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/fog/ - Fallout general

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 876
Thread images: 221

Post your -fu edition

>Fallout 4 items, map, power armor, companions and bobble heads guide

>Fallout 4 comprehensive map

>Fallout 4 system requirements

>Fallout 4 spoken player names list

>Collectible Checklist and Interactive Map

>Character Builders

>Fallout 3/NV

Post your SS.

Please ignore my potato graphics
those are mutated dolphins, not sharks
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Goddamn Budget cuts...
Is it normal to have 3 minutemen quests at the same time? How can I hide this shit? How can I get only one quest at a time?
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its ok, the games so horribly optimized that i must use potato level settings.

my guys pretty generic looking, but the scars reflect mine.
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Why does the Shadowboost thing make my shadows pop in only 5 feet from me, no matter how high I set the minimum distance
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i like his hat. what mods does it have?

this is my legendary buddy. i convinced him to be nice to me. then i shot him in the face because radstag meat is delicious.
fallout 1/2 ios/android port WHEN
>more than half the mobile market
I changed Piper's face with showlooksmenu. Is there any command that could reset her?
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Ok so i have been having this issue for a while now and it's starting to piss me off

I have all the mats i need for the upgrade (i gave myself WAY more if it was that i had not enough of it) and the level but i can't fucking upgrade it

Is this a bug or is the game just fucking stupid
pls respond
she's walking between them xd
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Fucking take off!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Rate Prison/Internment Camp

I plan to wait for a mod to rename my settlers
to numbers then every week hold a lottery and
whoever gets picked goes to the chopping

Too bad you can't dismember dead settlers no matter how much you slice at their head
Does a full set of Mantis Armor exist? If not, what other armor shares a similar model? I can't fucking stand having mismatched greaves.
show us ur perk tree
prid 00002f1f
moveto player
>reading-intensive game for facebook bricks
keklmao desu senpai
Theres already a renaming mod son
>working vault
I wonder if post-apocalyptic Americans have had sex with them
How many locations are there? Wondering if I'm close to finding them all
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Gibe prison/interment camp themed designs pls

its 19x7
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I have it and the Mats just like >>123305414
>play Fallout 2 for the first time
>takes half an hour to get used to the controls
>make it to the warrior in the intro
>"your last test is to fight me"
>alright, lets do this
>the "test" ends with me bleeding to death on the floor from a kick to my head
what's the skintight shit Curie is wearing?
it just works
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Tough moms report in.
try using tgm or find the item code for the mod and do player.additem
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fuck wrong pic

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How the Gray knit cap should've worked and not make you bald
concrete walls of course, with turrets pointed out to keep the Allies away and no exit other than fast travel
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Remember when people were defending the dialog wheel before launch? Their logic was that with fewer options, we'd have more meaningful choices.
Their mistake was having any sort of faith in Bethesda.
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this weapon effect is so cool
Does the AX90 Fury exist?
>Find the deathclaw egg
>You are given the choice to return the egg to the nest
>If you return the egg to the nest then you will be breeding more vicious monsters that will brutally kill a great many more people. Nick and Piper apparently love that idea
This quest is also retarded.

Returning the egg to the deathclaws is not a good guy thing to fucking do. Jesus, man. So many quests in this game defy logic.
I don't remember any of that.
Anyone actually uses it? It's nearly unplayable with perks on Fusion core energy consumption imo.
New Vegas 2 when
>not having all turrets and traps facing in for maximum evil feels
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>6 million days of gameplay
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There, more or less the same. Right in front of the elevator, so you can redo the stats and whatnot.

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>tfw your favorite kind of power armor is bugged out and the headlight doesn't work properly

Fucking shit, anyone else have this problem?
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I'm still tweaking her face a bit.
I think I'll scale down her jaw so her hair doesn't clip the synth collar so damn much.
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You don't even remember everyone defending 4 dialog options by saying one of them will be a "more options" button that reveals more?
please /fog/, I know this isn't waifu-related but I'm sure someone knows regardless.
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Laser gatlin is honestly the best non-explosive heavy weapon
Is the Institute actually evil?

They seemed like humanity's only hope.
BoS literally shitting the bed and literally becoming the Enclave.

wanted to roll with the Brotherhood but they're making it real hard with all the stupid bullshit they make me put through, killing off all the cool characters, nuking the Institute, killing off the Railroad, when do they ask me to kill the Minutemen as well?
I meant on my light board as seen here>>123305948

The physical design i have down pat as seen here>>123305536
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>see weapon customization video
>get hype as fuck
>think there will be loads of salvage weapons and other shit
>mods are instead tiered,so in reality you can only pick between semi and full auto
>pipe pistol/rifle/revolver useless as fuck just a few hours into the game

how could they waste so much potential
>Agree to go and help some settlers
>Why theres no dialogue options other than offer help?
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I want to protect his smile.
first off, wait more than ten fucking minutes before linking back to yourself, ass. secondly it seems there's only the left leg and left arm for mantis. so fuck you.
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If humanity is comprised of snobbish autists who are just waiting to get killed by synthetic humanoids, then yes.
thanks anon
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You're totally free to walk away.
what did todd lie about fo4
>Been playing Fallout super hard
>Completed literally every quest that has any sort of meaning
>Level 67
>Legendary Deathclaws drop easily on Survival
>No new areas to explore
>All settlements maintained and built up

I just feel dead inside now
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When the only choice in an RPG's quest boils down to accepting that quest or declining it, there's something very fucking wrong.
I mean fucking hell, all four dialog options just to say "yes"?
do the feminist symbol and make it a work camp of men
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well... here's my first settler for covenant...

I didnt kill the cat; it's still alive.
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What's with all the places that have wep/armor/pa crafting stations but aren't settlements?
Especially PA stations since these are around before the BoS and all their PA arrive

If you could edit them they'd be great mini bases
>killing off the Railroad
How do they justify this? "Hurr durr they help synths"?
>poisoned wine doesn't kill or damage me

why live
I wish you could actually create weapons like the pipe guns to syringe rifle to even gamma gun and railroad rifle to make up for it like in Fallout 3
In general I agree, and the more fleshed out quests in the game have choices, but in the specific situation of villagers asking you to kill raiders, what more options are there?

>Killing people and replacing them with androids
>Not evil

Also, reminder that helping Dr. Zimmer is the canon choice in Fallout 3, and that even if you blow up the institute, he's still alive.
thanks guy
>with the more button there will be more dialogue options!
>lady killer is not dead i promise!
>idiot savant gives you dialogue options!
What i find almost insulting is that the original options make it look like you're saying something different so you'd actually have to play a certain section multiple times and remember the dialogue in it
>the cha 10 perk is basically terrifying presence!
Once I got to Bunker Hill I always wondered why I couldn't take their option.

Why can't I make a profitable trading empire and just pay off these fucks?
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Post your gun-fus & general gun porn.
I agree. Its just all these undepleted cores piling up in my inventory bug the hell out of me.
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>track down kellogg
>mfw my endurance is so low I literally die before I can move when the dialogue ends
I also wish you could craft shit from scrap so I can give all my farming negros farmhand clothes or any other identifying clothes. right now I have a lot of settlements that are at capacity and I have fuck all clue what the people are doing. I'm pretty sure half of them are unassigned because when I fast travel there they spawn in packs in some house while the rest is working the fields or they lounge around couches.

shit is disgusting
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it's already poison
But you can't send named npcs on supply lines.
sex mods when
Have you tried scrolling down/up the mats list?

sometimes there's another one or two that aren't displayed until you do that
Does BoS really make you kill Virgil? I helped him cure himself of his Super Mutant thing and everything. Seems kinda rude to kill him after that.
>but in the specific situation of villagers asking you to kill raiders, what more options are there?
Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas had quests like this with multiple options. At the very least, they could have come up with multiple ways to deal with the raider groups. Or throw in some speech checks.
Fallout 4 has the quest dialog and worst quests in the series. There's no fucking freedom or choice in anything you do, you're rail-roaded so god damn hard.
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this world is meant for men. not machines
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That was pretty fun, I solo'd it Grognak. Great way to kill time at work
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saved, now we need one for Railroad, Prestonmen, and Maxon's East Coast BoS
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You are a good person. Is this save cheat free? Lost my own.
How about joining the raiders?
Fallout 1 gave you that choice although it wasn't fleshed out at all.
you can stop already, no one cares
try it, i did
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Giving the Stalker lighting a try. Undecided on it so far, sometimes looks good other times looks too blue / low contrast. Though it goes nicely with the Stalker music. Slight FPS hit.
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Thanks to the anon that suggested using the console to add ownership to the beds in Cabot House.
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Don't have a better screenshot than this
Which eye mod is that? Eyes of Beauty or something else?
I know that feel.
I was really disappointed when I noticed weapons and armor were tiered. And that the heavy/sturdy/vanilla was the way it was.

I also expected at least twice the amount of weapon/armor variants. As well as a several different groups who would react to my choices in game and limit joining the others or become outright hostile.
Why cant I kill an annoying cunt and fail a couple of missions?
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wish there was some kill count on weapons because this beauty has seen some shit
My game randomly updated just now. Is there any place I can find info on the update, because the steam client is lacking any info whatsoever.
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>took 3 playthroughs of this scenes to realise that pressing E on piper turns it into a proper cutscene

The mannerisms look a little better this way
The Enclave did nothing wrong.
Can Spectacle Island ever be attacked?
They will ask you to after you blow up the Institute, but there's a speech check to tell them that he is cured and should be spared.
sweet little lies
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They got destroyed, thats something they did wrong
>murdering random people for no good reason
>turning people into super mutants who spread death and destruction across the land
>spreading chaos through the few decent settlements by replacing people with synths
The Institute is literally going out of it's way to make sure that humanity has no hope of recovering.

If they honestly think that they're helping in any way, then they're retarded.
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I hope Obsidian save us soon.
This is how you're not a faggot for the retards that care about waifu cancer
Does any weapon in this game do more damage in a single shot than the gauss?
Yeah but only by mirelurks

You just run to the tower and flip the switch again
>The Institue is literally going out of it is way
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lighten up :3
To be completely fair, The Railroad are pretty much retarded terrorists.

Their #SynthLivesMatter campaign is literally the smallest problem in the entire Commonwealth, and it's actually endangering more people, not only because some of the synths the "free" become dangerous raider, but because they know the institute will send coursers after those synths, which will likely result in that courser killing people to find it.

They are not smart people, not to mention their "if you aren't willing to immediately die for any synth ever at a moment's notice, you're worse than Hitler" ideology is retarded.
I should let them attack so I get their meat.
>57 damage
Wait, what? How? Or is it base damage+explosive damage combined?
>FO4 gun porn
The only gun porn in FO4 is scat and guro, no thank you lad
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Hope they save us from the fucking same 3 posts you make every thread

>the railroad have had zero interactions with us
>"go murder them player"
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I like your taste in /lit/erature.
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janitor why you do me like that?

Yea, unless you count using slm before the elevator.


Eyes of Beauty, yes.
How do I improve SMAA with Reshade?
I had hoped that Bethesda fixed the plasma projectile being so utter fucking slow from fallout 3.

Why does the plasma weapons have to be so fucking tedious to fire, when they're otherwise really useful?
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Explosives perk boosts the explosive bullets damage on weapons! I've managed to die at least 5 times in the last two hours because I've shot enemies too close with this minigun and the splash instagibbed me. I'm in X01-F.
Because Danse is a top lad
Spank me/10

6.5/10 too much makeup, tone it down a bit with opacity

Post a better screenshot/10
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>tfw no neutral Yes Man faction

Why live?
Six crank musket
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No, I did not use guides. Jelly?
top mom/10
BoS, pls. I just asked what do they say when sending you to kill Railroad.
Minute men are pretty neutral considering you are technically the leader of them and can just go kill everyone else
Around 350

Where can you buy a decent amount of railway ammo? That guy in Diamond city only had like 12.
how long did it take?
I'm making a sneak dagger/ silenced sniper and pistol build.

Is there any benefit from using a dagger to sneak attack?

I'd like to do as much damage as possible with it but wouldn't a huge hammer technically be better?
While Desdemona and pretty much everyone else (aside from Deacon) is retarded, the Railroad really doesn't do any actual harm. The problem is that they aren't helping the Commonwealth either, aside from shitting up the Institute's day.
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Pretty good save then, I'll keep it safe.
anti-waifufags confirmed for being literally just waifufags that rag on others because they can't make anything decent
we all know about qasmoke anon
Needs a light above the magazine stands.
I just remembered Fallout 3s main quest
>Yes surely i'll help you with that purifier i love my daddy!
>I guess
>Yo fuck that asshole he left me alone in that vault let me help you with that purifier
>Why does the plasma weapons
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This little fucker is top bantz with jump jets, vented boots and pain train, although going pure fists with it is probably the most 10/10 thing I've found in this game.
I just told you, Mungo.

They're retarded terrorists that are a danger to the Commonwealth.
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So before modding tools start being usable I'm thinking about doing another playthrough of new vegas for ideas of weapons to add. Are there any good weapon mods or are they just shit like guns ported from CSS?
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>Brand new game
>First random encounter outside of Concord is two people holding up a synth
>My character is fresh out of the Vault, never heard about synths or the Institute
>"Hey leave that synth alone the Institute might get angry!"

10/10 I'm immersed.
Do DoTs stack?
>go to marowski's chem lab
>only get like 4 psychos, 4 mentats, 2 jets, and 1 med-x after doing a "puzzle"

eugh..... should of had like double amount of crates from the first meetup
>only faction actually fighting the institute without player involvement
>not helping the commonwealth
Well fuck, all I have is a kneecapper minigun. Shit eats up ammo too fast.
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Are you Comic book guy from the previous threads?

this fella here
Try Tiny Tom
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Remind of who true best waifu is
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The cripple is carrying me through survival. Shame it's not on a automatic weapon.
>Coursers are portrayed as the baddest motherfuckers in the Commonwealth
>everyone you meet play them up as unstoppable killing machines
>the quest where you need to find a Courser has you run through the aftermath of a single Courser fucking shit up
>finally confront it
>shoot him three times in the head only for him to pop a stealth boy and try run away
>shoot him in the back a few more times
>fight over
>get into the Institute
>tell the robotics guy his Courser died like a bitch
>"Obviously it was just faulty, you would have died in seconds against a proper one"

Absolutely ebin.
things like that legitimately could get fixed by patching
Fallout 3 was pretty bad already, I didn't think Bethesda would actually managed to do worse. Boy did they prove me wrong.
Couple hours but I had to stop for work and I didn't really know what i was doing. I could probably replay it in about 45min solo. Might try a party member next time, but I liked the idea of going solo too much. There's a few tricks to learn but its not bad.
>Too much makeup
Then she is perfect.
>mfw courser ai is just a normal raider combat AI but with a stealthboy and 10x more hp
Combat knife actually has a mod for increased sneak attack damage

If you get that on a legendary instigating combat knife it *might* be better than a super sledge

At work, that's all that's on my phone. Screenshots started bugging me because the face always seemed crooked after I visited Crocker.

I'm convinced he botches surgery on purpose
>Its the same synth you help to escape as a Railroad member
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kind of wish there was just a standard "Improved long barrel" instead of the sniper barrel and automatic.

I mean I like the automatic but I'd prefer it in semi auto without the low ammo capacity of the sniper barrel and without the silliness of the short barrel.
The mainquest of Fallout 4 is definitely not worse than 3s.

In 4 you have options for the main quest in 3 you don't. That's a big difference
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I use mine to initiate fights, there isn't a lot times that needs follow up

Are YOU trying to say Fallout 4 main Quest is worse than Fallout 3?

Reminder that if it wasn't for Shaun being autistic and attacking the castle, the Minutemen would've left the Institute alone and focus on protecting the settlements.

They are also the only ones that understand the full consequences of destroying the Institute and losing a great deal of knowledge and technology but are nevertheless optimistic about the future.
Hancock approves
And yet Fallout 4 still manages to only have 2 endings.
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Most recent character

Not feeling the hair.
I'm a different anon and it is
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but if follow up is needed this baby does the job up close
Try it with a pipe pistol like the gunners. Not everyone's decked out with gear like the Lone Survivor.
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Curie pls
>keep reading SS as /ss/
They give you an illusion of choice but then it boils down 1.5 endings that make practically no difference.
They recycled Liberty Prime and a red button scene.
During the Bunker Hill quest BoS shows up for no reason even if you didn't tell them, you're also free to shoot anyone and everyone and the Father just says it "will only raise suspicions" that you just gave away a closely guarded secret mission and failed it.
After using Reshade I'm seeing these funky seams on walls. Is SMAA causing this? Should I switch back to TAA?
just found a generic Mr Handy on the street and it calls me mum for some reason.
If you put shadowed on your armor how does it stack per piece?
Let us not talk about Fallout 3s ending friend
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>you get to tutor actual /ss/ when you're with the brotherhood
It has two ending cutscenes, yeah, but the four factions are pretty different. The main story probably would have benefited from a Vegas style slideshow ending, especially the Institute, showing the changes to the Commonwealth but
>muh Broken Steel
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>stumbled upon this encounter at like lvl 50
>still haven't encountered the fucking NPCs that upgrade my stores

best part is they're not even essential so they could be dead for all I know
So they basically feed kids FEV, then they release them (as mutants) into wasteland so that they wreck havoc and stagnate progress?
And they say that they are misunderstood and people shouldn't be afraid of them?
Can't tell if its shitty or good writing from bethesda, but fuck the institute either way.
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and since i don't have blacksmith and didn't find a bleeding/extended ripper, I'm using this in cases i need to smash faces in.
They're using "mum" as "Ma'am"

Fucking britbots.
>most people in the commonwealth are using pipe pistols/rifles with shitty handmade mods
>most of them are pretty irradiated or have been eating terrible food (what little they can get)
>shit armor and equipment all around, unhealthy, tired, etc.
>synth with a garillion health and high level gear shows up, randomly becomes invisible and starts tearing shit apart
>typical wastelander: "why fucking bother fighting this asshole just to live another day. just end me, ya fucking dick"
You fucking hobo
>Fallout 3 will have over 200 endings
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Hairstyle mods when?

I just want to RP as Nattsun.
I haven't finished the game yet

Are there consequences for your factionchoices?
Like stuff you see ingame? Or is there nothing and it'll all be DLCshit?
Anyone having Awful stuttering problems in Fallout 4, especially in the city?

Anyone know a way to fix it?
they didn't release them though, they only experimented with FEV, not sure if those are actually supposed to be kids though considering they're fully grown super mutants and super mutants aren't exactly the smartest of dudes a lot of the time.
>slideshow endings
You guys aren't actually impressed by slideshow endings right? None of that stuff shows up ingame and there are no consequences from what you did after playing.
How do you even get that base damage? Does the Perks affect the shown damage on weapons, i have yet to max mine out?
>7 years development time
>Still the most shallow Fallout game, and has less content that NV
How DO Bethesda do it?
The idea of a dialogue wheel and voiced protag is fine

But beth took that and didn't add 4 unique options for each situation and a storyline where the voicework would add to the character
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Pete Hines is such a chill guy. I wonder if he's ever browsed NMA.
Set shadow distance to Medium
give it to obsidian
>see a vertibird
>shoot it with a fatman
Great god I'm so glad there are actually targets that are worth wasting your mininukes on.

They spent all their time developing the totally new engine I swear.
There are changes in the game world based on what you did, but imo they could have done more with it. The world changes accordingly but it feels like something is lacking.
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Post homes

my Home Plate is a WIP, but I like it
it just works
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Why in the world is this not classed as a heavy weapon?
Shame enemies can block anything with their bare fists, I miss guard crushing.
>the same gunners who have heavy combat armor and plasma guns endgame lost to a single synth
And they're still better than any ending Bethesda ever produced.
Better than nothing. At least we used to find out what happened based on our actions and choices.
I guess that's why they had to remove it in 4, there were no choices.
drivers constantly crashing. FUCK YOU AMD
You are the worst kind of horrible faggot. Because of you people make those shitty anime hair mods for FO3/NV are less lore-friendly than most of Bethesda's writing and look like ass to boot.

I'd rather there never be any hairstyle mods period than there be a single fucking animu hair added to Fallout again.

"Fuck it" - Bethesda
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>face tattoos are really hard to unlock
>they're all clipart tier drawings

Could you give me examples?
If the Jarls of towns change and the bards sing different songs i don't consider that a change in the world

Are there new quests that pop up after the game ends for example?
you basically get double damage from maxing out rifleman and the effect is shown on the gun sheet, yes
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im confused, how do i punish timmy
Hobo is more fun
When dealing with annoying fucks on a daily basis one day you realize that you cant make yourself care about them anymore.
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Home Plate is comfy
Why is Pete Hines such an agro cunt.
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Very gloomy in some areas. No FPS hit indoors either.
I would prefer that the consequences be portrayed in the game world of course, but because Bethesda was too lazy you can't actually do anything as leader of the Institute to change the game world beyond blowing up the Prydwen and slaughtering the Railroad. None of the endings give you a sense of closure in the sense of telling you what the Commonwealth will be like in the future, a la New Vegas.
Turn down your overclock bro.
>Jet pack torso and vented legs
>pain train
>shiskebab because it just looks cool
I feel like a goddamn space marine, this is amazing
You don't have to install them you fucking autist
you sound like a retard
They are a lot better than what Bethesda did in Broken Steel and in Skyrim

I'd rather have a narrator tell me of the impact i've made in the world than see no change at all
i really feel for PR guys
My question to all gatling users: how do you deal with unspent fusion cores piling up in your inventory? You cant even throw them out.
They work into every hairstyle batch mod though. Having to scroll through all 30 Naruto hairstyles just to reach the normal-looking ones is a fucking pain.
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My armory in the back
>Give constructive criticism to dev
>Dev gets defensive and angry
This is why Bethesda will never improve at making games. They refuse to admit they made a mistake, like the contradictory rules about ghouls in Fallout 4
that's why I'm going for the ripper, i think it goes like they have to counter the way we do, well i want to see they counter a ripper...
What the FUCK are you talking about?

Fusion cores disappear after they've been drained.
You sell them at vendors for like 100 caps each.
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>search for decent mods to make game look like less ass
>nexus totally fucking clogged with tons of anime bullshit
>mod makers could spend their time making actual worthwhile shit but instead make tons of anime faggotry

p/a/edos pls leave, permanently. using bullets.

>not super sledge with stun pack mod

I respect the shishkebab, of course, even without a pyromaniac perk to boost it to levels of insanity

But you need to space marine around with a thunder hammer, shit destroys everything. Legendary deathclaws? Won't even have time to mutate once you crush their goddamn head to giblets.
Hey look, there's an RPG hidden inside a Fall of Doody game
So after i entered institute i realized i can start genocide campaign by killing my son and other scientists, how does it plays off after you do that?
It's not an insult when the writing is so awful. At least monkeys can be cute.
Spoilers, obviously. In the Railroad ending, the Railroad sets up checkpoints all over the Commonwealth, the Prydwen/Airport/Institute are wrecked, and you get a bunch of quests that involve cleaning up and helping out the newly freed synths. However, there are still enemy synths and Brotherhood patrols just because, and the new quests seem to be of the generic "go here kill this" variety, like most faction side quests.
Does every companion have companion quest?
There's literally a filter exclusively to filter anime out.
Not with repair bobblehead and nuclear physist perk
You can sell them? Odd, they were marked as equipped for me, I wasnt able to unequip them.

I don't think Pete works on the game but OK
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we've been found out, boys!.png
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So, who is it?
Because whoever this is needs to kill himself as soon as possible.
waifu posting does need to stop tbqh
>deathclaws are super scary guys, we promise
>every one i find is easily fucked by either geometry, or them deciding to focus on someone else, leaving them incredibly easy to deal with from nearby, namely with an explosive combat shotgun
>they like to roar and stand around like idiots
>they relentlessly pursued you in 3/new vegas, didn't take a year to hit you when they got close
>not even wearing much armor

Christ what happened.
He's specifically replying to the angry retards to make it look like that's the sole response

Reasonable questions/faults are being ignored
At least their future releases can't be worse than this game.
Which perk for semi-automatics?
please halp
Turn off the radio.
Overseer's Guardian is my rifu. Got it at level 30 and still using it at level 51 playing on survival

>Rifleman maxed
>Ninja Maxed
>Bloody Mess Maxed
>.308 receiver
>Red dot sight because scopes suck when fighting multiple enemies

Just werks. Legendary deathclaws die in 5-6 hits when crouched on survival
That sucks ass big time

Why are these generic quests in the game anyways? There's hardly any fun had doing them and i doubt a lot of people clear radiant quests after they've done a single one and seen how boring and repetitive they are
Have you tried jumping out of our power armor and equipping a different weapon when attempting to sell them?
The name is right there, if you're asking who it is here the answer is anonymous.
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God help me I have no idea how to protect this shit, I might need like 8 retardly armed guards or something.
Should I add another farm section?
Also, can I tell a settelr to get in a fucking power armor?
>all that M'lady
o I am 'avin a laff
Anything is easy to kill with an explosive shotgun.
>you can place stuff like guns

Morality doesn't mesh with logic. You're assuming inherent morality.
>here the answer is anonymous.
I found him.
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Rate house

I hope you have Sandman.
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>This fuck could be here, right now, pretending to be one of us
There's a cow
>waifu posting does need to stop tbqh
Not really, no.
>Why are these generic quests in the game anyways?
Bethesda are lazy, talentless, and know they can get away with it. Their underage casual fanbase won't care, and reviewers will praise them no matter what garbage they throw out.
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I want to marry Tandi!
p-please... modders...

I need an immersion slider. It is too immersive
Yeah but I wasn't even using it this time. Piddly little 20 damage 10mm pistol, still killed it.
It was a legendary alpha, too.
They're way too easy to kill

In NV when you saw a deathclaw you knew you were fucked. You could only deal with them in the endgame and only with proper gear. They'd rush at you and kill you in 3 swipes

In Fo4 they're way too easy to kill imo

Also i kinda miss cazadores :(
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Post your latest Legendary drops mates
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Kill or free Lorenzo?
Fuck off Todd
Hey, if I adventure hard with a companion, gain their companion perk, declare war on their faction, lose said companion, and they become hostile to me...

Do I keep their companion perk? Is it worth brownnosing for Deacon/Danse/X6 if I plan to destroy their faction? Or can I ignore them?
It actually does, familia
When you use up the 500 shots, for some reason it leaves you with a 33% full core. You can still use it for your power armour, or even sell it, you still get full price.
Pauldron and Helmet ft. Soul Survivor
I do them every once in a while. They're basically just encouragements to explore and show you new places. They're not meant to be like regular quests.
Can you idiots stop acting like every female character posted is waifu spam

half the replies to "post your characters" are male and the rest of the time a female character screenshot is usually accompanied by a gameplay discussion

These posts are fine

However posts with nothing but complaints about "waifuposting" add nothing to the thread.
I do appreciate the irony
It actually doesn't.
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What about husbando posting?
Too bad most melee weapons are just too small in power armor. We need a bumper sword or some other giant weapon.
Free him.
It's a fucking deathclaw.
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I made my own that looks pretty good.
If you side with the Institute are there quests to try reforming it or something after the main story is finished?
h-h-how do i get the enclave paint?
I want a mod that throws every radiant quest into the misc category or into a new category so that they atleast don't clog up my journal
>R) Drop
>hold E to move around
Posted yesterday and got a little flack but I don't care

I'm about 6hr in, done quite a bit of RPing with the wife and baby, we talked about a lot of things and looked in the mirror for awhile. I'm just taking in the atmosphere. I want to check the door but I'm not sure I'm really ready yet.
>generic female characters
>the opposite a plain woman
Aren't generic characters pretty fucking close to plain by definition?

And fuck that guy my female was ugly
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Eyepatch mod when?
Is that just Curie or did you somehow do a faceswap?

If faceswap, HOW!?
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Drop it and then hold 'e' to grab it. Some stuff is buggy, the axe, batons and pepper shakers all move around for me.
Eh, some are alright, but when people repost their waifu every thread, which some people do, it's just shitting up the thread like we're doing right now
"Vicious monsters"

Deathclaws are just heavily mutated animals. Same with yao guai, radscorpions, etc.

Are alligators and crocodiles vicious monsters? Bears? Rhinos?

Sure the aforementioned mutated animals are technically more dangerous, but so were T-Rexs, doesn't make them "monsters". A T-Rex showing up randomly and chewing a bunch of people up and generally fucking up everyone's day isn't it being "evil", it just "is'>

That being said anyone who thinks marching into a deathclaw nest to return an egg is a good idea is legitimately fucking retarded.
And yet no one cares if you make a pretty or not pretty character. Can't this guy just do what he wants instead of what he thinks other people want him to do.
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>the average mind of a waifufag
>Poor Vault-Tec guy has been ringing your doorbell for 6 hours
>free him
Infinite mysterious serum and partner hates you
>dont free him
Shitty gun
eyes are too far apart
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Is destroying a fusion core of a power armor while someone is in it (generally a raider of some variety), supposed to flag the item as owned by someone that you can't use it without stealing it? Would think once they were dead it'd be free, but nope. Killing them while still in the armor doesn't let you have the frame though you can strip the armor components.

(not that armor has been incredibly rare, but I want to collect a mass of them)
Want to do a Brotherhood power armor character. Heavy Weapons or Melee?
free him. the serum he gives you is medx, radaway and buffout rolled into one and lasts an hour while the gamma gun you get from killing him is a gamma gun and therefore complete shit against 90% of enemies and slightly less shit against the other 10%
Holy shit, git gud.

You know you can just talk your way out of the fight, right?
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It has achieved final form!
Long hair when?
So I have killed those two gunners for macready what triggers the next part of his quest?
>my female was ugly
Is your character that lady with the chin that could cut steel?
No. He has to make his opinions known and make sure everyone cares about the shit he has to say. He has to be different, and stick out like a sore thumb just for the sake of being different. tl;dr he's a faggot
I didn't need an encouragement to explore Morrowind and i don't need an encouragement to explore Boston. I feel that if radiant quests weren't such a big part of the game it would be a lot more enjoyable
Don't care if people post husbandos or waifus. Never understood why /fog/ acts like such manchildren over it.
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>"New Vegas is only better than 3 because it come out after, of course it has more"
>mfw Fallout 4 has less than NV
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Don't answer it. Keep living the luxurious idyllic life with your wife and son.
floor needs mowed/10
Companion perks are not lost once earned.
As I said, it was my first time, and I didn't know that

Keep in mind this isn't even on Ultra. It's medium with a bunch of performance crap I had to push back to get an unstable 30-40 fps even.
If you go for a Minutemen end, do you absolutely have to kill the BoS?

I don't want to fight Danse, but not really a fan of purging everything non-human no matter what.
Keep travelling with him. Think it's triggered by affection.
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didnt do anything :C
Bethesda is moving towards a "strictly headcanon" platform. The next Fallout will just be story ideas and some concept art.
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Help me out boys. My fallout 4 won't start. It just goes to a black screen and when I check its processes it just just won't continue loading.

Any ideas?
i think it was stock OC'd, plus idk how the fuck to do that
Weapon scaling isn't canon friendo. Those Gunners were coming at me with plasma rifles and scatter laser rifles.
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How are your autismforts coming along?
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probably some shitty leather armor with resistances or some other useless stat.

I'm really considering dropping some points into luck now because I'm only ever getting shit,it's ridiculous.
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Why does my game keep crashing? My system far exceeds minimum reqs, and I'm not even running it on ultra. The patch was suppose to fix this
Are those planters? How, familia?
Because like every other RPG general it will eventually turn into a few key tripfags with their little cults of personalities posting nothing but their characters.
tcl and run to the vault right now
>Deathclaws are just heavily mutated animals.
Is this your first Fallout?
I've only done 3 they're only a big part of the game if you make them one.
Look for anything else in the room, like toys or the television. You must rob the child of entertainment.
I don't even pick this shit up anymore
Heavy Weapons ofc
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This is kinda good r-right?

I kinda like it.
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You can remain allied with them, just don't get on their bad side and Preston won't give you a quest to blow up the Prydwen, simple as that familia.
Nightstalkers in Boston when
Piper didn't care
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Who /blitz/ here?
yeah because bleeding is bugged so the damage stacks
I think I'm just going to call it a day after I look at some things in my house again.
Is there a list somewhere that tells me what's radiant and what's an actual fucking quest?
Get to work you lazy niggers

Sleepy mom/10
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>Fourth reich
>More damage against humans
Is there a nazi uniform or something? I swear I saw one, or could it have been a mod? I want to have a few edgy settlements.
>using blitz
>not just running up to them with p-train and hammering
They're literally two thirds of my questlog. They are designed to be a big part of the game so MMO-players buy their fucking game
They're mutated chameleons bro.
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That's normal Curie
if the quest pic is just vault boy with his thumb up its radiant (or a 30 second fetch quest)
>my leg
Soo, I heard... That uh, a group of soldiers... Knights? Soldiers?... Constabulary? What are we calling them now... Er, soldiers, from, the Brotherhood of Steel, were spotted in the Commonwealth.
Sounds like they were uhh, heh well they were kinda in trouble! At, the Cambridge police station. They were in, pretty bad shape for a while... But, theeen, the uh, the Vault dweller showed up, and gave them a hand... Or a gun... Or, something, ah the Vault dweller helped them, is what I'm trying to say...
Guess they'll probably be on their way soon then... Right?...
FO4Edit when?
I found one of my power armor helmets missing when I ported back to sanctuary. The suit was slightly out of place of where I had left it too.
It's definitely not in any of my containers.
I read that settlers will sometimes get into power armor if it has a power core in it during a base attack. I also read that a companion with glasses who gets into power armor might cause the helmet to disappear?
It's not a big deal because I don't use power armor and when I do I use a different set but I'd like to know what caused it.
>Import is DISABLED

Well RIP to that.
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Have you ever actually been in /tesg/? It's a very helpful thread that still talks about the game

Sure you get some tripfag circlejerking but it doesn't shit up the thread much, the real issues start when people start shitposting at the tripfags, ruining the entire thread.

If you don't fucking whine about it the thread stays good.

There's literally none of the stuff you're complaining about in this specific thread yet we still have about 30 fucking posts whining that it might happen
FO4 would have been a better game if instead of a storyline they just made it a sandbox filled with acid quicksand where your only goal is to survive.
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I miss Radio Autism so much. Why did I do his quest?
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Apparently putting edgy shit on your gun makes it hurt more.
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I'm really disappointed in the lack of role-playing options in the story in this rpg

I like blondes
explain gayboi
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>when I alt-tab and tab back in to realise I've wasted another plasma grenade

>that fucking dog and drifter lying dead outside sanctuary forever

>ballistic weave destroying any semblance of armor balance and only being applied arbitrarily to shit like trilby hats

>beta patch out on steam and still no one is talking about the broken/delayed weapon swap hotkeys

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I was only pretending.webm
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>luck improves legendary drops
just b who u wanna b

It's an open-world-mmo now
Put the shredder on your minigun and then go no-ammo. Guaranteed to fuck everybody's shit up. It's extremely OP, especially for how early you can do it
Verify the integrity of the game in steam
Deathclaws weren't "just" mutated, they were specifically bioengineered to be the ultimate predator
>using power armor
>not just playing on Very Easy difficulty
>He doesn't want to be bros with deathclaws
You're fully entitled to your own opinion and tastes, but they are objectively shit.
>answer rudely as much as I can towards piper
>favor the silly major
>still wants me to stop by and gives me that slutty grin when she mentions that I'd be perfect for something

Piper confirmed shitfu that will take whatever she can get
Do you think they put less effort into this game because they knew it would sell less than an elder scrolls game?
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>massively multiplayer online
>single player offline game
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I'm tougher than u.
People have been modding one in but BoS has some very similar stuff

IIRC it's air captain's clothes
Does anyone have a good fix for if Emogene Takes a Lover gets bugged? I tried advancing it via setstage and even just completing the quest in the console but I couldn't get the next quest to trigger.
>tfw you will never be breeded by a deathclaw
i play very easy with power armor
If an NPC wearing headgear gets into power armor the helmet is put in their inventory. If while wearing power armor, any parts of it are broken in combat, the pieces that need repairing are also put in their inventory.
Check all your settlers inventories.
Hello and all that
I've been playing Fallout 4 for the past 2 weeks, 10hours a day. What are the consensus on the game so far?
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Radio autism's cool but it repeats those long ass speeches loads

I've hear the bobbi no-nose one hundreds of times

>tfw the main mmo I play is TOR
>has more roleplaying built into the game than TES
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You can turn your minigun into a person blender with the shredder barrel and using no ammo? Holy shit.
Think about it. How do you get a custom model into the game?
Minutemen best faction
>they were specifically bioengineered to be the ultimate predator
OK, so they're double mutants, except part of it was engineered by humans. Doesn't change the fact that they're just mutated animals. They're no more "monsters" than bears or brown recluses or any other shit capable of ruining your day just because you happened to be in the area.
it's an fps bro just turn your brain off lol

Why not play TESO?
So you can work on shit but just not port it into the game and test it out yet?
>Dumbass Raider in nearly full T-51 power armor comes running to to me

Needless to say I've got a free unscratched power armor.

Problem is it's lying on the ground with no fusion core.

How do I get this dumb fuck out of it and where'd my fusion core go?

Who cares? What YOUR consensus is should mater most to you. Stop being a weak-willed person and form your own damn opinion out of the 10 hours a day you've been playing.
The whole power armor system bugs me.
Why couldn't broken armor have stayed on the power armor?
I wouldn't even consider TES games roleplaying games because there's literally no choice and consequence in these games

They are open world offline mmos
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>tfw friend warned me not to do his quest so I still have radio autism

He is really unique compared to other previous radio hosts, turning him into a chad-lite loses his charm.
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Combat is much better
Writing is dogshit

Every other opinion on everything else lacks a consensus view
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>mfw KL-E-O sells shipments of Ballistic Fibre

God Bless this fucking robot.
Only when you answer the door will the world wake up from it's dream
SSEx mod
>inb4 the NPCs can't reach the stands
Nifskope can't really be used to model custom stuff in the way you think. You work on stuff in Max or Blender, then import it into the game
>I've been playing Fallout 4 for the past 2 weeks, 10hours a day.
>I still want others to form my opinion for me.

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>Playing on Easy
>Not playing on Survival and farming legendaries in the Glowing Sea

>Combat is much better
I disagree.
It's not a consensus.
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Yeah but usually TES and beth games as a whole let the player make up shit to roleplay by being so open

Fallout 4 specifically goes out of its way to make this not happen. The weak dialogue choices and tying of everything to the main plot really hurts this
One of those is a unique quest you shouldn't be complaining about.
>Writing is dogshit
Far better than 3's
>farming in a single player game with no objective

Molerats were engineered to be bioweapons as well, plan was to release them in China and fuck up their agriculture.
Is there ever going to be a plugin to import/export in 3Dsmax?

I haven't seen anybody working on it so far.
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Objectively worst Fallout ever made. Story is retarded and forced. There is zero character development. You have no real choices in the game .Every quest is boring. Every location is dead. There are only a handful of boring weapons. Every perk is either brokenly powerful or stupidly worthless. Every legendary effect is either brokenly powerful or stupidly worthless.
It's a step back from NV in every way imaginable. But it's kind of fun to play because we have nothing else to do.
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How was the old combat better then, shitlock?
The only way to get Power Armor off enemies is to pickpocket their fusion core. That's literally the only way to get enemy frames.
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I'd like to know this also.

How the fuck do you retrieve power armor frames from a corpse?

>implying that it's tumblr-like to tell a person to figure something out for themselves

Spoonfeeder, gtfo.
Consensus doesn't mean every single person believe it or not

It just means that you will never see a reasonable amount of opposition to the view

I didn't compare it in the statement, it'd be pretty fucking hard to be worse than 3
yeah i have the same opinion
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I looted everything, drank bourbon and ate lady cakes while bent over looking down on a skeleton

didnt do anything :c I'll just reload the cell or just console the safe
Most RPGs are linear narratives that don't give you any options at all. If you want total freedom PnP with a good GM is your only option.
>only two actual "towns"
>the rest are customizable, soulless "settlements" with no interesting characters whatsoever

Still dogshit
Wish I knew, I use blender.
>yfw raiders magically spawn inside the walls anyway and completely ruin your effort
I just ended up tearing my great wall of autism down and building a much smaller one. Easier to defend and I really didn't need all that room.
>"open world offline mmos"

So... an open world game? You guys do know that there's grinding and questing in linear games/RPGs that are not MMOs, right? And that they've been around for much longer than the Fallout series?
What were you favorite perks in F3 /FNV?
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more /tesg/ but I have this vague recollection of you finding Morrowind favorable and generally having fun/interesting tastes. Did you know that OpenMW is intending to ship with a fully playable game with no Bethsoft assets/story/universe, and if so, are you intending to contribute to it?
Even in skyrim while you were railroaded into being dragonborn you could literally be anyone you wanted, have any motivation you wanted.

Here it's all just MUH SON and MUH DEAD WIFE

Fuck even FO3 was better because you were just looking for your dad, and who you were beyond that was up to you.
That's fucking retarded.
It really bugs me that you can't fix up or tear down the old houses
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Spotted the Obshillian
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Fucking Slaaneshi scum.
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quickly anons, please!
Whatever it's a term i made up you know what i mean
You have a very warped definition of RPG
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Winterized T-51 retexture never?
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This guy comes to your settlement,slaps your girl's ass and rustles your brahmin which were probably synths anyways, what do you do?
So... CAN the NPCs reach them?
5) [I'm going to shoot you in the fucking head, take your caps right now, and walk away.]
A shame RPing of any sort is completely fucked in FO4 huh famerino

But you can always go into denial and pretend the game doesnt have set stories.
>>123312246 see >>123310453
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if it wasn't for 4chan i wouldn't be playing right now, this sense of an autistic community to talk about the game makes it some what enjoyable to play
>more /tesg/ but I have this vague recollection of you finding Morrowind favorable
I made several massive mods for it.

And yes I'm aware of most of OpenMW's plans. I'm more interested in just seeing the base Morrowind port finished.
You don't.
You can strip all the parts off of a dead power armored enemy, but you can't recover the frame.

The only way to get an enemy's power armor frame is to make them leave it before you kill them. You can do that by pickpocketing their fusion core, or by shooting the fusion core out (and having the explosion not kill them).
Do you want
>an infinite resource of really powerful meds, but you can only ever have one at a time, so you need to go back to get more, you can't even store it


>a gamma gun that just knocks things over but does fuck all damage
Can we at least do what I usually do with NifSkope?
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You think so huh?
Whats the news on blender plugins then?
i went with the moral choice but it doesn't matter at all, it's a shitty quest.
Like the beginning and the mid were promising but the ending was such a huge disappointment.

Further more the lore implications this quest adds only ruins Fallout more.
What outfit is the leather jacket from?
Except that your average mutated animal hasn't been specifically genetically engineered to show heightened aggression against everything ever and been granted higher than natural stamina, ferocity and endurance.

If the mutation process of Yao Guai and Bloatflies involved them being genetically engineered by scientists into the ultimate biological killing machine you may have had a point.
Jack's the only logical story choice
Lorenzo has the better reward

But Lorenzo has sexy clothes that you can loot off his corpse
I have a very clear and strict definition of RPG because i know what i want from an RPG.

I want to experience and influence a story by making decisions and experiencing the outcome of these decisions in a way

That's why i don't see Skyrim as an RPG for example. Nothing you do in that game matters in this game. If you want to play an asshole or someone else it doesn't make a difference
I still use an explosive pipe pistol I found early on, granted I'm only level 15. It's not great but it works.
>tfw more creativity went into skeletons than the whole of FO4's writing and design.

No matter where you go in FO4 the fucking skeletons tell a far deeper and more moving story than the game itself.
>ask the barber what he offers
>he mentions shaves
>I'm a lady

Rate my outfit.

Then play Wasteland 2 you daft cunt

I can't wait for the next big release to draw people away so we can all go back to playing New Vegas and calling each other edgy for siding with Legion/NCR/House/Yes Man.
Combat rifle or assault rifle?
Post your weapon names and let others guess what type of weapon it is.

Hudson's Backup
Long Distance Relationship
Piper's Shout
Piper's Whisper
Assuming you're referring to Diamond City and Goodneighbor, you also have a "town" for each major faction, as well as Vault 81 and Covenant.
Try leaving the basement.
Women shave their faces and there's the option of a buzzcut (which is a shave).
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>>123312337 >>123312365 >>123312404 >>123312440 >>123312474
Damn it I'm going with Jack then. Thanks for all the replies. I will make a save if I regret the decision.
I already did? Thanks for the advice though
>Skyrim not a RPG
into the trash you go
What the fuck is with this Armour Weave, why is it so completely fucking random as to what you can or can't apply it to, there's no fucking rhyme or reason to this shit.
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what to do with 7k+ .38 bullets.

I never use pipe rifles.
Not completely sure. I tried some stuff myself but it wouldn't take. Not too worried though, there's enough resources to make cool train stuff without it.

Still WIP as far as I'm aware
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settlers are fucking dumb

>save their settlement from some threat
>put up a beacon to make their settlement grow
>they can't do anything by themselves without you personally providing every single detail to their lives by building shit for them and telling them where to go and what to do, when, why, hold their hand while they shit and hold their dicks while they piss

how can this be improved with mods
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>a term i made up
No it's not. You are not Ben Yahtzee Croshaw with "wait a minute, this is a muh-mor-puh-grr".

Please avoid such nonsense posting in the future.
Don't be mad just because a fair case could be made that Skyrim (and even easier, FO4) is essentially a FPS dressed up in some RPG elements.
So I'm on "The Molecular level" is this where I make my faction end game choice?
Sell them, retard.
Sell them, buy 2mm EC.
Heavy leather matches.
This gets posted every day

Every day the replies mentioning the other towns get ignored
It just seems that level designers have far more talent than writers.

That being said, there's at least one writer who knows his shit, the one who wrote Silver Shroud. And whoever designed Goodneighbour.
Grow a brain, combat rifles can use it.
It's perfect for arming yourself, followers, and settlers with an effective weapon on the cheap.
>I don't see Skyrim as an rpg = skyrim isn't an rpg
>generators outside of barrier
take your meds, your autism is showing
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>no "I actually wiped out the Railroad and they no longer exist" option

Great game
I've been using the same fucking double barrel shotty that has 25 bleed damage for 15-20 levels. I have no melee capabilities in my build so it's saved my ass approximately 1000 times when everything else fails.
It's most recent victim of note was the mirelurk queen with the help of a couple bottlecap mines but not before she killed that qt russian minutewoman.
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>can't wait for the dark ages of /fog/ of shitposting obsidian v Bethesda all day every day to come back

I greatly prefer this glorious golden age of waifus and actual retro future stuff than "GRITTY COWBOYS AND CYBERPUNK" nonsense

I can understand if you killed them by killing the armor frame, but the faggot wasn't even wearing a helmet. I literally only shot him in the face. The Thing was pristine otherwise.
Sell them

Arturo has a power armour frame
Loads of merchants have decent legendaries to get
While skyrim railroads you in the main story choice department you can literally role play as anyone you want.

Skyrim just mimics real life in that your choices don't matter at the end.
So according to your clear and strict definition, nothing with a linear narrative and a defined protagonist is an RPG?
>bethesda actually works hard and loves their games and are some of my favorite games
>mfw obsidian is a studio stuck in the 90s relying on content from other developers and endless numbercrunching to make a exceptional game in 10 months
>mfw people think obsidian is a better developer
>mfw no pic can show my anger
i hate the pipe guns

no reason to be rude and i do believe that settlers don't use ammo.
If Skyrim and FO4 are RPGs then so are FarCry3, 4 and the newer Call of Duty titles.
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So it seems.
I meant that I disagree that it is a consensus, not that it isn't a consensus because I disagreed with it.

It wasn't really better, but fallout 4 didn't really improve it that much. Combat is still dull, and enemies are still bullet sponges.
Raul's perk
Jury Rigging
Tunnel Runner
Confirmed Bachelor
>meet veronica in NV
>already have brotherhood wiped out
>she recognizes this and attacks you afterward
That game was the dream man
How do I make Nick like me faster, I've had him forever, had plenty of 'loved' or 'liked' popups, not once accidentally shot him, and he still doesn't give me his sodding perk.

Does Gun-Fu work with GUNS only? or does it also work with melee?
>a significant amount of the player-base is disappointed with the writing, lack of meaningful choices, and general dumbing-down
mgs 5 is an rpg because you play a role
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>Put my models and lunchboxes on shelves
>Go to sell stuff
>When I come back, I witness my lunchboxes clip through the ground into the void
>Mr. Gutsy model is nowhere to be found
>I hear Todd's omnipresent laughter as it rings through the entirety of Sanctuary

why make shelves if they cant actually hold anything what the fuck

>Golden age

Fuck right off back to /tesg/, faggot.
i really like settlement building but i hate that i can't send settlers out and that none of them can take care of themselves.
After PoE I lost faith in Obsidian. only nanosteam has a chance to save RPGs now
>People forget /fog/ used to be waifu/tech-support central in favor of NCR/Legion shitposting
Then it's better you fucking idiot.
>calling him a retard when you're the retard

What you believe is patently false. I arm all my settlers with a variation of this rifle, and they switch to a magic pipe gun with unlimited ammo when they run out of .38 ammunition.
do they need ammo?
I don't think that "being able to roleplay" is a good criteria to define RPGs by because you can roleplay in every single game

You can pretend that you're actually part of the templars in AC, should that make it an RPG?
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this tbh fam.gif
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surprise surprise, people play the a video game for the gameplay instead of some shit fan fiction. go read a book, fag.
Railroad aren't wiped out though

They work in cells like terrorists or spies

You took out HQ but the high rise will still be functioning
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>tfw I finally come to the realization that the shack wall cement floor makes great wall material

Huh, this just made cement way more useful to have, I can make proper walls now, instead of the bullshit flimsy wood/metal ones, or the shitty shanty town shithole fences with tires and whatever, I guess I could also fix up The Castle, if I wanted, neat.
Hmm. No worries, I'm waiting until the game is as patched by Bethesda as they intend on, anyway. Even if I can't run it, I'm not going to let that stop me from making my submarine mod.
And the T-Rex was engineered to be an overly aggressive murder machine via natural biological evolution. Whether it was the process of time, radiation, artificial selection, genetic engineering, or anything else is ultimately irrelevant. It's just a fucking animal. Aside from the Deathclaw companion from 2, Deathclaws lack any kind of higher thought process, and have as much moral impetus as a typical garden shrub. They're hardly "monsters". Maybe if they came from another dimension or some weird shit. The spores from RE4 that hijacked peoples' bodies for nefarious purposes were monsters. Your typical Lovecraftian horror is a monster.

An irradiated giant chameleon with roid rage is just a scary animal.
I'm with you on the whole retro future thing, but FO4 is actually way more cyberpunk than any pervious fallouts, due to the whole synth and questioning the nature of humanity and sentience thing.

At least that's what cyberpunk partially is, for me. Not just "hurr durr, corporations, augmentations, never asked for this".
Sometimes all you need is a basic gun with a decent perk.

how could anyone get immersed in this

every other second a npc is clipping through a wall or running into a trash can or some other bug
Why are 50s "sexy women" so unsexy? They always have huge broad shoulders and super narrow hips.
dunno. problem with the companions is that some will love you instantly and some EVEN after helping them with their quest, they still don't love you.
but the gameplay is shallow repetitive trash
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Guys help Piper broke her legs and she won't stand up anymore. What do I do?
In my opinion, yes
>I don't think that "being able to roleplay" is a good criteria to define RPGs
>Role Playing Game

That pretending would dissolve upon impact with any gameplay
Is it automatic or semi?
How do i find more legendary enemies? I want chameleon armor for my stealth character but im a noob.
I had this issue with Nick, it should fix when you Fast Travel.
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So how much work do you think went into the character creator?
It's remarkably better than the previous ones for both sexes.
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I spent way too much time on this shit.
~ disable
damn i should have given her that dress
Different ideals of beauty to now. And a lot of men would disagree even today.
Probably just looked at the previous skyrim mods and took stuff for it. Either way I like it a lot better.
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welcome to the concrete floor wall trick son, enjoy your walls and dont be a retard
The male noses are all really bad desu

but i think that's because every single preset has a weird nose
It is better, but it's not much better.
Well, there is some rhyme to it.
Mostly you CAN apply it to either
1)Clothing with good SPECIAL boosts but very little/no innate armor value, that cannot be worn with armor pieces(ex. suits)
2)Otherwise unmoddable and unremarkable clothes that can be worn with armor pieces(ex. military fatigues)

And you CAN NOT apply it to unique/faction items, or any clothing with high innate armor values(ex. armored wastelander clothes)/other mods(ex. vault suits)
It can only be semiautomatic because Bethesda.
>you can customize your character's appearance down to the most minute details
>they will always talk like a twentysomething white person
What kind of reviews is FO4 getting?
So men like their women with broad shoulders and narrow hips? That's pretty much exactly how to spot a faggot.
>not a single likeable faction this game

well done bethesda
How do I get power working?
The sad part is nv was as good as 3, but I'm starting to get pissed when people are saying that obsidian will fix it when everything released before then was shit. The south park games are literally just them wadding shit from south park studios with some rpg elements in, no effort on their part
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p2 I took inspiration from another anon for this bit, so thanks for that.
I shot her in the face repeatedly and gave her a stimpack and it fixed it.
I mean... I'm not being a facetious dick here, I'm legitimately curious if I can install the mod, use the planters, and have NPCs able to reach them. Because getting shit to plant in the default system is a huge pain in my ding dong.
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Yeah, they need to take a page out of Obsidian's book. New Vegas has the best writing of any 3D Fallout, and is full of roleplaying and compelling choices.
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Anyone else keep running into the bug where the radio just doesn't work? Like I'm right next to a physical radio playing the diamond city station but it won't play on my pip-boy, it's just silent.
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The cyberpunk elements mostly Coke from the Institute, but it's just an extension of the retro futurism at heart. There's still tons of Art Deco architecture and retro tech here and there in the building interiors. Just less of it because of how rural and old fashioned a city Boston is.
where did you get that lamp?
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>Not liking the Brotherhood of steel

Killursef senpai
The black characters look like black people you lying cunt

Half the fucking male hairs are for blacks

And you can make very good asians

And you can look old
I like a woman with a strong adam's apple.
>tfw want to try out another companion
>but I like Nick and he idolizes me
>but since he idolizes me there's no real reason to travel with him anymore because I already have his perk
Do you have the Eddie Winters quest yet?
look up enclave on thenexus and download the one which has most total downloads

also in the files section under optional get classic eyes and black frame
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>Can run Skyrim on Ultra + ENB + Texture mods at a constant 60 fps
>Can't even run Fallout 4 at medium + all the post processing turned off at 50 fps

t-thanks todd
Why should it?
That only depends on how imaginitive the person playing the game is. If you play Cod you can also roleplay as whoever you want to that doesn't make it an RPG and it shouldn't.

If a game gives you options and these options matter either gameplaywise or storywise that game is an RPG. If not it's something else. Skyrim in this case is mainly an open-world game and that's what you do in that game. You go around exploring shit you don't make any decisions that the game cares about
>come back
>every single item is on the floor
Have fun.
Angry Joe gave it 8/10 and I think most other places are giving it a similar score. It has an 85 on Metacritic and a user score of 5.3
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Your thoughts or suggestions?

I'm still undecided. I think she still looks too much like default Nora.
>trainwiz has outright said he doesn't really care about dialogue choices in his game and just wants it to be fun
>implying it'll be a good RPG
>kid in vault 81 tells me about his friend
>imagine she's a qt white girl
>when i see her she's this ugly nigger goblin who immediately starts telling me her nigger BLM problems

fucking kid i'm glad he died from mole rat aids
>Idle settlers automatically take unassigned tasks, such as farming
>Supply lines are now done via the pipboy, you link settlements up, then in the settlemenu menu you are told how many settlers are needed. Assigning a settler to a supply now will randomly assign them to one the routes.
>Settler management and Building are now different menus, with more detail on both.
>Settler management allows you to set names, tasks, rooms/beds etc
>Builder menu allows you to jump into a top down view and build RTS style.
>Settlers level up (Like Fallout Shelter), getting better at their jobs
>Settlers can now die during raids
>Settlers not assigned to defend will go to an assigned spot (Perhaps a bunker you build) during a raid
>Death: Settlers are knocked over, then any major damage after that kills them. If they don't take a kill shot, they'll get back up when out of combat.

Just off the top of my head. Don't worry, Settlements are going to be fixed as fuck once modding takes off.
Read my comment again anonymous
Crooked nose
I'm off to do that soon, yeah.
Todd can you stop shilling your game for two seconds and read his post
God all of vault 81 was a festival of bugs and poor pathing, it almost played like babby's first quest mod, and that's saying something given the shit I've seen in the rest of the game.
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every dialog in fallout 4 is shit

nv has a couple, like that, that isn't as good as the rest of the writing

if you really think that fallout 4 dialog isn't much worse than NV, you should probably kill yourself
>deacon is standing in the background in several scenes before you meet him

god damn could he be any more based
Never had that issue, it's been like that for forty hours or so. I just can't bring companions in because they walk on the coffee table and kick shit around.
Looks like Curie.
Oh well. Another one for the mod list.
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Yeah, bring it on.

too much muscle.
Half are people loving the game 9/10 and the other half are people who can't get the game to run on their pc crying for obsidian and giving it 0/10. Its all based desu
He was talking about the voice acting friend
Oh you meant the plants? I think they do work? Since they give food resource.
Tho I didn't pay too much attention.
nazis under the guidance of an idiot, any Brotherhood Elder who would rather nuke the Institute rather than take all their high-end tech should go back to the Enclave.

i'm going to do my best trying to side with the Minutemen though.
Well, it all depends on the definition of RPG, in the end.

The title itself is just a "role playing game", so a game, where you play a role. And that pretty much means you're an actor, portraying a certain character, if we go back to the PnP RPGs.

Now, in PnP you were able to create a variety of characters only restricted by your imagination and setting.

It's not entirely possible to do that in a video game, because you need the Game Master to bounce your character off, otherwise it's just a very limited set of scripted responses or actions.

I agree with you on the account of dialogue being dumbed down because muh consoles, but in the end, old cRPG hits just had a bit more responses availible to you, and that's pretty much it.
I hope you named her Dyke Nukem, anon
How the heck do you make supply lines even workj
Different standards of beauty which bled into the art style of the time. Also perpetuated by people who view Loomis as on of the greats. You think that's bad then check out stuff from the 20's and 30's.
Even if you've maxed his affection, his perk is gated by that quest.
You're on thin ice calling vintage pinups not sexy and calling anyone else a faggot.
They're invariably pretty curvy too so I don't know what you mean by narrow hips. I'll give you the broad shoulders but it's just a fact they were fashionable at the time.
>85 on metacritic
Well I hope they got their bonuses unlike those talentless fucks at Obsidian
Didn't They download some data before they blew up the institute?
>Idle settlers automatically take unassigned tasks, such as farming

They do this already though? At least for farming they do. If they're near a patch and there's no one assigned they'll start farming it. You still have to assign them for guard towers.
>Still WIP as far as I'm aware
Where and who or what team?

On niftool forums there is nobody.
How do I get food?
It's one of the high tech lamps you get through a picket fences magazine.
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>not looking forward to Cyberpunk 2077
Really? When?

I'm black and sound similar
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>tfw Two Bears still idolizes PoE as a 'pure and amazing RPG standard' and literally tried to pretend FO4 doesn't exist to the extent when an IRL family friend bought him the game he forcibly told them to return it

These purist just keep finding new heights to demonstrate their saltiness
Yea basically. They also had more options regarding quest choices mostly and more character based choices instead of player based choices (skill checks instead of minigames for example)

I'm gonna continue using my own definition because i'm tired of people calling Diablo and Borderlands roleplaying games
Still no hardcore-mode mod?
And they still make better games, even when they put absolutely zero effort into it. How is this possible?
Are there any companions who are ok with drugs and are also ok with the institute? X6 need not apply
kill legendary raiders
sometimes they drop two shoot mut fruit
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Do the numbers on the turrets you build mean anything? Why are some settlers a higher level than others?
If you don't believe every synth has the right to free will, if you don't think of synths as people, if you aren't willing to die to protect your fellow man, even if he's a synth... go to hell.
Oh that's why? Alright, off I go.
I prefer consequence to choice.

Dunno, I heard it from a third party, so I can't give you a link. I mostly rely on others for my models in the first place.
It's ok jamal we still love you
Seems to be a crapshoot as to if settlers will start farming. Mine certainly haven't, at least in some settlements.
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Must remove the clipping chestpiece
You're joking right?

No one is that retarded?
Hacock and prefix Cait are okay with drugs

No idea about the institute but logically hancock would hate it
He's in the memory den whenever you first go there; I think he's also one of the guards outside diamond city when the dude is refusing to let piper in.
Holy crap the ammo crafting mod makes this shitty game so much better, mods already fixing the game. why do i feel like the ini things i had to do to get the mod manger to work will fuck the game up later.
does anyone happen to know the base id for the Le Fusil Terribles shotgun? i somehow lost mine in game and cant find the code anywhere to spawn it in.
I don't even care about you guys' argument, but just FYI, latest scientific research suggests that the T-Rex was a scavenger with few natural predators, not the raging apex predator they are often depicted as.
Well, I've been playing RPGs since 1989 when I got a copy of Dragon Warrior for the NES. I've played easily dozens of RPGs since then, quite possibly hundreds. And nearly every single one of them had a fixed protagonist playing a linear story whose outcome could only be influenced by deciding not to finish the game. Sometimes you could rename controllable characters.
Contrary to popular belief, opinions can be wrong. By being in opposition to reality. And yours is. The RPG genre of video games is pretty well defined, and your opinion makes no difference to that.
One of my first settlers actually took up a guard post without me assigning her. She's been my best guard too. Always on duty when everyone else is bugging out in the farm or doing literally anything except use the scavenging bench.
She's the exception to the rule though.
i can't believe bethesda tried to make a link between niggers and robot slaves

i can't believe bethesda even thought the railroad should be a faction
Too bad those aren't in the game either
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>All these mods
>GECK isn't even out
>Script extender isn't even out
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>BoS is obviously right
>Bethesda tries to make them look like dicks every chance they get even tho there would be a clear way to settle thing if they actually gave you choices

ammo crafting fucking destroys any balance it did have
tell me there's more questlines than the main story...
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opinion discarded
Thanks for the info man. Brown recluse is still a good comparison I think.

>crawls into your laundry cause comfy
>just waits for you to disturb its rest so it can give you necrosis kisses
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I'd dyke nuke her if you know what I mean.

I'm dead serious. People tried to encourage him to give it a shot but then he said he told his friend to get a refund. He refuses to even 'stain his eyes' with the 'filth'.
Why? It's probably just going to have the same theme of "synthetic/cyborg people are the oppressed minority of this futuristic era" that every other remotely cyberpunk game has these days.
He's just confusing sets and subsets
RPG is a set of games
His definition of RPG is just a subset of games under the RPG set.

He's still in conflict with reality though because he believes a subset is a set.

>any balance it did have

Which is none at all.

I can't wait for the fucking GECK.
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clank clank when

I want to be fugged by codsworth
>i can't believe bethesda tried to make a link between niggers and robot slaves
It makes sense desu

Two groups that are people but are treated as less than by their overlords
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I like the idea of the wasteland being too rough for lawyer-mom and she just goes full raider instead.
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I found a Mk V at some raider camp that set me on fire.
Walls or giant cubes?
>Razer sharp 1ft tall teeth
>Claws the size of a car's bumper
>50 tons of muscle
>nah guys it just ate dead birds and leafs xD
>No way it could kill something 1/4th it's size

I don't even care, i just want to see a giant 30ft fucking lizard run on 2 legs. Too bad that will never happen again.
>nigger gets uppity with me
>shoot them
>they're set as essential
>find out what quest they're in
>you can kill the quest giver but not them
>they're not even an important part of the quest and exist literally only to run away or be killed by you
Kellogs outfit
Since I got bored of Fallout 4 I've decided to do a NV run with the worst perks only
I don't care if my opinion doesn't make a difference if the mainstream thinks differently maily because the mainstream definition thinks every game with a stat-based progression system is an RPG

jrpgs are radically different compared to cRPGs and have nothing in common with pen and paper RPGs

A game with a stat-based progression system is not necessarily an RPG imo
>Codsworth synth body DLC
>10/10 husbando for all the Noras to romance
>Keking your dead husband with your butlerbot
Why isn't there more Post-War tech like the Midwest BoS Power Armor and synths?

210 years after the bombs fell why isn't there more cities and working gov ?
MKV turrets are fucking cunts with that flamethrower machine gun combo.
>make the game shitloads easier
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Is there a good pipboy texture replacement yet? That rusty piece of shit mod looks terrible.
ty sempai uuguu
>blow up some of the most advanced technology left in the world
>gun down some of the brightest minds while we're at it
>force my son to die alone with all of his hopes and dreams crushed
>consolation prize is a clone of him that I go find useless junk for in between shooting bad guys

I was all set to take over as Director of the Institute, but I just couldn't bring myself to slaughter the Railroad. I guess I did the right thing, because slavery is bad and all, so why do I feel so empty?
robots aren't even people

you can literally construct one from parts and give it the memories of a brilliant war vets and you get an instant army of super soldiers, the other one has to be born and raised over several years
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Reminds me of my treatment of Travis.
>have to deal with the shitty perk chart if you want to change /add perks
>most End perks are beyond saving
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Okay fine, let's rock n roll then.

we can still be strong friends

I've been using this for now. It's kind of weird seeing buff piper though.
PoE is literally the only game obsidian didn't steal assets for and its shit.
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If games with set backgrounds can't be RPGs I don't want to play RPGs anymore
So is it true or not that you can get a synth spouse?
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This is the house that SCIENCE built
They are though. That's a thing I was trying to get right with Nanosteam. If you do a quest or action the game specifically has things to acknowledge it. Some small, some quite large.

And you didn't tell her to guard shit or whatever? Maybe it's just random then.
>get on train in train mod
>whistle blows, train starts moving
>song plays
>look out the window, play cards with raiders

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>NV run
>Fallout 3 screenshot
Zis belongs in the garbage can, yes ?
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Synths aren't even robots by Gen 3. They're literally just synthetic people. Essentially programmable clones. I guess Bethesda thought that leaving them as mechanical would leave too much ambiguity as to whether they had free will.
I'd like to poke those scientific boobies.
[It Ain't Me Starts Playing]
>complete the main quest for the BoS
>talk to the Proctor Quinlan
>"thank god all that data from 200 years of research was destroyed"
Thanks Bethesda, you managed to make a game in which you have to choose not the faction you like the most, but the faction you hate the least.
Did you pay no attention inside the institute?

All the coursers are trained for months
Even the civillian synths need training
>you're told your character is a lawyer
>this never affects any of what she says or does throughout the game
>you can make her Intelligence 1 if you want

Why didn't they give her some ordinary occupation, or like, none at all?
CDPR are pretty good at the whole "gray" moral decisions thing. The main gripe people are having is decisions having no consequences, no real builds, very little/limited choices etc. and those are all things CDPR are pretty good at.

I don't mind the whole "we have a serious hardon for Blade Runner" thing in cyberpunk these days. It's a little played out but I'm sure CDPR will do it well.
Tale of Two Wastelands
What synth helmet is that? For me the Synth Field helmet was dirty, but the regular synth helmet didn't have the face cover.
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Does it look too much like one of the presets?
Is he ugly?
>using caps as ammo
I wouldn't die to save just one other person even if it was a real human. There's maybe 3 people i'd risk my life for in the world, the rest could get fucked. They fucked up and put themselves in a shitty situation, not me.

The difference here is outside interference, the T-Rex may be big, scary and generally aggressive - but it still can't be compared to the Deathclaw, at least according to Fallout lore.

Everything written and spoken about the Deathclaw in everything Fallout related hypes up how Deathclaw's were genetically engineered to be rampaging monstrous beasts from the ground up in a way that nature just couldn't produce.

Steroids, gene spicing and alteration, response training, everything about the origins of the Deathclaw are about making it a murder machine. The T-Rex 'became' a big scary lizard, the Deathclaw was MADE that way.

Heck if anything the Deathclaw has more in common with super-mutants in the Fallout Universe in so far as they are an unnatural abomination as a result scientific intervention to create something for fighting/combat.
what's wrong with poe?
Technically charisma is the lawyer stat in this game.
>this is a 10/10 in Diamond City
It all boils down to definition, so yeah, that's an infinite loop of opinions.

What I don't get though is how Bethesda, being an AAA company can't hire good writers or at least supervise them better. I don't believe the game was written that bad on purpose because of focus groups or whatever.

Average gamer age is well into late 20's, and a lot of people enjoy mature, deep stories. Others don't give a shit about story whatsoever, they don't play for that.

Witcher 3 proved that you can be successful without turning your game into politically correct ponyland, and CD Project isn't a huge player on the market.

Fuck, even Shadowrun: Dragonfall, made with a box of scraps in a cave was written in the most amazing way for me.

Where is the bad writing coming from?
>actually letting your synth son come with you

Have fun getting murdered in your sleep, Shaun is a manipulative asshat that gives zero fucks about his parents, during our first encounter he's all "father pls get this pedo away from me" and now he's all "YOU'RE MY REAL DAD, I LOVE YOU FOREVER"? Yeah, I don't buy it.
Make your husband black
Looks like a Nord
oh wow it's Josh Homme
>hoarding caps as much as I can
>realize I'm not doing it for any reason, there's nothing I need

I'm not even using the mod, faggot, but there's nothing wrong with giving yourself more choices since the game is easy as fuck anyway.

I said I can't wait for the GECK because when it comes out I can balance the game myself. Get fucked, cocksucker.
I was trying to make a handsome-ish redneck, oh well, I guess such a thing doesn't exist
I feel like I would find him in an alley behind a surf shop selling weed and bongs out of an old beat-up Volkswagen van
If I'm going to take the stance that synths are people, then I can't just leave him to die down there even if he isn't actually my son.
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Can't wait for Nazi UFO mods
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So tell me /fog/, are automatic weapons worth it? I started taking one perk for it, but so far the submachinegun has been really underwhelming. Does it get better if I level it up more, or is it just not worth it?

Ammo consumption is way too high for the limited damage it does.
Probably the only thing you ever need caps for is buying concrete shipments.
It was a cut quest
Sure he does anon.
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Hey /fog/ I've played every fallout game to date, and I always contemplated. But say there is a nuclear wasteland and all who inhabit it do exist would you fuck a Ghoul?
I just realized you can stack up a settlement with tons of resources and no defense to provoke attacks, but then give your settlers automatic laser weapons and power armor. And then soon the settlement will be surrounded by a graveyard. And free shit.
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Make Patrick Swayze
>obviously right
>makes demands of settlements who never asked for their help at all
>steals technology from people even if it's vital to the well-being of that community (see: rivet city)
>so paranoid and ignorant about synths that they order the execution of a loyal soldier

Maxson's BoS will hit the same snag that the west coast did, namely that it simply isn't feasible to try to exert power over an area with no popular support. That's why it's so satisfying to kill them in the minutemen ending. Blow those power armoured raiders right the fuck out of your sky. Kick their ass despite being at a tech disadvantage, because the commonwealth (through the minutemen, a group that actually holds popular support) rejects them.
Gen 3 synths are still constructed.

>built from parts
>no infancy
>plus having the bonus of being faster stronger smarter than any ordinary human being
>plus having the bonus of having the ability to get any memories they want (if rescued by railroad)

yeah they're people alright

real people
So much cut shit...
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Hm, it's called Nanofiliment Synth Field Helmet in my inventory.
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>spend what feels like an eternity perfecting settlement
>make sure everything is well spaced/laid out etc
>leave settlement in good order
>brahmin half inside walls galloping in a feeble attempt to escape
>settler bouncing up and down on stairs
>overhear another complaining of hunger
>turn around
>levitating above a patio chair
>she's eating

Muh immersion
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Bethesda could hire better writers.

But why would they need to when there game still sells?
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I thought I recognized Red Tourette's name from somewhere.

Feels pretty bad man.
>get a weapon that says Unlimited Ammo
>it still uses ammo but just doesn't need to be reloaded

Oh ok
the ending is literally in the trailer for the game, lol
It does affect it

USS Constitution mentions it
And you can mention being married to a vet if you go to the BoS airport without meeting Danse
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So is there any legit reason to take unarmed over melee?
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Pls. Does Gun-Fu work with melee or does it only affect guns.
At it's not like skyrim where they basically cut the entire civil war right?
Why can't we get a perk or something that gives normal armor bonuses while we're in power armor?
If i liked her enough sure, but not like a one night stand with a random ghoul.
Not even Moira?

Bethesda could hire the greatest writers ever known and some people would still say the writing is shit because it's Bethesda, so why bother?
You literally posted the reason.
>Gen 3 synths are still constructed.
They're organic, though.
We'll find out once the GECK is out. I've seen a few cut stuff when it comes to underwater content mostly.
its unlimited capacity
Unarmed can paralyze on crits
>steals technology from people even if it's vital to the well-being of that community (see: rivet city)
You post this every time, yet it only says that they acquired the reactor, it never says how you dingus
Don't lie, you can't say
>Holy crap the ammo crafting mod makes this shitty game so much better
without having used the mod

You're literally lying because you made the game as easy as possible and then complained about it being too easy
Both, I imagine.

I'll try to use them sparingly, I was thinking of maybe using them as a sort of tower set-up, with turrets or guard posts on top to give them a bit of a height advantage to fire from.

It's gonna b gud
2 Shot 10mm or Explosive
CDPR proved they can handle good, mature writing, and so far, they seem to be invested into source material.

They also don't use half of game's budget on building hype and instead actually use it to build the game.

So far, it's looking good.
why did shaun wait for the sole survivor to arrive at the institute if he was dying of cancer and wanted the sole survivor to be his successor?

why did the institute only take shaun from vault 111 due to his unradiated DNA and only leave one backup?
Yeah, my point is that it's NOT unlimited
>Come back to sanctuary after acquiring food to plant
>Talk to Sturgis
>He's standing on the roof
>A quicksave and load fixes it
>Come back to sanctuary later
>Brahmin standing on the roof
>Then he's stuck in the house
>Then he's stuck in the wall
>Then he's stuck under the house
>This received an 8/10 from "professional" video game journalists and reviewers
their organics parts are still constructed

i never said that they weren't organic
Explosive for ghouls, 2shot for everything else.
How? Fully modded power armor arms are inferior to good unarmed weapons, but you can freely equip melee weapons in power armor.
Babies are constructed

The only difference is that synth is a biological lifeform born from machine whereas a human is biology born from biology

Why would you give it?
How do I get the black BoS uniform?
>you are an institution that is notorious for being able to kidnap people
>you want a specific person to come to the institute
>you wait for them to overcome impossible odds to build a machine that will teleport them to you
He was probably confident that all the treatments they tried on him would work because muh technology. Up until they didn't.
>underwater content mostly.

That was the first thing I wanted to do in power armor.
I've sort of been put off settlements because I realized how truly awful the settler AI is.
A bit of advice on those two-step stairs: settlers can't use them. At all. Luckily the other types are fairly flexible.
Also I have real trouble getting an NPC to climb more than one flight of stairs.
He is a synth
Yes, I'm sure they willingly gave their main source of energy, crippling their hydroponics research and most of what made rivet city a secure, livable place
>You post this every time
I've literally never posted it before
This is true.

>muh 18 months
>they had literally all of FO3's assets
>all they had to do was write a story and design levels
>still couldn't finish the game
>didn't bother to do so in the 4 dlcs
Become a Paladin/Sentinal
Well, to be fair, most of the carcasses they would have been scavenging from would have also been relatively large. And all that muscle + giant jaws would have been great for grinding up bones and other tough stuff the smaller predators couldn't/didn't bother to chew through.

As for the seeing one thing, here's hoping for great advances in robotics/bioengineering/both within our lifetimes.
Then it would be just a question of money, and I'm sure we could sell someone on that idea.
Dude this is the game where you get given power armour at the start and then the BoS act like you've never seen power armour before

People aren't upset just because it's beth
have you considered pain train and just wailing on rugimies?
I know right, we've all wanted to punch a whale in the face. Fucking whales.
I assume you mean what would you give it.

It could be an 8 as a game, but the buggy shit is just too rampant.
Right like how everyone hates the writing/story/lore in Morrowind?

The capacity is unlimited dipshit, that's what it says on the weapon

unarmed has slightly more damage until very late game when melee outscales it

But you have like no weapon choice
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>Do the mission where you decide Danse his fate.
>Come back after a few days to check on him.
>He's wearing this.

Bug or what.
Does rooted technically work with melee sneak attacks in VAT?
Very real possibility, Turkey is trying to prove they're relevant by poking Russia with a stick.
>The idea of a dialogue wheel and voiced protag is fine

not in fucking fallout it's not fuck off
that's the specific reason i'm using the shishkebab. I think it actually looks pretty good

Yes. People view older bethesda games with rose tinted glasses
Oh shit, was that the girl who got killed by the Corvega vehicle factory raiders and dumped into the water tank?
wait or sleep for 24 hours
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settlers use ammo sometimes.webm
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From previous tests I determined settlers do not consume .38 rounds.
But I wondered if they consumed other ammo types, and it turns out they do.
.38 combat rifle = best settler arm.
>pain train
Does Pain Train not work with melee weapons? What the fuck is a rugimie?

Yes. With no upper limit. Bleed is easily one of the best weapon traits in the whole game as long as you roll it an a relatively quick weapon.
If they didn't overcome the impossible odds he simply would have picked someone else to be his successor.

I am pretty sure for a baby to exist you would need two of parents to exist who grew up from being a baby, and those babies would have needed a pair of parents as well.

For a synth to exist you just need to have several crazy ass human beings create a machine that will build parts and assemble them. This one machine can do it pretty much infinite times as long as it's maintained. Multiple copies of this machine can be made to build more synths.

There's a huge difference.
Shaun says that they wanted a baby

I guess the rest is eliminating whitnesses

You can kill the guy at the end of the lost patrol

or just add it via console
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>tfw you realize they actually showed nearly half of the armors and guns in that E3 trailer
>before the game released we all thought that bethesda was being coy and not making more gameplay videos so people wouldn't get spoiled >the reality is that they just didn't have enough content left to make another gameplay video
Bethesda writing. Since Vault 111 was (according to the vault tec rep) intended for people who had served the country in some way, and sanctuary hills was a really nice planned community (IE, for the rich and important), probably everyone in the vault would have been an asset to the institute. But no, let's kill all of them except this one family even though literally any of them would work for our research.
Maybe mine is bugged then? When I use it the ammo capacity goes down as I fire the weapon
Shaun's terminal says that Director Zimmer is offline
She was dumped in a beer vat.

Also don't refer to that raider scum as a girl.
>They're no more "monsters" than bears or brown

except they are because they're unique to brown bears in one spefific way

we engineered deathclaws to be killers. bears just happen to be that way.
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Nigga I would fucking MARRY a ghoul
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Well, you have a good point.

I would argue that it's a shortsighted tactic to use the budget for marketing instead of creating a valuable product, but with each passing year, consumers get more and more dumb it seems.

People continue to pay for series that are being butchered or bring nothing new, over and over again.

CoD series
BF3 and BF4
Mass Effect
Dragon Age
Transformer movies

The list goes on. It's just blind consumerism without thought.

So either it deteriorates into Idiocracy, or we'll have a breaking point where all the large companies will start to crumble because people will start to wake up. I seriously hope for the latter...
if I eventually got bored/survived long enough to get to the "fuck it" stage, yeah
Pain train just requires you to spring into people, you can wield any weapon with it.
I've seen it posted like 3 times in the last few threads.
It's been 10 years since the water purifier was turned on, I'm pretty sure they've managed to set up farms outside now, besides, there are a million things that could've happened within those 10 years.
So there's no legit reason to take unarmed over melee, then?
>would leave too much ambiguity as to whether they had free will.
Being self aware doesn't mean the presence of "free will", which isn't even a thing in the first place. I'd prefer that synths like Harkness were an extreme rarity, and that the more "mechanical" ones were the ones rebelling and seeking out what we consider to be "human". It'd make me like the Railroad a lot more tbqh.
>A bit of advice on those two-step stairs: settlers can't use them. At all.

ye they can
Mostly a matter of preference. Unarmed is much better at crippling and paralyzing, but I prefer melee because higher levels can do shit like hit everyone in front of you, and it can be worn with power armor.
Seems to me like bears are the bigger dicks then broham.
Can't wait for a mod that makes underwater Power Armor movement faster.
Walking on the bottom like a big daddy feels cool, but damn is it slow.

Making visibility less shit would be cool too.
jesus christ mate
you can't be upset with an animal for using its naturally given killing abilities. you can feel responsible when an animal only has those abilities because of your kind, though.
Like Rivet City willingly giving its power source over, right? I think, considering how they act in 4, the brotherhood taking it by force is more likely by far.
>not turning the minutemen from a small group into a massive army spanning all areas of the map
>not annexing the railroad soldiers into your ranks and having them as your intelligence agency
>not oblitering those BoS nazi fucks, wiping raider savages off the map, arresting crazy mad Institute scientists, freeing synth slaves, and generally protecting the citizens of the commonwealth
>not fighting for good of the people instead over petty political squabbles and "muh technology"

>not making America great again
working as intended. he just called his enclave remnant buddies and had it vertibird-dropped
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Yes bandanna or no bandanna
>not playing on your handheld
>relying on this level of fan fiction to play a game
Do you do this with all FPS or just the ones that call themselves RPGs?
More like Russia tried to pull their usual "lmao what borders? :^)" act and Turkey didn't find it funny.

Don't get your hopes up too much. This will lead to more posturing and chest-pounding and that's all.

Muh water chip
Muh dad
Muh delivery
bump, someone has to know.
you couldn't really go "muh delievery" though, the courier had very little dialogue choices relating to that. and when he did, there are many more you could have picked.
I wonder if there's a game where we couldn't simplify it down to "Muh x".

Muh reincarnation.
Muh daedra invasion.
Muh dragons.
The prydwen was built in 8 years, 4 to find the materials and 4 to construct it. I don't believe they would start building a giant drain on resources without a proper way to power it, so thye most likely had plans for the reactor in the first 4 years of the construction, i don't remember when it was completed, but even if it was completed the year the game takes place, Sarah/Owen Lyons was still elder during the first four years. I don't think he/she would steal the only power source from rivet city.
Looks like you're ashamed that he's a ghoul and are trying to hide it.
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I'm trying to turn the Castle into a city Kowloon style. I have a ways to go but soon they'll have the best fortress in the commonwealth
And? Did you see the end of the quest if you give the egg back?
According to the VDSG, it does.

You could just make a backup save and test it with the help of console commands if you wanna be sure.

1)Spawn something with retarded high health.
2)Sneak attack it
4)Give yourself rooted
5)Sneak attack it again while holding still
6)Did you do more damage?
Thank god I'm not the only one, I'd fucking WRECK Daisy
I was just trying to make him look cool.
>I don't believe they would start building a giant drain on resources without a proper way to power it

what is liberty prime

the brotherhood's favorite method nowadays seems to be "just start throwing shit together, we'll find something to make it work eventually
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>muh salamandra
>muh politics
>muh Ciri
And once again, it just works.
>I wonder if there's a game where we couldn't simplify it down to "Muh x".

Maybe but I can't think of one off the top of my head. Most games have really simple story hooks even if their plot becomes complex later on.
I brought the egg back. What's supposed to happen?
It was choose which faction rules Vegas at the end.
As i said before, the building for the ship started at least in 2279 when Owen Lyons was in charge.
But yeah, blame bad writing for that.
nose is a bit off, otherwise would cuddle
Getting to just chill with a deathclaw like that was really cool actually.

I like it.
I know the real Kowloon was a real dump and probably pretty shitty to live in, but packed cities like that still seem so comfy, somehow. No wonder Hangman's Alley is my favorite settlement. You basically have to go full Kowloon if you want to fit all the stuff 20 settlers need in there.

Who gives a shit, they're shiny.

How much shiny do you see in the wasteland?
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trying XCOM for the first time
y is dis fallout shelter
The delivery part of the story was the primary determinant in which faction came out on top in the scramble for New Vegas.
Yeah but your character doesn't really need to talk about it. In fact, aside from to House, I don't think you need to mention the delivery to anyone else. Not even Benny, even though you have some humorous courier-themed lines there.
>settlers have infinite ammo
>but not infinite grenades

There goes my synthfarm.
gimme the must-have mods for FNV boludos, i downloaded it again and its been like 18 months since I played it. So I need someone to keep me entertained until project brasil comes out
Look at the OP
How do I get 20 settlers / 100 happy?

I'm meeting everyone's needs but people aren't moving in.
There a Fallout4 mod that makes you actually aim in third person rather than get the 1337 hipshots from five miles away in VATS
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