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Just beat the first boss in world 1-9. This is the biggest and

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Just beat the first boss in world 1-9. This is the biggest and most positive surprise of 2017.
Thanks for your input.
Levels go over 1-8 now?
You have seen nothing yet.
It gets better. Make sure to upgrade all your movement options, you'll eventually be able to chain moves and make it halfway across the map in one turn.
I agree OP. Best surprise of the year for me as well. Longtime Mario and Xcom fan here so its not a shock though. Currently in world two, I did half the challenges of world 1 but wanted to level a bit before going back for the rest. Does anyone know when you unlock the 5th character?
Nice to hear that!
After 2-3.
I honestly feel stupid when I fought Rabbid Kong. I would keep sending Luigi in because of his double jump, not realizing I could trigger the button by using the sentry until the last turn, after Mario and Rabbid Luigi were knocked out.

My friend further surprised me when he told me he won the fight by using Bounce abilities and pushing enemies into the button, which sounds needlessly complex, but I appreciate there are multiple approaches into winning fights.
Awesome thanks Im close then. I wanted to see what weapons they have before I buy anything else. Liking how the sentries mess with the AI and thinking of getting Mario's hammer next
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>only 4 worlds
I keep seeing people saying the exact same things about this game in every thread. Is this a shill tactic?
I lucked out with the sentry ans figured that out on the second turn. Took me longer than it should have to realize the full cover made you immune from his shockwaves though
>enjoy XCOM, but suck at it, even on easy setting
>figure this would be a lot easier to enjoy because it's Mario
>getting my ass stomped by mid-world 2

Maybe I should just kill myself.
Well world 1 took me about 3-4 hours and Ive heard the difficulty ramps up quite a bit. 20 hours or so including some challenges isnt bad for a 60 dollar game, though I do wish it was longer.
And each one is pretty long, on top of all of the bonus & hidden missions.
The one thing the game has is a good amount of content.
To be fair they feel like multiple worlds crammed together
World 1 goes from plains to water to jungle to sunset ruins to a jenga tower
>even on easy setting
are you actually braindead

you're not doing something retarded like not upgrading your gear or forgetting about applying power orbs?
>Just beat Xcom 2 WotC on Ironaman commander
>Playin this and i've reset some battles multiple times

I constantly want the highest bonus, but the game plays very different from xcom to keep even myself engaged. The hyper aggressiveness you have to play with is pretty refreshing.
He's talking about Xcom on easy mode.
>Convince Gamers/Media
Granted I've been actively ignoring all info because ew rabbids but Unisoft are known for being shit.
Worlds are actually pretty long, and going back to do challenges and secret levels add a shit ton more content.

I'm 15 hours in, and still messing with Worlds 1 and 2
Its pretty neat how different it can be. Check out Banner Saga 1 and 2 if youee looking for another great turn based tactics game too anon. Its actually has a great story as well and is different enough from Xcom to be really fun
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>you can reset your skill tree at any time
>not realizing I could trigger the button by using the sentry until the last turn
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>use sentry
>it drives up to kong
>presses the button

did you really need this explained?
If you send a sentry to the boss it wont reach him but it will hit the switch that continues the fight each time.
every thread about a video game

>hurrrrrrrrrr shills!!!!111111

just fucking kill yourself already. we want to talk about video games. fuck off.
The sentry can drive and activate the button.

Hell, it cant even reach DK, so it maybe possible to do it on turn 1 and it follow DK pressing the button to remove the bananas
This might be the best ubisoft game in a long ever.
well fuck I sent R Peach there every time. R Kong fucked her hard
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>Reach zone mission
>have luigi with maxed out team jump
>Itchy feet
>move rabbid as far as possible
>use mario to jump off the rabbid as far as possible (onto an enemy and go further if possible too)
>Luigi covers like 25 fucking cells in one turn of movement/double jump
>Turn limit 7 to Perfect mission
>Complete it in 2

>rabbid peach
if your team isn't Mario/Luigi/Rabbid Luigi then just get out of my face. Every time I got a new character I couldn't justify using them over the Luigi's.

Honestly I'd prefer to swap Mario out for someone else but you can't.
This, who needs heals when you can snipe rabbids across the map, or life steal it all back.
is Luigi that good? my team is R Peach, R Luigi, Mario
What is regular yoshi's gimmick?
Hes the only one I dont have.
>can't get rid of him tier

>Luigi tier
Luigi, Rabbid Luigi

>irrelevant tier
Everyone else
>taking any rabbids once you have the ability to always roll with 3 real Mario characters

absolutely disgusting
Pretty good Tier list I have to say.
when do you get that ability, when you get real Yoshi?
ok I'll SWITCH from R Peach to Luigi
You get real Peach at the end of World 2 IIRC
Yoshi's regular gimmick is that he makes a ground pound when he Team Jumps, as well as having a skill that makes weapon effect guaranteed.
I don't know if you're aware of this fact my good friend but you're not allowed to not have a rabbid in the party

Selecting Luigi or Peach for your team greys out the other, leaving only rabbids.
Even when you get Peach you're still forced to have one Rabbid in your team.

Currently at world 3.
Was that the mission early in world 4? There were lots of zig-zagging paths but Luigi does indeed close off the whole distance in almost one turn with fully powered-up movement abilities.
Well most people here played Xcom several years ago. Glad to see Nintendo fags can finally play a cheap knockoff of the series.
>There are people that don't know the pure bliss of Mario + Luigi + R.Mario
Using R.Mario magnet into 5 overwatch shot then cleanup with hammer or shotty feels incredibly good. And R. Mario got some vamp weapons to help, even if it's not as reliable as RLuigi dash
I cannot believe we ended up in the timeline where not only does this game exist, but most people have positive things to say about it.
I'm at World 4-8 now and I certainly suck ass. I love the game so far, but I'm not getting perfects in any of the stages anymore because I stupidly let one of my characters die near the end of a mission or I don't complete them fast enough.

I use a team of Mario, Rabbid Luigi, and Rabbid Peach for the most part.
I enjoy Xcom but Mario+Rabbids is more fun

Seriously, coming from Xcom where you have to inch your way around the map to Mario+rabbids running 8 cells, dashing into 2 enemies, running 16 cells the opposite direction into a pipe which moves you across the map and then run to another pipe which takes you across the map again to jump off an allied character 8 cells to stomp an enemy and land 5 cells away behind full cover and shooting them with a flanked shot all in ONE FUCKING TURN feels fucking incredible
Or people that played xcom back then are glad that there's more like it now.
how hard is it compared to world 1
While there may be some debate over which rabbid to take as the third party member, Luigi is non-negotiable.
stop replying to obvious baits
Princess Peach is the best in the game
It's not like Ubisoft only makes shit. They just make shit 99% of the time. The last two Rayman games were pretty good. Hearing about how hard they worked to try to impress Nintendo, there's definitely still people who care about games at Ubisoft.

it's a solid game, definitvely not a 10/10 but fun


most people posting on 4chan right now didn't even had pubes when they made their first appearance
As World 4's the final world, it's much tougher. Some of the levels are easier than others, but one in particular that stood out to me as being a huge pain in the ass is 4-3/4-4 (forgot which one), where you have to kill 9 enemies. Every single enemy outside of two Hoppers are Smashers and a group of Smashers spawns every other turn. Smashers usually aren't a problem, but they're horrifying in huge groups, even with Rabbid Luigi's drain dash.

Should I replace Rabbid Peach with him? I've been using Rabbid Peach as a healer, but I guess I can use Rabbid Luigi for that if I can use my vampire attacks better.
You literally never get to use Peach apart from her forced mission because using Peach means you're not using Luigi
If you're lucky, you can also send an enemy flying to trigger the button.
I switch characters, but I just like Peach
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Why is Rosalina not in the game LMAO
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I would also cry If I made a good Mario game
I laughed at that one faggot who made this game crying at its reveal, but knowing that they tried really hard to impress Nintendo and that the game came out really good actually makes me feel good for him.
Maybe Ubisoft can produce something more than open world tower climbing yawn fests.
Its hard to fuck up these kinds of games if you think about it. Makes me wonder why there isnt more of them, generally they are either ok or great games.
I just got R Mario and this nigga is fucking crazy. If the explosions didn't hurt nearby allies I'd probably keep using him.
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>calling him a faggot

I called the police
>thread of shills pretending they enjoy a shitty xcom ripoff

Is this what Nintendo is reduced to these days? Sad
150 double dash's that apply significant lifesteal is too good to pass up brah
I'm also amazed by how well Mario works in every goddamn context.
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you did the right thing
I mean its not bad at all, but I think that people are giving it way more credit than its worth. I think its because noone expected it to actually be good. Id still play regular Xcom over this, but thats not to say this is bad, I wish actual Xcom games got this kind of recognition.
>its not bad at all
Not a fan of the fact she has to use a boomshot.
Kinda makes using her as a frontlines support a pain when she just destroys cover and has to be out in the open to hit anything.
She is what /tg/ calls a "Paladin".
>I wish actual Xcom games got this kind og recognition

What? they do, Wasn't Enemy Unknown pretty praised? They just fucked up Xcom 2 by making it an unoptimized piece of shit, even with the updates in WotC there is no reason why it runs so shitty still.
How comfortable
screenshot or it's not possible
What are you talking about, you go into skill trees and theres a reset button there.
>Maybe Ubisoft can produce something more than open world tower climbing yawn fests.

they have

it's called rayman
It's pretty funny that this game got and is still getting a ton of praise while the Xcom 2 expansion was only hailed by grognards, virgins and other such unlikables before vanishing from the collective consciousness.
Might as well ask me to stop posting on /v/
might I add the expanision and m+r:kb came out on the same day
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wholesome twitter
WOTC has gotten praise everywhere I've seen it mentioned, but it's also a DLC for an already released game and is PC only. Whereas this is a new release, on a console that's still pretty hot and new (and was lacking for exclusives), and it was an E3 headliner game for Ubisoft, and it's a Mario game, and it seemed so goofy and destined to fail that a lot of people were curious about it.

When a professional marathon runner is able to run a bit farther and faster than he ever could before it's interesting, but people are gonna be way more interested to hear about the one-legged retarded 12 year old kid who managed to finish a race.
I've never played a game of Xcom in my life, and it's still not that hard of a game. It gets a little challenging but it's not hard by any means.
Or maybe Xcom 2 is just kind of bad.
You're allowed to feel however you want about the quality of a videogame anon
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Why the fuck am I forced to use a damn rabbid in the party, I just want to kill them.
The game's pretty fun, but I expected a secret world or something
i want that goddamn hat
Fine. The music is pretty good. This is the best one:
Holy shit that sounds pretty great, a guaranteed honey proc could come in fucking handy

Okay, you're either retarded or you don't have the game. You HAVE to have a rabbid in the party. The game will not allow you to pick two non-rabbid characters.
It's great yeah especially for the game itself but it's not catchy like Sonic Mania's music for example
Well, there's a secret chapter in every world, plus something more at the end of the game.
Does this mean Ray-Man in Smash???
Banging two pistachio nut shells together gives the impression a very small horse is approaching.
i beg to differ
how did you even come to that conclusion
Based Kirkhope

I actually thought world 3 was the hardest world and world 4 was the second hardest. World 4 was pretty tough but some of the battles in World 3 wrecked me over and over again. The last two fights of World 4 I beat on the first try.
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Something about this just warms my heart.
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It's Grant fucking Kirkhope. Of course it's godlike.

I agree

Kirkhope said that he wants to work on Zelda music

what do you think, lads
Rayman isn't even in the game
If only you knew what it was like to be proud of something you did

Ask Michel Ancel.
That one is good, but Hoppers gets extra points for theme. The military marching band instruments with a sort of weird, silly melody really fit the game well. Spooky music is much more common, so while it's good, it's less interesting.
People like you are why this board is shit. Can't have one thread actually discussing a quality game to distract from the falseflag wojaks and waifu threads!
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so, this game will become a series. what do you want to see in a sequel?
1. there is no indication this game will get anything in the future beside the dlc, but 2. rayman cameos would be nice.
I love how they use that orchestra sound instead of electronic.
It is the shit.
But Rayman is already in Smash as a trophy.
>what do you think, lads

Well if he treated the Zelda soundtrack with the same reverence he treats the Mario soundtrack, then it'd be perfect.

that would be awesome. Here's to hoping.
I'd rather this stay a one-off, honestly. It was a good game, but I don't think I'd buy it twice just for the sole fact that they've done pretty much all they can with it.
Would be interesting to see at the least, Grant's general style doesn't really fit Zelda but I feel like he could make it work.
Cause it's fucking boring music. It's more like the soundtrack to Mario+Fire Emblem, far too straightforward and serious for the theme.
only the highest ranking nintendo fanboys and small children ages 5-12 will agree with you

I'm not sure if it will, but it'll definitely be expanded. I wouldn't mind a sequel though, although I'm not sure how we're gonna go from here or what the story expansion will bring to the table. Will some of the bosses come back, will there be new ones, will Bowser Jr. have another plan up his sleeve despite letting Mario and the crew go? Will he have Bowser along this time?

He looks like he's about to do things to Rabbid Peach.
No, he doesn't.
He looks like he already did.
>Grant Kirkhope soundtrack
find out next time on Autism: The Game

Yeah, a sequel is pretty much guaranteed at this point. Mostly, optimize the fucking game and at least get it to 1080p. 900p with frame-rate drops is unacceptable in 2017. Other than that, I suppose they might as well add Daisy and Rosalina as playable characters since everybody seems to want that. Other than that, they just need to build on the established formula. No need to mess around with it that much.
>Daisy and Rosalina
no one cares about this you retarded waifufag
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>"Yeah... my Miyamoto story is a bit worse," he admits. "It was when E3 had moved to Atlanta [1997]. Nintendo had a party in a museum, and we all got hideously drunk. I saw [Rare founder] Tim Stamper talking to Miyamoto, and I introduced myself as the composer of Banjo-Kazooie, totally drunk. He just looked at me with the blankest expression, he couldn't tell what I was saying. A while later, I was in the bathroom - and this is embarrassing - I was trying to pull down [Donkey Kong 64 designer] George Andreas' trousers for a joke. I was on my knees and I looked up to see Miyamoto staring down at me. That was the last time I spoke to him."
I do. How exactly are more characters a bad thing anyways?
Oh god this is hilarious
Spaghetti everywhere.
And the spaghetti gushed forth like a fountain.
>orchestra bullshit with a ton of horns and a very slow tempo

how exciting.
>You will never spill your spaghetti in front of Miyamoto
it was the ultimate gaming spaghetti story
Mario + Rabbids is honestly one of the best games I've ever played. Even if the restrictions in who you can have on your team is a bit odd.

I would love to see a sequel, especially if it has the following.

>Wario, Waluigi, Bwario and Bwaluigi as partners
>No being limited to always having to use Mario and at least one Rabbid character
>Make the characters more varied in their abilities and usefulness in battle to make people actually think and consider which set-up of characters would suit them
>More weapons, abilities and customization options (theirs plenty already but i want to see more)
>Revenge of The Phantom

1. I want to be able to bench Mario for more team combinations
2. I want too Play as fucking Waluigi
3. I want a sandbox mode with customizable mook characters that has permadeath
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>No sequel
>No the already confirmed new story DLC
I direct you to this >>389675156
I'm willing to bet the Rabbids will be in the port or in the fifth game all together.
Well, there will be DLC, maybe she will be alongside daisy and their rabbid counter parts. Unfortunately we won't be getting wario and waluigi in our teams.
>Not Wario and Waluigi and their pre-existing Rabbid counterparts
Anon, I usually stop the music for any game I play cause I find it annoying, but this is one of the few cases I turn my tv volume all the way up just to listen to the music. I am now regretting not byting the edition with the music dvd.
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>That fucking 1-9 boss theme
I agree with you. I want this to remain as a single game and not become a series.
Is the game easy? Does it make you think with your brain or is it too simple to be complex?
it is deeper than xcom at the very least
Reviewers called it really challenging because most of them are retards, but the challenge is just right, not too simple at all. Sometimes it feels like you're limited more by the extent of your imagination and strategic thinking than the radius of your moves due to how much you can accomplish in a single turn.
I know this may sound stupid, but now I want a singing competition between the Phantom and the Mighty Poo from.conkers bad fur day.
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>... And that's how I got my job as Mario x Rabbid Battle Kingdom's composer!
>Revenge of The Phantom
>I am trying to justify a game I wasted $60 on
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What a great attitude man. Fuck everyone who calls out shills, that way when actual shills advertise here they can passively dismiss anyone who calls them out on their bullshit and get away with it!

That's the entirety of /v/ though.
Isn't that great, Davide

I wonder if it'll ever be explained how the Phantom came to instantly hate Mario enough to create a diss song that makes it seem like he hates him from so long while having a sudden crush on Peach despite having been created in the spot with a Rabbid, a phonograph and a Boo toy. Did those "relics of goodness" had anything to do with it? I've heard theories about the phonograph being from Cranky's, but that seems far'fetched as fuck.
(You) can go now
How are you just now amazed by this? Mario has proven to be able to work (and work well) in literfuckingly everything since the sports games.
You sound like your brain is broken, anon.
what if we meet rabbid bowser
Yes please. And i want him to wipe his ass with rabbit mario.
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I don't know why, but trying to picture something of that sort scares the living hell out of me.

You try to picture a entirely white Bowser with bug eyed blue eyes, Rabbid ears and who knows what else. We're no longer talking about "just put rabbit ears in him", this would be a legit fusion.
why can't everyone just be like this. I feel like a miserable person because everywhere i look is just people slinging shit at each other.
I don't care if it makes me a nintenbro (i have a switch and a 980ti pc) but this shit is why i love nintendo, in addition to their fun/comfy games.
If it were anything but Rabbids, I would buy it.

But it's Rabbids, so I'm not buying it.
>I'm letting fictional white rabbits affect my purchase

People have been more upset over less, Anon.
So I'm assuming MarioRabbids will win the award "best game nobody wanted" for 2017?
t. edgy teenager
I've never been exposed to them, but I find them alright. Now over the years, then yeah, I'd get ya. They're like the Minions from Dispicable Me, but in your face with more camera time.
What if the DLC features Bwario and Bwaluigi as antagonists, possibly working with Wario and Waluigi? They make a point in showing them escaping every time they're defeated, you don't get to turn them back into regular Rabbids like everyone else.
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fanart when?
Luigi is a glass cannon sniper

Truthfully the best character combo isn't even possible with Mario, Luigi. and Peach

Peach is a tank with a shit ton of healing
Really I think the biggest problem is that Mario is always forced and there are only 3 characters allowed at a time

It really doesn't give the player much room to play with the rest of the cast
>Peach is a tank with a shit ton of healing
healing is what I like
You don't need healing when the Rabbid Luigi can just apply the drain to three enemies every turn and everyone can heal to full by shooting them.
>easy mode
what is the difference?
Free heal + 50% more HP for your characters.
You still get the same rewards.
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so no one can see if I completed it on easy mode
But do you get a "perfect" score at the end? I don't know what it is in the English version because i play the game is in my own language.
more playable characters. the wario bros, rosalina, daisy or some of the koopalings
Just beaten the final boss, watching the credits right now and I'm still surprised at how very well it turned out. I also feel a tinge of national pride seeing all the Italian names in the credits since I'm Italian myself. Hope they go on to even bigger and better things instead of falling back into the Just Dance void.
What if Bowser and Cranky collaborated on the song, Bowser Jr. found and tweaked it when Bowser was on vacation, then had Phantom perform it?

Wouldn't that require giving lyrics to the Phantom? As far as I know, there wasn't anything else on that stage alluding to pre-written lyrics, meaning it was all either improv or from the phonograph itself.
Can you at least remove Mario from the group when you beat the game?
Bowser has a recording studio in his basement and makes mixtapes in his spare time. He uses vinyl for the sound quality.
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That's fucking brilliant.
Who is best team member and why is it Rabbid Luigi?
Seriously that vamp ability is fucking busted.
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Some non-Rabbid bosses would be nice, especially if they brought back some old and unexpected choices.

>world where you start on the planet then go out into space to a battlestation where Tatanga awaits in his spaceship
>Mario and crew are put into a magical sleep and have to navigate the seven worlds of Subcon as as battle maps, facing the five Eight-Bits (Mouser, Triclyde, Robirdo, Fryguy, and Clawgrip) in the fourth map and the eighth map is the battle against Wart
>investigate why part of the world seems to be disappearing, when you reach the void Super Dimentio drops onto the field and the fight begins
It's him, most reliably. Although offensively I find Rabbid Mario to be insanely broken with his triple explosive slide into the dance ability coupled with the Mario characters' sight abilities and finally into a hammer strike that hits all the enemies he drew in with a high chance of petrification. It can trivialize most battles.
>sound quality
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>anything with Nintendo's influence referencing old Paper Mario

Not happening ever
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pic related would be cool
I heard Rabbid Mario is very good, but I haven't really been able to position him properly to use the dance/overwatch abilities/hammer combo. Enemies seem a bit too far away most of the time. I just beat World 2, so maybe I'll practice in some of the challenges.
Does this game has a multiplayer mode?
Because after you finish the single player there not much more to do, and it's a expensive game for so little content/worlds
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>Game gets a sequel
>Becomes a three-way crossover
I just fought this fucker today. It's the only level I've gotten Fair on. Why couldn't they put a dropdown ledge up on the raised portions? Movement around the map takes too many turns, even for Luigi.
It gets really really good once his movement skills have been maxed out. He has Luigi-tier movement.
Yes, it has a pretty sizeable co-op mode but to unlock maps set in new worlds you first need to finish that world in single player.
Holy fuck I want a Megaman TBS game now.

>Mega Man, Proto Man, Bass, Duo as the four central characters
>the Robot Masters from all 11 games as back-up soldiers
>enemy is a mysterious force fielding their own robot soldiers with their own abilities and their versions of Doc Robot who can spawn with random Robot Master weapons later in the game
>bosses are both new creations from the enmy and stolen Wily fortress bosses like Yellow Devil, Mecha Dragon, and Gutsdozer
Luigi>Rabbid Peach>Rabbid Luigi>Mario>Peach>Rabbid Marid>Rabbid Yoshi>Yoshi

both the Yoshis are shit
Overall, this game reminded me a lot of Mario & Luigi Paper Jam. The Mario-themed Rabbids are like the Paper Mario characters, the real-world items littering the landscape are like the paper constructs doing the same thing in PJ, Bowser Junior is similarly-written and endearing in both games and Bowser fuses with something and gains some kind of armor for the final boss fight. Pretty cool.
Finally have Wario and Waluigi as actual villains for the game. Maybe as mercenaries that Bowser Jr. hires to defeat Mario and friends, but plan to double cross him and rob Bowser's Castle blind or something. I consider this a Mario RPG, and as such, I want them to go in the direction of all the Mario RPG concepts that Nintendo themselves never did.
Have a Mario, Luigi, Rabbid Peach team, and it's working quite well. What is objectively the best team?
>expensive for so little content
Assuming you do all the challenges/find all the things you should probably get 30 hours out of it
Best Buy sells em for 20 bucks.
Let me guess, you just rushed through the story ignoring all the challenges etc?
Mario (Because you can't get rid of him)
Luigi (Absolute beast with a bounce sniper and maximized hero sight)
Rabbid Luigi (Does insane damage with dashes and team can heal by shooting enemies he dashes)
Look good enough,

I still think they should add a multiplayer mode like in Mario kart / splatoon 2 via upgrade.
It would help the sales.
Luigi>Rabbid Luigi>Rabbid Mario>Mario>Rabbid Peach>Peach>Yoshi>Rabbid Yoshi
>Rayman characters to be added
>New types of weapons and abilities
>More ways to explore
>More enemies and Bosses, both old and new i.e Mr. Dark, Ashley
>New interactions and team play
>people think this game is difficult
t. Someone who didn't do the challenges and spammed easy mode when they got low HP.
Yeah, but each world feels like multiple worlds. Like you go from desert to winter to pyramids to whatever all in one world.
No, i'm use to the genre. Git gud. Game isn't difficult at all.
Too bad you aren't used to the English language.
She was the best in Mario Bros 2 (US)
It would just be a Rabbid in a bowser suit anon.
How the fuck do I beat the castle guards? This multiple phases bullshit is pants on head retarded.
Miyamoto literally just told this fuck to make a Mario game no one had made before.

Not because Mario is an easy IP to sling out, but because the dude actually cared for and loved the Mario franchise.

It's amazing how far a desire and love for a franchise can bring you.
That's not Toad.
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Then leave fag, no one is asking you not to have fun.

Anons in here are pure and still full of vigor, the light hasn't gone out for them brother.
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I'm stuck in world 2-8. I just ragequit. I love this game.
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