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/pg/ - Persona General

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Thread replies: 753
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Feels gud to be canon edition


>Persona 20th anniversary festival to take place in 2016
>P5 'special' anime announced
>P5 delayed to Summer 2016
>Falling Down releases on BD on January 20th, 2016
>Winter of Rebirth releases in theaters on January 23rd, 2016
>P4U2 2.02 released in arcades on March 26th, 2015, console release teased

>P5 Info

>General Guide
>PQ Guide
>P4U2 Guide/Resources

>Art, Guides, Music, etc.
>P4 Dengeki Comic Anthology
>Persona image collection

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Girls kissing girls
Cause it's hot, right?
S'up dude!
Was Chidorita coming back to life a thing in vanilla P3 or was it added in FES?
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added in FES
I do not recall her coming back to life in either
If you encourage Junpei to romance Chidori on a bunch of occasions she comes back to life but her memory is gone.
Then you done goofed.
are you fucking serious
Nah, he didn't. She should stay dead.
You can also save Shinji in P3P
can i still let him die
Yes. If you encourage Junpei, he brings flowers, which she keeps alive with her powers. And then after she dies, those flowers are placed on her and the energy transfers back into her.

Shit's magic, is my point.
LOL they don't really tell you or anything I only knew because I was using a guide for max S. links my first playthrough
i missed even starting half the social links on my first run
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>MC died/became a door while LITERALLY in arms reach of Aigis.

Way to keep a promise.
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>repeats "I will protect you" for half of the game
>MC still dies
Aigis a shit
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MC wouldn't have even had to deal with sacrificing himself in the first place if Aigis could just beat the personification of death without locking it in a little boy.
Why couldn't she seal it in herself?
No matter how much humans tell her she's a living being, Aigis will never have a soul, therefore Ryoji wouldn't ever want to be inside her.

Not that I blame him.
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Cute girls doing cute girl things
>having souls

She had the plume of dusk, that shouldv'e been enough.
I wish we could get a canon female protag. But it wouldn't play into the waifu market which is 95% of Persona's demographic.
The market is 95% waifufags
95% fujoshi
95% some other maligned group

Which seems weird anyway. I'd think waifufags would love another girl.
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I just wish we'd get an official femYu. Mainly so people wouldn't just draw the crossdressing Yu, add tits and call it a day. He isn't even the one who picked the costume.
50% - Waifu weebtrash
30% - Fujoshi
10% - General JRPG fans
5% - SMT fans who aren't pissy about muh dark themes etc.
3% - Male Yaoi fans
2% - Normies who stumbled onto the series
And 100% reason to remember the name
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I want to be the consigliere of Yukiko's brothel/drug distribution ring/gambling den.
Is Akihiko x Mitsuru the absolute worst ship in the series? I mean I thought nothing could be worse than Naoto and Kanji but these two have absolutely 0 chemistry with each other.
no because it's hot
Anything with Marie is always the worst. Kanji x Naoto is second. There are worse combinations than Akihiko x Mitsuru, I guess.
But Kanji x Naoto is canon...
Marie and the edged side of a hammer is my favorite ship tee bee eitch.
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For Hashino!
For cute game directors!
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Let's discuss Risette's endorsed products.
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Let's not.
You're right. Let's discuss boy idols.

Lets talk about the Inaba murders, also that guy from before that claimed to be the killer, I called the inaba police, you're done.
Sogabe please no
Kanamin is better
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What do you think about persona Q?
I can't play it because I don't have a 3DS.
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It's really fun. Except for Inaba Pride, that was awful.

I need to play it again , twice, only to take proper screenshots this time.
If FeMC was canon, Shinji would have:
*Survived being shot
*Gone back to school probably
*Married FeMC and have a college degree to provide for their family

But instead he's canon dead. MC saved the world but he couldn't even save the best FUCKING boy.
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If FeMC was canon, she'd still die and leave Shinji behind
It's actually funny how he's in coma for the entire game and wakes up only to see her die. That's probably even worse than just letting him die when he wanted to.
That's what happens when you send an emo teenager to do a woman's job.
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Ah fuck, missclicked.
>Naru(k/g)ami doesn't fit in the field
>MC still doesn't have a name

>characters are stripped-down to their memes
>only a few decent cross-game interactions
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yeah but
>muh raisin plot
>muh EO gameplay
>muh marrying waifus and husbandos
Sorry but if you have a "waifu" and it's a persona girl, then you're a fag.
I don't mind if you use non faggot terms though
He's pointing out what everyone will say are the good points of the game.

Which aren't very good points remotely, but that's the joke I suppose.
This post is funny actually.
You called me a faggot for supposedly claiming I have a waifu (which I don't), and without knowing you were actually sort of right, since I am literally attracted to men and women.
Nice blog, kanji
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If you think I'm ever going to pass up a chance to let the world know how gay I am you have another thing coming
Why do I always fall in love with married women?
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is lost dimension a rehash of p3?
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Good night /pg/, and may a flock of gayboys sing thee to thy rest.
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PSF looks like fun. if you have friends that is
It's okay as game, but does have some flaws as>>128728261 pointed out.
I mostly just like it for Zen and Rei (black dude who doesn't "get jokes or figures of speech and blonde girl who eats everything)
Also, plenty of "lol, these girls can't cook" thrown in
Why is this pairing so damn good?
Can't wait til Ryoji cucks her again in the manga.
What's with all the hate on random characters? Is there an actual reason, or is it just memes?

What links/relationships do you people actually like?
Some of them just deserve it more than the others.
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I loved everything about Dojima. Be it just him or him, Yu, and Nanako all together. Dancing all night was completely worth it for how much he was featured.
I'm still upset he isn't playable.
Lose some weight ken.
Nanako's the killer.
Of my heart
Yu x Chie is cute_
How embarrassing to misspell "shit" like that
I'm more familiar with the p4 characters than the other games, so here I go.

Yosuke's not really a likable character. His character arc is all about the dead girl and a little bit about not being a doormat. The latter has some mileage, but they don't do anything with it. He tries to be a harem protag, but it doesn't work out and nobody mentions it.
>Chie is a good character, but she isn't as accessible as the others are. She's over her initial problems early on, and her other flaws/doubts aren't touched upon until very late in the game and might be hidden by being relationship dialogue.
Yukiko's character arc is accessible and out in the open, if a little generic. Some of the weight is lost because of cultural differences.
>Kanji has a good arc, but it's diminished because they just make him the butt of the joke all the time. At least he picks up on stuff quicker than everyone else. People also don't seem to have any idea what his characterization actually is.
Rise is OK. I found her day to day 'senpai, senpai' personality grating. The be true to yourself arc isn't anything new, but at least it's relatable and better written than Yosuke.
>Naoto fell a little flat. Maybe her relationship dialogue is better. Probably shows up too late in the game to get there for most people.
Teddie's actual character development isn't bad, but his personality makes it bearly worth paying attention.

This is true.
Margaret seems insufferable from what extra she has in Golden. She doesn't otherwise have any personality besides making you do shit for her entertainment.
>Nanako's pretty well written. She has some parts that might seem odd, but are actually pretty common kid behaviors. I still don't know how old she's supposed to be.
Dojima has real, understandable problems. Becomes a stand-up guy. A good, or sincerely tries his best, father shouldn't be this rare in media.
>Naoki's situation is relatable and decently done. Too bad he's such a bore.
Daisuke's fine. Kou's a bit stereotypical.
>The old lady is a creeper.
Sayoko has good development that suffers from pacing issues.
>Band girl doesn't have a personality. Nobody chooses drama.
Ai has potential, but wasn't anything special.
>the fox
Shu is a repeat playthough character.
>Eri has real problems, but is even more hard to relate to than Chie.
Now, I do like Marie. She's a generic tsun with a good character arc in her social link. I know people don't like the personality though.
>Adachi is a cunt.
So many wrong opinions, you actually needed two posts to contain it all.
>He tries to be a harem protag, but it doesn't work out and nobody mentions it.
what is this even supposed to mean
Does it even matter, he entirely missed the point of his S.Link. Stopped reading right after that and just skipped to Marie out of curiosity.
His opinions are entirely worthless.
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So... Wooden bat or Gaia sword?
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>Adachi is a cunt
Nigger he was the most relatable of all, that old lady was a perfect example of the troublesome acquaintance you'd rather not have. As for his motivations, you studied hard your whole life and worked hard trying to become something worth writing home about when you're ripped away from your familiar surroundings and stuck in the boonies to be some hardass faggot's coffee boy. Fuck that.
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I wonder how he would have ended up if izanami chose him to represent hope, just to fuck with him. Not that I've read anything like that, of course.
They had all three qualities, it was just the matter of which one will overpower the other two.
Shit, he even missed the point of Yosuke's social link. Which is amazing with how straightforward it is.
>cucks her
It's impossible. Aigis never had a chance in the manga. Minato goes on dates with Ryoji and they held hands while naked. If anything it would be Aigis cucking Ryoji, but she would also have to defeat Yukari first. And MC took Yukari to his S.Link with Aigis.

The best thing about the manga is how Sogabe didn't ignore Aigis or changed her character and yet she doesn't stand a chance.
Persona 4 is cheap as fuck on the psn right now should I buy it? also can you disable the voices on it? I know weeaboo shit always get the shitiest voice actors.
Just buy it, you won't regret it.
The english version is fine, it certainly isn't as grating as the japanese one from what iv'e heard. If you can't get golden, go ahead.
One of the reasons I like P4 so much is because the English cast seemed to give a damn.
Thanks just bought it. Another question do I need previous plot knowledge from past games? It's been a long time since I played them I was a kid when I played Persona 2 and a teenager when I played persona 3 so I don't remember much about them.
Not really. desu, the story is closed off on its own, and only when you get into arena/ q or other spinoff shit does it really mesh, and thats only with 3. So it's fine.
Theres a few references, but they really aren't that special, just a song and a couple areas.
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so tee bee h converts to desu now apparently. neat. On topic, can i still level cabbage's social link after the summer festival?
I just took some hgh
So why do the EP cast just ignore the fact Noriko got two people murdered?
Because anything with Yukiko is automatically close to perfect.
gay, fujobait, not a girl
for normalfags, too loud, only attractive in fanart, stupid
boring, stupid
gay, tumblrbait, not a girl
annoying, not a girl
boring, too serious, dresses like a man

you may think i'm joking by the presentation but this is all 100% serious
>I still don't know how old she's supposed to be.
>not knowing every character's birthday off by heart
Why are you even fucking here
kill yourself
Indeed. The one that Tumblr likes is Yosuke.
What genre of music does each P5 character listen to?
MC: acid jazz
Ann: acid jazz
Ruuji: acid jazz
Yusuke: acid jazz
Morgana: acid jazz
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My sides go to orbit every time I see Jamal-kun in his "Step-up Senpai" gear
chie is trans
Why would Yosuke be the tumblr favourite considering he's the only character in P4 to show anything close to homophobia?
cause dude looks like a lady.
What's MC doing in P5 and why did he stop rapping.
Because for all the claims about gender, sexuality and shit they are all still shallow yaoi fangirls. They just delude themselves and turn him into someone who doesn't look like Yosuke at all, but they are still all about him and "Souji"
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People who have never actually been on Tumblr seem to confuse fujoshi and social justice groups a lot.

Yosuke, Kanji, and Naoto are pretty critiqued by social justice types actually (not outright hated just critiqued).
Even within those circles, opinions differ. Some people like those characters as they are, some hate them because they fucked up the fact those characters are gay/trans/whatever (even though Atlus made those characters, so they would know what they were meant to be), and some misinterpret them either deliberately or unintentionally.

The best course of action is just to not listen to people like that in the first place. I don't get problems with those types of people because I don't go to the same places they do.
they hate naoto or make her black for some reason
I doubt that's a common thing but rather something a few loons picked up and ran with.
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Just say no to pet Persona users!
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>Just....pet Persona users!
I agree.
I guess it's because she's the only one with Western relatives.
replies i got from posting some pics of her was how she was force to be strait or some loon shit
I'd expect to hear that more from Chie/Yukiko. The only reason some yurifans pair Naoto and Rise is because
A) The aforementioned Chie/Yukiko dynamic already exists and you always pair the spares
B) The masculine-girl and girly-girl dynamic
Oh look Kanji fags being retarded again.
not wanting do fuck men is not homophobia
P4 deepest lore
All lore is Persona lore.
Adachi is trans
He literally thinks because Kanji is gay that he is going to rape him in his tent. That's homophobia.
After Kanji's shadow was horny as fuck and craving it.
No that's a running joke
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It's a homophobic running joke.
I want to run into Kanji's joke
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So Metis is like Aigis' other half or something? I didn't fully get what the whole reveal in the velvet room was. Am I just being a big dummy?
She's her shadow.I suppose more like the shadow from P1 than P2/P4.
Well, the manner in which she was called is quite different from how it happens in P4, so I think it's to be expected.
What's to be expected? The confusion?
That Aigis' shadow would bear more of a resemblance to previews types of shadows.
What do you mean? She's pretty much a Teddie
When mc was confirmed kill, Aigis wished away her human feelings so she could be an emotionless microwave. Metis is Aigis' feelings, that's why she acts like a big baby.
It bares more of a resemblance to the shadows in Persona 1. Persona 4's shadows are very very similar to Persona 2's shadows.
I don't understand the question.
Yuri persona when?
What did you think P5 was supposed to be?
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You get hit by a car but before you die Philly-man gives you a choice to either die or hang out with a velvet for the rest of eternity (but only one).
Which one?
*Caroline + Justine (You get to hang out with both of them)
And why?
Margaret because she's not a bitch, not autistic and is the hottest character around.
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Anon with the sneak delete. But I have auto on.
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Elizabeth for all the sex and teaching her how the world works would be cute
Nice try
Elizabeth because she's the best.
Phantom is from Sumaru City‽
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Phantom is from here inside my mind.
As long as the only thing she's autistic about is my dick then I don't care.
stupid Atlus, I could have been a pure cute girl romancing other pure cute girls like God intended
So unable to interact with it in any way thats good for you?
>People who have never actually been on Tumblr seem to confuse fujoshi and social justice groups a lot.
Thats what happens when your entire experience of tumblr comes from Reddit and 4chan.
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Get in the fucking toaster, Shinjiro.
I was thinking more chronically obsessed with it.
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Good thing the Amagi Inn brings in so much tourist money, or Yukiko wouldn't have been able to get those prosthetics by 2011
Anyone else like her with short hair?
>tourist money
We all know the real reason why its so popular
Well then good thing the Amagi Inn is such a good money laundering business for the Amagi Yakuza Family's prostitution business or Yukiko wouldn't have been able to get those prosthetics by 2011.
The Amagi Yakuza family just kidnapped random girls Yukiko's age off the street and kept making neurosurgeons attempt to reattach them to Yukiko until it worked.
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Thankfully the benevolent Amagi family never had to resort to such barbaric tactics. The Amagis have a working relationship with the Kirijos and were able to procure robotic arms from one of their earlier research prototypes.
Yukiko x Adam Jensen OTP
I think only PQ artbook stated his height, but it got everyone's heights wrong so it doesn't even matter
Nice try Amagi shill.
Not really.
But I'd trade the Yukiko and Chie we got for the proto-Yukiko with short hair and proto-Chie with long hair
Going to the mall with Elizabeth!
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I'd rather have early concept Yukiko
I'd be annoyed with her dumping all that money into the fountains but I ended the game with like 3 million yen so w/e
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Ah well I'm going with 190cm I think.
Thanks anyways senpai
>only 3m
I was sitting at currency cap from about 2/3rds of the way through
I'm almost sure the short haired one is earlier, mainly because this one looks too close to what we got.
Still, that white turtleneck is lovely.
Remember to bring a subtle but strong electromagnet
>not wanting to fuck igor
>not wanting him to shove his nose in your ass
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Which begs the question why we couldn't give Mamoru the money to just buy his mom the operation or whatever he was getting a job for.

Whatever the Japanese IRS is would probably get involved tho.
Do you have the art for short-haired concept Yukiko?
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Yeah that looks earlier, the concept art I was using is still fairly early though as the art style was quite different to what we got but this looks really early.
I wanna make a tumblr page and then write a treatise on how Dojima is a well-developed trans character, who underwent FTM in order to help her daughter deal with the hit-and-run death of her father. Narukami of course would serve as a nurturing male character who would over the course of the game allow Dojima to come to terms with his new gender role.

I would get so many notes it's not funny.
You'd need to spend a year getting accepted by the SJ community
then do it

I wanna make that Teddie P4 mod but I'm too lazy. And see the leftover files in P4G and P4D but it seems like no one is working on cracking/hacking/doing whatever with Vita
Funny how xenophobic a community based on tolerance and acceptance can be.
>Narukami of course would serve as a nurturing male character who would over the course of the game allow Dojima to come to terms with his new gender role.

They would hate that.

You're also a fucking idiot if you think that would work in the first place, and even more of an idiot if you're trying to be funny.
not really it would be pretty easy
>stop making fun of tumblr

Go post on /v/ if you want to make fun of an easy strawman target. Nobody cares how much you hate Tumblr, beloved.
>uses a strawman as an insult and then tries to call out a strawman argument.
Speak for yourself, faggot. I think it's funny.
The issue is getting your name out there, you can't just post a big essay and expect it to get massively reposted or whatever its called. You'd need to get your name out there and get plenty of followers before it would gain anyform of traction and if you suddenly start posting big controversial essays they'll presume you're a troll.

Fuck off you white cishet male scum and die in a fire ugh
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While I'm sure the social justice types on Tumblr are absolutely devastated that you're making fun of them, or rather an image of a social justice community that you've made up in your head, it has nothing to do with Persona and you can take it back to your containment board.
You know /vg/ is a containment board too right?
Except he just described how it's related to Persona.
Are you that faggot from few threads ago that called himself a SJW? Why are you defending tumblr so hard? Why don't you just marry that site and leave to live together happily ever after, away from people who talk shit about your beloved?
Not him but the term SJW is meaningless, the enabling left now calls themselves SJW's to try and defend their actual SJW brothers and trans-brothers and the right now calls anyone even slightly left of centre an SJW which just feeds the enabling left which in turn feeds the actual SJWs.

I blame Reddit
/v/ is a containment board for /vg/, which is a containment board for the nice, friendly, and polite board /s4s/.

Just because your fantasy of rekking le SJWs involves a persona character doesn't mean it belongs on Persona general.
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Reminder that Naoto is British
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Up the RA.
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Girls whos dads are dead
Girls whos dads aren't dead
*The hanged man girl from P3 i forget her name

Dad death = better girl
You're just annoyed that worst girl is from the country that brought civilisation to the world.
Yumi is from Mesopotamia?
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Shame Naoto and Fuuka ruin your theory
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>implying they brought civilisation to the world
Just because the cradles of civilisation created it doesn't mean they perfected it and then spread it like the British Empire did.
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>this is what brits actually believe
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Have you thanked Jesus for beating Nyx yet today, /pg/?
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>Something tragic happened to Mamoru's mother...
>Your relationship is stronger now!
It's a bond that only swim kendo track buddies can understand.
shut up Nozomi, how many lunches have you bought with that poor kid's 132,000 yen.
If you're from the anglosphere and you don't believe this you're attacking yourself and if you're not from the anglosphere your opinion literally doesn't matter.
But they don't?
guys what if mitsuru is a kirijo designed toaster and her dad is only her designer
>naoto a shit
>fuuka not a shit
Theory disproven
Chihiro doesn't have a dad either, I believe
What if everyone is a robot except for Aigis?
What if everything is just a dream of a butterfly who is Philemon?
What if the world is the Matrix and Aigis is Agent Smith?
We see young Mitsuru and toasters are cursed with immortality as the eternal punishment from the Kirijo family for defying them.
>We see
Do you have any proof that what we see is real? That her memories are real?
But that argument relies on false premises.
That would make Akihiko a toaster too and would mean Akihiko and Mitsuru were actually in control of the Abyss of Time
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>he thinks Naoto is anything but shit
>he thinks Fuuka is anything worse than good
How do you know his memories are real too? Kirijo can create sentient robots and can seal death. Giving a human false memories sounds like nothing.
>That would make Akihiko a toaster

only a robot could dodge bullets or fight bears
I mean they literally travelled back in time to have a look at the memories so the Kirijo corporation would have to be able to literally control time and then do nothing with it but trick some teenagers.
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I think they're both good
But Yumifags are the worst.
>Mamoru must spend his entire life protecting his family from poverty

all according to keikaku, doki doki kokoro.
>implying I'm a yumifag
>implying I didn't just have two relevant Yumipics
What are the chances there's DLC for P5? And not just bonus outfits or a purchasable Jap dub but actual additional dungeons and shit?
DLC is almost a certainty going by recent Atlus Persona games, bonus outfits are even more of a certainty and dual audio won't happen, ever.
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10% at best. Japs don't do DLC.
>going by recent Atlus Persona
The last real Persona game was P4 Golden, which had none despite being released on the Vita and with plenty of possibilities.
there will be legacy personas and maybe songs for the jukebox at the hangout or something.

Arc sys may not be making p5 but the last five years have definitely told Atlus that DLC is the most important part of the game in terms of profit.

Also expect P5: Crimson two years after release.
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>Japs don't do DLC
Mitsuru had them create a portable dark hour for shits and giggles
Ikutsuki managed to hide from Mitsuru that he's raising a shota to be a killing machine, decorated his skull with a giant plume of dusk and and has the sceintists run tests on him and shit
Nothing sounds too far-fetched. They are a fucking mess. I could see them travel back in time only to fuck around and do nothing of value.
Kirijo Group caused WWII.
>And not just bonus outfits
First one is Arena, beginning of her story mode
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Merry Christmas /pg/!
>yay more story
>story ends on a cliffhanger
>have to play same story in an alternate dimension unlock the ending
>have to do so multiple times to unlock all character stories
True ending ends in another cliffhanger
>can't start story with P3 characters
>each story recaps the events of P4/P3 for dozens of pages of text as if no one playing the game has played a persona game before

I may never get through all of Arena, this shit is horribly formatted.
The biggest problem is the fact it has the p4 cast in it
>Yukiko gets fleshed out every game
>Chie reduced to memes

This is true justice.
Right now I'm just trying to get through beating story mode once with every character before I download Ultimax, I didn't realize I'd have to beat them multiple times.
>flying through text every time it talks about the previous investigation or introduces a character I already know for everybody's story mode
It's such a hassle.
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>implying Yukiko isn't also memeified

I wish she had more time to be a bitch in vanilla.

Watching some of the Golden cutscenes and having played Q, verbal assassin Yukiko is fantastic.
i'd rather she get her flesh out if you know what i mean
Everything is memes, so what does it matter?
I was talking to somebody about this earlier. I thought Yukiko and her puns were alright in P4 but she has become one of my favorite characters since all the spinoffs.
More than anything else in Arena, I miss snarky Aigis.
You can't make a Theo on Dragon's Dogma you fag
haha I love memes!
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Thankfully, you are one, so enjoy.
>>Yukiko gets fleshed out every game

Yukiko has been reduced to her ''snow black'' meme
HAHA are you a meme too HAHA?
I hope a 3ds emulator comes out so I can see pixelated qkiko stretched to 1920 pixels

I hope a Vita emulator comes out so I can actually play half the spin-offs.
I like that personality.
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You could always buy a vita
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Threadly reminder all p4 girls are sluts especially Rise
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[Laughs internally]
>I wish we could get a canon female protag
SMT if's female protag is canon, isn't she?
You can emulate Vita pretty easily with a PSTV
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Chee is your bro not your ho
Is that from that retarded fan musical? Jesus, those people were cunts.
Rise isn't a slut, she's so pure she found the only man she was willing to have loving intercourse with and made it her goal to ensure that she only had loving intercourse with him
>cancerous tumblr-like filter
Highschool idol=pure jailbait
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I miss Arena manga Aigis
>buying PS2 games
I started playing Persona Q yesterday and I only found out it has DLC-only personas. I purchased, downloaded and installed the DLC and then I loaded my save data but there are no new Navigator voices.

Did I fuck up?

Do I need to start a new game if I want to have the DLC personas and Navi voices?
you made me remember this
why doesn't anyone making capture card videos make any attempt to unfuck the colors and shit
christ look at the dialog box
>you will never get Mitsuru's underwear
since we've seen outfits are implemented i wouldn't be surprised to see DLC costumes
maybe they'll have navigator voice DLC like PQ
It's been a long time, but don't the DLC Personas unlock for fusion? And are you sure you are checking the voices, not navigator?
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i think PQ goes in-game in citra, feel free to try playing it really slowly with no sound and crashes
>don't the DLC Personas unlock for fusion?
they show up in the compendium and they're free the first time you summon them
Keeping your underwear in your purse like a true richling
I go to Party -> Support -> press X to Change Voice

And the only voices that show up are Rise's and Fuuka's
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Phantom is an angel of beauty!
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99999 (Purest). Chidori
50 (Middle of the road sluttiness). Koromaru
5. MC
4. Risette
3. Yukari
2. Morgana
1 (Slut King). Narukami
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She's a model and she's looking good
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where does Liz rank?
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#39. More than Margaret, less than Theo.
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Daddy's got some
to apprehend.
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Yeah, looks about right
I've probably forgotten, but does it ever explain how the Purse Owners in 4 survive in the TV world for what can potentially be weeks before they're rescued?
where's lisa
Its like how Fuuka survived cause Tartarus only appears in the dark hour and she was only in it for a shortened period of time.

Plus they're just kind of hanging out with their shadow until the IT shows up.

I'm literally just pulling all of this out of my ass
The shadows aren't aggressive until the fog clears and the place is made from their mind or something and everyone thinks about food
In a non-shit list.
Reminder to ONLY buy Rise-approved masturbation toys
how long until rise can polish my dolphin for real
In the cyberpunk future, people will die of dehydration or starvation because they spent too much time in waifu/husbando simulators.
>implying the sim won't have an IV drip
I have gained several pant sizes since playing Persona 4.
Interestingly I have not gained any shirt sizes.
>Not drinking your waifu's milk
All that truth went to your thighs.
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imagine the sustenance these can provide
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But my husbando doesn't have any milk.
Moving your thumbs keeps your upper body fit.
You're checking the wrong place
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Penis milk counts as milk.
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>you will be dead before we have the technology to suck VR Mitsuru's tits
People do that now except it's called WoW and StarCraft
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Breast size and milk production are not really related.
make me
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I want to fuck Yu like an animal.
I want to feel Yu from the inside.
i'm sure you have extensive knowledge on the subject
lmao who owns Sony consoles in current year
goddammit dad
Of course they aren't, mantits like yours can't lactate
who doesn't?
I happen to be an expert on this subject, even if I don't have the proper reaction image.
The great thing about Yu having the name that he does is I can substitute his name for like 99% of the "You"s in song lyrics and it works out great.
Yu is terrible husbando.

He'd stop talking to you forever after he maxed your social link!
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ignore mode.jpg
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>not having a reaction image for every scenario
I'm sorry. My phone is shit.
Yufags are just bi/gay right? Theres not actual women in my safespace right?
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yeah, it sure does
at lest he'd help me fix my issues and sleep with me
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you're so weird fuuka.jpg
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>not having remote desktop set up purely for accessing reaction pics on the go
Don't worry sweetie. I'm 100% man.
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Everyone here is a little girl, didn't you know?
At this very moment, you are surronded by little girls in frilly dresses
If Moh Shuvuu is not in P5 I will
burn your dread?

She's in PQ, so she actually might show up in P5.
Hua Po will be in it probably and they're basically like the same thing.
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That is not true.
Hua Po is cuter.
Please don't rape me

I bet your favorite element is Agi
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It is not
>there are people in this thread right now that played P4U and P4U2 on 360
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>There are people in this thread who played Ultimax
>There are people in this played who thread Persona
Persona is shit
What does it say?
ching chong plz cum in my mouth yu san
God I fucking hate the people here played who thread persona!
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Would /pg/ buy a persona game where you played a lesbian?
We're going to play Persona? What? Are you stupid?
Sure, why not, who cares?
I already bought Innocent Sin
What's worse is the people who play video games.
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Shut up, Mark.
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I don't trust these hoes.
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In an alternate universe, Persona continued being localized as Revelations and P5 takes place in New York.
In an alternate universe you're a cute girl!
In this universe, that's Persona 6.
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I want to see a Persona game take place in Miami or Philadelphia or another interesting city.
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In an alternate universe I'm with my waifu

and that's all that matters
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I hate alternate universe me's, they're both more succesful and bigger failures than actual me and it pisses me off.
I am the actual you.
Fuck off back to your own universe you little shit, there can only be one me here
Naoto sure does love those power rangers.
I mean typically the demographic for children's shows *is* children.
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tall, jap, and handsome.gif
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I, I will be king
And Yu, Yu will be queen
Who doesn't love Featherman?
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>not posting femyu
bowie had sex with a 13 year old girl and was a nazi sympathizer
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>Ai, Ai will be king
what a great guy he was
The guy also thought of abortion as "infanticide"
>sharing memes from the 70's

it would be simpler to list all the stars from the era who didn't fuck underage groupies
Are yu/yaiofags the new naotofags?
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Yeah pretty much, but unlike Naotofriends, we're never leaving.
Thats exactly what the Naotofags said
But I didn't leave. I was just never spamming in the first place. There are just trolls cycling through different characters.
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I'd rather us not be the next Naotofags/Fuukafags though. Try to keep it low, let's not get too obnoxious with that.
MCfags and tatsuyafags should liven up a bit too. I know you faggots are here.
I really, really want to fuck FemYu
I mean I post a lot of other boys and girls. And believe it or not I have posted legitimate discussion creating content before.
>And believe it or not I have posted legitimate discussion creating content before.
Yeah, I call bullshit.
>Stop talking and posting about a character because you realize.
>The hate is still there.

I just wish the past could change. I wish it could just change.
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I like my girls how I like my keyboards: Mechanical and easy to finger
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funny, I like my girls how I like my keyboards too:
with a lot of cum all over them
>You will never touch Aigis' neck-pussy
>move to a new house
>putting "rise" in google doesn't come up with a single picture of her
D-don't make Naoto do anything she doesn't want to!
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Like putting on a dress?
just don't make her do anything she doesn't want to. Girls need to discover themselves at their pace.
naoto is only good with long hair.
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Naoto is only good as an anaesthesiologist.
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She doesn't mind doing that, but it has to be under very specific circumstances.
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I hope she isn't salty that Chee's vanilla VA is leagues better than her.
Ok. Now explain to me how can you not suck at Parasoul (Skullgirls) and Yrel (WoW Warlords of Draenor) and be so shitty as Chie.
why not just a subtle but strong magnet
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probably an atlus USA voice director told her to sound like an annoying screechy teenager. idk her other work tho so i can't judge.
but her Chie is great
me on the right
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whoa i come back after like two weeks and somebody is using my memes
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Here lies Yosuke Hanamura.
He never scored.
With a girl...
Last time I asked I got the same answer, but I still can believe that Atlus USA sucks insted of Erin.

>you will be dead before we have the technology to suck real aigis's tits
But she has none.
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Lyn is adorable. Also great choice for singer!
no her singing sucks
Atlus JP please go
That's the difference directors and producers make
what are those on her chest
Go away Meguro, don't ruin your game like Kojima did with Quiet just because she's wetting your dick you pathetic fucking waste of life manlet.
They're made of the same stuff as those novelty mousepads where an anime girl's breasts are the gellish part you put your wrist on.
Those are literally the most unnecessarily disgusting products. You'd think Japan would hold up with the degeneracy a bit
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>You'd think Japan would hold up with the degeneracy a bit

I'm racially half japanese. Degeneracy runs in our blood.
>Kojima did with Quiet
you mean the best character in the game ?
fuck off tumblr
What is the sexiest Persona?
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So, Arsene is obviously Nyarly, right? Are we ever gonna see humanoid Phil again?
my gf.
Mara. Accept no substitutes.
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either coohoolan or this sexy boy right here
Persona Persona come here
Phil is kill

source: the lack of butterflies in P5.
There's an ingame pic of a girl with a butterfly on her chest.

dammit i knew i should save this kind of thing
You mean the one outside the school? That looked more like a blue stripe similar to the one Chie has on her jacket, except that girl had it on a shirt.
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Actually it's already been proven MC is Phile
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Put anyone else on the door. I don't care. I just want my boy back.
He's in Scatman's world now, anon.
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Im getting Tartarus flashbacks
MC... had a hard life.
Except more generic and shitty looking.
Do it for blonde Yukari
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burning with revenge
in gekkoukan high school
mc becomes door
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At least he got to dick like 6 girls in his last year.
>not canon.
remember that time you had to go through the entire Gekko student roster and suspend all the students who spoke kansai so the apathy syndrome didn't copulate
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Pretty sure Rei is Phile
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So maxed Slinks aren't canon?
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shining lights, even in door
I'm pretty sure she's a jedi.

It's the highest grossing movie of all time, the spoiler gloves are off.
I want P6 to take place in Osaka and everyone has heavy accents.
Not that we would ever get the dual audio anyway.

Chie is supposed to have a slight accent in Japanese though, but I can't hear it
what English accent are you supposed to use to indicate a kansai accent? Scottish? Texan?
Brooklynn/Boston according to Arena.
The reason Labrys has that weird accent is because she had a thick kansai accent in Japanese
Anything, preferably southern because it's funny.
Rei, not Rey, silly
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Does FeMC's romance S. Links work the same way that MC's do (don't talk to them for an amount of time or talk to other girls and they reverse)? I want to see jealous Shinjiro/Akihiko.
The jealousy mechanic does return, but in a less annoying way in the form of Tartarus dialogue.
either I suck at spotting romance flags or you can only go after 1 guy per playthrough
No, but theres some funny dungeon dialog between Akihiko and Ken
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Something funny about that Aigis
Forgot the video
you suck at spotting romance flags. You can fuck them all at once.even the dog
If you're not going for Aki, don't raise his romance flags or you'll literally break his S. Link if you reject him.
A similar thing happened in P4 for me. something like.
>Yukiko: Oh I forgot to clean my room before we set out, I wish I could keep my room as tidy as your Main character-kun
>Chie: Wait, you've seen his room too?
>... The room has suddenly grown awkward
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Whattya mean?
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>sexyhiko will never give you a piggyback ride
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Saber isnt as cute as Aigis
I'm not sure. But I also don't remember the scene where MC gets cut in half by a sword but heals while Aigis hugs him.
I like some of those conversations, like Naoto mentioning losing a sock in your room while Chie asks how it got there in the first place.
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>Chie as chie
>hatsune miku as hatsune miku

that really jostles my jimmies.
I've long heard of the fabled "sock incident" but I remember hearing it as something from Marie. wonder if it's one of those recycled lines that multiple waifus can say.
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It's a TV world dialogue, so I doubt it.

I also don't remember such a line from Marie, but I also never did her lovers route, so I can't say for certain.
but you can't fuck Hidetoshi so it doesn't matter anyway
Further proof that Yukari is best girl.
I'm pretty sure there isn't one. Mainly because the few Mareifags would have posted it at least a hundred times.
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I don't even have a foot fetish but that comic is fucking KAWAII.

Did anyone ever explicitly tell Dojima that Naoto is a grill? Could lead to wacky hi-jinks

good point.
>Did anyone ever explicitly tell Dojima that Naoto is a grill?
I don't think so. It never comes up and he isn't there for things like the beauty pageant, so I'm going to assume he was out of the loop on that, too. I'm going to guess he figures it out before the epilogue, though.
He probably figures Yu is gay anyways. I mean with hair like that how could he not be?
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>I'm going to guess he figures it out before the epilogue, though.
I would hope so, otherwise pic is a visual representation of Dojima seeing them DD-cups.

the hand on hip fashion walk isn't helping.
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You just don't get Japanese fashion.

I mean, remember that this is manly and straight.
This is by far the most ridiculous reasoning for Yu being gay
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Yeah, I'm sure it's the hair that tipped him off
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>In the anime Teddie sleeps curled up at his feet like a faithful dog
Teddie doesn't count.
Dojima doesn't know that
Everyone knows it. Teddie is always Teddie.
Which two Persona characters would you choose to start a pop group with? Ability to play an instrument doesn't matter and assume everyone has a passable singing voice.

Would you put together some sort of boy band or make it some sort of group with you and two girls? I'm just going to go ahead and assume there aren't any girls in /pg/.
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Lisa, Kanamin, Rise, Eikichi, you know, the ones already in pop groups.
Mai waifu and mai waifu's shadow
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Are idols actually singers? I thought they were just kind of popular celebrities that advertised things.
Junpei and Koromaru
>People still ironically using "waifu"

Why not just call them your "gf"?
They're everything; dancers, singers, actors.
Because she'd never agree to be my gf
Morgana and Koromaru

We'd be "anon and the rain" or "anon and the mass hysteria"
idol implies singing more than anything, but all the other celebrity fan servicey type stuff comes with it.

Being an idol is different from being a regular japanese music celebrity.
skas not dead!
Then what the hell is waifu?
>not marrying her
a daki?
a miserable pile of delusions
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Adachi, you're small time.
If you start a NG+ in Persona 4 Golden, do you keep all your costumes? I think it would be pretty fucking stupid if you lose them.
Yes, you keep them all. You even get some different dialogue if you use them before you can acquire them in some cases.
Got any examples?
Nothing amazing, but like Yosuke being weirded out with the crossdressing costumes if you give them to him/Yu before the cross-dressing pageant.
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>not linking back to last thread

come on OP step it up
Persona Persona answer my prayers
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Uhhh... Gimme a break, it's been like a whole year since I've been with you guys.
Yosuke deserves a qt girl that lets him finally see he's not into girls
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This girl will do that for him.
>probably an atlus USA voice director told her to sound like an annoying screechy teenager. idk her other work tho so i can't judge.
you may not know erin's other work, but you probably know the shite voice director valerie arem's other work
I sure want to be inside Aigis.
In what way?
Y'know, with my penis.
the "don't play the game dubbed" accent
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>tfw your waifu is part of a family of filthy bourgeois capitalists
>tfw you would have to break up with your waifu if there was ever a workers revolution in japan
There are too many non weebs here to get into this
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>Rise's Japanese voice
>Teddie's Japanese voice
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Teddies english voice is just as bad, and Japanese Rise sounds like an angel

>there will never be a 12AM in Inaba (ft. Risecchi)
embarrassing Naoto isn't funny! she's a shy person!
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>liking exaggerated high pitched voices

Maybe you need to finally get that hearing aid, Anon.
Oh yeah, and Labrys too. And Metis. And Unit #024. I like robots.
Post the 「I Z A N A G I」 one.
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This is the only one I got
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6 chee-yays is not enough
>still forcing the Chee maymay

You are worse than the Sumaru faggot.
uh...that picture might be a little too much
even for me
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what was the picture
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chee transforming into a horse thing or something
>current year
>not using autoredirect
You really shouldn't have asked.

It's a good enough design for a monster in a horror
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I want to whack Teddie with a baseball bat like a pinata so I can get to the sweet candy and sweet fuccboi inside.
lmao jesus fucking christ
Mikage-cho is best city.
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Only because it has the best girls
The P1 girls deserve more love.
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Oh boy, is it that time again?
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Maki needs more love

Kajou needs more love
Eriko a cute.
Maki has far more love than she deserves tbqh.
Tadashi a shit for lauding her so much, especially with that Philemon tripe. There's a reason why she wasn't very popular among fans.
>scan enemy and reveal fire weakness
>Stupie tries to melee it and falls on his ass

why is he such a tard
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Makoto a shit but I still would steal this
Seems like there is no stream whatsoever, so nothing important will happen.
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>anon knows enemy is weak to fire
>anon doesn't change Junpei's tactic to knock-down

why are you such a tard?
How come everyone else is smart enough to do it then?
anyone here buy any of the anime BDs? i pre-ordered falling down because i had too much money at the time and wanted to get the OST without waiting on someone else's lossless rip.
I ended up dislikeing the 1st one, and its only been down hill from there.
Anime is too expensive to not just be a filthy pirate for it
What's wrong with his face.
I also would take a real size MC cardboard though, even if it's his worst incarnation.
Anime BDs are too expensive and I hated the second movie, so I don't really care about supporting them, and that's the only reason I would buy something I can have for free.
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>Japanese Rise sounds like an angel
I would buy anime BDs but considering people have been arrested for having certain legally purchased anime in my country I wouldn't want to risk it.
Unless you mean people have been arrested for buying something like Ghost in the Shell on video, I think Persona would be fine.
Low SP maybe, if you don't use tactics you can't be mad when they do anything they want.
Post mid-tier girls being mid-tier
why did you post a high-tier girl?
Because you only think she's high-tier and he thinks she's mid-tier. Others think she's low-tier. Unfortunately, those are all wrong.
She's god-tier.
Also wrong.
She's better than you.
Becuase she's mid tier, just like pic
Tiers do not exist.
you accidentally posted best girl

better luck next time
Did he post it earlier in the thread?
I want the p3m team to leave
this anon is right
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Post your favorite Rise picture! I need more!
You're an addict. You need an intervention, not more pictures.
Whats wrong with GitS?

I could see people getting in trouble for ecchi series, but not GitS,
Everyone needs more Rise pictures
But what if I don't want pictures of a slut?
p-persona girls make me feel warm inside!
>I could see people getting in trouble for ecchi series, but not GitS,
That's the point. Persona isn't exactly an ecchi series either.
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If you truly loved Rise you wouldn't need some half dead 4chan thread to get them
I'm not an addict, I only have less than 15 pictures of her.
ahh. My reading comprehension was wacky then.
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is she going to be on persona 5? I need a hd model for that.
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>no tits
No, but she will be a party member.
Go to bed America
that would mean P5 would have to be good
soooo... persona.
But anon, I'm in europe and its only just passed 5pm
is morning here
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The best way. I play no tits waifu simulator for a reason.
Why would you want no tits?
Good news. P5 will be great.
Unless you're dead inside. Which is a distinct possibility.
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> you will never get private lesson from morooka
> you will never learned about his life history
> you will never see his shadow
P4 is suffering
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P5 will look great on paper and in trailers, just like P4 does, but will suck in execution, just like P4 does.
>P5 will be great.
How can you be sure anon, it might be shit
You're weird.
You're thinking of your favorite Persona game, which is shit.
>s link is about him dealing with his crippling alcoholism
>rank 10 is realising he's truly an unfixable twat
>completing rank 10 before he dies lets you side with Mitsuo
Morooka is a wasted potential character, he could be a great character given the time, or even antagonistic persona user like Strega group.
good. meme teacher a shit
>wasted potential
Persona 4 in 2 words
/pg/ thinks this about nearly every character in the games. I'm surprised no one has tried to give a larger role to Tony yet.
>Wasted potential
Persona in two words

Persona General in two words
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All I want is a persona game set in the sleepy Japanese country side, with an almost laser focus on anime slice of life events and other assorted anime fanservice scenes. 10/10 game.
If only IT wasnt so shit, save for a couple of them. And if only the murder mystery supernatural garbage wasnt scrapped all together.

If P5 is going to be some angsty mega city Harry Potter P1 simulator, maybe P6 will be the hick anime game that P4 could have been.
Im serious
I don't know why we come here and taunt ourselves with pictures of perfect women.
Why do he have to die? I see no reason for him to be killed.
Because Mitsuo wanted to kill someone to be popular.
I don't have an account, what was it?
So, you want a Persona game without all the Persona stuff getting in the way.
>literal NPC's bare their souls for Yu
people are such weirdos
yesterday a guy i hadn't known for a few hours started confiding about his drug addled kid to me. It's sad people don't have more friends and have to vent to complete strangers. We can all learn something from Persona 4.
If Morooka have his s-link the player could somehow prevent his death and having a new party member.
I want the P4 dating sim that was obviously meant to be, and for P5 to be the proper sequel to P3 that P4 could never hope to be.
/pg/ doesn't think they're perfect. We call them sluts with no personalities.
The P3P shinji thing was the worst thing to ever happen to Persona, doing it with a character literally no one likes would ber shit
Every woman in Persona bar Hanako has gorgeous eyes and perfect complexions.
Seriously. none of them have any blemishes. they were never drawn in.
That's stupid. Both games are half social sim.
Id take P3P Shinji over P4G/Ultimax Adachi
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> literally no one like
I personally like morooka character. Your point?
>I personally like morooka character
No you dont
I like Morooka as a character, but the posters can get annoying as any other.
P3 is like a persona game with a half hearted social sim thrown in.
P4 is like a half hearted social sim, with and even more half hearted JRPG thrown in.
this tbqh lads
What makes Persona 3 a REAL Persona game? Especially since it's so drastically different from the previous games?
> annoying
You just described almost all the anons in this thread
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arigato Senpai.
Stop being so edgy anon
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What part of edgy you dont understand?
less weebshit
The edge part. Where is it?
So, you want a Western developed shooter Persona game? Might be cool.
The bit where nothing I said was edgy
The main cast isnt awful
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>only two possibilites are anime weebshit or mud shooter
It can be japanesey without being weebshit
Why does NTR trigger people
Evangelion-4-Tweens is only better than P4 because P3 is better at being a rip off than P4 is at being a cliche catch all.
Because majority of anon gets ntred every year
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Yaoiposting is a fine art, and ages like a nice wine.
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I was interested in picking up Arena Ultimax on the cheap sometime.

I can get DLC for the game to make the storymode of the first Arena playable, right? There's no need to buy both?
No, it can't. I've seen the discussions. Plus, P3 is weeb as hell by the modern useless definition.
Any anon who says otherwise are in denial
I jerk off to gay shit all the time, but never anything P4 related.
I wish fujoshi had better taste than Yosuke x Yu, or Yu x anything. Or Kanji in general.
You have to be in a relationship first.
This burns my soul
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>never anything P4 related
That's what P3 is for.
yes, no
> implying anons never be in relationship
Just started Persona 1. How far will the initial handouts last me on this one? Any good early game personas I should look out for?
>implying anon would ever be game over.
>playing anything but p4
get a load of this pleb
MC is lame with anyone, Akihiko is only good with Ulala, Ryouji is the Adachi of P3.
Shinji sucls.
Jun x Tatsuya is boring, and anything with them is lost to time anyway.
There will never be good persona related yaoi.
At least the persona Yuri is good
I'm not implying. I'm stating.
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Its very easy to make good Persona Yuri
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Thats because the only good characters are girls.
As you are the underboss of the Amagi Yakuza family, Yukiko puts you in charge of selecting 3 lieutenants to run each of the family's business sectors:
1. Drug Distribution (Street selling, high level trafficking, drug processing)
2. Sex Work (Escort Services, prostitution, strip club management)
3. Business Activities (Extortion, racketeering, police bribery)

Local police officers cannot be selected for 3
Yukiko can't be selected for any of them as she's the boss
Only humans allowed

Pick any characters from P1-P5, who do you pick and why?
Exactly, also Yuri is gods gift to mankind.
>Sex Work
Rise, she no doubt has contacts already
>Business Activities
Mitsuru, connections and resources to extort
>Drug Distribution
Probably Yosuke because already been raised for that level of business.
1. Takaya
2. Adachi
3. Hitler
>please tell the court why you took a bribe off literal hitler
1. Ikutsuki
2. Rise
3. Adachi
Actually disregard this, I just realised no one would believe you if you tried to claim Hitler threatened to kill your family if you don't co-operate
delays are never good thats the first red flag and the fact that we dont have more characters shown
>delays are never good thats the first red flag
Not him but they generally aren't especially considering how little information we've had. They're fine if its for a few months with an explanation that they want to iron some bugs out and ensure its ready for launch but delays of years generally mean something went down.
> Adachi tries to bribe dojima
I dont think that will work anon
Does it? Some games have been delayed for years and were good. And some are shit. Same for non-delayed game.
Some will be fine but as a general rule lots of delays with little dev communication about the delays are a bad sign while smaller delays with communication are a good sign
Is atlus having financial problems?
>MC is lame with anyone
MC with faceless men is fine.
>especially considering how little information we've had.
The problem is you assume this is because Atlus is hiding shit, when good or bad this is how Atlus always acts for main releases. You can call that stupid PR, but that's Atlus' MO.
Has there been "lots" of delays? We had one before we had any real information on the game beyond CHAIRS. EMANCIPATION. And one after a little info.
>the protags are stealing the hearts of the bad guys
fucking DROPPED
this shit is pure cringe
Where have you been?
You seriously learned about that now? Is this the kind of people who still claims P5 will be dark?
Persona is supposed to be a super dark and serious game series, guys. Seriously guys.
Not bad guys, anon. Bad adults. I know that only adults can be evil, but it's important to be clear.
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a milf i was fucking gave me her ex-husbands vita
p4g is totally worth buying a vita for though
id never have bought one myself desu senpai but having a sugarmama was nice
she was my devil s. link
this kind of story never reflects well on anyone.
least i got a vita out of it
Thats why he's sharing it anonymously
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u saying i like girls
No one here likes girls
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I like girls!
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hah gay.jpg
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Then you're not here.
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girls are mean poopy-pants who don't do the fun things that I wanna do like video games and D&D eroge campaigns.
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I do.
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This cute girl is outta this world!
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I feel gay when I play as femc on p3p. Why cant Minako date girls instead
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Chee x me is better!
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MaleChee / MaleYukikek doe
Chee x anon is never good
ChiexAkihiko is the only acceptable Chie pairing
It's acceptable, but not the only one.. KouxChie is fine too.
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I want Rockyhiko to feed me his protein.
But Chie gets the meat AND the protein and Akihiko get nothing.
Nice bait. It's the "literally who" of Chie pairings
he gets a waifu and a training partner
>you could die one day before P5 comes out
>people have already died waiting for this game
Because that would be actually gay, not just a feel. And she can.
that's not ifunny at all.
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He seems to be having fun with her in PQ so it's not nothing.
He gets a female clone of himself.
The only fuckable girl in P3.
I don't ship Chie and Akihiko, but I do think Akihiko works better with someone like Chie than with someone like FeMC. His S.Link was ridiculous, and that the best thing he can say about the girl he loves is that she looks like his dead sister is lame as fuck. But with Chie I could see they actually enjoying each other company.
>the best thing he can say about the girl he loves is that she looks like his dead sister

ugh why do the nips do this. It's kind of a reverse Lulu/chappu thing. really the whole "dead character has a perfect doppleganger" thing is overdone and never good.
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>ChiexAkihiko is the only acceptable Chie pairing
>Doesnt even have any fanart
They never had an Oedipus myth
Until P5
Morgana surprise
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Shipping any character with someone other than Yu or MC tends to make people angry, it's the nature of a self-insert story.
Nips have shit taste, more news at 11
>Shipping any character with someone other than Yu or MC tends to make people angry
Shipping in general is just pretty stupid, especially if nothing romantic even happens between the characters.
Shipping any character other than Yu and MC together tends to make people angry.
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>Shipping in general is just pretty stupid
this statement can be expanded to the entire anime/japanese video game world. but just because something is stupid doesn't mean people don't like it.

that particular brand of shipping is the kind of stupid that makes more people angry than the other kind.
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>especially if nothing romantic even happens between the characters.
Some characters are just made for each other, anon
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why would best boys want anyone but another best boy?
>the entire anime/japanese video game world
As if there weren't people shipping characters from Western shows/movies/games.
If something has a public, it has shippers shipping ridiculous stuff.
They obviously don't want anyone else. Especially MC, who in PQ complained about everyone but begged Yu to seat with him every time he saw him pass by.
Isnt it kanji and naoto? How did rise end up as potential lover here?
It was about Naoto, but Yukiko is autistic.
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Naoto flippantly denies any interest in Kanji, Kanji rejects his attraction to her at any opportunity.

Chie and Yukiko were there to see his homo shadow so all bets are off there, they'll never even consider it.

Rise and Kanji were seen meeting up and interacting alone in public exactly once, that is enough for most shippers.
She's also right about that.
>implying she's not denying it out of embarrasment
>Rise and Kanji were seen meeting up and interacting alone in public exactly once
>Marie's S.Link
>Kanji's either max S.Link event or the one in February where she calls him amazing
>that NPC says they're always hanging out at Junes together
This is definitely more than once.
She gets mad at you in a not embarrassed way if you agree with Rise.
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She is thoroughly indifferent towards him. She's blushing because she realizes Yu says this to get in her pants.
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Worst ships list:
5. Aigis x Metis
4. FeMC x Any boy who is not Shinjiro
3. Mitsuru x Akihiko
2. Chie x Yosuke
1. Kanji x Naoto
>because she realizes Yu says this to get in her pants.
How conceited of her. Yu is pure and only wants friendship with everyone. He would be sad if two of his friends started dating because in Japan that means they won't hang around with their friends anymore.
>Aigis x Metis
You forgot "anything with Marie".
I can get behind this shit list
Maybe in your game but in my game I fucked Naoto every day for two weeks.
Aigis X Metis is just robo-masturbation and I'm alright with that
That's like above #1 but it's only theoretical because nobody ships Mariko w/ anybody.
In your game it's you and in my game it's me. But the actual Yu doesn't fuck his friends.

Rise is easily the IT member that gives Kanji the least amount of shit and she's at least friendly towards him.

That doesn't mean much, but hey, shippers
>Aigis x Metis
AigisxMC is much worse than that.
It's bump limit, not image limit

Unless you're so autistic you can't go 9 posts without images
AigisxMC is canon tho
this is an image board, any limit being hit is an acceptable time to post a new thread
Isn't P3P male route + Fes the answer considered canon? so it could be fuuka or mitsuru on the rooftop.
You wish. Aigis acted like nothing but a creepy stalker, the best you could call that was being a possessive mom. And the only canon talk MC had with her is him complaining about her and trying to give her away.
I like this new meme, throw the old guard into an autistic shitfit.
So does everyone else. Just different shit taste.
That wasn't my intention, I just normally post in generals where image limit is an acceptable time to post a new thread
Well it's too late now lad, it's become the hottest new /pg/ meme.
Is the old guard seriously triggered by a yukikoxchie thread posted at image limit?
More like posting a new thread that it's not even in autosage yet.
1) the Satomi Tadashi sisters
2) Ginko
3) Shinji or Baofu, depending on whether Amagidyne wants to concentrate on leg breaking or extortion respectively.
Thread posts: 753
Thread images: 251

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