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Anyone else disappointed in the PS4's upcoming exclusives?

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Anyone else disappointed in the PS4's upcoming exclusives?

They're all 3rd party cinematic games.

They're literally all the same style. I miss the days when Sony would release platformers, first person shooters, and weird quirky games on PSN.

Anyone else feel the same way?
>Anyone else disappointed in the PS4's upcoming exclusives?

im still playing second son. im way behind
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Go back to Xbox fool. The weird quirky games are up on PSN all the time, remove Microsofts feces out of your eyes and you might see clearly for once.
im ok for now, bought mine 1 month ago so everything feels quite fresh
Anyone else disappointed in the xbox one's upcoming exclu- never mind.
Sony has always relied on third party exclusives so wait and see.
Yeah, I did recently too. In fact the game is really short if you go for the main missions. I'll not say anything so you can enjoy it
im disappointed in every ps4 exclusive that isn't Bloodborne
Relax your autism is showing.
>They're all 3rd party cinematic games.
>not nintendo
>caring about the exclusive
It's always someone else to you guys, huh?
>last gen fps popular
>this gen tps popular

What's next gen gonna be?
Lootbox simulator
Shitbox nOne exclusives left :]
>They're all 3rd party cinematic games.
Literally 9/10 games this e3 were first party
> cinematic games.
Dad of war was confirmed for no QTEs
>They're literally all the same style.
Well they all have trees.
>I miss the days when Sony would release platformers,
They just did, Crash, also Knack 2 actually looks much improved
>first person shooters,
to compete with what, CoD ?! Even MS failed with Halo.
>and weird quirky games on PSN.
what is Materfall ?

Also Mediolas
They probably meant 3rd person.
Sonegros are too stupid to realise how shit their exclusives are

Unless gran turismo sport and knack 2 inadvertently turn out to be good games switch will have better exclusives by the end of the year

And once the nips get up and running say goodbye to the likes of persona 5 and other third party exclusives
Not really. Then again, I'm not really hung up on "exclusives".
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Trashbox One exclusive left*

Dead console don't buy xbox
I feel the same way. PS3 Sony was quirky and uncoordinated, but they were more interesting. PS4 Sony just seems souless. I don't think you'll ever see them pull anything like they did in 2011 when they released like 10 first party exclusive titles for no discernible reason.
Fucking H Y P E D for this
why are sonygros so insecure ?
oh boy another anti-Sony thread

how original
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>tfw you want to buy a PS4 but the majority of the games you'd buy it for get ported to PC or is also on PS3

What's next? Cold Steel 3 is released on PC?
Only weebs are like that.
>anyone else

Nah, just you.
>they enjoy them
>THEY are the dumb ones here
ps3 had resistance, lots of anime games, gems like hellboy, enhanced versions of games like alone in the dark and bioshock, motorstorm, journey, flower, twisted metal, etc etc
ps 4 has third person shooter with zombies, third person shooter with zombies, third person shooter with nathan drake, gran autismo, drive club that killed motorstorm studio btw, spider man and god of war, fucking lazy shit for normalfags.
This is just Sony fanboys posting at Sony fanboys thinking they are someone else.
Well they are another fighting game so there's that.

The problem is that it's a sequel to PS All-Stars. Which would probably fail again.
I'm unironically looking forward to Spiderman, God of War, GT Sport and Days Gone.

Come at me
Just waiting for ace combat 7. Its a long wait. Not even exclusive amymore though. Ps4 will probably have a collectors edition or Something though.

Fuck me this wait is long
Sonegros are the stupidest fanbase and therefore the most lucrative

They'll lap up shit exclusives, remasters of games they already own (in lieu of bc) and gladly pay over the odds for online

Look at neogaf
How in the fuck does this image work? What science is pic related?
>Sonegros are the stupidest fanbase and therefore the most lucrative
>They'll lap up shit exclusives, remasters of games they already own (in lieu of bc) and gladly pay over the odds for online

Well, Nintendo fans also gonna gladly pay for online, they also get excited for remake or remasters (Mario & Luigi, Samus Returns) and always brag about their exclusives
>m-muh victim complex!
>d-don't look at all the other anti-[company] threads we make on a daily basis!

point me in the direction of these threads
>They'll lap up shit exclusives, remasters of games they already own (in lieu of bc) and gladly pay over the odds for online

The biggest recent news for Nintendo is a mini SNES and a Gamecube emulator on their switch store...
gotcha senpai
Honestly not disappointed at all, the only disappointed thing is my fucking wallet in my inability to not spent too much money on games.
Stull have to play some shit + incoming games.
Right now playing ff12 then
Yakuza Kiwami
SOTC remake
DQ builders 2
Digimon sluts 2
So no i'm pretty hyped
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>/v/ will be forever butthurt about ps4 success

65 million consoles sold and the best games
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Meanwhile Sonormies love having to pay for online, welcome a price increase, and love the fact that they don't have backwards compatibility.
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>"We hear that Sony has received many requests from veteran fans – not limited to Arc the Lad and Wild Arms – for the resurrection of SIE Japan Studio’s titles focused on the Japanese audience, especially a few JRPG franchises. Yet, in Recent years, due to the soaring of development costs, investment has been mainly focused on titles which could be hits on a global scale. That being said, recently Japanese studios’ games developed for Japanese gamers have received high praise overseas. This is leading Sony to begin considering whether it could be profitable for its Worldwide Studios to make that kind of game again."

This gives me hope of a new Wild Arms at one point.

Was this from when the Switch first released? Same thing happened with PS4 and XBone.
Switch doesn't have backwards compatibility, and Nintendo is jewing their fanbase with shitty amiibos
No. They were from maybe a few days to a week ago. There are plenty I saw that I didn't add made in that time.
I love how you are using a picture of a multiplat for your post.
>Sonormies so starved for games that they have to shitpost about sales

>b-but nintendo
I think it's open world this gen, headed towards level/stage tps based on PS4 with some weeb rpgs thrown in and games as a service on Xbox (EA Access, Ubisoft access, Xbox games pass, etc).


That's hilarious. Switch doesn't have any games and neither did the Wii U so it's alright.
>Yakuza Kiwami and 6
>White Day
>Spider-Man PS4
>Death Stranding
>FFVII remake (timed)
>Kingdom Hearts III (Not exclusive, but still)
Yes, I'm excited for my upcoming PS4 games.
KH3 is essentially a ps4 exclusive

FFXV sold abysmally on Xbox Juan
Honestly the amount of Sony shilling on this board has made me embarrassed to even own one.
Yeah honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they dropped xbox support between now and release.
When was this confirmed?

There's less variety all across the console board, but PS has the most variety by far.
>Ape Escape 4 never
The switch will have better first party exclusives than the ps4 within 9 months of launch.

If Nintendo follows Sony's strategy and floods the system with handheld/console ports from theor vastly superior back catalogue the ps4 will be even more fucked

If japanese developers start shifting over to the the only viable hd system in japan then the ps4 will be even more fucked

If western developers throw a few scraps at the most wanted games system in the world the ps4 is even more fucked
they're not even in the same bracket, chill out. For starters
>only viable HD system in japan
>first party exclusives
true but switch won't have better multiplats, ps4 will still run those better
>jap devs
they do both
>western devs
who cares
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He's not wrong
why do the pro and bone have suche weak processors

why did amd fuck them over instead of throwing in some proprietary early ryzen soc?

i feel cheated.
Sure, but Sony never had many exclusives. It's just that they all went PC. No point in buying a console if I can already play them.
consoles don't need processors as strong as pc
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>White Day is actually getting a PS4 and PC release
>After years of having to deal with a buggy translation patch and cracked version.
This is great news, thanks man. Maybe I'll finally get past the tentacle room at the start for once without crashes or running in circles.
So wat is the template?
For the most part i see vastly different games that just share a camera perspective.

but the current gen of consoles is extremley bottlenecked due to the terribad cpus
um no one should be making these type of threads
dumb shitposter
They are games with tihrd person perspective

What's wrong with this?
Yeah I'm fucking excited. It was supposed to come out this month but got pushed back to end of September, but fuck me for $30 ($25 with prime) then It's worth an extra months wait, and at least it doesn't fight with Yakuza for my attention since it would have come out the same day.
>They're all 3rd party cinematic games.
>"Cinematic" is a bad thing
Unskipable cutscenes/dialogue is a bad thing, good animations, visuals and voice acting aren't.

>They're all 3rd party

I never understood why this was bad. When the Wii U had no third party support it was a bad thing, but now that the Xbox barely does the PS4 gets the blame for it? Nice try.

when people say cinematic is bad, that normally entails more cinematic at the expense of gameplay.
pretty hard to get dissapointed with spidey and kojima as exclusives desu
For example?
lmao. Before death stranding was even announced he stated that his game will be on PC and PS4.
Order 1886


PCkeks never learn

been hearing it a lot for Uncharted 4 particularly, even compared to previous games.
>literally who website without credible source
Yeah no.

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>When you finally get to the shooting portions the game is actually fun due to the inventive guns like that amazing Thermite Rifle
>Game only has a handful of gun-based encounters and ones with unique weapons are even rarer.
It's not fair, the story was absolute garbage but the gameplay was alright for a cover-based third person shooter and they had a good concept for the story but ruined it all by doing nothing with it.
too bad the game had maybe an hour of gunplay and no other modes.
>lmao. Before death stranding was even announced he stated that his game will be on PC and PS4.
> Before death stranding was even announced

there's your clue. already enjoying the ass ache. it's not going to ever surpass that of Bloodborne but still feels good.
Yeah, it really sucks. You can tell they fell on board the "WE CAN MAKE A VIDEO GAME MOVIE" train and the gameplay was kind of just shoved in there to justify it.
The Order isn't a bad game because it's cinematic. If anything, that's the most interesting part about it. You don't see a lot of 21:9 games.

If anyone says the gameplay in any of the first three is better than 4, they're shitposting.
The story is fucking garbage. I'm on playstation too, man, but don't be fucking blind.
There are tons of movies with bad stories, what's your point?
right so what you're supposed to do is not give them the time of day and move on. What are you not grasping?
lol no, unironically
go to reddit

see r/nintendo and the switch subreddit, they all fuckin HATE online. But we can't do shit. Sony fans were the same way, but these companies have there hands way up are arses, they're too powerful.

btw the entire nintendo community are planning to boycott online if it continues to be as SHIT as it is now. Go check.
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Do people still think Death Stranding is actually coming to PC? Sony owns the trademark

Here's what most likely happened

>Late 2015
>Sony calls up or meets with Kojima
>Sony: Mr Kojima we know it's been a rough couple of years for you, and we want to help out. We'll give you x amount of money in exchange for your next game being a console exclusive to Playstation
>Kojima: yeah sure lol

>Mid 2016
>Sony: Hey Mr Kojima, now that we know more about this game we love it and would like to FULLY publish it and give you access to technology from any of our first party studios. We will even fly around the world with you to let you decide which engine you want.
>Kojima: Yeah sure lol. I'll get started on the e3 trailer

Hell Kojipro might as well be first party with this Guerrilla Games partnership

Who gives a fuck about some game that probably wont end up coming out until like 2022
>I'm not getting the game on my overpriced halo machine so who cares lmao
get out
Actually it's confirmed to be on PC/PS4. It still looks like ass.
be more buttmad
What are you talking about?
>Actually it's confirmed to be on PC
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western game developers were a mistake
It won't come to PC you idiot
Stop giving me hope
Still waiting for decent deals for digital exclusives...
do you even check psn?
It was written in a Medium article ie. an article written by a random user that no one can verify.
The source is about as shit as they come.

Gamespot keeps reporting on that source though as if it hasn't been redacted already (which it has officially)
I miss platformers as well. Japan Studio should get working on more instead of fucking Knack II.
All of those except GT Sport. Can't get into racing sims. I anticipate Spider-Man to set /v/ ablaze
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>I miss the days when Sony would release platformers, first person shooters, and weird quirky games on PSN.
>Anyone else feel the same way?

Me. I bought a PS4 last year and just traded it in for a Switch. Best decision I ever made
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