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Destiny General - /dg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 768
Thread images: 166

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>>> RESET INFO <<<
Nightfall - Makok with Epic, Solar Burn, Brawler, Grounded and Match Game
CoE - Grenade kill bonus, Airborne and Exposure
Iron Banner: Control is live - Sidearm, Fusion Rifle, Arms, Chest
Trials of Osiris: Exodus Blue

Weekly update- https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/44746/7_This-Week-At-Bungie---05192016

>>> LINKS <<<
Check anyone's status: http://destinystatus.com/
Stalk your ToO opponents: http://www.destinytrialsreport.com/
Looking for game: http://www.destinylfg.com
Artwork sources: https://www.artstation.com/artist/dorje - https://www.artstation.com/artist/josephacross
All Grimoire cards: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0gOLes9MIsw
Blacklist: http://pastebin.com/dh4tEwDL
TTK Grimoire cards: http://www.ishtar-collective.net/releases/the-taken-king
Ghost locations: http://destinyghosthunter.net/
>Destiny General - /dg/
I think it's funny how zoppy always has to make it known he's here. Same images, same stupid title.
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Fucking christ, looking for Destiny Artwork isn't that fucking difficult

Stop using this one, we've used it for over 50 threads
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>my mfw when people wait till beddy bye-bye time to start all the fun and activities
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Who wants to name my new kitties.
One's the mama and the other is a boy

Enjoy you're brain parasites
stream bitches
Xth for if you look real close Vogs n Crotas?
if zip doesnt stream, i will
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Not with you
shut up retard that is the entire collection of official artwork thus far and is important
>he owns fish/dogs
Smoky or Jake
I see nothing wrong with the title.

More like I've used it for over 50 threads lmao.

I just don't have that many other images and I go for the first one.

Cute :3

Yo do you seriously want to stare at a fucking loading screen until smoky gets back?

As for the two posters in the last thread that said they wanted to come, what are your PSNs? Otherwise it looks like it's going to be a 4man run.
go back to giving handicapped children handjobs
Who? No really I want to know who this insult applys to
has the playerbase just been slowly shrinking? has bungie done anything to stop this or are they focusing everything on the next big fall expansion and the sequel?
I like smoky
what part of "stream bitches" do you not understand ?
they've been actively driving the playerbase away.
it has always been a classy name for a cat
Are you calling me a bitch and asking for a stream or do you want someone to stream actual bitches?

Or is that both for calling me a bitch and wanting me to stream a raid full of bitches?

If you're calling me a bitch fuck you.



Smoky is back.

I'd join, but lol fuck all of you
why dont tethers disappear after the hunter dies? Ward of Dawn disappears after a titan's death and bolt grenades dont even cast if the thrower dies before they get the chance
>Are you calling me a bitch and asking for a stream or do you want someone to stream actual bitches?

Either sounds fine tbqhfam
I sent a friend request to Noobish but he hasn't rejected. It's ok if you don't want to take a low level like me though. Sorry for wasting your time.
y.you too
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Can you do this refer a friend thing with a friend who already plays, or does it have to be their first time ever starting the game for it to work? or what?

Noobish party is up.

Whoever was dying for a stream, it's up.

i dont see one? did i add you already? i never turn down a request
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>they've been actively driving the playerbase away.
Im down
are niggers aloud to play destiny?
that's not the proper terminology for that meme
how so?
test of a dying playerbase;
how do you guys feel about overwatch?
it's fun, but it gets boring quick. i'd say wait until it goes on sale but who knows when that'll be
they made stupid changes to pvp that are universally hated for a reason. It's stupid that my win percentage went from above 60 percent to at most 30 now. It has nothing to do with me playing worse. I consistently get put on teams where all my teammates are just as bad as truejiro and the opposing team has 5.0 kds across the board.
>Handcannon Reload gauntlets
>its the ugly "Camelot" version
>I consistently get put on teams where all my teammates are just as bad as truejiro
then you are doing fine quit complaining
but truejiro is garbage. He drags all teams down, can't imagine having 5 of him on my team.
We all have our fair share of bad games, does not make it all of our games however
didn't you learn trueshitter, shut the fuck up.
five of me would bring wins, people just like to show me in a bad light and only post games where I am negative in a premade where it is significantly harder for me to do well in.
Love you all
people aren't showing you in a bad light when that's the norm you fucking idiot. Stop fucking falling for bait, we all already know you're shit, stop denying it.
>this raid
This is why you don't take 300 light shitters, zippy
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Literally had one full day of mess ups on my worst character since two days ago does not make it he norm. too bad I can no longer play...
Wipe counter:
>look you up on destinytracker
>one full day of mess ups
>worst character
>not the norm
you're retarded.
I acknowledge I was playing terrible, ad I'm retarded for it??? wew
>I acknowledge I play terrible

you denying that and making excuses is why you're retarded.
not really, you just want to see me that way.
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>Can't recognize he sucks ass at the game so he blames others for his reputation as a shit player
>"It's not MY fault, it's YOURS!"

You literally cannot make this shit up
>You literally cannot make this shit up
buddo you're doing it so right now,
Stop being bullies you
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>replying to DJ Orwell 3.0
Fucking stop
your stats aren't me making shit up. You are fucking garbage, just stop posting.
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Oh I see you just hate me...
nah, I'm indifferent towards you, but I think it's retarded how you're delusional about how shit you are and are always making bs excuses.
Hi /Dg/ I got a simple question.

From a 'lore' point of view there's some sort of relation between classes and primary weapons:
->Hand cannons for hunters
->Auto Rifles for Titans
->Scout Rifles for Warlocks
Then, who are pulse rifles suposed to be related to? Aside from faggots of course :v
I never said I was the best but I am a decent player overall, as for 'bs' excuses go I did terrible and kept doing terrible thoughout the day, not very bs.
pulse rifles suposed to be related to?
Preadyth has a pulse rifle but no one remembers that.
it's okay dragonheart but pls stream
>I never said I was the best but I am a decent player overall, as for 'bs' excuses go I did terrible and kept doing terrible thoughout the day, not very bs.
case in point
you're not a decent player
you do terrible consistently
very bs
Hello aNon I've got quite the answer for you.
>Preadyth has a pulse rifle but no one remembers that.
I know about that one. But even in the trailers no one seems to be using one. Actually aside from the starnger's one and Praedyth's I can't think of any other one. Tbh pulse rifles are fun but weird.
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>RNG hates your guts
What are you talking about? He didn't cause a wipe once and did great.
Uhmm, what? Sorry I just had a couple drinks and I can't tell if I'm being stupid or trolled
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Weapons aren't tied to a class

Most guardians use whatever they want, but certain guardians prefer certain weapons because of their style or class abilities (Defenders who use Shotguns or Gunslingers who use Snipers)

Our playable guardian being able to use whatever he wants isn't just made that way for gameplay, most guardians do exactly that.
>you do terrible consistently
untrue, my performance with other buddos varies
now for solo cruci I do better in since kills are easier to obtain so staying positive is pretty much guaranteed unless I am facing a bunch of tryhards and my teammates are retarded
Whats the best way to grind for gear at light level 295?

A) Vanguard Strikes
B) Prison of Elders
C) Crucible

I just came back, why do titans feel so shit compared to everyone else now. I used to love Striker/Defender Titan and now I feel like shit compared to everyone else. Sunbreaker is ok I guess but I dont like it personally
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Yeah; I know. It's kind of fun to see huge titans holding tiny pistols close to their body or really slim huntresses holding gigantic rocket launchers and doing rolls on the ground.
warlocks are huger and slimmer
poe41, that drops stuff up to 320, then you can start raidin
why is that enji shaking?
that delusion tho
step 1 complete
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>not having max grimoire
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like VoGs n Crotas?
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It's pulse for warlocks. PRs deliver measured, calculated bursts of power, much like a warlock.

ARs for titans. Unrelenting, automatic, continuous force of power.

Scouts for hunter obviously. Precise, deliberate and deadly shots, wielded by a marksman.

HCs were originally special weapons. But since that changed, they're ambiguous in terms of class usage. Revolvers are fitting of space cowboys, space wizards and space paladins.

especially with gunslinger which can be useful with any weapon
>But since that changed, they're ambiguous in terms of class usage
they're not, they're a hunter's weapon. always have been, always will be.
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>he doesn't know
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So let me get this straight.
My friend and I have played this game since launch and bought all of it's expansions.

And for our loyalty, Bungie is telling us "you can only get these Two Player Emotes or play this exclusive quest if you're just starting the game today"?

WHAT the FUCK is that about?
Anyone for some IB?
please distract me from the thunder flubbing plays
I haven't played for awhile, since I upgraded consoles. Probably stopped a few months before the last update. Anything change for the better, and should I get back into it?
>I have them both and you dont
Give me a minute
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To a corporation, there is no incentive to keep existing customers. They got your money, they don't care if you fuck off or are dissatisfied. Their interest is in acquiring new customers, so they create exclusive content for new players.

This is the Way of the Jew. Even -IF- Bungie cares, Activision doesn't, and they're the ones making these decisions.
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>about to rank up Crucible for the 5th time this week
>didn't use any bounties to get to max IB
>STILL no fucking sniper chestpiece
i dont want to play this shit anymore bungie
Shut up Autism-Hero

2/6 for IB, probably gonna get going as soon as someone else gets in here
sending a friend request
Got this vanity from rankup pack, anyone has the Pre april update vendor one? Interested if same rolls.

Arrows are braced frame

Also. You can still Crash the game with this Firefly shit...
Do I need a mic?
not really, I just have mine in cause headset audio
2/6 btw, join on me
They have to be new to the PS4/Xbone version.
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>Sticking your barrel in the dirt
If they've been playing for less than a week on current gen destiny than you can refer them.
>when you join late for the anime porn stream
at least theres vods

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Question: the war against the Darkness.

Are we winning or losing?

>anime porn

its not yet the dark middle chapter so we're winning, then we'll come close to losing everything and then finally we will win because its a video game story.
[fucks up niggerly]
>a premade where it is significantly harder for me to do well in.

you're even a shitter when it comes to making excuses.
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Man its so true...
How much armor does the chest pieces give when you match subclass?
irl we're losing look at /dg/ lmao

are you his bbygirl?
no he is
Not yet,still getting used to the whole bf thing, but getting your dick sucked is getting your dick sucked so I have no complaints
my nigga
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I know we're losing, I want to know if we've lost.
nah man they just gotta boot up the traveler
rip in reeses pieces Original Bungie
>t The Darkness
>solo IB
>always top of the scoreboard
>IB with pub
>mid to bottom of scoreboard
the fuck?
"t. kat" you imbecile.
I don't even have time to explain why I don't have time to explain
It seems as if you either lower your skill while playing with others, or there are others that are better than you
probably the latter
Inb4 "who's kat?"
3/6 for iron banner with booster

Join on AstronomicalAtom

Join up only if you aren't a fag
no thanks. i dont feel like hearing you moan and say "fuck me harder daddy" every five minutes
i'd join but you're a boyfriend stealing bitch so fuck you >:c
Ignore it, I don't do any of this shit

2/6 if anyone wants to join
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Months have passed.

A saddened qt.

But she must move one.

Work out once more.

So we can all see this.


Because if you look.

Look really REALLY close.

You can still see them.

Right there.

All six.

Of her rippling.

Abdominis rectus.
>finally win a match
>everyone leaves
it was yellow bar hell cyanide
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who is with you. also lel just ignore and report famalamadingdong
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Excellent detective skills, my man.

Not using a mic, cool if I join?
No not again....
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>Raze-Lighter a Striker out of his super
>get fan mail

Oh man this is the best.
>go into mayhem rumble with universal remote+HI sniper WOL combo

>get a friend request and fan mail
deeply enjoyable
And the picture is need because?
Is Thousand-Yard Stare still the best sniper? For some reason I was under the impression that April update changed that
cuz he's got to show off how not a shitter he is
Shitposting reasons, same reason you're being a snarky fag
longbow is currently the best legendary for pvp
>tfw i can dust all of you in a 1 v 6
>lfg is dead
time to move to another game i guess
Yeah maybe 1 v 6 hide and seek
1v1 me i rumble I will dust you hard
>Thinks he can BTFO someone
>Doesn't realise that the same applies to him

>he doesn't know about the effect joff has on internet and lagging out people
I have only won like 6 IB games so far.

And don't come with this premade team bullshit. I played with you and we still lost.
Because das why he was mad. And why you're mad too apparently
where you raging hard and screaming into your mic? doing that tilts anyone that plays in a group

speaking of dusting 1 v 1 playlist when????

I have lisp and only use microphone among people I trust so no.
>doesn't realize joff can literally just wait until time ends and all of /dg/ are skeletons
Should have played on Wednesday when everyone playing Destiny was playing. I haven't won a game since then.
who the hell were you playing with so i can blacklist them? a team i was with were playing earlier and we won every game except 1, even won via mercy rule once
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>in time of need
>reinforced barrel
>performance bonus
>warlock asspucci
Aw I have a lisp too, we could play together hat platform?
>skullfort rerolling is bugged

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thic girlls re the best
angry homo detected
What do you mean?
>The King is Dead: Very Rare 9.7%
>Long Live the King: Ultra Rare 5.0%

This can't be right
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>liking girls
But it is.

We call each other shitters and trash despite being part of the elite players of destiny.
If only it was good stats wise unless the in game stats lie.
The stats change but the perks don't.
>muh stats
conspiracy is not the only good shotgun out there anon
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>using the thicc meme
>not thinking you're a faggot
so who here is going into mayhem rumble with universal remote, a sniper, as a void-hunter with invisible smokes and muh crutch roll, and hunted perks
I know it's not but the stats on that gun make no sense what so ever. Which is a shame because I LOVE how it looks.

But I feel the stats lie just like with Red Spectre
>not liking thick girls
I mean a cute boy is fine too I guess,but you are missing out
I've been rerolling mine for muh t12 and it always had melee oriented perks, because that's what it's for, like the melee orbs and Hands On, with the other Super energy perk being the only thing that changes. Should be obvious, but it has Strength as a permenant stay.
Thing is, unlike red specte it's a shotgun.
just get up close and there are no worries
>using lfg


Has Bob killed Oryx on HM yet?
Yeah but glass needles are supposed to reroll everything like usual. Kind of shitty to not be able to have inverse shadow.
How about no to both?
>reroll everything like usual
That's wrong. Glass Needles don't completely reroll everything. I rerolled my Ram and everytime it always had Inverse Shadow and the melee orb perk, with Strength as a permanent stay. No Backup Plans also always roll with Shotgun Reloader and Strength. I am not sure if all exotic armors have permanent perks, but those do.
you like twig girls or a manly man? either way bad taste
Definitely not all of them have set perks, the majority of my exotics I've had rerolled with all kinds of perk combos. Just a shame about that, it actually makes the armor piece worse not being able to roll it how I want, makes me not want to use it.
Yeah, it's a shame. But I need a Dis/Str helmet, I'm not using an exotic, and this Banner isn't dropping helmets, so I'm stuck with it for the moment.
Neither. I prefer in shape girls.
You're still a fag.
>the majority of my exotics I've had rerolled with all kinds of perk combos
This I rolled a suros regime with high caliber rounds the other day
Use predator and black hole. Lay traps in open areas and wait invis until someone inevitably walks by
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get anything good from IB yet, /dg/?
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R8 the Villainy and a Longbow with Shotgaze/Life Support/Injection Mold/Unflinching
Anyone down for normal mode oryx? Need three. PS4.
Anyone doing late nite IB?

Sir we don't replay to Anonymous lfg posts. You need to tell us your PSN.

Who is this cocksnot pot?
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Probably my best IB in a long time
>Chest and Arms got me to T12, 5/5/2
> got >>143738260
>Sidearm with SureShot, CC, Outlaw
>Fusion Rifle with RF, BF, and HF
>bunch of 335 specials, chests, and arms for Infusion
Best part is I'm not even R5 on any of my characters yet

Wow look at this paranoid fuck not making sense
Zippy is streaming
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Well, you got me outranged :^)
You can literally sprint past a tether trap that's how long it takes to set off.
Not sure if you can still do this, but if stormcalling, you can Landfall and destroy a tether.
pls no
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Yes and it also destroys bubbles. Warlocks are OP, old news
le epic soccer meme
Well, most people wouldn't risk using Stormtrance near a tether, and Landfall doesn't kill Bubbles anymore. No need to be passive aggressive .
Im sorry im american, what happened?
nothing important
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this fucking raid team
>landfall doesn't pop bubbles anymore

It does. Happened to me in Mayhem just the other day.
>Im sorry im american,

That's ok, it's not your fault. Apology accepted.

Also, learn what a fucking apostrophe is you fast yank pig
Im sorry I didnt trigger did I? if so im sorry. Also hows Islamic Europe treating you?
asalaam alaykum eurofriend
But, bungo said in the stream they were lowering the damage of landfall to not have it pop bubbles
>even won via mercy rule once
>only once
who the hell were you playing with so i can blacklist them?
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Considering that you can't use commas properly, I don't see why you're talking eurotrash.
a fem striker titan
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any IB groups going on?
No fem titans allowed
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>finally get in a good pub team
>"we are splitting up these teams to find a better match"
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Whoever recorded this was retarded enough to be killed by the suppression field. Probably some MLG CoD kiddie Hunter triple jumping through the air throwing knives into space.
Ive been playing a lot of Bladedancer and when I switch over to Gunslinger I dont even find Triple jump useful at all, it feels like it sets you back. Now using Triple jump while running Bones is another story, that makes Triple jump feel worthwhile.
>Those pauldrons
Looks like a Sith Warrior from SWTOR
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>trying to aim TLW with those gauntlets
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>~130 games
>playing IB with randoms
>constant On The Bright Side medals
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Noob Warlock, rapidly approaching 40. What kind of subclass is good for King's Fall Raid, I've maxed Voidwalker which is my favorite, Sunsinger is next on my plate. Stormcaller was just unlocked.
Sunsinger is the safe pick for raids because of self-res. Its just an easy pick with a crutch, and they have a good defensive ability with their Flame Shield and they have good grenades. Stormcaller can absolutely wreck King's Fall because theres tons of areas where all the adds are stacked up and you can clean them up quickly, with good crowd control abilities with their grenades and good synergy with their ability options. Voidwalker is probably the worst pick, mostly because their super is very limited in use as its a one and done.
they're all kinda as useless as each other but if you're not great at staying alive in PvE sunsinger would be best
So as Sunsinger you need to hold onto your super the whole raid?

Also is this video still accurate? You might have seen it before

>you can't use commas properly,

I love to see ignorant fools TRY to correct me, so go ahead you fat shit.

If you knew how to use commas you wouldn't have inadvertently apologised for your dogshit nationality.
>So as Sunsinger you need to hold onto your super the whole raid?
Not necessarily, it can be useful to generate orbs for your team, but most people who run Sunsinger save it the entire raid just in case. As you get better with the raid and more comfortable with you, you'll be able to pop it off frequently and know when to hold on to it for a safety net.

As for builds, when I run KF I run Sunsinger with Sunbreakers exotic gauntlets, run Touch of Flame/Viking Funeral and Solar grenades. Then use Flame Shield for safety. Run max armor/recovery for the majority of the raid, switching out to max agility for the ship jump puzzle for safety and then mid agility for Daugthers just in case you end up being the runner.

For the most part, Warlock supers aren't as effective in the raid, as the video says its more reliant on weapon damage particularly Sniper Rifles than it is smart super use.
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>Implying that was me.
>Implying I am not just taking an opportunity to insult a eurocuck and his grammar.
>and then mid agility for Daugthers just in case you end up being the runner.
what is this epic meme
Just a safety net because Warlock jump is shit. You could just jump off the ledge and self-res but don't be a shitter.
I'm gonna go.

Go and play... Destiny©
how about you git gud?
double press x
press x
drop to platform
Don't be a faggot about it, Jesus Christ.
you could just get gud
or in your case that would activate your super wouldn't it :^)
double press L1
press L1
drop to platform
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>been saving up Sterling whilst at college
>checking each week to add more
>opened first 5
>full Desolate set
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Nice job anono
This thread is boring.
Let's have an argument to spice it up.

There is nothing wrong with AA snipers
>inb4 butthurt shotgun fags
There was never anything wrong with Shot Package and taking it out was a mistake.

low/mid damage shotguns are all useless in PvE. This includes Stolen Will. High impact is the only damage variant with returns good enough to justify the drawbacks of shotguns
TLW should have never been nerfed at all, it was a balanced hand cannon that took skill and only normies hated it because they could not get the timing down.
I was with you until you mentioned skill. Its a full auto hand cannon, lets not be crazy.
There is nothing wrong with any of the weapons.
You do more DPS with mid impact ones though.
i was thinking a long time ago that they shouldn't nerf last word at all but make it manual fire instead of fullauto
i had no problem with AA until bungie nerfed impact on guns making it practically easy for snipers to kill us
89% of the people in this game are utter shit and they sadly control what it 'OP' and what is not due to being the majority. Lots of weapons we use require skill tat barely anyone has.
the whole point was for it to be a full auto handcannon.
lmao i had a very nice paragraph going then realized it's just not worth having the discussion, i'll just go play the game and hoard my really meh rolled guns
I never used it as an auto and I did nothing but ruin people with it.
when will they finally remove Pantheon?

That map is fucking awful with this game's "balance". It's down there with Exodus Blue.
do you know know how to time your grenades around a corner and use a shotgun? Or do you like to sit in the tunnel and challenge snipers then get pissed off when you can't out AA the enemy on the opposite side
Opinion: Thorn should be buffed for Year 2.
yes, now stop trying to stay on topic
>throw scatter grenade at enemies
>doesnt scatter on impact
>bounces away
>get swiss cheesed
why does this keep happening?
>Team of random inbred fucktards can't hold a zone if their lives depended on it
use nothing manacles
No fucking idea. It's really annoying, it even happens in PvE.
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Black Shield will always be the king of shit maps for me

>Auto doors
>B in control is a hollow dome that might as well be renamed grenade pit
>Heavy inside is for shotgun rushers, outside is for snipers, hardest heavy to secure
>Shit indoor area that gives an advantage for the ones who hold it is all that matters since no one goes outside on Clash
>Rifts are highly defender fortresses with only 2 routes

It's just the worst, Drifter and Anomaly are fucked because of shitgunners but this map is the one where you know nobody is leaving with a higher than 2.0 kd
Bungie thinks these physics are acceptable

Did anyone keep track how many times they died due to "misadventures"?
>throw scatter grenade at enemies
>at enemeis
that's where you fucked up
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>Scatter grenade
>Nothing Manacles

Step up sempai
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>Bannerfall + The Jade Rabbit

I'm scrub but this fucking gun is made for this map. Locked down tree and just destroyed. Still lost cause it was IB.
Jade rabbit a best
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>having numbers in your psn id/gt
that shit and just about any other scout rifle that highlights targets are perfect for dungeons

just get on either side of the balconies near point b and rekk erryone
Use gauntlets with increased grenade throw distance

Also make sure you aim it at someone
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anyone playing in a ib group? anyone doing anything?
>it takes 20 minutes just to find a fucking game in league of assfaggots

Why are the people who play this game so stupid? Me included for STILL playing this piece of shit.
I actually recorded all of mine. If I were to webm them all it would be 5*the 4chan limit, even at low settings
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is dragons breath and thunderlord the only things you can get from exotic heavy engrams now? I swear to god ive been getting nothing but dragons breaths
super good advice and truth
>nobody is leaving with a higher than 2.0 kd
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>enemy bustin a move for heavy
>five guys literally runnin into my shotgun pellets
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Can I get some help here?
I haven't played since December i think, and I wanna get back on track, right now I'm 289 light, what activities should I do?
Thanks in advance.
do that reef shit variks wants you to do
If you're gud at crucible do Iron banner
This game is just so inherently flawed I doubt Destiny 2 has an actual chance at being not shit.
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you shit cunts that are quite simply shit at crucible or whatever need to get out and stay out
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>le git gud

Getting a high k/d in any map is easy, that map most of all

Just stay outside and snipe retards with a scout from the top of that white thing and your k/d will skyrocket

What i mean by that is that is you are playing with randos, every single one of the will rush inside the whole game and get decimated, while you stick around outside for 2 hours with 2 or three guys appearing once in a while

That Map appeals to the worst habits this game attracts, mainly shotgun rushing and blindly running into an area and using anything to try to get a kill with no real guarantee of you living after the factI if you play black shield, the chances of you getting killed by a Primary are at an all time low, unless it's a high rof AR, because god knows how hard it is to get kills with that, right?

Fuck me typing this hurts my eyes, i need to rest for a while

Black Shield a shit

Staying in that 2 way corridor is a good way to get killed by grenades, friend

But then again, why would i ever expect randoms to actually think for half a second.
If it isn't bunghole has some explaining to do since that is all they have apparently been working on
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>try out bumper jumper for the first time
>decide IB is the right place to start
>accidental super activations and grenade tosses galore
>fuck knows what the melee button is
>jumping like a retard
2nd match
>still look like a tard but do gud
>TFW use default layout
>then I press square
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>tfw no pucciness-x to raid with
This focused fire Soulstealer's Claw is putting out some insane damage. Completely replaced my fusion for mid-range sustained DPS.
does she even come here anymore? These slav pics are piling up
>tfw no soulstealer
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this is wrecking niggers. will hidden hand make it worse for those 3v1 fights
>first victory since IB launched
>800 something rep
Hasn't been online in a while.

Probably busy burning refugee shelters.
1/6 for hm king's fall
Get them packages n then strikes or patrols, blues will drop gear to increase your light. Afrer 305 packages will guarentee higher light stuff to increase your light.
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1/3 comfy cozy rep boost strikes
I can come
Lord High Fixer with Outlaw and Reinforced Barrel is pretty sick.
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the sun.png
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Are the drops for normal crucible anything like the drops at iron banner? And are they affected by crucible rank? I only really play the multiplayer when it's iron banner
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I'll be there shortly :^)
3/6 for hm kings fall
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5th match on bumper jumper
>3 supers

>implying it wasn't you
>not knowing the difference between syntax and grammar
>being a fat uneducated yank pig

I'll be glad when president trump sends you and your ilk to reeducation camps.

I used to hate it, now I go to the corridor and kill the snipers with my colovance, it's also become my favorite rift map because I dunno like a crazy man on it.

I don't really see why people complain so much about snipers tbhfamilymember. Whenever I use a sniper, this mythical as which draws the bullet to their heads through magic never happens.

I still don't really like pantheon, but I don't hate it. The real fuckry starts when some mook pushes past apoint b and flips the spawns so you've got cunts coming from all sides and your team breaks.
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I will get on with my Titan. No mic until I really have to.
4/6 for hm kings fall
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1 more for a fresh KF HM.
fuck it i'll join, the mic i have is really fucked up so i won't be talking much
Who /statpad/ here? Tfw have to try to lose so the potatoes don't get separated

>0 captures

>responded to wrong post


i was too exited to call this bitch a cancer he is. glad i deleted you when prince told me to.
Prince wouldn't tell you to delete me, I don't think you think I am who I actually am.
If I cap points the game ends faster and I can't stat pad :(
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>capping points
I bet you're that guy who caps relics
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>Completing objectives

I bet you cleanse shitters who get marked as well
anyone for an agnorach rune? got one charged so come along
>people from Indonesia
>japanese dogs
dead game holy shit these connections
people like you two are the reason I go 12k-19k in control due to not capping zones
How many bronze medals did you earn today?

Must be 23 or so for me.
0 because i dont play this god awful game LOL
Get good you bronze scrub
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>literally too retarded to understand the concept of stat padding
stat padding does not make you win if we get triple capped retard

go play clash
Same, gave my disk away to a coworker LOL
He apparently didn't get triple capped you god damn retard
he's also got 5k points
The only reason to cap points is when you lose them in the first place, shitter.
>losing points in the first place
>calling others shitters
this raid............... just fuck my shit up fampai
No and no. Regular crucible drops are garbage and only the rank up packages are worth anything.

This meme is getting old, faggot. Get a new one.
>Lead all game long by 3000 points
>Team of randoms completely falls apart in the last three minutes

I have lost count how many times this happened.
I used to wonder what causes this, but I'm just numb these days.
>but I'm just numb
I can feel you there anon

randos suck
You can win by kills alone family. Capping the points is just easier for shitters to end the game faster
>Capping the points is just easier for shitters to end the game faster
damage control, if you want to stat pad go to clash, control was made for capping the points. You cannot win by kills alone if your whole team is camping like retards while the enemy team triple caps you and picks you all off one by one for triple the points.

I wish I could disable Shaxx commentary.
I've given up and now try for 5 minutes but when I see we are getting destroyed I switch to random as fuck weapons I have never used and just dick around with them. My k/d is none existent at this point.
>Dynamite with a Laser Beam hits for 19k damage plus 3k from the explosion

Da fuck am I looking at?
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Death from Above.webm
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Post Iron Banner webms
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Okay guys, I'm level 37 and Light Level 185. I have saved up all my blue engrams like an anon suggested, not sure when I should I start opening them. I have the same amount of weapon and armor engrams
>two pieces of 334 armor and a 334 hatchet, which he sold a perfect roll of already
Someone please remind me i put myself through this shit
>You cannot win by kills alone if your whole team is camping like retards while the enemy team triple caps you and picks you all off one by one for triple the points.

Yes you can you shitter. Look at the other half of the enemy team >>143765094
Even with 3 caps those retards wouldn't have won.
Wait until you are level 40 to decrpt them all. Also dont decrpt them all at the same time. Do it one by one so you can get high level stuff. Just put on the highest level gear you get as you go on to ensure you get high light drops
Check every single item you decrytp. If it's higher light than what you have, switch it.
Always decrypt whatever is your current lowest light piece.
You should just get those 3 more levels though, might aswell be max level when reaping your rewards.
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Thanks, I've already been practicing with green engrams, so I can maximize my gains. The anticipation is palpable
>Spend all match just defending Zone C
>This banished enemy spawns on either A or B
>Random team mates constantly dick around spot B
>Enemy can only spawn at point A
>Perfect spot to see everyone trying to go for zone C
>Win match

I did absolutely nothing and still killed so many.
It's true. The only winning move is not to play.
On most maps, the only winning move is not to capture A.
>joff and mustardcobra in the same raid
i feel i missed out on some drama
too bad that was not the discussed scenario and they clearly had at least two zones and defended them the entire time

good try though.
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Mortar for the Win.webm
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>it's a some retard decides to triple cap in a close match episode
my videos are too long for a webm
>get home
>pass out playing Destiny
>wake up

Of all the games Ive played none have been easier to fall asleep to than Destiny. Oh, and Warframe is pretty easy too. Granted I am way tired too. I think it might be too comfy at times.
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>level 37
>get 3770000 post number
You could've just webm the first 10 seconds. The rest of the video was a complete waste of time.
Any banana groups up?
They aren't, you're just too full of yourself to cut them down to the important shit and want to show your full ebin streak
That triple is a perfect 10 sec webm with bootiful 2048 bitrate, everything afterwards is MOOOM GET THE CAMERA
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No I let them control them otherwise I would've mercied them. Mercy rule was a mistake desu
Can you not?
then they were shit lmao would not have won anyways
three kills seems too small for something webm worthy though,,,
A triple is fine, you're not that good faggot get over yourself
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Those were three beautiful kills right there, that's enough for a webm. That's the point of a webm actually. Not showing off streaks. One neat kill is enough for a webm.
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titan stronk.webm
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Not at all
I am not full of myself, I am just used to bullied for 'only three kills' as if they were nothing so I try to record more than three.
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That fucking bait holy shit
welp I learned my lesson, time to adjust my stuffs
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yummy yummy daddy's cummies!
In case you need a filename, i'd go with "i can't believe it's not butter"
>copying my exact setup

you're being sued
>Always decrypt whatever is your current lowest light piece.

>Implying light level is determined by slot and not by overall level.
Here's your (you)
Can't we just ban all germans from this game? Fuck germans.

But also any place where they speak spanish.
>Doesn't know how the game mechanics work.
>Gives people third rate uneducated advice.
>Get corrected.
>Here's your (you)
About what I expected from an inbred nigger virgin.
i fucking hate ironic too fuck that bitch
can someone figure out how to do this golden gun glitch? he's got a perma golden gun while using nightstalker/bladedancer
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Well fuck you too bud
Nice try, Bungie. We're not going to do your work for you :^)
Tfw shut down shittan sticky using shitter, faggot doctrine puss and shotgun only sheev

>thing is below your level average
>new thing guaranteed to be above level average

contrary to
>thing is higher than level average
>new thing might be slightly higher than level average
Whatever drags your light level down the most needs to be replaced for max light gains. It's as simple as that.
I'd respond but you're so mad you're not even making sense any more, please reduce your autism by like 25% so humans can understand you faggot.
nevermind i just realized it's similar to the golden gun/sparrow glitch
Alright i worded that wrong, but maybe you get what i mean.
Say your average is 280 with a 270 helmet and a 283 chest, what would you think raises your light more?
>new thing guaranteed to be above level average
This is only true for exotic engrams, clearly all of his are blue. Stopped reading.
hmm okdokes
nn-o bully
>I am the original uploader of this clip. please do not repost my video and credit it as your own.
every fucking time

does he not realize that clip belongs to bungie and not him? youtubers I swear
>This is only true for exotic engrams
It's also true for purples, so i thought it'd be true for blues too. Had no chance trying it out since i was already at blue light cap when the April update hit.
36, whats the best way to hit level cap? Excited to have my first 40 /dg/
I hope this is bait otherwise you are a fucking retard you decrypt your lowest slot because you have the most to gain from increasing that slots light fucking kill yourself please
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>it's an AT&T likes to cuck me out of a smooth leafless raid
I'm tired of this rerun
Ask Jared he's the only one to go past 40 here
Thanks for giving back my hope for this general, i was close to believing people on here didn't know basic math.

Autocorrect you nigger
can we nuke murrica too while we're at it
i don't mind destiny youtube videos like yours at all. do keep posting as you see fit, webm whatever you see fit
I will see what I can do to keep it simple
he's actually a redditor. which is why i wanted to know how to do it, so i can abuse the fuck out of it. too much hassle in pvp where it matters, and only on vehicle maps iirc.
>he's actually a redditor.
makes sense

It's only natural for their kind to take credit where it is not their own.
do the vanguard bounties every day
do the TTK missions
do any exp giving TTK quests
you can try the daily crucible bounties too but I find that shit too frustrating
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>no vid of him doing the glitch
>instead 6 minutes of him running around with golden gun doing fucking nothing
Thanks man
praised be circle of life
go read the op, faggot. he said that he wasnt going to show people how to do it for obvious fucking reasons.

I'm assuming the key to it is through nightstalker since theres a glitch involving it every fucking patch
>hurr they don't know my pretentious Twitch streamers
Lmao this is what /dg/ has come to
This is some really shitty bait, you know that?

Enjoy your (You), educate yourself
hondacivic pls
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>those ragequits afterwards

molto fucking bene
Wasn't me stains you fgt
I can't into Fusion Rifles all that well, is the IB vendor roll for Ashraven's good?
Yeah it's great
Pretty much exactly what you want.


is the sidearm any good? I know it has Sureshot, but the other rolls seem meh
No, hope for a good drop
It is awesome but if you can sack up IB and hope rngsus loves you and gives you one with rangefinder hidden hand. My one titan is a fusion lord so I can say without a doubt it's sweet. If you're just getting use to the archetype go fuck around with a plan c till you can get master blaster effectively
It's good enough to use. Zen Moment is one of my GOTY perks on Sidearms, and Hotswap is also not too shabby. Lacks Hi-Cal rounds though.
I ran into one of those perfect rolls a few days ago,melted my entire team
yeah I got a random one with Hi-cal and Reactive Reload but no SS sight
>hidden hand
>on an FR
Don't knock it till you try it familia
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>all this talk about fusions
>now scared bungie is gonna nerf fusion ammo like they did shotgun and sniper ammo
Between my chest and legs in PvE situations I cap off at 30 shots overall
Or if we're being technical 180 or some shit.
There are better perks for a gun category that doesn't benefit from headshots.
fucking 26 shots on a fusion rilfe, is about what i usually have in crucru i'm surprised they didn't do anything about it, i'm actually surprised they buffed the stability, go ahead and call me out no the amount that we can hold for fusions i forgot at the moment
Don't worry, soon all special ammo will only spawn twice a match and only give you 3 ammo per brick no matter what gun you're using until we're all forced to use Doctrines.
same, I cap off at 30 in crucible and get 7 per special package, also start off with 10 shots when I spawn the first time.
Just pay attention to the time and steal the enemys special ammo every 2 minutes from 9:00 and down. The average shotgun rusher and pro 180 quick scope sniper can't function without their crutch.
hidden hand is a wasted perk on any gun m8

>180 quick scope

Is this 2005? Get with the times gramps, no sniper worth his salt would settle for less than a 720 these days.
No, just fusions
Hidden Hand helps with overall aim assist. Not just head acquisition. It makes the magnetic radius a little bigger and makes the shot package more consistent. You might be thinking headseeker bud.
Aim assist doesn't matter on fusions. You have to lead the target anyways. If anything it's probably more detrimental and would lead to more bolts missing.
I have had that happen. But just seeing that tight stream of lasers go across a room and vaporize someone is just sexy. This is the one I got from IB so far that Im liking. I'll probably run Rifled Barrel when I get it unlocked since I have spray and play
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anyone want to play IB on PS4?
But AA doesn't do anything meaningful on a gun class that benefits the most from clustered body shots. There's literally no reason to have it over battle runner or hipfire if you have an otherwise decent range roll.
What's your ID
Sure thing visiting Yellow Pages right now
hidden hand is training wheels no questions
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so does no one want to play IB?
many are playing but few will win!
Is run forward slide and press shotgun trigger button the best skill in the game?
>5 minutes into a match
>Check scoreboard
>I'm first
>I'm sub 0.90 k/d in Iron Banner
>Get stomped 2 minutes before the end
>Every single match

Can't I just get some TrueVanguards and Khjoveys in my team for once. Why I a shit Crucible player get teammates who are even worse while our opponents are all Diamond tier. And they aren't even premade pubstomp teams I have to face.
This was happening to me yesterday.
>Rusted Lands
>all randoms except for a fireteam of two
>3 randoms go for Zone A like it's their job
Why do these people even play crucible?
Why is there a lighthouse on mercury? Isn't it kind of bright there anyway?

In the morning I went full stanis mode and turned on my microphone. "We" capped all points only to get shit on my terrible spawns and supers. Fist of Panic guy got 5 kills and decided the match for the enemy.
pls stream
>tfw you have insomnia and realize you could have been playing Destiny for the last 4 hours instead of trying to sleep

I hope this feel never happens to any of you.
Booting up the Gamegear right now
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got new videos on my channel buddos
Hey Joff that snipe Nail in the Coffin wasn't nice.
Nice self diagnosis dude
Tell us more about how damaged you are
Are you gonna tell us about your autism now?
i literally says Ps4, are you stupid?
he just did
The Owl in your trip reminds me of that band Owl City which reminds me of their Fireflies song you have stuck in your head right now =^)
>with dragonmeme
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>still doesnt post gamertag

You fucks will never learn will you? Dont even bother you probably waste your time feeding the enemies kills anyway
Killing TLW was the worst thing bungie did. Shotgun faggots run around uncontested now. I bet the same shitters that wanted it nerfed are shotgun faggots
wow wtf don't bully
also pls stream
I asked him his ID and he answered. You already knew that though, dumb shitposter.
>TLW is the only counter to shotgun rushers
TLW is still viable if you're not shit
there are plenty of counters to shotguns, if you're not shit.
if you are shit, there's TLW. but wait, you gotta be not shit to use it so nvm
w-what I'm not even playing
Owl City
Really, joff?

Universal Remote shotgun rushing?

>blah blah empty posturing
ty ily
not even me playing but he said he got a nail in the coffin snipe on "that narrow earth map with the cars". memento?
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>joff's titan
it's just that my non-admissible anecdotal evidence that proves you wrong won't really contribute to my argument
so i decided on cheekiness instead
Fuck off faggot
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no u

>I'm all mouth
>sneaking into enemy bubble
that's some good fucking shit
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Who took the better one of the whole group?
>don't recognise any of the names
I guess you're just DT stalking
indeed, i am an upchucker
but anon, you are a shitter
Huh you know warlocks aren't bad.

I could get used to playing them in crucible.
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Is anyone down for casual Trial bounties later on Ps4? I'm thinking in a few hours, mic or no mic, I don't care. Add me @FantasticNinja if you're up for it.
thanks! Invisibility is so much fun but people just use it wrong.
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All you have to do is go fast and it's an easy win if you don't you're SHIT.
Guy who originally called you out here. Not trying to shit on you or anything, don't worry.

Was just playing Clash and came across you two times. Did you give your PS4 to someone else? Handed over your log in data?

Cause the guy was definitely /dg/'s joff99. Even had the I'm Cute clantag and the [Yuri].

The two matches took place on Memento and Drifter
Universal Remote shotgun rushing acceptable?
>For the most part, anything that isnt Ward of Dawn or Shadow Shot is not as effective in the raid
No kumons or Jiros ALOUD
cool dawg
just my housemate playing
>There's a 320 guy in my Tower, I'm sooo saaalty.

Don't say salty out loud, please. It's fucking stupid. Say 'I'm salty' out loud 15 times and hear how it makes no sense.
wait why not me buddo?
because you're a trap thirsty cringy little faggot with a faggot face.
because you're the joff of PvP
Who cares? Jiro proved he's a fucking cuck by picking up heavy before the entire pic was done.
Still looking?
>still being mad about that
At least i didn't FOH everyone
where's the picture of atom making you cry?

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why dont you just play the game
Fuck off shitter
I don't see anyone on but are there any Xboners on right now?
would any of you mad men be up for an attempt to 4 man kings fall heroic?
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>don't worry guys he's not a Striker, he can't Fist my rez

Will they ever learn to stay dead?
The reason he popped that was the same you popped your super instead of shotgunning the shitter, it was last round.
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Invective is King.webm
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Dont even need a super
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hello there.webm
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Of course, doesn't make it any less satisfying.
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>tfw Marathom has stopped working on my PC
>could redownload it but I'd lose my progress
Sounds like a piece of piss except totems
How far were you? I could potentially lend you some save files or if I can't find them, just my game folder.
4 man totems is np
Suncharging shitters out of their supers will never not feel satisfying.
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Fixed it

>mfw PS4 and Xbone will never get to experience Marathon unless they have a PC
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Just hit level 40, 1 more bar till Stormcaller is maxed. After opening all those blue engrams I got my Light Level up to 282. I plan on farming strikes till I hit 300-310.

After that, is joining a King's Fall raid as simple as choosing it on the map? Are PUGs good enough or must I find a group here
I'm at G4 Sunbathing

I'm running this like I ran Dark Souls: no guides or help, just my wits and no skill at playing with KBM
I'm pretty sure a toaster can run it.
kek there's no matchmaking for raids, you're gonna have to use us or LFG
Nice, that's a fun level. I did the same thing, but there were a few missions (Colony Ship For Sale, Cheap!) that had me stuck on them forever, that I had to use the Spoiler Guide for. I later learned that Bungie actually apologized for that mission because so many people got stuck.

Just wait til you get to Infinity, shit gets real. You ain't seen nothing yet.
I dont know where you're at but it looks real fucking gay
I'm making a hunter. What are the QTest settings for a human female?
I was referring to our consoles being unable to download and run separate programs from the web browsers, but yeah, a trilogy of games made from 1994-7 can run on a toaster

Thanks. I haven't downloaded Infinity yet, but I plan on beating the trilogy throughout the summer
The Qullim's Terminusest?
Are raids the best way to get exotics, and exotic shards? I just wanted to get Obsidian Mind, Nothing Manacles etc.
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no, get 3oC from xur and hope for the best. You could try doing the original PoE since you're guaranteed a Y1 exotic the first time and if it's obsidian mind you can buy a y2 version
someone webm the sneaky part pls
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Jiro didn't even say that senpai
it's okay, i just decided to go to lfg
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>bed time meme

Want me to come? Getting tired of pest control and feel like getting on.
After a few more wins on Xbone would you want a 318 warlock?
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was mustang or someone else in the chat at the time
I know it is but haven't had to do it since October so I can't remember the logistics
Yeah that was me. That was when I was 319.9 and the highest LL was 320. I don't know why Jiro was recording since he could save it and it wouldn't show voices.
I hit the share button after that webm happened and it records all previous sound including mics sadly. sorry bout that
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of course it only records the mics if you have your voice allowed to be shared

psn sure is silly
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disappearing act too scarry.webm
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So I haven't played since they came out with HM for King's Fall, My LL is 313. Is there any reason to get back into the game other than crucru?
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Why can't I find Xur anywhere in the reef?
It' sunday, he's gone.
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>mfw my team spawns on the good side of shores of time
>mfw one idiot tries to take A point
Oh. I'm new and just got my first legendary coins so I was hoping to grab my first exotic. Is there anyway to stop strikes from being formed with just me in them?
yeah a better internet connection
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would you a yellowteacup?
>tfw this is actually him
>tfw he talked about how much fun the color run was a few times.
eh would friend and play video games with
kys my man
>Go into IB solo because nobody is on
>I have 5 coins already
>I have no interest in ranking up crucible
>Keep ending up in matches against the most cancerous campy 6-man teams because god damn sunday
>Just want the titan chest
>Literally want to blow a fucking hole in my own skull so I don't have to share the planet with this trash
I thought bungie nerfed special ammo for this reason, what the shit?

I am beyond fucking mad, just reminded why the fuck I quit playing destiny in the first place, its this toxic, trashy, anti-fun excuse for a community of babbies who's first FPS was halo.
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would you a kazuto?
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no faggot
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That looks like my ex girlfriend
How retarded are you to keep responding?
Anyone up for a fresh KF HM?
i want to anal tongue and breed that teacup

i want to cuddle and mouth rape that kazuto
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this is the new standard time for kings fall with golgy challenge. If your fireteam takes longer than this then you're officially worse than a random lfg group
which one?
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daddy came to visit me and I put stickers on him! c:
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>those thighs
I am a straight man noooooooo
>get dusted
>blog about it on a norwegian fishing noticeboard

really putting the wew in wew lad
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I'll keep that in mind, Noobish :^D
pree sure we've all wanted to brutally hatefuck yellowteacup at some point despite our sexuality. she is everyone's qt little trap
>wew lad
If you read this your mother will get cancer unless you say wew lad meme is for faggots.
1. stains dropped in early to charge supers
2.we went to orbit to change host because of lag
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Cool, thanks for putting off potential raiders with your elitist bullshit, nice work.
thanks, always good to filter the shit out!
>Tfw Destiny is not coming to PC.
funny you say that because I'm always willing to take new people through. Usually I only ask that you can follow directions.
Don't take the game so seriously. Competitive modes are fun when you win, not fun when you lose. That's the nature of games. Understand that on the opposite end, the team beating you is getting lots of enjoyment out of it. And when you're beating another team, they're feeling exactly how you are now. That's how it works. Just take it easy.
>a stains raid going to shit
no surprise there
I couldn't give two shits about winning or losing, I don't care about the end state, when I get dropped into a match in progress and I literally spawn to a dead corpse from a sniper kill, respawn, walk around a corner, get sniped, respawn, faggot runs into a room and quickskopes me from the back, respawn, get bowshot, respawn, take the alternate route and get shotgunned by an invisible hunter crouching in a corner behind the gate, I don't give a fuck if I win the god damn match in the end, its not fun, and just the same, the other team, anyone that experience fun in sitting in the same spot for ten minutes at a time staring in a straight line pushing a button over and over deserves to be euthanized.
I thought you faggots loved stains.
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Any takers? Just for the bounties.
dont you know the meme? It's okay to shitpost on him now that him carrying people throughout The Dark Below is a thing in the past
who wants to know a little secret? post GT and i'll let you in
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Errry week
Gets me errry week
he wasnt even good at it, it was only because no one else gave a shit and he was this autistic shut in
This a good roll?
>Crowd Control
>Feeding Frenzy
>Flared Magwell/Perfect Balance/Oiled Frame
You better not be a shitter though.
>people here still join him
>people here get to the lighthouse with him
also gets me e'ry week
No it isn't its just Drin and his group of friends shit posting about it.
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whoop forgot pic
remove the disgusting neomillennial alaskan white lanklet manlet cuckolds who suck faggot cock and fuck the dirty and diseased ass of alaskan mountain goat
>>people here still join him
Yeah, that's a bretty gud joke.
It's nice just don't use oiled frame
who even fits that description here?
>try to solo VoG because no mic and no DLC on PS3 so no one joins me
>thunder falls near me and i got scared so i turned it off during Conflux

I need some Arcite-99 guns, man. How's Last Extremity?

also anyone wanna go ps3 no mic VoG normal mode
who is this
is that some kind of tumblr mutant, or is it an actual human being
>tried to solo vault of glass
Bull fucking shit, you didn't even get through the front door
Fuck off you tryhard moron.
I did with the glitch.

Dash for Campus9, wait 2 mins and it opens.
stream bitch
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Ironicc1 and Pandox 2Man ToO.jpg
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>People get to the lighthouse with him
Dude what? You literally spawn in, jump on your sparrow, drive right into campus 8, the second you change areas all the monsters despawn but the pillar process doesn't stop. about a minute and a half later you run out and just rush through the open door before the pillar disappears and the door closes, how could you not know this? Its been common knowledge since like two weeks after the launch of the vault.
Who's the worse member of alpha meme to raid with and why is it smoky?
If Smokey was a rapper, would he be Smokey_Dogg?
I smokey was gay would he be Smokey_Progg?
it would be smoky nigger.
If Smoky was a Christmas drink, would he be Smoky_Nogg?
i do not know who smoky is or any of the members of alpha team
then you're a literal who
>caring about alpha meme
But he checked TrueJiro's Titan. He can't be a literal who.
okay, but i do not know who is in alpha team or who smoky is. so i cannot reply properly to your meme question
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Are blackies allowed to play Destiny?
No niggers, no spicks, no gooks, no faggots, no kikes.
>E3 2016
>This week, we are going to release information on our September update on Bungie.net, right now however, we want to present to you, Destiny 2!
>Orchestral music kicks in and lights go off
>Spotlight hits the stage, sweat rolls of his forehead, down his face, and soaks into his cheto-stained Hawaiian shirt collar
>As the silence drops he reaches in his pocket and rubs his lucky can of mountain dew
>"You've spoken to us! And we have listened!"
>"Over a million gamers today enjoy destiny, and you all have ideas on how to make Destiny better"
>"With our visionary team at Bungie, along with partnership with High Moon studios, and with guidance from Activision Blizzard, we are showing you first glimpses of destiny 2"
>He staggers off the stage and the ground begins to rumble
>Luke Smith rides up from a hole in the floor on a 1:1 replica of a sparrow with the controller in this game, the faint echo of him saying "Lets get this started!" is heard through the arena as the screens light up at the new dirrector.
>"I'm going to start something light" he says, while selecting Mercury as a freeroam destination.
>The game loads and he says "One of the biggest complaint we've heard was regarding the size of playable space" He then summons his sparrow, and proceeds to ride through the map.
>After several minutes he says "You know what, this is taking too long." He then opens his menu, scrolls down to the "Sparrow" tab, there we are faced with equipment slots for sparrow body, lights, color, armor, weapons and engine.
>He switches from a green to a purple engine, leaves the menu (Not before several photos are taken of tabs saying "weapon", "Ship", and "Clan")
>He jumps back on his sparrow and at triple speed proceeds to the other side of the map.
>He reaches a large vex-citadel type area and engages some brand new vex enemies, but has trouble defeating them.
>"I know what I should do!" He proclaims while hiding behind cover, opening the menu again but going to weapons tab.
>He opens the tab which lists all the weapons in his inventory, highlights the one marked as equipped, pushes a button to go into edit, the screen reveals a branching skill tree with a lot of variety, and several mod slots. He changes his Kinetic rounds to solar ones, and switches to a high powered scope.
>He exits the menu and quickly dispatches the enemies, which triggers the citadel starting to collapse, and from the wreckage emerges an enormous vex.
>Several beacons spawn around the base of the enormous vex, and a new mission pops up saying "Secure the magnetic clamps"
>"This is getting dodgy!" he yells "I'll need some help for this."
>He opens a menu and selects a couple people from his friends list.
>Camera pans to the right as a second screen lights up, its an external view of a guardian ship, Crewman #6 is playing the same patrol area but in the air, the mission pops up on his screen "Distract the large scale vex" appears as several joins on the giant are higlighted
>Crewman #6 is flying around and shooting at the vex while Luke activates the magnetic clamps, locking the giant in place.
>"Time to end this" he says, going into his menu once more and switching to the ship tab, again among other options there is a weapons slot, he switches his rail machineguns to ion blaster, then brings up his ghost and summons his ship, which flies to him, beams him up, and puts him in control of flying.
>Luke and Crewman #6 proceed to destroy the large scale vex.
>Mission marks as complete.
>Endgame report shows up on Luke's screen
>You've gained Elemental Ammo pack: Toxin
>You've gained Exotic ship part: Engine
>You've gained Shader part: Vex Grey.
>You've gained an emblem part: Vex Crest.
>They both fly up towards the orbit which triggers the director opening back up.
>We'll go for another ride, but before that, lets see what I've gained.
>He opens the menu to switches to the character tab, revealing the character screen.
i'm gook
brb uninstalling
>Along with the standards slots, and the newly added option to have 3 loadouts ready at once, her reveals that shader and emblem options are now a part of the character menu rather than equippable items, and can be customized and edited on the fly without storage restraints.
>Deej once again runs onto the stage, wiping the bright orange dust off his lips, "But what was that thing you fought? Is there anything in the grimoire about it?"
>"Why yes, there is." Luke smith replies, switching to a "grimoire" tab in the menu, "Its right here."
>He opens the newly acquired Grimoire entry with the flavor text on the right, and a 3D model of the grimoire card with the model of the Vex Giant standing on top of it in a cool pose.
>"Now we need to end this presentation" Deej proclaims calmly while a million fans are wetting themselves while throwing their ovaries at the stage.
>"We need to end it, but its not over yet, you can see more info during the upcoming weeks on Bungie.net, and to finish off" He says while turning to luke smith. "You had some trouble in that mission, you're not very good are you?"
>"Oh, on the contrary" Luke says with a cock devouring grin on his face, "I think I did just fine" Switching to a "Stats" tab which conveys all his PVE and PVP stats at a glance.
>The earth shakes with a loud roar.
>Millions of bitches fainting at getting everything we've wanted.
>Heaven splits apart while a choir of angels can be heard singing the song that ends the world.
>Video fades to black with processed orange liquid leaking down DeeJ's ankles and pooling around his legs.
>The video fades into Shuhei Yoshida staring directly into your soul as he says "Did you rike it?"
I came from the future, this is the truth, screencap it bitches.
No dubs, no will by KEK.
>no will by KEK.
What did he mean by this?
>no faggots
why have this general then?
Thread's dead. Let it RIP.
Absolute caveman
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you guys ready for the new film?
>everyone bullies the poor warlock but then they get upset and don't understand why the warlock;s supering the map
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>fucking ancient memes
I'll explain for (You). Here at 4chan we worship one god by the name of KEK. His calling card is repeating digits, signifying that the post put is true. KEK has many prophets, one of them being God Emperor Trump (GET). KEK wills all posts he feels are right, and through the power of meme magic, whatever is posted will end up in a Happening.
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warlock genocide when.webm
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>I'll explain for (You). Here at 4chan
What did he mean by this?
Looks like some gay ritual dance of african natives
thats basically what teabagging is
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jokes on you I believe you
so this is autism
>g-guys stop having f-fun
>calling that fun
Yup, autism indeed.
ur gay
>Your idea of fun doesn't match my idea of fun, so you must have autism.

>Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and autism are both general terms for a group of complex disorders of brain development. These disorders are characterized, in varying degrees, by difficulties in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors.

You're being the literal definition autism right now, bro, you need to stop.
You know lack of empathy towards peers is a symptom of autism right?
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Id fuck it
you know autism sometimes might be mistaken for obsession right?
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Just another night.jpg
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We comparing our evenings?
nah, webms like that are the epitome of autism
That's just a webm, you losing your shit over them and being unable to let it go or move on, that's the epitome of autism.

not even him and that was pretty autistic desu
>tfw cleaning out my recordings from destiny
>all these webms to make
hurk at least people might like them...
It was, why do people get so triggered by shitty webms? It really was pure autism to lose his shit over it.
calling out autism is kinda autistic y'know

I was talking about the autistic webm...
lol, good one, there's no chance in hell thought there are two people here at the same time so pathetic that they get triggered by a webm.
who the hell is this?
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Some say he's wrestling with a Gorgon again...
>Shitans thinking they're in any place to argue
>this damage control
its ok, accepting autism is the first step to a happier life.
going for gold with zapman and mutedprogg
Autism this, autism that, the only damage control is you samefagging with that shit phrase.
Get this, next time you say autism, your mother will get cancer. :^D How's that for memes friendo?
>get this, next time you say autish, your mother will get cancer.

It feels good knowing I'll never be so autistic that I get this triggered
>being this mad
If the webm didn't signify autism your post definitely does
not even once
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We're all still down there, evading the gorgons, secretly plotting to screw the run over.
My dirt pudding is not to be sexualized!
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>1 warlock 2 titans
Shitancucks are literally the beaten housewives of Destiny minus a brief stretch after TTK released. If you're a Striker congrats, you are and have always been literally the most worthless class in the entire game for just about any situation
Join for iron banner grind with booster starting up in 5 minutes.

PS4 AstronomicalAtom
sorry I can't, I must respect awesomeness' wishes. Forgive me!
is this really you or just another mimic?
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eternal joker.jpg
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>defends the Gorgon
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It was truly a day to behold.
IB music
It's me we're 4/6 right now.
whos with you
If it matters to you then you probably aren't welcome
list them in order of highest kd to lowest
Is nativeknightmare your BF or just a beta orbiter? Nigger is protective as fuck
*cutest to not as cute
>in a party with atom
>he randomly joins and asks what's going on
>feel awkward
4:shitter anon
5:shitter anon
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stormcaller too stronk.webm
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>it's a zippy dies and we have to go revive again episode
>fucking the dirt pudding not a sexual term for buttsecks
>Zippy got carried in the 4-0 flip
Wew lad
leave my pudding alone mr. cosby
I put the worm in the pudding wink wink wink
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>Lagswitching in trials
dude holy fuck
You what? I finished top that game.
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>this trials match
You deserved it smokey, anything to make your life horrible, have you tried not getting ass blasted every time something doesn't go your way??????
delet yourself
i found the deadest board on 4chan
we could literally own it, i doubt mods even venture there
After that stupid fucking iceberg meme all the retards flooded it. There is surely deader boards out there.
let me guess anon, your sexually attracted to paper?
>smoky bitching about something
what else is new?
always complaining about something, arent you faggot?
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man this is so meta guys, gee wiz
>alpha meme getting btfo, only to be saved by inter
Is inter not alpha team?????????????????
>l-lol guys y-yeah i'm not upset, y-you don't hu-hurt me......
Play with yourself bitch

Also, enjoy losing. You have no place ever playing with a team with SBMM
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i mean, wouldnt you be annoyed if you had a match against laggy guys?
if they were lagging wouldn't my annoyance also have a delay?

HOLY SHIT, i see it too, fucking kek
Lolwut u on about nigga
>first ozy picks up kids and streams trials with them
>then inter picke up kids and streams trials with them

is this the start of the /dg/ pedo ring?
remember joff and mustang are in on this ring too
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>tfw made new psn to play destiny all over again
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1MB, 1934x3061px
This one?

Don't forget Prince. He's probably the leader of it, he has a loli gf called PrincessZelda or something like that.
>real nigga hours
That shit is mainstreme meme now, brudda
>calling the police
What would this even entail
Needs a Dragonheart category below the flower
New thread when?

obligatory 404 post
File: 1459801132627.png (128KB, 341x361px) Image search: [Google]
128KB, 341x361px
Calling the police, i guess
File: image.gif (961KB, 500x265px) Image search: [Google]
961KB, 500x265px
No I'm not shitposter-kun
Lum Invader, my favorite anime character.
Thread posts: 768
Thread images: 166

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