor map with a few really poorly thought-out flanking tunnels that only work once

i dunno

i really want to like this game but the map variety and design just. JUST
to make me salty as fuck when I kill the fuck out of their team with no ult as 76 but it goes to a Mcree getting two kills with a nooner or a triple kill dragonstrike that your allies are too dumb to sidestep
It should decay with each reset at least
>Retards just spamming points with Junkrat.

Is there anything worse?
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Honestly I just like frogs. Unfortunately frog related things in video game tend to be aggressively unlikable. Like Lucio.

The snout is too long. I don't like canines.

Himawari is dope
and I'll keep complaining until it's fixed

they could patch out the mobashit
I played a lot of Quake back in the day, I just can't fucking get the hang of the rocket travel time.
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>get my first Junkrat PotG since getting a highlight intro for him
>it's just me getting an assist then blowing myself and a Mei up
That's where he's supposed to spam you retard
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>junkrat playing exactly how he's supposed to

I supposed retards posting in /owg/ is worse.
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Why is he so cute?
matchmaking is being extraordinarily shitty right now, the level of retardness i have to put up with is unheard of on this planet
Mfw the last 2 legendaries I've gotten are cybergoth zarya and this.

It's a good thing i got some nice ones on my frist levels otherwise I would have offed myself.
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Would you rather he spam a corner in the map where there aren't any players around?
Theres aiming and theres spamming.
>get a shitty POTG
>everyone laughs at it and spams "LOL SKILL"
>feel shitty even though I didn't pick the POTG
No they aren't. More than half of them have insta knockback kills for 3/4 of the roster either on the point or directly next to it which makes about 5 heroes virtually better than any others and having 2 or 3 almost necessary in every game.
None of them have any good positions for turrets or sentries/teleporters, which makes two heroes inherently useless because of the mode.

The maps are only "balanced" because they're symmetrical but that doesn't mean they don't have design flaws that make certain heroes way better than they should be.
Seriously, why are most KOTH points positioned where a Lucio, who already has an insane advantage, can just run in and secondary you off the edge for a free kill... as a support? Or have a Pharah just shift up into the air and smash her E in the middle and get a couple of eliminations?

And even if you were to say you enjoy the map, and even if the 'balance' was objectively true, why shouldn't we be able to pick the fucking modes? They are all substantially different. I don't care about the modes becoming irrelevant or the playerbases of them dying. That just means the modes and/or maps in the modes are shit and Blizzard, AS USUAL, need to pay more attention to the playerbase instead of forcing them into doing everything in the game instead of what they want to do.
unless it's koth, killing everyone won't win you the game. You still have to move the damn payload that all the shitters are allergic to for some bizarre reason.
You wouldn't know until you tried, and it's a stupid question in the first place since the amount of implications having a harness which fixes "you" in time is absurd. The actual descriptions say it's "her molecules" which slip in and out of specific times, which in all likelihood refers to the molecules which existed within the plane. A better question to ask would be "how does the food tracer eats follow her when she teleports instead of just dropping to the floor where she was?" etc. The best way to dodge that is to just claim she never has to eat and never ages or changes the atoms in her body (since the point when they become "hers"/"not hers" would be arbitrary) and can't be impregnated. Of course, even then you still have questions like "how does her body heal from wounds if it doesn't grow?" etc.

>A fact in regards to a categorical/organisational system is the same as a fact in regards to reality
>I group things this way, so they objectively are grouped this way
>Grouping is a reality rather than a model

I don't treat fetuses as individuals, but organizing content is not the same as discovering facts.
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>It's "myteam has 4 long range characters and all of them are incapable of shooting the turret" episode
i'm pretty sure late night matchmaking is what fucks with my win/lose ratio.
Gold medal for objective time with less than 5 seconds
I like that skin. Not as much as the helmet-off american flag recolor though.
>be bad at the game lose alot
>feeling worried about my win ratio check it
>mfw when its 50%

so even if i get better at a character, I'm trapped in 50%?
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>admittedly bad at OW
>thought people on my team would hate me
>all hate concentrated towards healer instead
>all he says is "gj guys" and "thanks"
Once I get out of this losing streak, sure. Do you want me to keep it as >greentext format or do people want shitty short story format?
>its a no one steps on the point so i have to get on it as mercy and put my full team res ultimate in danger episode
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>it's a we went 4 torbjorns and a lucio episode
>they don't get past point A
How did this person manage to make D.Va look like a dyke
What the fug
If he stopped spamming it you would go stand on it
He doesn't want you to go stand on it

Makes perfect sense to me
the forums are fucking comedy gold

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That was fun. Everyone went Junkrat the match after, for a while.
>Some guy i added from here invites me to a group
>One of the guys is talking about how he was good at csgo
>also keeps talking about dat boi meme
>rage quits after an awful game
>do this

>people bitch at you for nto standing still and holding down rmb
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rage train.jpg
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>be zarya picker
>enemy has a zenyatta
>he saves his ult for every time you use your ult
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dada da da daaaaaa DRAW.png
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I think i'm gonna play mccree for 20 games straight, like a modern day sisyphus
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>Be pretty bad
>Play as a healer
>Still pretty bad
>Swim in commendations anyway
>tfw he raises his hand and strokes her cheek
>kisses her softly
>tells her that heroes never die
>that's why she says it
>75% time played as support
not all heroes wear capes
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Can all the CS:GO faggots who think this game has to be 100% MLG headshot skill all the time kindly fuck off

This game is glorified rock paper scissors and that's not changing
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I don't like that some of the heroes have almost zero worth in the King of the Hill mode.
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>Muh romance
fuck off tumblr
I'd give her a grenade that instead of dealing damage, obscures the screen of any enemy caught by the explosion with spam- lots of GGs, ;) and random information all over
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>summer break
>game too fun to stop playing
>keep going to 4am then go to bed
>brain fried on playing too much
>go back to playing after 10min of doing nothing in bed
>people want me to do stuff with them so sleep 3 hours during afternoon then go out
>night time used to being awake don't stop playing until 5am then try to sleep
>going on 3 days with only 3 hours of sleep and have to be somewhere later tonight
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> Germany "Oktomnium Fest" map when ?
> France "Neo-Paris" map when ?
> Switzerland "Mountain pass" map when ?
> Australia "Junkers' desert" when ?
that is a cute boy.
Kids these days
>>mfw land helix direct on phara in midair

you talk like this is actually hard
Its probably me being trash at the game but how the fuck do you get to the first point in Hanamura when theres only one entrance
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>it's a 'nobody remembers the enemy team's torbjorn exists until his turret is stuck up their asses, and they promptly forget about him during the respawn time until the next time it happens' episode

Torbjorn's shift should only go on cooldown when his turret gets destroyed imo
I see you've never played against a good widow
Game is dead on arrival and the only thing blizzard should be doing is balance changes until it's playable
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>tfw literally in love with Mercy
>can't read English

Nothing he listed was hard you nincompoop, he said it was fun.
>Get my first Zenyatta POTG ever
>It's just me healing people then Discord + headshotting a Pharah frozen in place with her ult
>Like two minutes after that I popped an ult and killed 3 people at once
It's called "suppression", you dummy
I just played the worst game of Route 66 ever. Didn't even make it past spawn as attacker. No one got behind the shield and my last charge to contest lagged and sent me off a cliff. I need a drink
>Junkers' Desert
>It's a big radioactive pile of sand with one rock.
>existing past 2050
get someone with mobility to go through the window on the left or rush through the door on the right past the gate, once you're there you have a lot more options
PotG is getting a rework in the upcoming patch, apparently
Reinhardt shielding for a push while your team clears enemies behind it. Alternatively have a couple winstons leap over the window and start going ape-crazy. There's a reason everyone hates that shit map.
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nigger fuck you
I love love
Terry loves love
Also Tumblr wouldn't support two white heterosexual characters are you fuckin' kidding me look at your own post
>tfw all you play is D.VA and Pharra

I wish more heroes had vertical movement.

Hole in the top left is an entrance you have mobility. Then you can loop all the way left to the actual point.
Though you will get seen pretty much always.
it's like all the mental institutes in the world have decided that today is world overwatch day
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Funny you should say that
>playing KOTH
>level 76 widow is thrashing our team
>they still lose because she wasn't on the point
>team raging at her in allchat
>next game is Gibraltar
>racks up loads of sick headshot kills
>team just push the payload and win anyway
>team rage at her in allchat for ignoring the objective again
>mfw running this on a 3 year old laptop

It somehow runs Just Cause 3 oh med/high. Definitely getting something new this year.
I hope pic is unrelated.

Rat and hog are insanely good for first 2 points in Nepal
>They all scramble back in
>5 seconds later

not with that faggy attitude
You're right
4th reich incoming, this time it's the muslims doom
if she was trashing your team none of you would be alive to do anything about it
unless the widows team was full of drooling retards cause of coruse you can't carry an entire team by yourself if they don't do anything at all
Well I fucking hate it (it's not even good ironically) and I barely use S76
Its faster than Quake or TF2 Soldier rockets but the blast radius is a lot tighter than those two by alot. The effective blast radius anyway, you can get somebody on the edge but its scaling damage so its going to do very little damage on the outer area of the radius
who is this person and why is she becoming the /owg postergirl
top kek
>not wanting to be a stuntman

let me guess, you main reaper.
>Should note that in loading screen my fps is 50-60 but then drops.
I just cant..
>win 4 in a row
>lose 4 in a row
yeah this game is really fun
when the fuck is ranked
Nope, the only offensive I play is pharah pretty much.

you actually think ranked is going to solve anything, that's hilarious
Blizzard bought Soe to use as a personal cum depository/talking grill.
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>Junktown map

Let it fucking happen. I'd love to fight in a desert wasteland surrounded by scrap and radiation hot zones
I think the game is pretty well optimized, there's not a lot of shit that rapes your framerate that I can see

The only thing I noticed is that windowed borderless gives me terrible framerate compared to fullscreen
ranked won't match me with utter morons cause they must have somehow attained the mmr they're at
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unless you're on defense, in which case killing everyone is literally your job, because dead men push no payloads
New Thread

>not a shanty town with the corpses of omniggers hanging everywhere
>no junkrat saying it's great to be back home
>no zarya or torbjorn saying it's their kind of town
>no zenyatta flipping his shit
>no bastion cowering in fear

Junkertown would be the best map imo
yeah suuuuure it won't
Okay I have a question.
>Tracer goes through Symmetra's portal
>Portal is destroyed
>Tracer rewinds

What happens? I'm figuring she just goes back to wherever the exit portal was?

>everyone should be a mopey cunt like me
What are your guys' ideas for new heroes?

I think a socially awkward 1337 HACKER would be fun. Like he could be a sort of meta-character talking about how sloppy the game is programmed and his primary fire would be typing into a keyboard. His ult could be like "hacking" into an enemy player and controlling them for a few seconds
it would probably cancel and only take her back to where the portal exit was
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>play Reinhardt
>get some GMRGRL named somethingsomethingkitten level 10 pocket healslut that follows me around spamming heal beam as we charge into victory three times
>Mercy finally swaps teams
>enemy offense team only has Winston
>Mercy flopping about trying to follow the jumping ape who jumped straight over me into the blue room at the first checkpoint in Numbani Escort to fight two teammates
>see Mercy cowering in a corner crouching while spamming heal on him as he moves toward teammates into the room
>imagine pic related
>get near Mercy and hesitate for a second then orb of discord headshot
I actually felt bad and wish I let someone else kill Mercy.
>this was my first legendary skin
I'ma soldier for life

feels fucking bad because I spammed him so much he's now the only character I'm moderately competent with anymore
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It's ok, just take a quick look.
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>It's a "have a chance to kill a sniping widowmaker at point blank" episode

>The episode has a bad ending
A mad scientist with a poison goop shooter. Has goggles and a doctors mask, black rubber gloves, the works
I recommend Winston

I also play those heroes, vertical movement is OP
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she also has a cock
>self insert the character

An actual idea I had would be for a support who has a multibeam for healing, and a single damage beam. He'd also have jumps similar to winston, although on a shorter cooldown, so he's kind of a trade off between mercy and lucio's healing and mobility for higher damage. He'd also have a tanky looking suit called the odin system, which would also have a helmet with a single eye visor, to go more with the odin theme, also he'd have the beam rifle which he'd call Yggdrasil, as it branches. He'd be a gentle giant type like reinhardt personality wise, but less battle hardened, more soft and friendly. Also he'd be scandinavian and speak in broken english kind of like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvWIl26-oY4
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ITT: We pick out weapon/ability combinations to make one super-broken character that's really just different skills put together.

Rules: All skills must be bound to a different key (so you can't have two lshift abilities, two ults, etc.)
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>tfw only 30 fps with absolutely everything set to low on my laptop
Pharah with Bastion L-Shift, 76 ult, and I don't care about the E
I notice there's a Competitive (preseason) in my statistics tab but I don't see any way of playing that.
Is it only available to certain people?
Torbjorn's ult is hillariously broken as it stands. The instant 800 hp on the turret needs nerfing.
Junkrat with Soldier 76's Ult, his own shift, and I have no idea for an E. Soldier's maybe
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The next support should be some chick who literally piggybacks on other players.

From her platform on top of the other hero she got a few abilities:
>Shift swaps between giving bonus armor or a slow hp regen
>E to give wallhacks for a few seconds to herself and the hero she's riding
>M1 gives bonus movement speed
>m2 enters and exits piggyback mode

Her ultimate would be that she makes herself and the hero she's piggybacking immortal for a few seconds.

She'd be the perfect flanker support.
tracer teleport + junkrat trap + soldiers gun
Yeah man shooting into objectives from a safe distance is really hard.
Actually hitting people when you're attacked is the hard part, spamming chokes is easy, its the surviving and hitting tracers, genji's etc who hunt you that seperates a good JR from a bad one.
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