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PlayStation 4 General #252 - /ps4g/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 755
Thread images: 142

>PS4Gen bookmarks


>Dragon Quest Builders PS4 model announced for Japan

>Yakuza: Kiwami details Majima Anywhere system

>PS4 Remote Play coming to PC and Mac

>Attack on Titan game launches February in Japan, second trailer

>Far Cry Primal gameplay premiere set for The Game Awards 2015

>King’s Quest, Freedom Wars, more free for PlayStation Plus subscribers in December

>Dragon Quest Builders details land of Rimuldar

>First look at Project City Shrouded in Shadow

>First look at Disaster Report 4 Plus for PS4, trailer



>PS+ Current Offerings
(US) http://blog.us.playstation.com/tag/playstation-plus/
(EU) http://blog.eu.playstation.com/tag/playstation-plus/

>PS Store Updates
(US) http://blog.us.playstation.com/tag/playstation-store/
(EU) http://blog.eu.playstation.com/tag/playstation-store/
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We need more games where you can impregnate anime waifu characters.
We currently have none.
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3rd for cute female /ps4g/enners
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For TGAs and PSX hype. :^)
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Bloodborne is all about pregnancy, periods and generally about how icky girls are.
>We need more games where you can impregnate anime waifu characters.
Only if there are games where I can play as the waifu getting impregnated.
>Bloodborne is all about pregnancy, periods
>There are still people that believe the period blood bullshit
But it makes sense!
>A woman gets pregnant and delivers something fairly larger than an actual baby
>Is not shown pregnant once.
Japan seriously believes Babies come from the ether don't they? They do everything they can to not make pregnant women.
Nah, it's just their normal blood. Not period blood. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to heal from beast blood.

blood is blood mate
LA Noire remaster when?
Period blood and normal blood are two TOTALLY different things.

ok whatever you say lady
Is that some Nyanners?

man, whores are the best
Who does stuff like this? God I'd smack that guy so hard!

obviously me on the right

who gets his dick sucked? no one here lol
>165 posters in the last thread

How fast are we going to fall?
>couch co-op
I don't even own two controllers
So "Nyannerss" on PSN is the real Nyanners right?
Who the fuck cares?
how do you got my ID???
>media player 1.50
can it show mkv subs yet?
I dont kiss strangers

>actually kissing anyone

if you're the real nyanners, post about this on twitter on your account
you can't
It's evolutionary device to share bacteria.
No, who does that to a chick while she's playing a game? If a guy did that to me I'd smack him.
>Us NEET, Amirite ? XD

did you know there's more bacteria in your mouth than in your butthole? trust me I'm a pharmacy student, kissing is gross


agreed, only a creep would do that
are you a grirl?
you know it's pointless to get offended by porn right?
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they added support for ISIS propaganda

dum dum we're all girls here, thihihihih
When someone says someone else is offended it's basically impossible to refute, you just look like an idiot trying to say 'nuh uh'. So I'll simply say, I enjoy some porn, I'm upset that James Deen might be a rapist, and I was just trying to communicate frustration over someone trying to interrupt someone enjoying her games.
>raping a whore
That's impossible anon.
Wow, how progressive

good let that jew fuck die of aids now that his career is dead
but it's porn, look at her hands, she isn't playing anything
It's the principal of the matter, I hate it when fuckers interrupt me.
maybe, you should fuck off to reddit
Maybe you should lick my clit.
so you're admitting to having a cock shoved in your mouth while playing video games

why would you even part your lips if you didn't want to be interrupted?

yes I'm victim-blaming but in this case the victim is a dumb cunt
kys faggot
Gladly, as long as you're cute. What state are you in, hun

I mean someone has a pretty low opinion about you if he doesn't give a fuck about what you're doing and interrupts you
No, just people interrupting me in various ways when I'm playing games.

People just have shit to do and they need to talk to me, idk it's pretty normal.
once again, it's porn

she's a slut inviting his cock into her mouth
Ded tred

I guess everyone is playing vidya
I'd rather it be like this than the last thread.
tfw i want to play with ps4gen

nobody plays with me

such is life
Then post your ID, and what games you have retard then maybe you'll find people to play with.
Take the initiative pussy
Post your profile if you want someone else to play with you.
What you wanna play faggot?
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Should i get J-Stars Victory Vs + ?
I like Anarchy Reigns.
It's not nice to call women sluts, even if they are in porn.
anyone looking to suck some cock?
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I-i-i-it's not like I wanted to play with you or anything!

y-you samefags
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This guy again, kek
I don't know why shitmato still hangs around on the internet. LIterally everybody from every community he's been part of hates that faggot

Who are you and why do they all hate you.
Should i hate you?
Yes i'm new to this General.
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>tfw I wasted my second rock on the fucking hammer
just get some in Chalice Dungeons.
I did 2 today and only got chunks
YNA loves him.
two tripfags from vitagen hate him they have spamming a hate campaign since like 2 years, then everybody followed.
Were any of them Depth 5?
No one likes yna either, except for other turbo autists
>LIterally everybody from every community he's been part of hates that faggot
woa, really?
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>gets banned for samefagging
>says other fags have a campaigns against him
top kek
Anything worth buying before the flash sale ends tomorrow?

If you're american get guilty gear and bloodborne, if euro get witcher
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>stirring up shit and lies
>samefagging claims with no source
>no tripcode
>literally using a image from 2014
do you really hate Tomato, don't you?
Holy shit, my jaw just dropped. Moonlight gs is in old hunters?
This changes everything, I'm gonna hafta get this expansion now
Meh, I already have both.
Guess I'll get Rune Factory, Axiom looks good too, but I'm sure it'll be on PS+ at some point
which hammer?
boom or kirk?
Who's ready for GTA V DLC episode 1 at PSX?

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>two tripfags from vitagen hate him
I wonder who could be
how does ps plus works

is it basically just 3 free games a month?

Just downloaded magicka 2 and that other game, looks fun.
>no tripcode
Show hows much of a newfag you are, Tomato's a namefag he rarely ever used a trip.
Learn english you ESL fuck

Seriously kys tomato
>YNA and Shu used to be friends
>Mugi leaked YNA's identity
>now they hate each other
Why are trips synonymous with shitposting?
yeah, but they're only "free" as long as your sub is active.
if your sub expires you can't play them until you re-sub.
ah i see

pretty good actually

Any of you guys played nobunagas ambition?

Game looks cool.
>two tripfags from vitagen hate him
>posts random image
>they SHOULD hate tomato
kys retard
>tripfag shitposting

Yep, goodnight ps4gen, I dont like when you go full autismo. Tripfag are shit, but shitposting about your hate of tripfag is still shitposting.
fuck you tomato, and don't ever come back
you little piece of shit
Why would it be announced there?
Is there a rumor going around or something?
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kirk moths ago, I think there is another rock on the expa anyways


Does this play well on console? I just really don't feel like playing it on pc
well then go find some Chalice Dungeon codes that have confirmed Blood Rocks.
People just want to hear anything from rockstar so they make up stories about Agent, Red Dead 2, GTA5 story DLC etc.
>implying they need anything besides microtransactions in GTA online.
yes it plays pretty well once you get the controls down

make sure you turn up the text size right off the bat

haven't played with latest patch
No it's bad, ugly and repetitive, get Xenoverse or wait for Eyes of Heaven
The black VA said he finished recording lines for something GTA a few months back.
Speaking of PSX rumors, there is one going around about Ace Combat 7 being announced, which I honestly don't care about at all.

When are the video game awards or whatever? aren't they soon? Don't they usually have game announcements?
Cool, thanks. I'll probably get it after I finish Yakuza 2 and SW4
I know the Godzilla game received mediocre reviews, but is it worth grabbing for 12 USD on the PS4?
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How bad is Dragon Fin Soup?
So bad it's not worth $5?
I got that $15 reward thing, so it'd only be $5.
yes if you like kaiju and are not expecting a movie tie-in to hollywood godzilla of 2014
>San Andreas trophies posted
>there's a plat
the game is free on this moths ps+ games
is bad because is filled with bugs and has a lot of UI problems hope it gets patched, but no word on that
PS2 comparability.

It exists!
>following the damn train for a plat
>Ace Combat 7
another F2P game?
Actually, it's not that. This is a native port to PS3, same as the one 360 got last year.


Note that it's listed as a PS3 game.
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Maybe PSNprofiles can't recognize it and the script picked it up as PS3. I really doubt Rockstar would make a PS3 SA practically in 2016.
PC port compatibility!
It exists!
There's also been listings for a physical release for PS3 put up, as well as exophase also showing the list for PS3.
Why is there already a guy with the plat?
GTA V worth getting for $36 a year later, doesn't seem like anyone here plays together anymore

Maybe a dev, maybe they needed to check if the system works
They do that without using the public psn.

Definitely considering getting SA again, is it a matter of just buying an old PS2 disc version and using that? I really wish I hadn't sold my ps2 and all it's games, but that was like 10 years ago now...

Yes, even if you just play the singleplayer mode. If you have liked any GTA before you'll like V, it is polished as fuck and the first person mode alone is worth it. I didn't really care for the online though.
It's on ebay for about the same price, get it physical.
The resale value will probably stay decent for a while, you can't do shit with it once you get it digital.
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>Bought a PS4
>Realized that I'm only interested in Bloodborne and DQH at the moment
>All the other games I want come out next year

This is the same mistake I made when buying a Wii-U.
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>owning more than one console per gen
Variety is the spice of life.

I own a Vita and 3DS, too.
>Not owing every console and handheld system

Why not?
>Every console

Jesus anon, calm down, nobody would willingly own an Xbone.
>download Tearaway Theme
>pretty gud
>has a bright blue background
Welp, guess it's back to the TLoU theme, what a disappointment.
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>both a ps4 and xbone and not just one or the other
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Speak for yourself anon, I just bought one this Black Friday.
Sunset Overdrive & H5 are fun af. Gives me something to do, while I wait for the 2016 PS4 games.

Hey, everyone has their low points. MCC and the idea of playing maps from 1/2 was neat, then I realized I could just system link Halo 1/2 and have more fun on the original Xbox. That, and the game actually worked right on it. Haven't really played it since, but it's still sitting there with dust and so on.


I'm not seeing the issue. I live alone and just have a dog to take care of. Disposable income helps with these things.

But seriously, just kidding, I hope you enjoy your games.
Holy shit you're stupid
It's free on PS+ right now so you don't need to pay for it. If you had to, in the game's current state, it's not worth $5. Hell it isn't worth it free if you ask me.

I literally have a problem with almost every part of the game from the protagonist (Hey Capcom's calling they want BB Hood back), to the game world, to pretty much every design element down to map opacity, plus the manual is poorly done as well. That's not including the fact that the game is riddled with bugs.

Gameplay wise it's a dumbed down version of Izuna minus the charm.

It's just really obvious this is a game by people who don't know the genre really well but felt like they could do it better based on watching a few youtube video let's plays.

TLDR: Any money spent on DFS at full price (for whatever reason) would be better spent on buying a 3 month PS+ sub, adding it to your library but waiting for a patch. If you're lucky they may even patch in a good game, like any other Mystery Dungeon game.
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>I don't like what you bought
>y-you're stupid
Why the FUCK do they wait until now to do a PS3 port? And why only SA? Why not the whole trilogy? Will we get the PS2 trilogy with PS4 emulation?

So many questions.
So since a group of random people got PPSSPP to run on PC, it wouldn't it be possible for Sony to bring PSP emulation to the PS4?

I'd really like to have a way to play those games in the future since they're starting to shut down service for it.
>>there's a plat

>PSX going normally
>suddenly rockstar logo on backdrop
>guy comes out and shows off GTA V first expansion
>he then says all Rockstar games are now playable on PS4 and SA is free this weekend, starting right now
>he says he has one more reveal, but to wait for E3 due to it being part of the secret "Agent" way, winks and walks off stage
>but to wait for E3 due to it being part of the secret "Agent" way, winks and walks off stage
You think you're clever don't you?
What vita game do you want ported to the PS4 ?
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I feel like Rockstar can only announce either the GTAV DLC or a new game this week. I hope it's the latter.

The GTA single-player expansion would have to be pretty creative for me to accept it over an entirely new project.
Were you the one I wanted to play MP3 with?
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How do I tric- I mean, convince my friend into getting a ps4?
another ballad of gay tony tier chapter would be ok, that was fun as fuck.
My cousin gave me a $50 psn card for my birthday. What are some good games to get?
They probably want to pack GTAV away for no so the series can rest and sell another billion dollars when VI comes out.

Take Two even admitted they will intentionally be spacing out Rockstar releases to increase the perceived value of games.
I made that post about wanting to play it with the DualShock 4, so yeah. I really had trouble coming back to the game. Don't remember the irritating dead zone from when I last played on Xbox. I miss the aiming settings GTAV has, which should be standard in almost every shooter, really.

I don't normally trophy-hunt, but I was going to attempt the platinum since it seemed challenging and I like the game enough. Then I saw the multiplayer trophies.
Is it hard or something?
What if it's an exploration of the ayylmaos?

I don't want anything for GTA5, beat it on ps3, beat it on ps4, 100%, I'm fucking done with it, new game pls
dmc4 if you're into hack and slash
DMC4 isn't what you would consider a "hack and slash"
I just don't know if I can stand it enough to play until level rank 50, and unlock all the guns and characters.
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any ps+ subscription sales?
Did you look up the tips and shit? Apparently you can hit Lv 50 using SP chapter or something.

CDkeys website, though they probably ran out now. Look up cyber monday deals.
How has Uncharteds price not plummeted yet? TLOU went down to $12 from all of the codes in circulation, and we just had the biggest shopping day of the year.
So was that $230 PS4 deal from the sketchy site legit?
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What do you guys think liberation of the blue sky could be?

Could it be that Sega is working on another game that isn't Yakuza or Sonic?

Start of another Trilogy in the AU for VC?
Or alternative universe for skies of arcadia
Virtual On

It's be nice for anything SoA, but I just don't know. But I suppose we'll see soon enough.
Denim underwear seems like it would be both impractical and uncomfortable.
Obviously, but it might as well be.
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If I open up my dualshock and remove the led's in the lightbar will the battery improve?
Who /tomorrowchildren/ here?

Will we get a release date in December?

just buy another controller and fill that up with juicy electricity while you game on the other and vice versa you neet fuck


yeah, looks interesting, will probably be a ps+ game
I didn't get to play any of the betas, but it looked sorta interesting.
Fingers crossed for an "available now!" type announcement.
It's not the light, it's the tracking motion thing that always on that sucks up the battery
>Okami HD is rendered in 4k and then downscaled to 1080p in real-time

What the fugg, PS4 4K port when?
But that's a waste of money. 50 bucks is a lot to spend for something that isnt a fun game

what do you do when you have friends over or a girl? or when your mom wants to play vidya with you? how do you even play couch coop anon
Thats what I'm betting will happen with RiME, I mean this tweet is from back in july, and if the crunch is over I can only imagine they have been smoothing out the edges for the past couple months, remember this game was announced like back before we even knew what the ps4 looked like.
Persona 5 when?
Persona ps4: Golden when?
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forgot image
Persona bundle next year which includes P5+ download codes for P4 and P3 to run on emulator.
Trust me, my dad works for Sony.
We play PS2 instead with my garage-sale hand-me-down, crusty controllers
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Not gonna happen, big earthquake will strike japan next month and all atlus's employee and building will be dead
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Is she going to have an ending? Or are we going to be stuck with that weird looking pink blob?
>want to get this headset today
>the blue pisses me off
I really want P3 to be emulated on PS4. P4 can stay since theres already a definitive version on Vita.
I think I read in a preview that there will be a variety of pairings available.
So it shouldn't just be about who MC ends up with.
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I don't need variety, I just need to know if she's going to have a romance ending and not just a fixed one.
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So get the 20th anniversary ones.
$10 more on amazon, but if its THAT big an issue for you, might be worth it.
it looks nice because its all one color and muh nostalgia but I prefer black over grey any day :[
Well how about you stop being a fag and just get the black then.
If you buy a mannequin head and use that as your headphone stand you'll never have to see the blue except when you're moving it from the mannequin to your own head
what the shit
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>San Andreas has a trophy list
Aww yiss.
fuck off
I was thinking of broadcasting on youtube from my ps4 but then it says PSN has to manage my videos and account to make it happen. What does this even mean?
stop posting worst girl pls k thnx
thank you anon, that was just the words I needed to hear!
Good man.
Should have gotten a nonmeme headset
Better ones by Sony exist for cheaper but the Word Playstation isn't written on them
It's weird because sony makes some good headphones too.
When does PSN usually update their weekly deals?
we don't know what region you are in, I hear google does tho.
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mfw girl thanks breh
hard to find a nice, good quality headset with a built in hidden microphone. I really dislike the ones that come out.
Good girl then.
Sony MDR-ZX660AP, about 50€
Sure was hard to find
I hope Destroy All Humans 1 and 2 are BC games. Playing those at 1080p 60fps would be nice.

There's no signs of Final Fantasy XV, which is really making me start to believe they're gonna have a big showing of it at PSX.
Or they're saving it for E3 2016. Which is more likely than PSX.
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>cost more
oh, forgot to mention I also hate wired headsets

but seriously I appreciate the research, I may try them out in the future for non-gaming.
I doubt they're gonna leave off showing it until the next scheduled event in March, there's no way they're gonna let it sit for more than half a year.

I'm betting we'll get another short trailer at the very least.
I dont keep up witht the community, when are they guessting the release date will be?

I know SE mentioned a demo recently.
>I dont keep up witht the community, when are they guessting the release date will be?

Probably Q4 2016 at the earliest, and its confirmed we'll be finding out for sure in March at a 'masive' event they have schedule for the game.
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First looks at Danganronpa V3 coming in.
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Fuck yeah
I honestly don't get Dangan.
If you all want to play something depressing, why don't you just play Real Life
It's not even depressing. It's so fucking stupid a story and characters that it's almost like a pure comedy game.

Action games where the enemies don't have any actual hitstun make the game feel like your attacks have any weight. It looks nice, but come on man, if you're making an action game step it the fuck up.

Anyone else getting Eyes of Heaven on release?
1 and 2 on PS4 fucking when? PSX
No, because based on what I played and what I saw of it on youtube, it's a really shitty arena fighter with only fanservice.

At least I had fun in JJBA, because there was some depth to it.

Think Battlefront but with shitty graphics, they are not selling you a good game, they are selling you a shit game with tons of fanservice. Litteraly if there was no JoJo at all, but OC characters used with the exact same gameplay nobody would talk about it. Exactly like in battlefront, if there was no starwars at all but instead a generic OC scifi setting, it would have failed hard.
You're stupid, the gameplay demo has been great. It's the one thing CC2 can do well, that being arena fighter fanservice games. But if you had fun in ASB, then I guess I can't really say much to you.
That's because I like fighting game.
This is just a casual fest, made because of the recent jojo hype, exactly like all the shit naruto game CC2 made.
But hey, never said you were not allowed to enjoy playing this shit game, just explained why I wouldnt.
There was no depth to ASB though. It was a game that relied solely on fanservice as there was nothing you could do when the game dropped below 20fps frequently.
If you liked fighting games you wouldn't have liked anything remotely about ASB since it was an absolute trash fighting game. How anyone could enjoy ASB for anything BUT the fanservice is beyond me because it literally had no fighting game depth.

>All the shit Naruto game
You're insane, Naruto is fucking trash but those Naruto games are actually pretty in depth, both mechanically and general gameplay wise. They're really damn good.
>Game X is shit, Y was great.
>No anon, X is good, Y was shit, you clearly are retarded !
>No-no, shut your mouth, X is shit, you are retarded !

This argument. You all are retarded and all your games are shit. That why nobody like the fightan game community.
hello /v/
Thanks for proving my point.
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Whobisbthis semen demon? Where is she from? Need sauce in that outfit and character for educational purposes.
>You can't impregnate this 10/10 girl
Why does Japan hate me?
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Please calm down.
It says in the first picture, フィオーレ
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That's not calming down at all.
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I'm more excited for ZE3 tbqh pham.
>she will never wrap her hair around you
There's no way we'll know unless tri-Ace says something about it or until the game is released.
>she will never make fun of your penis and step on it
I really do hope Fiore's design doesn't get censored in the NA/EU release. With all the feminist and SJWs out there its hard that she won't be a target of scrutiny.
SE showed off the game at e3
What they showed was the Japanese version. I hate to be pessimistic but we don't know yet what changes they might do for the English localization just to appease those self-righteous cunts. We're already seeing happen.
Speaking censorship, did anyone see fatpieceofshitquistion did a video on DOAX3 being a SJW pandering bitch?
>the checkers are all filled in
We're already seeing it happen with other games I mean.

>living in sjw land
Feels good to know japanese
The entire video is basically just mocking the discussion. I usually think Jimquisition is either interesting angles or decently thought out arguments relating to the subject at hand each week, but in this case he's essentially just ironic shitposting and not discussing anything.
This is the kind of shit that makes me wish we could, just for a little bit, go back to '4chan is Legion' and just ruin people like Jim and other SJW dick suckers
Good taste
>Shitty game awards that only announce indie art projects on Thursday
>PSX with hopefully good announcements and Yakuza 5 release finally on Saturday
>Capcom Cup with SFV and great quality matches on Sunday

9/10 week
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>can't get a response out of any pr people or amazon

alright seriously when the fuck is gravity rush getting put on amazon.ca

At the end of the day, it wouldn't likely have been censored (From what we've seen), but saying that no one cares nor would be try and champion it to be altered in a more 'tasteful' manner is silly. All you really need to look at is how much coverage these games got back 9+ years ago and it's easy to see how bloated that kind of reactions became in the last few years due to the advent of social media. Saying there's no one that cares is silly considering his previous employer even had an article about the DOAX games and them being sexist and so on.

Yes, they basically took their ball and went helm before they even left their own driveway, but acting like there's no controversy about the game is kind of odd. All you need to do is search for articles related to the first two games to see this.
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>went helm

Really hyped for KH HD actually, if only to see delicious Aqua in PS4 glory.
Probably around the same time as when yurop opens up the pre-orders. That is IF we're still getting a retail release.
whatever happened to this shit?
It's dead jim
I heard it went through some serious retooling. It hasn't surfaced in like 2 years though, it's probably dead now.

Or it's just being turned in Dragon's Dogma 2.

I wish.
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Don't do this to me anon.
>Dragon's Dogma 60FPS coming to PS4 same day as PC version
>Dragon's Dogma 2 announced at PSX

Fucking confirmed.
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Just wishful thinking on my part. It'd be nice to see something come of it, even if it is a time after the PC release, I just would like another game in the series.
lol those bullshit graphics. It's always the same every gen.
battlefront looks almost that good desu
Eh, BF doesn't look THAT good.
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>People don't like boobs
I like normal sized boobs, not those weird tumors.
They said that about nearly every PS4 game and they came all out like the trailers.
So you hate boobs.
I couldn't think of a better looking game
but yeah fire probably won't look as good as it did in that trailer ever on the ps4
>but yeah fire probably won't look as good as it did in that trailer ever on the ps4
Fire, Water and Grass will probably NEVER look good because they are simply too asset heavy to make look good and would literally drag a game down.
that's not true
just because people with good taste prefer ass doesn't mean they don't appreciate good boobs
No, I said I like nomral human boobs.
Those are probably infected with Brugia or a tumor, it's disgusting.
Please don't shove your weird fetishes onto people.
>He doesn't have weird fetishes.
Oh do you want your VANILLA ice cream in a VANILLA cone Sonny?
I have weird fetishes, when the fuck did I say otherwise? I just don't force them onto people like an asshole.
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>HATE big boobs
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flat > tumors
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you guys are gonna call me a retard and i fully deserve that but please answer my question

i bought a PS4 and it arrived just now, but there's something i missed

i don't actually own a tv
i completely forgot about that since i haven't used tv in years
i have a vita though, will it be possible to use that remote play thingy in order to configure it and everything?
No, you need a display to set the remoteplay in the first place.
Don't you have a PC monitor?
i only have a laptop which is a shame
my desktop is a few thousands kilometres away from me
General rule of thumb is boobs must make up at least 40% of a woman's body weight.
Trip back on.
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Sorry mate, you'll have to borrow a screen.
And get a real computer.
get a tv now while there are sales everywhere
No I don't think that will work with a vita
>Implying your standard for boob size is the norm
The PS4 gives you a code you have to input on your Vita to set up Remoteplay.
After that, you can use the Vita as a screen alright, but you won't be able to use the DS4.
Anon, an boob size that only freaks or a very insignificant percentage of humans have, is not the norm by definition.
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>you will never receive paizuri from 40%
I fucking hate you all.
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then leave?
Nobody else on the internet dares talk about the games I play. So no.
I'm going to stay here and be angry about it forever.
40% is the last person I want paizuri from, and I'm obsessed with paizuri.
lol anon that's hilarious. borrow your neighbor's screen for a second?
It really depends where you're from anon.

get like some 80$ tv at best buy and return it after
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okay. it's not good to be angry all the time though
15% off some new normie games with UUDDLRLR at amazon

And it not so good to be slutty all the time either.
When 40% becomes gets huge boobs and shows us how big of a slut he really is not the way he is right now.
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Rakuyo is the only non-meme weapon to be added in the expansion

>tfw PvP against scrubs thinking that my 10+ Chikage is my final form

No average anywhere is still that big.
n-no it's not
I bet there are people on ps4gen who don't watch average sized boobs suddenly grow 3-5 cup sizes while the woman is flustered
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>Plebs ITT literally buying the meme Playstation Wireless Headset
>Bild as source
Thanks for the laugh.
fuck off yna
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pretty sure he meant to quote >>123877697
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You know what would get this party started?
Ace Combat 7, I agree.
Games that don't warrant their own general while still being ps4 only or console only at least.
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>that webm
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Is anyone here still playing TESO?
Was it worth the money? I am super tired by XIV lately and looking for something else to play. Singleplayer games only work that long for me and since there are still sales on TESO it might be worth it.

What the best sale on TESO atm?
just like UC4 when fist revealed
fucking bullshit
what's uc4
Its just different time, so light is different.
any sales on ps+
30€ I think
Yeah sure. When the game comes out we'll see.
That's what /v/ said about BB and Infamous SS at one point, but sure.
If I was SCE Santa Monica I would make the long in wait GOW reboot about egyptian gods have a female lead and call it Goddess of War. She would be very sexy with tits and ass but also abs, so character design by real XXIII
You can't look at that video and believably tell me thats going to be in the final game. They even say "in-engine" instead of "in-game".

Besides Infamous SS was pretty ugly in places, Bloodborne didnt look that great either.
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That's what they said about Battlefront when the captions said it was on PS4 as well.
Remember piss filter
>another game with female protagonist

what is that? a new No One Lives Forever game?
>leaker said incoming Princess Tutu videogame
>now this
Oh shit
I'm searching for active club in Driveclub
ign: mikas3322
I think that is another game, GoW 4 was accidentally leaked the last PSX
>numbers in name
lmao nobody wants to play with a pleb like you
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Sorry man, but driveclub isn't very active, and /ps4g/ certainly isn't very active, so there are very few active /ps4g/ driveclub clubs nowadays.
>tfw I'm the only one in existence enjoying Battlefront

Looks damn fine too.

They need to desperately add more maps though and make the character customisation better. So far it's just a bunch of ugly human faces that I don't want. The two that I do want is the weird scrotum faced Sullustan for the rebel scum and the Scout Trooper for Imperials since everything else just looks the same.

I can guarantee they'll add them in an expansion pack though, there's fucking loads of stormtrooper variations and yet they've only included 3 which is bullshit.

Apart from that, pretty sweet to be honest family members.
they probably have a huge list of things planned for expansions/DLC
What's wrong with numbers in your name?
Queen YNA has numbers too.
Are you implying that yna isn't pleb as fuck?
>>tfw I'm the only one in existence enjoying Battlefront

No, you're just not on reddit.
He has 70 plats, he's patrician af.

Plats are for plebs.

What is this?
I hope Misse somehow manages to win.
Spoken like a true pleb
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>PS4 ver. out 12/2, Vita ver. out 11/30



Anyone who takes modern single player games seriously is the true pleb.
STGs are better on handhelds.
Takes a true pleb to know what's pleb pleb.
Except Battlefront does look good. Infamous is uncanny in a lot of places and Bloodborne is ugly in a ton of places.
>and Bloodborne is ugly in a ton of places.
The fuck is wrong with you?
What's wrong with your eyes? There are a shit lod of places in the game that are straight up ugly to look at. Blurred textures, low detailed enviroments, etc.
Good job proving you didn't play the game.
Sony pony detected, muh exclusive can do no wrong!
Sure thing m8
Says who?
>Y-You didn't play it!!

Way to prove you're just a fanboy who cant handle criticism
Autistic gay fuccboi that shitposts at any opportunity.
Saying baseless bullshit isn't criticism, it's just being a fucking idiot that can't handle an exclusive being good.

Not him but why don't you nerds just post some of the ugly areas of the game and leave it at that rather than childish back and forth banter? yikes
literally never seen anyone post as yna
When I got my ps4, which was in august
so yes months
He's the queen of this gen.
Show some respect you filthy newfag.
Fuck off YNA.
Don't worry, there will be lots of 'dlc' for you to buy.
YNA was and will always be a colossal piece of shit and deserves every single ban he ever got.
he's also bad at videogames
The envy is real.
Seriously kys yna.
The funding fathers of ps4g:

No he wasn't..
He's 2nd on the friends list, you can easily look at it to tell who the originals and the newfags are.
No one cares fuck off yna.
Obviously you do, since you keep responding to someone who isn't Yna
neet wasn't here in the beginning so he cannot be a founding father (which I'll assume is what you meant)
YNA was shitposting like always so I guess he's at least been consistent but he abandoned /ps4g/ for that failed abortion that was /sonygen/ almost immediately so I wouldn't take too much stock in yna desu
neko is the only person here that makes sense
mugi hasn't done anything with /ps4g/ like he did with /psvg/ and he didn't even join till later either

Also the friends list is slightly newish (by /ps4g/ standards) but the general was around for a lot longer than January 2015 so don't use that as a baseline.
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>When he yna said he fully supported sonygen and the mods banned him within minutes
I'm now confident there is no YNA
Probably one autist talking to himself all the time
I'm now confident that you have brain problems.
There's only one people here posting with dynamic ip and bots
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The irony.
That's the perfect description of him.
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>page 10
Ded as usual
I just want in depth video games with tons of content, is that too much to ask?
Depth is called DLC nowadays, anon.
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What have you been playing, kusogen? I have Samurai Warriors 4-II on the way. I hope it's fun.
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GTA Online. The free mode events are pretty awesome. Thinking of buying another apartment.

>tfw slowly getting closer to Lv. 100
Fuck off tranny.
anyone think the console will dip in price at all after the holidays?

dont know if i should pull the trigger and buy it today
No one gives a shit, kys.
They just did a price drop not too long ago. Only reason I could see for them to drop it again is if they announced a Slim version at PSX this week

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Most likely.
price drops before the holidays, never after
is wish shopping legit?
i'm seeing 128gb microsdhc cards for $12
>price drops before the holidays, never after
They do in Sweden.
Do you play multiplayer frequently, looking for GTA people to add.
>looking for GTA people to add
Why would you ever wanna play anything with forty? He uses the English voices in Xrd.
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H-he does?
You don't have huge January sales in your country?
>he wasn't there during the not-so-hype ps4gen Xrd stream
>You will never fuck the shit taste out of forty
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Pretty often but I mostly play it just to fuck about on my own and race randoms, really. I'm terrible at it so haven't done a good portion of the missions and heists.
This Platinum and Activision romance is painful for my wallet.
Speaking of GTA, I'm glad this Slasher game type is here to stay.
Platinum getting all the IPs people used to ask Capcom and Konami to do.
I've started playing FFXIV again.

>I hope SW4-2 is fun
It is, if you can stomach Chronicle Mode getting removed. I have no idea why they did that. Survival Mode is kinda fun though, and the various tweaks they've made to the game are nice.
>I've started playing FFXIV again.
pls be on balmung
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can those faggots stop making shitgames and focus on nier 2 please
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I just hope it's actually a decent length.
TF:Devastation was way too short, even for a Platinum game.
So was Korra, but Korra to begin with is shit so who cares?
>Can this company with multiple teams doing different things just not do different things
yes exactly
just not working would do the world better than doing shitty transformers, korra and tmnt games
Go cry in the sandbox, Randall.
Why are you jealous of 40%?

m8, it's like bayonetta with autobots
Anyone know what time in GMT the PSX keynote will be at?
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Yeah I play and enjoy it, I like its combat system, these mmo's that go for a more action based combat system are definitely moving in the right direction.

Its also just had a big update that overhauls a few things so you would be coming in at the right time and while it does offer a subscription option its not like some other mmo's where they lock a load of shit behind it, the biggest difference between playing free and with a sub is a +10% exp gain, which is nothing.

Loads of different crafting professions, and crafted shit can be some of the best stuff in the game so you don't have to depend on loot drops.

Only 4 classes but each of those classes can be played in different ways, for example my main is a Nightblade, which is more traditionally looks like a Rogue sort of character, you know, dual daggers and stealth, that sort of deal.
But I play mine as a magicka user so he is kinda like a warlock or bloodmage I guess? lots of attacks that drain enemy health or even movement speed and give it to myself.

Lots of skills per class, which can be morphed(altered once ranked high enough), sometimes into totally different attacks.

3 factions, each with their own areas and missions and pvp is in a giant area(Cyrodiil) of its own, with destructible keeps that can be taken over by each faction, artillery to use, and eve the pvp area has a bunch of pve missions and dungeons to do.
I don't see a time for the keynote itself, but infer from this:

>what do you think we’ll see at PlayStation Experience’s big opening keynote Saturday morning?


PSX begins at 10AM PST on Saturday, which should be around 6PM GMT.

They'll have streams with countdowns up for sure, anyway.
Damn, I'm gonna be in work from 6 to 11 and was really hoping they'd be doing it in the afternoon/evening local time so I could just stay up late to watch it live.
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>work from 6 to 11
>wasting your life as a wagekek
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06:00:00 a.m. Sunday December 6, 2015 in GMT
TMNT is the series I have always questioned. Why? Who? Who actually likes TMNT enough to spend money, especially in 2015? I can imagine there is a fanbase with how they have cartoons and games and shit, but I can't imagine that person.
The best part about stupid /r9k/ memes like this is that I can always count on them to die off in popularity in a year or two due to you robots having by far the highest suicide rate of any community on this website.

Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside to think about it.
They guy is an idiot, but you don't have to an edgy fuck in return.
>They guy is an idiot
>don't have to an
Learn to speak English mudtaco.
How am I being edgy by being happy that one of the most pathetic, useless, annoying, and openly misogynistic/racist communities on this site has a high suicide rate?

I mean shit, robots are fucking scum. Its like being happy when you hear a white nationalist got hit by a car - its not edgy at all.

but really lad you gotta learn to handle the bants better
Way to fail.
There is only one correct answer and everyone here is afraid to admit it to themselves.
I want them to stop with these cashins. I wouldn't be surprised if their bigger games like Nier and Scalebound will suffer from how many games they're developing.
Way to fail at not being a retard beaner.
At least you can get 3 consecutive words right.
How exactly did he fail?
Jesus fuck, are you having a stroke?
I'm not a beaner and that is grammatically correct sans a typo, you're fucking pathetic.
They won't, Platinum has had three main teams since Korra.

Two work on a major project each at any given time, and the third is a much smaller/less experienced one which has so far only worked on licensed projects like Korra, Transformers, and now apparently TMNT.

Their other teams are busy with Scalebound and Nier: Automata and won't be impacted by this, though I do admit I'm surprised to hear they're already starting a new minor project when I'd previously heard it was members of that team that was supposedly helping Nintendo in some capacity with Star Fox 0.
They're going the telltale way. All the praise got to their heads.
Way to use that spellchecker anon, glad you're finding handicaps for your retardation 3rd worlder.
I don't think so.

Unlike Telltale their main projects have yet to take a noticeable hit in quality, its only their comparatively cheap licensed shit that's less polished and well made than their standard.

If Scalebound or Nier turn out bad I'd agree that they're heading that way though.
>they guy is an idiot
the guy is an idiot or that guy is an idiot

>don't have to an edgy fuck
don't need to be an edgy fuck or don't have to be an edgy fuck
Even with three teams I'm surprised by how much they're doing.

>Nier Automata
>Rumored TMNT game (Just shipped Transformers)
>Star Fox Zero
>Project Guard

I know they have two offices, but I don't get how they're working on so many games.

Hopefully these are just for quick cash while they make full games.
The fuck are you even talking about now? Now I'm a 3rd worlder? Such a pathetic way to not accept you made a stupid mistake. Now fuck off.
Thanks anon, that obviously wasn't a typo and you have superior grammatical knowledge.
I'm guessing:
>Scalebound and Nier are well underway development wise and set for 2016 releases
>As a result they likely have a bunch of staff (concept artists, sound technicians, CGI animators, and so on) from both teams that aren't needed on either of those game who are now instead helping Nintendo with SF0, working on Guard, or are aiding the third team with pre-production on TMNT
>Third team has only just begun development of TMNT and it'll be a late 2016 release

Or at least that's the only way I can think of them somehow spreading three teams that thin which makes sense
Then we'll have to wait and see. Telltale games weren't amazing to begin with, so you could say the effect is proportional.
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Does dealing drugs count as self-employed or family/friends/government?
underage faggot/millenial detected
It's not the 1980s anymore.
Depends on if you just distribute for someone higher on the chain or not
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>Nier, a sequel to a game very few people cared about, combat was shit, etc.
>owning an XB1

>will suffer in favor of based TMNT game

Nothing of value will be lost
Dude, I made a typo, and you assumed I didn't know english for some reason. I didn't even know what the fuck was a beaner, because I'm not a racist retard.
Just fucking stop it, you made a mistake, stop embarrassing yourself.
>a game very few people cared about
You mean GOTY 2010
>combat was shit

nah maybe movie game of the year 2010
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My Grandma grows it.
Combat wasn't that bad, just not great.
>le shit combat maymay

It was mediocre at worst, at least play the game before you try to critique it.
I wish Tearaway was a better game, it's literally the best looking game I've ever laid eyes on. The characters and the charm are all there, but the 'platforming' can't even really be called platforming it's so basic. Most of the game is slowly walking from one gorgeous area to another
That's what the game is about though.
>even know what the fuck was a beaner
Anon pls, educate yourself. Being retarded isn't cool.
Why is it marketed as a platformer then? Why not actually make it a platformer? It's unengaging for the most part which is a real shame. Never played the Vita version though, I understand the conversion lost something
Was it marketed as such?
To me on Vita is was just a sort of small adventure game.
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>pre-Nier sequel announcement
>no one cares about the game, it only gets talked about in "games I secretly liked" sorts of threads

>Nier sequel by Platinum announcement happens
>PS4 exclusive™
>oh shit OH SHIT fuck yeah the first game was amazing remember bros?!?!?!

I hate you faggots
Knowing racial slurs is nothing to be proud of.
yeah np bro
NieR has always been considered one of the best JRPGs of the previous gen.
Why else do you think people went batshit insane when Automata was announced?
I was talking about your grammar idiot.
If you read that sentence, and thought nothing was wrong then that just goes to show you how stupid you are.
Grammatical errors or simple typos, having two of them back to back in a short sentence is embarrassing.
>Damage control
The problem with modern 4chan is people feel the need to win arguments and just go on forever until someone realizes its a waste of time, normally hours later. Yeah, look at the time that passes from when it started.
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What, I thought Nier was always considered to be one of the best games for ps3. I shit myself last E3 when the sequel was announced.
Your opinion matches yourself, it's worthless.
Don't bother talking unless it's about video games.
You're right, the beaner anon is pretty autistic about it and won't let it go but the anon who made the mistakes shouldn't even engage with him either.
They're both doing some damage control to an extent and they both look like shitposting retards in a thread about PS4 games.
Your post has nothing to do with video games.
Your post also has nothing to do with video games.
So you agree you should stop [shit]posting.
Nier is constantly mentioned when you talk about hidden gems. It's widely considered one of the best games to come out last gen.
I'm not the one shitposting, you are.
If you want to end the cycle, then don't bother responding.
How exactly is that damage control?
I get that you're just shitposting, but I remember when shitposters actually made a decent effort in their shitposts and didn't just use the green meme arrow and implied things they didn't even know the meaning of.
Then there's this retard.
Even if you like Nier it's a terrible fucking RPG
kys yna
>no u
Seriously, my negro?
No it's not, what the fuck.
You couldn't help yourself could you? All you had to do was quit typing.
Do you really want to shitpost that bad?
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Shitposters used to be creative or at least try to be original with their shitposting for like 2 months until they figured out people would reply no matter what they typed.
Welcome to 2008 kiddo.
Please refrain from continuing to post until further notice.
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You first.
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Homogen will save ps4gen!
Where are you neet? We can do this!
Talk about video games.
You first.
Who is she? I keep seeing her posted.
Bloodborne is rehashed shit, and anyone who thinks W3 isn't goty doesn't know anything about gaming.
M8, I enjoy Nier, but everything about the gameplay is weak as hell. The environments are linear as hell, the sidequests are absolutely horrendous outside of maybe three of them, and the customization is extremely shallow. If there wasn't an arbitrary leveling system it would be indiscernable from an average action adventure game, outside of the text adventure bits and the addition of the shmup-like magic system
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just some slut from some shit anime, only good for the porn Tbh
Best boy
There isn't a lot of saika porn but a good amount of it is pretty top notch
>only good for the porn
>barely any porn
The Nier community on /v/ was fantastic and very healthy prior to Automata. It's faggots like YOU who are fucking it up.
Fuck. Delayed til end of March.

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People are playing San Andreas already.

Why hasn't there been an official word from anybody?
Must be testers or reviewers.
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>forty testers

What is this? PS2 classic on PS4 or what?
>reviewing a 360 port
It's just people that got it before the street date, which is tomorrow.
Those are the same exact people, dumbass.
I laughed so hard I farted.
Man I had a lot of fun in the rainbow six beta because I got lucky to match up with good cooperators. What are some games on ps4 that have fun multiplayer, are active and support good team work?
Anyone know what the difference between the normal and the Messenger edition of Tearaway Unfolded is?

Was hoping for a somewhat smaller download, is primal carnage much fun?
>primal carnage
top kek
Messenger Edition has some papercraft stuff for you to build and a couple ingame stickers and alt costumes. Nothing big, just some cute extras
Both of my controllers are suddenly having intermittent input delay issues; any tips on what to do?
dip them in coolant and then press the reset button
It's a guy.
Which would be better to get right off the bat, Omega Quintet or Akiba?
Omega Quintet
Neither tbqh, but I'd take Akiba.
It's the most fun out of the two, though it's rather short. I bought Omega when it was $12 and I can't stomach going back to it.
>I bought Omega when it was $12

When was that?
Omega Quintet is a low budget, mediocre JRPG

Akiba's Trip is something different and (at least imo) really fun. It's somewhat short like the other guy said, but it's fun enough that you won't mind doing multiple playthroughs
September flash sale.


1. BC PS1,2,3
2. Agent
Ace Combat 7
Kojima Studio

Project Setsuna related to Chrono Trigger
Santa Monica new game
Sucker Punch game

Should this just be a bingo?
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>ay fåm let's put in an impossible ending no one will get :^)
Make it
Wasn't that already datamined?
a long time ago >https://youtu.be/V7VxGn7Piew
Yeah but it was assumed cut.
And that's why you should never release games on PC if you want to keep stuff hidden.
What are you guys wanting to see at PSX?

I need 20 more things for the bingo card.
MGSV expansion.
New PSN features/major system software update
Big VR exclusive
VR support for No Man's Sky
Ace Combat 4, 5, 0 HD Collection.
Vr price
Demon souls remaster
Dragons dogma remaster
Deep down
Nier stuff
A good Mecha game
ps3 upscales
vita upscales
cute anime girls
From that foot do we have any idea what SSM is teasing?
Or have they said if its something completely new?
It looks cartoony, like earthworm jims leg.
so this 12 days of christmas started, metal gear 5 is 30 euros
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Kevin what happened to you?

I have no idea. I know they're Sony's biggest western studio, so they could have another game in development besides GoW. But it's probably just indieshit.

not the order 2 that's for sure, hopefully they learned from their mistakes
SSM didn't do The Order, that was Ready At Dawns game, SSM just helped like they do with loads of other games.

>the new feature lets you use the PlayStation Camera to, well, kiss the girls.

why can't all games have this feature
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>why can't all games have this feature

Maybe someday.
I need a new multiplayer shooter for this year. What do I get?


Or do I just go back to battlefield 4?
Planetside 2.
>shooters on console

get battlefront if you're a star wars fan, it's a dream come true if that's the case

BO3. The others are shit.

if you want call of duty get advanced warfare, if you like star wars get battlefront, if you like dead games get seige
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Post your this
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kys fag
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Guess who.
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How can people watch this trash. Pretty embarrassing desu

Fuck off idiot
kys 40 haters
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I think I got that reference
So when can we expect PS2 compatibility? Im thinking about stocking on some PS2 games.
It's just going to be PS2 games to download from PSN, Anon.
Don't. From the phrasing that's already being used it'll probably be digital only.

And Saturday at 10PST

Has this been confirmed?
Don't be dumb
Not officially, but come on. It's not a hard guess to make. They won't be able to actually do proper emulation of PS2 games. What's going to happen is the same thing that X1 is doing and select titles that they port will show up on PSN for you to buy
It's highly unlikely that it'll support physical PS2 games, if that's what you're hoping to stock up on. Safe assumption would be that it'll only be games made available for PS4 BC specifically, which will go through a licensing process like anything else. So it depends entirely on when and how publishers want to do it.

Some games are already available through it, namely the Star Wars games that came with Battlefront. So it's already a thing right now.
>They won't be able to actually do proper emulation of PS2 games

Why not? The PS2 is fucking 15 years old
fuck off you've never made a useful post in your life
Emotion Engine.

Just like I doubt there will EVER be PS3 emulation, unless Sony makes a physical addon for the PS5 that has a Cell chip inside.
>not enjoying mindless moe titty anime shit
Everyone loves tiddies.

Emotion Engine is not some space tech, PS2 emulation can be done on a pc and PS4 is basically a pc. Plus they have inside knowledge of the PS2 at their advantage. Im not saying it will happen, but its not such a far stretch and i think it could be done.

>Ni-oh and now this

So what happening with The Division? I never hear talk about it, is everyone expecting it to fail?
Nobody cares about it is all
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>Have to wait 48 hours to use the online ID I want because of some stupid "reservation system"
>Can't update games without PSN
I just wanna play video games.
According to Ubi as of June this year, it's release date is March 8th 2016. They've been doing Q&As for the past few months.


There's a beta on X1 this month and PS4/PC early next year, supposedly.

I imagine no one is talking about it right now because we've seen it at events for years and there isn't anything to say anymore. Discussion might pick up when the beta is out.
What do you expect?
No "BIG"new info since E3, they have a stream every few weeks about it.

I'm interested in it, I think I will get it, but its not one of the games I've got max hype for.
Anyone have Just Cause 3?

I really want it but all I have seen is negative.

Don't care about story or how cars handle but fps dropping when explosions is putting me off. That's the only thing I want to do. Blow shit up and take screenshots.
>2015, almost 2016
>Still caring about Ubisoft's shitty third person open world games

Do you want to climb towers that badly, Anon?
>Games Under 15 €
>Nothing for PS4

Thank Sony. Rake in money from 10 year old console while developing indies for your next gen system.
>try to complain about lack of sales
How did you even manage that?
There are drops but ps4 version seems to be fine for the most part.

>Developing indies
I don't think you understand how indies work, Anon.

That video is the reason I'm holding out. DF main "job" is to read pixels on screen. Casuals won't notice most stuff but even this video shows how blowing shit up makes game shit itself. 60 Euros for half assed game series I love seems a lot.
Then wait for a patch.
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>people who don't set an avatar
>setup PS4 for the first time
>start to download firmware 3.11
>only 250mb or so, shoul take like five minutes max with my interne-
>"Estimate: 43 minutes until completion"
>what the fuck
>45 minutes later its done and installed
>start to download all my crossbuy stuff and a few PS+ titles
>ETA: 12 hours for Rocket League (which is <5gb)
>Fuck it, whatever, I'll just put on Bloodborne instead
>10GB+ of patches
>Have to do a 55GB install to play it even without them
>Will take multiple hours



>shit sony compression makes my custom avatar look pixelated
>the puke is curry
What pisses me off is when games make DLC a patch and you just pay to unlock it. Loads of people have internet that can play games online, but can't handle downloading large amounts of data. Imagine having BB and playing it happily online, then suddenly a 10 gig patch is needed that you can't get and now online is gone.
desu senpai the PS4 has awful download speeds but it still should be at least even, if not better, than the vita's

have you tried moving where its located? you might just be getting a weak wi-fi signal to it wherever it is right now
Not him but I'm in aus with a pretty reliable 2mbps connection, ps4 is on etherenet and never goes above 1mbps down and that's on a good day, it's more like 400kbps or so.

>reliable connection

sure m8
>Have to do a 55GB install to play it even without them

This is what I really do not understand.

Why the fuck are physical game installs so fucking huge this generation? Does the PS4 even run them off the disc or are they basically just a form of DRM where you download a digital copy of them and use the disc to verify ownership of it? What possible benefit does that offer?

It just seems fucking insane that install sizes are now bigger than the capacity of athe BD itself, meaning that the majority of it has to be dedicated to compressed files for the install at this point.
The game installs from the disc to the HDD because streaming assets from the HDD is quicker then from a disc.

On ps3 it would only do this with a small chunk of the game, on ps4 it does it with the whole game as games are getting bigger and more graphically intensive.
And to think I was feeling disappointed that my apartment can't get the 1gbps internet and I had to settle with 100mpbs instead.
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>based sony sent me a theme for my birthday
Yup, this.

PS4 blue-ray drive reading speed is 27mb/s, whereas the HDD as a standard 5400 rpm manages 50mb/s at a minimum and can reach almost double that under ideal circumstances.

Its just way faster to load from HDD than disc, unless Sony at some point decides to vastly upgrade the disc drive to the top-end, 72mb/s variant.
This, fucking hell BB I'm buying the DLC but not this way

holy shit, and i was thinking living in mexico was shitty
It's worth pointing out that that's necessary in some cases. In some games content needs to be accessible to people who don't own it in some way for multiplayer to still work.

I'm not entirely sure on how Bloodborne works with this stuff but lets say you end up co-oping or fighting another player. You have the DLC. He does not. You're using a weapon from the DLC.

For this to not cause his game to explode, he needs to also have the DLC information installed as well. Otherwise all the developer can do is split the player base between content and that is NEVER a good idea.
What do you guys think of this #takeastep SSM teaser thingy is?
Something new?

I can't think of any games that #takeastep might apply to and the foot doesn't look like any I recognize, so I assume its something new.
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>people who have an avatar but it's not an animay girl
that's me
Anime girls are shit tier avatars, why would I want one?
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>people without a nep avatar
Bluray players have dogshit read and write speeds compared to DVD, it's much better for the console to read from the HDD than it is to read from the disc.

It's why the Xbox 360 didn't have to install any games last gen but the PS3 did. Microsoft later added the option to install the games (in case you scratched the disc or something) but it wasn't necessary.

Hey, it could be worse. On the Xbox One if you're connected to the internet you cannot play your game until you download and install patches, that includes single player games. The only workaround is to disconnect from Xbox Live and install the game offline if you don't want to wait
nep shit isn't playstation related anymore

>Just Cause 3 is 17fps on Xbone
>15 MINUTE load times
>3 minute load times on PS4

I wonder how many shills will try to defend that shitty game. The series has absolutely no redeeming qualities about it and I hope JC3 is a colossal failure, it wont be though but I can still hope.
Anon as much as you may want to deny that nep is mostly related to playstation you are going to just have to accept it.

They are also playstation exclusive in Japan, the only place that matters when it comes to Japanese games.
People will always find a reason to shit on nep games and people will always find a reason to vehemently defend nep games.

C'est la vie.
nep. a. shit
>page 1

I'm back.

>All my digital shit downloaded in an hour and a half despite the ETA's given
>BB is installed and good to go
>Downloading the patches for it right now and it shouldn't take more than two hours based on current performance

everything went better than expected
>A good Mecha game
Front Mission 6, let's go!
This. Them with trophies would be a blast.
W8 for christmas psn deals
Nope, Armored Core 6.

it's just a poor man's gta 5
Sony Bend open world horror
Crash Bandicoot, psp emulation
a not- shit UI
That Tutu thingy. Hopefully it's an actual game that plays well and not some shitty college art project they decided to put out again.
>It still isn't PSX or Capcom Cup yet

Fucking bullshit
Playstation All Stars 2, baby

Take a step into the next battle
an "available now" for The Tomorrow Children
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>don't need to go out again until the 15th
>just got dosh I can buy some drinks with tomorrow
>Just Cause 3 installing right now
>Game Awards in two days
>PSX in four days
Feels good.
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>don't need to go out again until the 15th

That's no good.
you really are a proud, card-carrying NEET aren't you?
>Installing trophy set
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I'm looking for work, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the NEET life while I'm living it.
What a actual fuck is Shadow of Beast?
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>I'm looking for work
>don't need to go out again until the 15th

Can't really apply for all of those online, and showing up in person tends to help in the long run.
he might be waiting on a reply or two for interviews

though desu if you're unemployed around the holidays there's always a fuck ton of seasonal work available and its kinda crazy to not take advantage of that for some cash
what are the best/most populated f2p games on PS4 right now

i kinda wanna try out warframe
You get what you pay for.
All F2P games are shit.
>DotA 2
>Crossy Road
>Team Fortress 2

Just look at the size of that bait.
Impressed tbqh la
Of course, if I get an interview that means I do have to go out, but I haven't got any lined up. I just went to a fortnightly sign on and a career options seminar thing.

>Crossy Road
Just got a PS4 on this black friday.

Got Disgaea 5 and Bloodborne and ordered Neptune V-II + Odin Sphere. I'll play CyberSleuth on my Vita.

I don't multiplatform on consoles, so what else I'm missing?
Atelier Sophie.
>not playing all four

c'mon, they're completely free and all super-fun
I'll do it when they announce the US version.

You reminded me of Yoru no Nai Kuni tho.
Completely free and completely old and busted.
>I'll play CyberSleuth on my Vita.
its originally a handheld game and is thus designed around short-burst play sessions
>its originally a handheld game and is thus designed around short-burst play sessions
wait what? if it's on a portable, everything is intended to last less than the battery life of the thing?
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Arius Nova.webm
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God Eater Resurrection
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I wouldn't recommended Yoru.
Why not get it on PS4 and enjoy the pick up and play elements through remote play, while getting the benefit of better textures and AA?
Is it better than 2?
It's also cheaper on PS4.
Haven't played 2 yet, Resurrection was my first GE.

I'd have to agree with this. While I wouldn't say it is an outright bad game, there are certainly better games worth playing. If you really ran out of things you want to play then sure, go for it.
You're so busy playing shitty games and watching shitty anime that time could be spent sending out resumes, or at least working out you ugly little slime.
>i can't read

Because the I can't play it on the go
Yes, you can. You know how remote play works, right?
yeah, it requires an active, uninterrupted internet connection at all times - and a reasonably good one at that

how the fuck am I meant to get one of those when I'm on public transport, a plane, or otherwise outside my home and not near a hotspot?
>i can't read
you can't even read what you wrote.
> thus designed around short-burst play sessions
please tell me, of the countless long-winded rpgs on the system, why would this one be played in short burst sessions?
Mostly this >>123971402

Not him, but my 4G speeds averages around 6 Mbps, so that isn't an option.

But muhh yuri
>designed around short-burst play sessions
After the PS4 got the same sleepmode as Vita/PSP, that really isn't an excuse anymore.
I can read what I wrote perfectly fine, anon. You're the retard who jumped to conclusions about the battery life.

>please tell me, of the countless long-winded rpgs on the system, why would this one be played in short burst sessions?
The vast majority of the long-winded Vita-exclusive RPGs are also designed around short-burst play sessions, its a fundamental element of handheld titles.

Cyber Sleuth in particular has certain features such as the digi-farm which are designed with the intention that you leave the game for periods of time and regularly check in on it rather than having marathon play sessions, and the narrative structure and save points are spaced out to best be suited for going through it in chunks rather than in a few long sessions.
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There isn't even that much Yuri in the whole game.
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Bonus End.webm
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Speaking of the Digimon Game, anyone happen to know how much space it takes on the PS4 version?
The game is not out yet
Is the Japanese version not out/a thing?
Only on Vita. PS4 version is a non-japanese port.
Oh wow, didn't know that. But thanks for letting me know.
PS4 version is exclusive for us Westerners, cause the Vita is dead outside of Japan and Bamco want the game to sell some copies at least.
Makes it easy to know who to delete. Most people with animu avatars are fat disgusting neckbeards
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Too bad you can't do the new update bits with Ayane.
That's adorable. I know understand miraifags infatuation with her.
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Holy shit nigga, that's cute as fuck.
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It's kind weird it took them this long to add in the headpatting, but here's this

If I use a DS4 on a PSTV will the audio streaming through the controller work? It's my favorite feature to come from the DS4. Wish it worked on ps3
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Ryona > Ikaruga = Miyabi > Hikage > Haruka > who cares
No, retard. It's a PS4 feature
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Ikaruga EV defeat.webm
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>she will never be exclusively lewd just for you
That's just too creepy
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>tfw nobody ever mentions your senran waifu
>can keep her all to myself
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It's fine, please calm down.


Which one is that?
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Tit loli, all the plebs choose Mirai instead.
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literally Kirino-tier
According to GameFAQs the game is 1.5 Gigs large. I expect the PS4 version won't be that much larger, 3 GB, 4 max.
One more thing, can you preorder the game on the PS4 eventually you think and still get those bonuses and such?
What are this month's PS+ games gonna be?
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Nah I'll just ask you guys because at least I'm trying to talk about the PS4 unless everyone else in this general
They're already out, you retard.
But Walking Dead and Magicka were last month's games
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use google fag.jpg
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At the rate PS+ recycles games, would you really be surprised at them not also being this months games too?
I just hope PSX gives us more PS+ games like they did with PVZ2. While it's shit it was still a surprise.
fuck them, if they care that much about SJW opinions they don't really need my money
Wasn't that free for everyone, not PS+?

That also seemed to be EA doing it themselves rather than something Sony wanted to make a regular thing.
I played it for like 10 minutes. That Need for Speed for Vita was pretty good though.
i bought my ps4 recently and getting really fucking sick of this shit

why do i, every time i start this piece of shit up i have to try to connect to my wi fi a million fucking times?

What the fuck is wrong with this shit i payed 50 dollars for online, my ps3 was flawless
that was just for the 20th anniversary
That's not the PS4's problem, idiot. It's your setup.
this is really fucking retarded,i try it 500 times, nothing, my brother comes, it works, he plays 1 hour, now i try again it doesnt work

this thing is just cringe as fuck, one time it says psn is down, after that IP adress not seen bla bla

how can it be my setup when my ps3 works flawless
How about you calm down and think straight?
This is the first time I see someone have such an issue, so it's obviously a problem with your settings.
Instead of whining like a brat, post the current settings for you network connection.
It's just you then. Have you tried killing yourself?
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Wow it's nothing.png
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I'm so glad I didn't renew my PS+ this month with a yearly..
I might as well just buy 1 months, whenever we get a rare AAA.
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opinion discarded.gif
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>Freedom Wars
>it's nothing xD
Sucks for PS4, but FW on Vita pretty good.
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laughing squids.png
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You shouldn't have bought an indie machine then, retard.
>Only having a PS4
Oh, you're that kind of retard shitposter, no wonder.
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fuck fuck fuck
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What's that say? I don't speak 3rd worlder.

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>tfw this faggot left
I got a 20% off a purchase in the PSN store, but I was wondering if that stacks with the current code that gives another discount. I imagine not, but might as well ask.
Did the Black Friday deals not end for anyone else?
I can still see the sale, and the prices are still dropped in my cart.

1TB + 2 DS4's + GTA V + MGS = 429 Euros/460$

Got my PS4 (500GB) like 2 weeks ago from the very same store for 399€. Fuck em. Fuck em right in the puss.
Until it's Grace Chen time the deals will remain in place. I swear, we go through this every week for the past almost decade now. You new to PSN Store?
I said the "Black Friday" sale which was a flash...
They always end on Mondays. Are you new?
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>Normies are getting out of my general
>Expecting anything from this general
Any chance of another sale coming up soon or should I just buy something now?
I've never seen this before and lol'd

thanks bud
Chivalry comes out today, peasant. Save your Sony bucks until it's out.

But I've already played that to death on the PC. And I was kind of wanting Akiba and few others to get a use out of my 20% off total purchase code that came with my system.
Then wait you fucking man child. Are you not capable of thinking for yourself.
I'll make the new thread!
A little harsh, just asked if there's another chance of a sale coming up soon. No need to get so upset.
No one is upset
new bread le fucking when?
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Thread posts: 755
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