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/wtg/ - War Thunder General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 755
Thread images: 172

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Fan-Fiction edition

>Official Site:

NOTE: You get given a premium aircraft for your first victory in game!
Need a faster download? Switch Language in Launcher.

>Wiki with Release Trees and General Tactics:

>Fan created skins, missions, locations, fictions etc...

>Ammunition Types

>All the Air RB/SB maneuvers you would want to know + Engine thingamabobs:

>Every Airplane Instrument Panel translated

>Youtube Channel with Tutorials and Gameplay Videos

>Steam community:

>Vg chatroom:
Type " /join vg " into chatbox.
If prompted for a password, use "memes".

>Teamspeak Address you can use:

>Joystick Comparisons:

>Chart displaying weapon effectiveness against ground units

>Previous thread
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First for when?
There is no russian bias in War Thunder.
muh dick
Canadian tree when
Italian found forces when
Japanese ground forces when
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>Teeb goes apeshit
Fuck off, Teeb.
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>Canadian tree when
Canada doesn't deserve a tree but it deserves a little branch in the UK (which imo should be Commonwealth).
I had meant to say Canadian tonks and plons when.
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Degenerates gassed when?
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>use jug to grind for 20mm corsair
>fly to 22 000 feet for BnZ (6.7km)
>4/5 times battle is over or 1 enemy plane is left when I get to action
How do I jug correctly. Its pretty boring desu
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>Sicily or Berlin
Ground pound
>Everything else
Go to space
>One shot by SU-100Y from 2.5km
>Get crew lock
>Teeb false-flagging harder than Israelis in Palestine

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>posted from my nazibunker as i fire my railgun
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>tfw got clap Ki-43 in summer event
>tfw used it to skip the entirety of tier 1-3 clap planes
>I can't angle my armour AND ITS EVERYONE ELSE FAULT!!!11!
cant have crew if u didn't win the war))
I actually was angled, I thought it penned my transmission plate at a near 45 degree angle.
)))) didnt win war
realstic because at war ends, less tanks to be getting used ))))
in all fairness I doubt angling would've saved him
Post the orengedoom abuse
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>Be Germans
>Fucking grouch is in a p-36
>Think i'll be able to meme him in the 202
>He lights me on fire and types "gg no re" in all chat

I fucking hate this guy
fuck off naziboo
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Literally fuck off Grouchy
>losing to grouch
>pee thirty six
please apply to LG508 for your shitter status and report to the gas chamber for debrief
>2.5km away
>100mm thick armour tha can be placed at an extreme angle

You sound about as bad as him

>Blame the game
>Don't respawn so you force yourself into crewlock
>complain when you get crewlock
>make up lies because you are shit in order to defend your online persona

This is a new level of pottery
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jesus christ you are painfully pathetic grouchy
Is the leo the least painful nazi tank to play?

should i even bother still playing this shitty fucking game

SU-100Y tanker was so gud he killed your second crew as well.
>Im not grouch guys, believe me
>also, did you guys notice HOW FUCKING GOOD GROUCHY IS?

You know referring to yourself in the 3rd person and giving yourself false traits is actually a sign of early onset schizophrenia

go see a doctor
>Armor at extreme angle
>Then he gets shot in the side
Fucking idiot
I remember someone mentioning there was another prototype German AAA vehicle that lost out to the Gepard.

Anyone have more details?
Coming back after a long break, are there still graphics settings that remove bushes and shit? I just had a game in Carpathians where some guy was hitting me accurately as I moved around behind bushes that should have completely hidden me.
clearly you don't understand the power of the su-100y senpai
fuck off Yak
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I dont know what i did wrong, the p-36 is a shit plane
But it's really not.
P-36 is a good plane with good guns
>Coming back after a long break, are there still graphics settings that remove bushes and shit?
Nah Gaijin fixed that.
You no longer get sniped across the map.
Only 90% of the map :^)
You're the fucking idiot if you think 'angling your armour' means showing them your side

You're literally more dense than mercury

Fuck off grouchy

Also, explain this: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/thatgrouchybadger/
fuck off yak
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get fucked naziboo
SU-100Y pen is under 150mm at 2km, let alone 2.5km.
>Tiger has 100mm of armor on the front
>[JG508] YakLivesMatter comes online
>thread immediately goes to shit
hmmm I wonder what happened here
Then you weren't angled and deserved to get killed.

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*preps bull*
>[LG508] Protocol_7261 forgets to take his shitpost name off before making awful posts
lmaoing @ ur lyf
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>angling armor
>against an SU-100Y
Read the post again

He said at 2.5km
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Haven't like... 7 players vouched for Grouch's skills?
>increases effective armour and bounce chance
>lol better not do that then
>Guesstimate 2.5km
He said it was from across Kursk, so probably 2.1 or so.
You're so fucking pathetic grouchy
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apex jej
>weeb events in WoWS

>grind until you fucking drop events in WT

Why are people in charge of this shit not fired yet?
g e t a f u c k i n g t r i p s o i c a n f u c k i n g f i l t e r y o u
The 130mm will slice through a tiger like it's paper, no matter the distance

>tigershitters that don't automatically angle towards their enemy
The cancer killing German GF
Im just sayen ive seen multiple players squid with him, and then the duel against yak.
>implying I don't angle
I'm just saying that angling against an SU-100Y is fruitless, an any distance. Your only option is to fuck his breech. And there's pretty much no way to survive an encounter with an SU-100Y if he sees you first.
You can only angle so much before another part has a lesser angle
Yo grouch my man, I've got a trip you can use:

desu Grouchy is a better player than Yak
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Someone give this man a medal.
honestly yak is just a shit player and should fuck off desu senpai
Yak in LG when?
This has to be bait
when will Messer boot Yak from JG?
fuck off aussie
I legitimately wish Yak would fuck off and never play WT again
>Game is broken and unbalanced as fuck
>Grindfest for your to break down and just give Gaijin your PIN number
>This general is literal circlejerk of namefags
When the fuck will people stop playing this shit game
>tfw Yak will never stop shitting up the general
I legitimately wish Vegeta would fuck off and never play WT again
>Grouchy bootyblast
it's pathetically obvious this is you, grouchy
t. gggeee
Fuck off yak
I did for like three weeks.
>When your free VPN is about to run out
>And your wife is in the next room dying
>So you gotta kick Yakposting into the highest gear
Fuck. Off. Yak.
fuck off yak
>[JG508] YakLivesMatter starts whining about grouchy
>thread immediately goes to shit
>grouchy samefagging and falseflagging this hard

Soon. Player numbers are dropping super fast.
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can the firebrand typhoon IV be used in rb air or should i just level it up in realistic tank battles
It would be nice if gaijin added the ability to remove tracks off of the BT-5.
To balance the fact that it'd be faster, your turning radius will be reduced by a lot. It'd be useful for the town maps and any maps with flat enough terrain.
If ya'll don't think it'd be unique, that's fine. I'm just throwing my hat into the ring.
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let me rephrase the last sentence, if you all think it'd do more bad than good, it's fine.
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>I am The_Grouch
>I am an attention whore
>I was a buddy-fucker in the military
>I constantly brag about how badass I was in the military
>my morbidly obese wife has ebolaids and I would rather shitpost on an Argentinian falklands map forum than take care of her
>I'm actually a trash pilot
>I use exclusively low-tier UFOs to club new players
>I post my inflated stats on aforementioned website for the attention of internet autists
>I crash into the ocean when I duel anyone
>I then claim this person won by default
>I frequently come to /wtg/ to post about myself in the third person
>when I am called out for my faggotry I go into an autistic tantrum
>I shit up /wtg/ for the next 3 weeks before fucking back off to drawing furry artwork and sliding my tiny dick in between my wife's AIDS ridden fat folds
>I am The_Grouch
Lets see how fast he replies with an
>Ok triahx
>ok YLM
okay vegeta
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"The 88mm on the Tiger doesn't have tracers, only the coax"
ProfessorGumby 2016
"you" - VegetaTheSaiyan
>Roach_Pilot comes online
>shitposts rampantly
"me" - me 2020
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>IS-2 side bounces Tiger II 88mm at like 400m
>he explodes me with one hit

Nerfing the P-80 and F-84 when
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>get B-29 because shitty event grind
>Oh well, why not try it?
>exploded by jet every game without doing anything

Wew, such fun.

Yeah dude, 1/3 of all planes in game should forever be useless shit.
wew lad

We can nerf the F-84B by removing it from the game and replacing it with one of the later models that actually saw combat in Korea. Would that please you?
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>I knew my posts would be deleted so I made a screenshot of them and posted that instead
I legitimately don't know how to feel after reading this.

Should I be angry, upset or depressed? I don't think I can laugh this one off.
vegeta asked for someone to make a screenshot, so i did. not even the poster.
Vegeta-sama no~!!!!!
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What vehicle packs do you still wanna buy?

Mine are
>Fire and Maneuver Advanced Pack
>George Bostwick's P-47M-1-RE Thunderbolt Advanced Pack
>Ray Wetmore`s P-51D-10 Advanced Pack

and maybe. . .
>Typhoon Advanced Pack
>Pavel Golovachev's Yak-9M Advanced Pack

>M5A1 5th Canadian Armoured Division Starter Pack

I don't mind it, because I get paid.

Vegeta-senpai wa... b-baka!

Tell him P-47 squads are not a mistake.
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>Teebs and Gaijin teaming up to ruin the general in a combined assault of advertising and shitposting
The only thing I want in all of that is the P-47M-1-RE
I will buy all of the packs because I want my money to go to developers who excel at creating an artful and thoroughly enjoyable experience such as Gaijin Entertainment's War Thunder.

I haven't put any money into this game since 2013, but if I ever spend again, it will be on the P-47Meme-1-REEEE
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Change the names on the bottom right to brit planes, 0/10 meme as it stands.
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Goodnight /wtg/.
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>behind enemy
>shoot off his wing
>still firing at enemy in case someone tries to steal the kill
>P-38 slowly creeps into my line of fire trying to ks
>P-38 gets in my sights
>don't stop firing
>Aircraft destroyed: -20600 lions
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>It's a, "Let me blog about Kill Stealer's" episode

>Do this without guilt.
>Enough SL to not care.
>Salt in general or private chat afterwards is a bonus.

>Similar situation when people get infront of me in tanks and then deadstop because they a moving saw a spec 1.5km out, and I hit the accelerator even harder.
>tfw zoom in on nip thats getting chased by a freindly LA-15 or whatever
>tfw I dont steal the kill and only fly nearby him in case the nip starts to get away
>tfw teammate got the kill
>not kill stealing
wake up, this game is about grind and nothing else
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>Spawn on the far side
>Most of my team (in Teeb tanks) tries to climb the hill
>Enemy team consists of classical "camp from my spawn-point" German aces
>My entire Teeb team dies to German aces that didn't move more than twenty feet after spawning in

Someone needs to put a stop to this Teeb stupidity
Who will lead the charge in the inevitable Teeb genocide?
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>Teeb goes out of control

Beddy-bye time, Teeb.
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>Normandy, Commies and Krauts against Burgers and Bongs
>Trying out the 1942 T-34, rolling around
>Some guy in the tiny German flaktank asks for rope since his transmission got shot out
>Hook him up, and we go around shooting up a few tanks
Gumby is that you? Nice ass :3
>There are people alive who dont listen to the Secret Weapons over Normandy Soundtrack while playing War Thunder
Fucking subhumans

I listen to this on loop whenever I pilot a Spit.
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Leopard I is not as fun as I thought it would be.

It's not the stock ammo, that's actually pretty good, it's just that everyone drives leopards at this BR, so the enemy always expects flanking, as opposed to Panther II flanking where everyone's always nose-forward at my team's kingtigers.
10/10 bringing back the memories
>You will never dogfight with your bro in an X-Wing vs Tie Fighter over normandy ever again
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A bunch of Spitfires just snapped their wings trying to turn with me in my A6M2. Teebs, when will they learn?
All you have to do is stop turning hard to reset the nobreak time.
Doesnt matter what nation
Doesnt matter what plane
Doesnt matter what tier
Doesnt matter what BR
Doesnt matter what server

Every single russian player will run to their AF looking for the AA to do the job.

Truly the aces of aces.
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Is it really a surprise that bottom-barrel players handheld by their vehicles have no idea what to do when those vehicles' tremendous advantages are neutralized?
bubi did nothing wrong
So bring your MiG-15bis and shit all over anyone who tries to play CAS.
>posted from my P-47M as they refuse to engage me at 10 km
>posted from my Yak 9 as i outskill a guy by going vertical for 40 seconds so i can snipe him via 45 cannon
>posted as i then retreat back to af and let the ai gunners outskill all who try to get at me
>posted as i bitch about undertiered americans because one got through my RNG skill net and managed to kill me
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"poo poo and vajanyaa"
t. Kogasa
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1.57 this week?
most likely, if not there will at least be another dev server opening this week
Fuck the "refugees"
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who turn fight american pro here?
Preaching to the choir there, boss.
reporting in

>sim event tiger
>wedging myself into all the cramped sniping positions along the enemy objective path
>fucking all of them either go around me, or take the path straight trough my team
>traverse straight trough the enemy paths to try to do something
>they get to our last cap
>game over

i haven't seen a single tank this whole game
>armor bypassing strong points

damn shame
Jay was an absolute madman.
who won?
post nabutso's feet
>nabutso is literally ded on the forums
>no one else to take up the good fight defending overtiered yak planes
We got Nabutso banned from the forums.
wtf how and why
In addition to defending Yaks, he is also a lolicon and even solicited nude photos of a minor, thus entrenching the popular notion he is untermensch filth. .
ok, but how did /wtg/ manage to get him banned from the forums? i thought he was goodest goy?
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aint nothing wrong with that
he chimped out about his Yaks in a thread that was not about Russian planes
After several minutes of figthing, he was the last guy on his team. We both died. but before that we crit'd our planes.

computer is broke, i have to use a shitty laptop, blah blah blah.
got a link to the thread?
Whatever floats your boat mate, I just thought it disgusting he had loli onaholes. Literally an underdeveloped dismembered rubber torso for him to stick his ween in.

It's okay, they're actually 500 year old vampires.
Onaholes are the shit mayne, don't knock 'em til you try 'em.
I'd rather get caught with a dildo than a onahole.
I wish I had a dildo, they look like a lot of fun.
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off to reddit.jpg
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all the good shit got deleted
its no fucking coincidence vegeta and nabutso are in the same squadron.
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Bye wtg, done with this slavic turd of a game.
Good bye, nerd.
K, assblasted attention seeking faggot
Bye [JG508] Kankore, you weren't gud enough.
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>see russia has a new SPAA
>it's a GAZ
>pray it's the one with 3 DShKs
>it has two shitty 25mms
It's out.

2/10, made me try
>nabutso attempting to win back wtg
I've heard assault fuses are being taken out in 1.57, is this true?
change log

New Vehicles
• T26E4
• P-61A-1
• P-61C-1


• Pz.Jg. I
• Pz.Sfl.IVa Dicker Max
• Nashorn
• Tiger II Ausf. B Sla.16 (Premium)
• Do.335A-0
• Do.335A-1
• Fw.189A-1 (special event aircraft)

• T-44-100
• MBR-2 (special event aircraft)


• Falcon AAS
• FV4004 Conway
• Sea Venom FAW20
• S.25 Sunderland

• Ki-83

Vehicle graphical model updates:

• Spitfire Mk.XVI - model has been updated.
• Swordfish - model has been updated.

New Locations and Missions

• New winter location Volokolamsk for combined battles, game modes: “Battle”, “Conquest”, “Domination”.
• New winter location Frozen Pass for combined battles, game modes: “Battle”, “Conquest”, “Domination”.

Changes in Locations and Missions

• A village area on the central part of the location “Kursk” has been added.

Damage Model

• Damage inflicted by HE-F ammunition (including APHE ammo and rockets for ground vehicles) is now calculated more accurately according to explosive type and weight.


• New sounds for Ho-301 air cannon.
• New sounds for the engine of the M18 “Hellcat”.
• Environmental sounds in ground battles has been improved and expanded.
• New sounds for hits and ricochets depending on the type of shells involved in ground battles.
• PS4: The sound in voice chat has been improved.


• Choice of vehicles in a battle has been updated and improved.

Research and Economy
Game mechanics

• In Arcade Battles with ground vehicles the physical multipliers for Arcade have been adjusted as follows:
• Reduction of 10% of the main drive ratio, which increases the maximum forward and reverse speed by 10%.
• Engine power has been increased by 10% relative to 1.55.
• Rate of the turn of the turret has been decreased by 30% and the speed of gun elevation has been changed.
• New replacement mechanics of the last remaining crew member for ground vehicles has been added - currently for RB and SB only.
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>• A village area on the central part of the location “Kursk” has been added.
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there are no cheats in war thunder)

Sweet, time to get my Dicker Max
>being so bad you have to cheat
>being so paranoid that you have to blank out everything
What a fucking cuck
the whole map got shrinked
you can't go down the slopes now
pre-existing tank/vehicle wrecks probably would have been a more fitting terrain feature to add than a village
Launcher not downloading anything
ive always found the arcadde lead indicator to be not very useful, myself - is it really that much help as a cheat?
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>Dicker Max

You've been had.
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>Plebbit redesigns the slav tree
I'm doing the cucking
seeing the path of an enemy is nice, but it's not all that useful, just the cherry on top of 3rd person view + mouse aim
shit update

shit game

shit general
just bloat my shit up
>gaijin finds out people are still able to enable mouse aim, arcade marker and hud markers in sb despite fixing it 1.5 years ago
>gaijin removes sb completely as it's not worth the time trying to fix or make an anti cheat
>full of prototypes and flying boats
Into the trash it goes.
In all honesty they'll ban a couple people and then continue to claim NO HACKS IN WAR THUNDER to save face.
We already saw that when we tried to get Lohere banned for hacking.
dont give them ideas
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>Wager: 4, booster: 1
I don't think they even fixed it at any point, maybe claimed they did
Is it bad that I want this?
Because I really want this.
from what i remember they enabled protection in the protector they used on the executable at the time on the function that set the settings, they reverted that the same day, next major patch they changed from using globals to what it is right now, there have been small changes in between
that's about as good of a fix as you can get out of gaijin
nice trash taste you fucking loser
it's pumping pointless content into a broken game
it would probably be fun just for meme shit, but it's the cancer killing the game
what are you going to do when the next update hits? do you know how to find those things yourself?
>adding more content is bad
putting effort into making new content rather than fixing what's currently in the game is
I'll stop playing sim until someone spoonfeeds me updated cheats or CE guide :^)
>Tu 95 tier IV suggesting sub 7.0br
Into the trash it goes
Id' rather they worked on developing Naval instead of adding a dozen variants of the same 4 planes.
>implying gaijin's autism will ever let them put a prop in T5
Hey, the amerifats got the T32 in T4.
>Adding more bloat grind is good
everyone should already have the shit they want unlocked by now anyway
id rather they develop an improved variety of maps and missions for a while

although i guess developing naval kind of implies developing naval missions, which some planes might be able to take part in

unless they just put ship spawns on the pre-existing naval maps and call it a day
that's a pretty autistic way to think
>not already having everything you want
>Every single naval map is just a huge, empty square of sea
>Just renamed after different places depending on the factions fighting in it
but what about new players, comrade
punishment for starting this horrorcoaster 3 years late)))))
Hopefully it'll mean they get off the ride before it starts.
>so many fags whine about how the game is shit
>yet they still play it
for what purpose?

hello my friends, please support this nice new dual 55mm aa for killing tanks with
>unless they just put ship spawns on the pre-existing naval maps and call it a day
doing a naval bombardment on the Jap pillboxes in Guadalcanal sounds boring.
how about fun on wake island, and iwo jima, and uh... norway, and pearl harbor, and britain
Norway would be a decent bote map desu
Because War Thunder is basically the only game on the market that offers the brand of semi-realistic WWII plane and tank combat that we want. It's just too bad that Gaijin is completely incapable of not fucking it up.
>This is not a complete papertank! The gun existed and had the war continued the Coelian would have been modified to equip these guns!


That isn't ancient and looks like arse.

Cause Aces High and WW2 Online still exists you know.
>wake up
>/wtg/ still not banned from vg

I just want to get off this ride.
>Not just giving them an East-German ZSU-57, and then giving slavs the shilka, exactly like what they did with the MiG-15/17
>What is IL-2 Sturmovik?
if there's any general that needs to be banned it should be /utg/.
>>135153168 (allieboo)
>his whole world comes crashing down
no mouse aim
>Nazis and slavs only
>Mouse aim is in its infancy
>Game costs money to buy
>Still has grinding
>no mouse aim
Pay attention to the game's updates you twat
>fly p-51 with joystick in rb
>fly at 280 mph
>turn efficiently so that I never drop below 280 mph
>run out of time killing 100 japs

>It's made by a company that actually wants to make a great game and not just grab shekels from you
doesn't even come close to WT mouse aim
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>tfw finally good at leading with mk108
>killing multiple hunters and sabres in my 163 each game
>Still has grinding
>You can pay to skip it
>not just grab shekels from you
>100 euros pre order
ok Oleg
>not sparking like fucking crazy
What kind of wizard are you
Wait isn't Oleg with the DCS bunch?
I got an A in spell casting accuracy

>its a magz sucks at tanks episode
>watching youtubers
its like you want leukemia
I think it was RoF, then his Jew attempt didn't work, so he jumped into il2 bandwagon ruining another title
>Wanting accurate spellcasting
>Not standing in the lumby cowfield in full iron splashing for 27 hours

See you at 99 magic
>shoot at artillery with 6 M3 fiddies
>target undamaged

I'm sorry what?
>APDS ammo racks 99% of the time but a fucking 75mm or 88mm APHE detonating within the ammo rack does nothing
I want off this fucking ride.
I'm not saying APDS shouldn't ammo rack you fucking autists, I'm just pissed a fucking shell exploding inside a bundle of shells doesn't do dick
>solid shots have a better chance of lighting you up than a shell literally exploding inside a tank
And SSfags whine that their shells are shit. They need to fuck off.
Let me guess, you got killed in your hard2use nazibunker by a bulldog?

And youre full of shit, apds does jack shit against ammo. Will do even less when 1.57 hits with further buffs to ammoracks
>enemy complains when I run

no shit bro, I suppose I should turnfight two props in my F-84 instead of running for altitude and come back to BnZ
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>He didn't get the A-26 despite grinding for a solid 24 hours
>implying I wanted the A-26
>APDS does jack shit to ammo
you have to be baiting
>strengthening ammo
no, it's actually technically weakening it, because ammo can no longer go critical and not detonate
not him, but exploding Panthers with apds in my Comet is the norm.
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Post art webms
This, APDS and HEATFS are atrocious in ammoracking now. Shame it will only get worse.
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>they didn't get a26 for free with the magazine code
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>you can do the engine nacelle landing meme with the a26
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>enemy calls me a noob for using my plane's strengths instead of offering him my ass for free
>obviously trying to taunt me into a turnfight where he would win
>eventually kill him through patience and tactics
>be a gentleman and say nothing
>mfw he's probably mad as shit but he quits the game without saying a word
>Me in my KT H and a KT P are forced to hold the line against a horde of T-54s, IS-2 Mod 44s, and Caerns after our entire team collapses in their push to cap the enemy's 'Break' point
>We take out six of them from our position before they finally wise up and swarm us
>grinded all 17 days for the I-301
>finally get it
>take it out in an AB match
>21 kills, no deaths
was fucking worth it
>APHE rounds pass through tracks and wheels into the tank
>solid-shot rounds are stopped by tracks and wheels

What insanity is this?
>Long 88 bounces off slav tracks and disappears
>Goes right through burger tracks and one shots the tank
naziboo genocide best day of my life
>pass through tracks and wheels into the tank
Only 122mm aphe does that though.
Slavaboo genocide is coming very soon
In what way?
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Good job Ivan))
Liberate those fascists)))
isis declare jihad on russia

everyone knows that russians have a type weakness against arabs, its why they had a hard time in afghanistan
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triggered naziboo
>German SPGs obliterating lower to mid tier russians
>Chieftain mercilessly roflstomping high tier russians without any opposition until at least the T-62, if not the T-64A
Well, the german part will work if all the dumb Wehrboos learn to fucking snipe.
>King Tiger's armor is completely invalidated by fair and balance Post War British tanks
How is the Mollins Mosquito for ground forces?
>STILL no german M47/48 and or T-55
Thanks for the (You)
Now I have something I can masturbate to.
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Hind btfo.jpg
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>its why they had a hard time in afghanistan
wasn't that because of Stingers?
Not great, I tried it against a friend's Tiger 1 once and it took more than 6 shots to kill it. You're better off with something that can take a set of bombs or loads of rockets which can then go and camp next to the enemy airspawn point, like the second Firefly or Typhoon.
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>tfw Slavniggers try to knife fight my Panther D
>tfw they get BTFO hard because of heavy abuse of neutral steering
Just like the last fucking time those subhumans tried this shit
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still lost the war though )))
Did they take Rhine out of rotation? I haven't played that map in a month.
Heroic last stands are my thing though.
I either die like a bitch or buttfuck the enemy team so hard that I need to take a break, there's no fucking in between.
Makes perfect sense that one of the ts autists would be a massive degenerate.
I purchased 60 days of premium. Grinded the first mig9, used eagles to spade it and realised that jets are lame.

Im now stuck with 50 days of premium and a shitty jet.

Should i use convert exp to unlock mig17? Is it any fun?

Jets are boring all the way through, except for the ME 262 A1/U4
>Is it any fun?
sure, when upgraded. until then you would get shat on by no-life autists who play nothing but end-game jets.
So glad I'm not a part of this autist circlejerk
>hiding your name

shitter detected
>someone manages to get behind my Churchill
>I spin around on the spot to face them before they can even load their second shell

Merritt-Brown gearbox too stronk. It was actually advised that Churchill crews avoid neutral steering on hard, flat surfaces such as roads because the thing would turn into a demented 40-ton spinning top.
I actually liked playing germ mig15bis and sabre but once they added mig17 everything got ruined
>giving gaijew money
You deserve it. The sooner you retards stop giving them money, the sooner they'll go tits up and hopefully sell off WT to a dev that isn't hopelessly fucking retarded.
>a pedophile
>a dentist's wet dream
>a literally who
>once the MiG-17 got added everything got ruined
meme spewing shitter detected
MiG-17 fixed the imbalance that the Hunter created
>>135156091 (Triggered slavboo)
>their whole world comes crashing down
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I'm Vegeta though
I can't remember why I hid my name that time.
This general would be 10x better if Yak, Vegeta, Konig, Boredom, Gumby, Protocol, Junkers, and Grouchy were all executed on live television.
>No Triaxh
okay you scottish cunt
>britcucks and amerifats get revolver cannons
>while slavs get shitty autocannons that don't know what accuracy is
>and the anglos have the audacity to whine that we're OP because we have either a slight maneuvering advantage or speed advantage
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>Heroic last stand

Über Deutschland scheint...

fucking subhumans
pedo pls go
>level 44
what a shitter. get to level 72 and I'll hold you higher than that.
>>135156262 (Triggered slavboo)
>screenshot from six months ago
>acting like level matters
Get a grip, anon.
>no actual counterargument
typical anglocuck. kill yourself.

No senpai, thats not sporting at all. We need a hunger games scenario for those shitters. The winner gets to live in siberia
>acting as if level doesn't matter
no, YOU get a grip you shitter
Got a sauce of that, m8?
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>He thinks level matters when you used to get absolute oodles of XP and could go from 1-100 in a couple weeks
>posted from my unwieldy to employ thermobarically-assisted nuclear cannon box as i activate my deflector shields
>>135156402 (Triggered slavboo)
>be sponsor of Gumby
>give him male clothes

>be sponsor of vegeta
>give him a dictionary

>be sponsor of konig
>give him a toothbrush

>be sponsor of YLM
>give him a healty dose of git gud
Why are you responding to a (You)whore?
>Buying premium makes you level up faster since more RP
He was being a little whiny bitch yet again and he forgot he doesn't have immunity. I contacted a few of the mods on the matter of him shitposting and not being punished for it too, so they started paying more attention to what he was saying. It's only fair that if a normal player can get punished for it flipping out, so should he


Was satisfaying as hell too, seeing them purple letters on his post
>Play tank sim
>Get the "but how" achievement
>Got it by shooting down a plane with SPAA

Gaijin can't even test their achievements properly.
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>drivan stock Marder III H
>round corner on Stalingrad
>T-34 slav meme machine
>desperation snap-shot
>drivers hatch
>outmeme the meme machine
>slavrunes fill the chat
Just going to assume that he's salty about being outskilled.
and the Walker Bulldog
>mfw he got BTFO by mortiferum
>tfw the Nashorn will just be a better Marder III
feels good
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>Was satisfaying as hell too, seeing them purple letters on his post
This may be the greatest thing /wtg/ has ever accomplished.
Who even is nabutso?
>Nashorn soon, fellow Stalker!
If my cock gets any harder, it may just explode.

I'm still stiff after getting off that snap shot on the 34 and killing it.
heavy object
>tfw Nashorn's 88 one reliably one shots shit in the test drive, while Dicker Max's 105 APHE doesn't
I don't know whether to feel happy since the 88 is finally reliable or feel bad since 105 doesn't downright nuke everything it pens like it happens with the 105mm Tiger right now
I'm still probably gonna use the Dicker Max more
>tfw the sturer emil will probably be non-prem and it'll not only be lower BR than the JT, but also have better pen and depression
>Who even is nabutso?
A pedophile and former Gaijin paid shill. That's all you need to know.

I think it's at best, a mixed blessing at this point. The Nashorn will shit on everything for a while before the slav crybullies get it nerfed. We can only hope the Dicker will be able to do the same.
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Thanks, m8
A pedophile like vegeta aka danial. Theyre both in LG508, take from that what you will.
>paid shill
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>Theyre both in LG508
You're being redundant there, anon. You already said he was a pedo to begin with. Mentioning he's in LG is just re-stating what was said and the obvious.
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fucking kek
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He was on the dev team
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>download SB mouse aim cheat
>literally says to contact lohere and SIEMA for more hacks
>could get all of those fuckers banned by simply sending the cheat to one of Gaijin's Moderators

>leaving your name and clan in the cheat
how fucking stupid are they?
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Why didn't anybody tell me?
Literally every game.
Teaboo 4 lyf.
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What the fuck. LG really is full of weird shitters.
>sekret dokuments so fake that even gaijin says they're fake
>even that kike trihax getting digs in
Mein sides

Download link?
BVV already said it's not coming
oké triahx
Check the archive, 7 threads back, it's a pomf link.
link to that post please
Does it work for RB?

Vegeta and Nabutso are IRL pedos, but I think the rest of LG is harmless. I mean, theres that fishposter, grouchy and some other literally whos.
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joker v nabutso.png
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It's gone, all of the posts with the kind of banter seen on those screenshots get deleted (whole threads usually, pic related is still in the Do 335 thread, though, I think and that one was a real slaughterhouse with half of the forum attacking nabutso until thread got locked)
how was nabutso a complete cockmongler for so long before the mods finally had it with him?
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Dunno, but it was annoying the shit out of me since he was basically always baiting shit (you can't expect people to just ignore you shitposting in the thread about one of the most anticipated vehicles since CBT). He's friends with mods perhaps, but if you're gonna give a shitter like that immunity people will notice and call you out on it and this isn't some shitty MC server forum where you can affod to just do your friends a favour by being biased about their shitposting and ignore them while punishing all the rest
they do it because they know gaijin is THAT lazy
the thread would be better if people such as yourself would fuck off or stop complaining and namedropping
>being this triggered
>meme buzzwords

Yeah, right. Okay buddy!
>using the buzzwords button
nice going, faggot
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thanks SIEMA!
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>buzzwords maymay
>being this triggered
>"Never before in the field of /wtg/ was so much shitposted by so many about so few."
how to join siema?
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Unlocked the first t34 85 and i have to say its disgustingly OP.

This tank seems to have almost zero weight. It just skids around like a piece of soap. Not only it drives like a hover tank but its also fast. You can just race to hull down positions and flags like no tomorrow.

Last nail in the coffin of its enemies is the gun. It can frontally fuck up even king tigers in 1 shot, tanks which it shouldnt even fight.

Is it going to be like this till the end of days?
Steal a BMW.
>tanks it shouldn't fight
nice bait you fucking loser
The slav bias is real, and quite sharp anon.

>>135159569 (Triggered slavboo)
>their whole world comes crashing down
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wish I could code, though
No i meant by battle rating.

This thing is 5.0 but easily fucks up 6.3 and 6.7 tanks.
how much of a faggot are you, (you)whore?
A Panzer IV easily fucks up T4 tanks, your point?
>all this SIEMA libel

You'll be hearing from our lawyers
Any preferential aiming distance for fighter guns?

new guy here, if I want to play with people, do I have to join a squadron? LG508 is for new people isnt it?
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le refugee face.jpg
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>Match where I fight russian planes
>Match where I fight russian tanks
LG mostly plays arcade, not sure if thats your thing.
as per usual, all squadrons, clans or teams made on /vg/ are for the sole purpose of shitposting, circlejerking and being dumb.

if you want to play in squids, just get into the vg chat and ask for squid
>I posted it again!
I asked in the chat a couple of times, but noone responded. So I figured you have to be in a squadron for people to play with you.
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>TS Shitters still bring me up in the thread

nah, sometimes people are ingames or just not avaible, it happens. usually jsut keep asking and someone responds. you should also tell them what you are intending to play
>only the TS aspies hate grouch
get over your fucking self
squid with =BERND= and SIEMA members, theyll play with newfriends
>Go out of your way to be known
>'Complain' about being well known
>Not a narcissistic jackass
there is only one =BERND= who frequents
vg, I see what you are doing here Doktor Junkers
Ill guess ill be more persistant next time.

So dont play with them?
300? any reason for this? circling distance?

also my ping is consistently 280+ are there no SEA servers to relieve some of this pressure? Surely package loss against EU/US players is getting me killed a lot
never too late to start :^)
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>mfw the loadout options for the Thunderjet
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>loading any kind of ground ordnance on a jet fighter

Figuratively and literally kill you'reself.
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>tfw win sim for the first time
Functional radar when?
cry me a river shitstain, I'll do whatever I'll want
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F7F pilots.jpg
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>Chasing a F7F in a 190D
>Ends up turning into my guns even though he could have probably outrun me
>Hit by a single bullet
>Plane burnt down ))))
>getting hit
>hit in the wing
>elevator stops working
>Respond to every request in the chat with "Negative!"
>Farm salt
What's the SPAAG that competed with the 35mm Gepard but ultimately lost out?
Matador or something like that.
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Thanks, mate.
That wasn't me. I've spent the last 2 hours reformatting my PC lohere senpai
Aww, yeah. Just what I always wanted.

>A long-awaited addition
they're not even trying anymore
>>'Complain' about being well known
Its fine when im actually posting, but whats the point to bringing me up when im not even fully active in the thread anymore?
We african militia now
Stingers had real little effect on the war because they were introduced so late, if you look at killcounts the Mujahadeen killed more people with 37mm cannons and Blowpipe MANPADs.
I think it was the Slav-speaking playerbase that was asking for this thing.
Gaijin need to hurry up and make Toyota Thunder already since they seem to love shoving flatbeds with guns on into their game.

But no British 'portee' lorries because God forbid they put something unique and interesting into the game.

Fuck off. you're literally the only person who thinks you're good and you're the only person who makes posts about you.

just face it; you're an irrelevant shitter
>all spaa shells miss
trucks are kool my buds
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311KB, 707x1000px
>WHY DOES NO ONE LIKE ME?!?!?!!!111!!?
you will never drive around the sand dunes in your Toyota blasting at infidels with your fiddy

why even live
>attempting to judge closure/seperation with 4 pixels
>he can't judge closure/separation with 4 pixels
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>blasting at infidels with your fiddy
what about another kind of blast?
>GLA postal service!
then I need to get a new Toyota
when will Gaijin finally fix the fucking map rotations, or at least let me untick some matches for RB

>hop into Beau MK X
>3 times in a row alternate Krymsk
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>that blastwave

What's the context of this webm?
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New devblogs:

>The new open-cabin SPG branch will get higher-ranked vehicles in updates to come soon.
Stuer Emil soon :^)

Panzerjäger 1 a cute
Ever played Battlefield with jeeps full of C4?
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>People still flying "undermodeled" Teeb aircraft

Their day will come.
But anon, then nobody would play certain maps. ((
>you will never hang out with Grouchy and fly M.C.202s
Free Syrian Army attacking Syrian army military complex.
thank god
why is bombing so unrewarding and hard to aim in realistic. I feel like for something i can only do one or two times a battle i get no reward at all and lots of risk.
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I feel sorry for anyone playing non ruski tanks.

You guys are just wasting time.
Feel free to wait until air superiority is won. Oh wait, Gaijin doesn't like free farming time.
I will do unspeakable things to her
I tried 2.7-3.3BR bongs on Saturday when everyone was grinding the event, wasn't fun with the AP doing jack shit and T-34 stomping the whole team. I'll stick to grinding high tier USSR shit if I play, at least that's fun
I just hope it ain't gonna be the Marder Experience
Stating the obvious
Draw me a latex griffon kkthxbai
Marders are awesome, though, the guns fuck up shit with ease, so if it'll like that, it's gonna be great
>play 190 A-5 to kill some bombers for war bond task
>go in low
>no bombers and I'm at 1000m with a bunch of enemies above me
>end up winning with 4 kills

>Sicily again
>same thing, still no bombers, game turns into a furball at the deck
>end up losing with 4 kills

>still no bombers, run straight into the enemy team at 1000m
>end up winning with 3 kills + 1 assist

>same tactic
>no bombers
>get instantly skull fucked by 2 Yak-3P and 1 Yak-9U

oh well, at least now I know this tactic works against shitters
heavy bombers weren't used to kill singular pillboxes, use a light bomber or an attacker. It can still be rough, but shit like the Vickers Tempest and A-26 can be fun so long as matchmaking doesn't uptier you or give you a bad map.

Also, never use bombs smaller than 100kg/250lbs.
I'm gonna have an orgasm once Sturer Emil hits the game.

I wonder how much of a stable platform will it be, after shooting.
>128mm @ 5.7?

Fund it
>Tiger H1
>I see T-34/85 like 100m away from me
>his hull is totally towards me
>dis iz goin 2b gud
>shoot his driver's hatch with AP
>it bounces up and hits his turret, also bounces
>he turns his turret towards me and kills all of my crew in the turret
the gun is great, but early on the marder was bouncing so hard, flipping to the side was so easy and annoying
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Just had an SB EC match with around 30 people in it, it ended, and after that I couldn't find a game with 3 5min queue searches with an RB game in between.

I SERIOUSLY doubt every single one of those 30 people that were in the game just stopped after that one match. Not to mention that the matchmaker throws you into 2v2 EC matches with the rest of the slots filled by bots.

Could it be that Gaijin is secretly capping the amount of games you can play in EC so you wouldn't earn as much RP?
You guys always joke about german railguns, but this thing is gonna be an ion cannon.

IIRC it has TRIPLE the HE filler of an soviet 122mm round.
your hit detection goes to shit if you get too much rp/kills/wins
It will still bounce thx to the rng but yes, it will be a oneshot machine if it pens. And it cant be tiered too high because its big, slow and barely amoured.

Also, waffenträger alkett/ardelt
>tfw war thunder will never be good
feels bad desu
if his turret is turned away from you, get the side of the turret, otherwise go for the turret ring. It doesn't matter what should and shouldn't work, figuring out what does work is really easy.
hit detection? what?
>tfw 88mm should overmatch the 45mm hull no problem
>tfw over matching only starts at 2x armor thickness
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I had such high hopes...
Well I got used to the fact that if I shoot any T-34s driver hatch, he dies instantly.
Well, 88 mm is not enough tho))))
overmatching doesn't work like you think it does, I can't be arsed to find the source right now, but it only reduces the bounce risk from something like 90% to something like 45% at specific angles.

just don't take shots that have a low chance of working
if you manage to hit it correctly it does kill instantly most of the times, there is a flat spot
turret ring is easier to hit, though.
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>we will never get bomber cockpits and interiors
>you will never walk around the inside of the Sunderland and make yourself a cup of tea
Optics and machine guns will still be eating shells though.
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unless the certain nation tonks are undermodeled)))))))
In real life or in war thunder? I know it only reduces bounce chance in war thunder but I was talking about real life senpai
>early Ground Forces was fun
>flanking was rewarded 100%
>everyone blew up
>Tank wrecks would stay and could be used as distraction and cover

seriously fuck gaijin, dead tanks keeping their momentum was the best.
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Linux version when?
there is no such thing as an overmatch constant in real life
there is one
There already is?
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>You will never land on water in the middle of the night and have a cheeky midnight feast with the lads as you laugh at the recent copy of the beano

>tfw comfy never
-ground forces protip-
1. If the enemy doesnt see you, shoot his driver or engine, because propably he's running. Stop him first, then kill his crew inside the turret/superstructure.
2. If the enemy can see you, propably aims at you, shot the front of his turret first. You must disable him to shoot at you. Then, shoot his hull.

Knocking out gun/turret ring/engine/ other engine parts/tracks is not that important. Killing the crew is the only think you should care.
You're welcome.
I'm aware, and that its a sliding scale that increases how much a shell normalizes based on the ratio of the shell width to armor thickness.
isn't it just a Jagdtiger gun on a different chassis? I don't see what the hype is about.
What are some high-test planes?
well, usually when you shoot the turret with the gunner, you get the gun too.
Fuck off fat fetishist. You go first when the day of the rope comes.
>naziboo butthurt that his planes are all low test
*jiggles blubber in glorious harmony*
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BMP when?
>flanking was rewarded
Like hell it was with minimap spotting in place
Does anyone know how many new premiums there will be in 1.57?
Were they on the dev server?

All I can think of is the Do335 premium and the Tiger II with the tracks on the turret.
Simu had no minimap spotting
Diesel tiger
Do 335
One of the P-61s
Fw-189 might be
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Squids where
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At some point i remember gaijing adding 3d spotting to simulator which caused the whole game mode to die.
It did. Rb was even worse with nametags. Absolute sb was what removed the spotting alltogether for sb
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BMP Firing.webm
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I want it as well even though it will be slaughtered by every spaag.
What's that giant hole? Is it supposed to be there?
it works as a jet engine
sucks in water and blows it out to propel itself forward
It's a water intake, anon. The squid uses it for propulsion.
i want to a squid
Absolute SB was the best Tonk
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Not sure if rusing..
its actually true, squids turn to jets
>basic biology
dumb weeb
Y u no enjoy sb with small map?(((
>weebs are THIS stupid
Can't say I'm surprised tbqh
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>When they feel the need for speed, cephalopods propel themselves through the water using jet propulsion. For jet propulsion to occur, water flows into the mantle cavity and over the gills through an opening by the head. The mantle builds internal pressure by sealing off all orifices, with the exception of a tube called the funnel or siphon. The thick muscles of the mantle wall contract, squeezing water out of the narrow funnel with enough force to propel the animal in a speedy burst, similar to the way a balloon will whiz through the air when the knot is untied. Squid are the fastest marine invertebrates, using jet propulsion to swim more than 25 miles an hour. At this speed they could keep pace with lithe mammals such as coyotes, snowshoe hares, and leopard seals.

>mfw you niggers weren't joking
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Teebs: I see them. Back to Auschwitz with you.
I think it was actually longer than the Jadgtiger/Maus one.
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>tipping in a marder

Literally how? Unless you're playing arcade it's very hard to flip it. Only retards manage to flip it.
>get caught being dumb
>"t-teeb" damage control
Why are weebs so pathetic?>>135167925
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You forgot to not reply to your own post, Teeb. I see your frantic false-flag OP is a little bit much for you to handle.

Teeaboo genocide when?
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>can't even get the thumbnail trick touhou right
I'm all against teebs, but please leave
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>get called stoopid
>spam anime
oké ánon
it doesn't work on every browser
>falseflagging teeb telling lies
>teeb damage control
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Did the pilot shit up the cockpit? Theres some crap in there.
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>Teebs in my vicinity
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My chaika
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Are the Meteor 4/8 any good? I don't really care about grinding anymore now that I have jets in all nations, but the 3's are just kinda eh when I have to face MiG-15
>weebs being retarded
gee color me surprised
>Tier 3
Here's your hard earned (You).
But try working harder for the next one ok?
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Teeb detected
Heh, got one.
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Should I?
Jesus Christ no
Why? Nothing's changed since you posted this yesterday.
>ts autists in full blown chimp out
>ts autists spamming weeb cancer
>ts autists false flagging their pedo asses off

Post your waifu!
No one on TS likes anime, what the fuck are you talking about?
why would I post my waifu in this shithole?
That was low effort.
You're not getting a (You) for that one.
Last chance to prove yourself.

but I get banned for posting gumby.
So I can fap to your slut of a waifu.
She's pure and you will never know who she is.
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ok doug
ok mio
the il-2-37 is a mess - they should have stuck twin 37s side by side in the belly of a pe-2 or pe-3 or something, because getting them on target in the il-2-37 is 2hard
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This more your speed?
It's 128mm L/61 while Maus/JT is L/55. Penetration values seem to be overall better, although I can't find one where it shows how much it is at 90°
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Yes actually, thanks senpai
>Firing at convergence distance is too hard for handheld nose mounted slavboos
>he faps to 2d

Surprised you could even find your dick under the layers of bellyfat senpai
I don't understand this mim
Oh ye, and don't forget Maus/JT are missing pen as it is. Can't remember how much, though, but it should be over 300mm at close range
I can find my dick, but the problem is getting it up due to a severe case of erectile dysfunction.
not ur blog m8
daily reminder 3d > 2d
it's a chaika
There's no use trying to convince these losers who have never felt the touch of a real woman.
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Im sure their moms patted them on the head ))
>using Lohere cheats in real life.webm
>start climbing
>go and make some tea
>forget that you're playing
>only person alive on team
Obviously that doesn't count, silly.
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Damn, I guess the patch really is hitting tomorrow, 3 devblogs in one day http://warthunder.com/en/devblog/current/887

>obtainable by participating in in-game events – keep an eye on our news!

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Man, they really want me to buy this tank.This is the second discount I've gotten for it. The first was only 10%, though.
I'm not even gonna try getting those anymore. Apparently it took people 10h to get the saturday's plane and fuck grinding hard for stupid shit like that. Either make it main tree or make it purchasable with GE, so people don't need to waste their time on this game more than needed
thats not arousing at all
It's not so bad when it's just kill grinding, because that's only a couple of hours in arcade, but recently gayjew have kept stacking shit on top of all the requirements
>Minimum plane tier
>Minimum battle activity
>Must be a victory
>No multipliers for realistic or sim

or it's just going to be
>Be in the top 5 of this tournament that only NEET slavs will be able to participate in
I need it.
99% battle activity event soon.

Too many people got a26((((((((( Too generous((((
-50% on the SU-122P

yay or nay?
>Meanwhile in game

>100% battle activity
>From this list of specific vehicles
>Must win by a certain % of tickets (no clutch wins)
>Must achieve minimum number of points in the match
>take no damage
>must not land once to repair and rearm
>Must have an E-100
Considering I reliably pen T-54s front glacis with my Jagdtiger, I doubt there will by anything able to withstand it.
Plane maintenance. very important)))
Just bought the American A6M2. What am I in for?
A good time.
A very hard to use left right machine
>raped by anything through the side
>can still get raped through the front
Much doubt
Who is the most hand-held nation and why is it the nips?
fuck, how many torps do I need to sink a carrier?

2xType91 mod2 jap torps ain't enough
It's the brits, play your shit before you shitpost
Why isnt LG participating in that junior thunder league?
>Posted from my bomberspawn jet fighter at BR 7
>Posted from my airspawn leftright machine
>Posted from my 20mm cannon gunship
>Posted from my fantasy rocket as I dive on a runway from airspawn
>this fucking chimp out
yep, it's the brits, most at least have the decency to not deny it but here you are meming
>inna F-84
>vs Doras
>have all the energy advantage in the world
>still get nervous because I just know I'll fuck up and get killed and I'll have to sudoku IRL out of sheer embarrassment

I swear late props are more scary than any 262 or P-80

>Posted from my bomberspawn jet fighter at BR 7
Speaking of which. RATO fucking WHEN.
F-84s are obnoxious as fuck.
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>match comes down to 1v1
>enemy has slight ticket advantage so he runs and hides
>after like 15 minutes, my team captures a base
>ticket advantage is now mine
Has anybody seen grandscenarios? I havent seen her in ages. A photoshoot gone bad?
I know the new Venom has code for jet boosters so sometime in the next decade.

Also love the fact that the new venom is going to be worse in every way than the old one despite more powerful variants existing thanks Gaijin

inb4 they give it rocket boosters but forget to give it airfield spawn)))
B-but muh Nigel
>bomberspawn jet fighter at BR 7

the f84 starts at like 100 m tho
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>went back to rtw
>still fun as the day I first played it

I forgot this feeling of enjoyment the series used to give me.
I'm talking about the R2Y2

Return of The Weebs.

Ah fuck this ain't /twg/

At least with nametags ULQ memers couldn't destroy entire teams through forests.
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I won it in an event ages ago and still never even used it once. Fuck captured planes.
>40-50k repair prices in Tier 4
>N1K2 still facing endgame props and early jets when it's slower than some Tier 2 planes

Yeah dude, so much handholding.
Have you ever tried torpedo bombing in a Beaufighter?

I've tried torpedo bombing your mom
>a7m isn't undertiered at all
>N1K and ki-84 are totally not UFOs
>r2d2 totally existed and it makes sense for it to be 7.0 with a 3km airspawn because hey it has one bomb so its a bommer)))
Are there any planes that can fly backwards?
Any plane that has a propellor on the back.
>inna F-84
>Arado C swoops down from low orbit at Mach 1.4
>Have to evade that shitter and lose energy
>mass of 262's and doras arrive
>shit team mates die in head ons or just fucking crash

it hurts
VTOL capable plans
MiG jets
>inna F-84
>arado behind me
>pull up at 980 kph to make him stall behind me
>he doesn't fucking stall
>miraculously dodge his shots as he keeps going and gets within 200 m
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>ki84ko at 4.3
>N1K2 still have anti gravity engines
>r2y2s with airspawn and 4 30mm
>g8n1 with 20mms
someone feel free to point out anything i'm missing
also this is coming from someone with all these planes.
>be retarded
>going at speed of light
>decide to not stay level but be retarded and ditch my energy
I love you Lohere.
OK Lohere
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comet crooked return roller.jpg
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good job gaijin
They STILL haven't fixed that? I was visible even on the initial dev blogs about the bong tanks.
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Yeah, especially the 5.0 BR ones when you have fucking Yaks-3P at 4.7

And Zeros on the same BR as Hellcats, Jugs and Corsairs is so unfair.
Post trax:
>tfw naziboo
>no Yak-3T-57
shit list.
>implying making the enemy stall behind you to come down on top of him and kill him when he barely has any speed isn't a valid tactic

You wouldn't expect a fucking Arado to catch up to you at those speeds either.
theyre wing mounted on the il-2-37, thats why its tough to make them hit - need to get to a specific convergence, fire, and then pull up to avoid ground/trees/buildings, while a belly/nose mount in a twin engine aircraft would offer a longer engagement distance
I want to squid with lohere
>being gay
Because the Ju 87 Gs are so popular?

I seriously doubt a peshka could handle the strain on the airframe, but cannon attacker Tu-2 prototypes were tested.
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shot 2016.03.14 13.46.20.jpg
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ZSU penning my KOHKEPOP from 1200m)))))))))))))
not an issue))))))))
>everybody playing RB at ULQ

hello my name is yak and i like to call my tank the cookiepoop so that i sound unique and smarter than everyone else
>155 fps at ULQ
literally kill yourself
>i sound unique and smarter than everyone else
hello yak my name is triahx would you like to put your peen inside me so we can feel a little less lonely
fuck off yak
>caring more about gimmicky git gud tricks for increased performance than a cool environment that feels fun to play in
Friendly reminder YLM got btfo by phly
Friendly reminder YLM got btfo by grouchy
hello my name is yak and i call my tank the cookiepoop so that everyone asks me why i call it that and i get to show how smart i am by explaining it to people
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>play valentine in sim
>open gunner view
>see this
>tfw you're not in the kool kids klub if you haven't killed The OrangeDoom before
>[LG508] Slavaboo comes online
>thread immediately goes to shit
hmmm i wonder what happened here

trash tier player
>be single engine jet
>try to outsmart four-engine jet
Thanks [SIEMA] Lohere.
He also got btfo by Entak because he got caught in the middle of the field in Kursk
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tfw isp is fucking around

tfw i cant drive my t10m tonight

>tfw I am The_Grouch
>tfw i'm shit
>tfw I play exclusively low tier UFOs to club new players
>tfw I brag about being in the military
>tfw I forget to mention I was an MP and my job was to literally fuck over my fellow soldiers
>tfw I lie about being a security guard and operating
>tfw I'm actually a rent-a-cop
>tfw I draw furry arty and jack off to it
>tfw my wife is fat
>tfw my wife has super-AIDS
>tfw I would rather samefag and shitpost in /wtg/ than take care of her
>tfw I am The_Grouch
>[QT508] YakLivesMatter comes online
>thread immediately goes to shit
hmmm i wonder what happened here
The one about gimmicky ultra slav was me, BenchBro.
It kills the fun in favor of maybe a gimmick to get an extra kill here and there.
>[QT508] Triahx comes online
>thread immediately goes to shit
hmmm i wonder what happened here
Ayy, what a shitter. Link to entak vid?
Post combattrax!

>yak being this triggered
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950KB, 400x5000px
>[SIEMA] Lohere comes online
>thread immediately goes to shit
hmmm i wonder what happened here

fuck off entak
>Was literally a year ago and as a different user
Cmon~ That doesn't count
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>know I shouldn't turn fight
>I keep doing it
If you can't get over it, just play around it. Be the best P-47 turn fighter you can be.
>being bad
>not being good
Yak you really need to get good.
>it's a YLM is assravaged again episode
I missed these haikus
>plane engine sounds
>audio of hitler speech
>picture of t72
>clip of challenger 1 driving through the desert
>3d render of a maus
>battleship firing a broadside
>clip of blacks being hit by a fire hose in the '60s
>ah-1 cobra firing a rocket
>ISIS execution video
>picture of rows of king tigers
>cuckold porn
>cuts to feed of a 90 year old in a track suit squatting
"я нeнaвижy cвoю жизнь"
>passes out in a puddle of his own vomit
>CGI of a t90 destroying a pz2
>picture of the pyramids
>arab man fucking a goat while being fucked in the ass by a camel
fuck off yak you're trying too hard
>that garbled mess

Spotted the uneducated
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149KB, 700x700px
>carrying plate of food to my pc
>fork drops out of the plate
>lands on my pants
>covers them in sauce
>bounces and lands on the carpet
>splashes sauce all over it
not ur blog m8

ok yak
>repair cost meaning anything when you're not a fucking retard
>>N1K2 slower than some tier 2 planes
P-51A is very fast in dives, therefore N1K is not an ufo
>It's a Gggeee yells at Vegeta because he has anger issues episode
>its a ts aspies exist episode
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52KB, 700x435px
>track noises
>CGI skyline of beijing
>footage of m48 patton in vietnam
>CGI of tiger 2 firing its gun
>challenger 2 driving on a testing ground
>schwerer gustav firing
>footage of okinawa landings
>huey flying over vietnam
>pz3s rolling across france
>picture of destroyed t72 in iraq
>cuts to picture of Otto carius
"it was a great machine, we had the utmost confidence in it"
>churchill rolling across a field
"the korean and chinese tanks had a very hard time with our armor"
>t90 firing its gun on the move
>gumby's feminine penis
>picture of pz3m
>BLACKED.com video
>William Atwater wiping sweat from his forhead folds
fuck off yak
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686KB, 498x500px

It wasn't funny the first time, it's not funny now.
what an uggo
>tfw you realize Helmet has been gone for nearly three weeks
I prefer helmet over yak tbqh with you senpai
>German open-cabin SPGs now form a separate tech branch
Where will they put the Panzer 35(t) and 38(t)?
posting the worst Monogatari
same desu senpai
who here girls und panzer?
at this point, who doesnt really?
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GPNVG 18s when
You can only entertain yourself by mouseniggering from space for so long.
RB in a nutshell
For some retarded reason, the SPG line.
fuck off yak
Tips for corsair?

Best IAS for climbing for corsair?
>using the corsair
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195KB, 631x494px
>unlock bombs for bf110

Finally I can do somethi-

>shot down trying to bomb
>shot down trying to strafe ground targets
>shot down trying to intercept bombers

>fly superprop
>face neverending stream of cancer in the form of arados and r2d2s
>Triahx is a bottom
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86KB, 1368x933px
>Not BnZing in the super clubber
>posted from my hard to use beercan
I love sniping those with my Pulkzestroer :^)

One of those cancer jetbombers is enough to fuck up our climb and keep us busy till their fighters arrive with much higher energy states.
Bnz, like with most other usa planes. Optimal climb is 240 kph if I remember correctly.

If worse comes to worst, remember that you excel at near stall speed maneuverability, use that.

No good at dogfighting. I got to this rank through I would say 80-90% bombing runs in SB with maybe the occasional attempt at air combat.

I just want to unlock the HS129 B3 so I can be a flying AT gun.
the b2 with 30mm and hvaps is more practical than the 75mm, in my experience
B3 is rubbish. The shell disappear most of the time.
Get the B2, unlock MK103 and you can kill every tank on the map. Even player tanks.
>fly supeprop
>face nevernding stream of cancer in the form of Republic F-84 Airspawnjet
>"tank"))))) realistic battles
>destroy 2 tanks
>5k silver lions
>shoot down 3 planes
>20k silver lions

GF is depressing

anything with a MK 103 + HVAP is endgame flying AT
Read about AN-2 a while back, I think that can do it too http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20150415-the-plane-that-can-fly-backwards
>it can't turn
>it turn

baka senpai
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> people struggle against r2d2s

Is that true? Okay, that's a shame but at least it'll be quicker to get to.

I just want to do whatever the WW2 equivalent of the A10 is. Sit in my flying tank and pop vehicles and bomb bases, letting more competent people shoot down planes.
New bread senpai
>implying I use the meme planes
262 A-1/U-4 reporting here,
>ts aspies make thread 5 whole posts early in an effort to shill their shitty meme op
>ts aspies will never be banned
teeb genocide when?
you wont get any flying tanks, but the me410 b6r3 with the dual 30s will fit your bill. it also has dual 20s for killing armored cars/artillery/planes, so bind your small and large caliber guns to different buttons. i put a talisman on that sucker and unlocking shit has been easy street
Weeb genocide when?
>posted from 5km up as I dive on spawning enemies on the aifield
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>anything that ends with -eeb
Don't be a dweeb.
Thread posts: 755
Thread images: 172

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