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World of Warcraft General - /wowg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 752
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/vg/ guilds:
<No Fun Allowed> @ Illidan (Horde)
<RIP in Peace> @ Sargeras (Alliance)

<Make Azeroth Great Again> @ Argent Dawn (Alliance)

/wowg/ battletag friends list:
(Rarely used or updated)

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WoW Token Price:

Old Thread: >>140650926
xth for there are more nipples than there are people in the world
>WOTLK is widely considered where everything started to go to shit.

I agree and I thought this was obvious to everyone but apparently there are people out there who think WotLK was the shit. It had nice questing areas and I liked Ulduar a lot but shit like Naxx2.0 and the Crusader Colliseum ruined the fucking game for me.
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Needs more draenei.
WOTLK was a fun expansion so I can understand where the opinion comes from. You have to look a bit deeper than "what did I enjoy the most" to see all the awful, awful changes that WOTLK added that ended up evolving to the full on awful shit we have now.

Not to mention the addition of the LFG tool.
>WOTLK is widely considered where everything started to go to shit.

Only ToC and the Dungeon Finder in 3.3 were actually bad though.

On that topic. If I were in charge of prepping WotLK for a Legacy release, I'd combined ToC with the ICC 5 mans balanced for a raid. You compete through ToC, then after beating Anub, with no other way out, you bust through the wall into Forge of Souls, fight you way through Forge, finding a portal to the Pit of Saron where you confront a Scourge Lord. After battling through the Pit, you enter the Halls of Reflection, culminating in an escape from the Lich King himself. I've always thought the ICC 5mans should have been a raid, they're a far better lead in to ICC itself than ToC was.

It would require minor terrain tweaking and a bit of balance work, but honestly I don't think it would be too hard assuming Blizzard still has dev tools compatible with 3.2/3.3.
you mean extension
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>5 mans being made into a joke
>bring the player not the class instead of classes bringing unique, powerful tools
>super short time to kill in PVP
>Arena gear becomes a "grind x time to receive loot" instead of a reward for progressing through the ratings.
>multiple raid modes to stretch the same content between casuals/hardcores instead of seperate raids for casuals/hardcores
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>yfw you can still log in
Who cant log in?
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Needs more Meme Regime
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But we can, Kronos 2 launched this week and everyone is rushing to 60. I've been ganking kungen fanboys all day
5mans were always a joke.
>m-m-muh Strath muh Scholo
People 10manned that shit.
I don't give a shit about PvP though honestly. I honestly liked PvP best in Vanilla and BC.

Raid modes and LFD I already mentioned though.
there are only 4 people in the meme regime from now until the end of time. People need stop forcing the incestral and ralph meme.
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They were pretty challenging in BC.

And no matter how easy you think vanilla 5 mans were, you cant even begin to compare them to the AOE fest we've had every expac WOTLK on (ignoring the few weeks Cata 5mans were good)
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Meme Regime rep here. People who force the ralph meme only add more fuel to the fire. it's a double edged sword. While obviously not being a member, we welcome the memes it creates.
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I unironically think you guys are really cool
Granted, but that's not because the dungeons themselves were easier, it's because Tanks other than Paladins were given viable methods to generate AoE threat.
The biggest issue with Post-BC Dungeons is not difficulty, it's design. 5mans after WotLK were creatively sterile. They were laid out like video game levels rather than real places. That's why Scholo and Strath are so loved, they're "real" places that just happen to be dungeons rather than the other way around.
This is why so many people give WotLK a pass on the 5 man issue. While WotLK dungeons were easier, they were also places that fit organically into the world.
>Granted, but that's not because the dungeons themselves were easier, it's because Tanks other than Paladins were given viable methods to generate AoE threat.

Yes, which is part of the design problem. Making every tank able to effortlessly hold threat on a whole pack turned a large pack of mobs from "how the fuck are we gonna deal with this" to "fuck it pop some CDs and burn them down"
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Thanks senpai.
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whos the coolest member /wowg/?
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Do I have to actually level everything on the alpha realms to test them at 110?
>having 300+ ms

nah ill pass
minigamer realm is automatically 110, I think

don't know if the regular realms are still capped to 108 though
can i grind 80k gold in a week questing on 3-4 characters?
That's really the crux of the issue. With things like Shield Wall dropping from 30 minutes to 30 minutes, the ability to pop them on every other trash pack combined with AoE threat made it possible the laugh through it.

I think Blizzard should move away from trying to bring back "hard" CC like Polymorphs in 5mans and move it into a more active role. Short stuns, debuffs, and incapacitates brought by DPS specs, with mobs that will wreck a tank if they aren't used effectively even with CD's up. WoD was a bit like this at the start when everyone was 610-615 and it was neat. Unfortunately everyone just overpowered content 2 weeks in because gearing up was so easy.
>With things like Shield Wall dropping from 30 minutes to 30 minutes,

3 minutes*
its tricky though because they want to disarm CC across the game for pvp, so they've been rapidly removing CC so you can't reasonably expect to have good CC in a 5 man given its only 5 people.
ive seen people at lvl110 in pve realm dalaran
Members Of What?
Well blizzard has recently been splitting pvp even further from the rest of the game, so I wouldn't be shocked to see something like polymorph being just completely untargetable on players.
They should just make the PvP and PvE talent trees mutually exclusive imo. It was really neat being able to make a noticeable difference in days gone by just by using Disarm or Kidney Shot to help the tank out, I liked stuff like that better than hard CC.
whatg if there was a boss which made you fart but to beat it you uhad to make it make you fart so much that oyu uszed it as a jetpack to reach it 's weak spot
None. They're are all the coolest.
>Only ToC and the Dungeon Finder in 3.3 were actually bad though.
That's wrong, Naxx25 was disappointing to a lot of people for various different reasons.

On top of the first raid tier being just a rehashed vanilla raid, It fell far too short of Sunwell both in quality and difficulty.
nobody because we dont excist, just an illusion
What is the best addon for Tannan Jungle?
wowgnee lyf3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bgs7MM1ZreY
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the kill yourself one
How much does the felsteel annihilator sell for on your realms? Think it'll go up or down as we get closer to Legion?

I only just started playing again so it's a bit late to try and raid for it now. Unless I spend the next months gearing up all 10 of my alts to grab it in the prepatch, but frankly spending that time farming gold would probably be easier.
look up the honorbuddy addon, it makes tanaan jungle lots of fun
1.000.000 eu
It will most likely be reminiscent of the MoP CM sets towards the end of the xpac. People will be rushing to buy it so the prices will probably go up a little bit.

But you're a shitter if you ever contemplate a carry regardless of your excuse.
I believe it goes up, because lack of raiding guilds, guilds disband, unless we get HFC 20% boss nerf, even fucking T3 pieces go gold cap, way too much gold
So given the very limited number of masteries that actually alter play style in legion and the fact that the mastery for all of the tank specs are simply survivability increases should masteries be given to characters at 10-15 or 55-58 in the case of DKs?
They all add a lot of passive power to each spec even before mastery gear becomes available and in the case of blood DK's missing out on that shield makes the earlier half of your leveling just that little less enjoyable
It'll end up on the black market anyway, so what's the difference?
If HFC gets a 20% nerf, the mount probably won't be available anymore.
gold cap willl be 10mil, bots pay 10mil np
yes desu, you can enchant looms for mastery, should just be a starting stat
Difference is gold cap (and auction cap) in Legion is 10m.
Isn't that more reason to buy it now then?
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So is it possible to transfer large amounts of gold cross-realm by making a new guild and transferring the character to the new realm with all of their gold in the guild bank?
Yes, unless you like paying significantly more for the same mount for whatever reason.
You have to do a guild transfer, and that guild has to exist with you as the GM for a few weeks I think.
I doubt we're going to see any changes before the prepatch now. There just isn't enough time left.
the blanket raid nerfs aren't really patches, all the enemies just get a zone-wide debuff.
Anyone here play on Emerald Dream?

What side? How's the server?
can anyone remember when SoO nerfs came? 1month before the exp?
the heroic to mythic transition was 4 weeks before WoD
SoO never got one of those though. The closest it had was the additional upgrade levels, which was months before the prepatch. And HFC has already had that now.
>try 7 days trial to play wod
>bg is a clown fiesta

heard something about a new human racial, is that what caused this imbalance?
The top of the arena ladder is something like 90% alliance/10% horde

shits fucked yo
Are elemental shamans fun in minigames? I'd also have an unplayed druid which I used to play in resto but I rather heal on my monk. Should I dig out the druid and play boomkin?

play feral
dont listen to disinfo guy, he wants to be the only person with that dope pvp artifact model that balance druid gets come this new expac
the balance pvp artifact skin is shit though
ok disinfo guy, why dont YOU play feral then
Because i'm not a minigamer
They usually come at the release of the next raid, like when it happened to highmaul and brf when hfc came out
Ele looks good in Legion as far as casters go. Huge improvement over live. Too early to say how it will compare to other casters, but I think they'll be in a pretty good place where people can actually have fun playing the spec again.
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I don't wanna be a nigger with a cat mask, though!
Thank you for the warning, is the disinfo guy a lizardperson by any chance? Also, what does the artifact for boomkin look like?
>lol the balance skin is shit
>im not even going to pvp in ligeon
full on damage control disinfo guy, nice try but im gonna get that skin inside the first week
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look at this shid, it has an actual eclipsed sun on it, its THE BEST skin, i can't wait to show it off
holy shit that looks awful
disinfo guy said, tears rolling down his cheeks as he realized that more people were finding out about his favourite skin
That looks decent, although I'm not a big fan of scythes. Using banner slicer on my monk xmog BECAUSE IT'S HOT AS SHIT.

Back to the question, is elemental shaman any fun at the moment? I play on US from EU so the latency is kinda annoying for most melee classes, hence I prefer casters.

Go away, Lizardman.
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Why use that when every other skin for it is better
Are druids the muslims of WoW?
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>The symbol of islam represents an eclipse that took place thousands of years ago (Balance anyone?)
>They don't eat meat, they don't drink alcohol either
>Both muslims and druids love nature
>They have their own Mecca (Moonglade) where only other Druids are allowed inside
>They worship a moon goddess, Elune. Allah started out as a moon god originally.


>>They have their own Mecca (Moonglade) where only other Druids are allowed inside

explain the Lunar Festival then

>They worship a moon goddess

only if you're ally
Tauren worship a generic nature goddess and trolls worship the loa
it's been implied that the tauren worship elune as well but under a different name, I'll give you trolls though
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Knowing your women fuck horses can do that to you.
1m~1.5m, depending on waitlist.
>tfw only have 250k, won't be able to buy archimount
Don't worry, you can at least buy CMs with that
stop screaming please im trying to sleep
Speaking of CMs, has anyone tried them on the alpha yet?
They are not in yet.
unbelivable you can get banned for spamming Heavy Leather Balls
Wait why the fuck did Vanessa Vancleef have the furlbrows killed?
"because they were the only people who knew me lol" doesn't make sense, Everyone and their mother knew who Hope was and there was literally no lead on who the new defias leader was until she revealed herself.

Not to mention the fact that two literally who farmers aren't going to doing any investigating, or the fact that they were trying to leave westfall. Did Vanessa think they were going to get a letter in the mail saying "hey guys it turned out that orphan of yours in the new crime lord" and come back or something?

Why the fuck am I thinking about this 6 years after it happened?
mostly because there aren't CMs in Legion
Here is the problem: you're taking the lore seriously. The only expansion with halfway passable lore is MoP
which mistweaver 30 talent is the least shitty
They've redesigned them so they aren't straight timer runs anymore, but they're still called them challenge mode.

Unless you're saying it's already been cut.
I did them myself. I would do archi-M myself too, but finding a guild this late is p.much impossible

i might end up buying BH's mount just because I'm lazy tbqh
>lets retcon a bunch of shit but not tell anybody for 3 years
>halfway passable
Chi Wave and it's gr8.
You've still got 4 months.
Depends on the fight. Take Burst if you need stacked up healing, Zen Sphere can help in PvP with an extra dispel the enemy needs, Wave is a general sure whatever it heals things not situational.
>They don't eat meat
vegetarianism is very common in night elf culture, especially among druids

otherwise though he's just talking out of his ass
are there any addons to make localdefense not fucking spam my chatbar?

I still want to see it but the spam is ridiculous
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/leave 3

Or the number of the channel that LocalDefense is
>finding a guild this late is p.much impossible
Not true at all. Lots of raiders leave this late into farm. I'm in a US guild within the top 10 and we're trialing like 4 people right now. Granted they all have 13/13 mythic experience because our roster is big enough to raid without trials, but guilds further down the chain with smaller rosters surely have the same attrition issues.

Why are the first 10 pages only alliance? wtf is going on?
I don't think I've actually seen anyone selling the BH mount
yeah but I still want to see it
Can you buy the base game + WoD then boost straight to 90, or do you have to create a starter edition account first?

t. lazy cunt.
I tried to level a resto druid but got bored and went mistweaver instead

it's unreal how much more fun mistweaver is
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Any chance trading Steam wallet/keys for prepaid 60 day cards? And if so what are the going rates?
Already tried to look in my server but there is no guild that raids only weekends, is near enough to archi and wants my class. The only 13/13 that I could get into would only get me if I would stay for Legion, and I'm not going to lie to them just because I want the archi mount.

it's going for around 200k on my server, usually the guilds that sell archi-m also sell bh-m
too bad they'll destroy the spec in legion
Alright i just hit level 100. Throughout levelling i noticed unless i perfectly aligned my procs, built up a lot of imps before each fight and sacrificed a goat to appease my thirteen dark masters in hell i could not keep up with the DPS of similarly levelled characters.
Is demonology bad? I really like it more than destruction and affliction. Is it just a case of getting hand of guldan timing down? Do i need to use glyph of imp swarm?
Are you unwilling to transfer because you're poor or just don't want to get off your server? Some guilds are desperate enough to pay for transfers.
If you've got HFC mythic gear and experience, I'm sure it's easy to move between guilds. If someone has only recently started again though, it's pretty hopeless.
>is demonology bad
yes, it used to be the best, but in 6.2 blizz decided that it should be shit
a shame since it's the most fun and engaging to play
I don't think the development team even plays the game, drifted far away from the reality
It's really not because people only really look to move up. We're at the point now where the top 455th guild in the US is 13/13M and guilds like that (and below) are losing people to better guilds, so the ones that survive the attrition need to do it somehow, and that's generally by recruiting less experienced players.
I like it because its cool to have hordes of demons feeding you power to turn yourself from a slow mage into a mighty demon that can run around spamming shit. Though realistically i suppose the demon form probably shouldn't move much either, gotta cast those soul fires!

How the fuck do burning embers even work? Demonic Fury has a number, soul shards are obvious, but burning embers just have a bar without any clear numbers. How the fuck am i supposed to know how much of an ember i will get from each spell?
Demo is great, just very gear (more specifically, trinket) dependent.
a bit of both
Nobody knows?

Can you guys at least recommend me a good EU PvP server? One that has even A:H ratios. I dunno how reliable Realmpop is.
Can you give me any advice that would help me then? I've only just hit level 100, what kind of trinkets do i need to look for and what are the best places to get them?
Mastery procs? Int procs? Crit procs?

A guide i read said i needed int, mastery then everything else was about the same. Is that really true? It seems to be like haste and crit would be better than multistrike, as crit improves soulfire damage and haste gives more imps, whilst multistrike and versatility give jack shit.
>what kind of trinkets do i need to look for and what are the best places to get them?

Class trinket from Archimonde and Gaze of Seethe from Iskar. The guide says Mastery because it scales directly with your class trinekt. As I said, it's gear dependent, don't play at as a fresh 100.
is WoD the worst expansion?

WotLK gets shat on too much, Cataclysm had a good launch and 4.2 was kind of alright, and only ebin memers hate MoP
yep, cata second but doesnt come even close
TBC = Vanilla > Wrath > MoP > Cata > WoD
MoP > Wrath > Vanilla > BC > Cata > WoD
>WotLK gets shat on too much
Dumpster version of Naxx on launch as the only raid. Ulduar dropped fast for Crusade suffering. ICC not even that great when it finally came outside of the five mans. Poop tier armor design across most of the expansion. WotLK Death Knights still the most broken class to ever exist and their reign lasted for far too long.

If anything the expansion gets too much love.
I just managed to restore a femundead mage I had deleted in cata for whatever reason. She's level 80. What good transmogs are there for female undead mages at 100?


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Im kicking myself for rolling undead monk, shuda gone orc --------__---------
Cata was bad, but at least they didn't show outright contempt for the players like in WoD.

>Poop tier armor design across most of the expansion
Is this a joke? Wrath had generally the best armor design of any expansion.
>WotLK Death Knights still the most broken class to ever exist and their reign lasted for far too long.
You severely exaggerate how long they stayed broken. They got nerfed a fair amount and reworked several times.
if anything it'll be Legion with slow levelling
hey guys I have the free week and I haven't really played much since Wrath of the Lich King (mostly active during TBC). what are the coolest things I should do/see in a week? which class is the most fun right now?

wow epicly trolled good sir xD!

you really got me good lmao! pwn'd!
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Man, even Blizz on their worst days has never hyped such a non announcement so much.

please respond
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classes/specs lost their flavour when WOD got released.
umh theres nothing much going on right now
I like it to be honest
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>tfw Blizz keeps ruining mistweavers even more so the chances of Kari coming back are ever so dim
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hi /wowg/ friendos!
That announcement from Blizzard was fucking retarded. Why don't they just admit that nobody likes the current game anymore and people just want to play the older versions of the game because they are simply just better games rather than "le nostalgiagoggles meme xDD"?
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The worst feel
WoTLK > MoP > TBC > Vanilla = Cataclysm > WoD
started in TBC little memer

take off your nostalgia goggles
>fistweaving is already back

Source on that, please?

Yeah man, I sure do hate having my spec actually be viable and fun. Sure wish I could go back to vanilla where I was forced to heal if I wanted to raid. So fun.
>I was leveling during sunwell so Im totally not a wrathbaby!

stay mad wrathbaby
end of tbc was the beginning of the cuck expansion WOTLK literally embraced cuckoldry of the shit tier community and gave them all the tools that would lead WoW down the path that it is on today.

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>just realized that I, somehow, never drank January's Brew of the Month

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rate my mog 5-10
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Look at the Alpha talents. Fistweaving is here but its a very different version from both MoP and WoD's ideas of Fistweaving.

Mistweavers have incentive to melee now, as its not a mana strain and it resets a cooldown. It does not heal anymore though.
source now faggots
>Yeah man, I sure do hate having my spec actually be viable and fun.

Found the guy who doesn't play a Survival Hunter, Assassination Rogue, BM Hunter or Shaman.
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But I didn't even play on Nost and I want to play TBC over vanilla anyway. Enjoy your garrisons and other shitty "content". After legion dies we will finally see Blizzard releasing legacy server bringing WoW back to it's former glory.
Even though TBC and vanilla aren't perfect, they are still million times better than the current garrison/queue simulator no content Facebook game. WoW is dying and at some point Blizzard has no other choice than to open legacy servers.
Are mistweavers flagged as being melee or ranged?

In the past Healers were generally flagged as ranged, but I don't know how things will be in Legion with all the class changes.
Mistweaver in Legion are ranged with special privileges that let them stay in melee and not be targeted by certain mechanics that would hurt the melee. It was from a blue post a while back, I'll dig it up for you just give me a bit.
Is the current WoW levelling experience fun enough to be worth subscribing for a month or two?

Haven't played in ages but I have all the expansions up through Mists since they gave them to everyone a while back. Was thinking about maybe rolling a new character and casually playing up through WoD so that once Legion comes out I can check it out if it's not a total mess.

Does anyone run older dungeon and raid content anymore?
Mistweavers have always been flagged as melee
>makes healing class
>Ugh, why do I have to heal?!
Is Legion not going to have a beta test? Are they actually going to release the alpha version?
why is wowg so much slower than wpsg?

We actually have a game to play

>all those specs are perfectly fine, if not great, in PvP

why can't PvE babbies into balance??
Then you just think you want legacy, but you don't.
What you want is for the game direction to change towards vanilla/tbc, not legacy servers
We have a game to play lmao
Hunter isnt viable in PvP either :^)
>inb4 2s
>The announcement is that there is no announcement

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>a 10 year old game with some old mechanics like that is still infinitely better than what Blizzard now has to offer
can't make this shit up

>unironically saying "you think you do but you don't"
>that enjoyment you got out of private servers was fake, you don't actually want it


holy moly you're a retard
There is Kronos now and it has the same population that Nost used to have. And there is absolutely nothing Blizz can do to shut some of these servers down since they are hosted in countries that don't give a fuck about these copyright things.
well then i guess signing that petition was fucking worthless
>EU Horde

If anyone is interested, I'm gonna level an alt on Argent Dawn EU Horde and hopefully put together a guild where we can all idle until Legion comes. That's assuming anyone even wants to play with wowg at legion. I am fully aware that it will be ded guild but it beats getting spammed with guild invites or sitting in some other shit guild, might as well be where the memes are at.
>le pristine meme
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you are literally fucking retarded and have never played a single BG in your goddamn life
>nostfags keep telling us how WoD is worse than hitler
>WoD still manages to keep millions of players paying $15 a month
>nost couldnt get more than maybe 10k players with no charge

But I'm sure legacy servers are a viable way for blizz to make money
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Found it.

>We intend for you to be able to use these abilities naturally in dungeon and raid content, without being unfairly punished for being in melee range.

>For example, a Chain Lightning or Void Zone targeted at a random player with no warning will wipe or seriously disrupt the group if ever targeted at a person in a melee clump. If you can get targeted by it, there is no option but to avoid being in melee at any time during the encounter. Mistweavers and Holy Paladins should not be targeted by these sorts of abilities.
>On the other hand, imagine a debuff that requires you to move away from other players for a short time or move to a certain location. ... We are much less concerned about asking Mistweavers or Holy Paladins to respond to these kinds of mechanics, because they can still use most of their abilities and be reasonably effective while briefly out of melee. In these cases they'd simply be handling the same mechanics that other healers were required to handle.
tricked :^)
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>Metzen cucking nosteam and forcing them to sign things that they won't release anything and will be legally responsible
>spouts pristine server meme to divide the nostcucks
>forces the team to make some non announcement so people will be disappointed completely
I sometimes have to admire the cunning blizzard has in such issues, it is pretty hilarious how much nostdevs got OUTFUCKINGPLAYED
modern wow is like bringing your kids to a 5 star resort only to have them sit in the room and play farmville on their tablet the whole trip
I mean, France has legal ties with the US, as does the UK. But if they hosted the servers in, say, a scandanavian country or a former soviet block state - they could tell Blizzard to go fuck themselves and they couldn't do shit about it.

>Defending Blizz ever after all the shit they've done

Pandafags everyone
>You ll get cucked like the rest because you dont know what blizzard's lawyers can do
France and the US are partners. There are a lot of countries where private servers can be hosted and Blizzard can't do anything to shut them down. That's why all the most popular servers have been up and running for years.
This is kind of true desu.

Ideally Blizzard would just put their hands up and say "Look guys, we dun fucked up"

and then restart WoW from vanilla and make different xpacs
im interested, won't be back til mid august though. get the guild in the op, it won't be the only dead one in there
Has anyone in history ever been as cucked as noscucks?
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>EU Horde
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So what went wrong, /wowg/? Why is WoW now a dead game and only a shadow of former self? What is the best expansion and why is it TBC?
>I mean, France has legal ties with the US, as does the UK. But if they hosted the servers in, say, a scandanavian country or a former soviet block state - they could tell Blizzard to go fuck themselves and they couldn't do shit about it.
The entire EU has the exact same "legal ties" you retard.

And in the entire EU private servers are perfectly legal. All intimidation letters have been successfully ignored by every other server except Nost.

Which either means that Nost is a bunch of scum sucking turds who planned this all along to angle for positions at Blizzard, or that they have some real dirt on them that can't be uncovered in court or they're fucked.
bugger off ralph, he's trying to foster the eu community, which is more than can be said for you
I don't mean that your feelings for those servers were fake. by the way, the original "you think you do, but you don't" guy probably didn't mean it like that too Do you want to stay on the same patch forever? Never getting any new content? You need to be a madman to actually want legacy servers

pristine is a start but they need to change much more in the direction of the game

ideally they would continue what they're doing while taking the tbc design more in mind instead, going back to vanilla and going forward from there would be better than legacy servers but still a great problem
Alright cool

haha great meme dude, instead of just giving up on it I at least want to scrape together the people who actually do give a damn
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pick one lmao

Best expansion was MoP. BC was a horrible failure of shit lore.
>being this deluded
Care to explain how Pristine servers divided anyone ever?

Even on the fucking blizzard forums of all places, where the shit of blizzdevs is consumed by the tonne, everyone said they wouldn't work
>im supporting them
why? even your boyfriend bearheart is disgusted at WoD and a lot of legion changes
Molten WoW has been up for ~8 years and has a bigger population than Nostalrius had.
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Nostalrius Begins?

more like

Nostalrius Ends
>shitty theme
>faceroll content
>homogenous classes
>new talents
>no depth
I could go on and on... TBC was objectively the best.
Fuck you cuck I don't play on private servers, I just have some idea of international copyright laws. There's a reason those countries are hotbeds of server hosting because they are well beyond the jurisdiction of the US courts and they generally don't give a shit about intimidating letters either.
>Norway, Iceland, Belarus, Ukraine
>covered by the TPP
And in this post, anon reveals he doesn't know how to read a map.
desu playing $15/ month for a single content patch in an entire xpac sounds like similar levels of cuckoldry to nostfags

you've payed Blizz $285 since WoD was released for... lets think, Hellfire Citadel and to keep the servers running.

At this point you may as well be setting Metzen fuck your wife
i havn't payed money since the wow token was released

get cucked cucklords of cuckstalrius

read the fucking lore m8, vanilla was trash, yes, those were my mains back then and I hated it because it got old really fast being relegated to a cuck position in the raid when I wanted to do something else
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I'll join when the prepatch hits

>best expansion
>introduced the cancer that is blood elves
>retconned cool ass Draenei into blue goat humans



Just because I wouldn't play on it 24/7 until the end of time doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to replay a game that I like.


unfortunate but it's impact is exaggerated, especially LFR
>>shitty theme
MoP had excellent thematics what are you talking about? Beautiful zones, music, and a better story than just about every other expansion.
>>faceroll content
Oh look another shitter who doesn't actually play and bases all his knowledge off Preach videos. Muh two months to clear and muh literally broken encounters.
>>no depth
Yeah classes had so much depth in TBC you could just make a macro for your whole rotation lmao
The fucking game cover literally labelled Paladins and Shamans as support classes.

I dunno who's the more gullible shithead, the long-term player that's actually paying this much or the tokenfags like >>140720640
that was 2004 m8
>off Preach videos
But Preach is clearly a Blizzdrone nowadays. I gotta give it to you that his video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rd0-zVIBVo was on point though.
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I am disgusted with WoD, as should any player that previously played in past expansions. But Legion looks alright. If I hand my hands on it you could bet your ass there are some changes I'd make (including the combining of PvE and PvP trees). Some classes are very far from the mark (Beast mastery, Brewmaster (even post change, it's better now but still a direct downgrade from what is what, Mistweaver PvE) but a lot of classes they've nailed and made genuinely better to play in every aspect (Holy priest, elemental).

Of course I can't tell you how I'll feel about class halls, I'm not testing those with a 39 and one half foot pole.
Any else here filled with joy that blizzard didn't announce or hint at legacy servers with their discussions with nost admins? lmfao

also cata is best expansion
I don't even have to bring up the books
Look at WC2. Was turalyon a cuck that just stood on the side buffing and healing? No, he bashed orc scum back to outland

WC3 even, paladins had an occasional heal and support skills, they still bashed

I am always amused by the suffering of nostalgiafags

MoP was best expansion, faggot
I wasn't a huge fan of mop but it was definitely better than vanilla~
>running around as brewmaster
>some random low level mob smacks me
>get 10 second dot from stagger
>can't clear the dot because in legion you can only clear 50% of you stagger
>have to stand there and wait 10 seconds before you can mount or interact with the quest object
>every single time anything touches you

Thanks blizzard
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>wow is dying
>vanilla is the best expansion
>the game has only gotten worse
>naxx 40 was the hardest raid

Few things arent better than vanilla though

>also cata is best expansion

the only way anyone can possible think that in their right mind is if they started in that expansion

so fuck off
It's true though.
the only thing metzen will be cucking is anons dildo collection
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there are infinite amount of universes where I am here, talking to you, another universe I didnt even discover this board, the other one I stopped posting back in MoP, this current reality I am here, one reality I met with people from here, and discord never got made, Pozy never posted and Khubbo didnt do 3D, the other reality I was streaming the game, you, me, us are infinite... reality is just our imagination its un comprehencible
Did blizzard mismanage warriors in WoW?
They're all over the place with abilities and they have no lore

why not have a blademaster class that has unique and differentiated abilities like bladestorm, windwalking and illusions and shit? It would be cool as fuck to see a melee dps use cloth or a new type of light armor (not leather, fuck leather)

The only warrior in wc3 was cairne bloodhoof, and even he had differentiated abilies that made him unique

Warriors are just so generic.

It would be cool as fuck if blizzard started making faction exclusive classes again so that everything don't play so samey all the time.

Giving horde paladins was a huge mistake
The specs they've improved in Legion are outnumbered significantly by the ones they fucked up. If anything, they're making improvements by accident while making everything worse. Gameplay wise Blood DK's and Brewmasters are a travesty, Outlaw is garbage, Windwalker is garbage, both Warrior DPS specs are garbage, all 3 mage specs are garbage, and Destro Locks are unplayable.

The only non-healer specs they've managed to improve are
>DK Frost
>Maybe Feral druids?
>there are infinite amount of universes

there aren't, the universe is finite and will die one day
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huns i love you so much im so happy ur my gf!!! :D <3

Cata revamped the absolute shit vanilla leveling zones to actually be fun

Cata had great dungeons, with even better dungeons added in later patches

Cata added the best zone in the history of the game, Vashj'ir (inb4 'but me no can understand a third axis of movement! vashj'ir is bad!)
3-axis movement is bad when WoW has abilities that target the ground retard
warriors are supposed to be just generic warriors
the problem is that their abilities aren't
you're getting trolled hard stop replying to it

Yeah man, all those rotational ground targeted abilities you use all the time while leveling like... uh... the freeze from frost elementals maybe? Zone ruined, cant use one ability.
memes aside, what even would there be to test around the order hall? I doubt there's any part of it that needs debugging since it's all fairly simple shit that they're not doing anything fantastically new with
is it worth to quest through pandaria for the gold or should I skip it and go straight to wod?

>Cata revamped the absolute shit vanilla leveling zones to actually be fun
>ruined Kalimdor and EK and pumped them full of dumb meme quests while simultaneously sucking away resources from actual new content

>Cata had great dungeons, with even better dungeons added in later patches
Mediocre dungeons praised purely because of "muh having to sheep/sap trash mobs."

>Cata added the best zone in the history of the game, Vashj'ir (inb4 'but me no can understand a third axis of movement! vashj'ir is bad!)
It was the best Cata zone but it was so pathetically undeveloped and empty it's not even funny. There's nothing there once you finish the quests.
but stuff like freeze is best used while leveling retard
suggest your memeiest guild name please /wowg/
I am not that person, but most of Vashj'ir has combat that takes place on or near the ground. I can't really think of any classes that actually need to be using the ground while leveling either...
the moment i quit my job and tried stand-up comedy i realized id rather be a failure of a comedian than a success at telemarketing. just stream the game huns, just let go of whats been holding you back, then you'll realize this reality is whichever one you wanted it to be.
>Gameplay wise Blood DK's and Brewmasters are a travesty,
I have no idea about blood DK's
>Outlaw is garbage
>Windwalker is garbage
I see nothing wrong with Outlaw and Windwalker whatsoever
>Both Warrior DPS specs are garbage
Arms is a direct upgrade and fury is fine, both their talent trees are fucking awful though because of placement of talents
>All 3 mage specs are garbage, and Destro Locks are unplayable.
Frost was always garbage, fire is alright, and arcane is just different

No idea on destro.

You seem to think different means garbage when what you say going into MoP into WoD was a flat out downgrade of every spec in terms of it's playstyle and skill cap. Legion's class changes are different at worst and more times than not are slightly better while being different.

MoP is still the pinnacle of class design to me regardless but to say that Legion's class changes are more often than not a downgrade is false
you can quest for the gold at 100 when you've exhausted WoD's meagre amount of content
>There's nothing there once you finish the quests.

This is true of basically every zone that doesnt have a daily hub
>watching darkmoon arena pvp shit
>some guy playing literally a dozen DKs at once globals anyone who walks in

has blizzard ever made any official statements on multiboxing or is it just an unspoken "we're getting paid so we don't care" thing
>the only way anyone can possible think that in their right mind is if they started in that expansion
Nah I've played wow since vanilla, cata is the most enjoyment i had, at least raiding/end game-wise

Other expansion were better for the EXPERIENCE but I don't see this game as anything other than end-game so it doesn't really matter.
you can do the same with friends so its fine
>go to taunt the boss
>it misses
>wipe because you missed taunt
>I have no idea about blood DK's
2 buttons and they scale inversely with gear.

>I see nothing wrong with Outlaw and Windwalker whatsoever
Outlaw would take an essay but a perfect WW rotation can be made in a castsequence macro extremely easily, effectively making it a 1 button spec.

I'll skip Warriors because I haven't looked at their most recent builds.

>Frost was always garbage, fire is alright, and arcane is just different
Frost is and was always garbage, Legion Fire is literally WoD Frost with a different coat of paint, everything fun and unique about it has been stripped out and replaced with a priority system that is identical to Frost now.
>Fireball/Frostbolt filler
>Ice Lance/Inferno Blast on proc/crit
>Pyroblast/Frostfire Bolt on proc/crit
And Arcane is still boring as fuck with nothing fun about it, but easily the highest DPS. Quickening is a terrible talent and hands down better than everything else in tier 100, too.
Dallas scryers club
but how does taunt miss
do you think the tanks have to come up with increasingly witty quips and insults, and if one misses a beat their taunt fails
we bang dogs
Outside of building an ignite right before combustion fire is unchanged
No? You can't stack Heating Up! and Pyroblast! procs, Living Bomb and Ignite function completely differently, and Combustion is gone and has a generic cooldown wearing its skin. Aside from that, building a massive Ignite right before Combustion was extremely satisfying, on top of being one of the most unqiue DPS cooldowns in the game. The only problem with it was design wise was that it required Crit hard capping to be consistent, which Blizzard was too fucking uninspired to do in talents.

It would have been extremely easy, just change Rune of Power
>Rune of Destruction
>Identical to what Rune of Power is in Legion except increases crit by 50% for the duration instead of increasing damage by 50%

>advocating the horrible rune talents
What if instead of having like, one person that doesn't play the game and has no idea what the fuck they're doing, they consulted top players for balance?

Would that be a complete disaster or at least very slightly better than what they do now?
>This is true of basically every zone that doesnt have a daily hub
TBC and vanilla still had uses for zones even after leveling.
>actually running to raids/instances
Now you just afk in your garrison all day queuing to everywhere. WoW is truly dead.
Blizzard has made it clear that it's not going away despite how much everyone hates it, I'd rather make the most of it. the Legion version at least is only cancer in remission rather than Terminal.
thats basically what they do now
>2 buttons and they scale inversely with gear.
I'm unsurprised by this
>Outlaw would take an essay
If your essay revolves around Jolly Roger you can save it, I actually love that mechanic

>a perfect WW rotation can be made in a castsequence macro extremely easily, effectively making it a 1 button spec.
We could say this about bots too but if it's as much of a rotation as you make it out to be based on their combo breaker mastery then I'm not entirely too surprised, but I still like the spec and changes to SEF.

>Frost is and was always garbage
Yeah, in Legion you can have a different flavor of hot garbage with the spec though so there's that at least x)

>Legion Fire is literally WoD Frost with a different coat of paint
The difference is actually crit dependency with gear levels because your phoenix crits can all proc heating up, Hot Streak and the talents are much more psuedo crit oriented. I don't think it's exactly fair to call it a frost repaint when inferno blast and ice lance are far apart, you control your procs, and your burst / spread isn't just taking a passive ice lance cleave

>And Arcane is still boring as fuck with nothing fun about it, but easily the highest DPS. Quickening is a terrible talent and hands down better than everything else in tier 100, too.
I won't further comment on arcane seeing as I'm a huge noob to burn conserve vs it's Legion iteration but I do like the utility arcane is afforded in Legion to say the least with Displacement and Ice Barrier.

Poiint being, yes they are mostly just different, where you lost one skill cap you gained another in a different way (or two) in most cases. Whereas in WoD from MoP, you just lost skill cap, there was no replacement. That's why I'm not dismissing Legion so quickly based on my testing of classes alone
>Would that be a complete disaster or at least very slightly better than what they do now?

Blizzards biggest problem is they want people to play the game the way THEY want the game to be played. They don't want people making their own fun, they want to put fun in a box and hand it out as they see fit. Other games allow and encourage emergent gameplay, Blizzard does everything they can to prevent it.
no but I mean actually do something when people tell them their spec is broken and isn't "shaping up to be looking real good right about now maybe"
>you cant stack heating up and pryoblast
but that didnt fundamentally change the gameplay, you just sat on a proc longer. You still will want to cast pyro off of a fireball cast so that a pyro crit wont be negated by fireball not critting.
>living bomb functions differently
living bomb has not been rotational for a while, and having it spread on explosion makes it a more interesting AoE than just a delayed big burst
>ignite functions differently
you were never thinking about spreading ignite manually though. It was always to either get the crit from inferno blast or spread combustion.
>combustion is gone
like I said, thats the only real change. Yes, I would prefer to have old combustion back, but it only mattered every 2 or so minutes to start preparing a big ignite, the core rotation is unchanged.

Additionally, fire has gained 2 new active abilities.
>nd your burst / spread isn't just taking a passive ice lance cleave

Living Bomb and Ignite spread is literally completely passive in Legion though.
yeah, but you see the thing is is blizzard doesn't have the resources to balance anymore, so they have to prune every ability to save time and half ass everything so they can move to the next class before they run out of resources to balance everything.
are you seriously implying that the playerbase knows fuck all about balance?
>you were never thinking about spreading ignite manually though

Yeah, I do actually. I absolutely make sure to spread as much ignite as possible to priority adds. I dump all my HU and PB procs for Doomfires on Archi, Imps on Xhul, Bombs on Reaver etc. all so I can get as much damage on them as possible. Intentionally spreading your Ignite on Archi is anywhere from 20-50k DPS depending on your gear and kill time and means a whole lot less fire on the ground.
Living Bomb spread is fine as long as it doesnt loop endlessly

Pyro needs to have its dot back and both that and ignite need to be spread by Inferno blast.
You still need to apply living bomb, AoE strike, and yeah ignite's passive cleave. I don't see anything wrong with having to hit 2 AoE's while doing your single target to do AoE

Pyro doesn't need to have it's DoT back, it's base coefficient was buffed to compensate for the DoT removal.
Also your pheonix flame thing from artifact is your active AoE with 3 charges as well. Saving up charges preAE, flamestriking, living bombing, and then doing standard DPS is fine for an AoE rotation
but being able to spread the dot was nice.
It's still effectively no different than FFB for Frost now.
Artifact also has phoenix reborn as a multitarget ability
are the feats moved to legacy no longer attainable? stuff like the undying/immortal titles
FFB is gone :^)
I'd like to take a moment to say I also like Brainfreeze infinitely more in Legion than on live. I know it's going to be an unpopular opinion based on Frozen Orbs ongoing legal battles with terrain but I genuinely always thought FFB procs were boring as all fuck

It now creates a larger ignite which autospeads in Legion. It's DoT was removed because it really doesn't fit into the new design. If they were to add it back they might as well just revert all the legion changes to fire. Which would be nice. They also removed the DoT from flamestrike and doubled it's coefficient for the same reason, because instead of having multiple dots that all just do damage over time, you have one dot that is created off multiple spells which roll into each other that does... damage over time.


What did you mean by this?
I agree actually. Frozen Orb can be glyphed to no move but appear directly on the target iirc.

>What did you mean by this?

It's a proc that hits hard but doesn't really interact with your rotation or priorities in any major way beyond pressing it when it lights up.
>It's a proc that hits hard but doesn't really interact with your rotation or priorities in any major way beyond pressing it when it lights up.

The interaction is in the set up
>It now creates a larger ignite which autospeads in Legion. It's DoT was removed because it really doesn't fit into the new design. If they were to add it back they might as well just revert all the legion changes to fire. Which would be nice. They also removed the DoT from flamestrike and doubled it's coefficient for the same reason, because instead of having multiple dots that all just do damage over time, you have one dot that is created off multiple spells which roll into each other that does... damage over time.
They're still dots, they just coalesce differently. Flamestrike still leaves a huge pulsing damage on the floor, you still need to apply living bomb if you take it. The only functional difference is not preloading dots to spread on AoE, instead you just have solid AoE
Fire needs something to influence when you dump all youre phoenix flames

needs to do more than just damage. Turn it into a mini old-combustion so its damage grows off getting a big ignite going

But it is your rotation priority, that's how it interacts with it you brungus. What the fuck am I reading.

How does Pyro having a DoT component change this? This seems like a problem in relation to combustion now just being a damage buff. The filler rotation for fire remains closely the same with the addition of some new things like being able to cast instant Flamestrikes.
>just hit this on CD
boring as fuck. It cant even give heating up
Yes it can
HFC already got the 20% nerf, they just called it valor and made you do shit to get it
>Fire needs something to influence when you dump all youre phoenix flames

It does, sort of. You'll only use them during Rune of power because somehow Blizzard thought making it a 50% damage buff was a good idea. It lasts 10 seconds so you get 6 GCDs.
>Fish for PB proc
>Combustion for 100% crit

>How does Pyro having a DoT component change this?

You dump all your Pyroblasts just before an Add spaws then spread a DoT to them that ticks for 200k. Since the DoT requires only one GCD to get roughly the same damage as the direct damage hits of 3 Pyroblasts it basically carries Fire's ability to deal burst DPS to priority adds.

Heating up still exists bruv, you just can't get it while you have a Pyroblast!, the filler for fire is more about casting IB's to upgrade your heating ups after casting a pyro and using the Flame On talent to chain a bunch in a row during combustion.

Phoenix Flame's doesn't give heating up, which is kind of annoying, but at least it's not a Pyro override anymore.

>Fire's ability to deal burst DPS to priority adds.

I'm laffin.
>you only use them for rune of power
which is a talent. lmao great game design

I never said that heating up was gone, my point was that Phoenix Flames doesnt interact with it
Yeah I know but it's going to be even worse in Legion. At least we can game the system somewhat now.

>which is a talent. lmao great game design

But isn't Mirror images that scale with literally nothing such a great cooldown?
Why can't hunters tame snakes?
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>Blizzcucks will defend this
see ya on reddit faggot
in answer to the first, The MMO playerbase has moved on to other genres. Those who grew up with them have actual responsibilities now and the new gamers coming of age were raised by cod, minecraft, and mobileshit
To quote a great warrior: Times change
>those who grew up with them have actual responsibilities now
>he thinks anyone who grew up on wow became a functional, well adjusted adult with a job and friends
Apparently not because we've got 500 days of HFC with no changes.
sometimes to the worse
>midtier trash gets a mention in vanilla or TBC but not Wrath

>500 days of HFC with no changes
That it didn't need any changes proves how great the content was. 6.2 was the largest content patch they ever did, remember.
Where are you guys getting this info? My phoenix flame's certainly affects both Heating up and Hot Streak.

Also you can hold a phantom charge on Heating up while you have Hot Streak active. You can test this by using combustion, hitting phoenix flame's and after you use up your Hot Streak you'll have a heating up left up to inferno blast and puyro again
Just got to tanaan how easy is it to gear up here?
>literally a one room raid with one boss re-skinned
>a big new instance with completely new bosses
>the same as above
its pretty easy. most elites and treasures drop 650 gear that has a chance to be upgraded as warforged all the way up to 675. there's also a small chance for apexis fragments which will bump a single piece of baleful gear up to 695.
i cant speak for brewmonsters, but windwalker is no longer a clusterfuck of random convoluted shit, moving death strike to runic power was single handedly the best blood dk change ever, enhancement finally gets a rework it's needed for years (lol harcasting in melee for optimal deeps and exponentially scaling aoe that meant ST dps had to be eternally in the shitter), and shadow might actually be a thing again. unholy looks great too. cant speak to warriors, i dont play those much, but nothing can be worse than the MS - wait - wait that was arms
>Where are you guys getting this info? My phoenix flame's certainly affects both Heating up and Hot Streak.

This was added in the most recent build about 18 hours ago iirc.

>Also you can hold a phantom charge on Heating up while you have Hot Streak active
You can't. There's a 250 ms delay between a spell hitting and not critting, and the Heating Up charge dissipating, this grace period is what allows a cast Fireball that doesn't crit and an Instant crit Pyroblast to not dissipate a HU and instead turning it into a Pyroblast.
Stagger doesn't interrupt mounting or looting a world item IIRC
>but windwalker is no longer a clusterfuck of random convoluted shit,
>I don't play WW

>moving death strike to runic power was single handedly the best blood dk change ever
>Pull boss
>Boss hits me for a fuckton because I haven't got any Bone Shield charges up because that's not a Cooldown anymore
>I can't get RP quickly because I need Bone Shield
>I can't heal because I have no RP

This doesn't even touch on the underlying Balance issues of having you primary active healing scale inversely with with your mitigation, or the fact that Heart Strike might as well be taken off the bars completely because using it *exclusively* at the expense of Marrowrend only nets you 1 extra DS every 70 seconds. An extra DS which will, outside of the initial pull, heal for shit because it scales inversely with mitigation.

I guess it is, but it wasn't before. I was playing fire in the early raidtest and ignoring Pyretic Incantation being broken as fuck, it felt awful because Phoenix flames would override your Pyro ability when you had a flame orb charge and not be able to proc heating up.

This is actually a nice change since one cast of it is giving my a Pyroblast! which would give more synergy to on demand burst aoe with using PF's followed by Flamestrikes.
It's been like this for more than that because I was using it to do 51cK m0t4g3 Bur5t with it last week as well so maybe a couple builds old

Also yes, you can have phantom heating up procs. Phoenix's travel time will make this a bitch sometimes but you should be close for D breath still unless I am mistaken. D Breath cannot proc Heating up / Hot Streak though I just noticed

>BloodDK Feedback Thread
>Ask for feedback
>People give it
>"Your feedback is wrong, stop giving us feedback about it"

Why do they even bother asking for feedback if their design decisions are already finalized internally?
Some of the threads are more of a "Please let us know if something is bugged" Feedback Thread
Death Strike being useless for its intended purpose sounds pretty bugged to me.

I assume because they're trying to get a certain design to work and they want players to run with it rather then just complain it doesn't work like it used to.
But that's not very smart when said design scales inversely with player skill and gear or requires the tank to walk around picking up fucking bubbles while he tanks the boss. Can you even imagine how painful that's going to be for BrM's who play with even a little bit of lag? It's going to be impossible to position anything.

Sometimes a developer needs to take a step back and as themselves "Is this idea fucking retarded?"
Haven't played since WoD launch when that ogre raid was the new thing. Is there enough new shit to keep me busy for a while now?
One raid. Don't waste your money.
do you play on moonguard
6.2 added enough content to last for months.
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>Sometimes a developer needs to take a step back and as themselves "Is this idea fucking retarded?"

Maybe, or maybe he decided to just put every Brewmaster player on blast in that thread,
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it's such an idiotic design choice. When the fight starts I have no bubbles on either side of me, my survival is based on something that takes minutes to build up? it's troublesome on any fight that as even an ounce of movement. like operator in BRF. it doesn't work in dungeons where we are constantly moving. they've taken the most mobile tank (part of the lore which they are fucking basing all of these changes on) and have made us the most immobile tank.
i'm convinced the person charged with designing Brm for Legion doesn't actually play brewmaster. even little QoL thing like this didn't occur to them.
>First, it reinforces that you want to let yourself get damaged

And that's when you realized WoW is run by a functional retard.
Vanilla Prot Paladins had to "let" themselves get damage too. Certainly worked well then.
they realized nobody actually pays attention to ground clutter, so expel harm is back in the new build, it draws in all the orbs, heals you and deals damage for each, has a counter on it telling you how many orbs you've spawned
That would be nice if the orbs didn't despawn after 28 seconds or when you got more than 15 yards away.
that's worded like the brewmaster is the only person in the raid. I want to let myself fall below 100% hp? I should try to maintain a sweet spot of 70% hp? does he not understand I have healers healing me?? that their job is to heal me??
Well DK's just got some bull shit on alpha, guess we can't test PvP for a week xd

Are you serious? He wrote an icyveins guide on how to be a nightmare for a healer. If you've ever healed anything above heroic you'd know that what he's writing is funtionally retarded to expect. A tank at 50% with even one stack of generic debuff is asking for trouble.

Then again, he also said healers are supposed to flash heal tanks at 80% so I'm not surprised that he's a retard that's never healed

>Are you serious?

Oh thank god
Maybe the brewmaster players just play the class wrong, he is a den after all, he should be right.
I'm half tempted to go digging for that thread just to read all the responses. I could use a good laugh. He literally knows less about the game and tanking in particular than someone even only passingly familiar with WoW.
Incestral, when will you take responsibility for ralph? It is obvious that you are the one responsible for keeping him here since the moment you invited him to NA.

He has shitted all over this general and you dont do anything to stop him? I thought you were supposed to be one of the good avatars.

Tank feedback threads at the best.
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>that quote
Meanwhile Prot Paladins have 85% DR. The fuck is that idiot smoking?

no such thing as a good avatar you drooling cuck
>brewmaster thread on legion forums has three times as many posts as any other spec/thread
At least the issue is getting some attention. even if the deevs are refusing to listen.
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i think fem goblins are good avatar posters. tho thats my opinion
>pretending there is no issue
>skill brewmasters are virtually unkillable right now
Skilled tanks are good tanks? No fucking way.

Isn't this what blood DK's did for 3 expansions and counting? Except the floor for a skilled DK is incredibly low by comparison?
Meanwhile, they won't even talk to Blood DK's.
Since everyone will be getting them through their order hall in Legion, will people finally stop using the MoP CM stuff for transmog?

No because the CM sets aren't being put in the order hall you dumbo. Also special snowflakes won't just stop being special snowflakes.
Why would anyone stop when its a very different set? Different colors, different shoulder layout, some boots/gloves are different shapes, plus the spell effects aren't confirmed on the Welfare sets yet
Why is the female gnome dance so retarded, they literally look like they're shaking a bunch of invisible maracas
I'll use it on my druid because druids don't have transmog sets worth a damn.
I stopped using them on the other classes already.
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Depends on if the recolors are better than the originals. From the 6 I've seen I'm only liking Golden King more.

Have they showcased more?
The ones we have seen are the only ones in this build. Expect more in the coming weeks.
it's been a while since i've played blood dk, how is this a bad thing again?
>tfw no big butt female bear gf
They were datamined rather than showcased. Might not even make it to final.
Can't wait, I wonder if others will get to use my beautiful totem shoulders
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See >>140728767
>tfw no rooty tooy point at her booty chinese smokey girl
The priest one is just a straight recolor, and there's really nothing to the shaman one without them.
Because Blizzard want Mana to Matter(tm) and they accomplish this by making healing slow as fuck.

Why don't they do the opposite? Increase Mana costs, increase heal throughput, increase regen. Make healers Burn and Conserve like Arcane Mages? Because that would be challenging.

>In the Shaman Order Hall, there is an NPC who sells the eight piece set. All of these items cost 1000 Order Hall Resources.
>Helm - Complete the final storyline of two Broken Isles leveling zones.
>Shoulders - Complete the quest "Arcan'dor, Gift of the Ancient Magi" in Suramar.
>Chest - Complete Chapter 4 of the Order Hall Campaign
>Wrist - Complete Chapter 3 of the Order Hall Campaign
>Hands - Complete the quest "Opening the Arcway" in Suramar.
>Belt - Earn 50000 Artifact Power
>Legs - Reach Honored status with at least 3 Broken Isles reputations.
>Feet - Defeat the final boss of every Legion dungeon, on any difficulty.

doesn't really sound like something you'd get out of just datamining m8
>When every single tank, including brewmasters themselves got nerfed into being barely better that DPS specs.
Man, if healers continue being able to barely heal for shit like on WoD, healing on Legion will be a fucking riot.
Hm true I suppose but unlikely.
PvE healing is really bad, especially in WoD where 3 minute CD's are everything to rotate. It makes it very bad
Yeah but that's the only one that was 100% recolor, it looked really bad too. I'm just curious how you recolor the totem shoulders, that's hard
Now to me this sounds kinda like D3 season rewards desu
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>curious how you recolor the totem shoulders
hunter set looks like its off a roadkill
I'm just curious how you recolor the totem shoulders without them looking shit*
I wish they'd hurry up and implement armor dyes.

To be fair the set looks like shit anyways so there's no winning here.

SWTOR did that and it did way, way more harm than good.
FFXIV spoiled me hard with healing.
Being able to outDPS shitters while topping everyone off felt great, even if energy drain misses and cleric stance are cancer.
I really hope disc will be able to do something like that, too, but I bet they will nerf the fuck out of their DPS because raidfags will cry or something.

They also had actual spell animations, why the fuck do healers have spell effects so shitty on wow? every fucking caster gets new animations on Legion and priests still keep the old shitty smite.
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The shoulders are cool as fuck. Even the most hipster of hipsters can't say they look like shit can they?
>why the fuck do healers have spell effects so shitty on wow?

Because cancelling the animation in FF14 cancels the spell or ability, too. THAT is cancer and makes half the specs unplayable with more than 100 ping.
What do you mean? the delay on skills that made people die even if benediction got off?
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Last time I played it, if you clipped an animation by moving, it would cancel the attack or ability even if the GCD had already been triggered. It made playing Ninja completely impossible.
I think its the other way around, FFXIV is WAAAY over the top on spell visuals. Everything in that game is incredibly flashy and in your face.
only because 90% of the crafted dyes are utter shit
and the fucking paired primary/secondary shit instead of just colour modules that you can slot in however you want

They're freakin tiki totems. Come on, Incestral, it looks dumb on anything except maybe a Troll.
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Darth Baras is far more classy.
>space ralph

jesus christ
I can't forgive you for that Huns
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>implying Ralph ever looked this good
what the fuck is happening in this webm
I like that style to be honest with you. I also like WoW's style. They're two different visual styles, and WoW is an older game too
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This is some next level hipster. There are zero cooler shoulder models in the game.
The DK applied a dot and it outDPS'd my flash heals and CD's
>you didnt get the blastoise shoulders

every day Im a little closer to killing myself
Feel like I should level up another guy, only got the 1 level 100, whats fun to play, probably wont grind dungeons so will need something thats enjoyable for a while
thanks for including a fem panda ass Mr big panda
the tiki totems are most likely gonna go

although the priest set is completely unchanged lmao
We'll see. If Paladin shoulders lost their wings, who knows what Shaman shoulders will be.
I prefer his response to "I feel your anger".
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>There are zero cooler shoulder models in game

Too edgy
hi wowg
why are cata dungeons so awful?
>human male
They're literally still there, read the thread
Hang in there friend.
:DDD I miss being called Blastoise panda
No problem
lmao, it wasn't great before as a full set but full gold is so gaudy, I hope I don't see the recolor that much
Please be ironic
>stopped playing in pandaria
>installed wow to check how are things after receiving the wod+7days email
>realm depopulated af

wew, was wod this terrible?
Fuck off you whore
Anon.... those are the unused MoP variants. Not the new Legion ones.
>too edgy
>implying that's possible
This is warlock we're talking about here
bit rude desu
Those are the old recolors datamined that never made it live. The recently shown ones don't match the old datamined colors at all either
That's not very nice
Totem shoulders trump those
WoD had a 3 million sub drop in a single financial quarter. Yes, it was.
i want that fem pandas butt on my face
ah woops
Are you leveling on a dead server?

Jesus christ.
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Mantle of the Eredar Lord is much prettier, and regal to boot.
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No worries. For example this is how significant the change can be. We still haven't seen Rogue, Monk, Mage, Warlock, or DK.
my mage is on KJ because it was in SYP long ago
I like the priest CM shoulders so Im fine with the gold ones

also I play shadow
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>tfw I'll never have the pally wings
>tfw I'll never have the greatest mage set in the game

Life is suffering
tfw still have a character in the KJ guild
>wings on the helm
>no wings on shoulders

Id rather just have full recolors placed in Legion challenge dungeons at a high keystone level as a rare drop desu
>dramatic change
They literally only removed the shoulders. Still, I'm not using that set, it looks pretty shit without em and I don't like the mask-helmet
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They're good too. I use 8 of the CM shoulders in my different mogs
Excellent taste.

Alright I'm gonna go out now, ttyl
So I'm hearing that moonguard/wra are the go-to servers for RP on horde/ally. Are these actual RP servers or are they just filled with ERP exclusively?

You can turn on and off an enchant like Mongoose but you can't remove one of the blades from the main hand Warglaive of Azzinoth.

Floating wings, crystals, candles, etc. Those aren't part of the shoulder armor. The wings on the helmet were probably designed as part of the helmet instead of something additional.
No but the wing helm looks weird now
im pretty sure dom kicked me out when he got leader
no you wont you dyslexic fuck
It's a halfassed attempt to reuse existing armor, what do you expect.
you should probably stop playing because this game is shit
get new eyeballs
Is there a secret to Dom's autism?
>no it isnt
even your buttbuddy bear thinks the game is shit. Youre the only one deluded enough to defend WoD
no he is just autistic
>PvP is pretty good
PvP is in a godawful state and has record low participation. How can you be this deluded?
>rampant botting and cheating, rating deflation and general lack of balance is fine because Im not a crybaby

you really want Metzens dick
Is World of Warcraft still accessible to new players? I want to get to know the game and get involved before Legion drops, but I've never played WoW before.
i broke the huns

someone wind it back up
horde on moon guard yes or no
>cheating is okay because a couple people can break glad without cheating

this is next level dicksucking
Yeah, I think so
In fact it might be TOO accessible for new players

Ralph you're a retard.
No, you are trying to justify all the issues with PvP by saying "git gud"

getting better might make it possible to beat bots, but you shouldnt have to play around kickbots in the first place. Ontop of that, the abysmal rating deflation means its even harder to climb the ladder with a good win loss ratio. ANd getting good will NEVER change the fact that somebody can be good and play braindead comps or just roll human and beat you, which shouldnt be the case.
So can somebody please decode this nostalrius "announcement" for me?
I don't really understand what they're trying to say or what this WoW "replay" is.
Stupid fucking retard, just because people can get glad with it existing doesn't mean kickbotting or cheating is ok. Those things should never be in a pvp game. Stop thinking like a goddamn 9 year old and just saying "no" to peoples arguments, its childish and makes you look like a mongoloid.
nost team think they're messiahs now despite delivering absolutely nothing

the replay feature is absolutely nothing at all

legacy/pristine servers are in their current state not anywhere even remotely close to happening
I hate seeing hunters with unnamed pets. Something about it screams at me and makes me want to /w abuse to the cunts. It's a defining part of your fucking class you ungrateful piece of shit. GIVE THE FUCKING THING A NAME.

I swear I never used to see hunters with unnamed pets when you had to wait til level 10 and do a quest line to get them.
post ywf they're killing off varian and thralls taking a vacation because Metzen hates WoW now
fuck you, clearly this is only the starting point and they're going to be keeping the discussion going

doesn't really answer my question
if the replay feature is nothing at all what IS IT?
but kronos
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Draenei warlocks when?
esports bullshit
from what i can tell it lets you play through pre-planned and pre-set simulations of scripted shit

so basically you play with a bunch of robots through one thing
Like what? Has anybody tried it yet?
why waste the time

it's literally singleplayer wow on railroad tracks
you forgot to tend to their needs didnt you /wowg/
uh, just to see what it is and the novelty?
clearly they're allowed to release it so there must be some significance to it

this day crowd on wowg is impossible to actually talk to, damn
if you're so fucking curious then install and it play it yourself you stupid cunt

fuck you
I am
What's the matter, man? :(
Hey man,
seems like something's bothering you. Wanna tell me about it?
>continuing to dodge every objective flaw with PvP with "git gud"

multiglad players will tell you PvP is in the toilet too. What then?

You keep trying to tie the argument back to the person, thats not addressing the flaws. The assertion that you cant be critical of whats in your control AND whats out of your control is beyond retarded, and not an argument. You keep strawmanning that I apparently am low rated and trying to blame those issues for me not being higher rated.

Its not wahh I cant get higher rating. Its that PvP isnt fun with all this garbage. Its not fun for comps to be hilariously imbalanced, its not fun to play against bots and its not fun to play against people vastly more experienced because rating deflation has brought past glads into the 1800 bracket.

Youre so far up blizzards ass that you wont even acknowledge the possibility that Blizzard's design could ever carry partial blame and keep deflecting with "its just you :P"

I have a btag list full of Glad players. Ive played at a 2.2k+ level for years now and this is one of the worst seasons for PvP in a while. The PvP forums reflect this, the participation rates reflect this, youre the only one in denial.
so do I make a female dranai DH for her thick thighs
Or a night elf female dh for those rockin abs?
So brewmaster monk is the only spec I've not properly tried out.

Is it worth doing it now? I'm hearing a lot about legion changing it for the worse.
Saying "your bad" isn't an argument for anything, its an ad hominem. You assume I am bad at pvp. Lets assume I have glad, and I'm good at the game. What if I say that rapant cheating is horrible for WoW? Is my opinion still not valued? The thing is you're just a shitposter with no real arguments to anything, and its a really shitty thing to do and you should feel ashamed of yourself. I know you never will though, as people who don't think like you do are "triggered". That's just you shitposting again.
Any good places to farm ogre waystones that they didn't nerf yet?
now is the time to try it since brm in it's current state is going away forever in legion

brewmaster is my favorite spec right now. i'm very worried about what is coming in legion.
>caring this much about some generated character in the game
Pets are dumb as fuck, who cares? Maybe I'll make a hunter and name my pet "dumbmutt" to piss off people like you
I thought it was night elf and dran for allies?
>im mad about pets without names!
>im gonna name my pet to tell this guy off, heheheh

you're fucking stupid

nelf only for alliance because muh lore
just elves
although, I do personally believe that draenei and orc should be demon hunters as well
oh damn. I guess that answers that question.

I don't think i'm ever going to get to make a goat
if you're alliance goat is like the only really cool option for monk or paladin or any healing class really
is there a free version of that zygor guide somewhere? just starting a character and I'm a total idiot when it comes to leveling
using google but if someone knows an up to date version it would help
come to Zul'Jin, Froo and I will be your friends.

We need one more female undead mage
>Saying "your bad" isn't an argument for anything, its an ad hominem.
Not when you literally blame cheaters and botting for your failures to get high in the ladder

>Lets assume I have glad, and I'm good at the game
>What if I say that rapant cheating is horrible for WoW?
Why would you say such a thing? Everybody knows that exists and it is a known problem.
Clearly if you were good you wouldnt bitch so much about muh botting/cheating because you overcome it and there is nothing else you can do about it since it is a KNOWN issue and it is up to the devs to do something.

The moment you keep whining about it, it is the moment you actually use it as as a scapegoat for your failures, especially since you think this can somehow stop your from getting high in the ladder.

The issue is YOU, blaming the world for your inabilities instead of getting what you want.

And the fact that what i say causes you such deep emotions and annoyance to just call it "lel it is troll/shitposting/b8" suggests i am very right and hit the right spot :P
my monk is a fat panda. I'd argue panda is the only race for monk.
>Wanting to be friend with Froo

>not when you blame cheaters and botting for your failures

please quote the post where somebody did this.

>you wouldnt bitch about the devs not addressing cheating
only cucks are okay with the devs letting cheaters run rampant.
>tfw making my first manda

wh-what am I in for?
nawh draenei and troll look much better with the monk animations in my opinion
pandas make way better warriors than monks, feels like a waste sticking them with the standardized monk animations
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Wait, I'm friends with a female undead mage?...on zul'jin?
Rude :(
Annoying fat jiggly bouncy animations
I played one for 10 minutes and deleted it
good animations and a funny big bear man
Well I play my druid more but I have a qt undead female mage.
no good mogs and being mistaken for Ralph
how hard is frost in pvp

and what is looking better for pvp in legion, frost or unholy
to be confused for a fat fetish furfag like ralph, to make fags here buttmad because muh furry hate and overall whining.
Also just cute jiggly belly animations

>please quote the post where somebody did this.
You can see the behaviour saying it m8, you cant expect humans to reveal their own issues to you, behaviour is the best way to see what they are truly saying

>let me bitch about botting and cheating
>this is totally unrelated to me covering up my failures for being a bad player
Better picture, maybe?
>its a known problem
so you do acknowledge PvP has a bunch of problems

h-here we go lads

brewmaster manda monk!
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id love to change server but i kinda cant
Looks Savage. WoD worked.
you've done good anon

say goodbye to your fun soon, manda friend
>Implying Fallaa could afford to realm transfer when they can't even scrape $50 together in 4 months

o im laffin
>I cant quote it

lmao, literally no argument.
better to enjoy it for three months than to miss out on it completely.
Why move from a shit server to a shitter server? Illidan is literally the only worthy horde server.
1)just b8ing
2)i need to find ways to ignore his argument so i wont feel what he says is true so i can hide from my problems and blame the world
Like i said, introspection and time are the only things that can save you ;^)
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Y-you should play her more....
Ralph can we see an alternate angle of your battlestation

It's truly interesting
>just b8ing

I think you need to read
"And the fact that what i say causes you such deep emotions and annoyance to just call it "lel it is troll/shitposting/b8" suggests i am very right and hit the right spot :P"

stay mad :^)
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>mfw reported him for racism explaining what that means.
so much fun!
Froo can you PLEASE be my gf
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back the fuck off?????????

>/pol/ playing wow

i thought vidya was degenerate
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Are undead butts soft or firm?
Thinking about rolling on an RP server what am I in for?
moonguard - ERP and mediocrity
anywhere else - ok time
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Sorry I cant cheat on gisco :c
An experience just like regular WoW, with more people being weird out in the world, and being worse when they're in raids/dungeons.
>not hypocrisy incarnate
are you new?
>I dont think youre baiting now
>after I get called out hard using my own bs

lol. Maybe one day somebody will actually like you
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excuse me, i'll just be gone for a bit
like bags of sand
You realize your talking to an irl man right you fucking weirdo
>cheat on gisco

Not even an IRL man, an IRL 16 year old boy
ha ha ha
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love u 2 bae

there are more fishes in the sea anon.
the only girls here that we know of are fallaa lynris and pizzacat
>Maybe one day somebody will actually like you
Already have 1 good friend that does that :P
>in b4 lel no, he only pretends xD
What rp addon do I use to look at other peoples characters?
what's the big red thing on the wall
>I have ONE (1) friend


I bet its fucking bearheart too lmao
TRP3 is all you need
eagle kite, havent used it for years desu
But if I played her more, I couldn't get my DK ready for Legion.

This desu
levelling through mists content is so fucking comfy and makes me miss the expansion and my old guild buddies so badly.

will we ever get an expansion as comfy again? I'm holding out for legion as a good expansion but I doubt it will be comfy
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ur yesterdays new, froo cant love a man without goggles

Froo is quite literally a girl, looks like young selena gomez desu
we probably won't be going back to pandaland for a long time if ever

i hope we do sometime though
Does Izhaa still play this game?
im coming for u...
>i am not bad, the cheaters and botters are physically stopping me from getting gud, it is their fault
Ye, probably hand cuffed by them as we speak
made a horde alt on AD once, call when you managed to get it together.
that was it for pandaland im afraid
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Shh Gisco don't tell them!
You actually go to pandaland for a monk artifact.

Though you also go for the ele shaman artifact and you sadly have to go against Chen to get it ;_;

i dont want to hurt chen or beat him, he should get the artifact since he is so cool, not some faggot nobody shaman
Any cool horde guilds in Sargeras that a freshly new player can join and have fun in?
nah i meant like full expac going back to, not just visiting
>still can't use both prefix and suffix titles
>I will never be Crusader <Name>, Hand of A'dal

its 2 late, the troll army grows by the day

VERY lewd donut click
Where's the recent news on blizzards stance on nost, don't see it on bnet or twitter
oh, yeah i highly doubt that will ever happen. People wouldnt like old content like that coming back, they would call blizzard lazy and other stupid shit.

Though it could be a possibility if they start redoing all areas from the start with new PHASED story
>having standards is bad
having friends is better

"Pristine Realms" are their answer to it apparently

There's a stickied bluepost on US forums

>guys you talk to every once and a while but in reality dont give a damn about in case something happened to them and might even forge they exist when you are doing your stuff
ye, facebook friends are so cool, i have 523, how about you ??
Reminder that ralph has only ever spoken to his 1 friend, bearheart, through ingame chat

they havent even spoken over voice software
>living inside your pantry
>bearheart hasnt posted him and ralph talking in skype
what's your problem, dude? are you so sensitive about this that you need to respond with condescending hyperbole?
nobody is talking about "facebook friends", they're talking about actual friends they care about and talk with frequently.
playable scalie race when
why do people sexualize reptiles
it's fucking gross, I wouldn't want to stick my dick in a cloaca
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sorry anon
I just said that I'd rather have more good friends than "standards"
You're just a grump, dude, no wonder you don't have more friends
Dragon Dick.
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yeah what a bunch of weirdos
>implying the dragon wouldn't stick his dick in you
Shut up Anduin, you are the bottom

gross internal penis
reptiles are not for sex
major mechanical incompatibilities
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Play on WRA, you cucks.
>wildstar is down to a single server
>it is a pve server
>and there aren't even that many people on it
dragons aren't real anon
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Did you remember to praise the light today /wowg/?
>kuff calling other people cucks
I already do, my friend
dragons are not but dragons are heavily inspired by real-world reptiles and I want to protect them from sexual deviants
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>they dont know about humanity's sexual drive
it must be a curse to be a boring normie that is only attracted to humans
I do, but
>on WRA

reduce your blood elf count by 40% and we'll talk
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>hyped for legion
>wanted to main a rogue cause fuck yeah pirates
>rogues play like shit in the alpha
>don't wanna play my priest cause shadow is shit


There's nothing wrong with fapping to drawing but if you want to fuck a dog you're fucked in the head
Yes, it is abusive to have sex with anything other than humans. The vast majority of animals cannot consent and are honestly not sexually attractive in the same way a human is.
Wanting to fuck animals, even fictional ones, is fucking disgusting and you should be ashamed.
What do you faggots have your mind in the gutter and immediately think of bestiality?
Because alien animals would probably not be able to consent, either. If they can and are compatible with our genitals, then that's fucking amazing but that is not very likely now is it?
Who said anything about animals you dumb faggot?

We are talking about intelligent conscious beings, whenever alien or animal like.

Are you really that unable to discuss something fictional hypothetically without bringing in real life counterparts?
>>rogues play like shit in the alpha

a-all specs?
If it aint an animal then it aint sex, it's masturbation using them as a tool.
>anything that isnt human is an animal
my god, i can smell the speciesm and /pol/tardation
I've never played WoW before. What server do I go on? There's so many and I really don't know which would be best.
when did I say that?
I know as much as the next guy that humans are just greasy monkeys, but having sex with other animals, even alien ones, is fucked up.
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just play on the "New Players" server till you learn the game.
explain to me how you have "sex" with a non-animal, then.
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im sorry wowg for bringing up scalies
Furry anthro porn, if those anthro a were real that is.
please find your own female friends in-game instead of trying to become a satellite to the avatargirls
it isn't worth it, all of them are hard to talk to
that's still a fucking animal
>anthropomorphic conscious intelligent beings are animals
Ok, /pol/ retardation again, not gonna bother, I am out

>>anything that isnt human is an animal
>my god, i can smell the speciesm and /pol/tardation

>>anthropomorphic conscious intelligent beings are animals
>Ok, /pol/ retardation again, not gonna bother, I am out

haha what
see you, idiot, thanks for the cute trolling
Why did you do this to us
>"this is how significant the change can be"
>it is literally identical except for removing one part of the shoulders
Shaking my head at your stupid post to be honest family.
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>wildshit being dead
>a surprise to anyone

>im sorry wowg for bringing up scalies
Clearly you are not.
Slow down!
i was going to try wildstar again with my friend a while back, then they made a my little pony reference on their frontpage, dropped it immediately, goodbye shitstar
they want their only fan back "Spitfire"
I loved wildstar. It captured that magic I hadn't felt since I first played wow back in 2005.

Though I mourn its passing, Wildstar was just not meant to be. NC Soft is not kind to games that don't make money.

It wouldn't surprise me if their community pages were manged by unpaid volunteers.
i was expecting something from guild wars 2 servers as their part of NC soft. but nope. just copy paste what blizzard was doing. overcharge one character transfer. cant move to US or EU
its okay khubbo even the censored picture got me hot and bothered
you do really good arts
So how can I get into the Illidan guild
By sucking Incestral off and changing your sleep schedule to suck him off at times most convenient for him

Ralph can give you tips if you're stuck
I think he was referring to <No Fun Allowed> @ Illidan (Horde)
But that one's dead
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woah cute mumi
So I'm a new player and I've been leveling without heirlooms and shit, but I've been ltierally just running dungeons and I'm 52 so far, but dungeons are getting a little boring, does it get better later on?
The 50-58 dungeons are the worst of them, it gets a bit better until 68 where you'll be doing Utgarde keep for 5 levels and then you're good
So theres no Illidan /vg/ guild?

Fucking lame
it doesnt get any better. you're queueing dungeons until 100, then you're probably still queueing dungeons. come back in a few months if you want to do anything which isn't queueing dungeons.
leveling on dungeons will always be boring as fuck
have you considered questing at all? northrend is pretty nice to quest through, same goes for pandaria, outland not so much
Ye, the only active one was RIPIP but they broke up a couple weeks ago because Fallaa was causing too much sexual tension and they couldn't beat mythic mannoroth

There's one part of BRD where you will spawn near to the Black Anvil. Your group should be able to spam this four or five times at level 53 because you'll be fighting literally two bosses, the fire elemental at the anvil and Fineous Darkvire. You'll get the dungeon complete bonus and the huge xp boost. 50 dungeon leveling is piss easy and quick, especially if you get one of those bonus xp potions.
>queueing dungeons until 100
Nobody does dungeons between 90-100.
Pandaria and early orgrimmar was good, but after that it kinda got boring, i'm used to fast travelling in MMOs and Azeroth is fucking huge, so I kind of like lost intersting in questing
el em aye o

people thought Nostalrius were actually going to announce legacy servers today and its just a replay tool.
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running JUST dungeons is going to get boring inevitably. you've gotta switch it up with some battlegrounds or maybe even experiment with some specs.

this is kind of one of the bad things of modern WoW.. just hitting that "find group," coupled with how fast it is to level nowadays, is just an easier way to level than going out in the world... questing and exploring.

no need to start running to SM from southshore around 30 ;_;
no need to bum around the shimmering flats and tanaris for 10 levels... running ZF and living the desert life mon ;_;
dont start what?
who is fallaa?
is she cute?
fallaa doesn't even create sexual tension, they're far too meek and have no self confidence
unless that's what RIPIP is into, which is definitely possible
>Running Stratholme on baby mage
>healer/tank monks from same realm
>cow monk facerolling and over-pulling
>am frost
>no blizz
>spam CoC and CC when possible
>CC is always broken
>"Dude, ya gotta be more aware of your surroundings and leave the moon alone"
>literal wat
>hunter from MG the only other sane party member
>get kicked while trying to save her since monkheals refuses to heal her for dissent

Well, that was a pretty shitty World of Warcraft today, guys.
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>no need to start running to SM from southshore around 30 ;_;
>no need to bum around the shimmering flats and tanaris for 10 levels... running ZF and living the desert life mon ;_;

take off those panties btch

how do you get that piercing?
mmmm yeah gonna cum inside those tonight
I did not login today don't think I'll log in tomorrow eso is a much better game right to me.
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thanks for the info

I rarely get to use the snake eyes cuz I like making my pandas look softer but you got the look, I can feel it

>no good mogs
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how is that suppose to defend you?!??!?!?
huns dont leave
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Unitl pre patch senpai
>join sfk group
>bunch of new players running into walls
>standing still while deciding what loot to roll on
>solo up to springvale because im trying to level
>look down to the courtyard
>some guy got into a fight with the horses and is dead
>rogue walks up that ramp that nobody ever walks up and dies to the geists
>decide to pity clear all the trash so they can explore
>"hey come up this way we'll finish the dungeon together"
>get votekicked
i know i should be upset but that was some twilight zone shit, i wonder how it ended for them
ytoure not huns, its not fucking real, huns would never leave me, NEVER. provide proof that you're really huns, you're just trolling me, is my own personal hypothesis.
I just hit 100 can I still get the legendary ring before legion?
yes, though not sure if you have enough time to get it to 795
thanks. I'm not worried about getting it to 795 just want it in case they give some title like with the cloak
hi /wowg/ friendos!
what are you all up to tonight? anything fun?
I'm about to do some mystiques, what about you?
cute fem pandass
leveling a pander warrior

>Playing a panda

For what purpose
so my character list isnt just one or two races
and i like the animations
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boy I can't wait for the first tier of Legion to hit and all the mages to complain that they aren't top damage on every fight

what is it about this class that makes them so entitled

literally every single PvE mage has it hardwired into their brains that they absolutely deserve to be the best DPS in the game no questions asked
They all died and are still awful players. You did good by trying to do a nice thing.
undead/troll paladins when
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Good taste, panda animations are great.
I'm getting ready for raid, myself. Time to be low on the meters solely because of class balance for yet another week, until i get a mythic Soul Capacitor for enhancement.
Is this some addon for the body? I don't remember female humans having any noticeable abs.
Trying for Loremaster. Netherstorm is quite possibly one of the most painful zones to push through, save for Silithus. I've had to break it down into 20-25 quests per day because it's so fucking awful.
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oh, that sucks. i hope you get that eventually though!

geez, i didnt know loremaster was that hard. never tried to get it
Loremater isn't hard, it's just tedious as fuck. I hated Netherstorm back when BC was new and I hate it now. Twilight Highlands has about the same amount of quests, so that's going to be a fun time.
is there a website or whatever to tell exactly when a BMAH auction is set to expire? i'm aware that bids made while it has short duration remaining will extend the timer but its currently on long
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>That feel when your draenei friend no longer wants to play.
ohhh, okay. i never did netherstorm before. im sure if i decide to do it itll be enjoyable.

Maybe they'll come back for Legion.
mumi ily
i love you too friendo
I just meant with me, sadly. Eh, my fault for thinking people would continue such things.
I just started leveling today and I swear i'm into the twilight zone shit too. I run through the dungeon basically soloing it and everyone just branches off to different add packs and don't follow me for something, I get fed up too fast because I can just solo all dungeons basically. I just stopped for the day at 46 and i soloed at least 50% of the dungeons up to that point i really don't understand it....
Oh. Sorry to hear that. I hope you make new and better friends to explore the World of Warcraft.
I need some help, /wowg/

I just hit 100 on WoD, and I'm looking to start gearing up I suppose. The only problem is that the last time I was playing, you figured out what gear to get just by sorting the kind of weapon(for example) you want by item level, and picking whatever the highest one you could get based on the content you were able to do.

How do I figure out what gear I should be trying to get? I've only done a few WoD instance runs and don't really grasp the loot system.
Do tanaan dailies to buy baleful gear with apexis crystals and do ashran to get ilvl 700 pvp gear
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Friends do not seem common to make anymore. Especially ones that do both things or either really... It's a hard knock life.
Easiest gearing is pvp, just do ashran for honor. When you're 700 you can do mythic dungeons for hopefully warforged or just pug heroic hfc
well, the higher the item level of an item, the better it is as a whole.

for a fresh 100 you'll want to start by doing WoD Heroics, which require you to complete the silver proving grounds challenge with your desired role.

once you're properly geared you'll want to go to Tanaan jungle and start those dailies while also killing any rares you find along the way. they will drop ilvl 650 tokens which are 20 item levels higher than basic WoD Heroic items.

after you've gotten an average item level of 650 you can start doing HFC LFR to get 675/685 gear. then you'll go on to Normal HFC once you're properly geared, then Heroic HFC, and so on.

or you can just do pvp to get cheap 700 gear, i guess.
in addition go to the icy veins website (just google it) and look up a stat priority for your spec
The scene I read for in the Angry Birds movie got cut :(
Not him but should I even bother with normal dungeons or skip straight to heroic?
Already unlocked heroic.
if you can queue for heroic then do heroic
Really you should just be doing ashran to get full 700 gear and from there move on to mythics or hfc
i'd say just skip to heroic if you're dps, do some normals if you're a tank/healer to get upgrades if you have anything lower than 615.
RIPIP used to be good, until Closedpalm left...

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>One of the 7.0 ret talents reduces the damage of one of the new skills from 300% to 60%
The calculator has to have the wrong value, right? It reduces the cooldown by 4 seconds and changes it from physical to holy, but why in the fuck would you sacrifice that much damage?
less things resist holy damage, everything has armour.
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>Try 2v2 arenas for the first time, never done PvP in WoW before outside of some WPVP

>Disc Priest (me) and fury warrior vs Disc Priest and druid
>Literally cannot outdamage the bubbles
Do any mobs have enough armor to justify a hit that huge, though?
>get like 50+ epics just questing from 90-100. ilvl 608 epic worse than ilvl 610 green

So, which expansion did blizzard decide item rarity was literally meaningless?
armour doesn't divide your damage by 5

mostly extra hp generation I think
No clue, I don't really know how it works in practice.
literally BC, so find something better to complain about
do i jump?
>want to go downstairs to make some poptarts to eat during cata 25h farming
>sisters tutor is with her in the kitchen

jdimsa ( ._.)
item rarity represents power relative to that ilv, not to all ilvs
Yes please
what talent are you talking about?
this is why you should always have food and water stored in your room
Vanilla lmao, rarity is and always has been just the rarity, implying its rare. You won't see an epic as often as you'll see a green that's literally it. Plus if you have the warmill or whatever the fuck garrison building you increase the chance of getting rare items. Blizzard can choose to make a certain item overbudget but generally ilevel is a static scale of stats regardless of the rarity.
mom and dad said no food in my room |._.|

I remember the first epic I got in Vanilla. Do you remember the first epic you got in WoD?
I leveled my first character to 100 all the way as demo and now I just found out my spec is complete garbage.
Affliction and destruction are both snoozfests what do I do.
Should I just move on to a new character until legion changes hit or should I try and make it work?
What warlock spec is the best for dps?
That is an impressive level of willful ignorance, my friend.
depends on if you want to gear up enough to do more difficult content before Legion. Everything you do other than level alts will be erased/pointless when legion releases.
Hello, how new r u
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Then they blocked me.
anyone know?
I'm looking for an mmo to play, I played WoD and probably did LFR of the 2 raids I never did before quitting a couple months back, and I'm looking for something to play now. But I have a bit of a dilemma.

I want to play either a paladin or a demon hunter but I can't decide which, if I play a demon hunter then is there anything I can do now that would benefit my demon hunter when they're released?

What is there to do other than garrison related things otherwise?
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Pretty new
I haven't even hit 100 yet and I know better than to ask what spec is "best"
Nigger get the fuck over yourself already ok
The game sucks we all acknowledge it
>What is there to do other than garrison related things otherwise?
Raiding or pvp, like every other expansion, but with less variety.
WPVP is the only good form of PVP, and thats dead.
Thinking the difference between a green quality item that's purple is any different than if that epic was labeled in green text

No you idiot, it's never mattered and never will

Thanks, I guess I preferred timeless isles and catching up on mop rep more than garrisons a couple years ago. I guess hellfire peninsula might be like that?
i wish thunderclap on arms warriors could spread rend...
git rdy fgts
Who the fuck is this and why should I care?
Holy fuck do I love Outlaw
*pulls out gun*
nothin personnel, kid...
Are rogues still taking it up the ass from the devs?
I dunno what I want to use my 100 boost on. Considering outlaw.
Where are the guns, all I see are daggers
what the heck are those boxes
What class should I use my free 90 boost for?

move it m8s
Woah, that big banda pirate looks pretty cute :D
hellfire is a wpvp hotspot from what I know, if that's what you meant.

Garrisons fell flat. But I've made tons of gold from them so I'm not really complaining.
Too early and shit op
Why do people join groups for fishing turtle mount in garrison if that means everyone gets to roll if it drops for you? That literally lowers your chances of getting it, the fuck
>Blizzard makes post about The Lady’s Necklace quest.
>Cool! I'll finally know what the fuck she was singing at the end of the quest.
>Lyrics are literally just the same 3 words over and over for.

I need to stop expecting things from Blizzard.
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So I've been trying out weakauras for the first time, and currently I have one tracking my starsurge charges

Is there a way to have the aura light up similar to how the spell does when I get a starsurge proc?
I just completed loremaster. I hated questing through TBC the most. all of those zones were painful with blade's edge probably being the worst.
Zones from other xpacs that I found to be a complete pain were Icecrown and bloodmyst Isle (which was a suprise). MoP and WoD were of course smooth sailing.
>uses a pistol
>still dual weilds

i'm still mad about this
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