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>Supporting 60fps will be possible, but considering the spec

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>Supporting 60fps will be possible, but considering the spec you’d need to get that level—with native 4K, HDR, and a good 60fps—the machine we’ve got here couldn’t do that at the moment. That’s a GTX 1080 Ti, and even with that 60 frames is not possible.

>So, multiple cards, there’s the loading of the previous frame and you have that little bit of delay. It doesn’t allow for that proper 60 frames. In order to get that really smooth 60 frames, you need a higher capacity base in order to do that. All the physics simulations as well need to be refreshed in every frame—if you have two cards running in tandem there’s that little bit of delay between the sending of data between the two cards and that’s what makes it impossible.

So this is the power of the pc........woaaah
Translation: We're too lazy to optimize our game so just buy better hardware.

It's the power of a shitty game.
Developers haven't properly optimised their games in years, console-to-PC ports are a thousand times worse for it and always have been.
What's the news? Everybody knows that 1080ti is only viable for 4k at 30fps or for 1440p at 60
square usually does though
call me a fucking poor faggot but maybe don't run it at 4k 60...?
idk, i know you pay TOP shekel for your graphics card but 4k 60 didn't become possible with many games until a year ago.
>it's possible, but hard and expensive

>consoles: no, 1080p 30fps locked fuck you
normalfag consolefags who have never known anything about performance will shitpost because they think every high end PC must be trying to play everything at 4K 60
Xbox wins again
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Btw it's fucking 4k.

For every consolefag it's 4x HD+. Of course it takes a fucking lot, also 60fps and advanced nvidia physics.

Consoles couldn't even reach 3 fps with all this shit activated. Now fuck off, you idiots.
Depends on the game. I've got a 1070, and there's some games I can run 4K/60.
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>4K meme
I'm happy with my 1080@60 tbqh.
980ti owner here, I'm still happy with my card, probably won't upgrade until at least 1180ti

For what purpose?
its because the ultra HD technology is being developed for augmented reality so they can fake space and shit not to make you video games you little cuckling
>b-b-but the consoles!
Because they had to learn. Remember FF13 at launch?
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If I was going to spend that much money just to get 4K in a single game I'd also expect the game to give me a blowjob to make up for the trouble
>this somehow makes the post irrelevant
Just turn off meme settings and it should be fine.
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What boggles my mind is why they're using 4k as some kind of default and scaring people with recommended specs when majority are not going to be using it. When you hear "it runs badly on 1080" it really makes you think how inept the devs are.

580 here, same story (But fewer games than yours of course). Mostly just do 60/1440p because the jump to 4k isn't THAT good. Wish I'd gone for 144fps instead, but here we are.

For ff15 I'll just turn off the Nvidia gimpware, maybe scale down the resolution, and see where I'm at. Not upgrading because some nips can't into optimisation
Meanwhile the PS4 pro runs like complete garbage and can't even hit 50FPS at 1080p

So this is the power of an engine which struggled to run at the game at native 900p 30 fps on a ps4

what a surprise
>it took TWO years for the master race to get FFXV
>and it's still incredibly unoptimized

You know how various Japanese console ports are almost exclusively delayed by a few years? I always imagined it was just a cheap way of "optimizing" the ports, since hardware available at the time would be incapable of playing those games even at console spec. I've tested a few old ports on a "last gen" PC with a core 2 duo, 4gb of system memory, and a gtx 260. Bayonetta ran worse than it did on PS3 even with all the settings turned down to the minimum. By comparison, Crysis was easily playable at 30FPS medium high settings at 1080p, and Cryostasis, an infamously unoptimized nvidia showcase title, could run at around 20fps with everything on Max.

The Japs don't care for PC at all. That's why the platform is dead on their irradiated rock.
This I'm still running 1080p on my 1070 it runs better than anything on console.
>u mad? XD

Trolling used to mean something
Yea a lot of people just over read the fact that they are talking about 4k.
because they want to apply the same 4k hype bullshit on pc thinking it'll sell shit like it does on consoles
who gives a fuck about 4k that shit is just for companies to push tvs and bullshit that costs 3 times more then it should for shit you will use 4 times max, and forget about the next stupid shit comes out.
>PC version absolutely BTFO's console versions which runs horribly on its main platform (PS4)
>Is very demanding with all the new features in the PC version at resolutions consoles can't even touch
You consolefags are just pathetic at this point.
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>console running a graphically intensive game above 30fps
That's actually impressive as fuck.
Is 4k a standard now?
Still running 1080p and I don't really have any plans on upgrading soon
No because 4k TVs are not standard.
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The important question is, is FFXV a good game now that it's on PC? Or is it still the same shitty non game it was on consoles? Why even buy this game on "the best platform" if it's still shit? It's very telling when the PS4 has dozens of masterpieces like Yakuza and Nioh, despite how flawed consoles are.
No consoles are trying to push it but almost nothing runs in native 4K with upscaled checkerboard meme shit.
the jump to 2k and 4k isn't worth the money yet, I'd rather get a 1080p 120hz monitor with a high end GPU.
>It would work on Switch
Waaait isn't switch getting a port
nope didn't play it but Tomb Raider and Hitman run absolutely fine
Not to mention the high end nvidia meme tech that runs like shit but looks more impressive than an increase in resolution.
Not even close. Graphics cards are barely ready for 4k60fps, let alone at a majority of consumers level. Monitors are also not a 4K standard yet either. 4K being readily accessible is like 2 years off, 4K being standard is 4-5 years off.
We're a few years off it being a standard. 1440 might be a realistic standard soon.
4k downsampled to 1080p at 144hz will be the best experience for quite a few more years
ok, faggot
the fact that they cant program a proper sli (especially with HB bridge) or crossfire profile means they're incompetent, plus the leaked settings menu was really barebone, showing poor scalability and a focus on goyworks taking half of the settings
>huge disposable income
>upgrade monitor recently
>decide to go for 1080p instead of an xbox huge one
Though part of it is to do with my limited desk space. 1080 just looks right though.
Thats just being lazy, look at MGSV, that thing runs like a dream on most toasters. FFXV is just a disaster on many levels, Luminous being one of them.
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Is this the game where you have to beat the worm for 72 hours?
Do you niggers feel the TRUE POWER?
Xbone X bois.
>Is 4k a standard now?
Sure, for idiots. If people strap on current VR googles at that viewing distance and only some of them whine about the screen door effect, 1080p is fine all the way up to 32" on your desk.
Yes, the time is more less than 72 but still takes a while.
It's not being lazy, it's shoveling all the absolute best in the game just because they can. It's more showoff-y than lazy. Nothing will ACTUALLY be running it at these settings, it'll likely be decently optimized at real people settings.
>170 gbs of uncompressed video and audio
>Trust us goy. We TOTALLY worked on optimizing this piece of turd!

Its sad really. At this rate persona 5 will fucking obliterate a final fantasy game in terms of sales.
They undoubtedly turned on all the hairworks, AA on max then cried when at meme res it was dropping below 60.
No fucking shit.

>Ark all over again

You can't even run Ark max settings with 2 1080tis.

I bet Xbox One X could do it at 4K 60 ultra!

Time to Jump Ahead, bros!
>shitty Square Luminous engine

Japs suck at optimization. FFXV ran lik shit on PS4.
Those weren't developed by Square.

>Game can't handle crossfire/SLI configuration in orders to do 4k at a decent framerate
>Somehow expects people to run this shit at 8k
>Almost 200gigs will be taken up by this shit when MMOs don't demand that much space
Tabata was a mistake.
Exactly. I mean who cares about 4k. Most people don't even have 1440p monitors yet. Going from 1080p straight to 4k is retarded.
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You can't run the witcher 3 at 4k with a single 1080ti@60fps.
i'll be pirating it and playing it at 1080p 60fps maxed out in a few years just to see if the complete version of the game is any better than the shitshow it is now
published by Square then, but the other devs should be able to help with porting the game
So xbone x won?, guess Phil wasn't lying when he said it was the most powerful console, well victory for xbox then.
>native 4K, HDR
why would I want this?
No. Game wise not even close when their main focus is running their shit well on 60fps@1080p on consoles or previous set of hardware, usually. Literally x3 more pixels to calculate. "muh optimization" doesn't make sense since nobody is even targeting 4k.

TVs though, somehow yes? Buzzwords sell. Meanwhile movies, not really? It doesn't make much sense. Cable won't bother with it and streaming requires a lot of data which ISPs, at least for America, are starting to impose data caps which would mean 1 movie is a big chunk of your quota.

We're looking at years from it being standard and even then for games, I don't expect it to happen at all in 5 years.
>but the other devs should be able to help with porting the game

No they shouldn't when they're working on their own IPs and the Hitman devs were canned. SE is just a publisher for most of the devs, nothing more and nothing less.
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japanese can't code for shit
>4K this, 4K that
Fuck this obsession with 4K. 1080p, or even 1440p, at 60FPS is more than sufficient and that's the more important question. Also >>388509701

Isn't that only because of the shitty Nvidia shit? I know the RX 470 can get close to 4k@30fps for Witcher 3, so I don't see why a 1080ti can't 4k@60fps it.
You mean hairworks? Oh yea costing 30fps with the same result of tressfx is sure impressive!
Reminds me of how AMAZING tw3 was thanks to gameworks. Didn't see the downgrade.
>when MMOs don't demand that much space
WoW hasn't even broken 50 yet.
Of course it's not. It's fucking 4k. Do people not understand how much processing power is needed for that? The next step up from 1080p is supposed to be 1440p, not 4k.
Pc fags talkin shit at the devs for asking a very high end pc to run the game at the higher quality,
What happened with the PC MASTER RACE bullshit niggers?
these are the same people that believed their console has native 4k
The engine FFXV is running on is pretty shit as well.

The game fucking crawls on PS4 and it's definitely not running at 1080p
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>Make game
>target a certain set of hardware
>does not include 4k at the high end
>surprised that it doesn't perform well
It's not 'poor optimization'.
but I thought the ps4 pro allowed the game to play at native 4k Ultra with 144 fps...
Yes, much like how all of the Nvidia effects in this is why they can't get 4K@60fps. Turn off all the Nvidia effects and I guarantee you 4k/60fps is doable.
Is 4k the next big meme after VR?
it's the current big meme, in fact, it's getting kind of old
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First I'd like to stress my doubt in the basic hardware knowledge 99.999% of /v/ has. Looking at the feature set for this game such as 4k textures, HDR(0.0000000001% of monitor owners have this but its still a feature and highlighted in the OP), open world, and all the gameworks settings I doubt a pascal titan could run the game at 30 fps at max settings.

Most idiots don't understand settings so you jump to retarded conclusions based on a minuscule amount of data like you 3. Remember when the witcher 2 came out and niggers were bitching their top of the line gpu couldn't run the game at 30 fps 1080p because they literally maxed all the settings. Oh no you don't because if you knew jackshit about PC gaming you wouldn't be making these comments.

Until we can take a look at the game in different systems with different settings concluding anything is retarded.

That and Square has a decent record with optimization and this is their flagship embracing everything PC gaming is about including mods and potentially in the future a level editor if they are spending so much time on non trivial shit like that what makes you think they'll ignore the basics.
VR isn't a meme. It will replace all other forms of displays. Trying to render 4k right now is a meme.
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>That and Square has a decent record with optimization
It's more of a problem that seem to think "optimization" means magic that will let their toasters run anything. I think Witcher 2 was one of the more notable examples of this because it was actually built for then-modern PCs in mind and everyone complained their ten years old PCs built to play WoW in 56k era couldn't max it out.
Who says that those effects were on?
Thats the problem with these bait click article : We don't even know which graph settings were enable.
No, it's easier to complain about performance with bitching about optimization rather than understanding why drawing more pixels is very impacting on performance. Throw in buzzwords left and right then people are under some impression that 4k is the new standard and every developer is aiming for that.
Complaining that a game won't run at 4k on your GTX 770 is the new jam, homie.

Seriously though, I'm not surprised at all this game requires ultra end hardware to run at 4k60fps, It has the potential to be a very graphically impressive video game
Witcher 2 ran on my IntelHD laptop.
Its not my problem that you people cant open a text file and change rendering settings.
4K is a fucking meme anyway
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I still remember setting Ubersampling on, but again it's a retarded option meant to be used by hardware of future
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Why is it so hard to get to 60Hz?
but the techniques should be readily available to be handed over yes?
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Good thing I don't give a rat's ass about 4k and am perfectly fine with 1080p. Not like I'll be buying this game at launch anyways. Maybe on sale.

>My 1.8Ghz pentium 3 couldn't run FF13 at launch

My moms integrated graphics laptop could run that game well at launch, I know cause I played it from there.
When we have consoles that are objectively worse than some of the PCs I don't see the reason why devs can't do proper optimization for those PC. The best example of this is Doom, which runs at medium to high settings with 60fps at 1080p on PS4, yet I couldn't even get a stable 60 frames on lowest with 670 and 2500k. Don't tell me that base PS4 is better than a relatively decent build from the same last year, because it's not.

And before you say
>haha 670 LOOOL
That's not the point, retard. The devs are clearly able to optimize for worse hardware, so the only THE ONLY reason why they can't optimize for slightly older, but better hardware is laziness.
>The Witcher 3 is a prettier game with much more going on
>Can run 4K 60FPS ULTRA with a 1080Ti
>Battlefield 1 can do the same

Lol, absolute state of lazy as fuck Square Enix
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>Nvidia Game Works
>Nvidia Turf Effects
>Nvidia Hair Works
>Nvidia Flow
>Nvidia HFTS
>Nvidia VXAO
>Nvidia Ansel

makes you wonder huh
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>Battlefield 1 and Battlefront at amazing looking games running at 60fps on consoles
>FFXV looks like utter shit and runs at 18fps on the same consoles

FF13 also looks bad and runs horrible compared to COD which looked a lot better and ran at 60fps also on the same console
FF13 also has basically no physics or anything extra technology that COD also does have, since its a shitty turnbased game which requires nothing

oh and DMC4 ran stable 60fps on my 1.8ghz Pentium 3 at launch while looking a shitton better than FF13 ;^)
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>Option to make game look better
>It's retarded cause Im too stupid to know what it does and I still go out of my way to enable it


You remind me of the babbies hating on 1080p cause 720p was already EICHDEEEEE enough specially when they introduced the "Full HD" label. Since you clearly don't understand, tech is about advancement. 1440p used to be a meme resolution and now you idiots eat it all up, in the future you'll be shitting on 6k and 8k while defending 4k. Keep up with the times gramps.
No and they are running completely different engines. SE chose to make a really crappy engine called Luminous.

Tomb Raider and Hitman use their own proprietary engines "Horizon" and "Glacier" respectively and I'm pretty sure they're 100% the property of the devs.
>VR isn't a meme
Stopped reading right here. You're retarded.
no. u
>laugh at 4K meme
>meanwhile consoles still can't hit a baseline of 1080p/30 fps
wew lad

BTW every nigger with a brain knows 144Hz/1440p is the sweet spot.
>FF13 also looks bad
Leave it to japs to make the incredibly unoptimized PC ports. Except for Sega and Capcom for the most part.
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sorry you only play weeb games, it is a very bad looking game
also probably the only game post 2005 to have .jpeg background lmao

when will weebs realize that 99% of japanese games are not only badly optimized but also look like shit?
>meanwhile consoles still can't hit a baseline of 1080p/30 fps

Doom, BF1, SFV, Guilty Gear, etc. all aim for 60FPS. BF1 is a game with huge maps and it manages to stay around an average of 1000p with 55fps
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What? I mean, yeah it's clearly superior but... what's wrong with 1080p?
corridor shooter
160p dynamic resolution
>Guilty Gear
fighting games with barely anything on screen

Should have said Battlefront, Metro and COD
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>Battlefield 1 and Battlefront at amazing looking games running at 60fps on consoles
>FFXV looks like utter shit and runs at 18fps on the same consoles

You dun fucked up when you didn't consider my knowledge of BF1 performance, the game can't even run at 1080p for any meaningful amount of time in 2017 for gods sake.

>Game runs at 1600x900 resolution when a lot is going on, on average it runs at a meager 1750x1000 resolution
>In terms of multiplayer, Digital Foundry found that the PS4 version lags behind here as well in terms of frame rate. It comes in at around 40-45fps most of the time, dropping into the 30fps range when a lot is going on

Also consider XV is an open world game and runs at 1080p on PS4 at a stable 30fps, this is specially nice when you consider the game doesn't drop to half the framerate like BF1 does.
Because there's many factors of what your PC consists of. Obviously the main influences of the problem are you CPU/GPU, but you cannot assume the same 'good' performance across the same MB, RAM, etc etc combinations.

Throw in the fact that you have probably well over 200 setting combinations, it probably ran fine with a certain set of them. It's easier to get performance on a single set of hardware since you can pull off tricks. Games are nothing but smoke and mirrors where graphics take that trick to a whole new level. Especially on a single set of hardware.
Looks like shit on bigger screens unless your eyesight is trash due to years of being glued to a monitor
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1080 Ti is only 50% faster than 980 Ti at best

So it's not a surprise that FFXV can't run at 4K, 60fps with maxed settings

FFXV on PS4 Pro is 1280p checkerboarded to 1800p at 30fps, with much lower settings than PC, it doesn't even have proper texture filtering for fuck sake

Volta should be able to hit 4K/60fps in 2018 though
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I'm guessing you never played the game but bother posting about it because muh contrarian meme.

Here's a quick and dirty education course. Highlights of 13: Graphics, OST, combat system. That is all.
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>stable 30fps
oh and nobody was talking about resolution, i clearly said 60fps with no resolution attached ;^)
No, they're doing what gaming has stopped since Crysis and actally push the hardware beyond it's limits. Why would you want to limit your game to only what the current generation of video cards can do if you can release it with a better looking f more demanding state for the future?

tL;dr you're a buzzword spouting retard
>aim for 60 fps
>Still only manage fluctuating 40-50 fps on a fucking PS4pro
>uses dynamic scaling and resolution to try and hit target fps
Modern consoles are a fucking joke m8.
>le optimization buzzword
>computers are magic!
Yeah no fuck off retard
i actually played FF13
thats how i know it has fucking .jpeg backgrounds and overall ugly graphics
as i said, should play some non-weebshit before judging graphics based on those garbages that japan puts out
Where's FFXV-kun at?
Not even dishonored 2 runs at 4k60 on a 1080ti. I'm not surprised
You mean they're making a more technically impressive game than ever released before and requires GPU speeds we don't have yet to play at 4k60
Most PC games are still more/as optimized as their console counterparts. Honestly every EA game for the last 2 years has been top notch, doom 2016 runs on toasters, Witcher 3 can't even keep a stable 30 fps on the ps4, and most games that are "notorious" for being shitty on PC like AC unity and dishonored 2 are completely unplayable on ps4 from constant sun 30fps. And don't forget the few that are shit on consoles and good on PC like Prey
>Muh Arkham Knight
Also better on a 750ti than a ps4. And completely shit on both
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> Stable 30 fps

Just stop anon you're embarrassing yourself
Top fucking kek not even that. On the xbone it's 900p 28 fps. On ps4pro it's 1080p 30fps
>Not even dishonored 2 runs at 4k60 on a 1080ti.

And Dishonored 2 is panned for being unoptimized as fuck.
The witcher 3 looks like shit compared to FFXV.
Battlefield 1 isn't open world and can kill an i5.
Finally, just wait for the game to be released : What matters if it runs well on high settings. Ultra can always kill any config depending on the settings enabled (like nvidia gimmick).
>Battlefield 1
>Kill an i5
It isn't in beta anymore, dumbass
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>quotes digitalfoundry about resolutions
>totally forgets that FFXV is also dynamic resolution justl ike BF1 and drops the resolution to lower also
>gets btfo that digital foundry showed that FFXV is 18fps

how can weebs ever recover?
>if you have two cards running in tandem there’s that little bit of delay between the sending of data between the two cards and that’s what makes it impossible
What meme is this?
FFXV isn't stable 30fps or 1080p on PS4, the frame pacing is fucked & it drops to 900p in intense fights

They also stripped out the GI from the skybox & gimped the reflections compared to the demo

>Everyone agrees game had pretty graphics for the time
>Even /v/irgins praised the graphics and OST while hating everything else

>No it's shit cause I don't like it

You're like the /v/tards from that other thread today that claimed the OST was shit but the graphics were good. Except all you've done is say it's shit
actually it drops to down as low as 1568x882 on PS4 and 1360x768 on Xbone
It does dumbass.

>Claimed DF showed 18FPS
>It didn't



This is actually getting funny now.
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>console gaming
>my weebfriends in our containment thread agreed with me so it must be true
i kekd
But I have an i5 6600k and it never dips below 60fps. The performance improved like crazy since it's first release
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Haha you cant run your game at 4k 60 fps Ultra settings pc fags.
Whats the point of even having a gaming pc if you cant do that.

Not like the console version runs at medium to low settings has worse physics and misses a ton of details and runs at sub 30 fps.
>aim for 60FPS
Yeah but they're consoles, what makes you think they'd be able to hit what they're trying to aim at?

This console port isn't doing any of that, you idiot.

This is true except for the stable fps claim, the game does output at 30 frames per second but the pacing makes the game seem to micro stutter every so often. The game does honestly run at 30 fps.
Didn't Square say that they wanted this game to be toaster friendly?
>tfw still can't run 10 years old games at true 8k 240fps
I was lied to
I'm talking about the 4k.
He went all out last night, he's probably alseep
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Status: BTFO
>inb4 not 18
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>If I meme hard enough it'll come true
Japs can't into optimization
>crysis was developed to show what the current hardware was able to do
>ffXV is a console port that can't be played with latest hardware
I play at 4k on my 1080ti, faggot
>Resolution affecting CPU performance in ANY ay whatsoever
Back to Facebook comments you fucking sub human piece of shit
Not that guy, but at least show shit from the final game and not from a shitty demo
The motto of the industry for the past 10 years.
Article is about 4k anon, were 10 years away from 4K being toaster friendly
>Ps4 pro
>40fps at 1080p
and another 10 years from 60fps being console friendly.
Crysis released 2 years before FF13 and shits on it both graphics and technology wise
The Force Unelashed released 1 year before FF13 and shits on it both graphics and technology wise

therefore it cant even be in the "good" category

oh and neither of those game uses .jpeg backgrounds like FF13
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Crysis still has technology that devs dare not to put in their games today. It's rather sad
Nvidia, the way it's meant to be gimped.
Going to bet that disabling all the bloat would make it run 100 fps on 1080ti.
w/e BF1 isn't relevant since its not open world with day n night cycle, etc.
>severe frame pacing issues
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>Blatantly show pre-release summer demo



>Hey friend dont lie to him with dumb lie to him with dumber!
>If you go to timestamp 999:99 you will see 18 fps hurrr

Thanks for the laughs both of you, really thanks.
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>PS4 pro
When FF fags got completely annihilated
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Where's the timestamp for the 18 fps?

The aliasing, texture quality and poor LoD made my eyes bleed in FFXV, definitely does not look better on consoles.
Might do when it comes on PC though.
>I'm wrong but w/e
>I'll still spout technically illiterate bullshit but w/e
The size of the maps loaded in BF1 are far larger than any space loaded in modern open world games at one time. Day and night cycle affecting CPU usage? Are you fucking joking right now?
Close the tab and don't come to 4chan ever again you fucking bitch
What recent game runs at 4k 60fps with a single 1080 though?
So it doesn't count?
As expected

But that's not the game, they made a lot of changes based on feedback from these demos. AFAIK you can't even play that segment in the game.
depends on whether you mean recently released or new game
On a 1080ti? An overclocked one (like my aurus model) can do Witcher 3 locked 60fps and gears of war 4 + dishonored 2 with dynamic resolution turned on (and at 4k you will hardly ever notice)

>mfw I get over 100+fps @1440p fps maxed out in DOOM4 on a fucking 290.
Imagine the fucking possibilities if they actually standardized Vulkan.
ps4pro and ps4 aren't the same console. PS4pro should be getting 60fps at 1080p easily, but FFXV is so shit it can't.
Right, didn't notice that part.
Yeah that's pretty bad but expected of a Square port.
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Who the fuck cares, evn 144fps won't make it a great game.
Call me in 10 years when modders bothered to maybe fix the combat, sidequests, balancing and the proulouge + every bossfight and when all 5 season passes are out

PC already has enough early access games i don't need another one.
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Is this where the all popular but never witnessed 18 fps mythical resides? No? Didn't think so.
Is there any other open world game on it that reaches 60?
You act like the PS4 pro has good hardware
>single card can't do 4K 60


Hardly a problem unique to Final Fantasy, single cards just aren't enough to uniformly expect that at this point.
You know i'm not trying to prove him right do you? I really hope so.
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Who fucking cares?

The difference between 4k and 1080p is barely noticable.

Pixel density is getting so high now that it is making little difference to your display unless you've got a 60+ inch tv or some shit.

Its like when people have 4k phone screens. Its wasted because the pixel density is already high enough at 720p on a phone screen that you WONT TELL THE DIFFERENCE. Same goes for tvs.

The jump from 480p to 1080p was huge because 1080p is around the pixel density you need to fill out a 20-40 inch tv. Thats why its the benchmark. 4k is a good pixel density for 50-70 inches. Anything smaller than that and you're not going to tell the difference from any viewing angle or distance other than 1cm away from the screen. Anything over it is uneeded. Nice, but uneeeded.

Its just another buzzword that tv, software and hardware manufacturers can use to convince you that you need to buy a new display, a new graphics card and new 4k ready games and consoles and your perfectly fine 1080p 60fps isnt good enough. Its a way to get you to part with your money and nothing more.
>The difference between 4k and 1080p is barely noticable.
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I hope you enjoy FFXV, PC Masterrace.
The PS4pro barely reaches 40 in most games.
Fucking hack
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>Heavy physics and simulation game
>Should get stable 60 fps on a literal netbook processor(AMD jaguar) running at ~2Ghz

I think a lot of the confusion comes from consolebabbies not knowing jackshit about hardware. That makes it hard to understand why the CPU on the PS4 is so out of place power wise for a home console but at the same time perfect for keeping consoles really cheap.

It's a sad truth that gets butchered by ignorance.
>yess, yess goyim, spend $2000 on that new tv because we increased the pixel count on it.
The power of pc is that you can pirate that shit, which everyone should do. What a disgrace to mainline FF games
1440p/144HZ HDR masterrace reporting in

My 1080ti can push almost every game to 144 frames per second, once you go 144 you Never go back
my friend got a 4k tv. regular shows/channels looks pixel-blurry as fuck
>It's barely noticeable
>He doesn't have a big screen TV or *any* sized monitor
>He plays video games on a 30 inch television from his sofa and then wonders why he doesn't count in the enthusiast tier gaming world

This is like saying GTA V counts cause it runs at 60 fps. Both of these games were designed to be able to run on last gen hardware. You bet your ass a PS3 with it's 256mb of ram won't be able to run XV or GTA 6.
no shit
>Optimization and performance are Jewish schemes
>Based SquareEnix can do no wrong! They castrated me and made me a loyal slave, fucking based! Buy their games!
That is because your friend is a retard and not because 4k TV's are bad.
>The difference between 4k and 1080p is barely noticable.

Either playing on a baby screen or blind as fuck
I just want without hairworks smooth 1080p/60 fps, nothing else.
1440p literally has no difference than 1080p, though. 4k is the true upgrade after 1080p.
what ever helps you try and justify your wasteful purchases 4kucks
>Ugh you have something better than what I have? Fucking idiots
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>I'm a poorfag

Oooo lala
Spend more time working and less time defending your poverty on a chinese message board
Nobody cares.
>threads are already nothing but muh hardware
Will this be the same shit as FFXIII where people just take screenshots of the first few hours and eventually move on to shitpost again?
I hope you also enjoy your time with xv-kun
>Also a catfag
Like clockwork
this isn't a FF15 thread if that's what you're wondering
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>2560x1440 literally has no difference than 1920x1080

Are you mentally ill? Are you next going to tell me 1280x720 "has no difference than" 1920x1080?
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480p is no different from 1080p
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what is the meaning of this

GoW 4 is the only one that counts. Witcher 3 is a 2 year old game running on top end current year hardware. Dishonored is more modern but dynamic resolution isn't 4k, it's dynamic resolution.
isnt it a bit shameful for nvidia that their advertised game with all their """technology""" runs like shit? how is this good from a marketing standpoint?
even though 4k doesnt affect the vast majority of people, the entire advertizing method with the 170gb size seems really bad. like a tech demo for high-end pc users to wank instead of an actual port of the game
I think Doom is capable too with its Vulkan api.
I didn't list doom because even a 1070 can play at 4k60. That game is not that intensive

The real kicker will be metro exodus next year. I am fucking hyped

Digital Foundry has DOOM using the Vulkan API running at ~90 fps on a Pascal Titan Ultra settings. But honestly Vulkan DOOM right now is one of a kind.
>threads are already nothing but muh hardware
Better than arguing with that faggot of a man
I'm pretty sure HDR doesn't require much, if any extra resources
It doesn't. HDR is an old tech that has been on PC's for at least a decade.
4k is standard in the sense that it's clearly going to be the next resolution that everyone will be using.
Same with 1080p.
720p and 1080i were a thing for a while, but we all knew that 1080p was going to be what we were going to be using in the long run.
>ad hom instead of arguments
Just a heads up, OP, "woah", and any derivative forms like your "woaaah", isn't actually a word. The word you're trying to use is spelled "whoa". Thank you for your time.
>PCfags meme 4K
>developers actually taking them seriously
>turns out they can't afford it
>"4K isn't important!"
>"j-just poor optimisation r-right?"
woah... really activated my almonds...
It's because FFXV's engine is a fucking trainwreck you stupid motherfucker

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Nothing wrong with a game being demanding, but as soon as you notice that you get shit framerate and bad GPU usage you know you have a badly optimized turd.
>Stable 30 FPS is nice when it doesn't drop to 15 FPS.
Are you fucking high?
>game with all the settings below the lowest you can go on PC can barely mantain 1080p 30fps
>but if we port it to pc, you will need a 1080Ti to play it at 4k with the highest settings, including the most retarded and unoptimized post process effects
My bets is that this game wont have graphics options at all, so you are forced to play the way they want.
>why do you want graphic settings anon? the game does it automatically
I can see this shit coming.
I prefer the right one.
there are already pics of ingame graphics settings and they are better than most pc games
looks like I´m gonna have to spent a lot of money just to see Cindy nude.
still worth it
4k obsession is even worse than 1080p obsession.
is 8k even possible, do you need 2 computers?
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

Just because XIII and XIII-2 suck on every GPU doesn't mean they haven't learned from their errors
8k is possible on lower end games on top end PCs with framerate issues (such as Bayonetta).
Modern graphics cards can't support 4k on modern AAA games well whilst simultaneously maxxing them out (AA and AO can be some heavy hitters when advanced). Gameworks stuff is also known to cause hits to performance.

4k only works on low budget games or older games.
>this port isn't doing any of that
>supports 8k
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>1080p obsession
>an industry standard is obsession
why bother, i wish 4k wasn't a thing
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>Our dogshit engine makes us sound like our game is Crysis+ tier and is actually being used as an excuse for GPU hardware companies to rake in dough.
>As if supporting Nvidia wasn't their plan from the start.
>"it'll run on older computers"
at 4k 60fps

of course not?
1080 ti is twice as powerful as the xbxxos even with console optimisation
okay so how about 1080p

i really could give zero shits about more than that. the human eye can only see like 700 pixels at once anyway.
I want you to get a 1080 TI and attempt running Rise of the Tomb Raider or Deus Ex: Mankind Divided on it at 4k max settings.

I fucking dare you to tell me it'll run at 60fps
so many doctors here
This coming from the company that released FF13 on pc that internally rendered at 4k and they couldn't figure out how to fix it
>i really could give zero shits about more than that. the human eye can only see like 700 pixels at once anyway.

so you are saying that you can't tell the difference between a 240p game and a 1080p game? Hmmm
Can you see the molecules in a slice of bread? NO? thats what i thought
The game struggles on the PS4 Pro, not surprising
Isn't this port coming out in like 6 months? A lot can change for optimization in that time.
Because that is the only thing they can market right now after the clusterfuck that was the story and gameplay, everyone talked about how horrid the game is but on pc they can just bullshit again
right one has better aesthetics.
aesthetics > brute forcing effects and textures to death
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They want their game to replace Crysis as the new benchmark-meme game
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But can it run FFXV?
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I found 20. No 18 though.
well the gameplay is garbage, on par with old shitty nes games

its not like anyone is gonna buy a new high end computer just to play this game that has nothing going for it

You underestimate fanboyism.


That wasn't the point of the post and you know it.
they did see >>388513012
At this point yes, but since 4k is the new rage you'll see it become more prevalent and easily acquired. Heck 55in 4k tvs with her are only 600$ now.

>you stupid motherfucker

How about you read the thread cuckboi. But let me spoonfeed you the time stamp to the end. Watch him get butt obliterated at the end of the discussion here >>388514878

Babbie never said a word after that rapetrain.

>15 fps

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4k is not the standard.
4k will never be the standard in the foreseeable future.
Stop expecting your computer to render modern games at native 4k with a high framerate without spending a metric fuckton of cash.

Devs will always continue to push graphical fidelity. Modern games not running at 4k 60 (or god forbid 144) on normal hardware does not mean they're unoptimized. More advances in optimization do occur, and they go towards making the games look prettier. Fancy looking screenshots matter more to normies than any other part of a game's graphics.

It's not
>1080ti can handle most anything at 4k60 with some effects turned down, dynamic resolution turned on, and overclocked by about 15%
>Even the games without dynamic scaling can be played at 3k60 and you can't tell the difference on a television anyway
Absolutely based
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I don't get it, almost nothing runs 4k60fps on a single 1080ti, why would this be any different?
DOOM was applauded for how amazingly optimized it was though. It was an exception among most of the shit we get these days.
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who /comfy60fps720p/ here
There are quite a few games that don't run in 4k@60 FPS on 1080Ti so I don't know what's the deal.
Will this game ever stop disappointing? Will it even be finished before the PC release?
its gonna take a very very very long time until 4k ready gpu is in every normie household

alot of people on steam still run around with 2 core cpus's

It's possible to achieve 4k 60fps on pc, but it's by no means obligatory.

Somehow this is perceived as bad.

ayo reporting.
IntelHD baby
Probably most people who use console or don't have up to date video cards
So FFXV PC is the new Crysis?
Probably the duscae demo that came out like 2 years ago
The final game doesn't exactly look great, but at least it's locked 30 99% of the time
Probably not.

Crysis biggest pro was that it scaled really well with hardware for a decently long time, so it was great benchmark.
Probably a lot of people, just look at the fucking stream hardware charts. Most people that call themself masterrace still use a 970 or 750ti
He's talking about native 4k.
Except it is highly optimized.

Eat shit.
There are maybe 2-3 games a year that were terribly optimized and even then most of them are shit. Seriously name all of the big cases you can think of. In every case
>The console versions are even worse
>The game is shit and you should feel bad for even thinking about playing it
It's not unoptimized at all.
>Both still better than consoles
Master race indeed
It's always been a good game, but now that the superior version is on PC the influx of console onry shitposting trying to pretend it's bad will begin
No it isn't you dense retard, he's talking about native 4k. Also MGSV looks like shit compared to XV
Who cares, 4k is a meme and Final Fantasy is shit.
You can beat it in under 5 minutes through regular combat.
170gb was the gamescom spec for Nvidia you fucking idiot. Are you fucking retarded? A single FF has already outsold the entire persona franchise
Luminous is great though and you should learn what optimization is, XV ran stable 30 on consoles btw and ran better and looked better than W3 did on console
Learn to read you fucking retard, wipe that cum off your face while your at it
Why bother optimising when the sales will always be a tenth of consoleshit sales?
Except they can and he's talking about native 4k for 60fps you blind fuck, not even TW3 can do that properly
Wrong and it is 1080p
But that's wrong
Except luminous shits all over whatever open world games are on UE4
It is stable 30
DF showed XV is stable 30, also it's fucking open world with dynamic real time lighting and giant monsters

Not a fucking instanced shooting game with only human type enemies with completely baked lighting
Can you run any modern game at 4K@60 yet? How is this news?
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Fuck off NeithOF no they didn't, it was completely upgraded since the demo which was 900p 25fps, full game is 1080p 30fps and 1800p 30fps on ps4pro high mode.
can't wait for all the ">consoletards said this shit is good" threads. Just like with FF XIII.
>posts platinum demo
>a 20 minute month old pterelease demo made in 2 months that's not even part of of the actual main game

Are you fucking retarded or something?
It's still not a good sign though dude, FFXV doesn't exactly look good and a 1080ti can play TW3 at 4k 60fps. What they're saying is that the 1080ti recommended spec is for 1080p 60fps which is laughable.

It was hugely downgraded, had microstutter, and it didn't even look as good as TW2. It did run better than 3 though you're right. Because it looked worse.

It had dynamic res.
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>xv-kun is here
At least PC friends have to deal with this autist soon
But that's wrong retard
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>he's here
Fuck off NeithOF you lying fuck
Damn you're fucking retarded
>posting prerelease demo again
Why are japs always so bad at optimization? Name a reasonably optimized jap game on PC.
DMC4. But not the Remaster.
Without the bloom the world looks pretty flat

shame they removed it

thats because its a poorly coded piece of shit.
>not having a P6000
plebs, the lot of you
Valkyria Chronicles
Forgot about that one. I also forgot DaS 2 is pretty solid. But is there more?
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Where do you people come from?
Tekken 7
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No it was massively upgraded as >>388530197 shows

Fuck off NeithOF you lying cunt, not only are you comparing two different time of day but entirely different weather too because the demo didn't have any weather so it was only always sunny, while the full game has all kinds of weather conditions

Stop falling for NeithOFs lies
Post above you. MGSV is arguably good with lower settings but maxed out it's unimpressive. I can't think of any other since they either have 30fps locks or nobody is bothering to play them at insanely high resolutions, either because of locks or because they suck.

DaS was pretty good too you're right, strange what happened with 3 now that I think about it. What the actual fuck happened?
They're not, this is properly optimized.
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>LITERALLy completely different time of day
My webm was 1:1 lol.
>He fell for the 4K meme
Finish high school.
don't forget GEEsync
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No it wasn't NeithOF you blind cunt, and now you are comparing E3 demo to fucking prerelease footage, seriously get fucked you lying faggot
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>he actually believes this
DaS 2 probably ran so we'll due to all the lighting/post processing shit they stripped before release cuz consoles
>New game with graffix cant run a game at 4k AND 60fps at max settings.

No shit.
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Can i get your early copy of the PC version xv-kun?
Can't wait to play this on Xbox One X at 4k for less than the price of a single PC component
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Yes it was
Can you stop passively defending NeithOF?
As soon as you give me your copy an stop being an insecure fanboy
That's probably right. DaS3 still runs like shiiiiiit though.

30fps without the Nvidia and ultra settings isn't very impressive though.
Enjoy your future FFXV threads PC users. This is what you have to look forward to.
MGSV was optimized with fairy dust, works pretty well with graphics almost maxed out, on my 9 year old toaster
>le optimization buzzword
>computers are magic!
>Yeah no fuck off retard
I didn't know shitty developers get a free pass. Especially considering they haven't produced anything worthwhile in over 20 years.
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No it fucking wasn't you lying fucking cunt, again you are comparing prerelease fucking footage, jesus christ all you fucking do is post prerelease footage like the lying cunt you are.

Fuck off then you piece of fucking shit, you're just as bad as NeithOF.
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>New game
It also helped that they didn't fall for the 1000000 polygon character model meme. Good textures and consistent visual quality will always top other stuff.
I don't get why so many devs push for ingame character models with tons of polygons when the rest of the game has to suffer for it
Stop samefagging. Fucks like you are why xv threads go to shit because all you fucking do is lie and bullshit desperate to shit on it
>why xv threads go to shit
Yes, you are. We were having a nice thread until you showed up. Please just go away and leave us alone.

PS. You're talking to multiple people. No samefagging is occurring.
>cant run 60 fps with gtx 1080ti
yeah optimized for fucking subhuman console users maybe
Only one person on this planet will ever bring up criticism on XV, at least that's what he thinks
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but seriously though my dude. how much do you get paid for this? you work your ass off all over the internet so you must be getting paid well.
It's talking about native 4k you fucking retard.
meant for
Pick one
>Upscaled 4k at 24fps
Dude what? That was my first reply to you. You were talking to someone else. Also what's with the ad hominem attacks on me? Calm down dude.
970 is still a very solid card, especially considering there isnt really anything worth playing that it cant run
im pretty sure it will be one of those where a 1070 wont even get 60 fps at 1080p at times and will have a lot of unstable drops
like all shit moviegames
>that was my first
No it fucking wasn't, stop trying to pull this shit already. You do nothing but lie, samefag and bullshit.
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>IT DOESN'T COUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>You are the biggest cunting fuck in existence.
I think I know my own posts dude. Like I said, just calm down I don't know why you're trying to attack me like this for no reason.
>prerelease footage somehow counts
Are you being retarded on purpose? Do you want to be called a retard?
4k is a fucking meme, who cares.
What damage control? Dude you are responding to multiple people not just one person. Look at the IP count for christs sake.
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Not like i was going to get it at release day anyway. I'll either get it dirt cheap later on or when it's piratable. By that time maybe some slav improved the performance.
Just stop replying to any unreasonable FFXV fan. It's an autist known as XV-kun.
I have a 970 and there hasn't been a game yet I can't run 1080/60

Who fucking cares? When is PC getting DQ builders? DQ11? Star Ocean 5? Any of the Kingdom Hearts games? FF12? Or what about other Japanese games, like Yakuza, Nioh, Persona, Project Diva, and so on?

>4k60fps gaming takes good hardware

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Never ever.

>so fucking technically inept they can't allow crossfire and sli

lmao nipplets when will they learn
you can emulate builders already, same with most of those others.
How good is your PC xv-kun?
It's probably a toaster. Enough to shitpost on 4chan though.
I don't need a PC, PS4 Pro is the best way to play XV.
>implying he will show you his specs
He called others console babbies nonstop on the announcement day but never posted it.
>He called others console babbies
That's ironic considering he is one as well.

It's sad that people have to reply to this low level bait just because others dont understand how video games work.
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You can get those smooth 60fps if you buy an Intel processor

Get rid of your AMD piece of shit cpu and buy an 8700k RIGHT NOW
I've got a 770; 1080p at 60 is fine.
crysis still looks good today, nearly 10 years later. FFXV looked like dog shit even in its release year, give me a break
They're pushing 4k way too early.
Can I mine bitcoins with the 8700k?
Have you faggot not learned from other gameworks games

They are optimised for next gen nvidia cards. Buy that volta senpai
>implying 1440p isn't the new standard.
Hell, the game will even look better in 1080p.
Every single video I've ever seen of FFXV has never looked as vibrant as your bottom picture
This, stay mad console kiddies
Anon I want you to put Rise of the Tomb Raider on max settings at 4k on your 1080 Ti and tell me if it runs at 60fps
It won't

he photoshops

it might actually
settings also drastically change FPS so you could lower some.
Doesn't matter if the game isn't impressive from the get go you massive retard.
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Oh really?

The average is well above 77 fps , dips don't even go lower than 48 fps, and that's with very high settings and fxaa. Settings that a console can only dream of
>goes as low as 49fps at parts
DX12 had bad perf for me.
The point is that by supporting 8k, it thus is offering features that aren't feasible by any modern graphics cards.
Waaah, I'm glad they implemented it rather than optimizing the game for current hardware. So bleeding edge, I can't wait for 2020.
>have a 1070
>Still cant get 1080p@60 because my CPU and RAM are fucking old
>Shitty third world country makes all things overpriced as fuck and an entire high performance new hardware will cost me a fortune.
Ebay still expensive?
>in an MMO
why bother? The game's obviously not built with high-end graphics in mind, since that would exclude the retarded BRs that probably make up 2/3rds of the install base.
Mainly I'm too cheap to spring for new monitors
Who cares about those?
Toaster. Havnt upgraded since 2011 other than HDD/SSD space.

What does calling console only plebs have to do with anything you tard?
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XV looks fantastic you blind turd.
Then why are you excited about the PC version.
>posts a doctored image
>the actual game looks like shit
Not everyone in this world only cares about XV, xv-kun. Some people actually want more than one game in their lifetime
If it looks so good, why do you keep posting that single edited webm? Surely you'd have more evidence of it's visual quality.

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XV upgrade 8.jpg
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Thats how it looks, that's direct capture from the clip I recorded of it.

No I don't you lying fuck. Maybe you should actually play the game instead of lying on the Internet.

Not sure why you are ignoring that timestamp you posted is 12oclock while the pic I posted was early morning as soon as you wake up at camp during ch15 and was also a different location of duscae
That would require more effort than just downloading a video from a guy from neogaf/twitter
Why shouldn't I be?
>he actually spent christmas on /v/ shilling for free
wew that's sad
Well here's the unedited video that webm is from, try posting that next time so you don't come off like a dishonest faggot.

Don't worry i'm not that guy, i hate those webms just as much, same with the horizon webms that get spammed all the time.
Why would someone add motion blur and contrast and black bars on purpose. If i want Order 1886 or a movie i'll play/watch that
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Other than motion blur all of that is the actual game you blind fuck, and you can add motion blur on PC anyway.

I don't only post that and why are you in denial?
And lo and behold it looks like shit.
Can't you bring some fresh webms? You keep posting stale shit, if the game is that good you could record a new webm for us.

There's no difference other than motion blur you fucking idiot.

No it looks great, nice contrarian bullshit you have there.
There is no difference other than the edited differences! Okay fag.

This will be the ultimate PC epeen game.
Friendly reminder to ignore and report all XV-kun posts.
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So NeithOF ever since you got BTFO you're trying to post links to archive because I did that to you earlier? Pathetic.
no. u
if its not using vulkan its not optimized.
Did you just pull that off the internet because you can't make an original webm like I asked. So much for being a good looking game, you need to cherry pick the shit out of it.

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>motion blur ads models, animation, textures
Stop embarrassing yourself.
>literal fucking gay boy getting slapped
Did you literally deflect because of how BTFO you got early in the thread? You piece of shit?

Says the gay boy.
whatever makes you sleep at night man
>no u
kek pathetic as always
No but your game is so shit you need to edit your cherry pickings just to make it look passable.
Keep up that denial.

Nice projection faggot.
Why'd you samefag NeithOF? Are you do butt blasted that you are this triggered over a little motion blur added? Something that you would be able to add on PC?
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Of course you're a NeoFag.
isn't ban evasion on neogaf a bannable offense?
>actually liking some virtual twink
>i am the one in denial
wew lad
Can all you say is "inb4 it's edited" for images you edit motion blur into? Your English needs work.

What about 60fps at 1080p? Seriously 4K is a really bad meme.
He just gets them from there or twitter, another guy from neogaf actually makes them.
The guy in this threadis actually banned from neogaf already. His name is bazztek you can look it up, he defends this game on multiple websites
/v/ is the only place where he can go all out
>It's not edited!
>Wtf are you upset that it's edited?

Pick a side faglord. You can keep calling everyone Neith XV-kun that wont stop you being a faggot.
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>pic is posted on twitter
>guy who made it poste on neogaf and posted it there too
>surprised when reverse image search is where he posted it
It's a shame the mods don't just rangeban Melbourne IPs already.
Holy fucking shit this thread will almost reach bump limit and die, thank fucking Christ
So why can't you get good shots of your own? If the game is so good looking why do you need to lurk around twitter looking for passable cherry pickings?
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Keep projecting there faggot.

>b-but it has motion blur so it doesn't count!?
Nice denial NeithOF.

Hey NeithOF why are you samefagging so hard?
>implying he hasn't been
He's the reason proxies and VPNs aren't allowed.
>Heck 55in 4k tvs with her are only 600$ now.

Citation needed.
It's pure cancer.
>implying he even plays it anymore
He's too busy replying to bait and shitposting on /v/ and calling everyone usernames
>wtf adding motion blur to make it look better isn't editing!
Nigger, if you have to modify the default visuals then clearly FFXV is lacking in the first place.
Yeah NeithOFs autistic denial will finally die until the next thread
1080p is just fine for me. I never understood needing high graphic fidelity in games, does having a couple of pixels really enhance your experience? 4k to me has been a meme for a while and graphics have never been a selling point for me. I don't care if I can't run this game at 4k, what I want to know is if I can run it at 60fps with my 1050ti.
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Who says I don't have good shots, also why are you so in fucking denial about these shots you piece of shit?

>wtf motion blur somehow adds animation, models, textures, environments, lighting!?
>muh samefag
kill yourself faggot
Why are you samefagging again?
>Who says I don't have good shots

Well you keep posting stale reposts or stealing from NeoGaf and Twitter, it clearly shows you have nothing of your own.
You should stop.
>wtf editing isn't real unless it adds animations!
Adding motion blur is editing no matter how much you want to dance around the subject. The fact that you need to post an edited webm in defence of the game shows you don't have faith in the original qualities of the game.
And you should fuck off and die. Stop shitting up /v/ with your autism already.
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This coming from the retard on damage control because all your prerelease shitposting webms were BTFO?

Nigga what the fuck? Stealing webms is a thing only when it proves to you that XV looks great?
well yeah, a 1080ti can only run a decent amount of 2017's ports at maxed out settings (4k ultra with highest AA even if you don't need AA). I think it could run the console FF15 at 4k 60 but this 'improved' version with HDR, grass everywhere, nvidia jew-works edition can't do it yet.
>see that city?
You asked why I didn't think you had any good shots of the game. I gave you my answer faggot. You haven't shown anything new from the game in all your months of shitposting on /v/. You couldn't muster up a single original webm in this thread.

Literally can't even see the sky anymore because the contrast is so high. Who thinks this looks good
remember the years when xv-kun said you could enter it and then the thread were he realized we couldn't?

oh god my sides.
Seeing him do a 180 on his bullshit is always fun to watch.
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First of all I never said adding motion blur isn't editiong you stupid cunt, second of all you have no idea what the fuck you are trying to argue because you clearly don't even know what motion blur is, you are so in denial about the clips looking great that you have to now damage control "b-but the actual game doesn't" when the actual game has the same exact animation, lighting, camera, lighting, assets and everything, all that the clip does is add motion blur.

Like you are so fucking ass blasted you don't even know the difference between adding motion blur or not having it, how fucking much on damage control can you even fucking be because your shitpost images earlier in the thread got BTFO?

Only one that should fuck off and die is you two shit cunts because all you do is shit up any thread you are in with your cancer.

So you are now samefagging again while on top of being in complete fucking denial about these shots looking great. Jesus christ NeithOF have you ever considered just ending it all? Like you can't even make an original fucking post, all you do is either shitpost and lie about the game by posting prerelease shitpost pictures you reposted forever, or you samefag endlessly while ignoring the fact that you got BTFO, just so you can try and get back at me because I completely fucking wrecked you beyond reproach.

You do now that is just cloudy overcast weather right?
hey xv-kun,can you build me a powerfull pc to play your precious ffxv at maximum? you pay btw
Hey NeithOF still responding to yourself while spouting lies because you got blown the fuck out?

Remember how you tried to argue that versus didn't use ebony engine despite having direct proof linked to you?
File: Average FFXV Fight.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
Average FFXV Fight.webm
2MB, 640x360px
Who wants to play this garbage game anyways?
>First of all I never said adding motion blur isn't editiong you stupid cunt
So you're finally admitting that >>388539234 is edited? Fucking hell nigger, it only took an hour and 10 minutes of you dancing around the subject. That's how much of a faggot you are.
Holy fuck BTFO Barry on Suicide WATCH
so you dont care about what others think of your game?
I don't even know what you're talking about haha
>Everyone I don't like is that one guy who trolled me in 2013
Rent free
I don't believe Bazztek has actually finished FFXV.

Post your time played.
I actually want to play it for story but feel after all this DLC that I'm far behind and will never understand what's going on.
File: 17 hours did u rike it.png (3MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
17 hours did u rike it.png
3MB, 1920x1080px
Just watch a playthrough, it's nothing special, honestly
Hey look its SBK91 joining the thread with his fucking retardation despite him also getting blown the fuck out in every thread ever
Maybe you should learn how warpstrikes work you fuck.

Fuck off.

Can you even fucking read you dense cunt? Did you even follow the conversation?
Rent free, cuck.
He didn't get platinum though.
He said he'd totally do 100% of the content when the PC vrsion comes out, but now he admits that his toaster can't even run it, so he lied again
Do you think he can even afford a console? He just posts webms he's gotten from around the internet, at best he just watched a let's play.

Why are you samefagging?

It's actually pretty straightforward and easy to follow.
You can beat FF1-9 in under 10 hours, what's your point?
>sonic mania
he' the gift that keeps on giving
>Literally all he's played is FFXV and games that are regarded as better than FFXV

How the fuck can you own a PS4 and never finish Bloodborne? It's easily the most essential game for actual gamers on the thing.
>Why are you samefagging?
Why are YOU samefagging?
>Can you even fucking read you dense cunt? Did you even follow the conversation?
I can read, I can also write and I was the Anon arguing with you the whole time with you going "nuh uh it's not edited because it doesn't have different animations!" all I was arguing is that you had to post an edited webm to "prove" how good the game looked. It literally took me an hour of slapping your shit for you to finally break down and admit adding after market motion blur to the webm is a form of editing.

Coninue being a bitch, I got what I came for.
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Reminder they made the combat bad on purpose.
I think at this point he just buys them to prove that he owns them while shitposting
he's literally a poorfag
>/v/ getting worked by a balding Aussie manlet instead of just reporting and ignoring
Eat fucking shit.

I did get platinum, they added more trophies recently which lowered the % for everyone, maybe you should look closer.

Are you implying that's bad now?

>you can only play games on PS4 nothing else
Reminder that Bazztek

>Has never had a GF
>Only has 2 friends who he never sees
>Dropped out of College
>Is balding
>Is 5'6''
also an abo
Reminder that Anti Kun

>Never has fewer than 4 women on the go at once
>Is universally loved
>Has 3 bachelor degrees and a doctorate
>Has incredibly thick and luxurious hair
>Is a respectable 6'4''
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XV core game not casual.jpg
4MB, 1300x8930px
So the samefag doesn't even know what samefagging means, how ironic.

Reminder that you're a lying cunt and that was a misinterpretation of what he said which is why he cleared it up on the ATR a few days later
It's like community service, if XV-kun didn't have these threads he'd have nothing, so we're staving off his inevitable suicide. Not out of kindness, but to prolong his suffering.
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>mfw 25 and receding hairline kicks in
How has technology come so far and yet we can't simply make hair grow
funny how peacocks are the first to start screaming about how shitty consoles are when something runs badly on them but the second something runs badly on PC they realize that optimization matters
>What is rogaine
Why does this guy always contradict himself in interviews?
Damage control.
Because we don't want inferior genes to breed. Balding is a warning to females to stay away.
Arent hair transplants like 4 grand?

Are you too poor for hair?
Why are you samefagging again you piece of fucking shit?

No, you fucking can't read which is why you are sperging out over the webms because you think someone said they weren't edited with motion blur for some fucking reason, you are not only in fucking denial but you honestly think motion blur somehow changes the models, animations, lighting, environment and the things happening in the clips.
>Everyone I don't like is a samefag
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You almost got me.
>sperging out

Oh the irony. The fucking irony. It will be lost on him lads.
>master race shits on the xbonex and ps4 pro for not doing 60fps at 4k
>well they can't do it either without some crazy expensive shit
>4k at 60 fps isn't needed now, most game can't unless they are older games and this is fine
Still samefagging I see.

Except he never did.
I didn't even say shit about you or your game, leave my hairline alone
Damage control.
Reminder that the combat still ended up being lame anyway.
Lol you got BTFO go back to Twitter you mong
>The virgin defense versus the Chad troll
But balding is a sign of good testosterone.
And the pattern stems from the female's father anyway.
t. Bazztek defending his bald spot
And you are still going, phone posting and PC posting to get two IPs at once just like you fucking always do, always this deseprate attempt to shitpost against XV, always this fucking desperate that you actually use two IPs to shitpost against XV with, fucking pathetic beyond belief.

Seriously fuck off you piece of shit samefagging cunt.
He's also dark skinned...so uh...yeah. We all know what that means.
Sore spot picking on your piss poor aesthetics and no friends? LMAO
The absolute projection on display here.

There are 206 IPs and the thread is largely negative (as most FFXV threads on here)...but this is me samefagging is it?
So all you've done is proven that anyone trying to shit on XV is a balding manlet virgin
>the state of xv fans
Nice falseflag, but that isn't me or my friend who post here BTFO of your shit anti-kun.
Lol give it up dude we know you're one mad as fuck troll with a finger on his router.
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Nice try anti-kun, you'll never get my FFXV achivos.
It's not a spot. I'm fully bald.
>Barry has friends
Calling bullshit
>FFXV threads cause Bazztek so much stress he's gone bald
Every time.
Bazzy if I add you on PSN will you accept me
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Sup NeithOF, still on full fucking damage control because you got compeltely BLOWN THE FUCK OUT?

Samefagging and projecting too?

>There are 206 IPs and the thread is largely negative
No NeithOF, most of the replies in this thread have nothing to do with you or me, and most of the people in this thread are talking about PC or console stuff, you are the only one trying to shitpost against XV in this thread with your usual samefagging bullshti and your constant fixation on "durr everyone is overly negative on XV i swear", you always try to pretend you are the majority when you are and always will be a vocal minority who samefags out his fucking ass.

More samefagging.

Fuck off NeithOF
Dumbass, I don't hate the game, but the combat was just bad.
About that, who exactly is Bazztek?
He definitely has carpal tunnel too, with all the furious shitposting he does.
Nice try NeithOF

Nice projection.
Thread posts: 544
Thread images: 100

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