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/ssg/ - Soccer Spirits General #97

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/ssg/ - Soccer Spirits General #97

Dark Edition

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.com2us.soccerspirits.normal2.freefull.google.global.android.common&hl=en

iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/soccer-spirits/id808137814?mt=8

FAQ: http://pastebin.com/wNX2ME3E

Friend list: http://ofo.jp/j/OgjO

Old: >>122684082
>not R.I.P. best butt edition
>not even Vitos daughter edition
OP has failed me.
I wanted to make a Sasuke thread, but I thought it would turn out very gay
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Should I replace Butt with Sharr? My frontline is currently Butt/Silla/Yuri. I have a Luka sitting on my bench and I can move Milky up to the frontline if it isn't fast enough.
Who is butt?
>vintage buttrice skin
>300 crystals and 30 dstones

Better pay up if you want your butt back, goyim :^)
>Every past William week
>"Are you guys scouting him?"
>"Nice mememe anon"
>Now people will actually scout him and hype when William week come
I can feel the bandwagon fags in this thread
>People getting hyped about scouting weeks
Is this 2014?
>returning player
>please to see you can move the support player anywhere now
>accidentally press on the screen
>notice you can now move ANYONE in the formation
>no need to go back to team formation screen anymore
This is a huge quality of life upgrade, whoa.
But don't forget the formation bonus obviously changes when moving them
Well sure, sure. But it's nice to switch from attacking the left side to the right depending where the weak spots in the enemy team are.
Can somebody tell me how long jalmsays has been out?

is Kirin good yet?
They buffed Shittrice but not him, so he is in the same state.
Kirin is apparently even worse than Vitos and stuff nowadays. It makes me sad as a Kirin user myself. Is it worth changing to a Vitos with no superbs form a 4-superb +92 Kirin?
If the answer is yes, I'll propably do it. But that's also so sad at the same time.
Kirin is pretty bad these days. Vitos is comfortably one of the best non legendary strikers
This game meta is boring.
Hey look you can have many strikers style.

Who cares when it's OHKO Striker > Utility Striker all the time
>Who cares when it's OHKO Striker > Utility Striker all the time
Unique utility striker that escapes this is Ravian
So sad but true. Everyone is shit except the best OHKOers or Ravian. Goddamn. Ravian is so good. I feel like I could reroll if I'd get Ravian or William or something at this point.
That's even worse than the rest of OHKO strikers.
You can stop them with a good backline, but with that bitch your whole team gets crippled and retarded.
Nerfs fucking when.
No Bell x Vitos doujin yet and here is the product. Deym.
You think Beth would be better? or Sila?
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How dare you anon.

Is this a decent Backline?
Should I use Nerua,Magnus or Raklett instead of Mikael?
Beth and Vitos had a daughter together, it's canon.
That explains Beth's affection chain with him.
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I feel as if I just lost an important part of why I'm playing this game.
Is this guy good now?
Does this mean BB finally acknowledges WW existence?
He was already decent before his EE imo. The crit is nice, but his biggest issue of being unable to take a hit is still there.

On the upside, he gets up to 100% crit now with nera's ww totem and friendship chain, so I can swap out my crit stone for more damage.
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Hey guys, looking for some advice.
This picture has every single 5* I have that is even remotely useable + Bora because fuck getting Bora after I have three 5* strikers allready (not pictured: Jheet and Gerrad)

It's like a year old account, I'm rank 70 and I've only IAPed very little and it was a year ago so I don't really care about that anymore. No Unique spirit stones or anything either.

My question is, should I honestly just reroll?
I have two devices so keeping one account while I reroll is easy too. That aside, most of my team is kinda shitty at the moment. Maybe you guys see something in these that would take me decently far enough?

PvP just seems frustrating and annoying with everyone having better cards and me being stuck with shitty, secondary stuff like Kirin.

tldr; Reroll or not? Rank 70, F2P player.
People scouted him if they saw him anyway.
Oh and as far as Managers go, I do have Lucy but that's about it. Nothing too fancy there either. And abot 300 lodging spaces.
>beth and shu
Don't reroll, anon. Become the king of Colo. Evolve your players, go clear challenge mode for your welfare unique, and super train your important players. and switch to vitos
You have Shu and Valk. TWO legendaries.

Also that's the beginnings of a very very nasty PvE team.
>Shu & Valkyrie
Don't reroll, you can build a good team.
The problem might be Kirin though because he will be off color on Ardor/Light team
Why is he posing like he is shaking his hips?
Because he is ready to fug you're waifu
Jokes on him, I don't have a waifu.
Then he's ready for you
Right, right. So what do I do with Kei on PvP?
Having Kevin/Shu in the back takes too many slots and he seems too damn squishy anyway.

Do I need to wait until I evolve Kiki and then stick her in the back with something like Eden to actually survive for a while?
What do?
I would scout Eden, my 4 superb 5* Eden did help me get to Diamond.
scout mave scout clover
Anyone have her chains yet?
Who best manager and why is it Perial?
> tfw be glabanon
> Believed in my shitty team hard enough
Don't worry, Glabaris is not worst stone.
I've seen many whales with multiple Glabs and their teams are terrifying
Still I can't say it's the same for high levels since I'm plat
Clover is a pretty good manager isn't she?
Lucy & Clover the best combo, right?
>Silla Ace
>Sharr and Ravian strikers
Some niggers just accept the cancer with all their might.
What a bad girl, actually liking the people her father hates. At least she dislikes Silla like every good demon should.
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Serin199 wants you all to know he's very sorry for missing out on the butt and he's maybe considering doing a new art. Again.
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I-I can scout this cutie now that she has an EE, right?
S-She's finally good... r-right?
>Not scouting a cutie even though she doesn't have EE
Just let your dick decide what to scout , don't let e-sport cloud you
Isn't Jabberwocky supposed to be the strongest? Maybe she's Alice's kid.
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Thanks for trying to make me feel better, anon

Get to diamond, friend.
It's because I wanted to replace my Lynia for her since I'm mostly WW, but she was not that good of an option against her gigantic tits and dick lusting face, but now with her EE she seems a good replace for midline stealer and so cute.
What do.
>tfw lynia has no tits until you ee her
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>my 9.2k was about 1550 and couldn't advance more
>ST'd and three superbed my Meiran and could get into diamond
>I'm too afraid to lose this position to play again on auto so I'll keep on manual until reset
I gave her my love, and she answered
EE for Meiran when!
are you blind?
Serin199 twitter as usual anon
It's pretty much the only place where he has any sort of online presence besides an artdumping Pixiv
You're blind, anon. Lynia has always been hauling boulders.
I don't surf those places.
Post a screenshot with that information.
Jabb (and Serestia) are supposed to be sealed and if Jabb lost to a loli he can't possibly be the strongest.
don't spoonfeed this autist.
Time to dissassemble this Leah and feed her to my Milky. Leah is trash. TRASH.
Praise Seirin199. And thanks for posting this, anon. Now we just have to wait for lewd edit anon.
go outside
It would be in korean anyway.
Actually it was for >>122767578 anon
Also >>122767503 She has tits on her base. In her evolved they're covered by thunder shit and weird effects
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>that feeling of relief when I draw a Black Mash to replace my Robin

Seriously, fuck Robin.

Why is Serin199 so fucking BASED? He feels our loss and wants to make us whole again, even though he has no obligation to do so.

If that image is what he's basing it on, I think it would make a damn good combination of T&A.

The only issue I might have is that people might say it looks too close to EE Neraizel.
Well, he was confirmed to be stronger than Vitos in Alice's match.

There's also whoever was Vitos' master, the previous demon king.
>The only issue I might have is that people might say it looks too close to EE Neraizel.
They just gotta do a couple image like LLSIF where two character arts make a whole
Whatever happened to the sekret club anyway?
So is there anyway to get + from your cards to your other cards?
Like that 4-superbed +92 Kirin I have.
I know I can split the superbs for special training but anyway to get the stats out of him back?
No he wasn't

No one was confirmed to be stronger than Vitos.

All we know is someone else was the King of Hell before Vitos. But that also doesn't mean he was stronger than Vitos.
Patricia is Vito's daughter with Beth

He'd have to get an OK from Neraizel's artist.

How sick that would be, since Beatrice will always be Top Left and Neraizel (if used as a passer) would always be Top Mid. It would be perfect.
Some korean tried to take credit of his works.
He still post edit here and there.
Destroyed by the Korean secret police anon
there's no other reason it would be gone for this long
That doesn't explain why it's gone for multiple months or so, it's probably a new link now
They were rival but they didn't say who was actually the strongest.
Leventor overwhelming buffs when?
Hopefully never
They should replace it for a real striker skill though
Why the fuck would a striker want that shit?
So Beth is the mother right?
so that backliners can destroy themselves trying to steal from him of course
That would be the most likely case, ASSUMING that Vitos is Patricia's father, considering Beths chains.

Duke literally keked, poor man
It's the same with honorable vox on bea or solar eclipse on lucid.
I wonder how Vitos impregnated Beth if he has no dick
He's another edgy motherfucker who deserves nothing.

What are you ralking about? He can grow tentacles out of his body at will.
How do you think he rapes BD?
>implying solar eclipse is bad

Cloaca, calling it now.

Possible/Probable Hemipenis involved.
Kiki likes Duke so Duke got the better girl
It's not bad, just like honorable vow or overwhelming, but they need a rework. In the case of the last two, a complete rework.
>that feel when sold a 6* stone instead of powering it up
Too bad he doesn't notice her.

Any characters got affection chains for each other?
>better than beth
Also, that edgy bastard doesn't even acknowledges the existence of the sluttiest cat, so no.
I fail to understand the problem, it's working as intended. If BB actually gave her some fucking AI to take advantage of it, it would be great, but as is, she's pretty much PvE only.

Removing it would remove what makes her unique. At that point, might as well use Ravian.
If you look at affection chains, almost all of them are unrequited except for siblings I think.
>implying Lord Vitos can't summon his towering demonic dick with dark magic whenever he wants to mindbreak/impregnate someone with his royal seed
Everyone but snowballs are better than beth
I never said it should be removed, just modify it.
Maybe the same effect with a shot.
I'm calling for Lucid buffs to make her great for PVE and PVP.
Not until they give Shu a II passive that is unique only to Shu and not shared with two other players.
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>whenever he wants to mindbreak/impregnate someone with his royal seed
You forgot the pic
Doujins when!
Who cares about Shoe. He's not a handome man like Godventor.
Is it Okay to run EBM on Luka?
I go William-Luka-Renee front
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He's cute
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>Is it okay to increase my damage by stupid levels.
*Only Snowballs are better than Beth

No snowballs are the worst
Shu is cutest boy in the game. Godventor is most handsome man.
Is there a list anywhere with the best 4* cards to special train or anything? Eden is one of the top-tier ones at least, right?
So I'm still in story mode and it's been getting hinted at a lot that Noa isn't human? What's up with that? Is it revealed at the end?
thats about it

mira and morgana can also be useful
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She is blue-eyes ultimate dragon incarnate. She will rule the galaxy as best gril and best waifu
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Why are white hair girls so best?
So anyone get fucked by neo-William yet?
Yes every william i have met has ohko'd me for 4K
my first match in the champs after patch
When will her match return? I need some of that delicious torn stockings and ahegao double Vs

Neo William casually normal shot crit my Jin for 2.4K.

More than half my health gone without needing to use his Active.
I just wanna collect all the serin drawn waifus
There's one that I know of, Vann and the blushing thunder girl
Not really affection, but there are some mutual chains, like Meiran-VB-BT love triangle.
they're actually really qt together
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>Keep getting 3 star eles
>Need literally one more 5 star to evolve player

Desire Sensor too fucking OP, pls nerf,
Raklet stands no chance against Marilyn.
>Ore wa harudo boirdu doushin
>Ikiteru wa atatakai
>Ore wa harudo boirdu doushin
>AU71 Carouououououn
My arena sometimes gives me a fresh set of new opponents even when I haven't finished the old ones. I'm still maintaining my streaks so I have no idea what happened. Anyone knows what this is all about?
Are we about to enter a reign of terror worse than pre-pen nerf Leventor?
>Shu vs 250 hp lucian 1v1
>loses the ball and it's brought to the enemy hiro
>low hp nerua goes full retard and tries to steal, ending up in a 1v1 between my isillia and hiro

Just lost the final and I can't even believe it. I thought attackers were supposed to shoot against a low hp GK especially if they were alone?
So which characters deserve the status of Legendary? I think Hilde after a buff
inb4 sharr
What's up with that little fucker ruining her evo

Liz EE when?
just start hypermaxing ronald, patricia's skills pretty much confirm his EE
He left my Zibroi/Magnus line more than half dead. Hard to believe he was doing Bora-tier damage to him before.

please buff zib
William will be shit when we enter the reign of Ronaldo EE.

100% DR against ardor
They usually go for active on 1-1
>Ronald EE
Yeah, because Kei with similar skillset is a great GK. If dark is getting good GK with EE, that'll be a new season 2 GK.
Thunder's probably going to get a GK with EE that's S2 only as well.
Thunder already have their GKs. Fuck off they're not getting another one.

Lucian and ronaldo EE are next
What GKs? Nothing can possibly make Raklet or Robin decent GKs, and Nute has boss stats and no EE.

I do agree that dark and ardor need their GKs more, though.
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>Raklet,nute not good GKs
Thunderfags everyone
So apparently no GK in the game can survive a Luka/Silla/William at full investment, even with Silla Ace and Magnus, William hit for 3k mininum, against non WW GK, with 300%+ crit rate, so he WILL crit even with 200 CR.
>against william/elaine/luka front
>feel like testing his damage so don't make any changes
>raklet/hilde/nerua/nute back with leventor ace
>his choi penetrates and passes to luka
>active pass to william with teranox
>active shoot
>2.8k crit through active block
guess it's time for benchwarmer magnus to make an appearance
on the plus side 2 superb william vs jin gives me about the same score as hypermaxed leventor vs isillia/kei, so that's nice
Nothing can survive against William anymore. He has ascended to the God of SS
What the fuck were they thinking making William this OP.
>mfw everyone that ditched William is probably mad right now
Want those Whale shekels.
Making him legendary.
Also, to fuck all over the ones who got William and replaced him for Sharr.
We only need Sharr nerfs to make their lives even more miserable.

They have no right to be mad if they chose to be an esportsfag and invest into a different unit.
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So I can start to run this.
However the backline seems really weak. Should I switch Mikael for Chitose,Raklett, Anael or Nerua just for totem or steal?

Is it better to Bench Magnus for Chitose because elemental reduction doesn't stack?
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It would be golden, specially because we got some autist-tier Sharrfags here
just think about those idiots who invested on both william and sharr
>last week people complained William was too bad to be legendary
>now people complain William is too good
Please, cry more, faggots.
But that's making it harder for people who've been using Sharr since before her buffs
But if she's still good a top 5 striker then that's fine and people can't recall her cause its not a huge nerf, that would be amazing
>last week people complained William was too bad to be legendary
Please, make more stuff up,faggot
I am not even a Williamfag and I am loving every post filled with tears. tfw being a Kirinfag
Just wait till Kirin gets his ancient version of Brainwave where it also reduced Reflex by 100%
>bad before the buff
I dont think anyone said that, he was the 3rd best striker then and he's the top striker now
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you're right, it wasn't just last week
>Please, make more stuff up,faggot
You are right and he is wrong, people on /ssg/ kept saying he was the worst legendary for months not just last week.

>All those people who rerolled when they got William at lv30, all the time they kept rerolling
Magnus is being recalled for changing his elemental resistance.
She'll be nerfed and recalled, and that'll be glorious.
>get balth as welfare
>a-at least its not william haha....

fuck me
>Sharr recall
Those faggots who change over to the next best striker don't deserve to get a recall
>forgetting all those posts about "make sharr legendary and make william 5*" from the past threads
You're right, and like those anons said, it wasn't just las week, thanks for pointing that out.
>btw i used william before the buffs :^)
Also, he wasn't bad, he was no legendary tier.
That's why people used Sharr over him.
This desu, retard Sharrfags doesn't deserve this. Maybe only the old true Sharrfags
I want to recall my Sharr to superb my Shanti and make her my striker along Bea :^)
With some much crit and crit dmg, William must be the king of low rank and probably do good in high rnak now.
No I use Sharr, never had William, he was good before his buffs
Sasuke does the same thing as LevenTHOR now. I don't see why anyone should complain. Faggots are just not ready for him.
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>tfw no waifu legendaries anon is saved
Can I be a sharrfag without using sharr? She's just so QT.
>Balth crit dmg pass to William
He must be diamond boner right now
>does the same thing
he does a liiiiitle bit better
just a tad

I fuckin love it man. I've been using him for months now and he's always been pretty good but everyone was always "le william tier" and now I get to laugh at those who regret benching him or even rerolled when they got him as their legendary.

I wouldn't even mind if the buffs got reverted with no recall option so the esportsfags who hopped on the bandwagon and superbed him end up getting shafted 5 littres. I'll still keep using him because he's the harem protagonist on my waifu team and no amount of buffs/nerfs will change that.
I'm not even joking with this.
Where is my Buttrice skin or recall?
"With All Might II" makes William better than Leventor with Overwhelming II imo, even though he get a good power/crit buff and pen.
I want to recall that slut sharr and invest in the lord Vitos
you won't get the same one
Can't wait for the next rotation. This one has one too many strikers and I swear if I get another striker I will flip the fuck out.
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>so many people complaining about William
>everytime I asked what should I do with my William in /ssg/, people would say ''>william''
>''he was already good before buffs, anon-kun!

Get fucked, kids, he's the best striker in the game now and ardor deserves it, since all other elements are fine on their own and ardor is forced to go rainbow. How about we nerf rainbow builds instead and make ardor more viable?
>since all other elements are fine on their own
>tfw people just completely forget Dark exists at all
>Played Soccer Spirits since July
>Used Vitos as my striker almost the entire time
>Welfare legend was Duke
>A few weeks ago, William turns up in my Scout completely by chance
>I've already invested in Vitos but scout William anyway because I'm something of a collector
>This patch happens

Damn, I'm glad. Question is, do I betray my bro Vitos in favour of William? Switching to William after such a massive buff makes me feel cheap.
>PvP 4-man front with William then
>Laugh as he active shoots my kei for 600 damage
>William with Silla-Baltheon setup now
>Chunks 2/3 of Kei's hp even through active block

Dear god looks like it's time to redo my back line.
Ardor/thunder/dark only need a good GK, they all have good units.

Baltheon is shit, your kei would have died if he had a Luka passer instead.
So Neo-William users, what's your flavor atm?

1) William-Luka-Silla
2) William-Elaine-Silla
3) William-Baltheon-Silla
4) Willaim-Nari-MW
5) William-Luka-Baltheon
6) William-Renee-Elaine
7) post your FL

All those Frontline are viable r-right?
maybe Sharr

Welcome to the Ardor Back line
If you can actually invest to a way he becomes stronger than your Vitos, why not? It's more striker for variety of use in PvE bosses for you.

Balth+Guin sounds good too.
>Guin buffing further his crit dmg and pen + balth pass
Ardor only has 2 OP strikers one of which is a legendary.
Dark only has one good striker and Metatron who is also a legendary. Also Avnore and Jewnose.
His crit went up to other OHKO tier, not Vonchi tier.
>Dark only has one good striker
Raivan AND Vitos anon
How to fix William:

>people who invested 2 or more superbs on William before the patch get to have neo-William
>all new William users get old William
Whats in the box man?
s2 character
a qtpa2t like you
Ravian x Vitos femdom sounds good.
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>Betraying lord Vitos
What a fag
The chair.

wud the fug, that is some ugly shit

look at those fucking eyes
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EE confirmed

Ardorball supreme
>yfw Jin is buffed to having no elemental weakness

BB are forcing you to whale for all Legendaries to make it far in league ranks. Just wait and see.
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mbgg has 3 open slots, if anyone needs a club feel free to join!
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best waifu
mbgg is ded. DED

Shit club desu family. Would rather join memeboat.
Joining a non ssg club.

Would rather join shitboat
>I'll still keep using him because he's the harem protagonist on my waifu team and no amount of buffs/nerfs will change that
This is the true soccer spirit. No esports just harems
>William (Terranox) - Baltheon (Silent Cold) - Luka (IC)
Holy shit, is this his best setup?
Except when Big Ball decides more censorship.

Just like how they ruined Butt.
Guys how do we stop william

This is ri-goddamn-diculous.

No? Even guin is a better totem than baltheon for william
Ass was too fat, Bitch was gonna get a ticket
>btw i use Sharr
Who cares, kill yourself. Still hope they nerf Sharr
But anon, Balth active + William seems now really strong.
Was that the reason or are you just making shit up?

I wouldn't want them to put pants on Vitos.
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should I get her?
Where did you get sharr out of my post? What does william nuking my kei have anything to do with my striker? Btw I use hiro

Then why would you run IC Luka? William will ohko so you'll never get a use out of baltheon's active and if you're just using him as a blue stone holder then guin does the job much better because of her pen+crit damage totem.
>Was that the reason
That was exactly the reason. Serin himself said it on his twitter. We censorship spirits now boys.
no, victoria is honestly not very good unless she is superbed.

she's only there for the reflex totem and I honestly think there are better alternatives
No, she's fugly
>better alternatives
Who senpai
>the first time getting ohko'd by neo william

glorious, can't even feel mad about this
Code geass...?
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Time to sacrifice some sluts, virgins & faggots.
All Hail to Sammy. Who need Erica when you have Isillia as GK.
tfw I lack 40 crystals to buy her skin ;_;
Her skin is not worth it
if you're a faggot
It's not like William is that much of a menace, I mean, he's not an easy character to acquire since he's a legend and most people didn't even invest on him. Sharr is still much more cancerous since you can see her in every shithole from bronze to galaxy...
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yay! burger spirits!
EE Sammy > Skin Sammy
Hey, not him, and I even like the new sammy skin. But I agree. Its still not worth it.
>Sharr is still much more cancerous since you can see her in every shithole from bronze to galaxy...
No one has said otherwise
Love this update. Every time the ball touches my William, I win. It's so great! Serves you faggots right for underestimating him and not investing/rerolling.
William deserves it. Now they need to buff Shu.
>angels and devils getting together
This. She still needs a nerf asap.
Skin sammy > E sammy >base Sammy > Aids >EE sammy
Nerua is still better as a defender than Raklett?
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I think it's great looking, but it's not particularly different or better than the 3 different existing arts available already to warrant 300 crystals and 30 Dstones

It just looks like the EE art with different swimsuit and better breasts
Maybe after Ravian gets a nerf.
>btw I use Sharr
Better breasts? yes, much better
But is still crappy compared to her EE art. No water dragon is also a big let down.
I absolutely hate how the breasts are in the EE art so it balances out

Ratise has a severe case of zero-gravity balloontits
What stone types do I use for Nera?
At least Ravianfags can't cheese their way through colo
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Sometimes they can't resist dark demonic dick
>I mean, he's not an easy character to acquire since he's a legend and most people didn't even invest on him
It won't take that long for S1 legends to take over
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Just got back into this game, team is pic related.

Only level 40-something right now, and was wondering who would be good for a rainbow team.

So far I plan on picking up Luka, Silla (Ace), Guinvere, Kiki, Yuri and Isillia.

Any recommendations on who to fill in the gaps?
>Decide to give Mikael a try again
>His totems are pretty nice and helping out Anael
>He's actually busting out of backline pretty efficiently
>Win a few games
>Oh, wow, he's actually pretty good in a competent backline
>Makes it to the front
>Oh, no
>I proceed to lose the game

Back to the bench he goes!
Can't believe there are people defending William being beyond broken as shit just because he's supposed to be a legendary. This game is beyond saving.
Hey How about Luka with EBM?
William-Luka EBM- Baltheon SC
This is a really good front now.

Is there someone her who tried this?
That's how dumb some people are. They've been saying that's why leventor was okay being dumb too, because they are legendary and they should be broken.
One of this games most major flaws.
>meta/beth/bell fags detected
Good and evil are just a matter of perspective anon.
I accept it because William has been shat on for so long. Let them have their victory for a bit. Plus until they fix Meta and Beth, they shouldn't bother with William considering how he was worse than every other 5* striker.
Nope, those also have no reason being beyond broken either. Legendaries should have no reason to be above regular players unless BB is starting to create a new class of players that are just simply better than 5* period. This also brings back into the discussion of why legendaries should be limited per formation.

Want to know what I think the best front will be?

TB William / IC Luka / SC Guin / EBM Kevin

90% minimum penetration on William with active pass, +40% crit damage from Guin/SC, 20% increased damage from EBM, and Luka starts with 90% AB thanks to Quick Start meaning 0 action backlines won't be able to do jack shit because a midline pass brings her to full bar.

Need a whale to test it out and post results though.
Is Patricia going to be in the next rotation?
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Oh shit, is she good?
of course
This if legenderies HAVE to be broken since they're legenderies then there needs to be a limit placed on them.

Instead of the 1 legend per team limit I propose active punishment. You want to use more then one legend? Fine. Let your entire team feel the weight of their power crushing them underfoot. A stacking hp/atk debuff that adds 20% for each legend on the team starting from 0% for 1 legend
10% chance to get extra loot is not good. NOT GOOD.
Its hard to say Meta is broken, the main reason why she sees so much usage is there are jack shit for viable CM's in the game.

Like there is Lia, Jury, Meta, Nera, and Sammy and really thats it. 3 of the 5 of them suck ass when they don't start with the ball.
Thanks for sharing informations anon.
I'm gonna try William-Luka EBM-Baltheon front because I don't have Kevin & Guin.
Do you think that Elaine may be better than Luka in the role of EBM-holder?
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no, overrated

>it's hard to say meta is broken
>she literally affects the state of both teams just by existing

With the meta heavily favoring the team that gets to shoot the ball first, having complete control over action bar manipulation is the reason meta is broken as fuck and there's no way to counter or play around it due to how AI works.
I think it's going to kill the whaling money if they make ANY restrictions on legendaries.

I think they need to take the Sword Girls route and make separated leagues based on team cost (while drastically increasing costs on Legendaries) and each league gives its own reward for ranking high
Why should we bitch about it when a 5* everyone can easily get does almost the same work?
One of the best managers.
How would you make a CM that's good on both offense and defense without making her Meta? I literally cannot imagine any other player being a better CM unless they're flatout better than Meta with action bar recovery. I've said this before and I'll say it again but action bar bullshit is literally killing this game.

Here's your reply.

Fucking retard who doesn't even know how to read.
I'm bored. Please keep this ded thread alive
best manager, get her
Nigger, I got him before they announced that shit.
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Bestu buttu
So I have nari Luka sillia, which two should I use for wiilam?

So you're telling me you got Magnus specifically for his totem against dark damage?

Seriously, what butt do you anaelfags refer to every time? I don't see a butt at all. except the one on her chest
Wooow William is gross disgusting

I use Sharr btw
Best Anael
Why would anyone even play this game if it wasn't for the dark bullying?
Dark needs no bullying.
Their existence is bad enough for themselves.
The sole reason why Meta is so damn good is she is the only CM in the game who still has an effect on the game after the 2-3 minute mark.

The midline is completely irrelevant after the initial start, people's super buffed backline players are going to penetrate over them instantly over and over again and give the ball to their frontline. The only times where I ever see the ball in the midline after the start of the game is when a random reflex steal happens which almost never happens or when the goalie moves forward because the enemy Ravian suicides on him.

Honestly I would rather deal with Meta every damn game than a single Beth or the fucking Kevin+Action Bar cancer backline unit of choice.
We are talking about a fantasy setting, retard. One of the most famous creatures from hell is a fallen angel, and in his mind, he was being good. holy powers consort with evil since the beginning of the times.
>tfw Rudiel took my shit team to diamond
Her EE is pretty good.
It's bad to lie to people on the internets anon
How do you bully somethng that doesn't even exist? I haven't seen a single mono dark team in ages.
We need bust revolution on other Anael forms.
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So anyone using this kind of Frontline?
Who's better with EBM, Elaine or Luka?
>Meta is so damn good is she is the only CM in the game who still has an effect on the game after the 2-3 minute mark.
There's also Lia.
If Nerua didn't exist you'd probably just see Lia CMs whenever you don't see a Metatron
>tfw scouted rudiel last week for the beato chain and on the off chance she got buffed.
So I've got 2 uncontrollabe ice cores and earths cry now

I've just got to put them on miho with kevin and I can enter cancer city? What do you think is the ETA to her being nerfed?
What does nerua have to do with lia?
I wouldn't lie to you anon.
Wait, what did they change about Magnus. All I can find is
>Recallable due to changes.
Yeah, that came out a bit wrong
Nerua Thunder passive + Ace makes Jury CM pretty attractive so she's a slightly more popular CM than Lia right now, and sometimes Bell CM for thunder lineups that rely on going first by extreme action speed
Post team and rank and I'll believe you.
Does Luka's and Veronica's passive stack to give 50% crit in the line? They stack because it's a differently named passive, right?
of course
dark/ardor elemental def changed to ardor/thunder
So does Veronica and Iggy my friend.
Best green stone non legendary for Beatrice?
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Rank 94
I just saw an SSS dark team in mid diamond.
I beat it with my 10.5k TA team running chitose against lucid.
Wow guys can they nerf William he's dealing more dmg than my Sharr

Not fair
This team gives me hope that i too can get good and make it to diamond with mono ww. [spoilers]especially since i have BT and Jin[/spoilers]
How the fuck does your backline ever break out?
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Why did they change beat's EE art? Was to butt to provocative?

He's got a forward passer right there.
Or, and heres a though, nerf william because he's more disgusting than sharr ever was.

Why the fuck would people be happy with william when they are angry at sharr and he completely blows her out of the water? Where's the "Oh, so you want every gk to be irrelevant" anti-sharr crowd when you need them huh? Because thats exactly what william is doing. Making every god damn gk irrelevant. It wasn't okay when sharr did it and its not fucking okay when he does it.
My Sharr is dealing less damage than William! How the fuck could this happen! plz plz plz nerf plz plz im goign to cry
I usually win mid 2 or 3 times before they reach my back, when it does Linmay forward passes.
When it comes again I'm pretty fucked though.
I've honestly seen more complaints from the people who think legendaries shouldn't be broken than sharrfags.

Whats with this weak ass bait?
>all these buttblasted wwbabbies crying about neo william ohko'ing their precious jin/bt

your tears are delicious
qq sharr buffs when
pls respond
The good thing about this is after the william overbuff they will have to buff Jin to compensate so Jin doesn't become the new reroll at 30
You get Luka and Silla and you win. Mid you want someone who won't fucking throw the ball, so I would say Beth on one wing and Lia for CM. Replace Raklet with any other GK.
So what now? Get a William if you can or fuck off, stupid, Sharrfag. Who cares about you.
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But that's balth
Thanks guys. I don't have Iggy but I do have those two. Makes for a nice front line for a lack of Silla or something.
Where do you keep Eden in that formation?
If you're rerolling, I'd argue about half the legends are 'nope, try again' tier. The powergap between the top legends and meh ones is massive, and BB seems to think the answer is breaking them all rather than toning down the bullshit.
Of course I will! I am a Sharrfag® after all. I will bandwagon to the next top striker as always.
>tfw that blue glint doesn't give you any more pleasure
I keep her mid and sometimes back if I throw in Silk.
>So much PTSD from rolls that you expect every blue glint to be shit
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Rank 79 here. What should I do in order to increase my cancer level ? I know that I need to get nute but Raklet is pretty tanky (1k7 hp ,131% cr with stones and totems without superb) so it's fine for now.

I was wondering about my frontline, should I get luka and put her where guin is ? Or should I look for another totem to replace her ?
No one else gives 50% reflexes, I use Victoria and I'm only gonna replace her with Bell

You should replace valkia

Black or get out
>raklet is pretty tanky
Sharr and Beato say otherwise.

>meanwhile Isillias are sitting at 2.8k-3.2k hp pretty easily
step it up.
Would the following backline be overkill?

Kiki / Milky / Miho / Kevin

What issues would I expect to run into? I feel like my Jin would have enough HP and DR to be able to survive 2-3 shots (and hopefully just outright outspeed Willy / Sharr).
Hey guys I just bought William with D-stones

Best girl, waifu, etc.
If you actually did that you're playing into exactly what BB wanted with that overbuff.
replace baltheon with luka
Its honestly how powerful he should have been considering he's a fucking legendary.
So is Balth the worst legend now?
>Hey guys I just bought William with D-stones
Oh boy
So, how many patches until William gets nerfed?
Will he keep being the best striker, only slightly weaker?
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I just need to see it drawn by an artist who actually cares about how breasts look and interact with their surroundings, instead of lady artists who don't really feel for what they're drawing other than by being told by character concept people that bigger = better

>no global notification of the purchase

why lie on the internet anon?
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Well, I was just saying that I can take one or two shot without dying. Bea is kept in check by nerua and sharr is just sharr. But yeah, I wish BB bring Nute back soon.

At my level I don't see many Isillias with more than 2k2 hp so my Lev can still OKHO them when Balthy active pass to him.
Balth doesn't suicide into the enemy backline, so no.
Are you retarded. Replace guin with fucking veronica. Baltheon adds damage guin does shit for the line. He needs more crit and luka is still not as good as baltheon. Unless you want to fuck esports and go for cute. Which more power to you i guss.
>meta is the best CM
>bell is the best totem and whatever the fuck she's considered attackfender w/e

Why should the best striker be an ugly slut?

Enjoy the weakest and worst Legendary available.

She needs helps badly.
I think I've seen her on a team like twice since she was released.
Congratulations Bombypupe!!!
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It's probably make me happier if it wasn't a dup
This mentality of legendaries being the strongest because they supposed to be is fucking retarded. The whole reason SS is even good is that the F2P side is decent compared to other mobages. With that mentality there's literally no difference between this and any other garbage tier mobage.
>btw I use Sharr
>whales draw multiple legendaries
>i save up crystals for months and end up with mileage 5* draws

it's unfair
Dude, I am entirely monoWW and at Diamond.
I use:
VB on support slot so he gets to be on the right wing of midline
>I only need the two rarest players to make that team
Fuck me.
If I can get into Diamond with Uriel, you can make it with WW.
Fuck off with this shit. I use Hiro. Do you not understand that shit like Meta + Beth, William now is ruining the whole fun of this game? Here's a hint : Formations
Well, at least they need to have a better outcome if you invest on them, otherwise, why would legends even exist?
I guess you meant to quote me. I wasn't planning to replace baltheon since he does wonder to my Lev. I was asking which totem should I put where Guin actually is. I use Veronica support since I often put her mid to give my lane some extra reflexes to the line (mostly Jury so she can go pass 2k2) and crit rate for cynthia since Leventor crits all the time.
>tfw could never draw BT
not him, but Magnus can pack quite a punch. Mine is 3superb + 28 and he has like 1,9k reflexes and shits out 1,4k damage on penetration due to BT passes.
To make BB money from whales dropping $900 on them. Other phone games and real life CCGs have done this for years, and it's never good for the game in the long term
Veronica is better top. Jury is better as a cm and I guess you can move guin mid or replace her. Alternatively replace guin for iggy. Eventually veronica will have to go top or you won't crit.
I don't really need Khirel to get on diamond, but at mid diamond, if I don't use him, my beatrice might turn some 2 shots into 3 shots.

And if the other rare player you mean BT, yeah, she is important if you don't have Jin. Although, I got into diamond before getting BT, I was the anon that used Leonard as GK.
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Just joined the cancer train.

Feels bad man.
Use her evolved skin and you won't be cancer in my heart at least
But that's not William. He deals more damage than my Sharr. Should not be allowed.
I started using beatrice and she doesn't crit that often. She gets 220% on active, which still isn't enough against isillia/BT. What lines are people building with her?

Well, that's true.

But she's going to be right beside my Metatron. Pretty sure that's just as bad, if not worst.
Sharr = 5*
William = 6*
William (6*) > Sharr (5*)
William damage > Sharr damage

The math is right, shitposter-kun.
Sharr should not be allowed
your shitposting is weak as fuck, but here's your (You) anyways

Beatrice / Neraizel / Silla.

You go penetration so that even if you don't crit, you at least dent em a bit. If you do happen to crit, it'll hurt like fuck.

Hilariously, and I'm not joking, if I know that a crit will definitely kill them because they have like no HP totems or something, I'll actually go Beatrice/Neraizel/Iggy for the +40% Crit Rate. It sounds fucking retarded, but it works for me.
>I just need to see it drawn by an artist who actually cares about how breasts look and interact with their surroundings,
>btw pic related has boobs so massive they have their own gravity field
Based Snowball.
Right now im at
Elizabeth support
If Rudiel turns out to be a solid CM or Meiran gets an EE ill be pretty happy with my team.

>all these buttblasted wwbabbies crying about neo william ohko'ing their precious jin/bt

No worse than Sharr desu. As a WWbabby, I'm glad that William is now rekting shit, not just WW GK, he's rekting everyone.
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that's refund karma for ya
>tfw you encounter a sharr and william frontline
I'd throw in another hp totem like magnus in there instead of milky. You'll be infiniting with either one but thats no reason to neglect your gk.
one Beth will just ruin your whole line

But I'm also running Meta / Beth. I'd be gambling that regardless.

But I'll consider what >>122789480
Is sharr on recall yet?
Hope they take a huge dump on her, make Sharrfags cry and then recall.
Can you please stop with the false flag shitposting already?

Are you seriously this mad that ardor has the two best strikers in the game now? Are your WW tears so caught up in your throat that you cant breath unless you're venting on a chinese cartoon imageboard?
But then Ravian will be the new Sharr
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Anon it's a ruse.
Sharr Recall would actually made bandwagoners happy because they're switching to William.
>mfw have william and miho and sharr
>mfw recall sharr and throw everything into miho
>mfw become quadruple triple extra cancer

Dont call it a grave. Its the future you chose.

Bandwagoners can't just switch to a legendary on a whim.
Sharrfags: the post
Should I look for Luka?
I have a SC
Does Sho Sho work with 6 star players?
>Implying a true sharrfag would ever abandon her for some broken fuckboi.

After the william buffs and the sharr nerfs the only sharrfags left will be the ones who stayed with her from day one and the only ones who truly deserve her.
Legendaries should either have a limit to how many you can use at one time or by making fulfill a particular niche. The first one would obviously be bad for people who spend money, but maybe something like a substitution system like in real soccer could work. Like say you can only field 3 legendaries in any formation, but you can sub in dead players for a full health X player. Or increase cost of legendaries. Maybe something like a multiplier of increasing cost depending on how many legendaries you use.

There's plenty of ways to make it so that legendaries aren't the be all end all bullshit we're seeing with Meta, Beth, William etc

I understand where BB is coming from, because they want to make as much money as possible but it's a shame to see that they're going the wrong way with this.
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>But then Ravian will be the new Sharr

She never went away. She has always been the most viable utility striker.
>people putting William in the same tier of cancer as Meta-beth
Didn't believe I'd actually live to see this day.
I didnt believe we gonna live to see William get buff either
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>buying the sharr skin
More like:
>being a Sharrfag
>buying the skin on the top of it
>owning sharr
What do when you get Sharr from rare draw?
Bench her because I believe she will get nerfed soon or later.
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Use her for super training other units I might want to swap in someday
You'll only see Williams + other legends in champions or galaxy league since there are whales over there. Stop complaining about William since most of the time you'll find him in a team with no other legend since most people only have the free rank 30 one. The real cancer is Sharr, since she's still godlike, yet common every fucking where
Feed to ogre
People are falsefalgging about Sharr being bad now, she is still OP as fuck because she doesn't even need to crit to kill.
You use the fuck out of her, since she's still broken. Unless you have William.
So, how do you rate strikers right now?

William 10/10
Ravian 9.5/10
Sharr 9.2/10
Leventor 9/10
Not Buttrice 8.8/10
Hiro 8.5/10
Who gives a fuck about the others.
Then I now really wish for Sharr nerfs, so those fuckers can't even ride the Sasuke bandwagon.
>over the rest of striker
Your cancer is showing
Sharr 11/10. 12/10 after her snowball skin gets finished
William 10/10. Perfect striker in every way

Everyone else: Doesn't matter/10
>ravian above sharr
anon pls it goes like this:
God of Fire
Vonchi (before EE)
Hiro, Kirin, Uriel, and every other shit striker
guyz plz help i cant deal with this why does william deal more dmg than sharr
Bora buffs when? Ardorball when?
>Dissmissing a broken piece of shit for another broken unit.
Well, at least Sasuke is a legendary
guyz plz send tickets to bb i cant live in a world where sharr is number 2
I can't stand all this shit taste
Time to filter William and Sharr I guess.
Now we wait until the new Vonchi light overlord who will overule the God of Fire
>wanting snowball sharr
>not appreciating perflat sharr
im goign to suicide if bb doesnt do anything about this!
They'll do something, alright.

They'll buff Leventor.
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>perflat sharr

I bet you use noa 2.0 sharr too.
It'll probably be a week of ''le god of fire'' shitposting because of all the people who invested on him and want to rub it in /ssg/ for not believing in William.
>literally 4-5 days ago, someone about to hypermax a Sharr and bench William asks for guidance here
>I say ''>not investing on William predicting the fall of Sharr and the rise of the God of Fire''
>someone says ''keep dreaming, anon''

Well, who's the dreamer now?
Wrong. That skin is disgusting.
Why did they have Magnus in a draw event t right before recalling him?
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>investing in 2 ardor strikers

what an idiot
Beth/Vitos doujins when?
>making stuff up
Keep on dreaming anon
Did you actually read the post?
Milky EE when?
HellaEm are you from here? Our club is full and I have no more inactives to boot. If you can just wait until we hit the 26 user cap, I'll be glad to add you in. I'm only asking because your bio doesn't have /ssg/ in it.
Another disciple to join the glorious Cult of Denkoko

Oh what a glorious day!
After Mariel
>tfw want Vonchi
>will never have him
>your bio doesn't have /ssg/ in it
>advertising you're from 4chinz
>letting randoms into your /ssg/ club
It's like letting refugees into your country.
This, having 'lol /vg/ /ssg/' is fucking shamefurr
He is one of the actually really rare legendaries. Don't see him too often at all.
/r/ is fine though right? :^)
I normally leave "NORMIE REEEEE" so they don't know I am from here.
>tfw everyone who sends me a friend request has Vonchi

Like they're waving it in my face or something.

I thought that meme originated from this site. I see it everywhere.
>fought a silla ace, meta-beth with william-silla-nari front
I just laugh at how strong william is now and accept that every fight with him as an enemy striker would go bad for me.
>no beth/vitos/patricia family life 4koma
>no overprotective uncle Jheet
Give it time, Patricia was just released today.
stack hp totems on kei and you have a chance of living through his shot
>not beth/vitos/patricia hard 3P incest doujin
Silla/Sharr doujins when? drawfags pls
But if I am not wrong Reddit and tumblr uses it too
>drawfags pls
we found out yesterday that they don't come here because no one's showering them with love anon

love is over
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I am one of the few here that did draw him I guess. Power of single draws did help me a lot.

>2 superb vonchi with jury frontline got me to diamond
>vonchi critting most of times because of WoM
I'm gonna order myself a graphics tablet and draw some cuties for you guys when it arrives.
>single draws
Do those ever really work? Somehow I feel I'd get 3 stars and four stars only from those.
Denkoko talked to BB about buffing William, you can thank her.

What kind of tablet you going for, famiglia?
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His legs are Miho-tier
He'll rape your GK anyway :^)
Most of my good draws are single draws, I am probably a rare case. For example, this month single draws have been bad but last month I got some really good things.

Miho came out of free draw for me this month.

His legs are so thin he'd probably use his legs to Penetrate.
Prosthetic legs too strong, but doesn't change the fact that he looks like trash
Quick question

On that twitch poll a while ago did it say

Uriel and Hercules buffs
Uriel or Hercules buffs

The latter.
>that new Dark player on top on Vernister EE
Damn Dark got all these cool Dark exclusive totem but no good Dark GK to use it with
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oh, alright
Something inexpensive, but a decent starter, I guess. I asked on /g/ since I don't know much or what to look for. They suggested the Huion H610 Pro which I see on Amazon for $77. Still looking around though.
Worry not, Ronald EE is coming.
Hercules buffs happening?
>team is so different people can tell it's me without changing my bio
bora bros ww@
>in champs
>Win tournament
>Lose in third round
>lose in 2nd round
>lose in first round

A week to gain 300 points. It ain't happenin
>leveling up stones for combination
>stone evolves
Based BB keeping the monodark dream alive, all I need is Ronald EE and Vitos's daughter to make it into galaxy.
Nerua still good?
Just got her from a free draw.
Why does every dark unit have the literal worst chains? 5* players should not have a majority 3*/4 units in their chains, especially not for rivals and affection.
Yup fuck those hipsters that jump ship when she got buffs, they are the worse.
> not playing the game for ur waifu why even play?
>since all other elements are fine on their own

Dark is so bad they have like 5 S2 units and they're all fucking terrible.
I don't mind true Sharr waifufags, wannabe esportfags however disgust me.
well that poll ended and then Hercules got an EE

word is you need WoM and/or whale status to make Uriel work nowadays so I was hoping for some buffs
>implying you're not using her because she's broken

Of course, specially for monothunder.
is it just me or amount of Nerua in League has been decreasing considerably?
You need WoM and a decent team to bring the ball back to her.
I'm obviously not

>mfw I have William

Its finally time for me to truly show how dedicated I am to my waifu and to reciprocate her being faithful enough to have no affection chains.

Sharr is love
Sharr is life
Thanks m8
>Yup fuck those hipsters that jump ship when she got buffs
I'm gonna be very surprised if people jumped ship either when literally no one was talking about Sharr, or the day when she became better at beating Ronald of all the shitty GKs
Guin changes to make her the ultimate thunder striker when?
Next event when?
If they were to ever change her to Attacker or Striker it would be great.
Looks good
Yeah it looks good but...
No butt...
I dont get it. Why did you just post a random picture of elaine? What are you feeling?
Why don't they let you play PvP in Manual Mode again?
Feeling my dick
If you mean Galaxy League, it's obviously to force the player to whale as the A.I is retarded.
So league isn't really easy like arena is, I know the AI is retarded but it would be too easy if we could control it
We'd only lose if we saw a heavy whale team
>Are you dense
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Hopefully most of these are unlocked with some 2/3 stars.

I am coming, Metatron.
So they're too lazy to keep an eye on the meta so they'd rather force it to be a shitshow with an optional pay factor.


>m-muh buttrice meme

Stop acting like dumbass virgins about it holy shit
you guys sound extremely confused
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Those William haters and those who benched him for another striker just killed themselves, so they don't shitpost anymore.
I'm happy for the faithful Willy players, now finally it'll be funny to play against him with my __Jin__
It's not just you. Magnus is the new hotness because he's one of the few players that can maybe, just maybe save you from William and Sharr. When it comes down to it, Magnus and Nerua are pretty much interchangeable.
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>William is always critting and dealing shitton of damage

Sharr? Sorta, kinda, maybe
William? Absolutely not.

>miho tier

You mean Clamp tier.
30% might save you. Chances are it won't, but people like to hope. If anything, the only real counter to William is with Action Bar fuckery.
>the only way to fight him is with cancer

My uncle was right all along. Cancer must defeat Cancer.

I guess I better get to work on my miho backline while everyone else works on their williams then eh?

Its more like 15% DR against a 100% Pen William.

I did a bit of number crunching, even my Isillia with 32% DR from ghost stat, with Silla Ace, PoL for maximum HP and Magnus will get dumpstered by a 100% Pen, 3k Dribble, and 210%+ crit damage William.

Jin and BT isn't even worth considering.
what about kei if he pops his active
>210%+ crit damage William
>60% coming from outside base crit and passives
That's gonna be pretty tough to reach with a 100 pen setup that also gives crit rate

Khirel back line and Silent Cold.


Kei can hit higher DR with his active block, but his HP is too low if you run Silla Ace.


Its an all out damage focused William with Khirel in the back and 4man front with Silent Cold carrier.

>khirel - 25% crit damage
>guin with silent cold - 40% crit damage
>luka active + guin totem - 90% pen before ghost stats
>receiving pass blue for crit rate if needed

doesn't seem so hard to me bruh
I imagine you'd want to be using an HP ace against William along with some HP totems.
I think you deserve the OHKO if you went an all offense line and managed a full active-active combo with 4front and Khirel of all people

Is it gonna be any worse with a Sharr or Lev?
>tfw no qt legendary striker waifu
William will get a genderbent skin right?
>50 d-stones
God damn it.

>I think you deserve the OHKO if you went an all offense line and managed a full active-active combo with 4front and Khirel of all people

Its a Luka with IC, its not particularly hard to pull off.

The point is that the opposing backline is also assumed to have stacked as fuck HP/DR in opposition and William will come up on top. If the backline have fewer HP/DR totems, then William also need less to kill the GK. Eitherway, William is monstrously good.

Zibroi with Silla Ace, Magnus, and all HP totem line will survive with like 700 HP thanks to elemental advantage being immune to pen stat.
>everyone using magnus instead of nerua
welcome back hiro, it's been a while
>Its a Luka with IC, its not particularly hard to pull off.
If the ball gets there with adequate spirit, sure

But you have a 3mid and 3back with Khirel in one of them and you're probably gonna need to pucker your butthole whenever the enemy (Metatron) starts with the ball or you lose the fight at mid because 4thunder or whatever

That is something every striker have to worry about.

Dropping the 4man front to 3man will only cost William his 310%+ crit rate to 260-270, which is not a gauranteed crit against 200CR GK (which means sacrificing a lot of HP to get), but the odds are still stacked in Williams favor.
It has begun.
fucking koreans man
>BB buffing irrelevant legendaries into being the most broken shit possible
>just to squeeze a bit of extra money out of whales
Pretty retarded business strategy

The guy who bought him is rank 42 in league, most likey a mega-whale since he's running leventor ace at the moment.
>making easy money is bad
Do you think BB just trapped themselves?

They cant do a recall on him because "Legends are supposed to be broken" And whales would rage

And they cant leave the other legends as subpar either now because "They just dont feel like legendary players"

Do you think BB just irrevocable screwed their game and we're on a fast track to every single legend being broken and this game killing itself?
Do you just look at what's happening on the surface? Your way of thinking is exactly what BB is doing without caring about anything else except the cold hard cash.

The fact that they haven't nerfed Meta/Beth yet is a huge warning sign that they really don't give a fuck.
That's called balance.
>Waaah William is so broken waaa
He's not broken. You still need a good investment in him to make it broken-tier.
Seriously, people need to stop whining about that shit.
btw I use Beatrice and use Jin GK
Im sticking around long enough to see if they give out free shit this christmas.

Otherwise im already starting to shop around for different games to abandon ship to. Maybe ill pick up crusader quest again. Maybe the quare english translation will be out by then. Who knows.
you're finding all this out now?
>Every legend completly outclassing every other card in the game making them the objectively best choices for a team over literally everything else

Im absolutely positive you dont know what that word means. And it doesn't matter if you have to "invest alot in him" to make him broken tier. The fact that he be broken tier in the first place is the problem.
Legendaries are supposed to be good. That's their sole purpose, otherwise whales wouldn't pay for them.
Also, if they don't nerf Ravian who literally needs level 50 to be broken, they won't nerf players who need medium/high investment to make broken tier according to the cry babies of this thread.
I still have hope in BB but everything they've been doing hasn't made me exactly excited about the future.
>make legends completely ignorable, undesirable and irrelevant

Do you even play this game? Non-hypermaxed Ravians aren't even close to being relevant now.
>go up against champs league william team

yeah, he's broken as fuck.

still less broken than miho teams though
>You still need a good investment in him to make it broken-tier.
this argument was meaningful around the time 'good investment' involved a god's luck in stones

It stopped being meaningful when everyone and their mother could pop out a Teranox for their William or SHoT for their Lev with some effort unless you have the very opposite end of a god's luck
That's not what people are talking about.
>he thinks ravian is broken still

She needs 4 shots to end a game
Uriel, Bora and Lucid can end a game in 4 shots too
Sharr, beatrice, Hiro and Leventor end games in 1-2 shots
William ends games in one shot

The "rest of the team that brings ravian the ball" works just as well for any of those other ones. and much better. Just because you're in babby league still doesn't mean she works in higher content. I wish she did because I could cheese my way out of champs but Lucid performs better even on isillias
>everyone and their mother could pop out a Teranox for their William or SHoT for their Lev
paging glabanon
>She needs 4 shots to end a game
shes needs 2 shots to end a team

Except you forgot that she turns much of the enemy team into scared retards after a shot if they happen to be the wrong type due to the loss of HP.
She needs 2 shots to cripple your team and fuck up the whole AI.
Also, with jewnose she needs three shots, and if she has baltheon passer another shot less.
Besides, why do you think every cancerous dark team has her? Why her instead of Vitos or Lucid?
The answer is obvious.
>btw I cant stop using leaders

Git gud scrub.
>tfw want to build a dark team but i keep getting rainbow cards
cant blame me when some leaders are better than attackers
If you're some sort of retard who runs mostly leaders sure. Attackers and defenders are always reliable to do what you expect them to do and after you've killed them once and they're parked at shit HP even a scared ass leader will penetrate half the time.

>running attackers

That is willingly asking for retarded AI without even needing Ravian to come into play.

I'm curious as to whether if you can make a team entire of Assist/Striker/Defenders.

I don't even care about Ravian, I don't think she's broken nor do I use her.
>Why her instead of Vitos or Lucid?

Because they don't have WoM or PoL for Lucid
Because Vitos was terrible until a few months ago when he got rebalanced and his EE but is still comparatively not as good as other strikers since almost all of his passives buff power instead of more enhancing stats like crit damage or outright damage. Or at least until they gave him some crit damage recently, which was recent.

And most people just don't have the luxury of switching strikers whenever. Those that did switched to Sharr or outright avoided dark because it's shit besides a few characters who work just fine splashed in.
I fought against a Galaxy William team earlier and he crit me for 1.8k without an active pass. I was using an HP ace though.

The troubling thing is that he killed Anael when she was trying to steal from him, haven't seen that happen in a long time. Not looking forward to climbing next season with the Miho Ravian teams and the new William teams, if he gets an active pass from Luka I'm probably not surviving.
This is dumb. HP difference will affect different AI in different ways. Defenders and won't penetrate and attackers and assists won't steal even if they have the damage to kill their target.
My team is entirely assists, striker, and defenders with the exception of Yuri in the back. Though, I'm only Diamond so I can't say how that'd fly in higher leagues.
You have 3 choices on penetrators.

1. Leaders who won't penetrate 20% of the time no matter what and who won't penetrate 90% of the time after losing 30% of their HP. Often choosing to ignore a pass they get too and just pass the ball off. But some of them like cynthia can shit out damage and perform fine if you need few shots or have other ways to get the ball to the front. Rarely steal after dropping from 100%HP

2. Defenders who also won't penetrate 10 or 20% of the time randomly and otherwise won't penetrate when they are under about 50% HP unless the enemy is also under 50% HP. Although Anael likes to take out people at full health when she's at 1HP for me often and I have no idea why. They also steal reliably pretty much anytime they have the chance. Won't penetrate against 2 people. They also tend to have lower damage and may not be able to train to the front

3. Attackers who will penetrate 100% of the time and can ohko anything in their path and won't need to worry about being stolen from if you give them 100% CA resist, or you can just make it super unlikely by building their reflex up. They will steal fairly often too but for shit damage if they aren't hilde or Duke. They will penetrate against 2 targets if they have ok health which can be dangerous and will shoot about 30% of the time when they reach the front which can be annoying.

All 3 of them will shoot at low HP GKs 80% of the time and all 3 of them will shoot at GKs 1v1 100% of the time as will any other AI type.
So you can either have defenders or leaders who pass the ball around until they die from steals and you lose or an attack who will bring the ball to the front for you.
>even if they have the damage to kill their target.

Run a team strong enough to bring enemies to critical HP on the first or 2nd hit and then you don't have to worry about AI being pussies. Except leaders still
>Attackers who will penetrate 100% of the time
Completely false, attackers will sometimes pass rather than penetrate over people with 50% mroe hp than them.

All the AI is functionally retarded but Defenders/Leaders will never penetrate into the enemy backline and lose the ball and defiantly shoot way less.

The most important thing to running no attackers is to make sure your entire team is faster than the enemy team.
Ravian becomes more broken the higher you get. Once you reach high champs/galaxy and you run into the teams that have Ravian/Jeunese/Sammy, Meta/Beth/Duke, and Kiki/Miho/Bell/Kevin in the back you start to have an awful time.

Beth's active is bad enough, Miho doing it a second time is bullshit. Normally she's at least held back a bit by her leader AI but Ravian solves that issue and let's them easily deny you from doing anything. You're almost never getting a shot off outside of a OHKO with Quick Start and an IC assist unless you've whaled hard as well.
I've actually never seen any of my own attackers pass the ball instead of penetrate but I have seen a few enemy hildegards and khirel do it. But very rarely, I'd probably put that at like a 5% or less occurance. All instances of that were at full health too actually
I'd rather they stop using health percentages as the main AI deciding factor. It should take into consideration delta values first before percentages. 1500 HP at 80% isn't even comparable to 800 HP at 100% but it will make a defender pass the ball instead of penetrate.
They need to overhaul the AI properly but they never will.
Wouldn't that be an update to end all updates.
>update to end all updates.
As in there's no more updates after that and the game dies, right?
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How do I improve my team?
Striker, front passer, cm, right mid, and GK are +120. Jury is around 80/120. Working on magnus/silk/yuri/mikael right now. Do I replace dale with mikael, sammy with silk, and silla with sammy?
>How do I improve my team?
Replace Dale with Cynthia for starters
How hard are the 30 crystal 5 star swirlies quests? Is there an easier way to get these things?
>Is there an easier way to get these things
Scout them
Pretty easy. I think they got nerfed in difficulty. Scout.
I dont know because i've never wasted 30 crystals on that garbage.

I have more 5* swirlies than ill ever need and I havent touched the swirly match.
wouldn't double leader AI make it nearly impossible to penetrate after losing hp?
Just be faster than the other team and its not an issue
He's using ravian. It's inevitable that his leaders will eat shit at some point in the match
Don't waste your crystals on those. I never have, but I remeber someone in a previous thread saying they're not even guaranteed 5*s like the penguin matches.
Who should I use between Cynthia, Silk and Miho in the 4 men backline?
The current backline is Yuri,Magnus and Kiki
What build should I use for Milky?
3/5/5/5 if mid/back, if front then replace the skill that give spirit with the active
I'm running actually Mikael and Meiran mid.
Who should I invest in for the third spot, Anael or Lynia?
Who's better for FM Uriel? Elaine or Milky Way?

Currently running Uriel Elaine and Silla front. Elaine gets the ball back quite good actually with her limited response.

But I do wonder sometimes if Milky will be better for Uriel.
let me correct myself, if your front needs a lot of spirit and she's in the mid, 1/5/5/5

Lynia a shit
Invest in another mid
That mid sounds like it is doomed for failure.
Then what are your suggestions?
No legendaries because I'm a poorfag.
Victoria Lia(or any other good CM) Mikael, Meiran is a pretty shit CM
Meta Beth Duke
You could be a faggot and welfare it with Jury, you could do like >>122817524
said and use Lia. She's also a pretty decent welfare cm.
Anything but rainbow/off color Meiran.
Meiran is on color. My ace is ex-Buttrice.
>running sharr cancer, no away wins for days
>swap back to hiro to mess around with new unique stone, 6 wins in an hour

what the fuck?
>I found a Sharr/William double striker frontline
Oh my, these cancerous fags are trying too hard.
It's almost as hilarious as those Sharr/Ravian or Sharr/Noa-Sam frontlines.
>people running sharr/william frontline
they're just showing off their cancer. makes them feel accomplished somehow
So i'm at 11k ta but im not sure who to get with dstones. I have leventor so i need baltheon but with the current crop of teams beth seems necessary. Metatron isn't that big of a priority with sammy being able to hold mid.
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>mfw I'm running William-Baltheon-Luka
>Alt account with shu 2 superb + Serestia
>Waiting those 24d for rewards
I hope I draw Angela, I am going to run Noa as striker until the end on it
Should i use rares for combinations or only common stones?
Nvm, I got Isillia on it and she already have 3 littres dumped. ;_;
What is a good rainbow mid if I have Beth and Shu?
Should I move Shu to the back, and if so who would I replace him with at mid?
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Female unit with quick start when
If you never plan on using them then sure. Otherwise common stones are a sure bet because they can't evolve
>attacker front
Wouldn't it be more efficient just to use Silla as a totem? I don't understand the people the run 2 active passers.

I said a few threads ago we need a light loli quick start unit because I'm sick of having to resort to that faggot kevin.
This makes me want to use my Lucian with PoME now despite I already have Isillia.
Could you get away with Nera for William? She'd always pass first and give him a huge pass since he pretty much supplies his own stats. Just have Silla for totem for pen or is Luka there for the pen / Silent Cold?
Two active is good since you can double tap the GK to death in many case.
The only downside is sometime when the ball come up to the front and your striker is still def they will just active pass to each other
>jury front

how does this work
It's shit, don't do it.
Trying thinking for a moment.
Its not shit.
Shut up, yes it is. Don't recommend bad ideas to people.
I don't want to play against anymore of these teams than I have to
depends on the team. A few backlanes tend to only get affected once depending on her position. Which is why i have an attacker on the wings and defenders mid so that i minimize the damage.
Even once its not shit.
Why do jury fags promote this? There are already way more people using her than there should be now that she got released again.
You run 3 man frontline. For example I run Silla/Jury/Vonchi ( easy to crit thanks to WoM )

After the striker shoot, whoever is in front of Jury and try to hit her will lower their entire line hp by 15%. If they hit her twice, it's 30% one because of the retarded A.I. I have seen a guy running Jeunese, Jury, Ravian and it was nightmare fuel.
Promote what? It is a legitimate position for her and a good one.

Just because you get ass ravaged by it doesn't mean its bad.
>have IC anael im back mid to steal from anyone
>put her on a wing so the'll penetrate more often after using up IC
>she does and travels to front all the time
>shoots every fucking time when a Gk is low hp

I'm sad
You're fucking retarded. No one legitimately said it's bad. The whole idea was meant to be a joke because I'm tired of seeing it 3-4 times every tourney.
Why are you so mad? Get good you faggot.
>Why are you so mad?
Just go back to reddit if that's all you have to say.
What is the best unique for Hilde?
is it Fontus Tissue or WoM?
>it's 30% one

Fontus is the best for Attackers as they have low reflex.
Bruh I think you should take your own advice. Getting triggered by Jury.

Stop being a whiny bitch.
Just. Leave.
>mfw Juryfags and cancerous as neo-Sharrfags poster
I could even bet they use both.
Stay mad
I honestly don't know what's worse anymore.
>tfw ravianfag are the least annoying shitposters
They are smart, they stai quiet so we don't keep yelling "RAVIAN NERFS WHEN"
the only annoying shitposters are the cancer that switches over to the new best strikers and snowballfags
stay* fuck, I need to buy a new keyboard.
I don't even care about Ravian. She's honestly not that hard to play against. Pop in Virgil, Anael, and Chitose and laugh as I run over their front. Unless they are running Jury. Then it's a problem.
I don't even see Ravian that frequently anyway.
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Snowball still loves you anael shitposter
>I don't even see Ravian that frequently anyway.
must be nice down in the rat league
>tfw you're stuck using guin as front totem cause you decided to pass on silla pre-ee and she never came back
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I dont love snowball though
Kiki and Magnus in scout, I have enough for only one sadly. Which one should I take? My current back is Avnore, Tyler and a 4* ww with honorable vow. Rank 50ish.
>mfw the moment silla's EE was announced she appeared in my scouts

Maybe she left you and came to me? How does it feel to be NTR'd?
2k diamond. I see them maybe once or twice every few tourneys. They are pretty easy wins.
Kinda like how I barely see Sharr.
I lose to Hiro and Beato more than anything.
you're seeing less sharrs and ravians because they're already up in champs having enjoyed their free ride earlier in the season.
Tell me more about how you would know that, bronzie.
i-i didn't need that slut anyways!
>btw I dont know how league works

I dont even believe you're in 2k diamond bronzie
Again, tell me more about how knowledgeable you are, bronzie.
because i hit champs over a month ago and during my climb it was full of chinese ravian teams and people using sharr.
i should keep bell's active skill at 1 for pvp purposes right?
So can we expect a black Friday deal or do Koreans not care about it?
Korean's literally dont care about americans killing themselves and each other to get an hdtv they already have for 5$ less.
1-5 do a 10+1
6-0 save crystals
dubs buy a skin
I'll roll too, excluding the skin part since I already have Sharr and Nari
Just save up, only thing worth in this rotation is Serestia
dream on
I guess i should wait for Renee, kinda hard to wait with a couple thousand though
She'll be here next patch, r-right?
Go buy Leah skin
Deez Nutz
Deez Nutz
>I can't use Silla because she can't hold Silent Cold
>Don't want to use Luka because she is ugly as fuck
Dark GK with 300% CR when
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EE Soon
300% CR Isillia when
>173% crit damage

Is that alot?

No it's pretty shit for a william
How do i power up spirit stones?

I have +11 6*'s. Do I need to start using Neris or try to rng with gold to +15 and save Neris for 7*'s?

You sell the Neris for gold once you have evolved them to 6* form, they sell for half a million each, more if you have gold managers.

You power up stones with just gold.
What's with the drop rate for 4* in the minion match? I literally get 5x more of the training exp one as opposed to the gold/GP one.
Thanks for taking in the duds for me. I'm rolling in the gold and gp ones, been days since I last saw the exp one.
Rudiel best dragon.
E Rudiel > EE Rudiel

With buttrice being kill someone has to take hold in the massive power vaccum that she left and I think rudiel E is the best candidate for it.
Can I see your team with Meiran?
1600 isn't diamond though
New event up
Wow no 5* player reward again

BB going full jew holy shit
event banner never loads anyway and you can't participate until it opens
Works for me buddy.
Is kiki simply a must have for any team lol? She seems really op...
They're saving all the 5* rewards for chirstmas buddy.

She's a must for anyone running Jin GK.

Otherwise, there are several viable alternates for her that fulfills the same role.
They were giving out 5* even when it wasn't Christmas. I'd be pretty mad if all I got was a shitty random 5* on Christmas.
Like I'm using Ronald GK. Is Kiki the best for the backline though ? Right now I'm debating on either maxing out Kiki or Yuri
If Yuri makes it to your front line she will pass the ball to enemy GK.
If Kiki sees the ball within range she will suicide steal.
Your call.

She can fit into every back line, if you're not aiming for any specific set up. IE, CAR line for backline Khirel, 0 action speed backline, or max CR stacking backline.

Kiki is a good stealer and provide a good speed totem and one of the best hp totem. She doesn't provide firepower for the back line, CAR or crit resist.
this ravian jeunese bullshit is really fucking gay
What are some of the best backline players that I won't feel bad about maxing
for kei stones, should i focus on damage reduction or crit resist?

HP and DR.

Kei will have shit CR so don't bother.
>ardor now has TWO top tier strikers
>no EE gk
>every other ardor unit still outclassed outside of victoria, kevin, and yuri, who are whored out to every other color on a daily basis
when will it end
It doesn't matter when you can run rainbow and shit on everyone in one hit with Ardor's ridiculously overpowered duo.
What is Soccer Spirits without bullying Ardor?
I don't play this game because i dont like soccer, but i find the girls you post pretty cute and hot, so I sometimes browse this general for the grills.

Is there a database of the images somewhere?
that's my point
ardor is so fucking stacked on the strikers that BB will never buff any of the other units that actually need it
all the fucking william is weak memes have doomed ardor to being the damage whore of the game
for now, anyway

almost none of us actually like soccer, anon
you should try the game
alternatively go to the wiki and browse random cards, I guess.

There is a rip of the in game asset on sadpanda.

This game is only thematically about soccer, it is a fairly standard RPG/waifu collecting game.
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Anon, no one here likes soccer
We ain't sharing our waifus with you gaijin kun
honestly the game has nothing to do with soccer. it's just an rpg where the cards are stacked in ranks of 3 like a soccer field, and the ball represents whose turn it is and the stats are transliterated into a socccer context

play it for the waifus
i just fought a guy in platinum with 4 metatron's wills with kevin/milky backline and jeunese in front

what the fuck just happened to my asshole
EE when? Nigger Turtle apologists need to be executed desu senpai
>being this mad your shitty princess didn't get an EE

You may have won the war but we won the waifu nigger. Suck it.
I had no idea it was actually a RPG. I'm giving it a try right now.
Thanks, anons.
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>She doesn't provide firepower for the back line
>what is pass effect
>new refund event
so, have they decided not to give 5* player boxes anymore?
You might get a good player without spending money. JewBall can't have that happening.

I'm not even joking. They're actually too stupid to think about the long-term future of the game and are entirely focusing on quick whale bucks.

The game will be completely dead in about 3 months.
BBall only making short-term plans has been obvious for quite some time. Wonder how they still haven't nerfed scouts more.
should save it for the next rotation
Yeah, well. Aside from legends (any) and Angela, I have all those in current rotation.

Hoping to roll legends but that's all dream, r-right?!
Oh look its this moron
Where are the draw fags? I want Ravian mind break.
The new Beatrice art keeps me hard 24/7.
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arise my boy.jpg
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iktf m8.

she looks so much worse
Traitor. How could you accept the Buttrice downgrade art?
The new art is great fags.
I actually use it over her base art now. It's pretty cute.
Notice how there wasn't any stamina refund event for Jury.
Is beta necessary for a monothunder Team?
No, but the minimum you should set for a a monothunder team would be one of the thunder legendaries and Nerua.
Sadly no. She's cute but useless.
However she may get an EE that will make her relevant like Lynia did.
Should Anael prioritize holy punishment or judgement day while superbing?
Thx guys.
Rngesus blessed me with both legendarie so i should be fine on that end
Am I the only one who suddenly got severe "Connection Lost" issue after waking up today?
Holy Punishment > Super Play > Judgement Day
Bell or riot!
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7000 years.png
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I've never done this before
this took hours
especially the eyes, holy shit ravian's eyes are hard
I also tried heart pupils but they looked like shit
I finally managed to connect only to be met with another connection lost popup but noticed that I was only in bronze while I'm normaly plat.
I think it's an issue based on their side.
Who should I littre first and is there any additions that might help me?

Currently held back by cost but isilla will be the first to EE followed by Silla. Can't super train yet due to lack of materials too. Can I get to silver to pick up a littre with this? Most of my PvP has been arena where I control the units
Forgot pic
Getting to silver is fucking easy you should have no problem with that team
Striker > GK > Frontline Assist > Totem is the general guide.

I dunno if Khirel upsets that or not, its up to you.
It seems the issue got resolved has I can connect without issues now.
>Solid striker, keeper
>Silla ace

Gold at least.
I just fapped to Kiki EE art.

>Dark has one cheese striker
>No GK worth a damn
>Every other dark unit is a huge piece of shit besides Metatron, Baltheon and Jeunese.
>ww's only highlight is their backline
>people complain ww is somehow a good mono
WW'd only weakness is the mid. Which is the most inconsequential line if you aren't running metabeth in it.
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Recalled Elf.jpg
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Well, I'm already running ardor/light cancer, this guy is stupidly good now for that with the thunder reduction, even off colour right?
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>gets ball to front line first
>nera CM

Congrats, you got your ball to the front first.
>Not a huge piece of shit

Spoken like someone who doesn't have that useless twat.
less funposting more bread making
Off color is a meme especially when regarding the backline. Magnus is definitely worth the scout and does help Isilla agains't Leventor, William, and Sharr.
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