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League of Legends GEneral - /lolg/

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Thread replies: 817
Thread images: 202


Poppy Update

Stop me from buying Noxus Poppy. I don't even want to play her.






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Breast waifu
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>Foot fetish

Canonically worse than lulufags
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>All Poppy skins are being available for purchase in the shop when he's released

No reason to use this skin anymore, guess I'll stick to her cute original

can you even buy her? I thought noxus was legacy.
You can't buy her, lol
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Can't wait for the influx of new Poppy "art"
but singed is already one of the most fun and unique champs in this fucking game


first time i like the german VO over the korean or the english one.
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poppy confirmed for man
yeah, I had already sent my reply when it updated, my bad.
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Is this the year of the Yordle?
WHEN'S JAPANESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Illaoi is bad guise :&)
Oh yea, didn't riot say that was going to be this year?

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>Lulu is now the ugliest female yordle
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So where are all the original Poppyfags at, saying she was 'perfect' before?

I hope you all now realized just how delusional you were. I'm happy that abomination got an update.
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Ruralfags are cancer. They can throw as many tantrums and cause as much interpersonal drama as they want but the poor owners can't do shit about it because their family would starve without business. Thank god for capitalism where every man has the means to make kiss my ass money.

God Bless America, and /lolg/.
Lulu isn't a yordle.
100% this
she actually has an ultimate now
Yes she is.
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>We only have 3 female yordles
Then what is she
The old splash was better
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Mfw Someone Hopes Near Me.png
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>Using a skin because "It's so rare and speshul" rather than just using it because it looks good
I bet you like Secret Agent Fortune too

They're all underleveled as hell

Model update when?
So I got Lulu and holy fuck I feel so robbed. All her fanart makes her look so cute and then in game she's so fucking ugly what the fuck.

Where were you when Poppy LITERALLY became best girl?


>no riot

Get rekt nigga
But....she is? Did you just not read her lore at all? Comon anon don't bait me like this
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late xth for breast waifu

secondary xth for Poopy support
>champion gets reworked
>receives mutliple knockups

oh that's pretty cool, enables some cool interactions and synergy!
by the way, there should probably be another item that like doubles your AD or gives you 50% armor pen if you reach 100% crit, that would be cool right?
Most of the korean voices sound the same
>try to gank poppy in the top lane
>get ulted into red buff
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What's the most effective build for Thresh?
Why not just have one big bot lane running through the middle of the map? Kind of like aram, but instead of it being midlane, make it botlane. Cuz that's what games nowadays are. No matter what you do, one sides adc will be 10/0 and game will be a stomp one way or the other, no matter what you do.
lulufags btfo

>best girl
>not trist
gtfo nigger
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I only came to /lolg/ because I was hoping there will be new poppy porn but I guess I wasted my time.
Yeah this is definitely bait
Let's get kraken
Every champion riot reworks or releases is just a buff to Yasuo
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>Knockup that works only against dashes
>another one on ult
Bandle is sleeping
>implying they exist anymore
>implying that's canon
I just wanna say this is probably the best visual VU Riot has done yet
your point being?
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>That fang
>That hair
>Those eyes
>That armor
>That laugh

It doesn't matter if they still exist or not. Yordles are furry, meglings aren't. Lulu is a megling until she gets the yordle redesign.
What if Yasuo ults a enemy or enemies that Poopy just ulted?
literally babe ruthing geeks out of the rift
>Actual facial animations when talking
About time.
that armor is basically elite knight
>implying i'm not american

I mean if you think that's how I act to people I'm friends with and regularly hang out with, go to bars with, or whatever sure.
If you'd like a better example, there's quite a few knife and firearm companies that have lifetime warranties on their merchandise.
If it malfunctions, send it back. You get either a completely new one, or one refurbished to almost new quality.

Of course these companies customer service employees would probably fired for identifying as a
><3Lunari Princess<3
They prob land wherever yasuo activated ult before it's out of his ult range.
Female Yordles aren't furry. Or at least if they are, then it's really short fur. Look at Tristana and New Poppy.
Im drawing some soon, hopefully.
>Smacking their tank across the map
this may be fun
the 6 gorrillion
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Exactly how far does her ult knock someone back?
Nah Trist is still the ugliest.
Ok this has been explained before but I'll bite because you're in denial or baiting.

The Megling Gunners were a sect of Bandle City's miltia that included Trist and corki. That's it. It's just a name. For a sect. It's not a separate species.

The most I'll give you is that female yordles don't have fur at all. So technically you wanting to fuck them doesn't make you a furry.
the french one is fucking garbage

Literally read up dude
>a braindead binary champion receives an update to make their playstyle more fluid
>autists lose their mind and seriously try to imply it's for the worse

Yeah man pre-rework Sion was SO GOOD AND FUN. Same with Morde/GP/Ashe/Fiora/Ryze/Trist/Xerath. I can't believe Riot is messing up another perfect champ!
At least they do have fur. Lulu doesn't have any.
>Dork souls invented wool padding under plate armour!

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this is fur m8
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It's hard to say, because Tristana doesn't have fur while Poppy clearly does.
top kuck
It just says a large distance.
>Or at least if they are, then it's really short fur.
Reading isn't hard
>i'm a feminist hooray for all girls
>but if a girl choose to not wear armor FUCK HER
>Pre-rework morde was bad
>Pre-rework xerath was bad

I'll give you mediocre, but these two had some merit.

All the others were true tho
how about dem ass pics bbygurl
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Can we all agree on this? This assumes you're actually good at your main, btw.

Not enough info on illaoi to categorize her, but I'm leaning towards a sub 100 IQ on her
I literally made reddit account just so I could downvote him.
I think he is borderline insane about womyn clothes .
tristana clearly has fur on her new splash, in the same style as new poppy. feelsbadman when lulu isn't getting the same style treatment
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Nah, Captain MF is the best

However I bought Noxus Poppy like 2 years ago specifically because it was legacy, I can't help but feel a bit betrayed
>trying this hard
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>Poppy's laugh
Fuck, I need heart surgery.
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trist has fur
>Iron C uck
>moe bait shit le kawaii animu tooth
>flat as a board from both sides
>needed a rework just to look normal
>Lolipoppy face still haunts us
m8. nah
>Unarmored ladies know what they did
>higher iq for playing braindead champs
>Champion before is a Rushdown Fighter with a few flaws that could have been perfected.

>Rework makes her into something she wasn't in literally every Iteration.

It's always good to look at these reworks and ask yourself something quite simple.

Would they pick these reworked champion in Top over say, Olaf?

Or would you pick this jungler over say Lee Sin or Rek'Sai?

No? Then it's worthless. Poppy rework is useless.
>saw Riven & Yasou in highest IQ tier
>closed image
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You got it backwards, anon.

Don't worry, I forgive you, playing that much Yasuo should have fried all your neurons by now.
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You know they used Lulu as the design standard for Tristana and Poppy's reworks right? Lulu's model update will probably happen in time with touch ups to her appearance too.

Ziggs is the same for Heimerdinger and eventually Corki whenever his VU rolls in.

That's a dumb ass thing to care about or get heated over.
hurr hurr
why the discrimination against unnarmored ladies
>Riven and yasuo in top tier

Didn't even need to read the rest to know this is shit
That ult is fucking hilarious
i dont like this new rework. poppy was good because of the tough girl attitude. now she has been turned into generic kawaii ugu yordle #3
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I have Noxus and Lollipoppy, and I don't feel betrayed. They were taken out of the shop because they weren't up to the standards of new League and they hadn't stood up to the test of time at all.

Now they're updated, and really good skins, so there's no reason for them to be legacy.
>big boobs xD i hate fun and everything cute
kys tbqh pham. This is a Poppy general. If you don't like Poppy gtfo
>a few flaws


just because you get stomped by them doesn't mean their players have a low IQ.
Another thing dota has over this game and shitty hots is that the skins are rarely, if ever, retarded
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Has anyone shopped Poopy's face onto CIA yet?
now we just need to photoshop the face on the lolilop onto poppy
>tfw store down
>dragon slayer trist is coming boys

Just because you get stomped by them doesn't mean their players have a low IQ.
>tfw Im starting to get turned on by my own dick
thats not gay right...

I mean any other mans dick repulses me but idk mine is pretty nice
i wasnt expecting that /laugh.

i-its one of my fetishes...
Oh I'm sorry I wasn't aware that you had thoroughly played and tested the new Poppy against Challenger level opponents and had rightfully come to this conclusion.

I shall retract my original statement henceforth.
Her only real flaw was her base stats were terrible, meaning she had huge mana problems at the start.

With a Trinity force and the old pot you could do well.

The New Poppy lacks any real power in lane.

How will Poppy lane against Darius, Fiora or Olaf? Or even Trynd and Jax?
>Tentacle rape released
Well, time to play something else until rito fixes her.
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The Yordles at this point are confirmed to have fur. They have sexual dimorphism (Males are more rodent-like) but still universally have fur.
gtfo weeb
glad they decided to keep around lollipoppy's old face somehow
It's the voice,really.They should have find someone else to voice her not the same as Tristana.
I love how the new splash artist is making fun of the former guy and his stupid ass work
Is the new minions up yet? I want to try it out before I drop this piece of shit game yet again.
ITT: Everyone gets absolutely BUTTBLASTED over a joke.
Tell me in what world, what universe you live in, that riven and yasuo require more skill to master than any of those you listed beneath them?
Poppy is the queen of peel as far as tanks go. Why are you comparing her to Olaf?
singed will never get reworked, he might get a visual update eventually though which i what i think you meant to say.
>ahead by 4k at 16:00
>lose 2 teamfights
>surrender at 23:00

haha what the fuck man what the fuck is this fucking game like ahghahhghahhaghgas fuck everything
Wait until the next patch to get it, so you'll get a free mystery skin
What do you mean by that? Are you feeling defensive because DotA 2 isn't confident enough for fun and silly skins? Because DotA 2 has to make everyone an eyesore ultimate edgy badass?

It's league of LEGENDS. People can be legendary in many ways.
>Akali rework not coming out for 6 months+

Oh well, not surprised, at least it's not like waiting for the Poppy rework.
It would be gay NOT to like your own dick.
xth for quinn changed fucking suck
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>Sounds EXACTLY like Tristana

And it's ruined.

That was fucking fast, holy shit.
Good call. Smart anon.
What masteries for rengar jungle?

I hope she stays dead forever
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>I don't like yordles. Too fluffy



why the fuck would the buff singed? look at OP rylais and look at his winrate. He is balanced if not, stronger than average in this meta.
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Riven and Yasuo are generally considered high skill champs. Why are you so delusional?
Azir is still high up though right?
Her voice actress isn't the same as Trist's. Do you have hearing problems senpai?
The Poppy rework has just cemented me selling my account and moving on from this trash game. Been playing since S1. The kit looks so fucking boring. The ult is literally the only part that doesn't look like a snorefest.
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Dota doesn't have skins. Dota has cheap cosmetics that don't change shit.

>what if trundle was a policeman
>what brand was a zombie


>what if faceless void scepter was slightly different
>what if dragon knight's helmet covered all his face instead of most of it
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>Too fluffy

Why the fuck is everyone so mindful if they play a champion that happens to have fur? It doesn't matter what you like playing.
its the thing you seem since you started masturbating of course you like it you associated fapping with it
no one cares m8
It might be not the same but they sound alike too much.Her new voice is too high pitched.
>being this delusional
>Nautilus im the 3rd tier

Fuck you nigga, my boy Naut can deal with your yasuos and your leblancs anytime.
Here we go. No, they aren't. I'm utterly dumbfounded that you would pick pubstomp champs to put in high iq. It's odd as well because most of the list is pretty spot on.
If you do well with him post nerf, you belong that high.
How the duck do you lose teamfights with that comp holy shit
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>always play with a friend
>tfw everyone else wants to surrender and we say no everytime
>male yordles are fluffy
>females have barely any fur
It's just a subtle way of saying she's a lesbo
that first sentence was written while having a stroke apparently.
>B-But you didn't play it.

>Passive a ranged attack with a tiny amount of magic damage with a paltry shield. Worthless compared to her amazing passive before.

>Q is a physical damage Aoe instead of a Magic damage on hit, the scaling is paltry and loses half it's damage if people move out of it.

>W is useful to curb aggression from stupid people only. The stats do little in the long run.

>E is physical damage, making it so building armor makes Poppy counterable purely by armor.

>Her R is now the direct opposite of her previous one, offering zero personal power and instead is worthless in her lane.

That rules out Jungle and Top has her strong roles.

She's a support now.

>Wants Garen's cock
>Doesn't like yordles

The fact that your top laner let a tryn play PvE then farm your team
trynadequeer is still cancer I see. guess i'm skipping this patch as well
>tryndamere acting like a smartass with his dumbass champ
>malphite losing to tryn
>rushing roa

people acting like they are hot shit while gettinf fed on garbage player are making me so fucking angry holy shit

Post proof, because I don't fucking believe that.

They sound IDENTICAL. Like, Trist's voice actress finished recording her lines and then immediately started on Poppy's.
buttravaged support "main" detected
>poppy gets +24% resists while under 40%

for comparison malph gets 30% more armor at all times
rofl she's going to be unkillable
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its time my friend.png
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I know im meant to like her new art.
hell, I know id be delusional to like the old art with how bad it is.

but something feels off about her new art. she doesn't look confident, or something.
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Literally the only thing you got right in that high IQ is Rumble, Azir, Leblanc, and Shaco. And why Vel'koz and Anivia aren't there, I will never know.

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A brand spanking NEW gif that may soon become one of the legendary ones.
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>tfw poppy will never smash your jewels
I think it's the same artist.

Except you who cared enough to reply.
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Poppy rework is fucking garbage

They took the most singularly unique assassin in the game and turned her into a vanilla peelbot

The ult's fucking stupid. It's too one-dimensional. If you could knock them different directions (lee sin style) or hit teammates (super defensive repositioning of an immobile adc, for example) it'd be a little interesting. As is? Fucking garbage alistar ripoff

I'm mad as hell

her new default splash is cute but the rest fucking suck
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Good taste

Also you were swindled. Get skins because you like them, not because they're rare.

Because he's retarded and should be left alone to whine.

Singed received a VU a year ago.

Because the image is for baiting replies and you're a fucking idiot for falling for it. Shut up already.
My proof is a hundred games as Tristana and watching some dubbed anime with Poppy's voice actress in it.
why do poppy and tristana sound the same

is riot too poor to afford different voice actors?
she's not confident. She's a cute dork now
>that laugh

I have a boner and it won't go down


The first sentence was translated badly I thought.

The lack of confidence is supposed to go with her new character I think. I'm no poppy main but old poppy to me seemed like the "no jokes no horsing around straight shooter" type of woman. This Poppy is more in-line with being socially awkward and just trying to be more humble.
Do you play him? I always have fucking trouble with leblanc because she can just combo me past my soldiers. She out-trades me.
You must be the coolest guy in the internet.
So contrarian and bitter
Ouch watch the edge kid
because someone has to tell you
It already has been stablished that female yordles have peach fuzz skin.
It's hair, just really short and thin, like velvet.
Fuck off her most unique thing was her E which she still has.
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>If you could knock them different directions (lee sin style) or hit teammates (super defensive repositioning of an immobile adc, for example) it'd be a little interesting.
But then it'd have to be a targeted skill and those are toxic, remember? Everything needs to be a "skill"shot!
i like how i'm banned for 14 days but i can still buy skins
gonna miss this ult when they nerf tentacles
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>what if juggernaut's mask was wide instead of tall
>what if mirana had a headband instead of a crown

>what if
>guys listen
>what if meepo
>what if meepo had a
>what if
>what if meepo had
>a hat


You're still replying.
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Drink bleach senpai, your anguish sustains me
>Nerfing Hecarim Skarner and fucking Swain
>Buffing Riven and Zed
>Lee and Yasuo are untouched

And they say Riot doesn't play favorites jesus fucking christ
new poppy is bae
>loses half it's damage if people move out of it
More like it gains another +100% if people stay in it. The base is already stupid high.
>can bring souls under turrets

why is this allowed
that looked disgusting, and your ult was shitty as fuck.
>know what they did
what did he mean by this
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>mfw I realize Illaoi's E is entirely negated thanks to Poppy ult.
That's cool, mind if I download it?
Man I like the Poppy rework. But that voice is fucking terrible. Its way too similar to Tristana, it's almost identical.
>lol i get tanky because why not
>auto reset with %HP damage
>+damage +armor
>lol u cant touch me ult

really unique
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Where my support bros at?
Am I the only person that's disgusted with my vagina?
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>You know, this seems pretty dumb for a rioter to say. I wonder who--

I'm not even surprised.

>Having an opinion you don't like makes me contrarian

Nah son.

Having Poppy sound fucking EXACTLY like Tristana is downright idiotic.

I don't know which deaf motherfucker at Riot approved this but he needs to be fired and the voice needs to be redone.

They are the exact same voice.
I don't play alot of mid, but I've seen my fair share of azirs. There's ones that e in and miss their ult and die, and then there are ones that are pinpoint on every soldier and use their ult to pin teams against walls.

I'd say for lb try to use your range and stay mobile.
>Semi-decent scaling
>And 6%.

She will literally never out-rade a Darius, Olaf or Fiora.
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>using reddit
ah yes it seems like I have an appointment at 4pm don't be late *click*............................
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Go right ahead. It's all yours.
Yeah let's just stop the silver predictions on a champion's balance and be real for a second.

When has /lolg/ ever been right about a champion's balance on release? If there is one safe bet here it's that all the fucks that post here have no fucking clue what they're talking about and will ride one bandwagon until actually proven wrong then will switch like they were there in the first place.

So until Poppy's release in global, and it will probably be a while after that as well, all criticisms about the feel and balance of her rework are pure idiocy. If people here actually think she's weak and useless then chances are she'll be stupidly broken. You dumb shits are always wrong and never realize it.
>However I bought Noxus Poppy like 2 years ago specifically because it was legacy, I can't help but feel a bit betrayed
They've done a sale of all the non-event legacy skins at the end of each year for the past few years. They're probably going to do it again. Putting the Poppy skins up at her release doesn't really change anything.
>and your ult was shitty as fuck.
hit 5 people with it tho
>two Illaois in one game
confusing as fuck
How can you possibly compare a firearm having a random malfunction and being replaced for free to your account being banned for actively being retarded? Are you that stupid?
Gonna need a red PROJECT poppy skin now
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hammer hammer hammer hammer hero hammer hammer hammer hammer hero hammer hammer hammer hammer hero hammer hammer hammer hammer hero
hammer hammer hammer hammer hero hammer hammer hammer hammer hero
hammer hammer hammer hammer hero hammer hammer hammer hammer hero
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This has some pretty based responses. Nice to see even reddit is sick of his shit.
So everyone agrees that Poppy is the cutest yordle now?
I suddenly understand why nobody played Poppy pre-rework

League players are actually just fucking stupid
What about Poppy was not unique you fucking mong

You dealt damage to her differently than to any other champ because of her batshit crazy passive

You itemized defensively against her because of her off the wall Q

You teamfought/ganked her differently than everyone else because of her super unique ultimate

No fuck you you're fucking dumb poppy was objectively unique and now she's just another dumb fucking tank

the only thing Riot didn't fuck up was leaving her E intact

but what's the point in charging in as a living condemn if you're a tank? Does anyone actually have fun playing Alistar? Hell no he's boring as hell because you're never at any risk

your taste is shit and nobody will ever love you

Every single champ in league of legends can be reduced to insipid one-liners, no matter how dynamic they are
Nagi bby u want sum dik
>this new poppy voice

>Not liking the pouty face
Go tip your fedoral elsewhere.
so is the store back up? Sure sucks how everything on patch day is function up until its time for the non-neets to play.
only a select few of poppy autists don't like it
That's a quote of one of Poppy's lines.
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>take tristana voice
>make her say hammer

this shit is bad
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>All the heroes he makes are virgins or lesbians covered in armor
>mfw he has a choke fetish
>mfw Irontumblr wants a strong female lesbian to choke him
>Let's stop the Silver predictions.

Ah I see, you're one of those morons who legit thinks Just because YOU suck others here must suck as much as you.

Here is a hint. How the hell is Poppy's Ult useful in any way unless the enemy team are purposely morons.

How is a Top laner designed to be a GUARD FOR THE BACKLANE going to be useful?

Her damage is average AT BEST and her biggest Utility is "I can knock people away with my very obvious ult"
Am I the only person who asks about moth champs and skins around here?

...say wait, does poppy's circle thing work with her E?
i use reddit to trade csgo items :^)
oh wow, you're a fucking super snowflake silver poppy main, fuck off.
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>Poppy gets new splash art for her skins
>Nid and the others still have shitty outdated ones.

T-thanks, Riot.
Dat fang though.
you could have flashed and ult the 5 of them m8. More people, more tentacles.

*klik on porn hib* it seem i have important meeting too dingwel... i will c u in 20! ;)
Yeah the thing is though, the bitch can literally just walk around and zone me from the wave. I use my soldiers and she can just ignore them and out trade me.
Face feels a bit too long.
They do that to actually keep the game visually consistent and clear, so you don't need to relearn which flying christmas present is which ability when you see a new skin

The community doesn't want LOL SO RANDUMB XDDD skins, they want different customizable outfits for the same character that change their feel and appearance but retain their recognizability

>what if faceless void scepter was slightly different
>what if dragon knight's helmet covered all his face instead of most of it
>Nerf Hecarim and Skarner
>Buff Riven and Zed

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>Dr. Mundo
>Infected Cleaver (Q) Max damage to monsters 300/350/400/450/500
>Mundo buffs
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>tested the new Poppy against Challenger level opponents

>if a champion isnt 100% pick/ban at challenger tier they're garbage!!
>I may be gold, but I get all of my builds from probuilds dot net!
>if its good enough for pro players, its good enough for me!
>lol, that champion's shit, I heard doublelift say so.
>are you challenger? LOL!
>The game is balanced around challenger-level play, don't you know that?
>I heard bjergsen say she was good!


Shitter: the post
>poppy thirsts for garens cock

doujins of garen smashing tiny yordle ass when?
mothbro you need any more kits?
Only Damage champions require skill.

So clearly LoL are buffing the ones that require the most skill!
>Ekko defeats new Poppy

Oh no I'm not.
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>They do that to actually keep the game visually consistent and clear

Is that why WD wears a fucking suit in one of his outfits?
Another Yasuo effect champ

>Can still reliably 1v5
Try reading that again anon.
yfw you realize OP stands for overpowering and not overpowered
So how many games have you logged with her on the PBE anyway? Since you obviously know all the ins and outs of her new design.

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>I think faker's a good player
>I watch league of legends streams that arent esports regularly
>I build frozen mallet on gnar
there is something wrong with her face in all of her skin, it look like they pasted a human face on it or something
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I've had a huge smile on my face for the last few hours

It's nice for Riot to finally let you all see her the way I've always seen her
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he can do like 800 damage to jungle minions its not a buff at all
>People Praise Faker
>All he ever plays is shit with dashes out the ass that require little to no Movement skill so he can micro shit out the ass.

If anything Poppy will be hilarious because it hard counters faker into never being able to move.
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>tfw stuck in plat 4 playing normals because connection sucks
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Great post
Get dragon tamer or pool party, they both fix the model.
That can't be real...
Can it?
If I want to hear Tristana I play Tristana
Is it just me or is Yasuo's passive a bit good?
Yeah, they changed her backstory and personality. She's now a "doesn't know her own strength" archetype.
>vi stuff is predictable as shit
>she is still stomping games left and right

I dont see your logic here
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>tfw the new wave of yordlefucking is upon us

Please tell me you're doing a "I'll grow into it" joke
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hit the nail on the head

You got all that right but silver baby
new poppy passive is such a huge downgrade from her old passive

i dont think riot knew what role poppy fulfilled when the reworked her so they just guessed and went with it.
The vo itself isn't bad. What people don't like is the voice being a direct copy of Tristana's.

This isn't Dota where we only have like 3 voice actors for all the characters
thanks dude
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>Dashes out the ass

His W counts as a blink, not a dash, so he can go through her shield.
Also his ult makes her ult null and void, though I'm not sure that's really an even trade.
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>Mfw people don't realize that if Riot WANTS her to jungle, they'll force here there.
>People don't realize they did it with Kindred, they'll do it here too.
>In otherwords, /lolg/ will be wrong again, just like they were with Tahm, Kindred, and Gangplank.

Not really a request but since you're on the poppy hype train, would you consider as well just doing something "cool" with her? Just something SFW as well.
eh around 3 more should justify a pastebin
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>Poppy's joke
She learned from the best.
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>old poppy was a strong independent yordle that rep demacia
>rework poppy made her a ditzy blonde meathead

she she is "broken ribs from intercourse" waifu tier?
>All these silver surfers complaining about new Poppy already
>Haven't even seen her numbers
>Implying she won't be 60% pick/ban rate either way because of how waifubait she is
IT sounds a lot like her at first but if you keep listening she's a little different.

Should they have made it more different? Yes. But it's not going to mess with you after playing her for a bit.
Worst set in the game, not even flying pirate ship gyro beats it.
>Implying her design is hard to understand.

Go ahead, show me the great and subtle Nuances her Kit requires.

Oh wait.

>E them into the wall and Q for double damage.
>Otherwise try to harass with the Q: Sion's Q's baby.

>Vi has an Ult that is basically unavoidable.

>Poppy's ult actively reduces her indivudal power in a lane.


Thanks for proving Faker literally cannot play with skill then, Ryze literally plays himself.
what roles are we lacking?
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What masteries do I take on Sejuani?

I want them all.
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More like it'll grow and then go into her, eh?
The numbers are already out.
True to a certain degree although there is stuff like
>What if Void was a pharaoh
>what did Slark wear to break out of ocean prison
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I do not need love, your scorn gets me off.
>I suddenly understand why nobody played Poppy pre-rework
Because she wasn't fucking fun. She was a slow rolling carry that had boring gameplay. She was only "cool" or "unique" in how obnoxious her kit was once she reached a certain item threshold, but that doesn't make playing her an enjoyable experience. She was also absolutely hideous to listen to and look at, and believe it or not these factors are very important to people as well, I fucking dare you to dispute otherwise with how many crybaby waifu faggots infest this thread on a daily basis. You aren't fucking special because you played her, stop acting like you are. I am actually happy that you are being deprived of something that you hold so dearly, it feels good knowing that you will have less fun in the future.
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>3 season bronzie
>lose promotionals again
>finally give in and decide to try again next year
>spend all my time troll building in blind
>waste all my ip on attack speed runes for Twisted Fate
>Nobody here expects his extra speed and passive damage on his e
>mfw I'm actually having fun again
Enemies are untargetable while poppy ulted
So she is good now?
so I can have a perfect excuse to main Ekko again

stack health and win games
oh you
Is that something dota players struggle with? Keeping track of abilities?

I guess with dota's washed out graphics you might need all the help you can get
You didn't have an opinion though. You just blurted out a blatently negative statement without explaining why you thought so and how it came to that. It's the equivalent of going into a steakhouse and screaming that you're vegetarian and everyone should go die.

You are literally PETA, anon.
so they just gave tristana pig tails and made her talk about a hammer in 95% of the lines
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We were put on notice that the old passive and Ult were gone years ago and it's easy to understand why. Within that framework the rework is fantasitic and impactful. The W and ult are great and the remainder of her skills are perfectly serviceable.
She literally just came out.
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champion design is probably best when done without a specific role in mind so much as making sure the champion is sensible within the current champion roster
Her voice makes me want to kill my self, why the fuck did they get the same VA who did trist?
How is Illaoi jungle working out for everyone.

Even stronger than top or mid in my experience. No CC but tons of damage.

Warrior is is better than Cinderhulk by a small margin I think. Tentacles stack up Fervor very fast..

Top lane she'll get rekt by Darius, Olaf or Fiora.

Jungle she's strickly worse than Lee Sin and Rek'sai.
yeah basically
She's meant for jg. She's going to gank with her ult and then if there's a secondary champion, use her tackle to initiate a team fight.
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Is this Bandlebro?

It remindes of Jay Naylor so sorry BB but this piece annoys me
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>mfw poppy mains bitching
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Oh? What's that? You haven't even played her yet? What a surprise.
i know that, but what masteries? im thinking about strength of the ages, but i dont see that one being popular so i dont know if it is any good.
I wouldnt know got home from work and shop has been down since
Everyone's a main whenever reworks and VUs come out.
it's shit

but now she finally looks closer to what shit artists have been making her look like for years so they don't care

it's fucking lazy is what it is
>Go in and gank with your ult
>Punt the enemy back to base to avoid your gank
>Move really slowly into obvious range with your E that is countered by moving into the middle of the lane.
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no, that's yordlebro, a drawfag who used to come here but vanished into thin air

bandlebro got her name because we confused her for him when she first showed up

I still miss the guy
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>Garen is literally the hero of the world
>Garen is America
>America is here to save the world
>Because she wasn't fucking fun
Subjective. Living condemn + absurd damage + god mode + challenging laning phase made her loads of fun. I gravitate towards Vladimir/Tryndamere/Jax/Kassadin type lategamers anyways, and she epitomized the snowbally lategamer archetype... with her own distinct spin

>She was also absolutely hideous to listen to and look at, and believe it or not these factors are very important to people as well, I fucking dare you to dispute otherwise with how many crybaby waifu faggots infest this thread on a daily basis
She looked and sounded hilarious. I proudly rocked Noxus Poppy and had a good laugh everytime she grunted and swung that hammer for 10000 damage.

> You aren't fucking special because you played her, stop acting like you are
Statistically incorrect.

>I am actually happy that you are being deprived of something that you hold so dearly, it feels good knowing that you will have less fun in the future.
In the end, it's okay. My anger over this will pass. At the end of the day, it's a pretty trivial thing. I'll go back to my fulfilling life and find happiness and peace in my other hobbies and companions.

Plus, my post wasn't as categorically incorrect as yours~
It hurts, man. I've been excited about it but I get home and noshop.

I don't even need to buy RP, I already have some on hand.

Riot please let me dick around with tentacle lady.
holy shit players like that malphite is the reason i hate playing this game back in low elo,they pick a "counter" and lose the lane
and build completely wrong,all he had to fucking do was get frozen heart and thornmail and kek their entire team but nooooo
gotta go full retard. that retarded trynd build could've been abused so hard
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>mfw Vandal Brand is no longer available for purchase
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fangs are best
>Guy is so retarded he can't make judgements based on a simple kit with all the stats laid out.

Do tell me how Poppy will fare against Olaf or Fiora in lane.
ur gay
>All these haters
Damn, this is pretty pathetic.
She looks way better than before, better splash art, her VA is pretty decent and her abilites seem fun.

It's like the typical retard that always complains about how the old stuff is always better.
This tbqh
Who the fuck has fucking fangs
>tfw he actually drew a follow up
muh dick
Poppy has so much utility now that she doesn't need damage. She's going to make a god-tier support now.

You just stand next to your carry and bounce back anybody who tries to gapclose on them with that AoE shield. If you're doing dragon/baron and somebody comes around to try stealing it, you can fling them away with her ult.
I'm here to discuss League of Legends news on a League of Legends imageboard with other people interested in League of Legends

My thoughts stand out from the rest of the general hugbox of a thread in that I actually played Poppy pre-rework and feel the upcoming changes are a step in the wrong direction

I don't feel the need to convince myself I'm a critic; critic is an insult, not a title to be sought after. Anyone can determine whether or not they like something and why.
gee i dunno boss maybe non-humans
Darius absolutely TRASHED Old Poppy.

New Poppy will be even more one-sided.
her VA is tristana and it's just HAMMER HAMMER HAMMER HAMMER
The most disgusting thing I can imagine is reading comments written by Americans. By nature and by trade you are vile, crude, crass, and contemptuous human trash that debase and befile everything sacred on this planet. Not only do you rape and kill across the globe but also attempt to destroy the beauty and purity of this experience of watching this young child being nurtured. Perhaps those of you who make the disgusting and abusive comments are those people who grew up on homes where your parents violated your being at every turn in the road. It is also likely that the great majority of Americans grew up in homes where vile talk and abusive dialogue were the norm. Americans are utterly disgusting and uncivilized. It is no wonder the world hates you. You represent all that is ugly in the human mind.
There's no keking or extremely detailed buttholes so it can't be Naylor
Pretty well actually. Her shield prevents people from dashing towards her, and her passive gives her the ability to kite to some degree. She'll have presence just like Riven where she CS right in the creep waves, forcing other lane to back off a bit.
New Poppy feels so fucking boring and unoriginal
Passive - Draven's axe but you get a shield instead, neat
Q - Damage in a line with a slow. boring
W - Stop dashes, do damage, new but lame.
E - Charge. Still probably shit, her Q made her good
R - literally AoE walrus kick on probably a huge cooldown. Completely out of place, will probably end up helping the enemies more.
What's the deal, riot?
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>new Poppy has a crush on Garen

Literally everyone has a crush on Garen now. Why is he so perfect?
No spanish?
Everyone heard you the first 15 times, buddy.
>all these haters
literally just one autistic poppy player
I can never make it to the actual porn.

Every character has that fucking pouting confused whatever the fuck you call it face all the time and it always annoys me
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>no-nonsense character turned into a ditzy, socially akward "Im not the hero" character
I can only imagine what they'll do to Taric.
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Because hes American.
you haven't seen a single number about her yet

for all you know she could have a 500 base damage Q
that was my first ever commission

I had more planned but he vanished
In a way he's indirectly responsible for all the porn I've funded over the years
Being snaggletoothed is not attractive.

>Her passive is more like Zac, where you hit with an attack and if they step on it it breaks.
The only one who is ditzy is you, you unhappy faggot I hope you end your life soon.
Looks good, looks fun to play. Hate how they changed her character though.
I think the W is sort of interesting, I just hate that they're pushing an assassin into a boring peeling tank role

The ultimate would be cool if you could set up the direction (super long distance lee sin kick) or could hit teammates with it

Passive is shit
Q is super shit

I'm glad they kept E
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> This new champ
> These new skins
> This Snowdown event
> These Snowdown skins
> These Snowdown icons
> And now these Poppy skin reworks
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Yup, fully animated face means you can freeze on some odd looking frames.
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>not spanish

git gud
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Poppy's face is so far down the uncanny valley its hurts.
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While the meta is shit, why not play void man of space flu and fun suppression?
Recommended items on PBE for Poppy are the same that for other juggernauts.
Doesn't need the caption tbqh
Your favorite champion now has a crush on Garen

what do
only problem I have is with the ult.

everything else is gravy.
anime isnt real and neither are yordles
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I cannot wait for reworked Taric to be the first openly gay character in LeL.
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>Jax, Fiora, Trynd
magic damage of freely cancelling trades
Kill him? Darius is trash atm
jungle is for plebs and lowlifes. why would yordles want to be in there?
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is this canon now
All of these shitty screenshots

How about some anti-aliasing, and high resolution shots of her?
give her over to garen

you want her to be happy right?
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>that quality
It's Fiora all over again.

Then again at least this time it seems like it's just technical problems with the first animated face. Most animations tend to look smooth and cool (like say Darius ult) but if you take a freeze it turns into horrible tentacle monster arms
I'm glad they kept E too, they didn't gut the champion and completely change them which is neat, but why the fuck would they take a FUN assassin, gut her damage, cut out most of her fun, and then just give her a bunch of garbage to peel for people? does riot hate fun? what's the point of the ult if she already throws people away and stops them from coming back?
Because I'm terrible at landing his Q's, and I always fuck up my combo and cancel his ult
I just can't git gud.
she'll be drawn exactly the same
because he's not sleeper op anymore he's just normal op now and there's no fun in that

Poppy's new theme song
>Her shield prevents people dashing towards her
>Implying you need to.

Darius will just sit in her creep wave and force her to eat Q's while healing up all the damage, stacking some armor to become IMMUNE to her damage and healing if she gets caught and forcing her to ult every time he gets 5 stacks on her.

Olaf will force her out of lane with Q throws and sustains faster than she could ever damage him with his R making him literally trap New Poppy with her own E.

Fiora is the most hilarious one, because a Fed Fiora will stick fuck over teamfights and a well placed W will actually counter Her R and her E that will be VERY predictable. So what will Poppy do to harass Fiora? Q and hope not to eat Two E's? Waste her W on a Q dash from Fiora?

>New Poppy doing magic damage.

Only on her passive. I hope Jax Fiora and Trynd don't have sustain of any kind like.. lifesteal.

>Kill Darius

Move in to Q him, Heal him for 5% of his Missing HP.

Now let's compared the new Poppy to Illaori.
>LoL patcher downloading at 70kbps
Is there any solution to this? I always download at around 3mbps. This is stupid.
One of the top tier yordle artists out there likes pairing her with Garen too

I talked to him and he's literally losing his mind over this
>pbe is being shit and games don't start

oh boy i wanted to try poppy
shame the pbe is fucking shit
exclusively for battle regalia.
Quinn pre-rework return when? They can't keep getting away with this.
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Stretching a 1080 youtube vid does some stuff to it
To be honest this shouldn't have surprised you, when they last gave a update on her rework they said they changing her into a 'tank'.
god the old splash art was SO bad makes me want to vomit
Look at the fucking thread
Nobody else here even played Poppy and Riot's busy catering to these asstards

I don't understand why Riot couldn't have just let Poppy as is and made a new champion with all this boring vanilla shit tacked on

I'm going to miss her so much ;~;
Smear frames do that.

It's actually more like Jinx than Fiora. They'll do a texture re-edit, probably borrow from Tristana's texture files, and things will be less weird.

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>Poppy can increase her bonus MR and Armor by up to 24%
>tfw poppy gets Deadmans,Maw and a GA
>practically unkillable while she mows through your team


>not being a man and saving E for the Towerdive when its practically garenteed

You do realize all you need is armor and armor pen right? your Q at level 1 can deal 12% of the enemys maximum HP alone.

>go 17 armor pen quints and marks
>get Black cleaver
>your now unduelable and can focus on going full tank
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Sucks for anyone who isn't Kat.
When ulting as Malz you just have to be very deliberate in your key presses. No button mashing. Remember that ignite's range is slightly shorter than his R, so if you want to ignite make sure you're closer to them than normal.

Also, nothing better than Zed hahaha plus Q + W on your feet, instant E into suppress R ignite. Get fucked shadow man.
Do we need more grimdark no-nonsense "my parents didn't die for this" grimoire "#staystrong" battle warrior champions?
Poppy looks cool but I can't see her fighting other strong top champs without getting destroyed.
>Only on her passive
Are you just completely ignoring what her W does?
You can stop fiora/Jax Q and Trynd E with it
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>People like you actually exist

O i am laffin
Fire/ice mothe, 1 wing is flame isnpired (think volcarona from pokemon) the other is more of a blue monarch butterfly ice design

passive: temperature
icyhot moth uses ehat instead of mana, using fire spells rises the heat and using icy spells lowers heat, not using any abilities will make the heat fall/rise to 50 where it stays until abilities are used. at 100% heat fire spells will do increased damage but willa lso deal static true damage to yourself as you are "burning up" will not work. at 0% heat ice spells will stun but fire spells gets reduced damage and you will self slow yourself

R: new hotness: changes formes between fire and ice

Q Heat: (gives 25 heat) fireball: shoots a fireball which when activated explodes in 4 directions
Q frost: (gives -25 heat) iceball: the same as fireball but will instead of exploding create a zone of slippery ice where mvoement is restricted

W heat (same price) heat point: Marks a point forward. icyhot will launch 2 fires sideways meeting at the point destined meanign walkign towards moth will evade the attack, has a minimum range to cast. enemies hit will be blinded for 1 second
W ice: will create a long walk of ice, walking on this gives movement speed to moth btu the longer you stay on it, the more your heat will sink (no cost)

E heat iceyhot moth charges for a whiel before releasing a logn stream of fire in chosen direction (think rumble q) the size will depend entirely on the channel time, whiel you can move whiel channeling, you cannot move while casting this spell. using this spell gradually heats you up similar to ice W
E icy (same pricing): icyhot moth fires 4 quick but small circle zones of aoe where she shoots icicles, think xerath R but with nowhere near as big range

as you can see, the theme here is ehat managment, you can go full in fire/ice but you will be punished or go 2 fire/ice then 1 opposite to have to real bonus but also nothing to make you suffer from
I wasn't keeping track of her rework, I was too busy playing dota desu
I only come back here to complain about the retarded shit riot does
yesterday I was complaining about how disgustingly bad looking illaoi was when that's pretty much all riot's female champion designs have going for them
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Well, they gave her her blind back.
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>people bitching about poppy
holy shit fuck off

this guy right here thinks her new Q is boring, compared to an auto reset with %health damage like we've ever seen that before
and stopping mobility cancer in its tracks is lame?
kill yourself my man
Can't wait for lulzy poppy scripts.
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>Lux getting NTR'd by even Poppy
>armor pen working on poppy Q
>black cleaver working on poppy
>building tank on poppy

ashujdifasuidfjklasdf;alskdf as;ldfk ajsrfgtuhqwerlqer i'm retarded please rework poppy for me
Theres a difference between no-nonsense and edgelord.
I didn't give a shit about yordles before but new Poppy is fuckable.
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>not being a yordlefag
I can't wait until dragon tamer tristana is released so I won't have to look at this ugly woman for a while, excluding the one in all my games.
just tried Kassadin on free week

this guy is so fun

why didnt anyone tell me

>focus on E-hat management
>champion mechanic which solely revolves around managing his hats

I see Riot Games is struggling to keep up with the curve after Hearthstone introduced their own infinite hat system.

A spear is just a pointy hammer, anon.
They're openly talking about giving him a charm. Taric is going to be the first gay champion.
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>Spear of Justice
>Poppy's theme

This is why people hate people that like Undertale, anon. You always try to cram your game in places it doesn't belong.

Which would be fine if you did it right.
Look I'll do it for you.

Doggo as Lee Sin

Im over here still wanting them to revert the sejuani rework because that passive was legit and her old ult always stunned and spread
her new Q is literally just as shit as the old Q
it does damage in a line and slows
riot just doesn't know how to make fun abilities if they aren't so retarded they're fun like her ult
They just put graves smokescreen on her q.
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did marine quit league because of the garen rework?
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>Implying they need to E.

Right, so we're going to ignore the fact that Poppy needs to get really close for her Q to do even decent damage and her E is the most Telegraphed shit ever when you try to move into a
You mind if I tidy up typos before saving that?
I'm not a yordlefag, but you don't have to be a yordlefag to recognize a good champ rework. It was a long time coming.

Be extremely weirded out since shaco doesn't like anyone besides nocturne and fiddlesticks
Games on NA with Mego If anyone would like to join me! ^^
I'm gonna need Bandlebro to give me Tristana being railed by Braum beside a Poppy being smashed by Garen. Two giant buff boys and some plump yordlebutts.

Right now.
fiora shyvana elise and zyra are literally all the same person as well

riven and yasuo are difficult champs.while riven is a good lane bully and its easy to perceive her as taking less skill because she has a lot of innate lane advantages in her
resourcless kit(high dps+low CD+mobility+CD),consistently doing her maximized damage combo(Q animation cancel) and being able to do well outside of laning phase
can be difficult because she is a squishy melee carry that is basically delegated to split pushing which is not optimal vs some meta comps with tanks that can force the 4 v 5
or tanks that can out sustain

yasuo is similar to riven where he has a lot of innate advantages vs non mobile or projectile based characters, but to abuse that advantage he needs mastery of using his E.
Try playing yas vs comps with tanks and point and click hard cc and you will realize that not being able to E around like a maniac means you can't team fight or do dps without
suicide bombing and instantly dying after ulting.
You missed the part where his Q was a silence and he could one shot tanks from building mana.
>Does not excuse it.
>Remember that ignite's range is slightly shorter than his R, so if you want to ignite make sure you're closer to them than normal.
Thanks, I've cancelled ult this way so many times I was under the impression I couldn't cast ignite during it.
I actually used to be really good as Malz, it got to the point where during a Baron fight I killed two champs over the wall with a blind Q/E. I just stopped playing him for awhile and now I've forgotten what to do. What's standard build for him now?
I might
before rework garen was my go-to for promos
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>Here is a hint. How the hell is Poppy's Ult useful in any way unless the enemy team are purposely morons.
Taking people out of fights to create lopsided engagements and contest objectives? That's really goddamn obvious. As for people being worried that she'll become a support, I really don't see that as being an issue in the first place. If anything more tanky supports are welcome. I'd rather a champion actually be good at one unexpected thing than for them to just float around being useless at everything.

It is subjective yes. Just as you think people are stupid for not enjoying your boring character, I think you're stupid for enjoying said boring character because clearly my tastes are better than yours. Have fun with your "friends and fulfilling life" I guess.

The fang is shit but it's a pretty trivial detail so whatever.
>>123284976 (OP)

Does anyone have the stock scream of a man going "WAAAA HOO HOO hoo hoo...", more of a comedic scream than anything else. Relevant to Poppy's new ult, but I can't find it for the life of me.
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>Never jungled
>Forced into jungle
>Warn team I can't jungle
>Proceed to fail completely
>Team flames me
It lets poppy do metric ass tons while not being broken. Her new Q does way more damage than her old Q if she hits both parts of it. Both parts of her Q are dodgeable so they can make it do more damage.
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I can't believe riot actually thinks this face is acceptable.
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No to Braum.

Braum is pure.
my post was about old poppy and you were talking about new poppy so I don't know maybe you should have specified that at some point
How...how far does that ult knock them?

This is a proper theme:

>t. adc/top main
It's a goofy thing.

of cource, english is not my first language here and i tend to type to fast
you're doing porn artists a great service my friend
Taric is next, after Poppy, and presumably after the next Champion.
And you're ignoring that Poppy has ranged harass and can just use her Q to farm before it scales up? Surviving top isn't about constantly trading
Lux has been getting NTR'd by Taric for years anon..
You should know how to play every role
>scripts give mechanical mastery of all champs
>Allowing you to play the fotm OP champs with godlike skills
>automatic plat at least
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>hate top lane
>tell team I hate top lane
>they stick me in top
>I roam forcing my jungler to top
>Riot releases butch SJW transgender
>Announces Cute Poppy next day

Nigga what? She needed a theme and I've been playing Undertale, so I thought hey Poppy's attitude fits Undyne.

But okay senpai.


Her hammer is too big for Odinson.

>Valkyrie Poppy when
>Building Eye of the Equinox, missing out on the active of Face of the Mountain and it's CDR
>Building Deadman's Plate on ANY support that's not Tahm Kench
>Getting an Elixir over Distortion
>Only 10% or maybe 15% CDR with masteries
Please stay in Plat.
>not Battle against a True Hero
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Poppyfags in denial everyone.
Resorting to memes.
>If her face was slightly sharper it wouldn't look so fucking retarded
>he doesn't know that bandlebro and plent others love tristana and braum
It'll happen and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

moereese play namrol...?
There really isn't anything special about itemizing Malz. RoA into Sorc shoes into Deathcap. Anything after that is situational.

Of course, the obvious also applies. If you're behind, an extra Doran's or two doesn't hurt. Get Hourlgass against Zed or other burst assassins if you don't trust your reaction time with suppress. Fit in pink wards and elixirs when you can.

Good luck and oblivion awaits!
>get a computer to play the game for you
>let it get plat instead of seeing how good you are
what's the point?
>dat face
Lux this isn't your rework what are you doing here ?
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>People say she has uncanney valley when she's the most expressive character in league so far.
Other people are picking him and i'm a jungle main. Mid is my back up role and malz was my second pick champ if i couldn't get jungle
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>Valkyrie Poppy

Fund it, go start the petition already.
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eh actually I'm too lazy, I'll just slap a [sic] on it
that makes 8, thanks bro
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Thanks m8.
*teleports away*
Do you not know what uncanny valley means?
Poppy rework is literally the best thing to happen all year.
And nothing of value was lost.
He was streaming recently.
Am I supposed to see the face orrr....?
give ideas and il try to make some more, probably simpler ones
I always liked to go Liandry's on him because the burn DoT was really nice and tanks were in full force.
Oddly enough I rarely build Deathcap, just because I found the buildpath just took too long. Now that NLR is cheaper though it should be simpler.
Has anyone actually tested PBE Poppy here?

what's up bruce anon, seems you're gonna have a long day
And nothing of value was lost.
Believe me, the pleasure has been all mine

*fires up the router slayer 9000 desu* ur goin offlin kido...
Any PBE bros know what Poppy's new scalings are?
smashed jewels
Where she reaches a point before fully expressed that it's awkward and scary looking like "Polar Express"?

Dude, I work for Blu-sky. I can tell you that's not uncanny.
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We champion themes now


I would have picked Leona but she's no man
We just lost feisty mature poppy for cute moe poppy. League is dead. Esp with actual sjw positions on riots team.
>Thinks under utilization of real world resources is dumb
>probably stuck in manual labor or desk job for rest of life




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Your friend, who has never played Poppy before and used to hate her like every other salty fuck, suddenly says he wants to main her.

What do you do and where do you hide the body after you end his life?
Think this might work for Noxus Poppy
Good fucking riddance.
star guardian poppy
popstar poppy
are we ready?

>Valkyrie Poppy
>Irradiated Sion
>Patriotic Taric
>Eagle Eye Varus
>Full Machine Viktor
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Her face looks great. Yes, her goofy faces look goofy, what a surprise.
>typed "blu-sky" instead of "Blue Sky"

Just fire me for thinking "Blu-ray" guys.
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I do.

Just not well
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because current poppy is fucking broken piece of shit mess and riot's goal is to make every champs "healthy" and fun to play/play against. They don't care about a champ's fan base
or a champs unique play style,if they are deemed unhealthy or underplayed becuase they are shit they will revamp their shit,old sion,gangplank,and fiora are good examples,sion and
gangplank being retarded champs that no one played and fiora being no counter play cancer.

riot changes poppy splash while leaving nidalee's to rot

fuck this shit.
wtf? all humans have a fang
>we're finally gonna get some cute poppy porn and not just manface mcgoo
>poppy's personality switch makes her much more submissive, changing from the dom personality she had

thank FUCK
why is quinn so shit now
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More like a long year.
>yfw garen gets the hammer

"hope you like sloppy seconds"
im in a secret hole and light is too far away cant see cant see
Poppy a cute!
No one knows what her strengths are yet but autists will tell you she's only a viable support anyway.
Yeah, that's why she's uncanny valley
Do you not know how uncanny valley works?
I haven't done the math on if the extra mpen and burn is worth it. I guess it depends on your play style. I could imagine it being a good replacement for deathcap if the enemy starts stacking magic resist early due to haunting guise.
She can very easily jungle but her pre 6 ganks will be a tad weaker. she does have her charge cc but that's ally reliant a bit at higher level play
I'll miss you, I hope we gets some old popy mask for new poppy

or at least summon old lollypoppy face when she ult with that skin
yeah dude them hp/5 buffs sure will put riven over the edge
Wait, I get an awesome reworked Poppy I actually WANT to play, and it pisses off autists on lolgen?

How could this get any fucking better?
>Not at the top

Unlike Yasuo, Riven and Leblanc, he does not have mobility out the ass and has to actually think acting, not to mention he's all skillshots that can be semi-difficult to hit with.

Draven should honestly be up there too, if only for juggling 4+ axes at once.
She always was. The recent update didn't fix any of her problems either.
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How about this

Nidalee can rot in hell where she belongs
>Yes, her goofy faces look creepy as fuck. Holy fuck, kill and bury it 12 feet deep in concrete*

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>deranked to bronze 5 again
she has some pretty aggressive lines
>popstar poppy

Only if this is her dance:

This is a game, not a job.

Feeling accomplished when you let a program play a video game for you is like feeling sexually fulfilled when a bull fucks your wife. Scripters are literally keks.
>go through the river
>flash ult like Lee's R into your enemy team
It's not really a replacement for Deathcap, especially back then when it gave far less AP then deathcap, but the burn was nice because it worked well with your E and W.
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>not like this
poppy confirmed a memer
liandry rush after roa is better since its more synergetic with his kit and the components are more useful early
unless entire other team are squishies
it made her fucking worse
the ult ALWAYS throws them towards THEIR fountain.
canines are not fangs

What are your prefered bans, /vg/?

I always ban Yasuo, Soraka and Fizz
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how are you that bad?

but that's bad
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Should do well. She has max health damage in an AOE and an %health shield. Clearing shouldn't be an issue. Ganks seem okay but very positioning dependent. They are probably better than current Poppy but she lacks the lethal towerdives she has now. At least E, into Un-channeled ult, into Q should be solid cc for ganks.
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>Mfw i've seen more people play Poppy than Illaoi today in normals

And the rework's not even out yet. I've never seen a new champion get as BTFO so soon.
>tfw Nidalee Jungle is finally dead
I feel the suns rays on me once again.
Since I claim poppy as my new waifu now. How do I play the new her? I never played her before ever but she's so cute I just wanna play her now.
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Also since we /t/hemes now

Zed Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoYpPDzRuHw&feature=youtu.be cuts self fuck me.
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Oktoberfest Poppy :^)
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This whole rework makes it sound like her flanks will be even better than old Poppy flanks, blocking dashes and shit.
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>Azir and Sivir's theme should be this

>her pre 6 ganks will be a tad weaker
I don't see a Level 6 poppy ganking any better considering her ult is purely for disengage purposes.
Awesome, that means I don't need to wait like a week ro two to play her consistently.
I'm surprised her R doesn't have an execute on it.
If I can get away with it (aka after all the cancer is banned) I ban Vayne or Riven
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Welcome to the jungle, We've got fun'n'games, We,ve got niggers flaming honey, til you quit this game
If you don't channel it it's just a skillshot AOE knockup.
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>drill hair poppy
all of my yes!

I hope they release some good poppy merch soon
>having "mains"
>not having a selection of champions for each role

Fucking cancer killing this game for real
hear that? the sound of git gud
>thread full of people lusting over imaginary midgets with fur
i see the normies have left
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Well its a mixture of btfo and the fact that the store has been fucking broken since the patch came out
I think the best use of her ult in ganks is to get rid of any other laners that might save your target, i.e. the support or the other jungler.
Why'd you use that as a finishing blow if you knew he wasn't getting away?
just disappointed they disregarded her since she was supposed to get actual splash update
Shouldn't have channeled. Funny though.
>play ranked
>get gold this season
>suddenly no border anymore
>anon tells me I don't get a border cause I got banned last season
>I now lost my gold border and silver border from last season

Please tell me they changed their mind on this and I get the fucking border back.

I know it's nothing for many players here, but for me it meant a lot.
>tfw I really liked her old abilities
I don't think she'll be the same unstoppable shitstorm as she once was.. I can't tell yet but I'm worried.

o/ Hay.

If we're posting stuff like Amaranthe I guess I'll contribute.


Kind of fits Project Zed.
For a second I thought Drake was gonna finish him.
>she throws her bar tray as a passive
>wields giant beer stein on a stick
>frothy smash with Q

It's not bad actually
didnt mean much if you got banned
you shouldn't be playing Bard in Silver IV
zero dmg = zero carry potential without help of your teammates

it hurts but it's true
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that's good because i'm liking her a lot

but yeah i guess people just dont really find her appealing
Pretty sure that fits Project Yasuo better.
or possibly Project Yi, depending on which one is Raiden.
>Unlocking Keeper’s Verdict at level six opens a number of new options for Poppy’s dueling potential: Quickly activating the ult without channeling simulates a souped-up Alistar Pulverize

It's plenty useful.
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>New Poppy with Frozen mallet

She has proper engagement tools, it's about keeping the enemy from getting away.

Would it be good though?
It has a really small range until you channel it a bit, at which point it will start knocking them away. Whether or not that small range is enough to make her gank better remains to be seen.
Poppy isn't even out yet and poppyfags are already making me hate her with their constant faggotry.
Fuck you lolg
>That bond deeper than love or friendship between galio and poppy.

It feels good knowing I experienced it. But it stings that it will be gone forever.
Just got interested into this shitty game after not playing it since last year, how good are these champions right now

>Xin Zhao
or that the store has been broken
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>do bad ganks on purpose
>throw enemy jungle away when he comes for a counter-gank
holy fuck that new poppy hammer is sick

10/10 would bang then convince her im the hero to give the hammer to
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Good night sweet prince
Good as always
Really good
Yeah, I noticed that if you don't channel it it's just a knock up about a minute after I posted.
god damn

that's a terrible song
>How is a Top laner designed to be a GUARD FOR THE BACKLANE going to be useful?

This might literally be the bronzest thing ever said


Hell, "guard for the backline" might as well be the definition of the role in most pro team comps and not the 1300 ELO solo queue you're playing in
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Was I the only one who thought this?
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69 gets the code via league messaging (post summoner name)

But if someone gets 42, 01 or guesses their post number they get a mystery skin and they decide my new summoner name
its on one of the lollipops in the splash
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They knew exactly why Lollipoppy was feared.
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Hey there friend, but yeah I agree with
Though Rules of Nature is Yasuo's song imo.
Would the corpse fly towards the enemy base if the ult kills them?
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fuck you for wanting to talk about Waifus and actually something new for once.

You want something new to talk about? Fuck you, it's either Illaoi, Penguins, or Poppy.

It should do damage after they fall into the ground.
Dunno how hard Guinsoo nerfs hit her but still ???
It'd be great if you dealt damage to enemies where your target lands

>enemy ezreal E's and flashes away and runs for it
>knock malphite into him from a screen away
For fun.



hope you're NA
add me ign: reesemoe
- reesemoe
Well, at least we know Irontumblr didn't touch poppy's rework art

She's too cute for him to have tainted her in any way
Darusaido, NA :^)
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Seems to start at about 400 range. That's not bad.
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man I knew zed mains had shit taste to begin with maining zed an all but I didnt know their taste in music was also shit
>already posted sounds and stuff
>playable in PBE
i don't see what's not to discuss
>fight at baron
>suddenly 2v5 because poppy knocked half their team to wolves

This shit is gonna be fun.
He's become less of a midlane poke mage and more of just and AP tank, but he's a consistently good jungler
Broken as fuck after Rageblade changes, probably still good now even after rageblade nerfs
AP mages took a pretty big hit in preseason, so she's a bit weaker than she was. Other than that she's unchanged
Still solid
>Xin Xhao
See Kayle.
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>he'll be removed from her friends list on the wiki
>her only friend
>and replaced with garen and jarvan and probably some dumbass champ with a shield because muh memes and muh hero worship
are you seriously telling me Ori has barley changed at all since last year I'm not completely surprised by that
>That rules out Jungle and Top as her strong roles.
>Has max health % damage

Wait where have I seen that kind of skill before ? Oh yeah on 75% of the competitive jungler pool.
PBE update tomorrow: general userbase didn't like the new splashart for poppy so we trashed it and made her look more like a strong independent womyn who ain't need no man
im on NA by the way
implying you will give us

Mego ' u '
no, as you can read in these very threads
It's hard to decide. On the one hand, his visor and hair are totally Sam.
On the other hand, his sword dance recall is totally Raiden.
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she specifically calls him out as someone she respects in her VO

I doubt they'd remove that connection
>300 gold for an already cheap item is a nerf

shaking my head to be quite honest my family
I mean she is good, but this is an early meta.
I'm not sure if she will have the impact if her team is losing.
>long awaited rework comes out
>people actually discussing the game
I'm sorry we aren't talking about your shit waifu's feminine cock or if dota is better or not. Maybe next time.
I'm glad that Bandlebro seems to have liked the rework and already doing stuff but.
What I wanna know is what are Gala's thoughts on this.
She has a Galio line for her new VO, don't worry.
do poppy has some interaction with taric now?
Yeah, im sad but I hope theres a chance like >>123303978

Btw >>123303978 where's that galio and poppy pic from?

roll for memes? :^)
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I dont like how she sounds like Trista
It doesnt really fit her character.

Sadly there's no way they'll change it. At least it isnt bad
Baron von Benis NA

Uh okay
Well, she is a pretty balanced champion overall.

Let's keep it that way
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fuck you phreak go back to your shitty puns.

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Rollan i guess.
Tales of Valoran
Why'd they turn poppy into a generic moeblob?
Why'd they remove the fact that her dad died?
>Poppy's Theme song
>Not either of these songs


>the kamehameha cry in hungarian and korean

Thank god. Because that poor goyle needs some more friends or something.
>tfw executioner's calling doesnt stop mundo from shitting damage
>stare at grayscreen wondering why I even bothered
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Why not

>Talking about his fugly waifu poppy
>accuses me of waifufagging
Wew poppyfags ladies and gents.
I never said i hated poppy i already own her. whats making me hate her is you drooling retards acting like it's the second coming of christ rather than discussing anything about her besides
>hurr when we get lawds??!
>Hurr popo best grill
Then when you're called out on your faggotry you respond with the faggotry you just responded to me with you fat faggot.
Maybe discuss what she'll bring to the table instead of creaming yourselves over her new kawaii sugoi desu neeeeeee skins you pathetic virgins
>discussing the game equals circlejerking about popo lewds
yeah ok nerd
She still fulfills her purpose as a utility mid laner considering she still has the same great kit
new poppy porn cannot get here fast enough
ill roll once i guess
IGN: Pharasto
>This pleb
Mother fucker

>Zed mains have shit taste in music

Fuck you man.

grats mang

' u '
Ok thanks
god bless you hypes
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I don't think you know what that word means.jpg
Wouldn't this be project YI cause of the samari stuff
and i'm my own master since zed defected from balance?
holy shit, poppy's new french VO is awesome
Still a nerf
I haven't played her mid since her AP burst build was killed
She is great vs lanes she can kite, have decent waveclear and brings lots of utility even when behind
Kayle will always find a way to be cancer. Always
Because muh dick
>creaming yourselves over her new kawaii sugoi desu neeeeeee skins you pathetic virgins
i don't even like poppy but doesn't this shit happen all the fucking time here
you know with all the claim your waifus and all that shit
She has 2-3 lines that might reference Taric.
Why are Zed mains and lulufags the worst posters in these threads?
>actually liking Dragonforce
She's now just another
>kawaii uguu~~~
piece of shit just like Tristana. Her voice also sounds exactly like Tristana. Poppy is ruined.
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>Poppy smashes her hammer making a fissure
>Poppy winds up her hammer then creates a massive fissure flinging enemies back a large distance
This was an idea I had for a paladin champion. You have no idea how happy I am about this
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so what you're saying is to post more Poppy lewds

you got it b0ss
who could kill the one who made that cute thing?
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>hurr when we get lawds??!
>Hurr popo best grill

Nigga, what the fuck are you talking about? Don't group me with poppyfags.

>Talking about his fugly waifu poppy
>accuses me of waifufagging

Like I give a shit about Poppy, this isn't your thread dumbass. It's their time. Not your special snowflake champion's time.
Poppy's R is no normal knockback. Enemies are untargetable.
Am i the only one who thought about the Knigth armor from Dank souls?
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I just like the song and couldn't come up with anything else. I can probably come up with something but it would be metal or rock related.


I can taste the salt.
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MY negro :3
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The official best poppy skin because you don't have to see the horror underneath
>Remove dad died
>Replaced with the burden of having to search the rest of her life for someone who can wield the hammer.
>She will never find them.
>Everyone she meets she is forced to test if they are the hammer, turns away friends and kills unknowing innocents

Poppy just changed sides of the edgy sword.
1-2 Scarlet Poppy

3 Regalia Poppy

5 - 7 Ragdoll Poppy

8 Blacksmith Poppy

9 Lollipoppy

0 Noxus Poppy
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Vel'Koz Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRkcGPRXux4
I feel like every lulu main wants to be viciously fucked
We already have toxic mundo
>listening to videogame soundtracks

>Twisted Fate
As opposed to what? Piltoverian?
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>liking dragonforce

I like you

>Soldiers of the wasteland
>Not heart of the Dragon
>not fury of the storm

Goddammit, we were close.

Also if Zed had a theme, it'd be this:

Bitch please, there hasn't been a John Williams score in ages, and everything else is Hans Zimmer.

>listening to classical music
I just think her hammer and helmet look great.
They could have done so much more with Poppy's R.
Like Poppy's hammer grows in size while she is channeling to smash down to an area.
Enemies directly hit by the hammer receive increased damage but don't get feared.
Enemies who didn't get hit gets feared.

It wasn't that hard was it?
the past 2 or 3 threads have been nothing but poppy waifu faggotry and posting the same fucking pictures and the same
>hurr popo lawd when

>Didn't even mention my champ or wanting to talk about it
get aids
shit i need to revisit these pics i think i can do them better now
I will use your roll thanks for Blacksmith
As a lulu main I second this statement
Nah nah, PROJECT Zed is this
>a race
>not a city to live in
>Poppy winds up and smashes the ground with her hammer
>Sion winds up and smashes the ground with his Axe

Noxus Poppy x Sion OTP?
She already has 3 moves in one. She doesn't need the fear.
>playing Yasuo
>friendly Poppy knocks up the entire enemy team at Baron
>I don't ult because I can't.
>Entire team starts yelling at me for not ulting, even the Poppy
This will happen. I know it.
Since most of you guys are smarter than me I have a question about masteries.

Is there any hidden benefits that putting 12 points in the resolve tree would do that putting those 12 points into the other two wouldn't give for poke mages? Aside from early game I don't see the long term usefulness other than getting the 15% summoner spell mastery
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As a jungle main I am 100% okay with this. Fervor of Battle is way more attractive.
ey bb ign?
yo i'll bite

hercules II

Poopy please
>knocks up
more like knocks them all the way to their fucking top lane inner turret lmao
>a race
>not a city to live in
race is a social construct
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>Not listening to Good Video Game Soundtracks

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Somehow this makes me think of Vel or Malz.
You know there's more classical music out there than just movie and game soundtracks, right?

stand back
thank you my dude
i have the code now but store is down so i'm just gonna sit on it til it comes back up
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Good points. I guess this is why I am stuck in low plat.
that was already over
I'm not a lulu main I just wanted to feel included for a moment
Well Tier 3 Resolve is being changed from % health to flat health next patch, so there's a reason.
Gotta use it.
inb4 the guy lied to you
When is she actually getting re-implemented?
No hidden benefits at all. 12 Cunning > 12 Resolve
>me the hero? Nah that's ridiculous
So is the whole thing with her lore now that she's searching for someone who's worthy to wield the hammer but in reality she's the one who's worthy to wield it?

That just makes new Poppy sound dumb as rocks
>demotivational poster
>listening to videogame soundtracks

mcfuckin off urself my dude
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>using that shitty youtuber bitch tristana voice actress
>only 6 minutes of dialogue
How fucking lazy do you have to be..
Let's see what i get.
Any videos of poppy yet wanna see the ultimate in action
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>poppy top or jungle
>lulu supp
>trist adc
so we need 2 fem yordles more
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>unable to stack in on minions

they made lucian really good again and they're slowly taking away all the things that made him that way and he's gonna be a husk again


iirc nobody really gave a shit about velkoz either

and people wonder why riot keeps putting out champs with overloaded kits and bullshit mechanics
i think it's another voice actress that has a similar voice
oh fuck i did get lied to
gave me an invalid code, unadded me and wont re-add
his ign is Robo Frodo

Yeah, Vel didn't make much of a splash. I like him and all, but it was really quiet when he came out.
I think it's kinda funny that not only is Illaoi not making a slash, they completely overshadowed her with a rework and she doesn't even have a login screen.
>get forced into jungle
>pick nunu
>build like a retard but still win because dragon steals and retard slows
She was tasked (assigned, ordered) to search for someone that could wield the hammer. A "hero", due to some sort of legend or prophecy of some sort.

She wields it in the mean time.
Why would her ganks be weaker if her q slows now.
Man fuck that shit
>three of us go in on a lone Illoaiaiaia
>she ults
>I'm tanky as fuck, have 60% hp left
>get two shot by the tentacle swarm

Why can't Riot make unique Champions without making them broken as fuck. I wouldn't have been so mad if she wasn't 1/7/1 with 2 items at 35 minutes.
>whats your preferred jungle masteries?
She is strong as fuck though.
My team got raped and the only surviving guy was chased through the jungle,I was in base and while I was getting close I typed in all chat THE FUND ENDS HERE,went full combo on all 5 and we aced them.
I felt like a true memelord
>game ends
>entire enemy team says "gg" in all chat even though we didn't say anything
as a sc2 player this makes me cringe
ok guys so whats going to be poppy's new core build. IM guessing rageblade/deadmans
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"It's a little big but I'll grow into it"
Bandlebro plz, you know what you must do.

>not listening to videogame soundtracks

can't imagine how you live with yourself
They should make that lolipop a summoner icon,I would spend all my shekels
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Dont you mean Badlelandwhale?
maybe instead of crying on this imageboard you should learn how to play league of llegends
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Mang, I'm a Zed main and you're just making it worse just stop
I got Poppy some time ago, I don't know how, don't really care desu, but then a Mystery Skin gave me Ragdoll Poppy, so I guess I can fit right in with Poppy Mains, amirite?
what a stupid fucking champ.
You are objectively wrong.

First off, Poppy's old Q was converted into magic damage.

Secondly, her old Q was an auto-attack modifier, not a line nuke, so it couldn't be dodged (unless you were Jax with CS up, Panth with passive up or Fiora W) and was instant.

Third, her old Q could crit, which combined with IE let her do RETARDED damage.

Fourth, her old Q was on a lower CD and could thus be used more than her new Q.

Her old Q did overall more damage to single targets. You're retarded.

I played her on PBE. She's fun. Her ult is disappointing senpai. It only knocks away 1500 units, not as much as people think. It may be bugged though, hard to say.
Man, oh god I forgot about that, Udyr escapes are getting ridiculous these days.
>tfw kog'maws patriots
why couldnt I be placed in a cool dudes or sexy lady's brigade
also the higher you go the more autistic people you find, yes? if so im inclined to stop at plat and play normals because autistic mains either shit on you or the bed when they cant play their champ
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>implying all the PROJECT skins don't have their own themes
>implying Yasuo's isn't RULES OF NATURE
>implying Zed's isn't Stains of Time
>implying Fiora's isn't L'Etranger
>implying Yi's isn't The Only Thing I Know For Real
>implying Leona's isn't Red Sun
3:31 Raiku541: well new poppy ult is like old poppy ult. How can someone damage you if you knock them all the way back to fountain?
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Zed looks and plays the most like Based Khmer Rouge Monsoon Man of Electromagnets and Memes.

His PROJECT theme should reflect as such
>twitch has ridiculous range and tons of damage, plus his invis got buffed
>vayne got buffed
>Lucian is finally notshit
>Graves is a retarded 1 shot machine

Why can't Riot fix anything without making it overpowered.
Sorry but this is Zed's theme.

next fucking all for one, I wanna see some carnage. this looks like fun.
>yfw idiots here said mundo would be useless s6 because omg lw gives gw
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