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Fighting Games General /fgg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 751
Thread images: 158

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What is the deepest/most complex fighting game and why?
best bb
I like playing fighting games
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nobody cares about what you think
This OP pic is funny.
Yes they do.
mike chaos is bringin the mufuckin chaos to otakon 2016
SamSho V SP cause it's all about footsies
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can't whiff the sniff
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zoners (w/ normals) > zoners (w/ projectiles) desu yo
Love this pic.
reposting just in case

From the main menu go to versus > replay. You need to do it from the normal game exe, can't watch replays from the caster.
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snk girls>capcom girls 2bh f@maham
I like it a lot too
>grime and CRIME
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Quick question, how did you guys learn to air combo? Regardless of the game, I always seem to struggle with air comboing. My normal grounded combos are short and need work but once it comes to transitioning into the air everything falls apart.
There's usually more of a rhythm to air combos. At least that's the way it feels to me.
It's not different really. What exactly are you having trouble with?
what the fuck does that even mean?
Should I get Skullgirls on steam or PS4?
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>there are people in this thread right now who pronounce Andore as "On Door" instead of "Andre"
>Not mixing both into OnDoorAy
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posting the better swordsman
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who? who does that? who has EVER done that?
I'm not certain if i'm self aware enough of the cause but i notice that if i get the launcher in and jump cancel to follow up i typically either drop the combo after the first hit or fail to do the second jump cancel to continue the hits. This is especially bad considering i love airdashers and play them the most.
I get what you mean but i can't catch the rythm. It's like the tempo of the hits changes too much for me between ground and air combos.
im captain basch fon ronsenburg of dalmasca
Like this but not infinites exactly.

that's not mixing both, its just the first one pronounced properly
well the timing and stuff really depends on the game and even character in the game so it's hard to say something in general like that.

The only real advice is to load up training mode and repeat the combo on the dummy until you do it 10 times in a row without dropping it. Sooner or later the timing will become muscle memory.
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I'm playing through this and I thought that exact line was good meme material.
With SFV around the corner, it's hard to feel motivated to keep playing USFIV. Maybe it's time to spend some time with those characters I have never ever played.
Gamestart 2k15 Ryu is the best ryu
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that's what i'm doing too at the moment
i want my necalli back tho

1 day after creation and its turned into nothing but mlp porn board

what le fug
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True in Blade Arcus from Shining EX™. Don't delay, preorder today.
all hail vaughn
sky pirate of dalmasca
it's got a nice ring to it don't you think
wow that board is real? what is it for?
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It's different for every game.
Games like Melty Blood and UMVC3 have very easy air combos that are just like doing a normal grounded combo.
In Guilty Gear air combos are way less freeform than the grounded ones and require specific normals depending on the launch.
>not pronouncing it An-Doh-Ray
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Fair enough, thanks. Also to give you a better idea of where i would struggle, watch this: https://youtu.be/1TemYPrCO5Y?t=1m37s This isn't me playing but this is one of those combos where I can't complete it.
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>Juri players
Break it up into parts. When you get comfortable with the first part then add the next etc. etc.

>tfw thought the same
>tfw got to the end and few super bosses but I couldn't be fucked to go the last mile
>cringeworthy players
>no netplay
>b-but it promotes a healthy offline experience!
shitty excuse 2bh family
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It's supposed to be a place for mods to transfer off-topic threads without deleting them, on the rare occasion where that is preferable. For some reason, the board allows users to make threads on /trash/ to begin with, and so it's pretty much worthless now, a fresh stomping ground for shitposters with a /b/, [s4s], and especially /mlp/ combined flavor.

If the only threads allowed on the board were actually ones moved from other boards it would likely be a very nice addition to the site. Damn shame.
Cool, thanks for the advice.
Where's the cringe?
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np bb
which retarded /fgg/ scrub's youtube channel is this? this is painful
Whoever he is, he seems to like eating wakeup moves like a dumbass and walk right into mashers' attacks like a moron
geez you really have a lot of hatred for random internet guy #98872
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Well, it's been fun, truly, but I think I'm finished. I have zero hype for Central Fiction. Let's face it, BlazBlue was just a placeholder until GG came back anyway.
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But the hot witch slut will finally be playable
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Really wish I could find my inner zen and not get mad at fighting games tbqh
gg vs bb when
What? You act like I'm campaigning against him, as if I'm making a petition to remove his censorsh--I mean, making a website about how terrible he is and how he should be removed from our planet. All I said was he plays like a moron. Are you that player or something?
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>7-0 panthers going up against 6-1 green bay
cam newton will take us
to the promsied land
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The secret is to play more and dont play that much online because lag will always fuck you over doesn't matter how good the connection is being.
Find locals and save yourself
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What are your specific reasons for not liking it? I can't wait to see in two weeks.
>blaming your losses on lag
didn't stop pie from becoming the #1 dudley and poongko becoming the #1 seth
get good and stop chalking all your losses up to "uh i woulda won fi it was local"
pie is his team
smug is his name m8
Is it a good idea to get into BB after all these games? Doesn't seem like a good idea to me

I didn't say that, i just said that online is bad in some level.
Obviously there are shit connections and fine connections but nothing beats a good offline match also playing offline negates the "LAAG" OS
>Totalbiscuit is going to die before Boogie
What a world
smug even said the most important thing he ever did was go to locals.
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R.I.P butt slap, we hardly knew ye.
pie smug* obviously
actually i think he's the #1 dudley and like the next 3 dudleys because he made multiple accounts.
We've know it for months man.
You have a point but online can be dreadful win or lose. Even more so if you're used to offline timing.
Why is Morrigan's motif animal a bat instead of a crow?
Crows don't have tits.
Why don't you ask whoever designed her
When's the next fighting game coming out for PC?
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>we want the LoL audience
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My answer is to play what you like. GG Xrd has a larger playerbase and share similar mechanics so check out that game too.
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where can I find info on XX #Reload? Or should I just use the AC+R wiki on dustloop?
anyone wanna play alpha 2
ban anyone that doesnt use a capcom, namco or snk op imo
>namco or snk
>yfw 10 years from now when every tournament player is wearing jackets covered in brand patches (already halfway there with the MCZ/EG/RZR shirts), commentators are always required to wear suit and tie and the mean audience age is in the single digits.
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>mfw they banish Zhi because they want to be part of e-sport cancer
That will be the day the FGC has lost more than it ever gained
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don't forget the 'manager' pacing back and forth before each match, looking like he has decision to make and then finally shaking hands with the other manager
does this happen in dota and shit like that ?
cringey as fuck desu

i've already seen those two lanky nerds in suits for the mkx stuff
>'Coaches' are already a thing thanks to people like Jewtecks
oh god it's already happened
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it happens in ASSFAGGOTS ye, especially LoL
inbetween each game they analyze the previous game, with helpful comments such as
'i feel like team A just wanted the win more'
'Team B really has to step up their game in the second match'
'the decisionmaking was on point'

and while the team pick their characters you have two 20 year olds in a suit walking back and forth with a hand to their chin looking like they're in thought

it's a fucking shit show.
oh and don't forget the obligatory female interviewer
if you ever have time to waste check a LoL stream inbetween matches during a tournament, your face might freeze up from all the cringing tho
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>mfw finding out tasteless got fat
eSports is a hell of a drug.
who the fug is artosis
he hosted that one sf tv show, fight night or whaever
One half of Tastosis
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>not knowing the casting archon tastosis

hi altic-tacs

see me in sf4 for a few?
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>What are your specific reasons for not liking it?
Part of it is that I just don't care about the new characters. We've got Hibiki, who nobody really cared about turned into Levi from AoT because Mori needed somebody to put in, and Generic McBlandkid. Nine MIGHT be interesting, but we've seen nothing yet, so nothing to hold my interest there either.
Truth be told it's mostly just because I prefer GG over BB though. I feel that its mechanics and characters are a bit more solid, with better character balance.
nice post

whats the difference between /b/ and /trash/

hes some starcraft guy
aight, invite

sec then
>be vegan
>tweet about burger joints
Tastosis is the Ultrachen of SC2.
>who the fug is artosis

>Self Sufficient Broski !yPTrIPcODE 11/08/15(Sun)12:20:51 No.121709283>>121709519 >>121716123>>121709094
>1 day after creation and its turned into nothing but mlp porn board
>what le fug

>Broski !yP
hi broski
what the fuck is this post
/r/ing more filename pics

>juri players.png


Seriously, I can never fucking handle Ragna players, what the fuck is wrong with me. Literally any other character and I can usually beat them with the sub character that I play.

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Real talk though Tastosis has some of the best chemistry of any casting duo of any game.

why do they have those shiny stars
someone play st with me
play a real game like usf4 or xrd instead

bait & punish that shit nigga.
I'm playing nash right now and I am having trouble connecting the 2 target combos

S.LK~MK, S.LP~MP xx HK Scythe / EX

how do I connect the Medium kick to the Light Punch

also I'm having an issue where I am too far for the Medium punch at the end to connect

I have seen this combo done before so I am assuming it's something I'm doing wrong

Honestly? Don't do that shit, it's really hard to connect the medium punch for some reason

do cr lk > st lp xx st mp xx special
Shrug. Are you asking for tips?

Do you instant barrier guard his 5B > 5C > 5D string?
Are you able to block his 214B?
Can you 6A anti-air his 214D?

Those are the common culprits.
I usually do but I always forget about it - Hakumen's 5C into 6C is god tier for a costless punish. I can't figure out an effective way to punish with Terumi though.

He just combos from fucking literally nothing and can go on and on for far longer than he should.
get that fucking esports garbage outta here
i dont like focus attacks
I know how to fight him perfectly well and know all the weak points. But it''s just that one time that you slip and your stuck against the wall, then they hit OD with 100 heat and you're straight fucked if you're under 60 Percent.
That actually worked out quick nicely, thanks

wish I could record it, OBS is having an issue with SF5 beta or something
You can't punish with Terumi's 6B?

Shrug. Okay then.
tfw SOTN is way easier to play now that you're good at fighting games
>there are people in this thread right now who can't play SOTN because they can't figure out how to play videogames on a pad
No I can't, I must be screwing up the timing or something.
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Anime fighters need better costume designers.
>No real skirt
Too much skin and nothing left for imagination, best i can do is 4/10
who likes uniel here
>there are people right now who played SOTN the entire way through but didnt know it had special inputs
like me
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I don't get it. Why did it have to happen?
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more like unilel
i did that on first playthrough
She was originally going to be a vampire.
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>tfw just found out because of this thread
>tfw any time I'd try to do the special move inputs I'd take more damage and it would take longer than if I'd just done HUSSLES BASS

You guys are just talking about the special sword/transformation moves and stuff right?

Because otherwise how the hell did you never buy/find any magic
Is Garou a good game?
How I beat a Bison spamming scissors as Ryu? Literally spamming it. I can't stuff it reliably enough with cr.mp and he catches my neutral jumps.
I'm glad I don't have a PC or PS4 to play SFV now.

stand jab beats it

Garou is an excellent game.
people just pretend to like it to sound cool without actually playing it for more than half an hour
What is the best V-trigger combo for Mika?
It's not as good as Last Blade 2 without the broken stuff.
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I downloaded Skidrow's release of SFV + the extra characters, followed all the instructions.

The game works fine, but for some reason Necali, Mika, Vega and Ken are the only characters available. Even the character folders have all 12, am I the only one experiencing this?
jab him out of it and it does definitely not catch your neutral jumps unless you space them poorly
space properly, they're very punishable on whiff
don't fireball when he's in range and has charge and meter
30 minutes is more than enjoy time to see if you hate a game though desu
its fun until you start to actually learn it
this meme isn't going to take off
more than enough time*
>buys a laptop
>breaks it for no reason
>cries everyday about it
at least post your patreon next time
tfw cant run sfv on my core2duo
>characters hugely nerfed from the beta
>fanservice getting censored

They somehow managed to ruin SFV before it even came out

Guess I'll learn Tekken
>tfw never used any magic in multiple playthroughs
I don't remember if it was because I never found any, or couldn't figure out how to use it. The game is more than easy enough to beat without it though.
what a qt
It's not broken though and I'm not complaining, I just said I'm happy.
gg's silent, my bison dawg
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It's because of the times.
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>Playing BlazBlue CP
>Get beaten by someone just barely, overall a good match.
>Get back onto the Kiosk for a rematch, it was a fun game.
>All they do is use the "X" emote
>Wont play me
>Wont get off the kiosk I was on first to begin with
>There are literally no taken kiosks in the area.
What the fuck is with some of the people on this game, seriously.
>its a lianghubbb video
>theres 5-6 suspiciously shitty clips in there
>check name
>its him every single time

anyone usf4/umvc3/kof13 eu?
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ggs legend. Your Bison just fucked my shit up.
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>Barely changed, and generally for the better when he is
>Stands around with his fat gut spilling out of his pants with nobody caring
Z win again.
I'll play

also is that guy an e-celeb or something? I remember you mentioning him during Beta 2 and I played him and beat him. Is he supposed to be good?
Ah, didn't try that one. Tried with cr.lp as well. Will try, thanks.

He changed character right after I asked and suddenly his dominance came to an end. At least I know for next time.

he's an online guile who makes those "funny and cool moments" compilation, he's not good at any games

>tfw i am running on my core2duo E7500

4gb RAM and Radeon HD 7700.
Can only play on training stage, and it is still laggy sometimes. Won't be able to enjoy online though.
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his videos are entertaining
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You're probably really laggy, or like some people, dislike the Hakumen matchup
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Where are you? I'm PS3 US East. Wanna play?
ggs flea
Might be it.
I'm EU, but past the start up lag I haven't seen my connection affect matches too much. I'd be down to play, I'm not too great, still getting used to the CPEX changes.
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Okay. I'll be on in a bit and make a player room. "fgg" will be the Keyword.
Why does she have lipstick now?
All right mayn.
Its to be more sexual/moe and all that jazz
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tfw Just realize I wanna take a shit. I've got time for a ft5.
Newbie here. I'm assuming the best way to learn basic combo execution is just to grind out the combos in training mode forever until I get them yeah?
What about PC!?
What next? You like Maxishillion videos too?
>Not taking a pre-game shit
Anon, please.
no i'll become an internet personality myself
what type of dog would you suggest to put in my videos?
and should i adress my viewers with "bros" or "dudes" ?
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I hope these stress tests will make me back on the hype train, all the recent changes for the game haven't been exciting at all. Now I'm worried about the direction they are taking with this game.
Keep an eye on the beta client.
practice basic combos until you can do them without issue in training mode, then start playing games
you will discover you can't do the combos any more because playing a person is different, but just keep playing people and don't run back to training mode because you just need to get used to playing against people
One Day, I'm gonna make a tier list of FGC related youtube channels going from "highly recommended", "decent", and "other"
> >
Fighting games need more hard boiled detective characters.
Call them "fighters"
People will ride your dick for that
As opposed to being a pointless tripfag?
>inb4 some fag says Q is a detective
I'm not very good in USFIV, but learning step by step. One thing that I have noticed is that I (mal)adapt to the other player skill level. If it's someone much better, I tend to play better myself. I defend better, engage into neutral game, etc. but when I play against someone my level or slightly better who jumps a lot and does all sorts of random things, my gameplay becomes a clusterfuck as well.

Is that normal?
After I'm done with my homework. I should've dropped out on the CCNA class
Who's the most high IQ character in Last Blade 2?
Just play them drunk enough that you don't care.

If you're an angry drunk you're doomed.
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Don't get cursed.
I don't think enough people play that for there to be a consensus option on low and high IQ characters
why are they screaming so much in the new excellent adventures
kinda wish gootecks would die
its scary playing against players with small pp
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Its probably smarter to do that than play smart against idiots, idiots can beat you for thinking too much so stopping your brain from thinking against dumb people is actually a great way to play.
Keep it up champ!

they want the maximillian audience
his teacher monologue at the end was annoying as well.
>teacher monologue at the end

closed the tab, don't want to experience that
thank you for keeping me in a trigger free zone
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Remember that video where Gootecks got rekd by Bafael in 3S and was dead silent the entire time?
What happened to that Gootecks?
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>not just lowering your self esteem to the point where you expect you lose every match so you're never surprised or angry when you do
One day I'll be good.
What credibility does he have as a teacher when he gets trashed constantly. I know that sometimes the best coaches/teachers are not the best players (sports, other eSports), but in fighting games I do think there's a strong connection.
does he even play in tournaments?
I agree
I especially don't think that anyone should teach a character or matchup other than one that involves their main.
He saw the kind of money Max made.

All right. Focusing on AAing seems to do the job on those cases, but I feel dirty that my gameplay becomes "random" as well.
i've no idea, never seen any of his teaching lessons or read his book

from what i've heard he's just teaching stuff on a very very basic level, i.e. 'don't pick these crtazy characters, start with ryu, learn the range of your buttons in training mode, do your BnB combos 10 times in a row from both sides'
shit like that.
it was cool when justin wong was on excellent adventures and he called everything the opponent would do before he did it.
His one button Gouken was super entertaining.
what really stayed with me was him saying how easy the gief match is for rose
The only fighting game I really get mad at losing at is ultra.

But I guess that's what I get for being a marvel/EX3fag.
What i learned from SF4 is that you don't fight random with brain, you fight random with better random.
The ol fight fire with fire trick
who the hell is an "EX3fag"?
Kids that didn't buy CvS2
Someone who played Street Fighter EX 3.
You're a fucking idiot if you want Urien, Alex, Ibuki, or Guile as DLC.
No one wants Ibuki except waifufags
What's wrong with Guile? They brought back Charlie, they have to bring Guile back for "story"
Ibuki was actually pretty fun in SFxT.
Less unreactable mixups and more jump cancel combos.
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IDC about those nearly as much as I want The King to be in the game. I need my dose of tiger in SF games.
Wouldn't Urien be in the game anyway? Charlie is in it, after all and he has that gem thingy.
Don't reply to me you fucking weeb

yeah get out of here
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No one wants planned DLC for fighting games, ever. They should all be there from the get-go or be released when the eventual SFV Ultra Super Mega Arcade Evolution version comes out.
It's not about what we want as much as what's already going to happen. It's inevitable just ride it out anon.
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>not wanting guile

fuck off memer

ibuki is pure trash character design though, le epic ninja schoolgirl. low tier in 3s and pure cancer vortex in sf4. if you like that char you are human garbage
fuck you brick I used to like you
You didn't see the Story button on the beta menu?
who was high tier in 3s?

was it just ken/chun/yun?
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Me too, but time is cruel
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gtfo snifflord
She isn't low tier in 3S, she is probably the most well balanced character in the game. She has no match ups worse than 6:4 and no match ups better than 6:4.
When the fuck are charge characters going to be removed completely from fighting games? Literally the biggest cancer there is


Literally characters for braindead pieces of shits
dudley and makloto
Yeah and it's literally meaningless. They don't even care to give it actual cutscenes.
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All of those characters are somewhat likeable though.
So I heard you like SF5 leaks.

I don't have anything super exciting to report since all the super exciting stuff has already been datamined but I think this might just interest you guys anyway.

>Short "mini beta tests" will continue over the next several weeks. PC will be included in some of them as well.
>Late November will have Fan's official reveal.
>At the same time Fan is revealed, it will be announced that starting in late December, there will be a final beta stage.
>This beta stage will last from late December, pretty much all the time, until the launch of the game in February, except for daily maintenance downtime.
>All 16 characters will be playable.
>You can gain Fight Money to spend on unlocking stages, titles, etc. However none of this is carried over to the full release. Everything will be reset after the beta.
>In late December, around the time of the final beta stage, there will be more teasers for DLC characters.
>In January these first two DLC characters will be officially revealed: Alex and Guile.
>Other DLC characters will come later obviously.
>No alt costumes will be available during the beta, even the preorder ones.
>On the full launch, there will be 4 costumes for each character, designated as Default, Battle, Classic and Alternate.
>Default costumes are self-explanatory.
>Battle are "combat-style" costumes like you've seen in the preorder costumes.
>Classic makes everyone look like they did in previous Street Fighter games. You've already seen Ryu and Ken's Classic costumes in the tutorials.
>For characters who are new like Necalli, their Classic costumes will be inspired by the styles of previous SF games.
>Alternate costumes are just another unique costume. They don't have any particular theme.
>Naturally, all of them will be DLC except Default costumes.
>And yes, you can buy the preorder costumes. They're not exclusives.
Damn posting limits. Hold up, I got more to say.

SS - chun/yun
A - ken, makoto, urien, dudley

rest are whatever
[spanks butt provocatively]
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brick stop
What are people's problems about the gem system in SFxT exactly?
Okay so where was I...?
>Fight Money can buy you any of the characters, stages, costumes, titles, artwork, music, etc that's available on launch. It's possible that later on, some stuff will not be obtainable with FM but characters always will.
>During the final beta, there will only be ranked matches, matches with friends, training and local VS. No arcade, story, survival, etc. Those will come with the full release.

I think that's all I've got... I'll see if I can remember anything else but that might be it...
But that was a tutorial, not story segment. We don't actually know what the story will be
>mfw one win that entire time
At least I got that one perfect. I was playing pretty badly even for how I usually play, GG's though. Had fun.
I can taste the salt
yeah , source?
Man if all of this is true then that's legit great news. Also the fact that you can get those costumes with FM is legit a great idea.
I'll bite
Where's custom tourney mode?
What about Color edit?
If you're in contact with anyone working on the game, tell them to turn up the juggle limit and combo potential in the final build
if my favorite sf grills are karin and makoto, what oes that say about me
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>implying any board will ever top [s4s]
Could you enlighten us on what is the deal with the recent adjusted camera angle on Mika's super animation and Cammy's intro scene?

Looks like her right leg is really short
None of us are psychologists or divination adepts. Try /x/ or some place with psychologists
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GGs. Ragna's j.C the god.
I don't know enough about either character to give you specific matchup advice, but I do know Hakumen's 3C is very punishable after Instant Block. Be careful of its use..
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You like women who can kick your ass.
It's up again
r9k already did when it killed 10 people
Custom tourney mode is not something I've heard anything about.
Color edit is not in the game.

It's because of the ESRB. They wanted to give the game an M rating and so the changes were made to ensure a T rating. It's not that Capcom has been caving to whiny manchildren who are offended by butts. It's the ESRB's fault entirely.
>low tier in 3s
"I know nothing about Ibuki in 3s" the post
>people hating on jem
so im gonna try learning hugo in sf4, going from playing a zoner and not knowing or having experience playing grapplers. what are some quick tips when playing him?
No thank you. Unless you have something to prove yourself than you can rightfully fuck off. Besides, most of this is stuff that either hasn't been already said, hinted, or speculated and the rest is stuff that anybody can think up and make it sound true. ALso, I really doubt they would announce characters months before they come out, idiot. That would lessen the hype.
Literally stating the obvious. None of that info is particularly interesting at all.
best boat

>try to dig up my hugo setup posts
>new archive hosts are braindead retards

every fucking time some new shithead decides to inherit an archive and then they dont realise that its really fucking expensive to maintain and you end up with this halfway shit
>butt slapping makes a game M rated
You're so full of bullshit it's hilarious. Please continue with this autism
ggs demonik
anyone want to play usf4

ggs coot
Can someone please lie to me and tell me Makoto will make it into SFV in some way, shape or form?
If they wanted to ENSURE a T rating, then I don't see how it isn't a possibility.
They even changed her super animation so that the opponent isn't doing the splits by the end of it.
His theory holds
ggs robert_mate
yeah inv

I thought you were gonna do one of what happened 10 seconds prior to that
Not really, samefag
ggs birds

Your Dragoon sucks dick
she is low tier in 3s dumbass
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ggs luvcheez
probably in the 3rd or later batches of DLC, especially considering Ibuki's in.

Not the first 2 years though, I would guess.
I think it's because of BARE butt-slapping.

So Capcom had two choices, make Mika's costume to cover up her butt or adjust the camera.
I love how that's still the first image you see if you search for sperglord
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>its STILL the first result in google images
I'm not that guy though.
Talk about baseless assumptions huh?
Nice try. That would not give a game an M-rating in unless there was full nudity
sniff er right in the twat
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>like juri
>not a footfag

I feel out of place here
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>tfw little rule63 SF
>no cute twink juri or chun-li
If you like Juri then of course you feel out of place here, everyone hates her here because of how annoying Jurifags were online and posting here
I'm glad they took out the Butt slap. Now I'll be 25% less embarrassed to play this game in front of people. That character is still a shit fanservice waste of development time, though.
lol you can combo his HCB +K throw into his butt slam at all ranges
gonna have to use it for stylish finishes
The game had a tentative M-rating before they changed this shit though, baka you stupid senpai?
The rating system probably decides based of how many "offenses" it breaks, and the sexual imagery was just one too many
>Cvs2 isn't on fightcade

Such a shame, it looks like a fun game
this, wish they would just take all the girls out of the game to fuck with the gamergators
It doesn't help that this game is more sexualized than mortal fucking kombat now. This is low hanging fruit, can the DoA audience be big enough to want to actually grab?
What would that be called, though? Partial nudity has never solely bumped a game to mature.
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booty hitbox is booty but damn if it aint fun
It's Naomi based of course it's not on fightcade you melon
Is Sega Naomi emulation even at the level to support that yet?

I have no idea, but nulldc can definitely run it
For some reason, foot worship is the only fetish that doesn't make any sense to me.
Karin is fine, the rest are purely wank material right now. The only thought that went into Lauras lazy design is 'how do we make this character look as fuckable as possible'.
who is naomi and what does sega have to do with capcom? why does anybody even support fightcade if they're this lazy
and yet people are willing to do all kinds of things to dirtier body parts
Maybe it has to do with blood and cursing too. Likely something story related.
I remember when I was a kid, desperately trying to see butterface nipples in MK Deception
honk honk
retard alert
>This beta stage will last from late December, pretty much all the time, until the launch of the game in February, except for daily maintenance downtime.
Can't see that happening unless they want people to get bored of the game before it's out.
you think laura is fuckable anon?
you know she's not real right
>sexual women scare and offend me
When has there ever been blood in a SF post vanilla 4?
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>dont play that much online

Better stop playing altogether then
I like Juri and I prefer her abs and I don't like feet at all.
I'm especially surprised that he didn't say that they would open the beta to the public for the last week
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anyone know if they will put kof14 on fightcade?
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west is turning gay
probably not, looks like sony bought exclusivity
>three out of four women in the game are wearing slutty halloween costumes, two have triple F cups.

I guess at some point I gained access to real women and stopped needing to masterbate to a fighting game.
>shitty game wont be released here

oh no
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>tfw don't really get mad at losing badly
>but super depressed
>with a severe case of depression on the side
>feel like my fingers cant keep up with my brain in the lab
>feel like my mind goes to mush when I fight something besides the cpu
>all the flaws of the character I try to main stick out that much more
>keep bouncing around
>everyone especially the people I wanted to main seem like shit
>see a video and decide to pick up the fighter with new confidence

Learning anime fighters has probably been the most stressful experience ever but when you do get something its so fun. It been like this since the release of BBCT
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Will this be the next "is Karin good for beginners"
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so will ki, mk, mvc2, cvs 2, never be on fightcade?
>dad walks in
tekken 4
>guess he's not a fucking fairy after all
either they will
or they wont
>realistic boobs are plastic rocks
>he doesn't know how to play them on fightcade
nobody tell him
There's English translation in game.
>complaining about the way fictional video game characters look

yeah im sure you get all the bitches anon
They're a hell of a lot closer to the left than the right. Boobs don't bounce back and fourth on their own, they're not springs. Not that this thread has ever seen any in real life.
I'd say Mika and Laura are D cups
F cups aren't rare in southern America, thanks to fat women.

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what is this post and why is it in fighting games general
even if this was an original thought you had, and it isn't, you couldn't even be bothered to spend 3 clicks to open audacity and drop a track in
Fun fact: If you're not a basement dwelling weeb obsessed that a fighting game doens't have quite as many shots of a digital women slapping her ass you're a lot less disgusting to women (and everyone else).
shut the fuck up you don't know shit about fighting games

>this kind

yeah, i grabbed an example image, like i said
I was talking about Laura and Chun, and there's no way in hell those are D's. Hentai has really confused you about bra sizes.
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My mom walked in while i was playing Mika, she asked me which character i was and i told her i was playing the wrestler. She patted my shoulders saying "Oh, of course you play the girl with a big ass and big boobies. That reminds me of those old risquè comics i used to read-""
I stopped her after that sentence.
That day i realized that sniffs were in my bloodline, and the only thing i could do was accept it.
>caring what women think about you
how beta can you be
Japanese D cup is smaller than western D cup
i've seen enough boobs on my computer screen to confirm they are indeed both d cups.
No, my ex and my little sister are both Ds.
Who has the best footsies on /fgg/?
poster is probably gurl
>das why you don't have a girlfriend
is their go-to insult when they feel threatened
Anyone want to play ultra? West coast US

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>i've seen a few boobs now i'm a boob master
most women probably criticize any kind of boob shit and sjw are quick to jump out and suck up to them
and yes boobs bounce back and forth depending on how big and how much actual support/binding is used
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i dont play with stick churners
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>tfw I just realized Clark, Ralf and Leona in KoF are actually Metal Slug characters
What the FUCK

SNK should go ahead and add Angel from Shock Troopers to KoF14 desu senpai
i hate xrd so much. like why do people think this is a good game?
>Consider Ivy in Soul Calibur, who’s actually more boob than person. Does she have a defining characteristic other than “that proper lumpy lass”? If she were in a crowded room, and you had to point her out to your friend, would you say “she’s that one over there with the white hair” or would you say “see those knockers over there? Yeah, she’s the woman attached to them, about 20 metres back”?

Lmao, Soulfags blown the fuck out

probably because they have a different opinion to you
cause some people have taste unlike you
how come theres no fgg steam group
This is bait.
They're Ikari Warriors characters.
So how come Jill can bounce while wearing body armor?
is kof 13 your first kof
Nah, I'm a dude. I'm just one that's embarrassed to be playing a game so clearly designed for 13 year olds.
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anon I don't have a stick to churn
problem with fightans, nobody really cares about personality
>Clark, Ralf and Leona in KoF are actually Metal Slug characters
No they aren't. Ralf and Clark are Ikari Warriors characters. Leona is the daughter of Heidern who was the general in Ikari Warriors. They make a guest appearance in Metal Slug 6 and XX.

That being said, almost all SNK characters are fair game for KoF.
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>ikari warrios
>metal slug characters
why cant newfriends just learn something before throwing out a retarded opinion

so you're literally a cheater instead? i think ill pass
because it sold better and remake was on SD gamecube so the animation probably needed to be exaggerated to even be noticeable at sub480p (most people weren't using component cables)
Why is Alpha 2 better than Alpha 3?
They're from Ikari Warriors. I do think they could do with throwing in a few characters from other SNK games, though.
>uses a gif of a braless women dancing up and down and compares it to a web-M where the character moves sideways all of once while literally holding her boobs in place with crossed arms

They're bouncing because the woman they're attached to is bouncing you fucking mongoloid. They don't move on their own.
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less bullshit is always preferable in a street fighter game
>"If I were animating a naked man walking, I really honestly have no idea how balls move," Alex joked. "I don't!"
>basically breasts move based on what the majority/audience aren't offended by and a dash of exaggeration so that people notice it/remember it.. doesn't even matter if it is realistic or not, it's not like women are soft body physics experts
No, anon, I've simply transcended the limitations of a stick. Like ancient man who transitioned from butter to beer, I've gone from churn

to mash
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Who's ready for SFV Juri and all her glory? I'm positive she'll be better from SFV mechanics alone

You only had sex drive when you were 13? Is this what being low test is like?
Tbh i would nibble his ear while pounding him from behind
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>That being said, almost all SNK characters are fair game for KoF.
Young Hero when?
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the worst thing about SFV is how many waifushitter characters there are

i really didn't think we'd have to deal with r.mika, karin, ibuki AND juri fags ALL in one game.
There are too many scrubs on sf4 who rely on gimmicks to win. I can't wait for sfv to come out family.
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>the face of FGG
>dead or alive

Nothing of value will be lost. Sexualization aside, the game is 100% garbage.
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if you put sf4 juri the way she is into sf5 then of course she'll be better because of the mechanics, i don't understand this line of thought
she'll get reworked and adjusted like all the other characters, there's no telling how good or bad she will be
SFIV had Chun, Cammy, Sakura, Rose, Ibuki, Makoto, Elena, Viper, Juri, Poison, ad Decapre.
>most women probably criticize
They actually don't. Most of the criticism towards fanservice in games come from insecure males.
I would rather have a Neo Turf Masters stage than a character be playable to be honest.
>literally any female character is a waifushitter character

I think the problem is less with the game and more with you.
News Flash. Calling other people kids doesn't make you sound any more mature. And quit arguing over videogame boobs. It's silly.

Resident /fgg/ Old Guy
Female characters have toxic fabases

nice opinion kiddo

Are you alex valle?
you're not me
Who are you quoting?

Chun Li and Laura are too normal for waifushitters to flock to them. Characters like Karin, Mika, Juri and Ibuki are designed from the ground up to appeal to sack of shit weebs
That's because most women look at this shit, roll their eyes, and move on. The people grasping at straws about keeping butt slaps and G cups in the game are a fat lonely retards that don't want their waifus ruined.
>37% cast is female
>removed all sexualization
>>/v/ gamergator
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Will mankind ever reach a bigger achievement than Melty blood Actress Again Current Code 1.07?
>Middle-aged motherly chinese hag with huge legs and breasts
>Bouncy brown woman
>not wanting a character who fights using golf tactics
are you gay or something
>virgins hating women
If chun wasn't waitfu-tier I wouldn't see these threads coated in cropped doujin shots of her. Laura will be too, the moment the game is released.
nope, it's perfect and we don't need a sequel
>being old and browsing 4ch
This is why going outside is so important. You'll never make friends that share hobbies with you if you loaf around on 4ch all day
Anyone for USFIV PC EU? (I suck).
i consider the lava lamp to be a greater achievement
Because Chun-Li used to be the only girl so waifufags latched on to her
>That's because most women look at this videogames, roll their eyes, and move on.
lol destroyed
Isnt chunners like 28
how the fuck is she middle aged
>middle aged
Since when was mid 20's middle aged?
How do I into fightans?
I have nearly 0 expetience with them.
Just got blazblue and it seems a bit complicated, somewhat fun though
What's a simple fighting game where I can learn basic mechanics and stuff. Is BB good for that? Should I keep practicing?

I'd think you were trolling me if I didn't know for a fact that you were actually just retarded.
>weebshitter thinks mid-late 20s is middle aged
lmao go sniff some karin doujins kid

She was born in the 60s
>or 30 at the latest in sf3 is middle aged

Middle age is at 40 you retard
>being young and browsing 4chan
i didn't start coming here until i was like 28, why are you wasting your youth?
One of those 3S kids from eventhubs that thinks the time gap between 2 and 3 is 20 years
Next he'll start talking about how he wants an "Old Ryu"
And? Who said that the games are following an IRL time scale?
Probably Melty Blood Actress Again: Complete Code
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What are the most overrated entries of their respective fighting game franchises?
can't believe you fucking fruitcakes are still arguing about this tits/ass shit
>wasting your young years on 4chan
holy fuck dude. i almost feel sorry for you.
You realize the game doesn't takes real life years scale right
this, to be honest, familia

Street fighter has the problem where the series is now literally older than all of its characters but they keep pretending the story is progressing.

They gave cun the G cups and hips of a mother and have been aging her face over time so that she fulfills the MILF fetish role for the lineup. You can slot almost every SF character into a specific fetish that they fulfill for the audience.
That hasn't been brought up since early versions of SF2. She's still in her early 20s hombre
>What's a simple fighting game where I can learn basic mechanics and stuff.

I definitely agree with that. I think KoF98 is much more fun (Chris aside) and I really hate all the charging that Extra mode brought into the meta.
Super Turbo
Tekken Tag Tournament
King of Fighters 2002
Soul Calibur 2
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Guilty Gear XX AC
Arcana Heart 2
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cat Akiha
Since you're new, try out every fighting game you can get your hands on. BB is a little overwhelming for beginners. You can learn it just fine, but will take a while unless you truly dedicate yourself to it. Read the pastebin and try out Fightcade. It has a lot of FG roms for you to try out.
Anyone PC ultra
whos good at usf4 around here
It's okay, I'm actually at a hooka bar right now with my krew. This is just a past time while I take a dump, and on that note...!
why are you acting like women's interest in video games would be a positive thing, you tryna go pro at kardashian fighter senpai?
Why do you think that would be fun or enjoyable? They won't even bring back the US Sports Team and you want to add in gimmick sport characters who come from non violent sports.
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>boob physics argument
Looks like amerikeks have woken up.
>That's because most women look at this shit, roll their eyes, and move on.
Why would a straight woman with a good self-esteem care either way?
The ones complaining are insecure tumblrettes and betas desperate for their attention.
cloverwolf is our best player by far
Will O.J. Simpson be playable?
Sliding time line I guess.
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this desu senpai

I keep thinking a new melty will just cause trouble. I feel like AACC is pretty close to perfect for it sstyle and if they want to make a new game it would just have less content and changed mechanics for the sake of changing them because it's a new game and it must be different. It's gonna split the community and surely it won't have rollback and I can't stand to think of going back to delay netcode, also all the stuff with begging japan for releases...
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>brown woman

There are no brown women in SF5, though. Sadly.
So Street Fighter (87) is now set around 2005?
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>Why would a straight woman with a good self-esteem care either way?
The ones complaining are insecure tumblrettes and betas desperate for their attention.

Funny, the only men complaining that they took the ass slap out are fat weeb gaters with no self esteem or social lives.
*2D Fighting Game Tutorial:
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFTvXXoDNRA
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wx6Z5VGsBw4
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXB8xHLA0To
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>like Filia
>not a fatfag
I know the feel.
why is all of her art way fatter than she should be?
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hi, hows fighting games doing?
Why did you quote me on this?
i hope you're not implying that kof 98UM and 2002UM are overrated. they are the best kof games form each era respectively, akin to ST compared to its predecessor versions. the only people who disagree and call them overrated are trolls and people who only played kof 13.

IMO the most overrated games are in no particular order
3S, CvS2, and vanilla KoF '02 with honorable mentions to Alpha 2 and VSav.
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Super Smash Bros. Melee
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is this the newly evolved fatfeels
Why would you play her otherwise?
Subpar character.
I wouldn't even give it a specific year.
I would just give the characters ages for each canon game
Maybe? Zangief is still kinda repping the soviet union, but not really. At some point they're going to have to either age the characters or do a reboot. I had kinda been hoping this would be the game with Ryu in his 40's and the highschool girl characters all grown up. The game feels like it needs to move the timeline like MKX did.
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>Lisa isn't in 3
If Alpha 2 is the better version then why does everyone on fightcade play Alpha 3 instead?
also this series is great for new comers
After playing this game I am glad Indivisible is not getting funded on kickstarter.
But no one like Alpha 2 and VSav except for a couple kusoge memers in New York
The hardest part of this maze is figuring out which entrance to take.
I meant to get the post right above yours, my bad.
Because >>121734384 clearly relates to golf.

>implying golf is not violent
Confirmed for not watching the best movie ever, Happy Gilmore
>muh depth
alpha 2 is cool and fun
I agree with most of this, but
What's there to even compare it to if you're counting it separate from the other Vs series? CvS1? SvC Chaos? CvS2 isn't perfect but it's for sure better than those two.
that's why i said honorable mentions. they are played by a very vocal minority who praise them as the holy grail. the small crowd that attracts those players would make it overrated if it was just a few more of them. some japs still love them as well.
I think she's cute and I like Samson.
don't remind me.
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is nanase top tier in unist?
I'm glad Inafune singlehandedly ruined kikestarter for everyone
Worst DoA (don't bother, the world agreed)
>6 Leifang
>5 Tina Armstrong
>4 Mila
>3 Rachel
>2 Christie
>1 Lisa Hamilton
Oh right, it's on Indiegogo. That changes absolutely nothing.
In other words, most people don't give a fuck about those games. Like the opposite of overrated, those are "literally who?" games.
infinites > unblockables (grade s lagtactics)
But he didn't. Just look at Shenmue 3 and Yooka-Laylee, also that bronie game which was funded as well.
Fuck the world for having shit taste then.
>enjoying adam sandler movies
lmao appealing to the lowest common denominator never provides anything good. his comedy is immature and unfunny as well.

just grow up.
Lab Zero used Indiegogo before it was cool
Lat I remember is people saying she wasn't really fixed enough but I don't follow the game enough to know how she ended up.
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daily indivisible is a disaster and thats funny to me post
every time i see fatal fury i always see it as fatal furry
Well the lead is called the hungry wolf
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Fraud Z can suck a dick desu
why, i haven't been following it
why is mike z trying to make another game? is skullgirls even finished yet?
>Literally Ky Kiske
The world would be a better place if every "player" that doesn't regularly go to offline events killed themselves. Online warriors are worse than people that go 0-2 at locals
Tiers aren't a huge deal with you know how to deal with/apply pressure
why is kof a 3v3 game if you just fight 1v1 with no assists anyway
Define "finished".
You shut your whore mouth Ky is pure

because health carries over and you get less and less back the less time there is on the clock
That's harsh
just replay the superior original
platinum's valkyrie profile 3
lol how can i go 0-2 at a local when im an onlineski
because the 3v3 system includes health regeneration and placing characters in different positions based on how they generate or use meter.
So they could half-ass teams
but it's true. The world would be better off without those degenerates
Because switching the matchup every round makes the game more interesting.
nice post pathetic tryhard
meter management carries through rounds and team structure can be a mindgame because you can't change it mid-match. basically less "failsafes".
3v3 is to minimize bad matchups
Is this the term you use to try to justify being a casual shitter?
>reading comprehension

Could you give details about Fan?
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But what if i wanted a new one or a clone and already played the freaking awesome original game?
development of sg in general
unproven dev at story/music in rpg (dev costs which should cost way more than a fighter)
sjw bullshit with anita (why isn't she paying or getting her legion to fund it.. oh right they don't play games)
It's only finished in the sense no one plays that crap anymore

>muh offline play

Fighting games should be designed first with online play in mind. We live in 2015, not the fucking 90s. Online is what matters the most.
>this slimmer trying to bait

Wow is vee here again
i don't need to justify my lack of interest in tournaments, i'm not the one fantasizing about genocide because people don't agree with me :^)
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>repackage existing knowledge and a tiny amount of hard to verify information into WORDS WORDS WORDS
>call it a leak
man the valkyrie profile games are so fukken rad
they've been here since sf5 was announced, where have you been
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Nice post desu.
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>get called tryhard
>proceed to retort with "casual"
so you're content with pretending to be a part of a community that you have never even come close to being a part of? this must be kooky
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Are you saying the world would be a better place without me?
How do I play kof2002 on fightcade? I downloaded the rom but it says I'm missing stuff.
to be fair, the world would be a better place without anybody.
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>one turn takes like two minutes because of overly long attack animations
what is this, eden?
who the fuck is pretending to be a part of some "community"? we just play fighting games
I am not pretending anything. The community is so shit that I am glad I am not part of it.
somebody get a screen for this projector
i play fighting games at my house
>Not hyped to watch it for the millionth time.
Go away casual.
>let's just reuse sg assets/sound effects and skip out on all the animations/cg/spells etc (production values) just display the hitboxes and debug text framedata
fighting game players everyone
You need a neogeo file. the Fightanvidya page that has all the ROMs has it on the top of the page.
>have to watch people do the same combos and ultras for 7 years
sup strifeomo, sorry i memed on you so hard in the alpha 3 tournament, no hard feelings
please don't sperg out like this again in the future
i also love how kek z is desperately dragging other indie game characters into indivisible and still going nowhere

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>still 3 months until SFV is out
Ono please... i need the fucking game now
neither of those take two minutes
nobody cares mate please stop posting about it here
3s truly is the best game

SF5 wont be censored on release right?

Capcom isnt fucking subjecting themselves on a group of people that arent actually going to play the game RIGHTTTT?
idk i think its hilarious too
they should ban indivisible shill threads from /v/
It seems to me, Valkyrie Profile isn't the game for you.
I'm not that guy, and he's just as bad as you. Both skilless online shitters that won't even consider playing a game with a real person
Beta 3 will have more content than the last one and probably last longer, and that'll be coming in late December or early January, so you don't need to wait THAT long. If we're lucky it'll last longer, too.
can you go post about it in /lzg/ or whatever?
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>wanting to buy a censored game
>Making a "highlight" video about parrying the easiest to parry super in the game
And yet I bet his fans ate that shit up and thought it was the Daigo parry all over again.
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nothing to ni-pah about
do you even play a game consistently or just hop from games constantly?
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>Caring about butts when you can imerge yourself in a neutral filled game with no ultras and focus
>Christfag sword priest with a long blue dress
shame neutral is literally all this game has
he doesn't play anything
nice mashing
I don't 3S. Is it him just mashing forward?
>neutral filled

>Priest with a long blue dress
That's a nun, dipshit
Remy would be cool if he was in a game where zoning and keep away actually worked.

Instead he's in 3S.

>Neutral filled
>No focus
>Now there's a new gimmick
>But it's okay because there's no focus

People really overestimate what's wrong focus, SFIV had tons of worse problems.
desu senpai
>Neutral in a game where many of the characters can just dash through, slide under, or jump over footsie range

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mine is more impressive than max's because i did it on a fucking west coast to germany fightcade connection, i'm legiterally the best masher
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I had a moment of artsy writing and wanted to write immerse

Ain't that the same with ST?
How are you people going to feel when you realize that thanks to V-Trigger people get gifted a free meter every round to safe hit confirm random long range pokes into 15 second juggle combos with a cinematic super.
Reminder that americans are slowly killing SF5 before it's even alive.
why is she not wearing panties
...and this is why the parry mechanic needs to be a thing in every Street Fighter, but capcom is too much up it's own ass too realize it...
st is a hundred years old and didn't have almost universally slow walk speed and throws that were unthreatening as fuck
>Ain't that the same with ST?
ST is pretty rarely at neutral even.
>let's make every sf game literally not street fighter
desu Broski you're becoming just as bad as the people who actually shill it.
>long range pokes
oh im laffin
explain yourselves
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Well I mean on the three characters that actually have them.
You're not getting my (you), Brick. Stop being an attention whore.
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I see someone was reading the comments on the last maximilian video eh?
if they get like 10% this week they can apply for an extension
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Fuck you Brick dumb youtube comments are my turf
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>not caring about butts
family are you homo?
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Brick can't even come up with his own bait and he watches Max's videos. just lmao
>Still can't consistently land any oki links as Dudley
>Nearing 4k BP with ~1k PP regardless

This lifestyle is unhealthy.
>max stream didn't even make a dent
So why would capcom censor the game? It's not like it would be rated M or anything
I need gameplay senpai, butts can stay out of camera for all i care
BP means literally nothing
ST is a game where people usually benefit from actually doing things and not staring at each other waiting for an opening because their pressure is such unsafe garbage.

There's still a lot of footsies up close but it doesn't happen at even frames so much.
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1kPP is very bad and BP doesn't mean anything.
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lmaoooooo Brick exposed, kill yourself you meme majoring forever unemployed spaghettiheaded 1975 internet ass nigga
but the gameplay is shit
why aren't you complaining about that
im okay
fuck off /v/
God these threads just keep getting shittier and shittier
>/v/ thinks online petitions matter anymore
based chons doing what's right

bp actually goes down once you're past 6k or so
Who the fuck cares Mika is a shit character anyway
no one cares about the censorship here?
for anyone who missed it, here's the playlist for korea's final qualifying spot for king of iron fist 2015.


i highly advise you skip chloe matches unless that's your thing
lol these threads were a complete cesspool in early 2014 when Pisss first started posting here , Donnie blogged everyday about killing himself, Voidere was here regularly, and Coot was shitposting nigger music 24/7

They're way better now
do you think valle was coked up at the canada cup afterparty
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I'm pretty upset but I don't see a point in talking about it in here
Anyone know long it takes to go from manufacture to the shelves? If Capcom wants to make some last minute changes to SFV discs, when's the latest before they have to send their master copy (or whatever) to the factories?
Yeah I'm sure a petition from some lonely neckbeards will change that. I'm glad this happened since it's making all the manbabies on the internet throw a hissyfit about a game they probably won't even play.

Kill yourself you obese fuck.
is the sky blue?
nice kappa meem xD
no thanks senpai. even 3S was more varied that this garbage tekken shit.
>implying that matters in a world of 10GB day one patches
F-Ciel sucks but Im going to play her now, what should I do
oh the irony of this post
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>Brick !rN4eAEbwnY
hows ur black bf doing
Capcom could put every single female character in nothing but long skirts and grandma shirts and i wouldn't give a fuck.

If you want to look at street fighter ass and tits so badly then go download some doujins you pathetic motherfucker.
>only checking the female bracket

top 8 for males had 2 devil jins, otherwise it was varied.
Piss is actually hilarious though and it's not like Broski, Chariot, and Brick are any better.
this is my favorite /fgg/ meme, not even kidding desu senpai
Sounds like a great idea to me.
nah im good bro. i watched some of the male bracket and they were just KBD'ing back and forth not wanting to commit to anything lmao xD game sux. even DOA is more interesting than that shit
He's only hilarious now since people finally learned to ignore his shitty bait, when he first got here anytime he posted the entire thread got derailed into arguing over semantics like "who you greening" and other dumb stuff
Why do people hate Brick? I mean I do hate him, but only because he's Italian. If he wasn't Italian I wouldn't hate him.
There's a lot to say, you can start with my guide


I got better and learned new stuff and changed idea on some other stuff but this should give you some basics.
is chariot gay furry
yea, he was only pretending to be a complete retard for for a year. you're right
you clearly didn't watch it.

either way, suit yourself.
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>highest tier capcom grappler ever
from zero to heroine
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He's extremely gay and ERPs with YOYO on Steam
Who hype for UNIEL ST here


hes a gay pedophile shitposter thats trash at fighting games
Man you can look at the comments and see people calling him Maximilian Umehara. Pretty sad. Must be nice having your expectations of someone being good is so low.
I only half-tolerate bricks tripfaggotry because of his gatari preferences
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Just got off the phone with Ono. SFV's release date has been moved up to December 10th and the first 6 DLC characters won't require any fight money. The Akuma trailer comes out tomorrow morning.
In +R is there any sort of rules regarding Zappa and his ghosts on get up?
Like are there certain conditions that make him get up with a specific ghost or is it completely random?
oh god i lol'd
Did my question confuse you?
thanks senpai

based off the timer iirc
>discussing weeaboos that use a name on an anonymous imageboard instead of the subject of the thread
end you are lives
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That's not true
wow, did you threaten to stab him lolllll
Just got off the phone with Chocoblanka

She said she needs more of my dick so she's flying out from Japan tomorrow
Gimme KoF13 Yuri combos
chariot is the worst kind of flaming fairy fudgepacker. he makes bloatedhomo look hetro
SamSho V SP is more honest than ST
you didn't even wait a few extra seconds? you literally samefaggged at the earliest possible time
You can ship whatever the fuck garbage you want on the disks then change it later at this point, all that matters is that the console recognizes you own the game from it.
how big is the dick anon
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Mike Chaos is hurting your feelings.
4 inches, she's never had one this big
You obviously don't know the answer and are just commenting on something else.
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ss5sp is great but its a shame it came out so late.
plus all the drama with the censored and then bugged home versions.
arcade version is godlike though.
me to be honest
Every day until Maki is confirmed for SFV.
This is the artist, move up from there
whats guys best ultra
The non grab one
You obviously don't understand they could have printed the disks already and it would have absolutely no bearing on anything.

I've usually heard around a month but it used to be possible to be later if you really fucking rushed and it could easily be earlier when it doesn't fucking matter.
If they're just censoring butts, then no, I don't.
It's just Blonde Mai with Guy's moves
boring design.
she'll never get in.
Killer instinct pc when?
Anyone got a list of the most broken characters in a game period? Like bosses or whatnot? Like banned tier like Nakoruru
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what if they censor fat tits?
>playing a shitty gief in tournament
>keeping him out perfectly
>he gets a lucky empty jump ultra and then a knees->suplex to take the first round
>pops off
>i beat him 4 straight rounds while njumping 3 ultras
>smile and shake his hand politely
Being white is ok desu
It does matter if the user does not have internet access should he deployed to such a location. So please, you're being ignorant.
Ivan Ooze
You're going to get fucked regardless though, we online e-sports now.
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Because the other characters don't exist. Half of UMVC3's cast could shut him down.
>posing smash skisonic in fgg
what are you fucking doing
What is it with Smash and oreos?
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who are you quoting?
It sucks, but I just want to play the game. The gameplay is unaffected.

Also, PC mods could potentially fix that shit
Why is Rita Repulsa scaring a baby?
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>Called Melee a fighting game
Fucking take that shit to /ssbg/
Fuck off, I'm not asking for a mugen list. Just casts in games and who was broken or at the top.
You should have awkwardly linked the s.handshake --> s.brofist XX s.hug to max out your white meter

how is that dude an oreo

he just sounds like someone who didn't grow up in the city
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You shouldn't have posted this buddy

>its not capcom so its not real!
I don't think that's passive aggressive enough though. I started to say good try but that would be rude so i stuttered and said good trames
V-gauge or whatever should increase when I hit the opponent. It's such a shame all the cool shit you can do with it can't be done if you're winning without getting any damage.
Then that's a problem.
See /fgg/, it's not too late to ditch SFV and switch to Melee.
V-gauge is filled by both using your v-skill and landing crush counters, aka playing the game correctly. There is no excuse.
Ive always wondered why the people that try to make things inclusive and nice for everyone are the first ones to fling out insults and stereotypes based on someones view on an issue, do they not see the hypocrisy in this? I will sign this even though I actually dont give a fuck
You can build V-Gauge by using your V-Skill. So hitting people with Vega's stance attack or Chun's jump attack or parrying with Ryu or Bison or Nash for instance. You can still build it while winning.
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My post had nothing to do with Smash's status as a fighting game but since you're so hasty to jump to its defence then I might as well add that Smash isn't a fighting game.
V-Gauge is also filled by landing CCHs. You get a HUGE amount of V-Gauge for landing crush counters.

He's hilarious because he always "pisses" people off.
Is akuma doing super when you neutral jump a fireball a real meme or am i just trash?
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anybody a2/st/3s?

holy shit this fucking autistic denial
>white boy calling others oreos
Yeah I forgot about crush counters. And they give you like a full bar too, they're massive.
The censors are just western localizations right?

Just go bitch at Combofiend then.
You build V-gauge from using your V-skill and from getting Crush Counters.
Cool m-moves. That's a g-gangster gief you got goin'!

I-iliteration, -h-ha~
Huh. I did not know this
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Can we not have another smash is a fighting game/smash is not a fighting game shitfest thread?
i'll play a2
fc is fartcade
Cool, I wasn't aware that crush counters increase V-gauge. I main M. Bison so I don't think I can build v-gauge using his V-Skill unless the opponent is a retarded fireball spammer who never learns though.
Where's Melty Blood
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But it's not a fighting game. Simple as that. You have a general for your game. Are you mentally ill or something?
why does strifeomo have a monopoly on the greentext shitposts for the schedule? use some of mine next time
You build some amount of V-Gauge whenever you use your V-Skill, and you get somewhere between a half a bar and a full bar of V-Gauge off of Crush Counters. It's totally possible to get your V-Trigger without taking much/any damage if you're playing optimally.
It is but some of the characters are fucking stupid. No more than ST I guess.

anons pls, this isn't a cringe thread.
If that was the case, Laura wouldn't be in SF5
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I think KOF XIV could be really good, they just need to fix those awkward stiff animations
Whats the cheapest figthing game with online still live?
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