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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 749
Thread images: 155

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>BugTrap, crash to desktop, freeze/lockup?? Find your crash log.
Check your Documents or game install directories for the xray_[your name].log file. If you can't find it, look in the location specified at the top of fsgame.ltx. Copy the last few lines from the log and paste them here if you want any help.

Remember to switch to "Viewing" mode on the Google docs.
>Start guide, beginner tips, and much much more
http://pastebin.com/FUPEbLiv (embed)
>HUD Guide, How to Mod, Reducing/Removing Headbob, and More
>Why Complete is bad and you shouldn't play it
http://pastebin.com/6AtetpMM (embed)
>Performance Guides, Steam settings
http://pastebin.com/nzXEevG7 (embed)
>Mod lists and reviews
>AMK Mod Guide

>The Zone Manual: Every Mod You'll Ever Need for the True Ukrainian Experience
>Pasta summaries, streamer listing and more
>STALKER General Steam Group - Join chat and ask for an invite!
>STALK-IRC - a universally compatible game-integrated chat client

Reminder that MS Update KB2670838 breaks your DX10/11 games including Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat. You can safely uninstall it.
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Mods and Repositories | Often out of date; use only as a last resort!

>Shadow of Chernobyl
>Clear Sky
>Call of Pripyat
>Game Repacks + Modding Tools
>Downgrading Patches (drag-and-drop)
>Unpacked Gamedata + GSC Backup HDD assets
>Old Builds (dated from June 1st, 2002)

>Call of Chernobyl
>Lost Alpha
>Oblivion Lost Remake
http://pastebin.com/7bhDCP9A (embed)

>Codebro's 1.0008 Patch for SoC - enter "menu_fps_cap 0" in the console to prevent crashes.
http://pastebin.com/CtQ7zfkA (embed)
>Xetrill's Modified LuaJIT for CS/CoP - improves performance, especially in script-heavy mods.
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Let the cheeki breeki begin.
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just let it die families
until we get stalker 2 (read:never) we will be dead
fucking xray engine reee
>you will never fuck a qt3.14 bloodsucker
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About to play Clear Sky.
What are the mods i must have, in your opinion, to get a good expirience?

SRP 1.0.6

Make sure to check the optional addons
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Well thanks.
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Thats the best part of the game th
at everyone should experience
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>be monolith
>take psy damage
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RIP Kruglov
You were a worthy foe eating 7.62x51 like it´s nothing
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What's the best pistol/assault rifle on STCSWP?
The one you like the most
The one you're the most proficient with.
I really like either the AK74 Camo or the AK74 with the micro dot sight mounted on the handguard.

The camo one looks cooler, but the other one I like to use more.

I hate to say it, but the Meme Eagle is actually really, really good; it's punchier than most rifles and the recoil isn't bad.

If not that, the 1911 or the Browning HP, depending on if I want .45 STRONK or the HP if I want to swim in ammo.
> installed all STCSWP fixes in order
> it still crash when trying to upgrade some weapons
> gsh-18 deals more damage than the g36c
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Military Warehouse if pretty much in Monolith hands
Time to move onto Bar
So how far has anyone got in CoC Ironman? I got fucked in the ass by Monolith in the Red Forest, it's as far as I got.
FT-200m or GP37?
Is there a way to use only the Dynamic Hud part from the CoCmod by Ddraig ? I have tried to add actor_effects.script, , all the textures and sound, and the two ui_mm things to add the option in the menu. When I tried to add the axr_addon and reference it in axr_main, the game started to crash on launch. Could someone help me ?
You want the dynamic hud for the vanilla game or CoC? for CoC just download Anonguy's mod in the OP mega link for CoC
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Bar assault in full force
Yes, that is the one I am trying to get the dynamic HUD thing from. It has a lot of other things I don't need/want.
Sorry, was meant to respond to
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Fuck this is pretty intense
use the asthma attacks mod, also in the mega under HUD options
Oh, great, I didn't saw that one, thank you !
Use the SRP + AO + SWTC merge in the repo, it addresses all the issues with the game and gives you more guns to boot
Hey Warfare guy, the patch you posted 2 threads back fixed the crashes. Now it plays well.
I won't let you die, not as long as I'm alive.
sorry for being a memer but can you like to this fix and the latest patch or whatever

i'm totally lost
then I found this crash :^)


[error]Expression : cross_table().header().level_guid() == level_graph().header().guid()
[error]Function : CAI_Space::load
[error]File : ai_space.cpp
[error]Line : 113
[error]Description : cross_table doesn't correspond to the AI-map

stack trace:

0023:005D70A1 xrCore.dll, xrDebug::fail()
0023:04C1CD48 xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::IgnorePause()
0023:04C22CFC xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::IgnorePause()
0023:6FB6EA0E MSVCR120.dll, _RTDynamicCast()
0023:04C230EF xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::IgnorePause()
0023:04C23145 xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::IgnorePause()
0023:04C35378 xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::IgnorePause()
0023:04C40A87 xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::IgnorePause()
0023:005D8802 xrCore.dll, CInifile::w_color()
0023:005D8802 xrCore.dll, CInifile::w_color()

It seems to happen to me when I try to run from Darkscape to Dark Valley
How do I do floating squats?
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Hot off the presses

all the .45 pistols are a lot of fun to use.
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I take it this isn't coming out any time soon?

might be annoying after a while though
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Most likely not. Still, it's nice that they are at least making visible progress. I'd personally give it another year before we see release, maybe less.
The G3 is fucking great
Kills pretty much everything in a couple of shots
Are you running the most up to date version of CoC? That would occur if you weren't, as they patched Dark Valley in a patch. My custom all.spawn file is built against the patched dark valley ai graph, which is why that error occurs.
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Do any of you guys know the difference between
>A.I. Merge mod 2015
>Merge mod 2015?
The plain merge mod seems to be a larger file. does the one using the AI mod have to have some content cut?
Well it's supposedly patched to 1.2.24 but apparently isn't
what can I do with PDAs in CoC? I have like 15 of them laying around and no one wants them.
Keep in mind I distribute my own _g.script which will say the version is 1.2.24 so if that's what you're going on it could be confusing. It's possible that the all.spawn file is wrong but I imagine others would have complained by now as well.
sell it to traders
you sell them to traders
the dialogue option is something like "I have something for you"
the amount you get is random, most I got was 1200RU
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Give them to traders or in some cases the technician
Well i'm not entirely sure if I installed 1.2.24 right, I got it from the repo and the installation was so goddamn confusing that I might have fucked up.
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Let these threads rest for a bit.
I had some trouble installing it as well, but I figured it out. What you need to do is get it from the repo, then download the auto-updated from the moddb page. If you run it, you'll get an error because you have a different .exe; if you rename the .exe, it'll run perfectly and you'll be able to update to 1.2.24.
Okay, thanks
>no money
>camp fire won't stay lit
fuck I wish CoC looked like that
Didja use propane, Hank?
My favorite eyecandyfu.

Might try some vodka.

lighting new cigarettes
pouring more

it has been a beautiful

>My favorite eyecandyfu.
Obviously meant for >>124196010
>Not getting this PDA
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I never killed Barkeep in any of my runs
I like the guy too much to kill him and there is always the hesitation that he will end the world if I kill him
and since the assault on the bar yielded so much loot in good condition he was ideal to quickly get most of the useless stuff sold during the cleanup
He was talking about the PDA with the pics
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Oh Bloodsucker one yes
I´ve read that enough to not faze me anymore
Should´ve shown the one where they have the task to kill Strelok
the Oasis one is new for me though, does that actually give make the artifact spawn there or just more flavour text?
I wouldn't know, I had to make efforts to go to Jupiter and there wasn't any artifact other than a droplet. That was some time ago though.
Just flavor text.

Oasis artifact doesn't spawn at all in CoC unless you use the dev mode to give it to yourself.
Not dead.
I want to fuck Bloodsucker-chan!
The one you feel better with.
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So playing as a monolith stop mutants from using psy damage on you? on the same time does the monoliths suits have psy protection? if that's so, why? on the final question can you go to the CNPP without any dangers and walk freely everywhere?
> So playing as a monolith stop mutants from using psy damage on you?
No. Controllers will still fuck you. But you can survive emission (only if your health is full).

> on the same time does the monoliths suits have psy protection?
only the scientific one. But in general they have 3 artifact containers.

> can you go to the CNPP without any dangers and walk freely everywhere?
If you're playing with warfare no. The monolith starts at pripyat plaza and must conquer the CNPP (There is enemy squads there (don't ask me how they got there)).
>No. Controllers will still fuck you. But you can survive emission (only if your health is full).
But WHY? aren't the controllers our natural allies on the game? makes no sense at all.

>But in general they have 3 artifact containers.
That's neat thanks.

>There is enemy squads there (don't ask me how they got there)
From Limansk anon, just like the sky blue faction did, and at the same time makes no sense.
> aren't the controllers our natural allies on the game?
Controllers are mutated humans and so are part of the zone wildlife (same as dogs/pseudogiants/chimeras). They have no relation with the monolith faction.
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>Still no Project Reality anim, model and sound rip
Would you go to Agroprom and shoot some soldiers with me?
I was thinking about getting a CS-3a armor.
Other than the fact that you're carrying 2 long guns, it's pretty good. Would stalk with.
What mod is that? TFW? If so, you should really get CS-1.
bitch ass military outfit, no of course not.

this is OGSE right?
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So I've played Shadow of Chernobyl with AMK before and fucking loved it, but it was on a toaster. I now have a gaming PC and want the full STALKAN experience, however I want it to be sort of similar to vanilla and not fucking incredibly balls to the walls hard.

What mod combination would be best? AMK with a bunch of graphical shit and weather overhaul?
scroll through this, project reality sounds are in there
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I can't stand pistols so I decided to take the spetsnaz suchka. It's light enough and has a decent range, ammo is also everywhere.
It's OGSE, the CS-3a is pretty good and has a nice night vision system but huge mask overlay and ugly char graphic.

Yeah, v.0692.

Try AMK: Autumn if you want it to kinda look like pic related.
The webm is just during a storm right? seems very grimdark.
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i've had enough of CoC for now

Is misery still shit or is there a mod that removes the bullshit while keeping it unforgiving?
Thinking of reinstalling CoP. Last time I played MISERY but couldn't get very far because of the difficulty.

This time I'm thinking of trying CoC. It sounds like people recommend weapons mods (OW3, AO3) in addition, is there anything else that would compliment a CoC run?
It's pretty much like that all the time. Like about 85% of the time. Even worse if you don't have the shader setting for brighter color etc. installed,
everything will just be brown and grey.
Kill yourself, m8
les miserables takes away a lot of the artificial difficulty
what file do I need to mod to change the angle at which I can lean out
Sorry if I'm begging to be spoonfed but it seem the guides and shit are fucked up from what i remember them being. I don't like ZoA and I've only tried AMK... so the other mods seem overwhelming.

I basically want an AMK variant with weather, better blowouts, graphics, more guns, dynamic creatures npc, loot cache system, good nighttime,etc. but I don't know which mod to choose in the MEGA link.
Just get OGSE, it's pretty much the best thing for SoC, in my opinion.
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>try to download Lost Soul from MEGA
lol no file too big to be handled without our epic browser addon
>try to download Lost Soul from Yadi.sk
fuck you download speed limited to 64kbps you stupid faggot
Should have an update for warfare soon with the full offline combat simulator enabled. Was able to fix a mysterious crash in Military warehouses about a level not being found as well, so that's fun.

I know it breaks lore but its boring as fuck to conquer completely empty levels. Originally it was just supposed to be an option. Perhaps I'll do that finally.
alright, will do
Hello. I have a bug in the warfare mod, when I try to go from Zaton to Jupiter, by the entrance that is near the plant where the Mercenaries were in the vanilla game, I get this crash :

[error]Expression : fatal error
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error
[error]File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 193
[error]Description : <no expression>
[error]Arguments : LUA error: c:\jeux ssd\call of chernobyl\gamedata\scripts\_g.script:536: bad argument #1 to 'gfind' (string expected, got nil)

I tried to use the commented line below the line that causes problem in g_script and it returned the same crash.

I will try to make a clean re-install to see if it's not coming from my end, I tinkered a bit with things yesterday.
Do I need ZRP too? Like if I have ZRP will it break OSGE? Does OSGE have a sleeping bag? I just fucking love that feature
You just need SoC 1.0005 and yes, there are sleeping bags.
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Anyone have tips for newbie Stalkers? Im a quarter in SoC I think, playing on Master.
Alright, thanks. Happy stalkan
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Know of your surrounding.

Shits really spooky sometimes.
trust no one... not even yourstalker
rename gamedata\configs\scripts\jupiter folder to jupiter_ and let me know if it works
It worked ! :)
Just keep in mind that CoC =/= CoP. They're basically completely different games.
cool, thanks for checking that for me
Didn't really enjoy SGM 2.2. I think my install was a little corrupted because a lot of barriers were invisible, black enemies, all sorts of shit.

MISERY sounds kinda cool but I think I'm gonna give AA2 a shot.

Does AA2 come with a decent texture pack? Can I replace it?
Is there some way to escape the bloodsucker's slurp attack or does it just come down to luck?
not downloading it from moddb mirror if mega is giving you shit
just luck, i swear i used to be able to spam spacebare , wasd, mouse and get free of it in CoP. but i cant seem to do the same in CoC
AA2's default textures are high quality shades of brown. There's a 'deautumnizer' in the repo.
nigga got striaght up mememed L;,AO
should have played lost souls version
STCSWP and the Faction Warfare mod
fuck yes, the offline combat simulator seems stable now. Freedom was beating back a Mercenary invasion in offline combat inch by inch, kinda cool to see that behavior even in offline alife now.

This actually also makes having bases in certain areas more strategic. For instance, if you were in manual control, you could force squads to stay near level changers at lairs in order to intercept any enemy squads trying to invade the level before they get to their target. Should help people hold territory.

Offline squad interception also makes random patrols more sensible. Didn't have them before, but now they'll allow to add another layer of activity to the simulation if people want (it'd be an option).

I'll be working on a new faction control system soon too, where you can select the level you want your faction to invade from a drop down list similar to the atmosfear menu. I'll still keep the old fine control via the text box, just want an easier method for people who don't want to type in every target manually.

Oh, I also threw in a check to make sure that squads spawn away from the player, so you won't have any enemy squads spawning on top of you anymore. I'll release an update hopefully in an hour max.
Lost Soul, not normal SGM
There's no link for Lost Soul in moddb
Looking forward to test that !
Yeah I'm excited for people to see it. The offline combat simulator, specifically offline squad interception, was something that I considered very important to Warfare.

Another example of a unique situation is the flea market and the base heading to the bar in Garbage. Squads attacking either will usually be engaged by BOTH bases now due to their close proximity, which wasn't possible in the previous versions of Warfare since it was simulated between idle squads after they reach their destinations. The OCS now is going to seem a lot more fluid and probably less frustrating.
Anybody got any good ironman challenges for the different factions in CoC? For loner I have "explore Chernobyl NPP" and for bandit I have "acquire 200k rubles and then leave the zone". I'm hoping to have one for each faction.
hmmm i could have swore there was on on moddb, my bad.
>hobo mode cs
>fighting military assholes
>manage to bring one down
>decide to go for it and sprint toward the dead soldier's gun
>grab the gun, drop behind some cover
>lean around the fence i'm behind to spot the other military assholes
>suddenly instantly die because helicopter

there really, really needs to be a way to disable helicopters. shit is fucking stupid, random and not even remotely fun to deal with
How much RAM does CoC usually use?
almost a full 3GB, windows 7 x64,enhanced full dynamiclighting DX10.1, medium settings.
would probably use more if i had a better system i guess.
Playing AMK, some friends want to see the most creature infested places and I dont recall which ones might be, Wild Territories seemed empty except in ZoA.
Which are the closest and most wild places? Or do I have to wait until I go further in game and bloodsuckers start spawning in Cordon?
3.1 GB for me
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I keep getting this error at the "loading shaders" section of Autumn Aurora 2.1's load screen.

I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling without ENBs but it didn't work. I tried googling it and could only find a single GOG post with no help.

Any idea what could be causing it? My computer isn't an archaic piece of shit or anything.
read first sentence in op's post
That is entirely my fault, sorry. I ended up fixing it anyway. I did not realize the game defaulted to the static lighting preset and I had to manually set it to full dynamic in the options.
Welp, here's Warfare 0.3 - https://mega.nz/#!u05BhZSC!jezN84oHSmCtCOBcOyh9GAqbSCN3Ldu8C-SW9Fv37Mo

The major difference is the full offline combat simulator is activated. Squads will intercept each other if they come within range.

A few more mutant spawns. Zombies in yantar. Squads spawn away from the player instead of on top of him, so no more teleporting enemies.

I'll probably put this on mod db tomorrow or something.
So forgive me if I'm misinterpreting this as im a bit new here

You've successfully created a mod that'll allow faction wars to keep happening even after you shut off the game?
>that'll allow faction wars to keep happening even after you shut off the game

you didnt even think about that question.... did you?
No, you dinghus, offline combat means when you are either in a different level or x distance away from another squad, alife treats them as "offline," before this patch, any offline squads (even if they were enemies of each other) would basically just sit next to each other until alife turned them online, this patch makes it to where you dont have to be within a certain distance for the AI to kill each other basically.
You say that as if there isn't fucking countless amounts of games that basically run off that concept alone, forgive me for thinking it was possible in STALKER.

Thank you, still sounds insanely interesting.
>Squads spawn away from the player instead of on top of him, so no more teleporting enemies.
you're joking.... right?
So you haven't played any of those kinds of games?
Oh fuck, I forgot to mention: If you have used Warfare before, its probably a good idea to delete gamedata/configs/scripts folder before installing this version. Some people were having issues with it so I tried to minimize the files I touched in that folder. I only modify three files or so now so it should be fine for people.
And yeah for the most part. This patch actually just enables the last half of the simulator though.

In previous version of Warfare, the offline combat simulator operated at the smart terrain level. What this meant is that only squads who were targeting the same base in offline mode would fight. This is obviously not how battlefields would evolve.

So enter my solution. I created a little class called combat_group which creates a table that holds the active squads for that combat group and stores their assigned target IDs. After that, I set their targets to null so they stop moving and have them simulate combat wherever they are in the world.

Combat groups are either created or found whenever the offline combat simulator updates and two enemy squads are within distance of each other (I believe 75 units right now which seems pretty natural, though I disabled enemy squad icons on the PDA so you can't see it). Anyways though, the combat group, being just an arbitrary container, lets me have squads targeting whatever the fuck they want to fight whichever squad is around them instead of only being able to fight squads with the same target when they were both at their destination. So no more will squads slip through the front lines in offline combat - they will be stopped by your factions squads before they get very far. Since combat groups consist of multiple squads, multiple friendly squads can enter a combat group and naturally destroy a single opponent like you would expect

The distance factor however makes paths matter. For the flea market and the base heading to bar in Garbage, if squads were to come from the road up the center of garbage they would engage both bases. If they went around and to the rear of the flea market, they would only engage the flea market squads and would be more likely to come out successful.

I'm not exactly sober, so I guess I decided to rant about the offline combat simulator.
Which builds of Cheeki Breeki game are the most interesting besides 1935?
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What does /sg/ think about the Super Mod Pack for SOC ?
that screenshot looks afwul
that a picture of a screen
It's actually really good mod despite what everyone says, shaking my head to be honest family.
What peestol?
Fn FNX 45

scswp for Coc
Aight, thanks cuz.
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Where the fuck are all the traders and tech´s?
Every single one of them is gone
Hmmm, it seems that in the new version of your mod, the merchant behave like they did in the older versions, moving around, not having infinite money, and the Monolith technician just disappeared :/
The CoC Faction War flashbacks.
They keep coming back.
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>next target for faction to capture is Truck Cemetery
>can't go there without getting an out of memory crash despite lowering graphics settings
>stuck in Army Warehouses guarding the border against Duty scum
>turn on some good old country music
>feeling comfy as fuck

This has been a blessing in the skies
>a blessing in the skies
it's "a blessing in disguise"
means you thought it would be bad but it turned out good
good on you for learning english though famsy
I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
you cheeky cunt
ah nuu
>play SHoC
>have to go to Army Warehouses for Duty
>loading screen
>bugtrap every time
Anyone else have this problem? I'm not sure what part of the error I should copy.
fuck you
Matherfucker i fuck your
family,your BITCH mather
suckdick in petrolium,your
father suck and lick dick again
for your grow up bestard.Say
hello to your BITCH mather
because i'm with blacks fuck her
too and she almost died like a
Street dog.
I want fuck your grandmather
and grandfather too(of course
with blacks) but they are already
dead but i can fuck their tombs
Be assure this time we will fuck
again your mather but this time
she will die like a BITCH in the
After all your homo fag father will
suck many dicks to bury
your BITCH mother.
Seconding this guy, it was the first mod I ever played after finishing SoC and it was really good.
If you load your last save, you'll show up in Trucks Cemetery.

If you use -noprefetch, you'll last longer before running out of memory.
>spawn in the Garbage, from Cordon
>walk down the road
>a Mica, just laying there

A few minutes later

>want to get stash
>guarded by two bandits
>scout them out, see one picking up an artifact
>kill them, loot them
>one has Mama's fucking Analbeads

Fresh outta Cordon, motherfuckers!
Oh jesus christ. Well now you know why I only released it here last night. I'll patch it soon. I'm not sure why removing my extra config files did that since it should be using vanilla now but i'll look into it.
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Is there such a thing as the best/most realistic weapons mod for SoC?
if I install Arsenal to AMK, do I need to make a new game?
Are there any console commands to spawn NPCs in Clear Sky? Someone I need for a task died.
best shitpost i've seen in years
take a wild guess
Alrighty then.

>be at Garbage check dead body by the warehouse out of instinct even if I remember he has been dead for a while
>oh a new stash and here in Garbage too
>motherfucking AS VAL
I am glad this is not the first time I played the game but holy shit, between this and 200 rounds for it I found earlier it feels a bit OP.
Yes I am using Rare stashes for AMK.
AMK's rare stashes are shit. Found a Gauss rifle in my first stash often enough, which is just bullshit. Makes no sense at all to find such a gun in Cordon.
I just found pic related in the Agroprom tunnels. It makes sense but still is a nice surprise.
Is there stash option that balances between (meh,this is useful) and (holy shit how lucky I am)
I for one found the most rare artefacts only in stashes, I still dont know if I am supposed to look for them in specific points or I have to solely "cook" them.
what is that artifact?
Instant noodles
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So is there any other trader I can use as a bandit besides the cheeki one in the bandit base? I know the answer is probably no but I'm just holding out hope since I've got 30k rubles or so just sitting there but I'm still using relatively low end gear.

On another note this is a pretty nice problem to have since it means my ironman is going decently well. I even managed to infiltrate the Bar and assassinate a stalker for Sultan.
not that one, the green thing in the top right
the toppest right
Try Sid or the merc trader.
Oversized paramecium caudatum.
Don't you mean the toppest kek?
S.M.H. T.B.H. F.A.M.
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
>Today a Stalker sowre to me, that he saw a group of zombies at the abandoned factory in Cordon. Could it be the work of a controller?

I am at Agropom so I cant really check, but could be telling the truth?
Kill yourself
After some extensive testing, apparently only the unique npcs that are in your level when you initially start a new game will spawn (so if you are clear sky, the mechanic, guide, medic, trader, and barman in Great Swamp will spawn, but they will be marked as trader, but if you spawn as Duty Petrenko, Barman, and Mangun will spawn) but nobody else will besides Pidrovich and Forester, they seem to be common throughout every faction's spawn.
Kill yourself
Andre you fucking retard kill yourself
agroprom isn't that far away, just go and check.
Y'all kill yourselves.
Kill yourselves
Kill yourslef
flesrouy lliK
ikeerb ikeehc
tidder ffo kcuf
Please don't kill yourself
Not that I know of.

Something rare and useful.

>approach bar
>shooting full auto because a Chimera is right in front of me
>game freezes because lol gotta switch AI to online
>runs again
>somehow game thinks I still press the left mouse button but I don't
>keeps firing 5.45x39 like there's no tomorrow
>don't know what the fuck is going on, swing around like a retard
>shoot a couple of Dutyers, guarding the Bar's entrance
>they kill me
retards got looped
retards got looped
Thanks for letting me know. Try this maybe: https://mega.nz/#!OpQxyKCY!5X7DDRa8dxMD3r7eXrqcQ9BcOlaUwgW3kEAB1tS014Y

Fucking weird that they started disappearing. Maybe its my trader respawner fucking with things. Probably going to go back to simulation squads in the next update and just give them a fuck ton of money or something if this doesn't work.
depool tog sdrater
depool tog sdrater
babek evomer
hey, does anyone know what to edit to lower the sway while aiming of all guns at the same time? I am playing a mod that is pretty cool other than the fact it's like having a seizure every time I look down the sights
Stop playing complete you fucking retard
it's not complete, it's lurk. I hear a lot of shit about it but I like it outside the weapon sway.
Oh no
But anyway, I figured it out. It's in effectors. Anyone know how to increase/decrease spawn rate? That's for my own project
Um. Ok, whatever. Know anything about spawn rates?
Doesnt work, just tried a clean install from and it works fine, so it must be from something you added in for 0.3. I'm going to try the configs/scripts folder from and see if that solves anything
I found it, you need to check your sim_squad_scripted.script, as that is what is causing almost all unique npcs to disappear.
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Are you comfy, stalker?
Does CoC feature all the artifacts from the Stalker games or just the ones from CoP?

Or does it have its own list?
I couldn't be more comfy right now to be honest. But by any means I wouldn't call sitting outside on an Eastern European, rainy, Autumn day comfy.
I think it's only the ones from CoP.
>Install CoC, autopatcher, and AO3
>CTD when starting new game

Is there a version of AO3 compatible with the patched version of CoC?

Didn't mean to reply to you.
Anybody have any clever Duty, Freedom or Monolith challenges they'd like to share? I have every other faction pretty much covered.
You must have done something wrong. I have the latest version of CoC + AO3 working here.
Got a temporary fix + more PDA brokers + other general fixes for anyone that wants it for Warfare 0.3 mega:///#!EgECUCTA!e6i0ePG0vJ9KQ-cUxR6dt2-dT_2ply-6_k0CyGVc-Os
Been a while. How is that OpenGL render build coming along?
This should fix the traders in Warfare: https://mega.nz/#!ehQGQIbD!dLVW9aswTE-DtJuzUlkMj8FQRfZMVbCzx1kQ4d_iKQE

I needed to add one more part to an if statement. If this doesn't fix the traders for anyone let me know.

You may need to start a new game but my files should respawn the traders if they were removed from the previous version so you shouldn't have to.
Yeah it works. If you also want to merge in my various fixes part here's an updated version of something I forgot. (Forgot that the Jupiter lab doesnt have any ecologs, lel)

What does the following do in warfare:





Also are those timers influenced by the alife.ltx time_factor? I remenber setting those to 60 and maps were flooded by non stop spawnming.
it's almost like there's a readme or something
How can i make squads go faster to their targets (offline too)? They take forever by just walking and even longer when offline.
You might be able to speed up time_factor.ltx to make squads move faster, or see if you can change it in m_stalker.ltx under [stalker_movement speeds], if that doesnt work, i dont think you can.
speed up time_factor in alife.ltx*
noob here. can someone please tell me if autumn aurora is compatible with atmosfear/absolutenature/absolute structures?

Autumn Aurora already includes all those things familia

oh shit thats dope. ty
I think its normal_time_factor that speeds up offline alife if I'm not mistaken.

I'll check with alundaio about making squads run. I've tried setting a few things but with no success.

Quick run down.

All timers in warfare are decremented when the faction brain updates. So these are not timers in seconds, these are timers in however long it has been since the last faction brain update. This update occurs once every 2 to 15 seconds, mainly as an attempt to make things a little more unpredictable though I'm not really sure it accomplishes much.

DEFENSE_SQUAD_COOLDOWN + SUPPORT_SQUAD_COOLDOWN are the cooldown times for defense + support squads.

The next two options are used for populating the initial simulation.

There are two methods I use to populate the simulation board in Warfare. One is fill_level_bases, the other is fill_level_lairs. fill_level_bases uses the following: function fill_level_bases(faction, level, chance, spawnPlayerFactionSquads, registerWithFactionBrain) or something like that.

For each level, there are multiple calls to this function for whichever factions I want present in that level. All of these calls to fill_level_bases are found within a for loop, which runs from 1 to INITIAL_SPAWN_SQUAD_ITERATIONS. So INITIAL_SPAWN_SQUAD_ITERATIONS is the number of times that each level will be filled with each faction randomly. I just do it for a unique experience whenever you start a new game.

MIN_ZOMBIED_UPDATE and MAX_ZOMBIED_UPDATE... I forget if those are used right now. Zombies technically update but do not own any bases, so they do not respawn and gain territory.

If you were to do something like: fill_level_bases("zombied", "l08_yantar", true, true) then you'd get zombies respawning and fighting ecologists for yantar. I'm just speaking from memory so the minor parts may be wrong but it would be easy as hell to figure out with context clues.

The other three things are used internally.
The new arsonal overhaul literally just came out, looks really good. anyone try it yet?
What is the best mod combo to make COP look as beautifal as possible?

ATM im using atmosfear/AO3.1/absolute nature/structures.

It looks pretty damn good with these but im thinking there must be more I can add.
Is there any fix for crashes in STCSWP when removing the other PSO from rifles?

Every time I try to take one off of the VAL/SR-3, I get a CTD. I think the config is pointing it to the wrong unscoped gun? Not sure.

Also, that stupid infinite C-More bug.
I have a maybe theoretical fix, but idk if it works but ill post it and see if it does, but there's a simple workaround: put another sight on there (for the PSO 1m-21s, but like a cobra on there, for c-mores put an acog or something), then remove sight on the acog/cobra and you wont crash/money print. link: https://mega.nz/#!p8FgGZLT!ka0Gc_V2NARnw5T3UA-JB9aZLfwvvwvxHnCw0eviu8Y
Sexy guns? Sexy guns.
>go all the way to the cordon because the bandit base trader sells fuck all
>reach loner camp, take 5 minutes clearing them out, visit sidorovich
>sell shit, buy better armor, fix up new rifle and buy some ammo for it
>go back to the bandit base satisfied
>as soon as i get back the bandit trader is suddenly selling new armor and shit
>sultan's new quest is for the great swamp near the Cordon loner camp
>get a stash location as a reward for hunting mutants
>it's at the loner camp in Cordon

fuck you too, breekis.
Lemme know if that fix i gave you works, I havent tested cause I dont use STCSWP anymore
Which traders tend to sell 9x39mm besides Duty in CoC with STCSWP?
Doesn't seem like it, along with the fact that it consumed the scope remover, when I used it.

Alright, well that means that fixing that is going to take alot more effort than intended, so you are better off just swapping sights with something else (carry an acog and ekp with you at all times so you always have a scope to swap with), also replace the modifed m_wpn_addon.script with the original STCSWP one and it will revert
Monolith Trader.

Kill yourself.
I'm not using it because I want to, I'm using it because I have had awful luck with weapons.
Is it possible to reduce the CPU usage of your mod by changing some settings ? With the 0.3 version, I get peak at 100% CPU usage that stops the game for half a second. I assume it's because of the new offline combat system you add (which seems to work quite nicely by the way !)
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Sell it, use a AK in 5.45. stop being a faggot.
I hate AKs because they're inaccurate. I stopped using it because I got frustrated about my bullets going fucking sideways at mid range.
No, it's because you can't be gud in the game. fucking NATO dog.

Everyone knows the AK-74 is the best weapon in the game.
I do fine in the game, keep making shit up to rationalize your fetish for an annoying gun though.
I tried optimizing the squads by only checking distance with other squads on the same level and of the same faction, but I could maybe do some more. I could implement a spatial hash grid to simulate combat.. I guess that could work with each cell being a combat group, though that starts to blend my game dev experience with modding which is more than I expected.

To be completely honest, I think it'd be better to have two versions: a version with with the offline squad interception and a version with offline combat simulated at smart terrains.

Unfortunately optimizing a system like that gets somewhat challenging, but I'll try my best.

For now, I'll make a patch for offline combat to simulate on the smart terrains only.

Or do you have a powerful system? If so then that is a shame and probably means my offline combat simulator is too un-optimized to have activated just yet.
Oh, don't worry, my system is not powerful at all, I'm sure most players won't have problems. I only have a 3ghz dual core as CPU. Perfectly fine for vanilla COC, but it shows its limits on more CPU-intensive games.
one more post about CoC and I'll blow up a hospital
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Meant to answer to >>124352152

By the way, your mod works really well with the dynamic news system mod, it's always funny to attack some people and see pic related
My system isn't all that powerful either, that's the main reason I disabled it in the first place I guess. Don't worry, I'll make an option for the old method of offline combat here shortly for people like us haha. I'm at a friends so my resources are limited, but I should be able to give you an update here soon to revert it back to the old offline combat system.
Interesting, I may download it myself then. Really good to know it works with other mods.
Top CoCk

Actually... I've been thinking a little more on this matter. I could include an option which uses squads interception for the level the player is on as well as linked levels perhaps (or just the active level).

What this would do is allow for a mixture between a more realistic simulation on the players level and a little less detailed simulation on linked levels etc.

Expect more tomorrow. I plan on working on the mod quite a bit over the weekend.
yeah clearly this was meant for you i'm drunk
no death
>Sid says the military has a RPG-7 and he wants it
>fuck no, I'm not gonna break into the military base again for you, Sid
>bye then
>go up the stairs
hear yelling and firing
>3 or 4 soldiers attacking the camp
>they get blasted fast
>one has a RPG-7 in his inventory

Sometimes I just love this game.
Does AMK 1.4/Arsenal include some kind of reloadable magazine system?
And do all weapons in Arsenal have proper ejection ports and aren't mirrored?
No mag system.
From what I remember, they're all correct but have disgusting quality here and there.
Wait a second. I think AMK: Solyanka had a mag system.
It's german though and from what I hear pretty shitty.
I've tried AMK soljanka that's why I was asking if the mag system is in 1.4 too.
The problem with Soljanka for me was more that it was just about impossibly difficult, then again I also didn't play very much because of that.
>walking at night in Cordon
>see a light rolling
>is the star whatever artefact wanted by Sid
Well I will be damned
>walking by the bridge in Cordon
>3-5 soldiers are roaming the zone
>kill them, they have the Akaban
Where could they have been coming from?
Is there any SoC mod with a mag system apart from ZoA and Soljanka?
And how bad are we talking, quality wise?
harder than misery.

inb4 butthurt misfags

Nature Winter Black Edition
in the repo somewhere
Is it bullshit hard or just hard? How was it quality-wise?
I've never played it, just read some comments.

I sometimes have two to three expert soldiers coming from the railroad embankment side to the military base, crossing and attacking the rookie camp.

OGSE 0693 will have some kind of a mag system from what I can tell.
>Is it bullshit hard or just hard? How was it quality-wise?
Bullshit hard. The only way to kill the bloodsucker in the 4th or so quest was to kill him with a headshot before he spots you, but then there were like two more that would murder you. Beyond that, enemies are huge bulletsponges when you don't headshot them, while you die just about instantly.
>Is it bullshit hard or just hard? How was it quality-wise?
Bullshit hard
The beginning quest pits you against 6-7 burers giving you only a shitty AK with 3 mags
>OGSE 0693
Any info when this is coming out?
As a premise, I'll say that back in the days when OL was popular (and it was a FUCKLOAD of people back then) i was calling it shit from the very start despite being surrounded by people who insulted me and found it AMAZING. I have a deep hatred for any mod that adds a bunch of random stuff and features no one ever wanted, i swear it's a retarded syndrome spread by TES mods.
The same thing sort of happened with Misery, i still hate it, i still argued an awful lot with fans of it.
The only mod i really enjoyed was L.U.R.K. because it didn't touch anything of the core, but had great weapons, great damage scaling and nights as dark as i wanted them-But i heard it went to shit in later versions.

Anyway, i tried AMK after not playing stalker for some years. I was thinking it's fine and all, i wish i had L.U.R.K. nights but whatever. Except now that i realized how it works i gotta ask: why would they think alcohol poisoning was a good idea?
And it triggers after hours of gameplay, too. Who the fuck thought it was smart or creative to make save corruption (since the only saves i cycle all end up with alcohol poisoning) a game mechanic?

Unless i find a way to disable it, or trigger god mode, i lost a savefile.
Well, sounds like shit desu.
I remember to have heard about the bloodsuckers but that's just retarded.
I'm glad I never got the log-in code to that guys website.

Last thing I heard was that it's pretty much done and just needs polishing.
The translation is about 70% done (from a few weeks back) but it's only menu text and such. NPC text still needs to be done and it's the harder part from what I've gathered.
Not many news recently. I was hoping for a nice christmas gift but I think it'll be more like Q1 2016.
Well, it's being worked on and that's what soothes my mind. I really can't wait to play it though!
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Refer to 'doc/styles.html' to check the difference and see what suits you best.
>I'm glad I never got the log-in code to that guys website.
lel that password is a fucking joke
even having to log into their shit forums just to get that is beyond retarded
It´s literally their website name
Yeah, I just remembered that I got it from some other website.
Some other dev gave him shit for his stupid "elitism" or something, because that guy actually said the Solyanka mod won't work with the English or any other SoC version than the German one, which was bullshit.
That, the apparently shitty mod and the whole website shit. Oh boy.
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knock out
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sorry for asking, but which stalker and mod is this?
>because that guy actually said the Solyanka mod won't work with the English or any other SoC version than the German one, which was bullshit
If I remember correctly they also encrypted the fucking modfiles so that you can´t extract them
It really drags down the reputation of german modders
How is OGSE anyway, does it add a bunch of new stuff or does it only polish the vanilla game?
>If I remember correctly they also encrypted the fucking modfiles so that you can´t extract them
>It really drags down the reputation of german modders

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You're right, I remember something like that too!
Holy shit, that's just awful. I don't even know any german mods, besides that Solyanka crap.

Oh, it's great!
It has a nice configurator were you can adjust things like blowout/psy-surge frequency, amount of dynamic news, mask overlays,
jump height, all kinds of graphic stuff like sun rays, SSAO, motion blur, etc. Pic related.
It also has an expanded story and lots of new items of all kinds. Guns, armor, ammo and medicine, including pretty mellow nazi meth.
You can even install a small expansion so you have a pretty nice companion system.
It also has the best fleshes.

It has flaws like all mods but those are (mostly) easily fixed by browsing through some files, changing some lines on your way.
Haven't visited general after months, seems like nothing changed.

God bless you, /sg/ I hope you have a nice day.

>Installing Merge mod 2015 for CoP

what to expect and is it compatible with MSO?
You too have a nice day, lad.
But sadly I don't know shit about CoP modding. Just play CoC :^)
>I don't even know any german mods, besides that Solyanka crap.
Well SMRTER is made by a german
also the mods Home of Homeless (Clear Sky) and More than Homeless (CoP) are made by the germans
The first is being remade as Zone of Homeless
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tf haven't been keeping up with CoC too
Huh, never heard of them.
Didn't even expect that S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is that big over here. I've only seen some german translations of basic mods.
Smrter has been dead for like a year or two
MtH is pretty much an old translated version of SGM with some more shit here and there
HoH is hard to describe but it really feels like OGSM with alot more content
How the fuck do I make this shit work? It keeps throwing "can't open section 'wpn_ak74u_ap'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report" at me"
Installed in this order:
MSO > AF3 > MSO AF3 comp pack > AN > AS > OWR
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Selfmade stuff or mostly taken from other mods?

Anyway, time for some stalking.
a bit of both
most of the time it´s selfmade though
just see for yourself
Does Autumn Aurora 2 work with it?
How's CoC nowadays
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X-18, here I come!.jpg
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Alright, thanks!

The eye candy works just fine.
way to fuck up
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Could you help me stalkers?
[error][ 298] : Too many posts were made to a semaphore

I'm getting this error in CoC Agroprom.
Looks like windows error but I don't know why this happen.
what gun is that on the right
Armsel Striker
g36, or the striker
If I place some shit in a stash, do NPCs actively seek it out and try to loot it? Do I have to find boxes in secluded areas to put my shit in?
NPCs don't loot the blue boxes in vanilla. They do in some mods - everything derived from AMK, for eg. But those mods usually have backpacks you can place in safe spots or stash box locks to compensate.
ZoA, I assume the backpack stash is safe then? Thank you.
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Not quite. Anything reachable to stalkers can be looted. You can place backpacks in unreachable locations though.

For eg., there's a ledge to the left by the door as you enter the hangar in the Garbage that you can get to by jumping on a piece of metal leaning there. A backpack placed there is unreachable to NPCs and is a good place for a stash.
Man, this game can be exhausting.
how so?
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Like when you start treating the game like a game, running around like a retard, not really bothering with cover. You fall four times into some stupid holes, finally get it right and then run straight into an anomaly.

So, when you're high af and clumsy.
i feel you anon

Playing stalker while high got me in the worst trip ever, it was ganja, but still, was not cool
Are you from Freedom ?
bitch i might be

nah son, Loner for life
So I'm playing OSGE and fuckers can just hit you with the butt of your gun sending you flying.

Can I not do that too? What the fuck?
Do my relation with my faction gets lowered if i kill a friendly squad? I sniped some monolithians by mistake.
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I finally managed to get my ass to the Cordon to show everyone the might of the Monolith and all i got is 2 guys with shotguns and Sidorovich
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new gun, more fun.jpg
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Nope, not that I know of.
I have played through SoC and CoP and i want more, i want to play through CS eventually but i always lose interest and leave it a few hours in.
I know almost nothing about STALKER mods, please spoonfeed me. I'm thinking about playing CoC, which addons should i get?
But that's just a bog standard AK with an SVD stock, not a new gun.
I had a Saiga and suchka before, tho.
It´s kinda buggy
They still appear as friendly but the members left in that squad will try to kill you, everyone else won´t give a fuck
Then why not use an AK with a normal stock, or that 5.45 Groza you got earlier?
> literal massacre at skadovsk
> bodies everywhere
> monolithian in the radio: "This place is as peaceful as it gets. Holster your weapon."
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I just reinstalled CoC on my SSD. Waiting on E.Nigma to upload the AO 3.1 addon...

This is really impressive.
It's a special snowflake gun with special stats and it looks cool. And I already sold that Groza.
Also, muh /7.62x39/.
>muh 7.62x39
Enjoy using only FMJ and AP. NATO calibers master race.
Anybody else get the artifacts in the Cheeki base in Dark Valley, playing CoC?

I got a Flash & a Stone Blood in the basement, and a Spring from the electrical field under the flame tunnel. Although, I did get two Veles detectors from stashes around the base.

Nice way to boost my starting income, it was.

Actually, I feel like the Cheekis have the easiest start; you go down into the armory and there's a couple hundred rounds of 5.45, shotgun shells, a ton of vodka, medkits, two fully-repaired MP-5's and three AKS-74U's.

Way easier than the Monolith start.
Yes, we've all know about the bandit start being OP since the day CoC leaked.
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You mean only AP. And of course I will.
NATO fucking shits
What, do you want to use hollowpoints or something? FMJ and AP is all you need for rifle calibers.
9x39 a best
The Bandit spawn being OP isn't exactly news. Everyone knew of it way back from the leak.
Bitches don't know 'bout my Barnes TSX.
I was memeing about the real life, lad, not Stalker.
>special snowflake caliber with ballistics barely better than .45 ACP
wew lad
> special snowflake
kill yourself
>being a slavboo unironically
kill yourself
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Kill yourselves
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But there's no NATO equivalent of the VSS available in the Stalker games. I'd love to see the H&K SL9SD available from Nimble, but alas...
Well, you can kill yourself now.
You must be a britbong.
Kill yourself
It would make more sense to have a .300 memeout rifle than that 7.62x37 snowflake, it's much more popular.
And a kill yourself to you too, m8. And why are you calling me a brit exactly?
Fuck it, let's all just kill ourselves, it's not like there's much to live for.
>tfw no STALKER 2
Hey everyone, I have a question that google cannot find an answer for.

I just downloaded Arsenal Overhaul 1.2 (or whatever the latest is) and I think I installed the Atmosfear as well (not sure if it fully took effect). However, after making these changes, my main menu has lost all of its music and most of the rest of the world also has little to no atmospheric music.

How do I fix this? I have two suspicious files in my music gamedata folder called "$no_sound.ogg" and "none.ogg". Are these the route of my problem?

I just want the huge arsenal and great atmosphere while retaining the music. Switching the voices to Russian would be great as well, if I could only keep English subs, but I've read this is not possible.
That was a cheap move, right in the feels.

Kill yourself
Y'all kill yourselves.
This thread is as ded as the Zone.
You should join us in being dead then, lad. And by that I mean that you should kill yourself.
so are we finally making that gun tier list?
No and we never will.
one day, anon
I for one would enjoy seeing Caliber Wars 2.0: Not-/k/ Boogaloo.
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>took a break from CoP
>got back into it today
>current mission is enlisting a group for Pripyat
>decide to ease myself back in with some roaming and side missions
>head back to Zaton to see what's up
>Owl wants info from Merc camp
>head up there with SPAS-12 and trusty Dragunov
>get foiled by bullshit stealth mechanics several times
>eventually creep into the station through the back
>Merc fag sees me anyway
>fucking intense shotgun shootout as I'm cornered for several minutes in the generator room
>bail outside when it dies down for a second, reposition myself over to the right of the plant by the truck
>eventually pick off remaining Mercs with Dragunov in limited light and with no NV
>only discover secret entrances when clearing the place

Stalkan skills not so on point, but damn was it good to get back into this shit
Welcome back.
Let's make a list of the weapons we like to use in STALKER.
I will start:
A fucking Jericho 941 and a SAKO RK 95 in 5.56x45 or 5.45x39.

It's everything a want.
anyone has a warfare (stable) mod for CoC?

I hope you enjoy Jupiter-Pripyat section
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Scoped saiga-12 w/silencer & dart rounds.

The SVU-A is my new primary. Any single hit to the body is a guaranteed 3-5 second bleed-out.
Maximum comfy every time.
Mmm, the stench of alcohol and cigarettes sure is comfy. Am I right Hank?
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Sure is!
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This ALWAYS happens when I enter the Bar area. It says that the file is missing, but it's right where it fucking should be. How do I fix this, /sg/? I'm running Call of Chernobyl with the Arsenal Overhaul 3 addon. Everything is updated proper. Halp pls.

I run a MP5SD with an Aimpoint dot sight and a Beretta 92 with a suppressor. AO3.
Its a typo, rename the outfits folder to outfit
Where can I find the gamedata unpacker for CoC?

SG550 with EOTech sight
UMP45 with C-More sight and suppressor

I'm just trying to relive my days of playing CoD
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Here's the one I got from the CoC repack on the repo

Man, I'm stupid. Thanks guise.
Cant get atmosfear 3 to work, and ive had this problem before.

Even if i install the lower end graphics option it still crashes x-ray engine every time i start the game.

Windows 7, 64-bit, fresh reformat. etc

Anyone else have this problem with atmosfear3 and get it working? halppp
Feeling stalkery as fuck tonight, it's been a while. Gonna play some call of chernobyl. I know it gets some hate here but I'm just feeling the largest sandbox stalker experience possible and that's the one.

Haven't played it since mid-september, have there been any updates to CoC since then?
There's been updates, yes.

Side missions are still broken and overall it hardly feels different from the leaked releases

If you want to get any enjoyment out of it at all it's better to try to Warfare addon
With the latest version of warfare, my STCSWP scope remover gets removed from my inventory whenever I try to use it, and it seems like scopes don't actually apply to weapons either. Anyone else having this problem?
Are addons compatible with eachother?

Having Arsenal Overhaul 3 and Warfare together sounds fun.

Yeah, I'm playing AO3.1 with Warfare right now. Shit's great.
Is there still an 'upgraded' version of the AK-74 somewhere in Autumn Aurora 2?

Does it even have much in the way of new weapons? So far I've spotted what looked like an M16A1 in the hands of a stalker at the bar.
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Hello friends

Does anyone have the files to get the increased npc spawns from the coc leak?

Would you be kind enough to upload them for me?

Oh nevermind, it's the Alife unbalance isn't it?
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Is there a download up for AO 3.1 for CoC anywhere? E.Nigma said it's being moved to the addons section on the official CoC page, but I've been waiting all day and it's still not on there.

>Does it even have much in the way of new weapons?

Not really. Aside from the ones you've probably already found, such as the Bizon and the Mosin-Nagant that replaced the fast-shooting AK in Strelok's stash, there's some 7.62x51mm battle rifle and that's pretty much it.


I was able to download it before he removed it. Maybe you can find it in the mod repository.
There's an AK-74m.
All in all, there aren't many new weapons.
pistol: gsh-18
rifle: ak-12 5.45
sniper: tide
>Maybe you can find it in the mod repository.

There's only AO3 on there.

What a shame.
I still wish Warfare wouldn't cause my game to crash every time I try and use it. I get a ctd with no log just before it finishes loading
Did you update to 0.3 and apply both the trader fix and the scripts fix?
Uh, nope. Care to spoonfeed me some links?
Is there any content for CoC yet? Or is it still just the leak?
It's been released for some months now, had a update recently, and there's one or two dozen little addons.

I highly recommend the Arsenal Overhaul 3 addon paired with Warfare, if your PC isn't terribad tier.
0.3 -> Trader fix -> smartlogic patch -> pripyat patch thingy, install in that order

CPU is quite shit, FX8350 overclocked to 4.8, video card is a 770. I should be able to manage to get things running smoothly, thanks for the suggestions.
I'm on a stock 8350 and a GT 640, and it runs perfectly for me, until there's 60+ stalkers in combat.
Uh, here's a real retarded question. How do I download those first few links? The mega:/// ones.
copy paste it to address bar fool.
Is there a way I can stealth kill Oleg 'Fiend' Gusarov at the bar or do I need to wait for him to make his way into another area?

I only have 2 days to finish the task.
How to turn off the debug hud when you're in debug mode CoC?



should be an option in the main menu game options
Shoot him once in the ass with a PB then run and hide behind some checkpoint guards.

They don't like being shot at.
I'm doing a vanilla playthrough of SoC after being away from the series for a few years. What is the best texture/graphic mod that I should use.
After figuring out which console commands to use to fiddle with the lighting, CoC actually doesn't look half bad.

everything that's included in the starter pack
Dark, wet, and moody. Muh atmosphere.
Here is the AO3.1 that was on moddb before it was removed

Here is the updated version of the Lootable faction patches+ArmMeshes+Fixes_Version2
Includes the Hotfixes that were also on moddb
and other fixes, changes.
Read the Read me. for a list of changes.

ShoC > CS > CoP
what a controversial opinion
surely no one has ever thought this before
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Thanks, Anon. Downloading now.
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Oh, that random name...
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>first time through X8
>CoP needs more labs
>CS > anything
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>bad radman
Kill yourself
Misery 1.2 (not 2.1!): The knife has stopped working. Googling shows others with the same problem, no fix. Tried setting slot = 2 for the 3 knives in w_knife.ltx to equip in a weapon slot, but that oesn't work.

Is there a fix for this? I must be the terror of crates and supply boxes across the zone again.
>playing as Mercs
>hold Dead City, Limansk, Red Forest, Army Warehouses, Jupiter and Truck Cemetery
>all areas show green
>no more assigned capture areas

Dang, is it because I'm using the less squads option that there's a lower limit of areas my faction can capture?
He had a hard life
Anybody have an archived copy of Call of Pripyat Reborn 1.14.8_FULL that they'd throw up for download?
>Call of Pripyat Reborn 1.14.8_FULL


i think thats wat u want....
Yup, thanks!
Picked-up knives may be equipped as a workaround for the unusable inventory knife.
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This entire fucking thing mane.
>Tokyo Chernobyl
it's been a while since I've seen that name
you'll be always welcome here good man
Guys, AO3 or OWR3 for CoP?
AO3 best current CoP mod? Or should I use something else?
OWR3 for CoC
No, MSO is the best current CoP mod.
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>not drinking and smoking and laughing about stories from outside the zone as you forget about your worries for a night
Hey there stalkers, is anyone playing AMK repo edition? The messages i get from random stalkers (anouncing kills, being under fire etc.) sometimes come out broken, like $killed_z or something. Anyone knows how to fix this? It's really immersion breaking.
I installed the beta of CoC.
Did a lot of thing changed in the full release or i can keep going on my old version?
A shitton of things changed, yes.
Go install the release version now.
Downloading now. What are the big changes?
Replace $killed_z with $kill_z in the relevant files in gamedata/scripts.
Just finished COP, by finished I mean I got the game breaking glitch in the laundromat where no dialogue happens so I can't leave to evacuate, Tried loading some saves and some teleporting (using complete mod) but nothing worked.

Downloading SOC now, should I play it vanilla first time?
Will do, many thanks anon
>CoP first
Kill yourself
FNX-45 or Nimble's Deagle

SR-25 (scoped, full auto 7.62 that accepts suppressor and 40mm GL)
How do I into visor overlay in CoC?!
I was taking a break from the Stalker series for a while. It's good to be back in the Zone.

Also, I think the LR-680 (LR-300 chambered in 6.8 SPC with decreased rate of fire) customized for maximum rate of fire in AO 3.1 might be my new raifu
I played SOC years ago but never put a huge amount of time into so calm down
Of course you should, also you missed out on the best STALKER experience possible.
>CoP first
Kill yourself
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Does that mod merge 2015 for CoP in the mop repo work well?

I'm only looking for an enhanced vanilla experience, so it seems like the best bet.
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Yo, playing it.

>This mod is a merge of work from some of the best modder's on the Stalker scene. The Merge mod is made up of a selection of mini-mods and other additions put on top of Atmosfear 3, Absolute Nature 3.1 (full version), OWR 2.1(extended version), Variation mod. Artifacts mod, Unreachable stash fix, Zone grenades(reward only), Bar music, Extra outfits and helmets. There's numerous tweaks such as how your now unlikely to find any high end weaponry in stashes(randomised content still) and the Underpass can be revisited, The read me includes the credit list. I've been meaning to move this from the Rus Trans mod page for some time so here it is.

so far its good but I have problems with grenades, having atleast 50 atm is really shit, new items like cookies and stew that will last you 950-1000 seconds around that time but balanced.

I added HUD Reworked 2.0 also but gas mask and NPC-Spots doesn't seem to work that well. probably since I did not actually check what it changes and added them bindly. oh and if you want HD Textures in the eye candy folder, don't it won't work and will make you crash, atleast for me.
Holy shit, this Warfare addon for CoC is intense. The whole map is a complete war zone. Way cooler than faction wars in Clear Sky. There's three or four factions all fighting at once, including us, the mercs. I'm getting frame drops from all this carnage going on, so I had to turn down some settings

AO 3.1 for CoC. I've also been fiddling with some console commands trying to get the lighting to look more natural.
I held up on top of this barn for around five minutes picking off hostiles 200-300 meters away. The sound of automatic gunfire never seemed to stop
I can't get Warfare to work, i get a script error, feels bad, man.
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>Warfare addon

God damn it, its been long. what does CoC have now? what about those TFWAE or anonguys CoC mod?
Is the Warfate dev planning to add the radio from TFW to the mod?
is it so hard to just fucking read
Kill yourself
Nvm, both versions i tried were bugged.
>>124450635 worked
What kind of scoping do you guys prefer? Misery? Or Gnomus?

That sounds dope as fuck.
anonguys mod.
Search in the Call of Chernobyl repo, in the HUD section, there is a mod called "super duper overlay" or something like that.
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So i'm playing OGSE and i have the AA2 minimalistic HUD plus minimap. But the STALKAN news overlaps over the minimap in the bottom right, can i change it and put the minimap in the top left?
no you probably don't know how to
unhandled exception on warfare
! [LUA] SCRIPT RUNTIME ERROR : evaluator [eva_kill_wounded] returns value with not a bool type!
! [LUA] SCRIPT RUNTIME ERROR : evaluator [eva_gather_itm] returns value with not a bool type!
! [LUA] SCRIPT RUNTIME ERROR : evaluator [eva_fight_from_cover] returns value with not a bool type!
! [LUA] SCRIPT RUNTIME ERROR : evaluator [eva_kill_wounded] returns value with not a bool type!
playing as mercs
It was, up until the performance kept getting bogged down more and more until it got to the point that I was getting around 5 FPS even on minimum settings. There was just too much going on. I guess the game engine couldn't handle it. Next time I'll add in some of the optionals beforehand to decrease the spawn rate and number of faction squads.
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>tfw just turned off the brain scorcher
never again

how the fuck do the monolith patrol areas with radiation this high?
they don't give a fuck, they've still got a few good days left after they go through it
>how the fuck do the monolith patrol areas with radiation this high?

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Slow Update really seems to help in shit like this, also Military Warehouses are basically the worst clusterfuck to ever exist in warfare, if you go just about anywhere else its not nearly as bad (cept for dark hollow, pic related
Hey guise, I need help. I'm running CoC w/ AO3 and Warfare.

So I did those maual patch things for Warfare that an anon linked earlier, and while it runs fine now, one of them fucked with the starting equipment for all the factions, so I no longer spawn with a multitool, and can't add/use any scopes.

I've noticed that the starting equipment doesn't seem to be in character_desc_general otherwise I'd've unfucked this hours ago. I'm assuming the line I need to add is wpn_multitool or something like that, right? How fix, /sg/?
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So I just fucked myself by downloading and installing a new version of Autumn Aurora mod that I'm already using because they changed some things and now none of my saves work.

This is going to be like the third time I've restarted SoC, starting to get annoying.

What are some tips or short cuts that I can do to get past the first quarter of the game?
>shitty name
Are you that Flannel guy? It's been a while.
Dont play shit mods
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> http://www.dezowave.com/lost_alpha_patch_changelog_dc.txt

I want to believe.
Nope. only gave myself the butterfingers name cause Anonguys Coc mod really likes to make me drop my weapon when i get shot in the side with a fuckin mp5. Also SKS is bretty gud in AO3.1 cause the deterioration rate is basically non-existant.
This should fix starting loadouts (its my modded file, so it also gives every faction loadout a detector)

It's really not and it's not too surprising that the saves don't work but still. They removed blow-outs which kind of sucked because I thought those were really neat, apparently they were causing peoples saves to get corrupted but I never had that issue until now.
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What does /sg/ think about L.U.R.K 1.05 for SoC ?
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What's /sg/'s favorite vodka to drink while stalking? I like New Amsterdam because it's cheap and surprisingly smooth for the price.
It's shit.

Much appreciated m8.
I really don't have a favorite vodka. Vodka is not there to taste, but to get drunk for not much.
The last one I was drinking was Żubrówka, for the same reason as yours, it doesn't taste like shit while still being relatively cheap.
Most people here agree that 1.05 is better than 1.1. I thought 1.1 was _______________ok_______________.. 1.2 is cancelled. If you ask me you should look at newer mods instead, with AMK being the exception of course.
Too gray for me.
You first, lad.
I don't drink vodka, i drink Ethanol. because if you are enough drunk, you will be invincible
Russian Standard.
Good price, excellent buzz.
Aren't you giving in to the slav lore a little too much?
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If you drink anything but stolichnaya your taste is objectively shit, and you should commit suicide, to be honest family.
Yeah, I figured. Having hardcore AI aim enabled my have also been detrimental, though I'm not sure exactly what that setting does.

Reinstall everything with AO 3.1 instead. I've tested it several times with randomized starts and haven't had any issues with starting loadouts. See >>124461859 But if you have to, you can add the multi-tool to your inventory from the debug menu.

Just play AMK

Stolichnaya, straight, but I haven't drank in over 6 months.
>hardcore AI aim

I'd like to know what that actually does, too.
If I remember correctly it either increases the aim_probability or increases the range of it, so they have a higher chance of actually hitting you at longer range instead of bullets just disappearing
Welp. That actually sounds fun. Gonna go turn it on now.
The numpad doesn't open and doesn't look right
I got killed a fair amount of times and now all of a sudden the autosave does this

>- incorrect sunshadows on dx10 render with older ATI-AMD cards (if we can fix)

Good, this makes it easier for me to continue ignoring this then
Tried going out of the level and turning back and now numpads work but the doors don't open and the "press f to open" doesn't appear
I thought those doors opened on their own
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>mfw I finally got myself to stop savescumming

Now that dying will set me back about an hour, this game suddenly got a lot more serious
Maybe I'm just too much of a faggot, but I can't go more than half an hour straight playing, this shit is too stressful
Especially when 50% of the stress is managing to kill entire squadrons of soldiers/cheekis without dying, and the other 50% is fearing CTDs

Seriously, fuck CTDs
That one opens (even though before this problem I found it already open), but the next one doesn't

I rarely crash, but yes not save scumming is hard to do. I usually can control myself but when I'm dying over and over then I will to get myself past some impossible part.

I have to muster up courage to play this game for more than a couple hours for those same reasons and because it's a very bleak game. The gunplay is second to none and is just so satisfying but fuck these mutants and shit, oh and dudes sneaking up on you with a shot gun, scared the fuck out of me.
you'll get over the stress as you become more used to cautious play.

then you'll start doing ironmans and suddenly you're stressed again.
Are you playing a Slavic mod that you found in a suspicious site or something? What exactly makes you fear CTDs?
Loadout? what you use to operate innazone?
I use whatever .45 handgun and NATO caliber rifle I can get my hands on, but preferably a 1911 and AUG.
>it's a very bleak game

You're right, son
Even when I'm playing it right, I feel kinda depressed
But it's part of the charm, I'd say


I'm not that deep in the rabbit hole yet, mister Strelok.

It's just AA2
It didn't crash once before, ever
Except after I stopped savescumming

Thanks, X-Ray!
MP5SD with Aimpoint red dot, an SVD for distance work, and a suppressed Beretta 92 as my handfun.

So it didn't seem to do anything for me. Still the same loadout problems, and no multitool. wat do
I managed to make one open using the weapon tossing trick
Special snowflake "selfmade" stuff because I like it and why the hell not.
Why does your AK not have a stock?
How the FUCK do I get the true ending in Oblivion Lost? I go through the last portal and it puts me on the fucking ground. WHAT DO I DO? I WANT TO GET INTO FREEPLAY BUT IT KEEPS TPING ME.
To make it look more like a SMG/sidearm, also reducing weight.
You're AO3.1 install is fucked then. Delete gamedata then run Coc updater then Ao3.1 install then Warfare.
Forgot to mention that it's an OL + AMK merge with some shit from LURK, not sure if that affects it somehow.
You forgot to upgrade your sleeping bag.
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So, this is Metro?
Just downloaded a new CoP from steam, now 80% done reinstalling CoC as we speak.

I'm thinking of installing Warefare and all it's patches first, before I install AO3.1, so that way I should in theory be sure to have my multitool, since that was the last file to go in.
Looks gay. Now I'm glad I never played any of the series.
>lights/brightness all the way up
>difficulty all the way down
>no attempt at getting immersed
>whine that it's not scary

Well for starters it definitely doesn't look that bad, either those are low settings or the webmd just doesn't do it any justice.

Although those physics didn't look very good but I don't remember it being that bad. I enjoyed the first one and always wanted to play the second but yeah STALKER blows it out of the water any day.
you're dumb as shit if you did all that for a few config entries
Just high. Plus muh SSD makes it less painful.
Honestly, i brough the metro redux for Xbone, isn't that immersive like everyone say. and his difficult is based in Stealth or Shoot-them-all.

The only difficult thing in the game is when you're against mutants, the bullets are hard to find in outdoors.

>SoC vanilla is betther than Metro 2033.
What mod?

Just booted up CoP for the first time in months and played for two hours.
Feels good to be back in the zone.
dang this general moves faster than exected....

so i need some guidance in CoC. I just made it to Radar (trying to get to the CNPP) and had to fight a huge swarm of monolith, when i finally took them down i continued through radar only to get raped by critical psi levels. Given many attempts ive found a rhythm to applying med kits and such to stay alive as i frantically sprint through this unforgiving psi zone.

who sells me anti psi stuff, how do i do this. or is it intended to be damn near impossible?

New to stalker, my apologies.
you are beyond retarded
You need to go to yantar and talk to the scientist inside the bunker. Then you need to buy a prototype that will allow you to survive the radiation at the radar.
excellent thank you, are these scientist hostile to loners?
Yes, shoot on sight
Nope. But have at least 17000 RU (Don`t know the exact value) if you want the prototype quickly.
Sorry I was joking
CS AO Merge crashes way too often fuck.
Shame because it's pretty fucking good.
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haha thanks for being honest, the time i get to spend gaming is precious to me and id hate to waste some of that time.
is there another suit there i could also buy to help deal with the rads at the CNPP? i cant even get to the entrance of the sarcoph.
What's wrong with your faaace

I was so spooked. I was surrounded by 6 or 7 of them, and didn't have a shotgun
dang your map is just littered with casualties
You haven't seen anything, it's common to get ten times that in a prolonged battle in warfare.

>Truck Cementery
>Kill all bandits
>It's easy first, but then they start spawning in all the fucking map.
>I fucking waste my ammo. the only shit a have is 9mm
>Fuck 9mm, it's bullshit, but at least i have something

I'm really liking this calibre btw... Hi power is the best.
So I intalled the Warfare thing, and I can start it no problem, however only the starting zone and one single zone next to it get the areas designed and patrols rolling, everything else is the same (with barely anyone on it)

Anyone having the same problem? I intalled it over CoC + STCSWP
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Can you help me? Or anyone?

Everything in OSGE works perfectly except for the CoP inventory. When I merge the data I want with my gamedata the inventory is fucked up. It works, but the background image and such isnt aligned right.

This includes the PDA map at the top left, it is screwed up and seems like the background images are aligned in the wrong place. Talking to people makes it so I can see the text, but it goes out of the 'box' that the text is supposed to be in.

I don't understand why, my resolution likely requires widescreen folder but I've tried both and its still fucked. What could be the problem? I'll try to get a screenshot in a couple hours, but it pisses me off because that add-on also adds the 'nightmare times' and other cool shit thats missing from OSGE.
Holy shit, warfare is to fucking great, now, what the fuck i must to do to sell all this shit?
Yeah, it gets hectic sometimes, especially if you're playing on master + hardcore AI aim + ironman mode like I am
Hmm I don't really know, everything works fine for me.
Maybe try a reinstall. What exactly does the add-on give to the game? Mine is pretty much only the CoP style menu.
CoP inventory requires a new game.
I did make a new game.

Fuck I might just try a clean reinstall and OSGE install.
im deff on master but didnt bother with hardcore AI or ironman....first time playing

on that note the only reason im playing on my master is because of the 'dice rolling' shooting mechanic on every other difficulty. this holds true for CoC right?
Has anyone here managed to capture the entire Zone yet or at least is about to?
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>day 2 in the Garbage during my attempt to reclaim it for the bandit faction in CoC + AO 3.1 + Warfare on ironman mode
>~7:30 AM
>request bandit support squad
>start sniping the Loners defending the warehouse at the Garbage in the meantime
>support squad finally comes trotting over to me
>they're just a ragtag few of bandit rookies
>I take point as they follow my lead towards the warehouse
>we somehow manage to get ourselves ambushed by a pseudogiant
>the bandits barely put up a fight and get slaughtered one by one by the pseudogiant as I plink away at it with my trusty Mosin Nagant
>run out of nugget food and switch to an AK-103 I looted
>keep firing at it while keeping my distance
>finally take the pseudogiant down after three magazines of 7.62x39 as he slaps the ground one last time
>while I'm still stunned by the pseudogiant's shockwave, a Loner somewhere in the direction of the warehouse hits me with a burst of gunfire
>take cover behind a concrete block and open my inventory to heal from ~50% HP
>hear footsteps behind me
>inventory closes
>a bloodsucker has grabbed me and is staring at me in the eyes
>he's sucking the life out of me and there's nothing I can do about it
>look into its eyes as the blood drains from my face
>as I die, the bloodsucker grabs my corpse by the head with its right hand and stands there motionless until I quit to the main menu and my saved games are automatically deleted

b-bury me with my money

>Warfare on ironman mode

Oh, and you don't even went to the truck cementery...
Just for a challenge. I'm actually surprised I lasted as long as I did. It took a lot of close calls and cautious gameplay to get there.

I'll check it out tomorrow for sure.
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What the fuck is the point of psizones? so they randomly appear in OSGE at any time and if enough spooky ghosts hit you youre a zombie? I like the zombifying thing when psifucked but if a psizone isnt solely from controllers and just appear and NPCs dont zombify it just seems like an annoyance
It was spooky the first few minutes but then, yeah, annoying.
I just turned them off.
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Can I remain nuetral in SoC or do I have to pick a side at some point?

Also how can I get through to the bar that The Duty are blocking? How can I gain their trust?
You can't really 'join' duty or freedom in vanilla SoC, there is never a point where you have to 'pick a side' because they both pretty much just offer side missions.

Duty will only allow you into their part of the bar freely after you finish with lab x16.
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I'm having such a hard time stealing these military documents. These guys have really precise aim and I don't even have a scope yet. I have Streloks rifle which is aright, I repaired it some but fuck these guys are tough.

I pretty much had to save scum my way through the underground which I don't feel good about but otherwise it would have gotten to a point where I'm just memorizing what these guys are going to do and that's no fun.

I like Master difficulty but there aim is just too much sometimes.
it's doable, just play it safe in big battles
this happens sometimes, even on just vanilla coc
i've had it happen a bunch on AO3.0

I think it's a vanilla problem.

eventually it will stack trace.
You can get a free scope in Dark Valley for the first mission you're given.
>modding first playthrough
No shit you fucking retard.
What makes you think he modded it?
>I repaired it

Modded or not I would still be playing on Master...
>just finished cleaning up in Garbage
>next assigned area for capture is all the way in the deserted hospital
>the squad that's assigned to capture it is in Army Warehouses

playing CoC

resuce mission given in cordon to rescue slav in swamp, playing as loner. FFS i got in, killed everyone, rescued the idiot AI with a deathwish, continued killing everyone, had helicopter issues but i think it died due to a psi storm? and now when im trying to leave swamp and it is absolutely flooded with military, if i hit everything i shot at everytime i still might not have enough ammo. is this telling me to sneak the whole because they spot my instantl. . . . .
Ok, whats the best CoP mod?
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atleast your guys do something
all mine do is run towards the CS base in the swamp ignoring everything in their way
Kill yourself
>bandit named ravioli was fighting rats near cement factory
>managed to scrape off my health with is missfire
>he fucking chased down the last rat that was luring him onto two bloodsuckers near the marsh and died instantly

Jesus fuck if I didn't fuck up my recording

Forgot to note that he had a saiga 12
why the fuck is it so bright? that's not scary at all
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I won't let you die.
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It never ends
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slit your wrists and shave your head
in that order?
In that order?
In that order?
In that order?
nice retarded hud fov
I've been living under a rock for a couple of months, Stalkers. Whats this popular mod everyone is playing now? Call of Chernobyl? Last I heard it just added all maps to CoP. What else does it have? Faction wars? Can i pick my faction where to start? Does it have extra guns?
why write would anyone write it out when you can read it yourself?
You can choose starting faction and randomize starting gear, btw CoC is standalone.
Download CoC from moddb or mega and update it with cocdater or manually
AO 3.1 here for weapons, you can get OWR3 if you prefer as well.
Warfare + patches
Consider yourself spoonfed
Thank you. Sorry for being a faggot.
>Consider yourself spoonfed
good man
Have any of you ever played STALKER Online before it was hacked to death? Or played it at all
They just keep coming and coming
It never fucking ends
Did you install the decreased spawn rate option? It's a bit ridiculous otherwise.
slower spawns and more men per squad
but the swamp is something like the last bastion against the monolithian forces
Every "base" point has like 7-10 squads defending it and it´s pretty much just me clearing it since my brethren are doing nothing but standing around doing nothing
There's a way to take over control of the faction and type in the name of the point to give them the order to attack it. I haven't tried it myself, so I'm not too sure how to do it, but I know you can request a support squad by pressing numpad 1. It'll spawn a squad of like three guys a few hundred meters away that will start making their way over to your position.
Unless Werejew changed it recently, its Hit Insert to bring up the menu, then hit switch control and you will manually control, find the name of smart terrain you want to attack, hit insert again, and hit the set target then select the smart terrain.
It's in the readme.
"New in 0.1.9: If you hit the DELETE key (under insert), a DEFENSE squad will be sent to the nearest smart terrain around the player. If you hit
END, a squad will be sent directly toward the player (they will move toward you no matter what)."
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Already did that but the ai seems focused to just take the base which is pretty much impossible to take at this point
>numpad 1
and I was wondering why delete didn´t work anymore
I'm playing with normal spawns and shit's absolutely insane.
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>VEPR-12 + PSO-1 + 12 gauge slugs

might be cool
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>those fucking ankles
I just finished Lost Alpha

>retarded story
>empty areas with randomly placed wind/acid anomalies
>stupidly long cutscenes that make no sense
>PS1 tier animations
>bushes everywhere, enemies see straight through it
>rats everywhere
>ammunition on belt always fucks up with stacking
>cars just flip over when you try to turn
>different detectors only increase the noise when there are anomalies nearby
>some weapon upgrades do absolutely nothing, some even lower weapon stats
>on the other hand, the first assault rifle you get (AKM 74/2) can be upgraded to have gauss rifle accuracy and is literally the best weapon in the game
>le balanced artifacts (rock = +10% health/rupture/bulletproof, no downsides, can just wear like 5 of them no problem)
>90% of time is just running somewhere.

And the devs thought they would be able to sell this shit.
It was pretty good until x18, not worth playing after.
There was a mod for call of pripyat which was widely regarded as the best mod.

downloaded the game and want to play this mod but cant remember the name.

All i know is that it made the gamer harder but i couldnt play it on my toaster back then cus it needed more resources than the base game.

Anyone can mention the best maybe i remember if i read the name.

thank you
i wish i couldn't remember misery

Wtf happened, the hacking aside. I played it with a grpup of 20 friends, and then we stopped playing like 3 years ago. Then I see it's on steam and the game is seemingly dead as fuck and complete shit
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sZone != SO
>widely regarded as the best mod
Thanks Anon, I needed a good laugh.
co-op with fellow autists>SP>MP

shut up virgin basement dweller
I kinda think there is an issue with my last release where the faction logic just stopped updating. It's a problem I had with my offline combat simulator that I had thought I fixed, but I'm starting to think I didn't.

Shit just stops updating. No infinite loop, it just seems like the event timer halts updating and causes my mod to fuck up. That could be the reason your guys are doing nothing.

I'm working on it now. I was massively unproductive this weekend, but I'll be working on it throughout the week.
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playing with NPC companion autists>playing with RL autists>SP>MP
>no discussions, no personal thought or commentary!
NPC's are stupid, IRL autists are not.
im playing CoC for my first stalker experience, let that tie your panties in a knot
>IRL autists are not
[citation needed]
That's the point of autism, if you're autistic then you by definition can't be stupid.
Get back to me in a few hours and let me know if you still believe that.
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Okay okay. But still, I was mostly talking about autists from this general, because of course we would play together if a co-op mod came out.
>tfw you'll never stalk with your /sg/ buddies
>need legitimate help through game
>no responses only suicidal pressures
Yeah. Got a real fucking Pierre Curie over here.
Slight autism, the kind we all have here. I wasn't talking about those animals that are on the higher level of spectrum.
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Because radiation kicks you in the balls motherfucker.
Dump those Fireballs and get some Crystals or something.
Well, I agree. To play S.T.A.L.K.E.R. with real people, everybody needs to roleplay. You need a certain degree of autism to do that.
A bandit NBC suit? Neat. I wish there were more of a variety available for the player than just the generic one.
Kill yourself
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I wish I was in Pripyat praying to the Monolith instead of having to fight some Hobo´s in a swamp
Does Autumn Aurora 2 have stability issues/something that fucks saves?

Everything was fine until I finished x16 and I almost lost my progress when my save/quicksaves in yantar would crash the game. I eventually got out of there but then more crashing occurred later on at the bar and those saves are now also broken.
Yes, the same thing happened to me when I played it. For me I think it had something to do with one of the side-missions I accepted from Sakharov. I reported it to the AA2 devs on moddb when it happened, and one of them responded, acting like a cunt, claiming that it was already fixed.
Hey warfare guy, I got a crash in Deserted Hospital.

Expression : fatal error
Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error
File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
Line : 193
Description : <no expression>
Arguments : LUA error: ...es\stalker\coc\coc\gamedata\scripts\faction_brain.script:406: attempt to index local 'squad' (a nil value)

stack trace:

0023:007A717F xrCore.dll, xrDebug::fatal()
0023:057E19D5 xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::IgnorePause()
0023:057CB4D9 xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::IgnorePause()
0023:0377A9E0 ODE.dll, dJointSetBallAnchor()
0023:5A44088D d3dx9_43.dll, D3DXDeclaratorFromFVF()
0023:007A83F8 xrCore.dll, xrCriticalSection::Leave()
0023:003F029F xrCDB.dll, ISpatial_DB::_insert()
0023:007A83F8 xrCore.dll, xrCriticalSection::Leave()
0023:05AA975A xrGame.dll, xrFactory_Destroy()
0023:003F080A xrCDB.dll, ISpatial::spatial_register()
0023:007A83F8 xrCore.dll, xrCriticalSection::Leave()
0023:003F02B2 xrCDB.dll, ISpatial_DB::_insert()
0023:05006F34 xrRender_R2.dll
0023:003F029F xrCDB.dll, ISpatial_DB::_insert()
0023:771D286D ntdll.dll, RtlQueryPerformanceCounter()
0023:007ADC4D xrCore.dll, timestamp()
0023:05895B0F xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::IgnorePause()
Oh, I see the problem. I'll have a patch up in a few minutes.
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>it's cold and rainy outside
>sit on a soft as fuck sofa
>covered in a lambskin blanket, a wool blanket and a comfy cat is sitting on top
>go stalkan

Couldn't be better.
This version should fix that issue. https://mega.nz/#!us5B1BQL!QzxNWEhVmNaxaOCAHuejmd6hRnM53bmVvy8drgUvWks
such sagacity! such prescience!
How do to make offline squads move faster from level to level in warfare? Freedom is taking forever to move from red forest to limansk.
You play a better faction warfare mod, notably TFW.
ayy lmao
So I actually lowered the level distances from vanilla CoC which is why I distribute a custom all.spawn with Warfare. This is something that has annoyed me since day one.

You can speed up offline alife in general by editing gamedata\configs\alife.ltx and change the line that says: normal_time_factor = 7;

to something like normal_time_factor = 5;

The lower the number the faster they move offline.

If you're trying to get levels closer together only, you have to fuck with the map editor and it takes about seven minutes each time to build a new all.spawn file :\ That's why I left the level distances where they are for now.
Thanks for the information.
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I was wondering what all that gunfire was about. There was only a lone bandit left alive by the time I got here.
your a badass
Yup. I'll try fucking with the level offsets again here shortly.
>if you're autistic then you by definition can't be stupid.

might wanna look that up again.
Got the drop on him. This level is a lot larger than I was expecting it to be. It's actually really cool.
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Okay, question.

How to control Warfare Squads?
I really don't know how to manipulate or command shit properly.
Which are the controls?

>inb4 read the fucking "read me"
I read it and don't know shit.
This place is creeping me out.
Right now its super light controls. You pretty much just highlight targets for the faction AI.

You can press NUMPAD0 to request a defense squad, or NUMPAD1 to request a support squad.

If you hit insert, you can hit a button that says "Switch Control." After doing that, check your PDA and you should see a bunch of white circles (or red and green depending on whats going on in the game).

Then find the smart terrain you want to target and put your mouse over it and info about it should pop up including its name (for instance rookie village is esc_smart_terrain_2_12)

After that, press insert again and type the name in under where it says "Smart Terrain Name." The circle at that area should turn red after that and squads will begin being sent there.

I'll be working on better faction control soon, or at the very least giving smart terrains actual names.
yeah it gets pretty eerie.
On that note, if anyone has any recommendations for how they'd like faction control to work let me know. I can't make it so you can click smart terrains unfortunately do to how the xray engine is set up, but I can create custom gui at the very least. My current plan is to simply give smart terrains actual names and then make a drop down list where you can select levels you want your faction to invade instead of having to type in every individual target.
definitely separate faction control vs squad orders

there should be a way to order your faction to take a certain level, but also a way to direct/summon squads to specific terrains

so basically faction = level targets, squads = terrain targets
oh, and possibly include something like "base terrains", where capturing a specific terrain or two grants you control of the level or provides bonuses of some kind

eg freedom base for army warehouses, the big building in the garbage, bandit base in dark valley, etc
So with this you mean differentating between territory and bases? Where having the Freedom base in Military Warehouses would allow you to respawn, Depot in Garbage would allow respawns etc?

I do want to remove the whole spawn from literally any territory mechanic, it kinda sucks. Luckily I can think of a couple ways to do that and may end up doing it tonight.

So I'm thinking of something like this:
With the Send Order button, it would no longer only operate in "manual control" mode, but instead, whenever you hit "Send Order" with a valid target, I think I'm going to have it either find or create a new squad and send them to where you specified. It won't highlight as a target (unless people really want that). I'd add a cooldown timer to this, as it would effectively replace the defense squad request button.

Then there'd be the faction level control, where you select a level from a drop down list and hit either send order or a new button I make and it will then select that level for expansion. I'm thinking this would be done in manual control mode whereas the individual squad orders would work both in manual and automatic control modes.

How does all that sound?
Ever felt the trepidation that you might be being watched? The Zone has eyes, stalkers...
all the time. but it's just pure paranoia
yeah that's basically what i meant. it makes no sense that capturing a little camp in the woods is as important as capturing the huge fortified base.

perhaps what is more important is that the factions have no apparent sense of value when it comes to terrain, making level capture a bit of a scramble. something to consider is that there is no way for overall goals and planning to work right now because the squads seem to pick tasks and targets at their own leisure and it feels like the player has little impact or control over the situation. you can just clear out the enemies and hope your buddies get the job done.

i'm just throwing ideas around though.

as for the control system it sounds fine, but you should specify the differences between automatic and manual mode somewhere, perhaps in the readme. i'm still a little mystified as to what exactly the switch control button does.
Looks like he's found something nice. Y'know what, this is his lucky day. I'll let him live. That wounded bandit I executed after he spilled the beans to me could have been a comrade of his for all I know.
Oh boy, a Battery!
Can't wait to get to Yantar and sell all those artifacts. There's a smell of sweet rubles in the air.
Yeah. I'll add priority to targets with the next major update and make them send squads to bases first and then send squads to territory that wouldn't allow the faction to respawn second. Among secondary targets I'll make some resource points which will affect the likeliness an advanced or veteran squad will spawn.

And manual control is just the AI using player specified targets whereas automatic control is the AI choosing targets. Manual control is when you see every smart terrain on the PDA.
Is there anything I can do to avoid save game corruption? I'm playing DMMAE and Yantar is pretty much a no-go zone for me because any save I make in that area breaks.
In this case, no. You'll just have to rely on your autosave from when you entered the area. If you want to save, you'll need to leave the area and come back.
Just to clarify, I meant that only for Yantar. Saves in any other are will work just fine.
so just don't save.
aka git gud
Why is this issue exclusive to Yantar?
probably something being spawned fucked up, or a script runtime error

just guessing tho
Wow, we almost filled the thread.
inb4 it dies while I'm sleeping
It is more active than past weeks though.
I'm trying out the CS Faction War mod for the first time. Does the AI actually move around and try to take territory or is it still just like vanilla CS where they stop advancing at a certain point/get stuck?
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What's some good stalkin' music?
Anything major changed in CoC since 1.0.9? Been away for a while

it's at 1.2.24 now

>dat squat
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What is /sg/'s opinion on Fallout 4?
fuck off to /fog/

that's pretty much our general concensus
fuck off to /fog/
It's a post-nuclear shooter like fallout. You should have a positive consensus on it.

And /fog/ is fucking abysmal right now.
>playing OSGE
>just got over my savescumming addiction
>feeling good about myself when my companion and I assault the military checkpoint before the farm successfully
>me and my nigga Vannis Cannabis
>had him follow me because he has an AKM and DUDE WEED LMAO
>split loot between us and prepare to trek back to the rookie camp
>shit I'm fucked up I better sleep
>wake up
>'BLOWOUT SOON' - Slavfuck Shitface
>oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck
>run to bandit camp where thankfully Wolfs guys are still there and bandits haven't re spawned
>ride it out
>walk under the underpass near rookie camp to sleep
>realize its a psisurge
>cant sleep
>screen going fucking crazy


>get shot
>military swarming everywhere and advancing into tunnel, like 5 guys
>Vannis Cannabis throws a grenade and then mows down the remaining 2
>didnt fire one shot
>holy fuck that was crazy
>think about saving
>decide to just go to rookie camp first
>sneak in the back while shits going down
>everyone dying, military has RPGs
>during a psisurge
>have the most intense firefight of my life knowing that I haven't saved in like 2 hours
>slowly advancing to the front of village
>get hit, run into abandoned house to patch myself up
>see Vannis running after me
>gets hit directly with an RPG rocket and blows up in front of my eyes
>psisurge plus bleeding making my screen go crazy, crouch and watch the militaries footsteps slowly advance in the village as they mow down stalkers
>get pissed that my companion died and throw 2 grenades, stop playing cautious, and spray and pray in a standing position behind a line of military guys
>waste all of them in a fiery explosion
>my asshole unclenches as I realize everything's over
>realize heart was beating fast and this game genuinely stressed me out
>also realize that if that RPG wouldn't have hit Vannis it would have killed Wolf and a couple other loners
>saved half of the surviving loners with his shit AI

Rest in peace Vannis Cannabis, the hero we didn't deserve ;_;

We were going to join Freedom together because his name was so dank..
>dude weed
If /fog/ is abysmal go back there and make it unabysmal.

Stalker is so different and better than fallout that they don't deserve to even be compared.
Not true.

Fallout: New Vegas is one of my favorite games of pretty much all time, sounds plebby but I was a huge fan of Fallout 2 growing up so I loved it. Yes they're different games but the series isn't objectively better or anything.

I can't comment on Fallout 4, haven't played it. But the two series can't even really be compared.

The only things about it that interest me are one, you can play as a milf and two, there's a female companion with a French accent. Other than that it looks like a dog of a game and a regression from New Vegas.
Okay, how does this mod get going?

There doesn't seem to be any faction fighting going on, I can't find any firearms, various stalkers seem to be ridiculously durable (I saw a pseudogiant corner a duty squad member and beat on him for close to 30 seconds before the giant died and the duty squad member kept going unscathed) and I can't join any factions because they don't trust me.
oh man he fell for the meme
Having just made the trek from CNPP to Deserted Hospital to the south side of Limansk, I can safely say that that is something I never want to have to do again.
Why'd you do it? Anything interesting happen?
I had just finished capturing CNPP for the Monolith when the faction decided to conquer Limansk. The quickest way to get there was through the deserted hospital. I'd never actually been to the map before, so that was nice. It's a pretty map but it's basically a corridor and it's not very big; there were some Freedomers and Clear Sky there but nothing that posed a challenge.

Same thing for Limansk, just lots of radiation, some bandits and mutants, and a few areas where I wasn't sure where to go because of big anomalies that look like they should be blocking off areas but don't actually do any damage.

The most interesting thing about the trip was probably picking up a free exoskeleton from the Monolith Command Center.
what meme
guys i havent played stalker in a long time
i installed Call of Chernobyl with some addons for it(like the new weapons and stuff)

Does any faction have quests for exploring/getting stuff from underground places?
i.e: FO4 getting technical docs for BoS come to mind as an example, but it could be artifact or whatever.

Also can i change factions or im stuck with the one i started with?
>Does any faction have quests for exploring/getting stuff from underground places?
Not in CoC, no. It does in every vanilla game though.
>Also can i change factions or im stuck with the one i started with?
Nope, you can only choose factions on start.
>Not in CoC, no. It does in every vanilla game though

Yeah i know.
But i thought it may have some like that because i've had quests to get an AK74-SU and 2 pieces of bread for a guy for example.
So i wondered if there is any quest related to the underground complexes.

Mostly because i want to RP as a CS guy who gets stuff for CS scientists from the labs.
No, there are none. All Dick has are generic fetch quests like the one you brought up.
File: mouse.jpg (335KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
335KB, 1920x1080px
Help stalkers!
In CoC+AO3 2.0, I can't move mouse pointer under from here. It doesn't reach to "apply" or "trade." Once I change window by alt+tub and back, it is okay but so troublesome.

And my game often crash suddenly and get the error "[error][ 298] : Too many posts were made to a semaphore" in .log
What's semaphore? I've never seen such a dumb error.
Do tasks until your reputation is high enough to join a faction. It's a fine mod, ignore the maymay chat
first guess would be you patched wrong, installed the mod wrong or forgot something, thats what usually cuases this kind of spasm
Do you have any overlay programs running, like RadeonPro?
Limansk Hospital can be the gauntlet of bleeding shpincters in some mods.... fucking RPGs...
Hello stalkers
I just installed SOC and added the complete 2009 mod thingy
Is that all I need to get a good experience?
Is there anything else I should get?
Well if you are unsure, you might check out the Stalker FAQ wrote with care up there, it includes some tips about Complete too but all around Stalker tips, mostly SoC because I have finished only that one.

If you experience loading times that are too long check the FAQ, also make sure to play at "Master", Stalker's difficulty is very odd, to play at lower it will frustrate you due to you and the enemy taking too much time to die.
I am playing on Stalker
I was gonna ask what difficulty would be the best for a beginner, I guess I'll switch
Okay, I'll reinstall the mod. If it happens again I'll come here.

Does shadow play is overlay programs? I'm running it.
By the way, when I play stalker, my shadow play lefts temp files even after I exit from the game. Something wrong?

No Shadowplay doesnt count as overlay program.

Fraps and steam overlay for example, both does.
You now realize this guy is an adult.

no that guy is a manchild
Mod please.
Damn, which weapon add-on are you using?
>wake up
>check /sg/
>someone asked me a question just 20 minutes earlier
Happens a lot recently.

OGSE with the AA2 eye candy.

based on hud that CoC + the weapons addon
So, AO3?

yea that one
Do any CoC add-ons have helmet overlays?
it absolutely shits on the idea that it's an rpg. there's zero fucking choice in the story
the gunplay is fun as hell (except for sniping) and i with that we would have had this sort of graphics and shit in stalker
Curie best waifu, otherwise it's shit, and this is coming from a guy who likes fallout a lot (except 3, 3 is also shit, just less so).
Also, fuck off to /fog/
New bread.
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