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/msg/ - Maplestory General

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Thread replies: 781
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General Info:

8x/2x/5x v163 GMS-like. Most populated private server. Has one-half of a Kanna. Apply to 2Kowai.

5x/1x/2x v162.4 GMS-like. Dream server. On life support.

4x/1x/2x v167 GMS-like. Soon. Will it be good? Who fucking knows.

Apply to Waifus/Casuals if you're in Windia, Spooky for Bera.

Previous Thread:
what's best place to farm cubes and gachs for mesos in Extalia?
and there's the actual previous thread, if you're into that kind of thing.
Why didn't you name it REBOOT edition
first for ugly msg characters
because fuck editions. and reboot's shit.
only good for that battle analysis thing and that dumb friendstory fuccboi.
I would say roids but I'm just a measly lvl 150 peasant.
whos gonna play reboot with me?
Bet your ass i will
I'll be there with you. Already know what name and class I want too
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Here it goes boys. Wish me luck
What's even a good class to play considering the whole unfunded beginning? I wanted to try out Cleric but at the same time being the cluck that pretty much requires to be involved in a party at most occasions seems fucking annoying coming from classes that are much more self-dependent in concept.
Reboot? forgive me for asking but what is reboot?
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I wonder who this could be.
Why are they even trying to keep this shit a surprise? Hes already been known about for a while now.
An official private server.
To be fair, Bishop's a lot more self reliant now, ignoring the class skill. Holy Symbol's item drop rate buff will be nice for the server.
Might as well just roll DA like everyone else though
I don't follow. haven't played MS in quite some time
No cash shop,items are not tradeable, enemies are harder but give better exp money and items
Completely new world, monsters are harder, drop a lot more mesos, cubes can be bought with mesos, enhancing is easier, no trading
Official server. Stronger mobs, use mesos to get gud, complete removal of economy. Solostory taken to the logical extreme.
Baby's first private server. Go download Extalia.
How will Cash Shop outfits be handled in reboot?
Same as its always been probably. Style boxes, or daily chances. We'll have to wait and see, although more likely than not the only primes that'll exist in the server will be from marvel
Will they even give you a pet? Play MS without the Pet picking up all the shit that falls on the floor is a pain in the ass.
Items aren't tradeable? What the fuck? That's strange.

So how is nexon supposed to make money from this?

So i figure this will really fuck up official MS. There's really no reason to play this rather than a private server now, right?
Is it worth it to mule multiple zeroes just for the glove scrolls?
>style boxes
>no trading
It's a new world, the rest of the worlds remain the same
Nexon will get money by donations :^)
but still. I can't imagine many people sticking with a p2w model if you aren't the absolute best. I imagine your average shitter dps is gonna head straight for reboot.

Actually? Im genuinely curious how nexon is supposed to make money off of this considering how hungry they are for money.
>reboot finally coming to gms
Not sure how to feel, I thought most of the changes were retarded
How about you start off by feeling this? -unzips-

I think I'll play it for 3 days.
The average shitter is going to stay a shitter in reboot. Hell, they'd probably be even worse off, since you don't get basically free cra and tylents five minutes into playing.
> Free cubes
> Staying a shitter

Kek. Keep telling yourself that
That google doc link gives direct access to edit the article.
>have to grind for it without free tyrants / cra

I was planning on doing so, yes.
Hope you won't mind the removal of spell tracing.
It's been like that for months now. No one has the energy to even shitpost on it anymore, let alone actually update the stuff.
I can't decide between, "The Heal Slut" or, "The Heal C(l)uck". That and adding one of the party utilities as, "Cum Toilet", or "Sharing his wife".
This just seems childish.
I wish I could be like that again.
That anon has a point. The thing thats keeping most of us down is the lack of cubes and how hard they are to grind out for the shitty free versions. Having the cs versions easily accessible through grinding changes everything, and although you can't readily get cra or tyrants they're something you can work towards with other people like you know, you're supposed to in a mmo. All in all i'm just waiting to see how they fucked it up, and how the new scrolling system fares in comparison to the traces
>This just seems childish.

Not particularly any worse considering the game involved.
Totally agree with this guy.
I have reached some pretty decent gains. It took a long time and honestly was a very annoying road way.
I am going to play reboot, but I am NOT going to quit Scania. I will play both. :)
Thanks for sharing.
should i play a corsair or jett? i've mained corsair since pirates first came out, but jett's skills look so pretty now that it's tempting me to play one.
The problem is that cubes only account for one part of the problem. All Reboot's done is give you that part while reintroducing the other.
Considering that you've got things like a clean set of cra nigh outranking 6% stat regular shit, the difference won't be that noticeable. It makes the progression slightly more natural, but it's by no means the "get gud quick" server that a lot of people tout it to be. You just put effort into different places.
On a side note, flames of reincarnation don't exist on gms, so it'll be interesting to see how that turns out.
So when is it coming?
If you don't mind being trash go play Jett. The skills look cool but holy shit that class is a disaster.
Although you could roll for 6% its much more likely be that everyone will get the 140 set, and cube that to 21% stat until they can get fafnir and do the same to that as well. It may not be as proficient as cra itself but it still gives a ncie enough set bonus to be worthwhile. Also about the flames, they'll probably be reimplemented to account for the fact that nebs are as good as gone unless they go full p2w and nobooms and nebs are only available through marvel. If that were to happen the server would definitely be shit
when is 5th job coming?
my friend told me that 5th job buccaneers will get ST again
me desu senpai
what's gonna be a good class for reboot?
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Fuck off, it wasn't funny the first time, it still isn't funny.

I'll probably play on Reboot.
When does reboot come out?
huh no kidding. On the dot 12/25?
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Someone's been pretending to be a girl again.
>Implying traps aren't cute as long as they have feminine penises
You first
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Post your cutie waifus while talking about Pserver shitters
why are gmsbois so tsundere for pserver qt's?
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I'm going to fuck DJKOKORO!
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Is this how I shitpost?
why wont you stay dead
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Is Waifus in Windia still alive?
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I can't die, anon.
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because you're justifying his existence.
>Playing Tera in 2015
sure is, just apply through the guild window if you want in
Sent ;)
what the fuck, could?
Too many members
>playing fucking MAPLESTORY in 2015
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sorry, try again now
Its alright
That's now how that verb works buddy
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1v1 me.
Either that or Suru but I idgaf
why are you here? i just checked this thread out since a friend told me about the reboot world and saw you here
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>Trade system disabled,

holy shit, maple might finally get good again.
You want to pet an Elin? Me too!
Reapers are a forced Elin class. Cooki's looks ugly as sin though.
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No. I want a pet Usalia.

>This shit is probably worth nothing compared to before now.
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Right, pic related.
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I'm everywhere, anon.

I'm bored and the TERA update is still a week or three away.


>having just ONE elin
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>Having any amount of Elins whose number, represented by the variable n, has a factor of 1.
seems like /msg/ is exactly like /terag/
It would be if every time nyaran posted he got 8 replies of "grabs butt*. Thankfully that shit doesn't happen here.
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> > > > > >
I've ran out of disgusting pics so
tell me about the maplestory erp scene~
>Wanting to hear stories about those absolutely filthy henehoe orgies
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>Having bad taste
I bet you think she's a solid 7 just because she a zany gaming girl
>he doesn't know about English girls
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>Liking English girls
>Literally the worst aging girls
>Literally the shit tier all around girls
I'd give her the ol lickaroo.

Hey there /msg/, a question specifically for members in Waifus:
Do you guys do hard magnus or chaos root abyss?
what's the reboot /msg/ guild gonna be called?
No. We sit around and post dank memes all day.
No really. Thats what we do. Moving to this server was a fucking mistake
Depends. Post your
dick size
sexual preference and
favorite phred
Of course not
Oh. So you actually need friends to do end game content?
Yes. But there are no friends here, only memes. I fucking hate you people
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Reboot confirmed for the 2nd.
I like how they've explicitly ignored mentioning reboot has no trading features. I bet they won't mention it until the patch notes go up.

It's dishonest because a lot of people are hyped up for it and nexon can't possibly deliver. The least they could do is be honest.
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Thanks for the find anon. Time to put those 25 alts to use and level up a char to 120 on all of them.
>Are you ready to step it up a notch? The brand-new Reboot world is getting added to MapleStory! This world brings MapleStory back to its roots as a hardcore RPG. In this world, monsters are stronger and give more EXP. As you fight, you’ll receive significantly more mesos, as well as equipment relevant to your character’s job. Useful items are designed to be available through gameplay, so some items will not be available in the Cash Shop, or will only be sold for mesos instead. Item enhancement is simplified, and trades are disabled. Rather than purchasing what you need from other players or the Cash Shop, you will earn it naturally through gameplay as you collect items and grow stronger!
It looks like those rewards are redeemable only in the Reboot world
can't trade in reboot lmop
That'd be god awful if it were true but we'll see
>unique 100%
muh dick
Of course. Look at the rewards? You seriously think Nexon would give you that much shit outside of reboot?
>In reboot world
>You may be able to obtain the box with multiple characters, but only one character on your account can open the gift box
Let me dream anon. At least let me dream until the 2nd where they'll be crushed. Like tears in the rain scoob
4 boxes, one at each milestone.
you get 1 per account of each
kay friends. I'll see you on Dec 2 when reboot comes out! I'll be making a shade
Dibs on Kanna.
Kaiser here

Not even memeing
Well by then it'll be Mihile 2.0, won't it?
Yeah, pretty much.

That active block has me hype.
I would grind out 10 accounts for 100 meisters.
Jesus fuck
I think I'm gonna go DB.
Since there's no trading, I don't really have to worry about how expensive thieves are.
dibs on bishop
150 meister cubes
Don't get your hopes up it probably is reboot only
I changed my mind from Zero to Hero.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pa0lMzaljTk ; )
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Does First and Second Drill Hall get buffed in reboot or nerfed?
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>mfw the zero nerfs
dethroned as FUCK
super nerfed. go to grave.
Buffed. They require 125 star force (Might be adjusted because GMS has retard-tier star force systems) and mobs have 20-25m health depending on the mob. For the only people that actually get to train there, the 200+ people dealing that much a hit anyway, it's a huge buff.
They want to level the playing field by making every class the exact same.
can u still 1hko them? yes
if no, leave
altought hoh might be better in the end since sdh i think gets more platforms
not even close. Most of the strong classes were relatively untouched besides zero. WH is still god tier, as is NL/NW, DB, and the rest. At best they nerfed flame wiz I guess.
Night Walker loses elemental resist ignore, WH loses a lot of Another Bite proc chances. NL is mid tier, DB is just bad when you aren't capping.
Zero's kind of a kuso class anyways because of how bosses work lately
Rolling for my main in Reboot:
1-2 Evan
3-4 Xenon
5-6 Marksman
7-8 Luminous
9-0 Kanna
So pots will still be a thing in Reboot, so cubes are going to be dropped or how we'll able to reset pots?

You buy cubes for a couple mill (12m reds 18m blacks last I checked) in the cash shop, no limit.
night guys
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A vanilla server with no NX cubes
I think I'm gonna have to play it

I still think no trading is retarded but if the kMS one is still active it must be okay, right
KMS reboot is marginally active. Less active than lively servers, but not entirely dead like the rest. It's a fun experience but I can't imagine it'll be too enjoyable on GMS, especially with how few players there are, it's gonna be very very difficult to get things like CRA and tyrant gear.
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i heard the legendary foolio idola will lead the reboot guild
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Here it is on noon on a tuesday.
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as well as shadow oldboi grandcouncil
mite play paladin
hes not still shit since his revamp a year ago is he?
He's not the best warrior, that's for certain.
Are there any requirements to join Waifus? I just sent a request
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Are the reboot patch change gona be same as kms? How would it effect something like Lumi, jett, or sengoku?
pass the meme quiz
or wait for them to kick out more duders, i dunno

lumi gets kms changes, jett and sengoku get ignored until tms remembers they exist again
the only requirement is to post your ign in the thread if it isnt immediately recognizable, and/or is longer than 7 characters, since the application window cuts off any names longer than that
Oh ok. My ign is ramenramen.
try reapplying, it's not letting me accept your application
Ok I reapplied.
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Did gMS get the new Japanese VAs for female Hayato/male Kanna? This is crucial
They've actually had them when they first came out.

I found out by changing genders in ellinia on a hayato.
The old genderswap VAs were shit though

No, no. When the other versions added the opposite genders prematurely they recorded some shitty VA for them, but jMS did it properly with a way better Hayato when the revamp hit.
>reboot hits
>everyone joins the new server
>hud isnt changed
>everything is exactly the same
>now you can't get items from the cash shop!
>wow it's fucking nothing
>tfw everyone will play broken fucking zero and broken ass kinesis
I haven't played Maple in a long time and Reboot appeals to me. Ill prob come back just to play only Reboot. Seems really fucking fun.
Zero isn't in reboot, and Kinesis is one of the worst classes in the game.

Everyone will be rolling DA in the beginning, just like Private Servers.
here's a lil spoiler.
it's not.
And for December only, Zero is coming back and will be available for character creation for a limited time!

Anon pls.
He's saying that reboot's shit and everyone's just going to go back to the main servers.
But Zero has like two pages of nerfs so it'll be fine, probably
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N-nexon wouldn't lie to us? RIGHT?!
>not NW
On top of Zero being unavailable in Reboot, Zero isn't even good anymore. They're actually pretty fucking bad.
Zero is available in every world but Reboot. How hard is this to understand?
Why is Magnus hornless? What happened to one of his horns?
kaiser gave him a haircut
who wants to be in an explorer only reboot guild ?
>worst classes in the game
nigga what
Far from top tier yes but theres a good 13-14 classes worse.
so reboot still shares the same ign pool as the main servers, right
Read my post again.
You just said kinesis is one of the worst classes in the game. You could have clarified they're one of the worst in reboot (which they aren't, they're actually a lot better on reboot because of high %s on ultimate skills making bosses a joke early on), like you did with zero.

I still stand by my point, they're far from one of the worst, reboot or no.
Calling dibs on Dark Knight. Or assassin.. To indecisive. Regardless see you there niggers! :^)
It doesn't sit right with me. Can't really do much without bpm numbers though.
That doesn't even clarify what skills are being used, equipment quality, or a fuckton of other variables. I can only assume the person who provided the data for that damage either avoided ultimates entirely or used trash like BPM before cap damage.

Also that's already horrifically outdated, the removal of instant kill and changes in a lot of the kinesis % updates with the mulung/KFT patch also buffed kinesis a lot. And made material drop cheaper, and train cheaper, and changed PP charge, and lowered the cooldown on hypers...

Is there a more updated chart?
Is there a point in hoarding crafting recipes? I'm not sure of the value of crafting some of these things considering the investment of materials.
Is material actually a thing that you use for bossing? Seems like it'd just be taking up time that you could spend using ultimate toss or somethin. That's what, 400% for fifteen lines if all the projectiles connect?
Why wouldn't you want to use BPM though, it's literally free damage
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>mech that high
shit what happened to this game
That's lame as fuck.
>Mech that high.

Well that's more than enough reason to pick another Mech on GMS. Megas for life.
>never any place for kanna on there since its KMS

is there a GMS one that features kanna?
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You don't play Kanna for damage, pal
Won't be one. Haku's too much of a hassle to bother running calcs on.
iirc she's got around 22 hits/sec though, so there's that
>night walker so far down
what happened there?
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it's 690% everything maxed. 12 lines, and it's ONE projectile. Land and it's good, then you shit out another. You may be thinking of train, which is really shit and hits once or twice a second for a few seconds for 25 PP which is a retarded cost, at 220%.

BPM does too little damage to justify spending the PP on it when you can spend it on material drop instead. The main reason BPM is bad is because of the insanely quick drain on PP. Maybe it'll be adjusted on GMS but by the time I deal about 48 lines i'll have used up 7 PP. Which would put me a little bit below a material drop in terms of damage. If you have maxed out PP then sure it's fine, but that's a drain on PP for damage that's too slow for a lot of bosses that don't leave you huge windows to sit out BPM dealing damage. Especially since material drops hit a vertical column.

I could be wrong, i'm not a kinesis expert, but from my personal experience kinesis is far far far far far far far far far far far superior to mihile, at the very fucking least.
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>Thunder Breaker lower than Wind Archer.

I just wanted to punch things with Sharks and actually be useful...
Is Mihile(Mikhail) a more common class now?
Slightly off-topic, but I always wanted to ask this.
Is the +stat hyper stat affected by potential like the +stat hyper passive we have now, or does it just add to the total after potential like shitty IA?
How are Cannoneers so low? I thought they had good damage before
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Here's an example of mat drop's vertical range. It's pretty big. You can hit magnus with it in his aerial attack no problem.

BPM is good because you can turn it on and off, and at a very high damage I can certainly say it'll be better than mat drop, but for the average player who'll never get that high without spending years or lots of money, material drop is infinitely more useful. It gets such huge bonuses with every ultimate after it, and BPM gets jack shit.

No, even less common. I had a friend who mained mihile and refuses to play him now because they stuck all of his buffs onto managing your royal guard stacks. Not a bad class though, just very difficult to play right. Needs lots of funding and power to be where other classes are naturally. On the upside, he has DR ignore with a certain amount of stacks so you can shit on lots of bosses with 0 effort... If you can manage those stacks. Which I can't. So I don't play my mihile anymore.

Honestly couldn't tell you. Don't have any points to test it, but next time I level up i'll make sure to check and post here. Promise.
At this point, I'm not really comparing BPM with Material, since they're kind of separate casts besides taking from the same pool. More concerned with how it stacks up to Psychic Shot, since that seems a hell of a lot cheaper for the damage you're gettin out of it.
But while you're here, do you think you could get a quick ten second battle analysis with just bpm running? I'd like to get an estimate on that thing's actual speed.
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you're looking at some outdated notes or something. psychic shot is 300% 3 line for FIVE pp. that's even worse than BPM.

speaking of i'll head to an area where I won't have to wait on mobs to do a proper battle test, that might be a minute though.
Battle Mage's so high up on the list. Are they actually an enjoyable class? Mech has salvo spam and all the bots to shit out while mobbing and bossing. What's Battle Mage's shtick?
That's per projectile though, if I'm not mistaken.
But you're right about the notes. Patch I'm on still lists Material as 10 lines. See if I can't figure out where the actual shit ran off to.
I will probably play Dark Knight
shit doesn't need hp pots at all with your beholder, just find Jr boggie card and boom

Demon Avenger is fine too, since he basically gets a free skill that restores hp
check orange mushroom
all the cash items not clothes become obtainable via mesos
Why don't you play one to find out?
I'm already working on my Mech, and TB. I'm a piratefag, never been much of a mage player.
The only reason why I still play this game is to show off my damage, and I have spent thousands of dollars to obtain my damage.
Once the reboot world releases, all of the weaker, non-paying players will move to that world, making the pay2win worlds emptier than they already are.
Moreover, paying players won't be able to show-off our damages anymore, so what's the point of playing?
I and many other whales will quit this game if you release reboot world.
Taken from maplesea forums
It's nice to see paladin no longer dead last on the dpm list. Though I wouldn't care because fuck it, I love the way they play and reboot is going to unfuck them to relevancy again.

That said, I'm rolling pally in reboot because avenger is getting 4th job mobbing ability nerfed into the ground even though their bossing is improving.
1-3 Dual Blade
4-6 Evan
7-9 Xenon
0 Kanna
>it's about being a showboat
>can't be a showboat
Sounds good to me.
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You can only hit an enemy once with psychic shot no matter how many projectiles actually touch it. That was changed in favor of a 15% attack debuff on the enemy.

That's for me though. I have a weird freeze frame effect of lag when I use psychic shot. It's not exactly a freeze, the game just slows down and then goes double time to catch up for half a second. Not a hardware issue either because it happens even on a proper desktop i played on for a while a couple days ago.

Anyway here's the BPM numbers. Better than I thought, actually. Still, it ate away 24 PP (might have been more but I took a couple hits so i'll just say 6) in all of 16 seconds. It's too fast of a drain.
Is the Reboot server normal experience?
They mentioned slightly upped XP gain in the news post.
>tougher monsters
>better loot and Xp.
Anyone play on GAZED?
So are there no cosmetic items in Reboot?
There are. You need a pet to thrive, too. Hope a pet shows up in the rewards shop soon, or you can drop money for NX on one.
I do, but there's no /msg/ related anything going on here
What's ur IGN?
Well, you're supposed to use psychic grab to get that pp back, aren't ya.
Point about Shot's interesting though. Could've sworn I saw someone doing emp with it.
IGN is Dawngiver
I don't mind buying a pet, since I'll probably be on reboot for a while, if not forever.
Gonna miss Sauce-chan while I'm gone though
There we go. Haven't gone crazy yet.
When he uses it at the minute mark, there's definite number stackin' going on. Probably what's causing the lag, really.
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it's entirely possible it just doesn't work for me and I could be wrong. But my experience is that shots hit one enemy and then stops. I usually barely hit a full screen of enemies. If I do hit I don't kill, almost never. pic related. Relatively close proximity you'd figure more than one would hit.

Yes, you can use grab and smash and push to get back PP, but it drains at a rate faster than your natural attack speed. At best you could squeeze out 35 seconds with absolute peak efficiency before it shits out on you, assuming perfect placement and not taking any hits whatsoever.
>evan higher then luminous
What the fuck happened?
Seems like it's only really viable if the 2x boss point hyper's in effect. Which is just as well, really. Range is kinda wimpy compared to the rest of your kit.

Luminous is ass turds garbage and Evan scales very well until it hits cap damage.
So how in gods name do I train from 120-140? I mean pirate lord and escape PQ's seem good but NO ONE fucking does them. All the guides I look at say evolution lab or monster park extreme is good but good lord is it fucking slow as hell even on 2x XP. IS there literally any good training spots besides those 2 or should I just stick with the people who get bored of farming for RNJ all day?
I'd hope so. Having a pet is pretty much mandatory given their skills are ridiculously needed.
If you're on GMS, I recommend mr alli's in mu lung/herb town. one of the best familiars you can get, large hp/mp recovery, and far more acquirable than mutant snails. It's not particularly fast but you'll have a goal to work towards so it'll go by faster.

Also, blue dragon turtles.
If MPE is slow for you on 2x, you should just quit now. MPE is going to be way faster than actually grinding on mobs your level at that level range.
I did golden temple, malaysia, neo city, and crimsonheart to get from 120~150+. But I'm on egg so my opinion probably doesn't matter.
neo city doesn't even exist in gms anymore
They locked the best training spots in the fucking game.

>neo city
>kerning mall
>mushroom kingdom before the revamp

It's quite annoying.
Couldn't have people leveling up too fast. Nonono.
Planning on picking the game back up with the reboot update. I used to be a big fan of i/l but no clue if they're still good, should I go one again or another class?
you could do worse
Style of gameplay can be fast paced for I/L

Not great bossers, good mobbers
goodnight /msg/

They can hold their own at bosses. They have no trouble.
Mobbing is above average.
Not lumi tier, but very nice regardless.
Solid overall, you can't really go wrong with picking one.

There's obviously better and worse classes, but there's nothing inherently wrong with them.
I just now noticed they used some wordplay in the reboot content guide to skirt around scrolling being removed. I wonder how people will respond.
Is scrolling removed entirely?
yes. 0 scrolling at all, doesn't exist. Scroll traces are used explicitly to sell to a shop (for 5000 mesos a piece). You have to rely on star force and cubing. Which is why i'm very confused because GMS doesn't have all the stars, so is everyone gonna be fucked out of capping because it's impossible or are we gonna get some crazy OP gear to make up for it?
Maybe gear has more stars in reboot? Maybe the bonuses are bigger to compensate?
>advertisements on kms
they are dead soon arent they

also reboot nerfs on zero was because zero has too many FREE things and free players are getting easily funded with that
zero literally only need to cube 1 weapon and it's potentials get doubled where as other class need to spend money to cube both weapon and secondary
Can I get a price check on a magnificent murgoth soul?
>dead soon
lel is that a joke
KMS is more popular than every other version of MS (excluding china MS) combined. And it's still more popular than chinaMS, just significantly less of a lead than over other versions.
and it's the 5th most popular online PC game in korea according to naver.
Nah KMS isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Now maple 2, that's going right in the trash can.

the ad is also just for the new nexon mobile game called HIT, it's a shitty action RPG that autoplays so it's not even a game it's just a fucking movie.
They fill that slot with whatever's relevant for nexon lately. Up until a few weeks ago they had the star planet M app advertised on there, and now they rotate between HIT and the preregistration for heroes reborn, and the patch notes.
Does the Waifus guild even hunt elite bosses together? Do they really only do fuck all but take screen shots of themselves and meme together?
All of that time spent on developing MapleStory 2. A shame, really.
It really is. I wanted so much more from it but nexon has proved they have no talent whatsoever for the action RPG genre and should simply let their in-house devs do it. I'd play the shit out of a maple two that had gameplay similar to elsword but more refined. Instead we got some awful iso-ARPG that no one likes and you max out on in under a week.

Maple 2 has already failed in korea, the only thing standing between it and total shutdown is the chinese version which is being localized as we speak. If it too fails, that'll probably be the end of it.
I know a couple that do hunt elites, but I don't think it's a guild thing
There was a few screenshots last thread of us elite hunting.
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So with the whole funding thing, what is a good class to play without any funding at all.
Did what? It's only epic.

If you're still working on basic pots, good job though.
Demon avenger, they get 400k range from 200m worth of equips.
Demon Avenger, Dark Knight, Hero, Paladin (mobbing only, bossing needs a ton of funding) come to mind, though I'm biased because I love warriors. The usual answers to your question are all being beat with the nerf bat hard in Reboot.
Shade is great because he's great for bossing, can mob like crazy, does really decent damage, CRA equips aren't too expensive in most servers for pirates, you don't need to buff at all so Jr. Boogie can take care of your MP drains, and anything you get can easily be diverted to other characters.
Kanna's good if you want to sell services since you'll almost always be leeching and you can get paid for Kishin if you want, not to mention no need to buy MP pots.
Zero gets a bunch of stuff during the questline to keep it self-sufficient for a long while, and it's pretty cheap to fund. The problem is you need to know how to play it properly to get any use out of it.

You can use any of these three to boss for a bit to get a ton of Elixirs and Power Elixirs for your other characters on top of Poisonic and Necromancer equips. You can even attempt easy Horntail for a bunch of good drops.
>MapleStory is going back to its hardcore RPG roots with the new Reboot world! Fight your way through tougher monsters, earning all the gear and mesos you need through hard work!
Top kek, lying right from the start.
MS never started out as a 'hardcore RPG'.
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pubs gettin mad
It was pretty rough if you didn't do PQs.
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Please tell me reboot is going to fix corsair
Aside from cast delays, Corsairs gain a few buffs such as:
>20% Damage from FMJ
>Nautilus Strike doesn't activate DR, and decreases summon crew and lucky dice cooldown's by 50% when used. While Nautilus is on cooldown, Majestics presence damage increases by 30%
>Majestic Presence adds +30 w.att
>Brain Scrambler hits 9 times and lower castdelay.
>Rapid Fire hyper adds 10% damage
>Whaler's Potion cannot be debuffed.

If by "fix" you mean improve their damage without fixing their shitty playstyle, yes, yes it is.
My Chroma Bean name tag expires today, what should I name it?

now if corsair could just get some decent mobbing skills everything would be just great.
Trying to think of what to go for reboot, my deicions are night walker to come at piece about my autismal hate for cygnus, i/l for nostalgia or kaiser for might be cool.
Can anyone please confirm if there will be link skills, character cards, and Cygnus blessing on reboot?
Yes, yes, and yes.
They're all there.
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just wondering, there's nothing like region lock for them right? can I buy any of those two?
canadian cards are worth 8k NX. They used to be worth the same as US ones but because they're cheaper in conversion, nexon lowered the NX they give for the same amount of money.

So, no, just buy the $10 US ones.
As a fuck noob how important are those things
Not important at all for a new player. Things like the cygnus blessing is helpful, same with link skills and cards but none of them are in any way required. The only link skills I would say get for sure are demon avenger, and mercedes. Both of them play very well in reboot, so they'll be an excellent introduction into the world, for anyone new or returning or whatever.
Thanks anon, I'll see you on reboot.

Question is out of marksman, Demon Avenger, Wild Hunter, and I/L mage I'm stumped on what I want to make. I feel like mobbing will be important in reboot.

Any suggestions?
Why do people train at SDH all the way to 200? Doesn't the EXP gain become too small after hitting 175+?
You won't see me unless you come to KMS. But I hope you enjoy reboot cause it's fun and I like it more than any given pserver. Egg's not bad, just not for me.

I like DA, and they get a really big buff with the reboot balance patch which you guys are getting alongside the world, which uncaps their effective HP max. Which means even though your HP itself has a cap of 500k, if you continue getting HP% or whatever, you'll continue to do more damage. Your overall damage is lowered slightly because of this, but it also changes some things like your damage is based on max health instead of current health, and some other stuff.

I haven't played wild hunter since the resistance revamp on GMS when I made one so I won't lie to you and say I know shit about them, other than another bite got beat the fuck down in reboot.

i/l had a similarly poor treatment, mostly nerfs beside the standard cast delay reductions.

Marksman wasn't really touched all that much, they got some shifts on buff duration and I think they were untouched otherwise.

SDH/FDH is the, bar none, unparalleled best spawn rate for any area after 150.

You overlook the lesser exp compared to, say, twilight perion, because you don't have to hit each mob twice, or, even if you one hit kill the mixed ancient golems, the enormous travel time for moving around the map that just means time you're not killing. If you get a dark knight in an SDH party it's quite literally a keydown, take a nap kind of training session.
>tfw keydown doesn't work on kMS or jMS
Yeah, it's a shame, but i'll trade keydown spin4dayz in exchange for 0 bots and the ability to detectorbomb anybody who looks at me the wrong way.
I'll trade spin4dayz in exchange for jmsanon and CUTE content.
where teh fuck is jmsanon
I heard in reboot the equipment that drops is always for your class. Like 100% of the time instead of the ~70% on normal Maplestory. Is gender still an issue though, like will you still be getting female equipment even though your character is male or vice versa? Depending on the answer I may make my main character a Bucc or a Dark Knight.
If I had to guess they left.
You all speak of addiction but I have a feeling that it's not the case for many of you. I truly eat sleep and dream maplestory. and it's horrible.

On my very short stint around reboot's release I did not get female gear on my male demon avenger. I can't say with 100% certainty but I did level to 60 and never got female gear, only male.

I don't understand why you would make a bucc or dark knight depending on the choice, because the canon pirate is a gunslinger, and canon warrior is a hero.
what are demon slayers like in Reboot, do you know? I main an 195 ds in broa and i love it even if everyone else hates the class, but if it becomes worthless i might switch to bishop or marksman
>SJWs infecting even Maplestory.

This world is done for.
What a cunt
Who's hyped for Xenon buffs?
Pirate gear is unisex. There is no male/female pirate gear so there is a 100% chance of getting usable pirate gear even on normal Maplestory. Thanks for the answer by the way. Assuming you looted as you should then getting to level 60 without any female gear is a good sign. That or you got extremely lucky.
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Good morning /msg/ it's time for another fun day of link leveling on egg! Who knows I might not drop this character like all my other ones!
You have to be pretty sad if you need to force yourself as the "cutest maple" every single day.
who else would do it ?
People who actually think you're cute? Though if we're being honest here, everyone in /msg/ has pretty terrible taste. Except me of course.
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Game's up
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Stay jelly.
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Alright, to all the anons on the /v/ thread last night, I sent the emails.
>going to /v/
>caring about low quality nudes of some whore with awful taste in anime posters
Hey my senpaitachi just saw reboot update and i wanna play again whats the best warrior class for reboot?
Host a contest with judges from outside /msg/.
DA will be the best until mid/late game, at that point it switches to Kaiser.
What about like dark knight or aran? i use to play thos eback in like 2010
Dark Knight is decent, needs a shitton of buff duration to reach their maximum potential though
Arans are literally the worst class in the game until their revamp hits GMS, which is still a few months away
There's something cool about defeating a powerful boss and then getting the weapon it was using or the armor it was wearing as a drop.
...Is Magnus the only one that does that in Maple?
zakum helm
Doesn't reboot change the way DA's damage works?
Dark Knights hits hard and easy too. I think you are able to cap Zakum at a 900k with 200% boss.

But like the other poster said - you need a lot of buff duration to keep Sacrifice going for maximum deeps. God Mode is nice too.
They get buffed, but until Nether Shields don't just disappear on i-frames, they'll be mid-tier bossers at best. Same with AB.
That's an issue with the bosses, instead of with the skill. It's dumb as hell, too. Missing frames has been an issue since pre-BB, so I doubt it'll ever get fixed. Though AB is a top tier end-game bosser, DA isn't.
Soul Seeker on ABs is amazing too. They reproduce fast and hit their targets at a fast rate. Why can't they fix this? I don't think I've seen an AB around in weeks.
December 2nd
>and trades are disabled

2nd paragraph 4th line, retard.
>Pirates at the bottom

though really, DA ends up faring better on actual endgame shit since they get a bind skill and an actual attack outside of NS.
>DPM chart instead of DPS
This would literally only matter if there was no damage cap, or if the cap was impossible to achieve.
I think I might roll a Mage or Thief in Reboot since those are the only 2 I don't really play.

Which ones are best? Preferably exclude Xenon and Night Lord since I have one of both already
shaggy jr
Or people who want to be low funded but hit hard?
Dual Blader or Evan or Kanna.
who dat she ugly
Is there a practical reason for Dual Blades to have a weird job system with subdivisions in 1st, 2nd and 3rd job?
Because they used to charge nx cash to max out their skills, and that was their way of nickle and diming it
I haven't played consistently since big bang when the cygnus knights first came in. Is it a good idea for me to play reboot ?

Too bad new content is increasingly geared towards players who either can't hit shit or only hit cap
If you're not paying to win you'll be making your class decision off a lot more than raw damage output at any rate
>reinstalled this game
>PvP is gone
>a bunch of dungeons have apparently been removed like Kerning Square
>No one does any PQ aside from Romeo and Juliet
>Guild is beyond dead
>everything is solo except Root Abyss still requires a party for whatever reason and no one came through the map for over 20 minutes

why was this allowed
You know AB has trinity, right? Spam AB, then when your orbs are in full flow, spam trinity. AB has always been better than DA, though DA can at least grind mobs for shit.
Think for yourself. What kind of answer are you expecting? No? Yes?

Just try it out and see if you want to continue.
You know you can find scrubby people like yourself and take down hard bosses together, right?
Soul seeker* not AB, damn.
what part of my post said anything about bosses except root abyss

>can't find people for root abyss
>lol just find people

you're a fucking moron
Trinity is just a poor move all throughout. Locks you down for the duration, low line count, only reaches 70m with cap breaking. I'll take execution any day.
Anyways, it's just flat out Trin spam, now that advanced ss exists.
You don't have friends?
>Having friends
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I'm sorry. I don't know if it's you not wanting to have friends, or people not wanting to be your friend, but either way it must be pretty lonely...
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Where is that guy who was going to send his henehoe camwhore collection?
His post got deleted. >>123280424
Hey guys. I haven't played in 3 years.

What are the 3 most overpowered classes?

Where does Dual Blade stand in the list?
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Thank you senpai
Jett, the upcoming Kinesis and Mercedes
NW, WH, Phantom/Bowmaster.
DB is a couple miles down south.
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You think you can just try and lie on the internet?
>Wild Hackers in the top 3
They got a dank ass revamp.
WH is pretty fun now. They also get mad lines but they're getting nerfed soon. Still good though.
>11 second intro
It was the same with Evan and his weird 10 jobs.
What class is good for reboot?
who's making the reboot guild
All classes are useful in one way or another.

Either binds or utility for bossing, or buffs and utility for mobbing.
Whoever gets enough money for the guild first, probably. Should name it Weeks, with a [2] icon.
It's not all about dps in reboot? I haven't played in 4 years sorry.
You need to improve your gear anon, some gear only drops from bosses, and is extremely valuable to get.
Is Beast Tamer any good in reboot?
can someone write more /msg/ erotic fanfics please
Beast Tamer fugged a Bear

Hey senpaitachi, saw the reboot update and I think I'll give it a try. Is AB still good?
something existed before?

>chow fugs honey, then honey is preg. the end
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I know it's none of anyone's interest but HOLY SHIT THEY'RE STILL SHILLING IT EVEN THOUGH THE GUILD IS DEADER THAN Crystal
>Implying any of the newbois here even know what Crystal is
Aran is useful? That's new.
male shade x male lumi
Combo Tempest spam
Damage for bosses count as utility.

You can have binds, buffs, and revives out the ass, but without damage and a proper amount of lines in certain circumstances, you're not going to take out the boss.
he's making an epib joke here, see
it is because aran is a bad class that can't do anything
that is the meme
please enjoy
Get a loada this guy
reminder that the windian alliance is made of normies that play shit like league of legends
Aran was only good when they could spam tempest and farm the shit out of endgame maps on private servers. Otherwise, it's less than mediocre garbage.
Reboot patch buffs up its lines to fairly decent levels, so it becomes usable while you're waiting for the actual revamp to hit.
reminder that khroa still needs more people
Are skill books still a thing?
Not really. If you're a poorfag, you can do quests to get free 20/30 books, otherwise there's a merchant for them.
P-please respond.
Shit class. Can't mob, can't boss. Roll Jett.
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Not to mention that it's thriving :^)
Literally a meme server
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Scania guild isnt so dead :^)
don't cover your pretty face
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>Revolver Ocelot.
Hey, so I sent you an email request, but it got deleted accidentally. Can you send it to [email protected] instead?

Thanks senpai
signed you up for dolphin porn
do you guys have friends on maple? I usually can't play if I don't know anyone else on
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That's my fetish
Why does no one do lord pirate at 120-140? At that level it gives godlike exp. Even doing it to 120-130 would be amazing. I'm 125 and 1 lord pirate gives me 20% exp and at max takes 7 minutes to do a full run of, so why the fuck does no one recommend doing it/why does no one actually do it?
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Because one run of Romeo and Juliet gets you at least one full level in the ~15 minutes it takes to get to and grind Roids until timeout at that level
Because RnJ is at least twice as effective, and takes literally no effort or attention
looking forward to playing on reboot with you my brothers

wearing utgard and cubing them to high enough % to then kill empress with a party of friends to then kill cra/magnus with a party of friends sounds like an actually enjoyable grind

fuck you assholes that called dibs on bishop now i have to think of something else to play

probably cannoneer or dawn warrior
Why do you even give a shit, that guy'll probably quit within the week
I already called kinesis for reboot. Either that or mech
Just pick what you want to play, retard.
>caring about what others choose
lmao are you underage or something
if you aren't part of the clique, you're just going to be left behind
>reboot comes out
>pq's are exactly the same
>everything is the same as regular servers except nothing can be bought on the cash shop and everything drops from monsters

>tfw nexon will never make the old HUD come back
>tfw nexon will never bring back old MS code to make a seperate world specifically for older players
>tfw i'll never have the good memories of grinding to level 30 doing kerning city PQ
>tfw i'll never get to experience ludi PQ at level 50
>tfw i'll never hear the old maplestory level up sound again

Why even live?
so you can go on /v/ and shitpost about royals
Play a fucking Xenon.
who cares man
you don't even play the server you obsess over, get over it
Is Corsair any good post-reboot? Mobbing decent? Alright bosser? I am so torn on what I want to main.
You mean the guys who are going to bot and then logically be stronger than everyone else faster? I'll pass on that. We can take our time together, and although the goal is still there its something we could all actually reach now without p2w'ing
so who else is going to be in that fantasy of yours?
Because that old shit is trash and they not only make more money, they have a higher player retention rate after big bang. It's successful, pre-bb isn't unless you shove double or tripled exp rates on it.

And you can't buy nothing in the cash shop in reboot, it's just that cubes and a lot of other more useful items are buyable with mesos. Clothes and pets and HTRs will still probably cost NX. Inv slots and char slots will be mesos though.
Honestly i'm more mad at the fact that nexon will just make it so you need to grind for items instead of going to the cash shop. It'll be exactly the same as regular maple.
Then what the fuck do you want? Play god damn Royals if you need a week nostalgia fixin'
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>Wow what the fuck why did they add this cash shop pay2win bullshit
>reboot comes out, no pay2win ability
>Wow what the fuck now I have to grind?
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Everyone. Old friends here. New friends there. And that includes you friend. Come join us
wonder if dchaos is still up. seems like that'd be up your alley.
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This guy has the right idea for a guild name.
that was me :^)
I am a super old player, but don't these numbers mean shit all if you take into account damage cap?

How realistically relevant will damage cap be on the reboot server?

Do classes like BM/Sair get fucked later on because of the cap and their single line bossing ability?

Help a noob out
But I want to play AB.
Both BM and Corsair have a skill that does a lot of low damage lines. Besides, Brain Scrambler has a ~5 second cooldown I'm pretty sure.
>tfw i saw a brony guild in windia the other day in orbis they were just spamming, "JOIN THE BRONY GUILD /) BROHOOF!"

It was cancer.
You're thinkin' of Marksman. BM does a shitload of lines with medium damage, so they shine when you hit cap.

Realistically speaking, you probably won't hit cap damage though. Not on the main servers, not on Reboot. DPM charts should be more accurate as a result, but I don't trust that particular one. Methods seem fishy.
Good to hear. Makes things easier to decide if I am not worried about damage cap.
Then you go and play it, you cumslut. Who fucking cares.
How will I be a cumslut if no one wants me in their party
channel 1 henesys potion shop erp
Brain Scrambler cool down was removed a few patches ago
In that case, once you start hitting cap with it Rapid Fire is better DPS.

I think that's how that works, anyways.
Brain Scrambler cooldown was added back a few patches ago
get with the times gramps
>tfw playing in GRAZED
>see very few people
>none of them are furries/bronies

Damn am I glad I stayed here.
>new berserk
>it's in korean
Not maplestory anon take your weeb shit and I fucking know I couldn't believe it myself either
It's just so unbelievable I didn't know where else to post.

also, berserk maplestory collab when? I can totally see maple reusing assets from the AoT crossover to create a few golden age events. If not that, then clotes. There's already lots of references in JMS items to berserk. We need something solid.

We got the FMA event in JMS a while back and that was basically just a cashgrab, but they've taken to having actual events for crossovers. Wonder what it would be if not golden age.
Is the PIC reset broken?
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There goes 100 MRP...
That is so tragic in a manner similar to that of the works of author Franz Kafka.
Can somebody do RA with me in Khroa ;-;
I would if you were in mybckn
fertilized egg
I can't stop thinking about lesbian maplestory characters.
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These gloves are fucking cursed.
>wasting black cubes on ebin potential items
>initial potential wasn't even good
explain this
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Black cubes are for ranking up
>not waiting for miracle time.

It's literally in 4 days.
If I'm reading this graph right, Red cubes are more cost efficient to rank up with while Blacks have a slightly higher chance
Oh shit, I was loligagging on reward points all this time
oh shit really?
>you don't even play the server you obsess over
What server am I obsessing over, exactly?
Top five classes for Reboot

Evan, Xenon, Kanna, Bishop, and i unno, wild hunter maybe.
Wind Archer
Wind Archer
Wind Archer
Wind Archer
Wind Archer
Kanna seems like it'd be mediocre damage-wise, since you don't get the insane damage buffs from spell tracing fans. But it's got Kishin so fuckin whatever
Roll DA for ez deeps
>Pirates at the bottom
damn, did they get nerf?
yeah, they removed flash fist
real tragedy
but Eunwol has flash fist

no they've always been at the bottom
Trying to prove to my friends that nexon balanced things a bit with the patches so it isnt hero classes only, can anyone please provide a link?
I miss doing the carnival party quest in windowed mode while watching anime.
Ha, you're better off rolling as a MM.
why bother? they're probably the kind of people who'll say that kinesis is super op, just because it's a new class.
go find it on orange mushroom.
Have them play a Wind Archer
He's a fag and played phantom because he liked stealing skills as he is a basketball american. He's still playing he just thinks that heros will always be better.
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joke's on you, phantom gets buffed in this patch.
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I'm not insulting phantoms man, i'm just making fun of him for being literally a negro. I just wanna show him it isn't only heroes man.
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If fun to play with an active guild
just tell him that mercedes exists then.
You gotta be new if you don't remember the time when Corsairs were top-tier DPS.
I hate how you have to keep a constant combo to have full effect of that one buff skill.
That's generally how it works for all users of custom combos.
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we waiting u
>40 people
>still take more then 5 minutes to kill cpb
I have yet to see any announcements about this.
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How is Reboot a good thing? Isn't there still cubes and shit?
What are these cube things everyone keeps talking about?
cancer and hitler combined
if you had unlimited funding, what would be your class of choice?
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Kekleoneer, Jett, or Wild Memer
Paladin, I don't care how OP I'd be as something else I love them way too much to switch.
Cannoneer are so low on that dpm chart, are they really that bad post reboot?

Do they have any good qualities?
Night walker or sin for reboot
They're cool
Lucid violating female Shade!
There's no P2W.
It's all grind.
Pretty sure Phantom has the best DPS in the game if you can cap arrow platter without Cross Surge.
Why is this a bad thing? They probably had a good time bossing together.
Why would you pick one of the easiest classes to cap on
Wind Archer or Wild Hunter.
After the reboot changes to Mille, you're getting somewhere around 36 lines a second with blaster/mille+carte.
So that's a bit under pre-nerf WH, Kaiser with Ryudes, and maybe Evan post revamp, Swift of Wind gets insane later on
Maybe NW too. Too lazy to remember the lines on that guy.
Post Maples.
We are still alive... Even if its only 2 people.
Anyone who wants just ask to join and Ill accept. Anyone who needs help just ask and I'll do what I can :^)
Does anyone still play Wind Archer? I'm thinking about coming back and I played all classes but nothing was fun until I played WA
What if you threw frozen orb in too? There a skill better than that for the fourth job slot?
I main wind archer, I've calculated that if i had 6 hours to fight magnus, I could beat him
Frozen Orb is generally just a waste of time, considering it takes years to put down and doesn't have the speed glitch anymore. I/L mages only use it to get frost stacks.
At the lowest possible speed tier, it takes a full second to cast, and does 17 lines throughout its entire duration. 34 with carte procs.
So you're likely losing lines, if anything.
Oh, bummer.
What skill would be optimal in 4th job then, assuming you reach cap without putting cross surge or final cut or whatever.
The losing lines thing was a bit inaccurate, since arrow blaster's still going to be running while you cast orb though. So the increase is somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 lines a second, discounting marginally faster max card stack attacks. These are all very half-assed estimations.
Might as well use it in this hypothetical scenario, then. Do keep in mind that Blaster's turrest damage gets nerfed to 85% in a bit though.
cuz i like them
>In Reboot World, slot expansion coupons are no longer sold in the Cash Shop. You can buy them in potion shops.

This is specifically for reboot, I hope you realize that
Yeah I know.

Also, I never noticed there were no LUK character cards.
>there will never be a +80 SS luk card.
>there will never be a 4th deck slot available.
So which Support slut is more entertaining? Bishop or Kanna?
Kanna by far
Depends on preference. Bishops kind of have a purity thing going on, so they'd be into consensual sex in the missionary position solely for the purpose of procreation, unless they took a celibacy vow then it would probably be anal. Kanna is a fucking slut though, she likes bukakke, anal, oral, vaginal, doggy style, netorare, etc.
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Which is lewder
I don't have an image capable of expressing my disgust.
right. outfit could be much lewder though
>male only hairstyle
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Based free cuubs
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Kill yourself.
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work in progress
enjoy never being able to mcc it again. Now you're gonna go from being happy to get any cube to praying for a meister and tossing out the other shit.
I can use my 10 monthy reward point cuubs on it :D
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Hey MSG as a level 200~ and a million other lowbie characters pre-big bang and not playing since, I can't wait to play Reboot.

From the Korean servers already having it, is it known as being pretty good?
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As I say every time, it's alright. It's gonna be different in GMS. they/you simply don't have all the features like innate item potentials that you use flames to reroll. Those are a pretty big part of getting your damage up on reboot because instead of scrolling 15%s you reroll innate item pot with how easy flames are to get.

regular/bonus potential is still important too though. Also star force, it has a much much more notable effect after 10 stars. It ramps way the fuck up.

My major complaints about the server were all fixed in the first handful of patches after it came out, it's just not to my liking anymore because no auction house which means I can't get maple points on reboot, so i'd rather play the real servers where I can get maple points.

Also you pretty much need a pet 100%. It's a requirement. Mesos are lifeblood, since you can't sell big valuable items like css or innos or what have you like you would on a regular server (because they don't exist, nor does trading), you have to pick up everything you want to sell. Scroll traces most notably. In KMS they sell for 5000 a piece. You can go look those up, you get them fairly often from mobs.

Anyway, you need to pick up fucking everything if you want to live on reboot. To pay for cubes or other shit. It's like 15-16m a pop, which isn't a lot at first glance, but, remember, no cheating with elites now (though they still exist and drop good shit).

Basically you haven't played in too long, all of that was just wasted on you, wait till it comes out then play and try to acclimate because you're not gonna know anything about the game.
>Basically you haven't played in too long, all of that was just wasted on you, wait till it comes out then play and try to acclimate because you're not gonna know anything about the game.

Yes that was all confusing but relatively understandable if I tried hard enough. Thanks though!
No problem. I'd honestly recommend starting the game up NOW, and playing a bit, you will, with a bit of practice and studying, get to 100 which is the new level for 4th job (60 for third, still 30 for second, still 10 for first, mages moved up to 10 for first as well)

The hardest part about the new maplestory is figuring out where to level, and then after you figure that out, it's not really hard so much as it is tedious to get good gear. And reboot makes it much much less tedious, and just turns it into a grind circa pre-bb. Remember taking your level 35 archer buddies to mushmom because only they could break her defense and deal real damage instead of like 5-10? Reboot is basically that. Forever. Only you're killing mushmom in one hit and picking up everything with no explicit goal to work towards unless you set it yourself.

Also I guess killing cra and emp are pretty good goals for the beginning of the server.
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>From the Korean servers already having it, is it known as being pretty good?

Another question, what classes are available on reboot so I know what to look at?
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Wow guys this sure was hard to do. Star planet really busted my balls on this one. Compare your lives to mine and then Kill yourselves
Every single class but Zero is available in Reboot.
All but zero on KMS. And pink bean obviously.

I don't know in GMS, i'd imagine the same, they already said no zero, they might also block beast tamer on principle. But I don't know, so only zero is blocked, everything else is open for sure.
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>haven't played ms in a bit more than a year.
>having the itch to play again
>can't remember log-in
Well this is depressing.
I've been out of the loop for a while. What's a good job to start out fresh at this very moment?
Is GMS still shit?
Wait til the second and play Reboot.
i really hope they give regular world rewards based on reboot achievements
im mostly looking for the pepe shop and attendances that kind of stuff
Since this thread is dead anyways I'll make more discussion with questions

Holy shit there's so many classes now what the fuck do I pick I thought I just wanted to be a bishop again but this..

Out of the ones I looked at briefly these seemed the most suited to me:

Is canoneer good or fun? v
Is Mihile?
Beast Tamer?
Are the default explorers still the same?

I asked about quite a few classes but even a quick yes/no/yes/etc would be fine. & some general ideas maybe.

I tried to look at youtube videos for every class but all the videos are shitty for everything maplestory.
Is it possible to get a pet with meso magnet/item pouch without NX in Reboot?
Canoneer has really good mobbing, that's about it.
Mihile is garbage.
Kasier is good, but needs a $150+ weapon CLEAN to truly shine.
Hayato is decent, requires you to use a lot of different attacks. Also levels extremely quickly in early game.
Beast Tamer is shit, only good for a party mule because of cat buffs.
Aran is garbage until their revamp in a few months, where they become pretty alright.
Mechanic is pretty good, but I think they get hard by the nerf bat soon.
Explorers were revamped a while ago, pretty much all of them range from decent to really good. F/P is actually right behind Wild Hunter as the best class in the game right now.
Just go with Bishop. Get a feel for what you actually want in a class.
Cannoneer i've never played, might wanna ask kackel dackel the tripfag because he takes great pride in playing the worst class ever.
Mihile after reboot is revamped a lot, he has an "active guard" attack, that when you stack it properly gives you a pretty big damage buff and some other stuff that lets you damage bosses more easily. It's fun if you can imagine doing that every time you want to fight a boss.
Kaiser is very fun, he's just not super top tier.
N/A hayato
N/A beast tamer, they were really buggy last time I played and mostly for supporting.
Aran is getting a revamp in about 6 months in GMS, after the reboot series of patches is finished, that makes her way way way better than she is right now, which is basically unplayable.
Mechanic is fun, they get a mech suit, they're okay, not super strong though.
The default explorers mostly got revamped in 2013 in a patch called RED that changed a bunch of their skills and other stuff.

Out of those I would recommend kaiser or mihile, but I have the most experience with those and i'm sure someone else will fill in the blanks.
meso magnet/item pouch no longer exist, every pet now has them by default, and permanently. That means old pets too now have free meso magnet/item pouch.

GMS has a different rewards shop from KMS, but if you get lucky, they'll introduce a pet either next month or in january and let you get them with rewards points. And since you can get waters of life with reward points as well that means you're pretty much set. It's all about if you can wait, or if you can drop $5 on whatever the cheapest pet is nowadays

in theory yes it's possible, depends in practice on if a pet is in the rewards shop.
lol this nigga lost his mind. That's for sure never going to happen dude.
Pets have had meso maget and item pouch built in for years now.
Yeah, MCC are pretty lackluster. Can't wait to spend all of my meso on becoming a Meister and crafting Meister cubes :)
Thanks for the answers anon, it's appreciated.

I have narrowed down what class I want to play to Corsair, Wind Archer, and Phantom, which would you suggest?
That's nice I really like poison.
I think I will stick with explorer classes for now or play Hayato.

Can you tell me how these are after revamp? (Basically all)
Dark Knight
F/P (You already said basically.)

That's about all I have to ask now and I'll be cool to decide, thanks for your help as well.
Thanks for your input as well. Might try Mechanic too.
Corsair is not very good, ask obtainbooty, he hangs around the thread occasionally, he's fairly high leveled too (20x I think, might have hit 210)
Wind Archer is okay, they along with the other cygnus knights are kind of getting the nerf lucille pretty soon here.
Phantom is one of the strongest classes because of his line output. He's not actually very strong, considering he relies on explorers to get skills to attack. He's my favorite out of the bunch, and probably gonna be the most enjoyable for you to play out of them, assuming you're gonna be on reboot where insanely fucked GMS economy stuff doesn't matter.

Do so, they got better with the recent resistance revamp, a lot more streamlined and less bullshit.
Yea, gonna be on reboot. Will probably try Phantom then. Seems like the most fun :)

Thanks again bbycakes
Bowmaster is decent, arrow platter is nice.
Dark Knight is pretty good, needs a shitton of buff duration to reach it's maximum potential though.
Paladin is shit.
Hero is pretty good, caps really early and hits 16 times per second, which is pretty midtier. Good early game, average at end game.
I/L is pretty bad until you cap. Decent mobbing.
Bishop is always wanted in parties, but aren't very good at soloing.
>good lines per second, needs a lot of funding to be op, has problems with damage reflect
>good bosser, good utilities, constantly heals if it does damage, alright mobber
>very difficult to cap 1v1 skill, good mobber, takes little damage, has great utility set for bossing despite low damage
>extremely easy to cap, shitty mobber, but strong 1v1 with good vertical reach, no utilities
>shit mage
>very strong mage
>tied for lowest bossing dps (by %s) with Paladin at the moment, good party utilities

Mostly it's about preference, play what you enjoy.
What do I do if I don't want my 10b items to be buyable in a hired merchant
Put in a few cheap items and then stick in the 9,999,999,999 items, if you have at least 2 meso in the store they can't buy them .
Isn't I/L high up on that one DPM chart? Or is that chart total shit?

If so what are the top 10 classes?
>Kanna likes netorare.

I can enjoy this character.
What do you mean by 1v1?
Best solo class of the explorers?
DPM and DPS are very different. Most people here, and elsewhere judge classes based on lines per second which is how fast they deal lines of damage, disregarding actual damage output because at cap damage, you care about lines and the end-goal for everyone playing maplestory is getting to cap damage where damage won't matter (because you're doing enough that you can't do more), and lines will.

That chart is total shit though, it's from the raw reboot balance patch. They tweaked and adjusted all the numbers in that patch throughout the rest of the reboot series.

I/L still isn't very good though, they do okay damage I guess, I would just say make a bishop if you want an explorer mage.
Refers to single target dps. Hero uses the same skill for mobbing and bossing, "Raging Blow". There's a move called "Enrage" which gives you a huge damage boost at the cost of only being able to attack one enemy at a time. You have to toggle it on and off, which takes time, and is a pain in the ass in some cases. Without that buff on their attack speed/damage/attack range goes to shit, hence why I said their mobbing sucks. Reboot fixes the shit mobbing a little, though not much.
So then, in terms of lines, who are the kings?
>cheap hired merchant only has 5 slots
Phantom is up there, kaiser is too, the star-throwing thief classes (NW/NL) are i'm pretty sure. It kind of tapers off there, xenon and mercedes and dual blade are all notables, as is bowmaster and most other 'rapid fire' classes.
nevermind I'm dumb
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2.6m from today's wonky's gift random meso sacks.
What are you currently grinding to, /msg/?

I ask purely hypothetically because as you all know I have a phobia of leveling my characters.
lmao it's shit
moved to cannon master
once they removed the no cooldown BS hyper, it was over
>normal, hard
wtf, i never got this shit
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this just in, for the first time ever I found a party on KMS to do some R&J with.
the first guy quit as soon as we found the portal in stage one. second guy quit about 10 minutes in when I kept stealing both platforms when I went enhanced with my final blow wave
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>here I am at Ardentmill, working on levelling up to Meister Smithing for them cubes.
>minding my own, when a random Corsair comes up and instigates a conversation with me.
>wants to ask me a few questions - he came back from a year hiatus for Reboot.
>asks me if I knew a few people that played from a year ago - they were close friends of his at the time.
>"sorry man, I don't recognize those IGNs".
>he starts talking about how he wanted to say one last good bye to his best friends before moving to Windia.
>we start talking about the good ol days, guild pq, party quests, bossing, etc. We talked for about 20 minutes.
>He's getting ready to leave, continuing to ask different players if they knew his friends.
>he drops this on me.
>pretty much "t-thanks.. y-you too".

Good bye, new friend.
Why don't people do RNJ? It must be a GMS thing, but where do they train alternatively from our training spots at that level?
As a new returning player how do I skill up this samurai class hayato or w/e
Well because we don't have babysitter MLC faggots, our PQs have a limit on them every day. 10 I think, might be 5 for each.

They do chryse PQ, taeyoong, wolves then magatia generally for 70-100. 100-120 is ludibrium.
Did Nexon implement some way of adding players to an ignore list so you don't have to see their bullshit fill up your message bar? Would help filter out the spambots.
no. blacklist doesn't work on GMS just like every other social feature. and if it does work, it's impossible to tell because you can simply bypass it with a packetspam
I just farm Roids all during that point honestly.
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so fucking many of these shits.
So how to do elite bosses work in Reboot, since scrolling isn't a thing? Are there new rewards that replace CSS, Prot Scroll and Inno Scroll? Or are they just removed from rotation?
Amazing how these fools are still in business.
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A very very small elite buying tens of thousands of dollars of NX every month and selling it off or spending on shit like marvel spins.

If they hired just three GMs for every world, the game's quality would improve dramatically. Even better if they set up a workstation at "the office" for artasi and his faggot CM buddies to use that had a character in every world parked at the FM. Or even not because as a GM you can hop between worlds with almost no issue.

But instead there are no actual GMs in the game, they just don't exist unless you report people on a ticket and you pretty much force them to log on.

The "GM meet and greets" on GMS were all shams too. Pic related. dumb motherfuckers.
I am sure lots of people can
there are so many bots and STILL FM spammers
Nexon tried giving the power to temporarily mute to a few people in a group called the maple watch leaf brigade. They had the power to mute people for a few minutes (like 10 I think, but with no limit on how many times you could do it), then they also had access to a special forum to communicate with the actual nexon NA GMs/staff, pretty much just hime and that was it.

After they found that 95% of their 20 members had abused the mute function for some sort of personal gain (no I am not shitting you. Also can't link you to the forum posts because nexon loves to get rid of their forums every 3 years, fuckers, they're getting ready to do it again, too.)

Anyway, after that they shut down the maple leaf watch brigade because it was clearly obvious after that, and the horrible events in the short-lived GMS tespia server that the GMS populace can not be trusted with any sort of power at all because they can't be held responsible for it, and they just don't have any civility in the first place.

so now you have the MLC who does nothing but shill for nexon. And even then the MLC doesn't do that right, besides zelkova who's slurping so much fucking dick to try and get a CM position for maple 2.
>spending money on cash shop
>when you can use reward points to buy shit
did you forget again, kMSanon?
>money on cash shop
those are left over maple points.
That I used to flip. Because when the maple points VIP item is in the game (you know, the little statue that you open up once a day for an increasing amount of maple points) makes prices sink.

I held on to them and then halved the amount I bought, sold it, and got twice the money back. I had a little left over that I used to buy epi boxes a while back that I posted myself opening, and got another 100m from a scroll in there.

And rewards points don't buy nearly as much as you may think.
Ah, I thought the MVP system was based on how much monies you used to buy shit.
Yes that's the MVP system.

VIP is an item that you spend 5,000 (I think) cash on, has to be cash, not maple points, then if you open it every day for like 2 weeks, might be a month, you get maple points back from it, up to like 15,000 maple points, which is easily 200m if you sell it, with some left over for whatever.

smart players looking to make a quick buck also buy about a week after when people start getting like 2000 maple points from the VIP statue, because it makes prices on maple points (usually hovers around 5500-6200) sink to around 6500-7700. So, I buy when i'm getting more maple points, then sell later when they sink back down. Especially during times like now when the extremely popular black heaven pets and equips are on sale and prices increase even further, reaching a record high of 100m for 4000 maple points. If I knew they were going to be doing black heaven stuff I would have waited and got 300m instead of 200m.
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Oh you meant why I had the bronze, well, it goes by how much NX you've spent cumulatively. And I don't recall ever spending $65 on KMS. So naturally my assumption is that maple points count because i've spent about that many on shit. Or maybe other people who I let on my accounts back in the day spent it, beats the fuck out of me.
>a chair that auto mutes the town bgm playing friendstory music,blocks anyone it covrs and it huge,allows other maplers to join in to the chair,also gives 10 wa/ma buff stackabale
holy shit this chair is cancerous and just arrvied in SEA, doesn GMS has them?
most definitely not. pictures?
Post a picture.
How should i distribute my stats as a night walker?
i don't have a ss of it, as that guy who has the chair sat it for like 5 seconds,i was just shocked and decided to try sit on it,i'll appear on the bottom right with a heart face

scroll bottom of the page and you'll see,apparently if only one of them uses the chair, the whole set up will be there but there' wont be drummers guitarist etc,the one who i saw has the piano chair
>if you fame them you get the buff

still retarded, and the music change is stupid too but that's not nearly as bad as I was thinking.
Let autoassign do everything for you. Secondary stats are significantly less useful and aren't required for equipment anymore. Their only defining feature is that they're not entirely worthless if you get them on a pot roll with your last cube. Obviously you'll want to reroll, but hey, not as bad as mdef/wdef.
> Secondary stats are significantly less useful and aren't required for equipment anymore.

Wait fuck seriously? So dexless is genuinely a thing now?
it's not only a "thing" it's the only "thing" unless you want to do nodamage and have noequips
that chair IS HUGE
it was on fm when i was buying cubes then suddenly this whole thing covers almost half of my screen
and there's no more henesys bgm playing anymore
maybe kms has it, but im not too sure
wish it was easier to obtain them dumping 100 USD on gachapon
KMS does not have it. I can assure you. We don't have most big chairs, the tallest chair we have is the red mesodizer. Everything else is reasonably sized or just not released.
Sorry man, just having a bit of trouble believeing this. So you're saying that all items have no secondary stat restrictions now?
Nope. There is none. Every class now has a main stat, and that's it. For instance, bishops, I/L and... Well, all mages use int. thieves use LUK and I thnk str for bandits? they might use luk too, don't remember. warriors use str, bowmen, dex, pirates str/dex still. Not split, but gunslingers use dex, brawlers use str.

just to name a few.
Well fuck, is there a place I can look up items and shit now instead of basilmarket?
Anybody remember that webm program that let you pic a portion of your screen and record it?
basilmarket is absolute fucking trash, always has been, always will be. use maple.fm 's item DB


pretty much any screen recording program does that.OBS is free and very customizable, take your pick between that or hypercam2 [unregistered] and fraps.
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Holy shit it's real, that's amazing. Thanks man. Bit of a bummer you can't sort shit on that place by class though
Maple.fm is also a great site because it functions as the closest thing to an auction house GMS will ever get. Not that you'll use it because reboot has no trading, but still.

If you're not currently playing, you may be overthinking your character's planning. You're more than likely going to level up very fast, and just use whatever you pick up till you hit the slump around 110 and start slowing down an enhancing your equips. Even then there's naturally dropping equipment up to 140 now.
I'm getting a night walker up to 30 so I can get a feel for it before goign one in the reboot server. I just thought it was weird auto was getting me to go luck so much.
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And we're back to normal. Literally nobody.
CTRL make more vids or stream. I want to see what reboot is like ;~;
nigga thats not reboot
Yeah it's not reboot man I don't play reboot. I can't trade on reboot, and I don't have any friends on reboot and I don't really like the people that play reboot in KMS. They're kind of all fucking smarmy elitist assholes who think their achievements are worth more.

Whether they are or not isn't the issue, because the answer is neither, the achievements worth the most are nobody's because maplestory has no achievements besides crippling depression and the resistance of the urge to kill yourself. I also can't really make many videos because my laptop sucks and can't really handle it. Seems silly but it's getting worse and worse, gotta try and find some way to build a new PC. It'd be nice to not have freezeframe every time I use a skill, and to be able to see pixel shader pets/skills. Especially since a lot of new evan's fusion skills are pixel shader. And that would fix my issue with the backgrounds in urus and shit too.

I guess I can go play reboot and answer questions in a Q&A picture type format if that's what you guys want.
Of course they aren't. What would ever have led you to believe they were?
Because you're leveling so slow and commenting about your meso gain.
I level slow because i'm a lazy fuck and merchant.

There's no auction house or trading at ALL on reboot, I figured that was self-explanitory but in case it isn't, there is no trading or auction house on reboot. In any capacity. No drop trading, none of that.

Reboot's even FASTER to level up on, honestly. I hit 60 in a night on my DA, 120 the next day. You'll probably hit 150 in an hour on GMS with all your 2x.
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alright managed to snag an ss
so this is pretty much SEA only?
it's not a complete set, looks like you need more for the banner,lights and props.
Which class is the most fun? Is AB fun?
>PIC reset doesn't work
>Nexon support doesn't give a shit
AB is decently fun. Cute as hell, incredibly flashy, super mobile. Their pretty middle of the road in terms of bossing and mobbing.
Depends on what you like as a player, as not everyone likes the same classes.
Try playing them instead of asking questions that are 100% subjective. "fun" means jack shit, every class but one or two are just 1 key mashing or holding down, smashing your hypers when they're up.
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yeah bustas are super cute ~^_^~
Busta is for ___
When is Reboot coming out?
Read the thread nigger.
I did. There's no release date.
I'm not spoonfeeding you. It's been posted in the thread a few times.
learn to fucking google kid
you're being a faggot
patch is on the second for GMS. or third, around there.
Cool. I already got my reply from Google and 2 posters anyways. Nerd.
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guys when's reboot
when does reboot come to gms?
when does reboot come to egg?
it's a better model than their shit "grind forever" retardation, so never.
Reboot is literally "grind forever" though.
If you're going into it expecting anything other than grinding I don't know what to tell you
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well that was a load of shit.gif
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>"grind forever"

So MapleStory? Well that's a relief, now I can get back on with my life.
Can we transfer cash shop items to reboot characters?
Probably not.
wka chzo
Who are you so I can be your friend?
there goes the thread.
ded guild
ded game
ded reboot
So ultimately how good are demon slayers?
Pretty good overall. They attack kinda slowish but the double line hyper balances it out a bit. You're making one for the link skill anyways, why not grind it a bit further and see how you like it?
Honestly it seems a lot more dead around here than usual. Everyone else holding off for reboot too?
No, Maplestory is just a dead game.
I'm playing Dragon nest and jerking it to porn right now. Literally no time for maplestory
Love it so far. Dark meta and hypered demon stab are awesome. Would it be good at cap? I don't know how te lines compare to other characters.
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Yeah, I'm pretty much just logging in for feathers and junk food coins until reboot hits.
the pepe shop?
fuck you man
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Yeah I'm holdin off for reboot.
I'm still deciding on if I want to main Hero, Jett, or DB.
Jett is garbage. Hero is mediocre. DB requires a ridiculous amount of funding to not be garbage.
At cap they would be alright, assuming you're hitting cap on your Dark Metamorphosis reflect skill.

If only buff duration affected Blue Blood..
What reboot? Haven't been on in a while.
How is reboot?
im playing it right now its great we are all having fun posting memes lol so funny
When does it come out though
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If you have 50k NX, what would be the best way to earn mesos? Surprise boxes and sell the perm NX shit from that?
Just sell the NX.
Maybe, but straight selling it might be better right now, it least in GRAZED. That's like 7b in meso right there at the current rate of 1:150.
Sell me the NX please.
I've always wondered how this goes down. How exactly do you straight up sell NX to someone?
Sell the code or gift them the item
If I spent over 70 american dollars, why can't I be entitled to maybe get tylent gloves.
>besides zelkova who's slurping so much fucking dick to try and get a CM position for maple 2.

Tbh you're going to at least need one person to look over the 20 people that will play MS2
If the person has 3+ vouchers, then you can give code first. Most people will ask you to go first, but always ask for available vouchers.

Now, can yu sell me the NX? :)
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what a deal 2 20% boss nebs for 2b ecah
187% boss now it was worth it got like 7-8m dmg increase on ranmaru
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The benefits of playing a shitty class.
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>Chaos cubic blade
>two cubes
Congrats on the meister cube.
page 10 alert
Please hurry and stock up on your green mpe pots.
How are they going to make money from reboot? Aren't cubes the majority of their income?
They'll find a way, and just because its coming out doesn't mean the 2m2m whales will stop calling it shit and play it. Or stop spending money
I ended up with 2 meisers and 2 masters, fuck i never get cubes man

I have around 50 more on an alt, why? are they getting rid of mpe?
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hey guys whens reboot? buy me out xD
>/msg/ in shop name

how gay can you get?
Jesus Christ you're fucking hideous. Kill yourself you meme spewing fuccboi
I'm really homosexual try me
Hey guys you're all pretty fun to be around, excited to join you in Reborn.
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That's not a bowl cut.
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Sometimes I forget literal 12 year olds play this.
>Cannoneer i've never played, might wanna ask kackel dackel the tripfag because he takes great pride in playing the worst class ever.
I haven't actually touched mine in ages. Apart from logging on to do RA with my friend I don't really play. I might try reboot for a day or two but I don't think it'll be entertaining enough to play regularly. I wish they released stats on how much tougher the enemies are though.

Fun fact, I meant to post this before work and it didn't go through.
So who's down to roll Bishop and party up with me so we can get that multiple clerics in party exp boost in Reboot?
I'm planning on going bishop so we could if you want. Steam?
For you KMS gurus: How exactly does party loot work in Reboot?

Let's say me and 5 pals roll into Zakum and kill it.
Is it just a straight % chance to get X item (ie zhelm)? Or does it drop a set amount of loot that will be randomly distributed throughout the party?

In addition to this, if you are just training regularly with a buddy will you have a higher chance of drops since you are killing more mobs then you would solo?

Thanks in advance
Monsters drop loot the same way they do in regular worlds, what gave you the impression they didn't?
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Hello are we playing reboot

Go back to whatever layer of hell you crawled out of, demon.
The pop-up on the screen of finding a weapon while training made it seem like drops go directly into your inventory since there is no trading. At least that's the vibe I got from the video
When's reboot actually coming out? And is it 1x besides there's "buffed" mobs

I'm sure it'll be fun for a little bit.
The second of December, apparently.
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let's fuckin DO IT BUDDY
They have that in the current GMS server too don't they? It's basically that (obtained rare/epic/unique/legendary) thing at the bottom but shows what item it is you looted.
Get ready to restart on the upcoming Reboot patch! Come join us on Literals, the new /msg/ guild with Muchbowlcut as your guild leader!

I hope to see you all and to play with you all, like one big, pompous family! We should discuss the names of rankings and what contribution it will take to improve. I vote on
Leader: Doge
Jr: Senpai
2nd: JFMSU
3rd: newboi

Thanks guys!
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Go back to reddit.
>thin lizzy
Haven't played in awhile, could be.

So then if a mob is able of dropping something not for your class, it just won't drop it? Will the drop rates still be the same for the stuff that is for you?
Good song m8.
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maples (63).jpg
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that's u

fools wu@
The leader of the fucking /vg/ guilds name is a fucking doge meme. What the fuck guys?
>implying anyone is joining his shit meme guild
Nice joke. Like we'd join a guild with you as a leader hindu fuck. We'd taje yuffie over you
Don't worry everyone is going to join my guild, going to just name it msg if possible and I'll only accept non shitters

Hey I'm new to these threads, returning for reborn, but you're unbearable already, please leave.
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whats the deal with this?
its not like they are active or anything, bugs take weeks to get fixed and broken events take even longer (if they get one, thats it)
also why is amazing food bolded and capitalized? is artasi fat?
It was a joke you dolt

An msg guild WITHOUT shitters? It'd be empty
delete xenon
Which class does the most dps in reboob?
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Today was a good day.
When the fuck are Nexon going to make shit like revolution gear, tempest, pinnacle at least account tradeable? Hell, even timeless gear should be tradeable within the account.
Are assassin/night lords still ridiculous as fuck?
so is there actually going to be a vg guild for rebutt
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Yeah. Name will be [2]Weeks.
I can make one for us, or whoever wants to spend meso on making one.
You'll be able to afford 5m meso in less than an hour of play, because you get 20m to start as soon as you hit 30.
Oh, I thought guilds were 50m or something. Well I can make one for us. We should agree on a name before creating a guild. Any ideas? I seen [2]Weeks posted a few times already.
I like this desu
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Will Reboot have all IGNs available?
Are you retarded?
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I want to believe
Those times are over anon, it's time to let go.
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dreems nevr die
who meat?
what is the 2weeks meme
i havent played for like 3 years
That's how long the guild will last.
will reboot have a separate client or anything or will i just have to download the main game
It's fucking GMS, not a private server, how dumb are you?
Because literally every other fucking mmo thats had a "rebooted" server is a different thing to download completely you fucking sperglord
Anyone got some fresh new dank memes?
Will reboot have 0 sec cooldown WoE
This is a dealbreaker
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reboot is fucking DEAD.png
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main game, it's right in the world list.
sure let me cook one up
What should I go for reboot, night walker or hayato?
Does KMS really have a ton of players?
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alright, what do you think
whats your ign so I can report youo
okay so like as a returning player from the old days of MS what fucking class do I choose. There is so much new shit and I don't know where to start. Are the classic generic adventurers still viable?
Do some research:

People still play as Adventurers, some are good, and some are shit. A good class to make is a Demon Avenger. Big hits with low funding.
Why do so many returning new players not know how to Google? Go make your link skills, just pick whatever class of those you like the most.
respect your elders newboi
I've been playing since 2006, and I've been in this thread for like three years now, I don't gotta respect nobody.
>not quoting
respect your elders newboi
>I've been in this thread for like three years now
So can you fucking reply properly holy shit
You don't deserve my (You)'s.
Who're you talking to?
If you can't figure that out without a backlink, then I surely do wonder how you passed third grade English.
Probably just to himself.
go back to reddit
Are you replying to >>123441007 ?
neo-oldbois thinking they're hot shit

fools wu@
>Le reddit boogieman
>I was just pretending to be retarded!
God damn, if that's the best you've got, no wonder this thread is dead.
when's reboot
Who are you replying to?
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