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/hsg/ - Hearthstone General

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Thread replies: 777
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>Deck lists, news etc:

>Arena Help

>Open Tournaments:

>Watch and learn quest

>Deck Tracker:

How would Vol'jin work if you had Brann on the field? Would it end up swapping twice, putting the stolen health back to the original card?
We should do something special when adding Cursed Blade to that museum, like you would never use harrison on that.
If you don´t have the expansions, then most class quests are not easy for you.
i have naxx and 1st wing brm
Is sac pact worth running in Reno lock? I got beaten by it last night playing as handlock, it seems like a great answer to Jaraxxus which otherwise guarantees the win for the handlock.
It is only worth on steed decks.
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This actually sound like a good idea.
But what do you cut? Mortal Coil?
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Should I craft the final ice block for freeze Mage.
Or just save my dust for Voljin?
Save for until the end of LoE. Then you can gauge the meta better.
Armorsmith always wins brawl
reminder that eloise is perfect
How do I battlecry shaman? Does anyone have a list for it?
>implying anyone will ever play cursed blade, when the only things that work with it are revenge, mortal strike and moltens
>get "warrior or rogue victory" quest
>reroll because I have no cards for either class
>get "rogue victory" quest

this game is shit
>I have 1 (one) minion on board so I win

I just got that quest and used this deck, easy 5 wins
Face rogue
Why is that
Who here is going to make it to rank 5 this season?
>day 29
wew lad
Also the case for rogues

too lazy to do it
Why are Druids allowed to have so many options, objecitvely better cards in slot and effect than every other class, on top of the fucking combo? They have the only ramp mechanic in the game, and they don't need to sacrifice card draw for shitting their hand, because they have the best card draw minion in the game that triples as a body and heal. They have the best mid game taunt in the game, that doubles as charge for removal and face damage. They have the best silence in the game, that doubles as removal or reach for face damage. Yet, they keep getting shit like Living Root that has all the fucking options in the world. Why the fuck is it allowed to hit face? Why give them more sticky minions like the raptors, when it's known how broken Savage Roar is? Why do they not get the Warlock treatment in cards when they obviously have a class defining broken feature?

There's not a single other cancer class that has the luxury of lacking a weakness that Druid does. All their cards double as aggro and defense, so you can't race them like other combo decks.
He said he doesn´t have peddler nor imp gang boss.
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>Waiting for season to end to play rank so you don't risk tilting

I'm dying of boredom over here.

Have dragon.
>trying to get 5 wins with cw
>ladder is nothing but malygos warlock (thanks purple)
>piloted by literal retards who missplay constantly (draw last, overcommit, etc)
>they still win because cw is shit and their deck is fucking broken

gee I jsut love this game

Druids have no decent board clear so you can overextend to your heart's content as long as your minions don't have 1 health like those of an aggro shitter, which you of course are since you complain about fucking Druid when Paladins exist.
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Y-you will... burn...oh....
B-but my army of 1/1's

>control warrior
>malygos warlock
>"fucking broken"

Alright I never say this but you are an enormous, colossal, mastodontic shield fucking bearer.
I hit top 100 legend this month bro and been playing since beta. Your rank 20 opinion means nothing to me though.
>Playing CW in this meta
Literally every ladder deck is good against CW right now. Zoo, Paladins, midrange Hunters, mill & fatigue, and of course, the ever balanced Druids.

>Druids have no decent board clear
>Except this board clear that's good against the strongest deck type in the game

>I hit top 100 legend this month bro and been playing since beta.

Since you think malylock is anything but a meme deck you must have face hunted your way up there, assuming this is even true.

Also CW is one of the most consistent decks in the game and is more or less viable no matter the meta. Yeah it loses to Warlock but tough shit, no deck is invincible.
I love slow decks but never had the dust to make any.
Now I do.
Are there any control/slower decks that are viable now and will probably become more viable with all of LoE? (When I say viable I mean able to hit Legend without being Kolento-tier)
I've been eyeing patron (would require me to craft grommash, more midrange than control), dragon warrior (same), CW (Would require me to craft grommash, ysera, justicar... and doesn't seem that viable on ladder atm), control priest (this one I like a lot, but I'm not sure if I can reach legend with it).

For an indication of my skill level I hit rank 5 every season easily using non-cancer decks, but never got to legend before (may be because of a lack of dedication though, I keep switching to fun decks and shit because I can't stand the grind for stars).

Any advice from non-shieldbearers/non-paladin players?
I know bruh but I have a quest.
Malylock just won dreamhack winter you fucking ignorant imbecile.
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Anybody willing to add me so I can do pic related? BattleTag is Arrowfiend#1969.
post region you pussyfart

I suggest Demon Handlock. By far my favorite control deck, you have a ton of options at any given time. Some matchups can be rough though, namely paladins and druids.


tournament meta is not the same as ladder meta, friend. Oil Rogue and Patron won Blizzcon and yet you hardly ever see them on ladder, wonder why that is.
No, control decks are never in a "good" position. Shit like Malylock, deathrattle Rogue, Zoo, mill, and fatigue popped up the moment control decks got a glimmer of hope in Reno. Control is too easy to punish, and is never anything but t3. Just save your dust for the combo deck that's gonna be t1 at the end of LoE.

Right now, the only playable control decks are variations of handlock (Reno and demonlock), control warrior (automatically loses to half the ladder decks), and freeze mage (automatically loses to warrior).
I hear that reno jackson decks are viable but ive never seen one in action before. you could try that
Malylock is still fucking broken you stupid fucking retard, kill yourself for being such an imbecile.
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NA. Sorry I forgot senpai :(
>tfw f2p peasant
>been playing for 4 month
>it was never fun. Pure grinding.
>got decent collection but not even close to all necessary cards
>yestarday I played sort of warlock Reno
>had tons of fun even thou deck lacks must have cards like jarraxus
>had tons of fun
I can feel it now guys, 2 more months of grinding, and hs will be fun for me.

>malylock is broken

Top fucking kek, before dreamhack you would have been laughed out of /hsg/ for having such a shit opinion. Also nice namecalling, get back to me when you actually have an argument that isn't "it's broken because it won a tournament", big fucking deal. How about its winrates on ladder?
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It's okay, you are forgiven.
I didn't have that spurdo yet :-D
Can't help you, though, EU.
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Or just hand blizzard some cash
posting region is meaningless anyway, you only need the tag number. If it begins with 1 it's NA, 2 it's EU.

>lose the argument
>b-better call him a shieldbearer!
>that'll show him! heh heh....

fucking pathetic, are you 12 senpai?
People can run in multiple regions though

It could be a quest on an alt region
but I'm on EU and have friends whose tag starts with 1
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I'm fairly sure I'm on EU
place your bets niggas

well, he can replace them with harvest golem and loatheb / boom
PhD in Explosives

>Some matchups can be rough though, namely paladins and druids.
Doesn't sound like a good idea then.
Warlock is not an option for me anyway, I lack most of the giants and both class legendaries on top of many cards.

Well that's disappointing.
Dr seven
>so much faith that he pops up in gvg packs

My tag is #6xxx :^)
6th world country pls go
stop listening to so many retards and think for yourself.

pick a control deck you like, play it. every single one that exists right now can reach legend with ease. and patron isn't control.

they aren't bad either, they're all around tier 2.
Got a good raptor rogue dicklist?
watch and learn
Yeah but not with him
Post region you pussyfart

No need to be mad you don't have a special tag :^)
eu but somebody posted before that you don´t need to post region
but that person is wrong and you'd know that if you read the posts replying to him
yeah I just read the replies
Whats a cheap deck I can build to get easily to rank 5 next season so I can just play my custom deck for fun without worrying about perfoming for prices?
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How are you enjoying Flamewaker: The Tavern Brawl, /hsg/?
face hunter, as always

When I was playing in the brawl I just auto conceded against mages after a few matches

no real trouble
>playing brawl more than once ever
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usually nice for quests, but I pity people who don't got 4th wing of brm or incredible luck
anyone? eu
There are a bunch of good ones that are good for quests. This one is not one of them.
>game keeps crashing while i'm winning in arena
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maybe you are winning against the wrong person
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>finally get a legendary
>it's nozdormu
/hsg/ guide aside, are there any more recommended resources for learning arena?
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New to the game, what meta decks does this even fall into now

I don't see this at all usually

Do I dust
Just is car
>tfw played Malylock religiously before Purple brought it
>always thought it was sleeper tier 1
>it's gonna be on tempostorm list next week and all the retards are gonna play it
>beating aggro shitter with a mill deck

is there a better feel?
She's for fun, meme decks
>waa 400 dust :^(
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That's still 1200 dust less than pretty much any other legendary is worth
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and it's 360 dust more than your average pack
i'm jealous.
I really want to try nozdormu in memedecks, but can't because using 1600 dust on it is a waste. I can only hope i will get it in a pack ;_;
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is there anysite where i can find dreamhacks decks i realy wanna try a midrange pally
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>decide to play some arena for the first time in a while
>1st game game crashes while i'm winning
>2nd game against a constructed-tier paladin with turn 1 chow into turn 2 argent protector into muster
>end up 1-3
i almost forgot why i stopped playing that shit mode a while back
druid is a shitty fucking class if you're not running angry trees, huh
>No class specific packs
That's because besides the new LOE class card, Druid has no swingy RNG to win them the game with any of their class specific cards.
>even less people play shaman
nah, they just have 0 removal.
Ice block is 100% necessary for standard freeze mage.

Voljin is okay in control priest, not much else.

I think it's clear what to craft.
I don't know what he cut, it just struck me as a good idea. Coil sounds ok to cut because Reno beats agro without it. Then again I haven't ever played Reno and am only playing handlock to hit the 500, normally I play zoo.
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can soneone post some decent warlock decks?

I kinda just fucked up and deranked from 6 to 13 and warlock is the class I have all cards for
PS: dont have malygos
yeah netdecks... shall I test all of them? Rather have someone who plays EU and not shitty NA tell me what to play
>what is hearthpwn
>tfw being a shitter that has to netdeck but too retarded to actually locate the netdecks

2behonest senpai family member
>sort by rating
>look at tournament decks
>thinking other people cant read
>thinking people want to netdeck
I'd rather have something costume from here.. if /vg/ is only netdeck cancer well fuck it let the shield come then
>using tournament decks to ladder

Quality advice there, /hsg/.
If you get it from here then IT IS A NETDECK you fucking retard.

Hello Shieldbearer.
Hello fellow shieldbearer :^)

99% of /hsg/ is as much of a netdecking shitter as the rest of the hs community is, and the 1% that doesnt netdeck plays meme decks that are objectively inferior to netdecks.

If you want to rank, don't be a fucking idiot and just shamelessly netdeck. Ranked isn't a game of skill and creativity, it's a game of picking a deck with the most wins per time frame and mindlessly grinding that shit.
why every time i qeue freeze mage is it always fucking reno decks, every single time.
What would you change?
I'm low in budget and I have sheckels for a wing. I already have first 2 of naxx and first of LoE.
I also have knife juggler, is it any good in here?
Getting dr boom is your first priority
How do i not get mad at hearthstone?

I can play any game and lose alot, aint making me mad.

But getting into a 5 loses failstreak in Hearthstone makes me boil with anger for some reason and literally ruins my day
quite fun playing reno decks in it. i just auto concede everytime i face a mage

Because you largely aren't involved and losing feels like you've been cheated and winning is empty.
well after that conclusiion i would have to play fucking cancer secret paladin or even better the new midrange... and unfort. I dont have shit for pala
>thrall uses his last hex
>next turn play tirion
out skilled
I like to make them happy

>and the 1% that doesnt netdeck plays meme decks that are objectively inferior to netdecks.

That isn't true at all, I don't netdeck but I run decks that are an awful lot like the netdecks out there. Except I built them myself through trial and learning.

Which is the entire point to play the game, to advance yourself.

I just don't see the point in having people do all the meaningful work for you, at that point what is the point of even playing at all.
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>try half a dozen decks fun control decks for about a week
>lurch around r14
>succumb to the kanker
>mid range hunter straight to r3 in a couple of hours

does yourmidrange hunter include the hat?
Why didn't you stop at rank 5?
post deck

>implying I am not playing to win
>implying it isn't better to understand why not/why cards are in decks
>implying deckbuilding isn't the most important part of the game
You learn as you play the good decks without wasting your valuable time fucking around with dumb cards to find out what's good
it's worth it because literally like half the games are against handlocks and renolocks

>learn how to effectively and quickly build good decks by constantly doing it
>can adapt and change to suit ideas and meta

>suckle on the teat of netdecks all your life
>have to wait for someone else to do something around ideas you have/meta adjustments
>if you netdeck you can't learn what cards go together well and how to build decks

Do you think the tournament players don't start from netdecks? They all came up with control warrior on their own?
>implying deckbuilding isn't the most important part of the game

I was talking specifically about ranked.

But you didn't refute my point. Netdecks are netdecks because they are popularized by streamers or pro players that played and perfected those decks for maybe hundreds of hours, which are then copied and approved by others, who then upvote it on hearthpwn, post it on reddit, whatever the fuck.

I'm not against non-netdecks, I make my own (shitty) decks all the time, but you can't possibly claim that the average joe's shitty self-made meme deck is ever going to be superior to a proven, established netdeck.
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>I was talking specifically about ranked.

So was I, why would you need to do anything to play in casual?

>but you can't possibly claim that the average joe's shitty self-made meme deck is ever going to be superior to a proven, established netdeck.

Because most "self-made" decks aren't meme decks? It's easy to come to extremely similar conclusions with only a little play and it feels good to tweak and prefect the deck yourself instead of just being handed some answer. You think someone can't make midrange paladin or combo druid by themselves?
No need for flare, unless you run into a lot of freeze mage, in which case kezan mystic is better anyway.

Also, aren't tomb spiders too slow for an aggressive midrange deck?
>play against control warrior with mill rogue
>made him draw his deck
>on the start of his next turn his fatigue starts
>he is at 30 life and 15 armor
Tomb is good. Kick the Flare and one Bear though
>80% of the matchup is secret pally and mirror matches
>no need for flare

alright nigga
Why would h? He can get legend in a day now.
I don't understand what you're whining about? People who don't netdeck and make their own decks are just wasting time. People who netdeck and carefully think about each card and tweak the deck to make it as good as possible are playing optimally, are good at the game, and will be in tournaments. People who netdeck and don't even think about the cards aren't good at the game but just enjoy playing it casually.
Sure, anyone can try their own hand at making some midrange paladin from scratch, tweaking it over the course of numerous games until you essentially end up with one or two card differences with the well established midrange paladin netdecks on hearthpwn or something. But why go through all that trouble if you could, you know, just copy the bloody netdeck and skip the whole tweaking-and-perfecting-it-yourself stage?

Unless, of course, you really enjoy that part. But if you're played ranked for the sole purpose of getting to legend, then you're only shooting yourself in the foot by not netdecking.

Hunter generally shits all over paladin without the need to tech in anti-secret stuff already. Also, flare is horrible tempo. Good luck wasting your turn 2 flaring that explosive trap while your opponent gets in for at least 4 damage with his leper gnomes. It's shit tempo.

>People who don't netdeck and make their own decks are just wasting time

But that isn't true, there is gratification that comes from learning, advancing and succeeding. Which is the entire point of playing video games. Having answers handed to you is no way to do anything.


>But why go through all that trouble if you could, you know, just copy the bloody netdeck and skip the whole tweaking-and-perfecting-it-yourself stage?

see above
What are the chances to never unbox a single azure drake in 100 packs?
100% if I unpack gvg packs
I am so fucking retarded
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AND asshole with the fon sr inn sr bm bm bm AS THE DRUID
amerifat detected
>there is gratification that comes from learning, advancing and succeeding.
Kek actually read this please >>123758172
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I´ve seen and read posts about pack opening and apparently the most common legendaries that people initially find are The Beast and Nozdormu.

Is the game slightly rigged? Do you think some crappy cards have a higher chance to appear than others?
i just got kezaned by a face hunter. ?????????????????????

Someone has to come up with new decks, you know? They don't just appear out of thin air. New decks do keep sprouting up from time to time, there's no reason someone here couldn't come up with one of them.

It's only wasting time if you don't enjoy it.
Well yeah, in that case, it's like I said. You're the kind of person that doesn't solely want to gain ranks, but to build his own decks in the process. You will be laddering more slowly than those of equal skill who netdeck, but you don't care, so it's cool.
I've played plenty of TCGs and I can confidently say the quickest way to get good in any card game is to netdeck.

When you netdeck you are often playing a tier 1 deck which removes the 'deck' part of the game and lets you focus on making the best plays possible. When you lose you know it's because of either your plays or maybe luck but not your deck. Playing a tier 1 deck lets you quickly learn all the powerful stuff in the game, how to stop them, ect and this is how you build up your deck building skills when you play lower tier decks you know what kind of stuff the deck is missing.

Going straight into a new card game with no knowledge at all and dicking around with a bunch of random cards does not make you good.
I don't enjoy it. But you're the one whining about how people enjoy different things and want to play the game differently.
if it is completely random, these things can happen without it being rigged
I will confirm the only legendary I've pulled is The Beast.
>100 GvG packs
Why do you do this to yourself?
hey, i got noz as my first too. regret dusting him desu
Avenging wrath
>6 mana
>8 damage
>0,75 dmg per 1 mana

Arcane missles
>3 damage per 1 mana

FFS, get your shit together blizzard

>You will be laddering more slowly than those of equal skill who netdeck

Only for a time, eventually building becomes natural. Which is the point, once you get good there is no need for netdecks anymore because building is easy and tweaking to optimal is quick.

Sure I may have been behind the curve a year ago, but not anymore.
how can you possibly regret dusting something so shit it's not seeing play even in rank 20?
The only difference between you and someone else is you spent a year losing to learn the game while someone else learned the game while winning.
i want to try the joust cheat that makes your opponent skip their turns.
it's not working since forever family
Is their a legendary that can fit in almost all shieldbearer decks ?
I don't want to craft Dr.Boom since people say it will be nerfed.
May be Ragnaros... but it caused so much butthurt to my opponent I don't want to experience bleeding anus because of bad RNG...
Its actually decent tech especially in mirror matches, and having one 4 drop doesn't ruin the face curve

Yeah, making slightly inefficient decks for a few months while I learned the ropes meant I spent a year "losing".

Also there is more gratification to be had to succeed and learn than there is in straight winning with someone elses answer.

But it really takes a whole lot less time and the decks are a whole lot less bad than you seem to think.
Dr. Boom
Just craft boom
If he gets nerfed you can get a full dust refund and craft whatever the new big Lego is.
are you retarded
>pay 1600 for top tier lego for every deck out there
>It gets nerf hammered and you get your 1600 back
>Also there is more gratification to be had to succeed and learn than there is in straight winning with someone elses answer.
Not really, it's just kind of silly. "Standing on the shoulders of Giants," and all that.
>I don't want to craft Dr.Boom since people say it will be nerfed.

People have been saying that since he was released. How long ago was that again?
Help. I have boulderfist, flamestrike, maly and frost giant.
>you didnt have a nozdormu to meme all over your opponent when the bug was still there
>you didnt have a leeroy to play miracle rogue and shit all over everyone before the nerfs
>you didnt have a tony to play freeze before the nerfs
>you didnt have molten giants to play giant charge warrior before the nerf

Always one patch behind the meta. Feels sad, man.

Boom won't be nerfed. Even if he is, you will get a full dust refund.

Craft him. It's literally the only card in the game you can plonk in any deck and have him do well. Hell, even in freeze mage he is decent, just not optimal as he doesnt fit in the game plan.
reddit says it's still bugged tho, senpai
Okay then, Dr.Boom. Thanks.
Easiest fallen hero I've seen.

Either Fallen Hero or Esportal. I am leaning on the hero.
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get a load of this guy
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What an well-made image! I'm dead impressed.
If you play fatigue warrior I sincerely hope you die in a fire.
You should get dr boom. Also, put knife juggler it's a staple in mid pally.
Fuck it. I'm suck of tryharding on the ladder. I'm just gonna Mill Rogue it for the next few days. How's my list?
What's the matter, don't like 20 minute games? :^ )
WHO wants to add me to talk about hearthstone? I'm rank 10

all those cards that would be awesome if they weren't in their specific classes.
its been confirmed that you get a higher chance of getting legendaries if you open lots of packs in a row rather than 1 pack every so often
I agree with you, its good to decknet if you want to become adept to a game quickly. Yet, there is something in building your own deck from scratch without much knowledge of the meta and slowly making it better, getting better ranks, fine tuning, trying some crazy ideas and generaly having fun that just netdecking skips over. A game is about fun, not everybody has fun the same way. Of course you want to win, but different people have different winning conditions that make they playtrough fun.
My very first legendaries were Ragnaros followed by Van Cleef followed by Talos. And this is pretty cool.
Never really liked bloodmage in mill. I'd probably swap it for a young brewmaster. Also, for consistency, I'd swap azure drake for sprint. Drawing 3 more cards for 1 less mana with prep+sprint to get closer to those coldlights is too good not to do.
When will overload be removed from the game?
not mine, from reddit
You sound like the yugioh guys who try to justify their gusto decks
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I'd say this was a fairly successful arena draft

Thalnos is cheap spell damage for fan, flurry and evis and a good evis combo activator and cycle.

Also sprint is only good in games were you've had terrible draw, it's dead in every other game you don't need a pure draw card. Plus you want to save prep for vanishes or gangups more than you want to use it on a sprint.

You don't need brews because you have shadowsteps which are better brews.
Tomb Pillager is going to be a great rogue card, just you wait.

Not even trolling
.. Ok? Everyone knows that.
5/4 without immediate impact sure is great
I don't know what is a gusto deck. The only thing i try to point is that different people have different ways to have fun. Some people like to play games with a walktrough by their side and some others like to go blind.
if only you could run like 4 lavashocks so overload wasn't such a crippling 'feature'
It's trash

>but at least im building my own deck unlike you no skill netdeckers
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Anyone else still trying to reach legend? The grind is so annoying...
divine spirit inner fire is acceptable with djinni now right

naw, i got to rank 5 then immediately sank back to rank 8 with meme decks.
Why tho? no value whatsoever. Rank 5 is all you need family
If you have 5 legenderies in your deck and you are still at rank 13 literally kill yourself
Why would you run it over shredder? Is getting a coin really worth more than getting a random 2-drop? My first prognosis is, no.
>massan has submode
>chat is literally frozen still

you can still have fun building your own decks after you get good at a game. its arguably more fun when you actually know what you're doing and know specifically what the deck needs to improve
Rank 5 reporting in
Eh, almost all of my Legos have been from single pack openings
>golden tbk > thalnos
>iron jug
>what's his name kill a beast instadust guy.
>third tbk
I know I'm forgetting a few that I've dusted too.
Only reason I haven't dusted the other instadust ones I have like beast, golden mistcaller, probably normal mistcaller, Wilfred fizzlememe is because I'm waiting for LoE to finish.
I'm not trying to point that one way is better than the other. I don't think there's a correct awnser to this kind of dillema, just whatever lets you have more fun.

You started the conversation by saying people who netdeck are chumps playing the game wrong
The problem here is that the "more fun" part is highly subjective. Some people just don't care about the deckbuilding and what right do we have to force them to play as we do
I'm not that anon.
stop arguing turboshitters
just use secret/midrange paladin. that's undisputably the most op deck right now.
okay sorry
rogues can do 24 damage without the need of a board. it just requires more time and cards.
then again warrior can also do 20 damage with the right cards (windfury harpy, charge, double inner rage)

the concept of burst is nothing new in hs, its just druid only needs 2 cards vs everyone else needing 3+
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Its fucking amazing
Post yer decks
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>play a game
>secrets paladin
>Secrets paladin
>secrets paladin

This happens every fucking time, blizz releases broken ass shit and most games end up being just outright frustrating to play against, every single fucking expansion.

I'm just done with this game I can't keep giving it chances

Mill rogue does high burst constantly.

3 coldlights when your opponent is out of cards is 28 damage minimum from an empty board
Brann and two coldlights is a minimum 45 burst.
>secret shitter has lethal
>starts dicking around
>he fucks up and loses


>the concept of burst is nothing new in hs, its just druid only needs 2 cards vs everyone else needing 3+

Not only that, but druid's combo burst scales up with his board, whereas other combos do not. Leeroy, Grommash, Spells, shit like the charged windfury harpy you mentioned: they all do the same damage regardless of the board.

The difference being that druid combos you at turn 5 at the earliest, while mill rogue combos you at like what, turn 20 at the earliest.
and backstab is a 0 cost 2 damage

literal infinite value
Oh hes 12

Rank 12
It's still beyond me while druid has got zero fucking nerfs despite being a top class every single meta since the dawn of the game.

I guess that just shows you the favoritism on ben brode and the kind of people and their professionalism that manages this game
I'd love to say just give force of nature the icehowl treatment and druid is fixed but it's moved past that point.
Blizzard singlehandedly ruined one of the few classes I enjoyed by turning druid into aggro cancer. I also mostly played the no combo ramp variation before too.
>ice block into ice block into Reno into echo of medivh

>rank 10 bm shitkid
How can every fucking paladin get perfect curve?

I don't remember the last time I met a paladin that couldn't knife juggler turn 2 and muster turn 3
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>1 hp
>field full of monsters
>enemy top decks avenging wrath
>all of them miss
>one hits a boom bot and kills them
Nothing feels better than winning a constant back and forth, 20+ minute fatigue game. Pure satisfaction.
Wow, man nice skill and taunt. You sure told that warlock
Paladins run a lot of 2 cost the math is in their favor
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I like to play fundecks
not really when its only effcient mill are the coldlights.
This, however the problem isnt savage roar but force of nature. If shaman had a force of nature, that + Bloodlust would be equally as bad.

just make them 1/3 instead of 2/2. turns a 14 damage combo into an 11, which is reasonable, considering that aligns with other classes burst for two cards.
Hitting rank 5 from rank 7 with a half dozen short games feels better

I'd rather not get trapped into a 30 minute game with a fatigue deck
can I get to legend with facehunter and 1 flare or am I fucked?
>he still wins
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>tfw mill rogued a secretdin

Name one thing more satisfying.

>it feels good to gamble on mulligans

>freeze mage
>froze my board and threw a Frost Bolt at my face. "THE END IS COMING"
>"I CAN WAIT NO LONGER" + Inner Rage and killed the sayer
>froze my board again and threw an Ice Lance in my face. "THE END IS COMING"
>equipped another Death's Bite, allowing the former one to set up a Whirlwind. Executed the Sayer
>he conceded

Is there any based class than warrior? Garrosh sucks as a character, though

I don't want to play lots of fatigue games, but it's not like you are going to concede once you are in the game.

So instead you are already in this 20+ minute game and its coming to a close, you are either vying for value or trying to find a kill. Because the game has been going on so long, you'll be really pissed if you lose.

Then the cards fall together and you finally pull out the win, it just feels so good. Winning a game on turn 5-6 doesn't give you that same feeling at all.

>Name one thing more satisfying.

Reno'ing hunters after they throw everything at face and is out of cards is pretty fucking satisfying.
>vying for value or trying to find a kill
Not really I'm just playing whatever I topdeck and waiting for Dr. Boom and Tirion

Unbalanced removal sure is skillful m8
You only need flare if you're seeing lots of midrange hunters or freezemages. In either case teching a kezan might be better. Face is already good against aggro secret as long as you don't play like shit and midrange secret already beats you in ways that flare won't really help.
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Garrosh did nothing wrong
Thrall is a self righteous nigger

Sounds like you are a victim of being outskilled.
>Costs $80 to update the maps on my Navman.
fuck no

Google does that shit for free.
Name one better writren Horde character than Garrosh. You can't
Why would they throw tomatoes at him? Does he fall from stairs in excitement?
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>Garrosh apologists

back to /pol/ with you
Eh, warrior is at a disadvantage against handlock/renolock, so no surprise here. Once Jaraxxus comes down it tends to be game over for warrior.
Nice rank though. I'm hovering around legend one billion right now

At least I don't brag about beating Freeze Mage with Warrior, a retarded toddler could win that matchup.
>Thrall duels Garrosh
>Garrosh verbally wrecks him

>b-but he was the moral winner!

Yeah I'm sure "wrecking verbally" worked out well as the elements actually fucking destroyed him and his Nazi ass :^)

Eh, at least I don't bring solitaire to an interactive game.

Even if he managed to kill the board with the second one, I still have a patron ready for another board, complete with 2 Armorsmith.
Haha, this. There are literally three moves one must make to win that matchup.

>every turn, armor up
>make sure to shieldslam/bgh/execute tony and alex

Congratulations, that's all it takes to win the freeze mage matchup. There's literally not an easier matchup in the game. You could make a rogue deck with only the shittiest, most expensive creatures in the game and match her against secret paladin, and the rogue would still have a higher chance to win than the freeze mage has against the control warrior.

>Even if he managed to kill the board with the second one, I still have a patron ready for another board, complete with 2 Armorsmith.

You're only proving my point, you won an IMMENSELY one-sided matchup and proceded to post about it here like it was some great achievement.
Consistently winning games as midrange shaman

Got to rank 5 for the first time today with it
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Well Meme'd
>b-but he was the moral winner!
He was winning until Thrall pulled out magic out of his ass when he got called out for leaving Horde leadership to a simpleton
If Garrosh ended up as a field commander of sorts (like in Icecrown), nothing bad would happen
Post deck I'm curious
Who do I pick

Look, it's not my fault if someone brings a deck consists of probably 5-6 minions and then die because they cannot solitaire properly.
>freeze mage (automatically loses to warrior).
i hate it when people make blanket statements like this. you are objectively wrong. any deck can beat any other deck with the right RNG

So Garrosh's argument was that everything was Thrall's fault for entrusting the horde to him?

You're telling me that his moral victory was "well yeah but you had to know I was a giant retard"?

Congratulations I guess.

Confirmed for never having played freeze vs warrior

You would be lucky to do better than 1 game in 10, if that.
>everything was Thrall's fault for entrusting the horde to him
Yes, seeing Garrosh himself said he wont be able to handle it when Thrall decided to leave.
Druid or shaman
Priest can be amazing but only if you know how to priest
>Thrall did bugger all to prepare Garrosh for the burdens of leadership
>never actually offers any advice when Garrosh is warchief
>has the cheek to call him out for not doing great as warchief

Nah, fuck Thrall and his dumb ass.
>lore shitters for a dead game with terrible constantly rewritten "lore"
Please don't talk about things you have no idea about

Freeze mage auto loses to any warrior to the point where a lot of freeze players concede when they see a warrior on the ladder. That matchup is about 99% in warriors favour

>Garrosh is a retard
>Garrosh himself knows this and yet makes no effort to not be a retard, in fact he goes full Hitler
>therefore everything bad that Garrosh did is Thrall's fault

I can't see any cracks in this flawless argument.
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>mfw i c MoP fags

>55 KB, 555x555

Hmm, well played.
Nobody's saying Garrosh is innocent

but if you live in a million dollar house and leave your front door open for a night, you can be damn sure I'll call you a retard and partly responsible when you get robbed
>Deck that gets any value out of this card
>Making it to turn 6
>Garrosh is a poor diplomat
>Garrosh himself told this to Thrall yet he is pushed into being a Warchief
>in Cata he was brutal but honorable
>in Pandaria writers rewrote the character into horde Hitler
>in Warlords they killed only potentially new memorable character since wc3 because green jesus cant do anything wrong
he was trying to get you fucking idiots
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>play against some tempo mage who won 100% thanks to esportal bullshit
>get matched with him again, this time crush him because we were on equal footing

It's a good feeling to show them who's boss
wtf is with ghoul and especially weblord? you should drop those for more draw like loot hoarder, put in a 2nd inner fire because wtf is wrong with you not running 2 in a wombo combo deck, and then take out bolf because he's shit and put in actually useful leggos like emperor and boom
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Pretty standard overload-oriented midrange deck with a couple tweaks

-no Bloodlust- you could probably do well with 1 but I took mine out a few days ago and haven't missed it much
-only 1 totemic- it feels less valuable without bloodlust so 2 seemed unnecessary. it also frees up space in the 3-mana slot for unbound elemental
+neptulon- awesome in long games when you need to catch up a bit, this card alone has won me several matches in the past couple days
+stormforged axe- not sure why this isn't played more, it really helps you keep the opponents board under control early on
+arcane nullifier X-21 and sludge belcher- because of all the overload cards I found that having some solid 4-5 mana minions that wouldn't keep you from playing fire elemental on turn 6 was important
The vines are a cool and shining grey; each grape is a faceted fragment of flint. The gravel of the paths crunches beneath your feet. The breeze smells of stone and quiet must. The Mountain seems much closer here.

The first Vigneron walks companionably beside you, wool-wrapped hand on your shoulder ; his grape-mask tilted towards you. Each time you stray towards the edge of the path, or towards the vines, he squeezes your shoulder in warning. Other Vignerons attach themselves to your companions. Their gait and manner is human, but their wrappings conceal everything. Not an inch of skin is visible.

It's not like Thrall had any other choice for Warchief, the orcs wouldn't have accepted anyone but the son of the great hero Hellscream and he wasn't about to trust a crazy voodoo witch doctor or an even crazier dead woman.

However I'm no lore expert so if you say that writers ruined Garrosh's character I'm gonna have to trust you.
>Rng is bad
>except when it helps me
Seems about right

idk i just threw together a low curving zoo deck and beat a rogue. one and done, thank god i don't have to play this shit format anymore.
Thrall could well you know, stayed.
You simply appoint council in your stead for a while and go to Outland Mecca to learn elemental stuff.
Shaman meta needs to play catchup a bit. Before the trogg stormforged was too slow and slowed the next turn too much. Now shaman can get great tempo early and force removal.
>Thrall could well you know, stayed.

I was under the impression he needed to stop the whole world from coming undone or some shit. Sounds more important than sitting on his ass in Orgrimmar all day long.
Well, he won with rng bullshit normally not possible without esportal,

I won with the actual cards I put in my deck
Yeah fair point

Trogg into Axe is just so nice now though, really sets the tone against any low-midrange decks. I would definitely recommend trying it out if you're using troggs.
>tfw out-smorcing a hunter
>It's not like Thrall had any other choice for Warchief

Ignoring the fact that a warchief had not need be an orc at all, he still could've chosen Saurfang or any other well known orc. Or, at the very fucking least prepare Garrosh.
Then you save the world and come back to your place in the Horde.
Instead he did jack shit in Pandaria until Garrosh went full nazi
Its not like anybody will call him a dick afterwards.
Is keeper of uldaman really good in midrange paladin?
Better with secret paladin since midrange uses peacekeepers
Yeah, its either big guy removal or small guy buffer.
Oh, in that case it's shit.
wow how mature
Yep, that card is nuts. Got legend with a pally deck that had 2 of them yesterday. On curve you can usually buff a 1/1, or reduce anything your opponent throws at you no problem. It replaces BGH in pally now IMO
I saw someone on reddit suggest this, thought it was interesting

change the overload mechanic so that overloaded crystals can only be used for your hero power

so if you have 4 crystals (2 overload) you can hero power+use a 2 mana card

thoughts? I don't think it would be too OP but I'm biased
Still stuck at rank 3
Fund it.
That actually sounds nice, and doesn't fuck your turn too much.

Better yet, remove overload altogether. It's a shit mechanic that's holding back an entire class.
You'd have to change every single shaman card to account for that though

Sometimes I buy 60 packs and there were occasions that I got 4 to 5 legendaries from 60 packs and times that I literally got a single legendary. I'd say it is still random.
>tfw lost to hat hunter as fatigue warrior

jesus christ that deck is actually retarded, gonna have to actually tech in a silence
I feel you there but they would have to completely rework so many cards, they might just fuck it up even more
Explain the overload theme to me. How does it fit the WoW shaman? I thought his thing were totems.
with how hard the game is powercreeping most overload cards don't even need a drawback any more

Not really. Most overload cards are fine even without it, what with the powercreep and all.

You'd only need to change the board clears.
More like shit cards. Overload would be fine except that shaman has been getting the short end of card quality for some time with next to nothing that plays off overload. Tunnel trogg is just one badly needed piece that makes overload a working mechanic and not just a detriment.
it doesn't really relate to WoW that much

it's just supposed to fit the general theme of big burst that elemental/enhancement shamans have historically had, overload is just a way to justify having otherwise "OP" cards
It's only similar in name to what shamans in WoW have. In WoW, overloading causes a spell to be cast twice.
That's funny because shaman's biggest burst potential comes from cards without overload. Rockbiter, Flametongue, Windfury, Bloodlust, Al'Akir.
And after? Does the spell become locked or what?

Its just an rng mechanic that sometimes gives you crazy burst potential when a big spell gets overloaded
No, it's a mastery effect that has a chance to happen on all casts and has no drawback.
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let me balance the shaman hero power...

choosing your totems seems OP

but let's change the

rockbiter 1/1 to a 1/2
healing can be 0/2 but heal face +1
taunt from 0/2 to 0/3
spell one can be very good in some situations so same
I can second this.
Biggest Shaman gimmick was either weapon buffs or totems. Also duelwield
Thats about it
/r9k/ pls go
But hold on, this sounds fucking perfect for Hearthstone!

>Overload: Random chance for effect to trigger twice.

It's like Brode's wet dream.
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Overlard is not a bad concept
The problem with Overlard that to keep it relevant, you would have to change the overloard costs every expansion because the cost is 100% related to current tempo of other cards
Feral Spirit was worth the 2 overload before 3/4 became normal for 3 drops
Healing totem used to heal face too, but was nerfed because it was too strong in classic hearthstone.

Then blizzard added vitality totem to help fix shaman's lack of self heal instead of just reverting the nerf.
I'm so sorry, friend.

Added cards to fill out packs and to make opening good cards harder instead of fixing old cards is literally blizzards thing.
well that explains it blizzard is too proud
feral spirit doesn't even feel that strong and the overload on that card, and just in general is...quite brutal... -_-
>bitter white male.png
lmaoing at whoever made this or takes stuff like this seriously
Yeah, but they could have given shaman something else they needed in vit totem's place.
Now we have to deal with it in the card pool.
They'll just start releasing better versions of the old cards eventually, like with heckler and that raging elemental
>already reached rank 5
>no quests
>no need of either gold or cards
>still feel compelled to play

how about you can choose the totems from start and with justicar they would get the buffs you mention
>Why am I having fun?!??!
Start fresh in a different region
>frostwolf grunt vs elven archer at rank 24
I get freeze mage takes a bit of skill to play but how is this deck fun? The person piloting the deck is essentially stalling until they dig through their deck and the opponent has their board cleared in a variety of means (Frost Nova, Doomsayer, Flamestrike, Cone of Cold, Blizzard, etc.)

BAKA senpai
Reach Legend, faggot
those were cards nobody used
people still try to use shaman cards, even if they are now worse than before
Playing midrange druid for me most of the time means pulling another win out of my arse, literally topdeck this topdeck that and combo on turn nine. Glad there's not THAT much tempo mages on ladder today.

I never reached it before so I highly doubt I can do it from rank 5 in two days. My personal best is rank 2.
Nobody uses spirit wolves, they're just pure garbage
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>tfw dropping bgh on curve against druid
Fuck your fell reaver bro.
Too good to be real, I'd rather delete the 1/1 for shaman's sake.
Okay guys, overload is gone. Does it fix shaman?

>dust devil
>earth ele
>fire ele

Still feels weaker than perfect paladin curve.
It's fun because it's the only deck beside mill that isn't just 'hurr durr face' or an endless fight for board control. It's refreshing.

You now have the best board clears in the game bar none, a 5 mana 7/8 taunt, and a monster curve only rivaled by paladins.

I'd say we more than fixed it.
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>killing fel reavers
its delayed hurr durr face

they just unload on your face in one turn

he can always silence it and rape your face without even discarding.
Garbage, huh? Druid of the claw split in 2 bodies on turn 3 without innervate, maybe it's not really good on it's own, but when played in bloodlust variant or with new trogg suddenly it becomes mediocre at worst.
The choices you can make per turn can be very different and affect the game state a lot. Thinking and taking calculated risks on what you're going to draw is part of it,not just what's in your hand. The deck requires you think thinking a few turns in advance, unlike most decks where it's just play on curve.

This decision making makes the deck very interesting, though it's entirely invisible to the opponent, hence why people hate to play against freeze. Deck also has the advantage of being very independent of RNG, even the RNG of card draw is minimised compared to other decks since you'll cycle through the majority of your deck in a game. I recommend trying freeze (and oil which plays rather similarly honestly)
>I must safeguard the lands intensifies

>suddenly it becomes mediocre

well you have me convinced there!
>they just unload on your face in one turn

>dust devil coin dust devil into flametongue

>equality in hand

Silencing it will do nothing but waste his silence.
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Don't worry, friendo, I'm just playing with le hating on le reddit meme. It's still a super rad collage.
Don't forget we talking about shaman here.
>One turn
No they do it in two or three turns.

wasting equality on a single minion will leave him unable to clear the board later or even answer the second reaver.
feral spirits were used in a deck to get to legend 500
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This brawl is giving me so much money senpai

I don't have the cards to make a tempo mage deck, I just go into the brawl as mage and if they don't concede agaisnt me right away I concede is hilarious
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>if you play a garbage bloodlust deck suddenly it becomes mediocre
I take it back card's great
Seems like Freeze Mage players are people that are elitist and delay the inevitable (potentially losing) XD
holy shit fatigue warrior is so good in warrior vs warrior, you get down to <10hp on fatigue play reno and just watch them concede

It was me, that is my screenshot. He did in fact silence it maybe 3 or so turns later after a significant amount of his deck was gone and I just equalitied it and killed it.

I won without any issue.
>7 secrets in hand
actually i had miracle and it was so fun
>tfw not drawing auctioneer
felt bad
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Better have some spells on hand faggot
>waah waah I play the epitome of cancer and I draw badly one game every 100 this is so dumb :(
Playing against it sucks ass. If I'm playing some brain dead deck, my turns are like 2 seconds long and I alt tab to do something else while I wait for him to rope his whole turn.
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r8/h8 OC

Yeah we were talking about the possibility of silencing it turn 4, three turns later it's obviously too late.

>trying to get daily out of the way as quickly as possible
>playing casual so i politely don't get in anyone's way in ranked
>freeze shitter in my way
>gaining life and blocking it up and whatnot
>pretty much out of gas and he has had archmage up for 2-3 turns, get through block @ 2 life
>he plays mad scientist, fireballs his own scientist
>hero power him
>it's not 2nd block

is there anything more satisfying in the life of an aggro shitter?
dies to kodo, it's shit

Reverse Knife Juggler? I like it, could potentially kill off enemies during their turns.

>Massacres Muster for Battle
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Just got memed on by a Freeze Mage running Ragnagros that hit my face and missing two (2) minions.

>Mfw Rngesus has forsaken me.
'Freeze mage players'? This isn't WoW where you have a main, dingus. I play all decks, or at least the ones I have the cards for, depending on what quests I have. Freeze mage is just one of them, though admittedly I do like playing it more than most aggro or midrange decks.
finally a defense against unleash the hounds
I can't tell if it's better than Knife Juggler
>Freeze make running Ragnaros
Supreme memed
>You have knife juggle
>enemy plays tauren marine
>you play muster
Jesus take the wheel
>playing freeze mage at all

Go play solitaire, dude.

Unless you want to give me free wins, being a warrior.
Yeah contrary to popular belief you aren't actually forced to run exactly the same list as the internet tells you, you can switch some cards around and still have the same theme. Weird huh
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So is today the last day of the season? And how am I doing I started two weeks ago
>playing on a phone

you're not doing great

The season lasts a month. What day is today, anon? You should be able to figure this out.
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>Have 2 Tauren Marines on board
>Potential Infinite Loop with enemy board full of Dreadsteeds
>started two weeks ago
How do people do this. You need to spend so much fucking cash to be even relatively competent these days it's insane

The moment you start being good you'll start growing exponentially more frustrated every time you lose because you didn't have good cards. Turn back while you still can
lmao rank 13 well I'm on rank 13 as well but I got to 5 and am just farming for that golden portrait XD
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People who play freeze mage (or mage for that matter) seem to be the most bm-ish

pic related stops their bm rather quickly though
Consider the following
Playing on a phone is literally no different to the point that they are currently using the app version at dreamhack, many pros play on tablets why exactly do you have superiority by playing with a mouse when there are people who make a living by playing this game on a mobile device
nah paladins and hunters are
>Well met!
>Greetings traveler
Well met!
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>Have 7 Tauren Marines on board
Guys, should I craft second FoN for my aggro druid, second WHO AM I for my secret paladin or 2 arcane golems for my face hunter? Need one of these for quick 20 rank farming.
wat do
I've found people who play aggro decks to be the most bm-ish.

Probably mad because they get meme'd on by Reno so much.
>Just want to say hello and good game
>Can't because I sound like a cunt

Eh,i guess i find Jaina's voice annoying.

Also using flare on secrets is so much more satisfying than Kezan on freeze
Reno jackson is now epic, and you can have 2 in your deck.
How will this change Hearthstone?

Purely based on those 3 card? Take the trogg.
But i can't really say since i can't see the rest of your deck.

But whatever you do, don't take Illidan.
Not a lot
Troggzor is the "fuck off flamestrike" card.
Malorne is the best stats distribution.
Illidan is a cheaper Ravenholdt Assassin.
this was the very first pick, forgot to mention

For the better.

Slow meta > Fast meta
Goddamnit people go back to netdecking your deck variants are terrible and only win because people don't play around mech sheep+Sylvanas+Void Terror in a handlock deck what the hell did you even cut to fit that
trogg definitely then, if you have board control and play it you pretty much win by default, extremely powerful whenever the enemy doesn't have minions to kill it with on board otherwise as well

take the trogg. Very good.

Don't listen to the shieldbearers here and take Illidan, summoning a shitload of Flames is very good tempo plus the stat distribution makes him a serious face threat.
trog it is then. thx senpai
sounds like someone got rekt senpai
Is Freeze stronger without Reno?

I sampled a lot of games and Reno either can't activate early enough to save me against hyper aggro, or I simply don't need him to win against midrange/control decks. The effect IS good tho, so I'm kinda looking for advice from more experienced solitaire players.

>taking Trogg
>not taking malorne and create a beast druid deck

baka senpai
Ranks nerds? I've been having a lot of trouble getting past 5, but I'm pretty sure at that point I just have to grind
Rank 5, I'd push for legend but I'm busy with other shit.
Nobody BMs more than combo druid players

I'm rank 4, was 2 last season, I assume I could reach legend but I won't ever find out if I can because I'm lazy and can't be assed to grind. Probably couldn't even if i tried though, those people are strong.
rank 5, the amount of time it takes to grind to legend isn't worth it. Done it twice, it's pretty dumb

they should add better rewards and I'd bother
Freeze is stronger if you avoid highlander decks
Reno is really not necessary, freeze mage does not need that extra turn it provides
Stopped at 5. The grind to legend is not worth 50 extra dust.
Been stuck at rank 3 for fucking ever, but I finally got to rank 2 after I stopped making silly misplays.

If I stop at rank 1 for the 5th fucking month in a row I'm going to kill myself.

Ranking up past 6 is all about skill and how well you know your decks and their matchups. Or hope you're one of the lucky 10 face players in your region that happens to luckily faceroll their way to legend once and never repeat.

Mine is here >>123761503 . If your winrate is not good (55% or lower) then getting legend would definitely appear to be a grind. The "trick" is to have 65% or higher winrate, then it doesn't take long.
Tempo mages are right up there.
Hopefully now that dreamhack is over he comes back soon.
ranking up past 6 is all about waiting for reynad to make some deck, have everyone copy it and running a counter deck yourself

regards from 5 to legend with 3 losses facing zoo 99% of the games, and again when 90% of the ladder was face shaman recently
>burgle in arena
How the fuck do you manage 65% as Handlock in this meta? Or was it a Reno deck?
One win away from legend
I just play my same shit and it works for me, which is mostly control priest, dragon priest, priest brews like deathrattle priest and face priest, with some opother classes mixed in(handlock/hybrid huntewr being my next most played)
12, I wanted to make it past 10 with face hunger but I don't have willpower, I'm f2p doing dailies and buying packs instead of doing arena, the only other deck I have is a budget zoo that gets squashed below rank 15
What? You must be on NA.
I hit legend this season and I've seen 1-2 zoo players in total so far. Simply no one plays Zoo on EU right now, the deck gets curbstomped by most meta decks
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Rank 6 hopefully can push to 5 by Tuesday don't care much for reaching legend.
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How deep into the ranks can I get with face Hunter? At what point does SMORG loses its effect? The most I have achieved is rank 8 but I never committed to trying to reach legend
Not him but I'm NA and I haven't seen much of any Zoo either, and I've been stuck bouncing between almost hitting legend and deranking randomly all season

Must be a chink
Been playing for a few weeks now, did some assisted arena runs, bought some packs, and I'm slowly getting the hang of it. I still have a hard time composing a proper deck or telling what my opponent might do or have.
Any general pointers? Is there a site where I can put in my cards and have it suggest deck builds?
Or am I better off saving dust and buying the cards I need?
spoken like a true aggro simpleton
Getting to 5 is pretty easy. I stopped playing it then because my winrate went to like 40%. I play beast hunter now though

That's Renolock. I got legend with Patron before LoE though, my winrate was around that. My Renolock list has a 68% winrate over ~40 games in legend.
>Sorry that happened
Back when reynad invented it first, not this season
the cheeky 4 elemental combo
why are there no good hearthstone streamers on at this time

yagut is playing a shitty druid deck and reckful is jus a jew but at least hes playing rogue
because its night time in china so our perfect girl is sleeping her beauty sleep
>he doesn't watch based savjz
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Finally. From 1 to legend was surprisingly easy but I got really lucky in some games, though.
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>tfw my combo druid has 100% winrate against reno decks

Being rich won't save you from 30 damage
how do you not get tired of her stream

it was fun the first few times but then it's the same autistic bullshit and songs and stupid jokes and her face is melting and shes getting fatter
Renolock is already boring to watch.
>not watching Trump VODs
Dad is at Dreamhack
almost as bullshit as the last mage I played that had 3 zombie chows and a leper gnome up on turn 3
if the stream itself gets boring I just sit and admire her perfection
>bored of ladder
>decide to play some brawl with a variety of decks
>vs Jania
>vs Jania
>vs Jania
>vs Jania

what the hell is wrong with people, how can you be so boring and meta in a fucking brawl lmao
I just wanna get my pack and go home, so I choose the deck that will let me get that done as fast as possible desu senpai

I played token druid in the brawl, it was really successful.
>playing meme reaver
>sit with 16 damage in hand as face shaman
>freeze mage on 17 hp
>next turn he topdecks the first ice block
>next turn he topdecks the second iceblock

Why do I even play this shit game

>I just wanna get my pack and go home,

I'm at like 20 wins from mucking around because its pretty fun. None of these mage shitters are after the pack anymore friend.



I just insta concede its brawl lol, you think I have to care about their shit.
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I can sit here all day, faggot. I didn't even want to play.

The game has crashed, it will never resolve for either party.

You are wasting your time.
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Come up with a better Rogue legendary than this.

You disconnected mate. It will literally go on until you close the client.

>You disconnected mate

No, he didn't. The game has crashed. When you get disconnected, the game tells you you've been disconnected and attempts to (and is usually successful in) reconnect you.

When the game hangs entirely and never proceeds and you cannot quit it's because there has been a crash.
Thanks family

Did gud, final boss was a druid with FoN.

I thought disconnecting looked just the same? The difference is that if you close and reconnect it actually works.
>Rogue can't function unless given a broken face damage piece of shit
Good riddance to this shit class desu senpai

No, a giant dialogue box comes up saying you have been disconnected, the dialogue box goes on to say you are reconnecting.
Create new aoe effects

>Deal X damage to all enemy minions for X amount of beasts you control, 4 mana
Revival of beast hunter and a way for hunters to board clear outside explosive
Are you fucking retarded

UtH + that card would be so broken in a lot of matchups. UtH on its own is already pretty punishing for developing a board, that would be broken in mid range lists
even their only competitive deck relies on prenerf savagery, a card that literally got nerfed in alpha for being a broken piece of shit.
Oh shit I completely disregarded uth synergy, how would you balance that?
That's why no one in their right mind would print that card
Do they ever plan to release a good taunt minion besides Belcher?
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Pick yours.
idk, they printed challenger i wouldn't give them too much credit.
this has happened to me multiple times against raptor rogues and i hate it. The one who closes the client first loses the match or if you're the one stuck you always lose?
Hello reddit
did reckful get another new girlfriend? who is this girl on stream?
Reliquary best girl and anyone that thinks otherwise is dumb
What if it were for druid instead? Would beast druid become a thing?
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>Four consecutive fucking losses where I just get OTKd from their hand, unable to play around it
brawl? the counter is to play your flamewaker first.
No, constructed against Mage/Druid
With druid it's kind of borderline... Old savagery did a similar thing and that was broken as all fuck

If you get stuck, you lose.

If you wait, the other player will simply finish the game and win.
If you close, the game assumes you left and gives a win by default.
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That's why I'm playing druid. Just won with double savage. 2 saplings and a hex'd frog on board lmao.
Hold the fuck on.
I've never noticed until now but are Ysera's holding her hands like a jew?
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Holy shit, she really is.
Holy Champion
>she'd teach me to be a perfect sub and reward me by letting me suck her tits while she pets my head
living the dream
>Play fel reaver then this next turn
>They discard all the wisps for free
>she'd whisper "is someone injured?" in your ear as she pinches your nipples or pulls your hair to hold your head closer to her lips

I always thought her hands were on top of a rock or some shit, what the fuck?
You want these dream cards, good goyim?

>is someone injured?

That's not what holy champion says nigga keeps your fanfic shit at least accurate.

It's too late senpai, you can't erase the past.
Lierally every player on lader is netdecking...

glad i created my own deck with 63% winrate and mad faggots try to add me afterwards to flame me
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I rarely play priest, let me try this again, with the correct quote this time
>holy champion will never whisper "does this hurt?" in your ear as she pinches your nipples or pulls your hair to hold your head closer to her lips, nor she will ever ask you how many fingers do you see before gently sliding them in your ass


She's an alien.
Why do people say handlock sucks in this meta

I just went from 12-6 with it
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>liking any art drawn by GENZOMAN

Fucking disgusting.
why does she even have hands in dragon form and not claws anyway? it's creepy.
genzoman cant draw shit
I thought Kirin Tor Mage was a dude
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Is this shit any good? There are so many decks with Raptor now.
Why is she such a manlet?
Why couldn't they just use this as her main card art?
Falling around rank 12-14 with this list, how to get out of this stasis?
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digital sports
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So many missed opportunities.
>losing with druid
no one can save you anon you fucking moron
ive been playing reno lock all evening with 11 wins in a row and this shitty meme deck reckt me even with good drawing on curve
I get out-aggro'd or extend it too long for my Handlock matches
>not running 2 divine favors
Reminder that it's basically arcane intellect if you can draw two cards and usually it's much better
>"A is overpowered, it's not fair."
>"A is overpowered? What about B? That shit needs to be nerfed!"
>"Uh, hello? Have you guys forgotten all about C??"

Babbys first meta
Two is overkill, unless you are running a plain aggro pally. One is fine IMO, two can be a dead draw too often especially since Dr 6 pulls half your deck for you anyway
>not running blessing of wisdom
If you have only one you never draw it when you need it, but that's only what I've experienced.
It's not a bad card either desu
b-but children play that game! And please think of the girls
Goddamn why is this firewalker bullshit allowed? Literally so fucking boring waiting for the mage to finish the turn with rope every fucking time.
In your typical pally list nowadays, the issue isn't "oh this card is not good enough, I'll just run one copy", the issue is "what the hell do I cut to include this card". As it stands, double divine favour is not better than most other cards in your deck. Your simple aggro pally without secrets benefits from it the most, but in a meta where paladins are cutting Truesilver because it's not good enough, it's hard to justify double divine favour.
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Damn bro, thanks for your post!

I feel a satisfaction right now you cant imagine...

aggro shitters absolutely BTFO

At this point I feel like these posts are made by people who actually like Reno.
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>cult master


>reno decks have loads of average cards
>they rarely get good curve
>possibly very heavy on legendary minions
>requires to actually have him in your hand
>you can just board control and fuck him up in single turn
what are you saying Rexxar?
Spiders are slutty.
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The card is fine it's just that his effect is far too powerful at 6mana while putting a 4/6 body on board.

Getting Reno in my mulligan against Hunter is so delicious. The game hasn't even started, yet it is already over.
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fuck you desu
This!!! i start rooping every face unter and then reno them just for the lulz...

they try to add me and i deny

its almost orgasmic
b-but I like spiders, they have big butts.
I wouldn't play sylv, she's just a bit too slow. I've had a lot of success with combo druid lately so maybe you just have to learn the deck more

get fucked aggro shitter lmao
That's true actually. Do you think Loatheb is absolutely necessary in this deck? I need room for Uldamemes
>Shitty Pirate/Deathrattle deck is 3-1.

Thanks Kragg who I still haven't even seen in my hand once yet.

You could hit legend with that deck. User error.
Here's a list I reached legend with this season, make of it what you want
Should be 8 mana or 7 for 4/4
Ok ty
Is oil rogue good or nah?
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In the grim darkness of the 21st century there can be no peace, only really bad original content.
Not for you or anyone else in this thread. For good players, yes it's tier 1.

Good players hit rank 1 legend with it. /hsg/ can't play it because it's not aggroshit and they can't grasp that the deck is fine, so they think it's shit.
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>The card is fine it's just that his effect is far too powerful at 7 mana while putting a 7/7 body on board.
>The card is fine it's just that his effect is far too powerful at 6 mana while putting a 6/6 body on board.
Do I need Edwin to max its potential or nah?
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>Not a single Pirate.

Listen they made this class for a reason. At least try and make it decent.
>that ravenholdt agent art
My dick
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2/3 stealth with a tribe tag is OP.

The snake is ridiculously overpowered, makes pre nerf Undertaker and Scrubs look like shit.

The 1/4 is too strong, it renders any weapon card useless since dagger + oil or poison is all you need.

4 mana 3/4 draw 2+ cards speaks for itself. Maybe if it was destroy your weapon and draw, it would be REMOTELY balanced, but still on the strong side.
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You might want to get your eyes checked, anon.

the wolf trainer is the only card
who could make it into this game

but since blii went full retard they woudl propably copy paste this shit how its is
I am and I only see one. So it's still shit good job.
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>draw shit
>lose game
thx ben
Crypt fiend is too powerful. It's a reusable Sap on a hard to get rid of body that completely destroys deathrattles. I wouldn't give it 1 hp point more than 3, let alone 5.

Dr. 5 is just ridiculous, might as well make every card infinite value broken trash.
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>make a claim theres not a single pirate
>gets corrected
>still act like an entitled douche

wish i could filter more than tripfags.
do I just concede as mysterio man if I mulligan into 3 secrets?
>people think oil rogue is hard
lmfao f a m
I know. I could filter shitty OC like this. Would be great.
You're playing paladin, you'll draw into minibot, muster, shredder, everything you need on those turns. It's a spoken rule that paladin's always have a perfect curve
>2 mana Ice Block that can't be countered by Kezan,
i guess you're new to 4chan.

you cant filter images. here newfag, look at top right part of the site. since 4chan is new to you, it might take you awhile to find.
the guy trying to some some shitty oc and you just disprove him fucking retards you rly dont have anything better to do with your miserable life?
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>half my friend list have people who haven't played in over a week

is this game dying? this watch and learn quest has been rotting in my log for a couple days now. can anyone help?

DanSmith#1297 - NA
iunno, guess my luck is just shit, cause the next things I drew were bok, conses, truesilver and tirion
>Queue into arena
>Turn two shielded
>turn three muster
>turn four shredder
>on turn 8 tirion
>you cant filter images
>calls others newfags

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Not him, but you really should avoid putting your foot in your mouth.
>all this awful oc
You'll hurt his feelings. Stop it you meany.
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>get lethal
>reduce opponent to the lovest possible hp without killing him
>spend rest of turn spamming "I'm sorry" until rope
>kill the faggot
>add him afterwards and call him a noob

I've become so jaded the only pleasure I find in this game is others suffering.
>find random OC on imgur
>post for casual conversation on a public image board
>this 4chan poster goes full autism mode

i can see why people outside of 4chan see this place as a cesspool of unintelligence.
I love how people complain about druid when rogue can OTK you from 30 much more consistently

Such bullshit
Rogue isn't invincible with built in taunts, heals, silence, and charge in all his good minions. Any fast deck can out race Rogue easily.
>rogue can OTK you from 30 much more consistently

what is this, september 2014
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>Any fast deck can out race Rogue easily.
Is sneeds old shredder better than illidain in arena?
Depends on how aggro your deck is
Not particularly, so I assume shredder
Whats tempo?
Whats the difference betwen tempo and value?
Is valid to say that the difference between a tempo and a midrange deck is one focusing in the former and the other on value?
Freeze mage shouldn't exist desu.

I love this punished without running a flare or kezan meme

and god forbid I try to develop a fucking board.
look up magic the gathering delver deck

you'll find you answer there
Should I buy a few packs? I'm feeling lucky.
>spend 1000000000 dollars
>win every game

fucking hilarious concept you fucking retarded faggots
If that was the case then most of /hsg/ would be able to be beyond rank 5
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Post fun memories to share with your friends

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What's the general aim when drafting an arena deck? What does a good mana curve look like?
You midrange more than you want too many high cards and low cards

more 4-5 mana cards is better than more 2-3s and 6+s

Granted having a good number of 1-3s is good because you need early game, and you also want a couple of high cards because those are your "win conditions"
When others do this to me it satisfies me greatly that they would waste their own time while I just alt tab and do something else and start the next game while they add me.

Like how pooper peeved do you even have to be to get this angry when you win lmao.
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I can't wait for the new season, I'm going to make legend this time around, I've waited to long to commit myself to it.

No more settling for rank 5 rewards, I'm excited.
Is it just me or am I getting more exp in this brawl? Do the 0 cost cards count for that?
I say this at the start of every season but then realize it gets really fucking draining and stop. I think I'd go through with it if there was better rewards or something else.
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>rank 15
>golden mage
>5 legendaries in deck
>BMs when he narrowly wins against my f2p shaman deck that has a total dust cost of like 500

What is wrong with the people who play this game?
No, anon. I'm pulling that neet life, I'm going to play everyday and get good.

I'm going to get top 10, I'll do it even if it kills me.
>watching dreamhack grand finals at 2x speed
>purple wont stop flicking his hair
p-please be my only friend
>tfw I have a spider in my room and I leave the windows open so insects can become her prey
poor plebs like you need to put into their place

Never said it's hard. Said /hsg/ can't play it. Two much different things.
How many players generally reach legend in a season? I'm on EU and I'm facing people with ranks 8k+
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you sick fuck.png
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uh that implies it's too difficult for rank 5 regulars to pilot, so it must be hard in your snowflake land
Thanks for that doujin
no bully
On eu it's about 7-9k
On china it's 10k+
On US it reaches about 3-4k
I first thought it was just people farming gold, but because this has persistent for me up to rank 10 I can only assume there are people with good cards that are just still so bad at the game and the 'BM' is just their enthusiasm of finally winning a game
any help with this, please?
Daily reminder pros have said that US servers are hardest to reach legend on

to have a lot of luck
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>play a slow malygos mage deck
>everyone thinks I'm freeze
>Overextend to hell
>they concede when I wipe their boards clean
Well what's the difference really, freeze kills you in one turn, I assume your malygos deck does the same and has a lot of stall
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Daily reminder mmuricans are so bad they only get 4k legends on a monthly basis

That literally didn't address what I said at all. Apparently you can't grasp the concept that /hsg/ is bad at the game. So I'll spell it out for you.
malygos mage is moreoften an extremely slow tempo mage than malygos freeze.

They're both uncommon although
But /hsg/ isn't bad at the game you fucking retard
Just finished reading it. Pretty good.
Thanks anon.
that's because it is the hardest to reach legend on
eu meanwhile is a cesspool of 6k+ legends
Aren't there more EU players than US? I don't think Hearthstone is big in America
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why is every fucking person in this game such a dick?

>no one says greetings
>no one says well played
>no mercy

>be playing warrior
>get enemy down to 2 hp
>did this with a beserker that i got to 20 attack
>decide not to kill him and just keep getting it higher
>guy kills it and then procedes to win
>adds me and calls me a fucking noob

i just dont even
>extremely slow tempo

That's an oxymoron, moron.
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Mad cuz bad
>current world champion is from EU
>3rd place was also EU
>NA sucks dick
Because fuck your fake "honor".

That's one thing the players in this game get right, no need to say "gl hf", just shit talk by saying greetings over and over and over again
6 full stars against legendary warrior wish me luck hsg.

Here you go. Best Effigy play in all of the entire existent of Hearthstone history.

its not about honor

its just about being friendly

this is even the case in casual mode where its supposed to be about fun and not tryhards
Well, this is what I run.

It's not even close to being anything remotely freeze, it's a tempo dragon deck, that just so happens to run a combo.

Albeit being a slower tempo mage deck than usual
tavern brawl, used tree of life and both my stones summoned malygoses

I clear his board with starfall and hit him for 20 with a priest spell

Simbly Eadric is way memier than Boom.
Hey guys l need some people to help me with the spectating quest and help me test out some decks and give me advice! Please feel free to add me if you can help!
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Enchantments when?
>beasts hunter with scarabs, tomb spiders, brann, and "the beasts obey me"

holy shit, this is too fun. scarabs are very much GOAT. getting arcane golems for lethal, kill commands, and bows are soooo good.
Wouldn't it be better to stick a Tony in there instead of Malygos? Look at all the cheap spells you got.
Fuck your enchantments, this game will be improve the day a sideboard exists
Thanks RNGesus
>playing against randoms
you deserve to get your ass kicked
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You mean aura minions?
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>not posting I AM SUPERMAN
you can't be friendly in this game

you never know if they used 'well played' because you're about to die or they genuinely mean it

I only emote back when they concede
This game will improve when it has instant speed interaction and a stack
We're you playing ranked or? If you are playing ranked you are a fucking idiot for not easily just winning and getting your stars. The guys who added you is a douche though, and I agree with everything else.
next turn he clears my board with death wing, then I summon hydra

he cant kill hydra, summon kraken and uses another tree of life

next turn I buff hydra and win

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>playing against freeze mage
>I'm at 1hp, no way to beat him, I'm super extra dead next turn
>he's at 1hp as well, but iceblock up
>I have a boom with boom bots on board
>he plays doomsayer

Thanks for the free win I guess?
Please tell me it was one of you idiots

Why the hell would you do that
discover is sideboard
Sounds pretty meming to me
>no one says well played

but that's a lie. people say well played all the time when they have lethal. especially aggrotards and druids with combo

Stop trying to turn HS into MTG.
shut up faggot

if shit like FoN + roar and all kinds of OTKs are in, then people should be able to react to it
it was me. I did it because I felt sorry for you.

sometimes you just need a win to lift yourself up, anon. Glad I was a part of that.
They just need to remove charge from the game
>instant speed interaction
Yeah the game would be better if you have to wait 5 seconds every times you play a card. Fucking retard.
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>people dont say Well Played

Literally the first thing I do in every single match is Squelch my opponent before the match animation even begins.

It helped me reach Legend. It's really funny seeing people hover over their own portraits thinking they're saying something. It's like I'm making them talk to a wall.
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>against dragon priest
>going first
>drop repentance
>his turn
>drops le mocking man
>2/1 taunt
>"You have bested me."
i haven't seen this meme in ages

>your opponent just played X, would you like to respond? Y/N.

For every card played.

It just doesn't work online.
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When's the best time to say "Well Played"?
Or at least when you feel like it's acceptable.
works for modo as shitty as the program is

or is that JUST because its magic?

After an actually impressive play, and as a "check mate".
When an actually good play happens.
Or sarcastically when RNG fucks you over.
Would Lorewalker Cho be a good card to include in Mill Rogue decks? That way you can spam your spells and fill the enemy's hand with useless shit to mill them quicker.

when you have lethal
when they have lethal

If you are winning, don't say it unless your opponent says it first, otherwise it will sound like you're mocking him.

If you're losing feel free to say it whenever you like, but only once. Spamming it will sound sarcastic.

It CAN be done, but it's a shitty user experience.
>when an opponent misclicks
>when rng goes your way
>when you didn't have lethal at the start of their turn but they gave it to you
Not really
>Prep into 1 mana fireball hitting for 6
>Your hand now get's filled with these spells as well
When you have lethal wait for the rope and just when it is about to end say sorry then well played. Especialy effective when playing aggro deck. I've got quite a lot of nice PM's after the game tbqh f.am
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>playing Zoo in Ranked
>get placed against some Shaman
>"I greet you"
>"The Elements will destroy you"
>dickhead continues to play spell damage minions and hits face with whatever spells he can
>every time he attacks is "Sorry that happened"
>reply each time with "Thank you"
>his late game is practically non-existent
>maintain board control all game and beat him with around half my health left
>"Well played"
>no reply

nothing makes me happier than making sure some cocky dick-head doesn't get the pleasure of thinking he is good.
Post dick.
I mostly use it when the make a skilled play or when they miss lethal.
Don't try to hide your rank, faggot.
It's as clear as day on the board.
>nothing makes me happier than making sure some cocky dick-head doesn't get the pleasure of thinking he is good.

Yeah, I bet he was nowhere near as good as a Zoo player :^)
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i only say well played when my opponent visibly fucks up.
at least I don't try to act like I am good, or do shit like spam "sorry" every time I do something. Also you forgot to direct this towards me senpai.
Meanwhile every other game has a flamewaker destroying everything.
Auto-squelch should still be a feature.

Fuck Ben Brode's opinion
I aways say it as a reponse for greeting
>tfw winning because your knife juggler hits a 1/4 face shot
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>that one time i got two highmanes from one tomb spider with brann on the field

that warrior didn't stand a chance
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Reno was the main blow, lets put the final nail in the coffin.
>misplay by not making it 1/3 instead of 1/4
>still win

pssh... nuthin personell... kid
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>Cards you completely forget that exist
RNG in this game can be so fucking stupid

10 cards left in my deck vs aggro paladin. I've somehow managed to hang on this long. Guess what my bottom 10 cards are? I did end up losing as I drew the 1st of those last 10 tho.

2x circle of healing
2x soulpriest
2x holy nova
2x excavated evil
2x lightbomb

like seriously what the fuck blizzard?
>I have never played arena
dies to shredder
That's broken as fuck

What one drop doesn't?
forgot pic
>neutral smite with an 0/2 taunt attached

Get the fuck out.

Thanks. I'll probably swap the Elekk for Dr Boom though. Elekk's battlecry seems like it won't go off most of the time, and Dr Boom, well, you know why.
His taunt minion had 7 health :'3 I would have lost without that knife + hero power
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True story

Smite gets spell synergy, this doesn't. It can't hit face for reach, and a 0/2 mech is valued at 0 mana.

It's on the high end of the curve, but it's not broken.
What if a card could increase your hand size?
worgen infiltrator :u)
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Everybody who play Flamewanker in Tavern Brawl should be imprisoned for at least 10 years for crimes against humanity.
>I don't want to waste a second spelching them at the start of every map
>Shitty developers should make this a feature because of my pet peeve

Fuck off there's more important things to worry about
would be a nice new mechanic...

if you would give it 2 rogue/wl would be 2 op instead
argent squire :o)
MtG has it and its not a core mechanic so yes copy it

It's strong, but I wouldn't say it is broken.

How did I fuck that one up
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What a stupid reason.
>13 matches in a row
>didn't draw le mysterio man a single fucking time

those wins were painful but holy shit
not every1 has boom dude
What do WE think of hafu?

>2x excavated evil
>wonders why he lost

in your own words, "like seriously what the fuck"
>not making boom your #1 priority
>not dusting everything except the core cards for whatever class you play to craft boom
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What is he doing?
has blizzard ever taken someone's card and put it into the game or is everyone here a fanfiction faggot
She's good but boring. I would never spend hours watching her, I don't know how some of you put up with this.
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are you fast enough?
>tfw enemy can't attack because of based Noz
>big yellow question mark
No wonder MC won't be nerfed for at least a year :^)

he's thinking "there are still too many playable classes not named Paladin. This has to stop."
I wish there was a game mode where it was always Noz pace. Maybe as a brawl.
fucking his dog
what is a good noz deck to play
>ranked Noz month

Undercity crook.

I wonder what already enormously dominant archetype suffers the least from every turn lasting 15 seconds :^^^^^)
dragon priest
But I have a winning record with this deck in legend...

EE is fucking amazing in control
Before they announced TB and just showed the 4th button on the menu screen I thought it was gonna be a hardcore mode with permanent noz effect, restricted deck building rules and fewer life points

Face it, "noz mode" would be 99.5% face hunter. The shittiest idea /hsg/ has ever come up with and that's saying something.
>tfw no jaraxxus or sylvannas
>tfw can't play Renolock

Are there any replacements?

Depends on how tight is your budget.
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>playing face hunter against renolock
>he says well played the turn before I kill him
>I say thanks and end the game
>he adds me bitching how I didn't say well played back and asked if I thought I actually played well
Is there anything that makes people more mad than reno?
I have all adventures and every other card from the deck.
aggro druid with the perfect wild growth innervate curve
people get butthurt too because I auto squelch

dont worry anonyqt I love you and would suck you penis~

I swallowwww tooooooo :3333c

Ok well, Piloted Sky Golem is used sometimes when you don't have Sylvanas, being a 6-drop geared towards board control.

As for Jaraxxus, let's see...there really isn't a card that even comes close to his effect, but if you need a big ass finisher, maybe Mal Ganis.
not terrible, not great.

i love playing druid so i wouldn't dust her, but she's not one of the essential legendaries.

the ones you should be shooting for are:
dr. boom (probably dust everything til you get him)
Ragnaros the firelord
Sylvanas Windrunner
Justicar Trueheart
>open 20 packs
>not a single legendary in sight
>2 shitty epics
>garbage rares
>never any of the common cards used in play and always duplicates
Not playing the game. He has obviosly has no idea how the game plays.
What is better, 'normal' midrange hunter or beast midrange hunter?

It's basically Shredder vs Tomb Spider and Wrangler vs Belcher.
I guess I'll have to wait then, I don't have neither of the ones you mentioned, and Jaraxxus is used in pretty much every warlock deck that isn't zoo. So I'll craft him after I craft Sylvannas one day
any fun troll decks right now?
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Tbh Senpai the dude posting this was probably a blizz employee

Jaraxxus has won me tons of games that no other card could have. Get your dust together.

>Ragnaros the firelord

Name one meta deck that uses him.
djinni priest

I wish blizz would hire me.
Better open some packs I guess ;_;

Jaraxxus is by and large my favorite Hearthstone card, dating back to the days of that youtube remix.

My friends gave me a code for 10 packs for my birthday and watched me open them.

>no legends whatsoever, although I got double Lore
>we get to the literal last card of the last pack
>I timidly say "I hope it's Jaraxxus."
>turn it
>it's motherfucking Jaraxxus

And that's how I became a handlock player.

Sorry for the blog post but it was a glorious moment.
He will get you up to rank 10 easily for a new player.

Rag alone wins many games thanks to RNG.
To deny otherwise is silly. I was responding to a new player.
cool story! i opened a golden one the other day and now i'm the most popular boy at school

>bitch is blowing me
>cum dripping from her mouth, she looks up at me
>she says its for lord jaraxxus
pro: one of the best arena players out there and you can learn a lot watching her
con: all of the fucking squealing and yelling and weird noises every minute or two. insufferable.

huge upgrade over eloise though
>im too dumb to google a counter.
>be me
>slapping people's shit left and right
>all paladins, hunters, warlocks are quick attack decks
>mages are either formed with goblins&gnomes or full secret lulz kill creatures
>slam dunk all of them
>priest challenger apears, long time no se
>guy play one minion. Buffs it before i can kill it
>copy pasta my deck whole game, i have neferian innit
>faggot falls down to 7 HP
>Ultra hype for victory
>puts one neferian that he copied, i kill it
>Puts another one
>mind control my neferian
>i ran out of cards and died

Seriously something should be done about priest cards. Everytime they copy auto copy all of my legendary cards. Why this is even allowed
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