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>Try to teach friends fighting games. >Try to teach them

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>Try to teach friends fighting games.
>Try to teach them all the fundamentals I wish I knew at their level.
>They mash
>Tell them to stop mashing
>They keep mashing
>Get super frustrated whenever they lose

I've tried to teach so many fucking people this game so that they can have as much fun as my friend and I have at a high level, but it's impossible.
>Trying to get people to play SFV
>'fun at high level'
There's your mistake.

Not even the most top tier pros can shy from random jumps and dashes for a throw.
Here it fucking comes. The random Street Fighter 5 /r/kappa hate-base that doesn't even play the game and just watches streams. Please only post in my thread if you have evidence for your arguments, or you can beat me in SFV. Thank you.
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Garbage game
>A thousand hours in SFIV
>Competed in locals all the time
>Play a few hours of SFV
>I already lost because I gave Capcom my money

Most of the fundamentals in SF5 is just spaming your CC (If you play a character with a good one, like Urien) or V-skill (Karin, Vega).

I am also guilty as fuck of spaming V-skill with Alex.
>I am also guilty as fuck of spaming V-skill with Alex.
Nigger, what the fuck? Do you even play the fucking game? Alex's v-skill is a taunt that makes his next hit a counter hit. Jesus fucking christ. If you "spammed" his v-skill, you would be dead because people would just hit you. If you're "spamming" it after knockdown, then you're not spamming it because you're doing it when you should.

What the fuck /v/
/v/ sucks at fighting games news at 11
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Where my niBBas at?

Not so much. There has been several pros and regular player complaining about the combos in 5. There is nothing wrong with what they did, but i think that Smug explained it pretty good.

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>tfw Gief
Forcing Laura and Balrog players to have to think and watching them choke is an amazing feeling
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Jump kick, Hadouken, Jump Kick, Hadouken, Hadouken, Hadouken, Jump Kick Hadouken, Shoryuken, Shoryuken, Hadouken

yea SF alot of fun...
>Does three hit combo
>Does decent damage
>Does 7 hit combo that is harder to do and does less damage.
Like, I get that they shouldn't just remove shit, but why would you do the harder to do combo for less damage? Like what the fuck
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>Try to teach them all the fundamentals

Why're you trying to teach them what clearly isn't there?
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The sad truth my friend, is that someone who wants to be better at the game will have to go through their own journey to be better at it. Nothing you say will help them, they have to understand it by themselves. The best thing you can do is support them through their journey.
When you finally understand the actual reason for it you'll be one step closer to fighting game mentality. Too bad SFV wont ever teach you that.
>spamming V-skill with Vega
Isn't Vega's V-skill borderline-useless trash or did they change it?
It looks cooler, I guess. But aren't you supposed to "play to win"? It's not about looking cool, it's about winning, and if a super flashy, but hard to do combo doesn't help me win, why would I spend the time to learn it?

In this video he says, "Man, this is so fun! These combos are so fun! Who wouldn't want to play this?" It's fun for him, but every one of those hits requires a precise timing that isn't very fun to learn.

It's pretty good since you can get 2 roses per round without any problem if you use it a lot.

And you can do pretty decent damage with rose combos.
Spamming Alex's v skill gives meter. If they try to turtle you out its just free v meter for you and potential counter hit on their approach to stop you from getting a free trigger.

You would know this if you played the game.

Yes, i suck at fighting games. All i do is pretty much use the v-skill for counter hit, do a hp xx hp.chop xx grab combo.

After that i just do it again from scratch. If he is trying to stay out of range i just spam HK into V-trigger for safe pressure.

After that i just mash V-skill for counter hit again. So yes, i spam the V-skill in almost every match.
Baiting but whatever, got nothing better to do.

More combo options open up more variety in a player to use them along with his imagination to create situations that favor him in order to start applying mixups and/or additional pressure. Over the top flashy combos are purely for fun but having more rational options like comboing out of just jabs instead of heavy unsafe buttons gives players and opponents more stuff to work with on their end. That is if you can do it in a game, if the game allows it at all and isnt forcing you to choose the unsafe option everytime.

Its not always about doing the flashy combos. Its about confirming out of buttons that normally wouldn't allow you to keep the combo going and convert to something that will give you an advantageous position other than doing more damage. There are so many other factors at play in other fighting games: how far until the corner will the combo carry the opponent, how good are the pursuit options of a combo if you do this or that ender to it etc.

SFIV and other fighting games have those. Only thing SFV has out of those is probably only the corner carry aspect. Everything else is guessing right.
>but every one of those hits requires a precise timing that isn't very fun to learn.

I fucking hate that people feel a need to have instant gratification these days. Learning a hard combo and landing it in a match is the best part of fighting games.
>It's fun for him, but every one of those hits requires a precise timing that isn't very fun to learn.
When you do learn it then it becomes that much more fun to DO.

It feels good to be good at something, especially if you worked hard towards it.
If you want to "win" just uninstall and get a job, eat right and exercise.

If winning's the only aspect you like about fighting games you're better off playing the CPU at 0 difficulty forever. The grind, the investment and the payoff of doing something, anything that requires high execution to enhance your playstyle is a big part of enjoying this genre.

Not even about combos. Learning to move correctly, being able to instant air dash, having the knowledge to block from all sides along with the knowledge to know when opponents pressure will definitely have a gap and taking advantage of that and many more are all part of the grind.

The mentality of recent fighting game players is just horrible.
They were born to play guilty gear.
Also this: >>387716213
It just looks cooler to do and to see. That's all it is. You have to understand that with SFV they attempted to make it as serious and try-hard of an esport as possible by removing the flare and going back closer to traditional fundamental gameplay. SFV is being treated like a sport, and sports in general are about fundamentals. People jerk off SF4 because it allowed them to sit in training mode and practice combos. Beyond fighting the opponent, you were also playing a rhythm game with yourself. Then you could watch professionals flawless do these combos in tournaments and be impressed. With SFV the focus mainly shifted to only fighting your opponent, and depending on which crowd you fall into, it may not be for you. It's like boxing---people who regularly watch boxing know what to expect, while you have the other crowd of people who are disappointed when they don't see a miracle Rocky movie match.
>going back closer to traditional fundamental gameplay.
That'd be actually nice if it was true but SFV has no fundamentals.
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This, in other fighting games you have characters that have multiple combo routes that can give more damage, meter, corner carry, or frame advantage for okizeme and stuff like that. In SFV you have one route for your pressure, one bnb, one confirm off of your v-trigger activation, one crush counter confirm, one everything. It's been said over and over and SFV shills that only play SFV don't get it, but the game is too simple and too shallow.

Even Chen acknowledges how flawed the game is because of the steps they took to make the game more accessible and simple. Specifically how the generous input buffer eliminates execution and timing altogether, two qualities that have been huge factors in determining player skill in literally every fighting game before. No, I am not from r/kappa or whatever. Just a disappointed former capcom fighter fan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqWcU-K3tuM
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I fucking hate leo my god why do his fireballs beat Ky's?

Also his gimmick of it being exceptionally hard to tell what move he's actually doing is cancer.

God I'm salty right now.
It really isn't a fundamental game. SFV's input buffer requires you know every character's frame data because of how perfect everyone's frametraps and reversal timings are. If you don't you'll lose opportunities to get your turn because there are no other defensive mechanics to bail you out.

Other fundamentals like zoning aren't important anymore, footsies aren't really a part of the game, whiff punishing might as well not exist. I think the only real fundamental that matters in SFV is anti-airing, and even then you aren't rewarded for those as much as you were in past SF games because of the retarded risk/reward that benefits successful jump-ins and crush counters. The game is a mess and it's missing a lot of qualities that are attributed to an individual player's skill in other games. You could say it's half a fighting game, really, not even including the lack of content shit that people always whine about.
>Also his gimmick of it being exceptionally hard to tell what move he's actually doing is cancer.

>you're not having fun the right way!
>fun has to be earned!
>his gimmick of it being exceptionally hard to tell what move he's actually doing
What do you mean by this? His moves have distinctive animations
Yeah, doesn't he side switch on ground though?
He's a charge character so his fireballs have high durability. Go to the leo dustloop page and learn about his pressure and his moves. When he does 5H, look out for 6H since a lot of leos use it to reset pressure. You can interrupt the startup. Rekka is minus even without instant block, and if you IB it you can throw him if he goes for the second one. But really you don't want him on you at all. Work on your neutral. You have an air fireball with Ky and seal to power up your other ones.
You mean 236HS? It is distinctive from 236S with a long animation where he runs past you. His only other side switch is stance dash.

That's basically leo's gimmick aside from maximum unga. He can hide if he's doing a down input with that stance of his and he can do something that looks a lot like his crossup but isn't (either that or I'm just getting screwed super hard by lag) which is fucking cancer online.
Do you mean his crossups? They are hard to deal with if you don't know the matchup, but if you know when to look out for them they can be punished and suddenly he isn't that scary anymore
i also get really salty with against leo, same thing against johnny and sin, i couldn't for the life of me to make a right read in GG and most thing i did felt like it was pure luck. Since i wasn't really learning and wasn't getting much help from the community, at least nothing useful, i quit the game.

I think the only time i actually got some useful information on the Sin matchup was on a 4chan thread.
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please come back
you shouldn't be crying about cancerous online characters, mr. Greed Sever
A lot of people like myself like how fighting games get more fun as you play them longer. SFV's low skill ceiling and general simplicity makes the game get stale as soon as you hit the intermediate level, which is within a couple hundred hours or less after you start.

Unless you like practicing things like general strategies there really isn't much for you to learn once you know what to do after a shimmy, a CC and v-trigger confirm, a counterhit on your frametrap, and a jump-in. That's really it, the rest is just a constant and boring grind.
If you ask specific-enough questions on GG discord servers and don't be a bitch about it, you'll get helpful advice 100%
this, Ky players have plenty of netplay cheese to work with.
Yeah I know air pressure is my only real option there, I hate using the seal against him on the ground though because there really isn't any way to hide what you're trying to do and he'll just get right up in your face while you're trying to do it.

I dunno leo players say they hate kys but damn it if I just hate fighting him.

How the fuck do people even get hit by that so much? It's one of the game's greatest mysteries to me.
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>tfw you're a Ryu main
You are full of shit. Getting full combos off of jab is not a good thing and even chain combo games prevent it with hitstun, tech time, and/or pushback scaling.

I have never seen anyone mashing jab in frame traps because "lol he might drop it", where the fuck did this meme even come from? If you 09ers are suddenly going to decide waggling and smashing punch to DP if someone leaves a hole in their otherwise tight block string is good gameplay you're broken in the head.

>once you get past the training mode grind it's just a grind
Might I suggest finding a different hobby if you find pure execution fun and playing opponents boring
>not teaching them to mash special moves
Oh okay. I wasn't the other anon, I just started playing Rev 2. It's pretty fun. I've been using Ky but I think I want to move on.
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my region discord wasn't that helpful and i didn't like playing in their lobbies much. they liked to stream all the time for whatever reason and it took forever to get a match.
4 frames of delay essentially make your 19 frame startup overhead (hits frame 21 on most crouchers) into a 15-17 frame overhead, which is pretty damn strong.

To put that into perspective, Eddie's 6k overhead was extremely good in +R, and it was still 18 frames startup.
I know this isn't part of your argument but even in SFV, if you can't get full combos off of jabs, you aren't playing the game well. If you've gotten a hit and can get more hits, you're just leaving damage, corner carry and advantage sitting there. If you land a jab, that's like 20-40 damage but if you can link another jab into special, that's usually about 120 damage, regardless of the character you're using.
>don't care for alex at all before v
>buy him anyway cause spare fm
>he's actually really fun this time despite being limited
>capcom nerfs him to oblivion but balrog and urien are buffed to god tier
Only juri and fang players have it worse than us boyo
>full combos off of jab
>full combos
>chain combo games
>chain combo
>what the fuck is proration lol
This is what happens when people's only FG is SFV.
F.A.N.G. is good, don't fool yourself. Best top 8 winrate at CPT events and top 5 online winrate. He's just underrepresented.
Yeah guess it just feels slow to me because I'm always the one dishing it out and I'm just generally a conservative player when it comes to unarmored moves with high startup.
Juri, yes.
F.A.N.G., I don't even know. In the tournament setting, yes, but online? I still don't even know how to fight the mememan. Dude wins by default because he's never online and no one knows the match up.

But playing Ryu? Man, fuck me. I was battle lounging the other day and got bodied by everybody that wasn't another shoto player.
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In Same Fighter V. Seriously?
>Might I suggest finding a different hobby if you find pure execution fun and playing opponents boring
Some people like a little of both, anon. I like fighting games that have stuff in them besides just hitting buttons.
Most international character-specific discords are decent, try asking there if you ever feel like playing again
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Didn't they give him a one frame link after saying they wouldn't do that and suddenly he was good?
>international character-specific discords
are these even a thing?
I think that's purely because everyone has had the shoto matchup beaten into their head so fucking much thanks to the army of shitty kens and ryus infesting the online spamming all their most punishable moves as if to teach people how to deal with the characters.

>Same Fighter

We're not talking about tekken.
While it doesn't have invu or armor, it evades low-hitting attacks, which makes it often good in situations where other overheads would lose to mashing
I have something similarly frustrating
>have two friends
>both heavily into league
>manage to talk one friend into buying a pc
>build it for him
>buy other friend several games that weren't league
>both friends still only play league
>tfw willing to LITERALLY play anything else other than shitty LoL
>tfw friends will only play LoL
>tfw wasted both my time and money
That's also true. Ryu has always been the most predictable character to fight against, which is why it's an even bigger travesty that he's so bad now.

Which is also why I laugh at anyone who complains about losing to shotos that aren't Akuma
http://www.dustloop com/forums/index.php?/index.html/home/guilty-gear/baf0-highlights-all-ggxrd-character-specific-discord-servers-r601/

That's an old page so it doesn't have Baiken/Answer but you can find them at least through the general GG server or google
Fucking this. They don't even fucking like the gameplay itself, they don't acknowledge it, but in reality, they only play because they want to pull a slot machine, have it give them good teammates so they can see the big, "YOU WIN" screen at the end.

They should just gamble, because that's what you're getting in LoL when you queue without a full team. At least with real gambling it doesn't take 40+ minutes of boredom.
It's a combo, but it's not a "fuck it I can link this into anything anyways" combo like IV, you have to accept using light attacks and the limited enders that will combo from them like cr.LP>cr.LPxxDP instead of cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.LP, cr.HPxxHK Tatsu

Then they wouldn't complain about everything else being a grind.
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you're at the bar when this guy runs up to your girlfriend and throws her straight up into the air, what do you do
wonder why the ceiling is so god damned high
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I love the fact my new PC friend says he plays league because its free.
>spent $500 on a PC to play LoL
>LoL is free
>$500 league emulator

Won't play CS:GO because "No skill compatibility" whatever that means
Won't play paladins because "dead game"
I will say ken is annoying to play against online because you're probably gonna eat some throws or DPs you should have been able to punish but yeah if you don't have the standard shoto flowchart memorized by now you've got some work to do.
>fuck it I can link this into anything anyways
Is that really worse than SFV where everyone does the same confirms in the same situations all the time? At least in SFIV you could change up your combo route to gain meter, corner carry, or just get damage. In SFV you get all of those things all of the time with the same confirm, always. Baby shit.
>then they wouldn't complain about everything else being a grind
I mean yeah, if the grind is fun and I can use the execution and timing I practiced against real people. Obviously not the case with SFV.
Just have fun faggot
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that's interesting, i didn't even know it existed. I don't plan on playing the game again, maybe when any new character shows up so i can get my money's worth, but it is nice to know this exists.

honestly i don't know why people play lol this much.

I know my sister played minecraft and lol simply because all her friends were playing, so it was more like a social interaction than actually wanting to play the game, but i got a cousin that is super addicted to it for whatever reason.
Kens onlinery is far worse for whatever reason in v than iv. I guess it has to do with his throw loops and run cancels but nothing he does ever feels like it should beat you out. Not saying hes unfair but ken is 100% unenjoyable to fight online.
I can understand Ken to an extent because some online Kens are extremely gimmicky. But after you figure out what they're doing, they can't do anything.

I played one in a FT3 yesterday that would fullscreen HK Tatsu, and then mash out LK Tatsu or DP and I ended up getting caught by it a few times when I tried to punish. I won the first game, but it was a lot closer than it should have been. Shut him out completely in the next two games though.
You're lying, and the ability to run any mixup off any hit in IV is why setplay was so oppressive in IV and okizeme is gutted in SFV. Jab starters doing less damage didn't matter when they gave you hard knockdown into an unblockable.

Use your words babby
Yeah, new players mash, big surprise there that they don't know what one of their attacks are at a frame disadvantage compared to yours.
>hard knockdown is bad now
>unblockables after patching
How horribly bad were you if a universal mechanic of every fighting game and a very specific bug only 2-3 characters had that required high execution, meter and specific conditions, were a problem to you?
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I guarantee ken hk tatsu-dp is what caused the original dp nerfs.

I feel that fang only gets by on gimmicks which isn't inherently bad but for long term success usually isnt good. I remember everyone saying he was secret top tier cause sonicfox was owning everyone in early tournaments but at the same time he was pitted against literal nobodies and barely anyone played fang.
Better than you are at reading comprehension obviously.
>okizeme is gutted in SFV
And yet it's still extremely strong because of the prevalent corner carry characters get off of a hitconfirm and the lack of defensive mechanics and options in SFV. Don't need 50/50's when every character has the good old corner strike/throw/shimmy into stun. Don't act like SFV isn't an oppressive setplay game either, shitlord.
he has very good pressure that is hard to interrupt or escape, combined with free poison damage. He also has favorable matchups versus characters that are very strong right now. He wrecks Balrog, which is funny considering Balrog destroys other characters with fireballs.
What reading comprehension? You're obviously bitching about hard knockdown and unblockables, something only a few characters truly had, they were also patched out of the game after they were found. No, Ibuki's setplay isn't an unblockable.
>I fucking hate that people feel a need to have instant gratification these days

Is it Instant Gratification to not want to sit there in stale "do this impractical combo that you'll never do in a live match" mode along with "hit this stale dummy or program it yourself to do these moves instead of pulling said moves from a live match replay file" modes?

Fighting games haven't evolved. There's numerous things they can do to teach casuals but they flat-out refuse to put the work in.
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>SFV shill hates training and practice
stop the presses
>"do this impractical combo that you'll never do in a live match" mode
you know you can choose to do practical combos, right?
This guy looks like a fucking alien.
His frame data is actually pretty good and with the ungodly amount of lag while playing online he's not open for very long.

If he actually had a kit aside from the regular old ken flowchart he might actually be good. As it is though he can't really do anything but mash his buttons and hope people don't know how to beat ken because there's literally only one way to play him and it's just mashing buttons in their face hoping they're more afraid of a throw than your damage.

Then those should be put in trial modes, not impractical ones.

>implying I'm a SF5 shill

SF5 is shit, and the fighting genre has been stagnant since the "first death" of the genre in the late 90's.
didn't know you were talking about trial mode
sf4's trial mode was shit
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>you will NEVER be a good Ibuki player
No, I'm bitching hard knockdowns were nerfed to death because they were too easy to combo into.

It's really not, it's just scarier because of stun.
>in guilty gear
>when delaying your gatlings gives you counterhits and beats out mashing

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Birdie is more fun anyways
Fightan can't be thaught. The person trying to learn has to "break" and realize they don't know shit, then they can start learning.
Meanwhile it's all
>Stop mashing!
>I'm not mashing! (while clearly mashing)
Rinse and repeat.
abigail is the most unfun pos to play against seriously. i dont mind his design at all but the way capcom designed this character to play is just pure cancer. same shit with his retarded damage. also his hurtboxes are so annoying. yeah i know hurtboxes are never 100% the character for moves and shit for balancing, but its so extreme with him that i hate playing against him
>the generous input buffer eliminates execution and timing altogether, two qualities that have been huge factors in determining player skill in literally every fighting game before
And yet Japan Cup was a dropfest.
Just frame everything was viable in the days of sprites but nowadays that shit's just unplayable online unless you luck out on a god-tier netcode like Killer Instinct or XRd2.
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You goddamn autist. Nobody wants to jump into a game and start training fundamentals.

Let them play the game and have fun for a while just mashing and figuring things out organically. Don't fucking fight them full force and beat them to the ground with endless combos. No one enjoys that shit.

Once they are hooked into the game, THEN they'll want to start training fundamentals and can handle getting beat down as a learning lesson.

Fucking autsts, I swear. This is exactly why the fighting genre died out before and is dying again. You nerds will never learn how to relate to someone outside of your own experience. Get some empathy, loser.
Greed Sever is one of the slowest and most reactable moves in the whole fucking game that becomes EVEN SLOWER if the defender is crouching and if you can't block that online you would be getting styled on by countless other characters who have actually threatening overheads
any beginners online in gg europe?
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You're a fucking autist. You don't introduce someone to basketball and say
Yes, slam dunks are fun. But you don't try to force a beginner to learn how to slam dunk off the bat.

Even worse, you're blaming the beginner for not having the experience and mindset of someone more experienced. Your argument will never have any weight because the proof is obvious: people do not react well to your blatant autism. That's why they don't get attached to these fighting games. You're the one fucking up. Goddamn idiot.
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What you're saying makes sense in theory, what >>387718094 is saying though brings another factor into this which is what usually happens in reality.

I've been extremely understanding and careful not to trigger anybody who even remotely ever showed interest in an FG. Dumbed down to their level, lost a couple times, showed some cool stuff they could do while not even scratching the surface of the depth of the game etc. Yet when they told me to go full tryhard they always regretted it after their 10th loss in a row even after repeated warnings of "extreme salt ahead" from me.

If somebody is truly interested competitively in an FG he wont be like that even if he's a beginner. The truth though is that most of them are like that, taking it slow still ends in failure.
They made it even worse in Season 2. Its only purpose is if you read a fireball from far away, or if you wanna style with an anti air.

As I said in another thread, the only thing you need to do in order to win most games is spam projectiles and throw the opponent in the off chance they manage to reach close enough.

Sure, it's a cheap tactic. Sure, there are a load of workarounds to it. Does that matter most of the time, though? Not really.
t. would get bodied by everyone who isn't a retard
Teach them a better game at least
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>>They keep mashing
>>Get super frustrated whenever they lose
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>fighting games
>requiring skill
I guess you should go to tournaments and make thousands of easy dollars, then.
They're one of the best competitive genres.
guilty gear is the game everyone pretends they play but actually don't. the playercount definitely doesn't reflect the amount of people that talk about the game on the internet
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once you got gud fighting games are some of the best games for busy people. can always get a round in quickly with not much time investment. also i want a majikoi tag team fighter with the guys as support chars for the girls, in the style of gg and thew new dbz
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well, that is actually kinda true at least on /v/.

I still remember the thread where it showed most /v/irgins only had 40 hours into gg or so.

this is true,while usf4 had a decent ammount of players it was the perfect game to play in bursts while i had to do other stuff but to be able to do that i had to spend a lot of time learning the game.

I really can't do it nowadays so i just end up frustrated which is sad because nothing really compares to fighting games nowadays.
>Yes, slam dunks are fun. But you don't try to force a beginner to learn how to slam dunk off the bat

This is more like lowering the ring so that everyone can slamdunk all the time instead of investing the time that is required to git gud.
No. You suck shit at metaphors.
>tell them to stop mashing
>trying to """"""teach"""""""
You sound like fun in parties
Never post about fighting games again.
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>playing with a friend who's not all that great at fighting games
>he's mashing random buttons
>whiff punish with a sweep
>he's still mashing
>jump in while he's recovering and do 40% damage
>he stops mashing
you have to show him what happens, not just yell at him to stop, otherwise he'll never learn
Not that guy but mashing like a retard isn't fun for most people either and they get bored after a few hours of that kind of play in my experience and never touch the game again. The truth is you need some mental fortitude/autism/dedication to actually progress past the first wall in fighting games. The best advice would probably be to teach people simple combos and special inputs, but that depends a lot on the game. When you're able to get damage out of your openings you can win vs almost anyone at least once in a while.
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This is what I imagine, but the initial learning is hard when you don't have the time to commit. I wish I got into fightan when I was still in school. I'm still trying to learn with a full-time job, but it's slow and frustrating.
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>Give a character a tool that is a stable of the archetype
>Tailor every aspect of the character around this tool
>Give every character a way to neutralize said tool while also making it shittier in every single way possible

What's even the point of fireballs in SFV?
I almost wish Capcom just fucking removed them, that way i wouldn't make the mistake of thinking they gave me this tool to use so i maybe could win the match.
What a fucking fool i was.
They should replace fireballs with hops and/or airdashes.

Why do all games with fun movement have autistic 100 hit combos or dogshit dead netplay exclusively played by mexicans and brazilians?
Because Vampire Savior and Samurai Shodown never took off the way that they should have.
You know.
To basketball you have to know the rules before you can even play at all.
This goes for all games, so that means whether you like it or not you have to understand the game at a basic level first.
The problem is then playing multiple games.
Right now I'm having enough trouble just juggling SF V and Tekken 7 in with the other games I play.
I still play Rev 2 every now and again, but I bought Central Fiction without ever putting time into it, and I'm not even going to touch stuff like Injustice 2 since I know I won't have the time for it.
Fighting games are great for getting in quick gameplay sessions, but you really gotta pick and choose which games you actually want to look at
>I'm still trying to learn with a full-time job, but it's slow and frustrating.

Welcome to my life pal. I honestly cant even learn SF5 with all the shit i have to do daily.

just pick one nigga, trying to play multiple ones id a huge mistake.
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it's not going to get enough funding, is it /v/
i blame the art style
Thought this was a patreon thing, didn't know they made a kikestarter too. Not sure if interested, looked almost early divekick levels of dumbed down.
>At an anime convention with my friend last weekend
>Go to the gameroom and pick up a random anime fighter (I think it was Dengenki Bunko)
>Neither of us look at movelist
>I'm doing basic specials like DPs and fireballs
>He's only coming at me with normals
>Tell him to try a hadoken since I know he plays Smash 4
>"I've never been able to do a continuous hadoken motion"
This is still bugging me.
How do you look at a mechanic, try it out, and then go "nope, too hard, not for me".

Also I just remembered how I used to play MK 9 with guys in High School and they didn't even know a lot of special moves were in the game.
They would get mad at me for ever picking a character for their specials.
They fucking spent the money on the game but never learned to play it
Well the game is made for an audience that doesnt even know it wants the game, if that makes sense.

Its targeted at fresh blood, but that fresh blood isnt in the genre yet, so how could they fund a game?

Current fighting game players clearly do not want a product like that.
They're trying to fund a game that seems to acknowledge that it has no audience right now.
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I blame it on the fact that Sirlin like the retard he is tried to make a fighting game for new people and literal HDHD children but marketed towards people that already know how to play fighting games in the first place.

They're missing the fundamental element which made you good in the first place. Without a desire to learn, you might as well be teaching a goat how to do trig. It's not much different.
>have a roommate that topped ladder in 3S
>want to learn
>his teaching is just beating me over and over with different characters, going down to the lowest tier characters
>never explains any principles to me, teaches me combos, etc., just whoops my ass over and over
i hope not. this games brings absolutely nothing besides dumbed down mechanics that won't help newcomers to the genre in the slightest.
>Reeee fireballs suck
>Guile is the top character
Niggla pls.
nah top 3 are ibuki, rashid, guile
>Durr fireballs are fine because one character that is good has one
i got diamond last october and think the game is garbage and have barely played since. youre just a retard 16er that has been playing sfv for a year and think youre good and want to """"teach""" your friends now
I'm an '09er that thinks that SFV is better than 4 was at this point in its lifecycle.
if you aren't at least super diamond you aren't decent at the game.

you can literally get to diamond in a week if you aren't complete garbage. I actually did so recently when I took a break from Karin to play another character.
Abigail, Alex, Rashid
It's a worse version of Smash/RT without anything that made Smash/RT good, marketed with utter ignorance of marketing strategies and the characters are the worst possible mix of weaboo and SJW I've ever seen.

It's like someone tried to make a fighting game by throwing every "nerd" related trending topic in a blender.

I think the art style itself could work, a SFA3 clone with cute Overwatch/LoL style cartoony characters would sell gangbusters. It's the character design and the overall low quality look of the game that kills it.
all the people who are super diamond-master right now were around that level last october you retard.
of course getting super diamond would be a fucking breeze now because all the shitters have been weeded out. so getting super diamond now literally means nothing. remember how platinum was the upper echelon of ranked? yea... plat is like getting to bronze now. i got diamond when it was relevant
Guile isnt good because of his booms. They're better than most but hes good because his loops and pressure and abundance of easy and reliable aa tools make him a wall like hes supposed to be but his absolutely stupid good buttons and frames make him an ever encroaching wall.
If one character can win off fireballs then fireballs haven't been nerfed, Ryu has been nerfed. Ken and Akuma are ok, Dhalsim is good, I would bet my ass both Sagat and Sakura will be on the upper half of the tier list when they come out.
Ryu is shit.
>Guile isnt good because of his booms

everyone ignore this person, let me be his only (you)
upside down kick beating throws but not being considered airborne at all and not being punishable by every character on block still pisses me off.
>If one character can win off fireballs then fireballs haven't been nerfed
>Ryu has been nerfed
His fireball was alwasy shit in this game and they made it wores and nerfed his V-trigger on top of that for EXTRA useless factor
>Ken's fireball
Non existent outside of activating V-trigger
That nigger has more tools in his kit then all the cast combined
Now this is just sad to read.
>Sim isn't good
Now I know you haven't played SF since SF1 arcade.
This is sfv you fucking retard. If you rid of guiles absurd amount of aas, his insane plus frame buttons, his air throw, his throw loops, his moderate damage, his range, and his somewhat useful v system, would he survive in v solely on his booms?

The answer is fucking no, especially when most of the game is centered around fucking over projectiles in general.
Nigger how in the fuck did you go from talking about fireballs to me saying Sim is shit?
I have said no such thing, in fact im scared shitless of good simplayers.

Am i talking to myself here?
>Oh shit I got caught, wat do
Shut up.
What the fuck even happened with rising thunder, I know riot bought them but why is the game still buried?
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Well they aren't gonna knock themselvs out
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The AAs are important because of fireballs, moderate damage wouldn't be good without fireball damage, and his range and v-system are fireballs.

I really don't know what one character being good with fireballs has to do with whether or not they're nerfed across the rest of the game.
If you made guiles booms as shitty as kens hadouken right now, guile would still be an absurdly good character because of everything else built around him. Fireballs are not good in v.
>non beginners joining my beginner lobby again in gg


UDK isn't punishable by anything other than Gief super and Akuma raging demon. It's - 2 not -3

And if it were airborne it would be better not worse.
What do you want them to be? Cyrax's net from MK3?
They're serviceable, hadouken has never been the best fireball in the game, Sonic Boom and Yoga Fire are, and just as always Guile and Sim are better than Ryu/Ken.
Gohadoken is good, Poison Bomb and Poison Fireballs are annoying as fuck, Metallic Sphere is good, Kunai is fantastic, it really is just Hadouken that sucks.
it's -3 since 2.5
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>making your friends play shit fighter V

no wonder they don't want to learn
Honestly i wouldn't say yoga fire is second best. I think rashids winds are actually incredibly underrated and better than sims fire.

But im not wanting anything except more versatility on ryus hadouken and v system, cause right now ryus trigger is a travesty.

If the rumors for ssfv are true there will likely be new v systems or something similar which might inadvertently boost fireballs a bit so im fine with them as they are. For now at least.
>play against cpu
>its a retarded punching bag
>play online
>im a retarded punching bag
How do i get better at these games?
train bnbs
play people that are at your level and +1 or +2 skillevel higher than you on an imaginary skill ladder. contrary to popular belief, getting perfected by much better players does nothing at all for you because you will most likely not understand whats going on. only by playing people that are slightly above your level can you really become better. consult forums and join a discord. playing much better players will become more useful once you know what is going on
>and just as always Guile and Sim are better than Ryu/Ken
???? Sim hasn't been a top character since ST brah.
Nigga Dhalsim in Alpha 3 was top tier twice over.
>alpha 3
Ah, you got me. I never played 3.
Killer Instinct is really good to teach fighting games to people. A friend of mine got it on Xbone a year ago and now we're 6 learning the game together while having fun
Nigga I'll beat your ass in Third Strike with Oro
He was also fucking strong in Super Street Fighter 4. Dhalsim is generally very strong far more often than he isn't.
SFV is probably the worst game to feel real progress in because it's designed so any retard can beat any skilled player thanks to crush counters, throw loops and other 50/50's. If he learns a real fighting game he'll probably feel much better about his progress.
Guile is like the only character in the whole game with usable fireballs, and even then the reason he's good is because capcom had the brilliant idea to give defensive characters good offensive options without taking away any of the things that made them defensively strong.
Maybe they don't want to learn fighting games

He was strong in SSF4 yes. But he wasn't that bad in Ultra either. He was a great counter pick to certain characters.


The CPU is a horrible way to get better at any type of fighting game. It will just create horrible habits that are hard to fix later. As the other guy said, play vs slightly better players.
He's kinda weirdly strong in this game though. I don't remember the last good incarnation of sim being so aggressive.
Sim has only been bad in the CVS games, everywhere else he's top tier or the hard counter of a top tier.
And yet the best players are still the best players and scrubs are still scrubs like fucking Smug who had to go back to IV like a bitch.
>Sim, Ibuki and Urien don't exist
Id put sim at mid honestly. Hes super aggressive which is good but he doesn't have enough compared to everyone above him and his lower health means mistakes and successful resets are instantly game ending. I do like aggressive sim though and hope he becomes more standard in the future.
That's why I said "like", although out of those 3 Urian is really the only one who uses his for anything remotely like normal fireball usage and even then they're not exactly great, just good compared to shit like ed's absolute travesty of a fireball.

I honestly can't remember the last time an ibuki use a kunai against me during neutral when she wasn't trying to snipe my last pixel.
Rashid is great and is showing the real problem with SFV is not SFV but the people who want to play SFV like it was ST/3S/IV.
Rashid is new and not an immediate standin for another character so because assfaggots didn't know him they didn't care to pick and learn him, now that new pros have adopted and learned him he's top8ing tournaments. Same thing is slowly happening with Kolin and FANG.

At this point when I read "SFV doesn't have options" I know what they mean is "Ryu/Ken don't have options and I don't want to learn characters that do because it's hard and takes time".
Literally just sit them down and teach them combos and tell them that's how they win the game it's a game of memory and reaction
Agreed, although I do want them to add in another character to sorta fill the role he used to. There really aren't enough defensive characters in the game right now. Even guile is willing to approach the enemy these days.
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>scrubs like fucking Smug who had to go back to IV like a bitch
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the state of sfv is pretty bad when a number of its prominent players are prominent just because better players stopped palying
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That logic is asinine. You can't win if you don't play. You people really need to come up with better ways to criticize this game.
is it strange that he looks more hulkier than the hulk in infinite?
That might be necros role if he's added which would be a relief.

Most projectiles are used for combo filler in v and not for creating or maintaining space or health lead or chip. The game is centered around being in people's faces and not far away. Thats part of why uriens and ibukis arent completely shit on cause they're vital for set ups and combos while ryus are shit on cause he cant do much lf anything with his.
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>Got beaten by my friend's Ky
>Asked what would I do when I get pressured in a corner or what kind of options do I have in these situations
>Unironically says "git gud"
Nothing more infuriating then one basically saying you suck and you need to learn more when you try to ask for an advice. At least say it in a non condescending way.
>Yet when they told me to go full tryhard they always regretted it after their 10th loss in a row even after repeated warnings of "extreme salt ahead" from me.

You literal fucking autist, do you still not get it? Sometimes people say shit they don't mean, or don't know they don't mean. You have to read between the lines. What they really want is a challenge, they don't want to feel like you're putting on the kid gloves and babying them to victory, nobody fucking wants that. They want to feel as if they're facing a pro and holding their own. If you want them to continue wanting to learn, you have to learn how to not alienate people.
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>Telling someone to spam fireballs and throws as a sure win tactic in any fighting game
>Telling someone to do this in SFV of all games
expand your knowledge
I mean it's kinda hard to give advice for what to do if you're getting pressured in the corner by Ky. He isn't exactly what you'd consider a high pressure character unless you keep falling for his mixups.

Really your best option is to wait for him to go for a mixup (probably a greed sever) and block it then punish. Preferably you should be blocking low because stun dipper can come out stupidly fast and he can work it into it's blockstring. This should bait out the GS and while it is kinda fast it's negative as hell on block and if you're looking for it you can react.

I don't know if this explanation will really help but with ky it's kinda like he's tricking you into thinking he's pressuring you in the corner and you're not really pressured. Like, he actually gets less out of shoving you in the corner than most other characters from a pressure/combo angle but he still wants to do it because people tend to do stupid shit to try and escape that he can punish.

I dunno I'm probably explaining this terribly but just play safe, bait out his greed sever, punish, and watch him run away and go back to zoning you out.
It still says -2 in FAT but idk if that has been correctly updated. I quit sfv after Kolin
I don't remember ever winning off spamming fireballs from across the screen save maybe with O.Sagat in ST.
Fireballs have always been meant to create openings and punish mistakes. You hadouken just shy off full jump distance to punish a jump-in with shoryuken then jump in yourself for crouching lk, lk, hk, throw.
Most of them are used for poking. Ibuki and Karin's v-skills aren't horrendously different functionally, which is also why using ground kunai in neutral is a waste. Funnily enough the range fireballs are good in V they were incredibly unsafe in IV because of Focus Attack.
The top 32 of evo were mostly familiar faces. Did you bitch when gamerbee won evo or when luffy won?
>gamerbee won evo

He didn't.
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>when gamerbee won evo
Whoops my mistake. I remembered he did something big when he debuted but it was just knocking out big names. Regardless infiltration was an '09er but no one said "infiltration is shitty it's just this shitty SF4 letting him be good".
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>Post picture of SFV

Hard to teach people things that are barely applicable to the game you're playing.
Even if GG turned into nothing but Leo id still rather play it then SFV and it would still have a stronger neutral game.
i'm still playing kofxiv even when there's almost noone else to play with
Poking is good in some cases like ibuki and guile but for ryu and urien its a bad idea. Thats a very case by case and by game basis.

Fireballs fullscreen have been done for forever though and against opponents who are too scared or just too complacent they can secure victory in some games. Just not in sfv due to chip death not being a prominent threat and having so many safe options around it, which is why theres so many complaints about it nowadays. I also remember back in iv this board was hoping projectiles would be hit as hard as they have been because of characters like rose and sagat in tournaments which were "boring". And now that its happened theyre wishing those characters and projectiles back.
Practically all Daigo did with Ryu was throw fireballs just outside sweep range and of all the things he had nerfed that wasn't really one.
Is kofxiv worth 20$ on sale? I'm a noob at fighting games, and know very little about kof in particular.
and i could use someone else on ps4 to play with
It wasn't but other characters have released that are capable of stopping that type of behavior, such as ed with his first part of his spark and abigails parry/armor. Chances are the other dlc characters would have something to do against that tactic too. It's a good thing daigo switched.
Does anyone here want to play a fighting game? I'm on PC so fightcade is an option.
I would play you in fightcade, but I don't know how to get my games to show up. Got any good youtube tutorials? Or ROM sites?
I'm only doing this because I was a retard once too and someone had to show me.


This is the most I can do, the rest is up to (you)
No thanks. I actually have a real job that pays more then that.
how easy is it to unlock characters without paying for it?
I have a friend who i'm teaching Guilty Gear to, bit by bit. Also giving me a good chance to learn some new characters other than just Venom, who is not at all fun for a new player to play against.
Not everyone has the grit to learn fighting games.
You can get about 4-5 characters pretty easily but then it gets kind of dicey. Keep up with the missions for like 6 more months and you'll have gotten enough for another one, probably.
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