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Which is the better starting point?

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Which is the better starting point?
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Zero. Kiwami/1's plot is better if you already care about some of the characters involved.

>worst combat out of every yakuza game
>lengthy loading in and out of encounters
>stutter loading when moving from area to area
>static camera angles
>ugliest cutscenes

Quit trying to be contrarian.
Why do you make same threads forever?
Before Kiwami came out 1, but now it's set up so that 0 flows in to Kiwami.
0 is better. Yakuza Kiwami looks pretty but still feels like a PS2 game.

Don't be a fag, OP.
0 into Kiwami then wait for Kiwami 2. Purchase 3 and 4 now before prices skyrocket even more. 0 flows into kiwami and I assume it will flow as well into kiwami 2 making it the perfect starting point.

While I like 1 and 2 for the PS2 they seem dated as fuck now, especially 1. You can go ahead and pick both 1 and 2 up right now for ~$80 on amazon if you are used to playing on the PS2 and how games run on it though to see how well the series has evolved over the years.
Why would you start with a PS4 game, only to have to go back to the PS2 to continue with the series?
Yakuza 3 is on the PS3 though
you dont need a ps2 you fucking retard.. kiwami 2 is coming out and even if it wasnt its 90 percent certain that yakuza will get pc port early next year

so on pc you can play the whole series
You won't need to when Kiwami 2 is released. Either way he will have to console hop around because the others are on PS3.
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I started with 0. Got all the reprints when they were on sale. Playing Kiwami now and then going into 1 on the PS2. Any other order is perfectly acceptable though
>Playing Kiwami now and then going into 1 on the PS2.
Why? Morbid curiosity?
So not only are you expecting OP to wait at least a year after 6 releases before playing Kiwami 2 to continue with the series, but then he's either going to have to wait 5+ more years for the PS3 games to be remade, or go back and play them on PS3 which will still be jarring after being spoiled by the new games.
this might trigger you pony but theres a ps3 emulator
What's your point?
To ease into 2 and also for Mark Hamil's Majima
0, it's a prequel and the best in the series

You'll find out whether you like the games or not, and will have the added bonus of not knowing the twists
>>static camera angles
I was a bit disappointed that Kiwami didn't give you the option to swap between the old static cameras and the 360 controllable one on the fly.
>expecting people to emulate ps3 games when they'd rather wait for kiwami 3,4, and 5
0. It seems like their rebooting the series with 0 as the starting point in mind.
Why would you play 2 on PS2 instead of just waiting for Kiwami 2?
Why would anybody ever play this game? No seriously, for what purpose? Kiwami makes it obsolete.
by the time the PS3 emulator is actually playable Kiwami 3 through 5 will be out on the PS5
Not him but
>6's engine
Too much of a wild card at this point, might suck
Kuwami then zero
Are the games so shit that they're not fun just because the console is older?
I don't want to wait until it gets localized to continue the story
Playing through 0 and Kiwami/Kiwami 2 will suck him into the story enough to get through 3. There is no certainty 3-5 is ever going to be remade either, especially if they start up with new characters. What's jarring to alot of people is going back and playing clunky PS2 games after 13 years of 2 different generations and may even turn some off of the series for that alone.
Why are you so mad? Are you poor and can't afford a PS2 or PC capable of emulation, is that it? Do you begrudge other people experiencing the series the best way because you can't?
6's engine is definitely wonky atm, but let's not pretend that 2's is better
Why is this question still even relevant?
Play the games in release order. It applies to everything that has a focus on plot, especially this and MGS.
>Dur do i play 3, then 1 then 4 then 2 then PW then 5?
Fucking morons.
Never ever play PW.
I legit don't care how anybody starts the series, I started with 3 and enjoyed it just fine. I just find your whining hilarious.

If you don't like being made fun of, stop acting like a fool.
Honestly? Yes, 2's combat is a LOT more enjoyable than 6's
Of course, the Yakuza devs are actually amazing when it comes to doing a bunch of shit in a small timeframe so from 6 to Kiwami 2 they might've actually made the combat good, but until i see some combat videos and get to experience a demo with my own hands i'll keep my guard up
>but let's not pretend that 2's is better
2 runs at 60fps, so it's automatically better.
Yakuza 2 is the best game in the series
>2 runs at 60fps
>2 runs at 60fps
No, it doesn't.
oh good a yakuza thread
when the hell do I get staminan spark?
also I did as much majima everywhere stuff in chapter 4 as I could and now majima has been smoking a single cigarette for the last three chapters outside purgatory. When does he remember what he's supposed to be doing?
we're talking specifically about the engines, not the games themselves

6's engines is decades ahead of 2's because it literally is, doesn't make it the better game it just means it has a better engine
He isn't asking to play 3, then 1, then 4 though. He is asking which to start with either the prequel to 1 which is 0 or 1. Release order is irrelevant to this because the plot moves the same.
Who's whining, other than you with your ironic shitposting?
>6's engines is decades ahead
A engine that slowdowns on fucking Karaoke ain't ahead of shit
Oh you didn't read your own post? Don't worry anon, I can link it for you (-: >>388783062
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If you're asking what game to start with then you're asking a stupid question to begin with.
Release order and nothing different.
This confuses me. So 0 is obviously a prequel to the original, but what is Kiwami exactly? A random side story?
No, you don't understand. You NEED to play 1 to fully appreciate the series. If you play any other way it is literally impossible to enjoy the series. 1 is superior to Kiwami because I don't like the Majima system and I think the soundtrack is better and also my favourite e-celeb thinks so too (-:
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You'll want to start with Zero, because the remake's gameplay is laid out with the idea you've played through the prequel (you get all three styles at once, and the difficulty is more aggressive).

While you do miss one or two call-forwards, Zero is pretty newbie friendly.
It's a remake of the first game, with additional content and cutscenes, in a new engine, with updated controls, at 1080p/60fps.

So, naturally it's dogshit and you should play the PS2 version.
>what is Kiwami exactly?
A remake of the original, with added references to 0
Why when the only advancements are technical and nothing to do with the plot like your original post suggests.
Oh neat, might finally pick this series up then.
Tried one years about which started with some orphans and gave up cause I had no clue what was going on
It's a remake of the first game, using the engine from Zero.

While they added a couple of things (Majima Everwhere, Zero's styles, and a couple of different side stuff) it's basically a 1-1 remake of the first game.
I hope you enjoy it, anon!
Whats majima?
Because it makes him feel superior on a Nipponese nobbly knees forum.
A new nigerian gang from more recent games
Recurring antagonist (and playable character in the prequel, 0)
The fuck is up with that kiwami cover, it's only a mockup I hope
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>Someone new to a series asks where the best place to start is
>Fanbase gives them the answer to their question
>"No, that's wrong"

Happened with MGS, happened with Dark Souls, happened with The Witcher, happened with Monster Hunter, happened with Yakuza, happened with Silent Hill
Are these people just looking for validation that their dumb ideas are great from people that made similar mistakes? Is that why they keep having to try over and over until the new playerbase becomes the majority and their opinions are validated? Fucks sake man
It's just a mad dog that resides in Shimano
Fuck stupid threads like this.
Wait what the fuck is this shit
Yakuza 6 has no install screen?
no install screen or intro
can't spent time making an intro when you need to render every single hair on kiryu's head
What the fuck are you talking about? People have different opinions, you actual autists.

Some people recommend release order, and they have their reasoning for doing so. Some people recommend the remakes, and they too have their reasoning for doing so. Some people recommend the prequel, and they also have their reasoning for doing so.

Stop getting triggered that somebody might think something that you don't agree with.
You have to make him look good for his final game, it only makes sense.
Honestly, it doesn't fucking matter. I started with Yakuza 3 and I understood the story. For as complicated and dramatic as they make it seem the stories are usually pretty simple.

The order I played in:
3, 4, 5, 0, Kiwami

From best to worst:

Starting point really doesn't fucking matter but I'd recommend starting with 3 or 4 so you still have something superior in terms of gameplay to look forward to.
>started with 3.


I'd say most people on /v/ started with 3.

3, 0, 5, then 1; in terms of which games brought in the most players.
I understand that but I also have a friend that started MGS with 4 so clearly there's a line in the sand somewhere an opinion becomes a mental health issue

Stop playing the demo.
Sure, some opinions are a little more bizarre than others but recommending 1, Kiwami or 0 as a starting point isn't really comparable to recommending MGS4 as a starting point.
>2's combat is a LOT more enjoyable than 6's

lmao nostalgiafags
Can't wait to get BTFO
The PS2 games are shit grampa, no one in their right mind would get into those rusty ass clunky mess
Kiwami's cover is much better
Why the fuck would you want to play a 1:1 remake with better graphics and combat at 1080p/60fps LOL fukken newfags ruining muh series
>people falling for the Kiwami and 0 memes

Enjoy your ancient as fuck games. They are too dated for modern standards and are literally unplayable.
Pick 7
Pick this 5
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Don't talk shit on the PS2, mine might hear you right now
There's nothing wrong with that mentality. It's true for most series.
Except you're actively discouraging sales of a game that just released
You're literally retarded.

OP, ignore this flaming homosexual.

Stop replying to such obvious bait, fuck.

4 brought in the most next to 0. You don't know shit.
>Kiwami makes it obsolete.

Spoken like a true underageb&.
I have to agree with this anon. Other than opinions on where to start this is objectively the best opinion.
newfag detected, 3 definitely brought in more because it was one of the only good ps3 games at the time
I had never heard of Yakuza until I picked up Yakuza 3 during my college years in a bargain bin.

Shinada sucked, Saejima was literally the exact same fucking story as 4 except somehow with MORE padding, and Akiyama has always been a poor man's Kiryu. Shimada quite literally did not matter. The story is actually already over before his boss fight.

Tanimura and the remaining novelty of the series was what put 4 above 5. I fucking loved Tanimura's grab and heat centric fighting style.

Zero is just easily the best in the entire series. Not only do you get to play as Majima, not only is it 60FPS, but the game essentially has eight characters through the 4 fighting styles for Kiryu and Majima.

Yakuza 3 certainly felt like it had the strongest feeling of progression in the games I played (which exclude the original 1 and 2).
Nobody cares about your opinion, tripfag.
>Shinada sucked

Opinion discarded.
I'm not trying to stir up shit, I'm honestly curious, what are you guys who started with 0 or Kiwami going to do about continuing the series? Are you going to play 6 next, or go back and play 2 on PS2, or wait for Kiwami 2?
everything in these yakuza games are interesting to me except the fighting
They'll probably just watch let's plays and spout opinions from their favorite ecelebs like they already do.
guess theyll play 2 next if they really get into it nigga. is you stupid?

You dont know the power of a newfag that gets into the series and wants all the titles, especially on this board.
Why does that matter?
But 2 is too dated and literally unplayable
>started with 5
>didn't finish it
>finished yakuza 0
>now gonna play kiwami

Get fucked.
By yalls logic you should play resident evil 1 original over REmake simply so you don't have to downgrade when going onto 2-3

Shut the fuck up
That's how I started too
You should play both, which is the same thing I'm advocating here.
I started with 0 and was always interested in the series but couldnt get the first ones, now with 0 kiwami and k2 i can play up to it. I know 3 is on ps3 but its not on the PSN, is there a way to get it virtually?
I can't believe you're starting with such old games. Shin Yakuza is the only one even remotely worth playing.
>But 2 is too dated
its not really tho. this isn't shenmue 1 or 2, yakuza 1 and 2's combat is not as fleshed as the current games but its not flat out terrible and unplayable
>tfw you played in release order
>that magical jump from PS2 to PS3
>this nigger thinks you shouldn't play the original Resident Evil
Confirmed retard.

See yourself out of the conversation.
>and literally unplayable

You're a fucking idiot.
Um it doesn't even have trophies thats like a huge red flag right there. That's even worse than playing some ancient PS3 Yakuza game.

End your life.
>There are people who didn't go
Funny because it's the ecelebs who shit on the remakes

Fuck off.
By that logic arkham asylum remaster is bettet than the original
Im done with the series, have no time to be watching haruka slut it up by having a child now.

Fuck that noise, Kiryu keeps getting cucked
I started with 0 then Kiwami, I'm probably going to wait for Kiwami 2. I might replay 1 on pcsx2 while I wait.
That's a port not a complete remake from the ground up you STUPID FUCKING RETARD
>using outdated curse words

Kekzorz get a load of this cuckistani

Why would he even go for Haruka? That's sick.
Yeah, it's pretty stupid.
Kiryu is retired now, anon.

>this is what Yakuza threads have become

I'm done.
How does Kiwami compare to Yakuza 1.
All I remember is guns being annoying as fuck all, a really intense final fight, and walking around escorting a little girl.

No you're stupid.
So I only own 4 right now. Is it okay to play that one first or will I be completely lost?
It runs on a new engine, at 1080p/60fps, with better controls, better graphics, better combat, and new content and cutscenes. But it's shit because I don't like the music or Majima anymore.
This isn't a Yakuza thread though, it's a shitposting containment thread for people asking the same question every other hour.
Watch the recap of the first 3 games included in 4. It's decent to get you started
Does kiwami 2 have a release date?
What'd they do to Majima?
Or do you not like him because of 0.
They wouldn't have to keep asking it if literal retards didn't keep confusing everyone by shitting on the remake.
It's got different combat. The fucking Kiwami moves and regen health make bosses a chore. They should remake Kiwami without that fucking gimmick and it'd be perfect
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>Yakuza 0 Zero
December 7 in nihongo
Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
They're too retarded to understand how numbers work so it's not my fault.
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Excuse you?

yakuza dub was cool to me. majima was the joker and shit

and china
Good thing I said it was that anons opinion fag
Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
0 making Nishiki a top tier bro somewhat saved him from being a fucking garbage villain in 1 so start there
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Don't you ever talk to the disco king like that again
0 is before 1, therefore you start with 0.
Americans can't use that kind of logic though
I'm American and I just used that logic.
i have yakuza 1 for the ps2 (same with 2).

much better to play the original and how its supposed to be, amirite niggas ?
How about this?

1&2 cut scenes from 3 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 0
How about this

Not playing the games at all -> doing something else
>no Dead Souls
You need to play Dead Souks to see shit shooting
I agree with this because not playing the games came before playing the games and thus is the correct release order
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that 2nd kiwami is going to be a must buy for me. yakuza 1 and 2 are my hands down favorite with 2 being #1
nigga what? so not playing the games at all is better than doing something else? is this right bluhd?
Yes unless you're a newfag who needs to play games
my first yakuza was zero bluhd on the ps4.
>SJW game
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will i have enough time to play 0 and kiwami before 2 comes out?

2 didn't even come out in japan.
Yes. Kiwami 2 comes out in December for Nips, but it'll probably be a year for us.
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Yakuza noob here, gonna play 0, Kiwami, and Kiwami 2 on PS4, then 3, 4, and 5 on PS3

And there's nothing you can do about it
It's literally OK when Japan does it. Get over yourself nerd.

As long as you're supporting the series, you could start with 5 for all I care.
0 I would think.

Kiwami incorporates a lot of 0's plot and stuff into it so you'd be a little bit lost if you started with Kiwami. Not much but yeah.
Literally me
in 2017, that is the correct way to play the series. Anyone actually arguing that you should go back to Yakuza or Yakuza 2 on PS2 are either trolling or being contrarian "hardcore" fans.
I'm really not because I'm using my friend's account to download the games

Sure you are.
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I'm pirating 3-5 though, anon.
Who gives a shit, those are done with. Kiwami and 0 are the real warriors these days, support them if you can.
They sort if have a point as it is cool to see how the games evolved, but beyond that 0 is the best starting point.
Majima's transition from Zero to Kiwami still makes no fucking sense at all. Goes full retard for no reason.
It's only necessary if you want to see how far the series has come in terms of design and if you're interested in that sort of thing. As someone who went from 3 to 1, the difference fascinated me.
Sure. But it's fair to say original Y1 +Y2 are outdated and have been/are being replaced with a more fluid and modern game. It's the same argument REfags make about original RE 1 vs the REmake...if you are new to the series the antiquated gameplay troupes and stationary camera angles will send you running for the door.
River City Ransom>Shenmue
Correct. Which is why I say it's only really worth it to see how the games have progressed. Voice acting in 1 is pretty fun to hear as well I guess.

Shenmue isn't even relevant, and Yu had to beg live at E3 for funding. Now that's pathetic.
i disagree nigga. if you hardcore, you play it as it is.

i have the ps2 1 and 2 games, and imma play em as they were meant to be. fo shizzle mein nizzle my niggle.
>are outdated

Confirmed underage.
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Is this a good place to start? I dont have a ps4 yet
Perfect place. That's where I started.
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Where the fuck is Majima? I'm on Chapter 6 and Dragon style is still useless because I only have 5 orbs unlocked. The latest message from Nishida is telling me about a hostess at Shine, but every time I go there it just makes me hang out with Rina. Do I have to get her above a certain affection level?
Start with 5
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You way past me my man. I only just started doing the Majima everywhere shit.
Just go to the gravestone and watch the recap if you absolutely have to start with that.
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>Majima Everywhere
>He's only at specific set places after certain conditions are met
Foopity boopity
I'm gonna play Kiwami, then probably 0, then 6. I've always been intrigued by this series and the inclusion of NJPW guys in 6 finally makes the series must play for me.
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It's easily the worst place to start. Emulate the first two games, retard.


and pic related
>where do I start shitposts get their own threads now

fucking christ
This is some monkey paw shit for real
>Yakuza became popular in the west
>6 is a huge fucking mess and will probably review poorly and turn people off from the series
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Man Kiryu's tattoo is so shity compared to Majima and Shibusawa.
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I like my tats centered and focus. First time seeing Kiryu I had a hard time figuring what's going on, it's all over the place. Also real yakuza in nipland hate it apparently.
How come none of the yakuza in Yakuza have proper yakuza tattoos? Full body ones with the strip in the middle
Kiwami adds a new cutscenes each chapter going through Nishiki's rise to power while you were away for 10 years.

Zero the is the bigger game, has more stuff to do. I would star with Zero for the story if you never played them.
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Don't listen to the fags defending this >>388780225
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but I can't
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Ryuji's one is great.
Kiwami is actually cheaper new, bought mine for $20 with a $10 discount so it was practically cheaper than used PS2 copy.
I'm playing my first Yakuza game (zero), and it just seems really, really easy. I'm into the story, the city, the minigames, but I feel like i'm just breezing through everything and mostly listening to dialogue. There's HEAPS to do, but nothing challenging, mostly involving listening to dialogue or fetch quests.

Am I approaching these games the wrong way? Does it get better?
Until they make kiwami 3-5 I'd say play the ps2 versions.

But honestly, you're not likely to play 7 games in the same series in a row anyway so you may as well just start with 0 and play the remakes as they come out.
The gameplay is never challenging. The fun isn't really about the depth of the combat or anything. The combat is fun, but only for the spectacle. The characters and world are the main appeal.
Yakuza gaems have always been piss easy. That's why nipps love em so much, because they're fucking casuals. There are challenging enemies in Yakuza such as Amon or some of the tournament fights, but you're going to have to play the game for a long time before you get to the good fights. By long time, I mean like 100 fucking hours.
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why not start at 3 and go from there by release? First yakuza Ive done was 3. It comes with videos covering yakuza 1 and 2 respectively so you don't lose out on story. I've been planning on playing MGS games and skipped MGS1 and decided to watch the cutscene/codec compilations on youtube.

People on /v/ that get autistic over release date usually are autistic over "muh story". The story is contained in cutscenes, so why play gameplay that might have been cool in 2003 or so but aged in current year and force yourself to do it? You don't lose on story and can fast forward to enjoyable gameplay.
It was my starting point and it gave me a appreciation for how much the series has grown, but Jesus the first game was rough in many spots (Combat especially was clunky and limited).

Honestly, I would not blame anyone for going with Kiwami 1 and 2 for their first time (Although Yakuza 2 is my personal favorite and is well worth playing if you can get it to run via emulation).
Know a guy who started with Dead Souls.
I originally couldn't finish this and it caused me to ignore the series until 0 came out
Because the games are fun. MGS1 is still the 2nd best game in the series to date. I don't understand why people here WANT to skip fun games. Because the graphics are dated?

The gameplay in Yakuza 1 is mildly shit but 2 is just about on par with 3 and definitely worth playing. Both games are still great on the Hd collection if you can speak nip too. It's a shame they never localised it because otherwise that would be the definitive starting point.
Unless you're sure you want to play through the whole series, I'd say start with 0. If you wanna play them all start with 1 on the ps2. Just bare in mind it's a bit crap.
I have played up to 4, and the main thing I noticed is there is some minor difficulty spikes, but for the most part the games are easy. Hell, I did not die in Yakuza 3 at all and barely used any healing items outside the last boss (which I used maybe 2-3).

The only challenging parts are when the games throw you into a different situation, like the stealth sections (The one in 2 was a nightmare due to the perspective), the chases in 3, or the horrid shooting section in 1 that played like the worst lightgun game ever.
Remember the time when you ditched your entire server on a 'mid rank' admin who turned out to be a head hitler?
Yakuza Online is the only good starting place because it's the most recently developed. Everything else is literally obsolete.
Once you meet the host the first time you don't have to go back to the meb, just walk back in and a cutscene will start
Star with Double Dragon then to Final Fight and Streets of Rage. Just work your way up trough a bunch of beat en ups tii you get to Yakuza so you feel the evolution of the genre.
>t. Salty zero baby
>English dub
>Double Dragon
>Not Kung-Fu Master and Renegade
Get a load of this newb.

Do not listen to the fag, Yakuza on PS2 was ugly and - if i'm not wrong - even censored.
Started with 4, all the PS3 games in the series have movies made up of cutscenes from the previous game telling the story but it's not as fun as playing through them. 4 and 5 are probably still my favorites.
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