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Fate/Grand Order General /fgog/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 810
Thread images: 175

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Care for your servants edition
Previous >>128006758

>[London STORY Gacha]
Is still ongoing and ends on the 13th JST

>[Jew Year's Gacha]
Ends Jan 13, 2016 13:59 JST
- Ten roll which can be done only once
- Guarantees at least one 5* servant from those shown on screen
- No New Year's event servants
- Needs 40 PAID QUARTZ (check amount in your inventory)
For info on refunding READ THE FAQ

>New Year's Boxes contents

>News and Reminders
- Latest changes
- America to be written by higashide
- Collaboration announced. Details in February. Said to be similar to fate


>Dropmaps [now with London]
>FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
>Mega Pastebin
>Data Spreadsheet
Toaster version:
>Friendlist Spreadsheet
Xth for daddy issues.
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>Still not scanned
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Xth for where the fuck do I get these?
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Xth for Nobu a CUTE.
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naisu meme fampai
xth for MEMETEAM
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fam .jpg
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Dat Andersen
>maxed but only 2 skills
why is this allowed?
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Xth for Neutral Evil
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>rad vlad
>not shining gold for glorious BBBBBBBBB deck
What does she means with that?
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xth for loving and grail ascending Mephisto.
>Golds with only two skills
Why is this allowed?
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Objectively the best alignment
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He said MEMETEAM, anon.
Kintoki in another league.
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Why is it okay to sexualize children in Japan? What's the difference between a shotacon and pedophile?
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Best Archer.
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>tfw no Arjuna
But Kintoki is actually synergetic with the other two
GOLD exists in a realm outside of memes
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My team soon.jpg
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Rider is the best class!

My Captain being the best of the Riders of course.
Merlin forcing random people in Japan to shapeshift doujin when?
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He is there, but as a sub unit laughing at the frontline memers.
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Every thread until Atolfo
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Have you forgotten about Olga already?
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2D beings aren't children.
Already posted >>128048126

I'm not sure you thought this through, anon.

Lancer > Rider >>> The Rest.
I want to love all of them
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There's too many great girls in the Rider class, it's almost criminal.
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Drawings are not children
Is there any Servant that could defeat a full power Ayaka?
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Oops wrong pic
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I haven't.
Lancelot, Achilles
My dick.
>le GOLD man XD
>muh busters
Kintoki's like a walking version of reddit
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How could you forget her?
>full power Ayaka

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I love evil!
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>that head
delete this

Oops wrong pic
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Sooner or later we will get him.
Huh? How powerful is Ayaka potentially?
I care about them.
I try to fou and use all of those I like. I don't call any of them waifu though, my waifu is not in the game.

On a related note, those that are original from GO don't have great appeal to me. Only Ushi has been someone I like because she was my first servant and the little personality she has shown is appealing to me.
>Reddit the servant
Good luck dealing with your manchild
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>not being Lawful Good
It like you the fun or something.
>Lawful Good = Solomon
Too edgy for me.
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>not being Autistic Good
Probably referring to the joke in the SoL drama cd where Manaka says Ayaka must have used some hax skill to beat her and save the day.
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CG, NE, LN and LE are all better than LG, although LG can be best. It just isn't in nasuverse.
So how did Solomon end up this way? Did his Wisdom corrupt him or something?
That mouth scares me.
He spent too much time in /fgog/ the jetposting was too much
No he's just a massive doucher
He seems to think it's pitiful that humans have failed to overcome death or something, so at this point sort of like Gil I guess. There will probably be some twist though. He seems too campy evil to be a Nasu villain. Even Zouken gets some depth to him.
He's destroying humanity for all the good reasons. Just ask Nasu.
So he decided to become the hero no one wanted?
What do i need to read to find out more about him?
If you mean the actual Solomon, biblical texts
Nasuverse Solomon we have almost nothing at all.
>MANAKA: Ufufu... What are you saying, Ayaka, isn’t the Holy Grail War over because of your awakening? Indeed, you abandoned the witchcraft that you were no good at, discovered a new talent and, after developing into a possible monster, mastering with astonishing speed consecutive Gandr, Unlimited Blade Works, Ionian Hetairoi or something like that and those sorts of techniques that require cheats to master. After that, you continued to consecutively summon Aristotle, Plato and Socrates and using their powers of persuasion, annexed everyone! There were zero deaths! Didn’t it end like that?
If we can't trust comedic audio dramas to give us unbiased and objective information about powerlevels, then we can't trust anything at all.
>What do i need to read to find out more about him?

>the hero no one wanted
Anon please.
Alter Egos + BB when
Someone on BL translated the only scene he's been in literally twenty minutes ago, so there.
>What do i need to read to find out more about him?
The Bible.
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>Nasuverse Solomon we have almost nothing at all.
Thats lame.
Will do
Already read about the biblical Solomon, not as exciting as this one.
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I just realized that the skill he uses when you fight him is called Inspection. So he's debuffing you by just looking at you.
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Got this error while binding. Doesn't seem to be the usual error, anybody encountered this before?

>inb4 banned
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Let's say Alter Ego Violet is in an upcoming paid gatcha. 1 percent chance of getting her, otherwise you'll just get a 5 star like the last paid gacha. Would you roll it?
Demon marshal, Gilles de Rais. Empire founder, Romulus. Hero scout, Jason. And, godlike genius Nikola Tesla.

I expected them to be at least a little useful, but... this is disappointing.

Worthless. Truly worthless. Humans really are deteriorating with time.

Dr. Roman
Dammit, Shiva won't stabilize! I'm only picking up voices over here! What's going on, Mashu!?

I-I don't know. Some kind of human-like shadow is walking toward us...

Sakata Kintoki
...Get back, Lady. That thing's bad. It's not something a nice girl like you should look at.

Tamamo no Mae
That's right, that's right. I'll run away, too. With one tail, I'll probably be tainted just laying eyes it.

Sakata Kintoki
(I think you'll be fine, though? In fact, shouldn't you be out in front?)

Oi, what's with this ridiculous magical energy? Even dragons don't put off this much. It's just like...

Could it be, the domain of angels and demons spoken of in legend? Nay, even that pales in comparison.

Though I may not be a proper magus, this sorry excuse of a Caster can tell.

This inexhaustible supply. This dominating power whose mere existence crushes the space around it...

This creature stands side by side with God! Perhaps it's even God Himself!

Andersen, my friend! I dare say it's about time we take our leave!

Do you always have to be such a blow-hard? To begin with, there are all sorts of gods, and the only kind I fear is editors.

...Though, I agree with running away. To think such a big fish would show up at this stage...

Dr. Roman
Big fish!? What's going on!? Gudao, give me a report!

Oh? A fellow disembodied voice, is it?

Since Chaldea was disconnected from the axis of time, it has become a place that can't be found.

Even my eyes, which foresee all futures, have difficulty perceiving it.

Therefore, it survives. Uncouthly. Miserably. Futilely.
That design is so fucking bad. A new low for Takeuchi.
Eh this really does make him look like a stereotypical villain.
I'd roll it because I like the idea of a guaranteed 5*. I'd actually be really annoyed if I rolled Violet

A pitiful boat adrift in a vast sea of nothingness, rejecting the history of destruction that has already been decided.

That is your precious Chaldea, one they call Gudao.

Is that the name of the one last fool who opposes my grand work? The last stain on the burnt out husk of human history?

...Doctor. There's something appearing in front of us now...
1: Who are you!?

2: Is it the "king" Lev mentioned!?

Hmm? Shouldn't that already be obvious? Are you a monkey that needs to be spoonfed everything?

But, very well. I've taken a liking to that unsightliness. If you wish to know, I shall tell you.

I am the one you seek. The one who subjugated the 72 demon gods, who would destroy mankind from his throne.

My name is Solomon. Know me, one of the seven standing at the summit of the Heroic Spirits.

Dr. Roman
So... Solomon!? Did he just say Solomon, Mashu!?

Yes. There's no mistaking it.

He definitely called himself by the same name as the ancient king of Israel, who ruled in the 10th century BC.

Dr. Roman
No way... it's really him...

Ha, so we've got ourselves another celebrity, do we? So what's your deal? You're a Servant right?

Don't tell me, you were summoned as a Heroic Spirit and got a second lease on life to wipe out the human race?

Quite the contrary, Londinium Knight. While I'm certainly a Heroic Spirit, no human summoned me.


Don't place me on the same level as you incompetent fools. After I died, I resurrected myself and sublimed into a Heroic Spirit by my own power.

Dr. Roman
H-He resurrected himself...!?

I am a living Heroic Spirit. Consequently, I have no Master lording over me.

I began this undertaking by my own will.

All for the sake of eradicating you humans -- garbage perpetuating a foolish history, the single greatest waste of space in the universe.
>Hmm? Shouldn't that already be obvious? Are you a monkey that needs to be spoonfed everything?

Solomon goes on /a/?
Isn't the big bad of Rome Attila?
Villains need more tats man you just dont understand his art.
Given that the Grands are supposed to save the world, I'll be he's lying/skewing the truth about making himself into a Grand and that he's actually somehow protecting the world by doing all this. Attila's the one we really have to watch out for.
>Do you always have to be such a blow-hard? To begin with, there are all sorts of gods, and the only kind I fear is editors.
Heroic Spirit Editor when?
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>Sakata Kintoki
>...Get back, Lady. That thing's bad. It's not something a nice girl like you should look at.
>Sakata Kintoki
>(I think you'll be fine, though? In fact, shouldn't you be out in front?)
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>Andersen, my friend! I dare say it's about time we take our leave!
>Do you always have to be such a blow-hard? To begin with, there are all sorts of gods, and the only kind I fear is editors.

Fucking Andersen

1: You can do that...!?

2: Like hell you can destroy the world...!

Of course I can. I have the the means, the will, and most importantly, the results.

Your era is already gone. Destroyed by my 72 pillars that surpass time.

Dr. Roman
Surpassing time... then, those demon gods are really the demon gods from the Lemegeton...?

Dr. Roman
No, that can't be, it's too different from the folklore! There's no way King Solomon's familiars could be such disgusting monsters!

How pitiful. You sit at the forefront of history, yet your interpretations are so antiquated.

The 72 demon gods were incarnated and reborn, anchoring them to every era.

They are lynchpins to stop the planet's rotation. The band of light whirling through the heavens is my Noble Phantasm.

Band of light whirling through the heavens... then, the ring of light we've seen in every era is...

Precisely. It is my third Noble Phantasm, Ars Almadel Salomonis.

Each ray within it carries heat on par with a holy sword. That Servant you lot were playing with earlier...

In terms of scale, it is hundreds of millions of times greater than King Arthur's holy sword. Quite simply, it is an anti-Humanity Noble Phantasm.

H-Hundreds of millions of times greater than father's sword... so, you'll burn all of history to ash!?
I think he was talking about those he personally summoned/manipulated into being. Attila was Lev's doing.
A bad design for a disgusting jew. Fitting if you think about it.
>one they call Gudao
Is that silly fucking name really the MCs name? It sounds like a clowns
But wasn't Lev working for Solomon?
Well. There's no point telling someone who won't live to see it.

I've answered your questions. Now it's my turn, survivors of Chaldea.

You son of a bitch! Get ready Mashu, Gudao!

This guy's the wire-puller, right!? In that case, all we have to do is beat the shit out of him here...!

B-But... that Servant... there's no way...

Dr. Roman
Mashu, get ahold of yourself! Take a good look at your enemy!

Dr. Roman
No matter who he is, he's still a Servant, right!? Which means you can beat him!

Dr. Roman
Don't forget, the Heroic Spirit inside you was chosen by the Holy Grail! It won't lose to Solomon when it comes to rank!

Ha! Heroic Spirit rank? You truly believe you can measure up to me?

Ignorance is a sin. I thought your commander might be wise in his own way, but it seems he's just a trifling magus.

Still, you've piqued my interest, girl.

Let's have a nice chat, shall we?

This is a special occasion. In deference to your courage, I'll only use four.

[Battle: vs Emissary's Four Pillars]
No its roma gathering previous emperors of rome to "test" nero without knowing hes being manipulated by solomons lackey lev.
Lev only summons attila as a last ditch effort only to get rekt by attila who basically tells him to "fuck off" by cutting him in half
>What, you're saying you only came here to piss on us!?

>That's right! That's exactly right! Actually, you lot are even lower than piss!

Lawful good everyone.
Attila truly is the best
The only bad thing about it is the hair braid with inexplicable red things.
Everything else either has precedent or works fine. But that's just a distracting bit of hair.
I think the translator is just using it as shorthand for "insert your name here".

Do you see now? This is what happens when mere Heroic Spirits stand on the same stage as me.

*Kintoki, Shakespeare, and Tamamo vanish*

...Doctor, start the rayshift. At this rate we'll all be killed...!

Dr. Roman
It's impossible...! There's no way to anchor the rayshift through his force field!

Dr. Roman
As long as Solomon is there, I can't bring you back!

Then... at the very least, Senpai...

You sure like to hear yourself talk!

But, you're definitely not bluffing, either... more than rank as a Heroic Spirit, your output itself is on a whole other level.

What the hell are you!?

It's just as you've said. It's not a difference in our rank as heroic spirits, but the rank of our classes.

Now, burn together with that trash.

Kingslayer Mordred. I'll be sure to take special care with you.

*Solomon attacks, but Mordred is still standing*

...Are you kidding me? This is what happens just from blocking once? I guess as a Caster I really can't oppose you.

Whelp...!? What are you...

It's just a whim, don't worry about it. I owed you for all the work you did for me anyway.

...You were still alive, writer?

I thought I wiped you out along with all the other small-fry. You did well surviving with such meager power.

Hmph. I hate manual labor. I was simply observing until now.

But. I figured it out, Solomon. Your true colors. The unbelievable truth.

Oh? Speak, improviser. If I like what I hear, I'll grant you an easy death.

Then listen well, Philistine. This was written in the Clock Tower records.

Heroic Spirit summoning is the summoning of the counter force -- that which ensures the continuation of the human species.
>torture and murder a loli
>Chaotic Good
>wish for the happiness of the worlds children
>Neutral Evil
>...Are you the biggest idiot in human history?

Expecting her to appear out of nowhere and cut the jew in a half
Haven't played in months, what are the best overall CE now a days is it still Kaleidoscope or one of the 25% boosts?
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They materialize in seven vessels, to defeat a single adversary.

And what is that adversary, you ask? Could it be more obvious? It's a great disaster that threatens our world!

An incarnation of the end that will not destroy the planet, but humanity, and the civilization that we've built!

A devourer of civilizations, born from civilization -- it is none other than an apotheosis of our own creation.

And. The ones summoned to defeat it are those who stand at the pinnacle of all Heroic Spirits.

Indeed. The seven Heroic Spirits are heavenly emissaries sent to destroy a certain evil.

The seven greatest knights of that era, who protect humanity's foundations. The first seven who stand at the pinnacle of Heroic Spirits.

Originally, the evocation ritual "Heroic Spirit Summoning" was meant to save the human world.

It was your summoning system, the Holy Grail War, that degraded it into something that could be used at the convenience of humans.

Hey, who're you calling degraded...!?

Calm down, Mordred. It's not a matter of rank. It's about the vessel, the authority.

He's simply a Heroic Spirit that manifested in a superior container.

If we're weapons to oppose individuals, then he's a weapon to oppose the world.

One who stands above all other Heroic Spirits of the same type. In other words, a Servant with a Grand vessel.

Yes. You've finally arrived at the truth!

I am king among kings, Caster among Casters!

Thus, you may hail me as Grand Caster, the King of Magic Solomon!

Dr. Roman
Grand Class...!? Are you saying you're a Heroic Spirit chosen by the Root!?

Well then, here's your prize, improviser, as promised. I'll dice you up into a hundred pieces and carefully burn them all.

Guh... guoooooh...!

*Andersen disappears*
Depends on what you're doing and who you're using. Best for farming, certainly.
There is no best overall CE, but Kaleido and the 25% boosts are still top tier.
Although 3 maxed Twice CEs might be the best CE set up.
A lot of Takeuchi's stuff recently is too similar, Solomon really stands out so I like it. He's an over the top guy with an over the top design, it's cool.
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Alignments work in mysterious ways.
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Reminder this is literally what happened when Numeral buff was gone.
It depends of the team. 2030 CE is one of the best now too.
Fuck off shitposter.
>even bothering to reply
Is this silver ring on his right middle finger supposed to be special?
Be quiet kid. We're reading about someone who can rape your failed maymay 11 times out of 10.
Alright, thanks. Just trying to see if they were still worth it or if I should reroll from scratch.
>Can't even handle one single strike without his Super Saiyan active
No wonder he got a sword that's not even fairy made.
I still think Solomon is just testing us or something to face the real big bad. He's just too cartoonishly evil.
I don't know why you expect anything else from him, he was introduced like two weeks ago.
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How can one Caster be so based?
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Reroll anyway
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Rofl I bet he can one shot scat
Is Solomon the most powerful heroric spirit? Can a regular heroric spirit best him?
>They materialize in seven vessels, to defeat a single adversary.
Jesus christ Primate Murder is ludicrous.
And some people think any heroes are comparable to Types? Earth can't even make a real Type.
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>We're reading about someone who can rape your failed maymay 11 times out of 10.
Can't wait to see him have trouble with Saber Lancelot in Jerusalem.
>Is Solomon the most powerful heroric spirit?

He is until we see more Grand Servants.
Haven't we had this discussion quite a few times already?

The guy is powerful, yes, but any other HS in a grand container (instead of a regular one) would wreck shit.
He is one of the top 7, not necessarily the best.
And no, since he can explicitly just unsummon them.
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Nigga this is a free to play phone game not war & peace. Don't get your hopes up.
Well, he's just made from better materials. Its like copper sword and armor vs steel ones
He says he's part of the top 7. In this case, it's because he's in a container so far above everyone else. As a regular Servant, he's probably just top tier.

In the end, Servants are tools that can't do anything unless summoned by a living being.

You will never attain true freedom like me. Do you see now the insurmountable wall between us?

...Ha. You're pretty full of yourself for someone that's already had four Holy Grails snatched right out from under his nose.

I bet you only showed yourself now because losing half of them to Gudao has you in a panic.

How disgusting. Nobody likes a sore loser.

...Are you the biggest idiot in human history?

You think I'm here over four measly Grails? Don't make me laugh. I've finally destroyed everything.

One Grail, six Grails, it makes no difference. It will be a long time before this "Gudao" becomes a threat.

Anyway, it's time for me to go. This took longer than I expected.


What!? You're gonna leave, just like that? Why did you even come here in the first place, then!?

A mere fit of impulsiveness.

It's normal to get up and relieve yourself in between finishing one book and starting another, right? That's all this was.

What, you're saying you only came here to piss on us!?


Hahaha, bwahahahahahahahaha...!

That's right! That's exactly right! Actually, you lot are even lower than piss!

You mean nothing to me. Whether you live or die here is utterly inconsequential.

Understand? I'm not overlooking you. You weren't worthy of my attention in the first place!

Although... hmm. Should you resolve all seven singularities...

Only then will I recognize you as "a matter I must handle myself."

Dr. Roman
We're saved... I think? I can't say I like being spared, but I'm not going to argue...

Dr. Roman
Huh? Gudao!?
He's the most powerful right now because no one else has a Grand vessel to stand up to him. As a Heroic Spirit he is powerful of course, but not the strongest.
I can, because I ran out of quartz.
Solomon vs Origin Boosted Gil

Who wins?
>rolling the gacha when there is no event or free quartz

>And no, since he can explicitly just unsummon them.

What about counter guardians? Can EMIYA beat him?
But Grand containers are clearly a "fits only this one guy" flavor so not everyone can be one.
Though there are only seven, I wonder if there could be a Grand Avenger or Grand Savior.
Any Servant on the high tier with a Grand container will be probably at that level.
1: Why are you doing this!?

2: Do you enjoy destroying the world!?


...Oh? You surprise me, human.

You want to know if I enjoy this? If I take pleasure in destroying the human race?

Ah... Of course, of course, of course, of course! Nothing could be more fun!

If it wasn't, I wouldn't do it!

Watching you die is the best.

Your end is exhilarating! Your death throes are sublime!

And, it is your highest salvation.

Because none but I can make use of the human race down to the last man, woman, and child...!

Get back, Gudao! Talking to this guy is pointless, he's rotten right down to his core!

...King of Magic Solomon. You're the same as Lev Reinol.

You have no gratitude for life. You toy with the lives of humans, of the planet...!


Girl. Humans have no right to speak of life. An opinion that takes death for granted is worthless.

Gratitude for life? I doubt you even know what that means.

What have you humans accomplished these past 2000 years? All you've done is sit idly by and die.

You are minds that could not conquer death, yet continue to fear it.

Even though if death is inevitable, you should have thrown away your fear of it.

Even though if you think death is so fearsome and tragic, you should have thrown away your intelligence!

Pathetic. It's so pathetic. And the same goes for you, Master from Chaldea.

Why do you fight? A life that will eventually end is already over.

Why do you continue on, even knowing that there is no salvation?


Heed me, young human. Humanity's final Master, Gudao.

This will be my only warning.

Abandon everything right here and now, if you know what's good for you.

...Burn until not even ash is left. That is humanity's future.

*Solomon leaves*
Why do Lancelot fags like Lancelot? I'm not trying to start shit, I'm genuinely wondering what makes him likeable to people? Or is it just ''muh unrivaled'' for the sake of shitposting?
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Another lost soul.
It is said that he is in the Grand class because he is the strongest Caster.
The Grands aren't just 7 strong guys with buffs, it's the seven best in their class further buffed to fight super enemies.
Solomon is the most powerful Caster and the other 6 will be the best in their classes too.
The guys entire introduction is 'he's totally out of your league', and this is when you meet him with like 7 Servants.
>Solomon is smug as fuck
>the only reason he's so powerful is because the Root summoned him
Why the fuck is he so smug if he's not even powerful by his own merit? If he just happens to have a fancy container this guy has no grounds to act like he's better than anyone.
...Well, this is it. It wasn't pretty, but at least we got the Grail.

1: ...Sorry.

Don't apologize, idiot. I'm the one that's pathetic.

2: ...That's right.

I haven't be so overwhelmed since father's spear... no, no, nevermind.

Still, we saved London. Not bad, if I do say so myself.

The only thing I regret is that this is the end. Frankly, I'd like to go with you, if I could...

But this is my limit. Now that the singularity is resolved, I've lost my place in this world.

After all, I was called here by the mist from the Holy Grail. With no Master, this time I have no choice but to disappear.

...It's vexing, but that guy was right. We can't fight unless we're summoned.

That is the limit of Heroic Spirits, of Servants.

The ones who build an era are the living humans of that era... the leading edge of the future.

1: ...Mordred

2: Living humans...

Yeah. That's why... you'll make it eventually, Gudao.

To the place we can never reach. Overcome the seven Holy Grails, and march into the future.

You'll corner that Grand Caster asshole. It's something only you can do.


Don't make that face, Mashu. I can't stand shield bearers, but you're different.

We'll meet again someday. And when that time comes, I'll lend you my help once more.

Seeya, Gudao. And remember, even someone like me was able to save London.

So, cheer up a little, and go save the world!

*Mordred disappears*
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>Care for your servants edition
>haven't played with waifu in days
I feel bad now. I wish this game wasn't so bad.
Maybe they can relate to his personality.
They should just be really good containers from the sound of it. The Servant containers are degraded versions, but they can house any spirit just fine.
>But Grand containers are clearly a "fits only this one guy" flavor so not everyone can be one.
Not really.
He didn't get picked at random to be a Grand, he is a Grand because he is the best to begin with.
Literally holy Arondight vs Solomon.
The root didn't summon him, he summoned himself.
According to him, he brought himself to that level.
...Servant response, negative. Senpai. This era's Order is complete.

da Vinci
Ah, testing, testing. Good, the video feed is back.

da Vinci
Are you two all right? You're all right, right? I'm not seeing any abnormalities in the observational values.

da Vinci
The mist is returning to normal, too, so there's no reason to stick around there.

da Vinci
I'll initiate the rayshift now. You don't have any unfinished business, do you? No?

da Vinci
Then, rayshift start! Good job, everybody!

da Vinci
Welcome home, you two. Another safe return... is what I'd like to say, but hey, at least you're back.

1: By the way, why are you handling the rayshift, da Vinci?

2: Umm, where's Dr. Roman...?

da Vinci
You wanna know about Romani? Well...

Dr. Roman
No way... no way...

da Vinci
As you can see, he's been useless for a while now. Maybe you can snap him out of it?

1: Get a grip, Doctor!

2: You really are chicken, Doctor!

Dr. Roman
Uwah!? W-W-When did you two get back!? ...Ah. I see. Leonardo handled everything.

Dr. Roman
...Sorry. Even though you two were the ones in trouble, I... it's just, the shock...

da Vinci
Yes, yes, you can stop being depressed now. There's no need to be a baby about it.

Dr. Roman
R-Right. Sorry, Mashu, Gudao.

Dr. Roman
I should have initiated a compulsory rayshift earlier, but I was too late...

1: Don't worry about it.

2: There was nothing you could do.

Dr. Roman
But, if Solomon had killed you...

Dr. Roman
...Ugh, I'm... I'm so useless...

...Doctor. Raise your head.

You're the only reason we can continue fighting.

It's true, you're a coward, and you're always being negative.

In a word, you're chicken. As a man, you're too effeminate.

Your hobbies are too introverted, and the way you rely so much on that virtual idol is disgusting.

da Vinci

No, it's directly said he is the best because he is a Grand Caster, not the other way around. Let's see, he is probably top tier in the Heroic Spirit league, but being summoned as Grand Caster makes him outright ludicrous.

He wasn't even picked to be a Grand, he summoned himself in that container.
So they relate to him because they also fuck up constantly? I mean objectively there's not much to like, sure he was a skilled knight, he was also babied by the lady of the lake. But in spite of all that he literally kept fucking up during most of his life
>Your hobbies are too introverted, and the way you rely so much on that virtual idol is disgusting.
So was Solomon one of the people that was fighting against Primate Murder?
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Probably should.
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I just keep clicking buy more quartz
He summoned himself to be a Grand Servant. Also he's probably the most powerful human mage in the Nasuverse wih maybe Merlin being the exception.
>tfw there's a chance that grand Berserker is lancelot
How much does it take before you realize there might be more in play than what's going on, rather than exactly what you were told as though there's no twist coming. Despite every Nasu game to date having a twist near the end.

Its one reason that people assume that Solomon is just acting foolishly evil in order to test humanity, because he's not the ultimate evil here, but he needs humanity to be strong enough to face what's coming. So he plays the role of the villain, in order to whip them into shape, and give them something to hate so that they get good enough to take it on.

Points in favor of this theory so far
>He left the heroes alive, with a lame excuse of "Well you're not worth killing", when he could have easily done it.
>Is supposed to be the wisest man in existence
>Is confirmed to be summonable eventually
>Directly confirmed that he can see all of the future and past, as a passive thing.
>He tells you to gather the seven grails, and then he'll appear before you again.
>He's a grand servant, which are meant to save humanity from some great evil, which has been alluded to in the plot once or twice before already.
>He's a hero, and hero's are innately good at the end of the day, in some way at least. Even if their goodness is warped, they are still called heroes for a reason. Even Saber realizes this at the end of Fate route.
>Lawful good

Points against this theory
>We know that he's only going to appear after the seventh area in the game, meaning the secret eighth area. However in order for there to be some bigger true boss beyond him, DW would have to put in a nineth or even tenth area, in order for this shit to not just come out of nowhere. I don't know if they feel like putting that much effort into this story.

I'd go as far as to say that there's a specific reason that he's picking the times in history that he's sending you to for a reason, because its all connected somehow.
Achilles and Jets
1: ...Umm...

2: Mashu, have mercy...

But... the fact that you always try your best anyway is what keeps this place going.

When Chaldea was bombed, you were the one who restored power, rescued the survivors, and took command.

If you have one fatal flaw, it's this: you underestimate yourself too much.

The only reason Chaldea still exists is because you were here. Everybody here now owes you their lives.

That's what I think.

1: That's right.

2: You shared your thoughts.

...Yes, Senpai.

Dr. Roman

Dr. Roman
Thank you, Mashu, Gudao. You're right. I don't have time to be depressed.

Dr. Roman
At any rate, now we know who's behind everything. There must be some logic to that bizarre strength.

Dr. Roman
For now, we'll keep planning. We'll fix the remaining singularities, and keep the world and the future from being incinerated.

Dr. Roman
...That man. The King of Magic Solomon. What will he do?

Grand Caster. Our true enemy...

1: Next time we'll win!

2: We won't lose a second time.


Dr. Roman
Ha! That's the spirit, Gudao.

Dr. Roman
Okay, it's a bit late, but good job again everybody!

Dr. Roman
We'll take care of the cleanup, so you two go get some rest.

Dr. Roman
When you wake up, it'll be time to tackle the fifth singularity. We're counting on you!

...Here we are. Take care of yourself, Senpai.

1: Right back at you.

There's no need for that. I'm a Demi-Servant, so there's no problem with my stamina.

Though... I suppose there's still magical energy depletion, so... maybe it's all right to say I'm tired.
No, it's the opposite.
>I am king among kings, Caster among Casters!
>Thus, you may hail me as Grand Caster, the King of Magic Solomon!
I am [best] thus I am [Grand] is how that reads.
It's directly said there isn't any difference with the other Heroic Spirits outside the container.
Forgot Gil and Heracles too. And Li Shuwen.
You shouldn't believe what characters say without asking questions.
2: It's all right, I'm not that tired.

Umm, then... I'm sorry. It was simply an idiomatic phrase.

And, I think you're more tired than you realize. Try to rest.

...By the way, there's something I wanted to ask you.

What do you think about what Solomon said? Particularly the part about effectively using the human race?

1: It's ridiculous.

2: ...What do you think, Mashu?

I... I couldn't disagree.

I don't understand myself. But, I can't simply disregard his words.

The pointlessness of life, the hopeless future... he spoke so hopefully about such gloomy topics.

...My apologies. This is the start of our battle, but I'm talking about something strange.

Goodnight, Master. Show me an energetic face again tomorrow.

And that's the end there.
>final Order is a series of boss fights against the Types during Notes
No there isn't
But he is the best because he is the Grand Caster.

>Calm down, Mordred. It's not a matter of rank. It's about the vessel, the authority.
>He's simply a Heroic Spirit that manifested in a superior container.
>If we're weapons to oppose individuals, then he's a weapon to oppose the world.
>One who stands above all other Heroic Spirits of the same type. In other words, a Servant with a Grand vessel.
If I'm new should I be waiting for such a thing? I've been saving me quartz anyway.
He was picked to be a Grand originally.
The Grands were the seven strongest Heroic Spirits pulled together to fight a world ending threat.
The Solomon now summons himself after that, but he was still put in that class originally.

They materialize in seven vessels, to defeat a single adversary.

And what is that adversary, you ask? Could it be more obvious? It's a great disaster that threatens our world!

An incarnation of the end that will not destroy the planet, but humanity, and the civilization that we've built!

A devourer of civilizations, born from civilization -- it is none other than an apotheosis of our own creation.

And. The ones summoned to defeat it are those who stand at the pinnacle of all Heroic Spirits.

Indeed. The seven Heroic Spirits are heavenly emissaries sent to destroy a certain evil.

The seven greatest knights of that era, who protect humanity's foundations. The first seven who stand at the pinnacle of Heroic Spirits.

He is overpowered because of his class, but he was put in that class in the first place because he was at the top to begin with.
He is shitting all over you and impossible to beat because of his class, which Andersen points out, but he is still the best outside of it even if he would be fightable then.
After the world ended, he repurposed a chunk of Chaldea's computing power to simulate his favorite net idol, MagiMari, so that he could keep visiting her blog.
>King Arthur was a knight living in ideals, as I once had. But we age. People age. We cannot be everlasting like the King. There is far too little time for us to live by ideals. I had no longer been the knight that the King had such hopes for. What I committed with the Queen unexpectedly proved that. I even felt relief that the King would know of my disgrace, know of the limits of a man, and punish me for my disloyalty.
>Muh no character
Come on faggot, he literally has more character than Gil ever did with that one paragraph.
>One who stands above all other Heroic Spirits of the same type
This again implies that it's "only for this person". I don't see how that can be interpreted as "anyone summoned like that is this quality".
If you want to.
I usually wait Rate ups for certain servants to roll the gacha.
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The one summoned as a Grand Caster stands above all other Casters.
That literally proves what I said though, as skilled as he was he was also a shitty knight that kept fucking up
Is Mashu our only servant? Jesus. The story acknoledging that we use servants that leave her in the dust no matter how much she tries should be acknowledged.
Why is she so perfect bros?
And Solomon was summoned as Grand Caster in the first place because he stood at the pinnacle of all Casters.
>He didn't read the vn
>He didn't play CCC
>He is not reading srange fake
Fuck off frog fag.
>muh punish me
You do know that is exactly the reason why he's such a manchild?

Don't nitpick like that. It's bad.
That's a stretch of an interpretation. It's far easier to read as "the one who is the best caster is Grand Caster".
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Nobody was picked to be a Grand, Grands are Heroic Spirits summoned in that containers to protect the human world. Nowhere it's said that they were summoned before once or never, or they being special snowflakes that are summoned in that special class, just that it's a system that exists that brings the pinnacle of Heroic Spirits to save humanity. And said pinnacle is directly said to be that because of the container and not a matter of rank.

That implies that being summoned as a Grand Caster puts you on that level, as Andersen explains of it being a matter of the vessel.
Cunt and a serial killer, no chest either.
I want to cum in her dragon pussy
>Solomon is a grand caster
>but at the end of the day he's in the caster class so all other grand classes will shaft him hard
can't wait for all of his shit talking to blow up in his face
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Because she's pure
It is acknowledged back in Fuyuki that you do summon servants. However, due to obvious limitations in the story a mobage can do. They decided to go do a neutral route in that Mashu is the one to talk during the story.
Most berserkers don't have a personality to be honest, even Herakles we have seen only shades off. There are exceptions sure but most servants that only appeared in GO already have more personality than most berserkers
America when?
New event when?
>Grand Servants are meant to protect the world
>the only Grand Servant we've seen so far wants to destroy it
I don't get it
Wrong password or code

Your fucked
>the most boring piece of shit in the entire franchise is our only servant
Plot in GO seems hilariously bad anyways
Just finished leveling my Waver to 90 time to level his skills to 6 because I am too poor.
We are out of milk.
Thanks anon.
He does say it picks the 7 at the pinnacle of Heroic Spirits. And the first thing he says is that he's one of those 7. That doesn't mean other heroes should be barred from becoming Grand, but we'll probably have to cheat with Holy Grails.
Nowhere is said he was even summoned as Grand Caster before or the system was even used. Now he just summoned himself.

There is a reason why Andersen explains that it's not a matter of rank but just a container, if there wasn't like that he would be just "welp he is the best and that's all folks".
Prove it

>serial killer
underage moralfags get out of my 4chan

>no chest
That's your taste faggot.
>Nobody was picked to be a Grand
It literally says it, in that conversation, that the Grands are the original 7 Heroic Spirits summoned to stop a world ending threat, which is implied to be Primate Murder
It says humans copied that system to make normal HGWs, which means the previous system was already in place and was around to be copied.
The Grands were already chosen as the best Heroic Spirits in their class.
That's why there are 7 original Grands.
GO isn't the first time the Grand class has been used since we knew about the 7 who stopped Primate Murder for years.
Solomon, if summoned as a normal Caster, would still be the 'strongest' Caster.
Because he's not on duty right now. He doesn't have to protect shit if he doesn't want to.
Where can I find an overall summary of the story for FGO? I've been reading the translated portions on the web story simulator but there isn't much.
for what purpose
No, he says that Grand Servants are the pinnacle of Heroic Spirits, and explains that they are because of the container and not a matter of rank. In other words, Solomon is not a special kind of Heroic Spirit but a really good Caster summoned in a really good container.
>Prove it
She literally treats other human beings as if they're pigs who should be slaughtered.
Are you saying killing people by the hundreds just so you can look pretty is okay?
I wanted to suck his cock while he is fully erected.
Their personalities are in their backstories. Makes sense since they can't talk, right?
You'll just have to lurk on BL's story thread for F/GO. The guys there will eventually summarize the events as it happens though.
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She just knows how good she is, she's gotten better. Tits are overrated compared to a tail.

Purity is always good. Too bad its so rare and unappreciated these days.
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Flat chest is inferior to full chest.
>underage moralfag
Fuck off retard
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>>serial killer
>underage moralfags get out of my 4chan
My name is Solomon. Know me, one of the seven standing at the summit of the Heroic Spirits.

The seven greatest knights of that era, who protect humanity's foundations. The first seven who stand at the pinnacle of Heroic Spirits.
Andersen explains that the way he is right now, able to just destroy all of human history, is because of the container.
But he also says that Solomon stands at the pinnacle of all Heroic Spirits with the other 6.
You have it backwards. They explicitly say that the ones summoned as Grands were summoned because they were the best in the first place, the container makes them more best.
Solomon and Andersen both say that.
The pinnacles of Heroic Spirits, the seven greatest knights of that era, the first seven who stand at the top.
Thread Theme
>The Grands were already chosen as the best Heroic Spirits in their class.

>That's why there are 7 original Grands.
Likely, but there are a few problems with that.

>Solomon, if summoned as a normal Caster, would still be the 'strongest' Caster.
Likely, but irrelevant.

Rest is fine.
>45 Pages
>too poor
why can't you all just love both
>The first seven who stand at the pinnacle of Heroic Spirits.
>pinnacle of Heroic Spirits
>I mean he's strong, but literally anyone else in a Grand class as well would wreck him

Hot damn you're retarded; its not JUST his grand container that makes him a threat. The reason he got the Grand container in the first place is because he's in the top seven of heroic spirits out there, the peak. He's one of the only people who could use a grand container properly even.

Even when you put Andersen in a normal servant container, he's already maxed out in a sense. When you put Solomon in a servant container though, he's horribly gimped at best. A grand container allows him to use his real power, as opposed to a lot of heroic spirits, where even a normal heroic spirit container is more than enough for them to demonstrate their power. A grand container fits Solomon because he's ten kinds of bullshit already, not just because he happened upon it.

No its not "Well anyone would destroy him if they had the same container", rather the reason he has that container is because he's already one of the strongest. Because in the past he was once summoned in the container before.

You could go through almost every servant out there, and give them the same container as him, and they'd still lose. Because his power is honestly quite legit.

There are some exceptions, heroes who's power can also only be expressed through a grand container, and are also horribly gimped in a normal servant container though, Like maybe King Arthur, Heracles, or Gilgamesh. If they were given the same container they might win one on one.
Ma nigga.
He kept fucking up because he is human. He is doing it on purpose. He realized humans have no time to be living by stupid ideals. Look at what happened to both Shirou and Saber in the end thanks for living by retarded ideals.

>Literally only read the last part of the whole paragraph.

Lancelot does have some personality though. We see some of it during Zero, then some more during Einsbern Consultation Room and then some more in Garden of Avalon.
>the seven people who stand at top of an era
So each of the grands are from the eras we went to?
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This fucking nip
I swear it was only Lv. 3 about 2 days ago
Actually, I do appreciate breasts of all sizes. I'm just shitposting. Sorry anon.
>people still don't understand how Grand Servants work
Seriously? This again?
>shinji poster is shit poster
No surprise there.
Actually, who could fit grand berseker? Samson?
>still hating on Liz
>not helping her get better and still doubting her
And I thought I was a faggot.
It says there is a system that does that, but it never says that it was used. It also never even says it's limited to the Primate Murder, maybe is just a defense mechanism that uses Heroic Spirits, and as Andersen says, all Heroic Spirits are supposed to be protectors of humanity.
>we have known for years that seven heroic spirits kept PM in check, either before or continuously
>the system is clearly an actual device since it's explicitly copied by humans
>Grands were never summoned before
Come on now
>which is implied to be Primate Murder
"Implied to be" might be a little bit of a stretch. Literally the only thing connecting Primate Murder to the Grand Servants is a single years-old interview where Nasu said it takes 7 Counter Guardians to control Primate Murder.
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>you can't like villains because they are evil and bad
Go watch capeshit
You can recreate an engine that's never been turned on, anonymous.
The moment you insert your dick in this whore she will cut it off with her claws.
Like with S&E, being put into a Grand container will probably boost them to a higher level in the same manner as the CCC Origin boost. That doesn't mean Andersen could equal or beat Solomon, but he'll probably be much stronger.
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What if Solomon was Olga the whole time?
Nobody does because the whole thing is explained in a really vague way so Nasu can alter the whole thing as he sees convenient when he needs it, as he always does.
>you will never know the pleasure of summoning Liz and then using a command seal to make her kill herself
And the bit where that interview and GO both straight up say 'this is where HGWs come from'.
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Where is the best place to farm those weird crystal things?
You're hilarious anon.
Switching "shit" for "him" is a pretty funny move.
And no, it obviously wasn't meant to be "his shit" It was "shit" in a global sense.
Go back to school.

The rest of your post is also pretty funny, although irrelevant.
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>A rank magic Resist
>Battle Continuation
I mean if you have a death wish
She's dead, and never coming back.
The maddest guy around.
>Look at what happened to both Shirou and Saber in the end thanks for living by retarded ideals.

They end up in a magical paradise and live happily ever after?
>Look at what happened to both Shirou and Saber in the end thanks for living by retarded ideals.
Don't forget Kerry.
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>You will never know the pleasure of summoning pic related and using a command seal to force him into anal sex.
Two things. It's also
>And what is that adversary, you ask? Could it be more obvious? It's a great disaster that threatens our world!
>An incarnation of the end that will not destroy the planet, but humanity, and the civilization that we've built!
>A devourer of civilizations, born from civilization -- it is none other than an apotheosis of our own creation.
Added to a statement from Fate/Hollow Ataraxia, of "the dog" being able to kill all humanity faster than 6 billion curses. (They clearly weren't summoned to deal with "the spider" because the spider is not a threat that targets just humanity, but the whole planet.) Primate Murder, the white hound of Gaia, was made exclusively to kill humans and nothing else.
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That's okay I don't need to have sex with her to love her. I'd be fine with no sex. Never had it so far anyway!
Even if it isn't limited to PM, Andersen and Solomon both say that the original basis was seven specific HS, one of who is Solomon.
And it has to have been used because PM isn't murdering humans constantly, it's a system keeping him in check.
How could you recreate an engine that you didn't know exists? The system is run by otherworldly sentient concepts, the blueprints weren't just in a draw somewhere.
It has to have been observed.
Kiyohime after you betray her
Berserker 20AP daily.
The Okeanus quest never fucking drop them.
I know to check the drop-map, but I still can't get any of them
You obvioulsy don't need command spells for that silly anon, he would gladly do it if you ask in a cute way! That's why I love him so much
The shitter needs Homo babies, Pages, Gears, and Horseshoes, like what the fuck?
>How could you recreate an engine that you didn't know exists?
Magic eyes that see through time?
Fou fou.
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Good. Sex is bad Civilization.
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Can she win?
PM is supposed to be a counter to humans, but nowhere is said he is supposed to destroy all humans. Maybe Gaia just uses it to control human numbers like with True Ancestors.
That's because the drop rate is shit everywhere and there is no best place.
Sure, whatever you say.
But pillaging and raping are good civilization.
first three are baby tier thanks to London + Blackbeard's interlude
>A devourer of civilizations, born from civilization -- it is none other than an apotheosis of our own creation.
>born from civilization
Atila comfirmed terminator and final boss
Angry Manjew straight up says the dog is for one thing and one thing only, killing people
And materials say it needs to be physically kept in check by HS.
Liz obviously, she actually managed to handle gilgamesh by herself
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>Grand Servants are supposed to protect humanity
>Lawful Good
>Solomon disguises himself as Olga and creates Chaldea to protect humanity
>appears as a "villain" to test our strength and tell us about the Grand Servants
It said that HGWs came from the Grand Classes. There's still nothing concrete linking the Grand Classes to Primate Murder beyond just being "seven Heroic Spirits."

In fact,

>>A devourer of civilizations, born from civilization
If anything, that seems to imply that whatever the Grand Servants fought IS NOT Primate Murder, because Primate Murder came from Gaia, which is practically the opposite of civilization.

But in the end, I'm not trying to argue conclusively that they certainly did not fight Primate Murder, I'm just pointing out that it, currently, is not certain. So that people don't bitch if, somewhere down the line, we find out conclusively that they fought something else entirely.
Is the dog stronger than the spider and arcueid
Unless Arondight saves him from Gae Bolg Alternative, the black knight has no chance.
If she summons one of her heroic spirit allies, there's less than none.
It would be at least cool they give special dialogues to servants team that defeated the story arc boss or at least for the final boss. The best they could so.
Liz is just too pure and I'm just too shit.
Besides idol activities demand her be pure.
The question that mentions PM and 7 CGs literally says "Servants of the Grail War are based on these."
It's the Beast of Revelation, mark my words.
Fate Shirou ends up in a magical paradise with Saber.
UBW Shirou doesn't regret his ideals like Emiya and in the anime adaptation "route" he ends up living his dream with Rin alongside him.
HF Shirou drops his ideals for Sakura.

There are a lot of bad ends, but if you're going by the good/true ones he doesn't end up regretting it.
>Literally the beast of revelation
>nowhere is said he is supposed to destroy all humans

u what
>If anything, that seems to imply that whatever the Grand Servants fought IS NOT Primate Murder, because Primate Murder came from Gaia, which is practically the opposite of civilization.
The reason for its murder was because the monkeys were up to some really weird shenanigans and earth got spooked.
Though I admit that's more like "born in response to civilization" than "born from civilization".. I'd have to see the japanese
>Fate Shirou ends up in a magical paradise with Saber.
Some fractional percent of Shirous do.
>It said that HGWs came from the Grand Classes. There's still nothing concrete linking the Grand Classes to Primate Murder beyond just being "seven Heroic Spirits."

>Q: About the power comparison between Arc and Servants, would the Arc being compared be the 30% one or the full one?

>A: That would be the 30% Arc. It takes 7 Counter Guardians to control the Primate Murder and the Servants of the Grail War are based on these.

>Indeed. The seven Heroic Spirits are heavenly emissaries sent to destroy a certain evil.

>The seven greatest knights of that era, who protect humanity's foundations. The first seven who stand at the pinnacle of Heroic Spirits.

>Originally, the evocation ritual "Heroic Spirit Summoning" was meant to save the human world.

>It was your summoning system, the Holy Grail War, that degraded it into something that could be used at the convenience of humans.

They literally spell it out.
Yes, but killing people doesn't mean killing ALL people. As I said, he is a counter, not a mass civilization murderered. As far we know he should being killing people to keep humanity in check as one of Gaia's counters.

And following that logic I don't think PM has seven Grand Servants restraining him 24/7 either.

Nowhere is said that the Primate Murder is the Beast of Revelation, stop the headcanon please.
But which one? There are two.
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Not even A AGI + Instinct can save someone from this.
A fucking 2 stars shouldn't need that much of rare mats in the first place.
But what about [Protection from Arrows]?
Remember Scathach has "literally every non-unique skill in the game" at rank B or A
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So what did they do than pissed Gaia so much?
According to the prologue of Tsukihime, it's their nature of being intelligent creatures that do not rely on the world but stake out their own existence that frightens the planet.
Humans don't anger the planet, not really. The planet at first sees them as interesting, but scary. Later, it sees them as a fun set of toys to play with, basically sharing the opinion of Crimson Moon Brunestud. Mankind's apocalypse is a game to Earth.
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>implying Shirou can't trace Ars Almadel Salomonis powered by the seven holy grails and destroy the original
Good point, I completely forgot about that part of the quote. But, to continue playing devil's advocate, the phrasing "it takes" sounds more like a hypothetical or simply a description of how it works than something that actually happened at some point in history.
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Gaia is just tsundere.
Nasu has said on at least two different occasions, years apart, that seven HS control PM and keep him in check.
He has also said on two different, separate occasions, that the system used to control PM with 7 HS is the one that the HGW is based on
It has to have been used at some point, since PM has been around for a long time, manifested physically since he knows Altrouge personally, and humans have directly copied that exact system. Humans who couldn't do anything like just tap into Gaia or Alaya and take a peek, either.
Solomon was one of the original 7 Grands, who has summoned himself because he's a cunt. But he was a Grand before GO.
She dead?
I want to lick every single piece of muscle of Kintoki
Enkidu is grand Berserker

Tiamat is grand Lancer
That's a bit of a stretch until they confirm it directly. There is enough leeway for Nasu go into other direction and people whine because "it wasn't like this". We should be always careful with whatever new lore tidbits they throw because what people calls "retcons" comes from assumptions like these.
New player but old TM fan here, how are they justifying summoning people like Sherlock Holmes (who is just a character in a story) and Merlin (who's supposed to be alive)?
I'm hoping for Heracles as Grand Archer.
We don't need more Gilgamesh wank.
He already gets Grand Gilgamesh as a class anyway.
The rules don't apply any more because of unexplained reasons. The most explanation we have is 'it works differently'.
In short, they don't.
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>good singer
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Arsene Lupin when?
That won't work against missiles because MUH AoE. Sniping works too.

PoA isn't invulnerability against projectiles either, it's just a very good protection against them. Vulcan at mid range is so stupid not even Instinct could predict the initial velocity of the shower of bullets.

>Protection from Arrows is an increased defense against ranged attacks by predicting the projectiles' trajectories through exceptional means, such as hearing the sound of air being cut, or sensing the killing intent of the enemy.
>as long as the shooter is within his line of sight, he can track down ranged weapons with his eyes and defend against them. Does not apply for attacks made from super-long-range or with a great area-of -effect.
Fictional heroes have always been able to be a thing even if they keep making them the "person the story was based off of" and Merlin will be like Scat probably (i.e. "i dunno").
Holmes might be a grand Servant otherwise there's no reason why he would be missing from London

As for merlin he's not a Servant yet. He's just being a neet in avalon
We don't even saw any of them yet.

And it depends, Jekyll and Frankenmoe were actually people that got a story based on them. There are two versions of the same legends who existed at the same time in kind of quantum way (Siegfried and Sigurd), the past and legends are odd in the Nasuverse, humans beliefs seem to shape it in one way or another.
>>good singer
I've got some bad news for you anon...
It would be hilarious if Manaka shows up and hijacks the plot with a reveal that Solomon was just preparing you all along to fight her.
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She's as good at sing as she is at cooking
There's still two wrinkles in that theory.

The first is that it was never stated that Primate Murder is what the Grand system was actually, specifically designed to combat.

The second is that we have no idea how long Primate Murder has existed for. Specifically, how long it existed before being Altrouge's bitch, if at all. It's possible that Altrouge is older than PM, and that she made it her bitch from the very beginning, meaning it's never really had a chance to slaughter indiscriminately in such a way that would require Counter Force action.
What, you think Nasu is going to backpedal and have Grands be random people who are just fucking around when Saber is Grand Saber?
Don't be insane, Takeuchi would never let him.
Grands are the best who save humanity, put in a boosted class on top of their superiority, lead by Grand Arturia in all her seibahface glory.
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She died in the explosion at Chaldea and her spirit rayshifted to Fuyuki. Lev sends her spirit on its way at the end of the prologue.
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She's the toppest of all aidorus, what are you implying?
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So I was reading the Fuyuki storyline and saw this. Does this mean that Fate is the canon route?
As her senpai, she wants you to have your own senpai room to do your senpai things in. Senpai.
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I guess this happens when you skip everything and only care about the pokemon part of this game.

How sad, she was cute.
That's assuming even more.

Actually, I think that in the story itself we will only get to see Artoria going Grand Saber and we will fill the blanks with the Grail Ascensions.
Are you french anon?
Merlin is still alive. Merlin is Fou. The little white squirrel lookin nigga. Merlin is one of your companions in Grand Order.

Ever since Extra have we established that even people who were just story characters become servants. Its nothing new.

The real big change you should be made aware of is that gods are now able to be servants as well.
In the continuum F/GO exists, yes.
No, because it's obvious going through the Fuyuki storyline that many of the Servants that were summoned don't match up with the FSN Servants. Primarily Cu as Caster and Ben Kei as Lancer.
The novels are treated as stories based on actual people, like Mary Shelly just happened to know of the magus Victor Frankenstein and his creation.
People are stupid

It was a war, she knew what she was in for by accepting the conditions of entering the war, she tortured and killed people as well, she wasn't a little girl, she wasn't a person at all.

Hot damn, people always go "But he's so evil, he killed a competitor in the same war as himself, that's really fucking evil"

Ilya herself has done worse that we've seen, and no really thinks she's evil. Because its a war, that's how it works, you are trying to kill each other. Only Shirou is the outlier, he's not the norm here. Its like entering a chess tournament and "What the fuck, you're not supposed to play chess here, get the fuck out you bastard". No you aren't evil for killing people in a war where they entirely enter the contest knowing this is a risk and volunteering while knowing the risk and being willing to do the same thing to others.

>"But he cut her eyes a bit".

Meanwhile she turned people into her eternal torture puppets after ripping their souls out, among other things. Its a war, they were all prepared for that shit except for Shirou.

"Well Evil cat wished for the happiness of all people ever, clearly she's ultra fucking good"

She used to kill people that lost to her in a race, voluntarily she created that rule, and enforced it. And Neutral Evil doesn't mean "Mwehhehe, I'm so evil, I like doing evil things". There are entire ranges for how this works if you've done D&D, no, no matter how much you meme "Nasu's saying she's so evil and kicks puppies, Naus is stupid, she likes kids so she's not evil, she's not evil" all you're showing is that you have no idea what alignments even mean. No this isn't a contradiction, not really. Neutral evil just means you're generally self serving, and do what you need to do to get ahead. It doesn't mean "Mwehehe". Who really verifies for a neutral evil character in fiction, you'd be damn surprised considering how people think this works with "Oh, it means they're just evil".
They are talking about what happened in this version of the war, you will see.
>Merlin is Fou

Heavens fell is the Canon route
>never get Grand Saber or Grand Caster of our own
It's much more likely that all the Grands are specific characters, best in their class, and the player promotes their own 7 Grands to fight them, IMO.
It could be sort of said that Saber won the Zero war and UBW as well.
It's more likely that Merlin is watching everything through Fou. He specifically releases a familiar at the start of Garden of Avalon, so that's likely Fou.
>being this late
>missing all the hints and even the leaks
>not realising the design
Jesus anon you are blind
The HGW5 in GO was a bit odd. Cu changed classes to Caster and Benkei was the Lancer.
>That won't work against missiles because MUH AoE
Tell that to Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon, then. Cu survived twelve hours of it and there are many AoE weapons in there, Vajra being a notable one that shows up a lot.
By "great AoE" it means shit like anti-army noble phantasms.
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Who /jeanne/ here!!!
>this autist is back
Do we really need to point out how completely wrong you are about Atalanta again?
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I love my waifu!

You just can't handle the dragon.

Her cooking skills can't matter to me when just about anything I eat kills me anyway.
I just started playing this week.
Were you paying attention to the story in G/O at all? If you were, then you'd realize that no, not exactly.

Also there is no "Canon" route, there are only time-lines.

What you should be asking is "So G/O happens in the same time-line as Fate route?". Saying "SO THIS IS THE CANON ROUTE?" makes you retarded.

It would make sense if this happened after the Fate route, considering Waver's novel happens after UBW, and Fate/Strange happens after Heaven's Feel.
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>need 96 more tusks, 40 Phoenix plumes, 60 more dust and 33 more chaos claws

Maxing Okita's skills is suffering ;_;
That's how it is mate. F/GO is pretty much a game of cat and mouse with merlin and solomon. Though the latter didn't realize fou was merlin when they met
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How would Benkei have done in the 5Th war?
Probably the likely scenario. Its still something under Merlin's control either way.
>self serving
>literally one of the least self serving characters in the entire Typeverse
>self serving
Stop shitposting because you don't like evil cat.
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Leave my daughteru alone!
Maybe not him directly (it's his familiar), but by proxy it's him.
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>considering Waver's novel happens after UBW, and Fate/Strange happens after Heaven's Feel.

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My daughteru!
>considering Waver's novel happens after UBW
What? Case Files is set before the HGW, they don't even got to that in the story, it's going to happen in the near future.
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So, when will be the Moon Cell chapter released?
Fou is merlin controlled though. It went absolutely nuts when roman called merlin a filthy NEET and it always reacts when someone mentions him. Plus it looks just like him
Original design Benkei with Bazett would be pretty broken.
Hard countered by Kojirou.
Benkei canonically beats both lancelot and gilgamesh in his interlude.
Hes also like a much better version of memecelot with his np taking on top of his own nps.
The only thing hes missing is raw stats and dealing with god hand reliably.
She doesn't even have an idol stat profile. Hell, she's not even signed with a label or an agency. The only living creatures who would listen to her sing are wild animals she intrudes on, and they hate her for it. I mean, fuck, not only is she a bad idol, she's actually not even a real idol.
F/GO anime when?
First it's untrue and the second is just an assumption that will never be answered as Narita already said in the afterword.
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No, because if I'm saving all my quart for the Alter Ego I truly love... Meltlilith.
iirc someone who did Mordred's interlude mentioned that Fou looked happy when Mordred sorted her feelings toward her father.
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But she's my waifu!
He also loses against herc
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>the loli turned to this
What went wrong?
Doesn't he lose to a Saber Alter who doesn't have infinite mana in GO?

Not too well,imo
OVA by DEEN in Autumun 2016.
Maxing anyone's skills is suffering. Just do it casually as something to keep you occupied while there's nothing else to do, and celebrate every skill level as a small victory.
Yeah that too

Honestly merlin looks and sounds amazing so I hope we get him for clearing the story
Check out>>128057862

That's Merlin's official design. Its still a mystery who are what Fou is for characters like Mashu and the MC/FeMC. Mashu says at the beginning he just showed up at Chaldea one day and started following her around and after awhile everyone just got used to seeing him around.

But we as the player know what Merlin actually looks like so we can put 2 and 2 together to get Four. LOL fuck I'm good.

But yeah, Fou is either Merlin himself shapeshifted or Fou is a familiar being controlled by Merlin. Whatever it is, its directly related to Merlin. And now with Solomon entering in its pretty apparent Merlin will be a big part of the rest of the story to come.
Just a general theory so far; there's a plot point in volume two of F/S that basically says it could only happen in HF route, or some route that we've never seen before. Basically it involves the Einzebern's, and the fact that the grail was destroyed recently, but not in a way where it could be Fate or UBW.

Also people always go "Well Case Files should have Rin and Shirou as characters, they're Clock Tower characters, its stupid that they're not there" or something. Originally people bitched in /a/ threads that it was Waver's story, because people bitched that there should be a canon continuation of F/SN that only takes place after UBW route in Clock Tower with Rin and Shirou as lovers or whatever, as they solved all of London's problems as a super canon couple. They said London story needed to happen, but it only works with Shirou and Rin or something.

So people assume it takes place during UBW, or eventually Rin and Shirou will be there as characters.

If each story has some continuation like this, then it fits I guess.
I kinda want to see Meltlilith molest Liz.
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One day. One day, I'll roll her.
tfw you give away your main and the person who took it didnt even say thanks ('<_')
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That Gudako is clearly Gudako Alter
PoA not working on the weapons doesn't mean that they will get BTFO by them by default. Anime Lancelot could block Vajra without problems and he doesn't have PoA.

GoB also has anti-army NPs and Cu survived it, does that mean PoF protects against that too and maybe Anti-World too? Stop being retarded, please.
>tfw have rolled her 8 times and her younger version twice
>not having a silver who has been out for months
Literally how
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I rolled that bitch like 10 times already.
BB dressed as Big Boss when
I expect him to be a world unlock with the same exclusivity as the rest of them.
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Illya should have summoned Kiyohime.
SF happens after Case Files, because Gray appears in SF v2 with Waver when they see Flat in TV and sending them Gilgamesh photos.
I don't even know why but this is so incredibly cute it makes me want to kill myself.

It's the desire sensor fucking me, man.
>Hes also like a much better version of memecelot with his np taking on top of his own nps.
But he can't use random shit as exchange.
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I will find you. And I will hurt you.
Gray would be around with Waver in all the routes though because she meets him before FSN even starts.
That connection doesn't change any theories about when SF is set.
Myddrin when
I wonder if Waver is going to fly to 'murica and stand off against Gilgamesh again to save Flat later in the story.
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Yes this is true. Its what you said. Its noted Fou looks happy when Mordred admits that she really does love Artoria and just didn't want her to be lonely and adds that it would be incredibly embarrassing if any of the other knights of the round table had heard her.
Who drew that anyway? Was it taiki?
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this desu
>GoB also has anti-army NPs
None that Gil ever activates. It just has some explosive weapons. Gil doesn't use the activated NPs of his gate very often.
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I don't think that they would never reveal any clear route connection, Narita seems pretty adamant in that and Sanda is probably the same. I think they believe that only Nasu is the one who should write a direct sequel.
>bottom right corner
at least get a non fucked version of that
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I want to read a book.
I wonder if she would still try to make a lover out of a literal child. Or an animal...
To be fair I've only ever rolled one Caster Gilles ever and hes been out since launch.

That's from Garden of Avalon, so Takeuchi doing character designs with Koyama doing coloring
>I think they believe that only Nasu is the one who should write a direct sequel.
I would be inclined to agree, if it wasn't for Narita respecting the property more then Nasu does right now.
If you are going to argue that then I can argue he didn't use any weapons with AoE either.
https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=taiki_(luster) it matches his style so I think he might have done that page at least. Doesn't resemble takeuchi/koyamas art at all
I would love to see Takeuchi's Merlin concept art.
Fate/Grand Order Material when?
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How is Waver going to save Flat when Flat is far more powerful than him as a magus? Flat was Brand level during Case Files according to Touko, that's Kayneth tier.
Caster Gilles is quartz gacha only. Medea can be pulled with FP, so she is much more common and easier to get despite being newer.
Flat is also retarded and needs all the help he can get.
Saying Gil used his activated noble phantasms, which he has done exactly once ever (Merodach), is not out of line. He uses weapons with large devastation left and right, even normal gate shots leave craters and nearly every single time he uses it there are mentions of mysterious weapons that do bizarre things like freeze the air or explode into multiple bullets and shit.
Flat has more talent and raw power, Waver has more experience, knowledge and practical ability.
Waver is also much smarter.
Why do the best artists attached to go only do one or two characters?
Flatt is also retarded so there's that.
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Takeuchi was listed as the illustrator for GoA so unless that guy's in the small print somewhere, it's takeuchi
I don't think his ability as a magus matters much when facing a Servant. I was thinking after something like Jack dies, Flat is around Gil for some reason, Waver arrives for whatever reason, stands facing Gil in the same way as Zero, and then Gil spares them both for X reason.
>Picture of a man
>practical ability
Waver's a D rank failure in terms of ability, even as Lord El Melloi II.
Or he would just survive through sheer and pure luck. Add to that performing impossible magecraft just because and using a magical system that it's supposed to be rubbish that doesn't even work (Chaos Magic) but that it does work because we are talking about Flat Escardos, someone who is able to summon a Servant without a circle, an incantation and with a toy catalyst.
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How would Tomaru do in a HGW if he summons rance?
>implying Waver won't use his buffs on Flat and make Gil go ONORE ONORE ONORE
Takeuchi just did the cover.
I mean that Waver has actually used magic in a hostile position before, and has been studying and experimenting with his own magic for years.
Waver knows very well what he is and isn't capable of, Flat just runs headfirst into shit and worries about consequences later.
Flat getting into a situation that he can't think his way out of but Waver could isn't exactly impossible.
Who says he needs to activate them? Look at the weapons he threw at Chtulu. Saying Gil used weapons with AoE when he has only done so against a few enemies is also stupid. He didn't use any of that shit against Heracles, what makes you think he will against Cu?
Yeah I don't know. That merlin page still doesn't look like something takeuchi would put out due to the colors used and the way the eyes are drawn. Maybe I'm just not used to seeing him draw guys nowadays
>it's takeuchi
Takeuchi can only make one face and Merlin doesn't have it
Also pretty sure Taiki was comfirmed as Merlin artist
>Who says he needs to activate them? Look at the weapons he threw at Chtulu.
You mean the ones that blew away 1/3rd of the mountain sized fleshbeast?
Those are pretty AoE to me.
>He didn't use any of that shit against Heracles
He was toying with Heracles and shooting at Illyasviel, using explosions that would go around him would be against that spirit to begin with.
Rance kills him. Rance dislikes most men already and he'd absolutely hate Tomaru for a ton of reasons
Well, in Case Files, Gray, Svin and Flat actually fight against fucking Touko of all people in the last volume released.
>Flat getting into a situation that he can't think his way out of but Waver could isn't exactly impossible.
He still has like A++ rank luck though
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Next SF manga when?
Taiki is the artist for Merlin in GO, just checked.
Four days.
>Those are pretty AoE to me.
That's exactly what I'm talking about.

>He was toying with Heracles
He was toying with Cu too. So?
Only for go but we don't know about who did the page in GoA. Seems to be him too though
Case Files is being released alongside SF, so using a recent example of one to determine events of the other doesn't work that well.
Narita has probably already cemented the framework and events of all of SF and did it a while ago. The authors would have conferred over major shit but both of them already know what they want to do with the character.
If Flat goes through all of SF whistling and having no issues at all and lucking his way out of every situation then just goes back to his life, it's going to be both boring and not fit with what Narita is doing.
Watch out the Cufags will come out in droves

Yeah, Takeuchi did the cover and Taiki did the frontispiece which I didn't know was a term before now.
>That's exactly what I'm talking about.
They weren't activated NPs, though. Just big bursts.
>He was toying with Cu too. So?
[citation needed]
That solves that then. Thanks anon

Is Faldeus the strongest master we've seen? (manaka doesn't count)
Don't need to warn me when the one I'm arguing with is already one of them. Literally refuses to accept PoA description.
Ilya is still stronger. Kayneth and Leo are powerful as well, and Flat has that whole untamed raw power thing.
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Cufags are actually pretty cool guys.
He's just a better Kiritsugu.
>Case Files is being released alongside SF, so using a recent example of one to determine events of the other doesn't work that well.
It seems that the authors (Narita, Sanda, Higashide, Sakurai and Nasu) actually meet together a lot to think about the whole picture, with Nasu giving them lore tidbits to use (like the DAA vs. NPs thing), so I assume they are in touch for thise kind of stuff.
>serious Gil in F/SN
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From Scat vs Lancelot, with Scat effortlessly winning to Cu vs Gil. Again.
We should have seen this coming.
>They weren't activated NPs, though.
Exactly. Now look at your previous argument.

>[citation needed]
Citation needed that Gilgamesh used AoE weapons with Cu then. What now, Cufag? Don't come with headcanon shit, I want a citation. If you can't get it, fuck off.
>Strongest Master
>Anyone but Hakuno

That's best master tier tho, there's literally no master he can't gun down.
I'm more interested in Scat vs Gil
Shit vs 7.5 the battle
Why don't we ever start powerlevel arguments about the weaker servants against other weak servants?
Serious Gil in F/SN uses a surprise Ea, has his armor on, tactically uses his weapons. He manages to hang Saber by her feet he was so serious.
>Exactly. Now look at your previous argument.
I see no contradictions. They're not activated noble phantasms, so protection against arrows should work against them.
>Citation needed that Gilgamesh used AoE weapons with Cu then.
An implication that he doesn't reserve those attacks except to particularly torment someone, which there is no clear implication thereof in this case.
Okay, Anderson vs Shakespeare
Because that's boring
When you get right down to it every Servant has some gimmick that makes them overpowered in the right situation, although for the weak Servants that situation usually involves enemy Masters not enemy Servants, or is really specific.
Do any good servants exist in 2* or below
The phrase "Strongest Master" is sort of poorly defined, though. Do you mean the Master who is best at being a Master? The Master who is the strongest Magus, or other supernatural being? The strongest Master/Servant combo? It's very ambiguous.

>serious gil

This fucking meme again?
So who would win, Lancelot or Mata Hari? I think Lancelot would loose because of his history of not being able to keep it in his pants
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>Gray shows up in Labyrinth
>They're not activated noble phantasms, so protection against arrows should work against them.
Protection from arrows is not protection from activated NPs, retard. No, it wouldn't work on them according to PoA own description.

>An implication
No citation then? Fuck off. He didn't use any AoE, period.
Astolfo vs Mata Hari
Blackbeard's pretty alright. Hassan's great, second best among assassins.
Other than the ones the other anons said, I would say George is a pretty effective tank
Labyrinth as a whole is really weird. Well hopefully whoever Lancer is will be someone interesting and new. Or rider I guess
So an implication that Gil never goes serious can be used for Gil toying with Cu? Good, nice way to bury yourself, Cufag.
Would a Mata Hari be allowed to kill?
They both make my dick diamonds, that's the only thing I know for sure.
Well this took longer then it should have
Would Mata hari be able to charm or use secret Intel on caster gilles?
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Also Waver
Astolfo because he is the one that makes my dick hard.
>Protection from arrows is not protection from activated NPs, retard. No, it wouldn't work on them according to PoA own description.
But they're not activated NPs. They're not great AoE effects, either. Any AoE is not a "great" AoE.
>No citation then? Fuck off. He didn't use any AoE, period.
An assumption that's out of implication with Gilgamesh's normal behavior.
>Gray doesn't meet her face because plot
>Saying Gil used his activated noble phantasms, which he has done exactly once ever (Merodach)

He's activated at least five or six NPs before, even during Fate route he did a few times. Also it wasn't Merodach exactly, it was the original blade that was the legend of the sword in the tree, which I think was Gram or something similar. Also all of the swords in his vault are nameless, they aren't Merodach or Gram or anything. He calls them the nameless prototypes of each thing in creation. His sword is the one that influenced the one that influenced the one that influenced Calibuurn.

Even Enkidu comments in CCC that Gilgamesh does remember how a number of his things work, due to Enkidu always nagging him to remember.

its just that he's usually too arrogant to ever use them forthright like that. We have seen him pull out very particular things and use them, in passing before. Its not just that one time he shot a beam at Shirou. Even during that same fight he pulled out an ice sword and a sword which cuts through any armor.
7.5 5* Archer Gilgamesh vs 7.5 4* Archer EMIYA, who wins?
If she pretended to be Jannu she wouldn't even need to.
>Hassan is as good as the other assassins except Jack
>NP5 Hans post interlude is just as good as Jeanne
Why is this allowed
Nobody's saying he's serious, idiot. There's a difference between "not serious" and "deliberately trying to kill a person in a tormenting way, and so avoiding their ordinary battle strategy to that end".
At least Labyrinth gave us more based Robin even at the cost of more fucking arthuria because two other series weren't enough to wank her
>Can literally fuck up mountains
>Not great AoE
I hope you are baiting.

>An assumption that's out of implication with Gilgamesh's normal behavior.
Read >>128061497
He was toying with Cu too, therefore didn't use AoE. Fucked either way, faggot.
Gilgamesh using his weapons in a smart way to counter his enemies should happen more often his fights would be way more interesting. Hoping that he does that against True Archer if he discovers his identity
>Before the manga comes out, these are the names of Waver's students in vol 1.
>Who are probably going to be the Masters of the True Servants. They're all either Prides or Brands and they're like the CLOCKTOWER: THE NEXT GENERATION.
>Worner Sizamund, Roland Berzinsky, Org Rum, Radia and Najika Pentel sisters. Fesgram Vor Sembren.
>As you can see they're likely to be relatives of the Red Masters in Apocrypha.
>And Worner is the Orlock's successor. Orlock being the butterfly magus in Case Files Vol 1.
Also note that there's six mentioned. + Faldeus would be 7.

So instead of the Red Masters, we will get their relatives in SF?
Marie vs Boudica

Who wins
So he did that to Heracles but not to Cu? Nice fanon again Cufag.
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>that face
Marie, in a normal HGW, would be fucking awful.
And Bootyca has a defensive NP that probably provides some protection against big glass ponies.
Weren't they the same Red Masters from Apo? Or am I remembering wrong?
She also has a imperfect Excalibur.
We don't know what Maries other NP does though. It could be some OP shit
You are correct
It's not an imperfect Excalibur, it's a normal sword that looks like a fairy sword.
Boudicas wish for victory is in it but Gaia shit has nothing to do with it at all.
A fraction of infinity is still infinity :^)
They were from the same family, but they names are different, so these ones are probably their childs or relatives.

The Red Masters in Apo were Rottweil Berzinsky, Jean Rum, the Pentel brothers and Feend vor Sembren.
Can boxers like Mike Tyson, Muhammad Ali, Roberto Duran and other top tier boxers of their respective eras become Servants?
>other NP
Her profile doesn't say anything about two NPs.
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>try to max Hans's NP in FP gatcha
>roll 5th ushi
It's still B+.
You're both incorrect. It IS a fairy sword, but its enchantment, being crowned with the name victory, is essentially useless.
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George Washington vs Plato
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Don't worry Kerry. I'll guarantee you'll have grandkids.
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Yes, anyone can be a Servant
Whether or not they are good Servants is something else.
>they aren't Merodach or Gram or anything.
They are, though. They are just from a time before they were called "Merodach" or "Gram" or whatever.
It was datamined months ago that apparently she is supposed to have another NP called Crystal Palace.
Sword of Boudica - The Sword of Not-Promised Victory
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Unit
A one-handed sword crowned with the name of "victory", just like herself.
However, by no means this is a holy sword of the planet, nor victory has been promised.
An imperfect sword of wishes.

It says right there, it isn't a holy sword of the planet. Fairies didn't do shit to it.
And you can have high ranked stuff that isn't related to Gaia.
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Too soon. Wait one century or so to see.
Does she ever get cold?

Are those his kids? If not, what's Tomaru doing with two Loli's?
Servants from the future and the present can also be summoned.
Yeah. I imagine DW removed it to save it for the implementation of alternate NPs
I don't think any of the fairy swords besides Excalibur have ever been called "holy swords of the planet."

I think that line was just another joke about that whole "Sword of Not-Promised Victory" thing.
The last non-cg heroes were from the 19th century, which seems to entail "be born in the 1800s." Wait until we get a 100% 20th century Servant before thinking anyone like that qualifies.
Fairy swords are holy swords of the planet by definition. Fairies are instruments of Gaia and are holy beings.
Arondight was a holy sword of the planet before it was corrupted.
We only saw that with Emiya, and he is kind of an exception more than the rule.
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>Also it wasn't Merodach exactly, it was the original blade that was the legend of the sword in the tree, which I think was Gram or something similar. Also all of the swords in his vault are nameless, they aren't Merodach or Gram or anything. He calls them the nameless prototypes of each thing in creation. His sword is the one that influenced the one that influenced the one that influenced Calibuurn.
It is Merodach, the prototype for Gram and Caliburn. Shirou recognizes the sword name when he gets a close look at it, and if Shirou says that sword has a name, I'd go with his word over Gil's flowery declarations.
If it's that guy, couldn't they be his kids, nieces, cousins, and aunts at the same time?
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I just realized that Manaka is playing real life FGO in Labyrinth. Even the monsters drop different materials.
True but so far that's only happened under extraordinary circumstances. Don't expect Mike Tyson to get summoned into a Grail War unless his daughter somehow becomes a Master.
Exceptions are the norm in Typemoon.
There are so many the term is meaningless.
Will F/GO ever have a servant design contest?
>>128063414 (me)
Forgot I even selected a picture, pic completely unrelated
>We only saw that with Emiya

Technically, in Grand Order we see a lot of servants being summoned from the future.

The future is a pretty relative thing. For the people of the past, there's all kinds of heroes they've never heard about from the future.
Clarification, when Gil lived the sword DIDN'T have a name, and thus still doesn't to Gil's eyes when he is summoned into modern times. Shirou is recognizing the sword by the name it came to be known as after Gil was long gone.
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So basically, Simo hayha soon?
DW can't even release half of the servants aniplex payed commissions for. I doubt they'll do that
I pray they do. We'll need to swarm them with nominations to put Heroic Spirit BOOGEYMAN into the game.
Only if he is a cute blonde girl like the pic
The Servant leak list. With the way DW are releasing servants we won't get even half of them
>Not Heroic Spirit RODGER
For fuck's sake no.
You can have gun users, you can't have a hero who was good at gun.
A holy sword made by fairies (the planet) might not be the same thing as a "holy sword of the planet."

After all, Gawain's sword was never referred to as a "holy sword of the planet" in Extra, was it?
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>nothing is ever retconned in the nasuverse
>What is Nobunaga
>What is Jane
>What is Billy the Kid
>What is Drake
>Fairies are instruments of Gaia and are holy beings.
Fairies are just elementals, not everything they do is an order from on high. They can have their own lives and do stuff on their own.
>The Reincarnated Sword of Victory [Noble Phantasm] P163
>Excalibur Galatine.
>This is Gawain’s anti-army Noble Phantasm. It is a holy sword with a pseudo-sun sealed within it’s hilt.
>This holy sword is from the legends about King Arthur. It is a sister sword to Excalibur. Excalibur is a anti-fortress Noble Phantasm, but Excalibur Galatine is anti-army.
>King Arthur’s sword holds starlight within the hilt, while Sir Gawain’s sword holds the equivalent to the suns rays.
>Excalibur’s attack is focused on a single target or point, but Galatine’s attack shoots out in a wide horizontal arc in order to eliminate large swathes of approaching enemy troops.
>The Lady of the Lake is the original owner of both Galatine and Excalibur. Galatine is overshadowed by Excalibur in legends, and not much is said about it.
>The stories about Galatine were mostly crushed by the popularity of Excalibur, and few remain known today.
>From the few stories that remain, all we know is that the sword would manifest the greatest amount of power at noon (similar to Gawain), and that the blade was so well made that it never got nicked or dulled.
>The blade was so sharp that it cut complete through Saracen Soldier Priamus’ shield and chain mail in a single stroke.
>Arthur is the protector of the night (He is of the pedigree of Alto, Artemis, and other such Goddesses of the Moon), and Gawain is the blessed knight of the sun. The color of the sun radiates out when Gawain uses his Noble Phantasm, and it represents the suns rays. Galatine’s prototype was Caladborg. Caladborg was as long as a rainbow, and had enough power to cut off the top of a hill. Caladborg was a magic sword that could shoot out light like a rainbow.
>Galatine is similar to Caladborg. By drawing Galatine from it’s sheath and supplying magic energy the pseudo-sun inside the hilt activates and the cutting edge extends as far as the eye can see.
>Which means it can extend to about 13 kilometers...
Francis Drake and Nobunaga are in game
>Not even through the first year yet
>Expects them to go through all their currently stocked up resources already
>Gawain's Anti-Army Noble Phantasm. A Pseudo-Sun is contained in the hilt.
>A holy sword in King Arthur's legends, it is the sister sword to Excalibur. If Excalibur is a sword that destroys castles, this sword destroys the enemy army.
>If King Arthur's holy sword collects the light of the stars, Sir Gawain's holy sword represents the rays of heat from the sun.

Galatine is like Arondight and Excalibur.
>What is Nobunaga
A commander and strategist.
>What is Jane
A scout and a healer.
>What is Billy the Kid
A man who escaped from a very dire situation without firing a single bullet.
>What is Drake
A pirate and legendary admiral, as well as a leader of the Wild Hunt.

None of these are people who are only known for gun skills.
Realistically, based on either what artifacts you could reasonably obtain or what fits your personality wise, who's the best servant you colud summon?
We already got almost half of them, you should take a look at the list and cross the ones we already have and you will se that they are quite a lot.
And nowhere in that description does the term "holy sword of the planet" appear. So that phrase probably refers to Excalibur and ONLY to Excalibur, even of technically other fairy swords are holy swords that come from the planet.
>Fairies are extensions of the planet, nature's sense of touch, that cannot be seen by normal humans, and they lack any sort of human values.
>Fairies are usually entities that cannot be seen by normal humans, however those who evolve into a magnitude where they can be perceived by people become Elementals
>True Ancestors who are, classified as a type of large fairy, would fall into the category of an incarnated elemental.
Fairies aren't elementals, things that used to be fairies are called elementals.
Fairies themselves are straight up instruments of Gaia.
The fairies in KnK aren't even fairies at all, for example, they just look like them.
When was Francis Drake or Oda Nobunaga ever praised for their gun skills?

I actually still have my copy of the Epic of Gilgamesh
If we go by your logic we can say Simo was someone who "overcome all the odds on a desperate situation" or "used the winter to his advantage against an overwhelming enemy"
>No fairy letters
Waiting for the Unlimited Excuses Works now. Galatine is not like Arondight and Excalibur. It's below even Clarent now.
You do know that the phrase 'Holy Sword of the Planet' isn't ever attributed to Excalibur right? The closest it gets is saying Excalibur was made by the planet through it's extension the fairies, like Arondight and Galatine.
Why does famous not have Ghenghis Khan? Isn't he one of the most famous warlord/dictator/killer in history?
And yet on their own, even though Gaia couldn't create its own TYPE and was the weakest planet that couldn't make anything real, the faeries were able to create a holy sword greater than anything on the planet and greater than any TYPE in power that can kill them with one hit.

Not only that but they created three things of that level, and gave them all to the same meaningless Welsh King who they knew was fated to lose in the end without meaning. Also they gave it to her while knowing she would end the age of magic, which is very bad for the faeries.

The amount of wank King Arthur gets really makes her feel dumber and more incompetent as the stories go on; since she was super ultra duper special beyond anything in the planet and was blessed beyond all people in the planet, and literally everyone loved her, yet its pretty damn meaningless.
Simotrash is back for more anal molesting eh?
But he didn't. Simo's not famous for escaping a desperate situation and the latter is something every finn in the winter war did, not just himself.
Genghis and Napoleon are probably the two single largest 'why the fuck aren't they in' historic figures.
>like Arondight and Galatine.
>and Galatine.
Where are the fairy letters to prove this? I don't see them.
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Don't even need a catalyst, but it wouldn't be that hard to get one.
>Simo's not famous for escaping a desperate situation
>Was hunted down by a ten man squad of experience counter snipers and outwitted them all
>Was bombed with artillary and survived
>Had his face blown off, put in a coma, lived, and awoke on the day the war ended
>Not 'escaping a desperate situation'
And Simo was very much heads and shoulders above all other Finns, and most other people in history, in using the latter as an individual.

>Simo's not famous for escaping a desperate situation

What are you talking about, he's called the white death because the Russians couldn't kill him no matter what they tried.
>and greater than any TYPE in power that can kill them with one hit.
Wow look at that bullshit you just made up on the spot.
EXcalibur has the power to defend against extraterrestrial threats, it has never, ever been stated to "kill a TYPE in one hit".
hi dartz
So i just got Carmilla.. Is she any good?
>based on either what artifacts you could reasonably obtain
You mean like raiding the cathedral of my city and get the sudarium? could i technically summon Big J with that?
>This guy marginally better at using a gun than most people is so amazing. He's totally on par with the likes of Heracles and King Arthur!
And even with all that wanking Lancelot is still the strongest, and there are people that try to argue against UNRIVALED
Congratulations, you've read a detailed documentary and forgot what the meaning of the word "famous for" is. Also, only one of those is a desperate situation, and it's just against ten people. Diarmuid O'Dyna faced 3400 foes in one day. Guess who's a hero and who's not?
What Simo Hayha is famous for is his kill count, full stop.
Because of their own incompetence.
>every single Servant is on the same level as Hercules and Arthur
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>And yet on their own, even though Gaia couldn't create its own TYPE and was the weakest planet that couldn't make anything real, the faeries were able to create a holy sword greater than anything on the planet and greater than any TYPE in power that can kill them with one hit.

Gee, it's almost as if the inhabitants of earth overcoming and surpassing the planet itself is a constant, repeating thing in Nasu's works.


Anon, that's not exactly a high bar your setting.....
>which is very bad for the faeries.
You're really fucking dumb. Gaia loves humanity and the faeiries chose to leave the planet to humans. King Arthur ruled over the last remnants of the age of gods and being gifted the ayy lmao destroyer sword is a symbol of Gaia letting humans take over.
I don't know man could you pull it off?
>you have to fight thousands of people to be a Servant!
Billy the Kid killed 6
Jing Ke tried to kill one, and failed
Mata Hari didn't even try to kill anyone
I have a replica of El Cid's sword in my attic, I could probably use that to summon him.

Though knowing how Fate works it would probably turn out to be the real deal.
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John Preston would beat the shit out of Heracles and Arturia.

>Li Shuwen is just famous for his killcount!

You really how retarded this line of logic is right?
This desu, not even Lancelot and Achilles can defeat him
One of the better assassins, and decent in a crit team.
I don't know much else aside from that.
None of those wear their kill count as a badge of fame. Congratulations on missing the point.
pretty much servant choice is how much they can milk money now
>Billy the Kid can be a Servant for being a notorious outlaw who is more known as a representative of the Old West than as a person in their own right.
>The guy who outwitted the entire Russian army and became known as "The White Death" to an entire theater of war doesn't qualify.

Listen, I'm not saying he would be the strongest heroic spirit. But saying he's ineligible after some of the people we've gotten in recent Fate works is downright silly.
Is there a gun servant out there that could stand up to the Fate heavy weights that's feats aren't based on kill count like Simo?
John Preston most likely has EAM EX.
>Another famous Japanese theory of Yoshitsune's whereabouts after evading death comes from the idea that Yoshitsune made his way past Hokkaido by sailing to the mainland continent of Asia and became Genghis Khan
Except he isn't. Li Shuwen is famous for being able to kill a man with one touch and promoting Bajiquan.
Unlike guns, "being good at fist" is indeed a heroic quality that other people cannot replicate. At least when you're shooting qi lasers out of your fingertips that liquify people's innards.
Gavrilo Princip. He changed the course of history and caused the deaths of tens of millions with a single bullet. In Nasuverse that would get wanked into a causality-rewriting gun that twists the fate of its target into the bloodiest, most violent and unfortunate one possible for them.
She doesn't generate stars like Jack, but she does her role effectively, which is kill Riders with her NP. Think of her as a 4 star Jack but without the 10+ stars per quick crit generation.
I could drive to Covadonga and try to summon Pelagius
Or using The Quixote to summon Cervantes
Whats the worse than could happen if i dont use a catalist? getting Clarin?
Does this new Labyrinth have multiple volumes?
>pushes Deermuds kill count as big
>k-kill counts don't matter
Whether you like it or not, Simo stands out as an amazing human being who persevered in awful conditions against a much more powerful foe, and prevailed.
On top of that, he is an expert in death.
He has done far more to deserve being a Servant then other Servants we have right now.
We also have multiple Servants who use guns as their primary weapon or as their NP, or both.
The only possible reason to say he can't be a Servant is muh yeah 1900 cut off, which is fanon and isn't practiced regardless.
Major Winters, give him something an NP like Ionioi Hetairoi.
This one >>128065372
If he is written by Urobuchi he becomes the strongest Servant, as Urobuchi is a fan of the movie.
>pushes Deermuds kill count as big
Still missing the point. Stellar.
>Whether you like it or not, Simo stands out as an amazing human being who persevered in awful conditions against a much more powerful foe, and prevailed.
Along with every other finn in the winter war. What sets him apart from them? Are you saying they're an army of heroic spirits?
Two or three volumes are out now yeah
Billy the Kid or Calamity Jane probably, as American arc might prove.

Billy is not entirely a heavy weight, actually based on his stats he's a solid C rank servant, but that's pretty good actually.

I'd probably say that he has some skills that make him a bit like Robin Hood, and focus on evasion and escape decently. Depending on how he uses those skills, he could probably take down some strong types.
Honestly, I'm sure there's some conceivable supernatural level of "good with guns" that might qualify somebody for Heroic Spirit status, but it will never happen.

Like, if someone could control bullets like Hol Horse could, just minus actually having a Stand because crossovers like that are stupid, then maybe we might get a Servant who's just good at guns.
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What are some Heroic Spirits that does not exist in Fate yet but can BTFO Gilgamesh. Be reasonable.
I would really, really like to see someone replicate holding off an entire army solo in the middle of a Finnish winter.
Even other people who are expert shots couldn't.
Not to mention Li Shuwen wasn't even the undisputed best Bajiquan artist in China when he was alive.

Anon please tell me your pretending. Name one other Finn besides Simo that's as known as him. Go ahead, I'll wait.
Yes every other finn in the winter war...Like Joe the finn, Finn John and of course Marie Finnish.
Fuck off
>army of heroic spirits
To be fair, Alexander's Ionian Hetairoi shows that's possible.
>every single Finn in the war went through the exact same situation as Simo and accomplished the same deeds
You could just say you've given up.
>Continue reading that thread
>"well that's cool didn't know the heaven's feel CE was justicia."

How do you not realize something this obvious?
Jesus would stomp him without even trying, probably even by accident. Solomon is already stronger, now imagine Jesus.
>Labyrinth as a whole is really weird.

Its literally just "Fate RPG"

Someone wanted to write basically an Etrian type story starring characters from Fate; where a few heroes who fill the proper adventurer archetypes explore a labyrinth and fight monsters.

Main-line fighter = Arthur
Back-line/long-range fighter = Robin
Magus = Medea
Stealth guy = Hassan

Classic RPG classes
Could Patton and Nimitz be servants if you ignore the obvious nip bias?
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>Asking this on /fgog/
You're just begging for shitposting, genius.

Let me try and think about it though.

Maybe one of the Hassans would be a good matchup? Their Noble Phantasms are intrinsic abilities and learned skills instead of physical objects, so it's not something that Gilgamesh likely has in his treasury.

Someone like Roland the Paladin may also be a good matchup, with an indestructible sword like Durandal to stand up to the various weapons Gil could use against him.

He also seems vulnerable to Servants who can match him in resources, so perhaps a general type like George Washington? I imagine Washington would have a very high luck, considering his greatest victories in the American revolution weren't won by superior forces or keen strategies, but by daring gambits that pushed his luck, and miraculously worked out. He seems like the type who might be able to do something reckless against Gilgamesh and succeed.
>no counterargument
Don't need to know their names, but every single finn in the winter war was outnumbered and outgunned. Simo did not single handedly win the war for them.
Why is Simo famous, then?
Literally the only reason you know of him at all is his kill count. That is his fame.
Are there any party lines between Darius and Iskandar?
Yeah I know and it sounds really fun. It's just weird but Sakurai is a big fate fan and an excellent writer so it's fine. Just wish they didn't use pre established characters but at least lancer/rider/berserker seem to be new ones like king lyacon (likely berserker)
Jesus is apparently a full on Divine Spirit, seeing that David, Solomon and Martha have Divinity by just being associated with him. Martha has the same divinity as Chiron, son of a God, just be lusting after Jesus's abs.
I'd like to see Jesus meet Nasuverse Solomon actually.
Iskandar's not in game yet.
No, there's only one volume and probably won't be another one.

I think you're confusing it with Fragments.

yfw shes a Liz clone
>now imagine Jesus.
Jesus summoned as Jesus son of God or Abraham? Depending on which would change his power completely.
Berserker is hinted to be Asterios actually
>Solomon kicks your ass seven ways to Sunday in the final chapter
>Everyone in your party is incapacitated
>You use Mashu's shield to try and summon a Servant to aid you
>Jesus steps out of the summoning circle, raises his hand and tells Solomon to stop
>Grand Caster immediately stops and falls to his knees
Speaking of Abraham, how would he work as a Servant?
The only other Servant we know about is king lyacon though and he should be a berserker. I don't remember Asterios being implied at all
>Suddenly the romans
>Jesus is crucified
I imagine that Jesus, being the type of guy he is, wouldn't flaunt his divine power,so he would willingly incarnate himself as a human being when he is summoned as a Servant, with modest abilities, but one of his Noble Phantasms would be him briefly unlocking his divine authority, like the time on the mountaintop, wherein he stomps the shit out of everything on the planet that he doesn't care for just by willing it.
What's wrong with being famous for your kill count anyway? Being recognized as the deadliest person in history seems impressive enough to me.
Nothing, he is just autistic.
We have an entire class called Assassin and multiple serial killer Servants, yet somehow being famous for, among other things, killing lots of people counts against you.

It's a meme used against gun servants that follows the slippery slope of "if Simo gets in, there's nothing stopping school shooters like RODGER etc from becoming servants!"
He is just grasping at straws because he believes gun wielding servant's shouldn't be allowed even though we already have various of them, and even servants who shouldn't even be summoned at all.
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He could be a Zerker if he sacrificed his son and was corrupted by his beliefs.
>implying the Rodge doesn't deserve to be a Servant
>deadliest person in history
Not even close to the deadliest legend.
And it was done with a gun, which is nonlegendary in Nasu's terms.
Thus, the only legendary attribute was done in a nonlegendary fashion, invalidating it.

You can use guns, but your legendary feats must not be based in guns. Is it that complicated?
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Would Gilgamesh react the same way he reacted towards B.B if he had to fight Servant Jesus.
Nothing besides the fact that those people are literally less than footnotes in history that did nothing of note and have been entirely forgotten except a few bored people on a Tibetan sand sculpting imageboard.
Can I be a servant?
gil hated the gods of his time so he would probably just call jesus a little fucking bitch
>being the type of guy he is, wouldn't flaunt his divine power
The same guy who cured blind people in the street, turned water into wine to party, resurrects the dead and nuked a tree because it didnt have fruit? that guy?
Maybe as a Caster. Or Ruler, but with don't really know if he can qualify.
>I imagine Washington would have a very high luck, considering his greatest victories in the American revolution weren't won by superior forces or keen strategies, but by daring gambits that pushed his luck, and miraculously worked out.

Have you ever heard the anecdote of one of his battles during the French and Indian War? He had two horses shot out from under him and found four bullet holes in his coat after the battle, but George himself was completely untouched.

EX-rank Luck for sure.
Like Mata Hari, D'eon and Sanson right?
We do not have a single servant who is famous for using a gun well. Billy the Kid sure fucking isn't.
Yes. Well kind of. Darius just shouts his name when placed in the same party as shotalexander and the files show he doesn't have anything with iskander himself. Or gil for that matter
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Francis Drake defeated the Invincible Armada with cannons, which are just big guns.


Good going, dumbass. Wait until poor Capitan-anon hears the news.
He knew he didn't have the slightest chance against B.B though.
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>not qualifying as Ruler
Francis Drake is famous for leading the supernatural Wild Hunt, you colossal faggot.
>Francis Drake defeated the Invincible Armada with cannons

She didn't though
>Mata Hari
>Foremost Femme Fatale, origin of the term Femme Fatale, most famous non-fictional spy in history
>Not well known
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Of course you can, anon.

Would you like some help with that?

Let's be real, no one had heard of her before grand order.
>legendary feats

Take note legendary feats can mean anything like
>first legendary hero
>the 12 labours
>King of England with a sword granted by the fairies
>a WW1 spy
>a guy who didn't even finish his computer
>a failed assassin
>being a transsexual
>getting knocked up
>being a book
>the guy who inspired the phantom of the opera
>a japanese kid from the future
Where does it say that you need to do legendary feats with a legendary weapon to qualify?
>Francis Drake is famous for leading the supernatural Wild Hunt, you colossal faggot.
What the fuck am I reading
There is like literally one province in England that puts Drake in the Wild Hunt
That the aspect of her that she is the LEAST famous for
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>that feel when I spend an eon in paint and still don't really get the joke
>literal who indeed
>Most famous spy in history
>creator of the Guillotines and arguably the most famous executioner in history
Nigga what
There's a difference between stating that he is the Son of God and being a proud asshole that flaunts his power in people's faces.

You're forgetting that all of those demonstrations, although they were miracles, were such minor blips on the true power of Jesus that they wouldn't even be a dot on the screen if his full power were represented as a bar. He deliberately nerfed himself and lived as a human, and allowed himself to die as a human. He was humble as fuck and never believed in overwhelming displays of power to kowtow his naysayers. He wouldn't be any different as a Servant.
Typical simofag tactic of the soon-to-be raped. Once the worthlessness of his trash fapping toy is exposed he tries and fails to undermine the value of characters that are much more well known and famous that he'll ever be.
ONLY IF YOU DON'T USE GUNS! But there is nothing wrong in being summoned while still alive, if you are a divine spirit, being summoned on the body of a fucboi or having done nothing to deserve being summoned
I've known about Mata Hari since I was a kid.
She is a notable figure in WW1, espionage and Dutch history
She's more famous then Li Shuwen or Eric Bloodaxe.
And that's all you need. A village of 30 people can promote a child to a heroic spirit. Show me the finnish village that treats Simo Hayha as the son of Zeus and you might have a case.
>>Most famous spy in history

He said D'eon not James Bond
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Sure what could possibly go wrong?
That person is referring to people like Rodger, not Simo Hayha.
The tree didn't deserve to be nuked
If your "legend" only amounts to "you used pleb weapon" you'll never be a servant.

Now fuck off.
History, faggot, not fiction.
How can anyone believe there are any hard rules for being summoned as a heroic spirit when Emiya exists?
I'd assume Eric is pretty famous in Norway but yeah. I really wish we got someone else as the viking representative since there are a lot more far interesting choices than him
>Q: If there are Heroic Spirits like Archer, who was summoned independent of time axis, is it possible for warriors from the future, who are loaded with modern weapons, to be summoned as Servants?
>A: Although modern weapons are powerful, it is difficult for the users of modern weapons to be classified as Heroic Spirits. The advantage of modern weapons is "anyone can use them as long as they were trained", thus it is difficult for the user to become a Heroic Spirit, whose definition is "the one and only". The users of modern weapons are faceless heroes. If there are indeed heroes who are loaded with modern weapons, the users will not become Heroic Spirits, as they are merely "experts anyone can achieve through sufficient training". The actual Heroic Spirits being worshiped will be the "greatest weapon of that era". However, for the weapon to become a Heroic Spirit in this case, it must harbour a soul.

If your only feats are "really good at gun", no matter HOW good at gun you are, you are no hero.
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>Most famous spy in history
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That's just the sort thing a tree would say
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Forget Jesus, lets get God's most powerful creation up in this bitch.
Mata Hari is the most famous spy in history, not D'Eon
Also, keyword 'History'
>She is famous for what a province says she did
>Not because she defeated the Spanish Armada and was the most sucessful corsair in her time
Counter Guardians with no real legends like EMIYA aren't supposed to be capable of being summoned.
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>No fiction
James Bond may as well be real considering other fiction shit is real in Fate
How is Mata Hari more famous than d'Eon?
And then there's this guy

>Li Shuwen, someone who's wikipedia article is literally only a paragraph long is allowed to be a servant
>the motherfucking "white death" that survived countless Soviet attempts on his life including getting shot in the face isnt allowed because reasons
But if your legend amounts to being pretty, a crossdresser and someone who got her head chopped of is servant material right :^)
Alright, what about becoming a serial killer that never gets caught?

>uses redman as an example

i want reddit to leave
Would you rather have to deal with a serious Gil or an angry Jesus?

>inb4 Berserker Jesus because he went mad that one time in the Temple
And you thought Berserker Enkidu was broken?
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Can Saint Michael kill servants?
OK then. Simo Hahya was also good at survival in the dead of winter, a time when even the hardiest soldiers were dying in the cold. He was a master at remaining concealed in his environment, to the point that even counter-snipers sent specifically to track him could never discover him. He clearly has the endurance necessary to qualify for Battle Continuation, since he survived the face-mauling injuries inflicted upon him after he'd killed hundreds of the Russians. He seems to have all the skills necessary to qualify for the Assassin class.

Any other objections?
So even if it breaks all rules, it's possible. Why care about the rules at all?
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Anon pls, we'll now Jesus was jobbing against them.
Extra Archer didn't became a Heroic Spirit because he was good at shooting people, he became one because of his ideal. He even fights with swords in the Mooncell
How did we go from a calm thread to this monstrosity
>Simo Hahya was also good at survival in the dead of winter, a time when even the hardiest soldiers were dying in the cold. He was a master at remaining concealed in his environment, to the point that even counter-snipers sent specifically to track him could never discover him
That applies to all the finns of the winter war, not unique to Simo.
> He clearly has the endurance necessary to qualify for Battle Continuation, since he survived the face-mauling injuries inflicted upon him after he'd killed hundreds of the Russians
He survived one bullet, barely, after receiving extensive medical treatment. Barely skimming the surface of "hero" if at all.
And even if that was a hero, it would be E rank everything with C rank endurance.
we all know*

Chevalier is far more famous for pretending to be a woman then for being a spy
The original term for trannies was Eonism
As a spy, Mata Hari far outstrips him.
Additionally, Mata Hari is more famous in general since her feats capture the imagination more, are discussed more and are notable as specifically a womans achievements. Chevalier has been partially forgotten by chunks of society as well.
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Can Odin be summoned as a cute girl?
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You called?
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>Not even stronger than Luci
>english wiki
you fucked up
Just as much as Zeus being Summoned as a horse.
Simofags are as bad as jetfags, but their meme soldier is so irrelevant they rarely appear.
To be honest if this ends retconned it would not be the first. Also am I the only one who call bullshit on the part that he says that "everyone with training can become good a modern weapons" how is that different than ancient weapons? People can't train on how to use a sword?
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Faggots that makes questions that should be on /a/
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>That applies to all the finns of the winter war, not unique to Simo.
>He was a master at remaining concealed in his environment, to the point that even counter-snipers sent specifically to track him could never discover him
Oh, okay, you're just shitposting. Carry on then, I guess.
>revisionist history
I have reason to believe Simofags and Jetfags are the same fags, don't believe their lies
It is bullshit, we have Servants who are famous for things anyone could train for
Jing Ke springs to mind
Not to mention the 'one and only' thing gets less and less notable as we get more and more low tier Servants.
We have identical twins as separate Servants even.
Not everyone that uses a sword is a hero, faggot.
Not everyone can learn to use "the cursed spear of heart stabbington Gay Bulge" or "literally you can only use this sword if you're king of britain Calibullshit", that's for sure.
All the Simofags are arguing is that their character would qualify as a Servant. That doesn't seem unreasonable considering Mata Hari, Sanson and Mozart have squeaked in. How is that as bad as jetfags?
>As a spy, Mata Hari far outstrips him.
Can a normal high school boy be summoned?
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You think I give a shit about a Servant with no EAM?
>Implying Michael lost to Lucifer
Michael with the army of god stomped Lucifer and the rest of the fallen angels. Lucifer didnt get de-buffed or anything when he fell from grace. Lucifer was already destiny to lose to begin with.
>it is difficult for the users of modern weapons to be classified as Heroic Spirits.
That's not how you spell impossible at all.

All he's saying is that your achievements need to be beyond what anyone can reproduce with enough training. In the case of Simo, any shoulder could become as good as him at shooting accurately, but his actual achievements couldn't be reproduced with just training, since they required more than just being able to hit your target.
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I don't see why not
>Believing the bible lies
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>Odin is summoned into a Holy Grail War
>Because of modern society taking so many cues from him for their fiction, he is summoned with the appearance of Gandalf the Grey and is eligible for the Caster class

How would you feel about this development
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This is what happens when there is no event to keep you guys busy.
All the Jetfags are arguing is that their character would qualify as a top tier Servant. That doesn't seem unreasonable considering how he is called the strongest round table knight and said to be capable of easily defeating other Servants by Nasu. How is that as bad as Simofags?
They aren't the same fags, but they're the same sort of fags.
>discussing biblical lore
>edgy atheism meme
Not enough smug redman for this one
Only if he doesn't use guns
Well Odin used to go to earth disguised as an old man, so it's acceptable, he does know runes after all. Would still be disappointed because I wanted to see how would Gungnir work in his hands
>Believing Lucifer won and just decided to chill in hell after his victory.
I noticed the other night that one of the jetfag posts actually got deleted by a janitor for once. Was this an anomaly or is he finally doing his job?
To be fair we have had much worse shitposting then this during events.
We had Jetfag going full cancer during the Okeanos release, it was crazy. Half a thread would be HOLY SHIT HORSESHOES and the other half was muh powerlevels.
>Luci was literally said to be the one second to god
>Not stronger than Michael
Come on now, Michaelfag.
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>considering Mata Hari, Sanson and Mozart have squeaked in
I was legitimately disappointed at these losers joining the roster
>Not being famous enough to qualify
>yet simo does
You fucks are the worst

What is that pic from?
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>>Luci was literally said to be the one second to god
Except.. he wasn't. You're working off fanfiction.
>Believing what is told in the bible is the truth
Come on you can't be so naive, things didn't happen that way. Satan was the literal good guy there
Isn't it just another "real Arthuria doesn't have big tits" joke?

Would any of these guys be summonable without autists throwing a tantrum?
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I'm more disappointed that out of all the composers they could have picked, they chose an inferior one.
You would think that if they were going to pull up one they would have, you know, chosen the best to be a HS.
You're a moron. Mozart is way more famous than Simo, I can't believe you're actually stupid enough to believe I was saying that. But Mozart is known for making FUCKING MUSIC. There's no justification for him suddenly being able to shoot magical blasts at shit.
Both have a proper foothold on people's minds and in history than your beloved "white death". The french spy and the last queen of France are better in fame and mistery than some proto-pussy anyway
you shot beam...from your eye
(Karna looks at protagonist)
LaVey pls go and stay go.
>you shot a beam.. from your eye?
>dangerous.. (maybe translate it as "oh no.." or something, it's a generic cry in japanese)
So you're just shitposting then okay. Back to reddit with you.
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Sure why not
He lost to Michael and then Jesus went to hell and liberated all of the soul he collected over the years. Lucifer was made to job.
Based autistic gudaoko
Ask yourself did they use guns? If the answer is yes, then they can't
I'm actually disappointed that they introduce a musician servant and it's not Orpheus
you are right. I should've put more emotion into that line.
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>they introduce a musician servant and it's not Orpheus
This. not saying Motzart isnt famous but Orpheus had a better tale.
Would Annie Oakley be summonable?
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This shit right here is the specific reason that no matter how many based things there otherwise are in the manga, I can never call Prisma Illya anything but shit.
Nasu was the one who did Mozart so blame him. Maybe in go 2.0
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Well they mention that Mozart's music magic is based on Orpheus so maybe there's a chance
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Sure, but Davy Crockett would be better.
Why is autistic Gudako so cute
That's not the real Thor, just someone using his card.
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are there any new chibis?
I know that, but we're probably never going to see the real Thor, and that poorly designed loli is the closest we'll ever get to him in Fate.
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I don't remember this one being translated.
I want to protect autistic gudako from the evil crooked clown
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It might be,but it could be better executed and using a better,more coherent character with another panel to help it along.

Just like it is,the joke feels so lame I almost question why the artist tried it.
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Can you even summon angels?
Not since the nico stream
You can summon anything anon.
They don't use guns so sure
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baking a new bread
>Merlin pretends to be a girl on the internet
he probably is an erper too
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But the clown is good.
>he became one because of his ideal
I want a world where everyone can be happy and no one has to die. Can I be a heroic spirit?
If you don't use guns sure why the hell not
He literally has "sprout girlcock" on his spell list, you think he can't make himself a girl?
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Sure, kid just work real hard and make an oath with the World. It'll be worth it.
>creator of the Guillotines
He never was, that was Antoine Louis, he only pushed for their use because the king and the revolution were so trigger happy with death sentences (he killed around 3k people in 7 years in his most active years, that's more than one head per day) that he had to change his tools so many times because of it that it almost made him go bankrupt.
Not Kintoki, but call me Golden.
Golden looks tasty!!

Ice sherbet with greentea powder and adzuki bean.

Protagonist changed word from Ujikintoki to UjiGolden as Kintoki asked for it
I guess the joke is just that loli Gudako is easily scared, but I like to imagine that she knows enough about gun safety to realize that it's dangerous to point a weapon at someone even if you don't intend to fire it.
A political cartoon of the day has Robespierre executing Sanson only after literally everyone else in France is dead.
That man hungered for blood.
You know that mozart have a actual legit reason, right? i mean for some reason he is a star servant.

The only problem that the guy have is that he cant fight.
>literal child
Ilya's older than Shirou
Probably Diarmuid...No complaints, he's my favorite, but god damn are we both going to die
so he will be like Orlandu then................I mean broken.
>Phantom of the opera DVD
>Experience getting cucked

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